War of 1812. Mr. Madison (Dem. Rep.) takes the lead Born in Virginia, 1751 GW, TJ were all also...

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Transcript of War of 1812. Mr. Madison (Dem. Rep.) takes the lead Born in Virginia, 1751 GW, TJ were all also...

War of 1812 Mr. Madison (Dem. Rep.) takes the lead Born in Virginia, 1751 GW, TJ were all also from VA Jeffersons former Secretary of State Father of the Constitution, and played a key role in developing the Bill of Rights Madison runs against Pinckney, 122 votes to years old when he became President The end of the line for the Federalists?? Why did we put the Embargo act into play? Nonintercourse Act (1809) RECAP: Embargo Act is seen as a failure Jefferson & Congress develop Nonintercourse Act replaces the Embargo Act Act was targeted at both Britain and France US was able to trade with other countries other than GB or France US would trade with whichever country lifted their restrictions on American shipping Macons Bill No.2 restored trade w/ GB and France but also promised if either country recognized American neutrality, US would resume trading sanctions against other country Tecumseh Leader of the Shawnee Grew up exposed to warfare (Revolutionary War, Little Turtles War) Founded Prophetstown with his brother in 1808 Tecumseh Two Shawnee Indians, Tenskwatawa the Prophet and Tecumseh wanted to protect Native American culture Both were angered by US repeatedly breaking their treaty agreements, began recruiting Indians throughout the area American Army led by William Henry Harrison attacks Prophetstown Battle of Tippecanoe Americans burned Prophetstown Public opinion points fingers back to Great Britain Battle of Tippecanoe Enter the War Hawks 1811, arose some younger aggressive politicians nicknamed the War Hawks Many of these men from, south or the western parts of the United States Began to divide the Democratic Republicans South represented by John C. Calhoun (South Carolina) West represented by Henry Clay (Kentucky) WHY WE SHOULD GO TO WAR 1. Restore national honor to the United States 2. Impressment 3. End British aid to Native Americans in the West 4. Take Florida from Spain (Spain was a GB ally) 5. Take Canada (a British Colony) Reliving the past Many of the War Hawks were younger, most were just beginning to serve 1 st term Wanted to restore national honor to the country Nationalism immense pride for the their own country Greatly influenced by the past glory and war stories of the Revolutionary War John C. Calhoun House of Representative from South Carolina Democratic Republican Nationalist Graduated from Yale, and became a lawyer Plantation Owner Henry Clay Speaker of the House, at 33 leader of the House of Representatives (he is a Democratic Republican) From Kentucky, originally a criminal defense attorney To war President Madison urges Congress to declare War, sees no other way after being swayed by War Hawks Vote barely gets through Congress in June of 1812 Strongly divided the country FEDERALISTS COMPLETELY AGAINST IT! US goes toe to toe with the greatest power in the world (Great Britain).AGAIN! Preparation for War AmericaGreat Britain Advantages/ Disadvantages Preparation for War US Weak army, weak navy GB Very strong army, very strong navy US Army made up of less than 7,000 soldiers, 6 warships British had close to 400 warships, around 250,000 soldiers + Indians BUT, many soldiers were also split between Europe (France) War Begins (1812 1815) US plan of attack 1.Invade Canada 2.Push the Indians out of American territory 3.Repel British from the homeland Failure of Canadian Invasion Jefferson acted as an adviser to Madison Argued population of 8 million (US) could easily take Canada (250,000 people) Jefferson points out that Canadian invasion easier to organize versus building a larger navy A mere matter of marching Militia could easily overtake Canada Multiple attempts during 1812 and 1813 lead to failure Defeating the Native Americans Harrisons Army at Battle of Thames, is able to defeat and kill Tecumseh, October , Andrew Jackson beats the Creek Indians of Alabama, who had allied w/ GB Moved further south, invaded Spanish colony of Florida and defeated Seminole Indians DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP: Success on the Seas US had much smaller navy, but was able to gain some major moral victories 1.USS Constitution defeats Guerrierie, August 1812 off the coast of New England 2.Master Commander Oliver Hazard Perry is able to seal victory against British on Lake Erie, September 1813 VICTORY HELPS KEEP BRITISH FROM INVADING NEW YORK! Great Britain on the Offense Early 1814, France is defeated by GB = More GB troops are able to be deployed in US British navy blockades the US coast and attacks inland Plan of Attack 1.Attack through Maine 2.From Montreal, a second army invaded New York 3.March on Washington D.C. from Maryland 4.British fleet attacks New Orleans from Gulf of Mexico Attack on Washington D.C. Burned the White House and Capitol in retaliation for burning the Canadian capitol of York (nowadays Toronto) The attack took Americans by complete surprise Madison had planned a dinner party for the evening before British attacked Dolly Madison was able to save all of the presidential portraits (except Thomas Jeffersons) The Star Spangled Banner British attack Baltimore after burning of D.C. Sea/ Land Battle Fort McHenry was able to hold off the GB navy Lawyer Francis Scott Key who was captured by the British was inspired to write the Star-Spangled Banner after a US victory The flag flying had 15 stars, 13 stripes Battle of New Orleans General Andrew Jackson is able to lead a defense against the British attack (January 1815) Much smaller force 4,500 vs 7,500 US army was made up of slaves, pirates, militia and professional army 2,036 GB casualties to 71 US casualties Andrew Jackson Born in South Carolina, 1767 Was a courier during the Revolutionary War Plantation owner, lawyer Elected to both the House of Representatives and later after War of 1812, Senate Treaty of Ghent = War Ends *Both sides began to feel fatigue of war* Agreed to a peace treaty that returned war to prewar boundaries Agreed to set up a commission to discuss boundary disputes DID NOT MENTION: issues of neutrality or impressments Treaty seen as a sign of victory by American public because it was released after Jacksons victory in New Orleans Hartford Convention, The Federalist Demise December 1814, Federalist delegates met in Hartford, Connecticut At the meeting, delegates discussed a separate treaty with GB and separating from the country (secede) Decided instead to fight for more constitutional amendments to strengthen New Englands political power Demands reached Washington D.C. too late, Federalist view hit hard CAUSES -British interfere w/ American Shipping -British interfere w/ American expansion into the western frontier -Southerners want Florida, which is owed by Spain -War Hawks want to expel Britain completely from N. America EFFECTS -Revealed need for a strong standing army -Encouraged American nationalism -Brought end to the Federalist Party -Shattered strength of Native American resistance -Paved way for American acquisition of Florida