z z Kentucky High School Athletic Associationkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual...

z z Kentucky High School Athletic Association ''.v:,fsdrtyclizakpjtqssksihlG? 2280 Executive Drive* Lexingtbn, KY 40505 B wwwrkhsaa.org O (850)290-5472 (259)293-5599 (fax) MEMORANDUM To: Superintendent, Principal, and AthleticDirector Harlan High School Brigid L. Devries,Commissioner Larry Boucher, AssistantComm issioner May 8, 2007 2006-2007 Title IX Annual Report Forms Subm ission From: Date: Su bject: Enclosed pleasefind a copyofForm T-65, the 2006-2007 KHSAA Title IX Annual Repod Submissiop StatusRepod. lnadditionjyou mayfind anattachment with correctedcopiesof the forms submitted by yourschool personnel.Please review this information so the forms can be com pleted accurately in thefuture. Also,KHSAA AuditTeam Members m ay have requested resubmission ofsome ofthe 2006-2007 AnnualReport Forms or need additionalinformation on your athletic programs. Please submitthis information bythe date requested if this is applicable. Copies and all KHSAA Title IX documents must be kept current and included in your permanentTitle IX File atfhe school. All documentsare subject toOpenRecordsRequests. should you need anyfudherinformation, pleasedo nothesitate to call anytime,

Transcript of z z Kentucky High School Athletic Associationkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual...

z z Kentucky High School Athletic Association''.v:,fsdrtyclizakpjtqssksihlG? 2280 Executive Drive * Lexingtbn, KY 40505 B wwwrkhsaa.org O (850)290-5472 (259)293-5599 (fax)


To: Superintendent, Principal, and Athletic DirectorHarlan High School

Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Comm issioner

May 8, 2007

2006-2007 Title IX Annual Report Forms Subm ission



S u bject:

Enclosed please find a copy of Form T-65, the 2006-2007 KHSAA Title IX Annual RepodSubmissiop Status Repod. ln additionj you may find an attachment with corrected copies of theforms submitted by your school personnel. Please review this information so the forms can becom pleted accurately in the future.

Also, KHSAA Audit Team Members m ay have requested resubmission of some of the2006-2007 Annual Report Forms or need additional information on your athletic programs.Please submit this information by the date requested if this is applicable. Copies and all KHSAATitle IX documents must be kept current and included in your permanent Title IX File at fheschool. All documents are subject to Open Records Requests.

should you need any fudher information, please do not hesitate to call anytime,

& .' . . .. < .; .* = p.. . . n a1. ' A. jx * '*b'' q x'.*. Cb. : #' . y. JJ%'Z:ee .t. '.''.. ', *1 ', u' .rI:jk : ! . e. . + I i ' ' ' . W... . . . vre ' ... . .<..' .!.E ( ' . '1 .ay . . ;i!r .. wl .3. gpg

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KHSAAForm F65 RevlYecl 8/05

TO7 KHSAA Member Schtml Superintendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors

FROM: Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Commissioner

DATE: 5/8/2007

r school Harlan Hi h school - Reviewed by Ph Ilis CatlettThe following is a status report regarding the required 2006 - 2007 Title IX Annual Report

submission pf forms due into the KHSAA office by April 15, 2007. Appropriate KHSAA Audit Teampersonnel have reviewed these forms and the following is a summiry of this review.

Checklist of Forms properly submitted in a satisfactory manner:

X GE 19 Anlnual Verification X 7--35 Bud et Ex ensesX T-1 (Summary Program Chart 1) X 7*-36 (Budget Expenses)X T-2 Summa Pro ram Chart 2 X T-41 Checklist - Overall Interscholastic Pro ramX T-3 Summa Pro ram Chart 3 X T-60 Corrective Action PlanX T-4 Summa Pro ram Chart 4 X 1--63 Interscholastic Surve Results

I I . StatusA. X 2006- 2007 Forms are satisfactory and no further information or action is necessary at

this time.B. Errors have been noted with respect to the following forms; .

