':VotrSS~Ni). 2:: ::.: Si HIRITI In Spriiig Tornado’s Path...

Si ':VotrSS~Ni). 2:: ::.:■ °3Jgfii.SfS'2L! TWIN FJffiLSOTAHOmESp'Ay -inO'RNINar-APRIL- IBrl iL IN G iM S S W w m ":^^.SupreriieC,o,urt:H6lds:B)r.rnerr ' -Membership-'Not SuffF "~:;cieiir-::f6r:::E.v.rc.tl:t^^ L:\ !.Alien; Do.ggl??: .-S.eat etl' ■»—loMl-vonccrn T#: -WASHINQTON, April 17 f^Pj -^ n a 0 to 2_declslon ol far- fea'cfilng-'—frnplications',^-*thc' that an d lca could-not bc dCT ported solc^. because.hc-once held mcniLiirsiiip in thc.Com mun}st party. : - -Thci opinion', -delivered by. Associate Justice Roberts, up- 'TmtcJtr-a-nillnB-unhe mih-clreult i2ir::LCTurfr_or-Bppea^--in_the_CMe-£' '' Joseph Q. Strcclcer, nn AuUrlnii •ba'nt-reatAuraiUeur.oI-Ilot-Sprlnes. by wiplnK but a comlrueUon or Ute. dei)oriatioirfilttliiln7olIov>-Fd by \he tlje ruUns'wlll-sfrMC tnnny oUicr. ______ .tho^CIO on the Piicine^coAst - a td*e which liM ^ tre d ' conlfow'tiy - ------ jn congfta and «8uretl In-theTe-’ cont;.umu«!caiful effort-by-IUpr*. MnlntlveThomiu'tR^N.JJ toaecure - -----houM-TtdopttonTrt^oFTMOlunan^tiii-- . . Impeachment, of SecreUry of.Labor PerlUiM. " . . - The JfiWr 'depnrUireni' del#yfd~a . “ ' " . “ (ItcUlon.on.'what-dlsposlUon..would i::- :-beAB<li£ji:uieJrIilgBi c^ln'iiiV Ujht of the *upremy courtK rxilbiB. ,-------- OfaclaU-,^(J«WM«tlen.:WWW- . thorough'jtmly tojthe quMllear: ln« iCCon •nlMl^'nin V a. charge he de-. time’'o^'haVtM' Ili'Tll^rtatlon*^ •;_^ce«llntf.i.aRolnst hlm.-pendlns'a dc ------ «5lon In the Slreckcr caw. Crltle .After Mias Pcrklna fnjlcd to prc.« ‘them, nep. T1iotna.<i'atflrtcd hU Im- •pcnchment nttempC.) . Crap Control Upheld - .InjddlHoii to Uiftt-ln-ihe Strecker -ciiscr:m8-?oumrhmp6vum-j'mint[ir todftjnh"eluacdi--------------------- ' I llio luUonnllty of ihose eectlons - ABrlouUural-adJUAtment-aet~provld- lne.Xor.eontrcl over the mnrketlnB' --.<lUlrtnelp9lj;aniL?rgpv«naf)ennHy . taxes on.fnrmcrii who iell'more ihnn their rfllotted quolM. Tobacco, fann- era In OeorBla • and Florida had chnllenged Uie net. ___ leenilnuta on nno I-Coiuma o>- :Qlad to Meet You. ~ - ■KAfJSAS-. CI'IY-Whpn- amrle* Blood. c|iy editor of fhe niomlnff edition of the Star. was. tTnn.«errc(l to the e«nh»K edition, he trIirto:Utrif6H\po4ing room. There he'met Uie luuUtani'fore. Uie flr«t time—and nil Utree had becn-worlclnir In the same plant for -u”“ 30 yenra.- Blood nt night. .GRAHTS PASS. Ore.—Peace oHI- may have to c a for pro- jnB^’^ lin V V r o m 'nnto with" One Fireman Miaging - Plrea won't aeem -------quite- Uie-saroe In Blairoaymort— :zi" J - - R«»v'.^8e:0rycar.-oW SL Bernard i ______■»hl>,held the tltle_of Bl«lr-a. Na t ffro fan, Is djad—a vlrtim of his : :• hobby of chnslne tnjclci. .... —"JHCWns laJurcaiTbadljr-in --------- hy.a..tnicfc.««^ attemptM______ - —aoom-fbr-ImpK^emeot- iweiv*iM)ciweQ■ o f■ bcinr^nfirtJcuTHt^T ”*"* ** '*“* In Spriiig Tornado’s Path »do^la*hcil-acro»57at-miJe-MCtInn~nr\>'orUiiif.;i Oklalioma kitlliiir nrven and Injurliis 33 or more. Mn>i. of. ilie'ylr.Uim were klllfd In farmlfijT Brea* aldiouch three lowni; .vfcl, I'lDpclon anil F lo ^ d T h r e a t o n H eels O f'D evastatii^ ^ Tornadoes m Six’: . Least fj 3_6uthern . States Kill at 5, lnjuteL336“ ' -' ; X IT T L E 116015. A'flr.r'AprU 17-— --F\pod-warnliigfi -RUrrc(l ffesh -anxleky-tod'ay-on. the-hdels -of .tornadoes.that.killcd at JcafitAS^IandaniutedJjO-tn^s^ soutbem -statesz::^.;--- --------- Arkansas', •hardest hit area' In \he storm belt, rccelvcd notice Irom-the U. 8, weather bureau that h«ndred.s-pC iow- land fumillcTmlgfft" li'aveltf be evacuated before the raplclly rlslnffjwaters of slx'major streams. ------- - . . ------- /' The" weekend series fapld-fire .twisters' left—24 dead-ond 223 hurt in,Arkan- sas; s e v ^ dead and 33'ih'JurcX other, coauoltlca. In'.LoulAloitB. .&ls fntalltle.i and 30‘ lnjurlea In.Texiu,' one-dea^ ond-n(~leul'30 Injured Jn AJabnmar^TcniifMce. reported. ton nado damage In one community bui Ilea in S N M iE E ifflfD M H .aiUlIoo-Doltv: panace. ._Propert}*.damago'wa« eallmaled at ' clMo ■ to -n-mllllon-(loUarik------- i ths'lllQe' - .................................... tin enstem-Arkansas. where ' 11 killed and • more than 00 lnjure<l. ElglJtJjtJicIlnjarciVJwoto-r^fteU- ■=EitH3fc3il.Cd=a!llC»-:-Ult— -v.’hlrled-.awa>'-U>e. Cciiicc-I’olnt-coti)' —M«vuv. V. .others look rcfiiBe Jml after .Uit highway I. 8, 24 CMlRlose of an oiitrdoor fuiicnil. OUicrS ' were. klUcd wheii 25 homc.^ In the recllon Were leveled^ . Among the d ^ j.n i the ch^rcli wnii-lhc 2;yiym1ty vf'Liittllir<5iie ; ?"v>HWan:De 'ad. ■■ XIMON. Colo., April n East- em-Colomdo-todjiydug-ont of.one ' the wor.AC*now*iorm« of the year, ilcirieft one'man-dead, a number travelers Injured after n bus col-. icd. .. ' ■ Nrgro, was found dend_of_cxpo»ure yesterday 0 ' ' ‘ r Falcon^ •At • least £>0 - aiilomoblle# stalled on drifts east and Wv... , .lilwnnzrWuT.y-hiotorb^-iing-to- •jpeniL-losL-olRhL-IiriiielE-iamt-Us. . inirung as.much as.eight feel deep, onnrj ^ .tnowstomt also struck,southern .Juspendcd-operaUQD3.belwcca.Chey.-. enne and Billings. Mont., and United, Airlines planes were deloured by w»*y-| of Denver.- • - , ' ' Hoinup” SuTj) ecIs’ ‘ Truck Abandoned . L ^ IS T O M , Idaho, AprU 17 </?>:- A govcniment thick In whicli John D.' Flynn.' 25, nnd:Jack 'M ." A-rigel, 32. escaped Friday nlKht frotn a fed* er&l.pri^Oh camp. (icar. Xowcll .wua. fosnd ..abandoned today near the Lowlflton Country club golf course south of here:— ' •. Officers were Informed ll had been ....... 'Jlnrry .. .......... . — .. ^ - ............ .......... . .v.v-i— the fUglUve.t for'que.silonUu .... jnnn-JBa=.tho=Mrr«uat»:;«nan^:r<»r^ro3a3>oMupJnt<i.laatjlghi-jf^Qrnce^ •i.« fi—. ..... ..• ' Beatty, hotel proprietress, who'waj bound and.locked In her room by IwD men who had registered n few mini ___ seahlejulercuux rises___ SEATTLE. April 17 M>-Tl)e tem- peralurv reached 77 at 2:tS p. m. to- day to equal yestcrdny’a warmest temperature of^the year and-Ue nock fprecnsl flood awgc. ......... ■ArkAiJSft3,"’ 0uachlla. Saline, Petit Jean, .wmto and Black rivers. Tor- renUAl rainsriu'hcavy as io.l Inches along the Petit'Jean,-accompanied ihe_wek:cnjl„_Btonnec„Mountftln. creeks wera out of tlielr banks nnd jnimy--nntdirtn[n3nn6Cru'cre wash^ o^(, A reuen'olr dam broke at Paris. 4«5d iwo-mlnor levees broke at Para- BDlild.- _ .. JTornadueiUn. Alabnmn-fcinnirtomadoM today! Mra.-.'WIyaonTIatclicock.- 25,-wai killed- at Bollgce.-noo-mlles'BOuUi. west , of Birmingham. _Others were Injured near Tu.tcalooxa, and at ) the Geo Student Climber .thuigcaU^caik .mDnOTi!i53iaHT',., --------- Hnrr&.-JU-year-old high achool alil- >Ienl. plummeted^ 200 fcH to-his denlh- ln-tlia-mountalnH yesterday. Harris: wUh Uiree friends, atarted .up..CliU:i. ncar^iiis. fnUitrrVranrh, seven miles wutli.of Malad...Har- rls_wtis mLuIng when Uio other* reached the mmimlt. _Tlje_3-ouU»^lc^an hour after he' Gitizenship-Goritest^Wiiinei— Tells'IJesirSo-M^t.SoiS WASHINOTOH,- AprlP W ' l4T - Ruth Nelson of BoI m. Idaho, came lo'Waslilnyton today-wlth but l«o ob]ocUve£-t:6:hi()Arseiwtun''William <o"vblt Hwtlty'a de-: bulldlaes-^hcrd Uiei , SJie'wlll probably hjive aa.'iypo^ -lunlb: .to-tn*et~Sg?![tor^Borah, whrf laMlls •- .o M il.o r jilii "bSij| full- schedule Tcr>-. likely 'will pro- Rum iB-a typical-American gl ilond hair.: Jirown • clfca ^ lm - flL __ =andTv«piitrcliravr6nicr--clU«^ -shin In the United SUtcs..__ HIRITI DemantlsJhaCAmcnca^liij^^ —•Clear—of—War—Swcc p Ovcr=rConnress^in-.Wakd Of, RcqiiQst to Dictators^ (By The AMOciaied’ PrM) W A S H IN G im : April 17 ~ fiwolllng-^Idc of demands jMt^'nerlca-stcet-Clcftr.,^ war regftrdlc.w: of-whnt-ir' pens ill-Europe swept , over- congress today in the after- mnth of-Presldent-RopJicvjilt’ff; appeal to Hitler and Mus.;olinl California Fiigitivos and >; p l^ g e .thcm.«!clvcs to' pcacc -ColnctdentallivClie ndmlnfMraHoti reported with expre.vilon's of pleu.'Ure that (he presldcnlVi mem g c to the public opinloh for peace. Word came Irom Berlin (hat Hit- r 1^ ‘bu!fl !M«le o'n April 28 his atti- tude toward llie lippeal. "• „ _ "WllH the nmvnl In WaahlnKlon I—addlllonal ..roRjies—frow-'. Lntln Amerlcim Rovemmenlfl, the.western hrmhphero suxxl-ln n'soljd-phalanx- briiliul ihe presldein's appeal. Fai h-^ecretary-Hiill-told'hls-press-con- {eri'iico ho liad rccclved no Indlcn- tloiw from elUicr Berlin or Rome IS •to-~U'hntr-thc--otflclBl--TOpongey fc-ould. be but he declared Uie' ad? mlitlslnillou T^ ’As much gratllled at the reaction elsewhere In the world, Cantrlhutlnii to Peace' ... •Tlicrc Ls evidence of a' deflnlte feeling.”- he »ald.-“thnt-n -practical aucL [~inadc to.tbc-cauie.of-peace.nnd-thai. a-iniblle opinion, the.most potent or„ all forces forpencc. I.1 more strongly developing througliout—the. .wurM.'* ........ 'SirRt)K}.ld-Elnd5ny:=7=- . Chalrman -Walftli -^(DiMaas*)—.of- Ihe senate naval ■oammllteo lautjch- ,f<j_<‘_.tlli*cuislon‘’lof.- the- critical, foreign* situation in n speech advo- cating creation of complete Atlantic nnd'Pacific fleetA-In place-ortlie [•sinRlo-navy UjI.i country-now-has:'^' Lj,’.'We.cnii.,npJong«c-defend-ft-lwo-;j ocean nation with a pne-occan l.nav}-,'' WnUli told his colleagues, R iyRO JEG IS^ SM IPPROe Southern Idaho, Inc., Names Co.mmittee for-lrripa-^^l tion Program I'Soiilh. re&oliitlon study by WENDELV April' 17 Tdaho, IricT, approved herc-tonlgHt calling.for the--Ur-S;—reelamaWon- .watcr.resources and watei .... ... ration .on Uie Snake .river..above MUner. —The-niotlon waa, offen^ by A. C. DcMary of Rupcrc as Uie ouigrowth of 11. discussion - ot the'Mlnldoka' nortlwidc .extension project, A flve-man .committee , . . pointedly President Al Reading of iWnndell to siudy-Uio-propo<uil.wfildU. wlirbe'subrtiltted to Uie reelamnUon service. • - ....... .............., be to nscerlaln whafspceUtc'psrW of the IrHgatlon-projKl Uial South- ern Idaho. Inc, will emphaslic. Iti seeklng“ d8volopment: work:.... r ,: I----------- Report at Rupert---------- May 16 meeUng-'al Rupert, biii Uie recInmaUon service will b« callcd.on Immediately to study water re- lurcca andcdnaervaUon ab^ve MU* ec_mgmbcni.arc_»«r^TV UurlebBus, Jerome..charnnan. wlio represenla U>e Tivln Falls norilulde !aeetor;.itohn_'qiomaa..gooiUnc.-gBj. iwenhnj—Amertcnn-rallii'rescn’Oir dt*trlcl_"number‘ tft-orrNr-Vr-Sharif.- , Filer," rebrcMhtlrig"Uie Twin Falls' !«3uUi'tlder^or6o-Day, uajcley. nrii- pe*entln8-^..tract..ond ,A._Brook- manr'-Rupert,-ropresentliji Burley' The- reglona'l chamber, of com- merce, in -order-to expedite, work, ■nnlhOTlted-Ward' C.-Howard, ome. s ^ t j u r r t a ' prepare new __________ improvement .......... ..^U»e Shoshone__ W_Arco rtrewh~ot tirs;. highway OJ. The^ tlonal Parks Service; at the road -------•Moracii-AUDiT-tiiniBtfi >•-• - Ol'-^nnOUI.ATIONB -PncoPivcCmtis- '■*1 School G irl Companions Captured in Boise Camp M u sso lin i S p o k esm an :: rR aps R ob^^ Arrcstin>^<)jtieei-s:“lJo:coiii;ijTi^ •—^ fiii^ frail T)f-t-:i-Hiifrlit-(.-lp<li)UrCmr~^~| ■^T. Bailie al P(>rllan(l . " Ain-il I7-(.i*)-Premler -.ncw-spaper - II Popnfn. ny niild P r o ltl'jiit Rt>o<r. liic-IsaKc liTO airchuj- becti.rejcctcd In imiy "by a promin reaction t>t H ip natloiiiil - -.••We'deny tliepH'^fdcnfnhy‘rlRlil to Intervene lu Kiiropcim (lUc.itlonK .'eft s 'iieii .. n.«ixmJiiK Jlie roto ol friendly anil, hnpiirUnl iiii'<Ili«ior,~'1hc paper saKl. Tlie ♦iirtic;t. which waj, licmlnl wiii-Gi-i.ir.7-nfM^ni« injfirorv.eiV '' bore a Hoin'-daip.lmr.----- New^pilp^^ drrlr,-; *ald tlml if li ere n;a wi'ltlm by Mui.soIlnl him- ^cii .IV ccriniiiij—rcpri-scnica niir Idoiu.--------------------- - . The.nrtklft .iiild President Roor.e- •veltV ii|il>'-nl pvldeiiUy was for In- ternal -nr:e;“ it chnni«i -him-wiui wanting in divert American opinion from “ ilir tinpinplpyment whicli srows day by day.’’ - • —Cftnctmrniruie four nalloiii'whlch' -Mr.Rooacvetf.'aaidJuul dljnppcnrtslr n_poiwlo_il.-lli.lln__repll«l lhul_Al' -111 Au.'lTla liail "Bixuiiane- -Idrd....... lin (111 cliil ‘milloii 'iiirci'' lhai tihlopli inicfe piiiody" of tiovem- nifUL.to which H.tly i>rou«hi,"llKlii. o f BoJ.se._a frw..niiivilCcs.i they ro.ircd Into lhi.s' Iclaliot] ."ijaicrtr^ to an J^imniriiai -lltrnlliiUjr liiii. irTn.»,<, Thui >il*. mc.'jacc la anyrsincero proposal u lioaee." • . , II Popolo dccliired • Presldei U-wiuu-lHnorunco <jf Keography nnd hlxt<jr>-V In hbi Sauirdav'hppeal to MUMollnl and Adolf llltler for a -10-year ple<lge tii refrain .from ngi Krewilon. " Tlie paper-.’^ald Ills note was iiii. woriliy of .serious consideration; Mtfet to Ib ^ v - to ^ o o s e M I D^aration Aprir28 , ., ‘ tBy'The AsNoelated Pre») ' AdoTf Hiller-told an anxiously awaltlPB: world-Monday-lt- .would have lo wait until AprU-^28-for his ftnswcr to Prcsldent Wfin.sevplL'.s —^An-unexpccted-flesslon-ot-ihcrRcichalaB.-wna.-cancd-for-that- (iatc to hear llie fuehrer'unfold his stand expectecT to be a rejection backed up by a dcfense'ofhl? course o f etflpire and .a-dchuiidatlon.oLthCitcrrltory.:LacciulrlnB.memQdfi_oLotUcfSw .KlieUicritu-WlU-hc-yci I Britain, pushed ahead - with 'her drive fbr.'a steclTlng of alliances agalhk further pos-. «lj)le -thfusti-lrom -HlUer -tind-his axis partner, Benito Mussolini. - . liopdon anticipated an annount^- mehr today from Prime' MlnLsler Chamberlftltt-lhi------ -------- -- many in the World war. Soviet RU.ula wn.<i reported lo have already promised "at least ma- terial aid" to the allied.nnUons and the Soylei capital, Tlie progfenn of necotlallotu: with Ttirkry and Russia-and Hitler’s relchstas call eased Europc'.s crisis fovcr Mmewhat. although omlnoiLs algns'sUll clouded the sltuaUon. The jcttojrbv' thcrunprcdlctablctcuhrrri wax consFdered conciliatory rather than menacing. At the other-end of (lie Rome- ■rfe: prlntlon Of-»3S.000M>0 _______ , Fasclats echoed the predlcU_____ t-wrvlM ■of- Nagls-thatTRomezand-BctUnarouUL ^um a cold shoulder to Mr. Roose- velfa. proposal for.^O-year hbh- aggrcsslon pledge oHo -aubsequenl ,aKnrmampnt'andjcconoml6 consul- laUons. Tlte press.of-Uilh countries kept up irchonis of anU-Rocoerelt Jibes.. ............. - iConUuufd on INigp 3. Columli 4) owners would stage a march capllol tomorrow to demand KOLC loans a t '3 pier cent Interest and oUier "liberalizing" clianKCK -In- th» j government's 1iome.*flnahcing..pqUcy. Somc'^wicrs^rom'-l i’ easlcrn'iriT3 western stales have chartered a train u> come here for a march around' the building-of-Iho-Home Owners Loan-corporaUon- .and . UMnwc, tj> Copltornm where senalc-and hoa« committees are eonslderlns ctongu Tlie grou]>'K program Includes; Extension of Uic othohlMtloiriicr- lod (for liOLC loans) from 15 ' ,30 years. . Tlie complele elhnlnaUon of de« r m BfBRUtF lRES Flames in Washington Cause ^ OncBeath, Destroy ' ------- Briiltlinns— - fifes Ulol jea'tised one death and de- • JiuUdlnga— nared lght;~-lhrenleninr ^nummer-' ... morshala tuUd sUrWd Sunday when , n-raTroBnbTimed-fems'on-hto-land, ■five mile* a«4y,'*waa.'fought by ,a.| 'crew.of ieii-eral hundred men. A' fisherman’s,cabin, a Iiouse dnd bam ere UMl'royed-lato-Wdoyf. King county . c(»nmtsslonc«. re-, p6illnff;'niorffruain -i^-brush.' flrcjj last wcekcnd.'approp‘plated $10,000 ,as aB'cmer8«fiey 'cortlJ»rfuna;-nre mnrshntd-tlireoteiTeaTirresror'Slaah^ __ PouLdm-ajjo Uic.'group cngfigtd ' "ii-rmmluB-HiHn-bfttili'-wiih-iwlice- Porilnnil. Ore,-, anil e.iciiped lt» I stolen cars afier BuIIev »inpi«-d' 'uljti,iii_jlnLJcll..arm_Ul4.1ujuo-. was termed .serious, becaii,ie of in- fection. by a phj-.stelan here, Tlie mCji wcre wanted In OroRon for’ a.vtaull and robbery and Jensen and Ballcy'nrc-.«iu8lit Tn San prun-' ciwo for robbery. Slierlff Don Head* Ixlck of Ada,county snid louiuht, - , ' _Ncw clmi^M of'^laung lhc feiU.1 eral "n-hlte slave" aird^Kolen auto..' mobile tninhpor(Bl1.6n acts were Hied ngalnst the thr^nen In £un Fraii cisco almost sMnUaneouily ' 'wlUi ‘ capture here'. in Washington , Labor‘fi.7Non,*^rtlsan' league said dar~tl o redeem: homer already pays InteresL and taxes. Seeks Mayoralty SANIJPOINT, Idaho, April ft - (Al Tbr'Uie honw of being Bandpoint' flrsi A-oman maj'or—but she is ac castomed to "flnrt” dIsUncUons. Jn 1910 she was- Uie first woman to be‘ eleeted BonnerjcountyTCTTOl flr^t T n-to-be.n natfd for •congress although she .. . , Burton L. French In Uie. general L-clcotloniisn{l^-:afl3eU03T '-shs-vat.{ the city's first-woman-councilman. lUy Tlip A:s-ocliiH'il Pr^'^ -BOISKrAprllrl7-— Three younR fiicitlvc.';~from''Ju.^ttcc~and thcli^Snii-Krniicisro'-liiKW'.nchool'Hlrl cuiiijwnions tvc'fc cap- tured-hcre-iociny'by offlccrs'wnOTf'CoiiNlnicCcO ;i i,SU0-mlle trail of 'crinic iht-y .salil \vii.s piiiiciuiiU't!'by an .exchange of biillMs wllli.P.(»'tlaiid.-Ot'c- pollco AjirJl-lil^ The thro(T inrn, UMntetl ri.s cle.st.Tler.': froiii ihc Unltod Slalc.s army-ni'thc Pre.skllo of San Frnnci,''.ro, niyr llieir three women " yornpriiiloiia.wi'ejtixcsltHlkit a l ......^ mm nifv surrciulri-eii—alMi.iiijih -arm', with n ,'lioJsy]i.iviiiLlit.'>lolt'.-.wlUi- rc.'.islani-r n(lrr_>^r..|y._coumy_ . I c i l y police ringpil .their i-iil)ln. and,, .'.l.ile" lnwi. eniorci'iiii'ni Coin- mL«loiier.H;irrv M. Ruyiicr. fprnicr ..slierilf cl Clark couniy_for. :o yca^.^; nnlpr^l! . - - _• . .r" ,— . Tlie six Rave lhri.e liamos; ' - Kdwanl.Klamc, 24. -DonaW-Brillh-,-^7.-- .Vei n Jei|->i-ii, 24.- ,- FMnn .MalLspin. 17. urn::-*. oidi-fis aUStSiiauc Fedcral.Aqents at"Sah Fran- _ cisco ftcciise Boise '. . '".^.Captives .'-M pn"ANcrBCorAurir-n~f.p?::^| .c5inpliil Fi'drriil..n;eiil.s,lll«t.c5inp]tilnti, hci H«ainu tiim- alli-grd imny deserters. t;i|unix-(i today. In BoLfe'Idalio.-wlUi tliir.-, S(rTi„'.Friiin;bco .hluli-sdiioot Oh^iloii' of - thyjedera^.. iiird'&Tdlcn aulwno-" .of. -the_jncn.:..Vcm ^nM'ii. 'a C i'Tui' Donald Bailey. 27, 'BOW-l'iiniciit'iT.vi-rvalloirV<)re lodgc’dT” Tliese'Brcw'ou: of "|>eitliig party^_ holdups In the Presidio _henf, a'-, -iiioit-Mtldr—T)ip-oUier-man-wa*-Ed^— ward Kliiu,v:. . Tliu filing took pliice alinMl slm* ululnc■0u^ly with suricntler,. of .lh» .aextei-ln-Boisc. Idalio. Agenui satd>- complalnts would faellltala - i(er of llMT.uuih to San Fran« ..si :Uco._ — Tl»-Ulo-l>ftv«>-Wi>-riilJaing-fh»n-j.,; I their 'ponii ni Uip- Presidio here, since carlj'. .In April. An .'.'absent wIlhDut-'leavc" iptuUon was clialk^r ctl,upJ>c5idc;Ballcy.'fl. nomc_ApriU9L__;l aKalnsl Uio. other two tlie fol- lu..Bal*e.iauiio eitly. loduy.whcn .•a.-mo1orlat.nrporicd 10 tlio sheriff's ! office Uiat hi* cur had-been In- ;«Irtdiln:a.mlnor:collislon with an Jtported In-newjpaper .-itorles-from Shortly after 3 p. m. Slate PulroN mitii H. A. Car(er spotted the. big radlO'cqulpped maroon sedan at a liouElsi.park-alonK* the -main:trans- ' state hlahwiiy.-the old Oresion trail. anri nntlflM ~ ' hero for first -desree“ robbery-for- -'le "pettli^. party^'-haldujSfc. Inspector GcofVe 'CFEiAjT'‘o f'life~ •San-Franctsco police, said User* w«a- no doubt In his mind the tliree girls captured. In Idaho u-ere Jewel SinllhVCIcoiia'AV«a;'ali'd EdnkTJaii- , ■ spin, all high school'glHs*here. H « • .laid-Jewel had WTjtien a Jetierlo-: ' -{Ki rcady.foC-. ........... believe 111 ’.' exclaimed Mrs. C. Mcrrlrt. Clconc's aunt, when she was Informed of developmenu. . "Cleone has always been' a -good v I glri." ■ ------ ..................Mrs^ B. Dclone. m ^ier .of Edna . •Offleera-were-mobtltred-and-Rar*- .ner led eight men to ihe camp where Uie arresi was made. . Subsequent Investlgauon disclosed, .•aid Sheriff Don •Headrick, tlml the early tip »-as fals^ ahd tlw sex* “ i-drpve_h.ilo.Bot,stonlj',a.fcff.lfaii-. utes acfore tney were picked up, , Tliey came here. Headrick said, .over the Norili-ond-Soulh highway from .LcwlstOH.where Uiey, were re* ported Mnted for holding up'. Uie .woman.proprleior of a hotel and es- caped with 120 and « HOld walch.- One Shot Klr«a------, — One-eliot-wa*-flrod-ln-Un»-Mr<vV; here---------- .' -------------------------- ' With the mUe-tourbt cabin In whlclK the six were; st.nyinc silr- rbumled. Rayner oniercd Uutn to come out,'-' , TheyMlldJjut Klniise (lid nol raise ‘to- m'arrinhe alrl recemiy. out, »ne: , urged them both, 10 wall unUl Edna wa.s gradunled from hlgtx' school.-- - ............ -*-Tliorr«l. foreclosed; A two-year moratorium, on princl- . . Ills linndx.'TA <lcpuiy jiherlff flrud one sliot Into ^le air.and up they s.-ild.fourpalrji of o . ...... ............... . plates wcr« found--ln -.(li<‘ -'raillc^ -?9L!'nped iw lan In Jthlclt-Uio-bandlU - ir.-iveBuB.. :?v.T«erc'Mrc'‘onIr iwo guns, gauRc slioigun and a.revtaver. --TJ10 car-had 4«yn-<lrlCcn- Ihe s i d e .......................... -up-l _____ ____ Carter spoUed It. GlrU In Staeki The jlrla -were u-earlng. slacks, the 'Hien'sult Irousera but*not'coata.~ pci'. u'Oiui 4Ud uarwr.'Tfirfi'TOiJUC’ SherlffMarvln Wright. Stale Offl-1 ^ |.e«r_Baymond~l»wienf«t--MxH-01M-^?~]----- ' (ConUBUwl on !•»«« I Colunm :) I ¥ast Antai’ctic As Atfiierican Exjpansion Goal mmmm ipsi -Twp-Others-WjiundedJniGuh;^ -Attatkr No'Mo'tlveMir::rSi r .. Slioolihg Learne^^ SPOkANR Wa3h;;-AprU Three pcrwuB- were, elaln fc’ounde<l. onc.crttleallr.'ln »-touri»t--: camp shooting, at. .Dlshmon. Jour,, P»^.r nr Spokane .lonlifht. -* .•State pa_iTOhnen_Ml^Ui«_e/J^ :Dnn Salln.isrSpotcanc police chary.- K5ra'-Skl'«nnfinV7TIeccc;<ttdBhor': The wounded -werci. Phil l<ohrcy...'>jf Saiidfwlnt. ahoirih” tha Head, nnd Alr»crMBrl*r$kr«U«J»r*cW0th2Etf^ I Norn, shot in Uio leg.. , ... •> •_ . '' . . r " " Patroln^on Warren Greenbfergnw.v Sallnos. who died while ^mg.nnhcd > io^a hMp^|,i8hot^thfl_^^^ prelGnlnaiy.'-------------------- - .Ko.moUvjJ: (o r thejt(rtton.,:bjKU !«n^ amed.'hB'saia.-------- 'Police DetfcUfe Otcar.Wmlttdrta^ iidd .Sallrios liaiFreturriea* W T" kune a'lltUe mor«-than.'i

Transcript of ':VotrSS~Ni). 2:: ::.: Si HIRITI In Spriiig Tornado’s Path...

