Web Personalization for Businesses

Lower your cost of acquisition B2B Web Personalizatio n


Learn ways to lower PPC/CPA spend, measure return-on-investment and decrease bounce rates with web personalization

Transcript of Web Personalization for Businesses

Page 1: Web Personalization for Businesses

Lower your cost of acquisition

B2B Web Personalization

Page 2: Web Personalization for Businesses

> Today’s Speakers

Kevin Butler• Marketing Specialist – Sitebrand• Twitter: @kevin_butler

Eric Hollebone• Director of Marketing – Sitebrand• Twitter: @erichollebone

Twitter: @Sitebrand

Page 3: Web Personalization for Businesses

> B2B personalization: lower your spend

Agenda• Introduction to Segment&Serve• Cost of visitors & acquiring customers

– Maximize your keyword/PPC spend– Lowering bounce rates– Improving channel effectiveness

• Sitebrand benefits and ROI• Why status quo sucks• Questions & follow up

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> Introduction to Segment&Serve

•Industry leading personalization platform•Brings marketing back to websites•Makes analytics actionable•Massive conversion increase•Significant search ROI•Right message, right person, right time

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> Scenario: Maximize your keyword investments

Demonstration exercise...•Specific keywords or keyword groups•Using specific or general search engines

• What is your current keyword strategy?

Would your strategy differ/improve if you could segment landing pages by

- specific keywords and/or groups- search engines used

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> Scenario: Lowering bounce rates

Demonstration exercise...•Lost visitors; page length/depth•Previous conversion or conversion recency

• How do you deal with bounce rates today?

Would your strategy differ/improve if you could present content based on

- conversion recency- page views and depth

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> Scenario: Improving channel effectiveness

Demonstration exercise...•Referral url’s and domains•Click path navigation; natural or influenced

• Are you able to segment by referral domains/url’s?

Can you influence visitor click path navigations?

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> Sitebrand benefits & ROI

•Substantial conversions boost•Lead nurturing start cycle•Speak to your visitors, keep their attention•Reduce bounce rates by 50%•Real time, rule-based campaigns•World class web experience for each visitor•Proactive web marketing; post-click marketing

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> Why status quo sucks…

You aren’t able to:– Directly speak to each segment of traffic– Provide a unique online/memorable experience– Control information and what you want the visitor to see

You could be:– Suggestively guiding click-paths, navigation and more

– Doubling conversions through relevant messaging

– Sending the right message at the right time

Page 10: Web Personalization for Businesses

> Questions/Answers

Sitebrand contact information•Web: www.sitebrand.com•Email: [email protected]•Twitter: @Sitebrand

•Next event: Internet Retailer 2009 Conference

• Boston, MA; June 15-18; Booth #842