What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru

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  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru



    What would a NAD

    be like in theRepublic of Moldova?Stud on the inve!ti"atin" capacitie! of the National Antico##uption Di#ecto#ateof Ro$ania and the cu##ent and futu#eone! of the Antico##uption %#o!ecuto#&!

    '(ce of Republic of Moldova


    November 2015


    *+hi! !tud i! conducted within the $i!!ion of the non,ke e-pe#t Ma#iana Ale-and#u.fo#$e# NAD p#o!ecuto# in Ro$ania. deploed in the pe#iod Septe$be# /Nove$be# 0)12within the EU %#o3ect 4Suppo#t the p#e,t#ial inve!ti"ation. p#o!ecution and the defence!et,up5. i$ple$ented b IR6 in con!o#tiu$ with Altai# A!e!!o#e! and 7IL7 . with the EU8nancial !uppo#t9 +he pape# p#e!ent! the National Antico##uption Di#ecto#ate of Ro$ania. it! o#"ani!ation p#inciple!. att#ibution!. co$petence!. entitie! !uppo#tin" it!activit. a! well a! the #e!ult! of the activit9 Mo#eove#. the !tud de!c#ibe! the !!te$of the in!titution! co$batin" co##uption in Republic of Moldova / +he Antico##uption

    %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce and the National Antico##uption 7ent#e. b co$pa#i!on with theRo$anian in!titution!9 :inall. the !tud p#e!ent! conclu!ion! and #eco$$endation! inview of i$p#ovin" the activitie! of 8"ht a"ain!t co##uption in Moldova. keepin" in $indRo$ania&! $odel9;

  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru



    1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………


    2 Preent!tion o" the N!tion!# $nticorru%tion &irector!te o"'om!ni! ………………((


    091 %lace and #ole of NAD

  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru



    91 In #elation with the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce activit

  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    $'EI$TIONS SE&:

    $4& Antico##uption ene#al Di#ecto#ate within the Mini!t# ofInte#nal Aai#! of Ro$ania

    $PO Antico##uption %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce FRepublic of MoldovaG

    &IIP Depa#t$ent of Intelli"ence and Inte#nal %#otection withinthe Mini!t# of Inte#nal Aai#! of Ro$ania

    &r!"t o" theProecutor* O+ce!.

    D#aft of the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce. #eco#ded in the%a#lia$ent unde# no9 0)0 on 1C9)290)12. voted in 8#!t#eadin" on 0C9)290)12 FRepublic of MoldovaG

    E Eu#opean Union

    4EO)362002 ove#n$ent&! E$e#"enc '#dinance no9=> of =9)=90))0#e"a#din" the National Antico##uption Di#ecto#ateFRo$aniaG

    4PO ene#al %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce

    H77 %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce of the Hi"h 7ou#t of 7a!!ation and u!tice

    ISS Intelli"ence and Secu#it Se#vice FRepublic of MoldovaG

    !. 5161--1 Law no921 of 0B9)91BB1 F#epubli!hedG #e"a#din"Ro$ania&! national !ecu#it FRo$aniaG

    !. 5-62012 Law no92B of 0B9)>90)10 #e"a#din" the !pecialinve!ti"ation activit FRepublic of MoldovaG

    !. 7862000 Law no9C of C9)290))) #e"a#din" the p#evention.detection and !anction of co##uption deed! FRo$aniaG

    !. -062008 Law no9B) of 029)=90))C #e"a#din" the p#evention and8"ht a"ain!t co##uption FRepublic of MoldovaG

    !. 110)62002 Law no911)= of 9)90))0 #e"a#din" the NationalAntico##uption 7ent#e

    ,I$ Mini!t# of Inte#nal Aai#!

    N$C National Antico##uption 7ent#e FRepublic of MoldovaG

    N$& National Antico##uption Di#ecto#ate FRo$aniaG

    PC %enal 7ode

    P4 %#o!ecuto# ene#al

    PPC %enal %#ocedu#e 7ode

    'IS Ro$anian Intelli"ence Se#vice FRo$aniaG

    ', Republic of Moldova

    SC, Supe#io# 7ouncil of Ma"i!t#ac


  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    1( INT'O&CTION

     +he Republic of Moldova FRMG i! unde#"oin" a !ub!tantial p#oce!! of #efo#$in" it! 3u!tice !!te$. includin" the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce!9 +hu!. the RM%a#lia$ent voted la!t ea# the 7oncept of %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce #efo#$ b Law

    no9100 of )>9)90)1=. and on Ma 0Cth thi! ea# the voted in the 8#!t#eadin" the d#aft of the Law #e"a#din" the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce F#eco#ded withthe %a#lia$ent unde# no90)0 on 1C9)290)12G9 Acco#din" to the 7oncept and lawd#aft. the intend to #efo#$. within the RM !!te$ of p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce. thecu##ent Antico##uption %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce FA%'G acco#din" to the $odel of theNational Antico##uption Di#ecto#ate FNADG of Ro$ania in o#de# to enhance thecapacit of inve!ti"atin" the hi"h,level c#i$e! of co##uption and theecono$ic,8nancial c#i$e9

     +he p#e!ent !tud wa! conducted within the EU %#o3ect 4Suppo#t the p#e,t#ialinve!ti"ation. p#o!ecution and the defence !et,up5. i$ple$ented b IR6 in

    con!o#tiu$ with Altai# A!e!!o#e! and 7IL7. havin" a! ob3ect the "#antin" of technical !peciali!ed a!!i!tance to the p#o!ecuto#! within the Antico##uption%#o!ecuto#&! '(ce and o(ce# within the National Antico##uption 7ent#e FNA7Gin the inve!ti"ation of the ca!e! with hi"h !ocial i$pact #e"a#din" the c#i$e!of co##uption and econo$ic,8nancial c#i$e!9

     +akin" into account the lon" e-pe#ience of the autho#. acJui#ed in the activitdeploed in the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce! of Ro$ania. includin" NAD. the !tud$ake! a co$pa#ative p#e!entation of the in!titution! of co##uption co$batin"in the two count#ie!K fu#the#$o#e. !he atte$pted to 8nd the an!we# to theJue!tion Wh the A%' p#o!ecuto#!. de!pite the fact the a#e well t#ained

    p#ofe!!ionall and have the will to pe#fo#$ thei# o(ce att#ibution! at hi"hpa#a$ete#!. do not #each !ati!facto# #e!ult! in the 8"ht a"ain!t thepheno$enon of co##uption and the!e #e!ult! #e$ain on an di!!ati!fin" level? +he #e!ea#ch focu!ed e!peciall on the detailed de!c#iption of the A%'o#"ani!ation and ope#ation and the le"i!lative f#a$e which !et! it! $ate#ialco$petence and hie#a#chic !ubo#dination #elation! within the !!te$9 +helo"i!tic !uppo#t nece!!a# fo# pe#fo#$in" the anal!i! wa! oe#ed b thebene8cia#ie! of the p#o3ect +he ene#al %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce F%'G. A%' andNA79

     +he !tud de!c#ibe! NAD activitie! on the one hand Fsee +hapter 2. and A%'.

    on the othe# hand see +hapter '. e!peciall a! #e"a#d! the place and #ole of the in!titution sections 2. and '.. !t#uctu#e sections 2.2 and '.2.$ate#ial co$petence sections 2.' and '.'. inve!ti"ation $ean! sections2.& and '.&. entitie! which !uppo#t thei# activit sections 2.5 and '.5. a!well a! a !u$$a# of the activitie! deploed in 0)1= sections 2.6 and '.69

     +hen the !tud p#e!ent! the autho#&! ob!e#vation! about the d#aft of the%#o!ecuto#&! '(ce Law see +hapter & and he# opinion about the inclu!ionof the #e"ulation! #elated to the #ole of the p#o!ecuto# a! State&!#ep#e!entative in the c#i$inal 8le section &.. hi! #ole of 3u!tice enfo#ce$entin the d#aft section &.2. the intention! of #ea!!i"nin" to the futu#e A%' the

    c#i$inal inve!ti"ation and inJui# o(ce#! section &.'. the $odalit of thei#!ala# pa$ent du#in" the #ea!!i"n$ent section &.&. and the p#eoccupation


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    #elated to the independence of the ca!e p#o!ecuto#! in #elation with thei#di#ect !upe#vi!in" p#o!ecuto#! section &.59 +he !tud al!o fo#wa#d! a"ene#al ob!e#vation! on the c#i$inal deed! inc#i$ination in RM and how thi!can aect the !ucce!! of the cu##ent #efo#$ unde#takin"! Fsee +hapter 5:inall. the !tud p#e!ent! conclu!ion! and #eco$$endation! see +hapter 6in the conte-t of the p#o!ecuto#&! #efo#$ p#o$oted section 6., about A%'futu#e o#"ani!ation which would a!!u#e it a hi"he# e-pected e(ciencsection 6.2. a! well the entitie! which will !uppo#t it! activit section 6.'9


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    In Ro$ania. acco#din" to the 7on!titution. the 3udicial autho#it i! co$po!edb the cou#t! of law. the %ublic Mini!t# and the Supe#io# 7ouncil of 

    Ma"i!t#ac FS7MG9 +he %ublic Mini!t# e-e#ci!e! it! att#ibution! th#ou"h thep#o!ecuto#! o#"ani!ed in p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce!. and in the 3udicial activit it#ep#e!ent! the "ene#al inte#e!t! of !ociet and defend! the #ule of law. the#i"ht! and libe#tie! of citien!9

    A! #e"a#d! thei# !tatu!. the p#o!ecuto#! ca## on thei# activit acco#din" tothe p#inciple! of le"alit. i$pa#tialit and hie#a#chic cont#ol unde# theautho#it of the $ini!te# of 3u!tice9 +hi! doe! not $ean !ubo#dination#elation!. but an ad$ini!t#ative and o#"ani!ational #elation !i$ila# to thatbetween the $ini!te# of 3u!tice and the cou#t! of law9

     +he hie#a#ch within the %ublic Mini!t# doe! not include the $ini!te# of  3u!tice !o that he!he cannot !u!pend. $odif o# in8#$ act! o# deci!ion! of the p#o!ecuto#!9 Hi!he# ta!k! a#e li$ited to the ad$ini!t#ation of the !!te$9

    2(1 P#!ce !nd ro#e o" N$&

     +he National Antico##uption Di#ecto#ate FNADG wa! c#eated in 0))0 th#ou"hthe ove#n$ent E$e#"enc '#dinance no9=>0))0 FE' =>0))0G a! a!t#uctu#e with le"al pe#!onalit within the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce within the Hi"h7ou#t of 7a!!ation and u!tice FH77G9 It e-e#ci!e! it! ta!k! th#ou"hout thete##ito# of the count#. bein" the p#o!ecutin" !t#uctu#e !peciali!ed in the8"ht a"ain!t co##uption at hi"h and $ediu$ level9 NAD i! led b a Head%#o!ecuto# a!!i$ilated to the %#i$e Deput ene#al %#o!ecuto# of the H779

    Du#in" the activit within NAD. the p#o!ecuto#! a#e paid like tho!e within theH77 and have the p#ofe!!ional "#ade eJual to that of the latte#9 When the#etu#n to thei# o#i"inal p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce the a#e #ea!!i"ned the p#ofe!!ional"#ade and the !ala# co##e!pondin" to the #e!pective p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce9 NADi! independent f#o$ the cou#t! of law and the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce! within the$and in it! #elation! with the othe# public autho#itie!9

    2(2 Structure o" N$&

     +hi! p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce ha! a cent#al !t#uctu#e with the headJua#te#! in thecit of @ucha#e!t and 1= te##ito#ial !e#vice! in the localitie! whe#e theAppellate 7ou#t! function9 +he p#o!ecuto#! a#e appointed th#ou"h the o#de# of the Head %#o!ecuto# of the Di#ecto#ate. bein" !elected ba!ed on c#ite#ia of len"th of !e#vice Fat lea!t ea#! in the o(ce of p#o!ecuto# o# 3ud"eG. hi"hconduct !tanda#d. p#ofe!!ional t#ainin" and inte#view with a co$$i!!iono#"ani!ed b the Head %#o!ecuto# of the Di#ecto#ate9 +he pu#po!e of the

    inte#view i! to ve#if the p#ofe!!ional t#ainin". the capacit to $ake deci!ion!and a!!u$e le"alit. #e!i!tance to !t#e!! and othe# !peci8c Jualitie!9 +he#evocation of the p#o!ecuto#! i! $ade th#ou"h the o#de# of the Head