S i':V o trS S ~N i). 2 :: ::.:■ °3Jgfii.SfS'2L! T W IN F J f f iL S O T A H O m E S p 'A y -inO 'RNINar-APR IL- IB r l

i L I N G i M S S

W w m

": .SupreriieC,o,urt:H6lds:B)r.rnerr ' -Membership-'Not SuffF

" ~ : ; c i e i i r - : : f 6 r : : :E . v . r c . t l : t ^ ^

L:\ !.Alien; Do.ggl??: .-S.eat etl'


T # :

-W ASHINQTON, April 17 f Pj - ^ n a 0 to 2_declslon o l far- fea'cfilng-'— frn plications',^-*thc'

tha t an d lc a could-not bc dCT ported solc^. because.hc-once held mcniLiirsiiip in thc.Com mun}st party. :- -T hc i opinion', -delivered by. Associate Justice Roberts, up-

'TmtcJtr-a-nillnB-unhe mih-clreult i2ir::LCTurfr_or-Bppea^--in_the_CMe-£'' ' Joseph Q. Strcclcer, nn AuUrlnii


by wiplnK but a comlrueUon or Ute. dei)oriatioirfilttliiln7olIov>-Fd by \he

tlje ruUns'wlll-sfrMC tnnny oUicr.

______ .tho^CIO on the Piicine^coAst - atd*e which liM ^ tre d ' conlfow'tiy

- ------ jn congfta and «8uretl In-theTe-’cont;.umu«!caiful effort-by-IUpr*. MnlntlveThomiu'tR^N.JJ toaecure

- -----houM-TtdopttonTrt^oFTMOlunan tiii--. . Impeachment, of SecreUry of.Labor ■ PerlUiM. " . . -

The JfiWr 'depnrUireni' del#yfd~a . “ ' " . “ (ItcUlon.on.'what-dlsposlUon..would i::- :-beAB<li£ ji:uieJrIilgB i c ^ ln 'i i iV

Ujht of the *upremy courtK rxilbiB. ,-------- OfaclaU-,^(J«WM«tlen.:WWW-

. thorough'jtmly tojthe quMllear:

■ ln« iCCon •nlMl^'nin

V a. charge he de-.

— time’' o^'haVtM' Ili'T ll^ rta tlon*^ •;_^ce«llntf.i.aRolnst hlm.-pendlns'a dc

------ «5lon In the Slreckcr caw. Crltle

.After Mias Pcrklna fnjlcd to prc.« ‘them, nep. T1iotna.<i'atflrtcd hU Im- • pcnchment nttempC.)

. Crap Control Upheld - .InjddlHoii to Uiftt-ln-ihe Strecker

-ciiscr:m8-?oumrhmp6vum-j'mint[ir todftjnh"eluacdi--------------------- '

I llioluUonnllty of ihose eectlons

- ABrlouUural-adJUAtment-aet~provld- lne.Xor.eontrcl over the mnrketlnB'

--.<lUlrtnelp9lj;aniL?rgpv«naf)ennHy . taxes on.fnrmcrii who iell'more ihnn their rfllotted quolM. Tobacco, fann- era In OeorBla • and Florida had chnllenged Uie net.

___ leenilnuta on nno I-Coiuma o>-

:Q lad to M ee t Y o u . ~- ■KAfJSAS-. CI'IY-Whpn- amrle*

Blood. c|iy editor of fhe niomlnff edition of the Star. was. tTnn.«errc(l to the e«nh»K edition, he

“ trIirto:Utrif6H\po4ing room.There he'met Uie luuUtani'fore.

Uie flr«t time—and nil Utree had becn-worlclnir In the same plant for

- u ” “ 30 yenra.- Blood nt night.

.GRAHTS PASS. Ore.—Peace oHI- may have to c a for pro-

jnB ’ lin V V ro m 'nnto with"

One F irem an M iaging -Plrea won't aeem

-------quite- Uie-saroe In Blairoaymort—:z i" J - - R«»v'.^8e:0rycar.-oW SL Bernardi______■»hl>,held the tltle_of Bl«lr-a. Na t

ffro fan, Is djad—a vlrtim of his : : • hobby of chnslne tnjclci.

....—"JHCWns laJurcaiTbadljr-in--------- hy.a..tnicfc.««^ attemptM______

- —aoom-fbr-ImpK emeot-

iweiv*iM)ciweQ■ o f■ bcinr^nfirtJcuTHt^T ”*"* ** '*“*

In Spriiig Tornado’s Path

»do^la*hcil-acro»57at-miJe-MCtInn~nr\>'orUiiif.;i Oklalioma kitlliiir nrven and Injurliis 33 or more. Mn>i. of. ilie'ylr.Uim were klllfd In farmlfijT Brea* aldiouch three lowni; .vfcl, I'lDpclon anil

F l o ^ d T h r e a t o n H e e l s

O f ' D e v a s t a t i i ^ ^

Tornadoes m Six’: . Least fj

3_6uthern . States Kill at 5, lnjuteL336“ ' - ' ;

X IT T L E 116015. A'flr.r'AprU 17-— --F\pod-warnliigfi -RUrrc(l ffesh -anxleky-tod'ay-on. the-hdels -of .tornadoes. that.killcd atJcafitAS^IandaniutedJjO-tn s^ s ou tb em -sta te s z ::^ .;------------

Arkansas', • hardest h it area' In \he storm belt, rccelvcd notice Irom -the U. 8, weather bureau that h «nd red.s-pC iow- land fumillcTm lgfft" li 'a v e lt f be evacuated before the raplclly rlslnffjwaters o f s lx 'm a jor streams. • ‘

------- - . . ------- / ' T h e " weekend seriesfa p ld - f ire .tw is te rs ' le ft—24 dead-ond 223 hurt in,Arkan­sas; s e v ^ dead and 33'ih'JurcX

other, coauoltlca. In'.LoulAloitB. .&ls fntalltle.i and 30‘ lnjurlea In.Texiu,' one-dea^ ond-n(~leul'30 Injured Jn AJabnmar^TcniifMce. reported. ton nado damage In one community bui

Ilea in

S N M i E E

i f f l f D M H

.aiUlIoo-Doltv: panace. ._Propert}*.damago'wa« eallmaled at' clMo ■ to -n-mllllon-(loUarik-------

i ths'lllQe'- .................................... tinenstem-Arkansas. where ' 11 killed and • more than 00 lnjure<l. ElglJtJjtJicIlnjarciVJwoto-r^fteU-

■=EitH3fc3il.Cd=a!llC»-:-Ult— -v.’hlrled-.awa>'-U>e. Cciiicc-I’olnt-coti)'

— M «vuv. V. .others look rcfiiBe Jml after .Uithighway I. 8, 24 CMlRlose of an oiitrdoor fuiicnil. OUicrS

' were. klUcd wheii 25 homc. In the recllon Were leveled . Among the d ^ j.n i the ch^rcli wnii-lhc

2;yiym1ty vf'Liittllir<5iie ; ?"v>HWan:De'ad. ■■XIMON. Colo., April n East-

em-Colomdo-todjiydug-ont of.one ' the wor.AC*now*iorm« of the year, ilcirieft one'man-dead, a number travelers Injured after n bus col-.

icd. .. ' ■

Nrgro, was found dend_of_cxpo»ure yesterday 0 ' ' ‘

r Falcon^•At • least £>0 - aiilomoblle#

stalled on drifts east and Wv... , .lilwnnzrWuT.y-hiotorb^-iing-to- •jpeniL-losL-olRhL-IiriiielE-iamt-Us.

. inirungas.much as.eight feel deep,

o n n r j ^ .tnowstomt also struck,southern

.Juspendcd-operaUQD3.belwcca.Chey.-. enne and Billings. Mont., and United, Airlines planes were deloured by w»*y-| of Denver.- • - , ' '

Hoin up” SuTj) ec Is’ ‘ Truck Abandoned

. L^ISTOM, Idaho, AprU 17 </?>:- A govcniment thick In whicli John D.' Flynn.' 25, nnd:Jack 'M." A-rigel, 32. escaped Friday nlKht frotn a fed* er&l.pri^Oh camp. (icar. Xowcll .wua. fosnd ..abandoned today near the Lowlflton Country club golf course south of here:— ' •.

Officers were Informed ll had been

....... 'Jlnrry .. ........... — .. - ............ .......... . .v .v -i— the fUglUve.t for'que.silonUu ....

jnnn-JBa=.tho=Mrr«uat»:;«nan :r<»r^ro3a3>oMupJnt<i.laatjlghi-jf^Qrnce^ • i.« fi—. ..... ..— • 'Beatty, hotel proprietress, who'waj •

bound and.locked In her room by IwDmen who had registered n few mini

___se a h le ju lerc u u x r is e s ___SEATTLE. April 17 M>-Tl)e tem-

peralurv reached 77 at 2:tS p. m. to­day to equal yestcrdny’a warmest temperature of^the year and-Ue

nock fprecnsl flood awgc. .........■ArkAiJSft3,"’ 0uachlla. Saline, Petit Jean, .wmto and Black rivers. Tor- renUAl rainsriu'hcavy as io.l Inches along the Petit'Jean,-accompanied ihe_wek:cnjl„_Btonnec„Mountftln. creeks wera out of tlielr banks nnd jnimy--nntdirtn[n3nn6Cru'cre wash^ o^(, A reuen'olr dam broke at Paris. 4«5d iwo-mlnor levees broke at Para- BDlild.- _

.. JTornadueiUn.

Alabnmn-fcinnirtomadoM today! Mra.-.'WIyaonTIatclicock.- 25,-wai killed- at Bollgce.-noo-mlles'BOuUi. west , of Birmingham. _ Others were Injured near Tu.tcalooxa, and at

) the Geo

Student Climber .thuigcaU^caik

.m D n O T i!i5 3 ia H T ', ., ---------Hnrr&.-JU-year-old high achool alil- >Ienl. plummeted 200 fcH to-his denlh- ln-tlia-mountalnH yesterday.

Harris: wUh Uiree friends, atarted . up..CliU:i. ncar^iiis. fnUitrrVranrh, seven miles wutli.of Malad...Har- rls_wtis mLuIng when Uio other* reached the mmimlt. _T lje_3-ouU»^lc^an hour after he'

Gitizenship-Goritest^Wiiinei—T e l l s ' I J e s i r S o - M ^ t . S o i S

WASHINOTOH,- AprlP W ' l4T - Ruth Nelson of BoIm . Idaho, came lo'Waslilnyton today-wlth but l«o ob]ocUve£-t:6:hi()Arseiwtun''William

<o"vblt Hwtlty'a de-:

bulldlaes-^hcrd Uiei

, SJie'wlll probably hjive aa.'iypo^ -lunlb: .to-tn*et~Sg?![tor^Borah, whrflaM lls •- . o M i l . o r j i l i i "bSi j |full- schedule Tcr>-. likely 'will pro-

Rum iB-a typical-American glilond hair.: Jirown • clfca^ lm -flL__=andTv«piitrcliravr6nicr--clU«^

-shin In the United SUtcs..__ ‘


D em antlsJhaCAm cnca^liij^^

—•Clear—of—War—Swcc p Ovcr=rConnress in - .Wakd Of, RcqiiQst to Dictators

(By The AMOciaied’ PrM)W A S H IN G im : Ap ril 17 ~ fiwolllng-^Idc o f demands

jM t^ 'n e r lc a - s t c e t -C lc ft r . ,^ war regftrdlc.w: o f-w h n t- ir ' pens ill-E u rop e swept , over- congress today in the after- mnth of-Presldent-RopJicvjilt’ff; appeal to H itler and Mus.;olinl

California Fiigitivos and

>; p l^ g e .thcm.«!clvcs to' pcacc

-ColnctdentallivClie ndmlnfMraHoti reported with expre.vilon's of pleu.'Ure that (he presldcnlVi mem gc to the

public opinloh for peace.Word came Irom Berlin (hat Hit- r 1‘bu!fl !M«le o'n April 28 his atti­

tude toward llie lippeal. "• „ _

"WllH the nmvnl In WaahlnKlon I —addlllonal ..roRjies—frow-'. Lntln

Amerlcim Rovemmenlfl, the.western hrmhphero suxxl-ln n'soljd-phalanx- briiliul ihe presldein's appeal. Fai

h-^ecretary-Hiill-told'hls-press-con- {eri'iico ho liad rccclved no Indlcn- tloiw from elUicr Berlin or Rome IS •to-~U'hntr-thc--otflclBl--TOpongey fc-ould. be but he declared Uie' ad?

mlitlslnillou T’As much gratllled at the reaction elsewhere In the world,

Cantrlhutlnii to Peace' ...•Tlicrc Ls evidence of a' deflnlte

feeling.” - he »ald.-“ thnt-n -practical aucL ■[~inadc to.tbc-cauie.of-peace.nnd-thai. a-iniblle opinion, the.most potent or„ all forces forpencc. I.1 more strongly developing througliout—the. .wurM.'*

........ 'SirRt)K}.ld-Elnd5ny:=7=-. Chalrman -Walftli - (DiMaas*)—.of- Ihe senate naval ■oammllteo lautjch- ,f<j_<‘_.tlli*cuislon‘’lof.- the- critical, foreign* situation in n speech advo­cating creation of complete Atlantic nnd'Pacific fleetA-In place-ortlie

[•sinRlo-navy UjI.i country-now-has:'^' Lj,’.'We.cnii.,npJong«c-defend-ft-lwo-;j ocean nation with a pne-occan

l.nav}-,'' WnUli told his colleagues,

RiyROJEGISSMIPPROeSouthern Idaho, Inc., Names

Co.mmittee for-lrripa-^ l ■ tion Program

I'Soiilh. re&oliitlon study by

WENDELV April' 17 Tdaho, IricT, approved herc-tonlgHt calling.for the--Ur-S;—reelamaWon- .watcr.resources and watei .... ... ration .on Uie Snake .river..above MUner.—The-niotlon waa, offen^ by A. C. DcMary of Rupcrc as Uie ouigrowth of 11. discussion - ot the'Mlnldoka' nortlwidc .extension project,

A flve-man .committee , . . pointedly President Al Reading of iWnndell to siudy-Uio-propo<uil.wfildU. wlirbe'subrtiltted to Uie reelamnUon service. • - ....... ..............,

be to nscerlaln whafspceUtc'psrW of the IrHgatlon-projKl Uial South­ern Idaho. Inc, will emphaslic. Iti seeklng“ d8volopment: work:.... r ,:

I-----------Report at Rupert----------

May 16 meeUng-'al Rupert, biii Uie recInmaUon service will b« callcd.on Immediately to study water re-

lurcca andcdnaervaUon ab ve MU*

ec_mgmbcni.arc_»«r^TVUurlebBus, Jerome..charnnan. wlio represenla U>e Tivln Falls norilulde

! aeetor;.itohn_'qiomaa..gooiUnc.-gBj.iwenhnj—Amertcnn-rallii'rescn’Oir dt*trlcl_"number‘ tft-orrNr-Vr-Sharif.-

, Filer," rebrcMhtlrig"Uie Twin Falls' !«3uUi'tlder^or6o-Day, uajcley. nrii- pe*entln8-^..tract..ond ,A._Brook- manr'-Rupert,-ropresentliji Burley'

The- reglona'l chamber, of com­merce, in -order-to expedite, work, ■nnlhOTlted-Ward' C.-Howard, ome. s ^ t ju r r ta ' prepare new

__________ improvement.......... ..^U»e Shoshone__ W_Arco

rtrewh~ot tirs ;. highway OJ. The

tlonal Parks Service; at the road

-------•Moracii-AUDiT-tiiniBtfi>•-• - Ol'- nnOUI.ATIONB -PncoPivcCmtis- '■*1

School Girl Companions Captured in Boise Camp

M u s s o l i n i S p o k e s m a n : :

r R a p s R o b ^ ^

Arrcstin>^<)jtieei-s:“lJo:coiii;ijTi^•—^ fii i^ fr a il T)f-t-:i-Hiifrlit-(.-lp<li)UrCmr~^~| ■T . B a ilie al P(>rllan(l “ . "

Ain-il I7-(.i*)-Premler -.ncw-spaper - II Popnfn. ny niild Pro ltl'jiit Rt>o<r.

liic-IsaKc liTO airchuj- becti.rejcctcd In imiy "by a promin reaction t>t Hip natloiiiil - - .••We'deny tliepH'^fdcnfnhy‘rlRlil to Intervene lu Kiiropcim (lUc.itlonK

.'eft s 'iieii

.. n.«ixmJiiK Jlie roto ol friendly anil, hnpiirUnl iiii'<Ili«ior,~'1hc paper saKl.

Tlie ♦iirtic;t. which waj, licmlnl

wiii-Gi-i.ir.7-nfMni« injfirorv.eiV''bore a Hoin'-daip.lmr.-----

New^pilp drrlr,-; *ald tlml if li ere n;a wi'ltlm by Mui.soIlnl him-

^cii .IV ccriniiiij—rcpri-scnica niirIdoiu.--------------------- • -. The.nrtklft .iiild President Roor.e- •veltV ii|il>'-nl pvldeiiUy was for In­ternal -nr:e;“ it chnni«i -him-wiui wanting in divert American opinion from “ ilir tinpinplpyment whicli srows day by day.’’ - •

—Cftnctmrniruie four nalloiii'whlch' -Mr.Rooacvetf.'aaidJuul dljnppcnrtslr n_poiwlo_il.-lli.lln__repll«l lhul_Al'

-111 Au.'lTla liail "Bixuiiane- -Idrd.......

lin (111 cliil‘milloii 'iiirci'' lhai tihlopli inicfe piiiody" of tiovem-

nifUL.to which H.tly i>rou«hi,"llKlii.

o f BoJ.se._a frw..niiivilCcs.i they ro.ircd In to lhi.s' Iclaliot]

."ijaicrtr^ to an J imniriiai -lltrnlliiUjr liiii. irTn.»,<, Thui >il*.mc.'jacc la anyrsincero proposal u lioaee." • . , •

II Popolo dccliired • Presldei

U-wiuu-lHnorunco <jf Keography nnd hlxt<jr>-V In hbi Sauirdav'hppeal to MUMollnl and Adolf llltler for a -10-year ple<lge tii refrain .from ngi Krewilon. " •

Tlie paper-.’ ald Ills note was iiii. woriliy of .serious consideration;

Mtfet toI b ^ v - t o ^ o o s e M I

D^aration Aprir28, . , ‘ tBy'The AsNoelated Pre»)

' AdoTf H iller-told an anxiously awaltlPB: world-Monday-lt- .would have lo wait until AprU-^28-for his ftnswcr to Prcsldent Wfin.sevplL'.s

— An-unexpccted-flesslon-ot-ihcrRcichalaB.-wna.-cancd-for-that- (iatc to hear llie fuehrer'unfold his stand expectecT to be a rejection backed up by a dcfense'o fh l? course o f etflpire and .a-dchuiidatlon.oLthCitcrrltory.:LacciulrlnB.memQdfi_oLotUcfSw

.KlieUicritu-WlU-hc-yciI Britain , pushed ahead - with 'h e r drive fbr.'a s tec lT ln g of alliances aga lh k further pos-. «lj)le -thfusti-lrom -HlUer -tind-his axis partner, Benito Mussolini. - . liopdon anticipated an annount - mehr today from Prime' MlnLsler Chamberlftltt-lhi------ -------- --

many in the World war.Soviet RU.ula wn.<i reported lo

have already promised "at least ma­terial aid" to the allied.nnUons and

the Soylei capital,Tlie progfenn of necotlallotu: with

Ttirkry and Russia-and Hitler’s relchstas call eased Europc'.s crisis fovcr Mmewhat. although omlnoiLs algns'sUll clouded the sltuaUon. The jcttojrbv' thcrunprcdlctablctcuhrrri wax consFdered conciliatory rather than menacing.

At the other-end of (lie Rome- ■rfe:

prlntlon Of-»3S.000M>0

_______ , Fasclats echoed the predlcU_____t-wrvlM ■ of- Nagls-thatTRomezand-BctUnarouUL

^um a cold shoulder to Mr. Roose- velfa. proposal for.^O -year hbh- aggrcsslon pledge oHo -aubsequenl ,aKnrmampnt'andjcconoml6 consul- laUons. Tlte press.of-Uilh countries kept up irchonis of anU-RocoereltJibes.. • .............- iConUuufd on INigp 3. Columli 4)

owners would stage a march capllol tomorrow to demand KOLC loans a t '3 pier cent Interest and oUier "liberalizing" clianKCK -In- th» j government's 1iome.*flnahcing..pqUcy.

Somc'^wicrs^rom'-l i’ easlcrn'iriT3 western stales have chartered a train u> come here for a march around' the building-of-Iho-Home Owners Loan-corporaUon- . and . UMnwc, tj> Copltornm where senalc-and hoa« committees are eonslderlns ctongu

Tlie grou]>'K program Includes;Extension of Uic othohlMtloiriicr-

lod (for liOLC loans) from 15 ' ,30 years.. Tlie complele elhnlnaUon of de«

■ r

mBfBRUtFlRESFlames in Washington Cause

OncBeath, Destroy ' ------- Briiltlinns— -

fifes Ulol jea'tised one death and de- • JiuUdlnga—nared

lght;~-lhrenleninr ^nummer-' . . .

morshala tuUd sUrWd Sunday when , n-raTroBnbTimed-fems'on-hto-land, ■five mile* a«4y,'*waa.'fought by ,a.| 'crew .of ieii-eral hundred men. A' fisherman’s,cabin, a Iiouse dnd bam

ere UMl'royed-lato-Wdoyf.King county . c(»nmtsslonc«. re-,

p6illnff;'niorffruain -i^-brush.' flrcjjlast wcekcnd.'approp‘plated $10,000

,as aB'cmer8«fiey 'cortlJ»rfuna;-nre mnrshntd-tlireoteiTeaTirresror'Slaah^

__PouLdm-ajjo Uic.'group cngfigtd' "ii-rmmluB-HiHn-bfttili'-wiih-iwlice-

Porilnnil. Ore,-, anil e.iciiped lt»I stolen cars afier BuIIev »inpi«-d' 'uljti,iii_jlnLJcll..arm_Ul4.1ujuo-.

was termed .serious, becaii,ie of in­fection. by a phj-.stelan here,

Tlie mCji wcre wanted In OroRon for’ a.vtaull and robbery and Jensen and Ballcy'nrc-.«iu8lit Tn San prun-' ciwo for robbery. Slierlff Don Head*

Ixlck of Ada,county snid louiuht, - , ' _Ncw clmi^M of'^laung lhc feiU.1 eral "n-hlte slave" aird^Kolen auto..' mobile tninhpor(Bl1.6n acts were Hied ngalnst the thr^nen In £un Fraii cisco almost sMnUaneouily ' 'wlUi

■‘ capture here'.

in Washington ,

Labor‘fi.7Non,*^rtlsan' league said dar~tl

o redeem: homer already

pays InteresL and taxes.

Seeks MayoraltySANIJPOINT, Idaho, April ft - (Al

Tbr'Uie honw of being Bandpoint' flrsi A-oman maj'or—but she is ac castomed to "flnrt” dIsUncUons.

Jn 1910 she was- Uie first woman to be‘ eleeted BonnerjcountyTCTTOl

flr^t T n-to-be.n natfdfor •congress although she .. .

, Burton L. French In Uie. general L-clcotloniisn{l -:afl3eU03T'-shs-vat.{ the city's first-woman-councilman.

lUy Tlip A:s-ocliiH'il Pr '-BO IS K rAprllr l7 -— Three younR fiicitlvc.';~from''Ju. ttcc~and thcli^Snii-Krniicisro'-liiKW'.nchool'Hlrl cuiiijwnions tvc'fc cap- tured-hcre-iociny'by offlccrs'wnOTf'CoiiNlnicCcO ;i i,SU0-mlle trail of 'crinic iht-y .salil \vii.s piiiiciuiiU't!'by an .exchange o f biillMs wllli.P.(»'tlaiid.-Ot'c- pollco AjirJl-lil^

The thro(T inrn, UMntetl ri.s cle.st.Tler.': froiii ihc Unltod Slalc.s army-ni'thc Pre.skllo o f San Frnnci,''.ro, niyr llieir three women " yornpriiiloiia .w i'e jtixcsltHlkit a l ......^mm

nifv surrciulri-eii—alMi.iiijih -arm', with n ,'lioJsy]i.iviiiLlit.'>lolt'.-.wlUi-

rc.'.islani-r n(lrr_>^r..|y._coumy_ .Ic ily police ringpil .their i-iil)ln.

and,, .'.l.ile" lnwi. eniorci'iiii'ni Coin- mL«loiier.H;irrv M. Ruyiicr. fprnicr ..slierilf cl Clark couniy_for. :o yca . ; nnlpr^l! . - -_• . .r" — ,— .

Tlie six Rave lhri.e liamos; ' -

Kdwanl.Klamc, 24. -DonaW-Brillh-,-^7.-- .Vei n Jei|->i-ii, 24.- ,- FMnn .MalLspin. 17.

urn::-*. oidi-fis


Fedcral.Aqents at"Sah Fran- _ cisco ftcciise Boise '. .

'". .Captives .'-Mpn"ANcrBCorAurir-n~f.p?::^|

.c5inpliilFi'drriil..n;eiil.s,lll«t.c5inp]tilnti, hci H«ainu tiim- alli-grd imny deserters. t;i|unix-(i today. In BoLfe'Idalio.-wlUi tliir.-, S(rTi„'.Friiin;bco .hluli-sdiioot

Oh iloii' of - thy jedera^.. iiird'&Tdlcn aulwno-"

.of. -the_jncn.:..VcmnM'ii. 'aC i'Tui' Donald Bailey. 27,

'BOW-l'iiniciit'iT.vi-rvalloirV<)re lodgc’dT” Tliese'Brcw'ou: of "|>eitliig party^_ holdups In the Presidio _henf, a'-, -iiioit-Mtldr—T)ip-oUier-man-wa*-Ed^— ward Kliiu,v:. .

Tliu filing took pliice alinMl slm* ululnc■0u ly with suricntler,. of .lh» .aextei-ln-Boisc. Idalio. Agenui satd>-

complalnts would faellltala - i(er of llMT.uuih to San Fran« ..si

:Uco._—Tl»-Ulo-l>ftv«>-Wi>-riilJaing-fh»n-j.,; Itheir 'ponii ni Uip- Presidio here, since carlj'. .In April. An .'.'absent wIlhDut-'leavc" iptuUon was clialk^r ctl,up J>c5idc;Ballcy.'fl. nomc_ApriU9L__;l

■ aKalnsl Uio. other two tlie fol-

lu..Bal*e.iauiio eitly. loduy.whcn .•a.-mo1orlat.nrporicd 10 tlio sheriff's ! office Uiat hi* cur had-been In- ;«Irtdiln:a.mlnor:collislon with an

Jtported In-newjpaper .-itorles-from

Shortly after 3 p. m. Slate PulroN mitii H. A. Car(er spotted the. big radlO'cqulpped maroon sedan at a

liouElsi.park-alonK* the -main:trans- ' state hlahwiiy.-the old Oresion trail. anri nntlflM ~ '

hero for first -desree“ robbery-for- - 'le "pettli^. party '-haldujSfc.

Inspector GcofVe 'CFEiAjT'‘o f'life~ •San-Franctsco police, said User* w«a- no doubt In his mind the tliree girls captured. In Idaho u-ere Jewel SinllhVCIcoiia'AV«a;'ali'd EdnkTJaii- , ■ spin, all high school'glHs*here. H « •.laid-Jewel had WTjtien a Jetierlo-:

' -{Ki rcady.foC-.

........... believe 111’.' exclaimedMrs. C. Mcrrlrt. Clconc's aunt, when she was Informed of developmenu. . "Cleone has always been' a -good v Iglri." ■ ------ ..................— ■

Mrs B. Dclone. m^ier .of Edna .

•Offleera-were-mobtltred-and-Rar*- .ner led eight men to ihe camp where Uie arresi was made.. Subsequent Investlgauon disclosed, .•aid Sheriff Don • Headrick, tlml the early tip »-as fals ahd tlw sex* “ i-drpve_h.ilo.Bot,stonlj',a.fcff.lfaii-. utes acfore tney were picked up,, Tliey came here. Headrick said,

.over the Norili-ond-Soulh highway from .LcwlstOH.where Uiey, were re* ported Mnted for holding up'. Uie .woman.proprleior of a hotel and es­caped with 120 and « HOld walch.-

One Shot Klr«a------,—One-eliot-wa*-flrod-ln-Un»-Mr<vV;here---------- .'-------------------------- '

With the mUe-tourbt cabin In whlclK the six were; st.nyinc silr- rbumled. Rayner oniercd Uutn to come ou t,'- ' ,

TheyMlld Jjut Klniise (lid nol raise

‘to- m'arrinhe alrl recemiy. out, »ne: , urged them both, 10 wall unUl “ Edna wa.s gradunled from hlgtx'school.-- - ............

-*-Tliorr«l. foreclosed;

A two-year moratorium, on princl- . .Ills linndx.'TA <lcpuiy jiherlff flrud one sliot Into ^le air.and up they

s.-ild.fourpalrji of o . ...... ............... .plates wcr« found--ln -.(li<‘ -'raillc^ -?9L!'nped iwlan In Jthlclt-Uio-bandlU

- ir.-iveBuB..:?v.T«erc'Mrc'‘ onIr iwo guns, gauRc slioigun and a.revtaver. --TJ10 car-had 4«yn-<lrlCcn- Ihe s id e ..........................


_____ ____Carter spoUed It.

GlrU In Staeki The jlrla - were u-earlng. slacks,

the 'Hien'sult Irousera but*not'coata.~

pci'. u'Oiui 4Ud uarwr.'Tfirfi'TOiJUC’ SherlffMarvln Wright. Stale Offl-1 ^

|.e«r_Baymond~l»wienf«t--MxH-01M-^?~]-----' (ConUBUwl on !•»«« I Colunm :) I

¥ast Antai’cticAs Atfiierican Exjpansion Goal

mmmmipsi-Twp-Others-WjiundedJniGuh; -Attatkr No'Mo'tlveMir::rSi r ..Slioolihg Learne ^SPOkANR Wa3h;;-AprU

Three pcrwuB- were, elaln fc’ounde<l. onc.crttleallr.'ln »-touri»t--: camp shooting, at. .Dlshmon. Jour,,P» .r nr Spokane .lonlifht. - *.•State pa_iTOhnen_Ml^Ui«_e/J^

:Dnn Salln.isrSpotcanc police chary.-

K5ra'-Skl'«nnfinV7TIeccc;<ttdBhor':The wounded -werci. Phil l<ohrcy...'>jf

Saiidfwlnt. ahoirih” tha Head, nndAlr»crMBrl*r$kr«U«J»r*cW0th2Etf^ INorn, shot in Uio leg.. , ... •> •_ . ' ' . . r " "

Patroln^on Warren Greenbfergnw.v Sallnos. who died while mg.nnhcd > io^a hMp^|,i8hot^thfl_^^^

prelGnlnaiy.'-------------------- -.Ko.moUvjJ: (o rthejt(rtton.,:bjKU ! « n ^ amed.'hB'saia.--------'Police DetfcUfe O tcar.W m lttdrta^

iidd .Sallrios liaiFreturriea* W T " kune a'lltUe mor«-than.'i



~ Hailey and Shosh(5ne~Scorc — — Victories in Two Com — ^

L-pctitivB Eycnls-V GOODINO, April 17 — Ortxili . plai'rdtliail to npproMtiiutvly 1

-'junior lilgli Miulertui Sotiirdity wlv •;-miulc-puiTtl; '

wliooU finlliPiTri hfrr tnr llir’ .scr- , wid ni)ni:nl Northn|(le Junior Mlali ■' Miwlc'FcsUvftl. Over, 1000 ptr^uiu

...v ^wrrc In litlcnduncn^iit j>lf. cycnir • which Inat»d -thrbuBU .Siiiiinliij

“ rjnomlnc'nna Srtiiirrtuwiftcnioonr Winners iii (hr only'two cotniit'-

— tttlvc■cn^nt5■Dnl r:l!ily■^Vl• l•■Ilull(■y .. ,.iinci .61i0iUoucjvltlv.tht.aQl<LmiirLlii.• • Inctropiiy.-prr'MiiHctl-by.-Uic-Gooii. 'ir!IlHir.:mcrchBiik. uolnK'to Uic -irafli-'v

"rWlilfh-'.took plnre nt 3;3««. .............of OoodlnK. were Llofd Tlioi.........

