Download - 1870 Detroit Directory

  • C H A R L E S I?. C L A R K & CO.'S

    A N N U A L

    O F TIEE

    I N I I A B I T A N T S , B U S I N E S S FIRMS,


    D E T Z O I T :

    C O M P I L E D A N D P U B L I S H E D B Y C H A R L E S F . C L 4 R K $ C o . Over First National Bank, smthzoest cor. .7efrsm nve. nzd Oriswold st.

    T R I B U N E B O O K A N D J O B O F F I C E .

    1 8 1 0

  • Manufacturing Chemists, 52 Larned St. West,

    = m , g - T ;jy~z@~~fl,& F Daily Post Building, .r/i_r~ -.& 9 c.5 9 --I-- L .,

    MEDICINAL FLUID AND SOLID EXTRACTS, Resinoids, Sugar Coated Y ills, Phrrruaceutieal Preparations



    A. KUHLMAN & COO, >Iitnnfactnrers and Dealers in

    J$furgirrrX and $ijenf n l @strwments,

    Between ~ongres9 and Lamed Streets, DETROIT, MICH.

  • E lay before the public of Detroit the Ninth Volume of the Annual Directory of their city. I t forms a larger b001i than any of its predecessors, showing thereby tlle steady and subst ail tial growth of the metropolis of Michigan. Thitt portion of the work clel-oted to the Directory of naines occupies this year 343 pages, and contains 24,840 names. The sanle figures for the Directory of 1869 were 318 pages nird 23,i5O names. the increase this year thus being 27 pages and 1.090 nailres. These statistics (foll.owing the

    usual basis of estimating population upon Directory returns) indicate. an increase in Detroit's population of 4,500 souls.

    We issue this volulile wit11 especial plet~sure, not. merely because the information usually contained in such publications is presented herein in such full and complete form as to make the work one of peculiar vr~lue as a standarcl n-ork of reference, but also on account of the unique interest that \\-ill attend and reward a systematic perusal of its pages by ttic Inan of curious leisure or of leis~rely curiosity, and of the strange and hitherto nnt1ppreci:lted hcts it makes public concerning the social, commercial and moral grandcur ancl attr:~ctiveness of the city, wllose guide book it is. We have given else- where the aggregate of names it contains, but those few figures convey in only a slight degree that iiiipressiou of the size ancl inlportance of Detroit that is produced when the carefnl rezder fiiriis that ;~ithin its boundaries are even now contained a London, four 3f:tncliesters, three Parises. a Birininghanl. three Bostons, four Tyres, a Bremen, three Clevelands, f'uur Bristols. a Brighton, a Leavenworth, two TVorcesters, two Milans, two TITarsa~vs; a JIacon, a Tunis, a Lansing and a Yarborough. The refinement of Detroit society, the culture of its peuple, the multitude of disti~iguished men who have chosen this well-favored town as their home-all these circumstances our citizens appreciate at their true value ; yet every candid mincl must confess that t h e vaunt themselves but little and are aston:lshingly free from vanity, when the fact is taken into consideration that their town contains a George Washington, a Daniel Webster, a Joseph Addison, a Daniel O7Con=lell, three IVilliain Wall~ces, a Jaines Buchanan, a John Adams, a John Q. Adalrls, a JV. H. Harrison, a John TVesley, three Heury Wilsons, four Westons and 4-1 other Wttlkers, an Oliver Golcls~llith, 89 "parties by the name of Johnson:" five Rotlischilds, two Fisks and four Goulds, a Robert Lee, a John Marshall, three Billy Pattersons, a IValtcr Raleigh. a Joseph Howard, a Robert Burns, a Thomas Campbell. and 25 John Smiths. Nor is Detroit clevoid of aristocratic glory, for aillong her resideilts are to be found 34 Kings. five Earls. one Lord, one Marquis, and 14 Nobles. In the matter of ecclesiastical magnates, also, her glory waseth great, for she hath no less than three Popes, eight Bishops, 10 Abbotts, a Rector, 19 Deans, five Parsons, six Priests, a Dorniney, nine Elders, and nine Christians, pure and simple. Those who believe in theunadorned ncbility of Inanhood inore than in titles, tiaras or the insignia of sacerdotal rank, will learn with unaffected pleasure that among her citizens are sriii Savages, ahd 1h3d5 i i - h ~ t~ th2 C ~ ~ S ~ C ~ C C cf z!i!;~ " spirits sf 5e2!t> ~r goblins damned " mill find confirmation- of their faith in the recorded presence of two


  • 18 PREFACE.

    Fays, seven Angells, and eight Furys. I t is possible thst the presence of these beings explains the other fact, also set down in the following pages, that Detroit contains four Paradises and one Hell.

    Nor does this volume set forth alone the magnitude and social opulence of the city, whose name it bears. How tempting the attractions it holds forth to the savnn and the scientist ! Before the ornithologist she unfolds a rich collection, in which are embraced one specimen of the Eagle, four Rooks, nine Drakes, four Storks, three Gulls, nine Swans seven Cromes, scores of Martins, five Cranes, two Peacocks, 14 Gies, six Cox, tllree Hawks, a Henn, a Lark, a Partridge and one Bird (ciassifie~i as a carpenter and therefore probably a member of the wood-pecker fi~nily). If the student of nature delirhts in entomology and the reptile kingdom, let him luxuriate amid her Roaches (six in num- ber), her four Leeches: and her one Worm. If ethnology-rare and noble science- charms him, his taste for curious research can be developed, not only amid scores of Franks, Germans, Xormans, etc., but also among 15 Blacks, seven Freedinans, one Blackman, one Brunette, 128 Brolvns and one who is Browning. If botany is his forte and Linnaeus his patron saint, there are of plants at his service three Sage, a Tea, a Rush, 14 Roses, a Wheat, three Weeds, a Bean, scores of Berrys, a Garlick, four Pease, a Pepper, 38 Rices, 21 Reeds, a Priu~rose and two Mellens; and of trees seven Appels, four Ashs, six Bartletts (making three Bnrtlett pairs) two Beeches, a Date, a Figge, a Pine: a Plum, two Lemons, a Maple, two Oaks and one entire Orchard.

    Nor does orzr City of the Straits alone beckon kindly to tlieman whose countenance is " sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought," but with equally enticing calls does she summon to her streets the jolly lover of sport. If Ire be a disciple of Izaak TValton she invites him to the side of 29 Brooks, a River, six Waters and a Fountain, and can equip him for his sport with a SkiS, a Barge and a Bottle, and will furnish him for game with two Haddocks, a H e ~ n g , two Pikes, five Crabbs, and nine Fish (species not enumerated). If his luck be bad, there are at his disposal four Damnls and two Mein- gotts. If he be a descendant of Nimrod, this volume will tell where he can find eight Forests, three Marshes, eight Fields and 30 Woods, and his huntsman's skill may be displayed upon 17 Foxes, rive Does, 16 Harts, two Hinds, a single variety of Katz, four Kidds, nine Lambs, two Bucks, 10 Lyons, two Minks, 11 Roes, 24 Wolfs, two Stags, four Coons, four Bullocks, and a Sheep.

    To those who have not time to familiarize themselves with all the agreeable facts of which the foregoing presents merely a premonitory taste, is commended a perusal of the advertising portion of the Directory. I t will be found to be of great value, in that it contains the names of all the leading firms and establishments of the city in all branches of commercial enterprise. This department of this pablication has remained under the charge of MR. JACOB IT. WEEKS, for the past f o x years its superintendent, and a gen- tleman of unusual experience in this direction.

    In conclusion it is proper to acknowledge the indebtedness which the pnhlishcrs and patrons of the Directory are under to the City Surveyor, EUGENE ROBL~-SOX, Esq.: for his valuable assistance in completing and correcting the street directory, which forms such an important feature of this volume.

  • Page . Abernethy. Samuel. .................. 461 Adams. Samuel. ..................... 87 American Xerchants' Union Ex . Co.. ... 3 Armstrong. B.. & Co.. ............... 89 Ashley. Lewis & Co... .............. -487 Auringer. Charles. ... running card and 107 Austin. E.. .......................... 463 Babcock & Herrick. ................. ma?? Baldwin. H . P.. & Co .................. 7 Ballard. 0 . L.. ....................... 112 Barnum . E . T ......................... 93 Berry Bros.. ...................... 4 Berry. J . 8.. & Co ..................... 466 Black cSZ Lewerenz. ................... 68 Bolinger. J . B... ...................... 462 Bourke. Oliver. ....................... 13 Bradstreet. J . N.. & Son. .............. l l o Brady cS; Co... ........................ 106 Brennan. Peter. ..................... 463 Brooks & Adams. ................... 68 Buhl. Ducharnie 6;; Co ................ 5 Buhl. F.. & Co... ..................... 6 Burck. Henry. ...................... -461 Burt Manufkcturing Co... ............. 101 Burtis. Arthur. ....................... 90 Busch. Charles. ...................... S i Bush. E . S.. & Co ..................... 95 C'aine. J . H.. & Co .................... 107 Calvert Li th . and Engraving Co.. ... fly leaf Chandler. Georwe C.. .......... back cover Cllamberlain. If . S., . .running card *nil 35 Christa. P.. ......................... -464 Conklin. J . S... ....................... S3 Cornwells. Price & Co... .............. -11 Corrie. D . L ....................... .fly leaf Curtis. George E . & Co... ........... .map Date. Graves & Co... ................. I11 Davis & Newberry. ................ -88 Deinzer. F... ......................... 463 Detroit Dry Dock Engine Works. ..... 103 Detroit Fire and Mar . Ins . Co.. .. front cover Detroit Gas Light Co.. ............... -102 Detroit Locomotive Works. ............ 99 Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co .... 4% Detroit & Biiiwau~ee Railroad. ........ 484 Dewey. Middlewood (B; Co... ........... 85 Dondero. A.. ......................... 463 Dougherty. Jno . H.. & Bro... ......... 461 Downer. Henry E... .................. 465 Duffield. S . P... ....................... 28 Dun, H . Q., & Co ., ..... .op p. back paster


    Pap . .............. Duncan. William. 62 Co... 25

    ................. . Dwight. W M.. & Co 108 ............................ Elsey. S.. 460

    .......................... Engel. Carl. 462 ................ ' Farrand. Sheley & (20.. 14

    ........... Ferguson. Mchay & Mouat 79 ................. . Ferry. I) M.. & Co... 81

    ........................ Feit. Charles. 465 ................ Frieherichs & Staffin. 111

    Frost's Detroit Wooden Ware Works . . 98 ..................... Frumviller. A... 460 ................... Fyfe. Hichard H... 93 ................. Gagel. Peter. dr Son. 468 ................ Gil best. J . IT.. & Go.. 95

    ........... . Goldsmith. J H... .front cover

    ................... Wavier. J . B . K... 102 ................ . Great Western K R... 483

    ................... Hagadorn. A . M... 463 ....................... Hall. R . H... 102

    Hamblen. Baker & Co... ..... .back cover ............. Hamtramck Iron Works. 464

    .................... Hanmer. L . C... 67 ....................... Hansing. H... 464

    ................... Harcreaves & Bro... 88 ................... Haw ksley & Ilsley 468

    ......... Hebbard. C . B.. back bone and 86 Hemyel. Charles. ..................... 468

    ....................... . Hensien. J Y.. 105 ..................... Hesselbacher. 0.. 92

    ...................... . Hinder. M F.. -462 ............... Hinchman. G . F.. 62 Co.. 98

    ..................... Hochgraef. Max. 466 .................. Holmes & Webster. 84 .................. Hooper. I?. W.. & Co 105

    .................... Hopkin. John. -460 .................... Hubbard & 1)avis. 80

    ........................ Huebner. E.. 460 Hutnagel. Y.. & Co... ............... 104 Jackson 6; W iley. ........... front paster Jenbs. James. ...................... map Jennings. Aug . F... ... outside cover and 91 Jones. J . 8.. ......................... 108 Kengel. T... ................ ... ...... 461

    ....................... King. Charles. &$4

    ........................ Knapp. David. 9P Koerner. Conrad. ................... -460 Kuhlman. 8.. & Co... ................ 16

    ........................... Leech. C . E 102 Lindsay. A . G... ...................... 97

    ....................... Lingeman. C... 461 Licn.9.H. & W . F..... ............... 459'

  • Page . Livingstone & Co... ................... 81 Lovett. S . W .......................... 458 L nch. William. ..................... 464

