Webconference : Jan 29, 2013

Big Data’s Big Impact on Businesses Webconference : Jan 29, 2013

Transcript of Webconference : Jan 29, 2013

Big Data’s Big Impact on Businesses

Webconference : Jan 29, 2013

Key Takeaways

Introduction to Big Data

Global Landscape and Trends

The Big Data Opportunity

Slide 3

Slide 5

Slide 12

Big Data’s Big Impact on Businesses

Slide 20

Key Takeaways

� Big Data market opportunity is expected to witness strong growth in the next 5 years

– Expected to touch US$25 billion globally; the ‘BIG’ opportunity for India lies in the IT & IT-enabled Services space, which is likely to be ~US$ 10-11 billion market globally in 2015

– India is likely to garner a ~10% share of the ~US$ 10-11 billion global Big Data IT Services Market by 2015

– Data-related regulations like Dodd-Frank and Basel III to impact Big Data implementations

� Initially, North America & Europe are likely to drive the Big Data opportunity since over 85% of the world’s data is today residing in these 2 regions

� New database architectures and innovative analytics tools & techniques to facilitate Big Data implementations

� By end of 2012, around 90% of Fortune 500 companies had some initiatives underway related to Big Data

� Key verticals driving demand for Big Data analytics: Financial services, Retail, Telecom, Healthcare and Manufacturing

� Key risk – potential shortfall of 1.5 million Data-Savvy Managers and 140,000-190,000 Data Scientists in the US by 2018


Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis

Key Takeaways

An Introduction to Big Data

Slide 3

Slide 5

� Definition of Big Data

� Big Data ecosystem

� Benefits of Big Data to enterprises

� Key applications for end consumers

Global Landscape and Trends

The Big Data Opportunity

Slide 16

Slide 23

Big Data is Defined by Volume, Variety and Velocity


Size of Data



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Big Data analyticsBig Data analytics

Big DataBig Data

Traditional analytics

Traditional analytics

Advanced analyticsAdvanced analytics

Big Data relates to rapidly growing, Structured and Unstructured datasets with sizes beyond the ability of

conventional database tools to store, manage, and analyze them. In addition to its size and complexity, it refers to

its ability to help in “Evidence-Based” Decision-making, having a high impact on business operations

What is Big Data ?




Large quantity of data which may be enterprise-specific or general and public or private


Diverse set of data being created, such as social networking feeds, video and audio files, email, sensor data and other raw data


Speed of data inflow as well as rate at which this fast-moving data needs to be stored


Gigabytes Terabytes Petabytes Zetabytes

Small Data SetsSmall Data Sets

Small Data SetsSmall Data Sets

Traditional analytics

Traditional analytics

Big DataBig Data

Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis


Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis

The Global Data likely to Grow at a CAGR of 41%


� Need for large storage capacity and quick retrieval of data

� Enable informed decision-making effectively, leveraging large data sets

– Turn 12 TB of Tweets created each day into improved product sentiment analysis

– Convert 350 billion annual meter readings to better predict power consumption

Implication for an organization

2009 2011 2015 2020







Growth of global data, 2009-2020

Note: ZB stands for Zetabytes; Source: IDC; CRISIL GR&A analysis

Today 80% of Data Existing in any Enterprise is Unstructured Data


� Variety of sources from where data is being

generated has also undergone a shift

� The types of data being created has changed from

structured to semi-structured to unstructured data

� Variety of sources from where data is being

generated has also undergone a shift

� The types of data being created has changed from

structured to semi-structured to unstructured data

Structured Data

� Resides in formal data stores – RDBMS and Data

Warehouse; grouped in the form of rows or columns

� Accounts for ~10% of the total data existing currently

AudioVideoWeather patternsBlogs

Location co-ordinatesText message

Web logs & clickstreams

RDBMS (e.g., ERP and CRM

Data Warehousing

Microsoft Project Plan File

Semi-Structured Data

� A form of structured data that does not conform with the

formal structure of data models

� Accounts for ~10% of the total data existing currently

Unstructured Data

� Comprises data formats which cannot be stored in row/

column format like audio files, video, clickstream data,

� Accounts for ~80% of the total data existing currently

Sensor data/ M2M Email Social media

Geospatial data


� Need to manage broad range of data types

� Process analytic queries across numerous data


� Need to manage broad range of data types

� Process analytic queries across numerous data


� Need to extract meaningful analysis from this data

has led to several technologies to gain traction

� Examples include NoSQL databases to store

unstructured data as well as innovative processing

methods like Hadoop and massive parallel

processing (MPP)

