WorldwideXtra Winter 2015

THE UNREACHED PRAYER FUEL FOR REACHING WINTER 2015 WEC UK - reorganising page 5 Senegal - the Jola people page 6 Jordan welcomes refugees page 11 Let's pray together for Christians worldwide persecuted for their faith page 3 Behind bars VISIT WEC-UK.ORG THE WEEK-PER-VIEW PRAYER GUIDE OF WEC INTERNATIONAL


Prayer fuel from WEC UK mission agency. Pray with us in reaching the unreached with the love of Jesus. For a printed copy please email [email protected] More about WEC mission agency here:

Transcript of WorldwideXtra Winter 2015


WEC UK - reorganising page 5Senegal - the Jola people page 6

Jordan welcomes refugees page 11

Let's pray together for Christians worldwide persecuted for their faith page 3

Behind barsVISIT



WORLDWIDEXTRAEDITOR Simeon Whiting email [email protected] PRAYER NEWS Jeremy Ellis email [email protected] SUB-EDITOR Liz Cleak ART EDITOR Chris Lawrence email [email protected] WorldwideXtra desires to cover all of God’s world in prayer. WEC does not necessarily work in the countries mentioned.Unless otherwise marked scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised. Copyright ©1979, 1984, 2011. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers. All rights reserved. WorldwideXtra is published four times a year. To change your subscription or order multiple copies email [email protected], call 0113 282 2291 or write to Worldwide, WEC International, Springhead Park House, Park Lane, Rothwell, Leeds LS26 0ET. WorldwideXtra is produced by WEC Media & Communications, Leeds. Printed by Custard Apple Print, Bradford, on responsibly sourced paper ©2015. Please recycle this magazine. WEC International is a registered charity, numbers 237005 & SCO37715. Donations towards the cost of production are gladly received. WEC International (UK HQ) Bulstrode, Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross SL9 8SZ

2018 faith goalslprayer networks

for all the peoples with whom we are engagedlto engage with 33 new people groupslchurch planting in 180 new locationslat least 1,200 new workers to achieve these goals.

Core passion Loving Jesus

Core missionReaching peoplePlanting churches Mobilising for missionCore values Holiness, sacrifice, faith, fellowship

The Power of Prayer




THANK YOUFinancial receipts to the WEC UK Finance Office for the months of Sept-Nov 2014Total receipts: £444,375Designated gifts: £93,531Personal support: £260,932


We thank God for his faithful provision. All correspondence about financial gifts for WEC International or for WEC workers should be addressed to: Finance Office, WEC International, Bulstrode, Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks SL9 8SZ. T 01753 278109 E [email protected] state if a gift is to be designated for an individual, ministry or project. Cheques should be made payable to ‘WEC International’.

Some months ago, I was encouraged to start a blog. I don’t consider myself very “techie”, but thankfully a friend got me set up, and now I’m able to share various thoughts on prayer, online.

The introduction to my blog reads: “Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.”

If you would like to follow my journey, visit I hope my thoughts help inspire your own prayer life. On the right, at the bottom of the page, is the option to “Follow by Email”. Enter your email address and then each time I write something, it’ll be sent to your inbox.

Through this issue of WorldwideXtra, we’ll be praying for different peoples, issues, workers and projects. Let’s take the material in these pages and faithfully turn it into prayer, knowing that prayer makes a powerful difference.

A long-standing missionary reflected, “After years of working here, we have come to realise that the real battle is fought and won in believing prayer.”

Let’s pray and join in the battle.

God bless you.

Jeremy EllisWEC UK prayer mobiliser


WEC UK - reorganising page 5Senegal - the Jola people page 6

Jordan welcomes refugees page 11

Let's pray together for Christians worldwidepersecuted for their faith page 3

Behind barsVISIT



love of Christ” (Eph 3:17-18).➜Pray they would know how to share the gospel and would be fearless in doing so. “Pray

1-7 NovemberWorldwide – the persecuted church


Let’s remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering: those who have not eaten for days because they are given nothing to eat; those languishing in prison; Christian families who have watched their homes burn to the ground; pastors who are beaten and tortured; young children living in constant fear of violence; believers who have lost their loved ones; and those who are facing death, even right at this moment, for refusing to denounce Christ.