    ........... dcaus land . w . H.. & Co.. 461 .................... McGoldrick. Jno.. 465

    McIntyre. J . M ....................... -464 Blanchester. T . C... ................... 24 Marshail. W . N.. ..................... 460 Martin. James J... ................... -459 Mayhew. Ira. ............ back bone and 31 Melchers. J... ........................ 466 Mellus. C . 8; P ....................... 94

    ............... Metzner. Jno.. & Co... 462 Michell. Jacob. .................... 460 Michigan Bolt and Nut Co... .......... 465 Michigan Central R . R . Co... .......... 482 Morhous. Mit. &ell& Byram. .......... 96 Mueller. Charles. ..................... 461 Mueller. L.. .......................... 462 New York & Erie R . R... ............. 485 Nicholson. P.. ....................... 463 Osborne. C . I?.. & Co,, ................ 468

    .. Parke. Jennings & Co.. running card and 16 Parks. Joseph. ....................... 461

    ..................... Patton.J..& Son 3 .................... Patterson. David. 4 9

    . ..................... Penfield. W S.. 85 -..... Peninsular Dressed Lumber Co.. 103

    ................ Peninsular Iron Co.. 101 .................... . Pierce. A D.. 6;; Co 26 .................. Pittman. James E... 92

    ..................... Pollock. Samuel. 460 . .................... . Potter G W.. .map

    .................... Rasch & Bernart. 94 ........ Raymond. F.. 6t Son. .back cover

    .... Reeves & Wiggins. .back bone and SO ................... Rheiner. William. 463 .................. . Richardson. D M.. 99

    ................ Richmonds & Backus. 89

    Page . Roberts & Hanley. ........... 104 and 464

    ..................... Roehler. Anton. 462 Roehm. Charles L... ................. 108 Rogers. H.. .......................... 106 Rolshoven. F.. ........................ 462 Rutson. A ............................. 463 Schaefer & Bro ........................ 464 Schul enberg. C... ..................... 100 Schmidt. F .. & Co... .................. 465 Schultheis. Wm... .................... 111 Seaton. R.. .......................... 463 Seely. M . A... .......................... 96 Sham. W . S ............................ 15 Shelden. Allan. & Co... ................. 10 Smith. Ralph C ......................... - 8 Smith. T.. ........................... 461 Spranger. Wm ......................... 465 Stange. Charles. ....................... 12 Stevens M.. & Co.. ........... .back paster Stinson. Samuel. ..................... 461 Sutton. Moses. ........................ 461 Tappan. McKillop 2% Co... ........... -132

    .............. Tarbell . Snliley & Colby. 100 ................. Thonlpson. F . F.. & Co 458

    .$ .................. . Throcp. Wm A & C o 9 .................. Til1m.m. Silsbee & Co 23 ............... Union Steamboat Co... 4S5

    ............ TVarren. hdderly 6t Appel t. 91 .................. Watson & Bruinmi t. 82

    ........................ White. Henry 465 .................. Whitehill. William. 464

    ........................ Whittle. L.. -462 ..................... Why te. William. 483

    . .. ............... Widman. C D & Co.. -466 . ............... . . Wight. H A cFs S G.. I01

    ................ \Voodharns. Thomas. .463 ......... Wyando tte Rolling Mill Co.. -29

    ................... Yentsch: H .rman7 460 .... , Young Mens Christian Association. 109

  • AZso Additions, AZZerations, Corrections, etc.

    h g l i n , William, expressman, bds. 121 C'ass.

    kchenbronn, George, stone cutter, h. 501 . Catharine.

    Barker,W illiain E , (Pisley, Mills $ Barker,) bcls. 82 Harriet.

    Brown, Henry N., clerk, bds. 419 Cass ave. Cavanaugh, Itlichael, cooper, h. 410 Or-

    leans. Christian, Nichael, baker, bds. 280 Park. Comley, Christopher, repairer lllusical in-

    struments, h. 405 Seventh. Cueney, Edmund, cigar maker, h. 204

    Kivard. Darmstaetter, Jacob, brewer, 407 Howard,

    h. same. DAT-E, GRAVES 65 Co., (Fred. H. Date,

    Henry A.Graves and Leonard Lawrence), mnti.s. of picture irallles, mouldings, &c., cor. Kandolph and Atwater. (*>ee ud~ t . )

    Davis, Alonzo C., (Dayis & Nevberry:) b. 341 Fort w.

    Defoe, James, (Deibe & Freeman,) h. 5.1 Adaius aye. w.

    Dulso, John J., blacksmith, h. 821 Napo- leon.

    Franke, Adolph, carriage trimmer, bcls. 183 Clinton.

    Geiger, Belljamin F., clerk, bds. 225 Wood- ward ave.

    Glueklick, Anthony, iancy goods and yankee notions, 2'37 W oouward ave., h, same.

    Guyett, Nicholas, h. 261 Randolph. Graumaun, Charles, furniture, 240 Gra-

    tiot, h. 120 Sherman. Hastings, Henry, contractor, h. 13 Thir-

    teenth. Haverty, Patrick, lab., h. 338 Fifteenth. J aeger, Jacob, carp enter, h. 306 Croghan. J elsh, Mary, h. 37 1 Lafiyette. Kiley, Ellen, (wid. John), bds. 420 Beau-

    bien. Kobielle, August, farmer, h. St. Aubin

    ave. nr. Juliette. Kuehn, August, cabinet maker, h. 125 3 a -

    poleon. ~ i e h n e r , John, gardener, h. 37 Maple. Lemon, Harry C'., jeweler, 196 Jefferson

    ave., bds. 81 Shelby.

    Tllalloy, Eclward H., h. s. w. cor. Baker and Sixth.

    JIartin, James, machinist, h. s. s. Nichigan ave., nr. Tenth.

    JIills: C . H., (Pixley, Mills & Barker,) h. 452 Seventh.

    AlcClenther: Ira C., detective, h. 23 Nine- teenth.

    McAlanman, Catharine, (wid. Cornelius:) h. 70 Abbott.

    Blo~dl, Sttnluel, (col'd), lab., bds. s. s. Indi- ana, bet. St. Antoine and Bastings.

    Aloloney, John, lab., h. 187 Thirteenth-and- a-half.

    Xoloney, 31ichae1, lab., h. 211 Abbott. &loore, John: carpenter, h. 96 Abbott. Moore, William h., (Moore and Griffin),

    11. 875 wood~vard ave. illorton, 31011 tgomery , clerk str. Korthwest,

    bcls. 171 Seventh. 3lolitor, Edward, agent, lake survey, h.

    168 Uagg. Morton, bunla, bds. 354 JeEerson ave. Aluenzel, Henry, lab., h. 597 Hastings. Netzer, Ferdinaud, lab., h. Dubois, bet.

    Qratiot and German. Neubauer: hclanl, cigar maker, h. cor.

    Abbott and Eighth. Neuuan, Louis, blacksmith, h. 580 St.

    Antoine. Niebling, August, h. 311 St. Antoine. Nicaise, Catharine, huckster, 12 C , H. >I., h.

    169 Gratiot. Riepsen, Frederick, pattern maker, h. 24

    Silver. Richards: John N., (Northrup & Richards,)

    rt-s. Broaclalbiu, N. Y. Reinhard, Christian, lab., h. 89 Twelfth. Simeon, Uavid, dry goods, 71 C. H. May

    h. 158 Mullett. Schaenert, Frederick, carpenter, h. 215

    Whitney. Slevin, Blichael, lab., h. 99 Sixth. Stupiusky, John, h. 25'7 Lafayette ave. Thran, Christian, joiner, bds. n. w. cor.

    Fort and St. Antoine. Tbreant, Frank, brooru maker, bds. Fin-

    ney's Hotel. Zug, Robert N., bds. 350 Woodbridge w. Zug, Samuel h. 350 Woodbridge w.


    [After the directions for operating the Fire Alarm Telegraph, found on page 36 of this Directory were printed, the fire Commissioners adopted a new system of telegraphy, dif- fering materially from that before in use, and of course requiring different manipulation. Below we give the rules for working the new telegraph. A complete list of the nevr boxes and locations may be found on page 36.)

    A key will be left with the occupant of a building near each Alarm Box, and it will be designated on the box where the same may be found. The officers and men of the Police Department will also possess a key.

    The following directions will be observed when a fire is discovered : I. Go to t.he nearest box and open the door, pull the hook down as far as you can,

    (firmly without jerking, j and then let it slide back ; remove the key and close the door. II. If you do not immediately hear the number of the box struck upon the small bell

    within, or upon the tower bells, go to the next nearwt box to the fire and repeat the op- eration.

    111. If upon going to a box to give an alarm, you hear the small bell inside ringing (which is an indication that an alarm is being sent over the lines), do not open the box until it has done ringing. In a11 such cases count the signal being sounded, and be cer- tain that it is not for the same fire.

    Key holders are cautioned- 1. To not open the box except in case of fire. 2. To not give alarm until certain of a fire. 3. To not give an alarm for a fire seen at a distance. 4. . To pull down the hook but once in giving an alarm. 5. To be sure, after giving an alarm, that the door is securely closed before leaving

    the box. 6. To not let the key go out of their possession, except when demanded by proper


  • TILLMAN,' SILSBEE & GO., No. 144 Jefferson Avenue,



    Oar Sfock is IXMENSE, and will be Sold at

    PARLOR SUITS in Rosewood. Walnut, Mahogmy, Tulip Wood and Gilt, Uphol- stered in the best manner in Brocatelle, Terry, Reps, Hair Cloth,:etc.

    BEDROOM SUITS of every description. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY FURNITURE of all kinds. DESKS and all kinds of OFFICE FURNITURE. ELEGANT XANTLE and PIER MIRROES in Walnut and Gilt. Ever Variety of MATTRESS, SPRING BED, PILLOWB, COXFORTEBS, BLAYY- X%TS and BEDDING of every description.

    OROEREO WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, And give Special Attention to Furnishing Hotels, Boats and Churches.

    We invite the attention of all to our MAGNIFICENT WAREROOMS, and take pleasure in showing our goods.


  • ADVERTISING D E P A R T ~ N T . 25

    (Successors t o DUN:AN EIROTHERS,)



    Carriage Goods, Horse Blankets and Hoods, Whips and Lashes, Sheets and Fly Nets,


    And all kinds of Leather Goods usually kept in like establishments.


    No. 165 Jefferson Avenue,


    Importers and Jobbers of




    Life Insurance Company,


    One of the most Liberal Companies NOW DOING BUSINESS IN THE UNITED STATES.



    NO EXTRA CHARGE ON LIVES OF FEMALES. Dividends Paid om all Policies


    A P P L Y TO


    84 GRISWOLD STREET, JDtW@'m@EWp m I .e m m @ g & @ ~ ~ @ & ~ ~ c


    SAMUEL P. DUFFIELD, M. I)., PH. 1).

    Of the Pharmmp~id Strength by the DdTield Process,




    The Trade Furnished with Ouotations. - DETROIT AGENCY WI17LF

    78 & 80 Jefferson Avenue,



    Where they are prepared to offer at LOW RATES a full stock of


    ROUND and SQUARE, all sizes, from + to 5 inch : FLAT BAR, all sizes. from 4 to 7 inches wide. SCRAP IRON, a full assortment made from selected Scrap ; BOILER and SHEET IRON, from hammered Lalie Superior Charcoal Blooms.

    CHAINS O F ALL SIZES, jKade from 2Zx&~a SeNraecZ Lake Siv9eri.o~ ITon.





    The Highest Price will be paid, either in Cash or Iron, for

    ~ ~ : ~ @ ~ ~ & ~ d ~ J s@E/A j j am@ma -

    C& and see, or address

    W. H. ZABRISKIE, Agent.


    No. 202 Broadway, New Y ork.

    Vice President, -

    Medical Examiner. Secretary 8 Actuar~. Assistant Secretary.

    J. L. Dawes. A. B. Ball, M. D. C. W. Opdyke. W. A. Childs.

    HON. E. D. MORGAN, U. S. Senator. HON. GEO. OPDYGE, late Mayor of New York. Hoa. THEO. F. RANDOLPH, GOV. of New Jersey. G~UVR. M. W I L B ~ ~ , W estchester. LE GRAND LOCKWOOD, Banker. F. A. P ~ E R , President, Broadway Nation'l Bank. WY. H. GUION, Williams & Guion. J. B. CORNELL, J. B. & W . W. Cornell. R~CH~RI> LATHERS, Pres. Great Western Ins. Co., E. H. LUDLOW, E. H. Ludlow & Co. HENRY M. TABER, C. C. & H. M. Taber.

