Welcome to BLOOM® Employee Quick Start Guide · Employee Quick Start Guide The following Quick...

Please contact us if you have any questions at [email protected] and 574.970.1322. 1 | Page Welcome to BLOOM® Employee Quick Start Guide The following Quick Start Guide covers the instructions for the most pertinent areas for employees to view notes and communication, learning activities, pending and past performance reviews, and organizational information. BLOOM® allows you to work with your manager to clarify expectations, and update your progress to achieve mutual success. You can even update your personal information and set personalized, dynamic and relevant goals for yourself. You have the tools you need for your success with BLOOM®. Getting Started Logging into BLOOM® 1. BLOOM® is accessed via www.bloomwarecore.com. 2. Login to BLOOM® using your: a. Organization ID b. Employee ID c. Password This information is provided by your manager or HR representative. When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to change your password and create a secret security question. 3. Once logged in, your personalized Dashboard will appear. This includes organizational current events and news to the left and your employee information in the center. Along the top are the three navigational tools: Dashboard, Myself, and Organization. 4. On the very top of the screen are red links to contact customer support. Any time you have questions or concerns, you can contact support for assistance and we will respond via email.

Transcript of Welcome to BLOOM® Employee Quick Start Guide · Employee Quick Start Guide The following Quick...

Page 1: Welcome to BLOOM® Employee Quick Start Guide · Employee Quick Start Guide The following Quick Start Guide covers the instructions for the most pertinent areas for employees to view

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Welcome to BLOOM®

Employee Quick Start Guide The following Quick Start Guide covers the instructions for the most

pertinent areas for employees to view notes and communication,

learning activities, pending and past performance reviews, and

organizational information. BLOOM® allows you to work with your

manager to clarify expectations, and update your progress to achieve

mutual success. You can even update your personal information and

set personalized, dynamic and relevant goals for yourself. You have the

tools you need for your success with BLOOM®.

Getting Started

Logging into BLOOM®

1. BLOOM® is accessed via www.bloomwarecore.com.

2. Login to BLOOM® using your:

a. Organization ID

b. Employee ID

c. Password

This information is provided by your manager or HR

representative. When you log in for the first time, you will be

asked to change your password and create a secret security


3. Once logged in, your personalized Dashboard will appear. This

includes organizational current events and news to the left and your

employee information in the center. Along the top are the three

navigational tools: Dashboard, Myself, and Organization.

4. On the very top of the screen are red links to contact customer

support. Any time you have questions or concerns, you can contact

support for assistance and we will respond via email.

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In this tutorial, we are going to start with the Dashboard navigational tool.

As you read through the information, note how these are personalized to you.

If nothing has been developed for you in the areas possible, links will not

appear. The Dashboard is the overall picture of you and the organization, and

it includes both the Myself and Organization components.

Getting Started in the Dashboard There are multiple sections under the

Dashboard. Each section has various links

providing you with the ability to manage and

organize your role within the organization. In

this example, we will follow employee Nancy

Gent (as seen in the upper left corner). You

may have a few more or few less sections on

your Dashboard depending what has been

developed as your individual goals, training

and strategic assignments.


Kudos is where any employee can give positive recognition to

another employee in the organization. Click Give Kudos to open the

screen to select an employee, make a comment and associate the

comment to an organizational core value or an employee’s learning

activity or development goal (optional). This is information will be

visible to the entire organization. To give private feedback, click on

Leave Feedback and complete the same information as above – make

sure the Private “Yes” is selected.

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My Notes and Approvals

The first section in the lower half of the

Dashboard is My Notes and Approvals. This is a

key communication tool to link you with your

supervisor and HR. This isn’t email, but a

powerful communication tool that logs

communication relating specifically to your role

in the overall success of the company.

NOTE: When you click on Journal Notes or an

item under My Notes and Approvals, you are

working within the Myself section at the top of your screen.

Once open and reviewed, you can click on Mark as Read. These notes will

remain in your record in the associated section and record in the system.


