Www.caritas.org.au/advent. Teacher Notes -Click to move to the next slide -Click to go/return to the...


Transcript of Www.caritas.org.au/advent. Teacher Notes -Click to move to the next slide -Click to go/return to the...

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Teacher Notes

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IMPORTANT: Please read the daily content before reading with your students. Some days cover some heavy topics, so you may want to tweak content accordingly, especially for younger or more sensitive students.

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Religious Education Curriculum Links

Caritas Australia’s Advent Calendar can help students:

- become more familiar with the Scripture stories- identify key times of the liturgical year- identify key symbols, signs and rituals of the Catholic

Tradition- demonstrate developing understanding and appreciation of

the Church as a community that continues the mission of Jesus

- compose and pray simple prayers- learn about the Church’s response to injustice through its


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Make your own Advent Wreath - Print and cut out the symbol each day, write a prayer

on the back and hang them up. Symbols can be printed from the slides at the end of this PowerPoint.

- Alternatively, make your own physical Advent wreath and add to it each day. Download this ‘how to’ guide for more information.

Making the Advent Wreath a Daily Custom- The Advent wreath helps us keep our thoughts

focused on the coming of Christ at Christmas, so we should integrate it into our daily activities. This could be done during school assembly, or as a class at a set time of the day.

- Everyone gathers around the wreath and someone lights the appropriate candle(s). A leader prays the Advent wreath prayer for that week, and the candle(s) are left burning until the end of the day or for as long as possible. (For detailed instructions, see How to Light the Advent Wreath).

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About the Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath is a traditional centrepiece of the Christmas season. A candle is lit on each of the four Sundays preceding Christmas. The first candle (violet) represents hope, the second (violet) peace, the third (rose) joy, and the fourth (violet) love. The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day and represents Christ.

The Advent Wreath teaches us about Christian preparation for celebrating Jesus’ birth and making our hearts truly ready to receive Him.

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The wreath itself is also symbolic. The circle of evergreen in which the candles are placed represents everlasting life. The seedpods, nuts and cones used to decorate the wreath are symbolic of life and resurrection, the laurel signifies victory over persecution and suffering, pine and holly signify immortality, and fruits (such as apples) represent the nourishing fruitfulness of the Christian life.

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The word ‘advent’ means ‘coming’; lighting the candles on the Advent wreath symbolises the coming of Light (Jesus) into the world.

Join us as we use the Advent Wreath to listen to God’s Word, share our stories of community development and work together for a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, love and light – this Christmas.

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Click on today’s date to build the wreathPrint symbols here

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Jesus, you are light even in the darkest places.

Help us to trust in you when we are lost or lonely.

Shine hope into our hearts we pray. Amen.

Source: Advent prayers for children

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1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November

“Praise be to you.”

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36Key verse: “But watch at all times”

Today's Gospel speaks of being watchful of what is happening in the world.

Martina, a teacher in the Solomon Islands, explains, “Our homes are under threat from landslides and cyclones.” Caritas Australia, with support from the Australian Government, helped the community to develop a program to teach families how to stay safe during natural disasters. In this program, popular rhymes are used to teach children the warning signs of different natural disasters. (continued…)

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The songs also teach children whom to listen to, what to do, and where to go when disaster strikes. While the people of the Solomon Islands, must stay watchful for natural disaster warning signs, they are now able to face the future with growing confidence and strength.

Tomorrow, world leaders will start climate discussions in Paris. Discuss as a class what decisions you would like to see made.

Photo credit: Richard Wainwright

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Monday, 30th November

Strong people, powerful communities

Matthew 4:18-22

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

By supporting Caritas Australia we are responding to God's call to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

The Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) helps communities build on their strengths and experiences so they can enjoy access to clean and safe water, have enough nutritious food to eat and stay healthy. At the start of the program a number of villages across Malawi and Tanzania undertook a visioning process. This allowed the community to participate in developing plans for their own projects.