If you were in a situation like this, what would you ask your wider church family to do for you? When persecuted Christians are asked what the church in the West can do for them, the answer is always the same: ‘Please pray for us’. So let’s pray:➜ Pray that persecuted believers would know and remember the hope that God gives. “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you” (Eph 1:18).➜Pray that the Holy Spirit would strengthen them. “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being” (Eph 3:16).➜Pray they would know how much God loves them. “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power… to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the

» Remember This week, many believers around the world will focus on praying for the persecuted church, remembering the thousands of Christians who suffer violence, imprisonment and destruction of their property, simply because they confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

The writer to the Hebrews urges us to, “remember those who are in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Heb 13:3).

This week, let’s take time to remember those in prison and those who are enduring persecution for the sake of the gospel.

“Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere” (Eph 6:18) (NLT).


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also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” (Eph 6:19-20).

When asked how we should pray, one Chinese pastor commented, “Don’t pray for the persecution to stop, but pray that we would remain faithful in the persecution.” Another pastor said, “When we hear that a brother or sister has been arrested we don’t pray for their release, unless specifically directed to do so, but for opportunities to witness.”➜Pray that those being persecuted will stay faithful to God, as he is faithful to them.



➜ Locked up Many Christians face prison for their beliefs

8-14 NovemberHinduism – Divali


Divali is perhaps the best- known of all the Hindu festivals and is celebrated each year between mid-October and mid-December. This year, Divali will start on Wednesday 11 November and will continue until Sunday 15 November.

The word Divali means 'rows of lighted lamps'. Divali is known as the 'festival of lights' because houses, shops and public places are decorated with lights. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance, although the actual legends associated with the festival vary in different areas of India.

During this ‘festival of lights’, pray that many Hindus will come to appreciate Jesus’ words: “‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12).

After last year’s celebration of Divali, one worker wrote: “As millions of people lit clay lamps praying for the light to come into the darkness, we prayed that his [God’s] light would penetrate the darkness. There's an ancient Sanskrit prayer that’s been prayed by millions of people in India over the years. We prayed that God would truly answer this for them.

Lead me from untruth to Truth, lead me from darkness to Light, lead me from death to Immortality.”➜ Knowing that millions will again be praying this prayer in the coming days, let’s pray for them to be led:l from untruth to Truthl from darkness to true Light l from the broad road that leads to death to the narrow road that leads to Life.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)

There are around a billion Hindus in the world and around 950 million of them live in India.

As we pray for the Hindus around the world, and for India with its vast diversity, let’s remember Jesus has “purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.” (Rev 5:9).➜Let’s pray that many Hindus will be among them.

» What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is the generic name for a set of ancient religious traditions, often referred to as 'a way of life' or 'a family of religions'. Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no definitive set of teachings, but most Hindus revere a body of texts known as the Veda as sacred scripture, and draw on a common system of values known as dharma.

Most Hindus believe in a supreme God, whose qualities and forms are represented by the multitude of deities emanating from him. Hindus believe existence is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, governed by Karma.









➜ Festival of lights Divali celebrates the victory of good over evil.


“‘Truly I tell you,’ Jesus replied, ‘no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times

15-21 NovemberWEC UK – reorganising


There are still many questions which remain unanswered, and so we ask you to pray:➜Pray we will be sensitive to God’s leading. ➜Pray that the changes taking place will lead to greater effectiveness in reaching the unreached.

A Project Management Group has been established to manage the sale of WEC properties, deal with agents, investigate the possibility of sharing properties with other organisations, and purchase properties in the best locations.➜Pray for the Project Management Group as they shoulder these responsibilities.➜Pray that in all the practical details, they will remain sensitive to God’s leading.

WEC’s individual ministries are making plans for the future. For many of them, this will mean a change of location. Please pray for:l WEC Trek l WEC Youth l Neighbours Worldwide l Radio Worldwidel Operation World l Media and communications l Geared for Growth Bible

studies. The reorganising of WEC UK

will mean some upheaval in the coming months and years. But we can trust God, and this process is an opportunity for us to grow spiritually, both as individuals and as a fellowship.

