EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i...

L iVeioapaper TODAY: -VnaetUed- -Jr;m-FALLSrlDAHOrSATURPA:Y-H.eB«INQrgEBRUAR¥-18rlOS&- N ew - L a w ^M m ds ^ ~ ^ m n c e :^ i(W f & (}^^^i^G hK fs Protest EEDIE'IN BlIIEM tl iiS iifE * f Ambassador lo Gcnnaiiy Says liiter- .iT-T-^iiationaZ-Sitiiatioii Tou-DeJf ' ciile lo Discuss ^ ^ABHING-TQN^Fcb.-i^— AH'-ft-resultr^)f-lh<M^nato-nUUtary. tmHlce'3-j£)ne-3tftniiing-row-;oyer--sccre,trproccedinss;=a:[ lim i&uUiJt;‘of-te3tlmony-t»>t<en^»~*tH-ltfve»tlgftW0iVr0f-Wi«-«ftir of war planes to Franco was made public today, revealing th^t; PrcsldenY Rbbscvcit~ Ravy'lris[rucHon^,thatrn-:ncwty-clcvet-* —oppd warplane bo:^omonstratcd"fdra WcncfrmllttnTjrinisslon}^ He did 50 over Ifie protest of the war depnrtment, and or aVlfiJor General H. H. Arnold, chid of the'nrmy air corps; The aeronautical board of the army and navy, established '~to contTOl the dcmonstratlbn-or sale of jnllltary-plancs-to-for-i elgncrs, was not consullod, . Tlic French mtwlon apparently had prior knowledge of the plane In question, a light bon^bcr, built, by the'Douglas Alr- r<h^fr«$mpany7'::” ' - Arnold was-ftssiired that- the sale of such planes- to.-thc ^ j ^ ai-wniilri-Tinft-bgrp'gcmittgfbtn-dptnyTthc^pendthgiArimln-;- •Istration plane-building progi-am: ■ - - - No military sccrcts were divulged to .the Frenchmen:’' . -^-Itrwas-undcrstood-by^all-Tronccrnett'thar'tTfc'fflcf or the ivlng" * ____ _________ _______________ “ ^he transcript, Includlne ..Icstlmony by_Arnokl.j\dmlral Wlllldm D.._Leahy, chler or na- inson. I Sub-Zero Weather ta k e s Toll in New England; California. G ales Cause .'MAJOn GEKERAt IL II.'ARNOU) . . . Ctilff of the army air corps •prolcUii-PrMlJcnt-nooiicreiri or- der far cletnonstraUflii of a Unlletl .Sinter -----■- ^ AmbftMador Dodiw As si prcMmlnnry-to <)ucstlonliis . Huk:!} .WJton, nmbouaitor to Ocr- mnii>'r.Qji European eondlllo'ns. Uio '•-voM-thnv-'WltHn'Should-M-lipantr wlUi' nov ewn n Kcnosrnplicr, icr . '' commlti«« ftttAcho in U)« room.- ■ - . •• It niilcWy- dcvelopwi; liowcvcr. . to be aii«(IonKt on important nub- . Jccli-.Whcucverji ••pcrilnenf’ ques- . 'lion viaii n^cd. a committee, mem- ber'sald. he'clccltned to niiswer bc-q ” 000,000*tia,YBt*^lr"basc Proliant. ■.•JiiillnB the development or- nfr*X)Ut- lio.M" At Guam lit a cbst of $S,000,D(H>. . naval bnv: on ^Vrnn'sel UltiTitl In tJic Arctic ocoan. norlhwest oC Alaska. ...........JobiLioijTclI* nio, wnaic committcc’ii trnnscrlin ---- ■— sljo«-ctl-tUftt- Johnson-dlselojcd the- - iiiTsldcnf5part ln llicr^nch’trnn.T- . ....-ncUon.—In roply-to-iv-fiUMtlon- liy- Senntor CIarlc (D-Mo.)'a.i lo whvt: U was detennlncd thnt the Frcncli Miovlcl Uie airplane In nuesllon, IlDIWldf - ' • -niVn'iitli^orlzntlOT to Sccrctnry oT :_____ihc preMdenl of the Uiilted-StA(e^ « jn a conference at U»e White House." Captn RrftUS,-w)io‘ liad been-de- Lio_tljo-oro6up .or ttic treuiury department, and ae- conipnnled tlie Prcncli' -mlulon (o ^=^*1CoBUBUt3-oirP»M-3.-CoIUmn-3J~ Rooseyelt Defends nSEEeEoBtipllnei Prance as 100 Per Cent Legal • (By Tlie AA.ini:lntwl PrcM) ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty the-aftle ot-Araer- fl ratllltatc'd^thTtfarisactlbn. Ttillclng with rcpjrters'ln a private.'car-_^ta)clng .him .on the ilrst Idg.or'a southern crutsc.' the^phlct exeoutlv&declined to ,fo'T.’r'r?^..on.i'j^’(7.t"ment that the sale of,meat,type bombers lo-thc.j^ench wiifi made 'over the protest of^Geneml Malln CralEr^temy chief or' staff. When askpd specifically whe- iup«i- vlsetf or.faciiitated.thc transi action, he s'hild tlils'wos true If hU reply ww p'refaccd by.aaylni; Ihc rrciidriiad oil nluolute right lo buy. (hat ttic jinlo wan' 100 per lLANSAPil5 House ComiTiittec'Endorses i-Con(iu) Roosevelt Program WaSHINQTON. Feb. 11 (,V»-Tlic Iioiise naval coniiiiltlce rItniniKd ItA "okay" tfldny on one .of tlie.moat eo»trovcr!iinl parts. . ot President , nooKCvelfs defen.^0 prosmm-ta M2,- l ow.oop-nuvfll'nlr bwe pronram. in- cludlhR aviation facllliles. for -PAclflo'; lMuna:«f rOurm;-;-- . .irmally recommcndlns the pro- grnm lo the.hoiu«, the cominlttce, ejiprcMcd belief that "no other ni>*J .llon,„cnii„ loKlcoUy .9bJect.,Io-niij' Jiallon.lmprovlnit tl>e purely defcn- jea-that-other-nh as provocative the ■proposed expend- . tlur^o^js.OOO.OOO .to..lmprovo .the ;.hBrbor.'and: foclUUca- J^r handllnft 'planea at Ouairi—le.u than 1-,S00 L?kNQA8TEn.‘ Pa,-rSjdney Nopp-fl accident started'in Maryland—and ----- - ended In-Penrjsylvantn, ” ~ It-rn-Penwylv l^ar':----' -- Nalip^amc'oul-ofirwlUraTjump -on ills head—from'a lior.whoe ear- ried In^he'cab for sood'luck. _. _•— PocTcot.. Guide* -crrv. Kti-lrked' -<4{AE^)A7^■Mont.<~A'l^mtt^^spaK Umt beef.- —r-.. 'A^m Iir:U»Y^nttna"le8liilaturf —r — woara-pwnftit'puotsTToirnandJtn'S . pUuie* ."in Bucta 'q moaner as' to -,*i frighten ItreBtoefc.". -A -----.aenator-Roblnson chareetl-plane* Incited stampedes ''have-orten'serl- '' *ffecttf «si TOKYO, Feb. 17 M^>^the United Statca- hfitin Jolnttl- Tr#;icc"'Bnd BrttalnJu_jarallti_D«lon*'C Ju. -cast- today-when-w^mbtuudor ifj^plr^Or-Orcw-ftslced -for -lin 'osi' rttnatioif of Japan^i .occupation ot Kslnnn thfi south China Foreign MhiliKr Hiichlro./krltii re- pilKl tp Qrev In the same-mnnner SI ho had to slmilsrquesUons wlth- ,1iTw lew <uy«';fr6riril»«rPrcn61i- an'd : 3rlMsh.uiba48ador8.'Ot\Arles -Anene lUnrjr-and.air Jlobert Craele.- . . Svo^rx>rji>:cLi; 8 i: FOUND n'EAD _ J,AMAR,'_Colo.^Pcb...I7. JrtVr-An elderly woman who ms,'found rypowre-; 'and .unable to csJI for .hcli),' ineiit faci.lltatrd It. Senator AiHlln. of Vcrmonl.'rank. -Jnir-Rcimbilemi-wmt)crTjr*t!«‘scn; ate mltlUiry commlitee which Invc.v ■HsaUd-ibe_attlC; .rinUI.mtctdaj^-in-l WfuihlnRton that Crali; had told U>e cobimltlcc he Itnd objected to It bn the ground U nilElil Interfere with the army'fl plane tirocurcment prp- eram. ■.(However..’Aualln correcicd.hlni .".elf lRior.- He Mid It wiui noi'Crals I who s#Tc, tlilrtcatlmony.-to.-tho.-co mlttee but otlier array offlcIaU). Teetlmony mnd? public' by Uie committee also dbclor.ed'lh|(t when W ife Divor^ics Silent Partner .. Wb!lCESTErt.-J>ta«.,'-rob, -17- /f1»> A dlTOrcc-xeoktilB- wlfe ieiiUfled to- .diU'-.thnt.for.'.BlxjearajihtancLhcf. husband: -commimleated •• only -bv -;;.DpThe-‘ A«ncJ3trri-P -.bllhglnB cold bescL 'New EnRln{«J-Frlday. •. v— '-■ i'-'' Luniqe.dcanTs .wcrVrcpdrl«l1 -there-.w h-H-e— tcmperaiur<«.| ranged froin' i*.cro In Maine r^nd Massachusetts-to 16 below In Vermont. day .wind storm qvcr southern. California abated after four, jwrMHR we£c. killed, score.i_werc In- jirfe'd and -pro'perly-.wnirclumiiHcil'oiPj /arm.i' and In cities. Otl.^t.^ nt tlmc.i' .aitffi.ne_(l -a vclpgliyjjif^T 'mllrv In uiihanesled fruit, .-;A dowTiward revlnlou In flogd predlctluiui rdlevetl.lcars of Innun.' L .1' Aeeti forecaxter at Cairo.- III.. llRured Ihn crest at Paducah would not ,excced' HO .feet Sunday. If no. iiea^y rain.? fell over' the Teiiiiciipc vallej*. .Tlie Rtage there wa.i -18.1 feel, a rise of Niiliire’s Heat Syslcm Tails YEXLOWSTONE PARK. VJyt' Feb. n. Ml—Nnturc'.i. way < JicaUas-tliQ.houw af MR,-Jack-Cwii?y -fiiil«l. daliirns (hem to stil'ver for 30 hourr and • Uolllng water-fromra pofjfat Uia rcnr of the Cronrjv coitaua , « plfx-rt Into the’ hnii.n’ nmMny>_ ft for'hc.n, Wlien the tempcraturo irnnk to 30 dcKrce.i beloa’ wro. they reported lodav. the level of llie };i-y;.cr' wairr' dropi>ed.l)elow their laiake-olpe, A -fine crol) of siriiiR'bo^it. and oilic:' veKrtablw -lif iiii* grceiilioiuso fro/e before ilie wai- er level returned to, 10j.fJrft_coim3BnlM..I3utUiilon. Chief ^ Mwifll Olane owkHfc^>W»rt«HHwnn-«v electrlenl. short ..circuit.* poiwlbly cau-ied by the hlgbJt'lft'tJj'. He <sll. mated ihe at-$t!5.000. ^ A sudden slilrt lr\ the wind i^itve<l mimy" other. bulldlnBs-'belnic mnv acciUu‘.Ui(LUamcx.butJt.\viL3 JLuu.. dena‘4 most dlaa.Mrgus fire In 15 PY:;OF,FliRS’' aiiNfORGEO War DepactmenTSpokcsman Points.. to-DwiJiajino Veterans’ Ranks elntyJVoodrli lte::iir^ukU-) vcleralis of the World ' necewary the "modemlz 10 army n reserve' forces.- O f 127,000 ftctlve' comn._.. offlcenr In the n*Ru|ar army. .. tlonnl 'Ruard itnd orffanl;!Pd re>ei>’i “le.vV than .22 per'cent hnvtf>v-. •*en;lce-ln.tlme of w»r;":AVbodrlnK lold*U»c'.-neservfl-Offtce'rir5r«cia- tion.ot><lln- er mcctlnjf/ Tlie gradual law of the 'vpteran:i' expeflence.and tlie fnllure of otiier rcMpi-e^otfJeern, t|>ilned since'3D20: to, mnUitaIn-their mllllary eonnec. WIthotii pVoiKMlnir specific mra.-i- res, Woodrlng advised Unit Kf^nler Importnnre bc-glveti-^y^nie-rcserve officers-tralnln? rn^iCT iw i |-Senate-Dccirncs'rtTj^'flei^eal; ioQes 1035' tiT penult sroupfl of- fnrmer.'i and imtiisR-les lo'orsanlzc and p mulsnte "codes of fair’ practice;. AltlioiiRh the.]ncnsure was lermrd Canyon). U-RUlnR for U, lU-i.criod: "I_ilon't ttiink this, (he inoiuter that Is plctjiri^cl by- Seunlor San- born. ' "It provides Iliat any Uiduatry ;jntu-..:.clcctr_ta_Qr 2anlzc:iuia_tirDicet. 'lue^f ,havo taken advanlaKe ‘of tl^ls law and the public has benefited.'' Senator A., M. Derr' <D-Bonner) dd liB suspected-."(tip.juivocatu ot , rpial arc fliaie who do not OKree viUi ccr(Ala:Nfiw Deal tiieorles," addinu: ••Such rcafto:« are superficial." ■MnfltOr. UcoV^inH M ilrJ 0f ^ 0c a T ^ ‘^‘^ ^ 0J^ US huddled be - ................... 'hind the.stoulcst walls. "A ir wUS noise'and - coiTTii. tcllo. declared ilic bill ."was oe- slcncd-tOTJrotectrtho'smntl'Tiicr^ chanLv and others” and'cited the Republican party. . platform pro- .vblon pledqlni; ".'IrcnKihenlnic of, law.'. Ogilln.1t monoixill.snc imd ’ nn. I -fBirn)mcilcf*.V »nil“ S^Uor Alm^ Hanson (R-Teton) said: • •'It tfoutd'be a belrayiil o f ___ ;rn rr]wnt ll»l< l aw - I whwiriiii.*: ---- I Roosevelt Again Assiu-cs Business (i-'.'iiretf biuJnt.'is nnd loUny they had nothinc to fear In the way of new and hcadej;_taM-s or federal spendlnB- oiitslde. budReiao'-'linrtis,.' He also declarcd'thc federal gov- C u t D ow n R o lls Stale Keproseiitalives Voic, U to 13, 4©4tr«H'eas(“ 0n7*^\%rH{i%ii=“ ^— Ily Tlir __________________________________ _ :p~.BdlSE:;-Fi‘7?.'riis=jl<ii-6oii5^‘wh^liav'grJiaidedr-in;:JdahO-lcs.r.~.-ZiJ bUi I cs -direct- rcilcf rolls If a .measure approved by tlu' o'f rcpreficnt’a-:. tlve-s today coinpletc.s its trni'tjinMiyh-aiu^oKklatur fr ^ d-lar Ih'ecTby'iQovernor C^'A..Bot(nlf.scn.'' ^-r-- - ' ‘ At prcjjcnt a one-year rc-sidcncc rof|iilitn)ciiL'-ls demand'od- or direct relief applicants. ' --a^ie•^)fH.=firlroduced-by-tlTa-l\o^^^c'■^^l'alY::irrhh=.vc6mInltl■ft:* WiiJi pa.s.'icd.-’lUto 13. and now goes to tiic .jtyi.jl;;.. ^^4maTn=H31H^tE^^anif=difcctw=uFSfi^W.... .... . as,si.staiicc. .said In an Interview hO; wa.’: unable to.e.sUmate the # ■ , number ofjjcr.'sons who would be nffccled b^ p.'cjwge of. the' r:.i "iSlcasucQ-but' IcrtnVd""vcrv. vorv-iiliornl'^-lhr nredlct'' ' U-Kootoiiai) tlint from 3,lli Lt»n'Ani> V. CVR. Jr. .. . Kuolrnal rrprrnrniatlvr.-pratnlrfi luelr - ...................... ..........- pi-rinn* . „‘ho liavc nat” ^ n|110l roll.-S,. ... ........... ......... resided iii.iduiio fnr.three jears.| Child snid Uicijlll wou.!d make no Changes ]nTcsldcncc rc- |qulrcmenta.or.persons-nowrc- ccivlng;Ol<l-ngo-or-bllnd or de- . By American Womaii ri»n Missian—€l«Hi*mai fJeviews Occupation of Hainan '»j- ’Hie A.-.-soclftti-d Pre.w) . --«0KGK-eN<JrPcb-17----- The-Ur>ltcd-Slates- of the Japanese occupation of China's vast Hainan Islandrran eye-witness account wrUten for The Associated Pres.i by Mrs, Davld'Tappan ot Los- Angele.s, wife of. the chali:man of* the Pi£Atr>ri:i1an mlsslon’on'Hainan. “On February-tenth.’.’ Mrs.-Tapp.on whotc.-"wc awol In Klungchow to the sound of bombs exploding, planes whirflng; nnd.. mndiltte«guns— raWlntfr'' ' ' ‘slon until n?»oni when our radio I'Pleked up Honskonsr. brondcnatlni: an announcement.that Uje.Japimw :.werfr^antilnl^on'JtItl^Im^T7^fa'iii^ miilt filially sarc way to the~nnn- btliig of (ankA and tl^e tramn <ii completely equipped Japaner.c 'Evcr>-UiniR. hiCludlng loils^lcKned j hoiiida. ..iuVf J vuili pivCi,sloii.-tX’i'i'y-* 'one apparentlj' knew Jiist.where to go, Chlne.'G soldlers evaporated bi- lo Uiin air;.' We theil understood 'that: Japjincae plane* which had been fJyhiR over tlie clly during the prcvlous.i«vo-weefcs.had-bccn.jflio- fogra'phlnR and obsen-ins the luail, , nilnute-a«UiUCin"i)iTp,»faIIoir'for| I'thc landing'. ' ' '•Tlie landing wa.i «<arTled off wlihput a hlieii.-^rapty JttpanMC .stretclienuJuUlcttUxl-an^luwice-of. aDju-yoa.or-aoveioiH«ent%'=Min(FRnrf- ihai- fear.1 on thb. score on the pari of private' uMlllles were Kroundle.w and had been for n year and a Jialf. —Notiilng. tJiercfore.-should siand ln .’4lie-way->of-thc::now-er ,ho1dln's coniiimircji'ihlcKralinff .Iffelr .-rysiems' under-tlic uuilly act and-iiolng nliefl<i.-^lh.alI.TTrlratc-cnttartjcUon: ^:in.iiJ9.A(lbncK^ii^P9 or lialled bifore oufr t ........ - ............ RtUes and wrote In the diat In Chtne.^^ char- acl(;ni.a.ikmg tiie whereatMuts of the m m i HOOBPPRDVES -^liCK-C-ONTRflt l-,Extends=Pr.U.CrrRGgula- Additional 2 , 200T\ 1achines- BOISE. Feb. IT-Wh-Tlio houio of rfprcscnUUves-apiirovcd. today' meiiMircJ,cxleiidfng_coiitroI_of_U public utilities coinml%.slon lo an.l estlniatetl, 2.200 tmek.i now opcr- ailuR only wlUi commercial llcen.ies, The bill, which now bocs to the I senate, \t’ould' reftulrV-T.Q.C. tier- 'niEASURE ISLAND,. Calif. Feb. buildings, of tlie- bay area tonight cm ,scienceetli* ObWen"afttc ■'cjcposiUon bn 'Ihe eve of f.&.-.oncfiinsL^--. of »>eck-fonff emlUng InvUlble, rays,-.; to. give ThiiaufrTHinitr-amiEnsiomu-^ ,1umn*tlon.'--*' - ^ “s~ A photo-eleclrlc ecll, was « t ' Iiv Bombayr-lndls.-e.OOO mlles-dtoUni, ta 'pick up a bit oT noonday suni ir(fnt~mer 8 T«inarchantr"lt^lnto-;« wlreleM signal-that .would throw U)o switeh on TKftiure Island.- , ‘nie-llBhUnj,e«ftmony. embraced • • i^hs. nearby^ .“^B-JJ'^thdC-beAma-Ilaalied., V p lffu ^ Mid reflected llgiit from 1hesfr-p(wcrniin*fflii5^ftth‘« “ [ir” ,wnoie.6f;-Trcosurc IsJoSd.. Hundreds.ofc-t-bJacle'. lights tubes, cnu^g;, cxpoUlion--waItar-murals. courta and sututes to glow In.ap- ,^^“ -Or.palnt«..t;traer..llieaiiflucncc prwe. ttyx-thc paint gJowa-brlin- M tly. Its-colora and sluides vat^'tog WW^^C'to thb mlxlurrs.'. ’ .^ils. system-u-as -used -ln-tbe •ipHnrirrinnrtf'frtns'^rTntitiir In Uie. court of Ihi Seven Seas, one Of thp major divisions of Uie ex- ^ t t o n , and seveml smaller units death In Uie iCotUgo' hosplUl wlUi a fractured skull, following an ni tomoblle accident at Oj>. iji_.ionlgti “ AnT3HiOri3nnJiire<l.lA..Uie. •' farming-comiaunlty near Burley. .Confined. In the hosplUI besides ' -Mi'rOar-'--” -------- -------- . .Jnie.Jightlng.flystem-iiseA.etiough. elecu-lclly. to supply. the..ordinan tt-ants'ora"cICy'5rW>T(l4o pop'uiatlon ;Expo«ltlorr ;offlclals.-reportlnB't -veo' heavy- lttflui-of-ivUltors. ex- ,pcft£d-Tn:a4ureilalaiid-ta:'bc:»ome. ijilpj_ more thmt n city .of .. . .pjjjjjjp ' ferlng Internal, and -back - Injuries. ■—Oranrcntn^JbrtrnoTTT-sonrvllft' .bruises. . -.. neleased. jUter trwlment Vcre; -Mr.-«nd- Mrs;: Sanford-Campbell. rbo-suffered-only^mpc^HcWntJ- Jurles. fttld, Donald' OOmpbeU. ig. Hi-O.-Bottorff. J, Campbell; who WM'oiUy slightly .irould_vlslt.:Uiie^lttnd.'.during—If. first Jloj- and.nlght ot-opcrattan.,-,, *rhe gates wlll,«pcn nt 8 n. m; At 10:30 a. Ri. Governor Cuibert L> Olsonlana oUi'er officials'will' sffrt Uie tolUsl.ceremDnlei.,In-th«.’»(-' All w-ere riding In a car diiven .l .ljr,J..-C«npb6»,-«ld:8heT«f-P-.-l Jaciw--'-- — ....... jlng from'Key West,'Fla..,wlll close 'Uie official p^ram. - The expqslUon conceived ’i^e.aceldfcnt. oscuired roboutitwo mii.rj].j^t..and:tT V ^ e s JKiaib:a£ Durley on.a secondary rood-.wheil; pie-CampbeH-.fn|iehtne'eoUtded at KTintmccttotrwtJronr drt»eirby' Junls Duke, Bheriff Pace aaW.' . Bottt caww-ertumWwturnw I M«iv uiv uuumcuou - .rtglooU. Iw o-.g^. brldffi and ogrlcullur(U, product-i, The house vote was'39_Co. K. , . .nep.^06car_W_Oarrett-(R-Uoti: .• ’ ®.';UJ.*’ '-®*j5ber of the. public ulill. 't!c^(yifihiUce;.that:iiitn)duocd ;the , to the public." pncp;., r^ ils ) said, lie believed the measure '•SOS,."ft,ilcp -la.uiiTljniadlrccUom iruck*-can-oome-rlsht-to -OTrrtloor and pick up tni‘ farm produce." ' Rep. .1.' A. Handy (O-MlnldokaJ ■5 . ’(«lc-coiiniy. social j.ecurlty program. Pre.ifiii laws require that tlie aged' ' and blind must tiiwra lived In Uils Slate.five of-Ul^ = IIIR Ute fUlue-c Sl.000,000 A Year the fed . sute and. coutiUp approximately H.000,000 annually. In December. 1038. a typlcaf , month. 8370 aged received JISI.IOI;.- ■ployed needy.'»W,33B. It was onlj’ the lalter class that^' was affected by the .bill passed to- ‘• “V- ''I,..'.' Tlie reclpienU and tlicir depend- cnta.tcial about 50,000.. ... The flcnate-spent most of tlit-dai’ 17th'of Uie seaslon—In a caii- - •mtt-pnESJlTonTJiree meaiufes befwc ndiounilng; tlie house acted on M«n_. .^iree ncw._meMure,s_Vcre Tnfroduced.'”^ ^^idnft;>,Bninat.j>assago-'’of:.Uio-re--^-- • "It would.affect 3,000 or <,0»pe'r-’ sons wiio, unsuspectingly.'would be . cu^aff relief rolls. In the dead of ' "I want.lo warn member,i of'Uih house if you pass this bill you'rtfgo- 'tn(rto-run-n 8 iiirsnuriftTiijic=aird- lou of It." Blamen Jlaehlnery Rep. .Thomas D. .Wood, iD-Koot- enail also opposed the measure, w „. I <k.t .».« ...... unemploy- _ "Tljese men." he bdded. '•are un- necessary- ond never again will be ' necesaarj-. Are'wc goliig.tocaSttBent— out.lftjBtan-c?l_:j -iJJoUi Cj'c_and_Wo( :..pohiUd,.io,..^l I the pursuit of happi- , M#Jo.r!kHooricadec.Ea'oaffnej^— r(R*Clearwatcr),icbair«air of ...the . stAle affairs C9mmlitee. said WoAli- ' IngtoarOregonrMcntana-wd-Ctfth-^ all liad-nsidencrre(julrenjentfTaore,‘;‘.‘‘^ ;| -— ‘-.uianidnijoa». ______ _____ ••■ '■ bill doesn't.deprlvp anvpi;^; .GuBs!-Salc-of- -330iSE;” Pebr- i7-fJ^i;e8lslaafe~ leaden said tonight four bill*,, deal-.' Ing wlUi liquor, probably would be' DE^ERS-TG-DISPfeCt- ^fln FMls Implement dealerg opemUng In staging the second nual Farmm' Congress here Febi ruary Mrannouneed-afler-a-n derwayto pUca prmcii J t r fn.iy..................... streela. iu'tflLlbcjnofltjnfld: it.deUen'jJiD'.Toied^ to send ft commlttwto contact ye-, tallm Bnd;c*fea.--«)lWtJnr:tiijPP0rt| for"UwwTrots“Itet*UcwTiittTooD«i rrate by, cntettitfnlng tirme i i n t I :fq7ri>ee.Twln':3^,’tu a tf .ud(tl

Transcript of EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i...

Page 1: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

L iV e ioa p a p e r TODAY:- V n a e t U e d -


N e w - L a w ^ M m d s ^~ ^ m n ce:^ i(W f

& ( } ^ ^ ^ i ^ G h K f s P r o t e s tEEDIE'IN BlIIEM tl i iS i i f E

* f Ambassador lo Gcnnaiiy Says liiter- — .iT - T - ^ iia tio n aZ - S itiia tio ii T o u - D e Jf

' ciile lo Discuss ^

^ABHING-TQN^Fcb.-i^— AH'-ft-resultr^)f-lh<M^nato-nUUtary. tmHlce'3-j£)ne-3tftniiing-row-;oyer--sccre,trproccedinss;=a:[

lim i&uUiJt;‘o f- te3tlmony-t»>t<en^ »~*tH-ltfve»tlgftW0iVr0 f-Wi«-«ftir o f war planes to Franco was made public today, revealing th^t;

P rcsldenY Rbbscvcit~ Ravy 'lris [rucHon^,thatrn-:ncwty-clcvet-* —oppd warplane bo:^omonstratcd"fdra WcncfrmllttnTjrinisslon}^

He did 50 over Ifie protest o f the war depnrtment, and or aVlfiJor General H. H. Arnold, ch id o f the'nrmy a ir corps; •

• The aeronautical board o f the arm y and navy, established '~ to contTOl the dcmonstratlbn-or sale o f jnllltary-plancs-to-for-i

elgncrs, was not consullod,. T lic French mtwlon apparently had prior knowledge o f the

plane In question, a light bon^bcr, built, by the'Douglas Alr- r<h^fr«$m pany7 '::” '

- Arnold was-ftssiired that- the sale o f such planes- to.-thc ^ j^ ai-wniilri-Tinft-bgrp'gcmittgfbtn-dptnyTthc pendthgiArimln-;-

•Istration plane-building progi-am: ■ - - -No m ilitary sccrcts were divulged to .the Frenchmen:’ ' .

-^-Itrwas-undcrstood-by^all-Tronccrnett'thar'tTfc'fflcf or the ivlng" ” *

____ _________ _______________“ ^h e transcript, Includlne

..Icstlm ony by_Arnokl.j\dm lral W lllldm D.._Leahy, chler or na-


I Sub-Zero Weather takes Toll in New England; California. Gales Cause

.'MAJOn GEKERAt IL II.'ARNOU) . . . Ctilff of the army air corps •prolcUii-PrMlJcnt-nooiicreiri or­der far cletnonstraUflii of a Unlletl .Sinter -----■- ^

AmbftMador Dodiw As si prcMmlnnry-to <)ucstlonliis

. Huk:!} .WJton, nmbouaitor to Ocr- mnii>'r.Qji European eondlllo'ns. Uio

'•-voM-thnv-'WltHn'Should-M-lipantr wlUi' nov ewn n Kcnosrnplicr, icr

. ' ' commlti«« ftttAcho in U)« room.- ■ - . •• It niilcWy- dcvelopwi; liowcvcr.

. to be aii«(IonKt on important nub- . Jccli-.Whcucverji ••pcrilnenf’ ques- . 'lion viaii n^cd. a committee, mem­

ber'sald. he'clccltned to niiswer bc-q

” 000,000*tia,YBt* lr"basc Proliant. ■.•JiiillnB the development or- nfr*X)Ut- lio.M" At Guam lit a cbst of $S,000,D(H>.

. naval bnv: on ^Vrnn'sel UltiTitl In tJic Arctic ocoan. norlhwest oC Alaska............JobiLioijTclI*

nio, wnaic committcc’ii trnnscrlin---- ■— sljo«-ctl-tUftt- Johnson-dlselojcd the-

- iiiTsldcnf5part ln llicr^nch’ trnn.T-. ....-ncUon.—In roply-to-iv-fiUMtlon- liy-

Senntor CIarlc (D-Mo.)'a.i lo whvt: U was detennlncd thnt the Frcncli Miovlcl Uie airplane In nuesllon, IlDIWldf - '• -niVn'iitli orlzntlOT to Sccrctnry oT

:_____ihc preMdenl of the Uiilted-StA(e^

« jn a conference at U»e White House." Captn RrftUS,-w)io‘ liad been-de-

Lio_tljo-oro6up.or ttic treuiury department, and ae- conipnnled tlie Prcncli' -mlulon (o


Rooseyelt Defends nSEEeEoBtipllnei

Prance as 100 Per Cent Legal •


'T —Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty the-aftle ot-Araer-

fl ratllltatc'd^thTtfarisactlbn. Ttillclng with rcp jrters'ln a private.'car-_^ta)clng .him .on the

ilrst Idg.or'a southern crutsc.' the^phlct exeoutlv&declined to ,fo'T.’r'r?^..on.i'j^’(7.t"ment that the sale of,m eat,type bombers lo-thc .j^ench wiifi made 'over the protest of^Genem l M alln

CralEr^temy chief or' staff. When askpd specifically whe-

iup«i-vlsetf or.faciiitated .thc transi action, he s'hild tlils 'w os true If hU reply ww p'refaccd by.aaylni; Ihc rrciidriiad oil nluolute right lo buy. (hat ttic jinlo wan' 100 perlLANSAPil5

House ComiTiittec'Endorsesi-Con(iu)

Roosevelt ProgramWa SHINQTON. Feb. 11 (,V»-Tlic

Iioiise naval coniiiiltlce rItniniKd ItA "okay" tfldny on one .of tlie.moat eo»trovcr!iinl parts. . ot President

, nooKCvelfs defen. 0 prosmm-ta M2,- l ow.oop-nuvfll'nlr bwe pronram. in- cludlhR aviation facllliles. for

-PAclflo'; lMuna:«f rOurm;-;--. .irmally recommcndlns the pro-

grnm lo the.hoiu«, the cominlttce, ejiprcMcd belief that "no other ni>*J .llon,„cnii„ loKlcoUy .9bJect.,Io-niij' Jiallon.lmprovlnit tl>e purely defcn-


as provocative the ■proposed expend- . tlur o js.OOO.OOO .to..lmprovo .the ;.hBrbor.'and: foclUUca- J r handllnft 'planea at Ouairi—le.u than 1-,S00

L?kNQA8TEn.‘ Pa,-rSjdney Nopp-fl accident started'in Maryland—and

----- - ended In-Penrjsylvantn, ” ~

It-rn-Penwylvl ^ a r ' : - - - -' ■--Nalip amc'oul-ofirwlUraTjump

-on ills head—from'a lior.whoe ear- ried In^he'cab for sood'luck. _ .

