I LEWISTON EVENING JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1929 C R O S S -W O R D I » U Z Z L E 1 ? 3 m^mmm ///. 5 6 1 1 1 1 # Ssm y / a y fl 1 1 ~~e~ 777 s ;c e t i ///. YYY L> j "TT ia ^5 !5 i : /s /A | \ ' 77Z it fly te L • ■r © YY/ j ____ - Yy / j 1 p ///, 18 i 9 __ SO ///< ~ as 23 w 1 Z p "5S "flZ 71 1 A //, / / / E3 a i f l 1 fly YYY /f l sz f w m 1 5 flA T T 38 22 w , _______ “5o wmm^m m ^ mmmm Y Y // 1 i* THE A IR { 2:99—Sails Bros. orchestra direction And* Sxnsella. Announcer ATvyo E. I W. Bart). j 9: JO— Forty Fathom Trawler*, dramatic yarns o i the sea. direction Vernon Rad- r cllffe: orchestra direction Frank Vas- nonl. Announcer Alwya E. W. Bach. ! 10:00—ABA Voyager*, musics', review of , the series, male octet direction George \ Dliworth: 13-piece band direction Hugo Marina!. Announcer Georg* Beuchler. 10:30— Sr comber* - Carlson Program. Rochester Civic Orchestra. 13-piece, di - rection Guy Fraser Harrison. Announc- er William Fay. 11:00— The Pepaodent Program. Amos ‘a’ Andy, biacklace comedians. WEDNESDAY ■^IGHT* BEST FEATURES I ■Eastern Standard Timo.) } ■"WEAF, New York, Marimba ! Sefltf. -3C— W C SH , Portland, ard Rod . Network, Golden Gama. JkZPtt Boho w ctady, WGY Playora. ^6~WC$M and Rod Notwork, Mo- ; o~» • Concert. W A K , Now York, Voico of Co- I i JC—WCSH and Rod Network 1 litis—Slumber Music. string ensemble n.; ____ i direction Ludwig Laurler. Announcer “■ *PPT wonaor Bakers. Aiwyn E. w . Bach. and Blue Network, Sytvania | il: 00 — Aviation Weather Forecast, r creators. WEiF (4S4.MI) New Tork (ONE.) A'lP, Phil*-, Viking* Male Quartet, f (Key Station Bed Network) M — WCSH and Red Network, Ipana 6:00—Black and Gold Boom Orchestra. Troubadours. direction Ludw-^ Lanrier. Announcer « r. _ , _ i bnedden Weir. rfNAC, W ABC, Rod oeal. Drama, i ; :t>0—Blue and White Marimba Band. WTIC, Hartford, Seth Parker's s Iranian Program. direction Alfred Oid-fkohionod Singing-school. j , Theodor. Webb, bert- « . r, Evening of Indian Songs. j tone: Elsie Baker, contralto; string .3G—W C S H . WEAF, Palmoliv#; quartet. •four 3:00—Emo Rapee's Mobiloil Concert. ___ - • w , .. - ; Douglas Stanbury. baritone. Announcer I ft JZ. Dramatic Yarns of the Sea. '■ j 0jm s. Young. W NAC, WABC, La Patina } S:30— Happy Wonder Bakers, Prank 'nekee t Luther, tenor; male trio: Frank Black. 4 3 * -w iz wm4 m ..e Net,. „l, Sector. Announcer Edward Voyagers. Review. * S:00— Ipana Troubadour*. Arthur Schutt. ‘A NAC, WABC, Brown University j pianist: male trio; orchestra direction Sand. Kolstei. Aonouac«r Pr°‘ WGY, Schenectady, General Elec- | »:S0— Palmolive Hour, olive Palmer. *o- tric Orchestra; Paula Hemming- < prano: Paul Oliver. tenor: Elizabeth w _—_ Cunt. .Itr 1 Lennox, contralto: The Revelers: Lew- o ~ . I is 'James and James Melton, tenors; AENR, Chicago.Minstrel Show. , Elliott Shaw, baritone: Wilfred Glenn. ~ V> W 17 and Blue N e t w o r k . !; orchestra direction Gnt&v* Rochester Civic Orchestra. | srarn. Charles Hackett. tenor: B. A. Solle and His Orchestra. 11:00— National Grand Opera. "Carmen." Cast: Carmen. Devon Nadworaey. con- tralto; Don Jose. Julian Oliver, tenor; M.caela. Muriel Wilson, soprano: Zun- iga. Frank Croxtoa. bass: Eaoamillo. Theodore Webb, baritone; Morales. Ed- ' ward Wolter. baritone. Direction Ce- sare Sodero. Announcer Milton J. Cross. [ 72 :C90— Palais d'Or Orchestrs. ! WLAL (tout.) Nashville (14NK.) 6 :45— Music Box. l 7:06—Voice of Columbia from CBS s;u- j dios. T. i 3:66—Bob Cason, popular pianist. omtralto. Theodore Webb. baritone. I Fm }- . Arthur Henkel, organist. Program: 'Country Gardens. Grainger, j * ( p=a P»- itrin* cuartet; Beauty's Eyes. Tost, l *:**~JJLAC_ p5asin*^:a r‘*it!T'. .. Baritone solo. Theodore Webb; Beau | 3:26—Dixie Echoes from CBs studio*. Soir. Debussy: Maman Dites Moi. 1 WAAM (34»M.) Newark Uia*K.) Wecklin. Contralto solo. Elsie Baker; • 5:06—James Sheridan. Harry Corey. In An Old Fashioned Town, Squire. ! 9 :S0—Alpine Mountaineers. Sylvia. Speaks. Baritone solo: Dream- ! 16:01—Your State, tag. Crist. Lift Thine Eyes. Logan, t 10:20—Uke Gardner. Contralto solo: Gavotte. Martini. String i 10:30—Cameo Club Orchestra, quartet. I il;©0— Belleville Gardens orchestra. M— MbbUoil Quality Hour. Erno Rap- > 11:36— Piccadilly Club Orchestra, ne's Orchestra in Spanish Program: In- j 12:30— Great Notch inn „ Orchestra. , from -Goyescaa." Granados; WNAC (S44M.) Boston (1236K.) (segnidiUas). Albeaix: Tango . - ;&0_ Xed aaU bis Gang. Albemz; ; s :3o—Menihan's Arch Aiders. Seng-of the Postilion. Granados: Bari- , 5:«;_B a y State Nurserymen, tone oolo. Douglas Stanbury: Midsum- ; s .,„ _ The champion* mer Jfights Serenade. Albenlz: Triana, ! g.1-__ Modernists. Presented-, bj 2 ‘a S X I?S7i*"vvS“ lte' , l Thompson Bros. Shoe Co. t :36— M l t F . Happy Wonder Bakers, i £ —Tuo Colt Commanders. Prank Luther, tenor. ma-e tr:o. Or- ; g;J9 Talisman and his Crusaders. : usextra. Flute and Clarinet Duet. . - 05— sscott Farriers' Dinner Orchestra, j :6*—Ipana Troubadours. WEAF. ; .jje oracle a *—Palmolive Hour, featuring Paul ; 7:10L-xi* WNAC’ Players present "The : OKvea tenor, in Dvorak* Songs My i Managers." Motugrv Taught Me." Revelers quartet. , S:»ex_Huke'e Sound Investors, presenting unusual arrangement of J - - - - Georg* Gershwin' B2oa ? The "Pol non" (-interpreted a3<J Sinbling Time. Pres* | C, B. S. Program. Koister Radio HersJfi Newa i Hourl Browa Dnlveraity Band. 10:36— C. B. S. Program. Dixie Echoes. 11:66— C. B. S. Progrem, Mank Simmon's Show Boat. presents "The Coming Day."" , 12:66—Midnight Reverie*. I WPG (373M.) Atlantic CHy (11MK.) . ----- I 3:06—Hotel Shelburne Dinner Music. i£»—Stocks, close Boston aud Netv York ! S:30— Jane and Jimmie Cullen. Popular LUCKY ,, LOVE LAST TIMES TODAY A U B U R N LIVE VAUDEVILLE TALKING PICTURES ON THE STAGE SCOTTY HOLMES AND HIS KILTY BAND 4 OTHER ACTS Patron* are Invited To See the Reheareals at 1 P. M. Mon. X Thura. DOWNEY COMING THURSDAY "SAILORS HOLIDAY" THE FOUR FEATHERS LAST TIMES TODAY The Mightiest Action-Film Since "Beau Geste” ! -Fovr gallant British gentlemen ^kralsh the story: all Africa sup- Richard Arlan-Fay Wray Wm. Powell-Clive Brook .. w _ A Pnmiumi Pile* the magnificent background A a 1 of 3n»al» end desert. ACTUALLY PlCturo FILMED IN AFRICA! A COOPER-SCHOEDSACK PRODLCTION TWO ALL-TALKING COMEDIES “HIGH HAT" “THE SPY" THURS. -THE SOPHOMORE” with Eddie Quillan ALL-TALKING EMPIRE 55T ■NOW PLAYING* S T R A N D AN ALL TALKING SHOW ANN HARDING IN “HER PRIVATE AFFAIR” HARRY LANGDON IN "HOTTER THAN HOT” PATHE SOUND NEWS CHAPTER SIX OF PIRATE OF PANAMA PRICES FROM j; 12 TO 5 P. M. 2So j FROM 5 P. M 25c-30c Children Every Day to 5 P. M. 10c ■SOUND PICTURES AT THEIR BEST* ACROSS 9— Proceeds WEAF, Charles. Hackett^ Jjtnor. WLW, Cincinnati, Brunswick Pro- | gram. WEAF, National Grand Opera; Co-, -Carmen.” WNAC, WABC, Hank Simmons Showboat. WChK (319M.) Portland (616E.) Stocks; V e t t e r . ; -Ampico Hall Hour or Mu* c- :30— Prc«s Herald New*. : :li — Maxroola. Broadcaat. /S% —WEAF. Golden Gems. El ale Bater barllose. 1—Hobby 10—A mug Z—A deep hole 13—On top of 6—Shouting IS—A legging 8—Indefinite articl- * 14—Mud deposited by 9—A percussion drill 13—To appear Tt be 10—To work hard I<—Light blows j ** __Vbovc 31 v irtuous 13—A rimer 20—A windstorm 14—Without (a prefix) 22—A finger 15—Takes the place of an acsetjte-J 2<—An obsession LECTURE DR. FRANCIS HENRY WADE “THE SEX PROBLEM” WEDNESDAY EVENING. 8 O'CLOCK UNDER AUSPICES TR IM !1Y MEN'S CLUB. BATE* 99. ADMISSION FREE. .ALU MEN INVITED ‘•The addresses of Dr. Wade are an inspiration, an education and a pleasure; and place him in the front rank of the public speakers of our time." Dean Main*berg. Thiel College. PRISCILLA ALL jfj?E i DOLORES COSTELLO MAT. 2 PM. EVE. 6.46-8.15 IN “TH E G L A D R A G D O L L A WARNER BROS. VITAPHONE A^L TALKING PICTURE WESTERN VITAPHONE VODVIL ACTS, TALKING NEWS ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT NEXT WEEK 8TARK MAO H. B. WARNER by 8:36—Armed Concert Orchestra. ieraSS X WLBZ :.«*—dassii —s»v« "*tae— v.n s Tthapsody ia ’•* L }:0 0 -C B. S. Program. MacFaddeu Bed; Po.onaise. from M:g-1 Seal Hour 9d by Olive Palmer, so- ‘ J:30__ c. g. g. program. La Palina Smok- Time. Pres* j -g (4S4M.) Bangor <«26K.) sales 1 Recording, flashes. uest Period, d Book Mar.. -WIsather forecast. - u f S. Daily Bullet'.ua. MarkeM- " uueement* and Music, signals. sWs Music House, flashes. U> New York ('.MI.) ms Song Harmonies. 3:43— Shekinah Glee Clnb of Millville. M. J. Arthur Radcliffe. Director. »:30— Hotel Traymore Concert Orchestra. 16 tOO— The Beach Combers. Male Quar- tette, 9 16:36—Alice in Radio Land. "Tho Singing Cop." Georgj>--Ylrtue. , i,.„— ^Slipper Sumer CI*b Orehes- i tra. Hartford (llNE.) 17— W ith iir 18— Having animal fat 20— A southern state (abhr.) 21— Small boy 23—To fondle 21—To entangle 23—That thing- 27—Elementary substances 29—Centuries 31— An eagle 32— Fixed amounts 34—American institute (abbr ) 36— High temperature 37— Inhabitants of western Minor A printer's measure 41—incendiary firy <2—^o be DOWN 2 —Fourth note of the natural key 2—A disease characterized by suffocation l —Floating leaf of an aesisb* plant 4— The same (abbr.) 5— Garden tools 6— Out of J—An el^v^ied railway (abbr.) -Nine and one 28— Railway carriages 29— Smallest particle 20—To move quickly 3£— Her 32— D.stress signal 33— A beast of burdea 38—Word of negation SO—Symbol’ for nickel Answer to Previous Puzzle THE DANGERFIELD TALISMAN By J. J. Connington SNO6 i s 22 Y/ TOP NONUS EP % PUE OD 0 ft H OPT W % % MP B l_ S R ft B \ l- u i % PUNES GOB % D P ft P OP C Q E L- L.IT % C l_ AUU % H 1M % wOO p !l E % MB EMs EAT m P HI OBO if . Synopsis Rollo Dangerfield, a ; Englishman, possesses a valuable armlet, the Dangerfield Talisman. 