VTHS Dinner 2017 Ads

Platinum Mazel Tov to Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and Lou Shapiro for this well deserved honor Frank & Lynn Menlo

Transcript of VTHS Dinner 2017 Ads

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PlatinumMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for this well deserved honor

Frank & Lynn Menlo

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Gold Select

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! Your commitment to Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint

on the Los Angeles Jewish community.

Jose & Esther Liberman

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Gold Select

We join in recognizing the outstanding leadership, dedication to Jewish education and

contributions to the community of the awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Lenard & Sarah Liberman

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Gold Select

Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and Lou Shapiro

Thank you for you generous support for Torah education.

David & Miriam Striks

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Silver SelectMazel Tov

to the awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Their leadership, dedication and devotion have made them examples for others to follow.

May they go from strength to strength.

Daniel & Vardit Aharonoff

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We’d like to thank Valley Torah High School for giving us the opportunity to honor them for doing such a great job with their terrific High School…

where children not only get a good education and thrive, but are also happy. Keep it up!

Mazel Tov to Lou and Simi Shapiro on receiving the Alumnus of the Year Award!

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg and Family

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BronzeWe join in paying tribute to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School.

Paul & Judy Cohen

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In recognition of the tremendous efforts of Rabbi Stulberger

and Valley Torah High School

The Bak & Gastwirth Families

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Congratulations to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

on this well deserved honor.

Brian & Tabitha Dror

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Mazel Tov to the honorees and

thank you for your efforts

on behalf of Valley Torah High School.

Jan & Lori Moore

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Thank you to Valley Torah High School for this undeserved recognition.

The secret sauce of the organization’s success is its

unconditional love and support for its students.

May it continue to nurture and inspire for generations to come.

Lou & Simi Shapiro

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DiamondWe salute the distinguished honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

on this well deserved honor.

Dr. Barry and Dr. Martha Simon

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Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School’s

staff and students

Dr. Farid and Nazanin Yasharpour

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RubyYasher Koach to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you go from strength to strength!

Uri & Efrat Zisblatt and Family

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RubyCongratulations to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Thank you for your dedication to Valley Torah High School.

Sol & Sara Pearlman

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RubyIn tribute to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you continue to be a source of strength to the entire Jewish community.

Moshe & Nechama Nafisi

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RubyMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you be blessed to continue to support the education of many generations of Jewish children.

The Los Angeles Jewish Fund

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We are delighted to honor our dear cousins and friends

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

May you continue to be a source of strength to the Jewish community

David and Judy Hager

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RubyMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg on this well deserved honor.

Rabbi & Mrs. Jacob Friedman Aron Dov & Debbie Friedman

David & Judy Friedman Kenneth & Libby Lehman Yehoshua & Ruchel Klavan

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RubyMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg Lou & Simi Shapiro

on receiving this well deserved honor. Your commitment to Valley Torah and to Klal Yisroel

is an inspiration to us all.

Rabbi Yehuda & Simi Feigen

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In honor of Rabbi Stulberger for all the guidance and support he has given our family.

We feel very blessed that two generations of our family have been and are VTHS students.

With our deepest gratitude and respect,

Eli & Sandra Eisenberg

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Mazel Tov to my dear friends

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

on this well deserved honor.

Stanley Black

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg Lou & Simi Shapiro

You are shining examples to the entire community.

Rabbi Aryeh & Debbie Striks

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Mazel Tov to

Valley Torah High School and its Honorees

Rabbi Samuel Chmelnicki Sholom Memorial Park & Mortuary

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RubyCongratulations to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Thank you for your support of Valley Torah High School.

Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Weiss

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BuilderOur very best wishes to tonight’s honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

We recognize them as role models and leaders who serve to inspire our young people and

the entire Jewish community.

Jacob & Fran Wintner

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Best wishes to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for a well deserved honor.

Alan & Ethel Treister

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BuilderMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May Hashem grant you the ability to continue the good work you do on behalf of the Jewish community.

Yonatan & Rikki Menlo

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Dear Louis and Simi,  We are very excited that Valley Torah has chosen

Louis as Alumnus of the year 2017. Both of your fine midos including chesed, hakaras hatov, 

menschlichkeit, parenthood, kibud Av V'Eim, shalom bayis,  avodas HaShem, and hachnosas orchim, are exemplary.

