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18 THINGS THAT REMIND US EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE ALL RIGHTIn those frazzled moments when you're dreaming of being abducted by aliens just so you can escape your life, these small joys can remind you that, hey, this place called Earth isn't so bad after all.




#1: Woman Who Was Reunited With Her Dog After the Tornado in OklahomaHalfway through an interview with CBS News, as Barbara Garcia surveys the debris where her house once stood, reporters find her schnauzer, Bowser. The tornado's winds ripped him from her arms in the small bathroom where they had been hiding, and Bowser had been buried alive under the rubble. "I thought God answered one prayer, to let me be okay; but he answered both of them," she said.

#2: An Unexpected TextYou can't stop thinking about that mid-meeting gaffe at work, even though it was six hours ago. You should've said this, or you could've not said that—and then you glance down at your phone and notice an unread message. "Watching an old clip of SNL and 'Weekend Update' reminded me of your spot-on James Carville impression." It may not be poetic, but it's just thoughtful enough to tug you out of a shame spiral.


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#3: The Return of HostessEverybody loves a good comeback story, especially if the protagonists are Twinkies, Ho Hos and other snack cakes.

#4: The Woman Who Changed Her Cyberbully's PerspectiveAfter a Reddit user posted a photo of a Sikh woman on the site's "Funny" section with the caption, "I'm not sure what to conclude from this"—referring to her facial hair—the woman in the picture issued a reply. She politely explained that her religion doesn't believe in altering one's body in any way, and sparked a chain of responses, including an apology from the original person who posted the photo and caption. It may not happen often enough, but sometimes, our words can change minds.

#5: A Nearly Crossed-Off To-Do ListIt reminds you that you've accomplished a few things today, and it leaves you a goal to push for tomorrow (even if the goal is really an internal budget memo).

#6: 11-Month-Olds with Serious Dance Moves


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In a 45-second YouTube video, a set of twins showed us how important it is to have "our" song—the one we can't resist rocking out to as soon as we hear it, even if that means ditching our lunch mid-bite. The knowing exchange at the 15-second mark says it all.

#7: The Lack of Cell-Phone ReceptionAt first, this seems like the moment when you transform into Donald Duck and start shouting a stream of unintelligible rants while stomping up and down; but, it can also be the moment when you realize that those rapidly multiplying work emails, urgent-yet-not-important phone calls and that ping-ping-pinging sound are temporarily gone. You're (kind of) off the grid, and you've got no choice but to surrender to the world around you. Is that the sound of birds chirping?

#8: A Five-Minute "Cool Down"You wanted to quit eight seconds into the plank position. You mentally cursed out your Zumba instructor for her never-ending side kicks. And now, you're almost done. Those final stretches at the end of a workout can be more gratifying than any other moment at the gym.

#9: Your Mom's Casserole—Even If It's Made with Ketchup and Cream CheeseIt's like that scene in Nashville when Hayden Panettiere's character, a self-obsessed country singer, sneers at the "Pink Macaroni Casserole" her mom made for her. Hours later, once she's realized she's a teen queen caught up in the middle of a shoplifting scandal, without a friend to turn to, she takes


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comfort in the one thing she can rely on: the familiar taste of an old family recipe.

#10: The $2 Million T-ShirtIt's retail therapy without the post-shopping guilt: Each week, the social-good platform Sevenly releases a few shirt designs promoting a specific cause, and $7 from each sale goes toward that week's mission. That number may not seem like much, but in two years, the donations have amounted to $2.2 million and benefited causes ranging from funding cancer research to ending sex trafficking.

#11: Dogs Who Wag Their Tails with Their Whole SpineThey're so happy to see you, they're practically convulsing.

#12: One Crumpled Dollar at the Bottom of Your Purse


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Even better than the small burst of excitement you experience from finding money you've forgotten you had, is coming across it right when you're 96 cents short at a toll.

#13: The Boston Marathon Runners Who Raced to Help Bombing VictimsSome jogged straight to Massachusetts General Hospital to donate blood, and others tore off their shirts to use as tourniquets, according to The Daily Beast. An act that triggered everyone's fight-or-flight response reminded us of a third option—one that requires an inspiring level of selflessness.

#14: A Stranger Who's Been ThereEven though you might not have ever met the person, just hearing that someone has felt the same way you have, or do—whether it's a mommy blogger who admits she spent the afternoon picking gum off the family dog, or Beth Howard describing the guilt-tinged grief following her husband's death in Making Piece—we get the resounding message: It's not just you.

#15: The Friend Who's Going PlacesThere are those Facebook friends whose sparkling accomplishments make you want to pour coffee on your keyboard; then there are your real friends,


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for whom, when they accomplish incredible things, you can't help but do slow-motion victory dances.

#16: The Word "Remission"It may not mean disease-free, but it sets off a wave of relief that can make you suddenly lower your shoulders for the first time since they tensed up near your earlobes when you initially visited the doctor.

#17: Staples, Magnets, Paper ClipsYour computer may get a virus and destroy the Great American Novel you were writing; your air conditioning can go kaput on a 96-degree day; and, your car may stall just as you merge onto an exit ramp. But you can still count on some other things to almost always respond the way they're supposed to.

#18: A Deep BreathYou'll be surprised to realize how much you were holding in when you finally exhale.


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