Welcome to Cartography Sp – 240. Early Icelandic Map.

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Sp – 240

Early Icelandic Map

North Sea Maritime

Fish Story

Sea Serpent

Sea Lanes and Compass Points

The Kitab-i bahriye (1521) was an Islamic text of sailing directions divided into regional chapters. No copies of the text can be attributed to its author, Piri Re'is (ca. 1470-1554), the Ottoman naval captain who published the first

version. The style of the second version of the Kitab-i bahriye (1526), made for presentation to Suleyman the Magnificent, was much more polished and elaborate than the first. The island of Euboea is off the eastern coast of


Scandinavian Geography

Eastern Atlantic

English Channel

Oxford Regional Map

English River System

German Road Infrastructure

Baltic Sea

Mediterranean and Middle east

Ptolemy's Geography was translated into Latin ca. 1406-7. Later mappaemundi,such as this one from an early fifteenth-century incipit by Pirrus de Noha of the De cosmographia of Pomponius Mela, show Ptolemaic influence by depicting a closed Indian Ocean, an elongated Mediterranean Sea, and the

Mountains of the Moon at the source of the Nile

This map of St. Petersburg is plate 131 from an atlas by Johann Baptist Homann titled Grosser atlas uber die gantze Welt wie diese sowel (Nuremberg, 1731). Homann (1663-1724) established his Nuremberg publishing house in 1702

and was appointed Geographer to the Holy Roman Empire in 1715. He and his heirs published several composite atlases that contained plans of towns and cities. The bold colors are common to German atlases of the period.

According to the preface, this Korean map (known as the Kangnido) was made by Yi Hoe and Kwon Kun in 1402. This copy from ca. 1470 is the oldest surviving world map from East Asia. The map has clear delineations of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, with India submerged in the general Chinese continent. On the far right is the greatly

magnified Korean peninsula with the Japanese islands, oriented with west at the top, directly below

This map appears as page one of the Codex Xolotl, one of the earliest Aztec cartographic histories known. Painted on native paper, the map serves as a backdrop for the narrative of Xolotl, a

legendary thirteenth-century warlord. Topographic and hydrographic features are shown, as well as hieroglyphic names of places in the Valley of Mexico and beyond.

North and South America

Improved Tools and Skills


Printing Press

Renaissance InfluencesOval World Map, 1542, by Battista Agnese

Global Europe

Artistic Borders

Gods and Demons

New Guinea

Nice but is it useful??

Global Exploration

Power and Wisdom

Eurasia and Africa

Balance of Artistic & Informative

World Tropic and Polar Regions

North and South Poles

Table of New Islands

Although not printed until the mid-1530s, Oronce Fine began work on this double-sheet woodcut in 1518-19. Notable characteristics include the joining of the North American continent with Asia and the

presentation of a large south polar region. There are two extant examples known: one in Nuremberg (dated 1534-36), and this one in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Reproduced in America: Early Maps of the

New World, ed. Hans Wolff (Munich: Prestel, 1992),

16th Century World

Gnomonic Great Circle

Mercator Projection

World Climate

World Magnetic Properties

This hand-colored map of the distribution of plants appeared in one of the most extensive and detailed early thematic atlases: Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas. The atlas contained 90 maps in eight categories — meteorology and climatography, hydrology and hydrography, geology, earth magnetism, botanical geography, zoological geography, anthropography, and ethnography

— many more subjects than had previously been treated in early nineteenth-century thematic atlases. Berghaus provided extensive explanations, notes to the maps (covering sources, theory, and history), tables, graphs, pictorial profiles, and other

descriptive tools. The elaborate 

This composite of high-resolution satellite data has been color-enhanced to appear natural to the human eye. The primary source of this imagery is a data base of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite continental mosaics. This spectacular digital representation of Earth can be changed to globe form and can be

animated on video to simulate the Earth's axis rotation

The End