    I. VAN ANDEN, Proprietor Brooklyn Eagle. W ~ I A M PEET, C'oun~ellor at Law. JAS. L. DAWES, Vice President. JNO. G. MEIGGS, Merchant. S. T. SCRANTON Presicent Oxford Iron Co. C. ASHWORTH, hanker. THOS. INGHAX, Metal Merchant. WILSON G. HUNT, late W. G. Hunt & Co. EUGENE KELLY, Eugene Kelly 62 Co. JAS. C. HOLDEN, Iron Merchant. TREDWELL KETCHAM, Banker.

    And all its profits go to the insured. MASSACHUSETT~ SON-FORFEITURE LAW, after two full annual premiums have been paid. Liberal course of Business.

    Organized in the Interests of the Assured. Its rates of premiums are as low as those of the leadine " all cash " Companies, and yet i t gives one-

    third loan, if desired, when the annual premium exceeds &rty dollars. I t takes no notes, but makes its l o b s against the policies ; consequently in t.he STANDARD there is

    But very few Companies have been so succeeeful during the first few months of existence. I t hae issued up to the present time 2,730 policies, insuring over

    while i t has on hand more than twice the amount of funds necessary to re-inenre its risks. It would be diflicult to find an institution equally secure and well guarded.

    A l l the Popular Forms of Insurance are adopted by the STANDARD. Premiums may be paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly ; they may be paid m all cash or one-third loan taken. The STAXDARD believes in

    WOMAN'S RIGHT to be insured without extra charge, inasmuch as statistics show that women are, probably, somewhat longer lived than men. ents and Canvassers, MALE AND FEXALE wanted in every city and town in the country, to wh%%erar and compensating commissions will be allowed. Clergymen and Teachers are especially appealed to as co-worker&. Special terms will be extended to them, so that they can secure with but little labor an inheritance for their families.

    Reeves Wiggins, STATE AGEXTS,


    7 J @ @ j j . ~ ~ & @ ~ ~ L ~ ~ 9 j1(@BIe H. L. REEVES. W. A. 00IGK;tINS


    DETROIT, MICHIGAN. C o n d ~ c t e d by Bbn. Ira: Mayhew, for eight years Superintendent of Pui3 -

    t i c Instructiolz in Michigan, and author of the fottowz'ng Standard ZducationaZ Woo*ks .-

    ME-4NS AND ENDS OF UNIVERSAL EDUCATION, Prepared pursuant to a resolution of the Legislature of Michigan, and now published in " The School Teachers' Library."

    MAYHEW'S PRACTICAL BOOR-KEEPING, For Common and Union Schools, and for home study, (price 80 cents,) extensively used in every part of the United States, and the Canadas.

    MAYHE W'8 UNIVERSITY R OOK-KEEPING, For Commercial Colleges and Seminaries of Learning, for use in the Counting-room, and for private study ; (price $2.50). This work which is unquestionably the fullest and best treatise on Book-keeping published, has recently had added to it a complete adaptation to Business Practice, in all its details, embracing the use of engraved money, business papers, etc., with full directions for use ; and as no provision for representing business practice has ever before been attempted by any author, the UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING is the only work published, providing complete instruction in practical accountantship.

    THE MAYHEW BUSIXESS COLLEGE Is conducted with all that thoroughness and business accuracy which eminently dis- tinguish the MAYHEW BOOK-KEEPINGS, and have given them their wide-spread popular- ity throughout the nation, Its arrangements for thnronghness in all its departments are unrivalled. Especially is this true of its BUSINESS PRACTICE, which employs engraved representative money, and several hundred varieties of carefully prepared business papers, and is taught in the use of a valuable invention by one of its teachers that se- cures perfect accuracy in all the details of the s';udent's work,---the only invention for this purpose ever awarded a patent. Under the direction of its experienced instructors, with these ample facilities, students readily acquire complete proficiency at the desk, or fit themselves in the best possible manner for an intelligent porforrnance of the varied duties of the counting-room.

    THE MAYHEW BVSINESS COLLEGE I s supplying Business Colleges in several of the States and in the Canadas, with text- books, money and business papers. A large number of Teachers from various other institutions visit the Mayhew College with a view to becoming acquainted with its im- proved methods. The experience of its founder and his associates, its superior text- books, and its unequalled business practice, constitute this, in fact, a most valuable T R A I N ~ G SCHOOL for persons desirous of learning Book-keeping, whether with a view to practicing accountantship, to engaging in business, or to giving instruction in book- keeping in Business Colleges or other institutions of learning.

    TUITION AND EXPENSFS. Scholarships, time unlimited, are issued to students at 840. Text-books, and all sta- tionery required, cost about $8. All expenses. exclusive of board, (which may be had at $4 to $5 a week,) need not exceed $50 for the course. P o r f2tZZ d e ~ c r ~ p t i v e circutars of CoZZege o r 6ooks, address with damp,

    I R A M.AYHEW, President, corm Congress and Randolph Sb. DETROIT, MICH.

  • T H E

    Detroit Branch, I 57 Jefferson Ave.,

    Established in Nrw York in 1842, for the Promotion and Protection of Trade, and Collection of Debts.

    Branch, and .4.sessociate Ofices in all the

    PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, Arl;l in Cansdz, Graat Britian, France and Germany.

    - - -- --* -0. *-

    Is the Standard Work of Reference. Giving the Credit Ratings of Merchants, Manufacturers,

    kc., andis the most reliable work of the kind produced. From our Office Records can be obtained a full

    - report of the position and business history of each firm.

    COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. We give special attention to the Collection of Debts, and our facilities in

    this department are so complete that claims can be collected or secured, quicker and cheaper through us than any other source.


  • F O R Y E A R S

    CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor-William W. Wheaton. Recorder-George -8. Swift. City Clerk-Henry Starkey. City Controller-Benj amin G. S timson. City Attorney-Janies J. Brown. City Counselor-Joseph P. Whitternore. City Iremu?*er-Edward S. Leadbeater. City Suraeyw-Eugene Robinson. Director of the Poor- -Stephen Martin. Receiver of Tmes-William Y. Rumney. Assessor-Jeremiah Godfrey. Cle~k of &corder's Court-John T. Mel-

    drum. Superintendent of the House of Correction

    -2. R. Brockway. City Collector-Thomas Joyce. Police Ju~tice--Albert G. Boynton. Clerk of Police Court-John H. Daly. Inspector of Gag Meters-Alfred Marsh. Harbor Jimter-Arthur Gore.

    M. Bigelow; Second District-Andrew Bor- rinvrnan ; Third District-Peter P: Gilmar- I in ; Fo~lrth District-Elisha Leach.

    Sf~est Conz,?~zi;~sl:oners-Eastern District- Rol)ert Xcauine; Western District-Patrick 1 H:iyes.

    I P o ?r ?~d . Kesners-Eastern District-Au- i gust Taol,itz; iVesteru District-James Joy. Te,537t, ATfil~ters-Easteril District-An-

    ' tl~ony Kretner ; Western District-Patrick 1 Sl1anah:ln.

    TVood Ij~.~pectors-On the Dock, Eastern ' District-Frank Blum. On the Dock,

    Western District-Daniel Donovan. On ' the Ilarkct,, Eastern District - Andrew

    Hi~ber. On the Market, Western District i -Michael Nolan.

    Janitors-City Hall-John Monaghan. AInyor's Office-George Ridett.

    Inspector of Ch~mneys--William Whalen. COMMON COUNCIL.

    City &.zton--Valentine Geist. 1 President-Willianl Foxen. Clerk of the Market-Peter Dunn. : Pq-esident pro tern-Julian Williams. Superintendent of Parks-Aug. Goebel. Cle~k-Henry Starkey. Engineer of Sewers-William Barclay. Assistant City C krk-Richard Starkey. . ALDERNE N. Assistant Controlkr-Hernan A. Lacey. f i s t Wn~d-Aaron W. Tyrrel, Cass Ast&tunt Asses.sors-Benj. S. Farnsworth, Hotel. William Foxcn, 80 Griswold street.

    John VanSchoick. SCCOIL~ Ward- William H. Langley, Assista?tt Police Justice-Peter Guenther. 135 Bates strcet. George W. Balch, 130 Deputy Director of the Poor-Wal ter V She1 by street.

    Kies. Thi.rd Ward-Chris tian Mellus, 84 Fort Aq*cl~ztect of new City Hall-James An- street east. William Wilmot, 243 Jefferson

    derson. I avenue. City P hysiciam--First District-John / Fozl dh Wn~d-Frank Kremer, 246 Jef-



    ferson avenue. Thomas Henderson, 210 Congress street east.

    Ryth Ward-Walter H. Coots, 68 Eliza- beth street west. Asahel S. Bagg, Corner Randolph and Atwater.

    Sixth Ward-George C. Codd, 88 Ade- laide, street. James D. Allison, 493 Rus- sell street.

    Seventh Ward-Frederick Ruehle, 70 Russel street. Elijah Smith, 18 Wo~dward avenue.

    Eighth Ward-Timothy Ma1 )on y, 247 Sixth street. Dennis Dullea, 264 Howard street.

    Ninth Ward-Peter Hill, 90 Baker street. George Sutherland, 310 Thirteen-and-half street.

    Tenth Ward-Julicn Williams 194 Jef- ferson avenue. William H. Baxter, Tribune office.

    STANDING COMMITTEES. Ways and Meam-Bagg, Ruehle, Coots. National Afairs - Kahony, Mellus,

    Langley. Educatw n-Tyrrel, Dullea, Baxter. Judiciary-Williams, Wilmot, Balch. Claims and Accounts-Ruelile, Will iams,

    Balch. Streets-Tyrrel, Mahony, Coots. E r e Limih-Codd, Kremer, Dullea. House of Correction-Kremer, Hender-

    son, Allison. Public Buildings-Langley,TyrreI,Smith. Sewers-Coots, Williams, Smith. Tms-Bagg, Smith, Codd. Police-Mahoney, Wilmo t, Mellus. Parks-Wilmot, Kremer, Coots. S t r ~ t Openings-Smith, Mnhony, Codd. Printing-Williams, Ruehle, Langley. Markets-Henderson, Dullea, Allison. Licenses-Dullea, Tyrrel, Sutherland. HealtLBagg, Kremer, Hill. Gas Lights-Henderson, Mah( )n y, 811th-

    erland. Ordinances-Ruehle, Williams, Baxter. Pounds-Mellus, Wilmot, Hill. Street Railways-Hill, Henderson, Ma-

    hony. BOARD OF HEALTII. .

    O m r s - President - Asahel S. Bagg. Clerk-Henry Starkey.

    Members-Ald. Aaron W. Tyrrel, Wm. H. Langley, Christian Mellus, Frank Kre- mer, Walter H. Coots, George C. Codd, Frederick Ruehle, Timothy Mahony, Peter Hill, Julien Williams ; Drs. Zina Pitcher, P. P. Gillmartin, William Brodie, Andrew Borrowman.

    Health Inspectors-First District,--W m. Foxen; Second District-George W. Balch; Third District-William Wilmot ; Fou'rth District-Thos. Henderson ; Fifth District -Asahel S. Bagg ; Sixth District-Jamcs D. Allison; Seventh District-Elijall Smith;

    Eighth District-Dennis Dullea; Ninth District-Geor e Sutherland; Tenth Dist- rict-William %. Baxter.

    City Physicians-First District-East of the center of Woodward avenue, and south of Monroe avenue, and south of the center of Clint.on street-Doctor John M. Bige- low. Office and residence, 144 St. An- tbine street.

    Second District-East of the -center of Woodmard avenue and north of and in- cluding Monroe avenue, and north of the center of Clinton street-Dr. Andrew Borrowman. Office and residence, 223 Jefferson avenue.

    Third District-West of the center of Woodward avenue and south of Michigan avenue-Dr. Peter P Gilmartin. Office and residence, 31 Abbott street.

    Fourth DistrictiWest of the center of Woodward avenue and north of Michigan avenue, and including Michigan avenue- Dr. Elisha Leach, 278 Second street.

    BOARD OF EDUCATION. O$icer8 and Members of the Board of Edu-

    cation for 1870.-President, Oliver Bourke ; Secretary, Duane Doty ; Treasurer, Albert Ives ; Superintendent of Schools, Duane Doty.

