
Watership Down Study Guide Questions English I: Mrs. Chenoweth Spring 2012 Chapters 1-7 CHAPTER 1 1. How did Fiver get his name? How is he different physically from Hazel? 2. What happens when Fiver and Hazel find the Cowslip? 3. Who are the Owsla? 4. Fiver has a terrible reaction to the man-made sign, even though he cannot read it. What is Fiver’s special talent? What feeling does he get from the sign? 5. What does the sign say? What does this information most likely mean for the future of the rabbits and the warren?



Transcript of Watership_Down_Study_Guide14

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Watership Down Study Guide QuestionsEnglish I: Mrs. Chenoweth

Spring 2012

Chapters 1-7


1. How did Fiver get his name? How is he different physically from Hazel?

2. What happens when Fiver and Hazel find the Cowslip?

3. Who are the Owsla?

4. Fiver has a terrible reaction to the man-made sign, even though he cannot read it. What is Fiver’s special talent? What feeling does he get from the sign?

5. What does the sign say? What does this information most likely mean for the future of the rabbits and the warren?


6. What physical characteristic gave Bigwig his name? How does he help Hazel and Fiver?

7. What does “Threarah” translate to?

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8. What characteristics does the Chief Rabbit have that would make him a good ruler?

9. What advice does Fiver give Chief Rabbit? How does Chief Rabbit respond to that advice?


10. Who from the Owsla joins Hazel and Fiver’s group? What convinced him to join?

11. When do the rabbits decide they will leave the warren?


12. The author compares the journeying rabbits to what other animal groups? What do these groups have in common?

13. Describe the group leaving Sandleford Warren:




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14. Who confronts the rabbits as they are getting ready to leave? What do they try to do?


15. What are some of the obstacles the rabbits face when they begin their journey? (look at pgs. 22 &23)

16. Summarize the story of El-ahrairah and the Pike. What characteristic do the rabbits admire in El-ahrairah?

17. What are the 2 natural gaits for rabbits? Why does this make long journeys difficult?

18. What does “Tharn” mean? Who is close to getting tharn?

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19. What skill does Dandelion have?


20. Who is Frith and why was he angry at El-ahrairah?

21. Why doesn’t Frith kill him?

22. What “gifts” does Frith give to the hunting animals?

23. Where does Frith find El-ahrairah when he comes to give him his gift?

24. What is Frith’s blessing for rabbits?

25. What does “El-ahrairah” translate to? Why is this a good name for rabbits?


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26. What is a Lendri and when do the rabbits see one?

27. What does Hazel say the rabbits have to do at the end of the chapter?



28. Why does Fiver insist they cross the river? What kind of land does he say they should be looking for?

29. How is Bigwig helpful when the group comes upon something unfamiliar?

30. What does Bigwig discover in the woods that force the rabbits to cross the river?

31. By refusing to leave Pipkin and Fiver, what does this reveal about Hazel?

32. What idea does Blackberry come up with to help Pipkin and Fiver?

33. How does Bigwig use his strength to help the weaker rabbits?


34. Where does Hazel decide to hide the rabbits after they cross the river? Why is it a good hiding place?

35. What attacks Fiver and Pipkin? Why?

36. What is Pipkin’s nickname? Why is fitting for him? What seems to be the other rabbit’s (especially Hazel’s) attitude towards Pipkin?

37. What is Pipkin’s injury? What does the fact that he has journeyed far with this injury indirectly reveal about him?


38. How are “creatures that have neither clocks nor books” different from humans?

39. When Hazel sees the beetle, he gets nervous. Why?40. What is Pipkin’s biggest fear? What does Hazel say to him about his fear?

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41. Describe the rabbits’ reaction to the road. What do they discover has been killed?