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The community have also been able to learn techniques such as building a tippy tap, a vertical garden, an energy saving stove and a dish drying rack, to help them in their everyday lives.

Watch these short 2 min videos on each of the four activities. Use our Strength based approach school resources to build your own tippy tap, stove, vertical garden and dish-drying rack.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Tuesday, 1st December

Out of the shadows

Luke 10:21-24 :

Blessed are the eyes which see what you see!

After nearly five years of war in Syria, millions of conflict-affected families have been displaced to nearby countries. Sadly, millions of children have been affected. Caritas is supporting a program that uses puppets, films and activities to help children feel safe again. Melhem, 12, was forced to leave his home in Syria with his father, Hassan and six siblings. Melhem explains, "I really liked the Blue Top, Red Top film the best because it was funny. My favourite character was Wisam, who was one of the leaders. He and his friend had a fight and then they made peace.”


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This program is helping children to deal with the difficult experiences they have faced, allowing them to play, to sing and dance, and to have hope for the future.

Hold a special vigil for peace for the people of Syria. You could use candles to spell out “with Syria”.

Photo credit: Andrew McConnell, CRS

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Wednesday, 2nd December


Matthew 15:29-37Jesus Cures Many People, Feeding the Four Thousand

In today’s Gospel we learn about Jesus' compassion for the crowd and their needs.

The Kolkatla Fish Raising Group is working with women, men and children in a remote community of Nepal helping them meet their needs. They have turned a disused pond into a thriving fish-raising business.

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Sarita was one of the first people to join the Kolkatla Fish Raising Group. Sarita explains, "This program has provided our family with good health and hope, and it has become a platform for the unity and growth of the community."

Join a global wave of prayer for 'food for all'.

Download the prayer.

Photo credit: Stephen Kadlec

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Thursday, 3rd December


Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock…

2 years ago, Super Typhoon Haiyan destroyed Gloria’s home in the Philippines. For more than 14 months, as her family tried to recover, they shared a small two-bedroom hut with her sister’s family of five.

Most people in Gloria’s community live below the poverty line. With the support of Caritas Australia and our partners, the community has started using salt-water resistant crops; many are also raising livestock and making handicrafts to sell, which provides income diversity. Increased income gives communities a better chance to prepare for, and recover from, disasters. (continued…)

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With safe housing, access to food and water and education for children, communities are finding the strength to rebuild with help from one another. Gloria now has a new home and is confident about her family’s future.

Learn how Caritas Australia helps communities to prepare for, and respond to, disasters through their Disaster Risk Reduction programs.

Photo credit: Patrick Makenen, Caritas Australia

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Friday, 4th December

“I am free”

Matthew 9:27-31

“According to your faith be it done to you.”

Red Dust Healing is a program that helps people to look at their own hurt and heal from within. It provides a safe place for people to talk about their feelings and their experiences.

Before joining the Red Dust Healing program, Karimah struggled with how other people treated her badly and how she felt about herself. Through the program, she has learnt to love and accept herself. She is stronger and more confident. This has helped her gain a new job. (continued…)

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Karimah explains, “I am free. I am confident. I have a great job that I love. And now, I just want to go further. I now think, I can achieve this now, I can do that. I have got a bright future."

Watch this video to learn more about Caritas Australia’s work in Australia over the past 50 years.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Saturday, 5th December

Bringing people together

Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8

The Harvest Is Great, the Labourers Few

Today's Gospel speaks of too few labourers for the harvest. With over 1 million refugees in Lebanon, Caritas is blessed to have people volunteering their time to help others.

Aya is 21 years old. She is a Syrian refugee living in Lebanon and has volunteered to be part of the Caritas Youth Committee. Aya runs activities such as breakfasts for the elderly and first aid training for those living in community shelters. She believes that Caritas is bringing Syrians and Lebanese together - a very important issue in a country struggling to cope with such a large refugee population.

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Aya explained that many Lebanese and Syrians felt they couldn't be friends but after activities involving both groups they get to know each other, and she has made Lebanese friends through the project.

