WCC 2013: The internet of everything



A talk I gave at WCC about the Internet of Everything, inspired by the Gartner Symposium 2013 keynote.

Transcript of WCC 2013: The internet of everything


2. JOEL CARDELLA Over 20 years in IT Currently Director, Information Security @ Holcim Twitter: @JoelConverses Email: [email protected] 3. GARTNER NEXUS OF FORCES WHICH ARE CHANGING & SHAPING BUSINESS Source: Gartner.com 4. THE INFORMATION AGE Like the Industrial Revolution, we are in the midst of the Information Revolution The railroads laid track and allowed people to get from one side of the country to the other the Internet has laid tracks (fiber cables) and allowed us to go anywhere in the world We are changing the way the world works because of collection and analytics of information Digital technology will drive business improvement and innovation 5. DIGITALIZATION Digitalization occurs when things become part of the digital world, or things are created in it Convergence of the real world and the digital world comes closer every day it might one day be indistinguishable 6. THE INTERNET The internet has many uses, and many levels On the surface, we see the exchange of information as web pages, media, emails, etc Deeper down, theres the exchanges that happen through interconnected people, devices and things And theres the information about the information, called meta data 7. INTERNET OF THINGS Sometime during 2008, the number of things connected to the Internet exceeded the number of people on planet Earth International Data Corporation said the installed base of things connected will be 212 billion by the end of 2020, including 30.1 billion connected autonomous things. Intelligent systems will be installed and collecting data by this point (M2M) Cars, buildings, phones, will all be communicating via the internet Sensors will be everywhere and as they get cheaper, things get smart driving the growth of the IoT 8. SOME THINGS 9. 3D PRINTING 10. 3D PRINTING CREATES SOMETHING FROM NOTHING! 3D printing is additive manufacturing, versus the traditional subtractive process 11. DESKTOP 3D PRINTING IS HERE Local Maker groups Makerworks-AA All Hands Active Omnicorp Detroit i3 Detroit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5SpNua-XfI#t=130 12. WHAT ELSE CAN WE PRINT? http://www.ted.com/talks/anthony_atala_printing_a_human_kidne y.html http://www.gizmag.com/d-shape-3d-printer/21594/ http://www.blizzident.com/index.html We can print almost anything you can imagine 13. INFORMATION IS KING The information about the package is just as important as the package itself Fred Smith, FedEx Founder, Chairman, President & CEO 1978 = So if we can print in 3D based on a set of information, whats more important; The information about the object (the meta data) or the object itself? 14. THE CLOUD 15. WHAT IS THE CLOUD? The cloud refers to a massive amount of computing resources, which are highly available for access and storage 16. CLOUD DESCRIBED The benefits of the cloud are: Instant computing Highly scalable, as little or as much computing power as is needed Not sensitive to peaks and valleys of information flow Highly available from anywhere Backup and recovery can be almost instantaneous Can be cost efficient The drawbacks of the cloud are Higher risk to information assets Compatibility with existing infrastructure Standardization Resource monitoring Expectation of availability increases Regulatory hurdles (intra- and inter-country) Must be always online to access resources 17. WHY DO WE CARE? 18. ANYONE CAN OWN A BUSINESS 19. SOCIAL 20. SOCIAL COLLABORATION 21. BUSINESS COLLABORATION Real time document collaboration Google Apps Microsoft Office Live Dropbox for business Workshare 22. NOW YOU BECOME A BUSINESS! The consumer and the business become one Collaboration now makes every person a business who competes with traditional business models Airbnb.com Competes with traditional hotels and services like hotels.com Parkatmyhouse.com Competes with parking lots & garages 23. SUMMARY 24. GARTNER NEXUS OF FORCES WHICH ARE CHANGING & SHAPING BUSINESS Source: Gartner.com 25. THIS IS ALL ABOUT POTENTIAL The potential to use information to Create new business opportunities Create new things from old things, or re-imagine old things Imagine or Reimagine the impossible (the art of possibility) Drive innovation 26. SO WHAT DO WE NEED TO MAKE THESE THINGS A REALITY? Digital technical architecture All technological assets Enterprise information architecture All the information assets of an enterprise Cyber security and risk management Secure transmission, access and storage Industrialized IT infrastructure ecosystem Internet of things as sensors & processors cheapen Digital leadership Leaders who think in the digital and physical worlds 27. TIPS FOR SUCCESS Recognize the potential of information - all products have use value, exchange value, and informational value Capitalize on the business moments if you can think it, you might be able to make it happen, right now Apply logical thinking in illogical ways can we get a car subscription service like the one we have with Netflix? Ask crazy questions! Information moves at real-time or near real-time speeds, so be flexible and adaptable