Year 9 PBL Web2.0 project

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a sample of what 15 year olds can do with PBL/Web2.0 in 3 weeks!

Transcript of Year 9 PBL Web2.0 project

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Wired Generation

So what do you think?

Does the Internet Destroy or Develop the minds of young people?

Minh PhamNathanael Balido

Ramesh LakshmanAbhiraj Singh

Sharad Patel

Page 2: Year 9 PBL Web2.0 project

To the Editor,

This is a letter on this topic about “Does the Internet destroy

or develop the minds of young people?” and this letter will be

focusing on the access of the internet all around the world for

everyone and anyone to use. My position in the article is that I

believe that the internet develops the minds of young people

in many ways, the reason being that it is one of the world’s

most leading ways to gather and share information.

All over the world, young people have great access to the

Internet, from as young as maybe 5 years of age. Educators

can use the Internet and upload many training programs for

educate young people, being sure that they are led to the right

site and not being miss leaded to bad inappropriate sites. The

Government has a program called “NetAlert”. NetAlert is

part of the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment

to providing a safe online environment for all families, espe-

cially children. The reasons why they have implemented such a

program are to share advice about protecting children online.

As we all know, computers are becoming very important to

our lives as years progresses, technology is moving faster and

things are going into a virtual world. As for share of informa-

tion, this comes into Global Communication, a subject written

in this special feature, the internet allows young people to

communicate with family and friends from large distances.

The World is a big place, but the Internet makes things much

smaller, convenient, cheaper and faster for everyone.

Minh Pham

Dear editor,

This letter is regarding the special feature article about wired generation (Does the Internet

destroy or develop minds of young people?)

Our group has been researching about wired generation and I believe that the Internet develops

the mind of young people. The Internet is used in our daily life. Even now, for this project, I

need to use the Internet for my research because the Internet has updated information of a

variety of sources. Young people wouldn’t go shopping now because the petrol price is ris-

ing. They can’t afford to pay for the petrol price and their purchases with their pocket money.

Thanks to e-commerce, young people can buy products online. They can go to sites like e-bay

and purchase products for under their budget. Another positive aspect of the Internet is global

communication. Global communication is communicating with people online so young people

can interact with people overseas who they haven’t met before through social community sites.

Make more friends online.

Some people say that the Internet can be used negatively but in my opinion I think that it’s not

the Internets fault but it’s the mistake of each individual. This would come under stage 3 in the

moral development theory as interpersonal relationship. Interpersonal relationship is often re-

ferred to as the “good boy/girl” orientation. This stage is focused on living up to social expecta-

tions and roles. If the individual is good and know that he/ she shouldn’t abuse the privilege of

the internet, then that person would use the internet for the right use.

The Internet is an important resource in our day to day life and develops the mind of young

people. The Internet has updated information and it can save your money from petrol. The

Internet isn’t weird but it’s wired.

Your sincerely

Ramesh Lakshman

To the Editor,

The question that parents are most likely to have trouble answering is Does the inter-

net destroy or develop young minds? f you were in outer space and just returned back

to Earth after 20 years, you would think that children have changed a lot. Children

used to do much more things, more sport more active and I believe it’s just not natural

for children to behave in this way, the internet is their master now not their servant.

I think that the internet does develop the minds of young people but only when they

use it properly, the internet is a amazing resource, it is an encylopedia of knowlledge;

that has no bounds, a profound security above all, establishing it’s self on achieve-

ments that can’t be found anywhere else. The internet is our modern day guru, it

provides us with information at your fingertips. Reap the benefits of the internet but

ignore the negatives as no negatives whatsoever can never oversee the positives that

the internet gives us.But once again, the internet comes down onto how you use it.

Therefore to sum up, the internet is a great tool. The internet develops young minds

by allowing unprecedented fast access to information. Though however, the way you

use the internet decides whether it is a positive or a negative.‘The internet is a gateway

open to everyone but enter with your conscience active.’