- Wflndfll.-W.-P.-Wnmrr.------atid-ClipUln"Cll(ror4 Dcvliictoti.aiiili:---- Ueiueiuuil— □.—W— S.IcCon\bt-of-. * OooUljiB. Tlirir rn w i nhowpd verj’

little UlffcrctJcc brlwccn ilu r^rr^uimintbiaia-i. "

' Kvri>u III Monilne.• . Approxlmoidi'-75 evciiw li

Ainatl Kfoup (livixlon wcrr ru

irwio.v'illiiu, liUVv ..

~ul-llie*Ji)itlflr hlRh nudllorliim-^tllh' Uoyd Tliompwli o( WriKlelL.m Mn. Clnrence.RcynoIdji of Oooidli

•■---■■'At tixe hlih fichool.:iustni .=.,,.801011. tlueta-nnd-other amftll

(»n>blniillonn ■were nm of

"-cdBK-ct»mi7~treii*urci~ft.i~J‘a3’i,''Mni. MlldrAl Fcrrla. ’hUle Mhtwl

.. pluno liwtnic'tor. • wn» the offl lnl /or the plnno-cwnlji ^hlcli-took-]

—plnM-«t; the Melhwllut; cliiirch. ! r—^crtnnlng-Tit-nr-m. -sp-chomiri

and bo>'A' and slrtJi’ dee club mim- “ ■--bers-Tvere—hnndltd -nt-lhfc -Junior

the- litBh'??” = ibol-3r)enifind.vdre'iFf6i 1awr«nd mnwcnuia'"uve!t-“ nun»i}crs;'' M(uu>c<l

b»nd practice wm nlno held. Tltc — —binilTpTftyeainnhe loiiowine orclRr:

Jerom*. HBmmett,-Oood)nB> 11*r.el- ‘ ■ ton «nd Hailey.

JUnds .ri§y_ln_tIiil»o_n.

Olllccrs Oeorgc npiiJaji..IUiTy.Slier- inn nnd Joe Aiuler.ion. . . . ' .aiicrlJf Heiidrlck nnd ProoccuUHR U<inii!j' 'Kfnn«ili Oleary hmj:t)«n

-nrsTttimtrfor-tneTroiipin tticTiear-" by .foothill* when Corter.cnme upon

• ImmedlBtely' ntternhe 'mnrchli „ 'band contest nn bandx In Ihe.fesU- vKl BAthered In front'of the Good-

..1ns .county-court hoiue and plnj'ed. the three contciil number«. ~Nlfiy." •■MillUo’ .Ewort." .and "Flyer," li unl*on.- John C. _ P«rj\ Ooodln;

wholi- Jmmgroup . prcMn(«d Krveral miuMd chonu numbnrK. Approximately 300 ■tudenta appeared In'the mniiied

j'~*~bindr»nd’ *bout 4S0'ln'the-miiMed rt:horm..u_____— rr:—... JUports or.odlclaU.ln'Chartii

rilcate that the fentlraS In GoodlnE nearly three times m InrRe ra

• ■ the. fltnt fe»UT*l-heId-jtf -Jcrom« ' ■^jfenr; and’fprerMU for next >......•^rrettt'predict Hint li will probnWy

I ’ .-b^-twlrRjtJ liffcr na thUr.venr;.■ Sands from Ilnmmeti. Olenns

Peny. Hasenntn. JeMme.-Wiirrlion. DletrlcHf Shoshone. Hailey -nnd ^Opodtng were_.«ntere<t"ln

judirtA vlll b« mtillcd to c

[f= ^Tw o-N ort)iern 'Pac iftc-T ra ins-

. Collide at Junction

... .7 :/.,.Near;:Pasc6.:.^-._

J l„ . P^CO . .Wn.sh.., April 17''-V' Bcven iH'r.siiiin.'iw'o rHik'iilly hitr

—— wei-tf—Iftktn --rt-n - hopUul-Hflrr- r — hendion— roUtlon— beiwppn~t« -ri*:-NQHhem Tnijflc-tnta-r-nr-Aln-

wortli Junction, near hrrr, lodiiy,. J. w. Garmcn of Pukt'o. frcliilit

■•. ■ enstnccr. .and Gnrfirlrt Mnrttn.ndHrcis_undeter*

T-; ' mlncd.-stifferetl iracturtcl .ikulli and '• series* lutcmnl Injiirlc. . ' '

Philip .Uciuoii u( Pnsco. nnil . .'^R ^hnrt S. GrlHHli.-Wiilli. -Wnlla; "r^flremtn; Clarehct: Btlianno. Pnsco.

pn.uenRcr enslnVcr;- n. A, DJ-siirt., Wn11fl"Wullu.: and J. B. Joy of.Eiuco, —pax.tcnKCT"bntkcmrnniI.'07wcmiurtr . . .A, alx*.cnr_i)aiicnccr-«id .JrelBht

lliol had J1141 left for Walla Wallf -Jn.charse.of Sclii!niiQ,nnil.CDn{Jucl-

or Arclile WJlkU ran hcnd<on intc

" jlcciicL i\utl_a.

— — A-hnmbiinser Mnnil and coi tlonery at 423 Muln iivcmie en'i

■j.::-.JieavHi’ .UumBijcd.by Jlrrut i:.-• • n». ycaterdfti’ when u snsollne-Movo... ^^tised-for prep'iirini -fOQttrecploucfl. .H r FJro Chief Fred Pcro'»ald.U»ftt.n(

in.iurance was cnrrlcrfon the bmld'.■'■•'••inir.'. .................... ..l?r? -i-J.^LjClievallcrbvuieO Uie ■bulldliia

-and.was operaunB.-ll]6-uUblUh''menu .:........

csplodon Imrltc : gu(.oIliii ovcrtiic cniirc.lniprlor. of me tnilld'

t- r- S e a U le JF ir j ii.U i- ..- . s E I i ^ E r O E H e p I I i l e ]

BREVITIESYl>ll In Lu» Anccleit — Mr. a

MTk. ■R.'TCTJlbblc li'aVc .rcrcii -ptnmcd nlicr .'iiwndlni: two wei liilllnB relatives tn'La> AnscU*.


I'o.alfllii—Gary OrAvr.t lurjicd.SiimUv lo PuC.iu-lIu-lolio*.

I, VUslt ,-M.

if Mr. iind Mr'}' Ora

~l’l'iV'lrl»ii'";u”ri'iif'Oiikfl,- wfK>-lui'-b<-

• Knidtmti' -cmii


liriiio—Mr.N. J. E. Ill>yc H (........... Clilcauo. •Allure «lii' witl i*:.Uii«l.-tJ«».coiUTJitloii.of_U«:-llUoiil

. of PiinnUs luid 'IViirju'r. i-wi:i ir.tnuf ilift'Tchiu'VJ.-'

P.—T.-A--rimvrntlnn-ar-Mcnil>liH lid the nntioniiV foiu'eiiiion at uin


Itpturlu. trum Kasi—Ur. •Joliii W W;l^ lcc of Uuhl. has returned'allct i.prjifllnR three wcvka in -Uocliwitr, .Mliiii.. and Chicago. ^

Doiwi ........llii’iur which ])liic«l ord Ill-Twin Fnlt« county i ftflirc y-r.Mcrday. • - •

order'GIHRAbTAft. Apr:: 17 (,!■) -

. icmh wllr llIp.•l look over the naval prfni-iimrims- vital uritlsh «ot<rto Kip .McdKirfronoait tocfajv Bpparrnt- ly in H I'uovr to n-Icii'sc.thc bulk of ilm Driii^h Itect for duty tn oUicr Jirniei:iii,..MciIlltrrnncjm’ oaitcri..

since'curly yc.sltrduy frcncji siliiJ3.liaviL.bcen‘.steifniinB..Uciiin8ty.

. . . liiid III Kfoiipii tu anchor off th.Nami>i-l.om!T-.Mr-Jnco0.rTir boom-rnriowl - hrtrbOl'. O y i iDon-l

itl.iln. N, Y... I.t owiTgr of SiMirt. j wcaiA.’.t-mblcd-cff Uie.ounAmilHfrt |

. Kiilrrn llMjillal-Hnrlrn'E.-nintT" li;irl lit Twin Tiills ■ wiui..iidnutirtl (II iiii' .Voicrniui* liiupltnl nt Uobu Siindiivfor emcrKcncy ircatm«it. TIr Vn.i iiiken lo the Hoisc 1n.siltu* tlfln.1>.V n. F.'plckncll, Veterans (ii t'orriciiAVars.pau comnVandar.'Z—.:-

F.IIH : It .Miiy 9.

Mik. r.ruiirc-Oliiccr* II Rork Oranuc u ltril brinic riUtrr cake nr

elhiK Ravel lo Falrvkw a

■uniy rccordc ^ . . offlcc_ye.-'i'eri!uj

,\l .Mnte'niUy llnmp-Mi'. and .Mr: •l 'Oiiiii'd McAdfims.arc ilie ir.ircnt il a'Kiri Iwrn Monday, and Mr. 'ani tjp;:.'Ciuirlei_Aiim .of Muruugi lie piiiciil.\ of i> AOii* born Siinda.v bulh nt i],ip comity f.irm matctiii::

Kickr.r liy ■ ll ) e—U-.slle I.ofti inner re.sldlng three.mile:, north o

Klnib'Tly yn-n Telea.scd yf.\trr<l;i. — •-lht~EwW'm7Fri71-li0M,Urikicked In the neck by.

Siniday cvt

riifm rir arsiPiK

, Office Deputy Leavci—.Ml .Jilarie ■DUzcnbure. office dfpuiy m Twin jFnllR county shc if^ off Ire tlin pa>i

al ynim. hnj-.rMlsned and will the Inst of the month on u trip

vr»>’ ........... ...........................

vliere Mra, Marti..... conAuUtinC fpr_Bauoliconip'ifiy- !>'>« !'• If* •

snuiillanl for . llin cc

ntrahcomratolic:'. :CtLeiu»aaWajfcilULlK)tJlllOW-li1ie.

thcr'ih#'mcir-wovilfl be"i'elea«d*to “ircKon state offlcliks.

............ ii>^iairnii!reed toc extradition to Portland but dl<l knov whether the .iliuatlon

would be changM M_a_rc.iuit_of Use ■■■■ i fo f Ihe new fetieml cUSi

with ifit

_ TlrUel w V ii riiicil — T>'lU :pbJlct!-dcturtnicnt-ftiifttrf(rnnii->^■overtime parJcliiK tlckei.s ...... ■"

— -ripimors'i

Extradition Is not' nceeiaao' In :he 'arrrst and removal 'or' fed­eral prisoner, O'Lenry explained,

nalley IltlleTed I.cader - O'Leary said, he believed Bailey

*'a (lie lender of the group.- • An_cx-ronVict;::from_tlic "Salem.

■tfiT., slftfe'peniicntl'ar}’. Bnllry had served a.»enienc« for recelvlne stolen properly. Headrick said.U*iley'» 'wounds were- drc.ued by , local ^yslcl.tn Who .wid the b«n-‘

, III .hi(d-a-“b«d-:fmcntre‘ or.Uic'Jiu"|jnari^'-In-hU-left arm---------.' ....

lie eatlmatied-.the wonnif wiik^- eelved three or four day.\ bro. “ Tlie^wlld-fllifhl. of the kU. nl«ny« Jujtt a. iitiie ahencl of the Inw. began jeVeral we«k5 npo nl'Shn Francisco . 'l}eiV=tJj«ilMir«wn«ii-e«capcti.ln. A flurrj' of bvillets from Ilm unny'a

prejldlo on the Golden GniPi • ■ wo mllllnry policemen pur.'ulns a jnotorc)-3e. and .ildec.ir-wtffe I.ApnlL<r ni.onHand,VVhon.Pc.oj.|

'e.’6unde<i thru.Teltlnc Parly- !lnlilup<

Prtvlotuly a ?,erlc.i of "pclllpR

lilalnta In’ San Prnncl.ici aRnlnitt .lensen and Bailey.

It w«a in Portland th»t the jim bittia-oecurred.-

_In Portland, too. occurred the d»r- hfff lnva»lon-qt-n hoii.^-on-tjie-out sklrlj'or'lbwn, Cljirrle.\ OTDavLiTJr. one of five person* terrorized by ihe three couples, looked on In frlBlit ns iMe sU.cnroused In ili".rfMdence. Laler he - swore out- complaint* ' l8nln.M them, aceu-'lnc »>em o fa s '

imicd witliAult and rob1}er>- « diinceroiLs wen|>ons.—WaKiuiU------- -l)iJ>lslrkl Judge J. A.Mcai

■I ball nt JIO.OIK) aplw. ' num .anil .Steal Cam

Pofllnnd'pollcp avcii.'.rd Ilic six iiriilnR. and nertlhis automobiles wOl.

J Porf-Tlie fURltlvi's' lifter Iciivli und tiinied AWlftly inland.

__AiJ^wlnon. fdulin, fvrr'al liuii-drcd tnilti.nortl) of.l«rc..a.dum- BRed red whrcl from u lurrt mnroor wdiin wa.« found at a crvlee sta--- .r r- T-.:r:",7:-=:

Frank ^Vllll , ik u .■'crvlcc .nation acroia Ujc atrcci.

ipccled -ciir - p i.. .................m..v.r~nicR-nfter' Uift-Miitlon' liacl.

dclit— Hir car.-rrmnlnedJseveral. -mlautes..-and—tl>cn.-»pcd

II p. m.. Mr.--. Grace Ccntiy, proprtnor of the Pr -c hotiM l i W nl-J —irnn—emriiitTiT^iniv fV

_Hie_XUBlUvcs.*ore nlw rejwrU'd -'C'.'n h\ Umntilla. Ore.. cn toulr tc X«ttUu>n. und-Stniv-Pulice CapUh: W.-.W^Vaiiccy.'of Uw.Dukrr-<li*UlcU, near the Idniio-OreRon border, rold they stopped nt a Bonrdman scn-icc •irtllnn;’.>:e't or,‘Arlli)gtoiii;on. (lie Columbia river hlKhvr- -Appnrciilly-'Ule-ne^t ;rcM into.ldaJio.aualn and.rent.Uie. lourlsj. .onbln. litre .‘irhcre

E s c a p e (^ o ld .Sna|y

laAtj^WMk'a^oJd weather in ROod '. . I'sIiape.'pSul'noweirslalc dlrrctof"of

iz:AtinL.i7'T7f5'.‘—|iii4««naiutrF;=sara-*-M>mprfhfn= t i

if Kimberly ha ,R hci

1 li -D—W


British Warships Quit.Giljral- " l a ' r tor'Otlicr Medllcr- '

rancan Posts'

.11 -portTlic bulk oi Uriinln'h .strons Medi*

tcrraiican force ' wassai d to be liroumi Mali.-(,-ntmtCKlc ba.ie off-thc

of .IUIy..Othcr'»lii(»i were ut Al«:iriiiri» and Port Said, piardlnr thi'-Siic/. ninal, ,- Admlrnl LouUvVatlcu,-command-' liiK.ihq iccond dlvWon,--conferred" durlMK'tUe day .with Uie sovemor: ol GlbruJur.-r-.acjicmKair-William:; Kdmunil Jroii;;lde. Vice Admiral .M»i(iula iiiid li'iar Admiral Ja quea Lacroix iilso were'herc. -.'.

While 111'- Frcnch nB«-ui Chiefs and '

NATHAN nESS10^ ) wu Mntenccd__«o jtr»e .a jUjnflnthi.tinsJn.JaH.— lit-Han FraneiM» follo«lnc.a.nerT>

oux breakdown luffered by hli digiilniianaj brld«j>r-_a inniithrlhe

'former ItiariarctU Davlj, 28. pHT Ihou^hl ahe had married the Iitii to the 930,000.000 Spreckelii aufai fortune. T h t;'-«}F « •atiarried Ir

J!i)d4niL»0M...*Ilet.wrhUlidn<if iHinlsh troop concentra*

the frontier In

‘ itaiy:; llcrl. .which WoultLJje reiitic -'niiiiiliiibrrBd •b]’ tlie 'com- inrd liiitl;.li and French MedlUr- ni'.-au.llfcij. wiui last reported con* fiiiraiwl m the Adrlatle durint ic-!CinirfOf'AIbauIa ten d^-s ago. IA licrllii dispatch reported that

I -flee........................ leave Kiel andYiIIlcIluMlavcJl . Tuesday • for a

ins-ffirOH-Tmonth-:rin[mcucerr'Of-UH“SpilnIiir --be dtj.- coaiti.

B...UU1I1. _10Uib-;"iinlu-of thp~PrencJl-<leff, ^iii!.i£ns Trench..pont..-ftntj;j

those I l-‘rl < north African po>-

Holman suBgested a....................tp scparate'tlie boaixl's inve.'-titiatlng and -prosecutlne activities.-from-tt«- nimsl'Judiciai functions.

He-contended that It ....... .....llcally Impossible Tbr thn board '"to

_ •! « , , . _ I accuse 11 per.ion of wrong nnd Uicn C0UnCll_Bj:ingS_JayCeiLJiCCi^iuuiiii_tiieIJudlclaI-ro6e .andrad-

' mlnUt«r Justice."Hoffman lald that under the act........................................... the


iroTHUin park;'"?!lly-o>. .1 which Uie mimielpsi .... .........paol.Ttennltreourt. jujHTplaysrttihd

linn-- Mrrtlnj commlttc'c'of Uie ■]

Legion p(Mt limchcoii session

fvin todnv, K,............................. ’nie luticlifOifill be held weekly until the state CRlon i>onventlon lirrr Jn August.

Resular ineetlnB of thr post is called for Thursday at 8 p. m., Jones said.

' Installafibn

O n e .............................'Ulscns, till' t-iiiiucll approved .treet.llBlil lor Elcvrijlh ovcnue.CJi»ijctwecn Elm-nnd Lofcuat.— ------

Lw l ovcnhiK GoorKO C. %ViK-y and |.J,-E.-OeVVIU.uppuaraa.utlhu council

ieeting and“ eoiiiplslned“ thal“ ‘'wc- on't nccn’ tlic liRin. .Besides,. It's

umlRltily."■ "Wliy.TdliUrt ■Wiun-'wiiht it wua _ll Bbout-ujitil4-rn-a“ ihe power com*- finny hud erected a-couple of UKly Utility poles," moaned Wiley.

"Tltaf# wliiii )ou sot U.S into Corl :nilchey)-for pioml.slim ntrect llghLi iTcWryuoiiy 'ill.. v.ii«j for-your

crackctl^onc cuuifjllmflii. . . ■. .-iTlnit'.i tlip Him ilmc I ever heard' of anybtxiy wiiii "ant a ilKht." .aid anoUier. ■.,;"'I'akc-is-ouL~ ilicv ail voted.' Mrs. Guy l=.iVfr.'230 ■I'yUr Mti-t', iplicared and A.siicii (or a i.tri-cl

ncll of mlnlswjr-wlih Pr«l riri)t. Albcrr'ieSinih lb dlscviM llii -Intemiitlonnl-situfttionTind to piai. '•nnnclBl.- mcaMires- -to strencUien

le national.defense piograin..^. Informed political aource.% •

“ 'Wcmecrt-Dnc lU tlif—corhpr“ o r SKoiip niVd T>-lrr." s.-ild M»,: Purli

Tlic couiK'tl ii|i|iiuvcd tiic IIkI' >Cull-

G i r l s - y V i f l c r i b v '

S a l v a l i o n A r m y—Homtrs-nntmn^pltftUTOr'

. ... _ ilviiilon Annr. Tlnlilrs bom it ti)e_iionic .ill .iluiuL ..111),! lumbercrt tT?: shi’ ndrtc-Jl." 'Tlip Salvntlon, Army, plom

social (rrvU•l b iili'cn-uii: ilil; ax Salvutiou. Ainiv ui:ck in. iruhor’f,..V.liHAmL_i>“ia!..: tin:__Aruiy>Iilinderl-Wlio .Wim burn in NnHlliR- inm. F.nRliuuI. Api'il lb. 18'JD.

. ,:Ainoac Qiher-iniercitlnir suilstwi

.quoted-brMw.-Klll'nrr-thescr“Lnfli .ear. Uiere .were mocc than 2J0(

mmm/roiiiiniml from i*age one)

Tiif WajlilnRton ndmlnlklfatioii eporiixi wlih nbvloiLs plea.Mire thiti he i>rr;.i(irnfs iippeal was crysl'all-

•.i-orld oplnJon'.;in favor of

... <'ni>utrtt*iilMhcre waa.c swcll-- •iinrtltti' or dcm.ind.5-utaru»*“unite<j-

iHte.'. refrain from mixing in Eum- can nffnlr'. come'what may.'- •P'renMi-wnirntp.OneatiH’hllerfobk rer llic iinvai defense of Gibriil-

tnr. . nriliilii'h vllnl Medllermnenn my. nnparcntly to releaxe t^ ’

Britlsh-flcct for rtut>"1n-other Jitnu- r :lc.cenler of ihnt-se.j.

Thr Oernian fli-et Rot up steam lo . nl today from.Jtlel antf WIU lielm^«veii_ror_ao.dn}:j^nf jnanni- i’cr in (tie Atlantic off the Spanish cnjst.** '■

The future nr.DiinjlK remained ft biK quesilon mark,'with irottp re- Inforccmcnu ngaln^tpi'

rmtT-nwiamnJr'fteppfd- . ,'lched plaiw to present the fre*

city, to. Hitler foKa "birthday'nres. his 50th bltthdn'5-. .Tlieri the prtvi^ect-thnt-tt joonei would be placed under Hit-

lerli-wtnB.- ’ ' -'Fuehrer TnsprclirGarrlioiiT

■nie louring . fuehrer inspcctei. tnn,v-Burrt'on.'* In n leisurely trip Lhrbinth-Amtrla-which uiif end-it Lime for him. to be presenfat'Uu two-dny-blrthdny-r..................

niie ond. ollier.t cutting ortil ....... -........ ti«l c - •' -

At Bni.'-sels. Catholic Scnai bcrt Pieilot formed a_ three-party coalition Bclclnn govecnmeni.'b'ilt Ji fell a fcM.- hours later.wiu- rliiiUt-s wl(hdrew-.thelr suppni —Shortly •afu<r^ rnT)Pf . :ii;ta-.-rTDia cl ' King Leopold lie had formed a cab-' liiel of Catliollcs. Socialists and Lib'. pralK.-ftn-extrftordlnaix. iabonZcou:

' 0131“ I ■

. . .......... . . i>li)ei-tpm-posed of Catholic. nnd I.lhrr.Mi'wlth' the eooprmtlcfn of lec|mlcal exiiert.s.-

- ibltict crbis begun Fcbruan'

F r a n l c N o v i i l ^ i i a r

D e a l l i f r o m F e v e r-FpiuU— Novat. L.— nnhenvlan

-iwrieil e-Maiyli

31 dnd wbo wa.s l.ii>:r. f»und in Ntvnda 'wlth-a-srlf*1nfiirTrtl-kntfC wound'ln'his-tltt^ar n scrioiaiy ill lit Tw'in Fall.s cmintv cnietal lios- pitftlV^SDnBScky^TSuui^WpbUed; lever.. iL.wns.lci'.nlcillnM.cvtnlng.,

Tlie nineher wn.' broiisht to Twl rails from Wells,'Nevada, April'10. where n-scctlbn crilw had taken him ifterfindlnR


thU ftct deatgoed to usher In ' industrial peace. - 'CTcn wur»B~tnan~meinimbef~8r

;rikes"Utero*hB*-bfen- de\-eioped- nprece'dented' bltttrneM.' < distrust nd- • suspicion, -among workers

themselvea and between large num- b«rt.^f-employ«i^and-ainplciyerB.lL.- Burke spoke In behairorhls'pro- PWed..»mendraEnta.to.:Uie. .Woiiitr. a«). which would abolish.tl>e'prcsent thr«e-m(mber board and. replsco it with one whleh. employers, employes and the” -Beneral public would ba

, represented, - ^f»IWrfcer*taoHre


reation,Field _ln_s».de -M'unklpal.Lines :

Torjitfd Ihio Tw-in Fniu by tlie city :ouiiPiLinsi_cveninBi

■nic or<linBncc pushed . ....... .......llmiu one-fourU» mile cast' from<Lof property

Vduili one-elBhth mile from F.llau • ivenuc. •

. ;ce- -park.- Home grounds 01 ihc Twin Falls Coaiboys.of.uic.pio' h»'(T baseball. leagu(",-no»' become;

, locaicd iukt Inside the castcm. eiiy

.PolnlinR-lo-a-Clly*urdlniii nake.s iiersons moving hoiisearinsljle tlui'clty limits liable f:i.case.oI prop­erly damaRfl by such an'act. the council paucd a. moUon-prohlbltlng John DoKlbtr. from »ecur'- iiovinic.pcrtnits. . ."'nowcvCr, Uic council agreed 'Uint

if OcKlotr. sclilcs diimiigcs usscrt* edly AU'inlncd on .proptrij'-of Il!r- —in Haber on Fourilriivemie en.n'us .. .rwuli-.of. iiioving-a dwelling; he-

l.aliall be able to.ugain kccure mov> iig'|x nnlL'>.Ordlnan«; on. which t

bB-'cd action .••tntesahU^...,. ... •in or coriwriiilon- removing such iiiignn;----------------- - -

and aUo to any-ii , >r conioralion wii

propertyb Injured by reason of s\ich

rTnsihicicd oy (.• from persons

c buliatii

'The city cferlt'^Ihn.c uncll I

VliujMTck ,1.tlio day nil . . .work in order that^thc superli dent of streeb might be present lmpu>u .o i c t . aup‘ rvlsloucor..;'t]i; work;— .

lErPlECTS_ (WntmuedjrMmT^i

-''avehiBe. cilizcns’’ . can' tinders'tan . . Un told members that the in- formation In the tax study..}k'Bs "val­uable lo laymen ■Lut;is.now.in luch form.th(\t.l(inly.a research aludent

in understand tt.‘‘ —Tlie groujr ' renewed . n stnnd

. - f e ik K r i i i :of doi'eloplng'water powc;

In tir

at tonight's se.vilon.Atleiidlng thc/.meeting

rciiresentnilvcs fi-om U.

ip g iiLeeislators- Charge Warner

Act-Brings Industrial -- — — s tn te —

wAaKiNOTON. A p r ii-n r -m - Tho.icnate labor eommlttee heard :hrc4 members of congress demand *n overhdullng’of ih« Wagn'er labor relaUona act today.

.TTiB' three^^nators Burke (D- N«b) and Holnfan (It-Ore) and R«pre»enUUve--lloffn3imc.TR-WcR’ —all contended thatr the luw had brought Industrlol siHf# and-bltwr.net«. nnrt wi»ertn«4 Am " - ------ ‘ment to make it-a workoble plrce ofItEltUtlon.---------______________-.*The:»lmplc-tnsth i*.“ Burke-eald,


........... ...................... (By TTie A»-<oclBtcir Prcjs)n>amtroiafltKia\:Trflm-!mv--5gurfp.- —^ *«>-*troHV.^il8ii.4a-crtai^-.ovfi:

iTiloinann a'lld Wyominir. nnd 1

•Uic indlviiltiai employe. Is al tin mercy of'labor orgaiiivitlons am :ht-NLRB.” He- suggeM^ -Uiot-Uii aw be repealed "in prder that thi Bovernment mnv cllsuenae_wlth-.thi --------Of, th"

JreeaacllD6:-Uie-iaw.-jie-»ald.. congreu .should Include a provlsloir

tliose engaging' -in . slt>do«i id the unlawful de.Mructloi.

rould lose tllelr righUi


DEPORlAlNf fflEDlia(Cen»lhurt“ from h t i One: . deci. Ion that the National

L.'ilrar nelatloiu board haji Jurlscilc' tlon over a purely local mnntifac turer proce'sslng. under contract <ood9-of« firm dealing In Intcrstnli tommerer.-.Tlje' decision. reversed.» rutWg..liy'..thc Philadelphia -Circuit

lurt that the Somerset’Mnmifnc- trlng company. 8omer%-llle. N. J. as outside Ihe Isbor board's Juris­


T"tWel?^Williniir07DouK* Iner chuIrnwlToT ■lllc-*mirl--|

THT _lax forml. ...................... ...........ties eommls.slon. who was appointed hj'‘ President Roosevelt lo succeed

itired Justice, Louis D. Bndels:

40-year-old Douglas

g 'E 1 ,Justice since. 33-yeti'r-old Josei ~ .--ef.Miasaehuutu..was ham

urt in -1812. - . - - _ —: - •rrMelleynoiai~Dis»eht

Ih“ lh'e~Slfcckcr ease."tKe~Tabor department has Instituted 'deporta­tion proceedings under a. IDIL staiule'providing for the.deportu* tlon of aliens who join vorgonlra lions advocating the"oVerthrow.o. Hie Rovemment by violence. Slreck-' er_ndmlij«d-.tluU-Uo was a member':

|mflmiiTifra932"3'5'.........Justice .Roberta, in the. majority

opinion: -held the statute! could nol be coiSsinied ta'providing that aUcTr'imui be deported "If at ., time, injhe. pa«l. no matter .when, or under what clccumstnnces. or for

I what time, he wn.t a member of ihe

icliTde.“ "the said,'

er\\-d tliu civic group if-EaiteraJ5lac.at.Uio

of tlie Wem

"that It IS Ihe present membci or present nfflllailon >-..a.fact to be. ..deicmiliiiiilzion'irei’niiiicc^rttnitli bars ndmKslon.-bar* natiirallsniloii and rrnulres deportnllon.”

: 'O.ii'iticcs Duller nnd McReynold* ■ McRej'noldi ' ' - •

"lf-by-«ijc Mmple process-of-rt'■ e-Mpalled-lronvr*-

........... he added.

o"clocK aa a te<j .Vand surmounting A blilC)L_^lt extended entli-elyaeross-Uic norfticrn hariwiii.........-»'Th'c black-band faded to-gT*'}"* whtle to’ the nonha-esl and. north-

, east there developed fan-sliapei I'llurrs tif peculiar dark red hue. i,ho '"UirouBir with -vcrtlcie -beams llki

midnighi-----,— --------------- ------I t was reiKrted to liavr been vis-,

ible as far soUth as the rim of the Omnd .cahyon in Aritono. "

G i r l H e r o i n e o t

B g a t i n g - M i s h a pBOISE, AprU 17 . r t l . -Anuo.