_•— PocTcot.. Guide*-crrv. K ti-lrked '

-<4{AE )A7 ■Mont.<~A'l mtt spaKUmt beef.- —r-..

— — 'A ^ m Iir:U»Y^nttna"le8liilaturf —r — woara-pwnftit'puotsTToirnandJtn'S

. pUuie* ."in Bucta 'q moaner as' to -,*i ■ frighten ItreBtoefc.".- A -----.aenator-Roblnson chareetl-plane*

Incited stampedes ''have-orten'serl- ' ' *ffecttf «si

TOKYO, Feb. 17 M^>^the United Statca- hfitin Jolnttl- Tr#;icc"'Bnd BrttalnJu_jarallti_D«lon*'C Ju. -cast- today-when-w^mbtuudor ifj^plr^Or-Orcw-ftslced -for -lin 'osi' rttnatioif of Japan i .occupation ot Kslnnn thfi south China

Foreign MhiliKr Hiichlro./krltii re- pilKl tp Qrev In the same-mnnner SI ho had to slmilsrquesUons wlth-

,1iTw lew <uy«';fr6riril»«rPrcn61i- an'd : 3rlMsh.uiba48ador8.'Ot\Arles -Anene lUnrjr-and.air Jlobert Craele.- . .

Svo rx>rji>:cLi;8i: FOUND n'EAD _ J,AMAR,'_Colo. Pcb...I7. JrtVr-An elderly woman who ms,'found

rypowre-; 'and

.unable to csJI for .hcli),'

ineiit faci.lltatrd It.Senator AiHlln. of Vcrmonl.'rank.

-Jnir-Rcimbilemi-wmt)crTjr*t!«‘ scn; ate mltlUiry commlitee which Invc.v ■HsaUd-ibe_attlC; .rinUI. mtctdaj^-in-l WfuihlnRton that Crali; had told U>e cobimltlcc he Itnd objected to It bn the ground U nilElil Interfere with the army'fl plane tirocurcment prp- eram.■ .(However..’Aualln correcicd.hlni .".elf lRior.- He Mid It wiui noi'Crals I who s#Tc, tlilrtcatlmony.-to.-tho.-co ’ mlttee but otlier array offlcIaU).

Teetlmony mnd? public' by Uie committee also dbclor.ed'lh|(t when

W ife D ivo r^ icsSilent Partner

.. Wb!lCESTErt.-J>ta«.,'-rob, -17- /f1»> A dlTOrcc-xeoktilB- wlfe ieiiUfled to- .diU'-.thnt.for.'.BlxjearajihtancLhcf. husband: -commimleated •• only -bv

-;;.DpThe-‘A«ncJ3trri-P -.bllhglnB cold bescL 'New

EnRln{«J-Frlday. •. v — '- ■ i '- ' 'Luniqe.dcanTs .w crV rcpdrl«l1

-there-.w h-H-e— tcmperaiur<«.| ranged froin' i*.cro In Maine r^nd Massachusetts-to 16 below In Vermont.

day .wind storm qvcr southern. California abated a fter four, jwrMHR we£c. killed, score.i_werc In- ■ jirfe'd and -pro'perly-.wnirclumiiHcil'oiPj /arm.i' and In cities. Otl. t. nt tlmc.i' .aitffi.ne_(l -a vclpgliyjjif^T 'mllrv In uiihanesled fruit,.-;A dowTiward revlnlou In flogd predlctluiui rdlevetl.lcars of Innun.'

L.1' Aeeti

forecaxter at Cairo.- III.. llRured Ihn crest at Paducah would not ,excced' HO .feet Sunday. If no. iiea^y rain.? fell over' the Teiiiiciipc vallej*. .Tlie Rtage there wa.i -18.1 feel, a rise of

Niiliire’s Heat Syslcm Tails

YEXLOWSTONE PARK. VJyt' Feb. n. Ml—Nnturc'.i. way < JicaUas-tliQ.houw afMR,-Jack-Cwii?y -fiiil«l. daliirns (hem to stil'ver for 30 hourr and

• Uolllng water-fromra pofjfat Uia rcnr of the Cronrjv coitaua , « plfx-rt Into the’ hnii.n’ nmMny>_ ft for'hc.n, Wlien the tempcraturo irnnk to 30 dcKrce.i beloa’ wro. they reported lodav. the level of llie };i-y;.cr' wairr' dropi>ed.l)elow their laiake-olpe,

A -fine crol) of siriiiR'bo^it. and oilic:' veKrtablw -lif iiii* grceiilioiuso fro/e before ilie wai- er level returned to,

10j.fJrft_coim3BnlM..I3utUiilon. Chief ^Mwifll Olane owkHfc >W»rt«HHwnn-«v electrlenl. short ..circuit.* poiwlbly cau-ied by the hlgbJt'lft'tJj'. He <sll. mated ihe at-$t!5.000. ^

A sudden slilrt lr\ the wind i itve<l mimy" other. bulldlnBs-'belnic mnv acciUu‘.Ui(LUamcx.butJt.\viL3 JLuu.. dena‘4 most dlaa.Mrgus fire In 15

PY:;OF,FliRS’' aiiNfORGEOWar DepactmenTSpokcsman

Points.. to-DwiJiajino Veterans’ Ranks

elntyJVoodrlilte::iir ukU-)vcleralis of the World ' necewary the "modemlz 10 army n reserve' forces.- O f 127,000 ftctlve' comn._..

offlcenr In the n*Ru|ar army. .. tlonnl 'Ruard itnd orffanl;!Pd re>ei>’i “ le.vV than .22 per'cent hnvtf>v-. •*en;lce-ln.tlme of w»r;":AVbodrlnK lold*U»c'.-neservfl-Offtce'rir5r«cia-tion.ot><lln-er mcctlnjf/Tlie gradual law of the 'vpteran:i'

expeflence.and tlie fnllure of otiier rcMpi-e^otfJeern, t|>ilned since'3D20: to, mnUitaIn-their mllllary eonnec.

WIthotii pVoiKMlnir specific mra.-i- res, Woodrlng advised Unit Kf^nler

Importnnre bc-glveti-^y^nie-rcserve officers-tralnln?

rn^iCT i w i|-Senate-Dccirncs'rtTj 'flei eal;


1035' tiT penult sroupfl of- fnrmer.'i and imtiisR-les lo'orsanlzc and p mulsnte "codes of fair’ practice;.

AltlioiiRh the.]ncnsure was lermrd

Canyon). U-RUlnR for U, lU-i.criod: "I_ilon't ttiink this, (he inoiuter

that Is plctjiri cl by- Seunlor San­born. '

"It provides Iliat any Uiduatry ;jntu-..:.clcctr_ta_Qr2anlzc:iuia_tirDicet. ' lue f,havo taken advanlaKe ‘of tl ls law and the public has benefited.''

Senator A., M. Derr' <D-Bonner) dd liB suspected-."(tip.juivocatu ot

, rpial arc fliaie who do not OKree viUi ccr(Ala:Nfiw Deal tiieorles," addinu:

••Such rcafto:« are superficial."

■MnfltOr. UcoV inHMilrJ 0f ^ 0c a T ^ ‘ ‘^ ^ 0J US huddled be- ................... 'h ind the.stoulcst walls.

"A ir wUS noise'and - coiTTii.tcllo. declared ilic bill ."was oe- slcncd-tOTJrotectrtho'smntl'Tiicr^ chanLv and others” and'cited the Republican party. . platform pro- .vblon pledqlni; ".'IrcnKihenlnic of, law.'. Ogilln.1t monoixill.snc imd ’ nn. I -fBirn)mcilcf*.V »nil“S^Uor Alm Hanson (R-Teton) said:• •'It tfoutd'be a belrayiil o f___

; rn r r ]wnt ll» l< l aw - Iwhwiriiii.*: ---- I

Roosevelt Again Assiu-cs Business

(i-'.'iiretf biuJnt.'is nnd loUnythey had nothinc to fear In the way of new and hcadej;_taM-s or federal spendlnB- oiitslde. budReiao'-'linrtis,.'

He also declarcd'thc federal gov-

C u t D o w n R o l l sS ta le K e p ro se iita liv e s V o ic , U to 13,

4©4tr«H'eas(“ 0n7*^\%rH {i% ii= “ —

Ily Tlir __________________________________ _: p~.BdlSE:;-Fi‘7?.'riis=jl<ii-6oii5^‘wh^liav'grJiaidedr-in;:JdahO-lcs.r.~.-ZiJ

bUi Ic ’s -direct-rcilcf rolls If a .measure approved by tlu' o'f rcpreficnt’a-:. tlve-s today coinpletc.s its trni'tjinMiyh-aiu^oKklatur f r ^ d-lar

Ih'ecTby'iQovernor C^'A..Bot(nlf.scn.'' ^-r-- - ' ‘ •A t prcjjcnt a one-year rc-sidcncc rof|iilitn)ciiL'-ls demand'od-

or direct relief applicants. ' •--a^ie•^)fH.=firlroduced-by-tlTa-l\o^^^c'■^^l'alY::irrhh=.vc6mInltl■ft:*WiiJi pa.s.'icd.-’lUto 13. and now goes to tiic .jtyi.jl;;..^ ^4m aTn=H 31H ^tE ^^an if=d ifcc tw =uFS fi^W .... .... .as,si.staiicc. .said In an Interview hO; wa.’: unable to.e.sUmate the # ■ , number ofjjcr.'sons who would be nffccled b^ p.'cjwge of. th e' r :.i "iSlcasucQ-but' IcrtnVd""vcrv. vorv-iiliornl'^-lhr nredlc t ' ' '

U -Kootoiiai) tlint from 3,lli

Lt»n'Ani> V. CVR. Jr. . . . Kuolrnal rrprrnrniatlvr.-pratnlrfi luelr - ......................

..........- pi-rinn* . „‘ho liavc nat” n|110l roll.-S,. ... ........... .........resided iii.iduiio fnr.three jears.| Child snid U ic ijlll wou.!d make no Changes ]nTcsldcncc rc-

|qulrcmenta.or.persons-nowrc- ccivlng;Ol<l-ngo-or-bllnd or de- .

By American Womaiiri»n Missian— €l«Hi*mai

fJeviews Occupation o f Hainan'»j- ’Hie A.-.-soclftti-d Pre.w) .

--«0KGK-eN<JrPcb-17----- The-Ur>ltcd-Slates-

o f the Japanese occupation o f China's vast Hainan Islandrran eye-witness account wrUten fo r The Associated Pres.i by Mrs, Davld'Tappan ot Los- Angele.s, w ife of. the chali:man of* the Pi£Atr>ri:i1an mlsslon’on'Hainan.

“ On February-tenth.’.’ Mrs.-Tapp.on whotc.-"wc awol InKlungchow to the sound of bombs exploding, planes whirflng; nnd.. mndiltte«guns— raW lntfr'' ' '

‘slon until n?»oni when our radio I'Pleked up Honskonsr. brondcnatlni: an announcement.that Uje.Japimw :.werfr antilnl on'JtItl Im T7 fa 'iii miilt filially sarc way to the~nnn- btliig of (ankA and tl e tramn <ii completely equipped Japaner.c

'Evcr>-UiniR. hiCludlng loils lcKned j hoiiida. ..iuVf J v u i l i p ivC i,slo ii.-tX ’i'i'y -* 'one apparentlj' knew Jiist.where to go, Chlne.'G soldlers evaporated bi- lo Uiin air;.' We theil understood

'that: Japjincae plane* which had been fJyhiR over tlie clly during the prcvlous.i«vo-weefcs.had-bccn.jflio- fogra'phlnR and obsen-ins the luail,

, nilnute-a«UiUCin"i)iTp,»faIIoir'for| I'thc landing'. • ' '

'•Tlie landing wa.i «<arTled off wlihput a hlieii.-^rapty JttpanMC .stretclienuJuUlcttUxl-an luwice-of.

aDju-yoa.or-aoveioiH«ent%'=Min(FRnrf- ihai- fear.1 on thb. score on the pari of private' uMlllles were Kroundle.w and had been for n year and a Jialf. —Notiilng. tJiercfore.-should siand ln .’4lie-way->of-thc::now-er ,ho1dln's coniiimircji'ihlcKralinff .Iffelr .-rysiems' under-tlic uuilly act and-iiolng nliefl<i.- lh.alI.TTrlratc-cnttartjcUon:

^:in.iiJ9.A(lbncK^ii^P9 or lialled bifore oufr t........ - ............ RtUes and

wrote In the diat In Chtne. char- acl(;ni.a.ikmg tiie whereatMuts of the

m m i


l-,Extends=Pr.U.CrrRGgula- Additional ■ 2 ,200T\1achines-

BOISE. Feb. IT-Wh-Tlio houio of rfprcscnUUves-apiirovcd. today' meiiMircJ,cxleiidfng_coiitroI_of_U public utilities coinml%.slon lo an.lestlniatetl, 2.200 tmek.i now opcr- ailuR only wlUi commercial llcen.ies,

The bill, which now bocs to the I senate, \t’ould' reftulrV-T.Q.C. tier-

'niEASURE ISLAND,. Calif. Feb.

buildings, of tlie- bay area tonight

cm , scienceetli*ObWen"afttc ■'cjcposiUon bn 'Ihe eve of f.&.-.oncfiinsL --.

of »>eck-fonff

emlUng InvUlble, rays,-.; to. give ThiiaufrTHinitr-amiEnsiomu- ,1umn*tlon.'--*' - “ s ~

A photo-eleclrlc ecll, was « t ' Iiv Bombayr-lndls.-e.OOO mlles-dtoUni, ta 'pick up a bit oT noonday suni ir(fnt~mer8T«inarchantr"lt lnto-;« wlreleM signal-that .would throw U)o switeh on TKftiure Island.- ,■ ‘nie-llBhUnj,e«ftmony. embraced

• • i^hs.

nearby.“ B-JJ' thdC-beAma-Ilaalied.,

V p lffu ^ Mid reflected llgiit from1hesfr-p(wcrniin*fflii5 ftth‘« “ [ir”,wnoie.6f;-Trcosurc IsJoSd..

Hundreds.ofc-t-bJacle'. lights tubes, cnu^g;, cxpoUlion--waItar-murals. courta and sututes to glow In.ap-

, “ -Or.palnt«..t;traer..llieaiiflucncc prwe. ttyx-thc paint gJowa-brlin- M tly. Its-colora and sluides vat 'tog WW^^C'to thb mlxlurrs.'. ’

.^ils. system-u-as -used -ln-tbe•ipHnrirrinnrtf'frtns' rTntitiirIn Uie. court of Ihi Seven Seas, one Of thp major divisions of Uie ex- ^ t to n , and seveml smaller units

death In Uie iCotUgo' hosplUl wlUi a fractured skull, following an ni tomoblle accident at Oj>. iji_.ionlgti “ AnT3HiOri3nnJiire<l.lA..Uie. •'

farming-comiaunlty near Burley. .Confined. In the hosplUI besides

' -Mi'rOar-'--” -------- — --------

. .Jnie.Jightlng.flystem-iiseA.etiough. elecu-lclly. to supply. the..ordinan tt-ants'ora"cICy'5rW>T(l4o pop'uiatlon ;Expo«ltlorr ;offlclals.-reportlnB't

-veo' heavy- lttflui-of-ivUltors. ex- ,pcft£d-Tn:a4ureilalaiid-ta:'bc:»ome. ijilpj_ more thmt n city .of .. . .pjjjjjjp

' ferlng Internal, and - back - Injuries. ■—Oranrcntn JbrtrnoTTT-sonrvllft'.bruises. . - . .

neleased. jUter trwlment Vcre; -Mr.-«nd- Mrs;: Sanford-Campbell. rbo-suffered-only^mpc^HcWntJ-

Jurles. fttld, Donald' OOmpbeU.

ig. Hi-O.-Bottorff. J, Campbell; who WM'oiUy slightly

.irould_vlslt.:Uiie^lttnd.'.during—If. first Jloj- and.nlght ot-opcrattan.,-,,

*rhe gates wlll,«pcn nt 8 n. m; At 10:30 a. Ri. Governor Cuibert L> Olsonlana oUi'er officials'will' sffrt Uie tolUsl.ceremDnlei.,In-th«.’»(- '

All w-ere riding In a car diiven .l .ljr,J..-C«npb6»,-«ld:8heT«f-P-.-l Jaciw--'-- — .......

jlng from'Key West,'Fla..,wlll close 'Uie official p^ram . -

The expqslUon conceived

’i^e.aceldfcnt. oscuired roboutitwo mii.rj]. j^t..and: tT V ^ e s JKiaib:a£ Durley on.a secondary rood-.wheil; pie-CampbeH-.fn|iehtne'eoUtded at KTintmccttotrwtJronr drt»eirby'Junls Duke, Bheriff Pace aaW.' .

Bottt caww-ertumWwturnw

I M«iv uiv uuumcuou -.rtglooU. Iw o-.g^. brldffi

and ogrlcullur(U, product-i,The house vote was'39_Co. K. ,

. .nep.^06car_W_Oarrett-(R-Uoti:

.•’®.';UJ.*’ '-®*j5ber of the. public ulill. 't!c^(yifihiUce;.that:iiitn)duocd ;the

, to the public."pncp;.,r^ils) said, lie believed the measure '•SOS, ."ft, ilcp -la.uiiTljniadlrccUom iruck*-can-oome-rlsht-to -OTrrtloor and pick up tni‘ farm produce."' Rep. .1.' A. Handy (O-MlnldokaJ

■5.’(«lc-coiiniy. social j.ecurlty program. Pre.ifiii laws require that tlie aged' ' and blind must tiiwra lived In Uils Slate.five of-Ul^ =IIIR Ute fUlue-c

Sl.000,000 A Year

the fed . sute and.coutiUp approximately H.000,000 annually.

In December. 1038. a typlcaf , month. 8370 aged received JISI.IOI;.-

■ployed needy.'»W,33B.It was onlj’ the lalter class that^'

was affected by the .bill passed to- ‘•“V- ''I,..'.'

Tlie reclpienU and tlicir depend- cnta.tcial about 50,000.. ...

The flcnate-spent most of tlit-dai’ 17th'of Uie seaslon—In a caii- -

•mtt-pnESJlTonTJiree meaiufes befwc ndiounilng; tlie house acted on M«n_. .^iree ncw._meMure,s_Vcre Tnfroduced.'”^

^ idnft;>,Bninat.j>assago-'’of:.Uio-re-- --• "It would.affect 3,000 or <,0»pe'r-’ sons wiio, unsuspectingly.'would be . cu^aff relief rolls. In the dead of '

" I want.lo warn member,i of'Uih house if you pass this bill you'rtfgo-'tn(rto-run-n8iiirsnuriftTiijic=aird-lou of It."

Blamen Jlaehlnery Rep. .Thomas D. .Wood, iD-Koot-

enail also opposed the measure, w „. I <k.t .».« . ..... unemploy-

_ "Tljese men." he bdded. '•are un­necessary- ond never again will be ' necesaarj-. Are'wc goliig.tocaSttBent— out.lftjBtan-c?l_:j-iJJoUi Cj'c_and_Wo( :..pohiUd,.io,..^l

I the pursuit of happi-

, M#Jo.r!kHooricadec.Ea'oaffnej^— r(R*Clearwatcr),icbair«air of ...the . stAle affairs C9mmlitee. said WoAli- ' IngtoarOregonrMcntana-wd-Ctfth-^all liad-nsidencrre(julrenjentfTaore,‘;‘.‘ ‘ ;|-— ‘-.uianidnijoa».______ _____ • •■'■

bill doesn't.deprlvp anvpi; ;

.G uBs!-Salc-o f-

-330iSE;” Pebr- i7-fJ^i;e8lslaafe~ leaden said tonight four bill*,, deal-.' Ing wlUi liquor, probably would be'

D E ^ E R S - T G - D I S P f e C t -

^fln FMls Implement dealerg opemUng In staging the second nual Farmm' Congress here Febi ruary Mrannouneed-afler-a-n

derwayto pUca prmciiJt r fn.iy.....................streela.


it.deUen'jJiD'.Toiedto send ft commlttwto contact ye-, tallm Bnd;c*fea.--«)lWtJnr:tiijPP0rt| for"UwwTrots“ Itet*UcwTiittTooD«i rrate by, cntettitfnlng tirme i in t I

: fq7ri>ee.Twln':3^,’tu a t f .ud(tl

Page 2: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

m m

E D w a E iw o :; T \ T O P A IIS - N E W S 7 T W lfr y A ’ L t3 ,, ID A H O ’, S A T U R D A Y ilO U jn N G : .rE B S U A E Y IS , 1080

a w M■-Dolialil-Wllklns Suooumb'sfo

■ ' "Injuries at Rupert ^ i _ -:.HaspitaM—

nUPFJlT. Pcbr n — Donald Wll kliu, 30, Paul CCC j'OUlh, (lied At

. laduy. ni the 11111)011cencrttinHospltni .slniioura-altcrrhB

•• had bc<n- erwlied - beneaUi JJio ::-wh«'el.iof« tnicW. • ' "

AVltneues-o( tlie 'secldcnt sa , T-thafWUlctii8 wn* fltandlnc-behli F-“ ri'tH« -tniclc and unlondlnu clny-^ jr v ta c In rnWns Uic banks of;thc

canal, three mllea west ot Jlcyburn.- =^— The-youth did noi^tw )ho tTuek

. U reversed- and. was Icriocked ^ doiyn, falllBp 'under’th t. whecU of ^ iho.vBhWc.iJ::-.:. - i - ~ r

. PtJlovr empIo>'e3 of the yoiinc man nuhed bfm' to the CCC indhnnry nl Paul. After preliminary trea'tment,

■ 'tHo'younf »h«n.Wfts ru.ihcd“ «n h e ’ •*' Rupert sdneral hoiipltnl, where death

occurred.The aeeldent occjirred at

Friday. ., . Wlllelai enrollcft in Uic CCC corps

- -.from Bridgeport. Illinois. ........ -T ie body rests at' the Payne tnor-

m mvencs ■ ift'eblorado——

N ex t-Y ca r^

reelected president of'tlio Amerii

thejllnnl-Mssion of-(he orcsnlM- UOn's 42nd annual convention hen

' todky. and Col«rada was chosen the " n state for next yeai

. ...iveiilloh wlUt 93bptlon of reaolt -,Uons, one of Ihem In oppo»lllon*t<■ .tht; Pntman t«■ l^ore congress.

record u opposed to all "unjust i

/diminish the dL^lhuUcn of a •tuna.proaucts.” cDeleffalM-ordered a-copyof theli.

. nttman blll TesolutJon sent to each member of the ways and mtuis com- mlttee.whlch now Is.consldertnc tlie

.and faster distribution of beef products- througU. present normal

• channels U desirable." '. aeorBa.H..DavU of Kansas CUy,

mod 8W ^ . u^Hl

'vTOnt* of Bovemment Into buxines:

' '^ e-to ld -th e delegates In-Ilia ~..- dress that ai. sUtea now. tlx tftllle prjcu to dealer, fnrnier and con-

• C ^ e r and “It.Di a short step.from milk to _ ^ rf ln- UuH.pfofnii

*O FFil!S-

^ • '-^ tc rw ay ' mu.if at nil Umes'be pre- >S'. pared for Immcdlnte rrsumpllon of ^ ,1 wnr^ttoo—rwiKinslbimioB-^thoiit-

imtlclpivtlon or hope of rnrjy n/uilsl* ance from the hom6land.

■£^\.--'“Vfe mail. • therefore.' corwlrfer, these two ot'crseas garrinon* M<day .Onoblllrjitlon day) defensive flo-

^-t»«ntsi;Llkcwiac.-the-armr-alr-corTw;'44 la .true of l]lt'pf>vy. miut be an IZZn3I7dey.'."irni .of.Mm.flshUn;-fore(«—

/; >Al.|lay both In per^ojnirl tcriel. • In the event of a mnjor

jv,'; fmersency wbfrcln Is threat

•.•'Diit,’na always In hl.ston--j«id__ this, has. been- rapcalr<lly-(l»mon-

ir: '-fltratert tn Eihiopin'; In' Chinn, "lii •i; -Spaln ' diirlne, rceenl. 'yeRrs—Ihe„;^.-jiround:4orc<^=*lll^onpmiite llial ».-• decWlve-.niHHnr>- clement 'apon •V .Irtilch will hlnifo eventual vlcloo’ r -Tn-defenf.---------------

, 400.0M.:if nd^untHy.nrmcd. equip: _ped-.BUd-tralned-to-aisum8-lu-M.

•dax roiponsfbmtlcs. wc bellevtf will —be-Bufnelenlly-MronR to- permlc-th(

^J-llMu0.jinnIe.'i‘ 'ns..thc profccUon of the United Stales may require."

. --------•-•Offfeers* Task. O^aniratlon and training of the

r-----eitltcn»soIdler . rtlnforccmentu arc

■fervc offlocra. lie siilci."j StryslnT the cradun.l lu.. .

' pwM-hiir Vr * ' ------ . - * -

^ —]parlencc,-i

• HOfretary snlci'thftt of OO.QDO crnd- -— -uai«u:HjH!e-lPM.:'6hly‘ '50,000'‘ • * nottvcly jiartlcipatti In mllltaQ-

house mlUtary committcc. rcferrine ■::Hothe.row In consrc** o«er sale of.> •varptanes'l»-PMince,-iold thLJcd r r ’jicnre-ofn«ra7B£™faYo?eii:3ciilu6^ •' planen'Cnfny nation, prorlded It.was------------------- unrtirri irt'Tin rw g

*~-waflng war without-a formal, dec- ^i^laTBUonjmBdB'lt-more"Tltal'-th8n' 5r. ; ii^.irtfftre iwrr thtf prc'


^ftht the tecofnltioa oy the S^n 'W naUdnallst

Son ConvaicKei — Dclmar Jw l;ja£iiflrayiiw:;i3BUUr.-VJJS2a>ln.hlg,mother. Mra. ncriria Tool. 4«iuriic<l mis; .week . frdih-" Bolsf where she ■waj'calledrby-lila lllnws

Taiidltlon inipruTf*—Friend* wen Infurmed.Utal Mr>. Wltilfral WiltC' Twad'U hipUBr3?^vcrtni' irom‘ at llliifsi flt' her linme, ISS Rnmsge

~ltei^jM ' rroti) 1'orltntid Landwi. returned jeslerdny from! Portland, OrcKon^where-iw-wcnl early hi the week to transact bust*

------------------ . — _ Mrs. .M,J.-DOcrr. Jlsler of Mrs. Tlmmiuoii. relnnwd-j-csterday-to^thelrhonie-ln Bol»,—They -wrrc' nccompnnlcd 'tiy Mrs. .Ooerr nnrt Jlntighter. .Nike, | U< UUpend-«he-Wcl tnm;‘:~ :

vc» for 'HoUe—MI.NS FIl.............. ibiiuch hB.1 ncceplcd a ponl-tloii wlll^iilw Kito Compftiilca;jid.- jiistmeni biirenii. openlng- ;ncw•^J • flee In Twrii'Falls, won,.. Slic" will lenve this weck»cnd. for Boli,e to

the routine, | '

IlPlurnliig to Ailiton—Alter ; ,ttiii; her Inther, J0I111 l<. Irving,:lie past month. Miss Bdlth Irvins

!4a-reUirnlD* .--Buiitliiy_lo. her. Jtome In Asjiton. . . • . - ■

— Stodents-Enrell—Mtsi'Flom-Ofrr- kerr-Rr-R. -Johnson' nnd .TCennetl Rude, of Twin'Falls, nnd Vlmlnln Blandort of Kimberly are new MU' denUjr£8iatercd_at_tiie_lKln_Bttl; Buslnc-u unlversllj', ;____ ___

Leatrnc . for 3 ’Ml — Mr.t. M.. L Rleke is 10 leave, the middle uf th< week fdr. Kcmtiicrer. \Vj'o.. .for n IKO ot-Direc .week’s vl.ilt with jcla- lives. She Is going by way of Aljcr-

md Idnho FnlLi where she win

~AmnraittA rarlner-TOhtrWrao. den* and John II.. Yniile. are listed as proprietors of Sodeii. L'lcctrK contpanyin a-ccrtlflcate-of trade

-fll«l - h ................... - •Pfills county recorder yesterday. Mr.

Farlaiid;.u)Btiaser..ot.U)ejneii's. de- ■jiartmcnt-of the Idaho •Z>cpatlmenl- ilore<-has*reiunied-(rom a-bu>'lni( Mp -which took him to Minneapolis, St. I/)Ul8. Kansas City, Chicago, at.

the east and south.


High Tribunal"SEAfnt.B, FeSTlT f-T-) — Sho'ulil President Rooievolt appoints Sen* ator Schwellenbnch iD-Wash) to

lupreme. court of the United

ronnressinan this -week — le would place on-the high tribunal me ot the most consistent New

I Deal supporters. ' •[—Sehw«Het»bneHr« ne'Hme-ricw i bny nntLfnmifr InW.tiiiomcy. haa.n. •ecord ot votlnBl virtually'100 per:ent for the a ...............v tew. measur. ......leiw Bpon which fricf,_- vt\s commuted otherwise.

Supported Court Ultl jnie,..WnaHlnglau-Jlminr-^e. upported the supreme court nnd'

................ .............. .............. nnd-

.’oted for. the president's recent re> lief fund recommendntlon—all pro- posala-defeated- by-fl-eomblnnlion-^rRepublicans and'Dcmocmt-i:---------

Rep. Martin F. Smltlvof,

;hls week he was "reilnbly infornicd- by a—justlee-department-offlclnl "Uul Mr. Roo3e;-el( would nomhmte Schweilenbach to the high court." Smith,told repoj:^rOip_Lin<lCgi:cry. reason .to believe" Ills - informant"knea’ wnat he wn.'t talkliig_____

i 'fPfhTf'.r'iiu -j ' will not nominate a piicce. sor to Justice Brandels until alter he re- .turns from his pr»«nt. southern crylsf.

, . WprW U’ar Veteran , —Schwcllsnbftoh,— wii«-iK>rn-ftt Superior, Wis.. and cnjne west wiUi hts pSrenu- to' spoknne;- -wnsh; He told jihuer.Vlo flnnticc l1i &cliooltnc ifter his' father died In 1908, . }lc worked his way throii;h the Univer­sity of -• WashliiCton ■ law»t,

[ aerred-ln-^c-World-war-att?r hlij

|rtlPB-hefp3n-nnnrr-— '• ;---- ------His lawl .firm .represented labor

unlons_ns_wcll_ns IpdlvKlimla. and. corporatioiw, nnd It wnn. in union lltlnatlon Ihnt 'lie first fiMneil a rrp. ulntlon .for_hnvincJilbcrnl-lenden-'Clrs;-'- --- ------T-. i-;.'—;-

Defeated for the ' Washington I'inocHitid^Hrovffrnenililp—nomlna<- 3U-by-OoVr<Clnroi){>«-n>-Mur(4n-ln-

4013. Sshwclienbach went to tlicU. s._fennle-hlt._flrsl_and_oiily.public olfice—In 1C31._ScliKellc:ibaclilvotc3jor_the_tol'

iny in ais lerm were virtually his --ily- deviatloiw from adminlitra. tion supporl.

Sehwellcnbrtch mnrrled -lils secre-

T om iwChinese had . pinnted In eweet

polatw, levelled* It' oft nnd had

cdhtras’t with' tlift nMuraiice JUduic/.ol .Uic Japaaeae. iS u .

Tappatj,. wrote, the Chinese, com­pletely aurprlaed..wcfe.patilc*8lrldc- cn, flocklne inlo the mi islon com­pounds at Kiungchow nnd Iloihow -'Mthout-ercn-'Stopptnr'to-coilect their belon'glngs.or tojnfce fboiL___

siir-Dow.v sTniKEENbs , ; EOOEWATER. N. J_ m . 17 (<T)- A-sll^o»a.strlkitwtiktv-hod-Ucd

Sheo MUL dIvUlon of the Aluminum •Company. of_America ended toplght IS Jipproxlmatify 300 workmen cvac- i uifed-ihe rlvcrfrinit pTinu.