Sincerely,Sharad Patel

To the Editor:

I think that the Internet develops the minds of young people because it is constantly stimulating the mind by them playing games and going on websites and figuring things out. It also teaches them things about the computer they would never of learnt in schools.The Internet also helps develop the minds by teach-ing them valuable search techniques. These genera-tions of young people know more about computer than adults ever did. The Internet allows someone who may have moved for a job, school, or other reason stay in close contact with the people they left behind. If someone is feeling lonely and shy in a new place they still have the ability to connect to a familiar person when needed easier and more fre-quently that with the phone or mail. Because of the internet people are able to choose who they want to be social with instead of being forced to have con-tact with people they may not feel connected to. If a person goes on a trip for a short period of time they are not going to try and socialize with the people they are around, but with the internet they can just talk to people they already know.Overall I think that the internet is definitely devel-oping the minds of young people all around Austra-lia and even the world.

Abhiraj Singh

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The internet has positives and negatives, but what most people find hard to understand is that the internet has far more negatives that its positives. As in every frame of life there are people who mind their own business and there are jerks that purposely want to make your life more distort than it already is. In other words that person is a bully. We must have courage to stand up to them and then we have to overcome the matter. The internet also has a form of bullying it is known as cyber bullying. It is as bad; if not worse than traditional bullying. Cyber bullying which is carried out through an Internet service such as email, chat room, discussion group and instant messaging It can also include bullying through mobile phone technologies such as short messaging service (SMS). Cyber can consist of treacherous examples like sending unwanted mes-sages, Back-biting, spreading rumours & sending unwanted mail which includes numerous branches like sexual remarks, dirty jokes and racism. Anyone can be bullied online and the bully can act anonymously if he or she desires. People can also be bullied online by groups of people such as class groups or collective members of an online community. I greatly consider that cyber-bullying is mor-ally immature (immoral) and has the ability to not just destroy but almost make a child’s mind mental. A recent survey conducted by a year 9 student at a school in Parramatta district showed that 1 in every 4 children is cyber bullied and at the same time a survey was conducted in Parramatta Marist High.

The results showed that 79% of students have been cyber bullied in one way or another. I believe that the results showed a terrifying outcome. A parent’s worst nightmare may be that their child is a victim of cyber bullying. In some cases of cyber bullying is the result of depression, loss of friends, intolerable behaviour and in rare examples suicide/death. Cyber-bullying is a criminal act that shows a person morality, judging by Kohlberg’s moral development theory, I can say that a cyber-bully has a low morality. The government must act immediately; the net alert program that is presented should be available to every family with a computer. The net alert program is necessary because it allows parents to see where their children have been on the internet, what they are doing on the internet, and also when they have been on the internet.

what cyber-bullied kids look like

Page 4: Year 9 PBL Web2.0 project

A few years ago WebPages were new and a wonderful thing to have at home. Over - protective parents rushed out and bought the most expensive internet packages for their children. it was thought to be the future for education and learning.In the current time some parents are not so sure about the internet. Current chat rooms such as MSN,GMAIL, YA-HOO ETC. have been c Statistics show that many 16 years olds spend more than 20 hours a week on the internet in chat rooms, social network-ing sites and playing games. Another big issue is pornog-raphy there is shocking news that over 57% of teens have seen a form of pornography either a real site or just in the form of pop ups and accidental downloads.

Statistics found young people were “constantly con-nected”, staying up to the early hours surfing the internet and leaving their mobile phones on all night in case they received a text message.

There is news of shocking cases relating to pornography such as teens turning out to be rapists and pedophiles.

Over 25% of workers use their office computer to view pornography. This is a table relating to how much money is spent on pornography each year.

Country Revenue (Billions) Per Capita

China $27.40 $27.41 South Korea $25.73 $526.76 Japan $19.98 $156.75 US $13.33 $44.67 Australia $2.00 $98.70 UK $1.97 $31.84 Italy $1.40 $24.08 Canada $1.00 $30.21 Philippines $1.00 $11.18 Taiwan $1.00 $43.41 Germany $.64 $7.77 Finland $.60 $114.70 Czech Republic $.46 $44.94 Russia $.25 $1.76 Netherlands $.20 $12.13 Brazil $.10 $53.17