We thank our Beit Hamidrash / West Valley community of Woodland Hills for helping us to raise such a  fine young man, and our mishpacha in Melbourne for such a 

beautiful daughter in law. Baruch HaShem.


Mom and Dad

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BuilderMichael & Sheryl Rosenberg

and Lou Shapiro

Mazel Tov on this fitting honor.

Your support of Jewish education has made an everlasting imprint on the Los

Angeles Jewish community.

Ira & Ruchi Smedra

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May Hashem bless you and your families for the wonderful chessed you do.

Avi & Tanya Heyman

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BuilderIn honor of Valley Torah High School

and its impact on our community.

And in honor of tonight’s Distinguished Leadership Awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and Alumnus of the Year ~ Lou Shapiro

VTHS and the community at large are fortunate to have you as supporters and leaders! May your exemplar be a shining light for your children and us all.

Zvi & Betty Ryzman Mickey & Shelly Fenig Elie & Adina Ryzman Avi & Zahava Ryzman Rafi & Elimor Ryzman

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Mazel Tov

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

You are certainly worthy recipients of this special honor bestowed by Valley Torah.

Jonathan and Miriam Isrin

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May Hashem continue to bless your families with nachas, simcha and bracha

The Hendeles & Gozdzik Families

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In recognition of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Our community is enriched by your support and dedication to Valley Torah High School.

Ephraim & Suzanne Feigelstock

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In honor of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

We applaud you for your support of Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors.

Dr. Mark and Andrea Coronel

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Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor. Your efforts have helped to sustain a true Makom Torah

where every deserving student can receive a Jewish education.

David and Chani Coronel

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Mazel Tov to

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg &

Lou Shapiro

on your richly deserved awards. Your support of Torah education is instrumental in laying the foundations for future generations.

Ronnie & Hindy Mayer

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SustainerRecognizing our great friends

Sheryl and Michael Rosenberg for their tremendous leadership right here

in our own community and for the world Jewish community at large. 

Remembering The great Stanley Diller ז״ל who not only inspired his children but was proud in knowing that Sheryl and Michael would continue this legacy in their own right. 

We honor you for your commitment to Yeshiva education and are grateful for you. 

Dina and Fred Leeds

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In honor of dear friends

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg for their commitment to the

LA Jewish Community.

May Hashem reward you and your family with good health, happiness and much nachas

Stanley & Barbara Treitel

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SustainerDear Mom and Pop,

 Congratulations ! We are so happy to celebrate this wonderful evening with you!  


To our good friend Lou Shapiro, Lou, every Valley Torah boy should aspire to be like you!  The school is lucky to have you as an

incredible alumnus and role model, and we commend you on all the great things you do!  

All the best, 

Eddie and Benny Diller Properties


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SustainerTo my wonderful parents, Mom and Pop,

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg, Mazel Tov on this momentous occasion.

You both have always been shining examples of exemplary character. You both embody the emphasis on midos, chessed and ma'asim tovim

with a deep love of Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

This is such a well-deserved honor and I am so proud of you. Tonight, Grandpa, Stanley Diller, would be proud to see you continuing his legacy

to support and grow the Los Angeles Jewish community.

May Hashem give you the strength to grow "M'chayil L'chayil" from strength to strength. May we always share in B’soros Tovos.

Thank you for always being such wonderful parents and role models.

Love always, Oliver Rosenberg

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SustainerDear Mom and Pop,

Mazel Tov on receiving this well-deserved honor from Valley Torah High School!

I’d like to thank you and express the incredible amount of gratitude that I have toward both of you for everything that you have done for me throughout the course of my life; it really means

the world to me!

I have great admiration for you, and have always seen you as excellent role models for what it means to be supportive, loving parents and greatly dedicated community leaders. 

The extraordinary amount of chessed that you do for so many deserving individuals and organizations serves as an inspiration for me to accomplish great things. 

May we continue to celebrate many more simchas together ad me’ah ve’esrim. 

With much love and respect,  Charlie

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SustainerDear Mom and Pop!

Mazel Tov on this most deserving honor!    

Your selfless dedication to chessed and Jewish institutions is amazing, and a shining example to us and the greater community at large.  We are so proud of

all your accomplishments.  