Pray for all those displaced by conflict, the generous people volunteering their time to help and for peace for all people.

Photo credit: Tabitha Ross/Caritas

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Jesus, you are peace even when there is hatred.

Help us to forgive like you and work for peace in our world.

Bring peace into our hearts we pray. Amen.Adapted from: Advent prayers for children

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2nd Sunday of Advent, 6th December

Investing in the future

Luke 3:1-6

“All shall see the salvation of God.”

Today's Gospel refers to the words from Isaiah that every mountain shall be bought low, the valleys filled and the rough ways made smooth. In our story today we learn about Mugendi, a farmer. Married with two children, he lives in a small village in Kenya. Before 2012, many dry spells caused by a warming climate were making it difficult for Mugendi’s family to have enough food to eat and sell. Mugendi had to give up working on his land and started working in a hotel. But in 2013, Mugendi joined a Caritas program that works with families to improve their access to food. They learn new ways to farm that will protect their crops against drought.

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Five hundred families joined the program and Mugendi’s was one of the first. Now, they are able to plant enough food to eat and sell- he can send his children to school! Mugendi is happy that he can work on his land again and says “This program has transformed my life.”

Conduct a class survey to see what fruit, vegetables and herbs students grow at home. Research what plants are good to plant over the summer.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Monday, 7th December

Stand up

Luke 5: 17-26

“I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home.”

Binh was born with hydrocephalus, a medical condition that causes fluid to collect in the brain, and can lead to mental disability and difficulty moving. Determined to help their son, Binh's parents joined the 'Supporting People with Disabilities' project which is run by Centre for Sustainable Rural Development with Caritas Australia. "My child lay in one place for many years. Thanks to the project support, the guidance of the therapist and our continuous attempts, he can now walk and run, and that makes us extremely happy," says Binh's mother, Mai.

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As their situation continues to improve, Binh's family will continue to participate and support other families like theirs. To hear that Binh's family is going to continue to support other families is a great example of glorifying God.

Learn one statistic about global poverty and disability and share it with your family or friends. http://www.caritas.org.au/learn/global-poverty-issues/disability

Photo credit: Lien Nguyen

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Tuesday, 8th December

End poverty, promote justice, uphold dignity

Luke 1: 26-38

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For many First Australians living in rural communities, access to nutritious, affordable food is difficult. Karen, a mother-of-six, living in Central NSW explains, "I was in a lot of debt and wasn't handling my money properly. Feeding the kids was about what was easiest, not what is healthy." When Karen enrolled in Centacare's 'Manage your income, manage your life' program which is supported by Caritas Australia, a new world opened up for her. Through a series of budgeting and nutrition classes and cooking activities, Karen was able to provide regular, healthy meals for her family.

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Karen is now volunteering in her community and sharing her knowledge with others.

Karen has said 'yes' to improving her life. How can we say 'yes' to ending poverty, promoting justice and upholding dignity?

Host a Caritas Kitchen with your class or year level! You can share food together, learn more and support our brothers and sisters. Visit the Caritas Kitchen webpage for more information.

Photo credit: Danielle Lyonne

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Wednesday, 9th December

Keeping back the hungry tide

Matthew 11:28-30

“I will give you rest.”

In helping to fulfil God's mission, Caritas Australia helps give people rest by working with communities to reduce poverty and injustice that is a big stress, or a heavy burden. Today’s story is about Rusi, who is the Headman of a community near Fiji’s capital, Suva. Rusi and his community are worried and burdened by rising sea levels. Over the last 30 years, he has seen the ocean creep closer to his community, washing away sand and trees near their homes. Caritas Australia’s partner organisation, People’s Community Network, is working with the Rusi’s community to extend the sea wall and prepare them for natural disasters.

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Rusi’s community have a plan for when a tsunami or cyclone hits and they are planting more mangroves to protect the shoreline from future erosion. “This is our home and our way of life,” says Rusi. “We will continue to make our home safe for as long as we can.”