Wood, formerly-of Fairfield, a =clerlc^n-^heTdi^^o:Boc^flUry of 'SUU'S office here, was describedjl today AS the heroine of n Sundiiy booting-'-aooldent- at-Arrowro^k.

^*!giss wouu awHiii l» U*’- woter of Ihe’ lake nearly three, honrs'to ald a eompnnlon,-Dolly- Pumeis of Everett.- -Wesh., after the boat In which they 'were rid­ing .with'two jnch ciipsltc'd a mile from shore. - .-* *.Tl»e -men.-Jim nnd . Ciydu

Crooks of Boise, also reached-ihore-mfelyr' ------- -^'3-----— Miss-rumcM was- unuble^to swim__ 1________ i ____ _ i

Both_womeiV_ lost conscious:.: ness as.they JCBClied’ shore...

•‘Anne U an expert Kwlnimer rand wan armembet.of;th'« «wlm- mlnB-team-«f- Lewl»;arid'CUrk- high school in Spokane, wtierp

-we formerly lived." said-Mrs..

Miss Wood Is recoverinii at hei home here. Miss Furness Is i t i hospital.

--••VfASHlNGTON,.-April: n Fortnally wlihdmwlng his-nomina­tion of Thoma.s R. Amlle lo be an inlcrstale - eommf rce- comtnl»slonet_ PresldciTrRoSseviil at Uiq wmo ITmc truck out today atoriUos wliocoUed,.- - .mile'a coliimunbt,.-Tliosi^who for political ren.soni---

havt called you-o communUUdo not— ;- perhaps reahie that such name-. — ,calllaB_Jll_sKvcs_UIeZDcmocruUij_form of Bovemment which this na- Llon U A wiiolc'wUlivs to continue." - the president-«ald In « leUer lo..Ui«-

^eatlier...... . ..ifoniie<l #ena- ^

.jrs prcdleied h# would not be con-flrmed.'Amlle'osked'tnat'nis-nomii-----nftiloh be withdrawn-nnd-in'B letter-— JttJitr. noo»f.«Uufliftdcj)ubllo:todax..-.. . characterized the senate committee- henring*-on-the nomination as-a — "verhabtfe witchcralt trial," • •

Mr.-Pooseven. in'lils reply, said: . ■A quarter of a century t

factory ln»pectioni-for- .liour-o-wccitr.blll-for womca_and- chlldrcn In Industry and aitnllar

StAtej. Tltft ArRallna.C stonn Ci’ntil •has shifted north to Wlacoiislii-wim --labatcd Uiteiwiliv and .Uiuttcndect . . Reneral- precipitation, Jlght jp


_Jnii».'J!lii.pr......•7J « '.00 Clear .7. 30 ZZ .10 Clear...80 -40. .08 Ooudy

.00 CteiButleJUJuat City— «-36_J i-.IU in_. Lot Angelri ....88 53 .00' Cloudy Mpls.-SI. r ....3t 32 .M Snow ' New York _....4(I' 40 .07 itainOmaha ......... -42 34.-~T-Snow .roeatello .-.:...03 20 .00 Clear 'Portland. Ore. 8.4 62 .00 Cloudy.

.7fi_40_.00xioudya_fit Louis ...... CO' 50. .01 Cloudy...:,liall.Lake City 69 32 .00 Clear San Frantl.tco 08- 4S .00 Clouuy

.00 .rt. Cloudy

Washington .. .46 . 40-.15 llain „

U.S. lUlfflY JEIbulwarked b7-A "well-balanced efflcieiit-navy."'Wulah said, "w.ould. assure the United Suites, of pei

leratlon-i." -.. l0iuAil»ur4U(D-Aris.). speech with llic-iiMcrtlon "wai

Is Uie natural state of Europe am. thoso In ^merleoj\-^ bflleye that America'can'make any contribuCTon ;ln ■ wlvlii8_UiojjiroW?ms'lor_^?Ppe: « ’lll look and labor and hope in

Tlie.problem of writing neutrallly legislation that will work eonfronted boUi lieuse and 'sciiute committees bn'forei^i affolrs.-• Norman-Thomas, head, of- Ui# aoclallst pdrty. told the house group

|America_could_do-uothln&-.....I'deter Europelrom-wnT—c


He adveealed ihai Ip 'whnicfe'i neutrniltv legislation wan finally adopted .there* should, be Included a mandatory, embargo.on war ma­terials ns well as an actual' arrAs' and munitions, which. In event, of .wat._si-ouid-b« «mb

........ o-^rhed-ogatnKtactloq against ncgressui'

L'tNmiEncii iWKS k o r_r’li;OT'tICkNSE.«ENE\V‘Al.

.^VASIUNOTON... Apnl_.17..j4’ .|

civil aeronauUcs authority Ui-.dftj'.-l0-renewj.lila.plU)fajllceii8c.___- He mailed Uio application from

■ JitemothcrTlri-tow:* ; -----------I glewood. N. J..- where

R00SE1T.-HIIS'.lE ira iss

Presidenr Withdraws, rromi* - nation:Of-Wisconsin ManL.^-r-

_lior-4.G .G ,--- -----


,against hrm7The’ oppoiilti6n Bain ----’-■itrcrigtlj'iJiBt Infon:

of goveniment." . _- ere wag no indlcatibn tods:

whom the' president might name' tj -.'a’cancy.

P . o H c _ c _ C a p t u r e ____

r E s t i u p e d C o H v i i i lVcrnori-Piircy.- ie .' who' cswped

I from a Palo Alto, Calif., prison, wa.i fli'fested by 'nfcmbcra <Jf tFic Twlii- . . P n lU n ....................................

Cflltfornla“Sheriff Lee Johnson of Jorome

county, holds a warrant for Pcrcj'.1 a forscry charge nnd may claim. right.td.tlic;.pr)»oner.j__._::__.“S —

, Chief of Pollcc Howatd w . Gil-: , 'iette Mid that William J,.Emlg; sheriff from San Jose,- Cali(^ lind Informed him .that he would extra- ' dlte Percy. . -

Gilletto in'tum informed tha Cal-.lf.omla.tJKrlfLUiafPcrcyjivaa3’Aaii__o d 'in ' Jeromo. and to njBoUaie.. through Shariif Johnson for return - of the mam------------------------------

L 3 - -5 0 j}g o fd ^ a rs w v c d ,. .-w h en -you -s 'c cJ vo jy ,::


.------Hcrtt^afl»flm pIe-ot.thc_|

U - —savtngs you-CJiP tP^c ...

-dUappear. Escape fromestimates Uiat.openiUon .. . five-day »-eek wlUioiit layoffs .would boosijWe»i_vir8lnlft coal production by one-.tliird. ' . .


NEW YORK, Aprll-l7-(flW>nlted States Attonii^T»k'eiTil'?fank'Muf: phy wi!].»ddrns-membeni-o( the As.'oclated Pr?.ss al.-ltincheon- In their nnnijaJ nieeUng here April 34.

SW EPT'Siu r n it u r e ;AUTHpRIZtO DEAURfOR

these A p r il '

USED CAR’ Ho^scclcauin8"‘?i>«*“ l*'

i f you tradt N O W .

Lookiif thesiSBargaiits30 -oodge'Coupe'.' Heater.

nadio.-Uw Mileage ........455037 Chry;Jei:Jmpcrlal.&cdan,,>72&.


38 Ford Tudor Sedan — ...43M 35 Ford Coupe__:.— ....___ 4276


37 ChevTolet Truck 157._:>_.J55030 Ford V-8 Tnick' 157___ $47535'Ford-Trncl:,'New'M0tor " ” ■ .-4315

, 33»Ford Pickup '......;...........|ja..Dodgo.4>jckup,-Low - - -' • M lleago_______________ 43503B Ford-Plckup. etake.Dodi »49S

, 30 IntemaUonal 0 Speed ...$100

' T ^ FALLS. T,WS; T\\aN-FAlXS:npATIO. TUESDAY ^JOliS'INGrATRTL 1,8. m% _____ PAGE THTflFn .,:,-;;

. IG. Murtaugh Man Serioiisly;

Ki)rl;'.Car Overturns^- • Four Times

W n i i e W i l l i sUj KOUEKT QUltLKN

Coeitlltion ot-Ira Johnson. 38. Mur- - - tatjRli farmpr wlio cuslnlnccl^ brok­

en pelvis faoiie, Trnclurcd skiill.'cui* _ niui brtil.ses In ni> aiilomoblle, acci**

' «lcnl' earlySundny ' iimrnlnB.’ 'was fair iMi nlRlii, aueniloiiu nl the

• --- TwIn-FBlltt-coiiiuy-scnpMl lio»|)lt«l i.nlri. -

----------'Jolimon—wns-thc most- scrlgiislj-— -'-Injurcct Df-flrc men wlio were'Iirnii

■ ' " ; Unit leli ’ ihc rofid 15---- ' iwll>-‘ nil'rt n r f . ' i i l l c '/'n'~Tr'------ lilBlJway-SO.ftl- l-a_m-Sunclay.. and.- . overliirncilToiir.tlinM.

" =;':^riAi « r-in:ine-tio5piMU o a a ......._ ilfll. -io» Qf->jy,-wnrf-~Ml'ii.-Clinrlw •, . 'Hnml4ll or-Mur'uu8l>.-wlio Mitfcrcd

^ . A-broken-law and Injured hlil. Ills___ ___ ./-.I

Dan asked (lie lilrx'iir Jou-..nBilc-of-uii.euUlti;hcur.«lmlJii:- naWrjiiil J ‘ cuc »~li*r- wiiMi't • Hlktn*' lo u»,-*nyway."’

Miifloii Mer-rlL.K lO-ypitr-old

-Mcl'rllL uC .TwluTJ,ill». v,liu Itll :100 Tt^'(forri“ tlic; r.lUrWiilU.'ol Siia»;c rivrr canyon SuiiOny, ttas In a "t.ilr” contllUon nl ili<- T aIii F.ilU county

__Normnn DrMirer a ^ _/■. bum.r.botf^bt~-MirriniiBlT. were i . . , --leii.scd afier treatment at'tne.nos- . pitnl. Lloyd Tftomiisoni' iifth c

~ nnni'-^or't»f~wrecitf{l~.gftr.~c^CiLHfrt - mjin-y."’'____SlnlC-poUccman.uiid-SticrUI-An

C. Parker., who InvesllRnled. j.nld i ln r JolUi.->ou wliirdrlvlns (lie c '

. ’Hie of/lcers said lhai the car I- Uie- liluhwiiy. and crnslied Into nillliy )>ore 1)0 feci from ilie point


--fMi.bocK_iow*rtl-Uia-liiBlift’ay-«tierI'lftli. H'g-nftlprn

Krrted, lliey blnnitid excer lve n|>ec<l lor the nccldcnt,.!!*' thcjdrlver fnlle<l

c^rtorTnnktFn'curve— ■ ■ - --------

xuyc H 'iirancp Uial.tUe slil jiioi)* ablv would rccovor, ~ '_:si»c-antiriwolj)iajj)wuo.,.-Betty 'riiorn nnd Delcrci 'tinrt-Rona to .ilio canyon for'a I-

I_____ ubli’ to pay II - toll. lire'Blrh Ijam il

D--F; Detweiler-ReceiYes Br6kep'Shoiil^fir-.inlJcr'

•. ...ome Accident~jicngML'. A jir irn -D . I*, j x i

........... . and nuhwf o f willin'■Bclwcllci'. Jerome - ....... ..........lallvc. .Mi.Malncd a broken rl>lit .•jiouliicr.iujd-uuii - ~

fon iifce lidurs isecniiNe ol- <lamnEe — whcnMhc Automobile .Mna.ihed the

nilllty pole.

mmmDriver of Ihr ear.' M. M. Kulp.

Filer rohideni, suffered ii'.'.4;vi'ro I»c eratlon-over-the rl8hlTt‘y<^ro»M-«w niitn<'roiiR brnlkw.- 'llw 'itt'o wfn trciiled-by Dr. iChurUtf,/^ Zi'llor,

■Burley'Wins Top Numerical. ^ R a tin g-V 9 itlv (

relea/ii-d. Tlicasfid... •--------------------------------

.poclal,-u-ircii.JCulji-XaUcd..lo oBu:ii the ‘ curve .sisn •.lu—ihe roj\il.-2uU' 'di i»nj-lil»-«^ui-i<ff-U«*i|-oiiiir'iiiitncri>i3 the' rOll1il\'~ro:ri!rjlrucirTlir Van'jrot Ilie baijoV-plirnndniinilerrou i.u

DUni.tY. April .n - Honor.i for. . aehlevemcnl In • |)ccch nnd dm-

inatlCi acre accorded.•hiKh—Klloa •■^stuoeuu uoiir.aii" part.N or~w5i»h'

ern Idaho a.i Judges ic^ay announc­ed wlnner.s ihi Uie sbuthem Idaho

■ Declamation Ke.iiJval heldjierr Pr.' day nnd'SuUirdav. • • . .

•__Burley lilgh-kchool. pieS^tUn; ■'/ '*__ M»nPi--'ojimw^i\;(?n.i.toujiunjcn^

. cBl railiu oI..S3.in.-tho.CUi<iS'A-(ll> .vision or one act 'plays. Caldwell. riolcllnK hlRh of Paris nnd Madl

___ .^".onJUsli-OLJlcxburit were oilier'• wliooli enierf l. .

— • ■Huminmi5-r<'fldin8R.'Cinss“A:;win' n.a'Ci'o-£Icanoi'-JainarMin.'Fi:<

mmFE[T F«,tlFf

Marion ,Me_rritrs-Conclition’ DcscrilTcci^ar F a i r '

. . AUer Plunge . ’ /•,

l l i l by -_ . i V i » j n n H i v o i ;ijOrSE. Ai>rll 17 /,1',-ilo.ipllHl ut-'

‘ rohdrtntc described toniBht:-na-''not- ver}‘ -good" the“ con(Illlon of. Keith JilcHeiicvr'fi.. of. nqliie who jyiwv. slrhek nt .................... .

...... by D. n~~ Llintr"pr TVliiI'altsr ' . ,— Polirr nald-liumo- Kiltl-Uicm- he tried to avoid striking Mullenr>’ but

-Utc. ai:cd.nia».ctoncf(3 hls_ dt'


............. . ae^mkr............the canVon"walI. T11e'M*:rrm"i:lrl ■?lipix ”"n''~eninli<>d-u>-ih»-l>oiioai.

• Scrcauvs . ol .lier' . eompanloivi !:rouKhi Ko fl*_Ccpncr*niHl..Carl■ntU7lei7-«JVT" ''rp-drlvJti:r-mr-«hr-pudc They ir.vut )i'er anil iiiuni'd Wtelv drove jo_thf hmjillal.

L . U . S ^ T l i i e s J o r -

' I ’ w i l l ' F i l l l s W o i l K l l lPtiiiiV rhes for Mrp. _AmiahjAi

whi) died "hi £1 a. m. ytKlerday at hoi-. ■Iu»»r'6i. i'uP.TTTCTr(nmfrTv?in r.iii.v wllh be held at. 3 |>, lu. 'nuirMtnv al'tlii~.T\vin; Fulls L.D.3. .uJuucU.__.Mfji; AtXlni on lind re liii-d m TwinI-'alls-for-l9 years.-She-wi|.< born ai

iOIM»Court .Asks New Accounting

, in'EmbezzlementHcaring"‘“ 7.7.;.‘,

RECEIVER *EiiSLFormer Directors o] ..^ 0 — ^Thiirsday-GFOup-Ohargc —

^ Misapproii'riaiion'

SurvlvliiK. be.ililcs her luiMiiiml. arc the tollowlnn rons nn(l-duiii;li- -lcrs:_-E]0ld_uiuL-llldiacL.Aii;iii;.oii,iKiih of Loni|)oe, Calll.; Mv.’ C. A, iFi.ailcb. .SiicrftniLato—Call!.; Mi... llov-iUafli-tiiKI-?rlr> l/ 'H-V-lill.'' frj

•t.OS :ANOKt.t'3. April 17 M'l— ■ni:rTSln[r'l'a'’fr*‘ner-\V.--Alkn--«nd- wnils Allon, brothers and promoter;.of Jjii-^MQ-ovflV llturMiay -pennlnn -UlIiuJvLitiiJnliiil’ lJioprlaihmJlOQ.OOOof an e.stlmat«d Jl.OOO.Mff iln-y huvo .collccted. two former.(llreclori) todiu'. ;;0UKht;fti>p0lniment of a rccniver:.. — ThcrAliens-nVvrT inTeiidcd that il»“ fttftlremenl Life ^ayments miion woiild opcmit'- lo promote liroeuvo tlu' cnncimont uf-«u_^d a ..


• ckTiion f>f oifk'crs iind dlccLtoIs 'tlie iis'joelHtion.loaiorlns " I'l.yTliund.iy plnii.--------

'1‘wln l-'alls, and .Mri. Jiiniw ■Oil. inihl. ■ ■—Slstfrn~iiCfPt>K.t1jei's survl\ ln t-ii~

liulft .MrJ,.£lt/ab<:lh. I’.Ui;,<-r,..Ulflir-. ................ ...................

• SIKNDKIJ WITIf NAII.S-\VI1..'^N, S. C,. April 17 .,V,—H. A, l.intll. a tllyutinplove. immed.niul ■iirlu'd an ftir \vhi-n l\e lirard

. i;;e ;,aj' a WliAlivorb.....-}iioji'fmnd broken n


Tli'- ri'ph- raaVni l,rm to bllnl:; .o . j; /I'n iTrv^^mryv-'e tmii'-d'K-ttH" — is—

-.•n..w;hii.v.-. h.-irfm-

-wo<>di'u ica.- -

• excciu-ni. Paul Kliss Buhl.> lent: Edith. CarltAla, CalUwell. and

H Charles Coixlon. nigby. both Auper-

ISvangr^ist Speaks to Large Congfe;jalions.'••Tlic Dovll'.-, PnMlon P liiy"«m be Ihc i.ubjcet of an nddrewi clu•du1cIt .for \Vcd«c.\day-cvcnlnK;.:ii_Ui(irriral- Cliiirch of-the lltotlieni with Evan- KdTlT' Wllllnni Rlddlebariter In thejJUlplt. • • -

E V a 11 K e 1 i M Klddlebair.er was urceied by two oijiadty iiiidlin\cM «i •the ^chhi'cli .Sunday, -Uiipilsm" wiui

clofie of services Stnulay ev-nlnn, Services » III- l)C -i'oniliicted ■ cach

evcnhiR ai fi p. m, IncliidliiR Satur­day. Tlt^ pTOBrnnrrNVedncS'tfttr-rrc" nlnis IscjDcclally fiirliluh ichoolfltfc croup and.LhelP parcntx .. ..

W __________ Bclleii:TallorcJ.Sml.s‘ :~

SAVE to $20 BELL T A IL p R S-t»:M aln?fjst-v—*-^1'wlW^»lU

cxceltcnt; Charles ’Whipple. Cnld,-.

Dramatic rcadlnss Clau A: VIr*. elnlft^.Mccham,' Burley, excellent, Bert S^’cet, Twin PnlU.'excellent; Lola Howcr. Emmett, and Alene Meek. Culdwell. superior.

Kenneth Andrus, I iaho Falls nnd Dob Dewey. Entmett. excellent;

- ___CliarlM_l&?)lmeyer. Suhl, sujwrlor.----- i^ClaaazJJ_icIi(Xflii:cout5l!JlitJa;

--------Erldoy._rcsuUca_Jn_lh.rcc_eluile.n.l‘twlnnbi(,' excellent mti»R in' humor*

=r•^“ oln•TOItlln J.-.■ I■hcr.^ •ttcJtutlt: Vat•- );ln.s. MeCflll: Oraee Wnrr. Heyburn.’ and Ella Belle Doodnow.'HnllO'.

3 j-'our stuflenta won ■supcrlor-TanJ.'=- Ings. Tlie.v:'Included Virginia Col-

. .. lcy.-Komodale. Frances Cumntlnas.'Parma, Norma Jonea, UcCainmoii

,W and Barbara Plclictt, Ammon.---- OrtC|fnal orator.- B;--.lnok

_____ Nuinb<rji..-McCaU. ■Mcellcnl: AmojJordon. Heybum, superior. '

. Estempdrftneous si>eaklng-Cla»« D:, Jean Doyle. MurUuKh..'uiKrlor;T '

----WhlHns. H*)-bum; Rood. ■'----- -;.^uramatlc Keaillnri •' .

Dramatic readings Clnsa B: Gonv- .vleve Merrill: Ruth Wheeler.' Me-

" " Call.. Bnrbarp .Whiling, lleyburn, all'exeelleht; Hoy Graham. Roswell a....Rn!h Ellen Jackson. ulKi, both .s

, ' , - l -pertor. .--i....—'— ----------; MoiuorUcil orations ClaM D: BoIT Steven.Mjn. Wilder, and Erwln.Uni-

.........kU.' Ammonrexeellentt-Mary-Oon-ra<I. Cnstleford nnd Oeorge Paulas.Cntgade. superipr._____________ ____

•’Overtonci" presented by Uie Key- bnrn high whool and directed by

—------Mrs.-OlAf-Moeller-won-hlBh-mtlngIn Class D plays; -Otiieni plays prt-

. »ented wore "Enter the Hero"— :— Ammon Miniii Miiuui:. n i e . in .. . . Oftrdeij.” Moreland and ,"Noi Quito

Sucli a Qoose," Wilder.Judses-of all events were Dr. Vio'

m Moo PoH-cll. director WtJio druiwft ^ department and Miss Kelcno Tur­

ner. dean of women, both- of the ...... muyemty=otrr:Jdaln>;:=3mithcrn-

jj___ __brap_ch. P Jcatello.

^ h ild - I i i ju r e d ' in ' A iifom bb jle Crash

~ 'Sliaron GnirHaighl, oge lwo; wlio • was injur'd ;in.nn automobile aeci.

.dent Sunday evcnlnK while riding ■with her mother.'Mrs. Bnma'c. Haight..4IS.Fourtl) street eosl,.wiis. released from the county general

—HD5inm ~attc rtreinnfcntnog5HUgg: -te recofds'orthe Twin Fnlli police

“ -department:-----------------------------

cim)pany-in iWin i'ai:.'. inlrwhiced

countlns for IP tav's ol ckk’ . *ml in- tiny c’aiiiu\l li/jKlt’ Ivi' 0 inm'e c.iM'v

' Tlio onlv rwiini.s ;iui.i Jjt.lntrij- - dilfM~’i<i.-' .... ^aliiiiiii,^iiiu-..,-.,Tr\r Nrwion,

ilttnc£jtl4.1c £3.;.;j;iKiucU-vom-

-• -jli’ur.i lK.v- Ij-vii nn- y aui<T-ii>iMii.:-ih-' iM-rifxl I. ifrc Mill-

luuioral Arruiiged-- .1 '4 »|5-V< M l n

i:iiiKTfil‘ -nrmr«^-ror Mrs'.—Df'rjlE5i:li:Jl..CuniiliJiJiuiu. - J#tT.j;lfo;iof.Paul CuiinliiKliuni, rrjutc three..'i'jrln -luii!., uiio.-tiica-.it. uio-'tviiuaiiiu. rouniv fit'iieral .ho-pltnl n i-6 a. m. siiiui.iv, «ui i»- iifiii t.«iiiy ut :;:io|> ill 'llO• ll |-M tln>'ll ll L'pli O-

:rlntr-li'Tri;ir\''i:!"Uc 111 the I'll'T Odd

u •urvlv*d-by-U»r4-chlldifln;--^- nelcii’ . Maxine'.■•Ctoydt'‘Ocne^i«(id"' Paula .'Imowne CunnlnBhiim; two , .

Lovc;"Qea»le,-'BjidCurl..Lov(;,.Dol2U. .ahd-ono kUtvV. ____Mr . Krneat njorV; TV’in ra lli>::;~*^'-r — SotTi**d— ' n lMwui tl s*nlB ■'fftffb-**'’—“STiiwSey, Edward Carlwn, Eln'^r 1......awfetJtclmctinKlupatrnoberrannc-— and Lester Cuhnmahnm;—all-'of Twin lallV. , •

'■ itkAu'’iiiKSKv\\'5~\VANr aijh; *

pnny. It is operated solely for • tli<‘-.boner{l of- iti<-2tJ inilliiin—

-.„I'oJicyhvfdcrs.rwhc.bc life inaujuiar wiUi-Uii^-Coni-'-: r S22,612.n00,Q00-.ii-tl.c-;cnri-of--

iiuiiyluMmio-vvlTJdrnnluciir niur<; tli.in 1U0,00D c fully i-clectccl.’ (liurr'-.ilic*! invfstmetjjs -.tmounl to more thari S<1,n00,000,000._

ipiiiikil-Aji"|TiirUur-iit3'ivclfnrc- T rottr.iiit ln'l/)33;nVIi;l

the piisi year. -

In P).J8, I'nrire thiin $566,300,000 \v;i'r.‘ii,ilci Vo jiol- . 1pj’ lT5iauru"anti:bcIu:ficwne^. iintl~sr76.06n,0C)0 was

—Mtitktl to alulut^-.-rc3cr\-t»dbr:p3yrnpnnJf'‘ ohliBTl~' ... tions-wf>id>-wiIl accr\io-in- future -years' under p re ^ _

■ MltJ*-' o f 1 .cvciyJtal^scconcirrar

he.ilt in ^ ica t Irjj i^cjvi;^vcnicni5 ‘■“cbVnfenal' artuliilKjinof "tlie' i ' l^

^il^iccJTinonimy^ n mnBii/ines whose .■wnriAVr‘ .100 mil-

Mctropolitnn wclcomcs'cvery. opporiunity to pro-

.. ..Afore than St.SOO.OOQ.OOO of- liCc insurnncc pro- itvUhi) wns proyirled hy iho 3,330,15! iirw niilidcs

(luring tlw i)M i . . . . .

Comp.iny is publishinR n series o f cdue.iRon.il advcr- • tisonTTiits in iniiiRn/ines, nnd :<eks in vnribus other

_woi'S-lCLkccpJu=pQlic>'hDldcnLinformcd..A.baDkIel^ soon'to be nv.-iil.ible. cont iins :i dct.iik-d .iccount o f Mclro[>oliiiii>V-proRri.‘f.‘. in 1938.-Wc;5hnll be glad to-

- scndaxopy.onrfqucbl: " " '

-M e trop o lita n 's Buxtness R eport-fo r ihe-year end ing Decem ber 31; 1938. (/n aeeor'dance w ith the A n nu a l S iatefrten l RIed w ith th^ 'New York

____ . ..Statc^Jnsuranee D epa rtm en t.) •

. She wna injured when" the auto­mobile her mother.was'drlvlng coU Ided wtlh n machine drtvtm bv nm

, • Pa*senier».ln.aalJey’«'car,lnclude4 ---- Ws-wifrrPtme-BelleyiNenmrSinp-

3 F - - -P A G E -P fiU B ■

T W l iM '^ V L L S N E W .S -

- e>UBtU&Kl IM4........ .*I. IBll *t.U>*'poil.amea>t w ( of Uvea 1 irto.

nv CAnnicn-pAi1 th» »f»elt .. - .------------

>N IlATf:»m.B m.AUVANCB--------—

• -T y w . w »b i* '. .CIU B tnUuruM • -ThrM'monUM o ' Or iba monlti

r N»v»ait —

■ SfEMDKtl o r ASHOCIATED rnrss— r The TiUoeuiKj i>t«« u Mciiairfir rnmira u . ror.ounjieauoo.of.Bli.u«w*.<iupAU)iu.ctMiiu>i.u>

ili'Ttitrirr. .ZtOyUulU Uirceu Uan t aufUco/CatU. . Mrw»nMmnn. '

S T A T E T A R i r r W A L L S

—The.proKroas o f.staictiirU fiirnKa'insf other.

wonict'certninJjH^hatonlsh'tHc't'oundl „ thers, who supposed tiles’ had forestalled all

; this sort o f tj^nB by constKutloniil prohlbl- _jjon. I t .would, even hcuc-aslojiljiaica Anicri-

I:j. - cftns-.aBenerdllbn tm o^^fo .rc. tlic jjrcscn t. • system o f leglslatlnB against-other states’

Iiroducts developed; ' ....... •' The lack o f ta r if f walls within our vast n^a.-

t lonal^rfla-Ha.s:iong-bccii.rcgqraca~a3:oim. o r ap.gM cLrca .rona lo r th y taplg dovolopincnt

■ Of this country,and Its general p rosperity. The — crociloi "of.'‘suchrartufclai“wim2Cscm'c~crUics

now paying,. iT ia ii.j3c^c_D f Jlyi,.r5H!iori5.. ’T-' .Jfor.pitr reccnt economic cr5iiWt\5>-«;

_ ':^eji_doptlbn o f thtise tariffs is^tisually dls-

A ------

gtilHcd -ohdcrTotiierijigmcsLr'nndlT'Tn.’y ' are" often represented-ns-bclnti -fpc- ihc-bcnetit o f-c onsunicrsr~wticrf fs ^ & o nop\iscg^a y ^ ? y 7

I alw ays I really bouunrthe producers. State p~rlder.l6b." p l^ s la . parti

.frankly, treated as ‘‘forelBn” territory and r interstate commerce Is seriously interfered

T--— M th .-^ ls -n n p p cn s 'e sp cc ln llyw lt irR g flcu P ’ ; , tural products; including mUk, .meat, fruit. .;..i.:.: buttcr:ttnd-maV’ga£lne,.-vegetable3. and also -I.— , with cdmmerclal-vehJcle.i. One o f-t lic most

striking: example.-? o f tHl.4 tendency wrip a Bill ■Introduced Tccen tlr ’ ln -the -Ark.-insas'^legWa-- ture. to impose a' tux ot as per cent on all milk, creamV butter and apples from Wiscon­sin, Iowa, Minnesota and WashTngton.