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    %#o!ecuto# of the Di#ecto#ate with the app#oval of the Supe#io# 7ouncil of Ma"i!t#ac FS7MG fo# the un!ati!facto# e-e#ci!e of 3ob att#ibution! o# a! a#e!ult of the application of a di!ciplina# !anction9

    In o#de# to ca## on !peci8c activit tho#ou"hl and with #apidit. policeo(ce#! and a"ent! a#e te$po#a#il #ea!!i"ned to thi! Di#ecto#ate fo# du#ationof ea#! Fwith the po!!ibilit of #einve!t$entG at the no$inal p#opo!al of theHead %#o!ecuto# of NAD and th#ou"h the o#de# of the Min!te# of Inte#nalAai#!9 +he 3udicial police o(ce#! f#o$ the NAD 3udicial police ca## on thei#activit unde# the autho#it of the Head %#o!ecuto#9 +he police o(ce#! anda"ent! $a pe#fo#$ onl the act! of c#i$inal inve!ti"ation di!po!ed b thep#o!ecuto# and a#e unde# the di#ect leade#!hip. !upe#vi!ion and cont#ol of thelatte#9 +he di!po!ition! of the p#o!ecuto# a#e $andato#. and the act!pe#fo#$ed b the o(ce#! of 3udicial police followin" the w#itten di!po!ition of the head p#o!ecuto# a#e pe#fo#$ed in hi!he# na$e9 Du#in" the pe#iod of NAD#ea!!i"n$ent. the 3udicial police o(ce#! and a"ent! $a not #eceive an

    ta!k! f#o$ the !upe#io# hie#a#chic o#"ani!$9

    Within thi! p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce the#e a#e al!o hi"hl Juali8ed !peciali!t! whodeplo thei# activit. au-ilia# !peciali!ed pe#!onnel. a!!i$ilated to$a"i!t#ate! a! well a! othe# cate"o#ie! of pe#!onnel9 +he !peciali!t! a#eappointed th#ou"h the o#de# of the Head %#o!ecuto# of the Di#ecto#ate Fwiththe app#oval of the #elevant $ini!t#G and wo#k unde# the leade#!hip.!upe#vi!ion and di#ect cont#ol of the p#o!ecuto#9 :#o$ the w#itten di!po!ition!the#eof. the pe#fo#$ technical, !cienti8c 8ndin"! of fact! in the econo$ic.8nancial. cu!to$!. bankin" info#$atic! do$ain! etc9 / which con!titute theevidence in the c#i$inal t#ial!9 NAD Fand in fact all the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce! of 

    Ro$aniaG ha! in it! co$petence au-ilia# !peciali!ed depa#t$ent!. a$on"which the #e"i!t#ation o(ce. the cle#k&! o(ce and the a#chive9 Eachp#o!ecuto# i! a!!i!ted in hi!he# !peci8c activit b at lea!t two 3udicial policeo(ce#! and a tpi!t cle#k. the latte# takin" ca#e of the d#awin" up of act! andwo#k! of the p#o!ecuto#. a! well a! othe# activitie! au-ilia# to theinve!ti"ation wo#k9

     +he NAD p#o!ecuto#! who pe#fo#$ the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation do notpa#ticipate in the t#ial and attack wa! of the ca!e! the indict. a! thi! activiti! a!!u#ed b the p#o!ecuto#! of the 3udicial !ection9 +hu!. the inJui#ie! a#e

    not delaed. the inve!ti"ation! bein" conducted in an ope#ationall #apid andtho#ou"h $anne#9

    La!t but not lea!t. we $u!t unde#line that the pecunia# and $ate#ial #i"ht!of p#o!ecuto#!. a! well a! of othe# cate"o#ie! of pe#!onnel. a#e paid f#o$ theNAD fund!. a! it i! one of the in!t#u$ent! a!!u#in" it a #eal autono$.e-cludin" the po!!ibilit of an inte#fe#ence th#ou"h the vital di$en!ion of 8nancial #e!ou#ce!9

    2(3 N$& m!teri!# com%etence

    It i! ci#cu$!c#ibed to the co##uption deed! on the hi"h and $ediu$ levelp#ovided b Law 20))). and othe# !e#iou! c#i$e! al!o con!ide#ed to be

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    clo!el connected with co##uption a! co$ple- pheno$enon. a! !tipulated ina#t91>. pa#9F1G. lette# bG in E' =>0))09

     +hu!. the $ate#ial co$petence acco#din" to ob3ect #efe#! to the c#i$e! of co##uption and tho!e a!!i$ilated to the$ co$p#i!ed in Law C0))) in#elation with the a$ount of the da$a"e! Fhi"he# than the lei eJuivalent of 0))9))) Eu#oG o# b the !ie of the a$ount which fo#$! the ob3ect of thec#i$e of co##uption Fhi"he# than the lei eJuivalent of 1)9))) Eu#oG. thec#i$e! a"ain!t the 8nancial inte#e!t of the Eu#opean 7o$$unitie! fo# whichNAD ha! e-clu!ive co$petence and c#i$e! of abu!e in o(ce if the cau!ed a$ate#ial da$a"e hi"he# that the lei eJuivalent of 1 $illion Eu#o9

     +he co$petence !cope acco#din" to the capacit of the pe#!on i! al!oci#cu$!c#ibed to the 8"ht a"ain!t co##uption at hi"h and $ediu$ level. NADbein" the !t#uctu#e autho#i!ed to pe#fo#$ the inve!ti"ation of the pe#!on! ini$po#tant o(ce Ffo# in!tance M%!. $ini!t#ie!. $a"i!t#ate!G o# with att#ibution!

    of deci!ion. leade#!hip and e-p#e!! and li$itin" cont#ol p#ovided in a#t91>.pa#9F1G. lette# bG of E' =>0))019

    2() N$& me!n o" inveti!tion

    NAD i! autho#i!ed to detain and u!e adeJuate $ead! fo# obtainin". ve#ifin".p#oce!!in" and !to#in" info#$ation #elated to co##uption deed! p#ovided bLaw C0))) fo# the p#evention . detection and !anction of co##uption deed!9:o# thi! pu#po!e. within the Di#ecto#ate the#e i! a technical !e#vice ope#atin"with the !ubdivi!ion! +echnical '(ce. +eleco$$unication '(ce and

    Inte#vention and E!co#t co$pa#t$ent9 +hi! !e#vice a!!u#e!. a$on" othe#!.the puttin" into application of the autho#i!ation! i!!ued b the 3ud"e inc#i$inal ca!e! #e"a#din" the inte#ception and #eco#din" of telephone call! andconve#!ation! in the a$bient envi#on$ent. thei# #ende#in" in w#itten fo#$.

    1 Art.13 par.(1) reads: “The following crimes are in the competence of the National anticorruption Directorate: crimes stipulated inLaw no. !"#$$$% with the ulterior alterations and completions% committed in one of the following conditions:

    a) if% irrespecti&e of the capacit' of the perpetrators% the' caused a material damage larger than the lei eui&alent of #$$.$$$ uroor if the &alue of the amount or good forming the o*+ect of the crime of corruption is larger than the lei eui&alent of 1$.$$$ uro,

    *) if% irrespecti&e of the &alue of the material damage or the &alue of the amount or good forming the o*+ect of the crime ofcorruption% the' are committed *': -s% senators% /omanian mem*ers of the uropean arliament% mem*ers appointed *'/omania in the uropean 0ommission, mem*ers of the o&ernments% state secretaries or su*2secretaries and the personsassimilated to them, % counsellors of ministries, +udges of the igh 0ourt of 0assation and 4ustice and of the 0onstitutional 0ourt%the other +udges and prosecutors, mem*ers of the 5uperior 0ouncil of -agistrac', chairman of the Legislati&e 0ouncil and itsdeput', The om*udsman and his deputies, presidential counsellor and state counsellor within the residential Administration,state counsellor of the rime -inister, mem*er and e6ternal pu*lic auditors within the 0ourt of Accounts of /omania and of thecount' account courts%, o&ernor% rime 7ice2o&ernor and 7ice o&ernors of the National 8an9 of /omania% president and &ice2president of the 0ouncil of 0ompetition, officers% admirals% generals and marshals% police officers% presidents and &ice2presidentsof count' councils% general ma'or and &ice2ma'ors of the 0it' of 8ucharest, ma'or and &ice2ma'or of the districts of the 0it' of8ucharest, ma'or and &ice2ma'or of municipalities% count' councillors% prefects and su* prefects% leaders of the central and localpu*lic authorities and institutions and persons in control positions within them e6cept the leaders of the pu*lic authorities andinstitutions on the le&el of town and &illages and of persons with control positions within them, law'ers% commissionaries of the

    inancial uard, customs personnel% persons in leadership offices% from directors inclusi&el'% within the autonom' enterprisesunder state;s super&ision of national interest% national companies and societies% commercial *an9s in which the 5tate is ma+orit'shareholders% pu*lic institutions with attri*utions in the process of pri&atisation and of central financial 2*an9ing units, personslisted in art. #

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    the !u$$onin" o# b#in"in" with !ubpoena! the pe#!on! indicated b thep#o!ecuto#9

    2(5 Entitie u%%ortin the N$& !ctivit;

    Acco#din" to a#t90C of E' =>0))0. the !e#vice! and o#"ani!$! !peciali!ed inthe collection and p#oce!!in" info#$ation have the obli"ation to i$$ediatelput at NAD di!po!al the data and intelli"ence. even not p#oce!!ed. in #elationwith co##uption c#i$e!9

    In it! cu##ent activit. thi! p#o!ecuto#!& o(ce #eceive! f#o$ the !peciali!ed!e#vice! and o#"ani!$! !uch a! RIS FRo$anian Intelli"ence Se#viceG. DII%FDepa#t$ent of Intelli"ence and Inte#nal %#otection within the Mini!t# of Inte#nal Aai#! of Ro$aniaG. AD FAntico##uption ene#al Di#ecto#ateG etc9.an app#eciable volu$e of $ate#ial!. !o$e with evidence value. acco#din" tothe law. ba!ed on which the p#o!ecuto#! take action b buildin" !olid ca!e!

    #elated to i$po#tant pe#!on! f#o$ all walk! of !ocial life9

    RIS bene8t!. acco#din" to Law no9211BB1 F#epubli!hedG #e"a#din" Ro$ania&!national !ecu#it f#o$ a valuable in!t#u$ent. i9e9 the nationa) security warrant 0  which allow! collectin" intelli"ence which $ean! the #e!t#iction of the e-e#ci!e of ce#tain funda$ental #i"ht! and f#eedo$! deploed with theob!e#vance of the le"al p#ovi!ion!9 Acco#din" to the law. the obtainin" of thewa##ant follow! a p#ocedu#e e-p#e!!l #e"ulated b the afo#e$entioned lawthe p#opo!al i! fo#wa#ded to the %#o!ecuto# ene#al of the %#o!ecuto#&! '(cewithin the Hi"h 7ou#t of 7a!!ation and u!tice Fo# the p#o!ecuto#! !peciall

    appointed b hi$he#G. 3ud"e! who. if the app#eciate it a! havin" $e#it.#eJue!t in w#itin" the 7hai#$an of the Hi"h 7ou#t of 7a!!ation and u!tice theautho#i!ation of the activitie! p#opo!ed9 +he wa##ant i! i!!ued fo# du#ation of  $onth!. the $ea!u#e can be e-tended. each e-ten!ion bein" of $a-i$u$ >$onth!. and the $a-i$u$ du#ation of autho#i!ation! i! of 0 ea#!9

    A! the pe!t of co##uption wa! identi8ed a! a th#eat a"ain!t national !ecu#it.RIS wa! autho#i!ed to #eJue!t the co$petent cou#t of law a national !ecu#itwa##ant fo# "athe#in" data and intelli"ence #elated to c#i$e! of co##uption>9 +hu!. the !ucce!!ful 8"ht a"ain!t co##uption in Ro$ania b NAD wa! la#"eldue to the data and info#$ation obtained b RIS f#o$ the autho#i!ed activitie!

    ba!ed on the !ecu#it wa##ant. in thi! cate"o# we al!o encounte# theevidence,value $ate#ial! !uch a! the #eco#din" of ce#tain talk! on the phoneo# in the a$bient envi#on$ent fo# which RIS ha! #eJue!ted and obtained f#o$the 3ud"e the autho#i!ation! p#ovided b the law9 +he $ate#ial! obtained bRIS ba!ed on the national !afet wa##ant have a cla!!i8ed cha#acte#. and thu!the $a beco$e evidence afte# decla!!i8cation9

