
Y #35 February 1, 2015 Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening © Advt. Pages 11-12 The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behaviour. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behaviour. Maxwell Maltz Dear Readers Greetings! With a little image make-over, your Ymag is in your hands with its 35 th edition. We thought about keeping IMAGE as a centre theme of the eMag. What we do? What we say? How we say? How we look? All contribute to our image building and decline, be it an Individual, an organization or even the country. We have all so much to do and undo to create a “Swatcch, Swasth, Safal, Saksham and Swavlambi Bharat.” WhY now? WhY not? Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor [email protected] 9810211256. Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe A2Z Actions to boost your self- confidence and Image 2-7 I-OCCUPY- Myself 8-10

Transcript of Ymag35

Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©


vt. Pages 1



The 'self-image' is the key to human

personality and human

behaviour. Change the self image and you

change the personality and

the behaviour.

Maxwell Maltz

Dear ReadersGreetings!With a little image make-over, your Ymag is in your hands with its 35th edition. We thought about keeping IMAGE as a centre theme of the eMag.What we do?What we say?How we say?How we look?All contribute to our image building and decline, be it an Individual, an organization or even the country. We have all so much to do and undo to create a “Swatcch, Swasth, Safal, Saksham and Swavlambi Bharat.”WhY now? WhY not?Cheers,

Rajiv [email protected] 9810211256.

Behaviour is the mirror in

which everyone

shows their image.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A2Z Actions to boost your self-confidence and Image




Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to

boost your self-confidence

and Image

A Act and remain positive

Easier said than done. Especially if you have been enjoying the entire burden of the world or nurturing a feeling that the entire world is conspiring to act against you. Block your silly thoughts and launchyourself as an actor. If you can’t make it fake it. Look positive. Stay like that. Gradually you will fall in line and start enjoying yourself.

B Build and nurture good relations

‘Satsang’ is not just praying together. Getting into the company of good and positive looking people has it’s impact. Invest in it. Nurture the relations. Give more and you will be very well rewarded.

C Correct your body posture

Stand tall. Use your energy levels. Take charge of your body. Stop slouching. Look into the eyes. Develop an assertive hand shake. Imagine that a rope is pulling the top of your head towards the sky, and the rest of your body will straighten accordingly. Keep a check on yourself and keep correcting unless you form this new habit. Seek the help of your confidante’ to discreetly point your occasional laxity.

D Dress to express

Stop thinking that expensive clothes and Page3 dress sense works. Stay simple, clean and uncrumpled. Ensure that no foul body odour emanates from you. Develop your own style and hues yet avoid going overboard.Rajiv Khurana








Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to boost

your self-confidence and Image

E Express your gratitude

You are not Robinson Crusoe to live alone. You need people to live with you. They work for you. Do you thank them or do you think that you are God’s gift to humanity and the lesser mortals are expected to work for you, diligently? Develop the attitude of gratitude. Say nice things and see the magic which unfolds.

F Finishiate what you initiate

Whenever you start something, take it to the natural conclusion. The end. This will convert you into a results-oriented achiever. Avoid excuses. Excuses have no uses.

G Groom your soft skills

Schools and colleges may miss out in the race towards marks. Life won’t. If you and the other fellow have similar marks, the one who demonstrates better soft skills would always win. Brush up your language, communication skills, Leadership and organising skills and ensure that you treat your time well. Packaging matters. Keep improving or else you may get passed over. Think and practice before important communications.

H Honour commitments

Keep repeating the Salman Khan’s dialogue, “Ek baar meincommitment kardun to mein apni bhi nahi sunta [Once I have given my commitment then I don’t even listen to myself]”. Be a man of words. People will take you seriously. Don’t just recite Lord Rama, “Raghukul riti sada chali aayee, pran jaye par vachanna jaye [The policy of the family has been that promises given are more valuable than life].” Practice it.

Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to boost

your self-confidence and Image

I Introspect your principles and live them

Your family gave you ‘sanskaars’. Your upbringing nurtured your values. You might have discovered your principles to stand-by. If not, dig deep and find out. Stick by them. For example, if ethics are important to you, don’t compromise, come what may. Principles and values are not lip service. They make you stronger from inside. Live with the power that you possess.