Ileturn to Uolse —'Mrs Roy

hec.JduUcx~Mbis-Acheiil>auch rc- ci'tlved her Irnliiinc nt Twin I-';ill* Buliieu university. . . ...

Alle unfr -Nlpl.. J..3I. Swiillifliul'Mr*. R. K. SpntfoVd hlivi turned from Boise wl.erc they called'by the (leatTmrMrsrS'mirs'l sisiw.-Mrs.—Lcna'^ludglns,', Tiipy were n'ceompaiilfd home by Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ilollz ot Gcncvii, Neb.' .v,hQ_wUL.vlslL..a.-Iew_tbi's_til_lli{

>'hiu Kamlly—Mntificw L. Dsvlno r WiublnBlon. D. C. Is visiting Ills Ife nnfl children nl Ihe homn nf Ir. dnd Mrs. A. H. Brnllsford. He li

»on-ln»lnw, of liie-.Bmilsford'sT;

.hinl^soiiUi...- .oT;Dntlmie" r tuur ur~»a’ipec=i of PWA personr ’ ‘


r. (Csntlnued troin California, said he t plane.-i


bomber comparlment v cerned, it was pracUcnlly compartment,"., he snld.'' "Tlifrc mldit.otmight not have.been aJeiv.

filsht .t)'i>e iaitrumrnlsJIif.'

Brazil Lo Yoiilh’.ABOARD ndos'eVElA’ t r a in

ENROUTE TO KEY. WEST. Fbc. 17 Wl.-iPresldent Roo.*,evelt declnrert today Brazil held out. a wondertui

seeking new livelihoods Ic nonjlo.,rcnson!i. -

Me told ft press .coulcrtiicc iiboird . hta train tlie huge South Amerlrnn- •country'hna'on^of' tlw groalcst fi..... dovelonmenta In the world

.. ..:uentAmericans to go there to liv(k

in repli, to. a nue.-itloii.......... -...jnlsatlwi j>l((n#T»nd'beciidbcits.ied' nt yeMcnluy's confc^ciicc In Washington between the presl-

nhn nri .Lilian foreign minister..................

__Mr.. Roa^veit. sald'niih .subjecthad not beeif dlscii^ed with Arnnhn,

. but thnl he would .nay Brazil ot-{md:chanc(Lfoi

I V I u F l i u i g i r T a r i n

. ~ G r b 1 j j r t o 7 I V I c e liRnr beet iirotcrnm for 1£>1»

if Tw.'hi Fall* at th# nieatliig of .the MurtnuBli American Fnrm Bu- .

!nl c rn Tr?■l■7 Ton'tflTy; Fclii'tiiiry 2CF*j • war, nnnoiiiicfd yesterday.Tlie ir.eclInCr i^l'Ret imdenvny at

I thebuilding, John W. Noh. rnrm BU' tnu seerela^-. announced. , •] ■ iryniiii I'ickclf,' MiirinuRli; direct- * jr of Uic. Twin Fnila County -Live- ■took.- - Bsiocliitlon. -wlll-dlseu.%t ihr coDperatlvc jell­ing agen!?)'.

All.lntere-slcil fiirnier> nre’ tirjcd lo ittend the meeiiag. Noh siild. - •

i - c a n i s = i v e m a n F

—" -111 1 M eetMcmNSVIU.E,.Orc_-Feb. 17 Ml

■—Ten.teani.v rctnalncil in-a regional. ■<Jibale meta uiLlntiPld collegchero totlny- afler ,vvni rounds ot coni- ■iMIiloii ‘ .............—TIicy-wei-j>;-CollCKe of-MnlKvCnld'- weil, Idaho; Collesc of Pujct Sound, ZTacoma:.Wasiilnstaii-Stata-collese,' University of R«1landj„ Cal,-; Pacific uillver-'lti'. ..Fst£iL_arflvc,_-Orc.-j5,........................... Ivrwlty—Si..... ............................Linflcld COlego^tZ te.-ini!!!.

In dlvblon A for women Uie su' vlvors were Unlver.ilty of -RedlandJ nnd Pnsadenn eolI<^.

■•KlAn n-» Wai*'0'orRedi(inn?rniifni'nriiiitr\viiir ,mail coUpkc-. W.illn Walla. Wash.—:-|

" TOon bi.LiftJieltl'(3 learnsU

Division 0 ; Whitman. Pacific uni'! verslty (2 t<TcgCW.- tei ,

;-|-^imd-(S-tfBm’ )-- . . . .. T»'cnty*two colleges, arid unlver» sUies of_»i^-cst_had teams eptered,'

Tayloiijftecliuei ----- ^P-.irbin-ProbfrBOISE, Jeb..17 -- ReprescnU;

tire Tra J. Tayiar'—fU-Je'ffcrton' asked lodny to be relieved of serv^


. . . icDl funds. .. .. _Soeakct-iUIton.Horsley..(R-Carl'. bou) linld he pi'tibably would appoint anmhcr“incml)«r ‘ tom6rrO»’. Prom- TJcntlr-Tflentlonedrwas“ Reprc3enta* ' “ ve’Amokt.witilHm-(D-Mndlson>r^{

other house memWrs are J6hn A. I Rasmussen <R.clark) Aiid Arthur

, Wilson (R-Washlnglon:—SMint««-|-''...............

ind J, E...-Sncida),

R. S, prb (D-Ne* Perce) _‘Wllliam-i_fRrBlnBhnm).-._ J ,

.Tliey.niet to.organire tonight nltl) Senator HolJ. as tUolrtnaii.-.... “ •

118B .-JffijCEESSGast' Wi111 FburjNfytMcm

bers Present's Modern.= ^ i z e d ^ l a k i i s p e a r c "

Uutorc a full house nnd ........preclatlvp nudlence the Junlor.class oC.Uic.Ta-tn'FnlU'hiBh school ngnln

'pnrndp<r Its drnmnilc.talent.'last tveninfi wheu-ihfl plfly.-''As--you' Uko It on Skis," was presented fora-second time. _______• aene'Hnrrinftioh won for nlm* flelf-(he-t^tle '*^^ri^•.■Wls^■ Mickey Roonle." when-he', for the second time drew the generous applame for 'his 'clowning performance :as Snm Touclutone, gng arllst. . . -.AU.tho-close'pf-the-ployr-Mlks-; .Florence: M.. Rres/ nulhor and-di­rector. cofflmcnted. 'Tltis is my first extierleiiee in rKclvIng applause li the middle,of scenes nnd'on exi

who brouglit a burst of nppli ter some-keenlr-lnierprctoii-ntoog- ln g ;J ^ i Bnlley whose good h

|j?££t»'itcovc.Ltt%b--wore. baauUfully goivtted Add caiMbI}'.por(myed cheii

In a beautiful sceije representlnt- niichlji ..ro9iji_nl_Chnlleugcr..lmi .at, Sun Vfllloy, Hairy -Beiioll.-acUnii uiaiter.of, cercBioiiles,-cftll^-fof

i Barbara. Sutcllff.-Another

porformnnce. •. PoilowhiK tiie pliiy. forty of th .acton's-nnd. helpers-wltil-thclrrdi rector,.Miss. Rees, slaged a. tl^caler party nl -Wniy'fl calc. .Each took ,patl in a round-ltible entertnlniiient 'Sfo-apeeeiiey^taJteuylpmuihe.-rplay;. .Koiigs,'Impromptu tnlks, ’and' fui ‘:oj£. ............

n u u 0 1 LI lu U l\0 LO

of nny relief," lU-p. W..11. Detwellei.IR-Jcronitl. declatcd.-—__________

"It provides that the 'person on public-..iwslatnnce niust be s deni for llirec year

None Cora llu

DIsciLi.sing Ills- cruLit planit. "the nrciildunt raid he dlU: not know, ex.- 'nHlyiwriire tlfeV cniL'9r''noiislbh‘ would take him from Key :Wcit, where he embarks tomorrow aftcr-

somr of the fleet the Pnnnmn canal.

people from coming Into Idiiho.■ThLs will c ' ■

_-ry. No one - death:, ia-thliualal

- riw toincwe did g bctierji-.-tlU^ ._Llilll'"TCltwf

Fiad-thls federal aid. At Ifa.M ‘didn't, make j» rackct out ol li prior to six yonrx ago..••We're Jii>t tryUiB- to ,

stnndnrd.1- now so that I'-feoin now wc may not luiv

Voting nRainsf.Uti: blil were Rep. Kenneth Alien tD-Blalne). R ,'L. Ander.'on- <R-Bingham), teonard W. Anderson <D-Klmote), F, M. 1— l[ric7^^11Wock")r-K7c:jL'yf:jr,. (D-itoote«al). Ben Flnkel (D- ic ivb .-J_ 0u)--01ecd-tD-0uclda)., J.-A. Ifandy (D-Mlnldoka), John D. . Paine (R-Owyhec). Dr. J. D. Shihiirek-fD.Idalio), Ed'T>lcr <D-' Gem). W. W..Whltlow JD.Adam.1). Tlioums B. W o^ (p-K<^cnai)_._

Lake).. Ira J. Taylor 'iD-'Jcffersqi. . Emmett Donahue (D-Custcr). C.

rwrtnitrjr.—(R»Uncoln)-nnd-tJoyd- F. narron tR-Camns) were nbsent,

•All others voted,for the bill. ' Senate Aetlon

. The -.>cnate. on the motion ot Senator J, R. Field (R-Adamal •rceon-ildered'thc-^-otc-br-whlclTl. pa.vied yesterday n hoine-npiiroved irieasurB-tluit.lwould-pcrm'Lt..couhlics: to -ninke nn nddltlonal levy of .3 mills, but more tlinn a total of 10 including levies already aUlJiorlztd

|7or school purpoifs,' • • - '■ The hlirwns'lmmedifttei>'"Mnno'

Senator Philip , RyansJioii*>-1oldrzHie=tciiait_________thnc-• the'' school ' e<iu61lzstIon” ’law dldJiot operate In Sho hnne county


refu««l 'bv fepeni ah net of JW5

which i>ermitted vnrloit. industrlea nnd fffrm nroups to CJtaWlsli code# of-fair.prncllee, nWliough Senator- - f-flllhnrti


■o.'oaed >£ino^tlc.r-_- Tliriu&cant^Uica-: ftppmwrhm in~T

_toSUfi}0&Q0E.-N„iC ,:Peb,J7 Chnrle.t Holloway, 27. a wrest­

ler who had toured the NfV Mc^ioo jlteulL-foc-jKime-tlme ,iinr1f^ tJie name of Iben Sleem, died in a.hos- jitjil tQ.nlBht_j3f_liguriej _ suffered wlieiT7«ie-automobile In which he

•oup or:wre ller.' were-rldlng- letC near Hot Springs earlfcr

= S ^ F ^ O U = F E E L = S U N I t

MUB4. Ut lU who)*l»lp h'tlun buU upBsntetlly i

Why oolTitrn

ud (}t«


New County- Afi:ent

D. T. POLlNaBROKE, for IS years

nty~at-Raxburg,^will7as-|sume duties as Twiir Falls____ogent Mareh' 1. He replacts liar vey-S. Hale. _________ -___

M O S ll

.Uia-£ttucli-jnlalau..acidtliie_pixinc,i, 'he replied this was done nt the

Mr. Roosevelt received .reporlern lod.ij; in the observation comunil- mcnt ot:lils private cor.“ lt was his first press copferencc in more tiian a week. Ho showed little signs of having had the grippe, buLsaid hi:wmaiHll B-lit*le w « i k ; » ---- - -•

Altaeks .Writings

foreign affairs, he attacked wrllln;i. by civlllhiM»who set Ihrmwlves itiJ IS aua.-:l-iinval nnd mllltao experts ind'feca-thB'pcopIe'iRlintTie'c.Hli '


NEW. YOMC, Feb, IT.OT-Tlirlce-

-------.Vlf‘o" ' nrnvfcl • n 'best seller,looked ,forward todiiy--...............marrtnge confident thnt olie would find hnpplnesa •‘ "mbrB'lmportant- thao nhy. carcer-therc ti." . . .

Co.iter Schermeliorn, ''lltcinrj igent. hns'asked her to be Ms bridt

n i R ia | m i t'D lS trld t^A T tV rricy .'^A rou ^

^ ^ S tb rm ^ b y -S t ig g e s t if lg ^ - j

'Muyder M6ve:“1-NEW .VORK, Feb. J7 f/PHDUtrict, Attomfy.TliQmfti.E-DeKa:capped.l n tons nnd aeid'Cross.examlnatlon tWar wWrtlis 'aiiggeillcoMlint-clty MagUtrate Hiilon Chpshaw. ri .de- lchsa.wilness.-ln-uic-scc0nd p^lcy- raekel trial ot Jnnier, J. lline.i, might TiavB' wantea -to'TtBve-Tr'polti

Capshaw c^ed out an nnsrj: *li nial nnd defense lawyers thouted demand for a mistrial, which Judi .OhBries-CrHolt.-Jrrrniilckly denied.-

- Charge* Hines Influtnre . The district nltomev has been . icmptln? lo show lhnt'Cnp.^hn'w hn<r'

. been Influenced ImprojKrly b' ' T IfM v whoTUTaecuied .of -bilng' ilii hired political protector for thi

.Dutch'Sohulti policy racket, to deal 'llphtiy:yilh't)o]icVFame-:bffcnrtffs..' T ill spiclfle pssB involved In thi

was that-of “Lu

I Smwnff- r o m n m •mngiitrafo for hfs action wan tnat he dill not tnwt the nrrcstlnB offl-

He-had asked-Uiem wiiy Ihey___ not. bring lnto,..court._tifjh‘i ,time the "stool pIssoiV-who had putr'l them upon RoAenkmnt-trall,~ '


rourt?” n'ked' Dewey.•'No. I don’t," said Cnshow."Isn't It n ■■ fact." Dewc}- , tlieii

Itskfd. "that the renson-you wanted this Informant fn court waTto'that you could havo lilm. destroyed be-


nlive..•'Did you-wnnt.thls.police inform-

III murdered?" Dewey thundered. -•-'Nor-oried-Ca pshaw.-.---- -- -

U o y d ^ O l^ ^ ^ r ; chief of defcnsL, for a mlslrlnl. on Uie claim the ques­tion'wiis designed to ••coniieet a member of the judlciair with ti mur' der.-Judec.NoltJcmnrked lli'at-thi

.OtllSE.AOUINCION._____-. ..,'Til ser\'lcc8, for;Miss

Arrlngtoil,.daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Arrington, who dled'Tljurs* day. will be held Sunday at il;3l) p, m.. at the Latter Day Saints lab-

lMele^•T............................ -FnlU mortunrj',

PATRICIA -BLAS-KENSillP ' ^mnfside-rltw.'wtU 'be •:eohaoct«S'

“ ...................... nt. Die .Filer,. . . . --. .. Blankenslilp.

fivc-nionths-old dnughier of Mr. nnd Mrs..I*onnrd BlanHemhlp. wlio.dled

liVleathev.1IdaliBrcioufly and uilsellled Bati

urday and Sunday: showem north aafllM.and-ttverineunUIns!jnotler-

................. '<iOum~-tfest-.wbMla,-.parUy. cloudi^uhumidr ltr~3i'^t«r-fi5'T)er*ccnt~of“ satum«r „tion,-barotuctef ;28.M. lacher st_S:|

(By Tho ASMMluUxl Prejj) _01ie -«estora.hlgli-Js-ceiitered-lu ......... ■ Pocatello'• 30.Minehcs.—'n » “ pre4jur(r' atrengtn—tr somlswliat dlmlnlsl)ed,--and cloudi* wss-ha« Inom vd -In..the.northern' plateau and northwestern statc.i. -prr.isure.r iire*Ttn)itpint’ *raTiiaiy;'lir Oregon and 'Washington,i Indlcntlns

lilnhcr evcrj-wliere .west o f the Rocklr?. A brofld low prouurc sys« tem oKuplcs tiia northern states., ftoimroiitaiia eastward,'■'lU 'chlerl iffect has Men a geopnil rlkc in' .empcraturc cast of Uic Rockle.i. Cloudy. *tle.i"*te reporrcil'’ in'" the Atlantic states, ' . >

. .Max..'«ln.rr«i:.Wealher IIol>e- . 11 21 .00 ruciouilyfliiyeiiiie-___ 4t A .00.Clear—Chicago .... -2i JO Clear '.

JUi ,s.c:ity _12liOO_Clear..Loa Alikrfes ...CS SO .09 C'l-. Mplj.-St. I* .,.3< -R .00 Cloudy . New YBrk .......38- 14 .00 ClaudyOmaha • 38 -0 -.00 Clrar PortUhiT'Orc.-'3S'‘3B".00'Clbiidy •tsn o-...... ;. J i-2 2 .00 Pt. Claudy ,

.lt,_L5Uls ...;:^42_30- T Clear Salt iJke City 31 IjO^fTClgmly *

Seattle ......... Si 38 '.00 CloudySpokaue ... ... « 20'‘.00 Cloudy 'Twin Falls lp-“ OOPl,-Cloudy"■ Illusion ...4C 2« .00 Cloudy

C h ild i l l R u p e r t

-RUPERT. Feb. n .— Funeml 'ser- /Icea will be held here Monday af- lcmoon«fo7_Forcsl..Foreslcr, eight-

i^rester who died Insl night nt t1)L .family residence hi Rupert follow- Ing illnes.1 which he had suffered

Chrintmns; Scr%'lces will be at the Chrbtlai} church at 3

.ibc---llcylcemcterj-..J3ofn-Til„Ashion.-., Jtili' 12.- 1S30.

Forest Forester Is survived by. hU tirents; a sister. Barbara, S. nnd rolhcr. Robert, 2.His father Is employed by.a-lum-

ber -company at'Idnho Fnlls. HLs ii-teaehcr at-the Big Bend

ihpoTTicnrTT The body 1

mortuary.s nt the Goodman

iPimWILKES-BARRE. Pa;.‘ Feb. 17 ‘/T)

—An automobile barely missed Da­vid Tliomas today.

H came. so. claw — a^he bent- iver to repair a truck — thnl a pro-

Jeetion hooked liLi trousers and

a a p f cP^ubllo tnR|ePC6mmisslon.--r i 'fakcs^Arpaments-Undcr- , - . „ - r . - i - : : A d v i s e m e n t -,. °plSB, Feb., 17. t;p)"-eoulhen)Idaho tniijccr# asserted-today- rate*Ute Union Pacific railroad'sousht t o ' ' - ’ place In effccfforinlrB-alaie freight' •

■'ltiei'cemnit»iflu to p^rmit..........dueo intrn,-slnte nll-commodlty ulu

, tributJiiK ratw approxlmalel ..0 pe;- ■ ^ i ; effective F;b.. 20.. but tlii;. truckmen obiecicd.' ' '—Tlio-commlsslen-look'tho- arau—

:aUi'».of 111:1.wcik’flgo reprc»■Tallroart arHund-to^

lS ffi,feSH ffeTr3uS ircvsnal of tn order denying

;siato,4-".'.fX . ^■ Amcng ivltiirr.%j< tciiiiy Biyjon. T. E. silfjnt anil J. C.'C- tnnt. Pr:atello;.E. 'iTXnylac.c/ dlArcn .’ i3:aie Urniixo umi>uir, -uiv. L .J I. Anderson-of Pocajllo, ie;i:.

n Increw in l:::i.a-

twiiy •«’erc‘ J,


liars'. L, .’P.'Oldhum, Who'died lierr 'rcsently, bcfiueathcd to her two' dnughtvn "my luiiiiy dI.',pa,‘:ltloi>,. rnf nr fnlnii-f.-tmtl.mi.- hr^Tin. ful neck," She also left about *1.000 In real estate. ... •

i s -

es ihe distress.

.....................longer, spreada UJitk "layer of VapoRub on the cheat and cover w)th a warmed cloth,.

muscular torenessor tight—iSSR

Often^ymom rlacthirrwnistTe tho.coldisover. ‘




" H E ^ ’S' WHV

m j m n m m....- • M e 4 i v e .

everybody ngquaredcgl; and stand'back o f every used • car-we.-^BcIl.-No “ B’orse-trad ln ft” hero. T ft0*l0 iT flB t-.p08B lb le , p rk M considering the

■pric e y

.Colnmlssloner" or •Afrieultnra :r-tnln-Fall«-tar{neiLrWlio 111-

discuss state fann pollclea.;-AnothorrireffaHrrer^<nr'lhe Farm ora^on fercas !“E ;“^

.Pc ttygrovc , e.tatc commisajoitcr o f agricuHm'e w ill ad*

drcflV-thc 'Cpnffrcsa.on i l io biff day, Friday,' F c b ru v y

' 2-m r -


ire-the-eam o-to-e^cry-r— ^ • - r 4 - -body.-Yoa aiwaya 4c t a - - - • - ' - rea l u acd ror bnraaln a f ~ 'o u r uecd car.' lbt— . j w h y pcopfe com c back; ’ ,

' y e a ro ftc r ycaK ...........

~^~VnlIi;yjfarmcrrf6f,' bcfoco lils rccc rit appoinlmehtrhc

was a succcasfiil fn rm crb f this tract,

!?proilems-wIU'iiii'ti\Vah‘'IiTE(a;&afii lS iffHt oTJ-«-dny-<eaaion. -

rom^plans jiQ\T- to > it c a d !-

ifimn^eaAnni | i £ ^ o . : ,

37 -HtnrrtT 37 Chrysler Royal

: 30 Ford V-B Coupe

:WATCH4<orr A N N O U N G E M E N T

34 V-8.Dc|uteFordor

I 37 V-8 OOTiidar;. .:

O F - O T H E R ^ S ^ K E R ^

O riA eu m^^nd=feajioig iy i"Sedan-t-;:— ----- .-.^50 "

,S i Oldsmoblle Sedan ",4200 •'O '-Ctien'

The ’AidmlnR session, .siiirtinu-at 10-Will be h e ld 'a t tlie Orphcum; •the afternoon scjasion st.irtinc at*2'- '^ r t f f^ e '^ ldgJfr Ratlrolaii -----------------



e v e o t n 'g ' f i . M E s T S : c o o fm i k B # i * ^ T H ^ I —

Page 3: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

- ------ - T W W P A L L S , r o A H o ; S A T U R D A Y M ORNING 18, 1039-■

u iiiB a i

'-N a z is ’. -F u e h re r -S e ts -A u to

^SpoodJUaxim um -at-Berman-SliM ^ "

BEM JK .m . 17(,Tl^he;clufuoh. rcr AdoW-HUler /ict WuilIes nn hour

- tod#y-iu'Uib-j)«>pcr-t(tp-iipeed-for 'good Nftzla on"Qcnnan highways

• nnd cnncJl rccklew drtvlnff a "crlmonsnliiJt the nalion." • .. ___' Opening.. Uio. ' 1D39 nalomobtle

show, he also'iinnouncedr -----1. Tlwl "rwn vnjiteriRl* wo used

to Import trom nbrend no longer — necc.wftry to us oven If iftey nre . rwtrlctctlly nt our becRiisc

, ot micccsM* In the rour-ycar.plan — for jelf-siifftclencyr-::—

2.' Appolnlincnt o( Colonel AdoU —Von 6cncU (u.chleI.ortUie motor.

- • cnr tndtntry with power to tell tnan-

WASJnMQTON. Peb. 17 f/TV-The jinn who nl*«d the'itopea o( count' less old-foIlM ior »200-a-month pen; slona told Uie hoaui warn nnd mcnni pnmmltteo today .tlmt $200 wna orjy - jlatt.

pr. P- E. Townsend. , aponsor ot, ihc-penaton plan which carries ItU name, tcalitled that- the cUcctji ot tho’t200 paymenlA would be bo salu- tary-that In'ft tew years 'V e ll go MOO."■ Tlto pton, h> aM«ft«r, ti a hieana of divcrtlnR tlie ••»treams of prot- lls" into the pockeU ot the poopio 01 meann'or stlmulatlnc* Uion'B

. . . stiMkle* Fall . ” .QiiM.Uio pIan bi in operation.

doctor naJd, Uie ahnckles _wlU_ bo jemoved-Xx8m'-producUvo-«nt«TprtM' and (he Mandard of llvlni; can go vpT

Committeemen quesUoncd lilm closely, end at times'Ecverely. about

• no aiwlgned .......................vP pjuwcnecr. types In 1935 from 85 to',

. 33 and trucka from no to M lo at*: tain (trentw uniformity. ;

■^•^SpcakWg tor 20 mlnulc.i hi the cx- - Iilhltion'hflll before Natl oniclatn.

mpufaclimjB ■ Ami.. Micrk^.i.Ojc

Htlcal activity; - Then at th«-enf^^^ • n lonB day tiw witness and hla. In- -InrroBatora- exchanged ptelUanJrlei iilxjut Ujc courtciiles tljcy l>ad shownjine-anothcr...- ........

Uic.eommltteo 1* con»lderlnr -mendmonOt as ptoposed-mihstltutes for tltej(?clal. pecurlly. nct.J-----

House- P asses-S even -M eas-

— tires^Senate Pas s c s -O n e ~

D e ( e a t ^

. C01S&-Fcb;-17-U>-Bms-naM«d iU-dctcstedhy-thcJdiiliuJcgUiBtui today; .

By the senate: ' •Dy AFrrletilturc—lo'rcsxal

Former. Kfatdrnt Mrs. William ,Wayijii^l^otlWtaid(JI._reiJ[lcaU-of- I’aul for hpvernl yearn, U cnJoylnRa.v|jii_viii, old trlcnd.«Mnic/'__ 1—Hhower-lor *Bri«Io-iA mlaeellsni..0ti3,,6bowcr wis-slven Friday lilRht •_ . -x. .at the Qranse hnll, honorinif Mrs, Department 0| JllStiCg IP :n«lc-Haascn.^anncnjr:MEr” ^ - '-^ — ~ JiicauuwieccnLi.tirjtic:::At--------KiietU wprt prc«nt wUirMni.--Or-' vlllfi Miller,'Mri.-nny Clark, Mrs,Arnold Siimpe, .Mn; R. C.'Culley,Mrs; John Ciiltcy. Mrs. Ediur Mor- RanrMrsT-Lw Qrteawcll.-MmADob potent;,; Mrn,llonin Johnson.,and

QulUa* hwiturfi*,Mrs, Joiiii- 1D35 law iwnnlttlng calnblish- , menU ot codes or talr pracUco la I asrlculturo and Industry.'Dctealed,' I 17 to 2L (held for poalbic rccon-, ,Biaerallori).': . . ....................... - -_ By Rep. iJnlilrktgo (R*Canyon)-~ permitting reciprocal truck-llccmica - nBn>fment» to bc.rpado between Ida? ' ho and other states. Passed, 2S. lo W. ..

Dy Senator* Koldcn (nTOonne* -vlHo)-.aml-NOWport-(D-Cftnyon)-- refpilrlnic railroads to'proUct pub­lic •trafnc"ftl'"<lRnKtrtiLi crosaliigs


,. P fiy e4 p -.B fca k D(5wff • ' ^ f i c e S lruc iupc-- ’ '

-~WASHINaTON. r<’b. 17 M',-De: Iiytmeiil of-JiL-.llco . otitel*l»-<ll«. jcloied,today th;it t,hr :iutjctriu,t dl- .vision J4'eontU*pU»« -ft btwid sur\-ey

see u'lu'lhrr nctloii be talu-n brine dott’h the- rosi 6t home

building.Thuimnn W. Arnolil. hind ot Uio

division, said -he H'Ul wor’ccjl out il plan of procedure to mtnck lllcKal eomblnatloiw lu bulldliiK, Dclnlli ot

principal difficulties - Is Hiirk cnoueh .Jawjcrs_lu JiIa.;diy>ion lo operate on the scale whrcFi I.h rc-

He siild auloniobllc.T In .the last six yean had taken the lives of as inuny Germans as were kilted by

•.•_U)uU-.-Nnpoleon‘fl-hullet«—In r Franco.priiwlan wur—<D.OOO.

RpRiirdlng whaLhe eonsldored th'o .'•peed limit. Hitler snld:

------ “lt-»s-Tiot-nn-HTt-w-drir— and-therrtjy tu' ttrrmtcn

llvo.i ot others, but 11 Is ............ .drive, with safety, lhat la, care- ftilly.-. ; • . .

----- Iiistcail Of fixing an • oiifrlshtspeed limit, however. Hitler relied" on hbi expressed opinion of h 60- mile-nn-hour speed .to do the trick.

co'rrupt practices act, lie contend­ed he had'not deliided 'old folks -wiy> tniio -hopea.. Ho- submit a statement ot ■receipt'? ot the Townsend movemehf.' but hter

From tlmn lo time he pricked Uic Interesl ot the committee with sueli

.remarks v ttieae:'•Capitalism, Is doomed. Unl«s.i,

•of course, we can modify It to make It-work to the-nd>-antap5-of. all

^ic=prE.==Tqw N B g B S 5 iO ta ^ pension. leader pramlses rising standard ot Ilvlnc If his plan Is adopted. •

In cltlM.and-villages wlUi-tlagmeu or bartlers, -Defeated, 15 to 24.

In the houso:By housO'Stat«''&tr»UiC 'r<^ulrl..„

persons recelviris'dlrcct' relief as.- slslancc m of the aged; bllntl'orde- pcadcat be.resldtnta.ot Idaho-tbra^arsr-Pftooedrrtl-to-iar " By hous6’*piib!lc' utilities commit- t « —pfaclnff afl*auconiobllo triin.\- portatlon companies under reguUi*- lion by llio public utilities commls-Atnr» IQ (rt Ti.............

By Jimufl- sta^ atfainfaj-permlt- tliii: -voluiTlarj'-aHmllFances io the sta'.o mental luspllal, ratlier -than

AclciitiQnaLLcvy.-. Aiitliorizes. _ Q n ly _ W h c r e Emergen- —

- cyJsShow n

•, BOISji Fr't,, 17 WV-Tlic Idaho .■senate rcconsidercd today-i£-bi!i ii •p.isscd yciCc-rUay lOHXTtiilt- nddl-

to SJiosljoHc couny In B'ftJch a il nanelal-cmergency a.-iM.-rCi'dly exht.i,

U wns,the subJcc^•o 'lons-!lt«d}• toduy-ln-a ilepubllcan.'cauciui. nd-

ivimtia UCUIIIIUK■ccde.fromtthe poalllon lhSl-lh« ’ v. Iglnal bill would i»rmlt'other coun-

Arnold explained that Ills pro­ram Is dlrceled at-bn-nkhiR down

tlio prlee-stnicturc generally "rath­er Mlwn- at- the iu*eoverli'‘' ot-lndk wldu'al mli-eodduel."

A's“pnrt of- Ills cnnip.ilrn,. Arnold -111 he had ronfencd ai lc'Diiih ■Itli ■f'rciUlM L. Coonlfy. execiiUve

mrrce, Tlip_coii!i(11 llu•ll;rl(• iCji .-riUHtlve!.'.nf niiijur nn<l

.MipDtv^ .biwlncia advt.orj, council,

.Hwdarly-In the. building-field Is.

Meanwhlls.-.aeorBe-Comer. head

J£ao=duiciuilua-.;wIi«Uicr' imlawfut .••botilenrcks". or-tr»de-re.itrtctlons have been keeping- building ma* terlals *t artltjclally. high prices.,

/ P A G E .T H K E E '

Sena t< j6eriHmUccri- tz

Yle1d^n?w 'd^iisP ‘’ '^dm^tioiv lleutenanls'. Uid‘ senate, a'ppro CtUtlODs comtnlllcc-voted today to, .v i give the Tennt-see Valley Authorlly. funds to continue conitrucUon ot

''•‘Tme-damnhdTtarrwarKTOn'nnoiUorr^ fimds.-r:tnelu^*S^-a -SI7,

UnfoiustrAgreey . Upoii,ArhiU*atibn

nEDDtNO. Calif.. Fcb,.J7 CwoHtl Charki llmtl'T.'oiu nilll'.arj aide to Oovrriior CilllKrt L. Oi.-oii, annoiineed. toriiv AKL forcr, ncrrrd in arbltrale a vlolciirc- Uirfuicnlng-depute, u’lili ihr CIO Tor^imrrtitliort over woviifrrnirTTirr Shastn (hm rnllrosd rplnpailf)?! pro- Jrct. Tl;-- KOiriiior li.i.l ihrr.n.upd to-t.’nri.iit-nvr- imTrnfn^urird' u..'

prolr;-. hnrt rMiil rinmi____________

'203j»o:auoeatloji a’otcd downvJjyrUjol:: : hoaie, «,-tll permit tlie TVA to carry ' on . work at Its QillxirUvllle. Ky.. - - proJ»Pt -nnd rommpner aetlrtiy on • • ,iht..\y^H4 down«.ri'i:;stream from KnosiiUrtiirttirTen------np^iee'river.'-■

Tlie commlttce took two vhies on the TVA funds-one ot 18 to 0 Jn favor of the OlIlwrtM'llte project, alone and on«- oC t3 \l npprwlns —

IP eiitlre additional spproiirlatlon.- Tlii' (oninilltop -reduced from •

S:60.000 to si73,ooo the hoiise- approvrd allocation, ior the Mount • Rnihworer-a- O.-.-niembflarcomSflE^ rlon. . . . . - • ■ .