May you continue to go from strength to strength until 120.  

We love you,  Edmundo, Esti, David, Stanley, and Emma

 Benny, Shira, Sophie, Enrique, Carolina, and Vivian

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Mazel Tov to

Lou & Simi Shapiro and the entire Valley Torah High School Family

Shimon & Rachel Riss

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Yasher Koach to our neighbors

Simi and Lou

on this most well deserved honor. You both put your heart and soul into helping the Jewish community and

Valley Torah is a very lucky recipient of your time and energy. May Hashem give you and your very special boys lots of Bracha and Nachas always.

Jona & Rachel Rechnitz

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Mazel Tov to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you be blessed to continue to support the education of many generations of Jewish children.

Motty & Limor Notis

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In recognition of Valley Torah High School’s

efforts in building the future of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.

Dr. Yosef & Kimia Nasseri

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Mazel Tov to

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg

May you continue to serve the community in good health for many years to come.

The Markovitz Family

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Congratulations to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Your dedication to Jewish education is a shining example to us all.

Enoch and Yocheved Kimmelman

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With compliments to Valley Torah High School

for their contribution to the community.

Eli Harel

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Your commitment to Torah education exemplifies your true leadership qualities.

Howard and Gity Gluck

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SustainerTo our dear children Louis and Simi,

You are a dynamic couple whose graciousness, generosity, personal warmth and open house

enrich the lives of all who are fortunate to know you.

Although you both do not seek any honor, you are truly deserving of this recognition from Valley Torah High School.

May Hashem bless your beautiful family and may you have as much nachas from your children as you have given us. 

With immense love,

Mom and Dad Sara and Yossi Franck

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SustainerMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

upon receiving these much deserved honors. Your commitment and dedication to

Torah and education is truly inspirational.

Jeffrey and Aliza Fish and Family

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In honor of the Valley Torah High School Family and

their contributions to the community.

Michael & Niesa Azran

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Best wishes to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for a well deserved honor.

Ken & Cassi Alter

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Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Hymie and Marilyn Barber

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Our best wishes to

Valley Torah High School

for all they do for the community

Yosef & Sivan Gamaty

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PartnerMazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you be blessed to continue to support the Torah education of

many generations of Jewish children

Alan & Lisa Friedman

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Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Hillel & Ruth Kellerman

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In honor of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for their involvement and support of Torah education.

Michael and Suri Kest

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Our very best wishes to tonight’s honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

on this most deserved honor.

Jack and Gita Nagel

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Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and this year’s deserving honorees.

Michael & Sasha Parker

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We join in paying tribute to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for their dedication and commitment to Valley Torah High School.

Dr. David & Andrea Sherman

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Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.

Steven and Lorraine Spira

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Congratulations to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School.

Peter and Liz Steinlauf

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Mazel Tov to the awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Their leadership and dedication have made them examples for others to follow.

Sidney and Marcia Teichman

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PartnerTo our dear friend Lou Shapiro on this well-deserved honor!

As a valued member of our community here in Beverlywood and your hometown in the Valley, you always make everyone

feel welcome with your smile and sense of humor. We wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.

May you go from strength to strength, and continue to be an integral part of our community.

Mazal Tov from your friends:


Ronnie & Chava Bernstein Bracha & David Peto Donny & Alyssa Wiesel Daniel & Annie Nagel Talya & Michael Kleinman Naomi & Jeremy Ives

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In honor of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

for their outstanding commitment and devotion to

Valley Torah High School

Mrs. Mila Kornwasser

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Dear Louis and Simi, We are so proud of the wonderful role models you are.

Mazel Tov to our brother and uncle Louis on a most deserving honor of Alumnus of the Year!

May you both continue to be an inspiration to all of us.


Ilya and Anna Neyman & Family

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Congratulations to the Honorees

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg

May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve, and the will to share your success with the community.

Mazal Tov!

Fred Schor

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Mazel tov to the Honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Wishing best of luck to you and the entire Valley Torah family.

Gershon & Sara Schlussel

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Our very best wishes to our dear friends

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg

on this very deserving honor. We are delighted to share this

evening with you!

Mazal Tov

Murielle & Steve Uretsky

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Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and to the well deserving awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Dr. David & Dorothy Stoll

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Mazal Tov

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

They could not have found two more deserving people.

