You’Ve Got The Power

You’ve Got the You’ve Got the Power.. Power..

Transcript of You’Ve Got The Power

Page 1: You’Ve Got The Power

You’ve Got the You’ve Got the Power..Power..

Page 2: You’Ve Got The Power

Which is more Powerful?Which is more Powerful?

An Onion An Onion

Or Tomato?Or Tomato?

Let’s Find out…Let’s Find out…

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When you rub the onion on your When you rub the onion on your hand, the onion makes your hand hand, the onion makes your hand stink… water cannot get the stink off.stink… water cannot get the stink off.

But Tomato juice can…But Tomato juice can… So which is stronger?So which is stronger? The only thing to get the stink of sin The only thing to get the stink of sin

off of us, is the blood of of us, is the blood of Jesus.

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Our Text today… Our Text today…

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh according to the power that worketh in us,in us,

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Δυναμις dunamis Δυναμις dunamis 1) strength 1) strength power, abilitypower, ability

It is the same Greek Word It is the same Greek Word from which we get the word from which we get the word dynamite….dynamite….

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Our text says, God will do more than we Our text says, God will do more than we can ask or think, but it is according to can ask or think, but it is according to the power that worketh in us! the power that worketh in us!

No matter what the stressful event No matter what the stressful event you're going through, if you're a child of you're going through, if you're a child of God, YOU'VE GOT THE POWER! AND THE God, YOU'VE GOT THE POWER! AND THE POWER IS WORKING IN YOU!POWER IS WORKING IN YOU!

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But Satan likes to try to steal But Satan likes to try to steal this power from us…this power from us…

He will convince you that you are He will convince you that you are weak…weak…

That you are worthless…That you are worthless… That you will fail…That you will fail… That all is hopeless…That all is hopeless… That he is more powerful than God…That he is more powerful than God… But in truth… he is a slithering coward But in truth… he is a slithering coward

that likes to play with mirrors and that likes to play with mirrors and smoke screens…smoke screens…

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Let’s look at the power we Let’s look at the power we have…have…

And let’s see what power is And let’s see what power is available to us…available to us…

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Then let’s use this Power Then let’s use this Power to blow the gates off of to blow the gates off of

Hell! And make this Hell! And make this church a church you church a church you

can be proud of!can be proud of!

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The Power of the Word!The Power of the Word!Mark 12:24 - Mark 12:24 - And Jesus answering said And Jesus answering said

unto them, Do ye not therefore err, unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? neither the power of God?

You will always err (make a mistake) when You will always err (make a mistake) when you don't do what the Bible says!you don't do what the Bible says!

Hebrews 4:12 - Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. of the heart.

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1 Thess. 2:13 - For this cause also thank we God 1 Thess. 2:13 - For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.worketh also in you that believe.

John 15:7 - If ye abide in me, and my words John 15:7 - If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.shall be done unto you.

This is what Paul was speaking of in our text, This is what Paul was speaking of in our text, "He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we "He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we

can ask or think, according to the power that can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us!”worketh in us!”

The power of the Word of God is your weapon against The power of the Word of God is your weapon against the devil. It is the Sword of the Spirit! THE POWER OF the devil. It is the Sword of the Spirit! THE POWER OF THE WORD WILL GET YOUR PRAYERS ANSWERED!THE WORD WILL GET YOUR PRAYERS ANSWERED!

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The Word is the Weapon Jesus The Word is the Weapon Jesus used…used…

(Matthew 4:4) But he answered and said, It is (Matthew 4:4) But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.mouth of God.

(Matthew 4:7) Jesus said unto him, It is written (Matthew 4:7) Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

(Matthew 4:10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get (Matthew 4:10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.thou serve.

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It is the one weapon that is It is the one weapon that is listed in Eph 6listed in Eph 6

Paul lists the pieces of armor we Paul lists the pieces of armor we must have to do Spiritual Warfare must have to do Spiritual Warfare against Satan and the word of God is against Satan and the word of God is the only of weapon listed…the only of weapon listed…

(Ephesians 6:17) And take the (Ephesians 6:17) And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:the Spirit, which is the word of God:

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The Power of the Gospel!The Power of the Gospel!Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the

gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

1 Cor. 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross 1 Cor. 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. us which are saved it is the power of God.

II Tim. 1:8 - Be not thou therefore ashamed II Tim. 1:8 - Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; power of God;

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Satan wants you to be ashamed of the Satan wants you to be ashamed of the Gospel. He wants you to be embarrassed Gospel. He wants you to be embarrassed to witness to your friends. to witness to your friends.

You say, "I'm shy." You're not shy-you're You say, "I'm shy." You're not shy-you're ashamed-and the shame is on you! ashamed-and the shame is on you!

BE BOLD!BE BOLD!The gospel is the power of God to save! And The gospel is the power of God to save! And

you have that power working in you to you have that power working in you to reach your friends and relatives for Christ! reach your friends and relatives for Christ! THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL WILL SAVE THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL WILL SAVE


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The Power of Prayer! The Power of Prayer! James 5:16-18 - James 5:16-18 - The effectual fervent prayer of a The effectual fervent prayer of a

righteous man availeth much. [17] righteous man availeth much. [17] Elias was a man Elias was a man subject to like passions as we aresubject to like passions as we are, and he prayed , and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. the earth by the space of three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruitand the earth brought forth her fruit..