C. The followin forms were omitted and must be submitted b school re resentatives:D. Other Recommendation and Comments:

! L. . ' I ..' e V


Ft. ' .=#.$'e (-1*0 be snhmiited by April 15, 2007 along with other required formg)

The Harlan - -- - High School, Harlan , Kenmcky(Name of High School) (City)

certifieg to the Keotucky High School Athletic Assocjation that tbe foylowing is an accurate and true representation of thefacts surrounding compliance with 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688, et. Seq, (also known as Title 1X)

1 eertify the followjng provisipns in accordance wit: records at the school eontaîned 95 the perianentTitle IX jile, at Ieast one copy of whkE m ust be maintained in thv Printipal's office, and to the best of m yknowledge have completed the following taslts (A), boxes mast be çheelted).

X Establishgd a gendkr cquity commitet at the high school. (list committee personnel and provide attachmect ifnecessary)Name Afldress Pbone Title

(Sup1., Prjncipal, Student, Paant, Coach, Etc.)

Davjd JohnsonKevin sallJoe M eadorsCbuck M itchellJ.B. DonahueKim AllisonJaçob Co3eChassidy Lawson

x Scheduled a minimum of threz medings during the 2006-2997 school year on the following dales:2-2 1-073-19-074-1 1-07

420 E Central Street420 E. Central StreetPosl Office Box 549420 R. Cemraj Street420 B. Central StreetPost Offke 3ox 1009Post OfGee 42464 Birch Slreet

(606) 573-8700(606) 573-3750(606) 573-7360(606) 57342759(606) 573-2759(606) 573-0040(606) 273-8475(606) 573-2308

Supt.A,D.Board Chajrman/parentCoach (Gir1s)Coach (Boys)Pam ntAthleteAthyete

Designated the following perscmts) as the Title JX cootdinator for the school:

Kevin BallName

Designaled tlse rollowing personts) as 1he Title IX coordinator for the district:


420 E. Central StreetAddress

(606) 573-8750Phone

David JohnsonName

X School personnel are continuing to ma'ke perjodic reviews of tht boys'the Corrective Action Plan.

and girls? athletics program reflected in

Jrà addhion to the above information, the above referepeed seLool maintains a complete permanent file relativeto Title IX records including copies of 1he selflassessmenl audit, a11 corrective actîon plans, and other relatedmaterial


zw -wv- zp

Prihcipal s gnafure Da e

JSnper nten ent iglattyre Scb ej Boa/d thairpersons' Signstarz

(sîtmd tw#zlfl/ cop to AN&1z1 - Maintnin Ap/fccle in r/lfg JX yc/iotg-p/tïer./



420 B. Centa'al StxetAddress

(606) 573-8700Phone

/ -.2006-2007


Partlti atlon O orqmities Tvsf One

(Column 1) (Column 2) (Column 3) (Column 4)

Program F,prollment Percentage of Number of Perceatage ofTotxl lnterscholastic TotslEr llment Participants Particlpationnro

(doqble andtripbe count)

Row 1 GERLS 96 42.5% 98 42.9%

Row 2 BOYS 130 57.5% 125 57.1%

Row 3 Totals 226 100% 219 100*A

1 ions: 'eNumber of 8d' grude smdenls & below used in Column 3nstrucfand Colunm 4 calculations if applicable: 62

Dvtermine the total numbel' of girls etyolled (pyse irj R,pF )? Colu!pp l).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . .Dettqaiaizie die tokit nuinàer ofboyg enrolliil, (place ln Row ja èolump 1).



Add the toul nttmber of sirls alld bûys enrolled to detenxént total enrollment, (phct in Row 3, Column 1),

Calculate the percenlge of total enmllment that is female. (Divide Row 1 , Column 1 by Row 3, Column 1 and plaoein Row 1, Coiumn 2.) Calculate the percentage of total znrollment that is male. (Divide Row 2, Column l by Row 3,Column 1 and place in Row 2, Column 2.) Nolel Row 1, Column 2 plus Row 2, Coltjmn 2 should total 100%.