» Change is afoot As we mentioned in the last edition of WorldwideXtra, we have been reviewing WEC UK’s structures and the way we operate. As a result of this review, we have initiated a variety of changes to enable WEC to be more effective in reaching the unreached.

One of these changes will be to locate ourselves in strategic urban areas around the UK. This will make it easier to engage the unevangelised, make disciples, support our existing workers and recruit new ones. It will also involve moving away from Bulstrode, the UK headquarters.

As we reorganise, we pray the new structure will allow us to make great progress in reaching the remaining unevangelised peoples of the world for Christ.




as much in this present age… and in the age to come eternal life.’” (Mark 10:29-30).➜Pray for those workers for whom the changes will mean a new home and new place of work. Pray they will receive the rewards Jesus promises.

We can move forward, in the knowledge that neither the future nor the past need discourage us from serving God. We recognise that God is at work all the time; initiating, leading and guiding as we seek his face.

Your continued prayer support is invaluable as we continue on this journey. If you have any questions or anything you would like to share, then feel free to email John Bagg, UK Director: [email protected]



➜ London calling? WEC UK is moving to strategic urban areas.

22-28 NovemberSenegal – the Jola people


Earlier this year, while many Oussouye residents were in the final stages of initiation into the cult of the local demon, 95 Jola Christians of all ages took refuge in the Oussouye church building, to avoid being forcibly initiated. The church leaders used the time to give teaching on the Holy Spirit and on animism. When it was safe to leave the church, everyone emerged strengthened in their faith.“…the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4).

Although the main initiation event is now over, the possibility of initiation remains open until April 2016, mainly for those who live abroad or who,

for other reasons, were not able to attend before. It is still possible that those who took refuge in the church might be abducted. The youngest son of one believer, whose wife is not a Christian, has been seized and taken into the forest for initiation. ➜Pray for the believers to be protected from abduction and forced initiation.

The local church is devoted to evangelism and church planting. The young people in the church often meet together for praise and prayer, and for evangelistic activities. They now have twelve Good News Clubs, where children from other villages can hear the gospel. The church has a

thriving youth ministry. Many high school students are being baptised and established in the faith, then moving on and witnessing to others at university and elsewhere.

The women of the church meet together for prayer and mutual encouragement, and are seeing their friends coming to faith in Jesus.➜Pray the church will continue to see this kind of fruit.

The church in Oussouye has benefited from financial support from abroad, but is seeking to become financially independent. With this aim in mind, young people keep market gardens and sell the produce, women are learning to produce batik cloth and another woman bakes bread rolls to sell to school children. ➜Pray the church will realise its goal of becoming financially independent, and be in a position to support and plant other churches.

» An animist tradition

The Jola of Senegal – particularly in Oussouye and its surrounding villages – are animists by tradition. They believe that though God is the creator, he is not the spirit-being with whom they must interact. Instead, their lives are governed by fearsome local spirits who demand their allegiance.

The Jola seek to appease the spirits by means of initiation ceremonies, sacrifices and drink offerings, under the direction of priests and mediums. There are no idols in Jola villages, but shrines of various sorts are everywhere. The animists tolerate conversion to Christianity, provided an individual’s deepest allegiance remains with the local ruling spirit.





➜ Animist tradition The Jola revere local spirits


help those who have come to the UK.➜Pray for any projects you know, reaching out to asylum seekers. Perhaps there are

29 November – 5 DecemberWorldwide – refugees


By the end of 2014, Syria had the dubious honour of becoming the world’s leading source of refugees, overtaking Afghanistan, which had held this position for more than three decades. Today, almost one in four refugees is Syrian, with 95% of them located in neighbouring countries.➜Pray over the situations in the news today which are responsible for displacing people from their homes.➜Pray for the people themselves who have been displaced. They have lost so much, face incredible challenges where they now are, and live with huge uncertainty about the future.

In 2014, at least 1.66 million people submitted applications for asylum: the highest figure ever recorded. An estimated 274,700 asylum claims were made to the Russian Federation; 173,100 to Germany; 121,200 to the USA and 31,300 to the UK.