The Bible says Elijah was just like us! Friend, we have the The Bible says Elijah was just like us! Friend, we have the power of Elijah! The power of Elijah was the power of power of Elijah! The power of Elijah was the power of prayer!prayer!

How many times this past week has God answered your How many times this past week has God answered your prayers… prayers…

Then don't you think He'll answer your prayer request this Then don't you think He'll answer your prayer request this morning? morning? THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL BRING THE ANSWER ON THE THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL BRING THE ANSWER ON THE


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The Power of the BloodThe Power of the BloodRev. 12:11 - And they overcame him by the blood Rev. 12:11 - And they overcame him by the blood

of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. and they loved not their lives unto the death.

There is a phrase that we seldom hear anymore, There is a phrase that we seldom hear anymore, and that may be the reason why some are and that may be the reason why some are

having trouble getting victory over Satan. That having trouble getting victory over Satan. That phrase is, "PLEAD THE BLOOD!"phrase is, "PLEAD THE BLOOD!"

We should plead the blood over our children, over We should plead the blood over our children, over our homes, over our Automobiles, over our our homes, over our Automobiles, over our



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Satan and his Demons are Satan and his Demons are real…real…

Jesus said so…Jesus said so… They are not happy with us… They are not happy with us… They will attack us…They will attack us…

But Guess what ….But Guess what ….


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Matthew 16:15-19Matthew 16:15-19

(15) He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?(15) He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?(16) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art (16) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art

the Christ, the Son of the living God.the Christ, the Son of the living God.(17) And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed (17) And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed

art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed not revealed [it][it] unto thee, but my Father which is unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

(18) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, (18) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

(19) And I will give unto thee the keys of the (19) And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.loosed in heaven.

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A Few things from this A Few things from this passage…passage…

Our church is built on the faith that Our church is built on the faith that Jesus is God…Jesus is God…

A church that is built on that A church that is built on that foundation will destroy Satan’s foundation will destroy Satan’s kingdom… The gates will fall!!! kingdom… The gates will fall!!!

We have the power to do this… The We have the power to do this… The POWER to do this… notice this POWER to do this… notice this verse…verse…

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(19) And I will give unto thee the keys of the (19) And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

You have the power within you to destroy You have the power within you to destroy Satan’s kingdom…Satan’s kingdom…

You can do ALL things through Christ You can do ALL things through Christ which strenthens you!which strenthens you!

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The Power of the Holy Ghost!The Power of the Holy Ghost!Acts 1:8 - But ye shall receive power, after that the Acts 1:8 - But ye shall receive power, after that the

Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. part of the earth.

The power of the Holy Ghost is the key to The power of the Holy Ghost is the key to overcoming Satan effectivelyovercoming Satan effectivelyYou'll never live a true Christian life without the You'll never live a true Christian life without the

Holy Ghost!Holy Ghost!Rom 15:13 - Now the God of hope fill you with all Rom 15:13 - Now the God of hope fill you with all

joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Do you need joy, peace and hope? Do you need joy, peace and hope? THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST WILL FILL YOUR THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST WILL FILL YOUR


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The Power of the Resurrection!The Power of the Resurrection!Phil. 3:10 - That I may know him, and the Phil. 3:10 - That I may know him, and the

power of his resurrection, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; conformable unto his death;

Paul said, "I want to know everything there Paul said, "I want to know everything there is to know about my Lord!"is to know about my Lord!"

Before you can stand at Calvary, you have Before you can stand at Calvary, you have to go through go through Gethsemane.

But thank God, we don't just know Christ in But thank God, we don't just know Christ in the fellowship of His sufferings-the fellowship of His sufferings-


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Rom. 8:11 - But if the Spirit of him that raised up Rom. 8:11 - But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. dwelleth in you.

I John 3:2 - Beloved, now are we the sons of I John 3:2 - Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. he is.

YOU'VE EVEN GOT THE POWER TO OVERCOME YOU'VE EVEN GOT THE POWER TO OVERCOME DEATH …You just haven't needed it yet!DEATH …You just haven't needed it yet!

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You might say, "But I feel so weak." You might say, "But I feel so weak." The Bible says, "Let the weak say, I The Bible says, "Let the weak say, I

am strong!" am strong!" Paul said, "When I'm weak, then I am Paul said, "When I'm weak, then I am

strong, because the power of Christ strong, because the power of Christ rests upon me!"rests upon me!"

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Are you facing a situation that Are you facing a situation that you seem powerless to you seem powerless to

overcome?overcome? Is sin holding you back?Is sin holding you back? Does life seem to dump on you all Does life seem to dump on you all

the time?the time? Are you worried about something?Are you worried about something? Do you not feel as close to God as Do you not feel as close to God as

you once did?you once did?

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Then take hold of the Power of Then take hold of the Power of God that is within you…God that is within you…

Utilize the POWER of God’s word…Utilize the POWER of God’s word… Trust in the POWER of the Gospel…Trust in the POWER of the Gospel… Exercise the POWER of prayer…Exercise the POWER of prayer… Plead the POWER of the Blood…Plead the POWER of the Blood… Go in the POWER of the Holy Ghost…Go in the POWER of the Holy Ghost… Live in the POWER of the Live in the POWER of the


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Let’s pray…Let’s pray…