1 There is an old legend- concerning | it, which he promises to tell his i guests. He also shows them the Corinthian room, and grandfather, small leather disc- l been plentyjyf time to get it into i wealthy old 1 a Plac« of ” safe concealment Why * take the risk of replacing it In the cabinet? There seemed to be no plausible answer to that question. But if it wasn't a thief, then It must have been one of the Danger- fields. One could leave old Rollo out of the business. He was the last man to play a practical Joke on his practical Joke two relics left by his I guests—especially a r, a manuscript and a ! wh'-ch earned* tang : _ . affaiy did. wa DHAKA AND DANCE TONIGHT Lewiston Grange Fair Crowley’s Jet. Adm. 35e and 15c \ Music by Watson’s Orchestra HOT MEAT DINNER Served from 11.30 to 1 o’clock THURSDAY AT THE COURT ST. BAPTIST CHURCH Price 40c about the business—anyone can see that. She was absolutely taken aback by Freddie. She'll want to know all about it. and then perhaps she’ll have to do something. If we can only keep an eye on her through to-day we may get to the bottom of the business at last.” through his break- TOMORROW NITE at He dawdled as nasty as this j fast, lending an ear to Freddie's ..i ___ _ I affair did. He!ga was another pos- j repetition of the tale of the Talis- Tha American collector. Wraxall, ! sil,!e agent, and an innocent agent j man's return. Mrs. Caistor Scorton ies to buy the Talisman, but his , iX- d.ld t“ rn th*t. sf e ,had a j listened eagerly, he could see. and I not consider it. 4 hand in the thing. IVeSienhanger j her breakfast remained almost un- niaht, during a heavy thun- b«san to incline towards this so’.u- • touched. Westenhanger leaTtved m the Talisman is stolen. I tlon- But th«n Helga, according to > nothing further. When Eileen rose, m. tne talisman is •. ! rW l,u , ( . .7 . , . ____________ .--------------< tries to buy host will not consider it. That f der storm ' Stickney holds ( among the guests. Westenhanger also tries his hand an. investigation ! lx>uslas. was right-handed, while th e jfroi,j .jje table he accompanied her I Talisman had been removed by some- ' - - - MYSTIC BALLROOM 163 Lisbon St. JOE ROMM’S PENNSYLVAMMS Collegiate Contest sswmwwiwww | Tt the Winer \ $$$5S$W$ SSXJJ'MSMMiM Adm. 50c t N ijn unraveling the mystery, j When Mrs. Brent returns from her I trip on the “Kestral 7:20— Dave Webster and his Artists Studio -V. Orchestra. _ . . Y:<*e— Mitten Management Period, assis- ted by the P. R. T. Instrumental En- . semble. . >• 8-20—Vikings Male Quartet, vk ^ 9:00—Newton Coal Radio Forum In “An j Evening of Indian Songs"; Hilda Reiter, f soprano, assisting artist. 10:00—L"> Zollo and his El Patio Orches- tra. 10:20—Doc Dongherty's Hotel Adelphia Orchestra. 11:30—Organ Recital by Karl Bonawitz. from the Germantown Theatre. — —- thnmb-nail sketch of smiles and songs. 12:20—The Candle Light Chorus. choral presentation of the melodies. she calls the guests together in order to clear | Miss Cressage of suspicion. The Talisman, or a copy of it, is ! out of the room. . . _____________________________________________ one who was obviously left-handed. , -You're not doing anything lai- j - - ■-■ — --------- Perhaps one turned left-handed in j portant this morning, are you?” he j ing Mrs. Caistor Scorton's face, u " one's sleep. But on recalling frag- j questioned in a low voice, as soon | a flash of expression which took ments of his dreams. Westenhanger j as the door closed behind them. j him by surprise. She seemed to b- Had to admit that he remembered i “Nothing in particular.” | witnessing some incredible happer- himself as right-banded during his, "I want you to put yourself in | ing—something beyond the bounds sleep. That seemed to exclude Hel- 1 mv hands, then. Don’t ask questions. I of the possible. ! g a . It almost suggest News and Notes B. A. Rolfe with his dance orches- , tra and Charles Hackett, tenor of the Chicago Civic Opera- company, will be featured in a variety pro- gram which will be broadcast from »! I ^shinet0 aynd° cause* S3- ! Please. I wish you to be an abso- j ed that she had disbelieved Fredd e returned to the cabine , j i-ben it flashed across his m;nd j lutely unbiassed witness, if any-J and had b«rsn staggered b*r th»* p''uc', excitement- _______ , that Eric had been on the watch on I thing turns up. But keep, your eyes | actual sight of the Talisman. In (CHAPTER XI—ConLi Statioe Wine Network) l*-*: C ;66—N*w Yorker Hate! Orchestra with t Bs_______ ., ___ _ _ _ _ , ------ 6-i-Silyt*'Slipper Supper Aiwyn E. W. Bach. ^ 7:'v—Twilight Melodies. Los Angeles, ,♦*-,# \ Triot^Toux. Dick sad Harry, featured r * ^ 1SS3M-I srtista: 22-piece concert orchestrs di-L7:13-rJ>uper Oil Heater Program, -reetiea. Adolphe Dumont. Announcer * 7:45—(Frank J. Bradbury. Ban jo.St. Tat Pearson. I S :00— Spanish Musicaie of Granados and * M ..— V- the \(fthi,hl1 by John B. Kennedy. . Lokta Cabrera Gainsborg. pl- ouccei t* Announcer Milton J. Cross. _ |y South.” Katherine Tift-Jonee. »cer Milton J. Cross, be Yeast Foamera. with Chagncey Tsons. tenor: Herald and Freddie comedy duo; orchestra direction Kogen. AS J! van is Foresters: male quartet L EHxabeth Lennox, contra direction Roy Close: orchestra direc- tlon Bernard Altschuler. Announcer jfnton J. Cross. Albehix Composition by the Mobtloil Orchestra, directed by Erno Rapee. (X.B.S.) Future. ___ 8:30—Happy Wonder Bakers (N.B.S.1 9:90—Seth Parker’s Old Fashioned Sing- ing School In Joneaport. Me. presented by Colt'* Patent Firearm* Manufactur- ing Co. ."Palmolive Hour” (N.B.S.) tenor: abeth Lennox, contralto; The Revel- WEEI (3*9 M.) Boston (5M K.) 6:20—WEEI Dinner Music 6:43—Cap’n Bailey and the W:dder Dyer 7:00—Big Brother Club 7:30—Pedomusclar Minstrels 8:00— 10:30—From WEAF 16:23—Chamber of Commerce Organ Ke- - vital -------------- ------- - WENK <243 M.) Chicago (87* K.) } 16:00—Wtener Minstrel Show—an old ! time minstrel presntation, with Gene ! Arnold as interlocutor. and Chuck A1 ' “ both nights, on the date of the Ta!- I open. I want you to pay special at- ... _ .. .. ___ ! isman's vanishing and—last night— I tention to Mrs. Caistor Scorton to- B reddie was outside the scope o. j when it returned. He had the place [ day. It's most important. Watch suspicion now, but \v estenhanger | tQ himSe’f on both occasions, and; everything she does closely, and aainstant the signs of bewildermer.' vanished and she again had herself under control. Freddie had evi- dently noticed her amazement. . .... ............................. ...... ....... ......... , ___ _________ ________ “ Oh. it’s come home again, all ..... -------------------- ---------.And what infernal impudence or tm j han<jed. too. But against this, there: He led her to some seats near the j right.” he sa.d. triumphantly. "Old Atlantic City's new Municipal Audi- [little brute to start this kind of thing j o!d Ro-;io-s statement, evidently I TOain entrance from which they had; Dangerf.eld was sound enough, torinm Wednsutar evening. Oct. IS rinsco of his last ef- ! made In good faith^ ia view of the corridor, and when’ after all. But how it got here Is - Eileen Cressage came Into the >tney had ensconced themselves he room as he reached this point in [ began to talk of indifferent matters, _ a. I « *nr _ torium. Wednesday evening. Oct. 16. This program w ill be heard over the National Broadcasting Co. sys- tem. It is under the auspices of the American Gas Association which will be iq convention in the New Jersey resort. Paula Hemmir.ghaus will be back to WGT, Wednesday night. Oct. 16, when her superb contralto voice will be heard on two programs with the General E'ectric Symphony or- chestra at S.00 and 10.30 o’clock. his cogitation. She sat down beside [ soLis to give a semblance of natur- him. and he hastened to clear uiVialiresfr to their attitude. Very soon which had occurred Caistor Scorton, accompanied 10:20—Grand Opera. "Carmen.” of Bizet. National Grand Opera CO. X.B.S. WPAP (2T7 M.) New York «:60—Victor Garzski. Violinist. ----- 6-20__ Columbia University Classes 8:36—Wilt Oakland's Terrace 9:66—M. G. M. Movie Club ; 16:96—Aranyosy Ensemble ; 10:30—Lou Harold's Ambassador Orcbei- tra ir— fr 11:66—Silvertone Female Quartette , 11:20—"Blackstone Among the\ Spirits i Haynes; _A1 aud Pete. Harmony Spe-, Hemmingbaus is an American Childs as end men. * assisted *by the and she gained National recognition - - - as a concert artist following many engagements in recital and oratorio. On the 8.00 program Miss Hemminghaus will sing the aria “Voce Di Donna" from Ponchielli’s opera "La Gioccnda” and also the popular Tschaikowsky number ••None but the Lonely Heart.” Num- bers in the 10.30 p.m. program will be “Life” by Curran, and “Swing- in' Vine”, a composition of Grosve- nor. WENR staff and 25 piece band. 11:00—Tbe SmStb Family—a 43 xninnte comedy sketch. 11:45—The Music Parade—a variety pro- fran. L:90—Marion and Jim’s Grab Bag—s IF KIDSEYS ACT BID TIKE SALTS mystery, isn’t it, Mrs. Caistor Scor- ton ?’’ "I don't understand it.” she ad- mitted. dully, and as she spoke she allowed her face to reveal the stupe- , by Freddie, came out of the break- ] fast room and passed along the d WESTBROOK MILL MAN HIT BY FLYING WOOD The contention in pedantic circles • nilA^L^s^^w^cny pre-| Says Backache Often Means l that tae art of letter-writing is dead You Hare N ot Been Drink- ing Enough Water Leading makers o f fine radio sets use RCA Radiotrons for and initial eqodpment, anti recommend them for repIacemenL -- aeati Lie Webber.. WBZ <3*3 M.) Spriagfield (**6 K.) 6:13— Pizzatola Strnmme:'* 6:26—Eskimo Pie Time 7:99—Twilight Melodies e T ^ g tUBurges* XAUTTf mratg-ut----------------- 3:66—11:19— From WJZ 11:22—Bert Loew's Ststler Orchestra KDKA (306 M.) E. ... .................... *: 26—Don Beslor'* ... ■— '.' 7:60r—Twilight Melodies. 7:20—Maytag Radioette. 8t66—11: IS—From WJZ. 1 12:04— Don Best or’* Recording Orchestra. ' WABC (366 M.) New Yertt (696 H-) (Key Gtatl»■ Cih a H * Cteia.) 6:99—Dr. Thatcher Clark. French Lesson. 6:30—Guy Lombardo and Hi* Royal Can- adians. 7:99—Herbert’s Diamond Entertainers * ofcS in ^ ii^ B^uLe.^S ur?nouf el«e you have back- meets vigorous denial from radio ; broadcasters. Station WTIC of Hartford. Conn., which with its new * 50.000-watt transmitter ranks with again after the fiasco of his last el fort in the business. Freddie, how- ever, was not to be discouraged by coldness. His bright little eyes flickered from face to face, and he continued his- 'remarks quite unper- an ;-e~, turbed by the obviously hostile at- J ^im. mosphere. - U “Had young Dangerfield sprained j tint room and passed along the j “ tv h a t s tiiat old tag aoout thej ankle before be left here with ! corridor towards the Corinthian's: man who finds a be:ng^ the i j-oU that morning?" j Room. \ one who knows where to look , for j "Xo. He was all right. He sprained j “Quick! I want to overtake them." I it? lie went on. I begin to th.nk it s , ;n London- somehow—getting out. ordered Westenhanger. a practical joke after dil. The old , or the way 0» a tasi. I thinkhe: He and Eileen cameupwith theWestbrookOct Ifr—LPV— H a r '- m„^n * pulling our legsV He laid j said.” j other.* just before reaching the end Rassmussen an employe In .* Oi. a., that stuf. about t^ie Tau^nan . “Fhir.ny thing to happen, surely?” jot the passage. Westenhanger step-, ____ h„ e ”s critical- being able to loos a.ter itself. Tnen i “Oh. he slipped on thekerb-stone, •pe<j forward and opened the door, so | iv I^ ri.,:id Tuesd 3 v bv* a.' s*'ck of he took it away himself that night ; or something like that." I that he could see Mrs. Caistor Scor-j wh V hfle^ Am aru?