Worship Bulletin, February 24, 2013

STAFF Rev. Sterling W. Severns, ext. 241 ..........................................................Senior Pastor Dr. Judy Fiske, ext. 247 ................................................ Minister of Music and Worship Rev. Cecil Gholston ............................................................................. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dan Schumacher, ext. 239…………………………………..…....Pastoral Resident Joseph Perdue, ext. 223…………………………………………………….Pastoral Intern Rachel Spencer, ext. 245 .........................................................VCU Social Work Intern Leigh Anne Zylstra, ext. 245 ....................................................VCU Social Work Intern Ron Simmons ....................................................... Music Assistant, Vocal/Instrumental Terry Witt ...................................................................................Music Assistant, Vocal Ryan Corbitt ......................................................................Church Accompanist/Pianist Betty Robertson, ext. 221.................................................................. Church Secretary Evanne Benson, ext. 240 ................................................................ Financial Assistant Frances Mathews, ext. 250 ............................................................. Child Care Director Teddy McClure, ext. 246 .................................................................................... Sexton Bonnie Bailey ......................................................................................Assistant Sexton Kristen Koger ........................................................................................Nursery Mentor Kelley Hurdle…………………………………………………………...…....Nursery Mentor www.tbcrichmond.org 1925 Grove Avenue | Richmond, VA 23220 | 804.355.0134 THIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERS Jean Finley…….………………………………………………..……....Deacon of the Week Mary Curtis Powell and Kathryn Hall.…….……………….…………...……………..Infants Kate Ayers and Alicia Phillips...…...........…………..….……..…...Toddlers/Preschoolers Sahmoe Htoo.……..…...……………………………………………..……......Youth Helper Art and Beth Wright............................................................................Worship Explorers Joseph Perdue...………………………………………………………..……..Pastor on Call February 24, 2013


Worship Bulletin for Tabernacle Baptist Church, February 24, 2013

Transcript of Worship Bulletin, February 24, 2013

Page 1: Worship Bulletin, February 24, 2013

STAFF Rev. Sterling W. Severns, ext. 241 .......................................................... Senior Pastor Dr. Judy Fiske, ext. 247 ................................................ Minister of Music and Worship Rev. Cecil Gholston ............................................................................. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dan Schumacher, ext. 239…………………………………..…....Pastoral Resident Joseph Perdue, ext. 223…………………………………………………….Pastoral Intern Rachel Spencer, ext. 245 .........................................................VCU Social Work Intern Leigh Anne Zylstra, ext. 245 ....................................................VCU Social Work Intern Ron Simmons ....................................................... Music Assistant, Vocal/Instrumental Terry Witt ...................................................................................Music Assistant, Vocal Ryan Corbitt ...................................................................... Church Accompanist/Pianist Betty Robertson, ext. 221.................................................................. Church Secretary Evanne Benson, ext. 240 ................................................................ Financial Assistant Frances Mathews, ext. 250 ............................................................. Child Care Director Teddy McClure, ext. 246 .................................................................................... Sexton Bonnie Bailey ...................................................................................... Assistant Sexton Kristen Koger ........................................................................................ Nursery Mentor Kelley Hurdle…………………………………………………………...…....Nursery Mentor

www.tbcrichmond.org 1925 Grove Avenue | Richmond, VA 23220 | 804.355.0134

THIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERS Jean Finley…….………………………………………………..……....Deacon of the Week Mary Curtis Powell and Kathryn Hall.…….……………….…………...……………..Infants Kate Ayers and Alicia Phillips...…...........…………..….……..…...Toddlers/Preschoolers Sahmoe Htoo.……..…...……………………………………………..……......Youth Helper Art and Beth Wright............................................................................Worship Explorers Joseph Perdue...………………………………………………………..……..Pastor on Call

