Wollaston prospectus



Wollaston Prospectus 2014/15

Transcript of Wollaston prospectus

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Teenage years are arguably some of the most exciting, yet challenging times of our lives. During their school lives, young people develop intellectually and emotionally and begin to explore new ideas and interests, as well as their own beliefs and values about the world that we live in.

Our vision at Wollaston School is to support and enhance the physical, intellectual and emotional development of all our students. In reality, this means providing them with the literacy, numeracy and practical skills to access a rich curriculum, which offers them a diverse range of academic and practical subjects in which they can develop their talents and skills and discover new interests. We are committed to offering our students wide curriculum choice and stretching and challenging their capacity to think for themselves, developing their independent research skills.

We believe strongly in embracing new technologies and providing our students with clear careers guidance, which will help prepare them for their chosen careers, realising their hopes and futures in a rapidly changing and globalising world. However, school should be also be about enjoyment and celebration of success and at Wollaston we are committed to making learning fun and providing a wide range of enrichment activities beyond the classroom. We listen to our students’ views about how to improve things and believe strongly in the power of student voice as a tool for improving our school.

It was Aristotle who said that educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. At Wollaston, we support the view that schools are about academic success, but equally about the personal development of young people and we are strong advocates of the qualities of mutual respect and inclusivity in the school environment. We are committed to developing strong moral values amongst our students and place a high value on tolerance, honesty and kindness. We recognise that our students are all individuals and we work hard to identify and support their individual needs.

Finally, we are committed to working hard to develop strong links with the parents of all of our students so that together we can maximise the opportunities for all of the young people in our care.


Welcome to Wollaston School


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Visiting the School Visitors are always welcome. If you wish to see the school in action, we ask that you make an appointment by ringing the school office in advance so that we can arrange to show you around.

There are also designated Open Days and an Open Evening for parents wishing to view the school. Full details can be found in the back of this booklet and on our websitewww.wollaston-school.info.

The Admissions Policy of the Local AuthorityThe school is not responsible for its own admissions and all applications / appeals are made through the local authority.

The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for this school is 240 students.

As a secondary school serving both urban and rural areas, following the allocation of places to pupils who have a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) which names the school as appropriate provision, when there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

1. Children in public care (looked after children)

2. Children with specific medical and social needs, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional person.

3. Pupils who live in the designated villages ie. Bozeat, Cogenhoe, Denton, Great Houghton, Grendon, Irchester, Little Houghton, Wollaston, Yardley Hastings, Easton Maudit, Brafield-on-the-Green, Whiston, Castle Ashby, Chadstone, Strixton.

4. Pupils who will have an older brother or sister continuing at Wollaston School in the forthcoming academic year.

5. Pupils attending Wollaston School’s designated contributory Primary Schools ie. Bozeat, Cogenhoe, Denton, Grendon, Irchester, Little Houghton, Wollaston, Yardley Hastings on 1st November in the year of application and continuing in attendance until the formal offer of places is made.

6. Pupils who live in Wellingborough and the designated surrounding villages and contributory parishes for Wellingborough: Earls Barton, Ecton, Finedon Sidings (Furnace Lane), Great Doddington, Great Harrowden, Hardwick, Little Harrowden, Little Irchester, Mears Ashby, Orlingbury, Wilby.

7. Other Pupils

If the admission number is exceeded within category 3, priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other category, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Ethos and ValuesWollaston School aims for all its students to achieve their full potential intellectually, physically, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. To achieve this, we strive to create an atmosphere and school ethos which is caring and well-ordered, in order that all students can focus on achieving their best. We seek to give students of all abilities a passion for lifelong learning. We value all students equally and actively pursue policies and practices that provide equal opportunities for all. Finally, we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents, the wider community and the world of work.

Information about Admissions


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Our aim is for everyone at Wollaston School to:

• Feel safe and secure in an attractive learning environment.

• Be inspired, challenged and motivated.

• Develop independence, confi dence and skills to enable them to make the most of their abilities.

• Develop the ability to make informed decisions about lifestyle.

• Support and value each other and celebrate each other’s success.

• Celebrate all cultures in the school and the local community and raise awareness of the part they play in the community.