- eh. And now he :t back; Westenhanger's half-formulated ; ton's face as she entered, but hej Zt-vck fa£> !TTheh™ad again, and he laughs :n h.;s S-ecittL;,-^ broke down. It was quite evi- } -earned very iitt’-e. She seemed to' ofHciafr^ 't£ TOrtFbroi* ho^ta a^ us. Ho» , j».. umpire. dent t.iat Eric had not got his injury i hav* regained completecontrol of! unab'e Tuesdav n'gh* to dc- ,.jle glanced round the table for :n connection with the theft of the (herself I were unabe Tuesday to oc applause, but recefved none. ------ ---- ------------------ ------------------ * : ______ , — ,------- v, termine the extent of “If you ask me. Freddie,” las pronounced bluntly, “it . _____ ____ _ ______ _ ____ ^ m two things up to the hilt. One is that ! man-trap at a!!, hollo had denied j velvet bed lay the Talisman, protec- • tinted glass w hich • to its old posi- the cabinet were ; hifigv’ seemed to have , Mrs. Caistor Scorton came into th© t returned to its normal state. his Injuries ve regained complete control in connection with the theft of the I herself. 1 Talisman. It was not a ease of his j AH four crossed the c h e s s - b o a r d j vT,‘ « Ymoti-rcd' skiilL Doug ; having been half-caught in the ! and rmroaoho,! :h> cahinot. Freddie! bu- fear*d he had a fr*c- red ,KUtl- proves. man-trap. Probably there was n o ; had made no mistake. There on its '; the lasLman_who’d play a silly game! of that 'sort. Anyone with f ot that Anyone with two, room, and Westenhanger glanced upt AVestenhanger. covertly Acrutin-a- • ounces of g * - m atter in his skull I as she entered. Freddie broke out a t! -----------------------------------------------^ ----------- ------------- would see that.” ' -------- - — - 1 tha hatf-dnven m ne pngerfnl hrairi—i---- c- j casting organizations in the country, j si WOO*<r have lenced most people, but Freddie's I Scorton? once. H eard ’ rTe latest. Mrs. Caistor The Talisman's come When you wake u p ' w ith back- j _ ________ .ache and-dull-misery in the kidney i receives thousands of letters- from j^kin was proof aeainst even this at- j bdek'" ___ v— __________ ___ ________ £££££ region it may m ^ you hav^_^n the radio_ aRdlen<»-each week—eaxihLtiek. ----------------- ---------- --- t Westenhanger had his eyes on ----- i eatJngfoodswlucH create acids, says'days receipt of mail being a refuta-1 “Think so?” he asked blandly, i Mrs. Caistor Scortons face as Fred- sad Orchestra. 6:90—MacFaddeu Red Seal Hour. Drama “My Gypsy Lover.” 9:30—La Palina Smoker. Informal enter- tainment and music given at a smok- er. 10:09—Koister Radio Hour. Brown Uni- versity Baud 19:39—Dixie Echoes Negro Spirituals and Songs of the South. 31:09— Hank Simmon's Show Boat. "The Coming Day.* ’ 12:01—Midnight Reverie*. WGY <376-5 M.) Schenectady (766 K-> 6:26—Dinner music. Hotel DeWltt Clin- ton (Albany. X. Y-) 6:4»—W ood lawn Landscape (Rochester, Bad Stomach Cause of Bad Skin You can’t expect to have a *ood ____ _____ ... ___ _______ __ ___ _______ _______ ____________ _____ _____ <de«v. fresh-looking com plexion..if blood and they become sort-Of p a r -T h e s e letters, rnmo^from orra end j query. i in succession over her features al-1 your stomach is weak and dlsor- alyzed and loggy. When your kid-i o- 'h f continent to th© otner—from , “Well. I'm very glad Mr. Danger-! most in an instant. Then she re-1 dered. neys get sluggish and clog you must jprac.icaily every state in the Lnion. j fie;d has got it pack.” Nina said, ig- i gained command of herself, her thin ’ Undigested food sends poisons relieve them like you relieve your ;from the remote recesses o„ north-: noring Freddie s remark, fit's been , lips tightened, and she walked to her?! thronvh vour whole bodv pimples bowels, removing allthe body's fr n Canada, from islands in both ^ uncomfortable all th© time to fee) i place without showing any further ] skin the Awlantic^ a.nd tfc^ Pacific, from that he’d lost a. th: nv Tiiro that—, i slvn of emoti/in. Dnlv WMtpnhanv^r iSppCST in yOUT face, fc gXOWB " ache, sick headache, dizzy spells: your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have j €?em destroying mist COLDS! victory for adnace! O nat- r'a tiBM-waadac — rhmlt ot cestag a cold —vow giro way to tha >rto tide cMtainty of OZO MIST—a Uquid ia- halant which daatcoja germ* ia aam m d tTrnat «nd OzSmup crtdg qqictJy. : __ Drop a few drops of OZO MIST *a yoor Thai the Atlantic and the racm c. irom ; that he-d lost a th;n Jike that_ a ; of emotion. Only'Westenhanger ! ? ships m mid-ocean, and even from j thing he cared for so much." ' and Freddie seemed to have noticed ! !?w and ™uddy and loses its.color. the overseas. . . I "He didn't seem to worry An average of 300 missives a day, Freddie reminded her. over it,” j anything abnormal, so quickly had { Your tongue 1 she recovered her self-control. The, mostunpleai becomes coated, breath ieasant. But these troubles thsatri soothed. i treaty . The rheumatic twinges. The urine is i bav® beerT recelved since ^the station j "M r. Dangerfield's a thorough- \ other members of the party had not i will end quickly and skin clear up if you will start today taking that cloudy, full of sediment, channels! Increased its power early in Sep- j hred.” Cynthia commented. "No mat- ' looked up as she came into the , often get sore, water scalds and you | te™ ^ r6 by t;n6 wa/. i?n?w ^ or i £ £ * about ft he'd never j room. --------------------------- i simple herbal, compound known to ; bacteria which* I destroyed. OZO M IST < are obliged to seek relief two . , ... ----------------- , ___ three time* during the night. j tne best stations, .or Maine .»sten-■ «‘y ou think not? N o? Well, perhaps Either consult a good, reliable ! €f*;. 5 0 nights l- beingtheonly jnot,” the irrepressible Freddie con- physician at once or get from your 8Va*lonJrorn whic.. reccp.ion is • cetje(j graciously.. “That's one way of pharmacist about /our ounces of Jad CIear- ~ j looking at it. certainly.” Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass ! T - - _ , . . w j Westenhanger took no pdrt in the1 of water before breakfast for a few I injuries f 81S1 lO JuHl Jtalk. His mind was busy with the Now we've got something.- W es- , druggists as Tanlac. tenhanger commented inwardly. > - - - ‘That shot took her absolutely off : her guard. She knows something I a* OZO MIST for X. T > R C A H A D IO T R O W TRadiotrons ere the heart Vj your isxuzto ofr Diitributcd by DARLING Aatoaobil« Co., Inc. St. Auburn RM»ele. Hotel—DeWitt Clin , ton (Albany. N. Y.) i 7:30—Gitoat Series. WGY Player*. 3:09—General Electric Concert orchestra, restoring panla. Hemmlngbaa*, contra!- to, 3:30—19:30—From WEAF. 10:39—General Electric Concert orchestra, with Paula Hemmlnghana 11:00—12:90—Dance program. Hotel Ten Eyck (Albany. N. Y.) WOK (433 M.) New York (716 K.) 6*39—Uncle Don. 7:09— Irvrtn'e Orchestra. 1:-9—Kellogg Ra<5io Town Crier. 3:99—Hawaiian Program. 3:36—Fireside Boye. 9:09—Square Deal Party. 2:30— Pianette, Violine. Angela 4 Jaz- sette: 19:96—Shades of Don Juan. . 11:03—Frank Dailey's orchestra. . 11:30—Moonbeam*. WLW <439 M.) Cincinnati (766 K.) 7:96— Little Jack Little. 7:13—Tony’s Scrap Book. 7:20—Great Moments with Great Adven- turer*. 9:69—Studebakee Champion, 1 9:39—Forty Fathom Traveler*. I 16:99—KingUete Night Club. J 10:30—Brunswick Program. ’ 11:99—Amos *n Andy. 11;1S—Chime Reveries. 12:98—Hotel Gibson Orchestra. WIP (461J M.) Phil*., Pa. (616 K.) |1 7:66—Cacle Wip e Roll Call and B'.rthdaj days and your .kidneys, may then act ’ fine. This' famous salts Is trade from th© acid of grapes and .lemon Juice, combined with lithia- and has been used for years to help clean and Emulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids In the system, so they no longer irritate, thus often re- lieving hladder weakness.- . j Jad rSalts is inexpensive, cannot I injury and - makes a delightful, ef- fervescent Jithfa-water drink. Drink lots of good water.—adv. » List. A THE FINEST TONE IN RADIO RAD As . sual These Fine Sets Are Sold by the AUBURN MOTOR SALES In Waterville Accident j en th© thing, why had the Talisman ! W aterville. Oct. IS— Frank L. Morse. 62, of Malden, Mass., died in a local hospital Tuesday of injuries received in an automobile accident near here last Sunday. Morse's skull was fractured when h© was thrown through th© windshield of his truck. H© never regained consciousness. J. H. Pritchard, also of Malden, who was riding with him escaped with slight injuries. come back? The only possible ex- planation was that the* thief had I taken fright. But why should he take ' fright? So far as Westenhanger' knew, nothing had com© out which J made the solution of the problem any ! clearer, and only*- imminent expo- I sure could have forced th© culprit' to disgorge. Days had passed since l. the loss of the Talisman. There had ' H. B. SKINNER GO. L. S. DUEGIN, PRO*. 4 PARK S T. TEL. 1 0 1 6 ! Tanlac contains nothing but herbs, barks and roots which have a cleansing, healing: effect on a poor upset stomach. Just a teaspoonful before each meal stimulates the di- gestion naturally so that you caxfeat what you want without fear of dis- tress. And when your stomach ia in good shape again see how much ; _ _ __ _______ keener your appetite is— watch how M M rM M M ^ r| ' quickly skin begins to grow free of ) lT E M l3 EL 1 FOR COL©* bottle from your druggist today. tn.He.le it— ’t hel in tba Nothteg Se ao «flk ©sold. So easy, so pleasant to nae. remedy for a ctalkl'a cold. Carry OZO MIST In pockat < Uea it when ia crowd©—t© ptwrm of cqniackms cold*. Gettbetdi MIST at your local drooict. SO SO-tmatmenti. lm*6t npoo them Money back I a d v . ; doesn’t help you. relief *tUH HreetH HIGH LIGHTS OF HISTORY THE GREAT PULLMAN STRIKE OF 1894. by I. CARROLL MANSFIELD Tel. 2604 Open Evenings ‘ 15? I T^ < Z Z £ cj± % _ ___ JHE HARO TIMES THAT FOLLOWED THE FINANCIAL PANIC OF 1893 LEO TO ANOTHER CONFLICT BETWEEN CAPITAL ANO LABOR. IN 189*. 