READ T {;.NK^VS.•'\ ^ ” An!5-

- B I R D S E V E — :

T T F K O Z K N f o o d s

- C L E A N tU P ! - P . M N T - U P r .

f.ltllr liW« flf finwrr* —Siiii'ip. kal>iiit)liic niMV psfnl"".

I Mjki'l-tt (Wy-hunie'Out Ilf fliie that aliitl , . .

— witNtsit,_rN,\?irLs itu r.:' I'AINT— -•

M O O N ’S ,.

Page 4: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

■ T W W F A t t S i lE W S rT W IN -P A ttS rn jA H O rsA T U R D A Y .H O R N W G n P E B R U A R Y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

u T y q C S ^ F A L L S - N E W S -

mbfi'ilni fxc^MotiiUr.'"r Tlie'lviii f-ulfls + f , '

_.P»llir.jdiUoa-*atfrrtt i i irconti flii« ruiCu-iaiiitw-A T I9iff. It «h» w>*t oltit# » Twin ia«hu, unotr


— iTr.iftB.moaia -

ru.AMcUiwl •t Uurf»if^t-(;imtUtloh-."—r .

•MlIU TUtrtr.,30 0f.ti. nrpiirsKSTATJvr ••■«OIa.lDAt CO. IMO.

Tlin Ntwi aHiimw no ........ — .lT ni1*‘***ll*rT'*T**a coriVf tlotl uf lAat uari of thv ~

. .tror -oeeun will oi piiaiuhfd

rnpoiulblilty (or

, All noUcM i«|Ulfl<l>jr.l»w or.bji otdu

Klein.jurk-uicilon , to b* i>ublMi«<l «"■1ir<l in th» Wxlnrxlky litur o( ihU

• yccUuii'JMon.i. c .rATlm iu miom i in. 1H33 tleulou L«wi.O{.JdlllO,______

»(UI br P1I0-. piinntnt Ui

» Cb>pt«l

;^INT’I2 liN 'A M Q N A- liftnds-ucro'ss-the^sca buslDCS.s la allriglil, and perhaps Inevitable whcawnr breaks out or ,!s_t^ n:mucli.

'.am ftilcr place than it used lo_bo, and wars • •HprciTd rapidly and ia’r.’ PeopIc. t'ooTlittvc bc-

iisclous. '.also. mbrc_tn:U:>tp. _ms_o(mJjcLan£LJli6.uBiitv

Even tl\eirrlIldeijlogl?8“ "bccorrio-snct'c^.li^inndl ^^=^^nncstrbo-dofendedr- i " > ■' : . ' ■ '■■•— r

I t Is therolore hnturar a iy , ’right ihftt the freer nations,''still ctiflrl3hlnBA<bclr. ancient fttith or public and private Jlberty and"the dig-

■-.1C nlty.of-lndlvldu'aL 1 W -s l^ < lj; l In 9 ;4 g g ^ h c r '

this, w ith regard to democracies large and •••' small, when- dIctator5 threaten ‘to-spread

culturc-and proved loyalty to democratic IKc a^d government. And wc naturally .suppi

' England, which Is-our mother-land more th

[t^hould-ibc'thor'oughly undorstooll, how­ever. that Americans arfr-dfltemiined to iiijht no m oreioreign wars; A li that Britain and her free i^lghjiors m ay properly expect oii our

L ___ ijDattLIs-peatasIuLcoopcrfttioq.__ •

.• J iE R M A N N A V A L . P A R IT Y Pripie Minister Chamberlain asks Germany

lo '8 iv6 somc'sign'or arms reduction, as ii pre­lim inary to a.m eeting o f m inds'among Uie

'sy= .-aurancer,-he-8aggest8,- the dcmocragks-^ould' ;bc'w llllhg' to go ahead with, a'program' o f'iap - -peasemcnt.’' In'cluding'presumably a ra^tora- tlon or at least some of Germany's lost colO' nies.'

H ltler’r answer Is an .announcement that Getmany is going to build her navy, up to

jqJhe_ErJmP rot.c.vccjt-ivcck---cnd-he spenafl-at:ChcquQrs, the coltntiSr; " tcnctm . . _uvuriiinuiHor-Il+»4

lo-mlnlater.’i.-Thc act goc3 defino-a •Dilmo-mhtl;wcck-enj~n

^ € c o l l e c t i ( m B = = =

•any con t in u es period or not thanH hirty-six-horrrrttirlo^flny'cdnsec-'

T l) i i fs a inuch_fihoVter.-week-end period thap we:-hud-thought-the British requlrett.

.liL l9 -jfr fl?^v.dD yJan aX M iL iiy lea jJ ------- -- 'diiy.s, hardly tim e Jor an Americann to g e r in

prafti-'CiraT:-Tnxcre(fftt-a1ijo'iTnt-or:Kolf:^rro:-trfi wherever.the weeJc-ond started 1C,has /chiry" come to lls fu ll Xlowering In America.

O U i e r P b i n ' l s o f V i e w L m -■ ■■■

NOT EMUEZZLEMESTi;iriikciilhK Uic (joVcmmenl'aTiofroKlni,.........

cosi_oI_boiinent-io Uio ,iu* by on ln«uroiice comimny ot jmlicy prcmlwm lo pay its <lcbl3, Rcp;c-icntnUvo Knudsoti of Minnesota Btvve n fairly npl compnrlaon. •

Jlut the 80vcmrai;nt Is- not coniinltllns embmlc- m ciilin jlie incmilng o f unliT^ul <irveKloiv:.oC.tfus|. lunu*.- Tlio;.ioclnl sccnrlly net liy il* tomw ptrmlia the trca*ury to ilo whnt It Li tlolnc. The Irmid Is In

.tho iRWrnot lii-uiIiuUibirulloii. - - .But to Kct Iwck lo (he iioltil of jilmllnrlty.' U an

Un*urttjJc«-«oii)pany-Hil«l.i*nniilty-poHcle»-tni«Uirlnr-ft«' » future (Jiitc. bomwctl Us r«cr\-cs ns-fust «s tlier nccumulated. iind coll<'clctI, on wliat-It .OA'i:cl: the. rcAcrvu by levying nn nddltlonnl lUMumnnl 4n tlio iMllcy holilcM. tiir com'pany Troiild-bc operattnn romewhui nx the Rovemmcnt operate* the social fiecitrlly pluii.—Pottlftiirt.Oresonlftn. •

HiirrLi. wliubultn ih L r................ - ..................................

'•No jme known wh?ii tho belief eamc In that dliilnR' rtMtn-ehBlre-nlJOiilil -Be 'horrllflyniilebmforftibltf’.'but there 1* rewon to wwpeet Iho I’urltans werc.respon-. ajble. They were'co ol).*xa»c<l with tho Iden life wo.i

manlifacturersof bleiirbonnic'or sodti..There nre slKna. however. tli»t tbe furniture monu-

•faeturers aro awnkenhiB to tlic i»v.lbli;ile.i of com­fort In the dlnlntr room. We have nenrdminir roonr

,jhalrs til. rcrcnU'15»»l>J “ jn; Ioo)ccil dovmrltjla com- -•forl«BR;=<When-thortl«mMitf^for=rt'm<«^ i f i i t y rtll- •tng-q^l-^nrd:.bOUom(‘ari;tralftbtvtift<;XM.m

compriniblo to that', of tho Uvlns room clialra, then .^ erlM n dlnlns.jd.cns wlllbc riivoluUonlted. and wcJI.

IIOV s co u r ANNlVlvItSAUV •Tlie nation never had .greater need -of ilie Boy

Seoul.-! than It hiu (odn>V' .TIui.-; sj)eakA ihc.hoiioroo’ prealdenf'of the Boy

Seoiit.1 or Aincrli'ii. franltiliiD . Hoosi '

O f c H i g k e i ^


" ‘ ec o n o m ie s .T oiirUi qiinrtcr u.poraU) - eanit ng»i TO»rt»—‘wpedally

......................ttipsf_or (it«l nnd nutomobllB com' -pan^p»-r»-far*tertlljpe} ^desi5rean’ wofTlM-nbbiit thoTiverflWcffcetfi of hlzher labor nnd Ux coiLi. aioomy nnalJaU had rdrccnat that theMineloiTLKQUlctJ-alsBratoLhai "•mcon»rntfl.proflW.JJow.Uui,c]( inat ntoat welh>eatab1lshe(l I eaii make ft irood AhonlnE period of modest business aellvlty.• Tlie main rewon why corporate ■anilnw-havo- not-auftcred- mere from Incrtaned roses tmd mountlnc 'nM^liM^cen.thB irapId develop-

In prodiietlon.methods. The depres., .tioirThar.ceRflrnnriina'TOiirrcd-tiie Jiunptlon of labor:«A'in]t devices In

.....'-liurlnif plnnt«, RUlmr-waBo

•atily made'lhemseivertuflneonsplc- ' " - .....M,. uour-ns.possible.'The^.fomaw that.....

of Rovemmcni and. rigured- that •the b » t way. to escape jinfovorablo. poU»enl.nttcntlon wa« .to keep out: e rth opU W lce>xV ~ ''."-." '-" ' •

Till* paMlon tor anmymity stoai- - -

en of.flnancojind Industry.. Power

largest-holdem-of titlUly-.bondB— • ahould'mbe their voices In protest - ORAlnst Nev'Deol policies delrlmen- ' « tal I . ......................................

Recent financial sUtcmeuta of motor companies Indicate Uiat the mnrsln ofTjrof|l jwr car Li about'{he mine n.i it wnh' flvo yeam bro, In ipllc of Hie fifct ;_hav w«Re levels

e added,rtrwlth^acte-^—

FU.TIIT- Th_c 5rowl;{c_dl.iplncc- mem or men by maelilnerj- cxpUlai v.hy snlns In tho netlvKy ot capital roodi industries fall to brlnR com-

Mirate caln.i In emploj-ment fig-

9 the..........................•oflinfsequtviP'

lent ,to llio. l02S.27~nvorft(!aT;'yei -ttiuru u'cfViiininibiTttrpjJotrcoorB^ employed at that time, Of couwe some liiK would lie natural In any, event, buniierb were no InBIcatlonsJ


~'[i£.C.'s inst'tnii nro trylnf to" uofesuarcl

.-'ccret und aensntlon I but It Is pIowI)- Icuklnc out. ‘Wlthlii

I few days they hitcnd to rUdeswljw v fT f' -fc.

_proficeding which; w^^h the small .lubs design— •■cd by.Uie Gorman.^,'.would glvt-Jtlmt'cbuntry’

■it— ^lta l-iubm nrlne^uprem acyrH e-ttlso^ys-that- Germany will put heavlcr gims on her n e ^

"TOOO^on cruisers, hiukliTg tliem ylrfim l”^ -

T in bolFi subs aritI” aufrhce~cfaff;'T)>^tiiinn^^ . advantage or tlie so-called "cscnlatttr clauses!’

In treaties with Britain and Russia. Hitler

n policy to^ lve Germany naval a • siipri«mnry,

;-well as air

Sucli procedure surely doesn't inetJt the present-needs o f the world. It seems to Ignore

.. Britain's prorfered hand. It Is not the way to get -appcascm enf from Britain and’ France'

_and_wJn_baj;kJhc_world!s.confidence-.ln_act-_ many. .

^ ^Chamberldln asks a .slgti thnt-.Gcrmany'ha.? -Ii-w nrid'peacif.l3ut Hitler gives ho Ifh e - :.lntend.s doing 'SO, ho would It now.

ployed iinil w;il continue to be employed » Ions ns J/ipan wage war iipon her t'elUnltfhOielplcM foe.

D» you :-iy It U nono of our bujilncw? . . t ,_\Ve iiErofi wlili you, but. relate..ivc have.made Itoiir Jn^liieyi. ~ ■

~ T o 6ur fcliBniTbc It a.ikl that wc arc acUni'a.^p»rt- ’ners jvlth Japan In Uils. *ysiematlc mass mpe pnd

a p'rtlty confwloiv to.make, but it li one that miuirbc ninflf;—\VC■Etand lnhe■pos -- llon of hulplni; Japan commit one of tho greatest

.The troth nf Uii- Miitenient Ut beyond.much arju- mcnt. Tlie. whole pro;;rain of tlw Boy Scout move­ment U centered on the bulltllhff of character OirouBl' aecomjilLihmciit. thi? development of ‘ eeU-rellanct Uirousb mastery, ot ,tlic techniques of llvlnB.* the In-

rnilcntlon-ofloTc-dfTfflturo-throTieh-famlllarily-.wmv lu ways. 'It ts an unrivaled antidote asalnst tho mait iubtlo anct.deadly -poUons which attack the •American character—wllllna acceptance of depend, ency. belief that imture’s laws can be vlolatctj, liola^

I nature luelf; ‘

out of .L »■ thn;hl#h-wm-raiso- lUout-or-Uie-economlc and social

wllderneM In times to'come. Tliere will elwayi liecd ot them—men who I&ve adventure, whorearle&.i In tho face of the unexplored,^nho are.___ready to r.lake out Hew claims In the ever-ejfpondinfr beyond. The Boy Scouta are-tMtneU In tho waj-s-ot. ihe old ploncer«. .The lc.vons they leam, the Ihoupht

man‘ l:nosTs:ln'vrnaf(iircetlon' i-Suir. _____

’.MADI'rfN'AMKniCA'It •npiiarent now to even a ci'uiunl reader of tlic

'lioWMiiit-tlie'JiipaiiK.o inllilriiy nilliiK cllqucls lierit' upon the absorption of China’s resources-ond the dc- cJructlon_ot_CtJln&ip_c -lllsftUnn; No'other cxnlona-

iintTor thu /.y_nteiiiailc camp.iign of'rape.

eruolty ■Id V nloiii e been.

.Itred Uimi\ui'l Sinldi. .Tlic .-!chcm« jnav not' be. aijigcfl

beciiujic fomc of lliis’ sovernme'nl'n imartor piiblWvu ‘jiKurc It ml«ht, be.rlslcy to Involve men ot such. Ktnture. Tlie nylilfriici:- tloo.i not nMr'Dn-thetir happena tlmt t ., .. tv New Yot1{ eompniiy iiov/' tcrutUjy.- -nio Hrouj), hi ihc b of^ bctn

...........................- ............ ,____ .ItlctlId'Submlt to Pre.'ildcnt noosevell n financial-, report of tho JJemocrutic national,commlttto, wo noticed Uiat. you have not aa yet-eomplrted j-our plcdiie mude <At tho time o f ' tlio

port. I thoushc It best to as*^ou ' “ once again It you do-not want to llcjuldftle your -Indebtedness: will yon please let me have your prompt reply?" Party flnance.-i must bo In bad shape, for IhU is 'the time thaVthtrnames-of'thrprwldcnt-tinfl- the national chairman have been- lnvol(e<l as an nid In'-bill collccUng.

The owner of one eoneem iil|pf:ed to be beneficial? fljured In ih'' news recently In n hldnappliic cr.-c, ami I", understood to bu a pwoii,*! m». tlmate of tho former prr.'.ldem,

------ rd"lrrcipon.';lblllij' of'rhc-3upp....... ,......................illyliooed dlreetor.i ot corpor:

linen for hi* crusadt. ..................lasso-n-rormct-prcaldcnt. and-*. Scr- mer presidential nominee, he nia>- spark public interest. -Names ni.ilie

.........-clved a sharp li-ani-tiR from party headtjiiarlen. in 11;ttor-from-oltvfir-A—QilSjre'TJr:

.'arned tliat Ihtlr iiame.i. would be wrlttru down on n While, llou-ic

'clUL-unleu ItiL'y paid ui>. '.I II conferencc with Nntlonal

il -requMit.— He—merrcs- tho liberty, to oppose ,It .boU>. In commlttec an'd bn-.the flosr, and ho

''mciraOtpi'Tlroiesv jrom oroaucastmg iBteresta and the-lndualrj- Ir.’Rcn- eml.- They -have -flled-prtrato-pro­test# with Communlcatlonn Olinlr- inan I^pNIneh and Senator Wheeler, who Inuisduced ,Uie mea.iure nt tho request of the Wlilte Housir- • '

^VIlen rad io 's representatives .itampeded Into, Mr. McNlnch’/i,,


ipnny'a-af/oirs. So .............. .. ........ .................................tured--eomFamttvcly—rcTnir.-riCT"\ 'DmriM~nbIc to iiaiiaic tH ^ prob.

llvei.-^or.-moro>Uiaiv lhre«-houm they listened while ho trieil lo sell ‘.hem .tho idea Uiat re sinallcf^ody .'.'DmiTUo'nble to iiaiiaie tlieir prob- lems .niorc ef/lclenily and npeedlly .han-tho-oxi*tlhH-comml**lon.-'riien .Iicy leaped Into taxicab. to try li Impress Mr.'Wh.Tlf'i- that ihe pro P3saL,P0lntiid_il!rcaiy.-t0 pollilcal control ot radl». Thi-ir 1 arffument filmiiu'rcd (bwi ........................ ;oald to-be Impressed. Despite In- dlc.-vtlon.-i .that ho Mck.i' pcnco witr the White II0U.-.6. he Informed then: that hs W.-V* not completely .sold on the ptpposej revLilan. nnil_bad

l7 that ItJi cxlstoiiee is iiardly known —which forced ihn house cut ot elehteen million dollar.i in T.V.A.'a appropriation;-:- a reduction which will block olpiost all nawconatruc- uon-, Sclfttcdl>;, Ihe prDduce«_6frU'iTTnRld SCJUO Uiat thc’ fioMcTeltpower projrain may rob -iheTO ofthclr jolxi. , ____ ____________‘"The agreement for Bovenmicnt purchase «X__CommonwaiUv »• •soutntrn's property

• Jl60wlHe«ncRderfl ,hiivt:. il coticentloir. Past foymulas

,lo r the correlation of rccoveiy and reemployment almoly do'-aol anply. " miurces ooiilend il l-i futllo to

0D(! (hat um-mployment'.can li alved bV ‘’lonvhv/..liuainesa-aIone.

NAME. New Yorkers-with excep­tional Ruronenn oontaefn sav.Uiat; leailer.i In the DrIlWi-and, French . .£f»*nmua3.1-''_"iT_J’rlyntclj-_LDleaacd. I t tho -irmwhiR tendciuij- of Amcrl- an publlcaHon.-! to mo llie word,

im6tTacles“ - when' referring"to;

nooi), and immcdlalcly—tho-coal. nnd-oil -pefigfe ffwimft--Ihto - action ■raey <peht lho-weekend"ln mar. aliolllns atntlstic* showing the dls. placement, of coat Uiat-would re. ault In tht area Xrom thp sub.uitu- Uon of power-drn-en’ from stcair plant.1. Tliey deposited tlieir week- .end atudle.f .InTlhc. mall -or. on the

■ouiilrii. 4ini)nrtflnt.-p^yeholo«leal-anqle

UJnynivrd.lnJhc'.sulHtituUon of a........................... itflUni«.roL:

or;ceap^rD'dii5lhu. itatcs - Wl^en tlfe^iotiic~ vo!t rJMO-ajjjiruifrlirtien tno j _ ncKluy, tho results of the lobby.., PKMiirC-.^erc.rcflcclcdJJuUiLballoU- Dnmocr.-vtlc. or. Republican,, the members whoso constli«cnis would be dam-iiTcd by expanilon of the ad- tnlnlrtratlon's ■ iwwcr'pro2ram.-im6d'

whAt I.can do t i„v. boy of.five to do what h l-RnowKnie'fliiKllfHrdo wlllfout riiy tclllim hlm contlnually. Itti. Pick up your ball: clo.-io Uio<loor.aJter you; -wonli J.-OUT haiids:-don't.aliQUt;.aland

..... ptBiion., .K.,t J „ r

MOTTO.- The Democrats, Old Deal and. New Deal, havc-btjun t< cIoM ronka m the face of Itepubll. can solidarity and enthu iarm onuna cJ^-CupIto^^lll.:Th•e-Mwcxplftln8 tho .prcsiatnl's unus •• early flight Xrom Washington,

"ikdown caucus aiid.c.iblnet 11....j*=prcmodiwt<!a^cvii5lon-of.'ih'ellmollBht and headllnei,-

other* ihnt-miRht nofbe so apree'-' vbU'l It-woiiWn'«) ea?y'Wwijrlc up Amedcrtii'public'opinlon'to op. provo n policy ofsupporllnc'**--land nntt. Pmpce tmdcr theli ___names. whcrcaa.-Uio'Jmpllcalloiuot

crecuy silent.Now ;t tuma out tlmt • nil their

dlscrotlori.hasn't saved. them..iroin Blullnc In the Washington pan'-^nnd other biR-Umers In tho .business

Bl-mpalhy with thHr plight.

AGRE'eSIENT. New YoVk l.Aderi------^ that, ft* « isnglblfl resuIfW Prime-MIrrlster-Cttnmti'ermin‘r\ 'im — to Rome, the-chlcr bu.ilneM aHvl.ier.- - , to ihc British Bovemment—Sir. . Prcderlck UUh Roi»-h#s been en- • Jjust«».ta8l<:0t-.worklngolilL'" OCt ‘xngiofiuuiAiitradlnv ar«n(icmentfl. • ------

,TJnder-tlie-fonnBc-'cI«arln(..lentJ, Enslaad.linaljictiiitpv 4urplu*-«r-j^,000.poumtnr-':mate thatbatatico.Uallan''pi_______in. Britain must elUier b'O; restricted cr-ltnllan- exports to London ex- • panded..-"- * ~

!d. It;la ftbo expwtcd that'n-.,. . tlatlons will cover a considerably lamer field once these p " ' '


null in BosjoD. One of tho principal ipeakera was a leadlnfc liberal mem­ber'ot the British House of Com- ' monJt. He is not n Jew.jind hod never before been publicly aMOClattd jvIU i.. -Ihe^nlst n

A pujalcd American Wend askedhim privately what U? wfls_dolnK . .....there,'.aayfng.Uiiit.Jn all-the year.-.___no had known him he had-never' -*u.inccte«l him of nny— —in.Zlonlsm. ___ .■ miam-franlcl?-

, ..... fellow, you don'Vgel the point. 7^jyo'nl3inJa.almDli' end.... " ,:My ]ob is to help erect tlie blt'scsC' __ 'bunker possible acrow tho NtfU road . • frtiip.Berlin ta-Baghdad.- —Copy-r ' right. McClure Ncweppper Sjudicate. 0 .

‘ipiea s 'lc ir i

3 way mVfl. tho way Say. it again, today,

tomorrow, and as m'any days nftcr- •wnnh ns nerd bej It tftkwa'd'TilTof tellinir to moke_ ajhabit. I f you counted up ALL the things a chlltf did In n day you would find that

Ihlns,- or - ihe -few-'thfns*.


Sor-the-ncli CS.1. You liopo It Is ...

It IivflO. No teaching Uiat is stead. IHy'airMtcd'ta'Uie’ lmppovcmeni o f ' ' child’s character or manners lost. Tlio growth lakes placi


. ipd In' fima It fnmi»i >n H«w Just keep telling him. teaching idm.' steadily, witliout a let up, wlUiout n ■ loss of Rood-wlll. faltli and n "

entitled, “Self-Measuring Chart."- .nhieh (eaefie* » child how to-ex-' amine himwlf and cheek np on his

Child-Psyeholoiry.-Department Twlti-Falls News. Eneloio a self, addressed, .stamped (3-cent) envel­ope .-.'..-.... .......... ■------------------"— *“ (CopyrlglJtritiS)r~ ' —

by The Bell Syndicate Inc.)r s r

' s a r t o r f a t ; r a i n b o w s "Forecasts o f m e n T s ty lc s ^ a d c at tl :— cent-:National~Mcrchttnf Tallbra* convcritloa, ~rjTC .gtlllItaelpl> ia-itrc .som^ mt . nla rm l^ T lo .

ihen o f,qu iet taste, whose Idea' or being well'—7-d rc«cans tcrm ftl{e"m em seiverSTnconsplcu^ —. 43us-as-posslblo< There a r o i '‘Joseph'fi-Coals” •-- •o rm an y cdloi-s,.evening clothes in color, io l-

ofed shoes, velvet "house coats" In dirrerent :^huos^orjjrtdgo£gim iC 5, ote.--ftlso a shirt-coai

jJ h a t:eah :b e :yo rn e'tthe^ inside or o u is td ^ f'

•Jap.-»n would not-bo-nblo'to wngo thls-w_...............It it did not receive help from the tJnitrd' StiiiM of ■Amerlcn: WcieiTniictii enormous nmounls of raw malcrial5-iuch iw .scrap •Iron—whlch.they at once forge Into cnglneji of dcaUi for jlio Chlnpse:' Our'

jtiOi*Ccii'ra.cnobIi^Uii;mJojTifmaneiiicOhe Chihc4C, foot r.oldlera. > Wo canDol'aoajiniie: blame 'for n largo

-jmrt.of .thc-frlKhUutma i ■ Uiat. In^cuina.- E\-ery siicll Uja£_Kcrcanw through tho air carries wltli

-It^nti-AmerlMn-n-ofc.-Manr of 'i h~g-tnan,'tfl‘ umueUOPd* In.. Chinese soldiers, ciilldreii. women and tlio 'aged filiould bear theimark ■;mad(> In .America." If the

.or,llic.flghlc.-inl stiijii'U by tho ex- iavrci'^n(-ii"»iili/.i'<ri]ic iii:iln event.'

—From-ft-reilnble-nuflmaiy.-'NI'ihr' leitmed Uiai llu- t)rst right

tBoli.placi' In.ilic>-tji.p,„( j room:— —Here *-Wnllj'“Thom|ison.•legedly did somp-lllKftRileKlfir'dUE?: 'w one ring b.-vtlli; ami broke threejt'TTrawy^rnac^Vnir-Trimi— ..............................

outcome Is a |>owvr«(lrimk Japan n rulneil Clilna :thcrfnultrwl»ri.UEely_tfo:;6;i^!^hftrle.slo'ti'r.twrva:v

I 1.1 a crliipllnFr device

in.lnln the ilTf-.ilnir room.

m e trousers. riiS f sounds 'h a in i v l O T

■ And then when'you .sec how the women arc

. ->iK.HPKfc-l>AHATUH--Only an occosloual paraKiupli or m> In tho paper*

cmlnds the lancL-rmijti of the exLitejicp, of llic t/nlted llalps eorwit giRiRl. bul lo tlior.e who ll/e

. Ho,, walked,„up. lo .Tliompjon ‘lUBRcd him mliihlllv on omv cat Tliompson'.n ear turiuHl jiunile nni

"■ undoubletliy bidwoin out Into (

, dre,s3 duds,and;iicml-formnl outtlts a laid to

ofn iii! i;uiLl?hall^ ''^'.Tlioliii'NOiv. emii'rwl, knocked,

Jonrs-tlonimhtt-thnr'Df'l-Eunkefi■Mennfil lif niut '•.t.-i;f'',.'Cl

' Liiicr^Kmlluko {Ifi.cKi'd hlms'elt

-dic-iloji'x collar vtUli :> |il<'cft-br ...-tlrbnf ■thtraog-rUil'niTiii iKcd'li)

.the American m an Ipofe three lnchc.s taller.'yve ve sunnosed that tno Amcrlcan nmn was ,

-j:-^^y^J ttlty -t,a U .jc lla 'a lrcadfcC^J^-threc, lh'cl\cs !

^ •■. - ' Maybq-it‘r nccc.TOnr>'. though ;^ b fea }rg Y cn , ■ w ith the women, with the present hcel.s und


II brewing

.lief^.Shocib-.ofict_thc^pcrlaI.nlnvM'3 ili'UiB.Wt^,

wunbii (iie W y to^iiicTfTor l^ T^ic^no^wt^jr^i^y'"JllrMlCr flF l.tlBgCJ JJUt"ilC7 * **

■ " " ■ I'M.......................... p 10


. LO W -D O W N ON Wi-IEK-BiNHS • ', 'WJeek-endlng. has long'.been regarded as,

s=srrraii=cld-r‘Engii3h-custom=Am crtcanprliavcjrcr :^:--.botlicrcdJibQut.lt5origlh::buUiftYe-bf!cn.e'lad- ' . to .adopt the jJractlce.. o / ^ c .long-wcck-cnd-:■ whenever—j WialM'

• malt'ers'"'r65t“ then

djvciic la.-!Ks. It pollers jarlii .regattas .and.>boat race.jai«UWos herd on tho ;.c3l:fWierle#. It condutja the fiuemauonal Je« patroHn the north Atiantlc. and

!J.4t.P.!!>.»tlwam.Uie-fiPonc/ac.flreLDa.U>fcJloridii.ko-a:- - ..-•pprofteliliig- hurrlcanM:— lt-opcmte5-the-»llfe--

ivlnsj«ntlnn5.«lcnsJhf.fCTislJina.on,Uie.Qrcat lakes,. _ ._.idlt.wa|clrT3.oxrr lhc.hrnl;ii_oLtlic.3amoan».-'.arhen-

lunkel'ft pile- (l£)vrr,Thb Pile, driver l.s' a nv

, nn. Tiie vibllm is liHd I slde'-dcwri-'-vprtlPii • 'victtrtC'irrr‘.iW “(syriE;

Tiiif. fiiiii.“Miiiiw'“ n ii(n iir"cKm i,'] ling elie-ijvnefk.nm! even heart

llKamenls. ‘“— ianiks- .TlBirrwJicir

mounced, Uint lid.eould not > Uie ring, the crowd did not

voniUliiling and I bci ^ te i i lK g ^ ;

tuere. however. ,They want to r-*r-kndw- when;- how- and • w h ere . the • term’- was

____ ____________________________ _____TTio_London^m es holds that_lhe pj) isJ

: •,Tcss ihah sixty. ycucs-Bid ohd. that it origin-' ~ ‘Trtct!'tn-ltie 'North 'Coim tryt-IftirsF-nppi;ai'ed- . - in p rln t'on a poster in 1887 when a.Lanca-i-

•shlrC '-rallroad- ndvertlsetl-apeelal; ratesr Jorfrlpg "

0 mites offsliore 0hiay be to dynamite a derehi lnieree]>t n-sujpecled -ntm-

Seldom prabed, and .i.eamcn helng n noiorlouMy' <(SlH)')l»InIViif~bJ'ccd. -rrequcnlly.and uSTolly ■unjustly''blampd.'the-nnst-jrmira,-wnrc.intnt.\-ii3nn<35f«llM-“

iip»rppr|atlon.—HarUord (Conn.) Coijant... —

ifd '\ip all {he battlers uXtcr.ibo.card.wafc fluUlwil AJid-lald

I'crbnl lafJi lo tlifin for ‘-acllng

B r e a k f a s t F o o t l .

,,llIir^7wK^ntl■:w^s^coBnlzcd^rl^a7^by■in^ r ' .a c t o f Pariidm ent known ,o£ the.Ciiequers Esr ry— tatc~ Act- o f ' 1017,~ w h ic l^ u th o rtzcd -p aym en f

I-" “T-tJOUjntt'rijreneagwnent.rlng Iwre three 'JajTi-ago,” ' sAld'the Joung^an lo.thc assistant.. . . •

'■".«J'n'Lfo^wh)it_wuM;ytju vichziisc it? revolver and one bullet.'please!"

rifihl.s ml«hl be fl«d : but-Jiut rflmi-itTirtntish'lifrwtttrpnjirt'-

tn1 huri.s ,tndaui;cring means ol ■upiwrt,.