    Members of the Board-First Ward- James A. Brown, James M. Welsh. Second Ward-David 0. Farrand, Charles K, Backus. Third Ward-William Y. Rum- ney, J. R. McGrath. Fourth Ward-James A. Venn, James W. Homeyn. Fifth Wa,rd -R. W. King, D. W. Brooks. Sixth Ward -Mark Flani an, Oliver Bourke Seventh Ward-Wm. %. Wilkins. Eight Ward- John Finnegan, John Monaghnn. Ninth Ward-James W. Bartlett, A. Bower. Tenth Ward-F. A. Watson, P. Van Damme.


    Sheley, Augustus E. Bissell.

    President and Engineer- Wm. Barclay. Superintenclent-Thomas Leadbeter.

    BOARD OF GRADE COMMISSIONERS. President-James Anderson. Surveyor-Eugene Robinson. Cornmi~sioners-James Anderson, Simeon

    Folsom, James Dubois.

    COMMISSIONERS ON PLAN OF CITY. Preszdent-George S. Frost. - Clerk-Henry Starkey. Commissioners-George S. Frost, Noses

    F. Dickinson, John N. Ford.



    First Ward-To embrace that part of the City situate west of the center line of Shelby, and south of the center of Michi- gan avenue, and east of the Forsyth farm.

    Second Ward-All south of the centers of Monroe and Michigan avenues, and be- tween the centers of Shelby and Randolph streets.

    Third wa~d-811 south of the center of Gratiot street, and between the center lines of Randolph and St. Antoine streets.

    Fourth Wa~d-All south of the center of Gratiot street, between the centers of St. Antoine and Rivard streets.

    'Vt" Ward-A11 north ot the center of Michigan avenue, and west of the center of Woodward avenue, and east of the For- syth farm.

    Sixth Ward811 east of the center of Wooclward avenue, north of the centers of Monroe avenue and Gratiot street, and west of the Witherell farm.

    &venth Ward-All south of the center of Qratiot street, east of the center of Riv- ard street, and west of the Witherell farm.

    Eighth Ward-Comprises the Forsyth, Labrosse and Baker farms.

    Ninth Ward-All south of the south- erly line ot the Detroit, Monroe & Toledo Railroad, and west of the Baker farm, to the west line of the Porter farm.

    Tenth Wurd-All east of the west line of the Witherell farm, and west of the center line of Mt. Elliott avenue, and southerly of the northerly line of Leland and Gratiot streets.


    WARD OFFICERS. Ward CoUectws-First Ward, James

    Danahey. Second Ward, Charles O'Xeil. Third Ward, Hen~y Rodigeir. Fourth Ward, Joseph Funke. Fifth Ward, Wm. Kydd. Sixth Ward, Nicholas Senniger. Seventh Ward, George L. R. Steckel. Eighth Ward, Thomas O'Neil. Ninth ward, Adam Eigenbrod. Tenth Ward William Wunsch. !

    O-cerseers of Highways-First Ward, 1


    Ninth Ward, Charles Doherty. Tenth Ward, David L. Bishop.

    METROPOLITAN POLICE. Headquartertl, Woodbridge street, between Wood

    ward avenue and Bates street. Commissioners-Jacob S. Farrand, Alex-

    ander Lewis, Sidney D. Miller, John J. B a p ~ *.

    9 euzdent-- Jacob S. Farrand. f i w t a r y J. S. ~ ~ ~ t h . Attm"ey-J* Logan Chipman* &rgeo*Dr- D. 0. J?amand. Superintendent-M. V. Borgman. Captain-A. J. Rogers. &Tgeant8-Daniel W. Fales, Charles S.

    Leelch, Chas, E. Keynolds, Thomas Hally. Roundswtun und Acting Sergeant-A. H.

    Bachmann. Detective-J. B. Stadler, A. J. Bishop,

    Acting Detective. htrolme-G. W. Burchell, A. J. Bishop,

    H. 31. Bailey, William Bendall, A. H. Britton, Joseph Burger, A. I,. Botsford, E. C. Button, T. F. Bradley, W. C. Clark, James Camfield, Patrick Considhe, D. B. Crgssman, G. W. Cook, J. M. Clark, A. E. Danielson, Patrick Dillon, H. B. Eggeman, John Ervin, Josiah Fulton, Frank Nrazier, P. N Girardin, Peter Graham, James Gui- na, J. T. Hewson, John Hally, A. 13. Hall, A. J. Hinkle, James Howley, A. I. Hous- ton, Dennis Haggerty, Benjamin High, William Erwin, bdward Ironmonger, H. H. Johnson, J. H. Johnson, Martin Kelly, H. N. Lane, J. P. Lord, William Lewis, H. H. Ladd, James McKelvey, Henry Hiller, J.. 0 Blassey, Jesse Mack, W. B. Illyler, Hichard Mannassau, William No- lan, E. E. h orton, D. C. Overton, Jeremiah 07C;omor, Timothy O'Sullivan, James Purdue, David Phillips, L. E. Pierce, W. G. Robinson, J. P. Southwick, John Stooke, J. M. Sheen, J. J. Scanlon, F. P. Stevens, C . C. Starkweather, J. T. Spillane, William Thompson, Thomas Thompson, James Thompson, George Thompson, Alexander Thompson, G. H. Thomas, John Whalerl, S. It. Webb, J. T. Whitmore.

    Henry Smith. Second Ward, Heman i Dourmen-Abijah Joy, Dennis Driscull. S tehm. Third Ward, Patrick Herlihy. ! Fourth Warcl, Henry Lutticke. Fifth ) Ward, Henry Pannel. Sixth Ward, Albert I FIRE DEPARTMENT. Peine. Seventh Ward, Peter Bieber. Eighth 1 Fille ~ommissrme?as-William Duncan, Ward, John Downey. Ninth Ward, Thos. Theodore H. Hinchman, Benjamin Vernor McGowan. Tenth Ward, Lucien Zink. Lucretius H. Cobb.

    ConstdZes-First Ward, Edward Nolan. PresidentWilliam Duncan. Second Ward, JE?~PS Duck. Third Ward, fJeCecretary--B. Franklin Baker, Johu L. Solders. Fourth Ward, John , Chief Ew.12eeT-James Battle. Gnau. Fifth Warcl, Frank Gidcley. Sixth Ward, James Love. Seventh Ward! Nich- Asgistant E'ngineer-James R. Elliott. olas Tisler. Eighth Ward, Johu 07Colmell. . District Engineer-M. H. Gascoi~ne.

  • Superintendent Telegraph and Supply, Agent-M. H. Gascoigne.

    Bell Ringer-F. C. Chambers. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, 1%. 1

    -Corner of Wayne and Larned streets. Foreman, William Cooper. St.eersman , William C. Crowell.

    Lafuyette Steam Fire Engine, 1Vo. 1- Wayne street, near Larned. Foreman, James Butler. Engineer, Alvaraclo Mayer.

    45 Corner Clinton ave. and Chene street. 46 Corner High street and St. Aubin ave. 51 Corner Russell and Catherine streets. 52 Corner Grntiot and-Hastings streets. 53 Engine House No. 6, corner Russell

    and High streets. 54 Corner Gratiot and Dequindre streets. 61 House of Correction. 64 Corner St. Antoine and Watson streets. 71 Corner Beaubien and Marion streets. 72 Corner Beaubien street and Adams ave.

    Neptzmne-Steam Rye Engine, No. 11- Corner of St. Antoine and Larnecl streets. Foreman, Jos. Arnold. Acting Engineer. James McKernan.

    PhQniz Shum p r e Engine company xo. III-On Clifford street, near Wood- ward ave. Foreman, Jamcs A. Brotlerick. Engineer, Anthony 31cLogan.

    K C- Barh7', Steam Fil'e Engine, iVo' -Orchard street, between Fifth and Sixth. Foreman, Dennis Dullea. Engineer, Yich'l Quinn. Jas. A. E n D y h fire

    No. 7-Corner Riopelle and Larned streets. Foreman, Nicholas Tisler- Engineer, Frank Beaufait.

    Detroit Steam Fire Engine, VI- Corner Russell and High streets. Fore- man, John Holler. Engineer, John M. Cronenworth.

    LOCATION OF EOSES. Det~02.t F2re Alamn Teley?aupl~.

    No. 3. Engine IIouse NO. 1, Wayne street. 4. Corner Larned street and Woodward

    avenue. 5 Comer Shelby & mooilbridge streets,

    Board of Trade Building 6 Corner Second L% Woodbndge streets. 7 Engine House No. 3, Clifford street. 12 City Hall. 13 Corner Gratio t and Randolph streets. 14 Engine House No. 2, corner Lamed

    and St. Antoine streets. 15 Corner Brush street and Jefferson are. 16 Police Station on Woodbridge street. 21 Corner Atwater and Hastings streets. 23 Corner Atwater and Riopelle streets. 24 Corner Atwater street and St. Aubin

    avenue. 27 Frost's Woodenware Works on Wight

    street. 32 Corner Jefferson Elmwoocl avenues. 35 Corner Jefferson avenue and Dubois

    street. 36 Engine House No. 5, corner Riopelle

    and Larned streets. 37 Corner Croghan & St. Antoine streets. 41 Corner Croghan and Russell streets. 42 Corner Croghan and Dequindre streets,

    Car Works. 43 Corner Clinton Elmwood avenues. !

    121 Corner Woodward avenue and George street.

    124 Corner Woodward Avenue and Peter- boro street.

    126 (hrner Woodward and Willis avenues. 134 Corner Second avenue and Brainard

    street. 135 Corner Sibley street and Cass avenue. 136 Corner Grand River & Middle streets. 141 Comer Grand River and Third streets. 142 Corner ~~~~d ~i~~~ and sixtll streets. 143 Corner ~~~~d ~i~~~ street and Ninth

    avenue. 152 Corner National avenue and Canfield

    street. 153 Corner Locust and Seventh streets. 154 Engine House No. 4, Orchard strect. 161 Corner Michigan ave. and First street. 162 Chair Factory, cornerFourth and Por- .

    ter streets. 163 Corner Michigan avenue ancl Sixth st. 171 Corner Michigan avenue and Tenth st. 172 Corner Michigan avenue and Thirteen-

    and-a-Half street. 212 Corner Michigan avenue and Eigh-

    teenth street. 214 Corner Baker and Seventeenth streets. 216 Corner Abbott and Twelfth streets. 215 Corner Porter and Tenth streets. 231 Corner Abbott and Seventh streets. 232 Corner Lafayette ave. and Third street. 234 Corner Woodbridge and Fifth streets. 235 Cora Woodbridge and Eighth streets. 241 corner Fort and Eleventh streets. 242 Corner Woodbridge and Thirteenth

    streets. 251 Corner Woodbridge and Seventeen-

    and-a-Half streets. 252 Gas Works Twenty Second street.

    To sound an alarm for fire, first open the circuit, which is done by turning the small handle off fkom the button near the centre of the instrument board; this will cause the hammer to sound upon the gong. show- ing that theinstrument is in circuit and the line in working order.

    Then with the key at the bottom of the instrument board sound ten (lo), which is an alarm for fire, then pause, and then sound the number of the box.

    These must be given three times in the order stated as follows :

    Sound the alarm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (pause).

  • If the number of the box is 24, souncl 1 I : (pause), 1 1 11, or if the number of the box is 43, sound 1 1 1 1 (pause), 1 1 1.

    The pauses shoulcl be hut about two sec- onds, or the time in which a person woulcl orclinarily count three. I

    Care shoulcl be taken that the operation I is distinct and at hgnlar intervals. .

    After sounding the alarm ancl the number , of the box, as above directed, wait a few I moments, and if it has not been distinctly ' understood, a call may be made from some ' other locality for "repeat;' which is 231, thus; 1 1 (pause) 1 1 1 (pause) 1. This be- ing heard in the instrument, the alarm and number of the box must all he given again, as first directed.

    Before locking the box, close the circuit, by turning the smdl handle on to the but- ton near the centre of the instrlxrnent , board ; this must in all cases be done, aucl , in no event must the circuit be left open.

    The boxes must not be opened except to I sound an alarm lor fire, and the persons

    C'ounty Clerk--Stephen P. Purcly. Depu- ties-M. J. Moynahan and Daniel B. Brown.

    Ciycuit Court Commitwwmrs-Browse T. Preutiss anct Edwarcl Minock.

