WCDMA Principle

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved www.huawei.com Internal WCDMA Principle

Transcript of WCDMA Principle

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedwww.huawei.c!Internal WCDMA PrincipleHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedObjectivesUpon completion of this course, you will be able to:Describe the evelopment of !"Outline the avanta#e of CDMA principleCharacteri$e coe se%uenceOutline the funamentals of &A'Describe feature of wireless propa#ation HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents3G OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDifferent +ervice, Different ,echnolo#yAMPSTACSNMTOthers"G"#$%sA&alg GSMCDMA IS-95TDMAIS-136PDC'G "##%sDigital Technologies drie(G I)T*'%%%!MTS"CDMAcd#a$%%%De#ands drieTD-SCDMA3G provides co#&ositie services for both operators and subscribers HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" -volutionProposal of !" .M,/0111: the #eneral name of thir #eneration mobile communication system ,he thir #eneration mobile communication was first propose in 2345 an was rename as .M,/0111 in the year of 23367 Commerciali$ation: aroun the year of 01117 Wor( ban : aroun 0111M8$7 ,he hi#hest service rate :up to 01119bpsHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" +pectrum AllocationHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved:ans WCDMA UseMain bans2301 ; 2341M8$ < 0221 ; 02=1M8$+upplementary bans: ifferent country maybe ifferent2451 ; 2321 M8$ < 23!1 M8$ ; 2331 M8$ >U+A?2=21 ; 2=45M8$ < 2415 ; 2441M8$ >@apan?431 ; 325M8$ < 3!5 ; 361M8$ >Australia?A A A)re%uency channel number central fre%uencyB5, for main ban: U* fre%uency channel number3620 3444D* fre%uency channel number :21560 214!4HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved!" Application +erviceTi#e Dela'(rror )atio*ac+gro,ndconersationalstrea#inginteractieHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved,he Core technolo#y of !": CDMACDMA"CDMACN+ ,ased & )A- a&d G-.S.TT+WCD)A TD-SCDMACN+ ,ased & )A- a&d G-.S .TT+ TD*SCD)A

cd#a$%%%CN+ ,ased & ANSI /" a&d )I-.TT+ cd!a'%%%HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access an DupleC ,echnolo#yMultiple Access ,echnolo#y)re%uency ivision multiple access >)DMA?,ime ivision multiple access >,DMA?Coe ivision multiple access >CDMA?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access ,echnolo#yFrequencyTi


ePowerTDMAPowerTieCDMAFrequencyHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMultiple Access an DupleC ,echnolo#yDupleC ,echnolo#y)re%uency ivision upleC >)DD?,ime ivision upleC >,DD?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDupleC ,echnolo#yTieFrequencyPower,DD!"#$ %!"#$ &D'!'D'D'!')DDTieFrequencyPower!' D'!"#$ %!"#$ &HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA Principle(CDMA )etwor* Architecture and protocol structureWCDMA Wireless )unamentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture)NS)NC)NS)NCCore Net-or+Node .Node .Node . Node .I,-CS I,-PSI,rI,*I,*I,* I,*CN!T)AN!(!,CS PSI,-CS I,-PSCS PSHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Dersion -volution3GPP )el993GPP )el/ 3GPP )el5$%%%$%%1 $%%$GS)0G-.S CNWCD)A .TTI)SHSD-A 3GPP )el6)1)SHSU-A$%%5CS d!ai& cha&ge t NGNWCD)A .TTHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA 'etwor( Dersion -volution)eatures of &6M:M+ is introuce8+UPA is introuce to achieve the service rate up to 5A=6Mbps)eatures of &=8+PAE is introuce, which aopts hi#her orer moulation an M.MOMaC D* rate: 04Mbps, MaC U* rate:22Mbps)eatures of &4WCDMA *,- >*on# term evolution? is introuceO)DMA is aopte instea of CDMAMaC D* rate: 51Mbps, MaC U* rate: 211Mbps >with 01M8$ banwith?HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedUu .nterface protocol structure03c