� Need to extract meaningful analysis from this data

has led to several technologies to gain traction

� Examples include NoSQL databases to store

unstructured data as well as innovative processing

methods like Hadoop and massive parallel

processing (MPP)

Implication for organizationImplication for organization

Solutions required Solutions required

Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis




Big Data will Enable Real Time Analytics


� Big Data is also characterized by velocity or speed i.e. frequency of data generation or the frequency of data delivery

� New age communication channels such as mobile phones, emails, social networking has increased the rate of information flows


� Telcos adopting location based marketing based on user location sensed by mobile towers

� Satellite images can help monitor and analyze troop movements, a flood plane, cloud patterns, or forest fires

� Video analysis systems could monitor a sensitive or valuable facility, watching for possible intruders and alert authorities in real time

Big Data velocity enabling real time use of data

Data velocity

per minute

600+videos on YouTube 200

million+ emails sent

2 million+

Google search queries

400,000+minutes of

Skype calling

400,000+tweets on


US$ 300,000+ are spent on online shopping

700,000+ Facebook updates

7,000+ photos on


1,500+blog posts

3500+ticks per minute in securities


Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis





Big Data Analytics is Application of Advanced Techniques on Big Datasets; Answers Questions Previously Considered Beyond Reach


Evolution of analytics



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In-database analyticsAnalytics as a separate value chain function


Standard reports

Adhoc reports


Statistical analysis

Forecast- ing

Predictive modeling


Stochastic optimization

Natural Language Processing

Big Data analytics

Complex event processing

Predictive analytics


Basic analytics� What happened? � When did it happen?� What was the its impact ?

Advanced analytics

� Why did it happen?

� When will it happen again?

� What caused it to happen?

� What can be done to avoid it?

Multivariate statistical analysis

Time series analysis

Behavioral analytics

Data mining

Constraint based BI

Social network analytics

Semantic analytics

Online analytical processing (OLAP)

Extreme SQLVisualization

Analytic database functions

� Big Data analytics is where advanced analytic techniques are applied on Big Data sets

� The term came into play late 2011 – early 2012

Late 1990s 2000 onwards

Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis

Query drill


Big Data Management, Analytics, IT Services & Applications are the Key Constituents of Big Data Ecosystem


Data Sources

Big Data Analytics

Components of Big Data Ecosystem

Developer Environments(Languages (Java), Environments (Eclipse & NetBeans), programming interfaces (MapReduce))

Analytics products

(Avro, Apache Thrift)

BI &visualization


Applications(mobile, search, web)

End users

Business analysts

Big Data

Data ArchitectureHadoop/ Big Data tech’y framework

(MapReduce etc.)

Unstructured data

(Text, web pages, social media content, video etc.)

Structured data

(stored in MPP, RDBMS and DW*)

Data administration tools



NoSQL Hadoop based

Operational Data






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ETL & Data integration products

System tools

Workflow/ scheduler products

Input data

Four key elements:

1. Big Data Management & storage:

� Data storage infrastructureand technologies

2. Big Data Analytics

� Includes the technologies and tools to analyze the data and generate insight from it

3. Big Data’s Application & Use

� Involves enabling the Big Data insights to work in BI and end-user applications

4. IT services including

� System Integration

� Consulting

� Project management and customization

What does the Big Data Ecosystem Constitute ?

*MPP – Massively parallel processing; RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management Systems; DW – Data warehouseSource: CRISIL GR&A analysis

Key takeaways

An Introduction to Big Data

Global Landscape and Trends

The Big Data Opportunity

Slide 3

Slide 5

Slide 16

Slide 23

� Big Data – Geographic Analysis

� Market Trends & Developments

North America & Europe Drives the Big Data Opportunity with over 85% of the World’s Data







Data generated: High to low

Amount of new Big Data stored (Petabytes), 2010

� Key verticals: Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Digital Marketing

� Demand trend: High demand of Big Data analytics


� Key verticals: Telecom, Retail, Banking� Demand trend: Still embryonic; most

organizations have wait and watch approach

� Demand trend: Current demand appears to be limited, however, lack of skills may drive outsourcing of Big Data analytics

� Low awareness levels

� Key verticals: Technology, Financial services, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Manufacturing

� Demand trend: European MNC’s are still in the early stages of the adoption cycle

North America

South America


Middle East




As North America and Europe account for the lion’s share of the world’s data the initial opportunity of both Big Data implementations and analytics lies in the these geographies i.e. developed economies