4.000 WORKMEN IN THE CAR SHOPS OF THE PULLMAN COMPANY NEAR CHICAGO WENT ON STRIKE WHEN THEIR PAY WAS REDUCED. THE AMERICAN RAILWAY UNION. HEADED BY EUGENE V. DESS. CALLED A "SYMPATHY STRIKE" ANO FORBADE ITS MEMBERS TO HANDLE PULL- MAN CARS. ___ Irgg BEGGED THE STRIKERS TO REFRAIN FROM VIOLENCE ANO THE DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY. BUT THEY COULD NOT BE RE- STRAINED. MOST OF THE RAILWAYS LEADING INTO CHICAGO’ WERE OBSTRUCTED ANO CARS ANO BUILDINGS BURNED IN DEFIANCE OF THE POLICE AND MILITIA. IE FEDERAL COURT HAD ISSUED AN INJUNC- TION F0R8ID0INC THE STRIKERS TO RESORT TO VIOLENCE OR BLOCK THE PROMPT TRANS- MISSION OF THE UNITEO STATES MAILS. IT WAS NOT LONG BEFORE THE POSTMASTER AT CHICAGO INFORMED THE GOVERNMENT THAT THE CARRYINC OF THE MAILS WAS BEINC INTER- FERED WITH. •> . {RESIDENT CLEVELAND AT ONCE OROCREO A BOOY OF “ REGULARS” TO CHICAGO. AND IN A PROCLAMATION ORDEREO THE RIOTERS TO DISPERSE. DEBS WAS ARRESTED FOR DISOBEY- INC THE INJUNCTION. THIS DETERMINED IN- TERFERENCE ON THE PART O f THE GOVERN- MENT BROUGHT THE DISORDERS TO AN APRUPT END. TOMoa©ow--cLiv<t.AMn* TM| MO«»OC DOCTWI**—tm . V WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1929 LEWISTON EVENING JOURNAL 13 Hunters are watching the Classified ads ev ery dav now for bargains in used hunting and trapping equipment. A Classified ad costing only 2c a word a day will sell your sur- plus. Call ‘Tour Thousand.” Berlin-Gorham Female Help BXPERT shoe r*| iptlrlnf. Taps $1.90 up. Ricker Twelve hour , 0~ ---- Sc bon. ------ CAPABLE woman tor housework, goo© wages. Inquire at 3*3 lteln St. Lewt*- Exchange 8tr*et. Gorham 67-3.__________ ROLLER Skating every afternoon an, evening. 3-4 and 7.39-6.30. Music. Cor ner Mechanic and Main-___________________ VERY attractive assortment of remnant* £*nle,T ? r V Z r ’if.w hS.oS-ilSr*1* ***■ I APARTMENTS 4 *od » room., bath, mod- ton. Tei. No. 9. Mechanic rai.a _ t heated. 312&-J QEMCE GIRL—P. O. ~ " * " ' and hats Bargain values. G. Corner Mason & Gob*!._____________ Ross. ACCURACY WINS BIFLES REPAIRED AND TESTED SIGHTS ADJUSTED A. E. BUCKLEY 4 Sporting Goods T ISVilcchanlc St.. Berlin. X. H. THE beet la the aaiast- Reline your brakes with Ambler Antohestoa Weara longest. Dubs'* Garage. 13S Pleasant. 925-W. HELPING THE BLIND. A. H. Ferrler. I Webster street. Tel. 2948.________________ WANTED—Maid for general housework In small family. Reference* required; Call 11-12 A. M.. 6-8 P. M.. 2147 Lewlaton for appointment. ___________________________ _ WOMEN seamstresses wanted to sew in linings and work on furs. 20 Howe St., Lewiston,____________________________________ GIRL FOR plain cooking and general housekeeping In family of four. One who can go home nights. Phone 2625._________ EXPERIENCED CASHIER wanted at Paul's Lunch. References required. Call 1139. - » EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeep- er. One who can apeak French. £x- . ..... ____ ____________ __ _______ _ ce’lent environment and wages. Tell all New England Manager In uniform who about yot^elf in first letter. Bor 76 Sun- employes the blind. House to bouse | Journal. 9 _______________________________ campaign. : LADIES: Sell COMPETENT WOMAN wanted for cook- ing and general housework. Good wages Tenements to Let 7* PIERCE ST —Sirtutly modern, heated 4 room apartments continuous dot water Inquire 196 Lisbon Tel. 204-M._________ 4 AND 6 ROOM rents 33.(0 up. also gar- age. 127 Osk St To Let GARAGES near 2443. Bates College. Call 19*. ___________ _____ 16 ROOMS, an modern, hot water heat, j GIRL or women for general housework. . %0 Western Promenade. Auburn. Cel! I Good wages Write Box 59 Sun-Journal. j tj79-J. MODERN office to let at 136 Lisbon St.. also small hall suitable for clubroom or any other purpose. Apply Allen Ross 334 Lisbon St.___________________________________ IN AUBURN 10 Pine street. Garage. Tel. -M. ------- ---------------------- - -— ________ " Wanted to Rent Wanted to Bny WANTED 40 lbs good dairy butter a week. Please write L. W. Gillespie. L'.v- ermore Fells. R. D. I. Maine. GIRL OR woman for general housework. I five room tenement 27 No cooking and washing* *ent out. 142 Pin* St.. An- 1 WANTED, TO RENT 5 room tenement, burn. 36.00 per week. E A. Bickford.' Two or more acres of land, near grade Agency. 84 Court St.. Auburn HIGHEST PRICES paid for old gold, sil- ver. platinum. Mandelstam's Jewelry j Store. 28 Lisbon St.. Lewiston.__________ ! WANTED FOR CASH j ! Magazines, rags* metal, tires and old at:- ' J romoblles. Highest price*. Tfirck rail* ] ; anywhere. Max Miller & Co.. Inc.. Cor. ; Mill and 5th. New Auburn. Te!_ 21. Automobiles Automobile— Fenders—Straightened and Weld- ed— G lass— Installed— Roofs Recovered— Sttp Cover* Uade and Installed— Dent* Removed from Bodies— Curtains and Cushions Repaired— Valves Ground—Carbon Cleaned— j. j i wo or more acres of tana, near grade , —— ;----------- -------------- ------------- :------ ;-------- 1 p . i - h -— D .fi.i.B le. school. Kennebunk or Kennebunkport. No ; P r iv a te Party \\ a D t S Antiques; * ! l™ 'y Pric«- Write me what you have. rW h Spring Repaired— Alemite Gressing— f?.RifT LT..MODERN 6 L Arp y I Owners only. Geo. W. Sherburne. R. F. D. 556 Main St.___________ ____________________ j j. Wallingford. Conn. DESIRABLE sunny tenement. 32 Middle. 22 3^ : 3615- j.____________________ _ j For Sale TO RENT—Apartment* 12 and 14 Hazel j SPECIAL MILL END paint* Green 11.7s St.. Auburn. 5 rooms and bath, Newly re-j gal fellow, gray and red 3L59 gat. Baue, finUbed. Desirable location. Call 60 or ( Har<Jwar. Co . jj jjatn S l Tet j j 2g . Bureaus, table* chain, mirrors, clocks. glassware^ Box II Sun-Journal. HTGHEST PRICES PAID For your old rags, paper, books, metal. pomn!at« Mntn. far Vf a in ten ancy— tires, rubber. Isaac Miller St Co.. Auburn, ccimpiete Motor Gar Maintenance— Axles Straightened— Wood-work of Any D©*cript'on— _____ Business Services Furnaces Put In Shape for winter. Reasonable price. MABERT MATHEW 13 Canal St. Phone 103S-J ______ DOLL R E P A I R I N G — 18 Center St., Au- burn Open Mneulay w ee Ing Tat 6SS - J ROLL ROOFING Light ............................... ................. S1.2S .Medium .................. ....................... Heavy .............................................. $1 •» Corrugated Iron Rooftns *»d Aaphalt Shingrles—Get Our price*. W* *blp anywhere. HAHNEL BROS. CO, 56 Main St. Lew. Tel I144-M repaired WUl- Me. Cal! 2244. Park Street Lewlaton STOVES RENTED and 'sms. 4353. . Sea Our Expert Furniture Upholsterer for prices. 3 ' «- Complete Body, Top and Fender Repairs Painting, Welding, Glass Wreck Repairs zi Moore’s Auto Top Shop ~ 1^2-206-210 W inter S t, Auburn ** Phones. Shop & Residence S65 TO —— ------------------- --------------- r— — — SECOND HAND RANGES sold by LET—A pleasant S /ocrn^tenement I * B F Goss. 41 Main St . Lew A L with garage to family of adults at 111 ___ — ~—— ------------ -------------- ------- ------- -— . Pleasant St.. Auburn Inquire Reuel W I FOR SALE: bod loam and dreasiug for Smith. 73 Main St.. Auburn. | '*w °* *Qd garden* Merrow'e Wood Yard TENEMENT of five room* and bath. Ap- ply re 2 Bate* St._________________ ________ FIVE ROOM modern apartment, heat. 2656-J. Steam t74 HotiatA St. T»'. 1651-R._______________ BUTTER Paper Carton* Stationery. BrookaSde Pres* Augusta. Maine ___ Dogs—Cats—Pets old 33.00 SPECIAL CLOSE OUT TVVI-VVVT. . ____ _ -i. |One new Atlantic Wood burning Furnace TENEMENT 5 room* 34 Nicho.* Rea- j a, greatt7 reduced price Phone 49 A aonab e. 2548-W. ______ , j We.xton Co.. Mechanic Fall* OPERA HOUSE RENEE ADOREE-GEORGE DURYEA AND WILLIAM COLLIER “ TIDE OF EMPIRE” Comedy & New* _______ Price* I5C-2SC Wed. Only ________ r—large brown ^bag containing endry between Gilead \and Shelbournc at Sid* of river. REWARD If re- to Berlin Reporter Office. All Ada Above Are New Hampshire i f_MALL teo*inf!'t' Also houaekeep- BARRELS of all kind* 5 gal. up Also ing room* 90 High street. Auburn.---------- uaed p,pe pui,eya. & shafting M. ^in- card . _ Unequaled values, high commission. Ez pcrler.ce unneceaary. Request sample* Doehla Co. PepU 1016. Fltchborg, Mas* rooms ner. 33 S. Main. 25 Pulstfer. Aub. 1274-M. Tel 213 PINE corner Jefferaon. 5 modern. Tel. 1918-M. ______________________________________________ 14 ROOMS and ahed. 181 Oak street. Call j APPLES FOR SALE: Baldwins and c -1 V J. btarks SOc a bushel. Spies 75c a btrabel. ___ _______ ... . | or 43 Wood street._________________ j cjder *pr !e* 25c Call 2155. WANTED: All round cook to work SIX ROOM rent, electricity *4.00. 9S J -----— ------------------------------------------------------------- night* doing pa«try work. Must be good |p, „ „ , o , on pa*try. W. J. Shultz, 32 Eastern Ave., < c s’c" St. Johnabury. Vermont. WANTED: Beef cattle, veal, lamb and • Wade & DnntOTl Carnage Co. live poultry. Backer & Semer. Auburn : ----------------------------------------------------- ------------- Phone 3440-1663-w. HEADLIGHTS ADJUSTED Moody Battery Co 116 Middle St D. B STjSVENS General Automobile repairing Ford* tan other car*. Oiling and greaaiug 11 Cen 1 *er St. Aub Tel 146$ W_________________ AUTOMOBILE GLASS Parker Noye* Co.. 15 Park 8t.. Lew PH1LCO BATTERIES t? 25 13 plate SS 00 on Portland Nash Co.. 35 Park St . Le1 Welding and Machine W ork j Andrew* Machine Co. 41 Washington St.. Aub. Tel. 253-W. RABBIT HOL’.VD—3 months Box 70 Sun-Journal. j PARROTS AND cages. Maxwell. 63 Acad- St; I BOSTON TERRIER PUPS for sale. Cal*, j after 5 p.m. 7 2 Blake St. M T HARKINS Granolithic vra Iks. baaements cemenled. Sewer* lard. 28 Union. Lew. TeL W*W. PAINTING, papering. k*l^>mlnlng. grain- ing. Estimates furnished free. A. Bloom. 345 Main St.. Aub. Ter. 2S81-M. Horses Male and Female Help Salesmen—Agents EASY MONEY by merely .ending ua Imported Darwin Tulip Bulbs ! KIVe/ r OOM rent at 25 Gamage Ave.. Tet. ! *?,'! 6«C ,!o2?n_ I ©Acr y . Special Varieties «dc Dozen Special Prices . ---------------------------------- ---- __________ I op Hundred Lots i 8 CURTIS ST. 4 room rent. Tel. 43S6-M. ; 3 HORSES about 1S09 lbs.. Address Jules ; Tetreault, Lisbon, Maine, R 1 Residence Webster. Maine j FOR SALE—Horse eight year* old ! weigh* J600 pounds, a bargain. Also ; want team weighing 2800. Full particu- lars !n first letter. Chas. Walker. Can- ’ ton. Maine. _.a .* **. .. IN AUBURN r Modern S room bungalow, j 959 Ttr-np- c* * w name*_cf overweight people. No canva.- . Price rea30nab:e Xel 3354. 54. i — Ttf-n<* s-■ Aub. Lots PIERCE & WESTALL Tel. 1297-M. sing. Writ* for partica'ara. A. Mareh, --------------------■ rug and KNITTING Va-n' Box 66. Burlington Avenue. Boston. Mas* * ^ E LARGE rooms and bath. priced i manu-ac;ir. . r Samules f-ee EARN 40 to 5091 "commission. Christmas " a*,Ie' N>ar eho« In« u!re 25 j iett, Harmony, 51a ne._______ Announcements MISERABLE with bronchitis? For quick . relief cesatrlt E. Guertln. Naturopath. 255 Llabon. TeL 2136. « ne treatment free. t Wanted LATHE FIXER WANTED BT H. G. WINTER & SONS KING FI ELD. ME. ms for aale bj H. A. Bart- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________ _____ ___________ , iett. Harmony. Ma ne. box assortment* and personal carda Write . Highland Are.. Auburn.