Join Caritas Australia by taking part in ‘Caritas Hearts 4 Climate’ campaign online. Make your own personal pledge for climate justice, and send a clear message to our Prime Minister.

Photo credit: PCN

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Thursday, 10th December

The right to food

Matthew 11:11-15

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

In a remote Andean village of Peru, the Rural Development Program run by Caritas Australia's partner, Caritas Huacho, is helping farmers like Cristian, 33, grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value, sustainable fruit crops which will provide a secure income and food for life.

Cristian explained, "We all work helping each other. Here, this way in which we work is called aychamoa, which means, giving each other a helping hand. The fact that I and the other partners can grow together makes me proud."

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Just as Jesus' disciples were blessed to see and hear the work of God, we too are blessed to see and learn about communities like Cristian's which are signs of charity and justice at work in the world today.

Visit Caritas Australia’s Food for All webpage for simple actions you can do as an individual, a parish, a school, a social justice group or as a family.

Photo credit: Drew Morrison

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Friday, 11th December

We believe in participation

Matthew 11:16-19

“But to what shall I compare this generation?”

From the story in today's Gospel we can learn that there are times when we need to focus on seeking justice, even when this can be misunderstood or isn’t very popular. We can be encouraged by the ultimate impact of the life of Jesus.

Our story today is of Gosto, a farmer in Bangladesh. Prior to 2008, Gosto described himself as a poor and landless farmer. After participating in a farming program supported by Caritas Australia, Gosto now has skills in new fish farming techniques, seed germination, vegetable cultivation, kitchen gardening and nursery development.

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Gosto plans to buy more land, and use this to demonstrate best practice to the community. “Now,” he says, “I am confident enough to raise my voice and able to motivate the community for alternative livelihoods.”

Watch our Sweet Water video to learn how Bangladesh’s most vulnerable people are responding to climate change.

Photo credit: Richard Wainwright

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Saturday, 12th December

Our rights, our opportunity

Matthew 17:10-13

“Elijah has already come, and they did not know him.”

In today's Gospel reading we learn that Jesus explained to his disciples that Elijah has already come but the scribes did not recognise him. At times we can be blind to the good news stories when there is so much bad news being spread. Today we share with you a good news story from India, about tribal people who are often excluded. Since 1990, hundreds of thousands of tribal people have been displaced - forced to move from their homes with no where to go. To empower and promote the way of life of the tribal people, the Indian Government created a special law to support them.

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The Caritas Australia supported program, Hamara Haqis (Our rights) works with tribal leaders and local governments to help the tribal people understand and use the law to support them, so they are able to get the help they need and contribute to the decision making.

Participation is one of the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching in our work. Learn more about these principles using our short two minute videos and cartoons.

Photo credit: Caritas India

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Jesus, you are joy even in the saddest times.

Help us to praise you when we are upset or grieving and bring joy to others.

Shine joy into our hearts we pray. Amen.Adapted from: Advent prayers for children

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3rd Sunday of Advent, 13th December

Celebrating compassion in action

Luke 3:10-18 “He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none.”

Today's Gospel speaks of sharing what we have with others in need. Project Compassion, Caritas Australia's annual Lenten appeal, is a great example of this important Gospel call. Every year since 1965, our Catholic Caritas family across Australia have supported our Lenten appeal in an extraordinary demonstration of faith, love, generosity and compassion. In 2015, together, we raised more than $11.5 million for Project Compassion. Individuals, schools, parishes, workplaces and other community groups put their faith and compassion into action by praying, raising awareness and donating.

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All your support goes to help us work with people who experience poverty, so that they can create change and look to the future with hope. Thank you for standing with us to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Brainstorm ways students can ‘End poverty’, ‘Promote justice’ and ‘Uphold dignity’. Using a thinking tool such as ‘think, pair, share’ could help encourage ideas from everyone.