.••If ■the.cpldcml&-ot-statc-autarchy-h-p&rr_ m ltud to spread Twch_farther.*’ w rites Kettii Hulchlnsoh In Tivp Nation.-"eu.her the'Cco- nom lc baala o f ih c Union w ill b t destroyccl, or the' fedcral.govcrn 'm cn f w ill •biiMorccd .-tiy

.populat. c lam or'ST'takeiover-'a wide 'fleld^of- actlvltl'es within which'3t.atc3’\rlg lils have' been grossly'abuRcd."" In many-ca.'ics'thc"aclTdii''.'soi;ntrs^\islinud' ’whpn-Mnsldered only-with regtvr(i.ta.^tlie..lmz.| mediate ctrcumstancp.s; -but obviously f>r*ctJ<M»=bwmee^(»1flev6u9^^ft^

................... Kri’.ilrjjCTr}iQmn>i(ppnmlI.-FWHli;10t4 iiii‘dnirbrlns'iip:thc: m<wi somber llmiujlii. liol-. tb. SKjv.fcar .iiiitl iiciu;i'

-p«nlj^— HiJlerfl-T«saiiniJice^-«h»t7.acrmnny 'f«li\y- I AiVcmKur (hiia In lOH ln, niter'nil, lIliIcr'A opinion Illllcr'^ confltlcncc itt lil own iiblUiy to break tbrouKt.•lh<r-ln>n-riiir-whlch-lie;lhlnkfHif-Mhczterscd^roui“i-hiili-bj- the rniciont ciitmy. Enulaiid, h somcUiliic Ui ' reninlns to byji

Bas It spreads-moro 'widely.

t n i s l a n h o i'' K . r a i r :This is a time when our"people in.Td lo be

ptirtlcularly' aware o f their own hl-story. tra^

aroused; the 'm ost Imiibrlant is' a: jjroat dev,! sire for p cn cc ..', ''. '^-Thl3-lS-iiotlaltaR(ithcr~a .selfish^attitude,

- i r ’ttic rest o f civilization is go ln g to .ihoo tll' “ self^to'^Jlcces. some poW.cr must-remain Itj- _^D ut_lt-,togcthc£:_acaliL_-Tlifli-,iis-Bcrlrm id., .Rus.selJ think.*!, may bc..our Job. .America

should remaln'.anisland. of.peacc and .-inniiyl in a warring:world. • •

—TJvnr1^ ... the 'dcpased 'K in g Zosj of 'A lban lirr"whK ’h

"'m akeii"h lrti -readily under.stood' b y A'morl- L . can.s. LqQklng back from his Creek rcfiiKc

after hte.flight, he .said: ‘ •"There are in Jiiirope Iwo nuidmon who are

disturbing the-cnUrc w orld -*IIllle r and Mu.s-

v/ho' sleep— Chamberlain and Daladlor." ___=^^^TlU}*-waV--very-lm^(iler-Anrt-lt-wa's-not-| • strictly tYtic. At the time he .spoke.'t'he hoaii.s

o f Jhti BrlLish-.and-Freiich govcnuncnC-Uacl.- begun,, at lea.sti to wake up.-Bul-ll-ts-iinri-

slble.-a!r-he-insisl.s, th a t tlio Albanian do-

Nazi -Fa.sclst conquest In, southea.stern Eiir-__ope, could hayc fjeen .'5toppcd.,bi''."onc.sliol-

from tlic/Dilti.sh.........

.nlway.i Ju.it too Into, glvlnk the" autocract J - the'advantage of an accomplished fa d and a

services.-Any_dl.'iput.c3. tlmt_tiriS(i_wUL be-sctf.■tleclbj-aj'bli.ratlon.' ' • . ------- — .'*■ •,* Ih c .islanclii'avc.ii.^eful op ly -as-air bases, a' ii.'*rthav.ffrowirtnr4mport3incc; The settlement reached by llii- governnient.i concerned .shows how., p.i-iicfUil,.-5elX.re.spccting nations now. handle real c.stiUr and o th e r ’problems.

-O i I io i^ V uT I s T j I . V ie w ’T. -L- J-----PtnHV-f^»-HL-OtiyDCTS---------- -----

-l>tul5 r-ticnr(«i-lolk.-,wlu) wccn-'lor-liir poor.'rt.ih ■ .i)v., i:ollCKc.lads.v>’liiB'.y.llTr

-tiimihl'r. in KolOIi liMMtinn cqnlMUi, iirv crylns In - b n - r t - ( d llic paiholoul.il.'; of 11

.jnmilc'lirailli •.(•rvl.c, .TUc.poKIHMj (loer,:ia_llkc bclliC .swijllottrd, Imi 111- I'Mvr:. a*snns-^icTtcii Ui.a.,Uiai111'- :.llf[rr-. Inii, ‘ - • - ‘.. A-«yrnmr^liai_mu;.ii-miiui(iiTiB-ni-whoicnolc Mimpilon iii lur- roldli.-li arc cxposlnK thcmsclvf M-Llou.-. iiitcrn:tLaUmuil .lin.vbceti-M)unc)ocl.b^M>viiriil'{

ID lidr_bo_wlij.rc.kiib)r<‘|-i ll-ihHapwornis.'-'Wbcntirr'

ii.-ii iiri- I'iiirji ;m\v. uio wormn ^ctl^c In tlic Inni iillmrinm.v,Ill'll .nul livo niiTrlly on. Fcwlln« on

l)v tlir hiininn r.vMom, tlipj ....... . ........... iri«iii ana u Ei-ncrnl I'oweriiic

Not plh.Miui U^oiiHltirbia |>rrhiiiift-u(ini'-illH'li>1iniiry ufllon cwtcjiipiiiin!

iilti;rMti-_i(iitliuri'i>'s_nn(l„b>-Tklmyo-«TnnTnl 1cuki._ ^^aU-iuit-bo-iwo>.k(iryr—'i'ht.a>at?nirnf of'llic "tloclol

liivp-i thP3Jn,Uwi-th(ri**corfl of, tlic ln<l wlio'downrrl

hUunL tor. lu-loiiH- Hiw. aiimt.' -coiirr.c.—Ixrwl.i!

.inn ONCi: MOItK

ir!l!i lilx people th ijfll'Ii, 1014 nil o

ictnyirr ttigliing. Oncc more a. lioatjie proim—i.a OClIlK HIoDlllii-d IIKIUIISI Ui-JUmliy;, ICb-UllllAlL-

H.sDlriitlon for a jiliici- In the r.un.It. L'. tnie that llttlrr.KOcu on lu iirKUc Una In oihrr

rrj.()i-cU iixlny In not lUH. Hc l-i not-io be rmichi nnp- .pUiB-»«'-U>e^Holipna»llrm»-Wffp-<^»Bht—Ho-wllKn«t' -wait-Jor liic.lrou r ii i« . » Ih*doseri-nroiinti-htm.” Uc hnx belilnir him toihiy n Ccnnnn prople comploiply ircc ot thc-pCTTJlcloiK-lnllucilcu "of Hbenils iinil coclnllst.s UKalml-U'lioni llio hcrolc clfort.n of i^<-pi-minii iipnv

.... .. .....i.-.- -> nffmiisascr.ti^y t

Jjiirxtim wnicn is bmmcl to KtnTc-ilio CSernwn peopto •ln,-tlli»-r<»-«~-t<>rlmH>-ghrth<T It \r. tf>-hi».trmgngfli=gnaln

' “ IIV tni! riicnck-ijK-nl" linO llli; "cnciiu' 1KQV0C;i- wtilcli mUcr hlr<-f--.i-x btil hL o tlic IDM oincoiiio I lie rrHi?rs lo couieniplatc.—New York Tlnii-s, :

' .'JAl.UTINC THK FLAGM<-mber!i.of,tli^|jlni_AlJbcj'-l>6W of’ thr Aincrltah.

LcBlon linvc.n^erluken K» rctorm Use (Uk eoliilc oflemi by.jcliiSSl-chlldrth in Lincoln cotinty. ’ The Rcstiire there iiruvftlllnc, wlUi tlir rxtcnctert palmjicld- .OowiiFiird.J# Ni.lci,inj,cjo c1o5i.-ly_Ml(lii-lt»-tlic_imrl.»altUi: or Ilic InsciM. HBrculier, .if ili« uilvlw of thr 'IcslonitBlri.': Iircvnll;.. Dn: imlm will bu hcUnp li sii-ail ol down, imfl <leni(5crncynt ” l:hrcoln-'county will be-lecnrc again. __ ____ ------

.aoaiplhing .nccms to bp ntnbiJtrre, since the wilutcHmnp-niHT.'Tis~tHPJiJr‘'R< ’ nTicntrit-i5y-oiiryoun(r

■■ 'Wrly tieflnptl. And li aijrccaliTif oflhcTi-Kinn poSrdf ToIttloT Klyen lo the coinury by ilic

KInn. o/RanlzPd In inOK, and LiyniSlso preioribpd-.ttic regu--

.AiniiicannrnlrtTTiav. iwlioliy wini'Uit-'conrcn ■n»c ple<lB<- liM-ir wni

rtoiiBUcRS"llif oruiinli -lattons-Wlilch'tlcfnTc mu wiuuc;

Tlin hand nplUlrd, jialni lii)«ar<l. 10 u Ittif Mlih tli'c lorrlicad, clcx.e io if.' While ihti:!

.l— MiilMllni; \vUl*Mhcpnlio-intfftiril nlid Intltiuli- or >-;iluti', all Uir l)tfrilli.~rcpcat tOftelhrr. /ilow^.^^ill-dbtlnrtlivUip Joll(iwln«l>ledRc; "I ph-dki- alh-iQiiticc to au^iia^B.-uJicl-ta-Uic.ro— -

' One nnttnn iQdli'l..** ' ilo*i..for ttlU'-Al the___

■llv. 1aOUu.

I l l afflrnuillnn.ard, lowiu

pk-dRc.idlUj>• fliiu. < ml llic .

........iiilfiil rliiiii:. and when afffn c■dwiui ihe spirit of patrloLisni ii is jioniethlnK marc than 7tirrrtrT»uaU.':tlc-Tttntnt-?niullUrbin)>rf6rmcd’MK tettJy :niil.-unaoriniy:-fj)h-i!tr-rwitcr-imiirc:KlVincl3r

' luuaorc iiiiiKiiiuncc iliim wTrrrjln^flMi' iwlUlcul

' CI1HSI1CA1. L'r^K-nr rAUM'TKODUCT.';'-. annoiincjjni

;iiM 'vcpk nt (hr.coiilcrenc- ol ihp 'Ainerlcnn Clu... .Ill soriciy at Uiililmorp. prexeniini; In ii smnirwny*' he iJo;.slblUllc.s of. lltllWlk wnMc larni prodiicln.OiHL III.muac.|io)iiai.ili-lntrlRuc* Jdalioann-becimse

I 'voiiUI make i>OMlblc.tnc-Uic-cf :J{lm-mllk toinnkcW’l- 'iim _tl»1VW0Ulrl-TH:il|v iilfrct twr. mutor lr>.

initirr.propo'.al ir. to am l'U'nl,'etIlj‘F iilr'PhoT ulii 1»“ niofli'1.11 lypA of |in

’n » ' ■•Irnhol plant ni Sdnhn lim'i'o (ictprmliie the lenMbll iiml iritorl;/ fi’oiii other m iilo'hdl lia.% bi'Wi nr.rd qilllr

I rlit-nilfiij ; |nponmi. iiiiiy lie ii»ed as fuel ilToinbiiMlon pnylne.

t-. no»'’ Mprrimpnt- :ull iKitatoti.



H.MiInn lo coiL'cm: '.MippHr-s iil'llih ’ r6unlri~biit , . j.i-ibiilrntlon-of-ai.TlcuUunnias-ejiciiuraBedr«iv'fli-»,ir;| ,7 jiiiiion ui iihf-oj inmi.produuis— llfmpvrr^ llierc re !-^i(-mhm- probtemRjuch ir'prLTV-s.'.hiB iind reflnini , M'lLUic Tn-tcc"Dfilil fur rtiw iiiaictini;, and nrwluctio

i'lvhyl j)iU-»-toplI)CMlUu b-u-i:. uUh oihcr piotc

■siinu-rft- vriopin of chp*

pi«luci,v, and ploncen; prnsrt'M durln» lb'* »'


loveniehi prrcllot grcat .- It., yc.'xrx, Chemistry may irlat -antI-nCT:cullariir.proKri-kH-hr

------JviaiiiLAnicrlcnnUwtLlDrgci.ltcn.abouV.Encli:_ - bury-and Canton -islands, Ijj ihc Pnclflct-------0 ,ccrtn ;and'thc1lttle-nurryurex'cllenreiiflasf~ ■ year whcn«*oth G reat Britain and the .United

• States claimed-wveriJltflity 'over -tlrcnh-They ; . — ■werc-;brQugh.t to m ind 'again by announce-

___ ment o f the happy conclusion o f ricgpttatlons.• . between trie two govc“rhm'cntJ5. ----------

7- '- « -T h e - f lB r e e m e n t -p r o v id e s that “ Wlthoui prejudice to,_thclr Tcspectlve cJaimsL' to the

;,...i..l3land3.U61nC‘controL'shalIlbo-astabllshod-for- L . u laJ ifty -yea rD crlod and continued Jndcflnltely

after.that,unles.vthe_ai^_cem cnt IsTnodlfled. , or terminated. The Islands w ill be adfnlnla-

Astod,by-English anrt Am etlcan-o lflcla lp o ln tt^ 'b y tlfe respective governments. De-

=tttlU-o f .the-reglme w ill btrdctcrmincd~by~cfln - aultatlpn ,:-from.i'firte to time." - : , ; ■

- The-lslands arc to be available for com- nunlcfttlona- and Jo'f^uag^a-flipfwrr^-for-i

-^emaWonoluviatlon-but-only-civil aviation~COmDanlC.S lnCQrnhrr/»fl ln-MiN ~rni.nlry ~

any part of the British CommoAwcalth of

IDAliO VAC,\TION"and clrnrinB of tlie

p-t I I- for II lev aiaiulu andlitfiil «'cek-end.i-

it 'rnn'n-or »omp Dt jhp mpsi Kloriou.%-tmturii:iillly. la Ihe whole Worlil. ------ - ----^n ie wenle niiractlons of (ht-i M.-.te 'arr a 'rrnion'-' rmt ns.^rruttalollar* nnd crnl.s frflmH»<^frtandj)o1nf

or tilt 10url!.l brcaiRfil here Jrnin_ t-yfliT(> Q>ir-bordcrs,:iml It h ■fllsn

iurl!.l brcaiRfil here JrninJ}t-yf«7(> Q>ir-I .. from thla. ix)lpt_flt-v|pff^«a the bene crt_-Bm-4hcrc~au Kreat adcliiion'nl bifi

•OIL' own •p*A'pj«' whlch-l.i«nol-t>st](»Hy- inclmlrfl,' nn'Iii~ InnKiblir'beheflt whicb'U hard (o'inp'nMirp. U'wc c6n

:U{Jor-mo viiUie o flh e Jn’nglcrt. clty.7r¥ye<niierveji"re- Mored to order Bmon'u (All pines ol IdaliffS mountftlns, Uip pconoralc jilRnlflciincf orMjifr-nflJM' from business worries n-hirh nnn jtrcoma,

ltllf:-flcmouujftlmonyjnaciajirouiotcd_lu-_ijiklafc.uie.:M1.WUS out.of the kllrhea for h lew daya-and letting her "cwigh t f ' m-er a crtide campflrx. alf these tblns-i hdcJ M&TlS~an. f ironi»ftu.>um':olh-- •

i;he percentage of, ourJpopuJaUon-\{iileh.ls imved nriirfHlclntTi and nprvnn.i brpnlf>tn'wn '

|"mor,f]Ultoe.i'ond kctplnu.jhf^'njifs'atid'lhe'plik ____.nslics.oul of 4li<>4]re'alcfast bAcon U undoubiedlT Innte.:]^l^d^_CBullBUgrr:~j:-r,, • " . ~ 'z —;7 --.

---- -------- xq-tIME-WASTEPI'lumber (aravli Jlappy Hii.<b.Ti

lnio»;'"\Vclk'ito<ri» l{7=-----—f f ';Nw.so wo ttcre-wait-

r y ^ - ' NewaTjiehindr

WASHINGTON——^^-My=»»y-‘TnHc«r-=--*-:----CA:U0UFI.AC5t:. Prwldcnt R'oo;p-

iflE ie iiflir— --------------------

; human, ihnl will

'It ii packed with diplomatmltc UlKljIj

-The namlnlstmiloa cnn jymd ouirlBlii_r^’l.tlon Icai 'IbJ' tlrlcn on*luV pfjori 10.'..... .... ................

ilrtL.'bf ari;ur_DrkaUi_iiiid

Mipply aims onlyIntri


i-blor^Jjt-tlKTvrnt Ofme fchcmc U lo ivoloii- •nai «li.',ciL*u-.lon hj till

bomiilnKr. of rlilc.-., will icnUini-iil. bciilutl-.Uic While. Ho:i

:au(l. Undor :;iich' elrriinviranr "noalil "probably bi- ca:iy_lo..i>a —ncntmiij' nrt -aioni:' rhi‘ " !hianiPd by .Mr,_noa pv(-lt._Surli Nlnilriiy woidii al" .0 irnil '

ab nlvp till--Amrrlciin KOvrmmri 3t..xiia»Sh\t HK^oii-l.in- iHiVlrv-ijl •au.so i)t ft.\ fnvorlllMii tor our (.Idc m«IU»i .;nuj:h.-r. • ‘ni-' .< *cnnl’ Voufrt .how tl'iR wo h-Kl _bi;.'H/ (h'liikli

Imppcnc'd !■ wouldn't fool d>4-' woihd rr-iid iH-tt-T li

. Thai

I’OlHiI.Alt. AIT. rani; Muiphy'."! ret department <if JumIc

niilldn-to-clrnn- >elHinvr •a-nn-thC':•!> of llif. Miprrmr.t unrl-iia-hidllit; •jTwl~nn~ *ni~ lny~Tiit-y itm i»~

•(nrntte.'t moierK In .Wa.\hlmiton. T5e. pitp-TiTrii i,-Tui',irr<'(rirrrsnii ilue uri*l kui'|>.a-cl<M<-VL'ntoh-«ti he Kovprnmi-nrs chli-f' loml «dll-

- They jicrso s tl>o c

boiled enonsh.- -Mr. .Miirplv'flrr.t idbsred hliiuvlf (o thr bliK-k-robcd

obi'ei vera-Wlicn he-ln:.i-trit on l|l<'rMiftiintioii orKliiTfni .Mnnton from llip PCond circuit bi iich. Now they

itlndeit. Including a arUt hiThlladplphlii. CThe judiM'.-', throiinh

..iwycih. liavi- follow.' iihy’.-i cir.mup of llir <li

jnutiei ol -miiny imix'riniiiK t»ckndnU.lnulrlf.ii»i-u.,i.ricl'iflhr Di'froll iiiau aiiji irp the courts fgi- ilir uni

'.•■•nKditiii nf--i.lii-clEmaadmitTC5loraUoii.

tui; even run^ IrlendA ii If I-'Dll had .■el out. i

to. block Ihc increiue.

•rtivply, •. . - The he4M:of the WiJikci Alllni:

............... TITTpfl,..............iiol Ilill. A.1 thP.orsajiUrr'of WPA

Id.cmofutrniiensr-ncrc ini'J i-i-nvhere. hr 1.;. rp|;arded a% a r.iillral; Morc- rtwrp.-whh-John-b—J.'-'vb-he-ls Ihc -vmbol of-While line;.)- i>oIIc1c-h «.-mph vicp pre.iMpnf o tin irr^n-

most bitterly, .Dr.-lde.i bi-inni.to t

rill-nicntloiLlng .thp naiiir nt Lim.

Ucf roll; ^rr rut, hr ;villA>e'in :< im.

Ihleliem, Pa. Two will ^ lonatpd the soutli—probably and

Georiiln—one In qrtillfornla, anoilicr. 'n -the~mirtrtl*' We.M iintl'the bsnn lie •tlfirtliwV-'''- Tfie Ulciil' >lif ibolit-1 0 0 ,0110, but the popi

Ifjculloa .l;; a IrleauJly-alUludt.-oii i;irl ol Ihe Krocery und mra! und nuoelniloiu.and the xn.

nticncles—elnirelie.'. cluVli.ibli: :lc.i. schotd.i. etc. t.asily, clilr* have u-(.^ufflelcnOy larur'ir-

lli'f loiid 10 supply plenty- oi pur-


Al the wnnilni: uf, Uic.f-errc

1 L'. ihi.. ;;nini- to CO-,1hr cl'lrru .lapphlB a on Ihr ni(|-.;.--r. hflich.

Inn Ihc Inifllc Mr,n imh ..| double parklni: or ovc-huik-, iMiUing or whntnxrlt war., tr diiin'i niat’ter. Evetylii>(ly l[Uii:h(-iLQui;'...bi;*L friend • 'naimufl-----------------------------

iKkr. II,,Vi of brrr I c r jiorry' pitirptj. ’Why I ’d Ju:-l b

mlmit«ft.-T<-M trni for lime i>>'


• rtpfaiive .Mik," sayi

IhLi. lomini aniJ jiot i............ . ..... ...wife unirr miiw'-5ntuday,FiomIhl,v

•"Remember. H'?. ytitir frifiiirl.i Ihutnriwrtmlug—w«l Vr.;,-!;■ I do Ihe cnlertnlnhir.,’’ • .

So he atnycd liomc. • Ciolllni! wiui ~ Ur iirrnnKed

ik. .Irlcwd___----- ------------- .TU'W.poiEedrT«fiy--r'y--prpp.iR'tnm!‘h '-7 in n )W

-• _noi|ce, _J3ie_li»!d.i.--dlel .not Finally the clo.-k .Mood ol- 3

e l■»hlB to l;il(e fUlllf

K01.-11." " ■' '' ••Well._oi)cii.ii. Hiid'read-ll,’'

•1 did. H'* ■ ulRneil Georui- and Xiiyfc .~won'tjl)ATil>Ie~tri 'iHnke It,".--•

I— Why-nn- e.xecutHTji-rta.-.hlnV nut of offlcc.«, preaklns bl{ lmi>orlanl coriTerortimw'-wllh-'cItnitii? -- — • Wliy dors a ', clerk .Iphvc mer--nnd -dnch.-om on* lh< ftometlmw irtidnncerintj>nlc7 -■ ’ ■ - - , :-----. Why are blL lne Mncn continually looking Rl thelf wntehes and com- ■plnlnh^^lf tlie_JnnttoiJnlls tq .wiiul

Well. Ihe dU'-iwllcc-airc enlotclni;

.Ibc_cl{ufin*.jiia^cnii’i.fic£ai-10 4*d- Jast-.-thenuelvcs—io=.Uifc.jiluntiffli'. ^t'hDUl'-beln(nwhietyr:~f-“ ~'~-r*“

JlHe^pollcc.Jwlio.-oheck- II

of^the'.lUmpN. He dce.s uoi want l(

will be dLscro<iiU‘d Uirouiih iieKlcci

lecK-d lat? I;u£ fall, bui pr?w«l fora varleo' ol rearonsrOnr; factor In tu 'tiie fear that it mlshi mranthr-lon I bt 'congr!‘:iM6niir«.eai.<ln ilie Noveai-' bcr v!cctlon;.i not only lu .MK.oui bill-cb-ewhcrr, AnoUicr . «.'p; .•lull 1 lhai Old'Tom's pollHcul_ all^. cnu ','plrfd 'to 'pVolcci him p'criii.iiicnit; •Not-.imt ll-Onvemor' Llffyd-Or-Blar t lP I^ off-rv D. n. iil Ihr Whit-

flToa-i'dld -thir-htw’.i miichliicv. ‘be- Bln td->;rlnd,uiiciueucvjdiuior-uiictij;. iilmcrJi'JU'. lic.id ol the uii/-lllgcncn dlvi.%ion of thn Internal reieniir <lc- parlintnl ond;^Tiiain the nalloii’i |ittm!'-r-tieteertte. Hi,' anti hl> li

_who llr.Hi inoved aKaliui Al Cap lUicr r»n^-''

.York City U Lthrir ..rniployc London,

'n<e <lPcWori » null-by-very nil ill-nlorklwldcrn-of-

■je-iilon. Clrciun- stTOhEiy IiidlcalciT the Mock—or.hiul i~ fo r The specific

l.Burpoit_oL.limn:lJii:_LLcjiUll_;Hit ' iptlon wiw bailed on Scrljon SO-ir of ;he prrsrnt New Yerlr-lnMirimcp Inw. *'hlth piovldP,s thni iMink otficen

U iiiae* thp-V. P.> trleiuis enmiiii for Ihem to InvpstlKiite- Ihu flies Of the IclvKraph rotnpiinCei itt Wu«h> lUBiou’. Tiipy liuve reporletj ihw.they c.tn find' nowhere any lrac«-oi sn

Ifiillon lo tjic Texan.—tCopyrii;:i:

L o a d e r s iN a iiie d B y L o a n ( i r o i ip s

UOOUINO. April 17-Al a Jolul 1iu--'uiii: here of ilu.- North side Na-

at: -ViiU;y.-l<oari--tt«o»;UUjn achnilii wa.i re-electeil pres-

• North ■ •I- in:h c utlvc ilnic.

pr.Kja.fej-inmlfly. 12i perBon.

• .ilK- II ...............'hkh Vtwo a.vioclallotu hi

from ilirtouii:

|p' were pre.ieat for the dinner, iit.tiness tneeilng'and'clecUon'of of.

.Zd_Ji^Uiivcy»_vlci:.-pi ■■-'•ml Land B«hlCK)f-8p0ki

piinclp.il speaker on _ih\pro>

i-''idPMb.V--tini?rnn?weTiris-qus!. irrrrxardhiK tlie work Of die as- •laifon, Mr«. V. W.'Cattap, GOOd- •, illjcu .Mxi the "Women’fl'Viiw-lii

Tolnt.—rgiowinK~nV^^e-rrsuini'-or-ih<i rirrt;on-ofofflccnt:-No«h-Blde-N, K, I- A.—Jnllu.i Schmllt. prcMdent; il.iAUaros.JW..' E.' lx!frij:and L: IIc»)iVu|tylr. V ii' o f GOOdlng.-fltia


— Hhn—Vnllpy N. - J'. -W 'A .—Ptcd nron-n. Cnre/. presldAii: ‘Eric Aa- mii''«pn.- Wmdeii: W. I t Wrltler, shothunci C, o. PutilMn, Richfield, aiiil_H, A. Rooi.i'TtirUe. directors.' '

'“ •iWKiinvuipniy:— co«in»,~wBi ’ • treasurer of both

ALSmitli-and:Jo,uelt Shoiisei;: Bact Goiiscrvative-Candidate

NKW:^0ltK WIIIKLIOia ,ny Jame* McMullln — __

CKUisAOfc:. Al.Sialllimiul JuadC ShoUM —crstwhllo big of llic laie ^ycrlean

' •’rtvntC-cwnpaltta.'.ttnioiia New .York idiistrJal Jeadero.Tltelr object f.n'lo ell biLiine.vs ntid

•fhiunclnl chtefd Uie Idea o^upiwrt- ■nit II comervutlvc Beiiibcrifi ralhcr ;imn n Kepublicmi In Ihc 10« elrc- Lion. Tlie mlMlonarle.-i dwell on .Tom, Dewcy>'poptilnrlty tn curreiil. ivulls

hat 11 i.a Ihc . -wiiiioui


tleitliilw-io .. .Uciil admlnbiratlvc c iScr •niey.nlM) lift n <liiblou.i eyebrow ... 3he Qim!i«enUonn-of-RoborUA-:3iiU..; John W,Brlcker. Arlhur.lL.Vandcn- berc nnd • othpr O.O.P. hopeluls. while cmplnisUlng the wealth’ of Judsment and e.’<pcrlencu nvnllnble.

iJmlU»-«nd-fihou!ie-have-nD , . . candldatc-and play no-favorlies. niey Indlcntc-. that John Qaraer. Cohlcll_llull..Dcii|ict!-_Clark_r:_!>r rven Jim Farley .-r^woald-br okay. -Their— Domocfiitlo— cpmcIu—4io*. made (pdtc.'an; hnprcwlim on Nj'W ■York backalnpep 1»f wide IntUlTOCP.

KISk.' Onire»r«ii wh; New .Yorkers rcfii.sc lo

■ headlines serloiLilyS-'lE

Itntlng n irycrpowprxA.^tiii'.. ..........................ould br.laklnr. n fent-inl rUk'.for a' ?r>' diibloiw caln by .itortlni; anned

hostlliucs-nottv Tlic-fhTOCt;. arc .ovenvhelmlnL- that a \viU". Iiivolvhu: .the BXl.i-aUite f wlUi Bi‘HillU“ nnn’ Frniica*would be n- lonK-drawn-oul. ifialr. endlni; In cxhaii.silon and a erloiit;, prn.'iiecl. of., revolt a[;:ilnNl

---- -------------Tlfe pobii iR cmpha.siscd tliai' ItttnftirwbliranjeuIfeF'idinW lko:•;lhl -. l .k=ffllcn.-.piuapc ;l!I•

ofwltn(;iljrv want-r.sperlally In Ihr important-t^cuiioinlc llcld^by ncuo«

lion nft<?r the perlo<l of ;,.ibcr- ittlne lo 3.1VC iheir fnci-.-i h con-

iltenlli •- mgrr::liHVC_faf.rcadiliig.