    ' Judge of Probah-James D Wier. Register of Pqmobate-Hiranl R. Nowlan d. 5!"l.ensure~-Paul Gies. Deputy-- James

    Collins. County 8w;meyor--A. H. Wilmarth. Register of Deeds-Alonzo Eaton. Depu-

    ty-Henry Campau. Prosecuting Attorney-Philip J. D. Van

    Dyke. Coroners- John Gnau and James Cahill. Sl~erif- John Pat ton. Civil Depzc ties-A.

    -, S. Johnson and Jesse F. Johnson. Board of County A4uditws-Alexander

    Blue, Michael Kennedy, James A. Visgar. Hold sessions January, April, July and October.

    Jzlstices of the Peace, City of Detroit- Aloys Wuerth, Andrew Laclue, Tinlothy McC'arthy, Garry Spencer, Peter Guenther.

    who are intrusted with' the keys-to the T131ES OF.HOLDIxG ELECTIONS. boxes are requested to report to the office of the Board of Fire Commissioners when General S'ate and County clecti0II~ are any accident occllrs, either to the instru- held On the first Tuesday %after the first merit or boxes, or if any unauthorized per- JIollc13~ of November of each year, end- sons are fbund tampering with them. in= with an even figure The general city

    I election is held on the first T~~esday fol- WATER WORKS. I lowing the first Monday of November in

    Office, Bicldle House Block. / each alternate ycar. Ward officers are Members of t h Board of PVccter Commis-. I elected annually.

    sioners-Alexander D. Fraser, .Jacob S. Far- 1 rand, John Owen, Caleb Van Husan and C. 1 Hurlbut. I ASYLU3IS.

    Standing Committ~es - On Ways and / G ~ ~ c ~ Orphan A-Ylum-For German Means-Con~missiooers Fraser and Owen. ; orpllalls of St- Mary's Congregation, St. On Eltension and Repairs-Commissoners Antoine, near Croghnn street. Uilder Farrand and Van Husnn. On Supply of ! charge of St. BIflry's C~urch. Water-Comdrs Van Husan and Hnrlbutl I Home of the 33.kndZess-Presic1ent, MI=S On Claims-Commissioners in rotation. / Morse Stewart ; Vice President, Mrs.

    O#ce~as-Alexander D. Fraser, President; : Washington Throop ; Treasurer, Nrs. Da- Robert E. Roberts, Secretary ; Benjamin B. / vid Carter ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. bloore, Superintendent of Extention and / H. A. Clelancl, 23 State street west ; Re- Repsirs; John E. Edwards, Engmeer ; ' cording Secretary, Mrs. D. W. Brooks ; i George Kunze, Receiving Clerk ; James i Reference Committee, Mrs. J. Harvey, Fenton and L. N. Case, Collectors ; Henry I 3113. D. G. Preston, Miss C. Birrell ; Sup- Tschope, Reservoir Keeper. ply Committee, Mrs. W. W. Wheeler, Xrs.

    Standish ; First Matron, Mrs. A. D. Xob- HOUSE OF CORRECTION.

    Russell Street, near the City Reservoir. erts ; Second Matron, Mrs. H. Allen, Board of Counsel, James V. Camp-

    Superintendent, Z. R. Brockw~y; Assist- j bell, David Preston, H. A. Clelancl, ant Superintendent, H. B. Brockway; Chap- I M. D., Thomas Bell, J . J. Bagley, Morse lain, Rev. U. C. Foote ; Physician, Dr. J. Stewart, M. D., David Carter, C. C. Eociges, A. Brown : Foreman of Rlanufacturing, I. Waldo M. Johnson, J. N. Fowler : Vice B. Coleman ; Board of Inspectors. L. M. 1 Presidents from the State, Mrs. E. 0. Gros- Mason ; G. V. N. Lothrop, N. W. Brooks? I venor, Jonesville ; Mrs. C. G. Hathaway, and the Mayor. / Owosso ; Mrs. Dr. McNaughton, Jackson ;

    Mrs. Ransom Gstrdner, Kalamazoo ; Nw. COUNTY OFFICERS.

    Oaces in County Court Honse, south-east corner of Griswold and Congress streets.

    W. D. Kin.., Commerce ; Mrs. Isaac Hay- ward, Adnan ; Mrs. Robert Boyd, Raisin; Mrs. E. B. C Q ~ S ~ O C ~ , Pontiac ; Mrs. B. B.

    Circuit Jdge- Jared Patchen. Norris, Ypsilanti ; Nlrs. P. S. Hubbell, Mil-


    ford ; Mrs. R. H. Johnson,. Greenville ; Mrs. Mary Fowler, Bay City ; Mrs. George W. Oliphanl, Niles; Mrs. Papineau, Lansing

    Ladies' Jr&ustrial School - President, Mrs. Cleveland Hunt ; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Willard Parker, Mrs. James F. Joy ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. V. N. Lothrop ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. M. Howard Webster ; Treasurer, A h . G. N. Fletcher ; Trustees, Mrs. Wm. A Butler, Mrs. G. V. N. Lothrop, Mrs. S. Zug, Mrs. C'. Hunt, Mrs. James F. Joy, Nrs. Elisha Taylor, Mrs. F. Buhl, Mrs. William Dun- can, Mrs. W. Parker,Mrs. F. Lambie, Mrs. G. N. Fletcher, Mrs. S. Browning, Mrs M. H. Webster, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. L. B. Willard. Executive Committee - First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Bloore, Mrs. A. Sheley, Mrs. Geo. Bill ; Fort Street Pres- byterian Church, Nrs. S. Zug, BIiss &I. E. Stevens, Miss Botsford ; Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church, Mrs. James H. BIuir, Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. J. W. Tillman, Mrs. Lambie : Westminster Church, Mrs. Gen. Raynolds, Mrs. Prentis, ;3lrs.. Towers ; St. Paul's Church, Mrs. M. Howard Webster, Mrs. Willard Parker, Mrs. Alfred Russell, Niss Mary Doty ; Christ Church, Mrs. S. Mandelbaum, Mrs. Wm. N. Carpenter, Miss Fanny Adams ; Grace Church-Mrs. Mar- cus Stevens, Miss Montgomery ; St. John's Church, Mrs. Dr. Tripler, Mrs. Rathburn, Mrs. John W. Strong, Mrs. H. Anclrews ; St. Peter's Church, 2Irs. A. Walthew, Miss Dickison ; Central Methodist Church, Mrs. W. Duncan, Mrs. J. Cook, Mrs. Jas. Aspinall, Mrs. John Winder ; Lafayette Street Methodist Church, Mrs. W. W. Wil- letts, Mrs. Alonzo Barns ; Jefferson Ave- nue Methodist Chapel, Mrs. James Dewey, Mrs. D. E. Rice ; First Congregational Church, Mrs. Wrn. A. Butler, Mrs. G. N. Fletcher, Mrs. Henry ; Second Congre a- tional Church, Mrs. Frank Taylor, &s Wm. H. Bronson ; First Baptist ~hu rch ; ' Mrs. S. C. Browning, Bhs. Andrew J. Brow; Lafayette &treet Baptist Church, Mrs. Eber Ward, Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. C. Van Husan : Unitarian Church, Miss Mumford, Mrs. S. D. Elwood ; Christian Church, Mrs. John Harvey, Mrs. Colin Campbell ; German Mission Church, Mrs. James Aspinall ; New Jerusalem Church, Mrs. James Bren- nan, Mrs. Ellis. Conimittees for Annual

    - Entertainment-Executive Committee, J. P. Mansfield, Fred. J. Thomas, H. J. Buck- ley, R. W. Gillett, R. Haddock ; on Fi- nance, Messrs. W. A. Butler, A. H. Adams, A. A. Rabineau, James H. Muir ; on Pro- gramme, Messrs. F. Lambie, Dr. J. B. Scovel, John S. Patten, B. O'Grady, D. T. Corrie ; on Printing, Messrs. John G. Er- win, Charles H. Moore,' Peter Young, J. M. B. Sill.

    Protestant Orphan Asylum-942 Jeffer- son avenue. Meet annually on the second Thursday in January, and monthly as tigreed upon. First Directress, Mrs. Lewis Allen ; Second Directress, Mrs. Mary C. Canfield ; Third Directress, Mrs. James Burns ; Secretary, Mrs. P. E. Curtis ; Treasurer, Mrs. X. A. Davis ; Executive Committee, Mrs. David Preston, Mrs. W. W. Wheeler ; Board of Council-H. P. Baldwin, C. H. Buhl, Philo Parsons, Ed- ward Kanter, James Burns, A. C. BIcGraw B. Wight, Jacob S. Farrand, Moses W. Field. Board of Nanagers-First Pres- byterian Church, Mrs. Lewis Allen, Mrs. J. S. Farrand, Mrs. A. C. BIcGraw, Mrs. Mary C. Canfield ; First Congregational, Mrs. T. K. Adams, &h. H. H. Wright, Mrs. H. F. Swift ; Second Congregational, Mrs. A. Carrier, Mrs. N. D. Lapharn ; Jef- ferson Avenue Presb terisn, Mrs. W. E. Tunis, ~ r s . J. M. E~ann, ah. W. W. Wheaton ; United Presbyterian, Mrs. J. G. Brown, Miss Jesse D. Mitchell ; Fort Street Presbyterian, Mrs. E. A. Davis, Mrs. Franklin Moore ; Westminster, Mrs. D. H. Haws; St. Paul's, $h. P. E. Curtis, Mrs. Alfred Russell ; Grace Church, Mrs. E. W. Hudson, birs. I(. C. Barker ; Christ Church, Mrs. A. H. Dey, Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Mary Townsencl ; Mariners', Mrs. Luther Beecher ; St. John's, Blrs. Robert McMillan, Mrs, H. K. Andrews ; Central Methodist Episcopal, Mrs. James Burns, Mrs. H. R. Johnson, Mrs. Jas. Fen- ton, Mrs. Wm. Phelps ; Jetl'erson Avenue Methodist Xpiscopal, Mrs. E. Oakes ; Simpsop Methodist Episcopal, Mrs. James McCune ; Scotch Presbyterian, Mrs. G. W. Melligan ; First Baptist, Mrs. Thomas Baxter ; Lafayette Avenue Baptist Mrs. Luther B. Willard, Mrs. Henry Glover, Mrs. S. Finney ; First Christian, Mrs. M. J . Harris ; Second Christian, Mrs. George W. Olewine ; Unitarian, Miss Rebecca Xumford, Mrs. D. E. Rice ; New Jerusa- lem, Mrs. Eugene Laible, Mrs. Drew.

    St. Anthony's Boys' OrpAun Asylum- (Catho:ic)-Situated four miles out on the Gratiot road. Under charge of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart. Officers for 1870-71 : President, M. B. Kean ; Vice President, Alfred Ducharrne ; Secretary, W. B. Moran ; Treasurer, W. Buchanan ; Board of Trustees, James R. Elliott, Neil Flattery, representing Cathedral parish ; Alfred Ducharme, Alexander Chapoton, St. Ann's parish ; William Buchanan, Jer- emiah Calnon, Trinity parish ; Michael B. Kean, P. J, D. Van Dyke, St. Patrick's parish ; James Daly, St. Vincent de Paul's parish ; W. B. Moran, Jeremiah Dwyer, Our Lady of Help parish; Executive Committee, W. B. Moran,A.Ducharme, J. Calnon, M.B.


    Kean, P. J. D. Van Dyke; Com. on orphans, W. Buchanan, Neil Flattery, James Dal Superintendent, Sister Mary Gertrude, &! Servant I. H. M.; Chaplain, Rev. P. J. An- dre ; Physician, E. Leach ; Farm Mana- ger, P. Dunnigan ; Honorary and Ad- visory Members, Very Rev. C. H. Borgess, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese ; Rt. Rev. Peter V- G.7 Pastor Cathe- dral of St. Peter and St. Paul ; Rev. B. G. Soffers, Pastor St- Ann's urch ; Rev. A. F. Bleyenberg , Pastor ; Rev* J A. Henness~, Pastor t. Patrick's Church ; Rev* M- Uytdewillegen, Pastor St- Vincent de Paul Church ; Rev7 G- Limpens, Pastor Church of Our Lady of Help ; Rev. E. J o ~ , Director of the Sisters of I. H M-9 Monroe, Micll.: Rev. P- J. Andre, Chaplain of the Asylum.