I feel that my teachers see me as an individual and always strive to support how I learn.



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All students who wish to join us in September are invited to visit the school in the summer term for two induction days. We ask parents to give us as much information as we need to help students to settle smoothly and speedily into their new school. Each student is allocated to a tutor group and a form tutor; this is linked into our House System where the tutor groups are allocated a ‘House’ – Brunel, Churchill, Drake, Austen or Nightingale. Students can compete in competitions for their House and collect House points. It is the role of form tutors to monitor carefully the general academic and personal development of students in their care. We have developed a programme of work in personal, social and health education, which will help students to improve their all-round academic performance and teach them more about themselves and others.

A learning manager and student managers assist form tutors. The learning manager has special responsibility for the overall academic progress and social development of each child in that year. He / she co-ordinates the work of form tutors and is an important source of information and point of contact for parents.

Looking after your child

The learning manager will encourage high standards of behaviour and dress and will maintain a clear record of students’ academic and personal progress as students move up through the school. All records maintained on students by the school or Education Authority shall be available on written request to the individuals concerned and to their parents or guardians.

MedicinesMedicines, prescribed by a doctor, can only be administered during school hours by prior arrangement with the school, and then only if no alternative arrangement can be made. Staff are expressly forbidden to administer non-prescribed medicines. We have several qualified fi rst-aiders who are able to respond to low-level medical problems and we have a fully staffed medical room.

Anti-Bullying CharterWe are determined to reduce bullying to zero. Bullying in all its forms is totally unacceptable and staff and governors at Wollaston will do all in their power to eliminate it from this school. We would be naive, however, to think that bullying never takes place and so we have procedures which help us to remain alert to problems and act quickly when appropriate.

We believe that all young people have the right to attend Wollaston School each day without fear of being bullied. We aim to create a calm, secure and caring atmosphere in which all students may optimise their education. Complaints connected with bullying are always treated seriously, no matter what the circumstances and we always try to deal promptly, sensitively and efficiently with incidents when they do occur.

Parents are invited to contact the appropriate Learning Manager where there are concerns about bullying.


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A Summary of the School’s Inclusion PolicyThe school recognises that many students will have some degree of special educational needs for part or all of their time at Wollaston School. The school aims to address these needs in order to ensure that all students are able to achieve academically and socially.

Students’ individual special educational needs are identifi ed in a number of ways including primary school liaison, screening and diagnostic testing, parental communication, subject staff diagnosis and dialogue with students themselves.

The special educational needs faculty works closely with parents, students and all school staff to address the needs of individual pupils. The special needs co-ordinator [SENCO] is supported by an able team of dedicated learning support assistants who support students in the classroom or on an individual or small group basis.

Two Sixth Form students studying in the Sixth Form Centre


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Teachers at Wollaston School have always seen the best in me.



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The School DayTerm dates vary from year to year and can be located on the Northamptonshire County Council Website.

Assembly / Tutorial 08.55 - 09.10am

Period 1 09.10 - 10.10am

Period 2 10.10 - 11.10am

Break 11.10 - 11.30am

Period 3 11.30 - 12.30pm

Period 4 12.30 - 13.30pm

Lunch 13.30 - 14.00pm

Period 5 14.00 - 15.00pm

AssembliesRegular assemblies are held in school. In our view, assemblies do not contain material that is likely to offend particular religious beliefs. However, parents have the right to withdraw their children from assembly.

Our assembly programme covers a wide range of social and moral themes and is designed to help students develop into responsible adults.

RewardsWe believe strongly in celebrating student success and that it is important to recognise and reward achievements of all kinds.

We know that students respond positively to praise and are very motivated by it.

The achievements of individuals are recognised in a number of different ways. Staff communicate with parents using a variety of formats and award certifi cates throughout the year. Staff also record positive events using our internal system and these can be used in discussion with students during tutor time or subject lessons.

The school also holds a termly rewards assembly where recognition of success is shared with the year group. In addition a number of year or whole school events are held with parents in attendance to share the success of our students.

House SystemThe house system is central to the ethos of the school. We expect that all students will make a contribution to activities that support a positive community within the school.