Mirnnon comp.inlri— l^ie nillUK— handed down by New York Sm>rpmr :oun Justice l-'ranrl,i C. lUiulcj’. drspltti-ltrr-tuir-tnr-TntpremcTmirr s Ihe lowenl nlate r.inirl*-Mr.-wtPd


. they bouRhi suKhl-ror.thei

ilelliymiilled buKliiesf under-Uic-------ipenlslon ol bWUi -.JiuUtorlUei----- -

;Lloyd’.'» doean't quftllfy). ■ _____— rnirntrenfliiiii'T)iiniwt^i'‘d^^ftyB;:— ron lrupd Uic>law ns applyhiK only'10 Indivlditnl fidelity bondsi Wherca.-i the blanket |wllelc.i they Imve'hnil- - wlih' Llp>-trs,for yearn not only cov­ered tlK-fldrlliy of nil officers.nnd.' „. . employes, but niso BUcIi matiorji ux lobbcry. fraud, lo.ci In traiiKlt. forK- erj' of chel•k. , etc. They will appeal

Mnndard rate lor. Ilddltj- pollcle.i. The Pllmlniitlon ut Lloyd's ns u ;om-_ petli jr (ilvrs them <)pn»Iui{--

iKc-^an'opcnlnii~«ulcn“ nte banks■!tpeel-liiprii-l*>-«.'liu!. ------ :------------- :

Several years auo- nn unofflcIiil,|gk nirr waf 'urraiiKcd l>etwcen y o y d > ^ _ irlil-tho AJiicrtraa.romuo"Hieii.„"EiiLlI77Z^igrccd iiol tu-iryjt<LUl{njwiiy builz___—_ifv, alf/'irty-na- the omws-bookr::-------lut both were free to wk.nrw_busir___;ic: , t,loyd'ii novi.con-'ildcrs that this nicc hii;i lecii broken.' There h.-u

bceu a, leBW!itlve..arlvc {or„^omc if!, pan in variotii-Stalc-Icclila.-——1 ~ ■n. lo .shut Lloyd's out of ^ttfer-

iiro<luced In conRrew;’ for' this.Tinrps^

rnf.i pmcer-to'TCfnilntinerce nnd lIU ii.iHL-O'fJtlie-... r li licver Kill ((nywlterc.'


franklv lei-rihal. If Judgu~ llooicv'a ~ lifrlsimfls iipradV tlio''w ill bclil-

JiUiiii;— UiuliT— iho— rldlcuIoiLiljr-— ,iaiiiPiiri;aLtulic.Qt,i)rp.l^!2K_tj!cJi:_____iQi-khokien. — Into* pojTnc hiBhcr rciiilumh. lor. lev. pr^iecilon.'.So-fc..

only New York, baiikfl are nf- W -Irctrd, but hulden figure UiIa

i-saifdmLJiMBoJ'JHLji-nu Him will ^pr^na.toBthc^ r.ti

nntfoHtpr-tnnlne3sjWTil1\tj-}Tn' 'o-havn-litOK-puUtiiMU- iimu*____ :

than In gcne'rally -iMi.n'iccretr.

iid.vtlicr —.stale leglblalurci

Oohn .N, Garner u* a'presldenllnl pot.'.lbmty. b a:;erlbcd'by Jnnldcrs to ' Klllot,i';i pcraonal .cunbmon. .Id' be pIctli'd .Kovcrnor of Texna in imo, _ -G«m>'r’h-hiipiH)ri-would-li«-A-vpry—

III {ii.Kct bi the Lone Star Mate. fOife^Idciif* non lias no M'rious

Uic-khiR- to diite, but hr- definitely -. liM ambitlona . . . New York com* itKiu -rno5.. .i.l>ni.-i'mi_r(ii\:v_KTOK_jL_ iiinn loi> hijplni!. ,- .•

iCopyrlsht McCturc Newsp.ipcr Syndlcnte)


Tlielois ......................t« fore.iiamicdno;..s. The

his !o:.-

proportion I

mr (he uicairr his loi-'j, llr' i ^wI< oil fill- wiO'^FKi iiduu.ily In propoi'ilon lo wimi

he .4I0M .when he nrrlveii In Uio building orgiitin.andj

.y.ycm:i of orKnn.‘» that were to fime*‘ n for a llfcllme i>n<l,that.-lf you

wider (I. Ik a trcmendoii.'i thInR do in' Ml fhorl .n—prcmatuteZrE

.jamirmrmr-grturrciit-ittiprt-niitt- Ihal ii.-.unlly inruns iltai libme ol.... uriiniu; und: U’ytciiu. of .oruoita *

checkcd In K«iwth before com­pletion. In eonsirt]ucrice''wc”can ex- fieci thnl there wilt be a ehorUiKe of-power In-theje- orsnnn. The de» Ilclency varies wlU) tho child.'No wo are ever nulte the namt.Till.' oiiRht to make lu wary,

iboiii hl» training and edncfttloa.'

inrt muUe'suro-.Uihf-wp'do nofp'uV pr ^ urc upon tj bod.vu iinflltpd to

up under it. Tijpse children en iaIow' In IciinilnE lo walk, nik. or lo develop r.ome other

fiirnhjpx. We Jiavc lo expect that puiient. Tlil.1 child hn.i to

• 'Imt Bhould,

peet him to keep up with full time :hlldrrii In r,chool work. r.oc[nl de* ■clo|)im-nt. phyxlcal dexterity,' Homi„i have ilm r.............................-It would help^lf- hi» -parrnts

vnuiii look ni him os a eliild two ■ ".'J.‘rr.V'£'!g. :o»ngciUlinnJicJa. Jry working with the elghl-yesr^old prpmnlucc chlld-inore os-Uwugh-lic

and R whftl

Some of It, will be quite nornial) wme not. 'Go on WlUt what'po'werhp hn-. hMt. ............. ..........

|.TWTrrroniinrDsnniovennindtaoH!i.' fUM aboijl UlC weaker ones. . -

I I 1IS son of child ha.1 n iinrd Ume when he get* to achooU The

soon UiM he ls~bBCkwnrd. and lets him know it, sho tries to' bring Wm lip to.ihe gmdc level and con-

his ,Hfp^.ml.(icrBbla^Hli.parenls fol-.the tene_J]er..Waybe lend her In'

.^ ‘•>^..Th?>'-M{i.an«oua ;io jcL-Uio. ehlld up to standard and will do anything almait to get hlm-il>ero,' Even.nioKliiR'lilm .aiudy In hLi plny- *|~* ' •■acatlon. - ■

—jiiid:DMdi........ play, andand lot« of free thiie. J t


hnff-i^ill •miilc(!*'’;hfm “oiily'''morc V7-tnpw-deiecte:d/-^gre' help.

undemunding-: encoursgetneai: .. grow hbnself a lltUe where he needs JtjniMi-iW«.cmn:fccrgB UnF.«ii:tiM to doTThimsdr if it tt to be donc,'

ices opening such.aa he.needs out.of .hla.ptJmet.

liny' Itcartlly. Lel'lilin___ Jove him aiul 'like him •

Jitfia;nrf]"i.i;^iiid if'llTero-lsany.' alirTie Hf

- in .ttIiIcIl—ll-e^ fllL - lu copA with the djr>

(Icull prulilems .cf dUobrdlencp. 8enil. for It, pucloslni; ten eentii. .Addreu..}raur-reque3l ,f "*elo fnlrl, The' Util Llbrtiry.'c-o Twin rallH Neu». P. O. Hox IS,jUUn«iiO_M6W.j:iirk.-N.. Y ..... ..

'-»»(CopyrlKhl, 'IP30. "•Tlic Bcll-anaicntcr*Tnc,>—~

The ^ r i i m'")clra en-topic*-or eairreiit la>

I not cicmllnB ihreo hundrtd; A l i a : ”?!

aultior'i '■Editor No «iieiuiun w unilga»d communlcsnc

True Leaders Found 7. .. in Hour o f Criais

Fkltior Ihe News: Senator Oorah 1.1 a true .and honest statesman pnl- ilMc'ilic wclfhre of the peoplc'llriil, aurcly we. ought lo ILiton *b .thi.i

-and—wilcs:-of~lnicniailotTBl~dlp- “ lomncy. .

A -few other senators wc might listen to are Denneti Chnmp Clark .of. MlfAourl.- .Wheeler_of' MonUina, Seiinlor Arthur Capper of Kansas, Johnson of Cnllfornlii. Uone ,df. Washlnjilon.'McNar}' of Oregon and 'CtnrXTiuia uur uwii. Biate:— .■ : ' . If .the.thip_of.-.sU»(c..werc_lii..thc... hnnds of tlTC.ie men and others like . .Uicni we might feel,sure that _c auUciii ii-uuM - be . (rell- uiid uiji . guided (hrough Uicsc troublesome

April U. 193D.

■ .W ENDELLnclurns (o l)ca<rE^rl Collins left

the, past, week for San Fmnclsco. where he nnlled'for 'ITonolulu on- .TucNlny'r.-JleiwitirjiaLXor-ClilnB a r r an «nr|y dnlo. He-ls radio operator In Uie. navy—

Sh#wer—Tho Udle*' Aid aoelety of Uifl McUiodl|l..church-pleas4Dlly-.' • surprised-MIm - Alt#-Oates wltlv a. - -

.jnlaccllaneetuJiliotur.al.Ui«ir-ns«et-^,— lag. at the PloydWltlte home on 'Tlnirsdnv, ________ —

rO aU Uk«^—Mr. and Mr*. Mnr- Un Roark and son returned Tues-; •

Ciyjwhero.they-r -

p e lr •son,.jMarlin,_remji,Uie(| In ^ ^ i-t;Jf>ezwhere_he_j8j:attmfltn f--= : ^VMlinln4lel^college.

P*y increased—Teachers In th^rx, Wthdell system."w'tre granUid U i«W ;TT^nar tnnyAA >,.|„ rmy-|fr——-----—continued work here, foicontinued work here. f o r j* e i »dK»l-yeorr«-the-bosTd-njewiloadvv—aom«-of-tha-t«Mhen «J -

~ y '-- )a«^/i.fer5 of^Utah-Pioneers ’’ z7z:r^I^ayzTPlans^or0ocmjMSveitrs

” • Camp-M ftry-Lols o f tiic Daughters oJ .the Utiili Pioneers were guests o f Mrs. Clconc"Boiriit a n>i>/:LIng Mondnjr'nftcr-

~n ooj}-flt-h er home whlchjUicliiticd.tliscusslon of the coming -cosiuijHc ploncor bnllTa M ay day party‘as guests o f Em-Ar-El ciuDp. welcom ing o l new.members and an interesting-musical

-p ro g ra m .- ' _ . -V . ‘ ......- “ Hooped .skli-t.s and up.swopt.nalr .styles w iir b c 'l i i . keeping:v-with-thn-ttinmc-ofriliczco5Hmvc~dancc:raj;rav.:Hio-c-ti»YL^aHy-

-------------- ^ i.successfiil: d^incc ntaged Inn’clmtftcyjzaion-Bftlcs and, Ills' orchcstrn hnve been selected lb pjny for the dunce slated

L/qr AprH 31.■' ........... — ------ Mary Lois

^^^inner^Fetes _ . Earl Maddys

IvcrW aying 'n iin lvcr- ' . T r r r i M r . - and • M rs^E arl | » Matidy-was iho occasion.Jor

T^erity -flvc o f their farmer itKan'sas friends to aKscmblc- sm iaay-.a i-. thclr. liome,—one -hundred und-forty-tw o Pine

street; foc«frio-ho.st tiinner. GiiesUs were .seated, n l one

_ l - ‘ rKP.J‘ McLlhrcc' smalijjiblCK. 'T h e - -th ree - tler.ed wirtdliig

micl . brldoRr Vl'llS

'ttip hrce tnble.--;-

iiooii. 'nil* wc(J«in»: cnke wns bnknl by Mrii, UuRh Smith..

---- Mr.-nnrt-Mr5.-TU.a<ia>TrP!:imTil,Twill r\ilb.-for Hig_pagirjlve-v.


nrrlcd Aijrllcifililccntl). nlnc'------ iprn minarc(t:;nn<l‘‘ '[Wnrlc(>n —

_______ U.ilcft, iCiin.Txvt. of iWlr.Uirccorcii. Ml.'s’i Eiirlliic MndUy'hliiLEr.vln;

^ ^ ------Maa<ly.-wcre ’nmone tllC'titiciU. 'An-■W ■ otlicr clniiBhtcr, Mr», Harrj' E.im«.

IVp.Moii._wn.i imnble.to niicnd; _ • Qii^.ls Tn ntlrtlllnn tp

, . cltuislitcf. oftue lionorcM-wercMr.fi^hT.-Olarcn'cc-Y^tnirr^WrnBcin

— Mr,, niirt Riiliili'SmllMr. nt«l Mrs. U-e Sinlili. Elim Youiib iiiid EIlls Cnr<lnfr. ’


• Drown nt tin Informal pi\c4; Sun- - ds>- cvj-nlnif-honorlnfi > lrs.'-E .-it

Miici)\UIim. nnd her two (laiiuhicm. Mlsa Dorothy Mncmlllan nnti MIm

■ ■J'Mh'MiiVmllliin.'dL-icovi.'rry'lirTvirs; -Macmillan a eullnnrji' expcrl. wlitii me prepiircd nn iimuuni ■ diwrri

...jrtjjuiar.................... — -------

.ncri'.from-n-n:clpc whicli la iitopulnr• 111 AiKtrnllft. U lJi ..................

•Twfti for-ihitrriiilnmpnt, _ , ..Mr. nnd Mm. Md C.trtcr Pntrr-

tiiliicd the croup with MVcrnUIiu* ':iiUi)..uumbcr.s: Mm..MlU:hcI Htmt,

Buhl. |irp.«cii(cU two orliihinl rend* hiUA nnd Mm. Or.->oit OaliiRrnup nf rones, -----^^B...W..DrjKB«. .su| n.-rliHejidj

MIsK Dorothy MnciiilIIni) f.f!rcil6n.» (ntcrprctfcj Jii..i'lnn liiii Kiiase by’ Mr. Drlgg.i. wlih Mr.s, I.


• -Ml

. Oiiiiof^town suMia vitre Mr. nml Mn!7DrlKw;-GoodinR:Mr."ninJMr>. Hunt. Bithl; ’nnd Mn. Stanser, who U here for n vUlt with her parents. 'IK.nnd Mrs.'ChnrlM Shirlry,

Till* MacnilUaiw were pntcruinul Mimday at. an ill-rtay outlnu «t-6un ViiMey by Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown nnd /.on.'.. Murk nnd Karl. Eii route home Mondny evening, they.......................... mil MrfcrHufi^Driinw. . . * .

••• While lh»rc, tijcy . were fdcortfd ' (in an huprrtlon tour of thn Ktjite

ftchbol ni Ooodlnk*. ___i _ ’


Gilbert, wns the topic at the meet.. ' Ini; of ZetA PI ehnpler of.Uie DeF* ~lihlnn Society Mondny altemoon n't . (ho hoffie of Mrs. J. S. Dlffenrtnrfcr 'at-one thoiuHinfl-live hundred and . i»rt>iy nIne'.Poplor-avenue.- •

Mrs. Hnrold Lnckey wax program

■'.Mr*. Cb»rIea'-Bettncr"8P0kL ... "Mrr; Mowitu. Another- Pre • wir Drwnatur: and Mra. R. A. Butellff

R <niftrlMr^the-65ooiuli‘-we*-|i|the subject cho-ien by Mra. Ruuel

. Pdlter: and "prftnceKft Da .nim- •Jnle." by~Mni.*R. U Orave».-eom- —pIM^d-Uio-aftfrntMn'-s-dUcuMlon..- — The-ricxl-meeUnir-of-the-K«iip'

» l l l be held on Mny i' at the home of Mrs. D. R. Ohurdjlll. Mr*. J. S. Dlffenrtarfer will be <)rogram Icafltr

-»for that'day.-' • _ '


. -Mlu NcH-De.XottTy^uid Rogec. -McCurry •were .united Ip marriage • Sundav aflemoorr.afS 6‘cloclc by -ItliB-Jtev. Mackei.- J._nrow i nt hla

.ftjwrlmtnt*.- The

" ‘ and-Mr. McCuiry U tilBol*e, ..... ............ ............... . _‘of W ti; Ma'MeCurry or,PtndIet( OrcBoni.Kollowlnf_a_brlef.

Mr.n. Allwn IIixrrlC4,.Mr.v Ro.-a* U«< Bnll n»d:.Mrs,-JfniH< 'Ctov

iL'y-o^iimp Miir^t(iis: ‘ nn(i;.Mi

' Oriui';, AIuili: Ihc 'n'lill." Ic tvpic for llie diu-. uiu. uiitliT the -t tftett^m^^of-Mtx^5almonn^■p, toi aoaiwlUi tin:. iru p. Ovtrl.uui, Mr Jennie Cvo-,^>y. and Mrs. F/llih.n.■WhltehcudliuiJilsUtiR her. . ____

Mr.-f. fJninui S, Lulic Knve th«! hl.i-

Mrs. Ivy'M: -Jci............. ...... ..

:Crowi|iy-^»-s*«oini :CbrlitfiaS)6crt^-»h


niey me:Mr;i,Xorhido. S. PhllllIJ. Aliwworth. MfjiTX.........inn, nnrt'Mr.i. J losslc Pi.-Klr^iun.‘ DciiilM U»claw'iiicmbcM nnd I

15'rcRulnr members, tho foliowl wimirn wt

■Will be .Miiy 15 at the home .of Mrs. Ivy J.•Il cn witli Mr«, Mniy Eai’ md-Mra.—Rebcrcii-Wiil.'oil iis. u

Mr,'.' Ncthellu WUUchencl will' be 1 chn'rKe >of (he pro)tf.-im. Mr.s.

Mnry WrlKhL will have Uic Jeiioii md Mr.s.-Clcont‘Bell w-lir«tvc-Hlii ilslory for the tliiy,, ■JttiJrealiinciitj-\vr.ai.-Mm-«:di>v-nio iaMc.w ii,vlstcd by Mrs; lirlitfiH,

Whitcheiid nnd Mrs, Leitn Hi Pel-

t (he-closc flC the

T E T E U -B Y .__________ . .ibera ol the Z » Zhn chib :d by their »i>oiih<Jp. Alvin

Cuhey,' to .lie i;ni-nt.i uf .himself and MrK,.Cn!»(TtiTr-yririar-CTcnliHfrAprH'|

niiipii'Bmith. ■■ ■ • "7.:...........John Bnbd). Eurl iiiiyen and Bob

Slradlty wero named by Joe Ryan 9 hiembor.i of a committee ' to rrimRo a prosrani'fcr tlie'dhmet.' -NtV offleeri) were elected as tDl»,

.jw»; Pred Latham. - pre.*ildenl| .Oforge ’loscU .vlce-j)re*ldenl! .Don'

.Thorp, Accretnrj’-treiisiirer, mid.Bob- r4^iiernwraoanc

Chnlnimn of nil party c hi the'ftitiirc wlU bn the

TliB vhib renovfttcd the shield which will llRure In the deeornllonit forUie club dnnre on Mny ii.


Tlic birthday of Mrs.Blrdlo Wnlte, member of-the Meimonltc Breth- n In Christ SewlnR clrcle^wui (he itHHlon for #p«lal enterlBlnment I her honor at a meellnE of~lhe

Kroiip last week itt the home of Mrs.

_Tli6.honoree_wftsj)rc4cntccLKllh.a. mmber of • ntlmctlve 'Rifta t '

- lh« refreshment " hour

by ita.' w . A.-Barbezat. wa» ierved ■ I her honor.

-Addle Bradley.-MtfftatK

-thg-aeTotlonr-atra.--Waiti!- g«v«>-t>- readlB8.-*Tl»o Afternoon wa* spent with needlework.-— nefrwhments'wcre^fi'Vccn^lfsT£L_W^~S«4miiiUx^Clant--wpa\Tr -“ —MrA. A.C. ^chartiis.'___

• May. 3;ha^bceu.:.chOKen-aJuthe tiute -for -the Tnresentallon oJ ihe thrte-Bct play. "The Servant In Uie

..Supervlslon.of-U.9-producllon will be by Mr«. Stella Oalu. one of Twin

dlrtetora oi 'thtatriefll offj r i n g ^

ACID stohacil;n>ii.V«lli. G

hllllfr«-ATS^«»'Kr‘J- I>m« twryOiiiif I •■>

led-le (uni'l* >rid In i , Jtonueh. X f«ll lirtil >U_:


r r - f A G e s a r -

-L ' . ' ■ _____ ' I'v 'T T W IN P A t i :S :W \ V S . g V jN . ;E A J i^

; ^ E K H 0 t E - W I I I l E = 3 f t I f f i E f c-------- ^ ^ -----------------l y ESoeto Atwood Taylor —

I d a h o A i j a o e i i i t i o i i l o

' • • E x t o i i d - P o w 'c r C i i i e s

Till Charactcn

Hie t)II^l,.At-'ll^ loouot- tnll pinc. ne rtiimoicn c thliiK llnii). He r:

• ilif iliiiw erfljor iiu m lw r of -t<jwnH-v.iiir\l'i)iiriK>M-»,” ■■ ■' ■ • col-iiiii. Th'-rm:m.* whoso, late .wuik-hltS- r'Minr^' .Inr'iii' lUi- oluulciw,' “ ii« moilifMli-1 ncrnnr; riillv ioiuK Uiroutlj cntli iplutu'i*-

—iar\vi:sTo'N;'iiiiiiio, Aptii n c-r,-CliH_Di«lncor’ T. C. Stiiiili !iii. iiuuiitcil loii.iy.'blils would tfc.ciillcd 111 iO-fo CO. jullcs,0(.

.10. jh f. 1>VA x'vtnni* i i

4 |lrl rcpoHiT. • 6ol«B «>_____ ^ riKtoii M»1»» .

rc.---_--=n-r. rcnap te i^r ' ' - -Wmynl:rrav£Titlili-..in-tliP'aark. ,

.: _ j,„,„lKcrrhlfU»U Irom t1i < - l , h . - n. Tlic ^ lid ty.1 nnd WeMoii bolh. „iouii,. and «lth liii iiockcikiiifr 1 „ni..i Jived nwff tl c ccntrr of Hip'town, tluouKli thr liMvy con! liiiul-l i,,,’,.,

wooP£M_.wliom U n f hndjjng j,u utIMs nnd niiklrX.»elec{c<l boUi n.v-nii'ed-A.Teniint tli('>’T-TlIc7Trwv\>Vl- Brainnl

■ wnulrt'IooK out-rnr «nr pmprRrnc?\:f-~t----.-

— JX)Sp Im'iid Hiric'i liLs_1rjici.;«io|'iliic.

a' ilioiifli. llicy ncre a p:ic;k <lt pUivinii t-ard*. Hr plckcd open" tlic Miiall —locked—eomporimcni -a iid

i1iroiit(li lu CQiilcni^.aiiii mnird hU utlenllon lo the ilr;i\i;iTK. imdtr ilip plHcmi ;ind ihc carvcd wooden ilmt lifted

Aboiii 000 rumillps ivlll bc ^cnTcl, Ont pxicn.iloii will ic;ich lroin CraluiiiouUlo^MCitr- Cruvr-by- wn -ol- •NrrTi'icc. Aniiilipr will exicnil imn Cilbci'l itUIcu 10 Wclppo au( llllrj wlll-M'rvf llip nmi lor llii' niilvN suiiih of Ilpiibcns,

,!.;imiovAM;e :- D i t r

Ic iiftcr'Clic froiif.V oiTc'aairfjrbT'iit lliouiiiriir m w i’i'tiiiiif ?iiicT..„.„. i,.,. lkcs lhe ■ ettr7 ^Vc r»■ee~lo•Ttl. lftrT ^C ^MC:co-T ^ nd ihrrr.----! “ ,,

'V»v«n'llilnR."------ -— .“TJmt'Ji ihnl.''.Uamllion

'■“Aaey « » ' tliey • Bot- into "W hifa. behind llUv a Soiindx tike oiip/'

"I thhtiKhi Hint) brlxhl tfnld,

'crBnlf^lii-r-oino- u’uy».. ..........i.___bdglit_ciiougn ln_othcr.',_nfsidi>. ~ • crniikit llkp .publlcli.v, r bcfn kind


ii.liftrTnrc>riMc:co- "OknvJ--.AM-v-r;.l.b” 'N(.l

10 • carved.'or jiiiVtllln-.llKP-Jnn . iir car. J-^Orosifl'; - Hr -roI—inr-' frottr-^V— ctnnk? jTinul. C'nrrotled me—"

• '".Slllili! N«i :.o Intid.'Hr>-i‘iill iir.ll," lln-ir. Nn»’ li.Mi'11 Id ni*-, Btaj.lH’H'

till y.m' l.- l -llk.‘ ..............vour..ryr;/.iJci:lcd._i'm. uulii'.- lu' lir into tiHiii;,-. Crot.j;niir ilnflillBlii

"It> Mmirwlic-Ir .-(ruv'id—”____ ________ ____________________ _-VU <ivji> .iiiaucr-.blfli-. aii'.ii

__ of_Uil4.trcj3LouU Dut ll .tiln't; No s»nrd fo:; mr.'Cofioui-tun?J'-..(jiifMloiml Mhr\- ’ RiinriiiU'.v —•'Up looir— -iroopfV ' tRp-NtfW York 10 ^ P a .nlcit • bltlrr.- - ------------- .

u«ln,-No-t«lk,-jio-Boi^r».rrrTlliorf 1-—••llulil.-V.VlI— lui:ou'—;

'IiilPjilwd driiwcr midrriicntnr ' Jll::JutiiJ.tllm.fl»KcrH prodiiNi HCI-. Ilic .0lcl...Uneii .UinrTHlctl ■(iriiivff'. and'then- he"impatlcntlj pii'h'rt 'It *hut. -Thp rcmnliilni (Ini^ViATuTrc— l»vc,sUtnlc<i:r-- ilii-ii, .ilic niiin wpnu bscf

Fur Slnrasp; Cold-MoratPTiii and , tur carnieiiur; rii;-.i3i.‘ - ,ralh I tfd and Icc. Atlv.

B/m c’ A i/ne d

CHICAGO. A|iHl 17 M’-.-THe Mil.''’tPllrir7Jl1nmiliul; Vlnnfri 'ns *>klihk-

.lii-ljud.udur..liijiiuccjuiy.vlliu2i. in '«<> loduy

ijcarrr Willi, uxi. In a Uiinl--------- ------------------rur^ iiii h ' ni-o' iiui n . .

„n, on liiP black bnir. Oi.nnul lioul :iiiil alllKHlotT.. Iio'A'-vpi. ("IIIuI

II pcndlns. New Jrr:,cy, bill, would ukr..jJ:iuikS'.of( (lip iilciii luimliiK

i^r.oi<-t;i.loriJl»i,___»p^l1r)rf<* of n bill to (iprn the

'upi)lii(UM'UAOii on l>r'»vi'r lu^Mln*

IJn'v wi-ir bill ii low of IliP wild lllr' ;,pri-ltncn.i otTiiiiylnn rtiH'nllun ljl-'lc'i;Ui>llvi;-mu.ldi'rutlun.ul cnii*

i.llon liiw.s in m lii'.>l 17 V'M»-ia1<‘ irPri\'S. ,>nrvTV Tllowc(l,-!<•- Npvf—iiamintitrr^inrtTlii k< d'r<> (IMiirp jm oiKii ....-(111 klmk >, iiDiv pioK'c:r(l,.and

[It'iii.--" lind bccoiiir so iiumcroii-'i Huit;'ilip mnny dmns ihpy. btilll

ul proiitriy," ■...... - --UliK'k bciir were blaiiiod.

Mnicllou, too, in Mlnni’.'.oui wlicrc V periiillji luinilngMlinn n(

nnyjlini'. — __________________>»pPBn!«ylrnnln'nicnMir^proi’OMnl liMli-Mtie‘-vnnind hoir*'n«tn‘ '

1,011 lo. July I lo ^ptotnbi

Alllcntor JjtintlntfTln' FldtHla'Tvoiild bor.prahlblud If uno pciidliiE blit-UictQ..liaK>cd.

S m g l e C o i i t e s l i n

— G o o i l i n g - l i l e e t 4« iv

cipnl cti'clloji April (Imon lin» filrd i>s uppoiiPnt lo I Sllltxon. city clcrk the p:>sl 20 yi , 'OUirr mtmlclpnl oflleliiLs who nrc c:itt^Klitlcazfor:rcclectl(m-.7irc'3TiTiut

iM_. A .—t',_Juuici;_.CouiicUmpii -llwoli ’ -tJrlKht; Bob Lyoiih, Fred Viinscr'

srUf nnd Herb Meyers,

R i i p c f r V o i e S o u ‘ 7_

v i ^ i w o j a x X c v i < k .ip=yiwtoij-mip«2cL-ck£i_

lors' will V lion April ,3r» on-lwo proposed t*s - levies n* well an for cniidldateJ formuniripnl ijf/.Icprrnrrrr'TVTrr’T---- -"Propo.''etl 1.1 « levy not to cxcccd Two" irilIlirriir~H«iurn:m«nlcipnl,‘ Mild «iid 11 levy not to cxcucd two.

Bi.rbfiBe dlM>o«»I-Cniulld.-iic:

£TiM.mvw;-Ei£rEiihH’ire itrc itrKr;'-AIircTrFiR-Vc;"cityslriM.Mirer. Jerry '' ■MnHKri-oirimd Claiu Colwell. .

Hr-.i wan! couiicllmciu Flo.vd iicliou-. J. I5.'iui Schofield. HoDi-rt Ciltliflu-iuuUWlUiani-JI.-OlbDOii. ‘,nScco«a_ivard. ccu'i.<-.Un!aL>L Hrocrcul. Julin. R. NCibll.autTFloyd. .

, Fruit.

.anHlie-l0a.;0f Weston'* deik — everyUilaL_cUe he. touchcd.

wiped'Off' men iicot. Hum. droppln" you off at ihe Town Hull.

' h“ rp’ “Tiik^“'ow 'o f vork ^-Mrii. n . - » . ,


.HtimiUoh—tiYftTC-nt ar ' ’ ■nfnrrr\^,;• you eiirecnrnK iiroimd-'ilic cdiinin’. i « » ‘niPd.\VpdncMlny ................

.lowjoose^" - , ...••.;bcrl, I-- FAIIIOAUI.T, Minn.. April 17 ■... - ./'pqn'l vony- about-WP.-Trll you. . .\rt«ulii—Mr. uuU Mr.i.-lli'iiry • _^uur burcuti ot rrluUmil-appc*-.

.^•hatt'thoush. Oct LaiiP. nn' Imve i Hohlc'Of l.'nbfl, S. D.. Imvp li>ciitrd ' llcn lon o crllllv . and Hlcc county • - him park here In tills hliBCk lonMit, “> Aecfiulii whcrr Mr. Uolile n’J-'ii-'; iiuiUorltii-}. toiilHhi asrewl

N>n nflpr yon brouaht him .liprr, 'o oprn n bLirk.Miilth ihop. . ',di-:tih ot .live aKnl utrnibcij, - ......r ’ ■ 'cbiVip brer to the hollow. I w.iril' to i llo«pltat^Caiinii. Prtrr nn, | wpaltliy aollnvr liiinlly, found rhotLr-- »ee -lf- rit<r>imir’K- -Bll rlRhl—:itii‘i>r^c''C‘W ’“ i">ol(l-=(laachlciLJ'rai—Mu-L7o"tlvnih-on ihi'li -jnim -Il-Ml -ln'ro I '• Somrhow . I'm. luipniy • about tlini i"P P.eler on. iimli'Kwcnt nn nufr-; .Saturdav, waw h «I inuulei niTd

p lace .'* -^ • ■' -•'liienfy n'iVntilx-oiX'nitioii Krtiltrt-m iVuiclcip',- . ---- •••..... "So'ni I." ■ Hnnillton ?ialri, "All. H'c ntiym liciicrul ho^plinl ;...Clikf;_‘ r)''puiv ffltnli: naiid.s—rlRhi; n i BPtXftiie. nml thru lol-1 C.ullil lilmier—MnnlX'is- ol ili>- Woir of I-'arlbiiu'lt, .who iuvrMliintod,

low you Up. A»ipy, whrir niV «c ■ WomnnVO.ulId oMlie-Trinlty, KplK- si,id n «n,% rvid.'iii Clmrli ”................ ysnoL .....................

SeORGH-Y-SM-ITH-*“ A.Scy tilahe<l.• . ‘Keasohubly AiuM'Ulliir'. •-Toriell you the truth. J'dun’l

• knnr..Jblajee!»a-tojc&-U;e-JerlclciU ••• thhiR. Wt^isnott-vcTt’ on ^unrd

malnsl aometliitr. but . we don't know what, .Cfm^hlft'a -scjttprcd

■ nnwnd,. Dlscpn'neetrg^ We pot n ^ m iirfler.-nn' wro-blobs-of-decrrumtr

----- TTOyrir-worttr—nothin' ‘ •ns“ clucK.=-wc_ciin. tclLubaul..'cm..cx-

___ ccpi.ilint j‘om»|.Kll'''‘d.'r;n out of a- " '. filj'ofBun.'JuM.jLJlioiRun. no.-iSi)ccli<t '.r'~w^.Mubl‘ »tim«onc. nQ-^p«:lat Mime-

one. Wc can uN.nnie lf*.n nmii. f e*-!, r;.::-. .ball Li'rciuoiiab^ maMuilne..We can- ' n 5ume Mnry Rmulnlt found out ZZI,.what he wns up to. Wlint nlw found•— Tin-whRtihe-s- up to'nTerBo«t-nirs--

teries lo me. Somethin' to do with-----thl» infprnnMown^-T)iai;9-aIl-thcr«

1*. Whitt rd give for soniPlhhV to •■iUck-injLlccHiJii!(’ ,_niO-hHW_'

it'reit .Mott recently nmclu 'plan> Tor a public dlnnrr clvrn !it thc Onllrt-h'nll Krldi

Uu»r — 'riic il<'.\.buni, .school, wcrp. clavd-t'rUla.v in niiike II ■pO.v'lblp for Siiperlnirndi'nt J. M.'Whllliic !>ml all tpnclii;r.-< to

■.mi^,iiH..'CCHi_iiijv,_ui___ _______ThLi Li Just like pltkln’ nl elilckcn bonea or lobster clnw», when wIikI you want is a Rood hunk of porter­house! , - .

