Wal Mart[1] 1




Transcript of Wal Mart[1] 1

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Group Nine– Emma O’Brien– Jessica Strode Phase III– Shivani Parikh– Sherri Davis April 30, 2007– Marcella Fridman

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Executive Summary

• This is what we found about the company:• Wal-Mart currently is #1 in category, all about price with lack

of brand image and criticized for being a corporate giant

• This is what we decided to do:• Maintain awareness and increase market share• Create brand image and increase loyalty• Make Wal-Mart a part of the community

• This is how we are going to do it using an IMC Campaign:• Create incentives to increase contact points with customers• Develop a strong brand personality by using advertisement

with the same campaign of “Wal-Mart. Making your life easier.”• Renovate stores to create a more conducive shopping


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(New) Brand AuditTarget


-30-55 years old

-Family-oriented: wives, mothers

-Low to middle income

-More specific target than before


-Making customers’lives easier through:

-Wally World-Gifts-New store layout-Customer


-More focus on consumer experience than before

-Becoming a communitymember over a corporation








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Positioning Grid

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The “Big Idea”

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Media Pre-PlanSituation AnalysisDefine Problem or


Marketing StrategyIdentify solutions or means

Creative StrategyIdentify Message

World’s #1 retailer in discount and groceries

Sales in 2006 were at $344.992 billion, increasing 11.7% from 2005

Costs $75.565 billion

Distribution in Wal-Mart stores: discount, super centers, neighborhood, Sam’s Club

Recent advertising has attempted to update their image through print (Vogue) and TV spots

Wal-Mart relies on price to elicit shoppers

Opportunity: increase experience

-Objectives: To reposition Wal-Mart in the mind of the consumers to be an accommodating place that makes the consumer’s life easier.

-To increase brand loyalty by 18% in the first six months, to increase brand sympathy at year’s end by 40%

-Spending: $600 million on a year-long IMC campaign in addition to in-store renovations

-Same distribution - freeze on new stores until IMC has been in effect for 1 year.

-Promotions: all intended to create happy customers with increased loyalty

-Family-oriented women 30-55 years old; mothers, wives, low-to-middle income

-Old target was unclear with no specific focus

-Making the shopping experience more accommodating by providing childcare, customer rewards card, sample gifts, community events, etc. to have shopping be a successful venture and show Wal-Mart’s care and loyalty to the community

-Move Wal-Mart from simply price-driven to appeal to price-driven consumers that also value experience. Also, move away from a global giant to a resourceful community member.

-Copy themes: “Random Act of Kindness # __” illustrating Wal-Mart’s new services. “Making your life easier” with variations on the theme to go with seasonal changes.

-Mass - TV spots, Billboards, Radio Targeted - Direct mail, in-store signage, in-store giveaways, community events, in-store services.

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Situation AnalysisDefine Problem or


Marketing StrategyIdentify solutions or means

Creative StrategyIdentify Message

World’s #1 retailer in discount and groceries

Sales in 2006 were at $344.992 billion, increasing 11.7% from 2005

Costs $75.565 billion

Distribution in Wal-Mart stores: discount, super centers, neighborhood, Sam’s Club

Recent advertising has attempted to update their image through print (Vogue) and TV spots

Wal-Mart relies on price to elicit shoppers

Opportunity: increase experience

-Objectives: To reposition Wal-Mart in the mind of the consumers to be an accommodating place that makes the consumer’s life easier.

-To increase brand loyalty by 18% in the first six months, to increase brand sympathy at year’s end by 40%

-Spending: $600 million on a year-long IMC campaign in addition to in-store renovations

-Same distribution - freeze on new stores until IMC has been in effect for 1 year.

-Promotions: all intended to create happy customers with increased loyalty

-Family-oriented women 30-55 years old; mothers, wives, low-to-middle income

-Old target was unclear with no specific focus

-Making the shopping experience more accommodating by providing childcare, customer rewards card, sample gifts, community events, etc. to have shopping be a successful venture and show Wal-Mart’s care and loyalty to the community

-Move Wal-Mart from simply price-driven to appeal to price-driven consumers that also value experience. Also, move away from a global giant to a resourceful community member.

-Copy themes: “Random Act of Kindness # __” illustrating Wal-Mart’s new services. “Making your life easier” with variations on the theme to go with seasonal changes.

-Mass - TV spots, Billboards, Radio Targeted - Direct mail, in-store signage, in-store giveaways, community events, in-store services.

Media Pre-Plan

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Situation AnalysisDefine Problem or


Marketing StrategyIdentify solutions or means

Creative StrategyIdentify Message

World’s #1 retailer in discount and groceries

Sales in 2006 were at $344.992 billion, increasing 11.7% from 2005

Costs $75.565 billion

Distribution in Wal-Mart stores: discount, super centers, neighborhood, Sam’s Club

Recent advertising has attempted to update their image through print (Vogue) and TV spots

Wal-Mart relies on price to elicit shoppers

Opportunity: increase experience

-Objectives: To reposition Wal-Mart in the mind of the consumers to be an accommodating place that makes the consumer’s life easier.

-To increase brand loyalty by 18% in the first six months, to increase brand sympathy at year’s end by 40%

-Spending: $600 million on a year-long IMC campaign in addition to in-store renovations

-Same distribution - freeze on new stores until IMC has been in effect for 1 year.

-Promotions: all intended to create happy customers with increased loyalty

-Family-oriented women 30-55 years old; mothers, wives, low-to-middle income

-Old target was unclear with no specific focus

-Making the shopping experience more accommodating by providing childcare, customer rewards card, sample gifts, community events, etc. to have shopping be a successful venture and show Wal-Mart’s care and loyalty to the community

-Move Wal-Mart from simply price-driven to appeal to price-driven consumers that also value experience. Also, move away from a global giant to a resourceful community member.

-Copy themes: “Random Act of Kindness # __” illustrating Wal-Mart’s new services. “Making your life easier” with variations on the theme to go with seasonal changes.

-Mass - TV spots, Billboards, Radio Targeted - Direct mail, in-store signage, in-store giveaways, community events, in-store services.

Media Pre-Plan

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Media PlanMedia Vehicle Reach/

FrequencyPercent of Total Budget

National/ Cable TV

Each TV spot should reach 80% of women ages 30-55, 3+ a week during the month/s allocated

45%$270 Million

Direct Mail Reach 75% of all households once during the month/s allocated

20%$120 Million

Billboards Reach 50% of women 30-55 1+ times a week during the month allocated

10%$60 Million

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Media Plan Cont’d.

Media Vehicle Reach/ Frequency

Percent of Total Budget

Radio reach 60% of women ages 30-55, 5+ a week during the month/s allocated in each local region

20%$120 Million

In-Store Signage/Merchandise

Reach 95% that are in store

5%$30 Million

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Media Plan Budget (%)

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IMC Timeline

Phase 1: Redo Store Layout



Phase 2: RAK campaign billboards and tv spots


Continue RAK, announce Wal-Mart July 4th



All stores open, grand opening event, start Wally World, Making your life easier (back to school)




Start Rewards program, back to school cont’d



Making your life easier: Halloween




Making your life easier: Thanksgiving




Making your holidays easier



Making it easier to keep your resolution




Making your life easier: Valentine’s Day



Making your life easier: March Madness



Making your life easier: Easter

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Are You Ready For

March Madness?

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Making your life easier.

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Repositioning Wal-Mart through in-store renovations & a national campaign as an accommodating community member can help enhance their overall image and build a loyal customer base.

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