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School violence always starts off with a bully. Bullies think of themselves as that if they’re bigger and stronger than you, they can do what ever they want like laugh at another person, play practical jokes on others continuously, hurt other people physically and emotionally, and in rare and some cases, kill them. In some cases, school violence can be involved from a person who can’t take any more bullying and fights back, or that the person who starts the bully-ing could be just doing it for fun. Bullies take pleasure in hurting people, school fights are posted up on the Internet all the time. The Internet is a great negative for school violence because for example, a fight occurred at a school, on the same day, a video of that same fight has been posted up on the Internet.This act can extremely put down the victim and leads into cyber-bulling, a reason why a person would bullying another could be for just attention, or in a case, peer pressure, being belonged to a group so they must do this as an initiation or along the lines of that. The bully shows very low moral maturity, bullies only think for them selves and seek attention a lot of the times, they don’t think of other people. The Internet should be used to develope young minds, not destroy, abusing the Internet in this mat-ter would be wrong.

To resolve the school violence for young peo-ple, parents can do the following things. Its important for young people to feel like they can share their feelings with their parent’s, and know that their fears and anxieties are under-standable. Rather than waiting for them to ap-proach you as a parent, start the conversation. Ask the young person what they understand about these incidents and help them through. Help their moral decisions before they make them and lead them int o making the right decision. In Kolberg’s moral development theory, its best to make a decision on justice, in Kolberg’s theory justice is the sixth most highest stage to perform.

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School violence always starts off with a bully. Bullies think of themselves as that if they’re bigger and stronger than you, they can do what ever they want like laugh at another person, play practical jokes on others continuously, hurt other people physically and emotionally, and in rare and some cases, kill them. In some cases, school violence can be involved from a person who can’t take Sexual misconduct {Are your kids talking to predators} On the 5th February, at 9:30p.m, a twelve year old girl named Lucy was on MSN as usual. She was chatting to her friends till suddenly she got another person chatting to her. His name was Bob. Lucy didn’t know who he was so she asked him who he was. Bob did not say who he was at first but on the conver-sation later, he said that he was 28 years old. This was part of the conversation between Bob and Lucy. Two days later, Lucy was getting a lot of calls but when she answered, the other person would say ‘I’m Bob’ and would hang up straight away. This was annoying and scaring Lucy because Bob was always calling her and disturbing her all the time. Even at night around 2:30a.m. Lucy was always scared that her parents were going to find out and tried not to tell anyone. A week later, when Lucy was home by herself after school, before her parents come from work, Bob was knocking on her door and start threatening Lucy that he was going to tell her parents. Lucy did not want her parents to know so she started obeying Bob’s orders. Bob started blackmailing her and took Lucy’s facebook password. When Lucy went on her facebook account the next day, she saw that someone has changed her account and added all these other predators. Lucy went some of her profiles and saw that inappropriate comments were left on their account from her account and her mobile number was left on their account. Lucy was getting random calls and whenever she answered it, the voice would always say ‘I’m coming for you!!!’ Lucy was so upset and she did not tell anyone that she couldn’t concentrate at school and dropped out of school. Af-ter a week, she fell into depression and did not talk to anyone properly. Her parents are really upset and want her daughter back. Lucy’s parents don’t want other parents to suffer like them and are warning every parents to see who their kids are chat-ting to and to delete MSN and social community sites. We come to a conclusion that parents should be aware of

who their children are chatting to because predators could be chat-ting to your kids and your children could be in danger. The internet is destroying the lives of teenag-ers because they could be sexually misconduct by predators.

any more bullying and fights back, or that the person who starts the bullying could be just doing it for fun. Bullies take pleasure in hurting people, school fights are posted up on the Internet all the time. The In-ternet is a great negative for school violence because for example, a fight occurred at a school, on the

Mikecool: hiLucy: hi, who’s this?Mikecool michael, call me mikeLucy: don’t know uMikecool what school do u go to?Lucy: dumdi high schoolMikecool Whats yo addressLucy: can’t tellMikecool: u wanna meet someday??Lucy: alrightMikecool whats yo no.Lucy: 0422987321Mikecool Whats yo addressLucy: 2 maximillan rd, tinglewaraMikecool thnxLucy: Mike r u thereMikecool appears to be offlineLucy: Hello mikeLucy: MikeLucy: r u thereLucy appears to be offline

same day, a video of that same fight has been posted up on the Internet.This act can extremely put down the victim and leads into cyber-bulling, a reason why a person would bully-ing another could be for just atten-tion, or in a case, peer pressure, being belonged to a group so they must do this as an initiation or along the lines of that. The bully shows very low moral maturity, bullies only think for them selves and seek attention a lot of the times, they don’t think of other people. The Internet should be used to develope young minds, not destroy, abusing the Internet in this matter would be wrong.

To resolve the school violence for young people, parents can do the fol-lowing things. Its important for young people to feel like they can share their feelings with their parent’s, and know that their fears and anxieties are understandable. Rather than waiting for them to approach you as a parent, start the conversation. Ask the young person what they understand about these incidents and help them through. Help their moral decisions before they make them and lead them into making the right decision. In Kolberg’s moral development theory, its best to make a decision on justice, in Kolberg’s theory justice is the sixth most highest stage to perform.

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Some people may say that the Internet is a negative thing, for that your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your home. It can be used to be known as one of the most dangerous weapons ever created. Identity theft is one of the misused things of the Internet for that a person’s identity can be stolen and through the internet all that you owned can be gone by those identity frauds out in the world. Identity theft is a serious matter, it occurs when someone uses your own personal identity information such as your name, credit card number and social security num-ber, all this action is taken place without even knowing to commit fraud or other crimes. The actions that are taken by identity thieves are; rent an apartment, obtain a credit card, or establish a telephone account in your name. Identity thieves can be seriously skilled in the matters of holding information of ones identity, to the frauds the information obtained is as good as gold. There are a number of ways that a thief can contain your information and some of these skills are dumpster diving, skimming, Phishing, Change your address, old fashion stealing and pretexting. Internet users may not know it but the thievery can be found out in the real world by retracing footprints. This is where internet browsers like many people do not know but in the digital world they leave behind a clear and systematic series of digital footprints (the trail, traces or “footprints” that people leave online. This is information transmitted online, such as forum registration, e-mails and attachments, uploading videos or digital images and any other form of transmission of information, all of which leaves traces of

personal information about a person available to others online.) that can be used to trace where they have been and in many cases piece together information about their lives and habits which, if they fall into the wrong hands can be used to steal their identities, commit fraud or worse. The information we leave on the internet has become a perma-nent footprint in the digital world, an example would be Your birth date from Facebook, your address details from WhitePages, your Mother’s maiden name from Myspace, Your school details on bebo. By leaving all these digital footprints behind frauds and thieves use the internet to gain access to all your digital footprints and therefore has suc-cessfully stolen your identity.

Overall the internet may be considered as a negative to many for the reasons of keeping away from danger and trying to stay safe as possible from those identity frauds out there in the world.

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Global communication is defined as way to access and receive information around the globally, it is the ability to contact and discuss issues with people all over the world. This is happening all over the world as people are taking advantage of the Internet through the use of computers. Global communication is used everyday, as it is becom-ing extremely important because of the growth of new technology.

Technology is changing rapidly fast, it has changed the way people work and how businesses are run, the way people learn and research in the world. This has opened up many opportunities and broken barriers for people to com-municate with other people from far distances whether the person is across the street, suburb, state, country or even world. Global communication is classified as a great positive to the Internet because it makes life a lot easier, it makes the world a smaller place, allows establishments and maintains personal relationships and most of all it’s conve-nient, cheap, fast and effective.

Popular global communications such as MSN, Skype, Myspace, Blogs and many more are used everyday globally. Statistics from show that there are over 1,335,110,631 users that have access to the internet as of March 2008. Many people use the internet in many ways but it also comes into their moral maturity on how they use the internet. Referring to the moral development theory of Kolberg, if the user was at a very low level of moral maturity they would take advantage of the internet and do badly of it. If the user was at a high level they would use the Internet in means to justify things, maybe start a business or do well for their company they’re working with.

According to the Vatican, Catholic Church teachings say that the Internet can be used for both bad and good purposes. All users of the Internet are obliged to use it in an informed, disciplined way, for morally good purposes. To prevent bad use of the Internet parent’s could teach the young how to use the Internet more appropriately and safely.

Internet is the most massive easy way to start a mass media. With a very low investment, anyone can have a web page on the Internet. This way, almost any business can reach a very large market, directly, fast and economically, no matter the size or its location. With a very low investment almost any-body that can read and write can have access to the World Wide Web.

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For the last 10 years, the Internet has gown so big, so huge, and so enormous that it has become the most powerful educational tool the earth has ever known. Take this school for example, Parramatta Marist High, taking the advantage of the Internet, Parramatta Marist High have moved to a new learning system (for years 9-10) involving and encour-aging students to use the Internet to find their information and learn. They’re given learning projects that are happen-ing out there in society.

The Internet has become a positive researching tool to people. It has become an easier way for all those who seek for fast ways of how to access the certain information they have wanted. Throughout the Internet there is a variety of information that contains many popular and reliable web-sites such as: the latest current affairs, local news, videos and quality information.

The access to information using the Internet has made an extreme impact and change to the society. This is stated because the information that is placed onto the Internet is summarised and is related information to what you would read in a 1000 page book, for example by picking up a 1000 page encyclopaedia and reading it but finding at the end of the book you have completely wasted your time reading something that had no relevance to the topic you are searching for. But when you type your topic you are researching for through the Internet, in the click of the mouse a large list of related information to your topic is featured completely summarised and much better than what you can receive from a book just in a matter of seconds. The access to information has become a positive of the Internet for that there are many different types of greater information placed within the Internet such as;

* The access to view youth forums to questions you may of thought of, feature opinion blogs placed by people who decide their thoughts on current affairs our happening in their life and also the access to create your own blog to give out your opinion of what you may think. * The opportunity to view the latest stats of your favourite sport, the chance to view highlights and game scores of the sport games you have missed on the television and to view when your team can clash their biggest rivals in the sporting life. * The access informational videos many people may put up through the Internet engine Youtube. You can have the opportunity of creating your own account to be able to up-load your home made videos, informational videos or your own records to be viewed by the public. * You can download the latest MSN messenger enabling

you to have a private discussion to all your contacts you have got * You are able to find great new interesting picture of certain things, for example landmarks such as the Great Wall of China. * You are also able to find very effective information throughout the Internet for many assignments or just for further knowledge

researching tools

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Is technology going to take over your job???

It is generally believed that people are wondering whether changing nature of work develops or destroys young mind. Changing nature of work is machines taking over unskilled jobs and technology such as the Internet being used in our day to day life. Two people have given their comments on their view of changing nature of work. Bob is one of the unskilled worker who has lost his job and been affected due to the changing nature of work and couldn’t find a job be-cause the job application are on the Internet and Bob does not know how to use the Internet. John on the other hand is a young person in his 20’s and is a skilled worker who has recently got a job with a high pay salary because he knows his way with technology and went to websites to find a wide range of jobs available for his qualification.

John is a young skilled worker who using the Internet gained a new job with high pays recently because he went to sites like and found a job for his qualifications. He had a wide rage to choose from so John chose the job with the high-est pay. John’s experience with the Internet saw many companies offering him employment. John is agreeing that

Bob is an unskilled worker who had recently lost his job after working at a factory sticking the labels on the bottles. He has been in service for 30 years with a salary of $5,000 an year. He was working with 150 other people till one day, the manager came with 5 machines and fired every un-skilled workers from the factory. Bob had nowhere to work because he had no qualifications and could not find a job on the newspaper. Since most the jobs were on the Inter-net such as He was at home getting money from Centrelink but it wasn’t enough to feed him and pay his rent. He is currently going online to learn his way around technology so he could find another job. Technolo-gy has destroyed many unskilled jobs however it has created a new market for both education and training.

technology has improved many skilled workers and has given a statement that you can’t get anywhere in life today without the Internet.

After looking at both views of chang-ing nature of work, we can see that technology has improved our society and it is developing minds of young people to get a great future.

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Remote and digital education is a big revolution in education in Australia. The aim of the program is to contribute sustainable and meaningful change to teaching and learning in Australian schools that will prepare students for further education, training, jobs of the future and to live and work in a digital world. A good defini-tion of digital education is the use of electronic means to distribute education or training for education or business. This could be televi-sion, videotape, interactive video, audio-graphics, satellite video or any other electronic means. Remote education allows adult students to take classes whenever and where ever they are. Busi-nesses are able to offer training sessions to employees at several sites. Middle school teachers can show the dissection of a frog without having to do it in the classroom. High school students in a rural area are able to take advanced courses even though there is not a teacher in the local school district certified to teach the course. Remote education allows adult students to complete their degrees or even get their high school diploma. Degree programs can be

completed at any college or uni-versity in the world. Students are able to do so on their own sched-ules even if they work 9 to 5. there is also different technologies used in remote education: * telephone* broadcast video* Internet chat (such as MSN)* video conferencing* net meeting

Remote and digital education has had trouble since its mak-ing with the testing of material. The problem comes up when the student is required to complete assignments and testing. If it is quizzes, tests, or examinations; Online courses have had difficulty controlling cheating because of the lack of teacher control.To sum up remote and digital education is a big revolution for the disadvan-taged and those who are living in a poor or remote town/city/state/country. Percentage distribution of public schools with students enrolled in distance education courses, : 2002-03

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E-commerce is the term that refers to how the trans-action of information and money related transaction that can be done easily by the clicks of a mouse via the Internet. It also refers to how people can buy and sell goods via the Internet; examples for buying and selling through the Internet include E-Commerce can also consist of creating a website that promotes a store or a product via another web-site; whenever you see pop ups, or advertisements on the borders of a website remember that this is an e-commerce promotion. In recent years, however, E-commerce has become much more complicated. E-commerce businesses now propose highly structured online stores. Customers can now glance through thousands of products, place an order, select the preferred postage method and pay for their purchases using their credit is an example of online stores. Online stores accept payment only from credit cards; Credit cards can include Visa, Mastercard, bank cards etc. E-commerce can be easier way to access to the peoples needs and wants. This means that you don’t have to get out of your house to go to the conve-nience stores and supermarkets. It saves time for the people who cannot afford to waste time on shopping, banking and selling. A sample survey was taken in 2007 by channel 7 news on the amount of people who work from 8-10 hours a day – did you know that the results showed a whopping 61% of parents are away from home. These are the people who can’t afford to waste time include those who work from 9-5; parents particularly who have young and always who are always busy. These people need to have ac-cess to E-commerce.

Those who live in remote areas such as Dubbo, Broken Hill, Tamworth and other such places are

unlikely able to get access to needs and wants other than what they grow. They so sometimes when they are out of stock or the season’s foods aren’t available at the stores they need nothing but the Internet to do e-commerce.

Single parents, who are divorced, widowed or separated and have more than 2 children struggle to do shopping regularly as they have insufficient time this can be the result of a full-time position at work and as most parents know taking adequate care of 2 or more children is extremely difficult. The lives of people like these are so hectic that they really need the internet to do E-banking, E-shopping and paying the bills online. These single parents who struggle to find the necessary time to do E-commerce need the internet to make life a lot lot easier.

Those people who are unable to get out of their house such as the people who have medical symp-toms, physical disability and those with mental disability are unable to go to the supermarket or specialty stores so in these cases the Internet is ex-tremely necessary. The funny rule is that the Internet does not have trading hours, this means that shop-ping online is the most convenient source of shop-ping as the Internet is open 24/7. Isn’t that the most convenient shopping centre?

The examples listed above are only a slight what people go through everyday. The one important negative on the internet lies beneath giving out your credit card numbers. When giving out credit card numbers there are hackers & scammers who try and live on your money. They can use you as a slave worker. The one way you can prevent this is by buy-ing not downloading a recommended spy-ware and

anti-virus program. This could make it easier, safe and smarter for E-commerce at home or on the go. E-commerce is a positive feature of the Internet because it can be the most convenient and time saving source. E-commerce is so sensa-tional that it even contributes to the environment, for example you save on petrol or any traveling costs if you need any. The Internet is so straightforward to browse through over a million stores by just clicking and typing. Finally it is also a positive feature, as I stated earlier, that working families, the people with disabilities, and the people suffering from medical symptoms and the scheduled who can’t afford to waste time to have all the benefits on their side. Now you should realise that an E-commerce is a positive of the interent.