Source: McKinsey Global Institute; CRISIL GR&A analysis

� Key verticals: Manufacturing, Telecom, Health & Life Sciences

� Demand trend: Demand for BI to derive operational efficiency

� Key verticals: Telecom, Bioinformatics, Retail

� Demand trend: Industry is in nascent stage with demand catching up, particularly in retail


Emergence of Niche Startups and Large IT Players Enhancing their Big Data Capabilities are key enablers for the Industry


Market Trends and Developments

Emergence of niche Big Data startups driving technological innovation

Large IT players leveraging M&As to add Big Data capabilities to their service portfolios

Financial Services, Retail and Telecom are likely to be the early adopters in the Big Data space

Talent shortage is one of the biggest challenges of the Big Data space




Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis


Emergence of niche Big Data start-ups to boost technological innovation


A new class of companies, specializing in Big Data technologies have emerged, to capitalize on the

opportunities in the Big Data domain

Big Data start-ups – Key characteristics

Specialized in niche Big Data technologies like

Hadoop, NoSQL systems, in-memory analytics,

multiple parallel processing, and analytical


Specialized in niche Big Data technologies like

Hadoop, NoSQL systems, in-memory analytics,

multiple parallel processing, and analytical





Majority of start-ups generate revenue less than

USD 50 million and exhibit double digit revenue

growth annually

Majority of start-ups generate revenue less than

USD 50 million and exhibit double digit revenue

growth annually

Most start-ups raising funding by private ventures

or being acquired by large IT players

Most start-ups raising funding by private ventures

or being acquired by large IT players

Technology Area Players*

Hadoop distributions

Non Hadoop Big Data Platforms

Analytic Platforms and Applications

Cloud-based Big Data Applications

*Indicative list of playersSource: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis


Large IT Players Leveraging M&As to add Big Data Capabilities to their Service Portfolios


Key highlights

� Acquisition targets are mainly innovative Big Data


� M&As with bigger deal value are happening in data


� M&As in the Big Data space had tripled in the first half of 2012

Area AcquirerTarget

CompanyDate Deal value Rationale

Data Management

Oct. '11 USD 1.1 billion � Develop a comprehensive platform to analyze Big Data

Mar. '11USD 263

million� Strengthen position in data warehousing market through

expertise in SQL and MapReduce-based analysis

Advanced analytics

Jun. '12 N.A.� Extend Smarter Commerce suite with qualitative analytics


May. '12 N.A.� Leverage data navigation technologies for Big Data by

automating discovery of through innovative index and search capabilities

May. '12 N.A. � Addition of sales performance analytics

May. '12 N.A. � Enhance Big Data marketing analytics

Apr. '12 N.A. � Acquisition of spend and procurement analytics

Mar. '12 N.A. � Accelerate development of Big Data analytic applications

Mar. '11 N.A. � Enhance real time business analytics for Big Data

N.A. is not available. Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis


1. Retail: Sears is leveraging Big Data analytics internally and is also keen on offering analytics services externally


IT need

• Manage Increasing volumes of data

like customer personal information,

PoS data, online purchases, etc.,

posing a challenge

• Capacity run-out on its mainframe, and

adding more capacity proving to be


Business need

• The need to set prices quickly and in

real time

• The need to drive customer loyalty

• Leverages its global In-house center in

Pune, India for Big Data Analytics

• Implemented a Big Data architecture

using Hadoop

• Used MapReduce algorithms to analyze

data and feed results back into the

mainframe, on individual customer

activity, across all 4,000 locations

Across IT environment

• Utilization of 100% of collected data

against 10% utilization earlier

• Ability to run price elasticity

algorithms in one week, as opposed

to eight weeks previously

• Cost-savings of USD 600,000 per year

Across business

• More relevant and personalized

customer communications and offers to

an active customer base (~80 million)

• Increased shopping and higher spend

per transaction by active members

Looking at the current and potential benefits of Big Data analytics, Sears aims to expand into newer areas and sell its data

management and analytics services technology to other companies, through its subsidiary MetaScale

*Massively Parallel Processing Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis

Challenge/Business Need


Sears Holding is a leading integrated retailer with ~4,000 full-line and specialty retail stores in the US

and Canada. It operates through its subsidiaries including Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Kmart Corp.

Sears Holding is a leading integrated retailer with ~4,000 full-line and specialty retail stores in the US

and Canada. It operates through its subsidiaries including Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Kmart Corp.


Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis

• The need to meet growing regulatory compliances, detect fraud and create new market opportunities is driving the growth for Big Data analytics in the financial services sector

• Customer & transaction data from multiple channels like branch, kiosks, mobile and web; social media; emails; credit cards data;insurance claims data; stock market data; statistical data, PDF & excel files, videos, government filings, etc. are key Big Data sources

2. Financial Services: Witnessing increased adoption of Big Data analytics, to reduce risk and uncover new market opportunities

Big Data application across Financial Services sub-sector


Capital Markets/ Trading


Trading surveillance

Intraday analysis

Trading pattern analysis

Credit line optimization

Credit reward program analysis

Pre-trade decision support analytics

Fraud detection

Portfolio analytics

Compliance & regulatory reporting

CRM,, Entering new markets

Predict client longevity, along with analyzing perspective clients

medical status Using weather and

calamity information for managing exposures

and losses

Risk management/assessment


Potential Shortfall of 1.5 million Data-Savvy Managers and ~150,000 Data Scientists in the US in 2018


Demand-supply gap for data scientists* in US, 2018

Data Scientists

Data-savvy Managers

Technical Engineers

� Expertise in data analytics skills to extract data, use of modeling & simulations

� Multi-disciplinary knowledge of business to find insights

� Advanced business degree such as MBA, M.S. or managerial diplomas

� Advanced degree like M.S. or Ph.D., in mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science or any decision sciences

� Knowledge of statistics and/or machine learning to frame key questions and analyze answers

� Conceptual knowledge of business to interpret and challenge the insights

� Ability to make decisions using Big Data insights

� Having a degree in computer science, information technology, systems engineering. or related disciplines

� Possessing data management knowledge

� IT skills to develop, implement, and maintain hardware and software

� Project management across the Big Data ecosystem

– Consulting services

– Implementation

– Infrastructure management

– Analytics

� Big Data analytics

� Business intelligence

� Visualization

� Technical support in hardware & software across the Big Data ecosystem for:

– Data architecture

– Data administration

– Developer environment

– Applications

50%-60% gap relative

to supply


Role in Ecosystem Requisite educational

qualificationsOther expertise

140K – 190K


Demand-supply gap for data-savvy managers* in US, 2018

60% gap relative to


2.5 million

1.5 million

4.0 million

*Analysts with deep analytical training; **Managers to analyze Big Data and make decisions based on their findings; Source: McKinsey Global Institute; CRISIL GR&A analysis


� Forecasted market size

� Future outlook

Key Takeaways

An Introduction to Big Data

Global Landscape and Trends

The Big Data Opportunity

Slide 3

Slide 5

Slide 16

Slide 23

Global Big Data market to reach ~USD 25 billion by 2015,with a 45% share of IT & IT-enabled services


Global Big Data Market Size, 2011 – 2015EUS$ billion




� The global Big Data market is expected to grow by about a CAGR of 46% over 2012-2015

� IT & ITES, including analytics, is expected to grow the fastest, at a rate of more than 60%

– Its share in the total Big Data market is expected to increase to ~45% in 2015 from ~31% in 2011

� The USD 25 billion opportunity represents the initial wave of the opportunity. This opportunity is set to expand

even more rapidly after 2015 given the pace at which data is being generated.

Source: Industry reporting; CRISIL GR&A analysis

US$ 6-6.5 billion

US$ 7-7.5 billion

US$ 10-11 billion

Global Big Data Market Size, 2015F

~US$25 billion

Big Data analytics & IT & IT-enabled




Lion’s share of the Big Data hardware and software market is expected to be occupied by IT giants like IBM, HP, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, Oracle, etc.

Opportunity for India lies in capturing the slice of IT services that includes Big Data analytics and IT & IT-enabled services


� Big Data market opportunity is expected to witness strong growth in the next 5 years

– Expected to touch US$25 billion globally; the ‘BIG’ opportunity for India lies in the IT & IT-enabled Services space, which is likely to be ~US$ 10-11 billion market globally in 2015

– Data-related regulations like Dodd-Frank and Basel III to impact Big Data implementations

� New database architectures and innovative analytics tools & techniques to facilitate Big Data implementations

� Key verticals driving demand for Big Data analytics: Financial services, Retail, Telecom, Healthcare and Manufacturing

� Key risk – potential shortfall of 1.5 million Data-Savvy Managers and 140,000-190,000 Data Scientists in the US by 2018


Source: CRISIL GR&A analysis