February 24, 2013

Page 2: Worship Bulletin, February 24, 2013

WORSHIP Second Sunday in Lent

Eleven o’clock Sunday, February 24, 2013 PRELUDE Judy Fiske WESTMINSTER CHIME (Please prepare for worship.) CALL TO WORSHIP Children of the Church “Nets of Love”……………………………………………………...….Simpson HYMN #183; #88 in Karen; #133 in Chin “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”………………………………...RATHBUN WELCOME TO GUESTS AND VISITORS Sterling Severns

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE/LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen

LUNCHEON AND BRIEF TOWN MEETING SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 3: SABBATICAL FOR OUR PASTOR Please make plans to join us after worship on Sunday, March 3. All proceeds from lunch will help send our youth to summer camp in Louisville, KY. The town meeting will focus on a potential sabbatical for our Pastor during the summer of 2014. The church will need to make a decision by early April about applying for the Lily Endowment's National Clergy Renewal Grant. The brief meeting will offer im-portant details and give the congregation an opportunity to ask questions. The Sab-batical Team and Deacon Board have already begun the dialogue and we hope you will join us.

EASTER LILIES If you would like to purchase lilies to be displayed in the Sanctuary on Easter Sun-day in honor or in memory of a loved one, please place your order and check in the offering plate by Palm Sunday, March 24. The cost per plant is $13.00. A form can be found at the back of the Sanctuary and on the flower table in the hallway.

ANTHEM Sanctuary Choir “When You Prayed Beneath the Trees”…………………………..Larson

GOSPEL LESSON Ah Char Ngwa, Sui Sui, Sah Hay Moo, Erin Braford Luke 22:47-53 (p. 917 in pew Bible)

WORSHIP EXPLORERS (Children Grades K-3) All children, Grades K-3, may now leave the Sanctuary with Art and Beth Wright. Today, the children will participate in an activity centered on the scripture reading.

WANTED: MEN’S CLOTHING FOR CLOTHES CLOSET Once again, we are asking you to help by donating men’s clothing to the Tabernac-le Clothes Closet. Our inventory of men’s pants, shirts and shoes is very low. At this time, we have one pair of men’s pants. This ministry helps the homeless and needy, and we strive to have clothing available for our patrons. Please clean out your closets and donate items to the TBC Clothes Closet. Thank you for supporting this valuable ministry.

THE MEANING OF THE CROSS: Feb. 20—Mar. 20 Our Wednesday night Lenten series this year casts its eye on the central symbol of the Christian faith: the cross. How does it speak to both the best and worst human-ity has to offer? Join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 in the Fellowship Hall as a variety of guest speakers challenge us to embrace a more complex un-derstanding of the cross.

PLAN TO ATTEND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE VIRGINIA BAPTIST ALL-STATE CHOIR! MARCH 2, 3:00 PM, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Way Snah Htoo and Monica Iang are participating in the Virginia Baptist All-State Choir again this year. First Baptist Church, where the concert will take place, is located on Monument Avenue at the Boulevard, just blocks from Tabernacle. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate children and youth making good use of their amazing talents. There are almost 200 children and youth from all over the state of Virginia who come together to practice and sing worship music together. Plan to attend. Parking is available in the First Baptist lot on Robinson Street between Monument and Park Avenue.

JOIN THE YOUTH GROUP FOR A SPECIAL CONCERT AT J. SERGEANT REYNOLDS, FEBRUARY 27 Join the Youth group as they travel to the J. Sergeant Reynolds Community Col-lege (Parham Campus) to hear the Charles City Spiritual Ensemble. The Charles City Spiritual Ensemble is celebrated for its skills in interpretation of Negro Spirtu-als. The one-hour concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. with light refreshments directly after the program. Contact [email protected] if you would like to join us.