    St- vihc&nts Orphan A%/luqn-Randolph street, between Congress and Lnrned. Or-

    anized July 9 18519 ~ n d e r charge of the gisters ol Charity.

    The Retreat, Asylum for the Insane- Two miles from the City Hall, on the Chi- cago road. Under charge of the Sisters of Charity.

    . WomenYs Hospital and Foundliw's H~~ 499. Beaubien street ; President, Mrs. L. L. Page ; Vice Presidents, Mrs. R- Haw- ley, Mrs. F. B. Tarry ; Recording &me- tary, Mrs. Gec. M. Lane ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Dr. E. E. Howe ; Treasurer, 3lrs. H. Glover ; Trustees, Bfrs. L. L. Page, Mrs. Richnrcl Hawley, Mrs. F. B. Terry, Mrs. Henry Glover, Mrs. S. N. Kendrick, Mrs. James McKay, E. C. Hinsdale, C. I. Walker. Richard Hawley, Henry Glover ; Reference Committee, Mrs. R. Hawley,

    F. B- . Glass, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Page.

    BANKS. Board of Trade B u z l d i ~ and &V~WS

    Cmp~-Gr iswold street. Capital $100,- 00. President, Cl~as. Noble ; Vice Presi- dent, H. J. Buckley; Treasurer, Alvan Wil- kins ; Board of Directors, Cllas. Noble, W. W. wneaton, J- JOs. Kulm, H. P. Pulling, Chas. H. Wilkins, Henry J. Buckley.

    Detroit Savings B a n k I n ~ o r ~ ( j r a t e d in 1849 ; President, Hon. Elon Farnsworth ; Vice President, H. N. Walker ; Cashier,

    H. ; Farnswort'u, Zina Pitcher, John Palmer, Henry N. Walker, Edmucd Trowbridge, Edward Lyon, Samuel Lewis, Alexander Lewis, G. M. Rich, H. P. Bridve, Willard Parker : Finance Committee, R o n Farns- worth, Samuel Lewis, H. N. Walker, E. Trowbridge, H. P. Bridge.


    First National Bank of DelroitSouth- west corner of Jefferson avenue and Gris- wold street. Capital, $500,000. President,

    . Jacob S. Farrand ; Vice President, L. E. Clark ; Cashier, Emery Wendell ; Direc- tors, J. S. Farrand, John Owen, A. Sheley, M. I. Mills, L. E. Clark, Caleb Van Hu- san, Emery Wendell.

    ,j&er&,ant$ a& &nufmtupersy B a d of Detroi&Organized M~~ 13, 1869. Corn- menced business June 1, 1869. Office, Bank Block, Griswold street. Capital, $100,000. President, Theo. H. Hinchman ; Vice President, Charles Kellogg. ; Cashier, Charles C. Cadman ; Directors, Thee. H. Hinchman, George Foote, John Belknap, Nathan G. Williams, Charles ~ ( ~ l l ~ ~ , Thomas McGraw, Stanley G. Wight, . W. Tinker, William C. Colburn.

    E awn& &n&Southwest tor-

    ner of Griswold and Congress streets. Capital, $1,000,000. President, H. P. Bald- win, Vice President, C. H. Buhl ; Cashier, C. M. Davison ; Assistant Cnshier, R. M. Reilly ; Direct,ors, H. P. Baldwin, Nathan- iel W. Brooks, C. H. Buhl, Chauncey Hurlbut, Jas. F. Joy, Allnn Shelden, Chas. Ducharme, Frederick Buhl, Eber B. Ward.

    TIle Amel-% xatioml Bank - Sejtz Block, Griswold street. Capital, $250,000. President, A. H. Dey ; Vice President, L. M. Mason ; Cashier George B. Sartwell ; Directors, L. M. Mason, John J. Bagley, H. E. Benson, Fragklin Moore, Charles Root, Bernhard Stroh, M. S. Smith, Eber Ward, A. H. Dey,

    BOARD OF TRADE. O w r s for the year ending Jfarch, 1871-

    President-R. W. Gillett. First Vice Pres- ident - N. G. Williams. Second Vice President-Charl(*s M. Garrison. Directors -Alexander Lewis, H. P. Bridge, Walter Bourke, A. G. Hibbard, A. S. Drake, E. W. Moore, Albert Botsford, Geo. C. Jones.

    Con'ommittee Appeals-peter Voorhees R H. Anderson, preston ~ ~ ~ d ~ , A Bisl sell, Walter Bourke, A. G. Butler, George C. Jones, J. C. McDonald, George I. Major.

    Committee of Arbitration for t ? ~ t e r n encZinng &ptember, 1870 - Jacob Beeson, Thos. &q,dcliff, Geo. B. Diekinson, J. A. Armstrong, John H. Wendell,

    F, tm ending March, 1871-A. Mc- Phersfii~, Peter Henkel, John S. Patten,

    C. Bates. Commiltee 0% ~ i ~ a ~ - N . . G. Willia~lls,

    Walter Bourke, Bridge- Committee on Inspeoth of P ~ T and

    Gmzn-H. P. Bridge, Alex. Lewis, A. G. Hibbard.


    Committee on Impectwn of Provisihm- C. 3f. Garrison, A. S. Drake, A. Botsford.

    Cornjnittee on ~Ve?nbership-Georgc C. Jones, Alex. Lewis, E. W. Moore.

    Treasures*-Peter Young. Sec~etary-Ray Haddock. li28pecto~ of 3'lou.r and Grain-Joseph

    Hatch. Deputy-J. F. Hatch. In.~pector qf Provi~iom-Benjamin Clarli. Jccnitor-Richztrcl Cullen.

    CENETERIES. Lut l~ra?~-A Protestant cemetery, lo-

    cated on Mt. Elliott avenue, north of' Gratiot road, in Hamtramck.

    Beth EZ-A Jewish cemetery, owned by the Beth El Temple congregation, and located on Elmwood avenue, next south of Elmwoocl cemetery.

    S h r e y Zedeck - A Zewish cemetery, owned by the Society of the Synagogue of Shaarey Zedeck, and 1oca.ted on the Marsh road near the Grand Trunk Junc- tion, about three miles from the City Hall, in Springwells.

    Free Sons of Israed-A Jewish cemetery, owned by the Society of the Free Sons of Israel, la~cated on bIt Elliott avenue, on the corner of Mack Road in Hailltraluck.

    King David's Lodge-A Jewish cemetery owned by King David's Loclge, ancl located on a road north of Fort street, about three miles from t!le City Hall, opposite Fort W a.yn e.

    Jft. Ellkjtl Cefizetery-Catholic-On RIt Elliott avenue. Board of Trustees-Rich- ard R. Elliott, P BIcTerney, Charles Peltier, Fra~icis Mailloux, Frederick Gies, A. H. Schmittdiel, William Buchanan, John Mulry, John Schulte, Micllsel Frank, John Heffron, P. Blake. Officers lS70-Presi- dent-John Heffron. Vice-President-\Vm. Buchanan. Treasurer-F'. Gies. Clerk- Richard R. Elliott. Superintendent-P. Burns ; office ancl residence at the cemetery.

    J. Bagley, E. W. Hudson, C. I. Walker, D. M. Richardson, M. W. Field, Bela Hubbard, George Kirby, E. A. Elliott, M. S. Smith, G. W. Lloyd, Daniel Scotten, Wm, Phelps, Amos C. Hubbard. Executive Committee -M. W. Field, Bela Hubbard.


    First 3uptiskCorner of Fort and Gris- wold streets. Erected, old, 1835; new, 1860. Organized October 20, 1827. Num- ber of members, 200 Pastor, Rev. L. M. Woodruff. Clerk, J. L. Vaughn, corner Clifford and Duffield streets. Services morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Sabbath Scl~ool at 2 o'clock P. 3f.

    Rrs t French BaptGt-Sherman street, between Russell and Rivard. Society or- ganized September 20, 1857. Church erekted May, 1861. Services at 1Ofr 0'- clock A. M., ancl'7+ P. M. Pastor, Rev. Romuald B. DesRoches, residence adjoin- ing the Church. Cleck, P. Rudier.

    First German Baptist-Corner of Mullett street and St. Aubin avenue. Church erected 18'70. Services at lo+ A. BE., and 5+ P. M. Rev. C. Jung, Pastor, residence, N. W. corner of lS$acou~b street and St. Aubin avenue.

    Lrcfayetle Aaenue BaptisLOn Lafayette avenue, between Cass and First streets. Organized June 29,1860. Services morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Sabb:ith schoo! 8 o'clock P M. Pastor, Rev. Alfred O~ven. Clerk. 0. S. Gulley.

    second Bc~ptiut - ( Colored ) - Cromlian street, bctween Brtlsh 2nd Beaubien. Soci- ety organizecl 1549. Church erected Janu- ary 26, 1836. Kurnber of members, 280. Service zt 10+ A. 31. and 74 P. 31. Pastor, Rev. S. Chase, resid~nce '75 Larned street west. Clerk, N. R. Page.

    Elmwood Cemetery - ( Protestant) - On I CATHOLIC. Elmwood we., between Crogllan street and 1 C{~,t?kdrd of St. Peter and St. Paul, Clinton ave. Board of Trustees-A. D . I Catholic-Coiner of Jefferson avenue and Fraser, President ; Jolltl Owen, Treasurer ; St. Antoine street. Services at 6+, & and D. B. Duffielcl, Secretary; A. D. Fraser, D. Bethune Duffielcl, C. C. Trowbridge. John Owen, Cnleb Van Husan. Executive

    A. 31. Sunday School at 2 P. M. Vespers s t 3 P. M. Bishop of Diocese,

    . Right Rev, J. H. Borgess, D. D. Pastor, Committee-C. C. Tn)wbridgc. C. Van I \. ery Rev. Peter Hennaert, V. G. Assist- Husan, D. 13. Dufiield. Superintendent- 1 ant Clergymen, Revs. Jaines Gillese and W. R. Hamilton. 1 .Jalnes Donovan.

    Woodmere Cemetery - (Protestant)-Lo- I Most IIoZy Trinity, CatImZic-Corner of cated a miles from City Hall at junction 1 Porter and Sixth streets. Organized 1849 of Fort street and Dearborn road. Presi- Church erected 1855. Service every cleut-John J. B1gley.. Vice President- morning at 8 o'clocli. On Sundays and E. W. Rudson. Secretary-C. I. Wnllccr. 1 halyda s a t 8 and 101 -4. nc. Vespers at 3 Treasurer-N. S. Smith. Trustees-John 1 P. N. 5 astor, Rev. A. F. Bleyenburgh-


    Assistanl Priest, Rev. James Savage, resi- dence adjoining Church.

    Our Lady of HeZp, Catholic.-Elmwood avenue. Rev. G. Limpens, Pastor, resi- dence adjoining the Church. Services on Sundays at 8 and 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.; daily at 8 A. M.

    St. Ann's, Catholic.-(French)- North side of Larned,between Bates and Randolph

    ' streets. Pastor, Rev. Bernard G. Soffers. Assistant Pastor, Rev. T. Allciaux. Sex- ton, Peter Coureur. Residence of Pastor and Sexton, Larned street, north-east corner of Bates.

    St. Ann's Chapel, Catholic.- (Colored)- Corner Congress and Bates streets. Pas- tor, the Rev. B. Soffers. Services every Sunday at 8 and a. M. and 3 P. M.

    St. Bonzj.ace - Corner of Michigan avenue and Ninth street. Services at 8 and 103 A. M., and 3 s. M.

    8t. Joseph, Catholic-(German) - Corner of Gratiot and Orleans streets. Erected March, 1856. Pastor, Rev. J. Friedland. Assistant, Rev. Chas. Wagner. Service in Church on Sundays at 73 A. M., 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. Organist, J. Higi. Sexton, M. Stoltz.

    St. Mary's, Catho1i~German)- Corner St. Antoine and Croghan streets. Erect- ed 1841. Pastor, Rev. John DeDeyker. Assistar ~ t s , Rev. Michael Rosenbauer, C. S. R. R., Carl Hahn, C. S. R. R., Bernhard Beck, C. R. R., Rev. Adam Kreiss, and four lay brothers. Resi- dence in rear of church, Services in Church on Sundays and festival days throughout the year at 53, 7+, 9 and 10 A. M., and 29 P. M. Organist and Director of the Choir, A. Wuerth.