As you work through the system, remember to click the Update button on all

pages to save your data. If you do not click Update, your information will be lost

and it cannot be restored.

My Open Goals

Click back to the Dashboard.

The next section of the

Dashboard is the My Open

Goals section. This section

allows you to review and

update any Development Goals

set by you or a supervisor.

Goals can be completed and new Goals developed as needed.

Note: When you click on My Open Goals, you are transferred to the Myself

Goals menu section.

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Updating /Adding Your Goals:

To update or enter individual

Development Goals, complete

the following process. Repeat

for each goal to update.

1. Login and click on the


2. Under My Open Goals,

a list of goals appears.

You can pick the Goal

you want to review

and update or click

View All Goals for a list

of all Open Goals.

3. To add a Goal, click the blue New Goal link in the left navigation menu

and create a new Goal. Click Update when you are finished adding

your details to save your additions.

4. To add details or update an existing Goal, see the following fields in

the Goals Detail screen:

a. Goal: what is your Goal name

b. Dute date

c. State if the Goal is to be done in phases, choose the time


d. Prioritze the Goal based on its importance

e. Add general Comments about the Goal

f. Objective (what specifically is to be completed)

g. Measurement (how will completion of the Goal be measured)

5. Upon completion of a Goal, your manager or HR will complete the

remaining fields on this page.

a. Was the Goal met? There is also a pending option.

b. Date Complete

c. Outcome

6. To add Goal progress notes, go to the Goal Notes section at the

bottom of the page (or see link at top of the page) and enter your

note and click Add. Your note will automatically be date stamped

with your name.

7. Click Update on the bottom of the screen to save your answers.

8. Repeat steps to add or edit more Goals.

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My Learning Activities

Under Learning Activities,

various training Classes and

Programs can be accessed if

they are assigned to you. You

can view and register for

required and optional training

classes open specifically to you.

When you open My Learning

Activities, an overall menu

appears. From here, you can

view Incomplete Activities

assigned to you and Completed Activities.

To register for an Incomplete Class, simply click the blue Register link to the

right of the name if it is available. Otherwise, HR has not yet setup the

ability to register. For Open Registration activities, you have the ability to

sign up and request approval to complete an activity.

Resource Center

Click back to the Dashboard. Moving to the right column, the Resource Center

offers links to additional web-based resources provided by your HR

department. Links added here might include web links, article links, or links to

other company portals. This section provides central key resources for you to

access on a regular basis.

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The Myself Tab

As you navigated through the information above, you probably noticed that

the various links from the Dashboard also navigated you to the Myself tab of

BLOOM. Below we cover information under the Myself areas that was not a

part of the Dashboard information above.

Other Myself Menu Items

Profile/Details: includes details

about you that only your

supervisor and HR can view.

Update this information

yourself or see HR for

assistance. Here is also where

you can change your BLOOM

password. You can also enter

past work experience, hobbies,

etc. to share more about

yourself to the rest of the


Role History: view your current

and past role description and

history by clicking on the Role

History link. Under the Role

Title/Role ID, you can view the

current and previous job

descriptions for your current

position. Click on the Role Title to

view information pertinent to a

particular position held such as:

supervisor, date hired into this

role, and wage information.

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Performance Reviews:

click on Performance Review and

the screen will show your

pending and past Reviews with

the following details: the Review

type, date due, date of Review,

who completed the Review, the

dates associated to each stage of

the review process and the end


Performance Reviews is where

Self-Reviews are completed. A

Self-Review is an important tool

in personal development within

your position and the


Steps for Completing your Self


1. In the top navigation bar

click on the Performance

Review link under Myself

tab to view all the current and previous reviews.

2. Open the pending Review by clicking on the Review Type blue title.

3. You are now in your pending Review. See the top Review Navigation.

It outlines the different sections of the review to complete.