Your child will we placed into one of the following fi ve houses:

The achievements of each house are monitored and published and displayed regularly. Form tutors receive regular details of house points received by their own trustees and this helps us to build a strong team ethos amongst students and recognise and celebrate their successes.

TransportAll students in Years 7 to 11 from “linked” villages in the catchment area of the school (except Wollaston and Strixton) are issued with a bus pass for free travel to and from school.

Other students, e.g. from Rushden and some Wellingborough areas, have to make appropriate travel arrangements and are not assisted financially by the Local Authority.

All post 16 students (Years 12, 13 and beyond) currently have to pay for transport at a charge determined annually by the Local Authority.

All matters relating to school transport are handled directly by the Schools Transport Section of Northamptonshire County Council.

School routines

Austen Churchill

Brunel Drake



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Curriculum The academic work of the school is the responsibility of Teaching and Learning Directors, each of whom is responsible to the Headteacher for a particular curriculum area.

The school, along with all other maintained schools, follows the National Curriculum in accordance with the requirements of Government.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Years 7-9)The Key Stage 3 curriculum aims to build on the work of our primary schools whilst meeting statutory requirements and introducing new curriculum opportunities.

It is a broad and balanced experience, including Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities (History/Ethics & Philosophy, Geography/Citizenship), Art, Design and Technology, Music, Information & Communication Technology, Modern Languages (French/German), PE, Dance and Performing Arts (Music/Drama). All students follow a Personal and Social Education course, attend assemblies and enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular activities.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum (Years 10-11)In Year 10, students begin GCSE courses and study a curriculum that reflects their particular academic or vocational strengths and interests. Almost all students will complete GCSEs in at least 9 subjects, including Mathematics, English Language and English Literature, core and additional Science or triple Science subjects [Biology, Chemistry, Physics]. In addition, students will be given several free option choices to develop their academic interests and strengths. A small number of students take on vocational courses related directly to the world of work.

Most courses will lead to examination qualifications in the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), but there are also opportunities to follow BTEC and other vocational options.

The school curriculum

AssessmentUpon arrival at school in year 7, we assess students’ abilities using data passed on by our primary feeder schools. We also use Cognitive Ability Tests. These give an indication of students’ academic strengths and weaknesses through verbal, quantitative, non-verbal and spatial tests. During the school year, students’ progress in all years is assessed and reported home to parents regularly using internal assessments and in later years, public examination outcomes at GCSE and A level are the main measures of student progress.

Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13)Wollaston School Sixth Form is a supportive and inspiring place to study for students following both A-Level and vocational courses. Our thriving sixth form offers a warm welcome to students who are ready to work hard to achieve their dreams and the majority of our students stay on to study in the sixth form. It is our aim that all of our sixth form students leave school with skills that make them marketable to enter the world of work or higher education and a growing number progress to study at university. An experienced mentor guides each student in their studies and is there to reach out a helping hand. Skilled, specialist teachers share their enthusiasm for their subjects with students, encouraging them to aspire to do their best. As a successful Sixth Form, we want your child to be part of our success; to be part of the Wollaston Sixth Form community.

Ethics & PhilosophyEthics & Philosophy is taught in accordance with the guidelines issued by Northamptonshire Education Authority.

Students study a wide range of social issues affecting them and the world around them in order to develop higher order thinking skills, independent learning techniques and the ability to debate and develop an informed point of view. It is anticipated that all students will participate in this course. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from this subject, though we would hope to


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be able to discuss any issues of concern before such a withdrawal takes place.

Ethics & Philosophy is taught as a discrete subject throughout Years 7-11. Students in Years 10 and 11 may complete a GCSE qualifi cation at the end of Year 11.

HomeworkHomework is an essential part of developing students’ independent learning skills and helps to consolidate their understanding of concepts covered in class and their preparation for examinations. All students are expected to do this work, though the amount set will vary from subject to subject and according to the age of the student. Homework can involve learning, reading, research or revision activities, as well as writing assignments. Parents are invited to inform the form tutor if they feel concerned about the amount of work being set.