J Join an eager group with similar needs

Look around and you will discover many with similar needs. Create or join the group. The bonding and commitment will be stronger. The improvements and celebrations will be more meaningful. Try.

K Keep a good humour

Everyone likes a good laugh. Look at the TRPs of many laughter programmes. Even action heroes are working on comedies. Enjoy a big laugh. Before you laugh at others, try it out on your own. People will accept you as a large hearted person. They may laugh with you and they may respect you much more. Ensure that the humour remains healthy and worthy. Skip vulgarity. Refrain from mind-less WhatsApp forwards.

L Lead an active lifestyle

We all know, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Irrespective of the schedules you keep, keep yourself engaged. Look and stay busy with meaningful activities that may add meaning to your short and long term goals. Peoplewatch you for what you do or fail to do. Make your actions speak.

Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to boost

your self-confidence and Image

M Motivate yourself for the day. Every day.

Why should you look for encouragement from outside? You are the owner of your own personality. Challenge yourself daily and work on your intrinsic motivation. Enjoy the accomplishments on daily basis with a pat on your own back or appreciating yourself in front of the mirror. If you still feel the need for the external stimuli, start motivating others. It will come back!

N Neutralize negativity and people around

Whatever you may think about yourself, it will happen. Stop acting as the cry baby. Identify the naysayers and sourful souls around you and keep a distance. The farther you are the better it is for you.

O Out perform your goals

Keep a tough goal and then beat it. It could be in the form of timeline, quality, costs or even impact. Be a champion performer like Sergei Bubkawho enjoyed beating his own world records in pole vault. Every time you out perform yourself, every time you get ready for a newer and tougher challenge. This makes you stronger and self-delighter.

P Put a stop to your procrastination

It is easy to put out the actions for tomorrow and the tomorrow will never come. The pending list of actions attracting your attention will keep haunting you. Take the bull by it’s horns. Use your pull. Attack the unfinished agenda and finish off. The relief may make you ready for more.

Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to boost

your self-confidence and Image

Q Quit a bad habit: keep quitting

An action repeated becomes a habit. A habit becomes a behaviour. If you find habits like smoking etc., tough to quit, try a different version. Start forming a new habit. Not smoking is also a habit. Use your internal strength and motivation to get started to form the new habit of not smoking. Research says, an action regularly repeated 29 times helps you form a new habit. Try with all the irksome things.

R Read more and share more

Become a voracious reader. This will help you improve your knowledge, language and expression. Share what you learn and the learning multiplies manifold. Seek the learning from others too.

S Smile and be infectious

It takes 14 muscles of your face to smile and 79 muscles to frown. Conserve your energy. Improve your face value. The more you smile, the more smiles keep coming back at you. I know you have started practicing your smile right now.

T Tolerate ambiguity and stop brooding

Things will never move the way you desire them to move. Be tolerant.Accept people and situations as they are. Avoid being critical in public. If needed, speak with people alone and share your expectations. Remain patient for situations to change.

U Undergo periodic introspection/review

Monitoring progress is very vital. Taking feedback is equally important. Sit back and relax to go through the progress you have made. Invite the feedback of people around you who are well intended and eager to help you. Your own formed/joined help group could also play a vital role.

Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS


A2Z Actions to boost

your self-confidence and Image

V Volunteer and help others

There are many voluntary organisations and associations which may take advantage of your competence. Offer them help. The small and big accomplishments will boost you. At least you will not belong to the cadre of people who only thrive on drawing room, class room or cafeteria discussions about the ailments of our society.

W Work on small portions of big projects

Can you eat an elephant? Yes. In small portions. Each big project looks like the size of the elephant. In smaller chunks, you can bite it easy anddigest it easy. Rome was not built in a day. No body expects you bring overnight transformation in results. Just get started.

X ‘Xcercise and stay fit

Avoid compromising on your health. Do anything and everything to stay fit. Eat right. Keep stress at bay. Rest regularly. Rejuvenate periodically. If nothing else, wear your smart phone and go for a long walk in your nearby park. This solitude may become golden.

Y Yearn to learn more and keep improving

Learn-Unlearn-Relearn. Understand the power of remodelling yourself. Apply this to all your knowledge and skills. Expand your mental horizon to acquire new skills. Remember, in the success journey you have to always cycle uphill.