•n<fer-lenvlns-H«mlIi«Ur-lf-«-r»nllv--5i-iC . could’.have-been-Hludc-who brokcj " ~ ~ iiito'i hc-ofncrrir-1t-hntr-bmir^hi>tr|^.rrT- ? ^ ^ ^ — ~* ' iIlH wnn1.9 Aii l If H \vn ’ -lArnr-I ?t:' did he wanl? And. If 11 .....-

one eUe, who It? lie that

-• perbon

bunsllnc Job,N when murder. « j why'.ihoiild hr be |eur*and bunRllne n-hen It

---------------- Xiid puillcumr

t till* Inlnider wns not the :5. rimi •on-who hnrl klllril Hun. I :;l-i:i^n-;nn-jr-n»«t-tinTr01dii't' do amateur. |-lr

• oiirnmrv; Aiiu panicuinriy in "‘ll'I J', iiullrtluR'fuirbf ueopif. Bify'one'or, J!-

n)lRht-hav«.hnpi>c5,fd-'in,onjhim at any jlmr.

- • Tlib busln^M of_aiiidt_dtoppliiR-, out of-thr picture wa.'i puMJlos no j H. iVcrM; matter'how you looked at-It, Ite | -

. ■Jnuch like Shide. Certainly ...- •i couldn't" be~ 'v e 'r y ~ ebiisclrncr.—V- slrlckth. .pr.-Ver>- aI^aid^ of-belni —“ 'catlSniTTii—he-nerer—would-)inv. “ ^"retumecT to Tils'house'and :so'CftKU'

ally had a.meal and.chtmtfcd hi"-'•'clolhca............... ••;______."Huh!” Asey_ miittared. ■•Chicle,. T en’boncarrtore.likft Jkcx

• H«- »lowed dowrt as h^nea«d.thu ■■ . hollow.‘lor'lKemial'fMrn ihe'swamp

blanketed the road. First, he de.- • ■ cldcd.:-he would-dflve oiit K» Sludof

Ntudlo. anyway, and then return and i^ _ . ,^ a p a .A ro im d _ .w ith - tb a U .a------aihlla.- MtnteUy- hfc ..nade_a_note

to tellXane to glve.ths-Job;i9-«ome>:------one else ttieuext'nUht. One nlghf-r"vlim ~nr-7rel1 -jHoIlow—war-TOoagi

for Knyone.

- .T W IN .F A L L S -N E W S .-T W IN F ^ L S r lp A H O r T U E S D A Y M ORNii^G . A P R IL ' 18. iosfl ' - TAGB’SEVEfl-:^

_____ . . . . -. . •• ____________ it - -{r ■ --(r ■—

R d ir^ T h r e a t e n § ^ ^ ^ m M ^ ;^ [p M g ± X M i g u (e ^

2 -0 S m n d s . iFittsbiirgh Downs.O f S a v a g e R i f i f f W a r f a r e Cincinnad, 7 to 5

2 - J E i n d J ^ g e - a L C i n c i m i a l i -

Crowd in ■ Frenzy-^at Wild Exchange of

Hard.Eunches ‘ L:

■ _1 _ Loa ANOE L ^ . April - _ -— Heavywoiglit-champforT Joo • : - Loiiis^knoclcca out Jack Roper------ In-one round-tonlght, bu tJ jo-

forc- the two' m lnutes_and twenty scconds or the match wore over, twenty, five thous-

'and'HRht fari.Vwer'cin~a7rcnzy- a t .the^ savage’ exchange o f

------^^-- B.yM^-oId--ehcUlenge^-to-the- loo^.nfler a barmRC of rlgliU nntl Ic fu '

-------- to -Ute .hcftd-Uiul -duiupcd-ltlm - In_____ ^Tila.own.comer.JiPlplcss to bci up

before neferee Oeo^o Blake' flnbh--;_.ed-the.;ten;xount_------------~

• •CaUfomla'A rinit. liea^-ywelsht clwmplon»hlp-ln 30-j'daw-wn, wild M It.weia brief, Wi the old ......liorse 'ndcd in al (he start nnd

Irna-long M-he could,

“ noJic-tonnnoTied'oiirTJurcoHifir. tnoke It. Ax Dlake flnlMicd Roper Mumped over forwdrcl-lo (he cnnvns agnln ftnd hocl lo be drnssed to lilsitw l. ------------------- ■ — ------

——The crowd *'nji In n atata of in» fen.ie exelUment an the flBhlcra en­tered the rltift (ihorily before 10 p'.

---- m.~Jl7BTnlnctpnl5-lt»fcao-Uino-8ci-tlnff fire to tlje tenalt}-.- -

LouU-and- Roper -walked olowty frdm thpir eomera ftt the openlne bell. • PuJly 20 eecondfl paused wiUi

____nellhnr_ofrorln8_ii_lhrc«U— Roi>#rJobbed first, a 'week -blow iHnt

. touched Louis' chhi light:}'. .Joe stepped back. Jabbed, nhd ‘ Rdjier ............................................. .to-._ H J S «l ‘QjuS£S*»iBJli5Jhriinpioa.i .w ard^e ropes, Lotits Mjintrj

Boston Red Sox-■fnTcT!" nnti flcld^mecl—enaed~sr

Lliicolrt field ye.itcrdny nftemoo'n. •Tho'wiphottiorc.i ended • In In.sf

banned nwoy In close qunrtem. Ra* per luddenly bucked up n 'atep nnd-

- r - " le t fly titfeoleftji tliafsmiuihcd'ovcr '•:t'i|' ihV8iaeorT>j,tini;,-head...,,‘, ; ; *•

Champlen T em In - Louts closed In with a fitrJous n».

- . »mlt. and ■> they parted Hoper's U— ,u'£.wu.at>out:to «purUblood..Asalnr

•however, old Jack moved Into the range of Joe's fists, and M\hLi cor- Her yelled for him to keejr nwny,' he

. . wrestled . Logls towiird the Roper comer.' ' '

_______' I^uls. ft jinnrlln this,

tack. Poui- rights nnd ns many'tcr- , .... rifle Ictt hook.1 landed on Roperli

mifl-n flnpl rigl t. (o .• ttie Jaw sent him reelinf dowward.'

A le ft caujht him fluah on the chin' before he could hit the floor. .

I—I • . Ran. '■ • ■;._ .- .-_i..:_:._Ce1cbritrriJrurii Out ' ’ •; • .'It’ r.ai • perfect night nnd the

rln»s!de waa flUtd with celebriUea ,of Uie.'enlertnlmnint ’and . aports

. .world. Just be;ore the.Utleholder______flnd-.therCh«ll«igeircamB-lntoTthe

.rinc, ex'henvywelght c h a mp i o n James J.-JetfriM nnd other one<time

" create -of-tho ring wero Introduced, i ,■ Roper appeared In the rlntr flr*t.

:-rrWne-ti8d-R-.fcBlf.Brln on hU fnce ntW . gave Louis. lltUe heed when the

- - i^ ^ ld * tribute to Roper's sameness • and declared bellef.ho wpuld have

jother.. Tlje'Ucenscs.-he eold,'1nferj

;American Leaguers ScorV in __^ N in th DtLTWD Sindli-s ’

next foe,^ Knew He .Wna Hit

" I know'd I had two handi and Roper had one,'' LouU said, "so 'l

- felL-Hke-rd--bcal-.Ulm_«arl8ht,' l know'd I was hit when he caught me wltl) that left. Thnt's more than Max Schmellng. and •John’ Heniy

Boper'a dressing: room-was vir». — tuany-dwrt«l;fttt«r-.lhft’ngliU^A-.

“Don’t let anybody Joor you.’’ ' — Roper Mld,-^Iaughlnj.-^~Tnar--Loutf

hits like ft:loMl. of dynamite.'*

. the wlld::melM’-«larted-hlm-KolnB ■■■’r r® “ *-‘ P*f“ *y*lnff-hl5'leBf.~Aitcr^«-| . -Jpt h».wM-ttnat^-to.at*ye-eff-th» rour-

BowlingJCliainps- Schediile Match

Schlltz and- Kimberly Teams_ --- ..Meet'in'.Twin-Ralls-^.'-r


Schllts bowUne-.team..champions of ilie Ooomierclal league..Announced

; lasfevenlnB'nhat ■hl*“ elUb' would,:__iiie8ijmi«ririicii:^ifii( H a e■ liolders; fot the bowtt • • ' .jhlp otTwtn rallB.Wi

—-^“ rho-threofame-m:W played on tht Stone '

Vatiohan and Youno Lead At- — tackJnBig-Eighlli,'


:'r' C rNOINNATTlAnrtin?I C ln ^h n atj's . RcdlcBS almi ■ciracd-m eir'operting"^y7vic=' tory.raminoj;toda3r ; ^ t fina lly ' succumbcdJ.to.5.as thc-Pltta--

jJjurgh- Pirates rapped five niarlccrs across thfe p late in tne -la s r 'tw o ;InninBs :o f -the National- league's c ^ i^ n n la l w tnpalgTi-iti 'atigOfa li -It-w»a-thc^9eYenth-3tntlcht-open»

cept. (or the Clnclnnnllmi had i- ilir«-run edge going IrilO-thc JaUil•flirliili.-— -------- r . - ........._’ THe BifManci>'ni’'-.c)(p]Qded a four- - ’•1 bomb In.lhal.Irame.-however,.

•ih.T-/>!qwmse-or^clcynmnter<rj.«Uo lind Jolinhy VaiiderXtt.«-in-the-tmrdr*m'C'hlHrWi'cltirilnK doublcj by Vaughan apd •VuuiiK.-roilvd off (he Pirate.baU in iho bis innlnp.r—T)w*-pirntcs. lacked two hits and a-Ti.icrlflco'tbgclh'crfSTnother hin In the ninth to clinch the orsumenr.

Vniider Meer. of double- no-hlt fume, was unnble- lo- find the-plalc

, , flnd last«iJeii4.Umn’ thre«. Innings.'— hrnrnk-McConrncM'hCrt^W H "

-ic-K ik kF iiii- i-m i'c ------- ------'Tn'niir'flrst anonST'jy.t- J Q e ^ a n co ra c iiK lw u ^ tin r

n nnd Suhr

of Miniiows .As Bait Lawful

,_JldiaE.--Aprll_i7-(4'^r.-Ac-B.- Hntch, fdaho Rame -Ulrector. .mid todny there was n misprint on 1030, stnie.-fUhlne licenses in rcHulnlloiia

Junior Tracksters Edge'Out Seniors

4HigfN-ScliQoi=WVthietk Goi• pTeT^nterclasr-'----1

Meet' •-‘‘ 'Wfhnlng 'd h l mid .second In- tlie

hlRh. Jump.and .aecontUiUlie.half-.[Bplw-tart-<w-bail,*-:'[ milo-rolay,-.Junlpr iithletca of Twin

walks nnd lilts by D!nt;tf>n . .. _ ... it>- ihc-ihlrti.-acndlns Vnndcr Meer -to -tlio *howers. • -

Billy Myer*, R«lleg’i<hortstoprauf- fcred B .■'llaht eonciiMlw when •slr(irfc.bchiri(L.Uic.lcfi_ear_jn7the aeeo^ jnnln5_by;-Bnjt>akcr'a long

(lr.1t n(t«r );roundlnB don-n the bace line.. Ho was removcjl imconjcloya from the field'and tnhen to a ho.i- plwl. p - '■ At>'crs-u.'u»-unabla to-«ccompanyL. ihc team to Chlc.igo tonight. .. . .’ .'Dr. Slmnk Mid his patient rceovefed coTwcloilsneM quickly ami follo»-cd,lottyr IpDinBLOf U^

•tldirwa*'ie*«lbirt4jrfl«el,--^-Z I‘ltt«burBlt-Au'a rf.Clncinnalt AO l Waner. cf 4 1 liWrrtwr at> „.,4 iiNl, tf . .1 o.s,Derser II -...4 .Ritto. I tfoooaman Jt;a*Vaugliiin >« 4 3 J.KcConn'k tb 4Ouhr ll> .< 1 aLomOanll c i Yoiinc.rb -5 1 S«r»lt rt ..u_ 4- Drilbic; 3t> 4 0 3|J0Mt 3 b __4

1 ..........................

MrMr.-'-wiiteri.'TniomB‘-hm‘ ‘»tcc«rr>

IBK pitehrr—W*tu-n.


and Error Low .hurdleii—Ted. Uike, iwpho-

NEW HAVEN, Conn.. April 17 (,7i T h e BMton.Red.8o*.put together two ilnsles and on error in the ninth Innlncr. today and defeMed Yale. S ' S; in thclr.'flnal:pre*'seuaaTax*'. ...Jiuoft int. .. - R H BBoAton- (A)....000.13Q. 101— 0 S. 5YftlC ._L..........301 000 10C-. 5 10 3

Wnde.'Weaverv and'Berg; Slev- ens, Rumphi^, Wwd.TCrosby dnd Schroeder.; .

Polsom, Junolr. Time:High-Jump—Jim Molyneoux. Jun­

ior:.. Dick.ItoweR.. junior: Joe BUI Roblnion. »ophomorc.^.HelBlrtf »*ftroti in. ----- - — - . ,— 880n-urcr-reIa>=Bfrirwir“ '<Dale Wolte. Rny Wells, Ivan Jacob*-nnd piU-Petcm; Ju^ors;’8ophomores..

COAST LKAGUE.HTANDINOS------r— :--------- W -L 'Pct.-

Lo* Ansele* ___v__,i.'.j.l5 I 3 .Heattle ............___yi-.iJfl/ 7'.San FrancUeo----- Z -T ^ -.ig .- JgO-ItoKyweod __________ 8 9 .171San — ^7___8_.457


, WEST POINT, N. y.; April 17 Of>l , &1U Terry'a New Yotk Giants todny defeated the Ualt«d SUtca military

W ary CantidiamGarider^ N at ‘Silly:-as

Tennis Glulj to-::- Elect-Off icers

Ropir.eald r le ft uppercut durtncfron. and Impnwments n^the club’*, .» ‘ court.’locatcd nt Addltbn ond Locust

BTenues." ar# slat«d~Ioi^dlicUiaI&h'

, o'clock at tho New* and Times of-. l.llcffiuta-elccL.o»lccfajin(l.completa. plans for 1930 ocUylUcs.'^._ •■’Pniposols lo^'Staglng anumbef of- Inter-city matches durlas.tlia »ea-

followlnjr- the elertIon.-~-i:a

ham,-presIdehti-Dr.,... _. _____ _vice president, and Mi> Llsn Mo- lony, secretary-trensurer. Al Wes- tetsren-ls chalrmi

Peixirie Keglers--!• More 8*e»e migrated this sprlnj albns'the central. >

than forjKvtMlj«ira,and.venf soon now.tho great, g » j Canada gander#

. Toking two straight games' Irtm ^erickfl,-eerrlne;lJotel.kegtcr5 won '.undl.tput«(lj»saeaioii.auaurui.plaeo

-o r tT * --------—

tag goose, helpe with domestic toaks. I and .nfter.hatchlnif toeja

¥ a n l ^ s - R e d I S o x C l a s h A - t t r a G t s

CinciiViiatr UpdsV .Clim 'KxpL'fts.; to Cop Niiliorial Circuit P^hnant, •

"To Pittsburgh Pirates

"N S V - i 'O R K , ApriV-lT-/^^— If'O ld-M iih-W euther-reels i n " lhe-rlghlr-m wtl--r-ftnd ihc-chan<^ps; arc he won't '— a ll' 16 ~ teams get, baseball's centennial year under w-ay in /iiH force”tomorrow.—" '• V; ........ . ........

M r. W eather n ilned-hnlf’ of the usiml two-guinc advance openlnn Monday, forclnji tho nation's-No. 1 riuht-hander, _ -ErcaltleuJJJooiCYcU.. along with Uu .Noiv York Y.'inlyics-and- Washington Sennlor3, to,,the.|-----— ;— ::-----

.-^The-oUter-half o f the cur-’

_»nec-aitaln»l.ClnclnnaU-hurler..>-Mler<tay an.riltsburEh JowneJ the ned*_:^5, fn Uir Natlopnl-leaciie'* Inaurural jratnr. DmiMr by tlie

-hflS\r*lilttfiic |i:>Ir~ntlpr(l'-<he-r(nlc!i-nvrrtnkr-t(irlr-<>ni>.iiiriit».ln*tli«the highly,•rcgartl«l CliicUinatl’Ji4'cl.i, ilie '-'oxpL'ru".cliolco to win the Na- MonnHeasiie-tKBrsntrtr-fall niinrmj tho l.ftt#. innihmind drop a 7.-S de*-

C o w b o y s P l a y S e v e n E x h i b i t i o n G a m e s

Twin; Falls Clnb“SIates::eonte^sr Kimbevlyy^ -r-f) i ambnd^Oj^^ncd :iori\^orko'ut

i-j xli iblllon ■ basobaU_Bainc:s wiUi iihlYcrsUy...nrofes-^nairscihi-pro'rfiWTrC'^eft'tTpvistjiTTranirrinifiniron the trains' Ing .schedule of.tli^ Twin Fa lls Cowboyt," according to Informa- tloti received ye.slcrday.by,.th'c;-Ncwij .sports department. Irom Eddle-LelKhmim. managers— .. -—’The-powboy- oreman-rcportcd-that-24-mc a c•3t) -battllng- t(Jr^3crnTn•n■cnr•T0IlTn-^50SttI0ns-wlth.'throc m orc’ candidategi!i{i)-«jied--rroiuTiirL~scftttr<nwtnrers"this*u'(;ftK7"---------- ^

■'Hugh. Pace, buslites-s’ nmn-

the’'Fii'.i(i oy a iinoii-ii b;HI antn.ikcn liwiiltal with a possible con*

euaslon,-Either mild nhOTcr* or horiest-to-

eoM; raljwiormn arc predicted lor six

bu- lncss swrtwl lomorrow Tlilnuii ar«_ even wor.sc In' Detroit, wlicrc-U»e CiilTaKO .\Vhltc;Soxt4n- .vadtrrthe-Tl8cri'-:J3Ur:for-.'lV»='r^tn- -or-.^noivil-aa-Uie-ouUoo’rtr Ihtrr:—A'-- srrtout j . . wherennc-Browns-Hntpr-- tam tlie Clewliihd Indlati.\ the prediction _ to ••••c!oiidy.'~t)ut.r:i.*Tg clinnc .'i are none too Roba.

- 60,000 al.-l’ankte Su’dlnm’ •Nearly 250,000 fans are cxpcctcd i turn out for -the Jour samea in

tftCh-lMRUerwItirtliTblgBc.Htlrron^r MiiH-' 6D,000 T0r“ «>; antleipat«l-in|


tai'I^TooIson Scores 26 1-4’ Points_.,in-,.JInlcrdass.:_

-Trjck Comiletiiioh

Enrl' ... ___ ___________plBeea--besides runnlnir-nnchor-:on-| die winning lialf-mllc-reliiy .tram, ihe Juniors cnpttired the.Durluy lilRh ,

•Bcliool .-InBrciaM-iracii^aud__fieldJmret'TierenJiDi afternoon.-:^

rmlp » were n fltantlal-part o f Uin llO rolled up -Tft^^tKe^wwr^^niof^ipikairtip placed liecoiid with 21,' the frosli garnered 17 while tho sophomores.wcre_ccntcnt-Wltli_tljrcc__________

Other leadlne point wlniierx were Marshall Fisher nnd Joy Brown, both -Junlon, w1)o had-13 and.’ O'.Ll

, . Burte:-.:.-hlgli'r<'hoorwlll be hoit, jjifrc, Friday, nt.the, antnin) lnvlln-| llonnl track and field, meet, Coaeh Pet* Tnylor announced,

-Rcsulla o f Interclau (rack and field events-'foUow:’••Low hurdles — TooUton, Junior;- Fisher*. -~Junlorj''~E\'nnsi * fre .hman. TTrae:MS8 eecondi.

senior. Time: 2:10, •880 yard relay—Juniors fJolm-

son. Brown, Cliurch and Toolson); freshmen second: no third, nme:■ 147-:----- ____L-i,:____ L_____■BtrsiiwtsiTwiMu:— jtmiorr

lard, Junlof; Parke,’ Junior.41 f f lVi. inchc.-'.- •

yttra“ aa5i5=Toou6ii.' ’ junioi?' .iroves, - senior;. .Price,.; sophomore. Time: 10:0. . .: ao yard dash—Orovc.'«, senior; Church, junior: • prlee.-sophomore: Time: 24 ant.

..JllBh_Jumifc=«aher.Juniou_Hari| dy. -frwhmen;. Walker, freshmw.

vBroad.junp TooUon. Junior: Browrwiunlor;-Hardy,—frashmea,! -DUtaj>c«:Mffc«lnchaa..; •. blscus—Millard, junior: O.'Oano,

senior;- Scheofc.-junior.—DUUnce; 104-leet aimchofc-, i-:,

Mra-tawgh“FormffT- Baselji^ 'T e a m .

aKcr or'lhc"Cowboy.s, snid last, evening tlia t he liftd rii'ado -arranRcmenLs-fon-tbc-club-to. tt-ovk out at Kimberly on Aprl|..27, 20 find 23.

"We will’ u c the-Kimberly din- lh-v. ii»iV' rtnys’-.the

-said.____ ______ ____ ________. "School officials 111 Kimberly have Rraclouily uBiccd 'iq pcimlt the.

ihc.nicincnoonitiCTWs- en> and ilri-.-i',lnit rooinn.T

. r . • LUls 1'l.iyert Lelshm:m, In hl.% cointi\unlcatlon

to-tli<y-News,-s>|l<I-llie-fo)lowlnM'^V-^ra were xtlll on ihe s^uad: Burke aiid'CirlMn.'Yii^rbi».‘,embn: BWiop.' uccoiid base: SteuKcr. short, .'top: Fjrrcll nnd'Shcchun, third aiickers: -Hiller.* -Wnkcr-Cnrrol,—Boiidaiioff, outfielders; D t’ .Cnrlcr. cmcher: OppHt.-Wr>-. Turpin. Llndr. Ander-

McNiuiiec, Audei'iion ond Oiidiilck ..re expected .from the Rnlnlcrs,— Remaining .......

•Jnteniatlonnl leHgue)•>^ntchee.' - ___ ,■ A p r ir jr^ ’wajiinnSreh SJals co'Pl • - -•piillir- - '—April-53 —TJdiUnehcuder'ficalrist Washington state prlMn team nnd Don Rader's Eliui at Wolla Walls. Wnflhlngton,

April . 34 ~ Whitmnu college nt W alla .'W nlls .________:________ u

Falla from Spokane Aprtl 38.On.April 30 the.club.;nw

Jdftlio:.Falls.tenn» there. Tliey open tho Pioneer leo'gue-aenson n't Pocn- teUo aga^t. the.Cordlnnls Mny 3.

l^iseM anageL1¥R3ea^fi ^ixjii

Pitches Battle for- PTaces on CapltalCity’s Basc-

bali;'SquadWiuh.. Anril 17 (

„ann«cr^Andy Harrington said te- day he.'Muld start, weeding six men from the 3S<msn-BolM baseball club .ro5tcr-thla_wcck^prcpamtorTjo.dei; pomire to tlie home grounds at the end of the montl). >■. lie said thc .flght-for pltchhig

Ai de w n . .“Pwnripg.^, w •

from Qnkland,-probably will get-the flmt bnso call, with Oome* at short- Mojn.but the other Jnfleld spots ro-

-uy- fllD'KEtiKn-

Chicago Veteran 5-6 Favor- 1tC'lo'TakcTeathcrwcrglil“~ .....~Champ!6nshinpRovifiENCE, r, Aprn IT un .

I—A-iiew-kins fer the-now leaderlea*^- feailjeri'elEht division will —b*' “

world ehumploiw try nualn-to'get ihi'lr i>cii>,on .\larU'dr'WlUi-Oa.ton’s lilKhly-regarded Red Sox. Iniji

the winter, a* oppfisltlon.I—Th.c_pninButiT,'lnnUi8_ciilcasoj CuU'5 of ’ the Natlon.-U lei*BUc also *i>en ni home, ngalnsi tho-ned«, nncl ioni ^ 2S.W0. itre expccted t0 |

right-liBiwler of tlie-.’38 champions.-' •pppgM i»nu i-tMTnnctr7 ~Tnc~STr 'Xouli. Cardlnulj arc'sriited'tbticSliV ui Pltisburgh; the PhUlk':, » i Bos- -lon-niKl-tho Glanls-and Brooklyn to renew thfir“ lonR-5tjyt<lln'B''fcud — thu’ Dodgers' hwne .crounds ‘

_________________ ______ -_LouLopenings tn the Amerldan’ itiguc \Viishlnston‘*-8enatorsr~thelr-owr home opening game postponed by «-et grounds. Journey to Plill.iclciphln lo tniiRle with Connie Mack’s Ath-leUia.’" :----------------■------

Tlie Senators will piny host to-theny’iilii In tlir ------ '•

ttgton—opening—PtUnrr -doubtful U the pcesldent wlir be hand to -take"care 'of hLi usual

Orerwhtlmlng Favorites ' 'hiere are few ‘anywU^ ’ hi or ut of baseball-who-bcllevc-thc-Vah-

■ beaten for.Uiclr fourth'Amerieair^eatue pennnnt'In _ ___One-of tho grcaleab-comblnatlons tn bBMbnll history. If not the great- e.'t, the Yanks mnde diamond hLv lory -la*; year with their third inilght world ..chnmplonihip and ven“ MnrM' Joe McCarthy’s ur.nial

ciuitlouiinesa. concerning Ills team admiu murdtrtra' row "h'a* a good chance to repeat.::•’ -THo-only--threaur ..................-yankee-horleon'nre. those provided by the lied Sox, considerably .lol- provM since last year,, and the De­troit ■ngen.- ’

In the. National league, the Reds, who settled.wme of.thelr second- >Mr.’J-i:ghlem_ b y . ......................

ore coMldered strong mough '

under Uie "msKlcoi“. touch .. ... KcchD!e...The New_York OlantA also are rated highly, provided ihelr

.j)uosUon.mark4-ln the'pltcher'a box ' atul ot second base, cliange to clamntlon points. • • - ■ .


Eight i o i j j tie-


crcum of the. 12B.pound crop, will.

rouie for ihTTJilc vocaled lost'jenr ' by .JiPurj- Armitrotig. who atands alone in bo-ilng hiatoir as the only .-----evnr to hoM thre* champion-*

i-at.6ne-and-lhe-inme-tlm*.------— ArclUbold.-who.has been-comlni-- aloiiBrfoal-ln-thc.-ljy t-two docades, - U recognlrcd ns-chnmplon In New .York elaie. Rodiikls the No._X.man- on the booki of the NoUoiuit Boxloc . ft550clatlon.3olh bodies have'agreed • crown .lomorrow.nlfiht'i.jTlnner., ,

Hodnlt. veteran of many~l»xln^t-^^ camiwlans' and ihB'betterboxcr' e f '

.HnnggtlDn.^rnie_» «-iii h. np --|jnoncyJiRhUwhen.the.bov».gQ.to-UJC— - - post.

AX'h i te Sox-Ciibs"-; - 31 Gaine Postponed:

CHICAGO. Aftrll 17 (;P>—The tx^

Chlrnflo Cub# .^nil-'the Chicago' \yhlte Sox-acheduled todny a* A benefit for Monty Stratton. Sox Itcher who-leet-l)l{i-ri8ht.->ec.lit-&:.:. untlng accident, wua postponed up— ’

RvM SE-CASH^ H E R E -: _Halsa.CaahJm..yoitcjjau=Rltbout_ restriction of your.u

need emtfrgencyl Just a ll, ominee, -

W estern Flnancc Company,; Perrtne Hotel Bldr Twin Falls, Idabo

-PAGgEipm -. T W IN F A L L S N E W S. ‘ ^ ^ N 'F A L L 5 ^ ID AH O . T U E S i? A Y M R I ^ G l m i ^ ^ 8 : i ^ ^

- ^ T V lK - F A L L 8 - ^ W B r T W IN -F A I ji :S r ID A irO ;:^ E S 1 5 X Y r io B N IN G , A P R IL i8?1989,

' For Publlcailon in.DplK * ..— • TlMES-ond.'NEWe

• KATES rEK LINE I'KR OAY!Six (Uiv*. per lino per Uay....— 12c

------cniltyi71‘« ’ ’ine'P« ‘>“Tr:^»c-


, : j _ _ • .•.urfch.-dlacouni- nllawca IT: ttflvcr. ' p il>jMnuiil.4-la-pirtg*~Tur within -b ■ ..diu'a ol ./iral l|»crllo:».. ■


L05T; Liver niicl whin- mnlo .iprliiR* -or' (>i)iiiil(‘l._l_j-r..-ol«lr Answers to

-G O O D

' • ' POn BALE FOR CA351_____ ''23” rms. nii<l-rcstaurhnt with !arr

-cllDtiiK-toom-aiicI kitoh«n. Cuiix- [ilctcly'funi. Box 3. Ncb'r-TIiiicj.


CHAltia corscUcre. Pjiane JB32'.

WANT rklo 10 >Jcbr. Shiirp .exp

r V g —I W —. -jjvcr I

WANT pnasiiKL- to Pliocnlx,' ArU. ■ Sliiirc. exp. iinil help drive car.

Phono 561.------

- - ....c n i ‘Other people's'jhoca.' but Imve you over realUrtl tUnt they look nt yoiir»7 Shoe repair.

-Hulph E.'Ttimcr. HudMti-Clark'a.

n iE BuMne.w Directory on tliLi pnge

-----n o rou.iiccd-rawotlollfiK li>«vn lumvn • wfiTJow. box, irellb. . scl or wrccn.h olOM-'t ce<J»r*Unecl: iin cx- trft-.cabliiot.-norc)i,_K!aN<(l-ln or

:»T:A-7rLl)alrcd/ l -u-Vu^-do-lU-Fh, ---- .• laM-W. -------

_PERMS.,_wn»;“ Mnr-o-oi1 ahnmpoo. I •• wnvc' 50c. Plj. n47rMrs. 'DciTmcrr*

• !^la Martin. Oracc WctU,

: r

• u ____ BEAUTX_ARTS-ACADEMY___......oil 'Ptrfflnncnta a.v low 'as II.OO;

JwUor-Student wort free. Ptr'303.■ 135 Main WeaL

l-_PnElS_IluscrlR-avea_«n4; marcclg, I - Pcnnnnirntir^SLOO-'uii." Spcc55Iv

nnjer wave-Mc.-EvculHgs.ljy..uB: ,Hoinuneuc:Flionir352."' ....