4) Ask the head couehes to review the most updated eligjbility or squad lists for tlwir teams. Ask ooaches to coùiirm tlwnames of thoso individuals who are orl tlm team as of the first date of regular season compbtition, mld mpss Qut tlwnamûs of those wlm wt're cut from the team or quh the team prior to the fkst rzgulm' season competitive event

.Determine the total numb4r of inltocholastic atltletics gazticipants that are girls, laad place in Row 1, Column 3). Inorder to determine the total number of alletjcs particlpants, an individual should be counted each tjme he or sheparticipatps on a team. Fot example, if Jane Doe competes on tlw varsity volltyball team

, îhejunior vxsity Nolleybal!team, 'the junlor varsit.y basketball team, and the varsit,y sfdball temn, she should bç counted as four partkijants (donol include dvqh or intm mum ! sporta participanss, chèerleadex's, dance toms, or pom sqsus). Cakulaio thed i l

s >v J.n additioq sttonld #0' gmdv smdents aud below play on a Freshmany .lunior Vaoity,same way for boyg an g r . ,

ot vargity team, tlley ghûuld also be counted for eash team and sport on wlaich they padicipate, ïf applicable, pleaseasîerisk tNe above notation as to höw many 8* pade m dents & bejow are included in the foul


Using the same procedure, determilw the total number Of interscholastic athletic particspants that are boys, (Jmd placein Row 2

, Column 3). Add Row 1, Column 3 plns Row 2, Column 3 to get tot?l parickpants and place in Row ?,Column 3.

Calculate the percentag: of female pailîcipation. (Row 1, Column 3 divided by Row 3, Column 3 and placz in Row 1 rColumn 4.)

Calculate the pexentage of male participation. (Row 2, Column 3 divided by Row 3, Column 3 and place in Row 2)Column 4,) Note: Row ) , Column 4 plus Row 2, Column 4 should total l 00?4.

Note: whkje being whkin three pement is not fonual oompliance standayd; if the percent listed in Row ! , Column 4 90within 3% of Row l

p column , tn ' provi s a g arget wîthin which eompliance is likely.

%' .

erincipal': ssgnature: 4- Dave: - I-3 - / V

Copyrlgbt lgW. 'deol Spenyr lno.r Titlo IX alyd Gendcr Eqtity Spccialisls. AII righîg t'eïit,rlœi. '


SUM M ARY PROGRAM CHART 2PArqçipatiqB Opporsunities Tess Twp

Columa 1 Colamn ; Column 3 Cplnmn 4 Cojumn 5

Number Number oi- Number of Number of Peretut ofProgram of Teams Participants Teams Added Partkipants Total

sinee the Added Sfnce PartjcipationCarrentlybeglnning pf the begianing By sex AddedOfferedthe 2:07-7:03 orthe 2(*2- Since thesehool year z0p3 School beginning of

Year the 20(2-20:3school vear

GIRLS R@w 1 vlrsity: 7 , 60 1 4

Row 2 Jxvv: 3 28 1 0Row 3 frosh: 1 6 0 0


'J e ' . .Row 4 tbtal: 11 94 2 4 i. <


! '1

% ' âBOYS Row 5 varslty: 7 85 0 0 .