“From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.” (Acts 17:26). ➜Pray for an end to the violence and injustice which forces people to leave their home nations.

Many churches and organisations are seeking to

» Facts and figures According to the UN Refugee Agency the number of forcibly-displaced people worldwide stands at 59.5 million. Millions are displaced within their own countries; others cross borders to live as refugees, often in displaced people’s camps, where conditions are cramped and extremely basic, and illness is rife.

At the end of 2014 there were 19.5 million refugees worldwide: around 2.9 million more than in 2013.

During 2014, conflict and persecution forced an average of 42,500 people a day to leave their homes and seek protection elsewhere, either within their own country or elsewhere.

Developing countries host over 86% of the world’s refugees.

Just over half of all refugees are under 18 years of age.W


asylum seekers in your own community.➜Pray that in the turmoil and uncertainty of seeking asylum, many would find peace with God through Christ.

People who have been displaced can struggle with a sense of not belonging; of not knowing where “home” is anymore.

“For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” (2 Cor 5:1)

Thank God that our real home is with him in heaven. That’s where we belong. That’s our identity.➜Pray that many more will embrace and experience this truth.



➜ Give me shelter Nearly 20 million people are refugees

6-12 DecemberBuddhist world – Bodhi Day


The countries with the largest buddhist populations are:1. China 166 million2. Japan 88 million3. Thailand 58 million4. Vietnam 47 million5. Myanmar 41 million6. Sri Lanka 14 million7. Cambodia 13 million8. South Korea 12 million9. India 10 million10. Taiwan 7 million(Source: Operation World)

There is a spiritual darkness in these nations, which can only be lifted through prayer. One particular worker in a buddhist country writes:

“Buddhists here are so tied to their beliefs, since childhood and through so many generations, that it is prayer alone that is going to open

their hearts to see the light.”➜Pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth – amongst the buddhist peoples – as in heaven.”

As millions celebrate Bodhi Day this week, let’s pray…

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Cor 4:4). ➜Pray for spiritually blind eyes to be opened to the truth of the gospel.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph 2:8-9).

➜Pray that many will accept the gospel of grace and yield their lives to God through Christ.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)➜Pray for those seeking perfect peace through their own efforts

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).➜Pray for those working in buddhist lands to be effective in communicating the good news.➜Pray that many will encounter God’s word, and find life in Christ by reading it.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)

» Buddhist celebration

Bodhi Day, or Enlightenment Day, is the buddhist holiday commemorating the day in 596 BC when Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, experienced enlightenment.

Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day on 8 December. It is observed in different ways. Individuals may mark the occasion through meditation, study, or the chanting of buddhist texts. A traditional meal with tea, cake and readings is also common.

This week, we will pray for the buddhist world. Use the information and verses of scripture below to pray for the world’s 480 million Buddhists.

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96:3




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➜ Seeking enlightenment 480 million people identify as Buddhists.


Jane Baker, Brazil: “Pray for my friends who have limited or no christian commitment; that they will come to know Jesus. And pray for those I'm teaching to read; that they will persevere and want to read God's word.”

13-19 DecemberWEC UK – from our workers


“…brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured” (2 Thess 3:1).➜Please pray for each of the following WEC workers, committing them and their ministries into God’s hands.

Jenny Knight, Mexico: “The El Monte missions training centre began its 10-month programme of study on 26 August. Staff and students need grace and stamina to finish well before the Christmas break. Pray for the students as they share their experiences with their churches and families over the Christmas period.”

June Whittaker, Ghana: “Pray for the Rainbow Education project, that God would give us wisdom to run it well and use it effectively to bring the good news to the people of Wa and the surrounding villages.”

Peter and Edi Wilson, Japan: “Pray for a greater openness to the gospel among the Japanese people. Christmas is a time when there can be opportunities for Christians to invite friends and family to special church-based Christmas events.”

Fiona Adams, Senegal: “Please pray for the students and staff at Bourofaye Christian School to be refreshed over the Christmas break. Please pray also for more opportunities to share the gospel with our local staff.”

