Why Corporates are Opting Encryption

Why Corporates are Opting Encryption?

Transcript of Why Corporates are Opting Encryption

Page 1: Why Corporates are Opting Encryption

Why Corporates are Opting Encryption?

Page 2: Why Corporates are Opting Encryption


# For the nth time in many weeks, another senior official of the United States government has voiced his concerns over the widespread use of encryption.

# The Apple and Google's initiative has been viewed by the U.S government and FBI as a potential hindrance to important investigations.

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Tech Companies Opting Encryption is Worrisom

# U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is the latest official to join the long list of seniors to have condemned the expanding use of encryption.

# He said it was really worrying that corporates are adopting a technology that could hinder the ability of law enforcement to solve sensitive cases.

# Holder hoped that tech firms would be ready to cooperate with the U.S. government to make sure that law enforcement retains the ability to lawfully obtains information in an investigation.

# It is absolutely possible for corporates to allow law enforcement to do its job while still safeguarding personal security and privacy of users.

# FBI Director James Comney told reporters that by allowing law enforcement to access smartphone contents could save many lives in terrorism and kidnapping cases.

# The warnings come out as a result of Apple and Google's efforts to roll out capabilities that allows millions of smartphone users to safeguard data on their mobiles.

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# This literally means no one can store the information on the smartphone. Even the makers of OS and smartphone companies will not have access.

# Apple's latest iOS 8 enables its users to encrypt some data on their iPhones, while Android L, Google's next Android OS, will allow default full-phone encryption.

# U.S. officials have accused smartphone manufacturers of offering encryption as a technology that allows people to place themselves beyond the legal system. Apparently, neither Apple nor Google seem much bothered about the criticisms targeted against them. Now, many tech companies are following the footsteps of the two tech titans causing further uproar from the United States.

# Interest and fear in encryption were escalated by the leaks from former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden. The ex-admin revealed that many U.S. government programs were siphoning information on the “private” communications of millions of people.

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