42. What conflict arises when they reach Newtown Common?

43. What does Bigwig do to the doubting rabbits?

44. Summarize Hazel and Fiver’s conversation. Why is it important to the story?

45. What is Fiver’s fear about the mist?


46. When it comes to Bigwig and Hazel, what is the question the other rabbits have?

47. Describe Hazel and Pipkin’s relationship.

48. At the end of Chapter 11, how has Hazel redeemed himself to the doubting rabbits?



49. The author writes about how the rabbits feel joy when no longer faced with anxiety and fear. What 4 scenarios does he use to describe this feeling?

50. What kind of tracks does Bigwig find when he scouts the new location?

51. Describe the physical appearance of the strange rabbit that meets the Sandleford group.

52. What do Hazel and the other rabbits find unusual about him?

53. What does a good burrow look like? Why is the Sandleford group’s burrow not working?

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54. When Hazel asks Blackberry if they should visit Cowslip’s warren, what is Blackberry’s advice?

55. There are very good descriptions of the rabbits on pgs. 69-70. List the adjectives used to describe each rabbit.


56. What is unusual about the camouflage of Cowslip’s warren? (pg.71)

57. When visiting Cowslip’s warren for the first time, where does Hazel put Bigwig as they enter the burrow? Why?

58. What issue do the Cowslip Warren rabbits seem to be very sensitive about? (pg.73)

59. On page 74, the author discussed how rabbits communicate. Sum up his description.

60. How does Fiver act during this first time of introduction?

61. How do the men that live near the warren help the rabbits?

62. What does Strawberry show Hazel that shocks Hazel? What does the name “Laburnam” mean?

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63. Strawberry avoids a certain type of question that Hazel tries to ask. What is that question?

64. What does Hazel notice that is unusual about the threshold of the burrow?


65. What is unusual about Cowslip’s laugh? What effect does it have over the Sandleford rabbits?

66. What does Betony do that is unusual?

67. Why does Pipkin compare the Cowslip Warren rabbits to trees in November? Pipkin also says that the rabbits lack a certain skill, what is that?

68. What is “flayrah” and who leaves it for the rabbits?

69. What does Hazel like about Strawberry?

70. What do the rabbits do with the leftover “flayrah?”

71. Describe Hazel’s reaction to eating the carrot.

72. Where does Hazel find Fiver? Why is Fiver there? What does Fiver think of the Cowslip Warren?

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73. On page 90, what odd thing does Bigwig find in an old rabbit hole?

74. The Cowslip Warren asks for Hazel’s group to tell a story, but what story do they seem to NOT want to hear? What story does Dandelion decide to tell?



75. Who is Prince Rainbow and what has he done to El-ahrairah and his rabbits?

76. What deal does El-ahrairah make with Prince Rainbow? What does Prince Rainbow promise?

77. How does Rabscuttle get into King Darzin’s castle? What does he do to the king’s lettuce?

78. What does El-ahrairah pretend to be? What advice does he give the king?

79. Why does King Darzin deliver is prized lettuces to the rabbits?


80. What is the Cowslip rabbits reaction to Dandelion’s story?

81. What do the rabbits argue about? What do rabbits need the most?

82. Who is Silverweed? How does Fiver react when he meets him?

83. What does Fiver do after Silverweed tells his poem?

84. What does Fiver say when Hazel and Bigwig confront him about his behavior?


85. What does Hazel discover when he wakes up in the morning?

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86. Where do Hazel and Bigwig find Fiver?

87. What is Fiver planning to do?

88. What is Hazel’s reaction? What is Bigwig’s reaction?

89. What happens to Bigwig at this moment?

90. What is the only way to free Bigwig?

91. How do the Cowslip rabbits respond when Fiver asks them for help?

92. How do Fiver and Pipkin prove to be very helpful in rescuing Bigwig?

93. Why would Bigwig’s death be especially bad for Hazel?

94. What do the Sandleford rabbits plan to do to the Cowslip rabbits?

95. Summarize what Fiver says about Cowslip rabbits.

What happened to them?

Why are men so “kind” to them?

Why are they so strange?

Why do they hate “where” questions?

Why were they so kind to the Sandleford rabbits?