With love,

Yvonne & Abe

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Yasher Koach

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg For raising such a beautiful family

and for all they do for the Los Angeles Jewish Community.

Mazal Tov

Lou & Simi Shapiro on a well deserved honor. You are true role models for the young generation.

Dr. Ernest and Suzanne Agatstein

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We honor our cousins  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

and recognize their dedication and love for our community.

Susan & Michael Baum and Family

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In recognition of tonight’s awardees  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

and their support of Valley Torah High School

Daniel & Rivky Beren

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Congratulations to our most deserving honorees. May you continue the important task of

assisting and enhancing Jewish education for many years to come, in good health

and happiness, and may you merit the rewards of: ״וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה

הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם״

Esther & Jacob Blaich

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In honor of  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Our community is enriched by your support and dedication to Valley Torah High School.

Rabbi & Mrs. Yehudah Bukspan

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Mazel Tov to the honorees for their well deserved recognition.

Max & Sandy Candiotty

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Well deserved congratulations and appreciation to

Sheryl and Michael Rosenberg and Family

for your commitment and generosity to the community.

You are an inspiration to all of us and have set an extraordinary example for the next generation.

With love, The Family

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Congratulations to

Lou Shapiro A terrific criminal defense attorney

A great legal commentator A man of profound integrity

A man bristling with confidence and healthy self-esteem A success - who never lost his humility and compassion

A Ben Torah with Yiras Shomayim A real mentsch A good friend

I'm so proud to know you and Simi.

Baruch C. Cohen, Esq.

Law Office of Baruch C. Cohen, APLC 4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 940

Los Angeles, CA 90010 Office (323) 937-4501

Cell (323) 353-9535 Facsimile: (323) 937-4503

New Email: [email protected] www.BaruchCohenEsq.com

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Best wishes to Valley Torah High School for continued success.

In memory of

Maxmillian & Ruth  Friedman ז״ל

The Friedman & Cummings Families

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Mazel Tov to  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School.

Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Dear

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In honor of our dear friends

Sheryl & Michael Rosenberg whose commitment and dedication

to all Jewish causes is a shining example to us all.

Congratulations to

Lou Shapiro on a well deserved honor.

Wishing continued success to Valley Torah High School and a special Yasher Koach to our good friends

Howard and Gity Gluck for all the wonderful work they do for VTHS.

Walter and Esthie Feinblum & Family

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Congratulations to the most deserving awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Yoni & Bina Oscherowitz - Timeline Cinema

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We join Valley Torah High School in recognizing  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

acknowledging all their efforts on behalf of Valley Torah High School

and the synagogues and yeshivas of Los Angeles.

Joshua and Regina Fink Brooklyn, New York

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Mazel Tov to  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

May Hashem grant you health and happiness to continue your good deeds.

Emil and Jenny Fish

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Valley Torah High School

Thank you for recognizing the great accomplishments of our near and dear friends


Louis and Simi Shapiro

Avi and Ariella Gabay

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Congratulations and best wishes to our dear friends

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg It is with the greatest pleasure

that we pay tribute to a most deserving couple whose lifestyle personifies the ideals of Torah and Chessed.

They honor Klal Yisroel with their kindness, spirit and personality.

May Hashem grant them many years of good health, nachas and happiness.

Sol and Gabriella Goldner and Family

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

In recognition of this special honor bestowed by Valley Torah.

Reuven & Shevy Gradon

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In honor of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

We applaud you for your dedication to Torah education. May Hashem grant you much success in all your endeavors.

Laib & Faigy Greenspoon

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Dorothy Grossman and the entire Grossman Family

extend our gratitude to

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg and Family

for all the wonderful kindness that they perform for the Los Angeles Jewish community.

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We applaud your ability to perform when it matters mostMerrill Lynch is proud to support the Valley Torah Wolfpack.

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In tribute to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May Hashem grant you the z’chus of continued bracha and hatzlacha in all your efforts on behalf of

Torah education in our community.

Hayim and Miriam Hendeles

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Congratulations to our friends

Simi & Lou Shapiro

on this well deserved honor! We are inspired by your leadership and dedication to Valley Torah and to our community as a whole.

May you continue to be such an active and integral part of our community for many years to come.