____________________ i NEW Mahogany Player Piar.o cheap. P- today. Fall or part time. Artistic Card . TO LET. 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, i O Box 44. Lewiston. CO.. Elmira New York. on Goff Hill, near carline. Phone 30I9-M TWO HORSES Auburn. for sa-e. 68 James St. HORSES, blankets and harnesses. S. S. Ferguson. Monmouth Center. Poultry and Supplies WE PAY the highest prices for h*avy poultry Fred Oleia, Bowdoin St. TeL 3636-W. c i DOST Lost and Found Educational PRIVATE LESSONS In English and Short Story Writing, f. L Campbell. Rldlon H o t e l ______________ Positions Wanted TO LET—All modern rent. 5 rooms, bath, j hot water heat. 113 'Walnut St. A GOOD BUY CORNER JEFFERSON and Ash Sts room apartment, bath. 1509. In Pine Sheathing $45 per M Good Widths Meaerve Lumber Co.. Me Fa IIs. Me. TeL !00 CQjCKERELS from State Accredited Barred Rock*. Feb. and March hatched * from Noted Decoster heavy layers. Large. * vigorous fine feathered. $5.00 eajeh. De- * Coster Farm. Buekfield. Maine, t » ______ | FOR SALE—S. C. REDS MATURED PULLETS 11 plata $7 25 n plate $8 00 on axchange eVlstoo WELDING & CUTTING Our Equipment t© Portable ■V© Jo Anywhere Lewiston Welding Co.. 94 Bates 8t. NATIONAL BATTERIES A ba?tery to Hr 90% of alt car* for 37.95 with your old battery We have alt type* of batteries for all make* of car*. Bell Tire Co. 771 Main St.. Lewaton Te., 2909 or 2301 13 PLATE genuine Ford battery for $8.00 J in exchange. Wilt fit 80% o f —JLil car*. ’ Atthnrn Motor Sates. Inc.. TeL 2604. FLOOR RESURFACING makes your floor* like new. No dust. Reasonable rate?. Arthur Lewis, S Lowell Court. TeL 2388. Moving and Trucking Furniture Moving Anywhere, anytime. Covered van. Reason- able. Roy Bros. 291 Lisbon St. 1S06-M. PETE BOLDUC: Local and Ion* moving. Also bobbin wood at *!• Cai: 4432. cord. GENERAL TRUCKING. Piano and furni- ture moving. Chas. E. Rideout. 9S Hamp- shire St.. Aub. Tel. 1132. TO AVOID DELAY Consult th!a rate card before order- ing advertising In Sun-Journal Class- ified and enclose check for correct amount with order. _____^— Financial MOTORCYCLES . NEW 1930 Harley-Davldaon models. Now ; » © vo ready for delivery $90 down delivers! FAMILY LOANSS,;'-"7' ! «^cond mortgages 3 % mo on unpaid pal- ance E M Small. 2« Lisbon_____________ ROUX’S PAWNSHOP * Cash for antlaue band booked ruga and Loans. 102 Lincoln St. on re*: Evate. Farm a'oek machinery furniture. etc- EXPERIENCED engineer or fireman i _________ , wants position. Cax* furnish good refer- J FOUR ROOMS aud bath. Auburn. $27.59. ences. Inquire 21 Knox St.. Ac.hur 1Tel. 721-W._________________________________ Soury, IN AUBURN: Cottage for 2 adults. i IN AUBURN—Desirable modern rent, t ; A LIBERAL discount on new player p t-. room, and bath. Good repair, econo:* ano and late model phonograph. Inquire! D. W. GOODWIN AND SON ‘.Icall- heated. Adult* Tel. 2348-M. —1 ° aK s-- Tfl- -s01- ______________ ___ | NORWAY. MAINE TEL 164-11 APPLES any modeh Get yours now Schott' -% Mo on onpaM balano*. Lewlaton Loan* Motorcycle Co . Strawberry Ave. Lew j CORDWOOD saw outfit complete with » TT. . belt for Fordson Tractor. Special price I jUAIX o 124 Lisbon laew Te, 173* W v%ANTED: Position as houx©6cy<: man alone. Tel. 3295-52. On Rea! Esta’a firs: or aec- rtamor. opeciai pr:ce ; onrt mortgage* J Berman r r N ;---------: ----- , ■ ; 32.%9 Regular price $5j. Wade and Dun- i ig* < c> kvi R. I. REDS pullets for sale. Large birds ton Motors Inc St Tel. 531. acme laying. Norris Hi!! Farm. Fred L. Lindsay. Monmouth. Maine. Tel. 106-3. WANTED: Housekeeping position ’.ant for business c-__„._ . home. Box 77 Sun-Jour- 1 Eating and cooking. All kinds and prices. * * - wav. John Wa 11 Ingford. Auburn. Tel. 591-14. I r„TL .... —u rooms, bath, electricity, furnace. 291 -------------------------------------------- -------- ------------ THOROUGHBRED __ .. Court St. (within) $25. month. Phone \ KOK, SALE.* one Round Oak Stove. One from certified «iock. Ready to lav. Mrs. 4« 9.X | standard Oak. and one Fireplace..Wood . K. W. Paige. Sabattua. Me Tel. 5-21. R. I. Red Pullets American Protestant for"busTneaa’ couple or in motherlAA* hnm» ?? <?— »—. TENEMENTS TO LET I In Lewiston and Auburn. Apply to Har: - |N. Plant Co.. Renting Age'ncy, w193 Lijb< , * Stove. 16 Union Street Auburn. | $25. BABY carriage robe wh te fur. Used | f only 2 months. $10. Call 4308-R. Keep Your Pullets On —October 5— Boston Terrier. An- i KOUN.q G1^ L <3eslre* l:ght houiework o r ! - . x .i >ica o. .cs, w second ma:d work. Tel. 2SS5-J between ■ ^ TeL or 2581 -K. 11 and T and 5:30-«:30. . r y ; USED HOT water heater. Tel. 42U-J. Don i and feed your old hens Amco Grow Mash, i Open Formula and only $2.95 per bag. TWIN CITIES AMCO STORES awers to nama of rottfy 242$-W. Rex. Finder LOST—Saturday Man's gray glove. 1738-W. Tel. LOST: Light brown overcoat on Turner. Spring, or Minot avenue. :9-24 Poland I TWO modern up-to-date apartments. j PRACTICALLY new Quaker Oak par.or ; jg , Minot Ave” * Aub.- 22 Bate. St.7 Lew. i heater, burn* coal or wood. Price $22. : - - - - - ---------- Tel 4138-M. I ; LOANS Don Tet. MY NEW HUP. 8. with 3300 miles, sacrifice. Tel. 950. 116 On real Estate and mort- gages H. Seamon. 129 Lis- MONEY TO LOAN Hf Male Help STEAM FITTERS Wanted. Apply J. H. STETSON CO. k1^ , m a 00* tLon rtr>- I —• --- M * -E'm ~S - C- H- Li>by- : ONYX T able , leather bed. bed pillows. Writ* °S serdeman. References. |139 COLLEGE street: 7 rooms. Ail modern woolen carpet and quilting frame* 392 \> r.:e box .5 Sun-Journ«i. , convenience* Tel. 4323-M. _______ |Turner Street. Auburn,______________________ New WHEELER WILSON sewing machine in electric 1 good running order. $15. Call 72 Middle gas range. 18 Laurel St.. Auburn, j st. upstair*, back door. Phone Seth May office 43 re*. 124. Beal Estate Used Parts Of All Kinds |Le’ansky Auto Wreckers j to $300 on H 'uaeh<»)d Good* ere. M H. Dion 62 Lisbon St., over Barnstone Osgood Tel 4014-M Rat# 2% ! per monf h on unpaid balance cla ***tf : ed •^ADVERTISING RATES LEWISTON SUN & JOURNAL LOCAL RATE Maine and New Hampshire Only 2c Per WORD FOR ONE INSERTION BOTH PAPERS \ Minimum Charge 50c ‘ NATIONAL RATE Outsid* Maine and New Hampshire per word for one time orders. 2*ac per word for consecutive rufca. Minimum Charge 59c National Rate subject to regular adver- tising agency discount. No advertising of less than 6 words ac- cepted unless the 6 word rate Is paid. Abbreviations *uch as C. O. D.. R. F. D„ etc. will be r«nntM as three words and charged accordingly. Each price or number will be counted as one word. Advertisements run under a box num- ber. replies to be mailed must Include 10c postage In addition to the regular charge* for the advertisement. This department Is open from 8 a.m.. t' 9 p.m.. Saturday until 5 p.m. Special ser- vice Sunday from 6 p.m.. to 9 p.m. The low rate charged for classified ad- vertising prohibits carrying charge ac- count*. NOTICE We will be renponslble for ONLY ONE INCORRECT INSERTION of a classified advertisement. PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE If there is an error In your Adver- tisement. CASH TELEPHONE FOUR THOUSAND MUST ACCOMPANY ALL SENT IN BY MAIL ADS :^Fe^ard UrTeL I Prot« : TO LET—five* room apartment. * * 1 *P--Ienced. reliable, reference*. Te.. paper and paint, linoleum floor*, --------------------------- 31-5-M forenoon*._______________________ Itabts. gas range. 18 Laurel St.. WE HAVE for *a!e Roadside Store* and .unch village stores. summer farms Timberiand aud garage* A P. R chards. Farmington. Me : f DO YOU seek employment? Congenial : work. Earnings approximately $39 pet ; week to start. Rapid advancement. See *- Mr. Da I hart. <-7dft pm . Rldlon Hotel. J . MIDDLE age farm baud’ wanted. Good i ^ milker. Apply Geo. F. Needham, East Hebron,, Maine. EXPERIENCED grocery man wanted be tween 25 and 40 year*. Write Box 74 R«n-Joon»*l. f ANTED GOOD farm hand by month. ed milker. No cigarette* Box 73 Sun- - Journal. YOUNG MAN for general store work. Write Box 72 San-Journal. WX5?TED: Man with car to work In Ll*^ Falla and nearby territory for Fu ler crush Co. $30. and commission. Other opening* in Maine *nd New Hampshire. Appy Guy Davenport. 10 fern St„ Nor- w^r, Vh‘n»,___________ ^ WANTED at once :n Auburn to e«rr. *pending money. Apply at 94 High ; A rburn after school and Saturday. WANTED Naumkeager Shoeworkers’ Employment Bureau I 81 MAIN 8T. AUBURN PORTABLE TYPEWBITERS Corona—Royai U nderwcod— R» tington John 3. W»rt 25 Liebon ----------------- ------------------------ 1 STERLING COOK stove. In fine DESIRABLE SUNNY rent of five rooms tlon. Call 3692-W. and bath, newly repaired; also garage condi- b ltchenete apartment, completely fur-; r-*rjr^ra.or 5« Drummond nlshed: heat, lights and gas to cook with. ! re‘rIyerak°r- 58 Drummond Inqulre 70 High St.. Lewiston. eewlne ra*chine. I 790 Mam St. Lew. L. E. GAYTON Everything in Real Estate WE CAN SOLVE YOUR MONEY _ PROBLEMS!! LOANS up to $200 , QUICK—COURTEOUS—PR TV ATE os p it r qt a rR tut j: 9t : payrnen!s monthly—$2 to $5, plus’ , 94 GILL ST., AL p . T l^L. 4o,o ____ lawful interest only on $10 to $100 loans, j and j poRD touring. New tires and bat- i Larger sums In proportion Interest at 1 i tery. Price $20. Scbotr Motorcycle Co. 2j three percen.t--per month (which Include* i Strawberry avenue. Lewiston._____________ ; charge* and fees of every kind) on the • - 1924 BLICK. 6-4 passenger coupe. G ood : “ " f . * 1*1 a m o a n £ of loan. Call—Phone—or 1 Have yoor White or Oiseotered Shoe* Ore© ©nr eoler. COSTELLO SHOE RE BUILDER 34 Ash TeL 19S4 Cor. Lisboa Work Done White V Walt Te!. 450 149S-J. street. Tei., Exchange and For Sale Farm*, city property and timber lota Aub. TWO modern 4 room rent* In Auburn. •^tADIO BARGAIN—The winner of the!chico!ne Agency. 141 Second SL. Centra Ur located: alao one Ugh* house-i M etric radio given by Ather-J Tel. 1832. cs^ keeping apartment (not heated) TeL 319 } _at__ Pa? e.f,nt of Progress between 4:30 a.m. and S:30 p.m. condition $85.00. 1924 Chandler Coach. » good condition. New battery and grod rubber $95.00. Inquire at Packard's Fill- ing Station across from Upper Maine Central Station._____________________________ 1923 BUICK 4 touring. Will sell at a bargain- Te! 87 SPRING ST. AUBURN: 7 room rent. . _ . ot nace. modern. Call 64 Main—S[t**-*Auburn. Bargain Sale Prices j ion a; rajean; oi progress nas no use ; r TirFeim e?—«•©p v c— ^ i«jns.Va!Ji-!g Good Used Cars Bath, electric lights, gas. hot air fur- SALE: Men’s all wool Pullover* Agent. -* “ __ Auburn Sweater* $2.95 Brownsteln's. 305 Lisbon, r—^ Lewiston Agency NOW A t " Senter’s, 174 Lisbon St. L. O. MERCIER, INC. CLEANERS-DYERS FOB SALE Grocery Store Doing Good Business BEST LOCATION IN CITY Reason for selling ill health For Information Write Box 61 Sun-Journal TENEMENT 19 Manley SL-^K7v*-.rooms Street. 