    @etween NAD and the!e entitie! collabo#ation p#otocol! we#e concludedba!ed on which the intelli"ence !e#vice!. e!peciall the Ro$anian Intelli"enceSe#vice FRISG "#ant technical !uppo#t to the p#o!ecuto#!. at thei# w#itten

    2 Art.13 letter f)% art.1= and art.12#$ of Law no.?1"1

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    #eJue!t. in the puttin" into application of the autho#i!ation! i!!ued b the 3ud"e fo# the inte#ception and #eco#din" of co$$unication! o# fo# thepe#fo#$ance of ope#ational !u#veillance in the condition! of the law9 In thep#e!! #elea!e! of the Di#ecto#ate one f#eJuentl unde#line! the fact that thep#o!ecuto#! bene8ted f#o$ the RIS !peciali!ed !uppo#t9

    2(/ rie" %reent!tion o" N$& !ctivitie in 201)

     +he activit of thi! p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce wa! pe#fo#$ed in 0)1= b a nu$be# of 11> p#o!ecuto#!. of which 21 at the fou# !ection! of the cent#al !t#uctu#e F>ope#ational and one 3udicialG and 0 at the te##ito#ial !t#uctu#e!9

     +he anal!i! of the $ain !tati!tic indicato#! hi"hli"hted an i$p#ove$ent of the activit of NAD p#o!ecuto#! in the #efe#ence ea#. thu! the nu$be# of indicted pe#!on! !ent to t#ial! inc#ea!ed b C9 O and f#o$ ad$i!!iona"#ee$ent! in the condition! of a !i"ni8cant "#owth of the nu$be# of ca!e! to

    !olve FB.111 co$pa#ed to .B)B in 0)1>G. a! well a! the ca!e! !olved F=.102co$pa#ed to >9C2 in 0)1>G9

    'f the 0.)> ca!e! !olved in the 8#!t,level t#ial. in 0B= one di!po!ed theindict$ent. and in 0> ca!e! the noti8ed the cou#t of law b ad$i!!iona"#ee$ent!9 :o# co$pa#i!on. in 0)1> the !olved in the 8#!t t#ial a nu$be# of 0.2=> ca!e! of which 0) b indict$ent9

     +he i$po#tance and co$ple-it of the ca!e! 8nali!ed b indict$ent i!#elevant when we #efe# al!o to the a$ount of the total p#e3udice #etained. i9e91.=2 $illion lei and $o#e than => $illion Eu#o! co$pa#ed to CC= $illion leiand =0 $illion! eu#o! in 0)1>9

    'f the 1.)) pe#!on! indicted / natu#al pe#!on! !ent to t#ial. 10 a#e pe#!on!in hi"h o(ce F0 !enato#!. M%S. 1 !tate !ec#eta# and 0 p#efect!GK >>) cle#k!in public o(ceK >2 $a"i!t#ate! F0> 3ud"e! of which = fo#$ the Hi"h 7ou#t of 7a!!ation and u!ticeK 0 t#ibunal chai#pe#!on!. 1 chai#$an of a cou#t of lawand 10 p#o!ecuto#! of which with leade#!hip po!itionG. 02 lawe#!. C1 policeo(ce#!. 1 $ilita# $en. 1B cu!to$! ope#ato#!. 0= teachin" !ta $e$be#!F$o!t with leade#!hip po!ition!G99

    A nu$be# of 1.1>C defendant! we#e de8nitivel convicted of which 10 le"alpe#!on!. a "#owth b C.0CO co$pa#ed to the p#eviou! ea#. the puni!h$ent!we#e ti$e in p#i!on in the ca!e of >= defendant convicted F0=B in 0)1>G9

     +he cou#t! of law #uled the acJuittal of 1>2 defendant!. b == de8nitive 3ud"e$ent!. co$pa#ed to B0 defendant! acJuitted in 0)1> b >C de8nitive 3ud"e$ent!9 +he "#owth $a be e-plained b the fact that in 0)1= a hi"he#nu$be# Fb C9OG of pe#!on! we#e indicted and !ent to t#ial co$pa#ed to0)1>. and the nu$be# of the 8nal conviction #ulin"! inc#ea!ed b >9>)Oco$pa#ed to 0)1>9

    :ollowin" the anal!i! of the 3ud"e&! acJuittal #ulin". it wa! app#eciated thatindict$ent! a#e not i$putable to the p#o!ecuto#!9


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    Acco#din" to the 7on!titution of the Republic of Moldova FRMG. the 3udicialautho#it include! the cou#t! of law. S7M Fco$po!ed of 3ud"e! and p#ofe!!o#!

    in fullG and the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce. which #ep#e!ent! the "ene#al inte#e!t! of !ociet and defend! the #ule of law and the citien! #i"ht! and f#eedo$!.lead! and e-e#ci!e! the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation. #ep#e!ent! the indict$ent inthe cou#t! of law. in the condition! the law9

    Acco#din" to the le"i!lation vi"ou#. the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce ca##ie! on it!activit ba!ed on the p#inciple! of le"alit. t#an!pa#enc. independence f#o$the othe# autho#itie! and o#"ani!$! . and autono$ Fa!!u#ed b the t#ialindependence and 3udicial cont#ol. which "#ant! it the po!!ibilit to $akeindependent deci!ion! al!o in the ca!e! the e-a$ineG and if the hie#a#chic

    inte#nal cont#ol9



    3(1 P#!ce !nd ro#e o" $PO

    In 0))0. b Law no911)= of une FLaw 11)=0))0G the %a#lia$ent c#eatedthe National Antico##uption 7ent#e 2 FNA7G. with the followin" att#ibution!9%#evention and 8"ht a"ain!t the c#i$e! of co##uption and connected to the!e.p#evention and 8"ht a"ain!t $one laund# and te##o#i!$ 8nancin".pe#fo#$ance of the antico##uption e-pe#t!P !u#ve! of the le"i!lative andno#$ative d#aft! and en!u#in" the pe#fo#$ance of the a!!e!!$ent of the #i!k!

    4 Art.= of Law no.#

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    of co##uption within the public autho#itie! and in!titution!9 NA7 wa! initiallc#eated a! antico##uption a"enc within the "ove#n$ent. and #ecentl it wa!placed unde# pa#lia$enta# cont#ol9 NA7 e-e#ci!e! it! att#ibution! on thete##ito# of the enti#e count#. havin" one cent#al appa#atu! and th#eete##ito#ial !ub,divi!ion! fo# the cent#e. no#th and !outh a#ea!9

    Initiall. the leade#!hip of the c#i$inal p#o!ecution in the ca!e! in!t#u$entedb the o(ce#! of the 7ent#e wa! a!!u#ed b p#o!ecuto#! within a !ection of the ene#al %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce F%'G9 In the !a$e pe#iod one felt the need toc#eate a p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce $eant to take in e-clu!ive co$petence theleade#!hip of the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation on the NA7 8le!9

    In Ma#ch 0))>. b the Law #e"a#din" the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce no911C of 1=9)>90))> one int#oduced to the !!te$ of the p#o!ecuto#&! o#"ani!$! the!peciali!ed p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce!. a$on" which the antico##uption one al!oFa#t912G9 Late# on. on 029)90))>. b the Deci!ion of the %a#lia$ent no9 >=B

    one c#eated the 4antico##uption p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce and the leade#!hip of c#i$inal inve!ti"ation with the headJua#te#! in the cit of 7hiQinu59 +h#ou"h the o#de# of the % one adopted the #e"ulation of activit of theAntico##uption %#o!ecuto#P! '(ce FA%'GC. who had it! att#ibution! e!tabli!hedand i$plicitl the $ate#ial co$petence9 In 0))C Law 11C0))> wa! #eplacedb a new Law #e"a#din" the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce with no90B= of 0291090))C. inwhich the A%' wa! e-p#e!!l !tipulated

    4 Article 25. pecia)ised prosecutors oces

    n the category of specia)ised prosecutors oce one inc)udes the

     prosecutors oce acting in certain specia) do#ains.

    2 !he anticorruption prosecutors oce is specia)ised in the ght against the cri#es of corruption and exercises its attri/utions on theentire territory of the county. 9…:; 

    At p#e!ent. fo# the A%' p#o!ecuto#! thei# hie#a#chic !upe#io# p#o!ecuto#! a#eboth the leade#! of thi! !t#uctu#e. and p#o!ecuto#! with leadin" po!ition! inthe %'. which #i!k! to aect the independence of the ca!e p#o!ecuto#!. inthe new vi!ion about the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce one $ake! the di!tinctionbetween the ad$ini!t#ative and the t#ial and p#ocedu#e hie#a#ch. !o that thi!

    vulne#abilit i! likel to be eli$inated9

    We con!ide# that the e!tabli!h$ent of the $ate#ial co$petence of the A%' b#e"ulation. and not b o#"anic law #i!k! to aect it! !tabilit andindependence. a! the o#de# of the % i! a depa#t$ental act. which $a bechan"ed o# annulled b the i!!ue#! b a p#ocedu#e $uch !i$ple# and $o#e

    6 Art.= of Law 11$="#$$#.7 The decision of the arliament no.3=< for the modification of the arliament Decision no.B$< of 1.1$.1

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    #apid than an o#"anic law9 +hu!. we $a i$a"ine the !ituation whenco##uption deed in the A%' co$petence to be withd#awn f#o$ co$petence bthe % b o#de#. with the con!eJuence of the u!ualne!! of the inve!ti"ation!in i$po#tant ca!e! unde# develop$ent9

     +he cu##ent !tate of aai#! aect! in a ne"ative $anne# the activitie! of theA%'. which ha! been led in tu#n. f#o$ it! eective c#eation in 0))2 up to thep#e!ent. !even p#o!ecuto#!. of which fou# a! inte#i$9

    3(2 Structure o" $PO

    A%' e-e#ci!e! it! att#ibution like NA7 on the te##ito# of the enti#e count#.havin" a cent#al !t#uctu#e and two te##ito#ial one! fo# the no#th and !outha#ea!9 +he cent#al and te##ito#ial !ubdivi!ion! of A%' ope#ate in the !a$ebuildin"! with AN7 and hi! p#o-i$it ha! a po!itive inuence on the #apiditof !olvin" the ca!e! in!t#u$ented b NA7. oe#in" p#o!ecuto#! the

    oppo#tunit to di#ectl co$$unicate with the NA7 o(ce#!9

     +hi! p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce i! $ade of a cent#al appa#atu! with >1 p#o!ecuto#&!po!ition!. of which = in e-ecutive o(ce and two te##ito#ial !e#vice! who!eo#"ani!ational cha#t! have 2 p#o!ecuto# po!ition! FNo#th +e##ito#ial Se#viceGand > p#o!ecuto# po!ition! FSouth +e##ito#ial Se#viceG. #e!pectivel9

    A%' ha! in it! o#"ani!ational cha#t one !in"le po!ition! of p#o!ecuto#&!con!ultant and th#ee po!ition! of !peciali!t!9 +he p#o!ecuto#&! con!ultant ha!the #ole to "#ant technical !uppo#t in the activit !peci8c to the in!titutionunde# the di#ect leade#!hip of the p#o!ecuto#9 Speciali!t! have. in the th#ee!ubdivi!ion!. att#ibution! !peci8c to the cle#k o(ce F#eco#din" wo#k!.databa!e $ana"e$ent. o#"ani!ation of co##e!pondence and docu$ent!ci#culation. etc9G9

    Acco#din" to the d#aft of the Law #e"a#din" the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce. in thefutu#e. the A%' !t#uctu#e will have con!tantl ope#atin" c#i$inal inve!ti"ationo(ce#! and !peciali!t! unde# the di#ect coo#dination of the p#o!ecuto#9 Wecon!ide# it nece!!a# that the futu#e A%' a#chitectu#e !hould have al!o a!ubdivi!ion with p#o!ecuto#! !peciali!ed in the 8eld of the p#e!entation of theindict$ent in cou#t. who #elea!e the ca!e p#o!ecuto#! f#o$ thi! ta!k!9 A

    !i$ila# !ubdivi!ion e-i!t! in the NAD !ince c#eation. !o that the ti$e fund of the inve!ti"ato#! i! full u!ed fo# the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation in the ca!e!in!t#u$ented9