Photo credit: Mercy College, Perth

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Monday, 14th December

Calling for climate justice

Matthew 21:23-27

“We are afraid of the multitude.”

In today's Gospel, we hear how the chief priests questioned Jesus' authority. Their response demonstrates they were not interested in the issue of Jesus' authority but only in maintaining their status among the people. When we consider the changing climate and the devastating impact on those most vulnerable to poverty we must consider how our political leaders are responding. Are they concerned for those affected by climate change or are they more concerned with being popular? Pope Francis has shown that he is concerned with climate change and the impact it is having on the poor.

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As Pope Francis explains in his encyclical, Laudato Si’, “a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; [49]. Pope Francis has urged all of us to take action in our personal lives but also to call for strong political leadership on climate action.

How can you be a more active global citizen?

Talk to a friend about what you can do to take care of the environment.

Photo credit: Caritas Switzerland

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Tuesday, 15th December

Learning to embrace the future

Matthew 21:28-32

“‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’”

Today's Gospel of the Parable of the Two Sons, shows us that given a chance, people can learn and embrace new ways of living. This is also true for Vinsen, a farmer living in West Timor, Indonesia. For farmers in Vinsen's community, farming was not easy or profitable. When Vinsen’s village was hit by heavy rains and strong winds, crops and livestock were destroyed. They didn’t have enough food to eat or sell for income. The Sustainable Agriculture Program, run by local partner Yayasan Mitra Tani Mandiri (YMTM) and supported by Caritas Australia, is teaching farmers like Vinsen how to terrace land, plant to hillsides…

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…catch rainwater and improve soil. They can now grow sustainable crops. Embracing this new way of farming has made a huge impact on Vinsen’s life and the sustainability of the community's farming.

What new things can you learn about sustainability? Perhaps you could learn about worm farms, composting, or local tree planting.

Photo credit: Mie Cornoedus

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Wednesday, 16th December

Sharing the good news

Luke 7:18b-23

“…the poor have good news preached to them”

Jesus instructed John's disciples to go and tell John the good news of what they have seen and heard. Today we share the good news story of rural communities in Timor-Leste, one of the poorest countries in our region. Climate change threatens the survival and quality of life of whole communities who rely on enough rain at the predicted time, and healthy soil unaffected by drought or floods. Since 2005, with support from Caritas Australia, communities have run an innovative schools environmental education program in Oecusse. The program works with students, teachers and parents to transform schools into green learning …

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…environments. They learn to look after their environment.

Mr Oki, a teacher says: “With the support of Caritas I was motivated and called to lead the environmental conservation at school.”

Be inspired by communities in Timor-Leste and start your own community garden at your church or school.

Photo credit: Rofino Caet

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Thursday, 17th December

Caring for country, caring for creation

Matthew 1:1-17

The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah

We hear about the history of the generations with the genealogy of Jesus in today's Gospel reading. Our story we share today is of Rowan, from the Wondunna clan of the Badtjala people, Traditional Owners of Fraser Island and Hervey Bay in Queensland. Australia’s First Peoples are deeply connected to their traditional lands and the customs and traditions of their ancestors. But these lands are located in some of the hottest areas of the country. Rising temperatures have increased the risk of devastating bushfires. In 2010, Rowan became the General Manager of the Aboriginal Carbon Fund program, set up to support Aboriginal lands.

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In the program, landowners undertake carbon farming and they sell these carbon credits to organisations that need to offset their own carbon footprint. “We wanted to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere produced by wildfires, which warm the planet," says Rowan.

Join with us to pray: Most high, all powerful, all good Lord! We give thanks for communities in remote rural Australia, whose owners are now able to care for the land using traditional practices. Amen.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Friday, 18th December

Live life to the full

Matthew 1:18-25

The Birth of Jesus the Messiah

Today's Gospel reminds us that God fulfilled his promise with the birth of Jesus. Jesus came so we could have life and live it to the full (John 10:10). Our story today is of Saunoa, a member of a Caritas Samoa Women’s Group, where she has learnt new skills and says the program was a Godsend. Saunoa became involved because she wanted to earn an income; she also found it difficult to join any of the other women’s groups. Saunoa says that one of the main benefits of the sewing program is the self-confidence the women now have. Before the group they did not feel they had a place or a valuable contribution to make to the community.

