Www.source 2 higher telegraph.co.uk human-cloning-within-50-years-

Love this PDF? Add it to your Reading List! joliprint.com/mag telegraph.co.uk Human cloning ‘within 50 years’ Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone «copies» to replace them within 50 years, a British scientist who won this year’s Nobel prize for medicine has predicted. IVF was regarded with extreme suspicion but be- came widely accepted after the birth of Louise %URZQ WKH ȴUVW ȆWHVW WXEH EDE\ȇ 6LU -RKQ DUJXHV 3KR- WR 5(; )($785(6 S LU -RKQ *XUGRQ ZKRVH ZRUN FORQLQJ IURJV LQ WKH 1950s and 60s led to the later creation of Dolly the sheep by Edinburgh scientists in 1996, said that progression to human cloning could happen within half a century. Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise a host of complex ethical issues, the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful. In-vitro fertilisation was regarded with extreme VXVSLFLRQ ZKHQ LW ZDV ȴUVW GHYHORSHG EXW EHFDPH widely accepted after the birth of Louise Brown, the ȴUVW mWHVW WXEH EDE\} LQ KH H[SODLQHG Major improvements in cloning methods would have to be made before they could be applied to humans because the vast majority of cloned animal embryos today are deformed, he added. 6SHDNLQJ RQ %%& 5DGLR )RXUȇV7KH /LIH 6FLHQWLȴF, 6LU -RKQ VDLG KH KDG SUHGLFWHG DW WKH WLPH RI KLV frog experiments that the successful cloning of a mammal would happen within 50 years, and that mPD\EH WKH VDPH DQVZHU LV DSSURSULDWH} IRU WKH step to human cloning. +H VDLG m:KHQ P\ ȴUVW IURJ H[SHULPHQWV ZHUH GRQH an eminent American reporter came down and said Ȇ+RZ ORQJ ZLOO LW EH EHIRUH WKHVH WKLQJV FDQ EH GRQH LQ PDPPDOV RU KXPDQV"ȇ m, VDLG Ȇ:HOO LW FRXOG EH DQ\ZKHUH EHWZHHQ years and 100 years – how about 50 years? It turned RXW WKDW ZDVQȇW IDU RII WKH PDUN DV IDU DV 'ROO\ ZDV FRQFHUQHG 0D\EH WKH VDPH DQVZHU LV DSSURSULDWH} 6LU -RKQ DGGHG WKDW FORQLQJ D KXPDQ EHLQJ HIIHFWL- YHO\ PHDQV PDNLQJ DQ LGHQWLFDO WZLQ DQG GRFWRUV ZRXOG WKHUHIRUH VLPSO\ EH mFRS\LQJ ZKDW QDWXUH KDV DOUHDG\ SURGXFHG} +H VDLG m, WDNH WKH YLHZ WKDW DQ\WKLQJ \RX FDQ GR to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public – that is to say if cloning actually turned out to be solving VRPH SUREOHPV DQG ZDV XVHIXO WR SHRSOH , WKLQN LW ZRXOG EH DFFHSWHG} 19/12/2012 13:21 KWWSZZZWHOHJUDSKFRXNVFLHQFHVFLHQFHQHZV+XPDQFORQLQJZLWKLQ\HDUVKWPO Page 1


An exam paper made up when we ran out of past papers; AQA; this is source 2; gcse english language higher

Transcript of Www.source 2 higher telegraph.co.uk human-cloning-within-50-years-

Page 1: Www.source 2 higher  telegraph.co.uk human-cloning-within-50-years-

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Human cloning ‘within 50 years’

Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone

«copies» to replace them within 50 years, a British scientist who won

this year’s Nobel prize for medicine has predicted.

IVF was regarded with extreme suspicion but be-came widely accepted after the birth of Louise


S1950s and 60s led to the later creation of Dolly the sheep by Edinburgh scientists in 1996, said

that progression to human cloning could happen within half a century.

Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise a host of complex ethical issues, the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful.

In-vitro fertilisation was regarded with extreme

widely accepted after the birth of Louise Brown, the

Major improvements in cloning methods would have to be made before they could be applied to humans because the vast majority of cloned animal embryos today are deformed, he added.


frog experiments that the successful cloning of a mammal would happen within 50 years, and that

step to human cloning.

an eminent American reporter came down and said

years and 100 years – how about 50 years? It turned


to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public – that is to say if cloning actually turned out to be solving

19/12/2012 13:21

Page 1

Page 2: Www.source 2 higher  telegraph.co.uk human-cloning-within-50-years-

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Human cloning ‘within 50 years’

would be in favour of allowing parents of deceased children, who are no longer fertile, to create another

child, assuming the technique was safe and effective.

child would feel they were some sort of a replace-ment for something and not valid in their own right.

19/12/2012 13:21

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