    La!t but not lea!t. A%' !hould ope#ate like NAD with an adeJuate nu$be# of cle#k! who take ove# fo#$ the p#o!ecuto#! the ta!k! of d#awin" up thepape#wo#k. allowin" the latte# to focu! e-clu!ivel on thei# !peci8c activit9

    3(3 $PO m!teri!# com%etence

    In the %enal %#ocedu#e 7ode F%%7G the#e a#e no di!po!ition! !ettin" the

    co$petence of A%'. a! it i! e!tabli!hed. a! !hown above. b a depa#t$ental


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    act of the %. i9e9 '#de# no9 000C of 109)>90)1> #e"a#din" the app#oval of the Re"ulation of the Antico##uption %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce9

    'n the othe# hand. the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o#"ani!$! within NA7 have it!co$petence !et b a#t9 0B %%7

    - Mone laund# and te##o#i!$ 8nancin" Fa#t90=> and 0B %7GK

    - %a!!ive co##uption. active co##uption and inuence t#a(ckin" Fa#t9>0=,>0 %7GK

    - Abu!e of powe# o# abu!e in o(ce. e-ce!! of powe# o# e-ceedin" o(ceatt#ibution!. ne"li"ence in o(ce de Fa#t9>0,>0B %7GK

    - Tiolation of the con8dentialit #e"i$e of info#$ation f#o$ thedecla#ation! on inco$e and p#ope#t Fa#t9>>)1 %7GK

    - Illicit wealth accu$ulation Fa#t9>>)0 %7GK

    - :o#"e# in public docu$ent! Fa#t9>>0 %7GK

    - @#ibe# , oe#in" and #eceivin" b#ibe! Fa#t9>>>,>>= %7GK

    - Abu!e in o(ce in the p#ivate !ecto# Fa#t9>>2 %7GK

    - :al!e decla#ation! in accountin" docu$ent! Fa#t9>>21 %7G9

    Acco#din" to %%7. the NA7 c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o#"ani!$!. pe#fo#$!. unde#the coo#dination the p#o!ecuto#. the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation fo# c#i$e! in it!co$petence. i##e!pective of the capacit of thei# !ub3ect. includin" when thea#e co$$itted b !ub3ect! o# who$ the p#o!ecuto#! obli"ato#il pe#fo#$ thec#i$inal inve!ti"ation B9

    Acco#din" to the !tipulation! of the 'pe#ation Re"ulation! of A%'. it e-e#ci!e!the followin" ta!k! and att#ibution!

    - In the na$e and on behalf of !ociet and in the public inte#e!t. a!!u#e!the law enfo#ce$ent. defend! the #ule of law. citien!P #i"ht! andlibe#tie! when thei# violation att#act! the c#i$inal !anctionK

    - E-e#ci!e! and conduct! the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation in the ca!e! of co##uption c#i$e!. c#i$e! connected to co##uption. othe# c#i$e! a"ain!tthe "ood deplo$ent of activit in the public !phe#e and $one laund#c#i$e!K

    9 NA0 ma' e6ercise the criminal in&estigation for the crimes gi&en in its competence when the' are committed *' su*+ects whosein&estigation is of the prosecutors@ competence% such as: -s% mem*ers of the o&ernment% +udges% prosecutors% 8ailiffs, personsform the solider troops% sergeants and officers corps of the National Arm'% form the corps of cara*inieri troops and the 5er&ice of

    0i&il rotection and 6ceptional 5ituation su*ordinated to the -inistr' of Enternal Affairs% Entelligence and securit' 5er&ice% 5taterotection and uard 5er&ices% persons attested form the componence of the penitentiar' s'stem, persons su*+ected to themilitar' ser&ice during concentrations% and criminal in&estigation officers% police colla*orators and colla*orators of the organismscarr'ing on special in&estigation acti&it'..


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    - Rep#e!ent! the p#o!ecution in the cou#t! of law on the enti#e te##ito# of the count#K

    - Int#oduce! civil action! in the ca!e! !tipulated b law and pa#ticipate!.in the condition! of the law. in the t#ial! of civil ca!e. includin" of ad$ini!t#ative contentiou!. and cont#avention when it int#oduce! thep#ocedu#e it!elfK

    - 7a##ie! on the activit of p#evention and 8"ht a"ain!t co##uption and$one laund# on the enti#e te##ito# of the Republic of Moldova1)9

    Acco#din" to the !a$e Re"ulation. fo# the achieve$ent of the afo#e$entionedatt#ibution!. the A%' p#o!ecuto#! ca## on the followin" activitie!

    - E-a$ine and !olve the co$plaint! #e"a#din" the c#i$e! "iven in it!

    co$petence b the lawK

    - Solve the co$plaint! #elated to the c#i$e! a!!i"ned b law in the NA7co$petenceK

    - %e#fo#$ the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation and indict$ent in ca!e! #elated to thec#i$e! of co##uption. c#i$e! connected to co##uption. othe# c#i$e!a"ain!t the "ood deplo$ent of activit in the public !phe#e and the$one laund# c#i$e!. a! well a! the ca!e! #elated to othe# c#i$e! ba!edon the %#o!ecuto# ene#al o# 8nance. hi! %#i$e Deput and one of hi!deputie!K

    - Lead! the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation pe#fo#$ed b NA7 cent#al andte##ito#ial o#"ani!$! of c#i$inal inve!ti"ationK

    - E-e#ci!e! cont#ol on the $anne# in which the NA7 !ta ob!e#ve the lawin the e-e#ci!e of thei# po!ition! and o(ceK

    - Withd#aw! f#o$ the NA7 c#i$inal inve!ti"ation the ca!e! in it!ad$ini!t#ation with inc#ea!ed !ocial #elevance o# when the#e i!info#$ation that the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation i! $ade unilate#all and


    - Rep#e!ent! the p#o!ecution in the cou#t! of lawK

    - Int#oduce. acco#din" to thei# co$petence. civil action!. includin" inad$ini!t#ative contentiou!. pa#ticipate in thei# e-a$ination in thecou#t! of law and attack the ille"al 3ud"$ent! in the condition! of thelawK

    - 7a## on anti,co##uption and $one laund# analtic and p#eventionaction! 119

    10 The /egulation of the Anticorruption rosecutor@s ffice is that adopted *' the rder no. ##"#! of 1#.$3.#$13% point #.1.11 Ibidem, point 2.2.


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    We point out that in the Re"ulation the no#$! !ettin" the A%' $ate#ialco$petence u!e! the notion! of 4c#i$e! of co##uption5 and 4c#i$e!connected to co##uption5 that a#e not encounte#ed unde# the!e na$e! in the%79 +he !a$e p#oble$ #elated to the lack of p#eci!ion and #i"ou# i! found al!oin Law B)0))C of 029)=90))C #e"a#din" the co##uption p#evention andco$batin". which ope#ate! with the notion! of 4co##uption deed!5 and 4deed!connected to the co##uption deed!5. !tatin" that the !ub3ect! will be $adeliable acco#din" to the %7 the co$pa#i!on of the li!t of co##uption deed! andof the deed! connected to the co##uption deed! !tipulated in a#t91 of theafo#e$entioned law with the %7 p#ovi!ion! lead! to the conclu!ion that not allthe deed! in the li!t a#e inc#i$inated a! c#i$e! in the %7. !o that the#e i! nole"al "#ound fo# the c#i$inal liabilit of the pe#pet#ato#!9

    :o# all the above. a! we have al#ead $entioned. in the ca!e pf A%' the$ate#ial co$petence i! !et

    aG @ a depa#t$ental act of the % and not b o#"anic law. which c#eate!unce#taint in #elation with the A%' ta!k!. a! the o#de# of the % $abe chan"e! and o# annulled b a $uch !i$ple# p#ocedu#eK

    bG @ #efe##al to NA7 co$petenceK

    cG @ u!in" wo#d! and ph#a!e! ine-i!tent in the le"i!lation of RM. !uch a!4c#i$e! of co##uption5 and 4c#i$e! connected to co##uption59

     +hi! la!t i##e"ula#it i! al!o found in the d#aft of the Law of the %#o!ecuto#&!o(ce which in a#t9B pa#9F>G #efe#! to the A%' co$petence

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    In the NA7 !t#uctu#e !ubdivi!ion! ope#ate / fo# the i$ple$entation of the!pecial $ea!u#e! of inve!ti"ation autho#i!ed acco#din" to the lawK of conductin" 3udicial e-pe#t&! !u#veK of p#eventin" and co$batin" $onelaund#. p#eventive detention of the pe#!on! a"ain!t who$ !uch $ea!u#e!a#e #uled. of pe#fo#$in" !t#ate"ic and ope#ational anal!e! F#elational $ap ondive#!e in!t#u$ented ca!e!G and of pe#!on!& !ea#ch/ which al!o p#ovide acon!tant !peciali!ed !uppo#t to the A%' p#o!ecuto#!. dependin" on thenece!!itie!9

    @e!ide NA7. A%' i! occa!ionall !uppo#ted b the Intelli"ence and Secu#itSe#vice FISSG. a! well a! b !peciali!ed !ubdivi!ion! of the Mini!t# of Inte#nalAai#! FMIAG9

    Unlike in Ro$ania. whe#e the activit of "athe#in" and p#oce!!in" info#$ationabout co##uption deed! i! pe#fo#$ed b !peciali!ed !t#uctu#e!. e!peciall RIS.in RM thi! ta!k i! a!!i"ned to a NA7 !ub,divi!ion whe#e inve!ti"ation o(ce#!

    ope#ate9 +hei# activit i! "ove#ned b Law 2B0)10 #e"a#din" the !pecialinve!ti"ation activit. within NA7 bene8tin" f#o$ all the lo"i!tic !uppo#tnece!!a# fo# the info#$ation "athe#in". p#oce!!in" and !to#in"9

    3(/ rie" %reent!tion o" the $PO !ctivitie in 201)

    Acco#din" to the activit #epo#t p#e!ented b A%'. in 0)1= the#e we#e >)co$plaint! in the A%' ad$ini!t#ation about the co$$i!!ion of the c#i$e!"iven in it! co$petence b the law. the 8"u#e indictin" a 01 O d#opco$pa#ed to 0)12 when >C co$plaint! we#e 8led and #eco#ded9

    In the !a$e pe#iod the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation wa! !ta#ted in 1= ca!e!. which#ep#e!ent! a 2C9 O valo#i!ation of the co$plaint! in the p#o!ecuto#!&ad$ini!t#ation F0C) co$plaint!G9 Acco#din" to the co$ple-it and !ocial#elevance. the A%' #epo#t fo# 0)1= hi"hli"ht! ca!e! of indict$ent !ent to t#iala"ain!t 0= cu!to$! collabo#ato#!. 1> f#ontie# police collabo#ato#!. 0 3ud"e!. 1p#o!ecuto# and 0 pe#!on! fo# the active co##uption of an M% in e-t#e$el la#"ep#opo#tion!9

    A! #e"a#d! the activit of leadin" the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation pe#fo#$ed b theNA7 o(ce#!. in 0)1= one di!po!ed the !ta#t of the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation in

    1 ca!e! co$pa#ed to 2=C in 0)1> Fan inc#ea!e b B ca!e!G and the denialof the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation !ta#t in >CC ca!e! co$pa#ed to >2 in 0)1>Finc#ea!e b >0 c#i$inal indict$ent! !ent to t#ialG9 +he "#owth of the nu$be#of ca!e! !olved in the #efe#ence pe#iod "ene#ated the d#op of the nu$be# of pendin" ca!e !at the end of 0)1= FC2 on >191090)1= co$pee#ed to C=> on>191090)1>G9 +he indict$ent! d#awn up b the antico##uption p#o!ecuto#! inthe ca!e! whe#e the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation wa! conducted b the NA7 o(ce#!we#e a"ain!t e$ploee! in o(ce in the !phe#e of enfo#ce$ent of cou#t#ulin"!K lawe#!. c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o(ce#!. MIA collabo#ato#!K $ao#!.cle#k in o(ce in the cent#al ad$ini!t#ative autho#itie!K leade#! of 8nancialin!titution!. deput p#incipal! in the education !!te$. docto#!. etc9


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    A$on" the c#i$inal ca!e! with #elevance !ent to t#ial we $a li!t the ca!e of the Head of the :i!cal Antif#aud Di#ecto#ate within the I:%SK the e-,di#ecto# of the %enitentia# no9 BK the e-,chai#$an of the S9A9 4@anca de Econo$ii5K thee-,vice,p#e!ident of S9A9 4@anca de Econo$ii5 and of the $e$be#! of thec#edit co$$ittee9

