Why do most people fail?

Why do most people fail? 1 Options Trading

Transcript of Why do most people fail?

Page 1: Why do most people fail?

Why do most people fail?


Options Trading

Page 2: Why do most people fail?

What's the point without goals?

I have learned a lot about human psyche and of course about myself as well during the long years of trading behind me.

I identified three characteristics, without which it is impossible to achieve and fulfill the set target. I call this the Success Triangle! If you do nothing else, just keep these three things in mind every day, and you'll be much more advanced than the average. Do not forget, the Success Triangle is not only true for the stock market, but also for any other area of life.


Page 3: Why do most people fail?

Here are the angles of the success triangle (CPD)

C - Consistency is the most basic factor, and only a few people pay attention to it. What does consistency mean? It means regularity, to take on habits and daily routines in order to achieve my goals, that keep me on the right way. In order to succeed, you need a consistent system that you follow on a daily basis.


Page 4: Why do most people fail?

Here are the angles of the success triangle (CPD)

T - Patience: the most striking success is not born in one week. Patience is needed in order to reach our goal, in which the consistent system supports us. Most people give up shortly before the finish line, because they cannot wait, they are impatient. If you put down a seed in spring, you do not stand over it and look forward eagerly to it sprouting, because you know that it will take some time ... You must use this on yourself, be patient, because development takes time. Development is nothing else than application of the practical knowledge gained experientially and a change due to continuous feedback.


Page 5: Why do most people fail?

Here are the angles of the success triangle (CPD)

D - Discipline: most people are frightened by this word, today's world is anything but disciplined. A thousand kinds of stimuli reach you, everyone raises expectations, you have to meet hundreds of different requirements, etc. It is difficult to remain disciplined under these conditions, although this is the third key to success. You have to know where you are going, why, and how you will get there. Discipline is needed so that you follow your consistent system patiently, which leads to the target set.


Page 6: Why do most people fail?

Clarify many things with yourself

In order to be able to "live" according to the above, you have to clarify many things with yourself. You have to put your belief system, your convictions, your relationship with money and success, etc. in order.


Page 7: Why do most people fail?

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