lC*2la&e sig&ali&gU*2la&e i&3r!ati&P120$3MAC01)0CDC Nt GC0$3)0C MAC)0C)0C)0CD,&lication aoidanceUuS ,u&dar40$3.MCc&trlPDCPPDCP 0$3PDCPDC Nt GC))C)0C)0C)0C)0C.MCHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved"eneral Protocol Moe for U,&A' ,errestrial .nterface,he structure is base on the principle that the layers an planes are lo#ically inepenent of each otherA Application ProtocolData +tream>s?A*CAP>s?,ransport 'etwor( *ayerPhysical *ayer+i#nalin# :earer>s?Control Plane User Plane,ransport 'etwor(User Plane,ransport 'etwor( Control Plane&aio 'etwor( *ayer+i#nalin# :earer>s?Data :earer>s?,ransport 'etwor(User PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.u/C+.nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer A+$A)APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -u !P"AA' ))-MTP3.+Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.u/P+ .nterfaceControl Plane!ser plane $adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneC$A)APATM"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -u !PAA' Type /-P!DPGTP.!Physical 'ayerHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.ub .nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport)etwor*'ayer Transport )etwor* !ser Plane)+APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' !)--ub FP"AA' !)-)CP CCPHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.ur .nterfaceA'CAPA'CAPControl PlaneTransport )etwor*Control Plane!ser plane$adio)etwor*'ayerTransport)etwor*'ayer A+$A)APAA'%PAT,ATMPhysical 'ayer"AA' ))-"CCPMTP3.+ -ur Data "trea"AA' ))-MTP3.+Transport )etwor* !ser PlaneTransport )etwor* !ser PlaneHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedContents!" OverviewCDMA PrincipleWCDMA 'etwor( Architecture an protocol structure(CDMA (ireless FundaentalPhysical *ayer OverviewPhysical ChannelsPhysical *ayer ProceureHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA +ource Coin#AM& >Aaptive Multi/&ate? +peechA inte#rate speech coec with 4 source rates,he AM& bit rates can be controlle by the &A' epenin# on the system loa an %uality of the speech connectionsDieo Phone +erviceH.324 is use for DP +ervice in C+ omain.nclues: vieo coec, speech coec, ata protocols, multipleCin# an etcA COD#C +it $ate 0*bps1AM$2&%3%4 &%3% 0G"M #F$1AM$2&43%4 &43%AM$2536/ 536/AM$25374 537 0TDMA #F$1AM$28354 835 0PDC #F$1AM$2/364 /36AM$2/3&/ /3&/AM$2735/ 735/HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemTransitterSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA :loc( Coin# / C&C:loc( coin# is use to etect if there are any uncorrecte errors left after error correctionA,he cyclic reunancy chec( >C&C? is a common metho of bloc( coin#AAin# the C&C bits is one before the channel encoin# an they are chec(e after the channel ecoin#AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA Channel Coin#-ffect-nhance the correlation amon# symbols so as to recover the si#nal when interference occursProvies better error correction at receiver, but brin#s increment of the elay,ypes'o Coin#Convolutional Coin# >2Ortho#onal Dariable +preain# )actor? is use as channeli$ation coe "F < A "F < &"F < %"F < 7Cch,2,1 G >2?Cch,0,1 G >2,2?Cch,0,2 G >2, /2?Cch,H,1 G >2,2,2,2?Cch,H,2 G >2,2,/2,/2?Cch,H,0 G >2,/2,2,/2?Cch,H,! G >2,/2,/2,2?Cch,4,1 G >2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2?Cch,4,2 G >2,2,2,2,/2,/2,/2,/2?Cch,4,0 G >2,2,/2,/2,2,2,/2,/2?Cch,4,! G >2,2,/2,/2,/2,/2,2,2?Cch,4,H G >2,/2,2,/2,2,/2,2,/2?Cch,4,5 G >2,/2,2,/2,/2,2,/2,2?Cch,4,6 G >2,/2,/2,2,2,/2,/2,2?Cch,4,= G >2,/2,/2,2,/2,2,2,/2?BBHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedWCDMA Channeli$ation Coe+) G chip rate < symbol rate8i#h ata rates I low +) coe*ow ata rates I hi#h +) coe$adio bearer "F $adio bearer "F"peech &%3% !' 