96. What do the Sandleford rabbits decide to do?

97. Who joins them? Why?



98. What condition (physically) are the rabbits in at the beginning of chapter 18?

99. Describe how the events at Cowslip warren have changed the dynamics of the group (pg. 122-123).

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100. Describe Strawberry’s struggles.

101. How has the snare experience changed Bigwig?102. Why does the hill of Watership Down turn out to be a great warren location?

103. How does Hawkbit prove useful at the end of the chapter?


104. What is a hlessi?

105. Describe the author’s tone when discussing industrialization on page 130. Give some examples that support your opinion of his tone.

106. What does Blackberry suggest that has to do the altering the rabbits’ behavior?

107. What about Cowslip warren does Hazel want to copy? Why?

108. Describe the incident of “The Black Rabbit of Inle.”

109. What does “zorn” mean?


110. In your own words, describe Captain Holly- how he was in Sandleford and how he is when found at Watership Down.

111. Who is with Holly? How has he helped Holly survive?

112. Why does Pipkin come during this potentially dangerous time? What does this indirectly reveal about him?

113. On page 142, what does Bigwig say he “shan’t forget” about Hazel? What does this indirectly reveal about him?

114. What name do the rabbits give the great burrow? Why? What is the key to success for a large burrow?

115. Who is most helpful in designing the great burrow? Why?

116. Summarize the incident of the hawk and the mouse.

117. What does Holly call Hazel that shocks him? Why would this be shocking?

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118. Before Holly talks about what happened at Sandleford, what does he warn the other rabbits about?

119. What is Holly’s regret when it comes to Fiver? What promise does he make to Hazel?

120. What does the mouse say to Hazel before he leaves? What does this imply?


Chapter 21

121. What is the Chief Rabbit’s opinion of prophet rabbits like Fiver?

122. Why did the Chief Rabbit decide not to move the Sandleford warren?

123. What is Holly’s opinion of men? How are they different from elil?

124. Why wasn’t Holly in the burrow during the attack?

125. Using Holly’s description, describe what the men did to the warren. Translate the rabbit description into a human one.

126. What did the men do to rabbits that escaped the warren (ex. Scabious)?

127. Why was it hard for rabbits to get out of the burrows? What were the mother rabbits doing?

128. How did Bluebell escape? Who is Pimpernel and how does he help?

129. Why had the men “done their work badly?”

130. What do the men do with the dead rabbits?

131. What kind of hrududu does Holly describe on page 156? How do you know?

132. What happens to the Chief Rabbit?

133. After the warren’s destruction, who does Holly want to find? Why?

134. What wisdom about men does Toadflax say before he dies?

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135. How do Holly and his followers track the Hazel group?136. What happens when they come across Cowslip rabbits? What happens to Pimpernel?

137. What information does Cowslip give Holly? Why does he share this information?

138. Why does Holly get so depressed when he first gets to Watership Down?

139. What does Holly mean when he says to Bigwig, “ . . . that was another rabbit, long, long ago.”?


140. How are rabbits and humans similar when it comes to handling disaster? Why is this a “blessing?”

141. How do rabbits honor the dead?

142. Describe the comparison to Odysseus (it’s ok if you don’t understand it- we will discuss the meaning in class- just make sure you are familiar with it).

143. Why does Hazel want to build relations with the other “non-elil” animals?

144. Why does Silver say this is a bad idea?

145. Summarize the author’s thoughts on the moon (pg. 165)

146. How does the mouse help the rabbits? What compliment does Holly give Hazel? Why do you think it means so much to Hazel?

147. Who tells the story of El-ahrairah’s trail?

148. Why won’t Prince Rainbow let El-ahrairah room with Rabscuttle?

149. Who is Hufsa? Why is he with El-ahrairah?

150. What trap does Prince Rainbow set for El-ahrairah?

151. Summarize the trick El-ahrairah plays on Hufsa. How does he discredit Hufsa’s testimony?

152. Why does El-ahrairah want a jury of elil?

153. What is the opinion of rabbits that the stoats, and the rest of the elil, have?

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154. Describe the rabbit saying “One cloud feels lonely.”