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“The best thing about being a part of this program has been the fellowship that has grown with the other ladies and how I have been able to help them,” says Saunoa. With her new skills, income, confidence and fellowship, Saunoa is living life to the full.

Ask your teachers if they use Fairtrade tea and coffee in the staff room. Fairtrade ensures that cocoa farmers get a fair price for their work and like Saunoa, are able to live life to the full.

Photo credit: Caritas Samoa

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Saturday, 19th December

Centre of hope

Luke 1:5-25 “I was sent to speak to you, to bring you this good news.”

In today's Gospel we can reflect on the hope that Zechariah and Elizabeth must have felt learning they were to have a child after so many years. Our story today is about Mariama and her two year old daughter Fati who live in Niger, West Africa. In Niger, almost three million people live in extreme poverty and more than 40% are malnourished. When Fati became malnourished, Mariama took her to the Nutrition Centre which is supported by Caritas Australia. The nutritious food and medicines have been able to make Fati healthier and stronger. Nutrition centres like this one in Niger are centres of hope for families like Mariama and Fati.

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With the support they have received, Mariama is able to dream. "My dreams for Fati are that she gets her health back, goes to school and becomes a nurse or teacher," says Mariama.

Watch this short film about food and share it with your friends and family to increase awareness about food issues around the world. Sow Much Love: Seed rights & poor farmers (2 min)

Photo credit: François Therrien

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Jesus, you are love even if we are afraid.

Help us to pray to you and treat others with love and compassion.

Bring love into our hearts we pray. Amen.

Adapted from: Advent prayers for children

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4th Sunday of Advent, 20th December

Travelling the distance

Luke 1: 39-45

“Blessed are you among women.”

In today's Gospel we learn how Mary travelled quickly to visit Elizabeth. On 25 April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. This was followed by a second earthquake 17 days later. The two earthquakes caused immense devastation throughout the country. Caritas Australia and our whole international Caritas family have been working with Caritas Nepal to provide emergency relief, helping over 300,000 people. Reaching far away places was very important in Nepal, to make sure everyone who needed help was found. In some instances, staff have travelled by foot to reach mountainous areas, or used helicopters to deliver relief items.

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"I am truly humbled by the generosity and support of our whole global family in Nepal’s time of need. I would like to thank our global community for their prayers, support and gifts.” Fr Pius Perumana, Executive Director of Caritas Nepal

If your home was destroyed in a devastating earthquake, what item would you try and save? We spoke with nine survivors who shared with us what they saved from the rubble. Read their stories.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Monday, 21st December

Not forgotten

Luke 1: 39-45

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Elizabeth felt honoured to be visited by the mother of her Lord, Jesus, for Mary had not forgotten her. A story of a family who was also not forgotten comes from Vanuatu. Stephanie Lalor, our Manager of Pacific Programs, visited Vanuatu where she helped coordinate Caritas’s relief efforts after Tropical Cyclone Pam in March 2015. Stephanie recalls, "A lasting memory from my visit was meeting a family who lost a large part of their house and their belongings. As the cyclone bore down on their home, the family had to shelter in the bathroom, putting their baby in the cupboard to try and keep it safe from the rain and wind.

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A few days later, we returned with a tarpaulin. I was quite taken aback when the older man kissed me on the forehead and said, “you came back!” He explained that many agencies had come to talk to them, but that no one had returned to offer assistance.

As a class think of ways to bring joy to people who might feel forgotten. Eg. Visiting a nursing home to sing Christmas carols or by sending Christmas cards.