87 "peech &%3% D' &%AData 87 *bps !' &8 Data 87 *bps D' 3%Data &%A *bps !' A Data &%A *bps D' &8Data &77 *bps !' A Data &77 *bps D' &8Data 3A7 *bps !' 7 Data 3A7 *bps D' AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPurpose of Channeli$ation CoeChanneli$ation coe is use to istin#uish ifferent physical channels of one transmitter)or ownlin(, channeli$ation coe > OD+) coe ? is use to separate ifferent physical channels of one cell)or uplin(, channeli$ation coe > OD+) coe ? is use to separate ifferent physical channels of one U-HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPurpose of +cramblin# Coe+cramblin# coe is use to istin#uish ifferent transmitters)or ownlin(, scramblin# coe is use to separate ifferent cells in one carrier)or uplin(, scramblin# coe is use to separate ifferent U-s in one carrier HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved+cramblin# Coe+cramblin# coe: "O*D se%uenceA,here are 00H lon# uplin( scramblin# coes which are use for scramblin# of the uplin( si#nalsA Uplin( scramblin# coes are assi#ne by &'CA)or ownlin(, 520 primary scramblin# coes are useAHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPrimary +cramblin# Coe "roupPri#ar' scra#*ling codes ;or do-nlin+ &h'sical channelsGro,& %6Pri#ar' scra#*ling code %66Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 9=6366Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 9=63 >?51$ &ri#ar' scra#*ling codes6666Gro,& 1Gro,& 63Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 1Pri#ar' scra#*ling code 96/ &ri#ar' scra#*ling code gro,&s(ach gro,& consists o; 9 &ri#ar' scra#*ling codesHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedCoe MultipleCin#Downlin( ,ransmission on a Cell *evel"crablin9 code "crablin9 codeChanneliCation code & ChanneliCation code &ChanneliCation code % ChanneliCation code %ChanneliCation code 3 ChanneliCation code 3!ser & si9nal!ser % si9nal!ser 3 si9nal)ode+HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedCoe MultipleCin#Uplin( ,ransmission on a Cell *evel)ode+"crablin9 code 3!ser 3 si9nalChanneliCation code"crablin9 code %!ser % si9nalChanneliCation code"crablin9 code &!ser & si9nalChanneliCation codeHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedProcessin# Proceure of WCDMA +ystemSo,rceCodingChannel Coding4 InterleaingS&reading Mod,lationSo,rceDecodingChannel Decoding4 DeinterleaingDes&readingDe#od,lationTrans#ission)ece&tionchiod,lated signal*it s'#*olSericeSignal)adio ChannelSericeSignal$eceiverHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMoulation Overview& 4 4 &tie+asic steady radio wave=carrier < A3cos0%Ft;1Aplitude "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Frequency "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Phase "hift Deyin9=A3cos0%Ft;1Data to be transitted=Di9ital -nputHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedMoulation OverviewDi#ital Moulation / :P+9&t& & 4&t.&)$E codin9fo+P"DModulated+P"D si9nalCarrier-nforation si9nal PCP.C8?Primary PCP.C8Carryin# pre/efine se%uence )iCe channel coe: Cch, 056, 1, )iCe rate !19bps+cramble by the primary scramblin# coe:roacast over the entire cellA phase reference for +C8, Primary CCPC8, A.C8, P.C8 an ownlin( DPC8, Only one PCP.C8 per cellPre-deFned s'#*ol sePCCPC8?Carryin# :C8 transport channel)iCe rate, fiCe OD+) coe >!1(bps Cch, 056, 2?,he PCCPC8 is not transmitte urin# the first 056 chips of each time slotPCCPC1Data19 *itsSlot D%1 radio ;ra#e7 T; G 1% #sSlot D1 Slot Di$56 chi&sSlot D1/Tslot G $56% chi&s8$% *its SC1HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPa#in# .nicator Channel >P.C8?Carryin# Pa#in# .nicators >P.?)iCe rate >!1(bps?, +) G 056' pa#in# inicators LP.1, K, P.'