     +he anal!i! of the !tati!tic data #elated to the active of leadin" the c#i$inalinve!ti"ation hi"hli"hted al!o ne"ative a!pect!. a! fo# in!tance the lownu$be# of c#i$inal ca!e! of co##uption detected within the !pecialinve!ti"ation activitK the dela in !o$e ca!e! of the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation bthe NA7 c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o#"ani!$K the lack fo#$ the NA7 o(ce#!&ad$ini!t#ation of the c#i$inal ca!e! with #elevance a"ain!t the pe#!on! inhi"h public o(ce9

    In 0)1=. the antico##uption p#o!ecuto#! pa#ticipated in the e-a$ination in theinitial t#ial! in the cou#t! of law of 1) ca!e! a"ain!t 1C pe#!on! indicted fo#

    c#i$e! of co##uption and c#i$e! connected to co##uption9 In a nu$be# of 01ca!e!. the cou#t! of law #uled acJuittal 3ud"e$ent!. $o!t of the$ F1G bein"p#onounced on the "#ound of the ab!ence of the c#i$e ele$ent!9 :#o$ thee-a$ination of the ca!e! and condition! at the ba!i! of e acJuittal !olution it#e!ulted that in $o!t !ituation! the cou#t! of law have app#eciated in aninco##ect and unilate#al $anne# the evidence ad$ini!te#ed o# applied the lawin an e##oneou! wa9 :u#the#$o#e. in !o$e ca!e! the 3ud"e! delaed the 3udicial e-a$ination fo# lon" pe#iod! of ti$e at the #eJue!t of the lawe#! o#indicted pe#!on! who invoked dive#!e #ea!on! Fillne!!. chan"e of lawe#.in3u#ed pa#tie!& failu#e to appea# etc9G9 In 0)1= al!o. the antico##uptionp#o!ecuto#! pe#fo#$ed cont#ol! in public in!titution! in view of p#eventin" the

    co##uption deed! and deed! connected to co##uption9 In pe#centa"e!. thevolu$e of thei# activit in thi! chapte# d#opped b 2 O co$pa#ed to 0)1>9


  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    )( OSE'$TIONS $OT TE &'$9T O9 TE$< O9 P'OSECTO'*S O99ICE

     +he #efo#$ of p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce in RM ai$!. a$on" othe#!. at c#eatin" thele"i!lative f#a$e allowin" A%' to co$e clo!e# to the Ro$anian NAD $odel. b

    the te$po#a# #ea!!i"n$ent of c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o(ce#!. !o that thep#o!ecuto#! can in!t#u$ent the ca!e! of "#eat co##uption di#ectl with the!eo(ce#!9 :u#the#$o#e. one ai$! at "#antin" e-clu!ive co$petence to thep#o!ecuto#! to conduct the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation in i$po#tant ca!e! of co##uption. Juali8ed a! !uch in #elation to the !ie of the c#i$e ob3ect.a$ount of the da$a"e o# capacit of pe#pet#ato#! Ffo# in!tance hi"h publico(ce. leade#! of the cent#al and local ad$ini!t#ationG9

     +he new no#$ative f#a$e fo# the #efo#$ of the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce $a#k! in it!enti#et an obviou! p#o"#e!! co$pa#ed to the p#e!ent !ituation. a! it c#eate!the condition! nece!!a# fo# the !ucce!!ful inve!ti"ation b the p#o!ecuto#!of the !ociall #elevant ca!e!. "iven in thei# co$petence b the law9:ollowin" the anal!i! of the d#aft of the Law of %#o!ecuto#&! o(ce10. includin"a! #e"a#d! the conco#dance with the p#ovi!ion! of the 7on!titution and the%%7. we identi8e! !eve#al i!!ue! which #i!k to ne"ativel inuence thep#o!ecuto#!& activit. e!peciall tho!e in the antico##uption !peciali!ed!t#uctu#e9

    )(1 The %roecutor = re%reent!tive o" the St!te inthe crimin!# tri!#

    In the 7on!titution of the Republic of Moldova. a#t9 10=. pa#9F1G #ead!


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    When we co$pa#e the con!titutional no#$ to the !ituation of the law d#aft we#e$a#k that acco#din" to the latte# the p#o!ecuto# i! "#anted a #ole that the7on!titution doe! not #eco"ni!e hi$. i9e9 the defence of the le"iti$ateinte#e!t! of the State and pe#!on!9

    '#. the 7on!titution !tipulate! that the p#o!ecuto# #ep#e!ent! the "ene#alinte#e!t of !ociet and not of the individual! taken !epa#atel o# of the !tate.unde#!tood a a! "#oup of pe#!on! e-e#ci!in" the powe# at a ce#tain $o$entand a!!u#in" the "ove#nance9

     +he Juantitative #elation between !ociet and State !hould be #e"a#ded a! awhole,pa#t #elation9 +he pe#fect ob!e#vance of the con!titutional di!po!ition!on the occa!ion of the a!!e!!$ent and i$ple$entation of the new le"i!lationin 3udicial $atte#! ha! a vital i$po#tance of the futu#e !tatu! of thep#o!ecuto#. fo# the co##ect !ettin" of hi! #ole and att#ibution! in the 3udicialp#ocedu#e!9 Mo#eove#. it obli"e! the le"i!lato# to $odif al!o the cu##ent

    p#ovi!ion in the %%7 acco#din" to which


    Anothe# #e$a#k #efe#! to the !nta"$ u!ed in a#t91 of the d#aft with the !en!ethat ustice; 9


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    A#t91== of the 7on!titution of Republic of Moldova !tipulate! that 4>ustice isenforced in the na#e of the )aw, on)y /y the courts of )aw; 9 7on!eJuentl.one need! to eli$inate that !nta"$ in the d#aft in o#de# to avoid anconfu!ion #elated to the 3udicial o#"ani!$! entitled to enfo#ce 3u!tice9

    )(3 The inveti!tion o+cer .ithin the tructure o" %eci!#ied %roecutor* o+ce

    A#t9B pa#9F2G of the d#aft of the law of p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce !tipulate! a$on"othe#! that in the !peciali!ed p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce! the#e will be c#i$inalinve!ti"ation and inJui# o(ce#! con!tantl ope#atin" within the !peciali!edp#o!ecuto#&! o(ce. who will be functionall !ubo#dinated to the headp#o!ecuto# of the !peciali!ed p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce9 +he!e o(ce#! will bete$po#a#il #ea!!i"ned f#o$ othe# in!titution! fo# 2 ea#!. b the o#de# of the

    % within a"#ee$ent of the head of the o#i"inal in!titution

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    p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce would $ean an e-ten!ion of the att#ibution! in the!peci8c a#ea of the in!titution! e$powe#ed b the law fo# collectin".p#oce!!in" and !to#in" intelli"ence and info#$ation Ffo# in!tance9 NA7.ISS etc9G which would obviou!l be a"ain!t the con!titutional no#$enounced

    - Acco#din" to a#t91 pa#9F1G of Law 2B0)10. the !pecial inve!ti"ationactivit #ep#e!ent! a p#ocedu#e! with cla!!i8ed and o# public cha#acte#conducted b the co$petent autho#itie!. with o# without the u!e of !pecial technical eJuip$ent. in o#de# to "athe# intelli"ence andinfo#$ation nece!!a# fo# the p#evention and co$batin" c#i$e.a!!u#in" the !tate&! !ecu#it. public o#de#. defence of #i"ht! andle"iti$ate inte#e!t of the pe#!on!. di!cove# and inve!ti"ation of c#i$e!9

    :#o$ thi! te-t of law it #e!ult! that the !pecial inve!ti"ation activit

    take! place in a con!ide#able p#opo#tion out!ide a c#i$inal t#ial andco##e!pond! to $ultiple need!. the di!cove# and inve!ti"ation of c#i$e! bein" onl one of the$9 +he place$ent of the inve!ti"ationo(ce#! in the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce !t#uctu#e would li$it thei# !peci8cta!k! F!ee a#t90 of Law 2B0)10G to one !in"le ta!k. i9e9 the !uppo#t"#anted to p#o!ecuto#! and c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o(ce#! in p#o!ecutin"the c#i$inal ca!e!9

    :#o$ the 8ndin"! of fact! conducted du#in" the $i!!ion. ba!ed on thedi!cu!!ion! with the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o#"ani!$!. fo# A%' the nece!!it#elated to the deplo$ent of !peciali!ed inve!ti"ation activitie! in the

    c#i$inal t#ial a#e a!!u#ed in an e(cient and #apid $anne# b NA7 it i! one of the two entitie! which. acco#din" to Law 2B0)10 a#e entitled to conduct the!pecial inve!ti"ation $ea!u#e! con!i!tin" in the cont#ol of $one t#an!fe#! o#othe# e-to#ted $ate#ial value!9

    )() The !#!r; o" the o+cer tem%or!ri#; re!ined.ithin %eci!#ied %roecutor* o+ce

    Acco#din" to a#t9B pa#9F2G of the d#aft of the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce law. the !ala#of the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation and inJui# o(ce#! i! $ade f#o$ the bud"et of 

    the in!titution f#o$ whe#e the a#e te$po#a#il #ea!!i"ned9

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     +he !ala# #e$une#ation of an cate"o# of pe#!onnel that will wo#k withinthe !peciali!ed p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce !hould be a!!u#ed f#o$ the bud"et of thelate#. and not of the entitie! f#o$ which the we#e #ea!!i"ned9

    In thi! $anne# one will eli$inate an po!!ibilit of inuence f#o$ the pa#t of the hie#a#chic !upe#vi!o#! of thei# o#i"inal in!titution! and one will a!!u#e a#eal cont#ol of the p#o!ecuto#! on the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o#"ani!$!. withwhich the will di#ectl wo#k9

    La!t but not lea!t. in o#de# to a!!u#e continuit in the c#i$inal inve!ti"ationactivit and to c#ate well,!t#uctu#ed and coa"ulated inve!ti"atin" tea$! . itwould be nece!!a# that the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation o(ce#! could continuethei# activit even afte# the e-pi# of the initial $andate of 2 ea#!. b $ean!of #einve!t$ent9

    )(5 Thre!t !!int the inde%endence o" c!e%roecutor

    Althou"h the law d#aft #e"a#din" the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce clea#l di!tin"ui!he!between the ad$ini!t#ative and t#ial !ubo#dination. and #e"ulate! the !tep! of hie#a#chic cont#ol . it !till keep! in it! content di!po!ition! which $a aectthe independence of the ca!e p#o!ecuto#! in #elation with hi! !upe#vi!o#9

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     +hu!. the di#ect !upe#vi!in" p#o!ecuto# $a #eJue!t the ca!e p#o!ecuto# the8le fo# !tud at an $o$ent of the inJui# and $a keep it fo# anundete#$ined pe#iod of ti$e. unde# the p#ete-t of fo#$ulatin" indication!9 +he ca!e p#o!ecuto# $a #eceive f#o$ the !afet !upe#vi!in" p#o!ecuto#indication! which $a obli"ate hi$ to adopt a die#ent inJui# !t#ate" thanthe cu##ent one9 %#acticall. the !upe#vi!in" p#o!ecuto# i! a tu#n ca!ep#o!ecuto# who $ale! deci!ion that a#e obli"ato# o# hi! !ubo#dinate. who i!tu#ned into an e-ecutant. but ha! no liabilit fo# the 8nal !olution9


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     +he e(cienc and Jualit of the p#o!ecuto#&! wo#k a#e 8nall "iven b the 3ud"$ent! p#onounced b the cou#t of law about the indict$ent act!9 @ the

    puni!h$ent applied to the pe#!on! indicted fo# co##uption deed! thi!pheno$enon i! di!cou#a"ed9 +hi! i! not valid fo# RM howeve#. a!. on the onehand the le"i!lato# e!tabli!hed fo# the c#i$e! of co##uption and connectedc#i$e! low puni!h$ent li$it!. and in $an ca!e! / the 8ne a! alte#native toi$p#i!on$ent. with in!i"ni8cant value!. !o$eti$e! #idiculou! co$pa#ed tothe da$a"e o# p#e3udice inicted o# the ob3ect of the c#i$e9

