What’s Hot in Summer 2020 - Curve...

What’s Hot in Summer 2020

Transcript of What’s Hot in Summer 2020 - Curve...

  • What’s Hotin Summer2020

  • What does summer 2020 have in store? Well, there’s definitely going to be a new song of the summer that we can’t get out of our heads. But what’s trending at the shelf is much more important to us than what’s topping the charts. That’s why we’ve spent the long, cold winter analyzing the data and looking for trends. What makes your customer tick? What are the things they’re going to be looking for when the temperature starts to heat up?

    We’ve got the answers to those questions and theproducts you’re going to want in your store in the following pages. So, kick back and enjoy – and don’t forget, if you have any questions, or even just want to tell us your song of the summer guess, we’re always happy to chat.

    Thinking Ahead Summer 2020

    We aren’t a distribution company, we’re a connections company revolutionizing the distribution industry by understanding the complete customer journey, providing an exceptional end-to-end approach to service and knowledge of upcoming trends.

    And we’re probably some of the most interesting people at a party. Just saying.

    INTERACTIVE ELEMENT Hover over our logo to find out more about each product!

    About Curve

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    If you ask us, there are actually only two seasons: BBQ season and not-BBQ season – and we’ll give you one guess which is our favourite. This year, we’ve curated a special selection of must-haves for your backyard bash.

    So, fire up the grill, get the meat marinating and call some friends – just make sure you’ve got the goods for a good timethis summer.

    Backyard BBQ


  • INTERACTIVE ELEMENT Hover over our logo to find out more about each product!

  • Picture this: you and the open road… Plus three tablets, four smart phones, absolutely no overlap in musical taste and somehow always one kid who decides they have to pee just after you’ve left the last stop. That’s right – with summer comes the classic Canadian tradition of road tripping and it’s important that you’re ready.

    The trick to a good road trip is having everything you might need. Phone charger? Check. Snacks? Yep. Sunglasses? Uh, no? That’s right – whether your customers are the organized type, or if they’re like the rest of us who buy it on the road when we realize we’ve forgotten it, they’re going to be looking to you for what they need.

    On The Road


  • Sure, you’ve got a house with heating, running water, toilets and TV. But when summer comes, there’s nothing quite like leaving all that behind for a night out with some good friends and family under the stars.

    The best camping trip starts with being properly prepared and stocked up. From the right music to the perfect munchies, we’ve got just what your customers are going to be looking for this summer.

    Under The Stars


  • If you’re a parent, you know back to school starts in the summer season. In fact, as soon as the kids come home for the summer, you almost start counting the days until they go back!

    Whether the kids are headed back to grade school, or taking that next step into post-secondary, they’re going to need to stock up on the essentials. Rest assured, we’ve done our homework and got just what they need.

    Back To School


  • CURVE DISTRIBUTION SERVICES INC. • Bay 124, 10725 – 25 Street NE • Calgary, Alberta T3N 0A4 • curvedistribution.com

    Thank you for taking the time to look through Thinking Ahead: summer 2020. We hope you enjoyed reading it half as much as we did making it.

    The truth is, we’re the biggest retail nerds you’ll ever meet. We’re obsessed with the data and finding new ways of making a difference in the businesses of our partners. Whether that’s providing seasonal programs, category management or even just a hot tip on an emerging trend, we’re passionate about helping however we can.

    If you have any questions about any of the products in this guide, want more information about the variety of customer-focused services we offer or want to sign up for the latest in retail, please get in touch. We’d love to chat.

    About Curve

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