Z Zoom ahead with your zest for life

Materialistic comforts are not alone to enhance happiness. Nature’s bounty are manifold. All free. Enjoy the moments from sunrise to sunset and under the umbrella of stars. The more you enjoy the more you charge and empower yourself. Zoom with people. This is not competitive.

Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC


ctual P



Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS



ObsessiveCompulsiveCell-phoneUsage toPissYou


Cell-phone is the greatest gift by man to

humanity. The best way to show the world

with my ‘look-busy-stay-easy’ attitude.

Imagine the state of the world if EVE had

chosen a different apple that we all cherish

today! This could have resulted into an-

engagement-of-a-different-kind. Much to the

comfort for the mankind. Steve Jobs, you

missed the opportunity by few million years!!

I love my cell phone. Who doesn’t?

I care not what people think. They dare not

tell me what to do. My cell phone is my little

world. Dhiru Bhai said, “Karlo duniya mutthi

mein.” Since then, I have been keeping a

strong grip on my cell phone.

I dislike meddling with the affairs of people

around. I confine myself to my own

occupation. Simple. Straight. Solid.


Meetings are a great place especially for the

eating…and ofcourse heating of the boss

who is perpetually perturbed about things he

picks up as ‘not happening’ from the

mountain of ‘happenings’. This is the best

time to pretend ‘an important customer

texting’ and move into the peaceful oasis of

solitude amidst the desert of deserting


Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS



I love training. Especially

when the high decibel

trainer gets into his

unending monologue. It’s a

great art to check my-world

on the 4.5 inches of smart

screen. I lead and others

follow. Many take out their

small and big smarties to

check their degree of

belongingness and

longingness with the world

around. Poor trainer. Can’t

even check his status. Pity.


I am a social

animal…nah… a self-

proclaimed social Page3.

People love to be in touch

with me, often, on my

pestering. This happens

when I am in a completely

different social setting.

Imagine the impressions I

create. The gratitude is

writ-large for taking out my

precious time for them.


I love my classroom. A lot

happens and more can

happen. Generations ago, I

am told, they used to play

‘tic-tac-toe’ or send love

slips across the rows. How

primitive! Today text has

taken a hit. Emoticons and

mono-syllabi matter. Quick

– Impactful – Customized.

Try it if you are not old

enough to learn the lingo.

What can the teacher say!

We are surfing the net.


I love going to restaurants.

Eating, meeting and

fleeting is a great time

pass for the time starved

society. The un-expected is

always welcomed. The

chance intrusions are

great ego boosters. So

what if I am in the loo busy

doing other things. This too

is urgency. Speaking loud

while eating out is a great



Y#35 February 1, 2015

Window for action loving PROFESSIONALS




I love movies. Bollywood,

Hollywood, Kollywood,

Nollywood…all are jolly

good. I have stopped

talking loud of late after a

couple of not-so-friendly

kisses with the fists of

fellow movie goers. Still it’s

great fun to see the small

screen with the backdrop

of big screen. How else

would the world know the

expensive mall-theatre I

am sitting in. Plus the

bijnus guys need to be told

what to do with the

deliveries and

subordinates have to be

shouted at in hush-hush

tones. Earlier people used

to move out to answer the

call of nature whenever

the song started. Now,

making a call during the

song has become my



I love driving. This is a

perfect time to call people

who drive you crazy. Don’t

worry of the occasional

crazy looks you get from

the road. If looks could kill

you would have long been

a history. Just be watchful

of the ‘thullas’ you may

encounter. Why put them

through the dilemma of ’to

take or not to take’

Gandhiji printed papers

from you. I like the style of

holding the cell phone in

one hand and waving out

with the other hand. Takes

practice. Don’t worry about

he car. It will surely take

you. Somewhere!



place conceivable from

temples to shopping to

kitty parties to political

gatherings to even when

the National Anthem is on.

Marriage or Cremations

not withstanding. Match

me if you can. Beat me.

You Can’t. I remain the


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Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening

at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.

Visit us at thepersonnellab.comto know more about our consulting facilitation.

Better call us at 9810211256 .

Rajiv KhuranaCMC, FIMC

[email protected]

©Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening