Yeah! International students magazine

TD & Minister Pachakuti and the lake Titicaca


Yeah edition number 7

Transcript of Yeah! International students magazine

  • TD & Minister


    and the lake Titicaca

  • Yeah! Magazine is published by

    DMP - Dreams Media Producers

    Address: 6 Cumberland Street

    Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin

    Dublin, Ireland. - [email protected]

  • 6 Yeah! International Student Magazine

    There was a time when if you felt

    slighted about a long stint in

    detention, or you were being picked

    on in class you could Rate your

    Teacher in an online rant. Earlier

    still, for centuries, there was very

    little you could do about unfair

    classroom teaching techniques.

    Student activism has become more

    prolif ic in recent years, with

    advances in social media. If you

    want to highlight an issue with

    respect to the ed u cat io na l ,

    environmental or social deficiencies

    of an institution, Yeah! Magazine

    would like to hear about the

    campaign that youve launched. You

    might find inspiration in the details

    of a young Brazilians Facebook

    Community Page.

    A recent Facebook post by thirteen

    year old student Isadora Faber has

    explained how she now is officially

    on vacation along with the rest

    of her school due to the schools

    budgetary circumstances. Her irony

    is clear when she suggests that this

    is democratic because every

    student is shown the same level of

    e q u i t y re ga rd l e s s o f h o w

    assiduous or rowdy they have been

    in their yearlong studies. The post

    has so far been liked by more than

    fourteen thousand, and her FB

    page, Dirio de Classe, has built up

    more than a half million subscribers

    to December 2012. In August, it had

    160,000. Problems with exposed

    live wiring, substandard food, and

    the budgets and accounts of the

    education system are fair game on

    this Community page.

    Isadora was inspired by a Scottish

    student who had posted complaints

    about the lack of nutrition and

    quality of the school dinners

    available at her school in the UK.

    The Brazilian student has implied

    that attempts have been made by

    the school to discourage her posts,

    including classes during which the

    schools regulations have been

    d i s c u s s e d , a l o n g s i d e t h e

    consequences of posting libelous or

    defamatory content about the

    school or its staff members. With

    the Facebook pages popularity

    growing, Isadora discerned a

    message from the teacher that was

    both clear and veiled. The result

    was a visit to the local police station,

    widespread media attention, and a

    subsequent increase in Isadoras

    fame. Other Brazilian students have

    now seized on the opportunity to

    highlight problems in their own

    schools. A plethora of mainstream

    media reports describe how high

    school pupils are posting the details

    of poor school faci l it ies and

    services, and how their educators

    are now commending their citizen

    activism, rather than deploring it.

    Isadoras home city of Florianopolis

    in Santa Catarina ranks highly on the

    Human Development Index. It is

    regarded as one of the top urban

    c e n t r e s i n t h e S o u t h e r n

    Hemisphere. Despite such success

    stories, as an emerging economy,

    Brazil has been heavily criticized by

    such bodies as the World Bank for

    its education system, with private

    companies finding that they have to

    establish their own classes so as to

    introduce bas ic reading and

    m a t h e m a t i c s s k i l l s t o t h e i r


    Social welfare programs that

    provide cash for attendance to

    families with infants and children of

    school -going age have been

    introduced in recent years, which

    have been in part responsible for a

    significant reduction in poverty.

    However, with many of Brazils

    other regions underdeveloped by

    comparison with Florianopolis, the

    problems for the Ministry of

    Education have become if not

    more pronounced certainly more


    By Richard Gibney

    Brazil 's school f laws highlighted by citizen activism

  • t

  • ISV Magazine

  • Yeah! Vox Pop

  • Special report!

  • International student magazines join forces

    By Dan Thomas The Pie news

    Two magazines aimed at international students but based on opposite sides of the Atlantic have teamed up to

    promote mobility. Yeah! International Student Magazine, based in Ireland, offers advice about the country and

    its culture to overseas students, while the US-basedInternational Student Voice (ISV) does much the same in the


    The two will share articles, correspondents and advertising in 2013, hoping to tap the other's growing


    We have similar objectives and we will share articles and work together

    We are sharing practically everything, Yeah!

    Magazine'sdirector, Raffael Abarca, told the PIE

    News: We have similar objectives and we will

    share articles and work together to promote

    education in Ireland and the US to promote our


    The US has long been a major source of

    international students for Ireland, sending 4,445

    in 2011/12, up slightly from the previous year and

    second only after China. Meanwhile, 1,100 Irish

    went the other way and long standing ties exist

    with the Irish American community.

    The deal could augur more interflow. Launched

    this year, Yeah! is the only magazine of its kind in

    Ireland and given out at every university, many

    English language schools, as well by agents


    Yeah! Magazine, Ireland, and International

    Student Voice in the US will share content and


    The US sent 4,445 students to Ir elanI

    Ireland in 2011/12; 1,100 Irish went t h e

    other way.

    Lauren Hudson-University of South Carolina

    This photo was taken at The Burren,

    in Ireland, where I am currently

    studying abroad. The photo

    represents opening up

    to all the new and exciting

    experiences that being an

    international student has to offer. 30 Yeah! International Student Magazine

  • University (l inks to profile on QS) CountryOverall








    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States 100 1 3 5

    University of Cambridge United Kingdom 99.8 2 1 1

    Harvard University United States 99.2 3 2 2

    UCL (University College London) United Kingdom 98.7 4 7 4

    University of Oxford United Kingdom 98.6 5 5 6

    Imperial College London United Kingdom 98.3 6 6 7

    Yale University United States 97.5 7 4 3

    University of Chicago United States 96.3 8 8 8

    Princeton University United States 95.4 9 13 10

    California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States 95.1 10 12 9

    Columbia University United States 94.7 11 10 11

    University of Pennsylvania United States 94.5 12 9 12

    ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland 92.8 13 18 18

    Cornell University United States 92.1 14 15 16

    Stanford University United States 91.7 15 11 13

    Johns Hopkins University United States 91.2 16 16 17

    University of Michigan United States 91.2 17 14 15

    McGill University Canada 90.4 18 17 19

    University of Toronto Canada 89.6 19 23 29

    Duke University United States 89.5 20 19 14

    University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 89.2 21 20 22

    University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States 88.1 22 21 28

    University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 87.9 23 22 23

    Australian National University Australia 87.6 24 26 20

    National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore 87.2 25 28 31

    King?s College London (University of London) United Kingdom 87.1 26 27 21

    Northwestern University United States 85.4 27 24 26

    University of Bristol United Kingdom 85.4 28 30 27

    Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne Switzerland 85.1 29 35 32

    The University of Tokyo Japan 85 30 25 24

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States 84.6 31 34 35

    The University of Manchester United Kingdom 84.2 32 29 30

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong 83.5 33 40 40

    cole Normale Suprieure, Paris France 83.3 34 33 33

    Kyoto University Japan 83.3 35 32 25

    The University of Melbourne Australia 83.2 36 31 38

    Seoul National University Korea, South 82.2 37 42 50

    University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 81.4 38 41 48

    The University of Sydney Australia 81.3 39 38 37

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 80.1 40 37 42

    Ecole Polytechnique France 79.6 41 36 36

    Brown University United States 79.5 42 39 39

    New York University (NYU) United States 78.9 43 44 41

    Peking University China 78.8 44 46 47

    University of British Columbia Canada 78.6 45 51 44

    The University of Queensland Australia 78.2 46 48 43

    Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore 77.7 47 58 74

    Tsinghua University China 77.5 48 47 54

    Carnegie Mellon University United States 77.4 49 43 34

    Osaka University Japan 76.8 50 45 49

    Trinity Col lege Dubl in Ireland 71.3 67 65 52


    Top 1% world university Irelands largest and most international university M ore than 5,000 international students from

    122 countries 2 5% international staff L ocated in Dublin, Irelands capital

    *QS World University Rankings 2012

    Programmes start on January 14th, 2013.

    For more information or to make an enquiry,

    visit or call a Student Enrolment

    Advisor on +44 (0)1273 339333.

    UCD International Study Centre,

    19-20 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

    University College Dublin

    International Study Centre

    International Foundation Year

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    Progression to a wide range of degree

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    JANUARY 2013