Open a section to complete by clicking on the blue link under

the Employee To Do section..

a. In each section as you scroll down, you will see where

you can read the criteria to rate and comment by

clicking on the Employee Edit blue link. A pop box will

open a section to complete your ratings and


b. On the top of each criteria, a 3, 4 or 5 point rating

scale will appear. Based on your objective view about

your own performance, rate how well you feel you’ve

accomplished the criteria listed. If

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you’re not sure how to rate yourself, there is a blue link titled

Rating Definitions under the Employee Review Tools at the

top of the review form.

c. Complete any self-review Comments (not required).

d. Click Update on each screen. Failure to click the update

button will result in the information not being saved.

4. Once you’ve completed each section, a green checkmark will appear

by the section under the Review Navigation.

5. Complete each section as stated above until all sections are checked


Files: files loaded here allow you

to share any project,

development or employment

related information with your

supervisor or HR. Note other

team members cannot view

these files.

Performance Journal: view

comments posted by your

manager and HR about your

performance. These notes are

categorized and the categories

appear at the top of the notes

section. You have the ability to

view these notes only. If you

would like to have a note added, see your manager or HR.

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The Organizational Tab The Organization section includes an Information Center and the Strategic

Growth Plan for the entire organization. This keeps you abreast of the

structure of the organization and the strategic plan. Sections include

Employee Directory, Organization Chart, Learning Schedule, News, Resource

Center, Kudos, and the strategic Growth Plan.

Employee Directory: this

section includes an

alphabetical list of all

employees and their photos.

By click on an individual, you

can view basic information

they have provided to be

shared about them with the

rest of the organization.

Organizational Chart: this

section shows the reporting

relationships of all people

within the organization. In the

middle of the table is the

person selected. Above is who

that person reports to. Below

are the people that report to

the person selected. You can

click on Role Titles to see everyone assigned that role. You are also able to

view the Role Description for each role.

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Learning Schedule: outlines all

the scheduled Learning Classes

and Activities available to

employees. While the My

Learning Activities outlined

above are required for you and

your position, the Learning Schedule outlines all the educational programs

available to the organization and when they are scheduled. Classes listed in

the lower left navigation bar are Open Registration activities, meaning they

are available to all for personal enhancement.

News: lists all announcements

made by HR or management

for all employees to read.

Resource Center: holds

important information for you

as an employee. Documents

such as policies, procedures,

forms, and other HR forms are

located here to use as needed.

Kudos: lists all Kudos shared

throughout the organization in

the last 30 days. This is a read

only page unless you want to

post a new Kudos or add a

comment to an existing Kudos.

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Growth Plan Navigation: this

outlines all strategic

Initiatives developed for the

organization. This typically

comprises of the high-level

strategic plan and any new

corporate initiatives and

activities within the plan. On

the left of this section is the

navigation menu. The tiers

of navigation are as follows: Initiatives

o Objectives


Action Steps

Where allowed per your security level and assignment as a Team Leader, you

are able to add Objectives, Goals or Action Steps as assigned. If you are not

assigned as a team member, then you are only allowed to view and not edit

such levels of the plan where you are not involved.

Inside each level above, you are able view the Detail, Notes, Files and Team

Members assigned to that level. See the tabs across the top to edit or view

each area.

Note: On the lower left navigation of the Growth Plan, you are able to also

view Big Picture Reports that show assignments by person, by date, or by

budget for each Initiative.

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My Growth Plan Items:

Clicking on My Growth Plan

Items show the specific

Objectives, Goals and Action

Steps assigned to you for

completion of the

organization’s Growth Plan. These assignments directly relate to your job and

your engagement in the overall organizational Initiatives. Each of the four

levels on the left can be opened to view more detail.


o Objectives


Action Steps


Overall, BLOOM® is a Performance Optimization System that helps you focus

your talents every day to achieve strategic business objectives. Utilizing the

Dashboard, Myself, and Organization tabs, you can track the performance

priorities customized for you. Work with your manager to clarify expectation,

and update your progress to achieve mutual success.


To submit support questions:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 866.250.8710 or 574.970.1322