. ;reet-j-Mtcrday with onc-.of-tftoiB people }«u see m often you Uilnk

luJuuiw.them. but iit» emborzasa*. Sly l.lunll •^J.If n.illui»U«ii nrlsQS

- Introduction Mntist '

A femlnlnr. shopper'and.'a canu from a Krorrr - • .-nu' -flOK-wiL'i carryT^> i>apcr anek’, fh

trees with In ?

*bvln*»’helpful; r t ;. 'M y^ lli(‘ r:in^i'IWllCB dOK tliiiC ran errptuli," sbIH I conip. iVv' Trc-mai>&'nii-uie - iiimniiTr -. taco-1 wUI lia\'o

•pi(ee71ia<r¥uhre8 pn

. It, there have been too much tur-, Jnilence .and ■threat;'• and-talklmr: I -h«.lhloks that^-W!ful{n)o'j)caliliy »1party membera made or .read no' news lor the next few weeks. There-Ymm ...-ITT.,

rlnfiaCBaii-Io-leL ....... — -i-roiioareportera fic-iny.hlm .vR.'a_wurablpL2nicy.

wmaltr In ~MnHr‘

oceent ono act, Uio one way, of doing jcp«xt«llyi-untH^>rttnd-byrH‘weurB ' ■ trace In his memory.

Tlie child lj» not w;*hlnR. to for- Bot-^o~to-«oL-tliInklng. abouU It 'itfnllrwiittt'yoiTffrmtniTiH' t&'dtf'ls

(TOliiva wmn. atidTnt.-t no rcTall'on inyUilnR Jie__know8 ,obout._ Hi

•lr^M^n•a r

‘-The do woiild go two iilni-r.<—1 meat-market nnd-»-#K>cen--.-.ioror Tfio dog's parilcufar fancv wa.-: rylng^n-(inM> -nUU:Tboii)~-4<>•Blor^wlyii-hto-maatcr-or-rptitnBs

r^jrrq acanty-zketcHts-doled mt to them from the presidential

rc.wl.------------ .....................Doth houad and senate, as pre-

loiuiJy-Mporlcd.lM-tb»M-«tltimna. 'UI-roce a.-ireQi .........................

iiw.'^Trtia: . strange ways do not affect him sot. •when ho peLn Into connicfwllh w,

, Then lie does What we say, not In ;ihe.eplclL.A£.coop6raUona^iveven .obedjcnco--batJn-/c»ponHL-io-our

Scout teader Gnest-Pller KI- .. anu club met Tuesday wlUi L. C.

J3UlHflnrBenutm'ss1/T nf PUer-troop,:M a gucsL Hfr.iold-ot.lho iK>j^S«>ufe=.— activities,Uio past year., , .,

C lubEwl—q^wj-WashtTiirfrm'rltth-'--------^olc,,fen.elaacnto: a S S d - Lparty with Mr. and Mrs. Frank _ - Sikes Monday cv«jIng"-'telti»-30-pcr—""jns.attcndlnff.........................

SliterVIslt*—Mlsijloso Jlocmer____WTIur!^gx-v'='*'---- -— ------- *-

'teetlinollclq._-So far. the scheme appears to bo working. Congressional anc' ^Vhltc'Housc:llalI“ilJOWs'ft falllfig. iff In InterMt or, resentment ' '

a .B o& c_n ie p

r“?ponse nnd.obcdlcncc'comea lotcr, ■ificr repejted expcrlchce. ■'liiere'Is'no' wii.v ofjteaciiing •

ehlld i.avp bv telilng. ,1emnn»rr ■too. practice, and repeating. Yoi

Lfliidlhe—will -p^.-dlncUons.-Om

lixi80^hcid-i-r<RuIar-meelthg"v dcgrco.worfc.Following the meetlnff.-

md,Luther Pierce com prl^ tlio . -Jrcslim,ent-eommlttw.YViuhlngton Frogrun—The Pller


war.(I 11

.‘A-few momingsluiciv

|Jia!akf»tt.:.SIw-Uwl-UK^U.<-i»Tff.thrd6ifnntl‘ Rennil!trour.--‘ — -----—

-He W3* back In a-few' iiiliiiiic.^

his mJck.-•-"A phone call proved lie Im'iiiyt been In the .Morei 'nn--(i[rr in,i

affaVBciirDrcjiinGilfXHvi^n^i^iTwren-protmrnr' U-caair-' iT- 'n.|o»gJIQrajnantLcarfyi]u;V.fuaOiiiP^ii

-•JTliey: immudlatjlv--bioiiL- pracilce/nie, concUiden,

but a&tlsfaetory explanation for his lumerous Absences from AVashlng- on In the loft ft'w mbntlu.'. :-Tl»a:attttema::zronrt»«d 'Ji»a -UwiT

on-4li»>ro«d-alnn6fr*mut»nUjr since'--------wwawrTngtncnn wB-iniiTs

ETconaacroKrWpIcloiir In ... j f the party'battles and the

dlsunslon—betwe«n-^Vhlt«~:>HoiL-% nnd''Oapllol-HilI,-hls-Bppsrenl-ln- (Ilffercnco. prompted suggestbns ihat.he was runnlng-out—taking a ffnlk.,..vii. to-spcalc U— -------

■The only place I can get a rt-jt.

that he hos.poued a-milestone on hls:way to self adjustment. Some- tlmes^ou^an^^M^n \h» ^ qjTilng

■Wnny 'WD'>-8 ot doing this- will coma'to'7tnirnnina;~ana'TminyTn5rc *111■com'e aa yw wdrlt. wlilrtheiic'. Bui IHcre•• are no sho'rt cuts to child

tfte'dlroctron/of Mesdames I. .... Wood, W. M. Banco,>. C. Trtvls.R. S.'Armes. Tho hostess committee .U comTMMgrt ----grftwn.-M.'-g.-'Mfl'eav.- r .-C.-rDmUiur,—.1O. W. Anthonv. . J ■—Quesli-at K R,___l^Uie.'O. C, Davis, Lewis Hack, H.J._ Wcafler^J., e...Ooiir;ty>-y-M-.— Bunco, n.- 8. Armes, B. E. Ifaog, O. J.-cijiids'ofTHcr-»Ba-Mn.-o.-iT:'.— Truitt , of Hansen. aU;-membcrs ot PU?r cimpter AH. P. E. O. Sister-:.

Tc*vwtffnrt-.thtrJr<J.-Mar- •BuhlrT •

Don‘t-lry-to-l)ave-Iilm,-pcrfect In nil wftj-.-? at once. ferow'that'way. They grow'und '•Mcr-ftnyBi'ay..und one.fannoUU.- :hal. progriSirta-l>elnft.made. uiiUl t shown Itself ip.jxMiavlor. You can' iei!'ix-chiid-mimyTimcffTjnioia^' 8. p .• E. O.'-BUtrthood bt'Buhl,

I—llVVlmt-haiipmciL tQ-Hio dui. u- lie ln the movlps?" said n iUfpr.lm:;; N.K • ■ _ ,■*

‘fll*'t>t''?hiv!ftnari9hlp.~|'* . f?0i'*the "dftg't'WDulrt*fharc* riK. ''V... . ... ' and.-..j<llrk3..thal--.aniboiI'.'._u.,ii|<l

ihro*.—He-f limUy-wfltilti- .“ .inti- mi- wher'e Ih'ry.wo'ultilapd «h iii iimmii Jmri-lrletl to'cnich llie. b'ouurilui: mlwllcs III liU.moulh. •

ird for them h) buttonSToJe ,you ir a Job...'n«reforel.lrftvcl when-

-/er 1 ,can."-r^pyr!8l*L Newspaper Syhdlcalej ' .

Kentucky- Bnd -W «t .Vliijlnla.havtjmplctc-JurUdleUon-ovw^e eiiil.,hlo river along their, slibrrs ns lai » thiiJow-water marll.on Olilo. Jij-

Ulacmmd.JI)innl» tuinks... Ordliiar-

iecl-vcry:;dlscoUTagcd.'abbut JC ind itlien. one day. you see him eating iperfectly^from-Utat »poon.vHe:^w^ bern.]Mmlng-lnaiiJe..all.Uj'e. tlme.J Tiiat ollcn httprieai. ' '

S6meilhi*^i^ nloincFi^rta ‘lidrd leorhlng .her-chlidrtn.tablc man-.

catehitip a rotlc^ loiter hc£hV-!cd stick Bcro.w a street and wa hit bsH jL_cari:—M>'..-bMUicr.iiwl«w-.<• ' cl>iorolprmcd the 'Ooy," ____

(Tics, -day a^ter day, end the next ly 4J»ere Is Uto jwvme need- for re-1


CUUont-Jolmson,.,Eatl Mi-nyi«nrt, O. Anthony. .Herbert-atroud, - aien-Davl«,-vrred-Reichert, B. L. Cedarholm, wew.giiasta-at-a.-nacty~ ^»fio..P«ii8 _7V*4dfty._«vjola*.^ Slven by Mn. Rupert WlUlartson and Mr^.Uah 6liert.aL:u>o.C.-£-: laK*miOtftf.-r*:r-'r_~-;--- — -.T" T~



)t -1SS9, .U30. i m uid i A

firmer ^OHengare'fitall-, ’ the winter months thMi • '

r-otlftf-rponllu -firusr---- -------

Page 5: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

A d dy '^ m it y M o ji io r ^ ^ iM

- Fxlondff and neighbors surprised Mr.- and Mrs;*Cnrl Addy . . .'.antl'Idaughtcr.iNbrcne.Twhen th e y gathcrcd at thelr'hbm c

Thursdaycvcnlng-fora,dcllghtfu l larewell party. ■ •—M rrAddy has beem ippoin ted supervisor ofllie-Sampa-ntnloschool and farm colony. They have 'lived In tho Tw in Falls area thc>pbst twenty years, and are well-known.-Tliey will leave Saturday morning fo r Nampa,

Gucst3:cairte'bearing.weU-riired'T)Mkel5 and remained to spend . the evening socially V lth refreshments served a t a lato-hour,-• St. Pntrtpk m ot[f ‘was istabr

ILshed in . the' eloili -nnd'--nniiklns, CentccliiE tho'tablo wu a while cake (lee«iral«<l vrlth-pInlC' renelni<l9 nnd-^rcetJinrto-the-Addf-Pflnillj^ written .ocrau the lop, . . •

, Oucsta Included M r.. tinil Mrj, I'Ben 0'HBtrow,_Mr. nnd Mr». llar»

Com ing-Evehts-z------ --ZETA n CIIAFTER

.Zctn FI Delphian chnp.ter will

• -j—Djeat Cliiudo Brow, 413

■ ■ . . raurU> nveniie north.

■..TOW.NSENO NQ, ONE—Townsend club "No. 1 will -meet

, ♦ Monday Ti Mffi Vl ______Mr*. Ilerbert ianilon. MrT and Mrs.

Harjy- Pngc.

- FIFTH BIRTHDAY -CELEBRATED- I . .. Cclcbrnllnt her firth: blrlhdjiy —»<>lt^>^RutK-^<;hirtninimjn“ cnwir- ' talnid IrluidA ut a.blrthdax party Tnursaaj:ar.n7Dlxonn!-of tterimmft-- iwrcnU. Mr.'and Mrs. W. J.-HoU

—lenbcclc.—------- ---- - -tnttTTiTO-tiiimnr

• version of the afternoon. . Hlah- llghUnc the. rcfreahment hour.wn.i

' . tho while fn^tcd blrthdni'^nke dcc-

I. G-'W; Oc'rrish «M{nlcd Mr(i, Holleiibftclc In tcrVliis. auc.its in­cluded Hul Ciinnlnston. - broUier.

, — nna-CarJ-M<w-Holl«tbeekr-Cprlyn lloacnbeck; Burton_.Slsmaii-.and

— I ■ '• nobby SlSman. coaMn* of the hon. s= = ;d ^ a i= S cU K ,£ iak ^ im ld ^ ^

iilp Alice. Limiin Whll«-, PjKo:_Epr- Irr. Cnfol>ii Bnbcock, Bobby‘hiomp-

' . Bon ami Bobby Lbntf. - ■

WASfllNGTnN.TliEME IS -' * CARniED OUT .... -•~~~Anintehi'rtiea-wiiu-[i-ih>Ro-i-?i3n

. white and blue ribbon, burled-lit_n------- r-cherry Ins. formed the' no\Tl center-,

- • -.nlMe at a vies-wf hnrtheon .Hem-;--------- yotlerdny ot-tlie home of-Mrs.-JJorls

. Sattcrlce. .... • ,_ •.------ Oues i fcre-BeRtett-al-the-^e>!

•r..... imtl blue gltta3*arc-nnd eryalnl Bob«|—: — Icti with -red •baiear'AnollicrrnoveH

. feature of Uio unusually clcvcr ileeo- . ration*.wereUic}iand-palnted "meet

-’em 0U"..talllM. •.■p-----Thooftenioou waa cleroted to'flvc-l

‘ *«ult brIdRe. lionora .Bolnsr to Mrs.' Jnme3JM.-utrn..Mr«,.CarlJtoydrond

members of-tho-K.-T. club.

rlMit Orff\X-and-dauitnw WO!'-


-Bill -llnlley rtml -Junior Mowloy

:a ' patriotic theme.‘MgnlHcanl of Qeorgo WndilnBton'a i>lrthday, wnit uicd.'An nrranietRent of red, whItt and blue- cirmatlons' oM • fern,

damusk'Covdted. table..aurats were treated to punch 4.ur>

JuR. • ■ ■....................................

Ouuits. Included Dorotlty-Coekrell, Marilyn. Brookn. Oraec Weafericr.

....... .Tliiker, Marolc

. Hayes nnti MftiyjvlrshiifiTBcii-

, ■ BUI ilcDdnold. Bill ?Tcrrllt, Dick Brlzee, .Cat! BroTr'n. David nsKc. John.. RAimuuen. Robin Bla2er.| .Qtcya_eilbeu^BcnJlttBhca_Bdt A>Tci ,jnd Jloword Allen.

Y v A ^ 'lN C T d N M O T IFA T ..N E E T IN G -^ ~ Y - - - - .....

Twchty-six members of Uie_Bap. , iUt-M^innsry-*bcl«ly.'mot-r«!«int-|

oaTri|-Avn,-iJor..ft.._...........—Rpd-camntlonfl TnilAred-tlic-tnblB 'at whlcli ifucfclo were'served, trny stylo with Indlrldual cherry plea docorated-by-llttle nn«<. IMrtherUiB tlio patriotic tiicme «an*-wM«-uMd in groups In varloua ,i>lacea in the rooma^Anolher-oentrBli dccoraXlon

m r r

. mrmbcrs of the Qem State-5iudy club nt ft one-lhlrly 'de-verl luncli- eon In lier home yest^day after-

Quests were seated at three quar- let, tables bearing decomtlons' In

—r«d,^lilte7-nnd-bltier}ilSnlfI^nt-< Oeorgo Woxhln«ton’s birthday.'

Flave Lydum, president, con-

,PooUtldBe.."_Mrs_LcnorB-JohnM»n. led thp devotlonnls talkiiiB on the ■.•Good .Samnrllan,"."* Mrs. Benny Winkler. 'p i^dentTlii^ilrtS ir anU- Mrs. C. o ; OUon took charge of the prosrom.

T^VIN g A L L S , ID A H O . S A T U R D A Y M O RNING ; F E ijB U A R Y l i , 10.10-' i P A G E F l v S ~ f

A p p ea rin g ':in iwhito dress un llorms women o f the Royal NyBlibpra_lbdBC. c losod_lhelf rcguiar-lodgb m cctinglost cvc> n ln g j-w ll^ drill mafchinB foe thc..b9hefiti-df-}iusbands-anO gueata--^whom - t ^ y were en-

I t e r t a l r i l h g . ~ For ttie reln'aln'der of -llie evcnlni:

cucat« play<^ pinoclile imd Chl-HMcTchcckcrs. • • ---------------

L_At:.thfl...ciO*o ..of Ihe-eyenlnff- re freAlimcnt . were ser 'cd lir hixly- elBht BUesta. Mra. Alta Dickey was chairman of tho refrc.-ihment com­mittee, aMlsted by. Mrs. Lora Dovi., Mra.-Emmti_-Andcrson. Mm. ciwld Kelm, Mrs. Efflc Eamw and Mrs? AnnaEsbert.-

|~ M a k e - i T h i s - M o c

,^ 'v iirFa ll3 N ews Pattern ' Q w M (^ n = S i i g d r B e e is i^

. Mcmbcr3;o£-Uio-Brld8ftdlers-

MlM Mario Bltienbunt for ihclrrer- ul_ar contract bridge, gathcrlnB, Gueata Included‘ Mr«.-W B.-Loni;,-

'Mrs. Tliomns Elnew, Miss Jlclon Hale.

<AMES-ARE-DIVi:RSION— , >Fr. AND M. CLUB _ _ Mcmbers of thoT. and M. club met

Prldny uflenioon iit Iho lioiiie of Mrs. Clyd IVMn. --- - — ^ ^uwt*^ere-M «:-W a«ep-D ix^im Mrs'.-acorKe-Wcbbr-Durtne-the-nf»- ternoon contrnqi. pinochlpj luuUJllI* ncsc checkers wi-tu played. Honors went to Mrs. Wnller DIx. Mrs. Webl aivrt^iSF^r-nqai'.-**"— —. PollowinB tlie Bauies refreshmcnta Were served . •

;ently at a/smarlly''hppom^^ ilwi ■crt IiuJcheon-ln-hcrJiomo:--------

_J>’li\V_'iillUVnVAIST-8TVLK— •

, I’ATTEnN 1041 Hciejs a iiiPi'.* drc.u tO''(lo>you<a

. Boo<|-tum-cvcry tljiy. of..tllC-lortn- cainlnK Rny Ri'ii.'on . . •. nnd nfter*

. Uiird/v too, You'll call It your ■■pal." '^ncii U.can acfonipiiny you luoro

placM Uiiin niiy frock- ’In' your spr^B wardrobe, TJc/.l(l«.,'Uio Sew- Ini: Iii«(nictor of Anne Adams'' Pattern 4054 U'lll prove ihat smart luUored 'drcDses of this tvpe, either Miort lonn-slcevcd. nrc' easy to .

i-ofliai;*!*—TliL'-rltodlco blouMH—Just,- ■ oiiQUKli-lo-fluff-out prctilly abovo

the sleek lilpllnc. bcneoth the curvcd: front-cloalni: yoko la «UUhed-dowiv(ui-tuekfl-nr*Iert~iu jpft-cather-i. And sincc fhircd licm- Ilnoa arc no very Krnciilul. the jikltf

-obIlKL-.-k with Iho-tliilnilcst-(hitler. „Whcn,iliM of n self fttK.jmi a Hash of'colored ribbon ut your walnt,

-— Paltmi__1431— avallabjo-mlisCs’ anti women's sl cs h , lo. 18. 20. 32. 34. a<!. 38. 40 and 42. Sl:e 1C

•tukeo'3>.j-yards aa.lnch fabric. . r-Sond w i'n iEN 'CEtrrs-dsc)' coliM for this Anni' Adtimo >vi Wrui" pFamiy W zX NA\fE,. A: DRESS.and STYLE NUMBER,

*~P la irn :dnshltur.pcyrsnfing~tfjlKT^rl,r« iro -frm rT7 ow i;-/cb {m #-R >mI-PAITEJW.J/OOIC.. .'. wlifoh moans"

—order your copy at once. If you want lo finish your sewlnK carlyl Chooio txini JDortsloro. clrc4s»up

„flaH<Ters: cheeryiiou¥irock.s::dom---: —untUw—nil—nwl««--ca«l>y—w«i-

IhtlfUy at. home.'. Flmt but-what's.

AUo —_'speclaUy_allmnsh]E modes ^or-matronKl Send lodayi. PRICE


M a n ^ n F t i ' o - W o r a e n — ‘

^ £ j : a t a e t U 3 j X a i i T H R i

I. y. T. c iiotip ■

^ ^ n e-t ................ ........ -,..vKrantcii clivbrcu ottree.i 'followUiir unconleAled-iiMflnga before JutI«o' James w. Porter In the district court In Twin Falls yesterday. ~<\lleRlnir.~nct.t-of vtolrnro: Prht •BrClnrlf'oljlafacd-a dfiorce -Clarklwhom, he* mar­ried ut Brigham. Utnh. AprlL 16.'J 0 3 B . ______ _

Desertion contmuliijf^tpec'two .... after their marriage In Twin

June Daniels, n* new member, wiu; n'elcomcd into the Club,

• Colors ro.iu and white were voted JjiJor IhB-club colQi' , and, incjhcbailriess session.Kames werr ’ ' played .(ind fCIrcshm£nUUvrvcd~

OTVOKWA CAMP- FIREBeinilnr-mcetlnK'orthe-Olyokwu

Camp Fire Rlrls took place 'niura-

yMr-oId.Blrl.iwho-was Krantejl a dU ■^rca-from“Arthur L. Slices... Mrj. Florcnco sturslll, inoUicr - two Blrb.-S'tmd^0 yjnfs-6!d=»m Branled a 'dlvorcc- ^om WIllI

DurhiR the bu-ilncM. *cs.ilon votii [■was'^^n on ,Un: IIhb r,ymbo1j Rc-

InB Your.NelRhbor.’' "SeeinB Your Neighbor." war. Uie tople chosen by

*poke-on "ChrUtlan P)rlcndllncM Work," and In costume Mrs. p.

---------- ___________________ _

I Sun, Mon., Tues. — '"NewMimi'* -;5^>vHTn)fnt,"=t!ftie-'I^r^ Guys,' JocUe

', Tliurs.^'AU.,Qulet on the

■wtilch plan* were made for the .Jiuai wlnter Pedemtcd plenic;—. At-brldge Mrs. Ivan Lincoln won the honors. Ouest.i were Mrs. O. c

• Half.- MfsV.W.:?. ;aitooa, and Mrs Glen BaU*.

- I S SUCCESS _________Third Of n'series,of Twln_Fa1Is

- r e *d -"NelBls'bors Response."

Summerville.^■rl.. gtt.~"Ro«d Demon.'


Council Fire' or tliC new yeur al tho home ■ of'Mls.s Marilyn OInn I.t« evenliiB wlUi Iwenly-lhrte nicmbcra, prc.-:pnl. ■ Tlie Ajnerlean As.iodHlloiiorUhlversliy wflrnenr.'iivmfofftmicRroup, was represenletl by MtTi. Jlar- f>!J3aIi, prrtldant-of-A:A-.UrWrnme. Mr.5.'Jdhn H.' Davis, proiram chalr- -lan- of that orBanisaUon.

Tti'e. tradlUonnl aettlnR-of three -tapcnr • ■ - -

eluded Mrs.' Bert Sweet, Xfoi.'liud Drcxler an,d Mrs . Arthur J., Regun.


SprlnRtime was the. refreshlnR,

..................OUPUEUM ............-Novr playlnB — Vouns-in- Ileart," Janet Oaynor, Douglas Fair­banks, Jr..Siui.. Mon.. Tuea,—"Idiot's

,ll8ht.:i-Cl«ls-G*ltle, JIuilJliUbliMfwrl Wed., .T iiu rf.^ jpUgor-Hoover’a

the ,l>aekftround. 'the" Uiree'^^pcrs JfiWi. mtanLng lhB_three-imlnta-.or-ll^

. camo Fire prosram. Wo-k. Health and toye. ToklnB' paffr In the im­pressive,* cwmony. were Marilvn North. Pativ Campbgll, Hah ■Ball. Marilyh'"Gmn;' 'H a ^ McFarland, «nd-Gene-Ostmnrifrr“ Mrs.“ aoTdon'

::MlUlcejiL'D.iincs7Jcnwli;vc .Cro' _ llah Bull, Irene Shulke. At the closi: of the evening, tiie hostcM itrved


BroujjTiict.ycsicruiiy nt \na Betty June Gambrel. •Plans 'miide for a cooked food r.ulo lo held on • -FcBhiary elshfeentii. CiiRentn. Elder, uuest, explained

_________^VAL1X)\VA _______■ilie Waliowa Camp Fire RlrU mot

at tho home of tliclr Ruiirdlari. Mra,......... - .. ~ -.


____________ ________ .. -■ntlnoexchanne .was ciijoycd-aiid-ft......iiost luncheon served at four o'clock. .

'ALLCiW RCH N/GH'T>Th.. tVhn,.,.-

dinner wUl be .Riven at the MolhV odist cliurch Tlmrsday fvenlnn, Feb, 23. Tencliers who nlteml the Mtih'

the program ;ind liie Mary Aunn finndny . school'Clajs will, br; ■

~charr,e *

STAR SOCIAITCLUB .Filer Star Social club'

wltii tlielr hU.ib»nds-na Buesl.s en- •Joy«Vn-no-host-dlnner:and- ' party Wediiesdny evening

•6AI,T-Iji«B'OI'lVr-Pcb>17TW)— i iKalltc' Fout*,- UrlBhBm--Young's: .Brcflt;£randdttuctl, 'New York homely as could, bo Auiiust and.coma homo-(our months laur-a dazzlhii; bcaul -Js.hitv. .'7))lRlMy good time t>clns'a'glamour(jirl. ■- .......................... •

She tpemU more time and money than sha ubd to keeping In good repair all Uir nswrtf'd "umijlV.' shi acquirctl In Gotham—but llio_ln' vcaluieiit, ilic «ny.s., pnyn top Ulvl, dcnd.T.

*'U helps me professionally to i » attnicllvc," .MM Fouiz. ttdveriUlng

;excttJUvc-Xor a' dcpatimcu;. store, obwrvni in'un lutcrvi<'w, airily. ’

"I'm kept veo‘ lJU5y..,5p<'3l:lnB at _ IhU mtciUiK and Ui,ii, on bciiuiy p-*T5roWrms^. • •

r "And as far ii ilefiiilluly'pickliVk’ .,.

■ VCoiitr>.t Wliiiirr -., . Kalllf,.whi) U.miire ihim onlliur i JJy-ucJl-otjuipp<Kl-»llli'Oiiiln.'>,-wn'-, . oiiA -uf.. 5J00.. plain-younc.-V.BuitiL. 1 who wrote SOO-word c• Rya iv . funi-■ mer in a fashion innRnr.hie-(Mnilrm-] olflcllPi .coniciLJm .'-'.Why l Stmuicij,Bif Choten 10 U-i -Marlc Over." •

cearae-and^l ln^y^^aUy.-«••frow8y— -female, dull, dour ond discouraged;:.' -.PWur«»-nn<l ea.-M>y;:wop-Kttllto'» - tripio New York, a four-wMk courM wlUi a plBSllo-surgeon,-lnnumcrablo. - .,, beauty . tr«alm.’nl*,--anrt-a-three-- VFj month’ "Blamoiir slrl' tour of and nUht clubs: — ••• - • •

And now Khe 1< back like on. or-_... chid in the tugar ijept^—back .WltU ;he rrjulti'of IJ.OOO ^vortli df'.#x».r pen-attention—and with, a rear's.- warifrobe. J '

"Not many Rltls could come back •as KoUlo has,"- eonunenled ond or ' her friends, "and me«t the peopla- .wiiO-lcnew.her n«,nn ugly ,ducklln[r, wllhoui bccomliis lioixlcssly self- .COll.’ UOUS.'. ••;,"lJur.KnllleJjii3-jvlltJnU

, aiiii liuQe-ily—and' u yood s .»o:l.-ii .Jlfo-fi's]hum6r. It's not for nothlng-Umt,:

.•'he’s a dc.scendant of Uit man w h o-" W the Mormons to Utah,"

MOFi noticeable of Kallle'a features arc her lon«, dark, extreme^Jy.lujwrlant cyclnjlici_Thcy_affftp__LIcmv at you, almost get tn your . 'Aliy. Just lo. fllckcr them would .... Eiyc a,mere man an optical charley-__j_]

| nC-w- na-)C—:H's .'permanent-I loo,J-\V.* ik'Clilcd I »hbuld wear fny

lo'r iiii-li;cxt ihlii year."'l'ilU\i It 1>, at II dvlvetablo angle. .

lt’;i pfqiiailt,................................

. . :far-fmm thE-mlriilofH jelyTUIy_Cn«:fltniioJI»U.*;

pnllian opera, n-atatliining

molrb slik taffeU kuit'uItU heart Uiapri) ludlte. The IwUted fhlf> fun (uriian is a hunter's ifrecn hue.

plan to cooperate inlibrHcyJor-thcliujxul'----------------DC brougliV froni’ lii’dit'lduaT~iiicTri'bm ' Tiom)'::------------ — 'T ir ;— Oeita-ffiihd-Brl' l'KrClub mrt ~T...............................____ of..M[..................................lowins a dcsr,crt luncheon, two tables were In play.

, .i:-;aQro‘ thnh anythlnrcUo— •ll':.|ll.p:ovidciiIlii Fouls wlUj her n<

" ~ ri' I Tiiuiiuh beauty e.-Jtwrta made-her


SS2- S i t i y a y o n w A w y . ' . -

worri'_nboutJicr-JlSri_ nri\ u 'i uio -sloiiclcr, shapely k ind ' to which cloihc.v—pretty cloUies— Just niilurally lake'.''

•j ftf bcauiy fccrrUi ■s?>•c eal;nca- n o - ‘ I

COuraRO yoUnj go In for

celebrated her 7Urd blrtluJsj-TTuesi day. A number of frIciuU-i;allp<l— rtHft-TftrilfW.TnBJIT.- ' .' . ^

il the Snlvnllon'Army halj, 211

•1hJure,1-1.-rT3II^U.! McXtaliilli: iiall dniiRliicr of Mr. and Mrs.'