Row 6 j.v,: 3 40 0 0

Row 7 frosh: 1 0 0 0 :,

Row 8 total: 11 125 0 0 #


For Column 1, list the numker ofjunior varsity, and freshman). For5, 6, and 7 jnto Row 8.For Coldmn 2, list

interscholastic teams offered for girls afld boys at eachgitls, total each of the enfries in Rpws 1, 2, and 3 into competilive level tvmsjty,Row 4, For boys, tolal Rows

tlle number of participants at each level, For girls, total eac,h of the entlies in Rows 1 ? 2, atlçl 3 into

Row 4. F'or boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 imo Row 8. Note) The tofals in Row 4 for girls and in Row â for boys must beIie same as the totals in Form 4'-1, Colmrfrl 3, Rows 1 and 2 respectively.For Column 3, list tlae numbet of interscholastic teams that have been added in the last Gve yeafs at each competilivelevel. Count each tea.m added dming the 5 year period only one time. e-g. Girl's junior varsity soooer was added 3years ago, count thk team only once, not 3 times, Fûr girlg, total the entries in Rows 1 , 2, and 3 into Row 4, For boys,total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into R0w 8.For Column 4, lf$'t the number of pm icipants that ate cnrrently on each level of the teams that were added in the last5ve years. Jf a team was added previously but no longer exists, tlzere are no current pm-ticipants to bû addzz for thatteam. For girls, toul th4 tnnits in Rows lp 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Column 5, calculate the percentage of participants that have been added in the lasî five years. For girls, take tllttumber in Cclumn 4) Row 4 and divide by thc number in Column 2, Row 4. For boys, take the numbet in Column 4

,Row 8 and divide it by lb.e number in Column 2, Row 8.

Note! If the perctntage of current pm icipantô' added in the last five years is 25% or greater, compliance wit'h Test Two

may be possible. lf lesg tJ/R 25% then compliance with Test Three should be aualyzed. C TION: 25% is not afonnal compliance standard.


Principal's Signature: A Date; V ''-* / X '* O C

Cgpyft/t 1999. Good ugtvlâ'd Inc.. rf//p bY asd Grnlfcr fquit.y xî/ccf/lfsl-v. Al1 rights resmwed.



Partidpatioa Opportunitlo Teyt n ree



W es / No) @es / No)

1. For a ypbrt Iyot turrently pfreretl, is there suo cien: lnterest, NO NObased l)h your most retexàt Student Ixterest Survey, to form svisble ipterscholastk 'enm baged on sîutsept respoases from theintemcholastic survey? If yes, what gport?

z. For a sport eurm ntly olered af'tlle vargity level only, js tllere NO NOI'll ieMt Is' teresi bkiet! tm #dMf loàt réceht stizdéilv IntèréitSu C ,

survvy, to form a viable team fnr fï junior varsity or freghmanteam that is npf currently offerrd?

3. For a sport uo-t currently offered in your intexsclzolastle N0 NOathlefits program, is tberê sufficient interest to form a viabieintencholastit te:m bazed on partkipafion on an intramum lteam or eom lpaulty reereation teams?

42 For a sport curreatly offered at tbe juaipr vatsjl or freshmlm NO NOlevel is therk suflidknt ixyterest, bM ed on your most recentstptdent lntkmst Survey, to form a varsity team not cnrrentlyoffered?

5. If yotl answeretl YES to question (1), G), (3), gr (4), ar* there NO NOentmgh high gthools irt yohr geogmphic area offm-ân: the opop-t(at the appropriRte level) $o alyov for the dêvelopment of ltreasonable ,chedule of com pvthion?

T :

rinelpal's Signnturet Date: * l ''P

Copyright i 99% Good Sports' Inc'' Dile X and Ggndcr .Cn uft.y Spzelalïsts'. AlI t'igllts reselxed.



Levely Qf Competition 'r444 471 :

Column 1 Colump 7 Column 3Team Nqmber of Tesms Number of Percerfnge of

Girls Leveb Currently Offered Pprticipan'ls Partkcipants a: EathLevel

y , yq o ysoRow 3 varsttz: .