1926 Ford Coupe ; WE CAN SOLVE yoar real eatat. prob- ; ’ lems fr\r ©if© v»9m*« fam tnta i dw x ^enan for eitv homes, farm lota, i writ©. j PERSONAL finance CO. Room 7. Second floor 4 Park St. Cor- [ ner Main Street. ■Licensed by the State j Lewlaton.^, Maine * _______ Telephone trtcliton S-4-7-3, ________ I JOLICOEUR’S PAWNSHOP | btsy men’s used clothing. Phone} 1d26-J. We'l! come and give estimate. Mena Suit* 8S-$10; Overcoat* $3-$5-$8- $10. Jewelry at bargain prices. 348 Lisbon. | Easy to Borrow—Easy to Pay i You can borrow any amount yoo nee i \ from $50 up to $300 or more at a low ] rate of Interest at Morria Plan Bank. 167 * L^b'in St. o v I N c Return load© to and from Boston ©ranted Van truck* at yoor service. AH Loadc insured M A L I A . 1 B R O S . Furnitur© Movers Tel. 1866 Lewiston Funrshed Apartments FURNISHED apartment of three room*; with bath $7. per week. 167 Holand St. both for $35. Call 3769. PIANO In excellent condition. Must be reasonable. 56 Lake St., taken thi* week. Also ladies Raccoon 2633-W. NEW SIX room Colonial house. price J 1935 Buick Master 6-4 pass Coupe . SS Lake St.. Auburn. Tel 1326 Chrysler 6 Roadster .................... For Sale or Exchange FARMS and city property. H. Uaranow. Knox Si Tel 268S-M. TAW See u* about the "Turn Cox as D^wn Pr* vmAn»." p!*» in Your Old 7 ROOM cottage. modern. Reasonable j price. Aub. Heights. Tel. 4139-W. FRANK M. SWIFT Bates St. Motor Sales 88 Bates St. Tel. 1358 ROOM SUITE and other piece* wnu oho per weeK. i*. n o i a n a 5>t. { fo- a v»-2 ^ ..V J i t'— rr— —it-. ^ -------------- - | s:" wn!h- ! Coal—Wood—Coke Light* ga* and 3SS3-W. Tel. < I 4_GAMAGE AVE. Auburn —s furnluhod WHITE BIRCH E-lglnsj and rooms for light housekeeping. T»1. 3607-M Hardwood. 5 bsk:s 3J.00 Hardwood lot 50x190 at 365 Webber Ave. Price 31600.' _ .... ... , limbs. 5 bskt* 3175 Soft edgmgs and Down Payment 3300: Balance 315 month ! Coaches 560 & m xed wood. 3 bskt* 31 00 7 bskt* 32 09; b'- J. P- Breen. LIS Mam St.. Lewiston _ I ,V ” FAr I t V o- S K . 1 Pea coal 5 oags 90c.^Coke 5 bags 90c. » LEWISTON: 24 Riverside Sr., near Main. • 1925 Chevrolet Touring, verv Good * u K wood FULL CO ; Six room house and garage, good location. ' 1924 Overland Touring O K ___ 1 • Lew _____________ Phone 2037. . near bus ness section. Owner leaving . Ford Sedan, runs & looks G o o d ......... * _________ FIRST class dry hard wood, fitted or - town- Call 2445. Carl P. Park._______________ f 1924 Nash Tonring, run it home .. Roflffll f sawed. $13 50 cord. 5 baskets $2.00 hard- i ClTAD t> \ VTYP 1 Ford Coupe, good shaoe ............ , W(>od !jmbs $ n .50 cord^4—tmek^ts $2.00 ! _ olU r rAlLM j J a JC j-N I {1923 Ford Roadster, very good land 1-3 in lawn and flowers. Price *ow. { : B** t 37 South Freeport. Maine. ____________ » pTtTed TWO OF THE sweetest Mttle houses on! t Look! Look! Prices Cat W ay Down On T’sed Cars Beat These Values It You Can 925 Mormon Snort S*dan—Bargain 4 P.O- M furn.«hcd apartment. Al! mod- em. Lights furn shed. $5 week. 134 Was>- ngton Sf.. Auburn. 11HATED 2 room front apartment. Center 61 Etm St". Lew of shoe industry Auburn. Phone. 2223-M. $8 FINE WORK l*et us repair your Shoes. They will look well and wear well. Work promptly done at a fair price. PEOPLES’ SHOE SHOP "Th© Moccasin House” ________ 33 Sabattus St. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room*. All fur NORWAY Mrs. Etta Chick. Mrs. Fred Bart- I Iett. I Mrs. tain the n i n g ’. The the home of Mrs. Nellie Merrill to j tack a puff. Mrs. Stephen Cummings enter- ^ - tained the Monday club this week. | _A nu~ ‘£~ « - n C ” | B rcb erf A Ouelletter- »fa. 5 basket cm SL Tel. 35*77) teachers and school officials are part cularly Invited to this service. The W. C. T. U. held its October meeting- with Mrs. Ida Colby, at the Congregational parsonage on Pine street Tuesday afternoon. Brief re- | ports of the State convention were *63 | given by Mrs. Eva Ordway and Mrs. i Elizabeth Morton and were very in- $30 . teresting-. M rs. Carrie Howard of 330 j Portland who was the guest of the : afternoon finally joined the union mahed. W^JIx-heared U*e of bath and . _____ ___________ _ , ____________ ___ _ telephone, g Drummond etreet. Auburn. BEST DRY hard wood. 4 foot length. HEATED light housekeeping High St. Lewiston. rooms. 2S Committees for Congregational ----- Cborch Sale—Present Gifts to i Two tables wore in play. Pari ‘s’nn© n-o a V Pastor—Personals NORWAY. Oct. 18 (Special.) The following committees have been _ . __ appointed to have charge of the an- I ™ '* ™ ,= so garage. Tel. 979-M AUBlTRN—M'vl-rn *iw n fn private Carl Stone was called home from j try. Breakfast if desired. Tei. um - t : Indianapolis, Ind.. owing to th* v e i ’ w r Tgr i ' r - ' r ' e ^ — zrrr— -------------- ‘—«—»—— —1 ' n rTTxvNTSHtrD room. With k.tcaeDc..v. kets mixed wood $2.00. Birch edging*. T Fine edg rgs. 5 bags of coke 90c. Sl M;r\t Av^. Woorfyarrf. Tel. 432. . _i furn Fannie Drummond of Ohio w ill be j , . | the speaker. F"ull details will appear | CROPS ! VN '-^ .----- ---------... . J - i later. At the close of the program chick M ». duck* imu'.cmen;* com-! c& £ f-r riz. ‘ F-'at St- j Mrs. Colby served refreshments. ACRES, TEAM, 4 COWS, ■ K^’APP AUTO EXCHANGE 7 7i94 Miller SAVE MONEY ! mp.ements. com ure. est. 200 bu. potatoes. 80 bu. oats. 200 bu. corn. hav. etc. thrown for PERFECTION %PRING SERVICE 'I l LISBON ST. TEL. 2272 ious ccrrrdinbn of his father. Frank | heaterf." TeL 1524. P. Stone. Who suffered an in turn. ( TWO LARGE hourakeeplr.g rsom* Stea~ Saturday afternoon. Mr. Stone was I hested. modern conveniences. Near *hoe quite Improved Tuesday morning. shop. S3 Manley st.. Auburn. Mrs. George Carter is miking an nual December ©ale of'the C o n g r e - C^ bl s^ — gattonat church. "Dec. 3 and 4. I Fancy work, Mrs. Gertrude Libby Mrs. Harriet C. Brown, chair- Miss Nellie Smith, Mrs. Grace oydl. Mrs Virginia Luce. Mrs. Torence Pike. Mrs. Carrie Swett, Mrs. Lilia Locke. Mrs. Helen Noyes, Mrs. Carollno Fisher," Mrs. *HeIen ; du.ri?^ Borneman, Mrs. Georgia Swain, Mrs. Verna Edminster. Miss Tessa Thi- bodeau, Mrs. Clara Luck. Mrs. Tena Burrell. Mrs. Ethel Luck. Mrs. Annie Knight, Mrs. Edith Day, Mrs. Fannie Clark. Mrs. Alice Stearns, Mrs. Cora Cummings. Mrs. Bernice Greenlaw, Mrs. Blanche Tubbs, Mrs. Beatrice Rowe. Mrs. Nancy Longley. Mrs. Barbara Mattor. Mrs. Elizabeth Cum- m ln », Mrs. Eleanor Noble. Mrs. Eva J Swett, Mrs. Grace Cushman; aprons, Mrs. Clara Howe, Mrs. Min- nie Pike, Mrs. Alice Smith. Mrs. Net- tle Nevers. Mrs. Fannie Burnell, Miss Elizabeth Foss. Mrs. Minnie Herrick. Mrs. Gladys Rich. Miss Harriett B. Auburn, Monday, and called to see her. Miss Marian L. Downing is in Portland this week to attend the Re- b^kah Assembly. Others from th© lodge are attending evening sessions The Road to* Happiness” will be presented at an early dat© under the auspices of the Norway-Paris band. John Walker has gone to Harri- son to spend the winter with his sis- ter. Mrs. Caroline Kneeland after spending th© summer with his daughter. Mrs. Gertrude Hosmer. The Home Department of the Bap- tist church w ill meet Wednesday evening at the horn© of Miss Mercy E. M illett, Water street at 7:15 o’clock. For the third consecutive year, the Rev. John Singleton, pastor of th© Methodist church, has given the em- ployees of the two shoe factories, FIRST FLOOR: Steam heated room with hot and cold water la room, phone and bath. Call 247!, room* bat!:, housekeeping. ?<3 Main St. light 5 BASKETS fitted wood or birch erfg- 1 logs 37.10. Five ba£s_coke 50c. F. B. Eve-4 - terhT Chegfnut ST.. Auburn. Tel. 356. NEWLY furni*hed. heated room* 50 Hammond St,_______________________________ TWO FURNISHED rooms for housekeep- Ing, 78 Sprlng St.. Auburn._____________ LARGE front room *t S3 Auburn. Heat and light* Pleasant St.. BURN SLAILS-UU4 rtf cord- at New Gloucester Tei. Lams 4353. ------ WEST PARIS { ! car sraragre. hen house: 3'accredited cow'* i Vx/ V for worn out j WEST PARIS. Oct. 16 (Special—A j : * H rn!,nS. ™n -th- A“‘ S°es for. 32?11. L ,P ^ °_ ^ '^ ;-° 'a^ - R ' a * a ,-/'” !' 1 HaHowe'en special w ill be "held' tnj 7Fri-t cash. Details pg. 23 Stroufs r.ew J '. — Kin* V°r 3-> ^ ; <zi&Zogr~-€on7 free. Stroat Asrency. 813- ' Te^ T395-TT, ^ 1 hall 0-4. -4 unae* iB U r W ITH SAFETY As a second car choose one ot our reconditioned jobs. 1929 Dodge Sport Sedan. Haa had only_ 6,000 miles by prominent Lewiston druggist. Car perfect in every way. This- i* a won- derful buy a t ......... . *1035 1927 Whippet 6 eyt. Sedan. This is a smart, aood looking, light family car. Small mileage and has been run by a private family. Quick sale only *350.00 1S28 Chevrolet Coupe. Everyone know* these cars. This is one of the best. Yours for .. * 3 8 5 . LEWISTON MOTOES, INC. 19-21 PARK ST. LEW18TON . -or quick settlement: produce* arood t DAYTON fan'belts tor all pass^n^ex £2's ; c r o p s b rook* fru;L---- wood— eed *im be;. ( a h/y ?i'iT^k'sT ----------- 2.25 good o-room cottage, amp-:© barn, new 2- \ 2777777== n . g-_----- : ---------- ------------------------- HIGHEST CASH pr.ce^ pa'd for worn out storage batteries. K. Mingo, _i*INL A . V O - s ^ a b s . $5 coTiL TT1!- * cash. Defail* pe. 33” Stroui’s new FITTED Hard ood and birch edg-.ngs. 55.CO per .oad. Tel. 2397-J or 1651 -R. > o d South Bldg.. Boston. Mars. Auction Sales __ Hotels—Resorts—Camps Seashore .and Lake Resorts Some End of Season Bargains Bayv;ew Shores ' ( KarpsweHT. Two lots of $19 each. Edgewater. T w o lots* at 549 each. Oceanside (Ba!l#y Island) Three lets at $69 each. Stovers Point. A few of a large general htore will be sold a : i £ood lots $69 each.(Lake) Annabessacook Public Auction. Tuesday Oct. 22. McFa 11* j Shores. Four lots $39 each Any of Auction Rooms. Stock consists of school1 * may be purchased on terms of one supplies, clothing, mattresses, furniture, collar weekly. Any will be shown upon and many other articles which will be request. „ J or particulars see phone or j listed In the bills. Free Steamed cl&m • address Edward h. Swett. 36 Lisbon SU ! lunch. C. A. Austin. Prop.. & . Auctioneer. ! (oyer Wool worth Store). Tel. 1136. THE BANKRUPT STOCK LIGHT housekeeping room*. 63 Academy Street._______________________________________ LARGE, front room to let, nice for two gentlemen, near business section A,so j salist Sunday school at the home of I WANTED: Used light cars. Highest prices palrf. Bates Ft. Garage. Sl Bates, Lewiston. 