    'n the othe# hand. the cou#t! of law #eco"ni!e. !o$eti$e! without 3u!ti8cation. ce#tain ci#cu$!tance! a! bein" attenuatin" o# e-ceptionalci#cu$!tance!. which allow the$ to appl a $ini$u$ puni!h$ent. o# thelowe#in" of the puni!h$ent below the !pecial $ini$u$ and the non,application of the $andato# co$pli$enta# puni!h$ent. con!i!tin" in theinte#diction to 8ll a ce#tain public o(ce9 1>9

    In the conte-t of c#eatin" in RM an antico##uption !t#uctu#e afte# NAD $odel.it! pe#fo#$ance! will not be a! e-pected if the le"i!lato# fail! to !epa#ate thenece!!a# chan"e! a! #e"a#d! the !anctionin" !!te$ of the c#i$e! of co##uption and connected to the$ and fail! to inc#i$inate the deed! b whichthe Eu#opean Union 8nancial inte#e!t! a#e def#auded9

     +he $aintenance of the cu##ent !tate of fact will "#ow the citien!&

    di!!ati!faction in #elation with the e(cienc of antico##uption in!titution!.$anife!ted at p#e!ent. and all eo#t fo# co$batin" co##uption in hi"h o(ce!and econo$ic,8nancial c#i$e bein" doo$ed to fail9

    In Ro$ania. the c#i$e! of co##uption a#e !tipulated in the %enal 7ode and LawC0))) #e"a#din" the p#evention. di!cove# and !anctionin" "o co##uptiondeed!. and E' =>0))0 #e"a#din" NAD e!tabli!hed the co$petence of thi!!t#uctu#e b indicatin" the c#i$e! and deli$itation c#ite#ia of hi"h and$ediu$ co##uption co$pa#ed to !$all,!cale co##uption9

    In o#de# to p#ove detailed and co$p#ehe!ive an!we#! #elated to the

    inc#i$ination $anne# and !anctionin" #e"i$e of c#i$e! of co##uption. it i!nece!!a# to p#oceed to a !epa#ate and enhanced e-a$ination. which $afo#$ the ob3ect of anothe# !tud9

    :o# a b#ief anal!i! of the Ro$anian le"i!lation #elated to the inc#i$ination of the co##uption deed. the RM #eade# $a con!ult the anne-e! enclo!ed to thep#e!ent Stud9

    13 5ee the conclusions of the F5tud' regarding the field of corruption archi&ed in the court of laws in the period $1.$1.#$1$ G3$.$B.#$1#>% 0hisinu% #$13 at http:""cna.md"sites"default"files"studiuHpri&indHdosareleHdeHcoruptieHfinalHoctom*rieH#$131.pdf 



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    /(1 In re#!tion .ith the %roecutor* o+ce !ctivit;

     +he d#aft of %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce Law Fa#t91G a!!i"n! thi! in!titution the #ole of 

    defende# of #i"ht! and le"iti$ate inte#e!t! of the pe#!on! and the State.cont#a# to the 7on!titution. which confe#! it the #ole of #ep#e!entative of the"ene#al inte#e!t! of !ociet. a! well a! of citien!& #i"ht! and libe#tie!Fa#t910=G9 '#. the "ene#al inte#e!t of !ociet Facco#din" to the 7on!titutionG i!not nece!!a#il the !a$e thin" a! the inte#e!t of the State Facco#din" to thed#aftG. and the defence of the p#ivate pe#!on!& le"iti$ate inte#e!t! Facco#din"to the d#aftG i! not the !a$e a! the #ep#e!entation of citien!& #i"ht! andlibe#tie! Facco#din" to the 7on!titutionG9 +he State i! le"all #ep#e!ented bthe State o#"ani!$!. and if the co$$itted action! which violate the "ene#alinte#e!t! of !ociet. citien!& #i"ht! and libe#tie!. the p#o!ecuto# would be

    placed in di(cult. a!. on the one hand. acco#din" to the #ole "#anted b thed#aft. he would have to defend the inte#e!t! of the State and not of the enti#e!ociet. whe#ea! acco#din" to it! con!titutional #ole / he !hould #ep#e!entedthe "ene#al inte#e!t! of !ociet. actin" a"ain!t the inte#e!t of the Stateo#"ani!$!9

     +he !a$e law d#aft in a#t91 confe#! the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce anothe#uncon!titutional att#ibution. i9e9 of cont#ibuto# to the enfo#ce$ent of 3u!tice.keepin" in $ind that thi! activit i! conducted. acco#din" to the 7on!titution.onl b the cou#t! of law Fa#t911=G9

    In the !a$e d#aft of the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce Law one int#oduced di!po!ition!which in the futu#e #i!k to !e#iou!l aectin" the p#o!ecuto#!& independence."ibin" the po!!ibilit of the di#ect !upe#vi!in" p#o!ecuto# to "ive $andato#indication! to the ca!e p#o!ecuto# Fa#t91>G9

    Anothe# p#oble$ "#a!ped b the autho# fo# the condition! in which thep#o!ecuto#! ca## on thei# activit #efe#! to the fact that the penal p#ocedu#eno#$! obli"ate the p#o!ecuto# and the othe# pa#tie! to p#e!ent the evidencein cou#t Ffo# in!tance !u$$onin" and b#in"in" witne!!e!G9 +hi! aect! theti$e fund of the ca!e p#o!ecuto#. who ha! to deplo technical activitie! whichcould be pe#fo#$ed b the cou#t of law th#ou"h it! own appa#atu!9

     +akin" into account all the above. we  for#u)ate the fo))owingreco##endations?

    a. to eliminate rom art.1 o the drat o Prosecutor’s Ofce Lathe dis!ositions related to the deence "# the !rosecutor’sofce o the ri$hts and interests o the State and o the

     !ersons’ interest and the har#onisation of this artic)e with art.2& par. of the +onstitutionC

    ". to eliminate rom art.1 o the drat o Prosecutor’s Ofce Lathe dis!ositions related to the role o the !rosecutor’s ofce to


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    contri"ute to the enorcement o %ustice and the har#onisationwith art.& the +onstitutionC

    c. to #odify art.' fro# the draft of 3rosecutors %ce Law, in the senseof remo&in$ the dis!ositions alloin$ the direct su!er&isin$

     !rosecutor to $i&e indications to the case !rosecutor C

    d. do #odify the dispositions of the 33+ regarding the  !resentation o e&idence in court 'includin$ itnesses() and to assi$n this tas* to the court o la, and not to the prosecutor or another party, as it isat present.

    /(2 In re#!tion .ith the or!ni!tion !nd e+cienc; o"$PO "uture !ctivit;

    A !t#on" and e(cient !t#uctu#e fo# 8"htin" a"ain!t co##uption fo# RM $u!t

    ab!oluto# take into account the !!te$ pa#ticula#itie!. and not to t# toe$ulate the NAD $odel9 We #efe# 8t! of all to the need fo# con!olidation of afutu#e A%' on the le"i!lative level. in the !en!e of !ettin" it! place. #ole and$ate#ial co$petence b o#"anic law. and not b infe#io# act! F!uch a!%a#lia$ent&! Deci!ion! o# depa#t$ental act! adopted b the o#de# of the%#o!ecuto# ene#alG9At p#e!ent A%' ha! no !tatu! o# att#ibution de8ned b law. and in the d#aft of the %#o!ecuto#&! o(ce Law one al!o o$itted o# cla#if the!e a!pect!e-t#e$el i$po#tant fo# the ope#ation of the new A%'9 Anothe# de8cienc of the d#aft #efe#! to the int#oduction into the Apo !t#uctu#e of the inve!ti"ationo(ce#!. which a#e a"ent! the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce att#ibution! !et in the RM

    7on!titution and Law no92B0)10 #e"a#din" the !pecial inve!ti"ation activit9

    :u#the#$o#e. the new Law #e"a#din" the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce o# a di!tinct law$u!t c#eate A%' a! an autono$ou! po!ition within the p#o!ecuto#&! o(ce!!te$ and an adeJuate !tatu!. both to the chief p#o!ecuto# and to the othe#p#o!ecuto#! co##e!pondin" to the i$po#tance and hi"h le"al of di(cult of thei# !peci8c activitie!9 In the !a$e conte-t. one need! to "#ant a !pecialattention to the p#o!ecuto#!& !ala#9 A !olution would be that the chief p#o!ecuto# of A%' !hould be a!!i$ilated to the %#i$e,Deput of the %. andthe A%' p#o!ecuto#! to be "#anted a p#ofe!!ional "#ade eJuivalent of a

    p#o!ecuto# within the ene#al %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce9

    In thi! chapte#. the NAD e-a$ple $a be followed. a! the ope#ation of thi!in!titution i! #e"ulated b the ove#n$ent E$e#"enc '#dinance Fthencon8#$ed b law in the pa#lia$entG. bene8t! f#o$ functional autono$ withinthe H77. and it! co$petence! a#e clea#l deli$ited b the law9 Mo#eove#. theNAD p#o!ecuto#! we#e a!!u#ed a #e$une#ation co##e!pondin" to thei# labou#.!i$ila# to that paid to the p#o!ecuto#! within the H779 +he Head %#o!ecuto#of NAD i! a!!i$ilated a! %#i$e Deput of the %#o!ecuto# ene#al. $ea!u#ewhich can be adopted al!o in the ca!e of the futu#e head of the A%'. a! thi! i!the wa to a!!u#e both hi! deci!ion,$akin" independence and the

    independence of the !ubo#dinate p#o!ecuto#!9


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     +akin" into account all the above. we  for#u)ate the fo))owingreco##endations?

    e. to de&elo! !ro&isions in the Prosecutor’s Ofce La drat in thesection related to APO or) alternati&el#) drat and ado!t o as!ecial la or APO)  aimed at re$ulatin$ all the as!ects related to this or$ani+ational and o!erational manner,

    . to esta"lish  in an or$anic la) includin$ the PP-) o   thematerial com!etences o APO, ith the indication o the criteriao delimitin$ the cri#es that are of the A3% co#petence, such as theva)ue of the pre>udice or of the o/>ect of the corruption deedirrespective of the su/>ects capacity and the positions of the su/>ect of the cri#e irrespective of the #eeting of the other afore#entionedcriteriaC

    $. in the draft of the 3rosecutors %ce Law or in a distinct )aw to

    indicate the modalit# o a!!ointin$ the APO ead Prosecutor)his !osition to "e e/ui&alent to the Prime 0e!ut# o the P)and the !rosecutors to ha&e the !roessional $rade o PO


    h. to set u!  in the APO structure a  su"di&ision or !rosecutorss!ecialised in the re!resentation o the !rosecution in thecourts o la) re)easing thus the case prosecutors fro# this tasD, provisions in this respect are to /e introduced in the A3% activity regu)ationC

    i. si#i)ar)y, in the A3% structure, to de!lo#   constantl# o!eratin$criminal in&esti$ation ofcers  periodica))y reassigned fro# other institutions, as ell as le$al cler*s who shou)d assure the reading upand editing of the prosecutors worD. uch provisions #ust /e inc)udedin the new )aw of the prosecutors oceC

     %. fro# art.- par.5 of the draft of 3rosecutors %ce Law to eliminatethe !ro&ision accordin$ to hich the in&esti$ation ofcers ill o!erate ithin APO through te#porary reassign#ent fro# other )awenforce#ent /odiesC

    *. to change art.- par.5 fro# the draft of 3rosecutors %ce Law in thesense that the salaries o the !ersonnel ho are to "etem!oraril# reassi$ned to APO to "e made rom APO "ud$etar# unds) not fro# the funds of the institutions they are dep)oyed fro#C

    l. re&ision o the s#stem o incrimination and sanctionin$ o corru!tion crimes in the .