155. What do Silver and Bigwig discover out in the field?

156. Describe what they find. What’s wrong with it?

157. How do the rabbits help the creature? Why do they help it?

158. Why does Bigwig like Kehaar?

159. What is Kehaar’s story? Where was he going? What happened to him?

160. What does Hazel say the warren needs? Why is it important to add this?

161. How would Kehaar be helpful in getting what the rabbits need?

162. What is the prophecy that Fiver has on pg. 191? What might this mean?

163. How does Bigwig act while Kehaar is gone?

164. Describe the details of Kehaar’s journey. What two types of rabbits does he find?

165. What does Hazel decide to do in reference to the rabbits across the iron path?

166. What is the deal Frith made with El-ahrairah in regards to pregnant does?

167. Who goes on the journey to the strange warren? Why doesn’t Hazel go?


168. What adventure does Hazel want to go on? What does he plan to get?

169. Why does he take Pipkin on his journey?

170. Describe Nuthanger Farm (pg.200)

171. Describe the Hutch Rabbits.

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172. What does Hazel list as reasons the hutch rabbits should come with him?173. What are the hutch rabbits unable to do? (pg.203)

174. What to Hazel and Pipkin encounter as they are leaving? How do they escape?


175. According to Fiver, why does Hazel want to go to the Nuthinger farm?

176. Why does Fiver advise Hazel not to go? What deal does Hazel make with him?

177. Describe Bigwig’s confrontation with the cat.

178. What difficulties do the rabbits have with the hutch lock? How do they get the rabbits out?

179. What is Blackberry’s worry about the hutch rabbits and the escape?

180. Use the info on pg. 217 and summarize the hutch rabbits issues with the escape.

181. When the rabbits get to Hazel, who has been left behind?

Why does Hazel insist he goes back?

Who does he take with him and why?

182. What interrupts Hazel’s rescue? What happens to Laurel?

183. What is Hazel’s plan for distracting the men?

184. What happens to Hazel? Where does he hide?

185. What was Fiver’s vision about Hazel?

186. Describe the condition of the scout rabbits when they return from the strange warren. What can you assume based on this information?



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187. Describe the vision Fiver has about Hazel. How does it help Fiver find him?

188. Where do Fiver and Blackberry find Hazel?


189. Why do the rabbits feel that their luck has run out?

190. What is the fear the rabbits have about the two hutch does?

191. Describe Efrafa:

The Size and Location:

Marks and their purpose:

The Council:

The Owsla:

General Woundwort:

Structure and Rules:

Wide Patrol and Captain Campion:

Hyzenthlay and Problems with Warren:

192. Who is Blackavar and what happens to him?

193. What does Woundwort do in regards to Holly and the embassy?

194. What point does Strawberry make about rabbits and men?

195. How does the story about “The King’s Lettuce” inspire Holly’s escape plan?

196. How do the rabbits escape?

197. What is the “Messenger of Lord Frith” on pg. 240-241? How does this help the rabbit?

198. What does Holly say is the worst tragedy of all? What does this indirectly reveal about him?

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199. What doe is Holly infatuated with? Why?200. What news does Blackberry report back to the warren?

201. Describe Hazel’s condition when found.

202. What helps motivate Hazel to try and leave the drain, even though he is badly wounded?

203. How does Kehaar help Hazel’s recovery? What are the black stones?

204. How has the incident at Nuthinger farm changed Fiver’s and Hazel’s relationship?

205. What is the “other country” that Fiver speaks of?

206. Describe how rabbits are different from people when it comes to romantic love.

207. What are the two problems that rabbits foresee about the Hutch does?

208. What are the THREE things Hazel’s trick against Efrafa will have to do?

209. What does Fiver think of Hazel’s plan?


210. What do you think Kehaar means when he says that Fiver has traveled even farther than he has?

211. Why does Hazel keep the details of his plan secret from the rabbits who are going on the mission?

212. What does Holly think about the mission? Why?

213. Even though he has already been through a terrible visit to Efrafa, why does Silver say he wants to go back?

214. List the rabbits who are going on the mission.

215. Who is staying at the warren?

216. Why does Hazel get mad at Bluebell? What is Bluebell’s defense?

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217. Kehaar has agreed to help the rabbits, but he says the mission should happen very soon. Why?