.Ddiio_ilcilakui.-fcU_Jrom..a-irl-; cycle last wctk and- fructured iier'

-. She L'l, r.ipl(lly -convalciclJJK.

nlpg a 7;30-p.%m. A Urcut-mAUnB will be iicld iil'B p. mt and « Salvn- tloif me'ellni:- III tlie hull. He. wilt hnve-eharTrc-of- all- the'mcctinR 'on’ Sunday, enrollmrilfor'n>vTr Jiinibr

■ Hits will be held In the Sunday

- .....TtT") otteri ■ .-In'^^t

----LATE SHOU'-XONlTEll--------Last Prrformance .Staris &:30 P. M.

party Triesdny afternoon. A ’covered I dL^h.lunchcon wur, .served and •four I

•Club Meets—Mrs. Walter White eijtcrUinud tlie'TJ: N. I.-lIrldRO club Tuc,\day. Mrs. Melvin Bfihop wa.i a BUest. Three' lobles were In play «ner.-o.di‘«ert-*nt*T-h<worTrolnB

bary making head bnntls ailti are plnnnlnu fpr their eoundl fire. At tliclr iast nieetlng members elect­ed Barijarn Spaeth na the Sew scribe of tile organlazilon. Both ^roum o f Uie Camp Fire orgonlsailon here

- 'Vanied — t/nencttmbercd / (nan. nRcd 30-45, a.i n-Wslant

suito manager for Ihterna-w^;.tloanliy.Jaiflim.„cojnp.anj-,

" ■ " ■ iv e tralnlni nmdXJScfT

H igh , remuneratlonr

meeting the - different. Krniiiu of youni; prople und lalkln|: to tiicm in- v.irlous phases'oT Salvation Army work.' ~

l E f l T r a i a :

25 Twin Falls News

Page 6: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty


S S R V i C E

P X .C U A C E E LLIO TT T A Y L O Rcjplalnert; Pcier-:-nnjwcrc<f

_ - G o y e K n i u c i i t J ? o s H ---------— n - j - — — J - - '-- — a r— > ■ > » - t - j - -----------

> ’i*>'tn)nclla; im . )'om5K_

- Icf3 .to tuko licr home

e tlrjvinp_tliroiii:l)

___ „ _ -CouiaJoot, .... suddenly lnl6~lil?i fnce. and mrri LL _ Jil3_Wfs.',lIC-Wi-'.lclllilU l«r.. Stic .. ' realized, niiii n pouniliiiK licitil. tliiil

.i'e IlkrtI lirr. 'nut !f only lie I'OllM ii,:_jidKi_iiUiiciiauf._iJiia-Jiiey- wouiti

Jmvu seen it crent drnl or odp. nn>f)llier.“ • • .. _________

Siiddnily ToiisM.aiicV.i iinSi —— pcd •roHHrf-!ier nlioiildcn? He l^nt

liln liend. Uls lips lini!iljfd li'rr forc- lieiid. Tliclr crcort was oblivloiw of

______ tiiniiu^«ii!rliis..atolliHy..j3ut.JjilQ..lhe' alindowa rn.'.t by Hic trees.

,"Yca. li'.i i\ Kfenl uUy. I'elrcl. Bui llx'.se lUliiK-t cnn’t be hcl|>rd,”

■ rii. •Vi)iryV'iV>.r''-Mi~(: •\vlil'Prre<l. Kliu bni.-'liinl lifT (oreliirnct iiRnlan,

■-.llia-touRluii'M’of-hh-«!heele.-“ Hnte-*- =r»XJs=raic“ ;iJiroUWU tt'-votto h> her

I '/•li;i(tilerJii« from:iJ]p tJirll) of lhalT.eiiyciitcr.Tsne'Ka\\iea-T6i)i'-zi\ninr to jnil Ills nnrtH"round lier. nnU hold

] lirr tlRlitly: lo U-ll her timl ho.felt,__ _ftishc.iUa:_suUdcnIy-ttn(|.blliidli*i;ly---- ttnujii _Umi. they., lovcq.. ouc_ajr^',■. «iihrr.-thnt I’lic; linO .bce> mnide ior - '-.liimrslic wnnwd him to chnnse hU. » r > ^ lan»=Fi;nn>K»toly“ f o ^ hetr ghc-d

.............him to trill for Clilna I

li-r^AH-she eoultlr do. wasto (trip -hlir liaiid Il8hily..clln(tln8 lo it. nnd look M-lilnj-wJUj-dMpcratc. rcvcaims

Jtrfitly. m'r the', iflo’onlight'

~TtRinii. ■ aiic~iuJd 'lr irphtiy. Imrdlh _,Hlic.-WM-prayhift_lhut_hc.-\wuld —Ttrotpsc; The7momeul. liu .•.[iok'e. slic'■IWntll«if»MHIl‘ ll ‘—_rxuUnlion._ror_hc_tlltlJiol..prelciid

to . Riisundcrsinnd. He dbrcgfirded —JiM^coaualnessraJfcomplctelyarTlP'

overlooked . tlic- unlmiMrtancc-'. o( -lime. Tlicy had .iccrt onfc nnothet' for leaa thim Imtf uii tiour. Btu'tliey

imreor • siire.” MJnutM-pa!i'^ 'in-an -ns«tiyH»{-wnitln(r.-Iii u tnonK-i»,-hho told herM-lf. Tony would iclpplionc. K\'iT)'thlnK would bo all rlglii.'She .u’ould-lttUBh-ftl-h<‘ r-<lmibt.--Or-nrp j^h^r"mro;^('r wnuld_r.vrif, up tiir

„. rtrw.;h^rfnc,i».-jiow:,.monr. IIqecxs.lU. JJu^Toaplj«c*<lw-noTlin5Kr

|- - -Tlir-i.'fiiKT-^Mimo-iit^wvcn^-OiKii--

teen." Had he done that for her? She believed «o: U w.ns dramaUcnl*

, ly. blit unxentlmenUlly'wrlUcn. She

' — ' -0 aetnai diinciff. 11 liad

'1I1B .MisDcnse. aureiy, (urely tt>al telephone must rliic?-Her lather..came. In at clRhi. H;

looked ilU "'i(h Ilrcdnen . He vv;n ■li.miru^anrl, ln.n-.-d yfl'n iaUL.lVlUL aliave. Out, the paragraliti' lin<l-iiio —; JIfled ,hl.i nniitr. r ; — "Slnce'thoy"!.eeiirto*miiiK-}'j5U-.r| public, heroine, l f « no use siiyUiK ' wlial I really think. Mr.i.. anint prombea-aher-Jean. »n<r B:...........

Improbability. Tliat Is whnl 1 ujint .you to clilnJc- You'xc not tnndc for.

— horrpf-..bloo<blie<l,..tind ftdveuLurcJ JlHIe Petrel. Vou'll bc_Uianl:lul

- when It 1.1 over; wljen life Li pcuce-'' ful nnd koniiy and .ictiled iiKaln.

y -You’d better think of me na Jil.4l-tthe nlKhtmare.'.’______

. , • J3he siobd >nclnR film on llie door..nlep. n pan’t—don't .you know Hint

■■ ■'I cnn't?" r,hc wliL-.psred.Ijtu -itiigOtVia^tiitit. You wjil.

.1 lorKot me." He wft.v tellliiR Her

“ lifrcd, ttm vordn. But hU pyes com' -^nnndetl her nei'fr’tb, forset.

•:rni nfmld 1‘ni eohi« lo renieni' her Himtevcr you-tcll_ii«ifV— ,

■"■'-iEiinhv.-for tlw- moment,igr »u?- moment, im Ihow

'aveii luid rarili to niL's that ship." " nin

told him. “ Ii ....................■ ahall meet nRaln."■ "I fecl' thnt. loo! A-i if we cnn't

:_iiclp-'.ouf3elvcii—Uuto-lhnfff-ii-tnnd =rtdett7-OoCTh^t.-;lnr!*cri-oiieilrtr‘drarr~

BendlOR hb head.' he kUted her liar^d.'TiuC wa.i nil he-had Intended, Mic h:nlteed. And It mennt. a Kreat

In lits amia. lie was kL-.flnj- her. nnd nhe u-a-t cllnirtnR tO'him. .lirr arm.', round hla atranu' neck, 'liL? hard.

_a ll0ulJers.:lnLmr-wholo-body-\hct^ wa.T wild Joy. For thc-llrst time U

- watteml. dertprratel.v, tlmt a man, —ttiTtmCTi-nini-- t j i rcc-v.";i.i • *rhl« W;ui the love for whlcli .ihe hod'—uaJled. She-hnd_bmi_Jxirn_aud,hnd—JiTcd—dmj'~U5at iliey mlRlit nicel,■ •And Uwt mlKht thronjh- H/>»- with him. —

e-voiiid- •ahe

, po!isrble'..lhcro -wouW be ^ettr’rur cn- bles; .Tlicy,_would- hicel nRnln in London. Or* ^hf «oi|l«l go to find

— Jilju,-lU4>rBlly cnd -o f-ih r

_:-Siio-hftd-«eimirc3i7nkl'lfrat falling — lovi niPiiiil aueh eestoey.TT— pniin; t.ii sAtp

Jiooli . lliey brote np.irt. He-, took .. Jier.iisalJi, (or oiic Iohr. kciiUc klw, ._.Uieu.- relvuSed - l.rr— Unnlly. She . Ihouifiit, "T shall nlwiiy., tenicmbpr — — iznpomg^gardciiTjiyniunaaT^rq"

ail Uios0.UiUitt& about"Artl-TfKJ- .<fty-'hV‘‘

nionilnff for ..........

herj.w him-off he twoiild' have‘nskea her to come. All »hfl could do wasxyatwnne’ ciocJCTannarmiunirsoond


- 01i..ycj-you~i:an—J*ater," -»hc laiifjlifd. -'And I don't ihlilk hp will Mill.-H;’n-probnl)tycabllnrthc Dally .Veft's ijcAv- for permission to stay hcru ii‘ frw extra day«. Hut even If

any .dlf;

. 'Sliinhfa'.'Weir. U',i'-iert.ilnl verj- excltlne

aoa_roumnllc_I£_j'ou'rft-happy.-so iim I. 1 think hc'a probably a dnrn !lne .d;ap. Only don't count on it 100 much. • I mmn. - make' «uro-ho feeU. the .name as> yoiudo about It before-you: loll ijeAdlonc.: .-.-.-.

. 'But Peter, rvc never felt s about anytljliij: hi my.llfe.'j,

Even, as Petronclltt replaced the receiver jihc wiw ii mtssenKcr ride 'up t)ie.drlve-oa-a;bio-cU!:.mnYlng.

plnes.1, for Ay brhii lo here: Toiiy’.s llra f present.

But when'Khc Klancul at tlje curd

Insr Tiiain:____ •MfViy TW~»WVTT Tj pumil.iti<^ lnii,nUnu1iu..clcmi--'J''wt.l Va-Jlmabnc. nis.allli) '»all«O..Sh'(;licurd u'a])lp.down-Ut‘ Uis. river, .Tulnily-but-dl»tlnclly.-T]M(-wnh Milp. It .was movini; au^ liiloUrown'rlver.~--------.She felt .ftlunned; ..Tony I-i

wantonly killed .lOmcthiiiK'. say., i-oun«. hnd bcautiJul..fQr iicr-whifh alic could. nevcr-feel-agalii.-ColliC- to her room, she threv lirrwlf on her bed. and sobbed; Htulo'wlJ'",' but he hod S'lft a fool to hftJc belicv^ liB'mPai'it in leek her out, again. IIc-liaUtft-SLc-tlUUiiQi fit Into Jtla .echwnc of ililtiBs. So lie hod ciit her ruihlessry out ot hLillIc,_gvsu_U>ouijh ilic. Tiiis^____demncd .to love Toiiv' Lsucc.^ie lintcd him frfr hU calloiunev.• ICopyrltht 193U. .Grace'MlHolt


I ul JiVojili u. Kflciinn.I to ilie ntiorncy,

d jy the Whlu* House

_______ JTUllY.e.:0(fil.1'ttjliuJdt:pilblle-lan—iiMhiinfie—Of - letters- between Kft-niin lind PrcilldcRt Ilooicvelt hi which ilii: lUvilatHUl liuMloniei-.Gcii. crnl Fiank.Murpliy.rnid-lie.plmuied. !o return to the prlvnle practice of

VKTr.ftAN ACTOIl DIKS' NEW VOflK. Krb._10 fJ-,_John

E. YouiiK, 07. a.cliiiiacto'r aciM who once appeared with- Lillian' Hu.i- « l l . died lii hi.' dresilns room,aj. tliir flr«i iiei of "Knickerbocker Ho|.

hda^-entled-lasl n lBhir-------------

i R i l c s : a t - G h i i r c l £

- . - E o i s - G o Q d i j i g J G i i l

r CAMBRIDGE, •MaM.i Pob.-17 lA’t liuman'Bulnca plR.n'lh khicktcboek*

-t‘rft^ lld•*Uo«-«Jr( «n^4^avo■oonvlnc«d

Ul-n fi-iir» rif1 Trn i 'fl. dlttatDMlilp -.iCRlmr;.,.!b'i,t_,Bcl_n!|.| ."friendly, fiill-of*llfe" younRstera In

w|ir;e Ihe leader, dlc'tnle'd all poll* cles, ,----ThLv.waa_0Dp03cd,-...lie_^wit>l«-liithc.Unmrd-Bhlcntlonnl-ReTlew-tp

....................... ...... ftttc loader-

Hcportlnc Oh an uhu.iunl noclalo-' deal experiment coiidticlcd otnone two nroiipn_pf tm^ »cl-

Lentlstx At.Iawii..Dr..Kdrt^ivln lo«. dav told hon' the KrnmmaSt^cliool* cr.i becnnie "|)Olcniinl cnemlon," of

another under n Mlmi' "

. Whu) Cglumbu.'. discovered Amcr; lea,.there horses.on. Uiu contlncnl, alili^ujh fo-vMl 'remain.-, have shown llmt the hone oriRln-

. . .. ..tiled here, and once nljounded Inmainsirs-ii-riiirTiutocrntic-sniterhirtiBnrKiwei — --------

•T "6 b 6 D INd;^T^ti;af-l-^merar-t;er- ■ vlcea for Jean.EllmtJCth-lIcnry-.'.lO*-

yeiir-old dauRhlcr of Mr. .ml Mr*i ■ Wllliam.'lic'nry-of Ihrs'coiflniunity,


' alUpolicl«a-iiy_cooocrailvc_dhcus.. Sion, aiJiLilc<l by friendly-and Kcncr-

Uicir leader.lied ivuiirliy lieurt'ii

■fltlhe.MeUi6dlal^nrehwiU»'W;-P.Coehmn nnil'.lhc nev. Tlieo D. Mlu-

iiLclVorttc. lie •

nnd <

by iiilftcks of rheumnilsm.- " , »• .Sur>’lvln«'^ire her parcnt;i rilid four

brolheni and tilalcrs: Marjorie.'John, Elcnor.:nnd._Wn]lcr._ ' . ' . . I j _. Pallbearers at the «ervlcci wei Robert Carrico. Bobble Carter. \Va: Prnther. Pre<l BIIm . John Korhni and 'Jamc.rTScBoi dmry'jiair

bearers wcro~MorUia~Ann"Kralm;’ “ Mary-'Utnphenor.Jarbarn-Jc-Klng. • -

- T ^ C H T P I E p p ^ ' ■

evci»liiff.-Thellnie-fli>ent ul- OhlnewJ- checkrn.''NcxrnieeU.‘lg .will be nt “ •Lloyd Layneo'.."

siuil-lnit^TnoM eonrined to their • hoi‘‘.e wllii lllne.M Uie past week ' lire Mr.v Orlln .Tohn on, Mn. Bnuh,

p o P e y e - B A S H F U L B E A U ,

, ciected-*nd-Hr^>rO<pn(n^«fc-"l<'ct- «l.clialrmau_ TUc_board_tlccl«i-i‘ iw follows: ■Willlum Olnuiiri'. Mi-I- vln Pnrkti, Alice Jone.i, Mri. Wllllnm •0!mmnr-nnd-MrT;-Ell*nbrth-Onr.- IrjTThe-next merlinR of ihf-cittti >111 tielield-' Mohilay. nlgJiii^bi.^Tr

. r.'idlen-Aid-^Botli circles ot the M. -R,-Udlw-Aid‘-rti«ulait-wNfc_Wcd-

;the Fred Lfari^'jiOiiU! |

Ch, lu‘ hcksl«-ise3. Plans -wrro'inndi .l for a.biiigjir'to;bv>lieId_.vrareh tir' nnd the nflcrnobU-waa . pcnt doiiiK. fancy work and-r.ewlns for thLn ba-

^ n e ,tht deitnfy presidclil, m;iile-|

the Rrbekah Iodise last week, Tucs- diiy cventnff,' ncfreshmenw -wcrc jtrvcd by. Mr5_LguUc^pnntiid_!in(i. Mr.i. Plp.'Sic. Marsh. Meintm prau-

lh2 i>!iiy, '"Oriinclma Gih-.-

|— nrliI|!e-aub=Thc TiiiiiUy Afivr- noon Bridge club met InM v

, the home of . Irs, iliirvtj r.Tirenr-werc mroo tablM in pii

In her mhld llic' ccrlainty Uint She woiildrnut iK'ar another word ironi .Tony, stnisiiled for mastery 'ac' Inurediiloui Men ditt[noLircHij’attJikc,lhai:_ni^.(xL OH admit lliHl they loved you, vet ho!d love If It were .an hul«nlfl- Ihli'iK, of.'uV) imiiorlanec. 'ShnuiisirrnioTC^ionzKmtnmnirl

iHiiuutju J'uijy.

■“ A fiS mlnutcjf - whlcJj-.-Mcmed yearn. the':iler)t tolll her’ that Mr. Lanc« wh.i not In the hoa l. or .In Ills ro^ni. Jlc iiad none (lui early. Putrcls heart leSpt with sudden I

hiK at lire home of his moiiiir. .Mi':: J, D. EllLv He Joined the U.S. nav L In November and l.ijiow .Malloned ^

--------Itlrlhdu^ Event—A birtliilay

prlMi" party wm!«*'kIvc;i by Mr.-; thnr Glote. Siitunlay ' cvcaliii lioiior of her .ion. Kenneili

But wheii.she oppu'iito her (a- tlier. the orj^nge-colored papwi fruit ■belwecirUrem on Ihe bbl<-. he/cof­fee cup empty, ^he know that .she

a,iml3Ukcji.She *i>cnt the hour l)cmwn-ien-

.. Jl'drriinTn lii n Mnic m hurt pride. mlMry nnd anger, irow dnrcd he? 214 had'tolvn her happlnes-s. He. had Mcaped willi—eomplotc f r « -

:Or woiild the tfli-iilione ■■iUll

to make any move. I f she had been .niado-dltfcrcuily.. !ihc_inlglil-, havi taken'Iho car.-drivelT n') the quay

ACftOSJt. Cooklnc vri el henioi*

nf ptirpi* Ii. tiilriully


- D a i l y - A ' o s s - W e r d - P i i z i z l e - U

Solution of Ye»terday'iPu«te

Page 7: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty


S e m i - F i n a l i S a m e

M urtaugh Savages, Twin Falls M-Mcn and Sugar City Elim inafe'Opponents ^

^ ’ In Round o f N igh t Battles" '

'^ '■-.'’BTJRLEY',' rcbVJ? E lgh rtcam rw ere 's till In-th'c running fo r the clmmplonahlp o f the Elks annunl bnslcctbairtourna- nyjnt .after a series o f close, linrcl-fouBht contests tonight completed Uio second dny o f competition. '

Saturday at 1:30 p ..m ..the B u rley^ k s and Orange Trans- -' --^ o rta tlo n 'quintet from Pocatello clasli fo r the .rlKht.ta cater.

• the finals. The other finalist must come from the .hard way by p laying three games In th e '

- — losers' bracket before fcachl'ng• • the championship till. - •’ *

-------- ToflftyfrrfroUii:?— iT"— —— •

iclorj^btriiij^ lo

---- ;------- NIOHT-OAMKS----- —r— ■— ^OraW«rT'Mnipe>JaOnn fl’oVaJfl'_____ ]o| 27, TjHn FallB rirfilan 20.

’ MitrUUfli Si>v»ge« 3t. ‘Anitrtcaii

___ 57, Dfflo 30.- - -

■ Nampa 18. (I.oKt out.)rin;LTiiaawor;JUij>iw:aiiMiBJdaiia.tii;a

Minidoka CCC 38, Rnpert noMlrn 85. Itnneroul.')- American Falls 47. Tuui Ellen 17.

- -------

—iHst-ihw.tnimiic,'.. The teams Baitlcd evfiily lor mosl

. cf iho 6»ijic.., •~ Game Dctermlnck Favorite--- wmnemrtnnniricrKHBiDr!....-

Tratnporlallon same wlU be lovorcil to cop (be clinniptoii!>hlii. other team In U)e running', all In .the iMtr.i' bracket wUh thrcr eaine.-! tt

----TTtn'bcforc' chtcrlnp-tlic-flnnls.-'nnOnkley. MiirtnuKh. Twln.PiilU M- Men. Siutor City, shoslioiie niid

. 'IM,'ln m l]}. fTic=5Hy^

. ■ Paul Ellerj, nuperl Bocalers. Mint ■ rioVa CCC, Stono Lumber' of Nnm-

• )m. .Hejbiini. Deelo, American-FnlLi A . nncl Ooodln; .^ Priaftj' niRli

-enert’ wlth C................ ................ Jinntlln? Tajn jFulLi Pnrtoinn Jts

I.cad at'lla ir ParLnInn biuketeers led 12>10 nl

the linlf. but were unnble Uo bold the lead-nBtijnsfthc^neciirnte-.iboot'

. Jnit TrucKniep. .•le-I.itinmr-ininrri.—twn.T-lilRh-

flcorer for Hib* 'wlnnlnis Or.ini

CllnklJWbeard counfcd al* for Paris-

can-miu n -ie nt.tlie Imlf. but .EddlnRton. lorwnrd. nnd Posceci.

—o«nler.-whfr-hit-tlifr-hoop--fdr-nlne' and elRht-polnlx rcapectlvely, pncc'cfA victory fttUelr .........................

_ M n rt niiB I i_n-o n. 3.KllLi A.ndfews, forH\irH fdr-Twlii

Pnlls M-Mon ftlappcd 20 more points ■ tbroiigh Jbo.nelJi ngnlnst T)edo ni

the L. O. S. tjulniw \enii 51.36, Ati- drcwn U tournament lilgU Morcr lo date with 34 polnia in ihr'&t.gnmcsr

Wood lllih Scorer •nie M-Mpti • •

louied Pecio. Wood, center, ..........' Polni*,.and_-Tr«mn^r.---Btittrd. wlio

, _ countecTll oolnt* ull In Uio iMthiilf, V otfter big Runa forTtt'ln FtalLi.

-Osterliout, center, tnode elRlit for Declo. . -.

--------ln-U»e rinal;B«me oMlic erfnliiB.^tiffar-Clty-ellmlnated aoodinrSB- 40. Croft mado 20polnta for-flusac-CITS'rWafttJudnvffieirforODjKlltiifr

Durlnff Ibe nftemoon.MMlon Dcc* lo ellmlnntM.Iloybum'33-30 in u BifzlInK coiltcsl. Heybum leit 18-13 at tlie hiiir, blit Doclo flnWied In

-I>lgh-8«rto-wln-nftenniMlicjioe^ _ond.hal)LUlut.flQW._thc.acorc.cliange

---- N.—Croft'.*Heyb'imi' forward, tookscorlnE honors wltti .10 pdJiiu,

Ctka Tako Blr Gamiv-_ll.'J. u" 1 _______■irai>d» Eiown. Ui'i) bcsl gnmu outlie oftemooa developwl when Q«rl«y mif , n anrtlMfr rlmmplnn,'.Shoshone Redskins clashed. Bur*'

.......-wnir-Eni.. __________Bcorcr of.the game wUli 17 points.

— : —JUltlng-Uio-Uoop.-ftsslstrt-by- Uteiea>,.tonta» i.Hurleu. .linit

^ 45:57 “Vic tori'.TJioniasbli. forwi

polntd for .^hoihoi . J,tlnIdokA CCO


= ^ -= g h ^ M gc<r- I ir ^ e BuiiS iT ;^ ~TliaWa-rKrUirow5:'Cooi)ct7TcT<3^

— •-H-4s:a7 victoH-. ...... Davta-2*'aorilnBP.l;-FnBr.-.Hawk8- T

Rupert Quintets -Sg^^Viclones

Hiratcs Kegister-iil-to -'la ,W|n-Over-OakleyJn—


a 17-12'.............. »T-ov«r-U»-Oakley' M>Men..but Uie CCQ youtba could- -na-keopTPnce-n«-ttio-Ii.D«,--olub ■won 31'38. ’Tlie-loss. Uic. sccond

i d « l - ^ -burtlen' fer'tlic ItSInf

. 'Surar Clly win*Sugar City Jndependcnta rcnialned

• 01^ ' *” **** *<-Polnts -_for Buttar'"— ^ ^ w n i in g ^ E r - 6Siried with' itOrF-Qii

Today’s-^ ^ T s d u l ^

__8:30.' ft, jn,_Ti.Sbo»JionOtiilakln4.\x Twin Fall* pa^slaii.

9:40 a. m. -n MurUngh

"TwiSO ^•m.’- 'lw ln .Falls MsMcn vs. Sugar tlty.•1:30 p. m. —■ Durle* Elk* ts.

Oranse Tranitfortatlon (Pocatello)v-3i4a-p.rni.-----\Vlni)e>>«r-ChB-Oal(-r-Mnrtauih-fame T*.^lnne^-^>^

Jb^TwJn FallrTtt-Men.Suear City

diamplouj »lp_ eawt

rio>5.\ CCC cagc?3. Tlie evenli' mntc i- ■ed (jmniHB staged ft spectacularbnlUo-ftll-lhe-wny:--------------------

Wliliiinis; nupcrt . cmirtl. pnccrt

— 6ianKo—rraiwportntlon-Df roca> icVo playrd-llashy tiasketbsll fro:ii lliC‘>tan and held a 30>3 advantage nC ImUlIme over CoodInK Jnycces.-

- - 38-17 wUi. . - • :Ii:.-tU)n hnd 10 nml Wnyne Carlo

nlno lor ilic wUuier.i. wliHe Ward, JudcvlnocolIec:ea'f,I)f'for"Goodlni:,

Branch Aggies.DeifeaOilbion

^fahCollBgiansTTakc' HiSti- .Scoring Hotp Bstll;, . ,


. ALBION, Id(i-. Feb._ 17 OT-;Brll- llniil shooting nhd rough- play lea* -tuml'ii-lilHh-hoorliiM-lnUrmountaln

game* here- tonight as Brandh Ag- rlculiurnl coIIOrs of Coilnr 'City,

Tlie quintets meet here again jtUir(lpy-iilBht^it-t]>e-s««ond>gumu

of the scries.' . ' • .Alihoush 3D fouls were called in « contest. 23 mi the-. A,iBifa_nii'l

. rort-Alaloni the frrciuent'pentililes fulled lo dlmlnbh iho of the confcsl.

rtve pUy?r* cajed tnore tlstnV W points, but Gorrlngc, AlWou for- word, was high man witli 31' points. Curler, j-eserve Agglo forward, •lop- ped his jlub with 15. - ■'

on- {00 irialiy personal fouls, with Brown nml Hawks of Albloii


f fa d f f e m & r e = ^ m iu & ^ e ^ i& r o p 3^ ^

T Z ^ C T O U J N G O : N O T ^ W O R R Y I N G G L U B

Rcard Leads at Half-Way

P c n n s y lv a n ia n -E m c r t jc s From Assault on Par With

• -S troke ftdvanlagc .

nv i<i:N.N!rni ( "N KW 0liLl;.\Na. Out o( n lu'iir.Ml Itrnrv - r»i--nrri—f»t--

Brooklyn Counts-On Four Outstanding

• , , . YoUngstcrs..__,i,:

■ t y ^ 'IIIT N E Y ^ (ARTIN NEW YO RK. Feb. 17 OVl —

The Van Miingo - Brooklyn^ .'i:ilary’;!qiiubl)lo muy b e Just -.I r.vF.v: TjC-onc Jor-the :iiul i\\:a' for the .show, but a IKTUsal .of the podRcr roster liKilcnI(T. fha.t...y.'ht'h LarVy

■ Marpiiriil says he Isn't worry- •

__ iinL-uui: I

:avpjU Clt.v |i:ilk cotir;< lii 03 blov.T f'li Ihu .-,c:t>iid U-y for a liiilJ wav • Ibfiil iir-HI- nml :i oiif-jitrDtic Ii'n'n. I 'No ir.':': ih:iii IS* of On--toiirin.; ]

yi rir. tii»-UiKlKcr.i Iiail ,Qnlr-- ii;ii wi!f) liurifil .iR many ax 10 • im-.’ . nf.ri nrjilvr one was Van r> 'r::i:r 'jcrp Freddy FltTJlm- iiar: l.uke iliiinlln. V w Mutigo ir.riiir fijiii- niul IiiMmk 11 pitched

?'!iii;iiin: , , ir i-oiir"- rrcord wUh a Hieiit 07. Ki'lllcl)!.l_dl--pul. o:i a i5-23 cxlilbU

ShoshoM Caaefs Reach Sub

Jst-o.f-Wo'rld-Eamed-Stanln cludefSu li_V alby^s.

■A if'E n gch 'v

—8AN-PRANCI6CO,-Feb;-17(A, World famed flki JumperB will speed down i l . man - mode runway

- a tower 188 fMt-ltlKh. Cnished Ice will take the place of snow. At» talnment of'-dlstnnces of ICO feet

-Heading 35 enlrnnta.Into Uie final leg of the toumnment Is llannes Behrotl, Aiiatrlnn Others i i - . elude: Reldar Aiulerson Norway, generally rccognlseil the world's cliamplqin-Alf EuKon-of Sun Valley, Idaho; nnd"Einar"Fredbo,'S;i1f‘LnkE


Turf.Rivals Entor pvernight ' for Seven-Furlong . ^ Handicap - ,

MIAMI, -Fla.. Feb. 17 M'>-.TlicraV'aitcu meeilng ot.Vvar Ad-

nil aiia''etiisrhand.-rior.erpeetcd

bcnctied for' Iractlon.T, aneli AnIes

Cooper, f Eeterwij," f ~ v AlbVeelit.,— >Donald,-g

nt: C Carter,Qreen i;.

equal nwnber of


Wlderier cliallenge cup March 4. ^ - eame nn Immediate

BoUj w re -entered cvcrnlglit 'ffir a.acvcn-turJong nandlciip, Uw «l,SOO

s^t^4ii«l«h-p*rk.lomorrowv- Stagehand— pr« had Ijecn npnitnated for '-running of ihc S7.SOO added Me- handicap, how- f'-er; nnd'U will not be'known unUl Just bcforn time wlileli race’

jhm-rgm-cntcr.■ Tlifl’ Fnrt .Pifrix.. wltli^only, five,' tiuiitj, be‘» . '}ir5iy tp o f 'for Maxwell Howard’s Uiree-ycar- •old. It will be th^'Admlml'a first

of i03a - -compct^Uoi.iic riuillco mulcli u

; Plercc. at 122' pounds, with'top wei«ht-.;Di i80: '■ ■ ■ ■■

I .D.'.Rldtile's* great campaigner.

e:-B.A.C,-3li.-Alblou-Mrs. W. Plunket Slcwarfs Pasteurlrj*fl, in 1,0 hy.Tlftiiand J. D.^orrlV entry ot-SlroHlng

idy'Doot: ~ 'T'T

R l j t f f i j f g A B 3 *

Rookie Sign,N W Y0BK.“ Peb;‘ i r W7=''rilV New. York-Yankec- jiJa>-cts-wax.. lc«l-to eight-today m...... — ---jpntracn-or OhiitlBr

jg,‘ vcle«]rjhurler,'*ncl

- 7 V i e t o r y -S w r - ^ r t H ^ f t S T — In Title^Gannvndlng TA'In Falki quintet, slipping lifter-a first -quarlct—lcad._J2.3.. dropped a 30-37 basketball game to the aiackfoot Brohcba here to-altiiL— — __________

Hartnirt.. center, ncored 'eight 1 rol.%om, forward, nddrd

iicnainc'ftsuimfootycirekTinir short pn.-ulng attack lhai mjllril tHB“ nn»nco5-^n- 2,V17 lialfitmB v.intaRC. 'Die Brones exlijntlpil thr lcad_to_ 34-2A_atjhci,'cii(l.<'fi:Hin?i.'; quarters;

Hartruft wiu hlah f.mrrr nl

B a ^ e t b a l lH e s i i l t s

.. H iG ii:scH ooL^cotii:s: . (Boyi) .

_T«Tla.Falli_27..DUckfoel_3:i_____’ I, Oakley>'CTTyTa7%Vcmrai 117

BellcTUe 3S, Goodlnfc Slate m IiouI21.

"CareyTiDialfeTSO.(Girls) • V

Glenh* Ferry 31. Wendell 25.—P8nl-W,-IUft'niTrr-<«alt»)-27,—

Holllsler 17, Eden l l —.--------^llilley 2S, Carer JI.,

Browns Seek New-T a l® ^ M o u n d

St. Louis Club Hofjes 'to Land Onb More Startz._V'

:mg-.:P.itcher • —:—■ET.rtouie.-FebriT'Bi^'^Tbrvi-

the St. Louls Browns "one more ex- perlenccd Amerlcan league pltelier". «nd—well, PrMldenC _Don Bnmpii stopped todflv far short of prcdict- Ing a ptnnttnt-ylnner.-rr~:— r.— r:;

"Wo hsve hope.i of landing another itartlnir-Ditcher b»ferP-the:^m?otng: j f the sea»off," Iie said;-'and if we gat )ilm we will do a lot. better Uian

have In recent yenni.”In fnr_tn!»nnf.\Tfir>-»in fn-inrrU-

ot the Boston Red Sox. is the only

Tffelefslansan ~ "fop rM iIiCunningfiam- Races Against _-l_Qliuck-Fcnskc-and.