    8t. Patrick's Chapel, Cirrtholic-Adelaide, corner John R. street. Church com- menced June 24, 1860. Organized March 17, 1562. Services at 8 and 103 A. M., and 3 P. M. Pastor, Rev. James A. Hen- nessy, residence corner Adelaide and John R. streets.

    St. Vincent De Paul, Catholic-Four- teenth street, near Michigan Avenue. Mass at 8 and 104 A. M. Vespers at 3 P. M. Pastor, the Rev. M. Uytdewille- gan.

    CHRISTI-AN. Christian Church, or Congregation of

    Christictn Dkcipks-St. Andrew's Hall, corner of Woodward avenue anti State street. The number of members cannot at present be accurately stated, but pro- bably not over 100 reliable names, with two elders, two deacons and a fair Sun- day school. Elders, Matthew S. Clapp, Pastor, residence Sibley strcct ; Colin


    Campbell, residence corner Woodward avenue and George street ; Deacons, George White, W. W. Stewart ; Trus- tees, George White, W. W. Stewart, J. M. L. Campbell ; Sexton, Richard Thomp- son.

    Disciples of Christ-Corner of Fourth and Plum streets. Services at 1% A. M., and 73 P. M. Sunday School at 23 P. M. Thursday evening meeting at 73, Elders, A. Linn, P. C. Gray, M. Marr.

    Jeferson Azenuz Christian Church- Southwest Corner of Beaubien street and Jefferson avenue. Organized 1840. Num. ber of members, 100. Pastor, Rex H. H. Black, residence, corner Jefferson avenue and St. Antoine street. Services at the the usual hours. Sunday school at 2 P. M. Prayer meeting at 73 o'clock Wed- nesday evening.

    CONGREGATIONAL. First Cong~egathZ-Southw est corner

    of Wayne and Fort streets. Organized December 25, 1844. Church erected 1854. Number of members, 259. Service at lo+ A. M., and 73 P. M. Pastor, Rev. Addison Ballard, residence 159 First street. Trus- tees, Charles I. Walker, Wm. A. Butler, Philo Parsons, N. Avery, S. Folsom, C. A. Kent, D. M. Richardson. F. Ray- mond, Church Clerk. Officers of the Sunday School : Superintendent, H. E. Bostwick ; Assistant Superintendent, F. Raymond ; Secretary and Treasurer, F. Raymond, jr. ; Librarian. Alfked Howard, Assistant Librarians, S. C. Hammond and E. H. Ashley.

    Second Congregational- Corner Wood- ward avenue and Sibley street. Society organized April 3, 1866. Number of members, 196. Service at 104 A, M. and 73 P. M. Sabbath school at 2 P. M. Pas- tor, Rev. S. M. Freeland, residence Sel- den Street. Sexton, E. C. Ketchurn, 14 Sibley street. Trustees, Augt. Carrier, Wm. Bronson, J. W. Frisbie,A. B. Hin- man, G. S. Wormer, H. Esselstyn, G. B. Kelley.

    EPISCOPAL. C6ri8.t Church, ZpkwpaZ-South side' of

    Jefferson avenue. between Hastings and Rivard streets. Society organized May 29, 1845. Chapel erected 1861. Church erected 1863. Number of members 336. Service at I@ a. M. and 5'4 .P. M. Colored Sunday school at 9 A. M., 100 scholars. Parish school at 2;3 P. M., 374 scholars. Christ Church rectory, 234 Woodbridge street east. Rev. J . Wesley Brown, rec- tor. Vestrymen, C. C. Trowbridge, W. N. Carpenter, H. P. Bridge, A. H. Dey, J. E. Pittman, H. F. Lyster, E. Trow- bridge, George Hendrie, A. H. Adams, S.

  • D. Miller. Senior Warden, C. C. Trow- bridge. Junior Warden, W. N. Carpen ter. Treasurer, A. H. Adams. Secretary, H. F. Lyster.

    Grace mwrch, E p i m p a d Organized in 1867. Corner of Fort and Second streets. Rev. M. C. LightnerRector. Vestrymen, E. W. Hudson, Marcus Stevens, George Kirby, J. W. Waterman, A. W. Cop- land, Wm. Brodie. K. C. Barker, S. Med- bury, H. G. Jones, R. Holmes. Senior Warden, E. W. Hudson. Junior War- den, Marcus Stevens. Secretary, H. G. Jones ; Treasurer, Marcus Stevens ; Com- mittee on Finance: J. W. Waterman, E. W. Hudson, A. W. Copland, K. C. Bar- ker. Building Committee : Samuel Riled- bury, Wm. Brodie, George Kirby, E. W. Hudson, Robert Holmes. Services morning and evening at the usual hours. Sunday School at 9 a M.

    Mariner's Free Cyhurci~, Episcopad- Woodward avenue, cor. Woodbridge. Or- ganized in 1848. Services at lo+ A. M., and 3+ P. M. Rev A. M. Lewis, Rector. Seats free. R. John's, Episwpad-Corner Wood-

    ward avenue and High street. Chapel erected 1859. Church erected 1860. So- ciety organized December 9, 1858. Num- ber of communicants, 600. Services at lo+ A. M., and 7+ P. M. Sunday School at the Church at 2+ P. M., at mission at 9 A. M. Rector, Rev. Geo. Worthington, residence adjoining the Church. Vestry- men, H. P. Baldwin, B. G. Stimson, John Roberts, A. Richmond, Thomas McGraw, Wm. A. McKeun, Aug. B. Taber, R. McMillan, Theodore 0 . Leo- nard, J. F. Conover. Senior Warden, H. P. Baldwin. Junior Warden, B. G. Stimson. Secretary, J. F. Conover. Treasurer, H. P. Baldwin.

    St. PauPs EpiscopaZ-Corner Congress and Shelby streets. Organized Nov. 22, 1824. Present Church rebuilt 1851. Ser- vices at lQ+ A. M., and 7+ P. M Pastor, Rev. T. C. Pitkin, D. D. Rectory ad- joining the Church. Vestrymen, Wil- laid Parker, Hiram Walker, Oliver Bourke, F. E. Drig s, S. K. Stanton, J. P. Stirling, C. B. d t chum, A. S. Sweet. Senior Warden, P. E. Demill. Junior Warden, A. C. Hubbard.

    St. Peter's, Epi5ccvpaLCorner of Church street and Ninth avenue. Organized in 1859. Services morning and afternoon. Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Rev. John Taylor, rector. Vestrymen : Thomas May- berry, Joseph Desotell, Henry Doty, Theo. 0. Leonard, Samuel E. Pittman, F. Wallington, Adam . Walthew, William M. dmy the, Henry Hackett. Senior Warden,

    - .

    Thomas Bhyberry. Junior Warden, Jo- seph Desotell. Secretary and Treasurer, F. Wallington.

    St. Stephen's, EpiscopaZ-North side of Catharine, between Dequindre street and St. Aubin avenue. Organized April 3, 1869. Ope~iecl for Divine service May 2, 1869. Seats free. The Rev. Milton Ward, Rector, residence 323 Catharine street. Vestrymen, Wm. Good, Thomas Welch, Thomas Shore, Robert Barker, Henry Rowe, Wm. Ritchie, B. Nceker, John W.Yates. Senior Warden,Wm. Good, Junior Warden, Henry Rowe. Treasurer, Wm. Good. Services at lo+ A. M., and 74 P. M. Sunday school at 3 P. x. Fred. J Thomas, Superintendent.

    LUTHERSN. BetiLel, German Euangelical-Corner of

    Hastings and Montcalln streets. Society organized 1857. Church erected 1858. Number of members, 40. Services at lo+ A. M., and 7 P. M. Tuesda s and Fri- days, 7 P. M. Pastor, Rev. 3 M. Fuchs. Sexton, Felix Fillippske.

    Firs8 Ge~man Refmmecd-Russell, be- tween Catharine and Sherman streets. Society organized 'August 15, 1842. Church erected 1851. Number of mem- bers, 150. Services at lo+ a. x. Pastor Rev. P. Greding, residence next to church. Sexton, John Benyn.

    Gemnan Evangelical Luti~eran Sakm Church-Catharine street,, near Gratiot. Organized Narch 9, 1862. Pastor, Rev. John Jacob Schmidt, residence, new 18 Catharine street. Service at 10 A. M. Sunday school at 2 P. M.

    Immnnuel German Lutheran Church- Trumbull avenue near Michigan avenue. Society organized August, 1865. Num- ber of members, 60. Services at 10 A. M., and 2 P. M.

    St. John's, German EvangeZicul-Corner of Monroe avenue and Farrar street. So- ciety organized 1833. Church erected 1851. Number of members, 2,100. Pas- tor, Rev. Chas. Haas, residence 253 Brush street. Sexton, Henry Henkel, residence, 298 Nacomb street.

    St. Mutthew's German Evangelical - Near the corner of Congress and Rivard streets. Church erected 1845. Services at 94 A. M., and 23 P. M. Wednesdays 7+ P. M. Pastor, Rev. Henry Xeyer, residence in rear of the Church.

    Trinity, German EvangelicaZ-Corner of Gratiot and Prospect Streets. Organized 1851. Old Church erected 1852. New church erected 1867. Number of mem- bers, 500. Services at 10 A. M., and 7& P. M. Pastor, Rev. John A. Huegli, resi-


    dence, 5'17 Gratiot street. Sexton, Fred- erick Beuermann, residence-, AXariou, be- tween Prospect and IIczstings streets.

    METHODIST. Ce ntnr l ,7CletIwd&vt E1pi.~copuZ-Corner of

    Woodm7al.d and Aclrrnls avenues. Society organizecl March 21, 1822. Present Church erectecl 1867. N11m1)er of ~~leillbcrs '740. Services at 10.11. A. M., and 7+ P. M. Sab- bath scllool at 13 P. Br. Reg~lar meet- ings Tliursday and Friday evenings. Pastor, Rev. Geo. G. Lyon, residence corner C , rlumbia and IVillianl streets. Offlcers of Sundav school-Superintell dent, J. H. ~ o n d & . Assistant *~uperiu- tenclents, D. A. Ross ancl Mrs J. G, Will- ianls. Secretary, Chas. B. Gray. Trea- surer, James Glass, Librarians, Henry W. Jessup and Henry IT. Hunt. Organist, Miss Emma Rice.

    E r s t Gerntan M. E.-Corner of Beaubien and Croghan streets. Society organized 1847. Church ercctecl 1850. Pu'o of mem- bers, 98. Services at 10+ A. N., and 7 P. M. Pastor, Rev. Geo. Schwinn, resi- dence 57 Croghan street. Sexton, Da- vid Gessman, residence, basement of the church.

    Jeferson Aaenue Clmpel, M E.-South- west corner of Jefferson and St. Aubin nvennt1s. Organized January, 1867. Num- ber of illerubers, 100. Services at 199 A. i d 7 P . M . Rev. A. F. Bourns, Past( )r, residence, 413 Fort sr ree t E. Sun- day Scllool Superintendent, .J. Oakes ; As- sistttn I Suyerin tenclent. R. Duryea ; Female *4ssistan t Superin tenclent, Mrs. J. Oakes ; Secretary, H. Raper ; Assistant Secretary, T. C. Perisin ; Treasurer, P. A. Ocum- paugh ; Librarian. W. C. Ross ; Assistant Librarian, Frank Ball.

    Llzfayette A~enue, M. 23.-Corner of La,fayette avenue and Fourt,h street. So- ciety organized 1850, Church occupied 185C. Number of members, 150. Ser- vice at 10+ A. M., and 7+ P. M. Sabbath school at 2 P. M. Pastor, Rev. E. E. Caster, resiclence in rear of the chnrch.

    Pi?w Street Meti~odiut, (Protestant)-Pine street, between Sixth and Seventh. Ser- vices :it 10.30 A M. and '7.30 P. N. The Rev. W. M. Goodner, Pastor.

    Sewnd German 1K E.-Lasalle avenue, near ICIichigan arenue. Church erected, 1858. Nulnber of members, 40. Services every second sunday, at 10+ A. M. and 7+ P. M.

    Simpson ill. E.-Corner Grand River and Sixth streets. Services at 103 A. M. and 74 P. M. Pastor, Rev. T. J. Joslin, resi- dence, corner of 'Hen and Third sheets. 3 0 - E t . e ~ ~ of Sunday chool-Superinten-

    dent, George W. Hough. Assistant Sup- erintendent, Silas Patton. Secretary, E. A. Noble. Treasurer, J. 111. Stevens. Librarians, F. Vaugl~n, S. Reed. Chorister, J. N. M. BIcCune

    ,4f~icnr.n ill: E.-Lafayette street, between Beaubien and Brush. Society organized 1840. Church erected June, 1545. Number of mcmbers, 270. Services at 104 A. M. and 'i3 P. M Pastor, Rev. J. S. Booth. Sexton, S. Robinson.