218. What would you say the tone/mood of the book is at the end of Part II? Be specific and use evidence to support your opinion.



219. List the situations that have caused the rabbits to trust Fiver and Hazel so much.

220. What are the rabbits that have committed to go to Efrafa feeling?

221. Describe Bigwig’s mood on the journey to Efrafa.

222. What news does Kehaar bring from the Watership warren?

223. What place does Hazel want to find for the embassy to hide in? What does Kehaar suggest?

224. What story does Bigwig insist Dandelion tells?


225. Why does King Darzin want to attack the rabbits?

226. How does King Darzin hurt the rabbits?

227. Summarize the description of the Black Rabbit of Inle on page 270. What human fictional character would you compare him to?

228. Describe the Land of The Black Rabbit and his warren on pages. 272-273.

229. Who leaves during the story? Why?

230. Why don’t the rabbits eat the Black Rabbit’s food?

231. What is the FIRST game they play? What are the wagers?

232. Who loses and why?

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233.What is the SECOND game they play? What are the wagers?

234. Who loses and why?

235. What does El-ahrairah realize about the shadowy Owsla and their power?

236. What does the Black Rabbit keep in his warren’s pits?

237. Why does El-ahrairah want to make himself sick?

238. Why can’t El-ahrairah infect himself or other with the white blindness?

239. How does the Black rabbit save El-ahrairah’s rabbits?

240. Describe the attitude of the young rabbits about the older rabbits that fought in the war.

241. What does El-ahrairah say about rabbits who don’t recognize a gift? Who do you think he is talking about?

242. What gifts does Frith give El-ahrairah? What is special about the ears?

243. What interrupts the story?


245. How did Fiver use Pipkin’s fear of the story to help the group?

246. What does bigwig do that is foolish and dangerous?

247. What is Hazel’s reaction to this?

248. What is Bigwig’s response?

249. What does he say happened with the strange rabbits?

250. What warning does Kehaar bring?



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251. What has started giving Hazel trouble physically? Why does this worry him?

252. What are Hazel’s doubts about this mission?

253. Describe the rabbit’s reaction to the river.

254. Who is the last to cross the bridge? Why does this seem odd?

255. Why can’t the rabbits just outrun the Efrafa Owsla? What must they do to escape?

256. What do they find near the river?

257. How does Blackberry use what they find at the river to complete the plan? How will the rabbits disappear?


258. Summarize the description of General Woundwort:

His childhood Why he mistrusts humans How he first becomes Chief Rabbit How he founded Efrafa How he keeps control of Efrafa

259. What are some of the new problems facing Efrafa?

260.What happened to Captain Charlock and Captain Bugloss? What did their fates have to do with the WD (Watership Down) rabbits?

261. What do we know about Captain Campion?

262. Who comes to Efrafa at the end of the chapter? What does he want?


263. Summarize what you know about the black rabbit mentioned on page 315.

264. What is his purpose?

265. How does he affect Bigwig?

266. What is your opinion of Captain Chervil? Why?

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267. What promise does Bigwig make to himself in regards to Blackavar?

268. Summarize the message of Hyzenthlay’s poem on page 319.

269. What does Bigwig notice about the group of Efrafa does that concerns him?

270. Describe Hyzenthlay.

271. What does Bigwig reveal to Hyzenthlay when they meet in the burrow?

272. How are Hyzenthlay and Fiver similar? What images or events does Hyzenthlay foresee in regards to their escape?

273. What does Hyzenthlay say about Nelthilta?

274. What is Bigwig’s plan for rescuing Blackavar?



275. Why does Chervil call Hyzenthlay a “marli tharn”? What does that term mean?

276. When Bigwig meets with Kehaar, what are the 2 things Bigwig needs Kehaar and the WD rabbits to do in order to help with the escape?