..V -Ottiers-----• NEW YORK, Feb. 17 M’j-'Hie

happen In the New YorU Athletle x!i>k:uri>iKjni<:ijyL.MiL<!h2iu5M ” , Onrdeii tomorrow nlght'woiild be Kir U' Qlcnn'Cunnlngham to'lake liU first licking of tlie season In the Baxter . “ P

This. Is not -Inteqded-.ns-fttiy re­flection on the tlreleu Kfirisan. A; mller* go, Olenn ti iiracllcally p:f' feet. - But U)at'K the hlich—mo mueli perfection,' like aiiyUilni: cIm', ge'J monotonous. - • ■ '

Howcixr, A CumilnRhatn defeat,.

liMiVt'-tost UjIs sc.ison, lias woii ihe Baxter tlie last two yenr.i. wit- •IMK. ft meetj«conl-or 4:oa.o In 103B. niKl besides, - with the cluimplonilrtps Just-around the bond; won't be UWng any chances mffrrotaiiBncnL'jr:.---------

lILs strongest rhnllence should ime from Chuck-Feuske.— .Tlie

husky-Wisconsin star.gave Olenn nil 1m could 'handle'In tlic-la;' ' - of tliA-Waiiamakfr•■<1 threo yards behind him nt Plill- adclphla..Comnlcling-tl>*-ti*Ul.inK Wi'hlS 'tian iiomani. whu Jiaf laiieti 10 live up'lo'hls nfcMn'u'.'i' liroiU- Ises: Josef-Mbsterl-of-Bol{|itim,-4ili>l

IniSoor csmpaJgn -tma Clcne Venike,'

Ing camp at San Antonio March l

Tlie New York' Yonkces boUteri E d g e Ilageriiia ii^H'." C 4 ifh eL j«jl_a0 0m iiO ^ eU -4 7 --C w■aienjiaMouUle!3ftr>I>'rilH0Brtvf^-I{n--lhclr-winning lirea'kTdood- ...... ... ........ ...... „

-Staf«"»hboPiiuimet'edgetf-mit- Hmfl.afadfQeka<fcwln'bjfcOff»-^lSt;-.ZAul*;, Heair-U BIa«etf'*to- play'Jrft-flpld=T>gitta«y :a na=Qlenn-»m:battle.Billy.Sullivan for;tho riT6t-[emian high school Wednesdayxvc-

,nlng,at llw Ipcfll gym. '' Jones ltd tlic Ooodlng. boys wlUt

9 poults but woji pushed for high

^c^r*~ley*ti nagerman'"’ ‘-^olnlsr --- '

slflnif biickaiop bcrUi. . .. ,, WiUi-Uio three eifcepllons, the

Brou-ns are relying for'Improvement h

a 31-18 In tiio________ ____a1 Junior varsity turning back' Uie

lads ai»10.

:-::::roco-CAEiaiN;An5»VK«-rc: „NEW •aomc, Feb.-17 liTHLort 1

_ . ' layjng- ca ' ~..~or~ioo~zjrni»*i ijolo'sijinnl*' tbo IntemnUonal 'Challenge rpup tnntclib' and John'Laktn. Mvtntecn BOol English player, arrived 'Wdy Aboard the llhtr AqulUnla.

Fi>rilaserman; CCil^, Glore, Chap*-------- ,--------------------1. ma{i.-Lar«B(>n,. nVB,'MoorOf-Sut>^and-11 defeau Iftit yenrr .,titutlons: Hosley, Bennett. Tucker;

j0.jp__.jind -Dill j , Moore. Smltli, BarlogL and, C»n-

.J ^ -T 'O U W a ENTRAIN- - -I - UEVr YOIUC."Seb’.': 17 ■ MV-TlJcl yranoo m n l ef't»i9-*tiew-Yorl6

.trekMullivtntnmrsBv«-ff-bT TaQi? Sir"nieniWH-of

1 . .... . . 'w :.. Baton Ro^«. tralnlog eanp.


211 SbMboM b: . rtreas SUl

fmir^plarr III the Iiiillwiiy slAnd-nilrtrt! n onr-untler

liiir 71 ti) Ills- oiK'nliiu 7:’.- J'Vjillix;kt;dllor..s«;uml. iilacc. 'xci'ii

Jhiiiiiy llumv'.oii, .'.Iiiki:!’? lioiii .Sha-A'nri--oii-I>-lu'*';ir.', Pi., a ml.

j-nr;- ..............

Of Plll-.imri;!!, ha.' 1111 oulsliiudliic' roo'ielc hiirlrr un iLi nxttrr. but only nreokb'ii lia.vf<mr nf Uiciii.-lo.wltir- —

’ ‘ fiifiii wiih'NMMivm - - '

Npw'0r)c!in;.: Jmium Whiford. wln-ii'T ol J7 HIHl liner of -10vim -Hmi.r-------Ion. anil Whlilcr.v Wyati, «hf» turned ,ln.a3_Ylcierlcs_JvJilieJoslmLicv.eii:at____1ijllwnkupe.

Thp-qiiarlcl'wnn a'(utal of 02--


_ J o .CapU jPc.P lactr in.

- Championsiiip Tilt

Dietrich 20. nuiifltfld 55— . Sho. lioric 33. Fslrfleld 20.

-.SliMhonp S'!. Richfield 12. Falrfinlil 30. ri»lrlch-25

(•irisnirlrlcli_3n, mrU}leld.;H:.'

" Gh~u'.rninc. Ii4. I'nlrfleld 'JU

with Rlchfle’d-rs. Fnlrfleld. Winner'

ll a. ni.—Dietrich bo.vs v.t. Fair­field boy.i. Winner . e»t?rs riiiini' 'ilonniljj---------- ------------

.RIcirlch_Yfl._6lioalionc.-.O'p. mr-Boy« chnmpioiuIilp be- Veen Slio.nhonE and wluner ol Ulet-

rlch.Palrfleld gnmr.

Eden Five WinsdkertimezBattle

Hollister Boys’ Drop Hard- .Eought-G9mo;-Visiting-: ■ _Q iris ,T r ‘

. EDEN, Feb. 17-A baikef'al the •flUrt of ,nn over.timo • period fiflve CTrn lilRU school's quintet ix hard* fmi;hl. S5-10-33 vletorv - " *.............. •ibniBlit'Bftcrtlie'visitln^phU hiid defeated Ihe Jncal sexlel-. *"** ■ ■ ■ -----------

rvQTh^e tiirougli i..................- .— ... Heckll ot

Hollister- rang .up.10 polnta while Wftodward and Matheny collected'•’nht - ....- •

ilucing elRht eounten). led the win- nini: drive. 'Mnaoud .of Edeti scored 7. . '•Tlie Eden quintet wlJl meet Twin-

Fnlls.fajla.hct<-Salur<iBy nightr'yto prellmlnarj- r c will be p1aKtL**>i-

'I'lmm.'.oii ,, ,,iilidrv^'Ar, -.vhll,- fhp

ifarixT hmi i> HP. 'ni»lr tulnh'

Pft.. ttliu took, ilie-lirxuroiiiiil U'ud with a iwo uiKliT |iar 70. Kot .iwav 'tT-ii-liit-t-.itnrli-liwjttyHiiil iirvcr f-‘l- ilcil down. He fliiishH wlili-a four- over-par 76 aiul drojipiiMntn a tl>! for clrvrnth I'ntillrm at U» wlUi Joliiiiiy Ucvoftft or EvftiiMon. ill, .

■ Zell Hnton'. a yomiK profi'\slonal ’from OJilahoiiia Cllv; OUln,. wn,.. .•vni with iho 'pam rd nt H-l and iiloiio ill (tlslh place. _nx»f>'elrtl-JiL-.'>«Tnth plnCc -wi:>r Slaiiiiiiiii' Sanuiv Siii-ad ofW lillC

•iurlnai...... ..... .('Moyd-Maniirum.ol. LOs.Aiiae-

.... .iiul W. A. Slai:kiirniM3'orS<-i;uhi, Tc>ms.-boU\ ot wlwn\ v»rand' lUrold ',1ub) McSpaden ol Wlncl>ft«<T. Maw,, who wuii Snead 'clW a'onc-uiuler 71..

jfenffs- Ferry-s-CagersTfiumplr


. .............. ........ .DDnr.___ ...H tloublehcnder lonlfihl> the boyn downing the Wendell sqund. 28 lo 14. and Che visiting girto irliimph-

Tonlshl's play marked the end of Wi-iideU'fl pre-louninmrnt J.chedule.

Newell. Olenii*' Ferry—guard, lopped scorers In llle ,bo>'.n‘ Rame with a (otal of 11. OlbAon and Pet* crr.on of Wendell counted four polnLs nlecg. "niP-lovndliig Rlvrr Pllnt!<

glH' to S4-0 by'tho end of the third qu.irler.'

Williams br .Wondolt-A'An softrlng honors In lhR glrLt'^nme .with 15. points. • WcstOver-'ofGlchfis Ferfj-

P ia u F W i i is ^ T ^ .

Of Three Gmnes

fenletl- Paul girls 27*10. wlille Paul ' cager.1' defested Malta

.-p ilace of .117;:, more than rnough lo win a pennanr,

N>ltirnlly Ihf-V m f t'ii'i. ’ fcli'lng .

-will-?: tnirncoiitlmip tliilr wlmilng.'w-ay.i U llkn•vivlii;: lluif i f ba.iKrt wlll_.Iiolil. a (»tr.«i' oraiicM It sliould'Jibld a ilorrn w.itcruiclon’>.

However, the four pliclie'ra In,

k-iiKUP.i where It lakes more than a roimtiiinirw our to Win. nnd.thcrt Is n pretty biir chinice that at least one of tlic four wiU'nmke the grade.'- *iul-rt>iuyb.i.iil! four, Dldn't.lhe-Pour*- Hoi-ti'moii? ---------------- -—

uAlk hr,\iii.K:j C:o.*iuwiStri) REVEIIK. ■Ma.'Ji,.-Fcb.' 17 U’J

HutiaiUK iHsjKciot Wfttten C. Cfttnp- bell today condemned 20 stables « t Suffolk Dnwnj. $3,000,000 hor?« racf track, imd revoked the occu* • pnncy llccn.-,e on the ground the

!, created a*flro-haxard.'

mms w o e « £ ^ > A i a



-HERESJIOW J;-Xf-ybu -waiJt-*,better CBr..ob»_ Uln It this baslnesslike way: .Select the bestrf)lfeiltiilttui!'mat=_ ket affords—tlien come to ais to -

•WesterirFjnancS- » .Compaiiy

■m HUHRIJIIB JlKHl .1 Ph. 131 . Peirlne Setel Bldg.^

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1939

Page 8: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

.-PAGE E IG H T . " T W IN F A L L S N E W g. ’n V IN FA1.LS . ID .AH 0 , S A T U R D A Y^ jrO R N iN G ,' F ^ R U A R y T s/ 1939

m m m' k - -

[::=: ,ClbsinQ__fojccs—irrcQularly• Lower; Most .Dcclino's ;;:^ _

I— -Markeii At A-6 !ancc -keil At

Uiuar—loivrr; -r.ii roUre— IlCjtlU

Dnr.---- ------ •• ■CillCAUO: ■ - S

j— Curi»^<w\ ' ^

J i e i i L .

~ ¥ o r l ^

—i<Ml(iyei.nnntir-triit*<^-cn?hctlTirof.- IL'.: on Tlilir;;(liiy';; iliiMUni;.

-While UiPii- ttrri- ic«- wcnte siiot.-i . Iiicvljiriici.'. prlfr^ wrre-lr-

rosiilartv lo'vrr, Hrrllnrt wrrr mainly In fnial! (rnriini', A-miiiiUiT Df fa*'

b;ickcil down nficr n nmiiiipr of KMir:; , hud resb'-crctLucu' lilulis-for ihc

. past war or'loHHcr. . ..................'— Tlie Aarioclalcd I’rcvi nvfrnKo'orfO • xvns off .3 of n poltU nt' ' ''rMii/. orn jimoiinlrd lo eaS.OlO M.....

inparc'd wltli 052,CCO llic day be-

UiDkcrs AiiRRc.sled tradrr.i liiclliicd "Mep cnrefnlly pcndlnB mnrc-n.f- rnncM-lhc- tircdlctcil »pri»«.buil..

Da l* Kr;iiT tl'J'* IT.r u A u . . v . u i —loij— i

II Kniioii ...' ,; M', « I » C __ ____ HI,



lmpr,oycd_EiduiLBusincss In- 1 - crcascs .Strengths of, --

r- Icm -un iliT tlto nusplCM-of - :i>’l(iTKrilM-MliiUUirtftl. niiftoflin-

tloiMronj -7;30 lo TUS n. m. nu Me ilnyj._Wt;tlncitlays.. aiiil Prldnyfl-

- - -of me ■'

.jijr ritANKUN CniCACO. Feb. 17 (»V/—Imprtived

Imir bwilnm liijcctccl frcnh tdrciiKlh iito Ihc.wliuai markci lodiiy. wlih

..jrlcM iip.M.miieh (IS S .-«i......11IIJC.-I. . . • •

Tradp frmiiliiud quiet. liowi:.i.i, /.nd .wlipu niodcrulc biiyln«-credited partly .i(j iiillllnH.InlpronU i.iibsldnl lirlcod biiohcd down'rilKbtb^ Wlinit uloiccl. unclmnsed. to hiRhrr

jcoinparcd with yc.'.icniay'.i finisli May C7’ ;-68, Jiily.CB’ .'-U.- Cori). WM-.Uiictuinuc<L-tO''>«-lu«'cr

May ■iB-;.';. Jidy f)OS.’ i: oatr.’ i -lilKlSet: rj’c hlRlicr and liird

, 0 to 8 wnUi Icmcr. • ■_/.|_-Corn.waijilslii;r-wU|»-wiii-at-diir-

■iii: pari of ttic M-.viion but tlifii' «Ti3- a jcactlon of nboul ' i 'cnit

4. lowor-niid-prlccj clc.icd-nf ttic'any-::. low.i. ...... . ____ ,

Ontji and foliowcii ibe actlini .. ol—wiK'iil. • the- fomirr'rcncctinrr 0 tr nt:(h in tlie ca.Mi mnrkcl. Early j Kniiia ol.lard \vctc wli>cd out.

Fix of the Uniif(l UreHircn ChuroU llic i.pclikiT tor February-20, 52,

;;iiKrn.-' •........ -------------- ----

m i;t ih ) i>i s t -ki' o i 'au

I---- K,-<i:-McCulllflteri-inini3lCT-----0; S i\. ni. Clniroli school-resslon: rs. L. .P. Jones. «iip«rlntendeiu.II a. III. Iornll]u.wa.sllJprl■lce«,III pastor- will brliiR the mc.unitc

...iproprJulo lo llic objerv-nnce of Ihi! nmiiml^omitn'n rorcign_MI)^

ai-y '.tlii(fflN)ftvilui:;jy'

lit ue dcvotMl lo II .•.pIciKlId mualci.. proKrnm tiitdcr the ■.direction-of \trrr-ir. Calvert. Cook, l-'rancL and iU;m^'h'ls-pco»riim. offor» n •iciy of mu.'ilc ftdapicd l » ihe.dlffu. •nrnt moods nnU ncPcL? o f u mixed ntKiirnec,- Mu.iic -Horn- pomii-of-tho

.poicrs. siicli-iLi ..McDowoll. Giclir. Schubert, Uralims. Dotilzctll

id-olh(>hi.-utlll, bo pUyod on pipe

r " T riUS^flJilKIJjTIAN Slxtli und Slioshoiie Rtreols

—M(iric-0.-Orot>pnbcrHPr, mlrjl»tflr— -Bi4S-a,;ih,.Dlblo-KhiK>l:-P«nk-W; Slaet,, seiiornl wipcrlnlfndent. . . - - i0;<5 n. m, •Wornhlp'. Medllrttlon;

• llicmc. "nroUierliooit .nna Tlie Ser­mon on'the Mount." Spcslal mii>lc •by-tJu) choir;. F,.L..nudol|ili, direc­tor.

0:30 p. ni. Dfijnrtmcntnl CHrlstimii^cicayor mcetiiic.'c-'-. .... -•

— 7:30-ji„m_-au » -rta tl le • MltchDlU; tplislonurj'. to Africa, will ai>ca>:; coiiRrccatlojiut alucliiK and kpcclalmu.slp._______

Tt>l3 chureircoopcralc.i lu. Uic.olii i - o f the World Day ' nr Serviec.i to bo'in tUp Prcs-

■ ■ ■ lo:3ij -Trianj’;'Peb; 7i.

'.ST.'KI)WAai)'8 CATHOLIC - Tlcv. ii. a. Hclfmnit. pastor.. •Sumlny mnsMs al tt nnd 10 n. in. W.etSc day inaucA nt D;l5 u. m. ' Communion Sundays; Plmt Sun-

.tlaj-j)tiuoiiUi.ror.meaLs«ood.8iin-day- for., women; .Uilrd Suiiduy for children; foiirUi'SundaV for 'omiB WOBle''... -

ConfcMloai heard o’n thj eves'ol ■ iy»..;holy days of • DDllKution,

FIRST UAITIST— —-Seeon( strc?( nnd FourUi nvcnut ■--jj •- -. -norlii_—~ r~ RorB.'nnnictr."piistor“


K E A O E K iz = i O « i B O f }

ncqun. Bcncrnl Miptrlnicndcnt, . U n; m. Worship. Sermon. 'Tile

Scmlncr.w.. ______ ______L_3:15 p. m. Plonwr B. Y. P. u. <:J5 p. m. ClilldreiVa‘diolr rc-

hearwl..-m. Senior B, Y. P; Xi;

—7:30-p. m. Worship. "Sin rind Re­demption.” -Yoimit People’s clioir wlll.»ln(t,

7 p. ,m. WwJnuKlay, Young Pcv- ple‘.i Choir: 0 p. m. Adult choir. •

0:I8 to 0 p. m, TlmrKiiiy, Churrh ilfBlirproBram, ■ -.r V j “ -_

JIK.VNONITK • imCTIIKUN.._______JN.CimiSTL^ -•___

230 3rd Avc.'.E.'- C. W. aevern; pastor---------

«;15 n, m. Sunday tchool. Mrs.iA W. l).-irbcrjt. Siipt-—-....-Zlfurnliic.woraiilR. _____

, 0;H3-|i. m. Youns pcopIe'.% ban: mecUnB. . • '

7:30 p.,m_i:vftni:clf5ilc tcrvlce., '7:30 p. m.—Wcdneicliiyi lir.-jyci

Tab*cFOIsapproves-Sit-DFwiW“ •~~Strlkcs7 Somc~Pederal^^^~~i! — ^Buardi)ccisions— —

DES MOINES. Peb. 17 (,l->-Lnult . J; Taber, Columbus,-OliltJ..mnstcr of * the NntlonnI Onuige. lold-theinn-* • lloniil farm.ln.itlluie hrrc,tonight (hat ilio farmer beilcvcft in tlie.riBht of labor to oa'anlze- nnd the risht ■tu.iv.e the iKXver.of'.' ‘ ___

At the same time, iiowcver. Taber nnld raraier:; deplored tlie "Mt<down strike. Hiid:..'omc ,;.rrmlnsly wifalc,, dccUlons of the Jaljor rclnllQiMbo.-ird,-l_.„_-___ _•____ _

Tiiber -wan one of a numbw .of MieakcrH who.nppvared toduy bvforo the iiutltiitp, v)'tiieh ijroUKht togcih-

nders of liuiimir>', inbnr niui ur- Tlniltiirc~Tor di.vt;iw.lmr-Bf-tl;c-.fT<t-— iiomic relallonJhip of llie thre9-|

Dlrsctln» attention to\- lnlW-1. • I'abcr . ald that' fanners m: i<(io learned that unlex.i *1} iSiw

Jie-ss ivaa prospsruus iiiid flmmelal lti.Mltmloii!i wprc stjund. farm ji

Page 9: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty

- NE W S, T W IN F A L L S ,J A H Q . S A T U R D A Y M O RNING , FEBRUARY-18, 1988


^ . -m iE S njiO NEWS

Tlirco PV-Une perOne ilAy> per Hne..... ...... ..

Discount, ....................E or Cash . —... Caaii .tllscounJ.Onllowwl - If .•.*dvcr-_ ■■ lUemcnt .U paid rqr. wltbln seven

day# of- rifst InserUon. ........No cloMlfled ad tnKtn-lor-lesaman OOc,-»nclutlliis-dtscount.-------Line of-claalfted-adverllalne eomr, puled on buls of' flvo mcdlum-

' - “ Icnjih words' pcr'Ilne.'■ .^•...._....;_JN^T\V1X_PALL3_^..___ _

PHONE bo gr 33 'FOR ADTAKER • - . iN.DDHL

LcBvc AcJa Qi Vnnicy.a Candy Store_______________ UC,J£ROME___________0| tcAve- Ads al K W RocC Beer

, cd iM PLE TE C0VI3KAG E ' " - - A T O NE COST - .......

;. .H E A L T H FOODS . .. .

• bATE’nrsiJiT-' ■■ ■You'iriirofit*byniAWiis'irft~aany

liabll to consult the cla.uUlcd ecc- ■ tioii. ------ ;------- —

Wc Have WHEAT OEUM /or. tlie imdcniourWied ch11d-20c- lU.-':'

LANUia HEALTH POOD Ql*OnE -asj-sho.-st. N.------~Plibt»-IO&-W.

DR. R. A..niCHAaDSON'S-lieaUli produclA and'health loods mny be. .ipcurctf nti.tlje Twin Folta local ot- Ilcc. Room 2 Moormnn Dldg. IH'.S Mnin Avc. No^iffra. Ij/dla Burkett licnlUi teacher aijfi? ledurer l i l chnrge.' Watch-for tree'Iccturc

. •...nanouiiccmem8.-Lcarn-hoi9jQ.BcL . well and .Kecp_'(u, as ft _rid_dleV

—j.I'neWg'155;—-'^v v->»

inJJRUGL-ESSlPliy3ietA:»=WHEN your child has a pcrfcet , *plne lie 1» healthy. X*Riiy illng-

.......................... :nta.A!mft


-U O S T -A N D rO U N D ." "

.... —L0ST;-I3lnc)t-fi'mu1c cocker- hpniitei. Initial II. T. M, Oil collar, An.v to Tiomo "Snugglns.” MS3 Poplar. Plipiic 107H._

riuinbliii; nci)tiin. Abbott Pl'iimblns.

:urjty. , Box 17, Ncwa^TlrtW.l

-WANTBOl-tO.OOO-i.rlviile-UHUh-foi bulldlnK. Annile tecurliy.. Invc.iil- salcl P. O, Box 09. Jerome. Ida:

Hand lettered and ilUuUatcit- • _ _ PI-A_CE CAUDS ■

neiwoiiobly prlCedr'Pl»r7r7 Ever

. b e a u t y -s 'h o p s

8PECIAL1 >4 and wavr.n .'i____■ I'liigerenve,. complrle. 50c. Phone

17«. Lola Martin. Mrs. Beamcr.

^"amTIERer Kiivc.-tiuc comp. Ida. Bhrbcr f i Beauty Shop. Ph. *2i.

. BEAOTV ARTS AOi<BeMY •Oil Permanents nli low na $1.00,

_J.unlOLatudcntJi'ark_lrec_.ph_J05......... -......’■ '

_IIAVE retume<t,‘aiul will-nRtU«. np;. . preclalA-your- |utroiiatif.>.>Paulliio'i> Beauty Shoppe. Ph. 1701.

_!EOMANEMlS^2_ruE_L.filiamD3o;. - Xlngerwavo, fOo comp. Perrino

Beautjr Shop. M rl Neely. 3U*W.===uAitciujis;:734;MflS3^yaii^H^

of uuuauaritfrjnanthta'and lMt- Ins tiniier waves. Oil shainpoo and

Wfty« ftbr. Pvfnlnps hy-Jip^

MARRIED mail wnnta work on form..1 ____•A-^ilANjind.wlft-Wljlu.warJt.on'rtft^l'ir,.{d-.351,iUvAver'" ' :- »“ rr;lM-3nt-Sor*noonr3J:-------------h r —

- COMP.i « p . young man. dexlrea work In any bkkpg. or clerical po-

---- irtttuii. CuA 2a,-Xewa>Tlmgr^------


-■ F E M jX E H E L P W A N T E D

_ You arc sure of satisfaction- when yo^buy _ ’ cliickfl'from thc-dealors'ridvertisinj; uifcfct'.'

tlio “ Baby Cliick” coliinin on this pnKC. These firms nre itiwciulists-in-lintcliiiij:

.cWc............................................___ -healthy. Ijirds.. Ordcr_j:oiic_buby...chicltai-__L

. today 5 • • ’ .

P h o r ie 32 o r 38H E LP- W A N T E D — IVIALE

_____ ..A N D F E M A L E '... ,


■reNlN^Mof-rhan^f'aWlltyrMi'ist' be.steady and sober. Income MO, wecjcly -tn .stjirt. n<taulrc3 sao cash to*', handle («cured). If you

-Jmven’i Uio cnfih-und-doiVt mean Jjiislnc.'a do not aii^'cj tWs ad. If msfrlcd.'bfhjB wife along ntlri&r- vlew.__Apply In. pcrion only.-.Nu

-Hotel.- ............................


OAnAOE. 502 <th.6t.’ E. Pll. 038-J

U N F U R N IS H E D7-At*7CTmTt:iq’Lgi:

3-RM. apt. Private entrance, show . l:03 oth Avc. E. Ph. 1811.

a p t ' over WoolwortU’8!'Adul’ts’.''-Ph.

out; iurnace UoliCir-C :.- .loe. PrlcQ *3,500: MOO ciush, bal. $32.01 ino.,, Incliidlni; taxes. .

5»rms.'anrt bath, cfment bnsement. fnmoco heal, fully fiirn. wliti ex> tra Rood lumlinre. Price, inchid*.

__InsLXum—sasM:. siJDOJcasli;. bal.' lontj due »27i0 'mo. .________

loiuVe. 'W ler In liouMe.'flu.ih toilet on alley, price S8i0:. J150

. A P A R T ft lE N T S

'J-RM,'pi)t. Adultii..730 aid Ave. N.

'mpletc.'Ph. C33-W or 448.

L0V V_4*.n??;>Pt- VS'SMALL heated opt. TourUt Hotel.

JUSTAMCRE Inn; Ph. 430. Oiula 071.

3>RM8., 'WeII-Ium.,. ground tlr., sd'

Cozy-fulffwVfrd «pu -:mca Main Avo. N.'

" boatid-vW d-room:,nM. and bd.-.I20 flUi AVC. N a -

BD. .& ■S50 iKi^^.'Pli. 88C-W.

mCErin..c!Mc In »wk.'M lM »li> E.


I .iRMnwuMr«9'2na'.Avc.'Wa

n heated co.tMgca. Adulta.

_!:_JEtDroLY_tady, help Jij, homc.iJor- -------.o Suialljvocc~Bax-33 aft-«--

W A N T E D TO R E N T OR -L E A S E .

R E A h EST.Vi’E L O A N S

I'EDERAL. PARU-LOANS-4^-:ln-| tereal. Loweai rate in nlatory 20 to 34 yrj, Rm. 14.Bunlc & Trualilda.

Inqiiirc A4B-VanJuren.-

A. inict: 4 rin. house wlih biith.. mod. except heat, In Kdcn. Price tvrliihl. Pll. I5-P23, Edm.

'ONE room,hoiL',c Uxlo:'WclUbullt., (lood-Iloor, -Iii(i'ilro.,-Phoiio..a2-Rj Jerome. . . ..



____HO.ME a ^uMne-'S, a.plect:-0Lr~rr.ii-.^ii;nr-‘: n t wojrt

"yuiir nari!i)i ro n a n rin ..... .........In-the elMslfled aectlon:-

. house, in.-sc ch. houM.-out bldf«. Uleal.uock.iina chicken ranch, 14,• 400 cinh; Would lake Rood 3 oc 10 A. tniei, well Improved, near

•. .T. P.. - K,~L, Jctikiii5.140 Main N,


.WO-A,-.fnnn.-"Pilcr dlstrlctr’o ile ^ f bcii blip. In country. Ph, 55,.Filer

FORTY ACllES^N.W. of. Wendell. Small liouee. good

well wiih windmill. Inquire aoeck-'■"^^rvice i3b., WenJgin------

~VJB CAN- OFPER ■ -for a short time onlyrsOitic'T " nUAL BAROAINS IN FARMS •

Por »mall down pmt. and easy terms •' • '" Rlve you tt lRrm you can call

..ab{iul_aom£onc_aclllns- you—out. These places are ROlng to tfiovo' ni)d >'ou 2l)Duld bo one. of IIic {Rckx buyer,I.’ Alto n couple placM lor


Here. Is oilc'of'the'bar&alMrGood * 40'A:t 2 ml, from BILw. Pair Imp..

at (2.000..t500 cash, easy tenns on bal. TliU one won't last so wlio 'Will U« llio (Irst wlUf the doMt jim Z-CalLot

Joodlngricreiio. •

L ife ’s t ik e T h f f “ By Nclter

'O f coiirsc I ’m Koinf: to tilkc the Hlccpiufi Jniilcl the d octor. prcscriiicd, hut .not iintlt ynn iriT.e_nie-vour-froal-<lfK»r-k«»vA

-F A R M S 'F O R ' R E N T - ' VJ

•311 JOHN Dpere 7 ff.'blnder Jn KOtxS repolr. 1st hoiuie HlRhhue oil HlKhwny 53. • •

.F.ARMALL - tractor ..r-12.' -Rubbcg.| tlrcfl. plow,, hydriiulle.' Hit. polnto

—cultivator. atlaclmieiit^C o n ra-d MftKel.'O'; nil. Sn,.l ml.'E. Klmb,

POTATO SORTERS E;l. y rumihiK nniLciitmomicnl


1.10-20; I.H.C. . Tractor, .ijjjnlen garden tractor. 4 lei.i good liiirnK.r

----, — FlilrxlTractor Co,

1-P20 PARMALL TRACTOR RiiJ>l>cr tlrc.vln (ront, steel

- ir.- Oood condition.—' MOUNTAIN STATr.5 '


rsiJEDs':VELLOW Mvect Spanl.<ili onion seed.

Business and Profcssionar

C oa l''Home Lumber Co.' Phono.34.

coal, tnovlng. transfer. Ph. 3, 2oa

_________ irr_coAi;_*i5ruYiCB..Royal a,'spring Can»oii—Utah’s Best 701 Shoshone So,’ ' . TIi. 107

E lc c tr ic a l C on tra c tin g

Plre, kuta Lou Heller. Phou KM.


■Jlink.oeitA- woodfforkinr nwchinery.- lyw 1 - - -otalog-free.-Twln-F*M»-Juim.

g-RM. home wlUi iMmnt.- PIi. TIB-J;

,80 Aron-TwhiTa4tit-inirt«?5o76lu^ Write I -.P. Kindred. RUA. Burley.

ncUqn. Swim tpc. Ca O.^^er'lorrlo»a»7on-h&ei.-^a' . jPl»M,4a7/

M oney to Loan


YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY Np ciidor»en No Mortgnges

Repay as you l!etpildl ^

Burknblder-Bl-Phone I

JellUon Br04. 435 Main E

JjO ateopalhic-PhyB iem n

Planing Mill '.and-Sliop.-Cablnttr rrwiffirrr-airUndiriTHccarrlgllC- —TWln-Pttiii Lumber^.- Ptif 542.

PlumbiiffKitid HcatUwAb^tt Plumblng'5; Htg. Co. Ph. OS.


-r-PACTORY -RADIO SERVICB- i;8 3;ul.Ave.Np..Pn9nk3M

^^rtngrrcmilflilnirCreH itUTru

I havt nUnw hundred poiiiidn-nt. genuine imnoried .sweet.. SjiunUli. onion serd.which Is liosltlvely ill':' •be.M' Hint, could be obtained imy- Livherc.

HAV for.nalel W. O. Smith.,

HAY, 2 ml. W., i, N. or a Park-r

WANTe O: Cilstcm.liay'chopDlnR. ~ In'q, W .'F. Sheldon. ^r.tCMloji).

FOR . SALE; 40,000 lbs, clcanrd sweet corn • for feed- A.vsoclatcd Seed Qrowcrs. Inc., Filer, Ida.

— MOCASSeS-ntCEPTTBCD— i Maglo City Feed.* Hiel Co. h..lSO • 725 Shoshonc S

kAkO liog ipnic for rxlra profits. Used n.i a ionic imd conditioner.


LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GUERN. cow. 1 N. 3!i~E. Woah. sell.


I ’lU linuic fur loirilott'ji llml c nr will buy lot. \ 39, T;mc.s-Ncw3.


boards .aiipoliited by-tlie wcrctary , of yie Interior, imder nuUiorlty of

iW-mc-Tnyior-frrivslnv 'lict.' should -be . ubordlnate to ilie rccreiao’. or tlie i.f<rrrtnrj- subordinate to the bopnl'. Willie not nstiinily n dcliaie. the

EXCEfnONALLY soo<l Cllniv-.Muld januc..PrlccdJoi:jlulck-ialc.-WjIic Box 22. Tlme.vNcffa.

I^IRST - tiu.-ilUy— meclimiU'ft— lool/i. — •• •• Cemparfi'oiir prices.-

AD.VERTISE your nced.% In ihlx scc> tliJii. Low coit—lijcli rctider Inior'

. '.wt. Phone yo»ir ad. In today!

}EE ilie new 1939 ABC washer, iiold ' On easy payments. . ;. " tSWLLlfa i-UUNllUHK 61UUL'

>Sec f

DREETRllf. T 'i ml. N.. !J W. 5 Pts.

7 DURHAM ]|Clfc -^_Ph,-Q4B0 3.■

05 blnck faced fwe.-i 3 to 0 yra. old .with lambs.. Hi(^1131} 4tli E.

