WWII Military History [25-28 January]

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  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]



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  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    WWII Military History

    Quick Guide

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European trate!y

    "Europe #irst$ % Ger&any was t'ebi!!est lon!(ter& t'reat )lar!e ar&y*'i!' production+

    talin asks ,llies to open -nd.ront inEurope

    Paci/c trate!y BUT t'e U didn0t i!nore t'e Paci/c


  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    1 2ec 34 % ,ttack on Pearl Harbor Most lar!e s'ips sunk or da&a!ed5 &ost

    /!'ter planes destroyed

    2ec 34 % May 3- % #i!'t in t'e P'ilippines

    2ou!las Mac,rt'ur and U troops 'old.orti/cations in Manila

    ,pr 3- % 2oolittle Raid

    bo&bin! o. Tokyo in retaliation .or PearlHarbor

    ,pr 3- % Bataan 2eat' Marc' U troops taken as P6Ws and .orced to &arc'

    to Bataan

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    May 3- % Battle o. 7oral ea New strate!y wit' aircra.t carriers

    topped sout'ern 8apanese e9pansion

    8une 3- % "attle o$ %idway &'ey Turnin )oint&

    Halted 8apanese e9pansion

    U acti:ely on t'e o;ensi:e

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    ,&erican trate!y< Island('oppin! U Marines and ot'er &ilitary branc'es

    "'opped$ .ro& island to island* takin!

    control teadily &o:in! toward 8apan

    8apanese trate!y< =a&ika>e

    Pilots deliberately cras'in! planes intoU s'ips .or &a9i&u& da&a!e

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    #eb?Mar 3@ % Iwo 8i&a Pro:ided e&er!ency airstrips

    ,pr 3@ % In:asion o. 6kinawa

    Pro:ided air base .ro& w'ic' to bo&b 8apan

    ,&erican trate!y< aturation Bo&bin!

    Hea:y bo&bin! .or &a9i&u& da&a!e

    Used a!ainst Tokyo to try to draw surrender

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    A ,u! 3@ % U drops ato&ic bo&b onHiros'i&a8apan re.uses to surrender

    %an*attan )ro+e,t / Use o$ !to-i,"o-b . 'ey Turnin )oint

    ,u! 3@ % U drops ato&ic bo&b on

    Na!asaki 4@ ,u! 3@ % 8apan announces it will


  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    Paci/c T'eater

    - ept 3@ % C(8 2ay8apan .or&ally surrenders to Mac,rt'ur

    in Tokyo Bay

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    Early 3- % ,llies be!in saturation andstrate!ic bo&bin! o. Ger&any aidedby Tuska!ee air&en trate!ic bo&bin! D bo&bin! &ilitary

    and industrial tar!ets to slow war e;orts

    A support soldiers .or e:ery co&batsoldier

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    ,u! 3- %an 0 Stalinrad &'ey Turnin )oint&

    Hitler wanted Russian oil /elds lon! sie!e

    Fon! winter wit' no supplies

    Ger&an surrender End o$ er-an ad3an,e in Europe

    Write in (use the margins)

    U(boat attacks continued t'rou!'out t'e war*but by &id(43* we be!an to di&inis' t'eire;ect

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    6ct 3- % "attle o$ El !la-ein &'ey Turnin )oint&

    Puts t'e ,9is on t'e de.ense* ,llied

    o;ensi:e in Nort' ,.rican be!ins

    #all 3-? prin! 3 % 6peration Torc' ,llies take Nort' ,.rica .ro& ,9is Powers

    Fed by 4wi*t Eisen*ower andeore )atton

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    8uly 3 % ,llied .orces in:ade icily*t'en Italy ,llies control t'e Mediterranean ? supply


    ept 3 % Italy0s surrenders a.ter

    Mussolini ees to t'e nort'Note5 Fi*tin ,ontinues in Italyuntil 1607

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    No: 3 % BIG THREE )U* GreatBritain* o:iet Union+ &eet in Te'ran*Iran

    #inally a!ree to open a -nd

    .ront in#rance

    talin* Roose:elt* 7'urc'ill

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    8une A* 433 484ay &'ey Turnin)oint& #irst day o. 6peration 6:erlord* in:asion

    o. Nor&andy

    upre&e 7o&&ander D 2wi!'tEisen'ower

    Opens t*e se,ond $ront in Europe9pa3es way to er-any:s de$eat

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    European T'eater

    ,u! 33 % Fiberation o. Paris

    2ec 33 % Battle o. t'e Bul!e )led byPatton+

    ,pril 3@ % #2R dies* Harry Tru&an beco&es


    o:iets reac' Berlin

    Hitler co&&its suicide

    J May 43@ % C(E 2ay )Cictory in


  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]


    T'eir acri/ce* 6ur #reedo&

    Watc' and take additional notes ont'e ite&s on your Quick Guide inEurope startin! at 2(2ay

  • 7/25/2019 WWII Military History [25-28 January]



    7' -K works'eet )also posted to t'eblo! as o. #riday* -- 8anuary+ due-1?-J 8anuary