277. Why does Chervil have to report about Kehaar? How could this damage Bigwig’s plan?

278. What adds suspense at the end of chapter 36.


279. What are the 4 issues Woundwort questions Bigwig about? What excuses does Bigwig give?

280. What does Hazel swear to do if Bigwig doesn’t show up the second night?

281. What is causing Bigwig to be “close to utter nervous exhaustion?”

282. Why does Hyzenthlay say they need to hurry?

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283. How does Nelthilta give away the plan to Chervil?

284. How does Bigwig help Chervil get rid of the big bird? How does this help the plan?

285. What does Bigwig tell Blackavar at the end of the chapter? How does he get to him?


286. Why can’t Hazel join the rescue to Efrafa? What job is he given instead? Why is it an important one?

287. What happens to Nelthilta? Why is this bad for the escape?

288. How does Bigwig arrange for most of the rabbits to stay underground during the escape?

289. How does he rescue Blackavar? What changes about Blackavar when he is rescued?

290. What wound does Bigwig get from the rescue?

291. What part of the does training with Efrafan discipline prove useful during the escape?

292. What does Bigwig contemplate doing when he realizes Woundwort is chasing him?

293. What does Blackavar say that changes Bigwig’s mind?

294. How might the lightening serve as a metaphor for the events of this chapter?

295. What saves Bigwig and the other rabbits when Woundwort tries to attack?

296. Where do Woundwort and his men hide? Why?

297. How does Kehaar help with the managing of the does?

298. How does Woundwort inadvertently help with getting the scared does on the boat?

299. What promise does Woundwort make to Bigwig?

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300. What comparison does Bigwig make to Woundwort’s face when he sees the rabbits sail off? What do you think Woundwort is feeling at this moment?



301. How do the rabbits successfully pass under the first bridge, while on the boat?

302. What happens to the one doe? Why?

303. What does Kehaar say the rabbits must do when their boat comes to the tunnel?

304. What does Kehaar tend to get impatient at the rabbits about that is part of their character?

305. What are Fiver and Pipkin the first to do? What is unusual about this?

306. Who else jumps off the boat with Hazel? Why?

307. Who does Blackavar say the does will obey? Why?


308. What is the sad event that begins this chapter?

309. What promise does Kehaar make before he leaves? What does Bigwig say about Kehaar as he flies away?

310. Summarize the description of Blackavar

Who was his mother and father? Blackavar’s relationship with the Efrafan Owsla His relationship with Hyzenthlay His usefulness to Hazel and the other rabbits His loyalty to Bigwig

311. What do Fiver and Blackavar say about Hazel’s plan to rest near Caesar’s Belt? Why?

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312. Why does Bigwig fight with Blackavar? How does this make Blackavar feel?

313. What tragedy strikes the rabbits the next morning?

314. What does Bigwig say to Blackavar after the attack? What is unusual about Blackavar’s response?

315. How does Hyzenthlay explain Blackavar’s response?

316. Who comes to the rabbits and what does he want?

317. What mistake has Captain Campion made?

318. What does Blackavar say they must do to Campion and his officers? Why?

319. What decision does Hazel make? Why?

320. Who are the first WD rabbits the travelers are reunited with? What happy news do they share?

321. What information, at the end of this chapter, adds suspense and foreboding?


322. Describe Watership Down’s new society

The Does Blackavar Mating and litters Plans for Winter

323. Why do El-ahrairah and Rabscuttle want to get in the farmer’s garden?

324. Who is Rowsy Woof?

325. What does El-ahrairah promise to do?

326. What two things do El-ahrairah and Rabscuttle find that will help their plan?

327. Who is Fairy Wogdog? How does he earn Rowsy Woof’s trust?

328. Why does Rowsy leave the garden and go to the village?

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329. Who finds him there?