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THE RETURN OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Prayer ………………………………………...…….…Jean Finley Offertory………………...………………………………...……..Ryan Corbitt Doxology Hymn #706, #538 in Karen, #508 in Chin……...…..OLD 100th

Chin Language Version: Thluachuah a kan petu Pathian, A Fa Jesuh le Thiang Thlarau, Vanrang toi le vancung khuami, Mi zakip nih thangthat usih. Amen.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

INVITATION HYMN #182; #118A in Chin “Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed”………………………….…..…...AVON

SERMON “Think Again” Julie Gaines INTERLUDE Ryan Corbitt

WORSHIP NOTES: Today, we join dozens of Baptist Churches around the world in recognition of Martha Stearns Marshall, an eighteenth-century Separate Baptist preacher. She often stood alongside her brother Shubal Stearns and spoke at Baptist meetings. Martha also assist-ed her husband Daniel Marshall in his churches and preached to his congregations. In 1810, Virginia Baptist historian Robert Semple wrote of Marshall’s contributions to Bap-tist work, "Mr. Marshall had a rare felicity of finding in this lady, a Priscilla, a helper in the gospel. In fact, it should not be concealed that his extraordinary success in the ministry, is ascribable in no small degree, to Mrs. Marshall’s unwearied, and zealous co-operation. Without the shadow of a usurped authority over the other sex, Mrs. Marshall, being a lady of good sense, singular piety, and surprising elocution, has, in countless instances melted a whole concourse into tears by her prayers and exhortations!'" In 2007, Baptist Women in Ministry instituted the Martha Stearns Marshall Day of Preach-ing to invite churches to encourage women to preach. Each year, we will join together to celebrate hearing the voices of women as they preach in pulpits across the United States. As more women enter the ministry, churches have a greater opportunity to wel-come them into their pulpits. Today, we welcome and offer gratitude to Julie Gaines, one of our own, as she steps behind the pulpit to preach the Gospel.

Page 4: Worship Bulletin, February 24, 2013

This Week a t T a b e r n a c l e B a p t i s t C h u r c h

Monthly Mission Project: Help us serve our community

For the month of FEBRUARY we are collecting DISPOS-ABLE RAZORS AND SHAVING CREAM. All donated items will be shared at our weekly Clothes Closet and Food Pantry Ministry. If you are interested in helping to collect items or volunteer on Thursdays, please contact Dick Denzler.

SUN 24

9:45 10:30 11:00 6:00

Sunday School for All Ages Fellowship (Sanctuary) Worship Service Small Groups

MON 25

12:00 1:00 5:30



Pastoral Staff Meeting Church Staff Meeting TCCC Committee Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Children’s Leadership Meeting Women’s Fellowship Group (Colonial Apartments)



Brown Bag Bible Study

WED 27


5:45 6:30

7:00 7:40

Homework Assistance Pre-school and Kindergarten music activities Fellowship Meal Children: Godly Play/Choir Financial Education Class Adults: “The Meaning of the Cross” with guest speakers Youth: Concert at JSRCC Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal



Food Pantry/Clothes Closet


3:00 All-State Choir (See announcements.)


Recent Addions

Michael Booth, Jackie Bowles’ son, preparing for surgery in days ahead Thaw Tun, Chit Ko, Ah Ka Ko, Aung Kyaw Ko, Po Po, Nai Mangay Rot and Nai Sao, all Bur-mese refugees having recently arrived in Rich-mond. We also pray for Sui Sui as she anxiously awaits the arrival of her sister from Malaysia on March 1. Samuel UC Lian, Wint Wint Zaw, Patrick Bra-ford, Say Wah Htoo, Dan Schumacher and Sai Lat as they actively raise funds and prepare for the trip to Singapore and Malaysia this summer. Our expectant parents Ruth Kane The Hyaets Community in Charlotte, NC as they mourn the shooting death of Keith Houston, a young man they have known for many years We celebrate with the approval of our Deacon Leaders in last week’s ballot. We will be excited to ordain Kathryn Hall, Say Wah Htoo, and Chuck Corbin, our newest deacons, in the weeks ahead. Art and Beth Wright, as they prepare for baby Julian’s dedication during next week’s worship service.

Continued Care

Eh Say, Adella Watlington, Mike Buchanan, Karen Bailey, Ken Kinchen, Thwen Say, Marlene Wood, Emma Wright, Cecil and Jeanette Gholston, Chris Hines, Goldie Saunders, Richard Wright, Mary Anne Bryan, Bonnie Shattuck