You’ve Got Some Nerve!!!

You’ve Got Some Nerve!!! Exploring the depths of your nervous system! By: Rosaida Rosado & Becka Hoadrea


You’ve Got Some Nerve!!!. Exploring the depths of your nervous system!. By: Rosaida Rosado & Becka Hoadrea. Why is it important?. Controls senses essential to life, like breathing, movement, and coordinates parts of the body and organs. Components of Nervous System. Types of Nervous Systems. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of You’ve Got Some Nerve!!!

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You’ve Got Some Nerve!!!

Exploring the depths of your nervous system!

By: Rosaida Rosado & Becka Hoadrea

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Why is it important?

Controls senses essential to life, like breathing,

movement, and coordinates parts of the

body and organs.

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Components of Nervous System

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Types of Nervous Systems

Nervous Systems: Central, Peripheral, Somatic, Autonomic, Sympathetic, and Parasympathetic.Central: Contains the brain and spinal cord.

Peripheral: Sensory receptors, nerves, and motor endings.

Somatic: Sensory neurons that help the joints and muscles.

Autonomic: Motor system for exocrine glands.Sympathetic: Helps the body deal with stress.

Parasympathetic: Conserve resources and maintain homeostasis.

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Anatomy & PhysiologyAllows you to feel, and see, and move, and


It keeps all the body functions harmonized.

Brain is the control center.

In charge of involuntary and voluntary movement.

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Alcohol!Depressant on the Central Nervous System.

Factors that effect the affect: age, gender, amount of food intake, body’s condition, and any other drugs or

medications being taken.

Effects include, but are not limited to: body relaxation, less tension, slows reflexes, impairs concentration, slur

speech, alter emotions, cause drowsiness, vomiting, breathing difficulties, and in worst case, coma.

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Alzheimer's disease- occurs in brain(confusion,restlessness, impaired

speech, etc)

ALS-occurs in spinal chord and brain(twitching, muscle cramps, fatigue, etc)

MS-occurs in central nervous system(numbness weakness, dizziness, etc)

Parkinson’s disease-occurs in the brain(tremors, slowness in movement, lack

of balance, etc)

Epilepsy and Seizures- occurs in the brain(jerking, stiffness, confusion, etc)

Diseases and Disorders

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Diseases & DisordersAlzheimer's: Affects the Brain. Deterioration

and forgetfulness.

Down Syndrome: Chromosomal disorder. Extra chromosome that causes developmental problems and a different appearance.

Muscle Cramps: When the voluntary movements of the body have a spasm, then the muscle is

affected and tightens, causing pain.

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Marijuana!Contains over 400 chemicals that alter the CNS.

THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana because it affects the brain by binding to and

activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors.

Scientists have concluded that it can have an effect on brain functions because the chemicals

tend to alter the chemical makeup of your brain.

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Heroin!Heroin begins to work in 7 to 8 seconds when it is

injected through a vein. If it is injected through a muscle, then the effects take longer,

about 5 to 8 minutes.

The main ingredient is opium.

Most users inject heroin into their veins. Addiction is quick because the drug instantly is able to get to the Nervous System and change

the brains chemical makeup.

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