We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. · We love Christmas jumper day here...

St Jude’s Catholic Primary School St Jude’s Close Maypole Birmingham B14 5PD Web-Site: www.stjuderc.bham.sch.uk Autumn Term 2018 14th December 2018 Newsletter No 14 We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. CATHOLIC LIFE MASSES Our next school Mass is on Tuesday 18th December. You are welcome to join us in St. Jude’s Church at 10.00am. CELEBRATION MEETINGS Our final celebration meeting of the term will be on Friday 21st December at 9.10am. JESUIT VALUES This term we are focusing on being Faith filled and hopeful What does this mean? Catholic Schools help their pupils grow by passing on the living and the faith-filled tradition of Jesus Christ; by having persevering faith in the pupils, and by encouraging them, in turn, to have faith and hope in others. Next week’s disciple target will be: Pray for someone in need. There are several Bible passages which teach us about this value. You may like to read them with your child: The Parable of the Mustard Seed: Matthew 17:20 The Parable of the Faithful Servant: Matthew 24: 42-51 Jesus Calms the Storm: Matthew 8: 23-26 DINNER MENU—Monday 17th December—Menu Week 3 ADVENT GIVING TREE Thanks to those who have donated to Advent Giving Tree. If you are hoping to donate, please do so no later than next Wednesday. YEAR 2 ASSEMBLY Congratulations to Year Two on presenting a wonderful Advent assembly yesterday. They gave us a wonderful reminder of the importance of preparing for the Lord with love, hope and joy. BREAKFAST CLUB On Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th December, Breakfast Club will be in the Year 2 classroom. SERVICES AT ST JUDE’S Christmas Eve 6.30pm: Carols and Readings 7.00pm: Vigil Mass of Christmas Christmas Day 10.00am: Mass of the Day with Carols SCHOOL DINNERS Next week is very busy across school. There are Christmas dinners, parties, rehearsals and much, much more! The dinner menu, therefore, will be different next week to accommodate this busy time. Hot food will still be served but there will be menu variations. POLITE REQUEST Over the past couple of weeks, there have been some upsetting incidents outside the school gate. I am unable to become involved in incidents which take place on a public highway but it is my duty to inform the police when they do happen. I would like to urge all parents and families to conduct themselves calmly and appropriately in and near school. It is important that our pupils arrive at and leave school without witnessing arguments and shouting.

Transcript of We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. · We love Christmas jumper day here...

Page 1: We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. · We love Christmas jumper day here at St. Jude’s. Thanks for your support. Donations will be made to Save the Children.

St Jude’s Catholic Primary School

St Jude’s Close Maypole

Birmingham B14 5PD

Web-Site: www.stjuderc.bham.sch.uk

Autumn Term 2018 14th December 2018

Newsletter No 14

We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name.


Our next school Mass is on Tuesday 18th

December. You are welcome to join us in

St. Jude’s Church at 10.00am.


Our final celebration meeting of the term

will be on Friday 21st December at 9.10am.

JESUIT VALUES This term we are focusing on being

Faith filled and hopeful

What does this mean?

Catholic Schools help their pupils grow by passing on the

living and the faith-filled tradition of Jesus Christ; by

having persevering faith in the pupils, and by encouraging

them, in turn, to have faith and hope in others.

Next week’s disciple target will be:

Pray for someone in need.

There are several Bible passages which teach us about this value. You may like to read them with your child: The Parable of the Mustard Seed: Matthew 17:20 The Parable of the Faithful Servant: Matthew 24: 42-51 Jesus Calms the Storm: Matthew 8: 23-26

DINNER MENU—Monday 17th December—Menu Week 3


Thanks to those who

have donated to Advent

Giving Tree. If you are

hoping to donate, please

do so no later than next



Congratulations to Year Two on presenting a

wonderful Advent assembly yesterday. They gave us

a wonderful reminder of the importance of

preparing for the Lord with love, hope and joy.


On Tuesday 18th and Wednesday

19th December, Breakfast Club will

be in the Year 2 classroom.


Christmas Eve

6.30pm: Carols and Readings

7.00pm: Vigil Mass of Christmas

Christmas Day

10.00am: Mass of the Day with Carols


Next week is very busy across school. There are

Christmas dinners, parties, rehearsals and much,

much more! The dinner menu, therefore, will be

different next week to accommodate this busy

time. Hot food will still be served but there will be

menu variations.


Over the past couple of weeks, there have been some

upsetting incidents outside the school gate. I am unable

to become involved in incidents which take place on a

public highway but it is my duty to inform the police

when they do happen. I would like to urge all parents and

families to conduct themselves calmly and appropriately

in and near school. It is important that our pupils arrive

at and leave school without witnessing arguments and


Page 2: We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. · We love Christmas jumper day here at St. Jude’s. Thanks for your support. Donations will be made to Save the Children.