» Prayer requests There are many ways we can pray for God's work around the world. We can pray about broad issues, or in depth for a particular situation we know. We can pray for a WEC ministry, or for individual workers.

A while ago, we wrote to a number of workers and asked them each for a couple of sentences to help us pray for them during this week. Below is what they sent us.

Some of these names may be very familiar, in which case you will be able to add your own prayer points to what’s written here. If any names are new, just focus your prayers on the information given. Enjoy praying for these brothers and sisters, this week.




Lindsay and Rachel Flintoff, Thailand: “Pray for the Christmas outreach event in our new church building in Sam Ngao. Pray also for the nativity play in a school in Mae Pha Yuab where the Assistant Headman is a Christian – part of the only christian family in the village.”

Brian and Mi Ran Tanner, Gambia: “Pray for our visits to Jola villages, where we distribute the newly-translated books of Genesis and Exodus. Pray for Spirit-led conversations to bring a new understanding of Jesus our Messiah to our muslim friends, who see him only as a prophet.”

For background information to fuel your prayers for all the countries mentioned, refer to Operation World: either a hard copy or the website,



➜ Love to go WEC has workers in about 90 countries

20-26 DecemberChristmas – celebrating God’s love


Some countries and cultures which would not consider themselves “christian” have adopted the celebration of Christmas for its commercial value. At this time of year, shopping malls encourage people to spend up to their limits and beyond. It’s become a time for spending extravagantly; a festival with little acknowledgement of what’s behind it – that God gave his one and only Son. Christmas should be a magnificent celebration of God’s love for the world.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only

Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). ➜Pray for those of other faiths who get caught up in the commercialised festivities. Pray that something of the spiritual significance of Christmas would strike them.

“‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’” (Matt 1:21).➜Pray for those who would call themselves “christian” but lack any real understanding of God’s love for them in Christ.

Christmas is a celebration of God’s welcome to people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5:9). It’s a reminder for us of God’s love for all people from all backgrounds.

There are about 1.9 billion people with little or no access to the gospel. God’s love should give us confidence as we pray for those who have not yet accepted the good news.

Travelling abroad for business or study is common these days. For some people, this could mean being in a place where they can discover the real meaning of Christmas, for the first time. ➜Pray the life-changing truth of Christmas will be understood.

Those who have come to faith in the past year will be celebrating Christmas as believers for the first time.➜Pray that it might be a wonderfully encouraging time for them.

» A great light

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of

deep darkness a light has dawned…

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on

his shoulders. And he will be called

Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the greatness of his government and peace

there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne

and over his kingdom,establishing and upholding it

with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.”

(Isa 9:2, 6-7)





➜ Light has dawned Pray for the real meaning of Christmas to be seen.


which the gospel is being sensitively communicated.➜Pray for the children attending the kindergarten in this refugee camp; that many may find healing and

27 December – 2 JanuaryMiddle East – Jordan welcomes refugees


The response of Christians in Jordan – both Jordanian nationals and foreign expatriates – has been exceptional. Almost every local church has a form of Syrian Refugee Outreach, serving Syrians living in their communities and the many displaced people’s camps in the surrounding desert. In the north of Jordan, where many of the refugees are sheltering, Christians have responded by offering medical care and education, and been involved in the distribution of food, clothing and bedding.

The Lord is moving among the “traditional christian” refugees as they seek God with increased intensity, and many of the muslim refugees have been genuinely blessed by the Christians who have come to help them.

In one of the northern cities, inundated with refugees and surrounded by camps, a refugee programme has grown to include a kindergarten facility, and offers trauma counselling for both children and women. The children have witnessed unbelievable cruelty and horror. In the safety of the kindergarten and trauma classes, through art and storytelling, they are encouraged to share their stories and told of God’s love for them and the healing and restoration found in Jesus.➜Thank God for the work being done and for the ways in

» Millions of migrants The war in Syria has resulted in migration on a massive scale, with approximately 7 million internally-displaced Syrians and another 3.9 million seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, the majority being in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.