T in s WEEK-S-SPECrALSt"" _ Oil l>cnn.i.. !a prlcc. Ex>cel>cU COB'

incllcs prlec.~Hot oil shampoo V.. ..rr“ »d flnecrwttYCi^apcelnlJy.-slyleU;-------7Jc.-Mnr-Necl«vHclcn-Witt;'“ '------ 333-w-J>«rrlt»»-B««uly Shop;;--

■ 6PECIAL-M.76 oil perm., S133; -7 . - . others W prlM. Shompoo ond wuvt,. —i— -— comp!~SOc?*-Ott^Bcntonrfonncrlr-{i -—r— of~Or«wfortl‘s*^SitfonrTppcliitirtn5-•iT --------- in Indies hotr cuRlnynaantTBftr'

•-ijet A: Beauty phop, Phonel«34;


s '- ------^aU L fccrilE LP W 'ANTE D -- -----------WANTEDI-. T

si;V NEW CAft 8AUBMAN . ,.;jii_...l<ocaL— QJvn Mp, and rrfercncctl

(Init letter.. Box 4, Neva>Ttmc3.

REPORTEU—Part^lme rof !>«»•«• vuivlee. .Hnndlo.aulgnmanU, |>lio*

_--to«.-Wrlt^-fully.'IN600.-4MMiir. _ket, SU LouU. Mo.

Oil lUshwoy 30; Wrliu -Box 13;

MILLlNERlJlBhop-ln-Pocntcllo tor sale. PnylnR buslnc.w, itc.irty in-

' iitsUcTllxturia—cxctl!

^ J ^ ^ U N F IIR N IS H E D — . - A P A R T M E N T S

UNEUarj..upi;.SM 5lh-Avc.-N.

-F 'U R N K H E n -A I ‘ A im iE N T S

JUBTAMERE.Inn Ph « 8 OusLiTnr

>nlyT 22r5tJrAvc.;B .---- ----

Apta.. SfO 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1005/

- — BaARD^\ND_R0Q51£l^IlM.rboard lf-<!ealred. 103 Main W.

RM,. & Bd. aso otll Av. LXiP.ti.3iaW

-■ -F U R N lS H E b ROOMS

Front bedroom, (uni. ht. sU.aui.L

PBONT rm.n«::5th' Ave. No.

FRONT.. Ixlrm..33(L2a(LH.J!h.. H)?

SMALITHouSerisrMO Adam.1.-

S RMS., m x . 191 Addljon.

•S RMrlcirliotii elecrSW-Tylef.— SMALL 3 im. hOUBC.' Ph. 1142 W.

la n n i Ave. N. O roonw. Juat Jcal- ~eoTntned.'$39-per‘hio.rPeavcyi'nv

berCo. Phone201....

GOOD dean 6 rms., unfum. or pnrt< lyjurnrig; 'flpR.' pbrcli. .Oar. 0 « - dcn. Inq,'2i5 eih'Avc:'N,' ‘


8 jW .. houte. l^Bnrtcn. P i i . J ^

B nn. rt5ffrRtrjrsa3nTTrew5=TtjtfMrONE liOD^^uSnlouie;■ 140 'Wailir

^R^it.-inrdenAu-mo:~Hu|)v Reed. cnd_W(ub.a. Acrow-brldger

. R E A L E S T A T E L O A N S

^PEUERAb-PARM-faOftNS-4'i'tn- ’--ter«t=towe«-rst^lfrnfatoTr«)-tcr

84 yra. Rmj4.B4nli-a.-Tnm Bldp- .LOAjTs at'Jo» intereat rfcte* „

-UQDERM-80USS-tod. ln5lde_ 8UaiNE5S_E&0EERIlES.

delay in cltMlnB. Uiin A. Chapin.

-H O M E S F 0 R 3 A I .E - — !UiYR_£mLiccd_3pmls^h.r-02i>3-R3J,

3 .JEW-J.ROOM HOMES- DuAlrnblc locatlun. 3 tlrcrDliicc.i. r

cteatlon-1 1 lir cacli.-Ru.iily 1

T:xTOtrnoimr«inn.wirT5r7oujT~~ liig Ho».^c:~PXfenuanallv~ Tc___iKMEdJ?ncrtJ'ctj-Ja»---- -T ^ riy ucrw wUh Koort hoiiie.-.Wi —trado-for -acruaK!-’ - ncar-'rwl


Tenns ciin l>o Imd on w'lne '

- tCMvd. podyo. 340 Main a

MARSHACL und Oibson strawberry plani.i.*P;-N. Wa.iUlni:ton school, a . J; Tlckner, Ph; 0-180=33;

NIct: 3-rooni lioitfp, closc in. RcnLi 1—'-JI5.QQ_lligi!ihly. !-rcom Jiniu-'e. ' -1 Inek o[ loi,n-nw $10. Nuiir

lgl> jcliwl. .Only tllQg: tzr.Q

B.room-duplex^elase )n;-Flne-lc*,! 'cutrnij. All mcHfini, sood hir- ilnce.onil Knragff. Only $3(Sni).. ..

I 'ftcrc- iract wli'li new 3*room inailcm homo. Fliililicd ba.\c-' mcni, rtcreaHon room. lumncr.' llrcplocc.* UCOO. good tcniui.

I Nicr 10 nrtf tract- Good 5-mom h o >i s 0— EJcc. _;ilBhU.-»500,- Ternv'. . . . y ' .BEAUCHAMP Is ADAMS


TE W ‘Kliffil'y.i for contrHcL Se« \ '"ror'cerlir.-133-NortliiTi - ’


"Sulk” OAiipEN'^a^DS ------ Iliat ar^tnie-u) vnrlciy,- ■ —^ iiQ c~ M a m "rr in3:3feIP TRE-bllTDSTb'il wSfit ■«rc -jioV

udvertUcd In tliLi column, then ■ «)lvu o’our. probkin.1 by InsertlnB

, nn Vd '<^our_o«tii._.., , ‘ , _____

A,SHTON SEED POTATOES Cerlllled ami' nnccnltlcd Netted

Gem* and Bllw Triumphs. C. L. . rAjhlcj’. X.r.'JSiurl;t Park,.Cob..l2.

• - SEED PO TA TO E SBll.« and RusM'i.i, All dry land, cert .'limd non-certifletr.

■ OC06e ' SEED“ £■ FEED CO. '

fict' Lliio Frame nnrt Axlo Align' — meiitr—whwU—stralgntentd.—cx*.

wrt.body.Qnd fender.work. Auto -gliuji.-p«lnilnB.-noor-iwnd«n for

- rent,-FOSS noDV w o r k s . Opp.— PircJUo----- —---- ----------------

LOANS-tjn fnnna, homes and Twin — EalIa_busUiess_Droperiy.,_pniinpt

Klion'.Swim.inv co;

Coat■j5r.anle._Chaiici’ Motor Co. Ph. 1818.

nave sevenl verj desirable .lots. , Homca built to euJl tho buyer. ~--Jehn-6. Klme»rPh-5C------

—Planing M ill — -|SPECIAL made doors and wlnilows.

Pumlture-repalrlnsrMUI-worlc of- —•U-k!nds.-Twla-P(dla-Lumbfr.-----

m..«uto.-U)>» J«Uer. ghroa 6W.:

-K ey Shop-

Schade Ke^Sliop, LAWI# MOWERS , BHARPENtrO, 130 and St. S. Back[ _ ri-tHflhQ. Department Stare.------

^Vower Service—\We lix-Jnwn.jnoMjcrs-w^thcy-out.

_paiiLahot£3T«IKt<tln_a..£iL.aa A . - MdneifrtorLoan-

W i e j K - e A S H - ^ l^o iu xou K ------------ ^ '


0 red t a p s ___--------->-^ortg^e*

-Osteopathic PhyBicianDr. O. W ROM, 114 MnLi N! PhTOTTl

, Plumbinnjmd.H.eatina~\


- Radio-Repairing^Op ;al_'Dct;Keller*._

Rttdlo SeW. Lab. 859-Mftin WTPT 317

Shoe Repa^inq ■

-T tm e r8 -iTruier'hBtaei'GttnlTraller Co."

Upholstering Raflalsblnc-'*""*-* >»»nf-420.mia-a

He^alHos. fefintshlhg. Crcas St Bru- i:totBniLiHO.aia:SKK.'PlL.lM _



for liOKs;35-MODEL Hurley Da;-|d.',on n

;t ja u lu w lu,— Eh,-' 519.-rwi!v ralijr-»2fl-Bho.- W.

" ' I ' " speciXEu TAlt Brniiw clciwd .unU-G««?rrt; 3

lOlW SWlllsh HvllXt O’lLv Viclrltd'lUl 1)11. jMT ticro lit lb.-i, |Jtr bti,

— inni; h.».-Jcy-iL25.“ inriwRMtr 51-23'ctrr

ln5o53 eondliidn. Cheap. "Ph. 120

3 TON cuwcliyjaciob' nilde trail-

- ^ ; vy: r r a in .fe e d --, 3-R^ . mod. house. 5 iniller hoiise.s. — J2.\l(; kiii.^2-whtd.. iruller.,£20;L ' ■-•■•ivi.V tor J(X! DowiunR

1 blu.k W. 5 P:.v W.

PASTURC forTrnt for-horjcn nnd COW.1. 2‘v ml, S. H.-'german on

—hbrhwayJO, Arlrn-Atlf'n. ..........

SKilAIi novflty b w cablncl, tike _UL- -. GL-nmn-- FrlgUl.itrr runlppi .I.p

Priced -rlKhi. Inrtulre Nclaon’ CuXc.Jlurlta'., _______ ______:

r 100 lu-nd . of cattle.

Pencj. I'll. 225,- Biihlj

: ,L IV E S TG G K .FO R S A I.B ,

•GET-RfeADY CASl! frnm artJclc; you no lonRer need. Use’ thli column tfir profit.

l_Hf':yvD_ii -«tvcr.,piHa..,13 ml..

GOOD milk cow. will freshen with- -In ttctK. H. Pctors, S.’ Locust, —acro!iH,Iroih'J»|^k criiUicr. ' -

T cFs T.-bJd'nicrcrord-a'hfl ur- linm bull*. Will trade. Phone 1773 .Qoid T>'.yaiInrTi -ln'.F.->lI.i7~; V"

ler safe, tmall; Kuttpnal.caih i — •lM«: McKtf.ifcet- nt gBiint-rT'iilitc •Addrcis P. O..UOX U2l.-

MOTOR SPEED BOAt"*^ ■cnmpicterwitirinborfi'iTlnotofahl

2-whccl irniror, I-’me ctmd. Imimn J. T. Uft ■dcn, Blui! L;iki-> Ulvd,/'

STEEL .;p<?si*,..?.'0.vcn__w|rf Jenci, poultry nulling, orniimcntiil lawn fence, omamcninl Bates and flowi

border:NS5tj'S HARPWAI

M'JRESCO Knlsomlne In bulk Buy------t~yoiriiccC:ifriiTirbacK-wli7.t-

yuu have left. W9 loan yoi: brain. Mc.Murtrji^^ouac imini. hour enaipel. fioei^VnS’ Itnoleurh •vamiitjrdnE.’no'rao-Ktjurt'A'mrjir: ttock'of 1030 wall paper.

,WEAI?ER p ig 's BelleiL.i'lUl.-'polVi'l Poland Chli - KsWi'BOOd onto. Call a lt irT ., . -m ,r-‘j-ml,-N;; -H-w; uhri-H'S,:«f —West-5 Points;—.-

-■i(A‘n y c'liicKsBABV- chlcU from Pullorum tested -.-.floctatr compare nocks vflth 'ous-- , ers. Hien order chlck.v Canada

Hawhery.-Jcnjine; Ph. «28-w,-----•ST-AR-Tryour-oliioUn-on-Globe-llA-li! '. chick sinner for bitter heai, J2.85.'


P A B Y CH ICKSl-Noty-^UklnH-brilpr'for ..Fnv. rin'nc ' "

S W IF T 5: C O M PA N Y

-T -U R K E y-P O U L T S ‘ Ifurdy, Mammoth Bronic stock"

W. JOHANSEN ,335 $tl Ave, E. P11.-1492, Twin FalLi- Rep. for HALP-q A- nnUTTKK tnr.. of ------- PclalumaTCiaii:------------

' P O U LT R Y

■SCTTXNCTTtJris, im o h n ' Sehoef;

HlGHESTfprleea-pald-for-your-fat chickens and titrkej's. Independ-

__ent Meat Company,

— W A N T E D -T O -B U Y -


NEW palr.-lrtm' railings for eemei •nii>liMT»ttl)-entHuicc.>h. 1055;"




Abbott, Ph, 05,

“ M O d N - S : :

-0 N E Y £ 4 _V L E F T , ^


^ ^ ^ V A C U U M S ■

won'.t last lonffi Remem-. bcr. •• Uiey' car^ a one year new mucHfiTe guar-

ctiT Dur^iovicmnd-Bcforc-allrtn- jhMniint^bw!frfi^f.runderBnid-— lUile l)\ill sr.-'il'onr,.'

nrraln t ardrleni

............ - .....Ttiauroo .tires HXTc-recapDcrt thronknoui the


apf)ll'.-» ihot.- ilii’Orlrs In .. .'nil love iilfiiir? iirouncl ilic ooun- try and in Mi-xIlo bcfti're ho finally '

Ihc ltirtTC.st n.irr of rrcnp]yi, iirouii;.

Ulcy -ar«- wlw> -Mm-wd-biiyrra- arjd found real v«hi« awaltlni; them

,by r^capplns their-tirrs-ETrrr tire has -the-same-opiwlimliy oiwratln'c- eoSui drflHtlcallyt-t* -nonUruU-aiKi‘w l !5 ^ » « fr j

■have uHllzwlBf facmiies we' ofTcr Wc wolconie your luvesilsntlon.

[-Macninerj- of the-.Mnii'tyiieTUi-DUri- ha* long been u-icd In great meiro- poliuin-cenicrfl,-n-It ie»l-and-proven

, proc ' s which at Kreat .lavlnc-i liive.? rtb.j’pu_5Lrc_l«lIca6C at tlie lowest poAMbie cost. - - ■■■ ■. Our Recnpp<'[l Tires'Merit . Vour, Cjm?. Bemff Worthy of Trial Becausc of-.V-t«rrrt il.tvlngK and'Added Mile of Safely, • •

R r:- ('A p ri;:D t i r e s , in c .


Henry Ktck r ;lcd,Tliur.::l:iy from

biu8lnes.t‘. .daURhur-Bobblor-nrrlvptH^^I

day from Midvale, wiiure .she 1 tciichhiff. to «pcnd ihe week enil.

Atlend Funeral-Mr. and Mn - BJJ~Sharer7necom' brnllier nnd -.Mr.ifr n Mr.i. Robert Reldbn ,

from Mclniyre.. S. D.v shexcr^Jicy, went to attend (he. fuiicml of.Mra. Chris. VUhatier. mother .oT • Mrs.. Shafer And Mr.-neiminseg

t:vmnJuaum^rtJda«_nli!lit:;iAprU-2l. - To-CCC-Canjp.,— EuzencJ^tcOlll left’ Tue-vlBy nljilit ,wltli six boy from Rupert t^^jti^lw-CCC c'umi

, lionoring Mrs. V im Eller.J __Strtrhen—M L« Tflria Uunlcr^Jl'hO•'is ■hltendlnj collcsQjil^padeii.-^as

Inkehjll Wedne.«iday b m tinderweiil a tumof:'aiid. ttppendlx-. openii at- tlie Dec hospital at OSden.

Fleece* - Stojen—T 'cnty-flvd morr-fleeccn -of - u'ool wxre stolen IroSnhc Otto Hopt faiin. taken from his bam -Tuesday nlcht: The Hopt plaec Is t w miles we.it of Paul.- •BUctenl-VlilLv’ -Mclvln Relllrieer.,

I'Mofleow, en route there after «pend-,'

vohobis at Preston, vlslled Friday

“ S H O U v fe E S " '

2 G E N E R A L , — ^ E E E C T R r e S ^

J i a a s ^

V a n E n g e l e n s '^4—



m a a ticat -Eiueugr—: ,MlsnXcHa a t im a.'tt Thomaa, letl^jftctlneMJay- for JIu gene. Ore,. lor a. visit witli iflerids 1

I vlslU-^ward'Dunn,

- f U ltN lT U R E -F O R -S A L E

WASUEU YAUIG'I NEwriDSS'moddrA^lled M3£7: US7-

dowtriias'wkiy;— — -----

Vest of town Tl^ureday evening when tu'Clve frlendi Rathered hon- , <jrlnB;ht5.blrtfiday,-.Thc.ev<nit)i JfM. spent plaj-lncr games and vlslttnt<.‘

Mother nie»-Mr*. Wm,. Rlrtnan. RtponrWlgj - mother- of Pmnfc-and

T^ic 01. tbii. iiiiis‘ ''i-vcn Jumtly"“~ “ H

artprs.,nnd )ic ln*lsl!<=*'Hi«c'6 been.'-. no.aiU'nii)t. i<» I0II0* fulher'# or any oUjcr writcr.'i.iij'lc... 1 liope-lt tiw—

bolster his co’nfldencrbe.Ide. II rlncvrci belief hU maiden

bownnlCTters^uUi'i'fii'alnimiyTsrr—TI1C novel alroiidy has been read.* _

uncl-auiitovodrby-ftfvci-al preuy-ffood-----1erlilr-whh fniher, his molher. who ' ILi u UTltcr..t<}Pj3 nd.lili atep-motlier,..... 1CoHminLii Doroilft:'Thbmpsbn. ' .... ■

In fn:t; 'TSad" thought so'muth~'- of the book.-nie"«ukKCitcd the UUe.-= '-l


nollticx, with a ;ieanlng'toward Ihs •Fusion party "partly throunh adr . miration ./or". Mayor- LaGuiSrdla, partly-beiaviic-l- Uilnk-Uuil-parti'^ __I

n.' rill writ*-' -til.- ldv,'•

' Hut he'i.' In no hurry to Ret Into the^poII2Mil--tKlm. - _ After'liK^ffiVdunllon. ilc *nys •hf^'” wimjfKln ft -iwo-yenr- “adi-enture'* - of •'b-itl'ni: around <hc coimiry. aee'i Imk wliii» mal:e-s America tick. ]carr»i .

ic fvntil.. In rtlffrr^nt __,Tif the countr>' have to say. Und.' .

Iiat li more Important, trying to- . am whai they think." k

U-Thls_Junkct_hc: admlt£;rwns In-.- •spired to .lome drpree by Dorothy - Thompion. and he thlnka hd might find a good waichtowec for lUs ob> -.

;n-allOTui In bfcomlpg a wonder--

place' to place, like hia faliter once

•PerliaiJ-i Ifn too amUiiloua Ift think‘ ofuAiartlna aji a .co!umntrt»?>,i _iw.gri»w!a:E;.-'but_irju>_tne_wii(*'s;S:l

Wells' has tio'-ldea of ailng W»'.“

oir"A Yo{mR” nnr4i T'Anic?= “lc(i." rather— .................. . .- --

" l l simnly will be an apprentice-

serATTintll he linb-vhLi plaeci"-

H O L L IS T E R .- _ _ :U

“ Ttadier«~RceIecIed—Trustees. or._ HoIIlslcr school district met Monday ' evening and reelected Uio-present—V. teaching staff,- -Tltcynre Mls.% Doris-'-. - Dodd.-primary': MIss'Rhoda Pohl- •nnmrintermedln.to-Knide.irJaefc^Mii— ler, sevcnUi nnd eighth grades. _

Vli1t.uiH Stir, and Mis.* * Rosco* Walker of PUer,' accompanied oy-

, Mrs.iOlans^OealW-jmd-ehUdren. ol_____irnl-Emraettrnsitcil-sctmiaynit U im tniwzrrB ,!^nm ifrnnarTJra:' a : ' Er .cmitFeiL—v.^J

' • nrents of Mra._Oentry MdsMnt*—rrB fttiwr—jells'^ iifttrs—wUFspcnd-^^*;?:'® ■eck with her parents. - . - "At niafio 01>riRis—Mr, and.Un -

•vMilne- April 14. hV-thft righ school nutle »tudent<.--m-.the-tcho^-audt-. vv'-B

W«ek-End Gukst«:iiSlr.'.aud.

Mnj fi diand Mt-:-nnfl Mr*.Johni.or K lm BcrO «iit-tho:’TO «X _ii^ end * t Uto homo oI-Mr_and M n 'Cr^agM

L E G A L A D V E R T lS E M E ^ l i

Estate-of-Joseph 6, SbndXordril

4 tlsed 8x12 wool n»«8 >

__ ________ _____ »ltott J r fds.y.-, ^uee^ leU iercby i.t iXuter EKtHant^cmberi.of U » jmdenlfincd .admmlstn._,

fint Bnd'»econd- *T»de*' «n * tbelr. esUte-vof -Joseph- 8r-S»n<«\ictl*-o«tlclDatedJajui-Baiter‘ e « ' ............ .............hllnl ITrlday nlUhto6n. U ls Ahh'Sftiihdcm won ftrrt prise.—MMota-Meet—The-IV'

> srce Masons were enteAAloed stj ) the.Home of L. Hardy. T7io»ejifc:J )• 3en‘ainrweir:Wm.7Mi®»BM,

mbnth* dfter Um 1 ... of-this notice,-to-the-Mld.* t^lrlx at ■ tbo'ofllM ’ o J 'r

1 fued Jo«lhei^UO(0ld-;:iF- .1 used vacuum tw ee p tf-_ _ _M «« 1 used cloetrlc ruice.________18.9!*ph>.«». ■w'mty-M-TiWtr'nf inil. mltwhardUns.which i r t r m be told JM-XTBHTATE^Y. pri<^Ta fjnh

' MOON’S- aroBg -«o. i

) raeringer. H. K . Belmont.' and s. E. 1

1entcrtatned the -Cams club Thurs- I day. >ft«inote.,.ToHow»og.;dKBMt . luncheon two tnblea of. biidte were -

,HBftrir^Mi»r--CUnnce-“ aaanita».- 2 W Dan A n d i^ . t o lM n . H«P7 1

NEWSr.T\VIN;FALLSrlbAHOrTUESpAy JIORNING-APRIL’ 18r.l930r:^~7_;_ : ; : ' i z ' 1 ' '

W M e t ss a i iE a f f l

TiiKSE n s i i HiTr. :- AT MOST ANVTIIING .- XTLANTArApra '17 •CT'p^bpU:'.

ol .NlRhlwntclimi>n V. ll. AUcmson

chim ilip Ijii; 1I1U.A In GrniiL iinrk Inko Uould-. irlkc ‘nin.it iinvliilLik'

Traii8portair6iT~' ' Scliobl I’roKIeih

biHftUoiuriiiv^iyiriBasii'Siioordis^' ’UlcUJion- .n.eUeeL

Fatality List lor' First Three Months tJrider t,asr T"

• SOISC. April n I-Vr—liliilio irim- ; .mcd iLi tml(lc..ajxlilcnL.i'>ll ilnririK

■; Mnreh lo Icnvc It* lolnl lor IM<- V ,- Ihrcc niQntli* of l_a3ft. bcloa- ilmt ol

Uie iinmf pi'rl<xl Ii>aI 5'cnr.ratal'llM ui> lo Aprll 'l ......

compared wiiii..aL for.tlic Hrsi • tlircc monllw of 1038. Hurry 'M. i - —Rayncr, law-ontofcMiu-in. cnmmlsr..

'dnrrHrpOTtttHotinr----- ----------•Fntnlltlcji. for Murcli jiimibcjM

i*"~^nTc"compnrc(l'Wllli 17 for tlieTmmemnnUi_nf_U3fl.

pnrcil-A'lll) It nnil;3 for the, Mime . month.i of 1038.

‘ “ '■'Mhrch wcrt rworclcdln-Hlhnliiini i , countyninl one cactrin'Unnncr. El-

more__and OooUlUB. ..

jnii Twin Fal Is YtnillL -T Z —' ; P liovo , Ulnh, Aprif { r - ML'ric

In wriit nn Atkinson index llncer; •nrlrl;-nnd-mit cnmc n rcrntcUrd

III hKvdlnK- (IlKll IlClUllRlllK '(o-It [iimuT »krj)ilc.

Officers lo Test Lijjlils niid Brakes

■' Slaw piillcc orriei-^ annoiinccd . •Icrdiiy ll'iiV n.irafflc Hnfcly lime would bir .%i:iKi-d on ShUAliotic. xlrccl liljolnlnk Ctiy piirk sometime I:) Die

•_fimirc to clK-clc snfc UrlvlnB appiirnlus nn nutomolJllp.i. > •

Tlve • ■•'latr'-off IcervHtt-o^city ■ pa«Trniini'n nnd ii imunbVr of'lirf ilii'NHfV -fore,,: -.will cwiw(it6~ni—lliv.lule^-..prownm. .. .... ..... .......'~'Trtiiqiori'it.'mnvt~ii6Ut nno bi-rii;c inrppi^Uiiir vi-i UIIliUuI. l.'jucfljiliiriiic" llie. ii:iAt !K) dnyx, thuy will nol need lo drlvr-Uiroimh the limc. officers Mllll,—Official Sintlons'ln Tu'ln' Fulli In-'' elude Union .Motor. Diimord, Atiio_ company. Kyle Wnltc. f'lri'-KJnc. nny McKcaiVs ,si:h'lce..slnUon.-ftiiU

tlly AiKomoilve erviD<■,

■ uujtofc,. Apnr 17 (,T)—Dclore. Ida­ho lia-1 "nny Rrcint mcosurc" of


f = ^ | -

mis.wiTH r t l f - -tW . C. E. RoberU, nMl.ilmil titnte fltipcrlntcnrten'rof prtblle IimniclfofTdi-cluretl today.’. .........' •Wl- IIIU.-.L- imyc «n euuiUlzed plun.

eiito-(or-iho cwii-of- trnn-^ortn- Inn," noberla ftdded.,,

II" He Mid he found on-» recenllj'-. .complrtrd visit to miiny'counUc.i'of tlii'_.’itat(- lncr< tu.Q{l )u con*r.ofiiltitiiin "of amhll" (Ustrlcti'~aii[l' noted tlierc were fii'tcinporary i

-.,_UL-t.U.vou-«r*.«t<m^tiU»..M------ -n«n won't InwrMUU. Mfo ilon'» Uk« -oulti' ............... - •• -

• “ l E J T J S N ’T B J G H t . T J R l N G I T B A O T ”

- / C i l

-Just==:Rec(a^©dtcis ,K ';.; !is r .s tw r iK SMp and InMu <UitnM tram (rauU ruo»' llwtlUlMrUtrv._ .~*-

- - You’ll TtnbbrmVCeDpovad WEU WOUTU TltYlNOl

R E A , D Y - T O - W E A J i . D E P t T : -

In n rcB'ilnr •I'wombly pn BrlRlmm y^iintj iinlversiv

i , \fr nrr,liiirLf.. »m . .iviiiiigm,•panel cll.iciiN.slon • dlvL-.ion- n! me Ulali-Idnlio Jiinlor CnllcKr Si>rprli toumiiment ln»i - week at Brniicli

=.Uiab£--nnd-a Kold-mcdnl ajiU-ciip .b>-..lilm-wasLiirticnKiUo. tiie

aeliooL ' ‘ ''.-In-nUtlltiuii- to-llic,-T>klu_i’»lh.

I ..:, student nine oUicrs utltijdcil thi-’J meet to reprer.cnl ihe lower divWon

» claJutfs ot• . of Morelnnrt. IduHo, winner <it Ha­i r " extcini»riincoUs spcUKliiif Sccntiiv■ ■ - -yVnt^pVi- ^nlpH 11 .Jrn]ll>y-tlurillu..U>o.11 proRrtHn'. OiliiT place winners In- I-:.. .elu'dc: "Ariel Rlckv frralnniiu from tV_ .Jluntln«lon-P«rk, Cnllfonila,‘-win-.

- iier ot second place In the orinorienl ' conleRtr Mildred -Jlursr o f‘STOilcr-

(iOH._T«>)5i(i!i-placo-wlmicr In panel __dlficiwalons:. and LaMirr Kuuerti.en


— .—,MOSco\vnflnnor'Aprin7-T.rj- — ' Afo'uhl Deary wiia In llne.lodiiy for

,4».rotc*t-l3ok iui «Witlon.wJtKti som- .DiAndlnK view of a wide nrcn.

r-------TJUlrlerurS. PorcsC-niifiKer K<f-r".*7Helmm snld- tlle'Dcnry etinmber of If. .■‘commerce 10 nerf!*

' ntop 'the inounlalii.'abto known an , } ’ Potnlo Hill, for .a .autlon. Fljiidn

- ■ iactLht------------ --


Sh o u ld R ea d T i- iis

T O l>-ARli ENTlTLH D -to k1\o\v cxncrfy- tbmagc'to-your new cnr. Te^guaranUc//Ml-you w h a t finaficc 'c ta rg c you arc io -'pay— .u itl g'et cxjcilyjbe covcrase.y>u. pay Jor aud.upt..—

If! fY fif r lv ivtiVr .'nQMr-inr,. r,r- • p‘iy >"‘y »ior<Jor sucf/'iiisurauce tlian tlic-rcj;u1ac. -

car on any’ T im c Payrn'crit PJan. T o d ea rtory in^vhich you li

- F in an ce 'T h rbu ^ i Y o u r 'P c a lc f- ;* —

your complccc .im= ‘j ■ I I • ^ ■ paymcutir.in.'.icfion ac onclinicahd in one pucc."

. and

.cars, o f any m ake. T h is -com p a n );, vv.th „ i , i , „ f ,iS=*p.ymcn. b .jcn convin«--iriorc than $65,000,000, invested _us.fh3cjlm is to your Iwsc interest. It is easiest,_

Ell^ f o l l o w in g p lcili;< :“ to~you :~~qu ickc5t, safcsr ;inJ mp5_r5arisfjcror)’7oiT

Guaranteed R a t e - N o H idden Charges . Y o u D eal W ith L o ra ! P eo p le •

I f TO l , » J k yoar ' . i™ > ) i = n t .rj„s.c'.io„ on..... I " .'•' .. I . , • , , oiler CoinmcrciJl Credjc scfvicc arc operated by • -

yo«r ncv o r o f » y m *= , throusl, y „ r lo c i. | „„ i j iv , , „ idealer, I?? gujrtii/fee iIm I the /iiuiicin^ rale jy3« tt'i/i pay does not exceed $6.00 per ye-ir per $100


- .tascs aud-Spcnc! tlicir money in your community.Tliesc ofTiccs and nuny employes lisv'c local bank—

—ki.wm ra\fJ1ii^ lT5f:^Jlisjfffi^d5"^— an^plut-djargcJor-thc-i»iuiMnce_you_xcaiivi^_---- briiig additirinaj.i’und»-into,.your.commumt>'—Xouj.

' payable in 12 to 18 or, more.equal monthly'iustal- can be assured that thfiy’w ill give you sympatli ••^-tPcnt?VSoTticm~TOfcqoife’« 4'n» l l-c lia f^ fo rfiltn gf^—iiiut-r‘H^~tTCTtiT?CTfr-&;rabfali )'uur t.rcJil iliioirglr

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