R@w ; j.v.: 3 28 29.8%

R*w 3 frosh: 1 6 6.4%

R W 4 totlt): 94 ' ''T z

Bo sR@w 5 varsity: 7 86 68%

Row 6 j.v.: 3 30 24%

Row 7 frosh: 1 10 8%

Row 8 total) 125. . 1

1) Column 1 , Iist the nu' mber of interscholasîic teams bfered for girls aud boys at eacs competitive level;varsity, junior varsity! and freshman, (Reftr to Forni T-2, Accommodation of lnterests and Abilitîes,Svmma!'y Prop'am Chart 2, Column 1.)

2) For Column 2, list the nume r of participants at each levd. For girls, total tlw entries in Row' s l , 2, and 3into Row 4.. For boys, tGal the entries in Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. (Refer to Fol'm T-2)Accommodation of Interes'ts and Abilhies, Summmy Prop'am Chart 2, Column 2.)

3) For Column 3 calculate the percentage of female and male partlcipants at eacll level.: .For girls' varslty, jtmior vm sity, and frosh, respectively:

. Divide Column 2, Row 1 by Column 2, Row 4, and place the percentagt in Column 3, Row 1 .Divide Column 2) Row 2 by Column 2, Row 4, aràd plate the percentage in Column 3, Row 2.Divide Column 2, Row 3 by Column 2, Row 4, and plôte the percentage in Cojumn 3, Row 3.

For boys' vafsity, junior varsity, arz frosh, respqctivdy:Divîde Column 2, Row 5 by Column 2, Row sj afld plaoe the percenuge in Column 3, Row 5.Dividt Colunm 2, Row 6 by C lumn 2) Row 8, and place the percent-tge in Column 3, Row 6.Div/de Column 2, Row 7 1um 2, Row 8 d placc Q pezcentage in Column 3, Row 7.

Princlpju's Sigpaturer . Dale: X*Z3 '-'-9Copyright 1999t Good Sror'l.v, Inc.è rft/a LY and Ggade?. Stptff.y Specialists. All r/g;l/l resvrpect

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200.64 09- 1 K H SM TITLE IX AT-H LETICS AITD ITClzecldlst - Overall Interscholastk Athletics Prpem m

DIM CTIONS:For tlw Areaz ofcompliapee (Oyportanjties and Benejm) listed on the left hand side nf the pagû, platttt eheekammk under the apprppnate etlumn jdeutifyjng whefher your school provjded an advantage totphe Girls' Prqgram, f)r 10 lhe Boys' Program er to Neither Progrem.


Areas of Com pliance: GIR1,& BOYS' NEITMRRPROG PROG PROG

. . '

:11- 1 ' ' J ' fl j I - l if I l)l ' ' ' l l l l . '; ! ! i ' 11 J! 1 i 'r l ! ! I I $ ' l 'tOPPORTUNITIES y . ' ' . ! j r, ) ,1 $, ti. . , . I1IAccommodation of lnîemst and Abililies X

' .

j ' IIj j j ' jl )j( j ) j jj jp j t j 'j j t ) y j I jjlj jtjj lj j jj j j j j jtjjj jj'jl' ( 'j $j kj''j jj j51E3k JIEIZ.EI?''' l1i:: JIEC' JI( 'JI(' 11!;k . . . , I y 1. ! , I . I j, ,, ) J , I ;, r , $ kl ., .$? - .Equipment and Supplies X

Szheduiing bf Games and Practîce Time x

Travel and Pet Diem Allowénces X

Coacbing X

Looker Rooms, Practjce X

and Com etitive Facillties .

Medical And Training Facilities X

and Services

Puhlicity X

Support Ser-vices N/A

Athletio Soholarships X

Tutering X

Housing and Dining Facilities N/Aatld Services

Recmitment of Student Atbletes N/A

% . a. Z .& yPrineipxlls Siglmtqt'e; W..e- Date:


Cppyrlght $999) Glwd>orts. 7=., Tllle IA'tMIJ GgzltlrF-gsfly'.slpgckz/fâ'a. AII rights reserved-

