West 西方 East 东方 Animal 动物 The Connotation of Animal Words and Translation Skills...

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Transcript of West 西方 East 东方 Animal 动物 The Connotation of Animal Words and Translation Skills...




EastAnimalThe Connotation of Animal Words and Translation Skills

contentsWhat do animal words mean?How to translate animal words?12


catturtlefishlionduckotter giraffepandadolphinfoxwolfChinese ZodiacOXtigerrabbit5dog

You are a lucky dog!I won the lottery!Dog= DOG

Every dog has his day.

Love me, love my dog. SnakeSwanVSVSThe Same Animal with Similar Cultural Connotation

SnakeSwanVSVSThe Same Animal with Similar Cultural Connotation

a snake in the grass

SnakeSwanVSVSThe Same Animal with Similar Cultural Connotation

ungrateful treacherousSnakeSwanVSVSThe Same Animal with Similar Cultural Connotation

All your swans are geese purity elegance beauty


the swan of Avon

VS Dragon

The Same Animal with Different Cultural Connotations VS Dragon

The Same Animal with Different Cultural Connotations Dragon the great dragon (Satan)

The woman is a dragon.Tiger vs Lion

Different Animals with Similar Cultural Connotation

powercourageroyaltyLion as brave as a lion The British Lion

the lion heart

to fish in the air to have other fish to fry No Correspondence with Identical Cultural Connotations


a pretty kettle of fishcontentsWhat do animal words mean?How to translate animal words?12

?How to translate animal words?Literal Translation Substitution Explanation Free Translation

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Literal Translation ____________

?How to translate animal words?Literal Translation Substitution Explanation Free Translation


Institutional and structural problems in Greece have become a lion in the path holding up the development. as timid as a rabbit

drink like a fish

a hen on a hot girdle

goose flesh

a black sheep ?How to translate animal words?Literal Translation Substitution Explanation Free Translation


A black hen will lay a white egg. ?How to translate animal words?Literal Translation Substitution Explanation Free Translation

Free Translation The ticket tout sold tickets of the concert for ten times the original price.

______ADDREMOVE?How to translate animal words?Literal Translation Substitution Explanation Free Translation

Free Translation

When Mr. Brown planned to sell his house, his expensive furniture became white elephants.

, expensive but uselessADDREMOVEAssignment

Figure out the cultural connotations of the animal words in these following movie clips.

Assignment Figure out the cultural connotations of the animal words in these following movie clips.The hospitals people said it made me look like a duck in water. It was like a beautiful bird flapped into our drab cage and made those walls dissolve away. Thank you!235718.05