85 EWES, mostly 6 yr. oldr,; ^lanil»:‘ 15..lBn.'lamhi:.ll ........


breeds. 'Order now.' CAl HATCIfERV, ierome. Ida..

Ujtrdcc-yoil'p-CWcltiuIeduyl-l '— “~swiPT.s.iiABycincK5:— ' Sw ift & Co., 204 4th Ave. So.

STOP CHICK-LOSSES!Buy your chicks .from-jl U. s. AP»


VERY beat AAA grade Be. Sexetl -pdllel8,-15c. Guaranteed equal If

■iJeka-JnntRte.LowtstTjrieifts lif ISTSl'tlieraluw

want EASTBIlN dilcka well g « you the best ot $7«T>er JOO pre-


HIGHEST prices paid , or your fat chickens and turkeys.'. Independ­ent Meat Company.. . . . . ■

F A R a n O iT O A ItD B N = : ~‘"PR O PU CE

GOOD cUironloitf, 250-per IW.'ted. houso;So. of Addlton on Cider

-'W ANTED .-TO rBU icr500 Kltobwly^.

lT3.nttntsriroo?__________ ______1<UIio.Ju K oOm .'1U Sod'^va.^


;a r g e .— lUXUttOCir-SwitriT-clTalrs: 123.50. Fully upholstered, only - few left. Moon'a; Ph. 5.---------


-Swsct'a Bosonicnt S toro ' —

3IAHPE—niQhalr., .daicnpaa__and—chalrt-MoUi-proofed-and-in

ceWenl condition. Also mohoRany end Ulile, davenport tabic, raker and oUier • p ims of furniture. .Hero are. some re.nT.'.barsnliu if •yott~are-lntete«cdr 123-Fllmorer Phone 12p9... ■

Oak Dining Room Chairs .Oak Buffeta-;.-__,..;..-.v_-.— X___ .--.$2JO•Duy.TBeds1 Mohair Front Room 6ulte....»J4fl5

MOOtrS St«r0-I«0. 3,-215 SliUr-S.

Nlchotoon. Betty OrthellJ

BUJy--Oajer>J0Tce 08Unr'Mst5rjMt«,Peck.. Iona .81olter.''>farJosy Bla- !«to^^C<}rft, Eriglebrlfht. .EloUe

MoUier Haturo worked wlsetel

ImttSr^ar, es^^ljy-jlncc-he



. TRUCJia'-ANI) TRAILERS i SLEEPIKO Irallcr.Stf^liarrliOii.— I

NEW TR. lioiKc. 1302 Blh ETph.'caO.

TRAILER hoar . liiiUt.iii IriitVircs, JiOO. ,F. W. ■niv.-y; Calif. Apt., nuiii.

Whv.Talu'.Chill'.SMOOTH TIREB ' '

in be rc-ire#ded for cfv.1 ofnew Uie___

__l__'SIUART_ilQ EUL_ 223-tU^c. W. . ;.-Thi

W’r ran'slvp you •. NKIV. rillK- MJLEAOfi ., - rr«ipi)his your fniooHi Jlrci.


• ■■ nysiid'Avc. So.............


■'Ciasirajtr'Donwcracy* in B.iisincss’

•SAN n ’ANCISCO.Tcb. J7 M V -,acnaLOc_j;at—McCatrau__ tD*NcvliJanit Scerfiftry ol the Interior'jlnfold '

e n.-iium'.i livestock n

Their bout. .McCnrran i.-ild,I'cr ‘ 'democracy .In bi»lneM.'',Icke.%


ofIlcl:ib .upheld their dllei^eiil vlens In iuldre«e.i. .

Tenslon.of.llic (.-Dnfllct.held the nuiHence of 400 .■iiockmcn nt the


TTICrWTOwn liter In the rinc, though the vet' senator plainly .louslit to f.ofte:;

the sUni: of his uti.ick li: prnLilng Secrctao- ckra "for setting np Itic boards.

’Some future jccrotno'." McCar-

ocraoy—of—t he.—ureseht—CT tnry.” - ^

MeCarran hns Introdured 1ej;tslav tion pending before the schata ln. Warhlngton to mtike tlie boards per­manent and responilve lo wl.ihea otj •ihe-hvejitockmen wh!7.rtntzhcrti$3in" tTTci'iiubirc domain.• lekes called;upon Uie atockmen»to oinxxM: the leglsltttlonw

| --k-> deslRned to subordinate the m-' |UiOrlty_ol the eccrct.-irj-. of the'ini

any n 3ns” made b>‘ theboards. •

ickes’ remark-1 concluded—the- nfconrt.dajr.oLUic.convcaUon .whlch. will'wlntl up Ita work tomorrow wltli rcsolutloan expected to Include one virtually name the wln- 'irr. In the delegates’ ci'c*. ol today's ■drbalt.". * .. .

Both Ickes and AfeCarran enlarged iipon:Uie destnictlon of range* by ovcr-gratlng. -Seizing , ‘upon .thu,

,thmen<>i3nt:l'ftjvaamsrci3iai3axc:1 rciiy banker,'warned the ttoekmen-' of the dangers of ‘ 'over-grazing the public treasury.” and drew a bunt

, of applause, when he 'called for re. , 'Tokinc "the InvlUnlon to all ot_^.| - feed at the publia trough." • '

C b u f t R u l i n g f o r ~ f T

; U n d e r p r i c e d T i r e s

circuit..court’ Of appeals overruled,

order- agaln«_thc-Goodyear-Tlr«-i$^ Rubber Co., and held In effect. tliatH the-AkronrO.Tflrrn-was-wlthfn Ita rlshla.ln-fnterlng price agreements with Seara-Roebuck and Co.-


-rTARE5rrvM7-Pi;'^Ftb.--iTj/pT~ >TeItliig jinoTi'a"j7ciaed~loaay' the fi^wen-boay of «-fll»J«rioId wonsani -tv-ho disappeared Into.a bllzsard a month ago, led by • Tlilon'-ef her stepson stranded la & anowdrlft.. *.

Two boys trailing $. cJiIekm hawk ;uiAb]ed on hl« hr^y ni

■ FREE S B R S B E T E S T Z e :

^ le4 v tte i-O n lr -


"Survey ShoWs-Associations ■ Lead-in Financina of . -

Urban Housing'— • ' ■; tVAiilllNaTON; Feb. 17 MV-nift liome luan bank buurd re|>ortcd today savlngji and loan a.'joclstloiis -financed a' larger part of lirban * housing than any other type of lend-.

A Biir\'ey In 200 counties wltii 22

populution. Uie'board xald, dbelo.v e;ljiiViuB3> loan-asso' cifttlons financed 30 per cent of the uniouui of all-Dcccm^jcr morlB'oftc.''of *20.000- or le ^ on non-farm _____iIjmpcrtlP*-

IJnnK.’, niid truot compnnlc.i were iirxi wiii'i -Ji.pcr cent, Indlvldtub.”17 pfr crnt. mlacelUincoua'Icndera ■

4 per cMoriKiiKc;i i-ceoriIed In December

•fo£uJ«J f:'7a.3:i2.00U.-Use iwoxd-sald-. Ill lcl:iiiii iii(? total reported was ;iiul the amuunta financed l)y vnrloti.i ivpr.i of lendera were:- ,UuliilinK nnd Iwii K28.000: ln.iurnnce’ ' cpilTpaiiic.i nu jcpoiti biihkaond trust

bnnk.1 no icpcrt:_’lndlvlduals *203,- 000; others M7.Q00. '.

GiW Ilescfvcs at ’ Program

'r iL tn . rib, l - . :fu «-Q ir i. -H c - ' the-dtrectlomorTK<rrPS

................... dcvcr"pay"-as- • - i l l

Tchool", TnitiihiH ii ncntTOm ’whlch“ will be u.scd to help send their dele-

ttte.-i lo summer c.imi>.■Tlie proRruin hieludod a i.klt-by--

LiiRec Williams and-Mary RepKis. vWhen P » Was Courting Ma':: K •rCTditig;‘->' :Jcan_WfiOd:il, vocal .I ........... .............

■ A- pliiy,. " S ^ ^ Days?' Included hi' the co.y -the. following .’ Rlrls:. -

Jopy Wood, Lillian Teagan, Marjory. Bliwtock. .Maxine Mitchell, Al«n« ’ Shover, PulrJcIa-BtJcm. Betty John- fon, LnRee wjlllamji, Ellccn Jones. . Wilma Wilson announced the pro- • gram and Coleen Goodyear was . proilerlj-'ana stage manager. -

.70-UORSES JIURN TO ■ ' DIvATH IN IIAR^^.^Rn- _ CHATa'ANOOOA._Tcnn.. Feb, 17 t;T)—sevcnty hor?es turned to deaUi -nrly today •when fire of undetcr- '

..........................-wrrt— iuiliuau!.guard «iable.i and barracks here.

The la-w -was exjiefitcd to-reach $10.000,,

Tho ftro broke out In wooden atables and spread rapidly on botli.. aides of th? U-ahaped barrack*. Ex-' ' ploding ammunlUon inatle'v ’ ‘



Notlcc Is'-hereby elveo by..-tha-_-,. Mnderjlgned'Adnrtnlstmtrtx with the Will Annexed of tho EstaU gf E

iny w.~Hn»,—tumetlmcs-lmow irM '- !-^m& Johnson, - ' decea.^d.. to the creditors ot and 'ail persons'having claims agotnst - Uie said deccaced. to cxl»lb» tliem with the neceasary voucher*, within six month* after Uio first publican- uon of thU notice, to the aald Ad-- mlnlstratrlx u the office of' Par^ •arThomanrKdellty'NatlonarBahk” Building,. TwlQ' Falls, Idaho,' thls~ belns-Uie pIace '.flzod Xor the trans--' iicUon of the butlness of said estate. •

Dated January 37,1030.G?31TRUDE HOVORICA,

Administratrix with th# Will An -, •'.nexed-of-thB^Estato-o'f'Eroma . —-A.Jlall,.o«coa*«d.______ ^


— -------- PREIGItT-'-^'^-------- r—■^e folIoWng described .pnwrtjr','

-■ V. Coin Operated phonograph — -consigned loR. A. Plxton. ;



Page 10: EEDIE'IN BlIIEMtl iiSiifE iw i… · ABOARD ROOSEVELT TRAIN,. EN ROUTE TO KEV WEST. 'T—Presldcnt HooTCvcltrtlcfendcd-todfty


mmv .y T O lN ,F A L I■ 8 ^ ^ ;^ V S ^ T W W ° ftA tL § ^ p A H '0 ^ 5 A T O R p A Y M 0 B N lN G ^ F 1 5 B to A R Y T g ;T r o ^ ^


i i — U o n J f lk 'e ^ a L te r s i n - r - ■ ..-Bank-Trust Block

Soiitliem Idnlio Prtxlucllou Crcillt tUMOcIntloii >ivlll movp_ Into inr" fAinrte'rs In lUc bn*cmnif of tlif

• Twltv Rill't Bftnk nticrTnwt. mm- lianv l>ulI(UiiK-nI»ui-Mnn:li .1 . C.

•■C.'Knyiiri'r •Twill, •.f“ ll-VWrlcUr>vtrraAiir®ri Anliouiiccd.'

'm i nMoclnUun la now locMcil Rt 227 Sliojliono'nlrfrt nortli. Nnv of-

••■flcM WIII l>e >nlmd froiu llie rir.'.t. ■'“Ktnlrttny from llir Iiildr.'-rclloii Of I Afnlii Biid Sliulioiu.-lOI. mieUi'oriu - utrfcL

- IlRyrilff /wtId limt ihc nssoclution............... plPtl

>■ Jiy Do«crS.;Bnrbcrsliop _ ih c entire.mhln. floor .siince lor-

hierly- ocenplcd- liy - the Chamber of Commerce orritM.' '

, , Bower’s Dsrbcr nlioj) will move • Into quarters Jormcrly occupleil by


—~JiaUy_inovcii.miw:.lwf\tion Jfl iliv bivieitieiu of ‘Die Wiley <lnic Mofp.

____—ipai»~^-alcl itlml "cxtriulvc -

ffKllttP • ftiirf * n

^ •inst.ilIed-ana-Am U|>-to-diite-venll-

mnds. ' .....

-•nd- Tniat .company - Ixutenicnt.'J-----Jlftynle-jald. .‘Ttio menu was mailo

. .ntcTMM?., ol growUi;ftI

W iU ie W illis’ nr_Ktjiit:nT'<iwi-iiES' '

itm fMdsCongressman--Seeks ■ Addi-



• ' Plant at Hanprmnn

ypMcr’dny lopped Jl5;J0fl_,ofr.ii.te».l>'VclRcl niiil ndoptcd •n niinJ'

l)iiili;et-tor-the-eiTOlng year ncrnilt-tinir-sJTfilM'pxpcntlluires—ft retiuc

I ilnti'l' knuvr vriifrh rrUtlve In eomln' lft Tl»lt u% w r p t U nln’l a

»n. .Matrfmn ain’t eleanln* thellOUM! up.’*



Broadcast'oh S c h 0 ____ule Here.

WASHINaTON. reb. 17 (-T)—Rrfi. ro«entallv« - Dwonihnt; (II - Tdnlio) ?al(l.,iodtti'-Jic_would.[ult:ilic.iiousB nnproiirl«l.lon» conHHlttrf to nnimrt m e UMO'commpfte <lppi»rrrtiftu‘ Mii)J Illy hill (0 provide iKldltlnnnl for operMlon o{ ih t ' fwittiil Imtchcry at Hnaprmnn, Idnlio. .

-Mllnialcd SIS.OOO froiiW be neertrd tmirovldc tfnpsclty Dpernilon o f tlio fl.tliPrlM burrmi'8 piniit on tlia hanlM of the Simlie rlycr. He .lald'Uie reciilar npproprlnlloii ■the'-Hfi carman ■“ hnfehto'-liScl- bcen flufflclaH jojinrrj- on the.workJn.piistj'tnra. ___________________• Since llto binlcct burcnn Imd nt- rrnrtypnsscd on tlic rominercc'<lc; pnrtmcnt npproprlallOH incft.njre, the nmcn(li|lory yrocesa wm found Jhe only, manner by whleli .Dwor- lihnk could obtain nn Incrense In •thn Imtchcry nllolment. Tlic'meM. lire jvlll ^oqn Ic liikfii jip ,i>y ihti lfoii).e'n'lrproprlntlonn commlttrc niid ■' ......

bfidcet. ,CpnniiK’ lntJtrV iiclloii ciiiiie ul the

clor< of n five-dny tmblle lienrlm: on tliij- K-iitullvo. biidftel. ’‘<liirlin: wlilch lliprc .wa*.iUl)U)Ul/'<l •> wrli- Ini Malethcnl by M.' J. Ncnmftnn of Ihc vlcwh-of the. Intely revived Tw5n ynUfl County ’rn xpn yer^ lenRuc. U r.trcwfd dei'lmblllty' of tax. mluclloi". HUd ileflnltely op- por-cd any Incrcnse In tlic.'county '«.lSyy.WJ-,.-.r-r-r-»- ’

Tlic county board took A bl? cliunk

emirt-expcnBe-nna some 6Lthe-provUic«-for-wett«e nuil cclle'f. Vas rcduCcd.tlo^74,345■STbtri'SiDMi'.-- ~

)iitr<rT>oinr;a-oQr - in

. . lalton In ilic poor fnrm nml Jndl«onl-fiiml-fof-coiiMrUPtlon-or new_ bulldln£^_L3st_j'.cnr’n_fliii'l budget provided In Uiln fund M.'.ooo for llUttdlUR*. It W08 tXOt but. rcvrrteil to tlic general fundUto rlpne of the year.- ---------

Other reductions ordered ycAter- da>- tn llie Iriitiitlvc blidRet-rc- dueod tor •ilip ino.ii-part-uppnjprln;' lloiw for extrii' lidp. Tliey tool: ' — mhr><funri'for-tlio..................

■yeatr---, .............tionii need not be spent, but sen- erally nre hiRli enonsh' W provide (TmtirRin of >nicty." ■” ■■■

Itrronb Indicated "unexwded' b.ilnncc.i tn counti’^fiitjdr-ttt- tho claie af-the -year. toUIJnB-Bpproxl- m.«rly .IH.OOO... Cnrrenl ;expetue {unit Kliciwed » margtn ofapproptin. tlon over exjiondlturc totaling $50.- fitri.fici:-poor-Xftrm and Indluenl fund, S13.01(Ii)0: bospltftl. $lO.433.09r’ - '

A con pnrLton of the newly adopt- rd budsfii for Oie comlns'yeiu-'wlth Hint ndopte<tfor iM fi ’ew is^hbwn bv-nj»-/pHoxrlnB- tflbulaUonr«‘“^

11139 1938Auditor ...... ......J 13,M0 M51QSlieHff,..;............ 19.078 i- 2Q.700A^rMoriin*:...:—-.-■.'Iiaras" ii.oos'rr'pnAurer -- ------- 12350 13,bioBupprintendent 4.075 . 4J90

jMtonjiy-^.„.,.......^r-fl.MO--r-0.37tl-Probato court -8J80 834SCoroner ............ . Uas,SiiTveyor-»__»-........ -370---------losJnnltor ............... - ,7.523 t',2!,,rniiniy

i i i i s *iiajlan Authorities.' GWe Veci

M(i,Slip.o.tln0 ;.Noar,i;-MussoliniVHomir-

— nOME. Feb. 7 W)-A»ithOTiUea lonlKhl deAcrlbed.AA the ilnresponsl- bIe.«ct;of-A.mudjnan the ihooUnc

ji)llllliiii]QiiJriicfdiij%Ju ihfl neighborhood of Prcmler^Miw. AOlliil n villa Tdrlonia oh tlie Via

Tlic ehootimr.'Wlilch tn'lelil ImS e pa«od-fts-A-pollce-lnoldent> In-nn- oUier (leetlon of iho‘ dty,-lrd to dl. Vci^enl nunom *lnco It occiirretl In the vicinity « f the premier'd home. .•,;T5'9.cpl«mHnlqucaji-®rB.l»acil..oa Uie Incident. >• ;The mlnlatiy (of poputnr- cul­ture) declarea-Uie n ffo b o u l nil al-_ iFBcd'attempt ngnlnfit Uie liend-af Uio govrmment to b« faLie," wid the HtRi; ‘Tlva (uinoTtt-ftrone mil of an lneLdcni.inu3ctU)y_n_j'natlfuiiii.wJio. fired UiG Shota Jn the Vial NomcH- Wnn."-- , V— -''’mD’ .'.mlnut.tfljd:

On Ffibntnrj- H. shortly afteT^ p. m. In via Nomcntana. o mltlfin-

- V Burley Winsml tmir of no(3»li«n • J •

I, abd-rcuirdB',.Sli0Q;.ftja.eiior..S350:.■ trcnsurcr,«l.500: urobatc'court.MSO: '

Jnnltor,'»:00. • ‘ .- — niidJift—iii>|)ioprlntloiui-wor<‘-lur-

On- aii nniwnl tmir of no(3»li«n ,rdnho,,ilic,30=volce CollCKC .6f Idnlio

plct cjub.jintlfr direction of

•.-and ioconvcolcnt. • cnnnnlii? tlic -''-bffiitrurtnc-iTfcifrcomTffidrdui-Eirs-

wlirsolvc Hat .problem." ,At the annual,hiceUnB.In Twla

---- Fftlla-Jftminry n it wa.1 jwlnled otilUiat the ftMoctatloi) hM.KTOR-n from

--•iCO niembem in.lD34. year of forma- .,Uon. to 023 At the end of Jme. Tolnl

eonrcrt at 'tlio Prc.^byterlftn eliutrh ia-'raaa^iill5.jiU«-|?.-in,-MotKlny- cvenlnk'. nmt also 'wilt be prc.'.cnlcd i\l Junior nnd re'nlor high Kliool■n«embllp*:»)fr-ne!itrdajr-^— :—:----

Hie collrite *lnKcrs-al«) will broml- ».it over-’J'wln f^lls station KTO I 7 p. m. Mondiu' evening;' ■

-i.IiauiLcoiuattiL:nui-n tnorftv«rliib nI»o will'VlAli Mountain Home.

-Tlic conecrt iirusram Hicludc* the .•selection. ,-Tlie DnR.- an orlKlnnl coniposltlenihy Mr. ncalc lor clionil .■ilhKlnij. • Por lliU year’s Bice - club concert-n Mf. Ocale nbo'nmtJSM "Solig df[rie"Opcn_Hoad,'’ which.

Oyer Icroincl^ _ jE H O U fi_ rW »- «----4..roiiio-hl|,l^

jichool sliowwl nurprlilnff xtrcnRiii -Ioulclitjoc-Uircc.i4: ■ • ■ • •

Indleent fiun to 3I00.M0 frohl?Wi.- DBO InM. yrnr; haiplml !0, «15.I30 Irom-SllJ-lOJmiL.wti'dldcpartijicnL.

J72.(K. , fnmi sci.ri5ir.

• Ciirrfiit exix;t«e _ .T o i n L .......J2254>3s ' »230.ia6

Poor fntm svhiIhidlRent ......... »tOO.MO SlOJ OO

ira'pttnt >n5.130‘, <113 10

dlTidunl, evidently out nf liLi mlnri

una behavlnft VUdly. and approached Ulm to c41m blm* The man «udden» ^ -H m l-«t hlm-wltli. a.rcvoTvcr;

• ••T7j?^nacicer. Iriihirflntely ' ar« rnted. wan identified af, a mechanic. Driliro SinioDlJ!i5i_rj)h_?!f_l.«l5L8JS. moni; o< Ban QlorRlo Dl Plnno (near Bnlntnnl,' nirf-ndv trle^Ked tWicc from an Inwoe liospltal—iho flrsl

lid' thc“ipcc0nd_llait.dl«»

Umfrjit.Naplea ahd'

-------dQty_Kinatantlj--.ouBiac.thcporlc about ..Villa -Torlonln.. II cupiea All entire blocic. and-Li-roun'detHB^ I n l i stoifrji'ail._______

Tlii premier ti )o rcvlcVC’ tomorrow Ih'B' blacIc.iuiirormii'JrMUcJKiUia utu.i' ketcerjT, A picked bodjguard of 200

A l-trW on a trifflc . violation ’ ehargt In probate court. In T »in lQ ' ’ F^lta-yeaterdayrTilrrTIiyrtiraray. bcBl Itcard Btale-s;'Kitnc.wa testify

.•BM..untlet_UiB..lhllucBC0_i0t___" when .»lm ,WM arrested ni____

..... ■scDtatton?or»io sutfl-B-caee-wiia

ij^twl-yeaterrfajr-and-the^al---------be resumed,thU mominff.»•

State-8 wltncawa. Included 'eilw .OlvBiu. JUi61jc£li..conatiil)lR__w h o _ .^ .^jUancd-the. complaint, And O. h.- ■'Doc-„ Jlpitw,, Iitnltf-trsrnc'officer.;- _.Attomey-fOfr Mrt.-Oreylieal-ta-w.—

.Poaciat swom to defend hlji life wiUi Uifllr own. Eleven of the m'embar*. who-foUEht in-thc--Ethlopian nnd Spanish wftr«,-(»rc to're«ivcTncdnlj of^valor, • ■

SlON-SUPPORt CHARGED ~IN-SU|.T-?FOR-DIVORCE-Allfglni; non-iiupport. Mrs. Oelene

SU-rtsmlUr stnTled-Bull in-district joiir^ln^Twin F«IU yealcrday. for divorce from Ttioinnjj'O. Steclamlth' and-for rcslorntion to liervformer jUunp_of Oclcnc Pousl."'Tlie mar- rlaRO took pla'cc'at'Jerome; Auguiit S.- 1S33. Wllinm nnd Kinney of


- i p s ^ B r i v u i ^

pro.'iecutlns Atlomey., .Members of-n-slx-man Jufy 'lm- '

panelled .for -Iho trial are II.- D. Hutton.-; Ralph vRendla, Homer. Uam»eyi-:Vlr«a-Corbry,-R. .B. Moro- - house.and lUilph Augreux.------.

SpecUU new 18J coU aprinc “ prattreuei- =nzrr=r:,s i2 :9 5 -ftU LInoIctm nun»...:.IS4!7S Uied EleelrlB M'ashen- ..,.«9 -up

- - Alt Kinds Fumitute -

Ornnd-totiiJ- TT,;!.

one to three poliiLn of the winnerttnlll tlie fhiHl.pcrlod. •............. -

Oanb, DuVley forv.’urd. wn.-i hlKii , -torer~foc.;<i»n-wn(t-ttHli-,ia-»t>tKi.''7 Htcilc, guard, jnaac.eight lor Jcr-

. F ron liersm a ii.^o f Id a h o S iiccn iiib s

noisi:’ l^b. 17 (,ir^ '-Frcd- D. -Jonra.'iOO. xslio- l!lin'lvprt~:flimidl;in'

Unit clnlViiPd llie Uvea i f

H a ile y G ir ls and C a rey B o y s -Win

'CAREV. Feb.‘ l7:. — jlalToy'-niiil Carey lilsh Mhool-ba.tkeibnll^reuni!!

Jones' parents, Mr. and Mr.?. Plc.'.i Chciicy. wore killed near Silver,City wlioro CliriWy Knn n mine teamster. -17icir-.--nii.-ilinr oiitjr Ovo-or-thrrfT •.vt'nr\.' of aRr, iv:i.s taken to Call- fQrnla,7pnrt,rr:tT''ff'b5^rleiiil!' who;!;' .......... nilopti ■

081; - TorsotoTT

M H i l l i C

Charles, Hartung o f Payette

Discusses Benollts ol

O dd 'w llow sh ip

Edim Jane Crcw.i o l . CnlCnldwd'’club nnd also will piny .-;cveral plnno tolia.- Other wioisia'.incluttD •Hollis JleaUj,-C»W«w»llr-meei-o-«pmnof- Winlfred McBnne, Karppn. violln- J«ti FranccT-Conlcj'.' Jiampar'plap*.* 1st; Don Colvcr, Bol.-«. cello;. Glee'Club member;: wtio appear «s M>lolst.-i are Ronald Street/r. Cnld- well, tenor: Leland Qoodclt. Cnltl. Wll. baw; Robert Klrkpalrlck. Cald­well.- tenor; Reed Sower, Nam^,tromboinj_aolfliat._____

• Mr. Sower is pre.\lilent of the (^lege of Ijlnljo «tiidfnl.lx)dy tills. IHA m *1... -r .1.--

-.... -T-Blrls—trinnlnc-2C-ll--wh«o.

lllRh Morerln.tlic ulrl.i gnmc Penfold of Hftlle: with nine ixiinu, Tinife'T}6yS“conlcJ»t ’xotk ol Carry,

forward, slipped IS points Intoo ........

rctunioi lo.lduiJD .wiieTi'youn^-mmvr-v.w'A'sl-for-a-finin- - ____ .

Ijts lOHeSR|nncl’ I'diilicf Ctiy rejluns'and Infer

rmployp<l in llir ItiiiiDcr nJIl .JlviLJUllc.u,UiCIiL-


pi'kup ............r . 5 5 0 .0 0nnrber »


B e lle v u e Q i i i i i t e l T r im n jih s S.5-2]

Jerome Kites Ear, Twui Falls Child

JEROME. Feb. 17-y.J.R-tiil iicn'- SMA for 3 »i» Mftvle GnbhnT\. i.mnll- daui;hl«r-or- Mr,-nnd Mrrr-I-iTirpnce GsWinrU who died Wcdnrjdiiy n'c- nlng_at th^homc of-hcrjn’andpttti enf.s. Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Homan,

conducted frr)m the Jerouie fu.

U se4 C q i^ «fid^-Trucli1937 rU'MOUTIl coach. ....mlleaer) tteir.nibber_..$5sjo,00 193B rONTIAC coupe.' ipolbr l. riinilinu^V(I. - n o w . pirnl, ► Ilka

$465.00'in;9 criKvnot^TLiMjM ■■ TiHlSr Just__, over

- T R U G K S- ----I9M V.«^15T-JVB«jlcw_.u*..^ Cflnitlnatlori beef aridrcfaln'bed.'

.... - .$350.00103C V-K, 157 )VB, new motor, bcil.. -$4 50 .0 01033 CllliV. 157 n-D, jralri type M . *. ttM boy --—.-$385.00 1930 CIIKV. ]»7 WO. major orer-•*»“' ...........- ..... S425.00.

S c o w c r o f t s N e w V a c u la to r

G rtU d , F in e D r i p C o f f e e f or,

a l l G la s s C o f f e e M a k e rs ^

F R U n > l

C d C K T A U . '

, Blue Pinc^ ■

2 Ta ll Cons,. 2 9 C

VALUES Like These!

. i^Iild Crcnm

■Pound,.....X— I S c

ORAtrGES "7liiiiiini Tiiiii.iKii »ineaiiins of Odd*?Idly treated -by Charlcs-ilArtuns.-

', Payette, .grhnd chief palriarell of the grand cnca^npment'of Idaho. I.

’ O. O. r.. durtng-a. talk here Thurs-

revlv- in.the scAMft..

D i e s , R b e o v e r i i i " -

Intccn&tionaU '. Snles nnd Trucks . • Scrvlce

P E A S y ^

C A R i t b x s3 3 c Sunkfat Sweet an d 'ju icy <

Medium Size

Tlarluns vUlicd Use i. O. O. P.

. . eneampmenti ' ■ -He WAS escorted to the meetlnt:

by.CecIl Pom,croy.,and Pcrcj- Allred

.dtstrtct <lcputy uraiid ma-tltr: s. is] .;,-Crlsmorc. .Tffla-PalIs..di4Uici.Ttlcp-

.. uty Rrand chief patriarch of Col- .-‘ t.-'fBX Encflmpinent niunber 20. Twin

underwent -an oiwratlon thi.’i ninR After nn'ncute att.ick of nppcn- dicitLi. was reported tonltihi to-be out of danger. - • ■— Dr.XUlolLJ^. .Ciiniphcil.avlia.pcro foniied Uk opcrntlon, .Mild ilic Tcxnn probably would I*- nblc to rctiim to'lils'office within two three-weeks. .•

2.Mp-' .U^—'hll-ilinlh mdu-nru

-t-enstrcncldscdT'onrHroM':' - e r ' ^ ................................

^ G ’ood 2iW^plu.vfi.Fn ir 2 .«n y pliuv l'(>ooti Forcfcion traclor I'K cn lu cky 12-Iio1c'-Krain• 'd r i l l _____ _l » 5 I c Dg.. 1-riiolc ^ l in

-2^InhtircJsprcitdcrs l*G ood Me. Ur. spud iilnnl-

cr ' . .----- . .3-\VnlkinB p loK s;-l.I2 -in ;7

-----.l-Fnnninj; miH

3-JoKn Uccrc gpud cuUiva-

' :h a i ^ y : ‘.

* - i v r o s i G f R A W• M erchaodlw M art '

-j-nc-cnmijinntion'ofnhcr— Soy Bcati ntid' Carol) -P^ttnct|Hn-ilria-breari— r

a-|o.-if-AV(*■ “ Inn !ciriT„ iiioroiiK lily ’ -re iijo y r- 'l 'ry i f today.- V

| = I D E A t = B a a v B K ^.Across from 'P . 0 . ’

. ' bh Main •

r « ^ o m n » e ; E v c - ^ y D n y t s " E X r O S I T I O X " ' M > a %


" i -N o .-2 Cnns 1 1 c l y No. 2 Yi Cans ■25 cS A L M O N

V H im Pftic- Kcd-Soclm-c—


LEMONSLarge Size.

C o^cc m u st ahi'ttys b c " ju s j H ^ h t '[to o .

■\Vo»i.svvliojuci.succcMrul.lia ‘

• rcgariltns it. V. tiwn anything else on tlic uWe:" Vjl,.;

■ i-Of~M'.My.^qnc^nr», 1 lilU-lho^. Concc has,been 7 — — ^

~tIc^iDc3 iipon liy niiilion* of women bcauisc

. — tlic)tjbitiiv jiAv^-alway*.)>cy«it nsht'-' in liie^-

'• - run-.-.y-tofiVe-i | iO LaTco)ro il.itl£ s i^ ^Aga l.r :iir^ r

,_-l.-,iind-3i;ain tlicy-luiyc. found-dcfiglu' in .these: '

___ l lVordirr ‘N*o\y t,ii; t’| goed i<i[[ce!':.

i r r c i s u i T o . s ( C o f f e e ,