Ariella and Yakov Agatstein Dahlia and Asher Hoffman

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With our admiration and respect, it is our pleasure to honor

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg for their leadership and dedication to Jewish education and community.

May HKB’’H bless them with good health, nachas and wisdom so that they continue sustaining and growing Torah, chessed and education in our community.

In the z’chus of their selfless efforts and their parents’ z”l,may they and their wonderful children celebrate constant smachot and endless nachas.

We wish to also honor

Lou Shapiro One of the young stars emerging as an effective leader.

Helena and Steven Usdan & Family

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro for their dedication to Valley Torah High School

Moishe & Chai’le Ingber

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The goal should be to increase the ability to be present focused and enjoy each moment as it

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Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T. MFC #87054

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro for this well deserved recognition

Dovid & Judy Kagan Western Kosher

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Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and to the well deserving awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Aaron & Patricia Grunfeld

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In recognition of Valley Torah High School’s

efforts in building the future of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.

Zev and Chani Karpel

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We are delighted to join with the whole Valley Torah High School

family in celebrating the outstanding leadership and contributions to the community

of the awardees.

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Dr. Harold and Magda Katz

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Mazel tov to tonight's honorees,

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and Alumnus of the Year

Lou Shapiro

With best wishes,

Kenny & Ethne Katz

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Mazel Tov to  

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

We thank them for all they contribute on behalf of the students of Valley Torah High School.

Shalom and Malka Katz

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Mazel Tov to all of the well-deserved honorees, especially to our dear friends


Lou & Simi Shapiro

We are so proud to be friends with such a hard-working and dedicated couple who are always involved in many community organizations.

We get to see first hand how you put your heart and soul into everything you do, Baruch Hashem,

seeing success in whatever you put your strengths towards. May Hashem grant you decades more of success,

happiness, health and nachas from your beautiful family.

All our love and appreciation, Josh and Ariela Kauffman

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Mazel Tov and thank you for everything you do for the Jewish community.

David and Roberta Kimmel

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Sheryl and Michael,

To many more Simchas and much Nachas from your beautiful family!

Love, Steve Kishineff

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Congratulations to

Lou and Simi

We are truly blessed to have you as our friends and neighbor.

May you continue to lead by example of continuous Chessed and involvement in 

the community.

With love, The Englanoff Family

The Kiss Family

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Mazel Tov to our friends

Lou and Simi Shapiro

Your dedication to Torah education and Valley Torah High School is exemplary.

May Hashem bless you with continued strength and success to continue in your role as true leaders

for many years to come.

Tomer & Jamie Kleinman

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We salute the distinguished honorees  

Lou Shapiro and

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg

Our community is blessed and enriched by your support, leadership and dedication.

Barry and Tova Kohn

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Mazel Tov to the honorees and Valley Torah High School

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Kolsky

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Mazel tov to tonight's honorees,

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and alumnus of the year

Lou Shapiro

With best wishes,

Ilan & Linda Kaufthal

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In honor of

Sheryl and Michael Rosenberg

in recognition of their dedicated efforts on behalf of Valley Torah High School.

May Hashem bless them with arichas yamim and good health to be able to continue their good deeds and endless support

of Torah institutions and mitzvos.

With our admiration, Joseph & Hana Kornwasser

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A heartfelt Mazel Tov to our dear friend

Lou Shapiro, שיח׳, on this well deserved honor.

Valley Torah could not have chosen a better example of an alumnus who, together with your

wonderful wife Simi, שתחי׳, represents an impeccable blend of Torah, Chessed and

Derech Eretz. Your tireless involvement in so many community projects and your dedication to helping others, even beyond our community is a humbling example to us all. You strive for

excellence in everything you do and attain it with seeming effortlessness. We are proud to call you our friends and wish you many years of continued success and only good things to come. 

A big Mazel Tov as well to 

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg, שיח׳,  on receiving the Distinguished Leadership award tonight. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for the Los Angeles community. May you continue to be blessed with much

 !from your beautiful family נחת

Alain and Jacqueline Kuppermann

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Mazel Tov Lou on your most deserved honor.

Together with Simi, your work in support of our community is truly inspirational.

We are proud to be among your friends. May you continue to gain nachas from your efforts.