1299-M. Automobile Part? ----- HEADQUARTERS For automobile Part* For AH Make* Of Cars Palmer King Motor Co. 172 Mldrfl. Lew Tel 2180 HARTFORD BATTERIES auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. The first meeting of the Parent- Teachers A^s^njoftoeyear was held Monday evening at the .school house. In the absence of the president. Prof. D. L. Libby presided. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as foi- |lows: President. Herbert H ill; vice ; president. Rev. G. C. Smith; secre- _ | tary and treasurer. Miss Gertrude j Perham; chairmen of committees. Oxford Baptist association at th© First Church, Paris Hill,' on Tues- day. ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Patch enter- tained at dinner. Saturday evening. Mrs. Harrietts Porter, Miss Mercy Millett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cam- mi ng.e and Misg GerrrndPL_Gardner. all of Norway. Miss Gardner re- mained-for the week-end. Business Opportunities TOGUS table board. Tel. 3525 or call *t 90 Pleas- ! ant St. Auburn. < •a lrs- STEAM HEATED ROOM, private ramily. near bath. 49 Wood St. Arthur E. .Forbes Saturday i afternoon. LODGING HOCov. and complete furnisli- ! lags 95 1-2 Main St. Lew. Call 195-R. At* retell, .UI3S n a i i i e i t o. - ... __..., __ .... If- l Snlng8 by lining hy oS un“ wo black boards on Lyon street, one In sight of the Jellerson-Rafer factory, and the other for the Norway Shoe Co. At the close of the last game Monday afternoon. Mr. Singleton wrote on the boards “Hope to be with > ou in 1930. To show their apprecia- McAHister. Mrs. Ella Chaffin. Mrs Esther Anderson. Mrs. C. J. Lukens. Mrs. Kate Cummings. Mrs. Mary An- drews, Mrs. Rosa York. Mrs. Verna Dow. -^Tea room. Mrs. Blanche Smith. nfa. Grace Brown, Mrs. Etta Maxim, Mrs. Edith Easton. Mrs. Marion Jel- lerson, Mrs. Florence Bradbury. M rs.1 t:on- m«n Annie Andrews, Mrs. Imogene Presented Mr. Singleton with a fine Sampson, Mrs. Irene Luck; candy, Mrs. Caressa Morgan. Miss Lula JSvran. Mrs. Io’.a Never*, Mrs. Cleona Tracy, Miss Ruth Tracy, Miss Irene Nevers. Miss Daisy Chase, Mrs. Buth Witham, Miss Marion Welch. Mrs. Ava Wight, Mrs. Ida Ray, Miss Mary Pride. Miss Rublra Sharon. ___________________________________ . . T1*? Tw:n Town Xatur« cLub w5n 1 case of appendicitis several weeks Large ROOM, with kitchenette. 12 Vine its next me^winjf at t..e nom6 of • ^<^ 0^ pj© jg slowly Improving st- ^ ai>urn. _________________ ; _______ ; Mrs. Bertha Noyes at Norway. i In honor of Miss Viola Walton. I Mr- a" d Mrs- Ernest f- Sanborn , formerly of South Paris who is of Norway, South Paris, Hebron and ar© receiving congratulations on the j spending two weeks in South Paris th© Lion’s club, at the grange hall birth of a son, Ernest Alonzo. Jr. ; an(j Xorway. Mrs. Muriel Edmunds at Norway Thursday evening, Oct. I H. Linscott of Orr's Island has ( entertained a bridge party which in- 17 at 730. J been visiting his daughter. Mrs. E .. c!uaed besides the hostess and guest Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Babb and baby . B. Tetley. ! of honor: Miss Elizabeth Klain. who hav© been visiting Mrs. Babb's Mrs. Sara B. Parlin is entertaining . Mrs Helen Shaw, yflfes Bana Beede parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dun- her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. • MiSs Maxine Bennett, Mrs. Agnes ham, have returned to their home' S Augustus Lord of Beverly, Mass., Perkins. Mrs. Mildred Fox, Mrs. Ida at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hubbard re- Babb, Mrs. Louise Patterson, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Chapman is mak- cently entertained Miss Be mis of, Laura Shaw and Mrs. Marie Russell. Fryeburg. j Mrs. Helen Shaw received first prize. Hamlin Temple, Pythian Sisters ; and Mrs. Marie Russell the consola- will observe annual roll call Tuesday: tion. evening. Nov. 12. I Mrs. R. E. Chapman, and for ail make* or ear. price. 36.95 anrf Educational, Mrs. Lyndell Farr: pro- up. Also userf b a ttle * 33.09 ana up. Tei! i gram. Mrs. Dorothy Ross; social, os about your battery trouble* Hlgelns \r r<5 at V tVIPiarris- n -.,. ATra Garaae. Auburn Tel. 1073. I r” rs' E- W illiam s, p.ess, 2 U.S. I -------- 72 u.-_.T-,—772 2 .- — --------- rimma Hollis. , LoED ALTO PARTS Prof. Libby reported the gift of aj ; For your old <-ar,«. Boucht. sold and e*- check Of $20 from the class Of 1929. i changed, Joe Barbe-. Hotel Rd, 2597-52. : After the routine business, the fol- ! j lowing interesting program was pre- j j papers regarding New Yortc city by , sented: Selection by the school or-I j Mrs. Alta Wise, Mrs. Eva Titus, and chestra; reading, Rowena Verge; j |Mrs. Amy Nutting. vocal solo, Sylvia Morgan; drama- Eugene Robinson has engaged the •*iza7ion °- “The Three Bears.” first: . , . tt . ! Sirade; piano solo. Alma McKeen;] lower ren,. m Herman \\ ilson s house j motion song, second grade; orches-• on Western avenue and with his tra seiecti0n The annual sale, supper and en- 1 tertainment of the United Parish will 1 be held Thursday. Oct. 2l. Mrs. H. L. Hatch is entertaining I her sister, Mrs. Frank Millett of Nox- ! ing a good recovery from an opera- tion at the Eye and Ear Infirmary at Portland. The Trumbull Players will pre- , sent “Judy Steps In," Friday eve- The first meeting of the season o f , Howard A. Swan recently received ning, Oct. 25 in Association hall. ! the Luncheon club was held at the a call from their brother, Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Trenoweth, 1 home of Mrs. J. G. Littlefield. Fol- 1 E. Littlefield of Hartford. Athol, Mass* are receiving congrat- j lowing the luncheon at one o’clock The Seneca ciub will hold Its first _ __________ . _ ,ulations on the birth of a daugh- ! four tables at bridge were in play. wool sweater, and those Jn the “big” » ^er I Ralph Stiles Is at home from the shop an easy chair. 1 ^ business meeting will be held by C.M.G. hospital at Lewiston where he dayevening. T1 Mis* Maude Williams from Mas- the optimistic class of the Univer- ‘ was operated on for an advanced elude: Rollcall: family will move there from Nichols street, Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Irving O. Barrows are moving from their house. o» Bar- rows. street into the Park street house recently occupied by th© late; way. meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Eva W. Howard next Mon- Frank Bennett. Young people's night will be ob- Mrs. ) served at Paris grange meeting Sat- urday evening when Lake View grange of Auburn will be a guest. A buffet lunch will be served after the meeting. Rev. Rensel H. Colby's sermon subject at the Congregational sachusetts has been spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Minnie Sanborn. Mr. and Mrs. Georg© L. Curtis were week-end guests of their E^rtilc© Sharon/ Mi«a d E E S Longley; mystery booth, Mrs. Geor- gia Chute, Mrs. Mildred Nevers. Mrs. Mildred Hosmer. Mrs. Gladys Russell. Mrs. Eleanor Allen. Miss Marjorie Rich, Mra Edward McKay Mrs. Orville Palmer; food table. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bartlett, Mra Lena Andrews. Mrs. Lu’.u Gilbert, Mra Walter Luck, Mra Frank Lovejoy, Mrs. Sadie Lapham, Mrs. Bessie Foss, Mr*. Mary Chase, Mrs. Kath- erine Morrill. Mra Woodbury Rus- sell, Mrs. Leon Longley, Mrs. Cora>' Mrs. Moses Kimball. Mra fimbail, Mra Rachael Brown. Ilia Charles, Mrs. Belle De- day_ evening. The program will in- church Sunday morning will be “The j current events and Church and the School." All school * sermon at th© fall-session Arthur T. Flavin. American con- j sul at Palermo. Sicily, arrived Mon- : day for a short visit with his par- j ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Flavin, ieav- ing on Tuesday afternoon for Wash- ington where he will remain until the middle of December when he will again visit his people, before leav- ing this country. Rev. George C. Smith preached the of th© NATIONAL HOME. TOGUS#, OCX. 18 (Special)—The funeral of John Goulding was held in the Home chapel Wednesday morning. Rev. P. H. Hershey officiating. Th© following members were granted passes to visit friends and relatives: Joseph Drapeau to Bos- ton. Mass.: Fred Beauregard to Port- land, and William Bushey to Water- vine. William King to Portland. Ernest La fleu re to Lewiston, and James Mahan to Augusta. Th© following were re-admitted to the Home: Thomas A. McGee. Joseph T. Sweeney and Jefferson Ellis. John A. McDougall was trans- ferred from th© Central Branch to this Horn© and was admitted Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Williamson hav© returned from a short visit with relatives in Unity. WEST WICKLOW* WINS CESAREWITCH RACE NEWMARKET. Eng„ Oct. 15—liP) —West Wicklow, ridden by C- Rich - ards and an outsider, today won the historic Cesarewltch. England's great autumn handicap. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus They attended the wedding recep- tion of Miss Virginia Small. Mrs. Seabury played the wedding march at the marriage ceremony. Mr*. Abble Llnnell. who ha* been with Mrs. Fred D. Hosmer for some months( has gone to Lewiston, where she plans to remain for the present. ' SOUTH PARIS SOUTH PARIS. O^t. 16 (Spe- cial)—Mrs. Irene Bullock of Yon- kers, N. Y.. and her sister. Mrs. coster.. Mrs. Ella Perry, Mrs. Emma ; Elizabeth Wilde of Milwaukee. Wls., Wilkinls. Miss Anna Stone, Mrs. and Clyde Hansen also of Milwaukee Leona Tubbs. Mrs. Sarah Fickett, Mra Myrtle Harding; entertainment, Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Fannie Horne: decorating. Mrs. Tena Bur- nell, Mrs. Annie Knight; supper. MERE CCFrf£^> ■THE OlCK.'M MVb COOLOM 'T FiM O g /V LOCOMOTIVE INI /\ ROONO-HOObt-V/HV 0)0 THEN < pEMO HIM? al : while on an automobile tour, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Georg© R. Morton. William J. Fortune, vie© president _ .. . of th© Shawmut National bank. Bos- Mrs. Alice Steams. Mrs. Gertrud© J ton. also a director of the Boston Hosmer. Mrs. Queeni© Saleeby, Mrs. < Chamber ot Commerce will address Carrlo Swett. Mrs. Alice Smith. Mrs. a Joint meeting of the Norway-Paris ■Addle Lovejoy, Mrs. Sadie Lapham. Kiwanis club; tho Boards of Trade. £ T WELblPVOO Tt-UMK V O j kin ) fimo the C Rook that ‘STOLE MACClft RlNJG'b C O AME-AJO 0 O T IF TOO CIT LOST OOMT BLAME ME iA V - LVEfTEN)- DEM CROOKbCANT FOOL Mt WHEN) I’M ON) OE CA^ pE OET ARE A«b G O O D A'b IN) JAIL- NOW 3 <t>1929. IntT Teeter* ' S«Tle*.tee.Creet***•*"rtf«ii*M rw l ^0 .jg •WELL T O O ■WONiT MAKE ME MAO IF VOU ClT’EM- a f s vywy, ‘S a y . o & y CTAMW GIT AW AY VUiO a m v t ' im c V a JMEN) I'M O N OE JOB- 'WME.tNl OE.V KNJOVJ I'M IN) TOVJNl • O EX''Ll— LEAVE- yooR AUTO •E> (SO M E ? __ _ 1 . 1 »