Jordan currently hosts over a million refugees, from both muslim and christian backgrounds. Around 630,000 of these refugees are officially registered. The Jordanian government has been generous to the refugees, but closed its border crossings to Syrian travellers, a few months ago. Jordan is, however, still accepting those who “walk in”, offering care through the ever-expanding UN refugee camps. Life is extremely hard for the refugees. Anyone wishing to work legally must obtain a work permit, and many children are unable to attend school.









wholeness in Jesus’ name.

Women are often the victims of war, too. Young girls are offered in marriage to the highest bidder, and these arranged marriages often end with the girls being abused and abandoned by their new ‘families’ and by their blood relatives. Other women are wounded by shelling or by rape in captivity. ➜Pray that in the midst of rejection and suffering, many of these women and girls would discover they are loved by God, precious, and “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psa 139:14).

Many are indeed finding healing and hope as they hear of the love, acceptance and healing of Jesus.



➜A safe place The traumatised are restored in Jesus' name

3-9 JanuaryChad – three ministries


1. Nomads What would a truly “nomad” church look like? We don’t know, but we plan to find out. In the east of Chad, WEC has a small but growing team, engaging with Arab nomads. Conditions are basic, the language is complicated, but our people are warmly received. Serving communities through healthcare, literacy and friendship paves the way for more direct evangelism. The gospel is shared through conversations, literature and more modern media.➜Pray for our workers: Jill, Nicole, Iraci, and Kaki.➜Pray the word will take root in the people they meet.

➜Pray for nomads to take the good news to other nomads.➜Pray for more workers to join the team.

2. Learning Centre While the nomad team goes out to the people, the learning centre in Abéché is very successful in drawing people in. Each year, about 500 young people sign up for the library and three times a year, between 80 and 90 people sign up for English classes, the highest levels of which are Bible-based. Most of the centre’s staff are short-term workers. They form a visible community, accessible to the students who drop in at all hours. Through this low-key

evangelism, the team aims to form groups of disciples which will multiply across the town.➜Pray for more short- and long-term workers and for more lives to be changed through this ministry.

3. Sharing vision Who will complete the task in Chad? Workers from abroad or Chadian Christians who learn to operate cross-culturally? We believe the answer is both. Overseas workers are always a great help, but there are Chadian Christians in muslim-majority areas who we want to see mobilised. There is work to be done in sharing WEC’s vision with these local Christians.➜Pray for the team as they seek to share vision and equip Chadian believers to join in the harvest.

“‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” (Matt 9:37-38).

» 100% open

Population: 13 million55% muslim38% christian150 or more people groupsLiteracy: 54% (one of the lowest literacy levels in the world)Official languages: French and ArabicAll languages: 133

Chad borders the troubled Sudan, Libya and Nigeria. It is 15% Arab, 55% muslim and 100% open to missions. Agencies can apply for visas for their workers as missionaries to do overt outreach to Muslims. So why aren’t there missionaries in every town? Why are there so many unreached peoples who no-one is even trying to reach? Something is not right. Pray for Chad, while the door remains open.



➜ No frills Arab nomads live in basic conditions


This can be one of the delights of being a missionary kid. But for MKs to have local friends, they need to speak the local language fluently. Some are trying to maintain their mother tongue at home, speak English

10-16 JanuaryMissionary kids – trials and prospects


Education: Families usually choose from home education, local schools, MK school, international school, boarding school, or a mixture of these possibilities. The decision can depend on the children’s ages, language requirements and the availability of different options. But the choices aren’t always easy.

For example, home schooling allows families to serve in remote places, but it is hard to juggle the roles of teacher and parent. International schools are great but expensive, and can lead to missionaries clustering in big cities.

Missionaries often mention their children’s education as a reason for leaving the field. So, good educational options enable missionaries to stay for longer.➜Pray for parents making decisions about their children's education.

Health: Working cross-culturally can take families into environments where they face tropical diseases, accidents and insect and animal bites, as well as normal childhood illnesses. Keeping children well in a country with a poor health service can be a challenge. ➜Pray for families facing health-related challenges.

Language: What a great gift: to grow up bilingual or even trilingual.

» Don’t forget the kids Many missionary couples have young children. Missionary kids (MKs) share their parents’ call to share the gospel in another part of the world. They have some wonderful opportunities to see God at work and to experience life in a completely different culture, but life as an MK has its own challenges, too.