With love, Dovid and Daphna Levine

Yehuda and Tzivi Lieberman

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Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s Dinner Awardees

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

With gratitude, appreciation and admiration for their support of Jewish youth and Torah education

Irwin and Tanya Lowi

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In honor of our dear friend Howard Gluck.

Yanky and Devorah Lunger

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Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.

Sol & Miriam Majer

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Lee Samson

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Mazel tov and best wishes to

Lou Shapiro

for this well deserved recognition as Valley Torah High School’s Alumnus of the Year.

You are the most professional and humorous attorney I have ever met.

Yosef M. Manela, Esq. CPA

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Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community.

Dr. Simcha & Karina Mann

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Dear Lou and Simi,

Mazal Tov on representing VTHS with so much vigor and energy. How could VTHS truly know the amazing

spokesperson they were sending out into our community so many years ago?!? How fortunate are our schools and shuls

that have your shining stars light their way.

Your friends, Abie and Ali Mendelsohn

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Thank you for dedicating yourselves to Torah institutions in our community.

Bernard & Temi Monderer

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Mazel Tov to Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

and Lou Shapiro for their well deserved recognition.

Zev & Judy Moskovits

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Mazel Tov and best wishes to tonight’s most deserving and wonderful honorees. May

Hasham give you health, happiness and koach to continue doing the great work you do.

Herman & Perla Muhlstein

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Congratulations on an honor well deserved! We are so proud of all your accomplishments.

May you go from strength to strength and continue doing chessed and mitzvot.

Annie and Barry Novack and Family

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To Our Dear Friends

Lou & Simi Shapiro

Mazel Tov on this fantastic, much deserved honor! Your spirit is uplifting and

your learning with your children in shul is truly exemplary.

We are blessed to be your friends.

Hatzlacha Adiv & Sarah Pachter

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Mazal Tov

Lou & Simi

on this well deserved honor! Your dedication and commitment to

the Jewish community is truly inspiring. We wish you continued mazel, bracha, health,

and happiness for many years to come.

Jacob and Shoshana Polevoy

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Dear Lou and Simi, Mazel Tov on your well-deserved honor as the Alumnus of the Year.

Your accomplishments both in shul, the community, and professionally are admired by your friends and colleagues.

Your dedication to your children and family in California and Australia is impressive, all the while staying connected and involved in many chessed and charitable organizations. Lou, you “entertain” us all with your jokes, shul announcements, and simchas hachaim,

while Simi, you “entertain” beautifully in your home and set an example for hachnasas orchim par excellence. Your warmth, laughter and kindness, make a positive impact on those around you. We are proud to call you our friends. We wish you health, happiness and success.

To Michael & Sheryl, Benny & Shira, Edmundo & Esti Thank you for your commitment to countless Los Angeles institutions.

We benefit from your generosity and dedication to our schools. May you continue to have bracha, health, and nachas from your family.

To Aharon & Shelly Keep up the amazing work you do. #CreatingMagicalMoments


Dovi, Naomi, Eliana, Alexandra and David Prero Prero Orthodontics

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With compliments to Valley Torah High School

for their many contributions to the community.

Ze’ev & Varda Rav-Noy

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In honor of

Lou & Simi Shapiro

We see you learning with Elie, Benjie, and Mikey every Shabbos after davening. We hear about your professional exploits and see

how you conduct yourself with dignity and integrity in the workplace. We watch you greet every newcomer and guest to our

shul with your inimitable friendliness and good humor. We are proud to have you as a member of our shul - you are a great

advertisement for a Valley Torah chinuch.

May you go from strength to strength!

Dovid and Shifra Revah

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Congratulations to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and Family

on a much deserved Distinguished Leadership Award

Vivian, Henry, Joseph, Leo, Carolina and Jacob Rosenberg

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Congratulations to Valley Torah High School’s dinner awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg on their well deserved recognition.

Mazel tov to Alumnus of the Year

Lou Shapiro

Benjamin & Susan Shapell

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Mazel Tov  to my wonderful grandchildren

Louis and Simi

Love, Bubby Ruth Shapiro

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Congratulations to the most deserving  Distinguished Leadership Award recipients

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

Sincerely, Alan & Rona Shapiro

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Dear Louis,

Congratulations on receiving this most prestigious award.