    /(3 In re#!tion .ith the entitie th!t .i## u%%ort $PO"uture !ctivit;

    We con!ide# that the d#aft of Law #e"a#din" the %#o!ecuto#&! '(ce #eali!ed afunctional con!t#uction fo# the futu#e A%'. b the !tipulation #elated to the


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    te$po#a# #ea!!i"n$ent to thi! !t#uctu#e of the c#i$inal inve!ti"ation andinJui# o(ce#!9 We $anife!t ou# #e!e#ve onl a! #e"a#d! the te$po#a##ea!!i"ned of the inve!ti"ation o(ce#! and the $anne# of pain" thei# !ala#fo# the a#"u$ent! al#ead e-po!ed in !ection =9>9

    A! $entioned befo#e. becau!e of the need fo# c#eatin" a hi"h pe#fo#$anceA%' in RM one !hould not weaken o# di!!olve othe# in!titution! which we#econ!olidated alon" thei# pe#iod! of e-i!tence. con!titutin" an indi!pen!abletechnical and lo"i!tic !uppo#t fo# A%'9 We #efe# to NA7. in!titution in who!eheadJua#te#! A%' ope#ated and i! cu##entl ope#atin" and who!e !t#uctu#eha! c#i$inal inve!ti"ation and inJui# o(ce#!. e-pe#t!. !peciali!t! in $onelaund#. endow$ent and eJuip$ent Fi!olato#. $ean! of t#an!po#tation andadeJuate p#e$i!e!G and capacitie! nece!!a# fo# a!!u#in" the p#otection and"ua#d fo# the enti#e pe#!onnel in the headJua#te#!. includin" the p#o!ecuto#!9

    Until now A%' and NA7 have ope#ated th#ou"h the eect of the no#$ative

    act! #efe##in" to the$ in an inte#dependence #elation. due to the fact thatNA7 i! the !peciali!ed o#"ani!$! inve!ted with att#ibution! of p#evention and8"ht a"ain!t co##uption Fa#t91> pa#9F1G of Law B)0))CG. whe#ea! A%' ha!been e!tabli!hed the co$petence th#ou"h the #efe##al to the le"aldi!po!ition! !ettin" the NA7 co$petence

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    acknowled"e! the vulne#abilit #ep#e!ented b co##uption a"ain!t national!ecu#it. with the con!eJuence of con!olidatin" ISS and endowin" it withadeJuate #e!pon!e $ean!9 We #efe# e!peciall to the national !ecu#itwa##ant. an e-t#e$el e(cient in!t#u$ent at the di!po!al of RIS a"ent! inthei# endeavou# to 8"ht a"ain!t co##uption9 +akin" into account the!e#ealitie! of the RM 3udicial !!te$. we app#eciate that it i! not nece!!a# toc#eate a pe#fectl faithful #ep#oduction pf NAD in RM. but onl that thele"i!lato# ope#ate! the chan"e! we de!c#ibed above9

    eepin" in $ind all the above. we for#u)ate the fo))owing reco##endations?

    m.to continue the !roessional colla"oration on the samecoordinates "eteen APO and A- and to maintain A-ca!acities to !ro&ide to APO !rosecutors a)) the conditions and#eans necessary for dep)oying a highEperfor#ance activityC

    n. to tem!oraril# reassi$n A- criminal in&esti$ation ofcers to APO, /ut a)so fro# other cri#ina) investigation organis#s, inaccordance with the )ega) provisionsC

    o. to re&ise the A- or$ani+ation and o!eration manner) as ell as A- material com!etence in the eld o $ht a$ainst corru!tion, taDing into account the change that wi)) occur in the >udicia) syste#, according to the prosecutors oce )aw draftC

     !. or the le$islator) to ac*noled$e and re$ard corru!tion asthreat a$ainst national securit#) ith the conse/uence o 

     !uttin$ at 6SS dis!osal the instrument re!resented "# thenational securit# arrant.


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     A.La no.:; o ;.

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     A.La no.:; o ;.

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     pedeapsa prevăzută la art+ 289 sau 291 din "dul penal ale !ărei limite se ma"rează !u "treime+

    /rt. 8 - :::

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    alte %"l"ase ne!uvenite se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la unu la 5 ani+

    /rt. %1:) - n !azul in%ra!$iunii de #anta prevăzută de art+ 207 din "dul penal n !are esteimpli!ată " pers"ană dintre !ele prevăzute la art+ 1 limitele spe!iale ale pedepsei se ma"rează!u " treime+

     >>>>>>>>>>>>> :) >>>>>>>>>>>> :) >>>>>>>>>>>> :) 2

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    n numele ei se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la un an la 5 ani #i interzi!erea un"r drepturi+(2) =!,imarea %ără respe!tarea prevederil"r legale a destina$iei unui %"l"s legal "$inutda!ă %apta are !a rezultat diminuarea ilegală a resursel"r din ugetul general al niuniiur"pene sau din ugetele administrate de a!easta "ri n numele ei se san!$i"nează !u

     pedeapsa prevăzută la alin+ (1)+(3) a!ă %aptele prevăzute la alin+ (1) #i (2) au pr"dus !"nse!in$e de"seit de grave limitelespe!iale ale pedepsei se ma"rează !u umătate+

     >>>>>>>>>>>>> :)

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    /rt. 2% - :::

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    /rt. 0 6 % - :::


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    =.o&ernment 7mer$enc# Ordinance no.43 o 4.

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    !3) e'er!itarea !ăil"r de ata! mp"triva ,"tărril"r ude!ăt"re#ti n !"ndi$iile prevăzute delege*d) studierea !auzel"r !are generează #i a !"ndi$iil"r !are %av"rizează !"rup$ia ela"rarea #i

     prezentarea pr"puneril"r n vederea eliminării a!est"ra pre!um #i pentru per%e!$i"narealegisla$iei penale*e) ela"rarea rap"rtului anual privind a!tivitatea ire!$iei /a$i"nale

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    vederea garantării transparen$ei a!tivită$ii de urmărire penală n !"ndi$iile stailite de lege+(42) "ndu!ăt"rul ir"ului !are ndepline#te #i %un!$ia de purtăt"r de !uvnt p"ate %i un

     pr"!ur"r desemnat de pr"!ur"rul #e% al ire!$iei /a$i"nale

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    (9) :::

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    /rt. %%*) - ire!$ia /a$i"nală >>>>>>>>>>>> :) >>>>>>>>>>>> :) >>>>>>>>>>>> 


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    /rt. 2 - Pers"anele arestate preventiv n !auzele !are sunt de !"mpeten$a ire!$iei /a$i"nale

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    ne!"nsumate p"t %i utilizate n lunile următ"are n !adrul a!eluia#i an ugetar+ >>>>>>>>>>>>> :) >>>>>>>>>>>> :)



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    -. 7>ceir!t rom La no.51 o 29.

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    !) a %"st "$inută aut"riza$ia prevăzută de lege+(2)

    m"tivată !"muni!nd a!easta de ndată "rganului !are a %"rmulat-"+(4) a!ă se apre!iază !ă pr"punerea este ntemeiată #i sunt ntrunite !"ndi$iile prevăzute delege pr"!ur"rul general al Par!,etului de pe lngă nalta urte de asa$ie #i Eusti$ie saunl"!uit"rul de drept al a!estuia s"li!ită n s!ris pre#edintelui naltei ur$i de asa$ie #i Eusti$ieaut"rizarea a!tivită$il"r pr"puse+(5) ="li!itarea treuie să !uprindă datele men$i"nate la alin+ (1)+(6) ="li!itarea este e'aminată de urgen$ă n !amera de !"nsiliu de unul din ude!ăt"rii anumedesemna$i de pre#edintele naltei ur$i de asa$ie #i Eusti$ie+(7) n !azul n !are ude!ăt"rul e'aminnd s"li!itarea apre!iază !ă nu sunt su%i!ientein%"rma$ii s"li!ită suplimentarea de ndată n s!ris a argumentel"r prezentate+

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    n !azul s"li!itării prelungirii aut"rizării !ererea se nt"!me#te p"trivit art+ 15 !are se apli!ăn m"d !"respunzăt"r la !are se adaugă s"li!itarea de prelungire a aut"rizării !u prezentaream"tivel"r !e usti%i!ă prelungirea+


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     ) instan$ei de ude!ată n !"ndi$iile egii nr+ 6772001 pentru pr"te!$ia pers"anel"r !u privirela prelu!rarea datel"r !u !ara!ter pers"nal #i liera !ir!ula$ie a a!est"r date !u m"di%i!ările #i!"mpletările ulteri"are*!) instan$el"r ude!ăt"re#ti pentru repararea daunel"r materiale #i m"rale su%erite p"trivitlegii !ivile*d) "rganel"r udi!iare prin %"rmularea de plngeri #i !ăi de ata! p"trivit "dului de pr"!edură

     penală*e) alt"r !"misii sau "rgane udi!iare p"trivit pr"!eduril"r reglementate de legi spe!iale+

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    0.7>ceir!t rom omania’s Penal -ode

    "+4L (EN/L din %7 iulie 200- >Leea nr.28&200-)

    (la data 24-iul-2009 actul a fost promulgata de Decretul 1211/2009 ) >>>>>>> Prezentul !"d intră n vig"are la data !are va %i stailită n legea pentru punerea n apli!are aa!estuia (n+n+ - a se vedea art+ 446):) P"trivit arti!"lului 246 din egea nr+ 1872012 "dul penal intra n vig"are la data de 1%eruarie 2014+(la data 15-nov-2012 Actul a se vedea referinte de aplicare din Art. 246 din titlul I din

     Legea 187/2012 )

    /rt. 2'! 4eturnarea licitaţiilor pulice;apta de a ndepărta prin !"nstrngere sau !"rupere un parti!ipant de la " li!ita$ie puli!ă "ri

    n$elegerea ntre parti!ipan$i pentru a denatura pre$ul de adude!are se pedepse#te !un!,is"area de la unu la 5 ani+

    2);apta prevăzută n alin+ (1) nu !"nstituie in%ra!$iune atun!i !nd mituit"rul a %"st !"nstrns

     prin "ri!e mil"a!e de !ătre !el !are a luat mita+>)?ituit"rul nu se pedepse#te da!ă denun$ă %apta mai nainte !a "rganul de urmărire penalăsă %i %"st sesizat !u privire la a!easta+>').anii val"rile sau "ri!e alte unuri date se restituie pers"anei !are le-a dat da!ă a!estea au

    %"st date n !azul prevăzut n alin+ (2) sau date după denun$ul prevăzut n alin+ (3)+>).anii val"rile sau "ri!e alte unuri "%erite sau date sunt supuse !"n%is!ării iar !nd a!esteanu se mai găses! se dispune !"n%is!area prin e!,ivalent+


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    /rt. 2-%! %)Pretinderea primirea "ri a!!eptarea pr"misiunii de ani sau alte %"l"ase dire!t sau indire!t

     pentru sine sau pentru altul săvr#ită de !ătre " pers"ană !are are in%luen$ă sau lasă să se!readă !ă are in%luen$ă asupra unui %un!$i"nar puli! #i !are pr"mite !ă l va determina pea!esta să ndeplineas!ă să nu ndeplineas!ă să urgenteze "ri să ntrzie ndeplinirea unui a!t!e intră n ndat"ririle sale de servi!iu sau să ndeplineas!ă un a!t !"ntrar a!est"r ndat"riri se

     pedepse#te !u n!,is"area de la 2 la 7 ani+>2).anii val"rile sau "ri!e alte unuri primite sunt supuse !"n%is!ării iar !nd a!estea nu semai găses! se dispune !"n%is!area prin e!,ivalent+

    /rt. 2-2! "umprarea de influenţ>%)Pr"misiunea "%erirea sau darea de ani "ri alte %"l"ase pentru sine sau pentru altul dire!t"ri indire!t unei pers"ane !are are in%luen$ă sau lasă să se !readă !ă are in%luen$ă asupra unui%un!$i"nar puli! pentru a-l determina pe a!esta să ndeplineas!ă să nu ndeplineas!ă săurgenteze "ri să ntrzie ndeplinirea unui a!t !e intră n ndat"ririle sale de servi!iu sau să

    ndeplineas!ă un a!t !"ntrar a!est"r ndat"riri se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la 2 la 7 ani #iinterzi!erea e'er!itării un"r drepturi+

    (la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. 292# alin. (1) din partea II# titlul # capitolul I modificat de Art. 245#

     punctul 26. din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    >2);ăptuit"rul nu se pedepse#te da!ă denun$ă %apta mai nainte !a "rganul de urmărire penalăsă %i %"st sesizat !u privire la a!easta+>).anii val"rile sau "ri!e alte unuri se restituie pers"anei !are le-a dat da!ă au %"st datedupă denun$ul prevăzut n alin+ (2)+>').anii val"rile sau "ri!e alte unuri date sau "%erite sunt supuse !"n%is!ării iar da!ă a!esteanu se mai găses! se dispune !"n%is!area prin e!,ivalent+

    /rt. 2-! ?apte sv1rşite de ctre memrii instanţelor de aritra@ sau $n letur cuaceştiaisp"zi$iile art+ 289 #i art+ 290 se apli!ă n m"d !"respunzăt"r #i pers"anel"r !are pe azaunui a!"rd de aritra sunt !,emate să pr"nun$e " ,"tărre !u privire la un litigiu !e le este datspre s"lu$i"nare de !ătre păr$ile la a!est a!"rd indi%erent da!ă pr"!edura aritrală sedes%ă#"ară n aza legii r"mne "ri n aza unei alte legi+