The most important thing we can do for missionary kids is to pray for them, that each one will have a close relationship with Jesus and continue to grow in their faith. As we pray for missionary kids this week, you may know families who you could pray for specifically. Praise God for these great kids and pray he will walk with them through the challenges they face.


at school and then speak the local language to their friends and neighbours. While some children pick up a new language really easily, others don’t. ➜Pray for MKs needing to learn and speak different languages.

Returning home: For most MKs, this doesn’t feel like “going home”, because “home” is the host country they’ve been living in. This can be one of the hardest times for an MK. It can prompt deep questioning about their identity and where they fit in. The differences in schools and churches can be a shock, too. The process of adjustment can take years. ➜Pray for missionary kids returning home, and for those in WEC who seek to help them make the transition as smoothly as possible.



➜ Hands up! Life as a missionary kid can be a real joy

17-23 JanuaryMission resources – The HOPE


Modern forms of media can be marvellous tools for communicating the gospel. However, it has been estimated that at least 85% of those who come to Christ do so through personal interaction with a Christian. Media on its own is rarely sufficient to convince someone to become a Christian; it takes the human touch too.

Every day, The HOPE is viewed by thousands of people around the world. In the Philippines, a worker met regularly with a group of young people in a nightclub. He showed the group clips from The HOPE and also found the relevant sections in his Bible to explain further the truth they were discovering. Over time,

several of the young people have received Christ as their saviour. ➜Pray for workers using The HOPE as a tool for communicating the gospel.

Around the world, there is great demand for English tuition. In this context, the Bible can be read in English and Christian truths can be discussed. The teaching of English is used widely as a means to communicate the gospel.

Special The HOPE ESL* software has been developed, which uses The HOPE film in the context of teaching English. This tool is appropriate for intermediate or advanced students working on their own

or in groups. English teachers can also use the resource as part of their classroom teaching.

In Myanmar, a pastor and his wife have been excited at their students’ response to The HOPE ESL material. Recently a buddhist woman in their class gave her life to Christ. ➜Pray that more people learning English through The HOPE software will come to know Jesus personally.

The HOPE is available in a variety of languages. These days, it is circulating widely on mobile phone memory cards. Tens of thousands of these memory cards are being distributed across the Middle East and central Asia.➜Pray for lasting spiritual fruit from this.

For more stories of The HOPE, visit:

(*English as a second language)

» An incredible story

There is a book unlike any other. It is the most quoted, most published, most translated book in human history. This book, the Bible, was written by more than forty disparate people, living over a period of 1,500 years. Emerging from its pages is a story of eternal proportions, focussing on the extraordinary figure, Jesus Christ, who came from heaven to earth to deliver the world from sin and death.

Created in collaboration with film-makers around the world, The HOPE is a powerful, dramatic overview of this incredible story.

For further details and to watch The HOPE, visit:



➜ In the picture The HOPE presents the story of salvation in film


doing this by learning the Basque language, engaging in voluntary work, and participating in the social and cultural lives of the people. This social involvement can involve

24-30 JanuarySpain – the Basque people


It is estimated that 50,000 Basques died during the Spanish Civil War, 100,000 were imprisoned, and 200,000 went into exile. Following the war, the Basques suffered terrible oppression during Franco’s regime (1939-1975), as the dictator tried to break their spirit and eradicate their language. The fact that Franco was a catholic, and the church’s consequent association with oppression and dictatorship, created deep wounds in Basque society, which remain unhealed to this day.

Evangelicals are regarded as a sect and therefore viewed with suspicion. There are only a few small evangelical churches in the Basque provinces. Most evangelicals are Spanish or expatriate, and services are generally conducted in Spanish. Only a small proportion of members are actually Basque.

It is estimated that fewer than one in 2,000 Basques acknowledges Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. With a history which has effectively “immunised” Basques against the gospel, how can they be reached? ➜Pray for a Spirit-inspired breakthrough among the Basques; that attitudes might be changed and Jesus might be encountered powerfully.