This week’s Class Disciples and Lead Learner’s are:



Please note it is a parents responsibility to contact school on the first day of absence. You should also update the school of your

child’s condition if they continue to be absent from school for more than two days. It is expected that if your child is ill longer than

two days, you would seek medical attention and therefore be able to provide medical evidence eg. a doctor’s appointment slip.

Class Rec Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Whole


This Week 89.60% 97.70% 96.00% 93.30% 94.30% 95.70% 93.10% 94.20%

This Term 90.50% 94.90% 95.20% 96.30% 94.20% 96.00% 93.60% 94.40%

Whole Year 92.90% 93.00% 95.60% 96.80% 94.50% 96.30% 94.10% 94.80%


The choir were honoured to

be invited to Cherry

Orchard Residential Home

this week to sing carols. As

usual, behaviour was

exemplary. This is

something that benefitted

the senior citizens and the

pupils. We are hoping to

build on this experience and



visits next



Mon 17th Dec Nursery and Reception Nativity at


Tues 18th Dec Christmas Dinner Rec.to Year 2

Wed 19th Dec Christmas Dinner Years 3 to 6

Nursery Christmas Dinner at


Wed 19th Dec Y1 Christmas Nativity with carols

sung by Years 2 to 6 at 2pm

Thurs 20th Dec Christmas Parties

Fri 21st Dec Children break up school closes at


Christmas Boutique—bring £1 and

buy a gift for a loved one.

Tues 8th Jan Pupils return to school

Tues 5th Feb Safer Internet Day

Thurs 7th Feb Confirmation at St. Dunstan’s


Fri 15th Feb Break for half term


Thank you for your generosity in

sending gifts today which can be used at the

Christmas Boutique on the last day of term.

This will be a wonderful way of teaching pupils

the gift of giving. We have received

chocolates, candles, toiletries—the children

are very excited! On December 21st, we ask

that each child brings £1 with them so that

they can buy a gift for a loved one. Gifts are

limited to one per child, although they may

bring an extra £1 and buy another gift, if

there are any left, after all pupils have been

to the Boutique. We are still looking for

volunteers and for rolls of wrapping paper



I have had a meeting with the Highways

Agency this week. I am hoping that they are

going to fund some changes to road

markings outside the main gate so that we

can enforce safer and more considerate

parking. I will keep you posted.


Thank you for the

wonderful turn out for

share a meal this week

and for the positive

feedback on our school


Page 3: We live, love and learn together joyfully, in Jesus’ name. · We love Christmas jumper day here at St. Jude’s. Thanks for your support. Donations will be made to Save the Children.

Year 3

: Daniel and


Year 4

: Charlie D

and M


Year 5

: Maisie and




: A


and L









Year 1:


m a

nd M







h a

nd I




The next few weeks are a very busy and very

special time for our pupils. We always try to make

Advent a time of reflection and preparation. But

we also love to make these next few weeks

memorable and fun for our pupils. There is also a

lot for everyone to do and remember:

Christmas Nativity plays—the Reception

and Nursery classes will perform their play

at 10am on 17th December in the school

hall. Year One will be performing their

Nativity play on 19th December at 2pm in

St. Jude’s Church. Years 2 to 6 will also be

singing at this play.

Christmas Parties—these will take place on

December 20th. By now, a letter should

have gone home with each child asking for

specific items for their class—ie. Six

packets of crisps or a bottle of squash.

Children can wear their own clothes on this


Christmas Raffles— There is a chocolate

raffle for the children and a hamper raffle

for adults this Christmas. Tickets are now

on sale, in school for the chocolate raffle

and in the playground for the hamper,

priced at 20p each.

Y2 VISIT TO SELLY MANOR Last Friday, Year Two went on a brilliant visit to

Selly Manor. While there they added to their

knowledge about the Great Fire of London.

Firstly, they retold the story of the Great Fire of

London through dressing up and acting. Then the

children played with

different toys and played

different games that

children would have

played with at that time.

During the afternoon the

children had a guided tour

around Selly Manor which gave them insight into

what the houses would have been like during the

Great Fire of London.

Both adults and children had a wonderful day and

everyone has said how much they enjoyed it and

how much more they had learned.


We love Christmas

jumper day here at

St. Jude’s. Thanks for

your support.

Donations will be

made to Save the

Children. We will

announce how much

money we raised next


Year 6: Marysia and La’shae

(certificates to be given out on Friday 21st December at 9.10am)


This naughty elf is up to all sorts of shenanigans in

Breakfast Club. He thinks it’s funny to make a bit of a

mess but the children are showing him the right way to

behave. I have no idea what he’s going to get up to next




With Christmas trees

and decorations

popping up, Christmas

cards being delivered

and Nativity rehears-

als in full flow, there is

a fantastic festive

atmosphere in school.

It is wonderful to see

pupils soaking up the

spirit of Christmas. This is a very special

time for us all at St. Jude’s where memories

are made. You should all receive a letter asking you to make a

donation to next week’s Christmas parties. If you haven’t

received one, please speak to your child’s class teacher.