/2M in each P.C8 frame, 'G24, !6, =0, or 2HH One radio ;ra#e @1% #sA*1*% $99 *its ;or &aging indication1$ *its @,ndeFnedA*$9?*$99*$99HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved+econary Common Control Physical Channel>+CCPC8?Carryin# )AC8 an PC8, +) G 056 / HPilot: use for emoulation,)C.: ,ransport )ormat Control .nication, use for escribe ata formatDataN*itsSlot D% Slot D1 Slot Di Slot D1/1 radio ;ra#e7 T; G 1% #sTslot G $56% chi&s8 DataPilotN*itsPilotN*itsTHCITHCI$%=$+ *its @+G%556AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedPhysical &anom Access Channel >P&AC8?Carryin# uplin( si#nalin# an ata, consist of two parts:One or several preambles: 26 (ins of available preambles21 or 01ms messa#e partMessage &artPrea#*le/%96 chi&s1% #s @one radio ;ra#eAPrea#*le Prea#*leMessage &artPrea#*le/%96 chi&s$% #s @t-o radio ;ra#esAPrea#*le Prea#*leHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedP&AC8 Messa#e +tructurePilotN*itsSlot D %Slot D 1 Slot D iSlot D 1/Message &art radio ;ra#e T G 1% #sTslot G $56% chi&s8 1%=$PilotTHCIN*itsTHCIDataNdata *its DataControl< *its @+G%553AHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedP&AC8 Access ,imeslot +tructureD1 D$ D3 D/ D5 D6 D? D9 D9 D1% D11 D1$ D13 D1/51$% chi&sradio ;ra#e7 1% #s radio ;ra#e7 1% #sAccess slot D%.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&Access slot D1Access slot D?Access slot D1/.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&.a&d! Access Tra&s!issi&Access slot D9HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedAc%uisition .nicator Channel >A.C8?Carryin#the Ac%uisition .nicators >A.?, +) G 056,here are 26 (ins of +i#nature to #enerate A.AS D1/ AS D% AS D1 AS Di AS D1/ AS D%a1a$a%a31a3$a3%a33a39a39AI &art !n,sed &art$% #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedUplin( Deicate Physical Channel >DPDC8FDPCC8?Uplin( DPDC8 an DPCC8 are .CDM? within each raio frameDPDC8 carries ata #enerate at *ayer 0 an hi#her layer, the OD+) coe is Cch,+),+)DPDC8FDPCC8?)rame +tructure of Uplin( DPDC8DPDC8EDPCC8?Downlin( DPDC8 an DPCC8 is time ivision multipleCin# >,DM?A DPDC8 carries ata #enerate at *ayer 0 an hi#her layer DPCC8 carries control information #enerate at *ayer 2+) of ownlin( DPC8 is from 520 to HHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reservedDownlin( Deicate Physical Channel >DPDC8EDPCC8?)rame +tructure of Downlin( DPC8 >DPDC8EDPCC8?One radio ;ra#e8 T; G 1% #sSlot D% Slot D1 Slot Di Slot D1/Tslot G $56% chi&s8 $%=$+ *its @+G-1556AData$Ndata$ *itsDPDC1THCI NTHCI *itsPilot N&ilot *itsData1Ndata1 *itsDPDC1 DPCC1 DPCC1TPC NTPC *itsHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee Physical Downlin( +hare Channel >8+/PD+C8?:earin# service ata an layer 0 overhea bits mappe from the transport channel+)G26, can be confi#ure several channels to increase ata serviceSlot D% SlotD1 Slot D$Tslot G $56% chi&s8 M=1%=$+ *its @+G/ADataNdata1 *its1 s,*;ra#e7 T; G $ #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee +hare Control Channel >8+/+CC8?Carries physical layer si#nallin# to a sin#le U- ,such as modulation scheme (1 bit) ,channelization code set (7 bit), transport block size (6bit),HA! process number (3bit), redundanc" #ersion (3bit), ne$ data indicator (1bit), %& identit" (16bit) 8+/+CC8 is a fiCe rate >61 (bps, +)G204? ownlin( physical channel use to carry ownlin( si#nallin# relate to 8+/D+C8 transmission Slot D% SlotD1 Slot D$Tslot G $56% chi&s8 /% *itsDataNdata1 *its1 s,*;ra#e7 T; G $ #sHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved8i#h/+pee Deicate Physical Control Channel >8+/DPCC8 ?Carryin# information to ac(nowle#e ownlin( transport bloc(s an feebac( information to the system for scheulin# an lin( aaptation of transport bloc(CJ. an AC9