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Summaa of Student Responses

KHSAASonn T63kev. 111/06

Harlan High SchoolSchool Nam e: - -

Enrollment(9-12 G-T:#e): . (SHOULD AVN E WJT!J N BM Tnl, COLUMN 1, ROW 3)

Namber of 9-11 Grade Studtnîs SRrve..ye.-d.-:-461

Number of 8* Grade sfudehts Sarveyed: 574/5/07

Date:Kevin Ball

Com plued By: . ,.p- -

znstructiens)1. summarize the Smdent Atlzletics lsterest Survtys Pol'm T-6l by listing the tolal number

of responses on the line next to each spmlk2. Under the Other Categûry pleage provide a lisîing of the sports as weil as the number of

students who are interested in participating,3. Please sign. ànd date tbis Sllmmary Folm (T-63) aod mail this Stzmmarv Form onlv to theKHSAA by Aprîl 1 5, 2007. Do not mail tlw smdens smveys tForm T-61). However, theseForms should be makntained in your files ia the event they aze requested subsequerltly.

rj t' ) ,?, -218 Number of surveys Iï?vl82 Tptal Returned (A ?r?f/;l/?7Nm of80% return is eyected)à-1 1 Cvades survcytd Ahould be grades .Q-7,? and 8'' p'a#e fschool Jlc.& afeeder system)

How W as The Survey Administemd? Advi?or/Advisteje-g- was If gwen in aI1 English clssses, or alI Ilolne rooms, or advisee/advisor'?)

KHSAA sanctioned Fall Sports (fzflt Total Number ofparticipation Relrtpnzc.tl4 Cross Cotmtry (Oivls)19 Cross Cotmtry ( oys)42 Football (Boys)l Golf (Girls)1. 1 Golf (Boys)20 Soecer (Oi!1s)24 Soccer (Boys)/2 Volleyball (Oir1s)

gummay'y Page No. 1

.:WNter Spou (f îst Total Number c/ Participaklon Rgspohseh

26 Basketball (Girls)30 Basketball (Boys)8 Indoor Track (Oir1s)9 Indoor Track (Boys)23 Swhmning & Diving (Girlg)12 S'wimming & Divipg (Boys)23 W restling (Boys)

Fon)) T-43Rev. l 0/û6

Sprjng Sport (L ist Total Numb6r ofparticipadon Responsesj

27 Basoball (Boys)23 Fast Pitch Stdball (Girls)5 Slow Phch Sortbaàl (Gir1s)15 Tmnnis (GjHs)

..7J.- --- Tennis (Boys)) 4 Track (Gir1s)25 Track (Bpys)

ktlsà.i èhampprmshàp sports (From s'/vlcr?/ Survèk T-61 Oz/djlfor/ 7p)àon-

46 Archeîy1 r Field Hockey(9 Bowling6 Czyumastits (Boys)34 Gynmastics (Gir1s)38 Ice Hockty

30 Lacrosse (Boys)3 Lacrosse (Gk1s)49 Rifle3 1 Rodeo16 Volleyball (Boys)

W ater Polo31 W ejghtlifting

Number of Student: Mrho participate in Intramuraë Sports(From Student Sutwey T-61 Qzfeyf/pa 5)

Sum mary Pege No- 2

. ....Li:t Intramural Spûrts students are interested hx addlng:(From Student zs-z/?nze.y' T-61 Question 67


Form 4.43

./Nv, 10/06

Participptsoq in Non-scllopl Sports Adivitivs(From Student â'sfmze.v T-6l Question 7)

Reagons for not parfieipating in interschoiastic qthletics(From xvxrvc.y Question 8)

16 I prefer other Activjtjes sqch hs band. chorus, etc.35 I don'î have time16 Thq practice sclwdtlles and game times are inconvenient14 The sport I like lsn't offvred5 R's too expensive6 I prefer to participate in club or intramuzal sports18 W orking17 Other:

Studônt Suggestions to mncourage participatjon

. s- ..- g -pPrinci i's Sigàat e Date

Sumaary Page No.3