    Independent (Cobred)-Corner of Pros- pect and Watson stroets. Services at I1 A. M., 3 and 7+ P. M.

    PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian-Corner of Gratiot

    and Farrier streets. Society or anized 1824. Church erected in 1854. $umber of members, 320. Pastor, Rev. W. A. McCorkle, residence 78 Alfred street. Ser- vices at 10+ o'clock A. M. and 33 P. M. Members of Session, Edward Bingham, Jacob S. Farrand, Alanson Sheley, George S. Frost, David Cooper and Chas. Noble. Deacon, John C . Brown, Trustees, D. W. Brooks, H. C. Clark, G. F. Moore, W. R. Candler, Ira Worcester.

    Fort Street Presbyterian-Corner of Fort and Third streets. Society organized, February 21, 1849. Present church oc- cupied November 18th,1855. Number of members, 286. Service at l@ o'clock A. M. and 7+ P. M. Pastor, Rev. A. T. Pierson, residence, 179. Lafayette avenue. Sexton, John Finerty, residence, Corner Oak street an(\ National avenue. Elders, Edward C. Walker, Frederick Buhl, Sam. P. Wilcox, Philip Thurbur and Joseph G. Ray. Trustees, Geo. E. Hand, J. H. Jones, George McMillan and Robert Hosie. Deacc Ins, J G. Ray, Charles G. Brownell and George B. Uickinson. Lecture and Prayer Meeting on Friday evening at 73 o'clock. Sabbath school, 2 o'clcck, P. M. Superintendent, Bradford Smith. Assistant Superintendent, George B. Dickinson. Secretary, Mr. Lepper. Librarians, Mr. Standart and Mr. Dickson. Teacher, In- fant Department, Mrs. H. C. Knight.

    Jeflrson Avenue Presbytem'ctdefferson avenue, between Rivard and Russell streets. Society organized January 25th, 1854. Cllurcll erected 1855. Number of members, 250. Hours of service, 104 o'clock A. M., and 7'9 P. M. during summer, and 74 o'clock in winter. Pastor, Rev. Wm. Hogarth, D. D.; residence, 389 Jefferson avenue. Treas- urer, L. E. Clark. Trustees, L. E. Clark, E. D. Fitch, James H. Muir, James Mcbrf il- lan and Frederick Walker.

    Scatch Pre,~byterian-Corner Bates and Farmer streets. Society organized and


    church erected 1843. Number of members, 356. Services at lo+ o'clock A. M. and 79 P. M. Pastor, Rev. George M. Milli.gan, residence, 38 Macomb street. David Ken- dall, Sexton. Sabbath school from 13 to 3 o'clock P. M. Library 600 volumes.

    United Presbyterian-Corner of Wayne street and Lafayette avenue. Organized 1853. Services at lo+ A. M. and 3+ P. M. Sunday school at 2 P. M. Number of mem- bers 280. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Scott, residence, 112 Wayne street. Trustees, John Mc- Bride, Wm. J. Ray, Thomas Lawrence, Samuel Moore and Robert McKenzie.

    Westminster Presbyterian-East side of Washington avenue, between State and Grand River streets. Erected 1860. Society organized October Gth, 1857. Services' at lo+ A. M. and '73 P. M. in winter, and 10+ A. M. and 7% P. M. in summer. Pastor, Rev. W. E. McLaren, residence, 35 Row- land street. Elders, D. McCormick, Allen Chaney, Geo. Dunlap, W. P. Kellogg. Trustees, John G. Erwin, B. B. Noyes, D. McCormick, Peter Voorhees and J. S. Conant. Treasurer, Geo. Dunlap. Sexton, G. 0. Walker, residence, No. 5S4 Croghan street.

    MISCELLANEOUS. Beth E l Temlnle-Corner of Washington

    avenue and Clifford street. Organized Sep- tember, 1852. New Temple erected 1867. Divine service on Friday evening at 6+ o'clock and Saturday at 9% o'clock A. M. Number of members, ,70. Rabhi, Rev, Dr. K. Kohler. President, Simon Heavenrich. Vice President, 15. Cohen. Secretary, M. C. Fechheimer. Cashier. S. Freedman. The above with the following constitute the board of Trustees, D. J. Workum, M. Butzel, I. Kaufman.

    C h d t u p h i a n Society No. 1 - Meets every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at 109 Griswold street.

    Christccdelphzan Society No. 2-Meets every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at Old Odd Fellows' Hall, Woodmard avenue.

    Detrozt Society of ized January 24,1869. Sunday meetings at 7 Grand River street, morninq and evening. Children's Progressive Lyceum, at 2 P. M. President, S. B. McCracken.

    Rrs t Slbngregatwm~l Unitarian-Corner Shelby street and Lafayette ave. .N uinber of members, 300. Services nt 10.30 o'clock A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Ptstor, Rev. W. R. G. Mellen

    First Metihodid-In Good Templar's Hall, Grand River street, near the corller of Seventh. Services at 10.30 A 3f. wid 7 30 P. x. Sabbath school 2.30 r M. Rcr. \T. H. Bakewell, Pastor.

    New Jerusalem, (8wecEenborgian)-Macomb ave. near Grsnd Circus. Services morn- ing and evening. Sunday school inlmedi- ately after morning service. Church dedi- cated 9ugust 26th, 1860. Number of mwln- bers, 60. Rev. E. C. Mitchell, Pastor.

    Sy lucgogue of Shnary Zedeck-Corner of Congress and St. Antoine streets. Society organized September 27,1861. Number of members, 70. Service Friday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Saturday morning from 8 to 11. President, M. Mondelssohn. Vice President, M. Herzburg. Treasurer, H. Krashaar. Secretary, L. M. Freedman. Trustees. E Tichner. H. Van Baalen, D. Rosen, E. Davie, S. Rosenberg.

    69BBATH SCHOOLS. Calvary AMGsion-On Mayberry avenue;

    organized in 1868 ; in present quarters since December, 1869 ; under the care of Westminster church ; average attendant c8 200. Superintendent, W. P Kellogg ; As- sist.ant Superintenclent, W. Loc1;wood ; Secretary and Treasurer. Peter Young.

    1 Clinton Avenw Qnhn M&,ion - On Clinton avenue, opposite the Duffield Un- ion School, organized February 21,1858 ; in present quarters since January 27t11, 1867 : average attendance of scholars in 1869,190.

    E[qhth Ward Union Mission-31 eels in basement of Fort S trect Presbvt crinn church, at 9 o'clock A. M. every Si11)l)atll ; organized i.n 18.53 ; average nttenct ancc , 145. Superintendent, J. H. Harvcy ; Sec- retary, William Craig ; Trea.surer, hlcs- ander Bell.

    French Baptist Jli8sion-In French Bap- tist church, on Sherman, hetween Rivard and Russell str ets : orgianized in 1860 ; average attendance 100. S. Finney, Su- perintendent.

    German Morning iMi.ktG?~. - Corner of Croghan and Beaubien streets ; Superin- tendcnt, Horace Hitchcocf ; male Assist- ant Superintendent, D. A. Ross; fetnalc Assistsilt Superitlt.cndcnt, Mrs. Stears ; Secretary, Henry TT. Scott ; Treasurer, George A. Ross ; Librarian


    organized in 1865 ; average attendance 90. Superintendent, John B. Harvey.

    Ninth Avenue Union Mission-Corner of Ninth avenue and Howard streets : organ- ized November, 1868 ; average attendance 350; Superintendent, D. M. Richardson; As- sistant Superintendent, C. G. Brownell ; Secretary* J. W* McGrath ; Treasurer, Charles Ward.

    St. John's Church Mission-Corner of Walnut and Seventh streets ; organized by St. John's Church Union, May l'i, 1865 ; average attendance 120 ; Isaac DeGraff, Superintendent; Joseph B. Wolfinden, As- ~is tant Superintendent ; William L. Al- len, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. W. Pros- ser, Librarian* The general charge a?d 8upervj~ioIl of the mission is reposed lll Rev- Jesse T. Webster, assistant to the Rector of St. John's parish.

    Third Street Unwn Mission-On Third street, north of the grove ; organized 1868 ; average attendance 159 ; Chas. W. Nohle, Superintendent ; David W. Brooks, Assistant Superintendent ; David Carter, leader of singin@ L. E. Clark, Secretar and Treasurer ; Voard of Trustees, F. 5: B. Crane, Ira Davis, D. W. Brooks, David Carter, Wm. Fletcher. Unwn Mik&n, No 1-Corner of Russell

    and streets. Organized "arch 8, Average attendance of 3cho1ars for 18691 933 ; teachers1 61. Superinten- dent. 2. R. Brockway ; Assistant Superin- tendent', John S. Newberry, E. Trow- bridge ; Secretary and E. W. Bissell ; Assistant Herman Roehm ; Bioqra~hers, O- 'lark, Otis Cook ; Superintendent of Tickets, C. A. Mack ; of Infant ment-Miss Emma Hall, Hiss Foote ; Sec-

    of Infant H. R. H. 'lahou~ ; '. '.

    Brockway, J. S. Newberry. James Mc- Millan.

    Woodward Avenue Mrission Sclrool- I n Harper Hospital ; organized in 1865 ; av- erage attendance 200. Superintendent, R. c. Smitll ; Secrcltary, George H. Moore ; Treasurer, E. 31. Fisk ; (jollllllittee on Music, Joseph Woltenden ; Librarian Wnl. Henderscln ; Directors, A. C J l c G r a ~ , Luther Beecher, James Wallace, Henry K. Lincoln.

    German Moradng Mipawn Srcbilath S~hofd --Corner of Crogllan andBenul)ienstrect~; Superintendent. Hmace Hitchcock ; male Assistant Superintendent, D. A. R~~~ .: fc- male Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Stearns ; Secret.ary, Henry W. Scott ; Treasurer, George 9. Ross ; Librarians, John A. Fry, Chas. Arnold,


    CONVENTS. Convent of the Sister8 of Charity-Ran-

    dolph, between Congress and Larned streets. Sister superior, Mary Edmonds.

    Co7~vent of the Sucred Heart-310 Jeffer- son averrue. Orwanized 1800. Lady Super- ior, Madame $. Brennan.

    convent of Notre Da-(German)-ljj St. Antoine street. Organized 1840. Es- tablished in Detroit in 1848. Sister Supe- rior, Mary Samuella.

    COURTS. united State$ Courts of t ) ~ Em&rn m-

    t,kt of ,f$fiC]LiDan-The United States is divided into nine judicial Circuits, in each of whicll a Circuit Court is held for each district within each Circuit. The ~~t of C,,gres, approved April loth, 1869 pro- rides ,as follows: "The Circuit Courts in each Circuit shall be held by the Justice of the Supreme Court allotted to the Circuit, or by the Circuit Judge of the Circuit, or by the District Judge of the District sitting alone, or by the Justice of the Supreme Court and Circuit Judge sitting together, in which case the Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside, or in the absence of either of them by the other (who shall preside) and the District Judge.e.,,

    The State of nficbigan by the Act of February 24t11, ,16G3 was divided into two judicial ~ i ~ t ~ i ~ b . ~l~~ courts for tile Eastern District are held at Detroit and for the Western District at Grand Rapids. Both Districts are attached to the 6tl1, Judicial Circuit which conlprisl.s tile States of Miclligan, Ohio, Kentucky and Ten- nessee.

    Justice Sw ne has been allotted to tile Gtll, Judicial &rcuit and Hen. Halmer R. Ernmons was under said Act of April 10, 1869 nppoillted Circuit Jucke of said Ci,.cuit

    The Courts for said E-lstcrn District are organized as follows :

    C i m ~ i t Collrt-Hon. N. A- Swa~ne , Justice of the Supreme Court is by said Act, required to attend one Term at least in two YcarS ; Hen. Emmons1 Circuit *Judge: Iron. Job11 W. Longyear, District Judge. ; Addison Mandell, Clerk ; Aaron B. 3Iaynnrd. U. S. District Attorney; J. W. Finncy and N. H. Snran, Assistants; Joseph R.