    /rt. 2-'! ?apte sv1rşite de ctre funcţionari strini sau $n letur cu aceştiaPrevederile prezentului !apit"l se apli!ă n privin$a următ"arel"r pers"ane da!ă prin tratateleinterna$i"nale la !are "mnia este parte nu se dispune alt%el&

    a)%un!$i"naril"r sau pers"anel"r !are #i des%ă#"ară a!tivitatea pe aza unui !"ntra!t de mun!ă"ri alt"r pers"ane !are e'er!ită atriu$ii similare n !adrul unei "rganiza$ii puli!einterna$i"nale la !are "mnia este parte*)memril"r adunăril"r parlamentare ale "rganiza$iil"r interna$i"nale la !are "mnia este

     parte*c)%un!$i"naril"r sau pers"anel"r !are #i des%ă#"ară a!tivitatea pe aza unui !"ntra!t de mun!ă"ri alt"r pers"ane !are e'er!ită atriu$ii similare n !adrul niunii ur"pene*(la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. 294# litera $. din partea II# titlul # capitolul I modificat de Art. 245#

     punctul 2%. din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    d) pers"anel"r !are e'er!ită %un!$ii uridi!e n !adrul instan$el"r interna$i"nale a !ăr"r!"mpeten$ă este a!!eptată de "mnia pre!um #i %un!$i"naril"r de la gre%ele a!est"r instan$e*

    e)%un!$i"naril"r unui stat străin*f)memril"r adunăril"r parlamentare sau administrative ale unui stat străin+


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    ) ura$il"r din !adrul un"r instan$e străine+(la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. 294# litera &. din partea II# titlul # capitolul I completat de Art. 245#

     punctul 2". din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    "/(3%)nsu#irea %"l"sirea sau tra%i!area de !ătre un %un!$i"nar puli! n interesul său "ri pentrualtul de ani val"ri sau alte unuri pe !are le gesti"nează sau le administrează se pedepse#te!u n!,is"area de la 2 la 7 ani #i interzi!erea e'er!itării dreptului de a "!upa " %un!$ie puli!ă+>2)Aentativa se pedepse#te+

    /rt. 2-! (urtarea au#iv>%)ntreuin$area de e'presii ignit"are %a$ă de " pers"ană de !ătre !el a%lat n e'er!itareaatriu$iil"r de servi!iu se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la " lună la 6 luni sau !u amendă+>2)2)u a!eea#i pedeapsă se san!$i"nează #i %apta %un!$i"narului puli! !are n e'er!itareaatriu$iil"r de servi!iu ngrăde#te e'er!itarea unui drept al unei pers"ane "ri !reează pentru

    a!easta " situa$ie de in%eri"ritate pe temei de rasă na$i"nalitate "rigine etni!ă limă religiese' "rientare se'uală apartenen$ă p"liti!ă avere vrstă dizailitate "ală !r"ni!ăne!"ntagi"asă sau in%e!$ie HI=

  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    ;apta %un!$i"narului puli! !are n timpul servi!iului ndepline#te un a!t !e nu intră natriu$iile sale da!ă prin a!easta s-a pr"dus una dintre urmările prevăzute n art+ 297 se

     pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la unu la 5 ani sau !u amendă+

    /rt. 0%! "onflictul de interese>%);apta %un!$i"narului puli! !are n e'er!itarea atriu$iil"r de servi!iu a ndeplinit un a!t"ri a parti!ipat la luarea unei de!izii prin !are s-a "$inut dire!t sau indire!t un %"l"s

     patrim"nial pentru sine pentru s"$ul său pentru " rudă "ri pentru un a%in pnă la gradul in!lusiv sau pentru " altă pers"ană !u !are s-a a%lat n rap"rturi !"mer!iale "ri de mun!ă nultimii 5 ani sau din partea !ăreia a ene%i!iat "ri ene%i!iază de %"l"ase de "ri!e natură se

     pedepse#te !u n!,is"area de la unu la 5 ani #i interzi!erea e'er!itării dreptului de a "!upa "%un!$ie puli!ă+>2)isp"zi$iile alin+ (1) nu se apli!ă n !azul emiterii apr"ării sau ad"ptării a!tel"rn"rmative+

    /rt. 02! 9iolarea secretului corespondenţei

    >%)es!,iderea sustragerea distrugerea sau re$inerea %ără drept a unei !"resp"nden$eadresate altuia pre!um #i divulgarea %ără drept a !"n$inutului unei asemenea !"resp"nden$e!,iar atun!i !nd a!easta a %"st trimisă des!,isă "ri a %"st des!,isă din gre#eală se pedepses!!u n!,is"are de la 3 luni la un an sau !u amendă+>2)nter!eptarea %ără drept a unei !"nv"riri sau a unei !"muni!ări e%e!tuate prin tele%"n sau

     prin "ri!e mil"! ele!tr"ni! de !"muni!a$ii se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la 6 luni la 3 ani sau!u amendă+>)a!ă %aptele prevăzute n alin+ (1) #i alin+ (2) au %"st săvr#ite de un %un!$i"nar puli! !areare "liga$ia legală de a respe!ta se!retul pr"%esi"nal #i !"n%iden$ialitatea in%"rma$iil"r la !areare a!!es pedeapsa este n!,is"area de la unu la 5 ani #i interzi!erea un"r drepturi+>')ivulgarea di%uzarea prezentarea sau transmiterea !ătre " altă pers"ană sau !ătre puli!

    %ără drept a !"n$inutului unei !"nv"riri sau !"muni!ări inter!eptate !,iar n !azul n !are%ăptuit"rul a luat !un"#tin$ă de a!easta din gre#eală sau din ntmplare se pedepse#te !un!,is"are de la 3 luni la 2 ani sau !u amendă+>) /u !"nstituie in%ra!$iune %apta săvr#ită&a)da!ă %ăptuit"rul surprinde săvr#irea unei in%ra!$iuni sau !"ntriuie la d"vedirea săvr#iriiunei in%ra!$iuni*)da!ă surprinde %apte de interes puli! !are au semni%i!a$ie pentru via$a !"munită$ii #i a!ăr"r divulgare prezintă avantae puli!e mai mari de!t preudi!iul pr"dus pers"aneivătămate+>)e$inerea sau !"n%e!$i"narea %ără drept de mil"a!e spe!i%i!e de inter!eptare "ri denregistrare a !"muni!a$iil"r se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la 3 luni la 2 ani sau !u amendă+

    (la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. '02# alin. (6) din partea II# titlul # capitolul II modificat de Art.245# punctul 29. din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    >7)Pentru %aptele prevăzute la alin+ (1) a!$iunea penală se pune n mi#!are la plngerea prealailă a pers"anei vătămate+(la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. '02# alin. (6) din partea II# titlul # capitolul II completat de Art.

    245# punctul '0. din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    /rt. 0! 4ivularea informaţiilor secrete de stat>%)ivulgarea %ără drept a un"r in%"rma$ii se!rete de stat de !ătre !el !are le !un"a#tedat"rită atriu$iil"r de servi!iu da!ă prin a!easta sunt a%e!tate interesele unei pers"ane

     uridi!e dintre !ele prevăzute n art+ 176 se pedepse#te !u n!,is"area de la 2 la 7 ani #iinterzi!erea e'er!itării un"r drepturi+


  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    >2)e$inerea %ără drept n a%ara ndat"riril"r de servi!iu a unui d"!ument !e !"n$inein%"rma$ii se!rete de stat da!ă p"ate a%e!ta a!tivitatea uneia dintre pers"anele uridi!e

     prevăzute n art+ 176 se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la 3 luni la 2 ani sau !u amendă+>)Pers"ana !are de$ine un d"!ument !e !"n$ine in%"rma$ii se!rete de stat !are p"ate a%e!taa!tivitatea uneia dintre pers"anele uridi!e prevăzute n art+ 176 nu se pedepse#te da!ă predăde ndată d"!umentul la "rganul sau institu$ia emitentă+

    /rt. 0'! 4ivularea informaţiilor secrete de serviciu sau nepulice>%)ivulgarea %ără drept a un"r in%"rma$ii se!rete de servi!iu sau !are nu sunt destinate

     puli!ită$ii de !ătre !el !are le !un"a#te dat"rită atriu$iil"r de servi!iu da!ă prin a!easta sunta%e!tate interesele sau a!tivitatea unei pers"ane se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la 3 luni la 3ani sau !u amendă+>2)ivulgarea %ără drept a un"r in%"rma$ii se!rete de servi!iu sau !are nu sunt destinate

     puli!ită$ii de !ătre !el !are ia !un"#tin$ă de a!estea se pedepse#te !u n!,is"are de la " lunăla un an sau !u amendă+>)a!ă urmare a %aptei prevăzute n alin+ (1) #i alin+ (2) s-a săvr#it " in%ra!$iune mp"triva

    investigat"rului su a!"perire a mart"rului pr"teat sau a pers"anei in!luse n Pr"gramul de pr"te!$ie a mart"ril"r pedeapsa este n!,is"area de la 2 la 7 ani iar da!ă s-a !"mis !u inten$ie" in%ra!$iune !"ntra vie$ii pedeapsa este n!,is"area de la 5 la 12 ani+

    /rt. 0! Neli@enţa $n pstrarea informaţiilor>%) /eglien$a !are are drept urmare distrugerea alterarea pierderea sau sustragerea unuid"!ument !e !"n$ine in%"rma$ii se!rete de stat pre!um #i neglien$a !are a prileuit altei

     pers"ane a%larea unei asemenea in%"rma$ii se pedepses! !u n!,is"are de la 3 luni la un an sau!u amendă+>2)u a!eea#i pedeapsă se san!$i"nează %aptele prevăzute n art+ 303 alin+ (1) #i art+ 304 da!ăau %"st săvr#ite din !ulpă+

    /rt. 0! +ţinerea ileal de fonduri>%);"l"sirea "ri prezentarea de d"!umente sau date %alse ine'a!te "ri in!"mplete pentru

     primirea apr"ăril"r sau garan$iil"r ne!esare a!"rdării %inan$ăril"r "$inute sau garantate din%"nduri puli!e da!ă are !a rezultat "$inerea pe nedrept a a!est"r %"nduri se pedepse#te !un!,is"area de la 2 la 7 ani+>2)Aentativa se pedepse#te+

    /rt. 07! 4eturnarea de fonduri>%)=!,imarea destina$iei %"nduril"r ăne#ti "ri a resursel"r materiale al"!ate unei aut"rită$i

     puli!e sau institu$ii puli!e %ără respe!tarea prevederil"r legale se pedepse#te !u n!,is"area

    de la unu la 5 ani+>2)u a!eea#i pedeapsă se san!$i"nează #i s!,imarea %ără respe!tarea prevederil"r legale adestina$iei %"nduril"r pr"venite din %inan$ările "$inute sau garantate din %"nduri puli!e+>)Aentativa se pedepse#te+

    /rt. 08! 3nfracţiuni de corupţie şi de serviciu comise de alte persoane(la data 10-fe!-2015 Art. '0" din partea II# titlul # capitolul II a se vedea referinte de

    aplicare din  Decizia 1/2015 )

    >%)isp"zi$iile art+ 289-292 295 297-301 #i 304 privit"are la %un!$i"narii puli!i se apli!ă nm"d !"respunzăt"r #i %aptel"r săvr#ite de !ătre sau n legătură !u pers"anele !are e'er!ită

     permanent "ri temp"rar !u sau %ără " remunera$ie " nsăr!inare de "ri!e natură n servi!iul

    unei pers"ane %izi!e dintre !ele prevăzute la art+ 175 alin+ (2) "ri n !adrul "ri!ărei pers"ane uridi!e+


  • 8/16/2019 What Would a NAD Be Like in the Republic of Moldova Mariana Alexandru


    (la data 01-fe!-2014 Art. '0"# alin. (1) din partea II# titlul # capitolul II modificat de Art.

    245# punctul '1. din titlul III# capitolul II din  Legea 187/2012 )

    >2)n a!est !az limitele spe!iale ale pedepsei se redu! !u " treime+

    /rt. 0-! ?aptele care au produs consecinţe deoseit de ravea!ă %aptele prevăzute n art+ 295 art+ 297 art+ 298 art+ 300 art+ 303 art+ 304 art+ 306 sauart+ 307 au pr"dus !"nse!in$e de"seit de grave limitele spe!iale ale pedepsei prevăzute delege se ma"rează !u umătate+