What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of...

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Transcript of What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of...

Page 1: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,
Page 2: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

What is Biotechnology?

•Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee)

•Bio—short for biology—the study of living things

•Technology—another word for tools, engineering, science

•Biotechnology is a tool that uses biology to make new and better products

•Biotechnology is a tool to find solutions that improve the health of the Earth and its people

Page 3: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

What is Biotechnology?

Three areas of Biotechnology

AgricultureDeveloping plants and animals that can produce well

in a variety of environments.Ex: Can produce during drought, cold, or heat. Resistant

to disease, insects, herbicides. Use of less fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide.

Science Producing food that will:

reduce spoilage ratetaste better

have an increased nutritional valuehave an improved texture or appearance

MedicineMiracle drugs


Page 4: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

Is Biotech New?

Biotechnology is

an extension of

Traditional Plant Breeding

Page 5: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

Cells and Organelles

•Cells are the building blocks that make up all living things

•Everyone is made of cells

•The construction instructions for cells came from other living things….every cell contains DNA—the substance that makes us unique

•Cells are very small….you can only see them under a microscope

Page 6: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

Gene Discovery & Expression

•Genes tell how to build and manage a cell

•You can’t see genes since they are microscopic

•All people, plants and animals inherit traits from their parents through genes

•How an organism looks and functions is a result of the cumulative effect of all molecules

Page 7: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,


Desired Gene


Many genes are transferred

Donor Plant

Commercial Plant Variety

New Plant




A single gene is



Commercial Plant Variety

Improved Commercial Plant Variety

Desired Gene


Page 8: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

Biotechnology and You

•Improvements in food production—especially in cheese making

•Chymosin has replaced rennet that was traditionally used in cheese production

•Biotechnology has produced recombinant Chymosin (rtChymosin)

•USDA Approved the enzyme in 1990

•Chymosin has created an endless supply of a good quality product

Page 9: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

How DNA Works

•DNA forms the genetic code

•Nearly every living thing has unique DNA

•DNA makes proteins

•DNA molecules are shaped like two long ladders twisted around and around

•There are 6 types of chemicals that make up DNA

Page 10: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

• Identify and cut the selected gene using restriction enzymes

Recombinant DNA

Page 11: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

• Insert that gene into a plasmid (a plasmid is a circular piece of DNA used like a bus or shuttle…)

Page 12: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

•Place the plasmid into a bacterial cell where the desired traits can be produced.•Clone the plasmid.

Page 13: What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology (by-o-tek-nawl-a-gee) Bio—short for biology—the study of living things Technology—another word for tools, engineering,

Polymerase Chain Reaction •To make many copies of specific pieces of DNA

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The Future of Biotechnology

•Land is a precious resource.

•The world’s population is growing but the amount of land we have for farming is not!

•It will become harder to grow food for everyone on Earth.

•Biotechnology is one method being used to help farmers grow more food.

•Someday, we could be able to grow food on land that was not good for farming—too dry, too rocky, etc.Apple Demo.swf