With Simi by your side, I know the possibilities for you to achieve all of your goals are endless.

I love you dearly, and I could not be any prouder.

Love, Aunt Eileen

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TOURO COLLEGE LOS ANGELESis proud to be the college of choice for many


We wish our partner in education much hatzlacha and look forward to continuing to provide your students with a quality secular education in a

Torah environment.

Congratulations to the honorees,

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg and Lou Shapiro.

May you and VTHS go from strength to strength as you demonstrate the

value of a Torah education.


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In honor of Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

and Lou Shapiro

and in recognition of the wonderful work Valley Torah High School

does for the future generations of the Jewish community.

Itsik and Etah Ungar

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In honor of

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

for their devotion to Torah institutes, and for the many good deeds on the behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Fondly,  Susan Ungar

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Mazel Tov to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for all that they have done for Valley Torah High School and our community.

Joseph & Erica Vago

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In appreciation of all the Guests of Honor, Roshei Yeshiva, Principals,

Rabbeim and Teachers

Chavie and Menachem Wakslak

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Mathnasium of Sherman Oaks is Proud to Celebrate Our Dear Friends

Michael and Sheryl Rosenberg &

Alumnus of the Year Lou Shapiro on these very well-earned honors

Barry & Lorye Weiss, Owners Proud Parents of Four Valley Torah Students

Nati Weiss Class of 2005; Daniel Weiss Class of 2009; Simi Weiss Class of 2012; Eli Weiss Class of 2021 IMY”H

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Mazel Tov to our friends

Lou and Simi Shapiro

upon receiving this special honor. Your work on behalf of our community

is most appreciated. May you go from strength to strength.

Rachel and Aaron Inlender Tali and Yoni Weiss

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Mazel Tov to Valley Torah High School and to the well deserving awardees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

Martin & Hadassah Weiss

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Congratulations to the honorees

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg and

Lou Shapiro

for your continued devotion to Valley Torah High School.

Dr. Steven and Rivky Weiss

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Wishes Mazel Tov to

MICHAEL & SHERYL ROSENBERG Upon receiving the Distinguished Leadership Award

Yasher Koach on all of their wonderful accomplishments in Chinuch in the Los Angeles Community, including the

continuation of the legacy of their father, Stanley Diller, ע"ה Past President of the Michael Diller High School.

  May they continue to go from strength to strength

and have hatzlocha in all of their endeavors.

Sol Majer President

Rabbi Yossi Gross Executive Director

Rabbi Eliezer Gross Rosh HaYeshiva

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Wishes to recognize the incredible efforts of

THE MENLO FAMILY True Pillars in the Los Angeles Community.

The generosity and friendship of the Menlo Family resonates not only in our yeshiva, but in many Jewish organizations

throughout the world.

May Hashem give them the strength to continue all of their good works on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Sol Majer President

Rabbi Yossi Gross Executive Director

Rabbi Eliezer Gross Rosh HaYeshiva

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In honor of our dear friends

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

true patriots and benefactors to all worthy Jewish institutions and causes.

With much love and respect, Reb Laizer & Reb. Faige Yudkovsky

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Congratulations to

Michael & Sheryl Rosenberg

for the honor bestowed and for your dedication to Valley Torah High School and Torah in Los Angeles.

Best regards Hilly & Miriam Zeitlin

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Yisroel & Rivka Adelman - La Brea Kosher Market

Yehuda & Chana Adlerstein Evan & Alison Anziska David & Chava Axelrod

Dr. Yaacov & Devora Barzivand David & Rivka Bass

David & Carol Berger Gregory & Leah Bergman

Rabbi & Mrs. Gershon Bess Michael & Michele Boldt

Zvika & Leah Brenner

Rabbi Joseph & Dr. Leila Bronner Dr. Sheldon & Arlene Burg Rabbi & Mrs. Yoel Bursztyn Moishe & Chanala Chopp Avromie & Leah Colman

Aaron Deutsch Law Offices of Mitchell W. Egers

Tzvi & Leah Eilat Gerard & Marlene Einhorn

Dr. Larry & Maureen Eisenberg Michael Eisenberg & Associates

Peter & Judy Faber

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Chaim & Suri Faershtein Avrohom & Shimon Feingold