330. What does El-ahrairah tell Rowsy that allows El-ahrairah and Rabscuttle to escape from the farmer’s house?



331. What news does the friendly mouse share with Hazel?

332. What news does Speedwell have about Clover?

333. What is Blackavar’s advice when they find out that Woundwort is at Watership?

334. Why does Hazel reject that advice? What does he say to do?

335. What is Hazel’s state of mind about the battle against Woundwort? Why?

336. What does he decide to do at the end of the chapter? Why?


337. Read pages 414-415 carefully. What do you think is the biggest motivator for General Woundwort’s decision to come to Watership Down? Give evidence from this section to support your opinion.

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338. Where does Woundwort send his Owsla in hopes of spotting the WD rabbits? Is it successful?

339. What doubts do the captains of the Owsla have about Woundwort? Do you think they are right? Why?

340. How does Woundwort prove that he is still strong and cunning during the journey to WD? (page 418)

341. What solution does Hazel offer Woundwort?

342. What does Woundwort say to this solution? What does this prove about him?


343. How do Silver and Buckthorn help protect the warren?

344. What happens when Groundsel comes across Blackavar?

345. Why does Woundwort reject Campion’s idea of waiting and starving out the WD rabbits? What does this reveal about Woundwort?

346. How do the Efrafa rabbits plan to get to the WD rabbits?

347. What about the Efrafa attack seems especially unfair and cruel to Hazel? (page 427)

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348. Describe what happens to Fiver on page 428.

349. What would you assume is Hazel’s plan by the end of Chapter 44?


350. What have the Efrafa rabbits heard that frightens them?

351. Describe the roles Hazel, Dandelion, and Blackberry play in Hazel’s plan.

352. What dangerous position does Hazel find himself in at the end of the chapter?


353. Why does the Efrafa Owsla rabbit so scared of the WD rabbits? What does Woundwort say about this?

354. Why do you think it’s so important that Blackberry lead the dog back to the warren?

355. What was trying to attack Dandelion and how does Hazel save him?

356. What situation does Hazel find himself in at the end of the chapter?


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357. What is Woundwort’s biggest concern in regards to the WD rabbits? Page 437.

358. What do Woundwort and his Owsla find when they enter the WD burrow?

359. What plan does Bigwig devise to launch a surprise attack on Woundwort?

360. Summarize the author’s description of Woundwort’s fighting style on page 441. What might this indirectly reveal about Woundwort’s character?

361. What happens when Woundwort breaks into where the WD rabbits are hiding? What happens to Bigwig?



362. What does Bluebell do to calm the WD rabbits while Bigwig defends the burrow?

363. What deal does Woundwort try to make with Bigwig? What does this reveal about Woundwort?

364. What does Woundwort ask Vervain to do? What does this reveal about Woundwort?

365. What does Fiver say to Vervain? How does this affect Vervain?

366. What happens at the end of the chapter? What does Woundwort do?


376. Who is Lucy and what does she find when she goes outside in the morning?

377. Who comes back to the farm? In what condition?

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378. Where does the Doctor take Hazel?


379. Summarize pages 460-462 about what happens to the Efrafan rabbits when and after the dog attacks. What happens to Campion? Vervain? Groundsel? Etc.

380. What condition is Bigwig in? How do the others help him?

381. Who searches for Hazel?

382. What does Bigwig tell Hazel about his fighting days?

383. How does Hazel say he got home? Who verifies his story?


384. How do rabbits get along in the winter?

385. How has Fiver changed since the Efrafa attack? Who is his doe?

386. Summarize what Holly says about Woundwort?

387. What does Groundsel say about Woundwort? What does Groundsel feel shameful about ?

388. What is the update on Efrafa and Campion?

389. What new role does Bigwig have at WD? What does he do with Clover’s babies?

390. What are the plans for a new warren?

391. What roles do Pipkin and Bluebell have?

392. What is special about the story Vilthuril is telling her babies?

393. Who is Threar and why is he unique?


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394. What does the author say about the new warren on the Belt?

395. What is the legend of Woundwort?

396. Who can we assume is the strange rabbit in Hazel’s burrow? Where does he take Hazel?