Students are issued with a personal planner in which they are asked to record, on a day-to-day basis, the homework set and carried out, together with the time taken. Some faculties may set an extended homework, which may be completed over a number of weeks. Parents are asked to sign the planner on a weekly basis, as an indication that it is being kept up to date.

Arrangements for Sex EducationSex Education is taught embracing values, attitudes and behaviour, as well as knowledge, in such a manner as to encourage students to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life.

Sex Education is part of the personal, social and health education programme followed by all students in their form groups. The programme focuses on the physical, emotional and moral development of each student and from Year 9 work follows a specialist programme with teachers working alongside nurses to deliver sex education.

The governing body feels that PSHE is the most appropriate forum for the teaching of Sex Education.


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Sports & PEThrough the physical education curriculum, we promote physical fi tness, student participation in team sports, identify and develop elite sportsmen and sportswomen of the future and encourage healthy lifestyles for all. However, physical education also develops interpersonal and problem-solving skills and personal qualities, such as self-esteem, self-confidence, team-building, tolerance and empathy, and helps forge links between the school and the community. The school has excellent links with the local clubs and the community.

This achievement has helped the school to achieve FA Charter status. All this excellent work is run by a very strong teaching team of PE and dance specialists.


The major resources are:

• Sports hall

• Gymnasium

• Three football pitches

• Two rugby pitches

• Artificial cricket wicket

• Two indoor cricket nets

• Two floodlit astroturf courts, incorporating 8 tennis courts,

• Five-a-side pitch, netball and hockey pitches

• Grass athletics track

• Climbing wall

• Fitness centre

• Fully equipped dance studio

• Outdoor basketball court

• Specialist outdoor table tennis facility

Enrichment opportunities

The best part about being a student at Wollaston is the happy environment for students and teachers.



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ArtsWe believe that all students should have access to the arts and that aesthetic education is an essential part of every child’s development. We promote this through a core curriculum experience for all students.

We enable students to access a broad arts education, including art, dance, drama and music, creating a sense of enjoyment and achievement and encourage self confidence in and through the arts.


The major resources are:

• Two large music teaching rooms, each equipped with 15 computers, electronic keyboards and acoustic pianos

• Five purpose built music practice rooms

• Drama rehearsal space

• Fully equipped drama studio with lighting bars

• Fully equipped dance studio with sprung floor

• IT suite

• Seminar room

• Lockable instrument stores

• Three art rooms

• Sibelius software for composition

• Sets of African drums and samba drums

• Large flexible performance hall with a professional sound and lighting system, seating capacity 264 (raked seating)

Extra-Curricular OpportunitiesThe curriculum is enhanced throughout the academic year with a wide range of day visits and residential excursions. The performing arts team arrange visits to theatres and workshops. The art department offer an annual visit to a European city to examine western culture and design. The humanities team work with the Holocaust Educational Trust to enhance students’ awareness of the holocaust, including a visit to Auschwitz. There are also a range of visits including an annual trip to the battlefi elds of WW1, a trip to Italy and visits to local universities such as the University of Oxford.


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All students in years 10 and 11 follow courses leading to public examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). Most students take examinations in nine subjects although the most able will be entered for up to eleven subjects.

In years 12 and 13, most students follow a range of academic and vocational courses leading to General Certificate of Education (GCE) qualifi cations in either 3 or 4 subjects.

Where students enter the sixth form without at least a grade C in English or maths at GCSE, it is a pre-requisite that they will continue to study these subjects in the sixth form to develop their skills in these subjects.

Examination outcomes, results & careers

Examination results are published according to national regulations and are available on the school’s website.

The school is always pleased to discuss results overall or in any specific areas. Enquiries about examinations administration should be addressed in the first instance to the examinations offi cer at the school. Enquiries about examination results should be addressed to the appropriate Teaching and Learning Director.

The school provides high quality careers advice at all levels and liaises with local employers, colleges and nationally with universities.

A summary of our GCSE, A level and BTEC Qualifi cation results can be found in the back of this booklet.

My child has really enjoyed their time in Wollaston sixth form. It really is a great place to study. Staff are approachable, supportive and they take time to listen to the students.


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01933 [email protected]

Wollaston SchoolIrchester Road, Wollaston,

Wellingborough, Northampton, NN29 7PH