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    THE A IR{ 2:99— S a ils Bros. orchestra direction

    And* Sxnsella. Announcer ATvyo E.I W. Bart).j 9: JO— Forty Fathom Trawler*, dramatic

    yarns oi the sea. direction Vernon Rad- r cllffe : orchestra direction Frank V a s- •’ nonl. Announcer Alwya E. W . Bach.! 10:00— ABA Voyager*, musics', review of , the series, male octet direction George \ Dliworth: 13-piece band direction Hugo

    Marina!. Announcer Georg* Beuchler.10:30— Sr comber* - Carlson Program.

    Rochester Civic Orchestra. 13-piece, direction Guy Fraser Harrison. Announcer W illiam Fay.

    11:00— The Pepaodent Program. Amos ‘a ’ Andy, biacklace comedians.

    WEDNESDAY■ ^ I G H T * B E S T F E A T U R E S I

    ■ E a stern S ta n d a rd T im o .) }■"W EAF, N e w Y o rk , M a rim b a !

    S efltf.-3C— W C S H , P o r t la n d , a r d R od .

    N e tw o r k , G o ld e n G am a.JkZPtt B oh o w c t a d y , W G Y P lay ora .^ 6 ~ W C $ M a n d R o d N o tw o rk , M o - ;

    o ~ » • C o n c e r t .W A K , N o w Y o r k , V o ic o o f C o - Ii

    JC — W C S H a n d R od N e tw o rk 1 l i t i s — Slumber Music. string ensemblen . ; ____ i direction Ludwig Laurler. Announcer“ ■*PPT w o n a o r B a k ers . Aiwyn E. w . Bach.a n d B lu e N e tw o rk , S ytva n ia | i l : 00— Aviation W eather Forecast,

    r cre a to rs . W E iF (4S4.MI) New T ork (ONE.)A 'lP , P h il* -, V ik in g * M ale Q u a rtet, f (K ey Station B ed Network)

    M — W C S H a n d R ed N e tw o rk , Ipan a 6:00—B lack and Gold Boom Orchestra. T r o u b a d o u r s . direction Ludw-^ Lanrier. Announcer

    « r. _ , _ i bnedden Weir.r fN A C , W A B C , R od o e a l . D ra m a , i ; :t>0— Blue and W hite Marimba Band. W T IC , H a r t fo r d , S eth P a rk e r 's s Iranian Program . direction AlfredO id -fk o h io n o d S in g in g -s c h o o l . j , Theodor . Webb, bert- « . r , E v e n in g o f Indian S o n g s . j tone: Elsie Baker, contralto; string

    .3G—W C S H . W E A F , P a lm o liv # ; quartet.•four • 3:00— E m o R apee's Mobiloil Concert.

    ■ ___ - • w , .. - ; Douglas Stanbury. baritone. Announcer If t J Z . D ra m a t ic Y a r n s o f th e S ea . '■ j 0jm s. Young.W N A C , W A B C , L a P atina } S:30— Happy W onder Bakers, Prank'n e k e e t Luther, tenor; male trio: Frank Black.

    4 3 * - w i z wm4 m . . e N et,. „ l , S e c t o r . Announcer EdwardV o y a g e rs . R e v ie w . * S:00— Ipana Troubadour*. Arthur Schutt.‘A N A C , W A B C , B row n U n iv ers ity j pianist: male tr io ; orchestra direction S a n d . K o ls t e i . ’ A onouac« r Pr° ‘W G Y , S c h e n e c ta d y , G eneral E le c - | »:S0— Palm olive Hour, o liv e Palmer. *o- t r i c O r c h e s t r a ; P au la H e m m in g - < prano: Paul Oliver. tenor: Elizabethw_—_ C unt. .Itr 1 Lennox, contralto: The Revelers: Lew-

    o ~ . I is 'Jam es and Jam es Melton, tenors;A E N R , C h ic a g o . M instrel S h o w . , Elliott Shaw, baritone: W ilfred Glenn.

    ~ V> W 17 a n d B lue N e t w o r k .!; orchestra direction Gnt&v*R o ch e s te r C iv ic O rch e stra . |

    srarn. Charles H ackett. tenor: B. A. S olle and His Orchestra.

    11:00— National Grand Opera. "Carmen." Cast: Carmen. D e v o n Nadworaey. contralto; Don Jose. Julian Oliver, tenor; M.caela. Muriel Wilson, soprano: Zuniga. Frank Croxtoa. bass: Eaoamillo. Theodore Webb, baritone; Morales. E d-

    ' ward W olter. baritone. Direction Ce-sare Sodero. Announcer Milton J. Cross.

    [ 72 :C90— Palais d'Or Orchestrs.! W LAL ( t o u t . ) Nashville (14NK.)• 6 :45— Music Box. •l 7:06— Voice o f Columbia from CBS s;u- j dios.

    T. i 3:66— Bob Cason, popular pianist. omtralto. Theodore Webb. baritone. I Fm} - . Arthur Henkel, organist.

    Program : 'Country Gardens. Grainger, j * (p=aP»- itrin* cu artet; Beauty's Eyes. T o s t , l * :* *~ J J LA C _ p5 asin* ^ :a r‘* i t !T '. .. Baritone solo. Theodore W ebb; Beau | 3:26— Dixie Echoes from C B s studio*. Soir. Debussy: Maman Dites Moi. 1 W AAM (34»M .) Newark Uia*K.) Wecklin. Contralto solo. Elsie Baker; • 5:06— James Sheridan. Harry Corey.In An Old Fashioned Town, Squire. ! 9 :S0— Alpine Mountaineers.Sylvia. Speaks. Baritone solo: Dream - ! 16:01— Your State, tag. Crist. L ift Thine Eyes. Logan, t 10:20— Uke Gardner.Contralto solo: Gavotte. Martini. String i 10:30—Cameo Club Orchestra, quartet. I il;© 0— Belleville Gardens orchestra.M— MbbUoil Quality Hour. Erno R ap- > 11:36— Piccadilly Club Orchestra, ne's Orchestra in Spanish Program : In- j 12:30— Great Notch in n „ Orchestra.

    , from -Goyescaa." Granados; WNAC (S44M.) Boston (1236K.)(segnidiUas). Albeaix: Tango . - ;&0_ Xed aaU bis Gang.

    Albem z; ; s :3o— Menihan's A rch Aiders.Seng-of the Postilion. Granados: Bari- , 5 :« ; _ B a y State Nurserymen, tone oolo. Douglas Stanbury: Midsum- ; s . , „ _ The ch am pion *mer J fights Serenade. Albenlz: Triana, ! g .1-__Modernists. Presented-, bj2 ‘a S X I?S7i*"vvS“ lte' , l Thompson Bros. Shoe Co. t:36— M l t F . Happy W onder Bakers, i £ — Tuo Colt Commanders.Prank Luther, tenor. ma-e tr:o. Or- ; g;J9 Talisman and his Crusaders. :usextra. Flute and Clarinet Duet. . - 05— sscott Farriers' Dinner Orchestra, j

    :6*— Ipana Troubadours. W EAF. ; .jje oraclea * —Palm olive Hour, featuring Paul ; 7:10L -x i* W NAC’ Players present "The : OKvea tenor, in D vorak* Songs My i Managers."Motugrv Taught M e." Revelers quartet. , S :»ex_Huke'e Sound Investors, presenting unusual arrangement o f J - - - -Georg* Gershwin'B2o a ? The "P o l non" (-interpreted

    a3uper Oil Heater Program,

    -reetiea. Adolphe Dumont. Announcer * 7 :45—(Frank J. Bradbury. Ban jo.St.T a t Pearson. I S :00— Spanish Musicaie of Granados and* M. . — V- the \(fthi,hl1by John B. Kennedy.

    . Lokta Cabrera Gainsborg. pl- oucceit* Announcer Milton J. Cross. _

    |y South.” Katherine Tift-Jonee.»cer Milton J. Cross,

    be Yeast Foamera. with Chagncey Tsons. tenor: Herald and Freddie

    com edy duo; orchestra direction Kogen. A S

    J! van is Foresters: male quartet L EHxabeth Lennox, contra direction R oy Close: orchestra direc- — tlon Bernard Altschuler. Announcer jfn ton J. Cross.

    Albehix Composition by the Mobtloil Orchestra, d irected by Erno Rapee.(X.B .S.) F u tu re . ___

    8:30— Happy W onder B akers (N.B.S.1 9:90— Seth Parker’ s Old Fashioned Sing

    ing School In Joneaport. Me. presented by Colt'* Patent Firearm* Manufacturing Co.

    ."Palmolive Hour” (N.B.S.) tenor: abeth Lennox, contralto; The Revel-

    W EEI (3*9 M.) Boston (5M K .)6:20—W EEI Dinner Music6:43—Cap’n Bailey and the W :dder Dyer7:00— Big Brother Club7:30— Pedomusclar Minstrels8:00— 10:30— From W E A F16:23— Chamber o f Com m erce Organ Ke-- vital -------------- -— ------- ’