Basques need Christians to come alongside them in friendship, demonstrating love and faithfulness. Workers are

» Proud and independent The Basque region stretches through northern Spain, across the Pyrenees and into France. Its inhabitants have been blessed with a beautiful homeland of forests, mountains and green valleys, along with a rugged coastline, ideal for surfing.

An ancient people, the Basques have a highly distinctive culture and a unique language: Euskera. To speak Euskera is to be Basque. The Basques are proud of their culture and heritage, and fiercely independent.

Despite a tradition of Catholicism, Basques are often antagonistic towards the church. Like many Europeans, they tend to be materialistic and indifferent towards God. Young people, in particular, resent the Catholic church, and the great majority are either atheists or drawn towards New Age thinking.Pa


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joining choirs or hiking groups, surfing, dancing or drama.➜Pray for more workers who will be ready to serve and show the humility and love of Jesus to a proud and hurting people.

The development of Basque christian music could be one step towards breaking down barriers to the gospel. In 2012, WEC’s Resonance team visited Christians in the Basque region to help them develop authentically Basque worship. This was followed by a team of musicians recording the songs they had written. Eventually, a CD resulted, with some songs in Euskera, some in Spanish and some in both languages.➜Pray that this CD will affect many Basques deep in their spirits and lead them to seek new life in Jesus.



➜ All dressed up Basque culture is very distinctive

THE HOPEProduced by Mars Hill Production

What is it? A high-quality 80-minute film, presenting the story of God’s promise for all people.Where can I find it? How much is it? Free Tell me more There are countless Bible-based films available, but The HOPE stands out from the crowd.

The scale of the project is hugely impressive; condensing the story of salvation within the Bible into just 80 minutes of film footage. The flexibility of it is a real strength, too. As the film is broken down into short chapters, you can use it in a small group setting, watch it with a friend, or even use it in English language classes. The study guides add extra depth to the film content and everything has been translated into eleven other languages. You have to admire the quality of the work, too. It’s clear a great deal of time and effort (and money) have been spent on The HOPE. Yes, there are shortcomings. The film advances a particular line of biblical interpretation and I found myself wondering where great swathes of the Old Testament had disappeared to. But if you’re looking for a clear, accessible, high-quality resource to help communicate the Christian message, this is definitely worth investigating.l Reviewed by Simeon Whiting, Editor, WorldwideXtra

l Do you have a suggestion for RESOURCES? Please email it to [email protected]

»resources stimulate your thinking and help develop your prayer life

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GET IN TOUCH … EMAIL [email protected] WECWEC International is a family of some 1,800 workers from over 50 nationalities, serving in multicultural teams among 90 of the least evangelised people groups. Our primary focus is to plant churches where there is no church. ENGAGE!Prayer WorldwideXtra is available on the @PrayerMateApp (download for Android & iOS devices) Facebook twitter @wecukMission&Me Do you sense God’s call to serve in mission? email [email protected] ways to serve visit events near you visit


»resources stimulate your thinking and help develop your prayer life

»In loving memory...We give thanks to God for the years of faithful service represented here.Name Paul FinchDied 27 July 2015God first laid Italy on Paul’s heart during a short-term trip with OM, when he was 20. After studying at a seminary in the USA, Paul married his first wife, Elaine, and the newlyweds moved to Italy. They were to serve there in student and church work for 12 years. In 1982, Paul and Elaine joined WEC and remained in Italy, committed to continuing their ministry. Following Elaine’s death, Paul married Frances in 2003. Together, they worked with the church and also taught English as a means of outreach and building relationships, based in Vicenza and, more recently, Ferrara. 200 people attended Paul’s memorial service on 5 August, giving thanks for his life of service. As different people shared their memories of Paul, what came across most strongly were Paul’s love for Jesus, his love for the word of God and his love for the people of Italy.

»DON’T MISS ...Visit for moreMISSION & ME Portadown, 30 January 2016Through discussions, prayer and conversations with experienced missionaries, Mission & Me will help you explore your own calling to mission and what options might be open to you. Contact: Norman CuthburtDerrylettiff Road, Portadown Northern Ireland BT62 1QUT 028 3833 9329