- Gitmar Trading Pat's Restaurant & Catering

Mrs. Miriam Fishman Dr. Charles & Victoria Frankel

Ira Frankel, CPA Jamie & Rena Frankel

Chaim & Shari Freeman Ben & Naomi Fried

Judy Friedman & Family Jeffrey & Brandie Geizhals

Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Goldberg Dr. Mark & Deborah Goldenberg

Jacob & Gaby Goldfinger Barry & Sandy Goldman

Berel & Lea Goldstein Baruch & Wendy Gorman

Ezra & Margot Grabie Mr. Harry Grossman

Zalmy & Chavy Gurman Rabbi & Mrs. Rubin Huttler

In Memory of Rabbi Samuel H. Katz, z"l Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Ingber

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Carl & Beverly Jacobs Yossie & Frieda Kahan

Rabbi & Mrs. Alan Kalinsky Allan & Judy Kandel

Jeffrey Kandel Stanley & Charlotte Kandel Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Kassirer

Dr. Sheldon & Brenda Kishineff Robert & Erica Klein

Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Krause Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Kupfer

Moshe & Vera Lazar

Dr. Irving & Shirley Lebovics Meir & Sara Levin

Marcia Lichtig - In memory of Irving Lichtig, z"l

Michael & Tina Loboda Allan & Ettie Lowy Ari & Minna Majer

George & Shoshana Mann Elie & Felice Marciano

Mrs. Marcie Meier Victor & Chavee Mellon Gregory & Sheila Meyer

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Rabbi & Mrs. Elazar Muskin Irwin & Sharona Nachimson Dr. Ronald & Cheryl Nagel

Max & Mimi Narod Reuven & Yehudis Orloff

Rabbi & Mrs. Yermiyahu Ornstein Lawrence & Wendy Platt

Martin & Evey Pollack Bruce & Linda Potash Avi & Leah Reichman

Shmuel & Edith Reichman Chaim & Matti Rosen

Mr. & Mrs. Meir Leib Rosman Shimi & Sheva Rosman Dr. Arnold & Atara Ross Jonathan & Sarah Roven

Mark & Pam Rubin Arnold & Sheri Schlesinger

Rabbi Chaim & Dr. Ellen Schnur Alan & Elisa Schoenfeld Sweet Events by Candie David & Orly Shadovitz

Itzhak & Ahouva Shapiro Avi & Faye Sharabi

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Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Sharfman Dr. Bonnie Siegal

Yaakov & Bruria Siegel Samuel & Frieda Slamovits

Nosson & Yafit Spiegel Avi & Shuli Steinlauf

AJ Stern Mrs. Bryna Stewart Aric & Mary Streit

Avi & Gila Tashman Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski

Dr. Baruch & Eva Twersky

Jeff & Risa Ungar Jance & Soshea Weberman

Avi & Devorah Weiss Dr. Ira & Judith Weiss

Isaac & Joyce Weiss Gedalya & Leah Wielgus

Law Office of Bernard P. Wiesel Steve & Chana Wintner

Norman & Harriet Wisnicki Dr. David & Chani Wittenberg

Mickey & Rena Wolkenfeld Zev & Dena Wolmark

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Phil & Ronit Cohen Chaim & Esther Craitenberger

Tzvi & Merav Fleischmann Marvin & Adele Goldsmith

Issac & Adriana Gorbaty Mrs. Mira Indich - In memory of

Alex Indich, z”l Rabbi & Mrs. Shimon Ishal Hershie & Rochelle Krich

Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky

Robert & Rosina Korda Robert & Elaine Leichter

Tzika & Sarah Nissel Marc & Lynn Rohatiner

Barry & Yocheved Rosenthal Robert & Chani Ungar

Johnny & Helene Zauderer - Tiffany Travel Service

Joshua & Chana Zauderer David & Mira Zeffren

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Moishe and Aviva Colman Andrew Friedman, Attorney at Law

Elliot & Adele Friedman Marvin & Adele Goldsmith

Richard & Ellen Katz Yair & Brandyss Katz Jeffrey & Lea Mendell

Moshe & Miriam Polon

Yaakov & Debbie Rechnitz Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Teichman

Michael & Joy Volk Yisrael & Gittie Ury

Dr. Robert & Roxanne Weber Menachem & Simy Zelmanovitz

Moshe & Deena Zyskind