Yieldify Mobile

Yieldify mobile PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Nicolas Bertalotto

Transcript of Yieldify Mobile


Nicolas  Bertalotto  

Overviewq Why  mobile?

qOpportunities  &  Challenges

qA  different  way  to  shop

qMobile  product  line

qCase  product:  Yieldify Android  SDK



Why  mobile?

oMobile  usage  has  boomedo 80%  of  Internet  users  owns  a  smartphone

o Better  understand  customer’s  online  journeyo Connect  anonymous  visits  with  registered  users

o Offering  a  complete  omnichannel solutiono Expected  by  marketers  and  customers

Opportunities  &  Challenges


ØMore  accurate  user  profiling

ØInstant  messaging  to  increase  engagement  (email,  SMS,  app  notification)

ØGeolocation,  drive  traffic  in  store  (71%  of  consumers  used  a  store  locator  on  mobile  [1])


ØDevices  limitation   (screen  size)

ØTouchscreen  (no  mouse  tracking)

ØLack  of  trust  in  mobile  payment  [4]

A  different  way  to  shop

oMobile  users  want  to  buy  quickly  [1]o Remarketing  must  happened   fast

o Fragmented  path  to  purchase:  mobile  is  part  of  a  omnichannel lookup/purchase  processoUser  profiling   should  be  connected  to  data  from  other  channelso Contact  initiated  in  one  channel  can  convert  in  another  one

o Limited  timeoUser  tend  to  use  mobile   in  short  period  of  time  :  “micro-­‐moments”  [3]

Mobile  product  lineMobile  consumption  can  be  split  into  3  main  technological  platforms:

• web  browser• apps  (iOS,  Android,  …)• hybrid  (Cordova/Phonegap)In  each  case,  we  need  to  apply  Yieldify’s core  technical  functions:• behavior   tracking• campaign  display

User  profile,  segmentation,  algorithm,  A/B  testing,  campaign  management  is  common  across  channels  and  performed  on  the  backend.

Hybrid  used  for  low-­‐tier  apps,  yielding  low  ROI.

Mobile  web  browserAn  extension  of  current  Yieldify’s SDK  to  integrate  touchscreen  and  other  mobile  specificities.

o Behavior  tracking

With  no  mouse  movement,  exit-­‐intents  harder  to  detect:  mainly  rely  on  page  unload()  JS  event.

o Campaign  display

Design  should  adapt  to  screen  width-­‐>  Y’s  graphical  elements  to  be  responsive

Mobile  appsSet  of  functions  (SDK/API)  made  available  to  the  clients’  development  team  to  integrate  Yieldify’s features.

o Behavior  tracking

Native  app  functionalities  to  communicate  with  Yieldify’s backend.

o Campaign

Call-­‐to-­‐action  custom  display  (overlay,  banner,…).Possibility  to  deep-­‐link  other  apps  (launch  Facebook/Twitter  to  specific  page).

Yieldify SDK  for  Android  productUnlike  website,  apps  cannot  be  updated  at  will,  campaigns  should  be  communicated  using  the  SDK.

• tracking:  user  behavioral  events  sent  in  real  time  to  Y’s  backend• page  id,  scroll  position,   time  on  page,  search  terms,  basket  details,  conversion   funnel   stage…  

• basket  value  :  item  id,  amount,  price,  discount  applied• in  order  to  prevent  app  hacking,  discounted  price  should  not  be  computed  in-­‐app

• campaign  details:  discount,  conditions,  time  limit

Integration  with  the  backendThe  mobile  offering  will  have  some  implications  on  the  current  infrastructure.

§ Extend  database  to  include  mobile  usage  related  fields  and  geolocation  

§ User  segmentation  include  mobile  platform  use

§More  remarketing  options  (SMS,  notifications):  algorithm  must  choose  the  most  efficient  one

§ Campaign  should  adapt  to  multiscreen  users  (“key  findings”  p.14)

MetricsüOverlays  displayed

üOverlay  click-­‐through  rate

üMobile  remarketing  messages  sent  (by  type)

üRemarketing  click-­‐through  rate

üConversion  rateütotalüusing   the  Android   app  (which  stage  in  the  purchase  journey)üfrom  overlayüfrom  mobile   remarketing

Process• Check  current  pain  points  (talk  to  customers,  Y’s  sales  &  customer  support,  competition)

• Formulate  needs  by  priority:  “low  conversion  on  mobile,  need  to  increase  it”

• Ideation  session  +  feasibility  check  (product  team  &  lead  developers)• Most  valuable  features• Integration  with  current  platform

• Feedback  to  marketing  team  and  upper  management• Internal  communication  only.  Do  not  pre-­‐sale,  product  may  change.

•Writing  user  stories.  Time  estimation.  Prioritization.

• Agile  development.  Releases  in  sprints  and  feedback  incorporating  into  product  backlog.

• QA  and  test  to  small  subset  of  client

Appendix[1]  https://ssl.gstatic.com/think/docs/mobile-­‐path-­‐to-­‐purchase-­‐5-­‐key-­‐findings_research-­‐studies.pdf

• 71%  of  consumers  used  a  store  locator  on  mobile  (p.12)

• 55%  of  consumers  using  mobile  to  research,  want  to  purchase  within  the  hour.  83%  within  a  day  (p.14)

• 93%  of  people  who  use  a  mobile  device  for  research  go  on  to  make  a  purchase  (p.16)

[2]  https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/articles/i-­‐want-­‐to-­‐buy-­‐moments.html

• “Mobile  Has  Reshaped  the  Purchase  Journey”

[3]  https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/articles/how-­‐micromoments-­‐are-­‐changing-­‐rules.html

• “The  successful  brands  of  tomorrow  will  be  those  that  have  a  strategy  for  understanding  and  meeting  consumers'  needs  in  these  micro-­‐moments.”

[4]  http://mefminute.com/2014/11/20/mef-­‐global-­‐consumer-­‐survey-­‐2014-­‐growth-­‐economies-­‐driving-­‐mobile-­‐adoption

• “A  lack  of  trust  remains  the  biggest  obstacle  to  more  people  purchasing  via  their  mobile.”

Key  findings:  mobile  specificGiven  the  fact  that  customers:

o uses  different  channels  on  their  way  to  purchase

o prefer  to  pay  on  desktop

o uses  their  phone  for  quick  product  search

We  can  infer  that  people  have  a  tendency  to  search  a  product  on  mobile  with  purchase  intent,  but  end  up  buying  on  desktop.

Since  the  reason  why  user  abandon  the  purchase  process  on  mobile  is  not  really  price  sensitivity,  marketing  campaign  on  mobile  should  limit  offering  discount  on  exit-­‐intent.Instead,  the  user  could  be  prompted  to  save  his  current  shopping  cart  for  later.This  could  benefit  Y’s  client  ROI  by  giving  away  less  discount  while  still  converting  prospects.

Competitors  about  mobileCompany Claim  to  be  mobile  compliant How

Picreel yes responsive  UI

Upsellit -­‐

Salecycle -­‐

Exit  monitor -­‐

Spring  Metrics -­‐

Granify -­‐

Cartstack -­‐

Yieldify mobile   features  can  also  serve  as  a  differentiation   strategy,  since  virtually  no  competitor  communicate  on  the  subject.