Photo credit: Caritas Australia

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Tuesday, 22nd December


Luke 1:46-56

“..and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

In Today's Gospel, Mary rejoices in the Lord for the great things that are to come. In the story we share today, Bopha, a mother of four, has found she too can rejoice for she has hope for the future. Unable to read or write or have enough money to provide for her children, Bopha made money illegally, and had to go to prison. Thanks to a sewing program supported by Caritas Australia and Caritas Cambodia, which aims to promote the health and wellbeing of prisoners and teach tailoring skills, she left the prison full of hope. She tells Caritas Cambodia that while staying at the prison she was no longer sad, as every day she wanted to sew.

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“I suddenly got a lot of hope and started dreaming that I could become a tailor … the program gave me skills and hope for the future. I can go back to my village. I can live with my mother and my four children; I will be a tailor in my village,” says Bopha.

With only 3 days until Christmas, why not get crafty and sew or make a gift for your loved ones? You could sew a Christmas decoration, or a welcome banner for your home, parish or school.

Photo credit: Caritas Cambodia

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Wednesday, 23rd December


Luke 1:57-66 “What then will this child be?” For the hand of the Lord was with him.”

In reflecting on today's Gospel we can learn that sometimes going God's way means going against the grain of our culture - being different. Today we share the story of Leo, an inspiring young man in Year 8 from South Australia. He decided that he would live in solidarity with people in poverty during Lent. Recognising that more than a billion people live in poverty on less than $2 a day, Leo decided to challenge himself to spend only $10 per week on food and drink throughout the whole duration of Lent. In addition he used this opportunity to fundraise for Caritas Australia.

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While many people in today’s society continue to consume more, buy more, and waste more, Leo has shown that this way of living can be challenged. Leo's act of solidarity can encourage us all to "Aspire not to have more, but to be more." (Archbishop Oscar Romero)

At this time of year, we often think of things we think we ‘need’. Take a moment to think of a recent time when you have focused on the needs of others, rather than your own.

Photo credit: Leo

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Thursday, 24th December

Hope for the future

Luke 1:67-79 “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,for he has visited and redeemed his people.”

Zechariah's hymn in today's Gospel tells us about the freedom and the peace that comes with the arrival of Jesus. Many Caritas supported projects also provide freedom and peace, helping families and communities to live in hope. Today we learn about Maria, who is president of the recycling cooperative which is supported by Caritas Australia and our local partner, ‘Movement for the defence of favela residents’ (MDF). Maria lives in a favela (slum) in São Paulo, Brazil. Maria says that living in a favela is difficult; not only do residents have to contend with the river overflowing and disease brought from rats, but they live with…

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… constant threat of eviction from their homes. MDF helps residents achieve better living conditions. Now, the workers at the recycling cooperative have a clean space to work. Maria explains, “We can leave extreme poverty behind us and build human dignity together.”

Rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, regift! We can often assume others want 'new' things at Christmas. Perhaps something used or repurposed could be a great gift too.

Photo credit: Erin Johnson

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Christmas Day, 25th December

Christ be our light

John 1:1-5, 9-14 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the light of our world! Conflict, poverty and injustice are the darkness in our world but these cannot overpower the light of Jesus and the good news he brings. Just like there was no room at the inn for the Holy Family all those years ago, other families find there is no room for them today. Living in a one room home with a shared kitchen and bathroom in one of the poorest areas of Beirut (Ruwaysat), Khawla and her husband Othman Homayed have had their first child, Haydar.

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Caritas have given the family financial support but Othman is out of work which makes it very hard for him to look after Khawla and Haydar. Caritas is their light, providing essential items and shelter, support, solidarity and hope for the future.

As we light the Christ candle on our Advent wreath, let us rejoice in the Good News of Jesus! Sing a hymn such as "Christ be our light", or another Christmas carol.

Photo credit: Tabitha Ross/Caritas

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Candle Christ Candle

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Evergreen Holly

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Pine cone Apple

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Laurel Nuts

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Seed pods