Volume 17 - Issue 8 2014

People ministering to people for Christ’s sake.” Volume 17 - Issue 8 2014 Summer Worship 2014: Continuing through August 31, the Sunday morning schedule is: Worship at 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall Coffee Fellowship in the vestibule from 9:30 until 9:59 Nursery care for children who have not yet been to Kindergarten Sunday School in the gym during the worship hour for children finished grades K – 5. Here are your hymn choices for this month: August 03 “I Danced In The Morning” “Seek Ye First” “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” August 10 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” “O How He Loves You And Me” “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” August 17 “Holy Ground” “He Lives” “His Eye Is On The Sparrow” August 24 “Come Sing, O Church, In Joy!” “The Servant Song” “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!” August 31 “Open My Eyes That I May See” “As The Deer” “Here I Am, Lord” Here are the Texts and Themes for the month: August 03 Genesis 32:22–31 “What Is In A Name?” August 10 Matthew 14:22–33 “What Got Into You?” August 17 Romans 11:1–2, 29–32 “Has God Had It With Us?” August 24 Matthew 16:13–20 “How About You?” August 31 Guest Preacher FYI’S From CHARLIE….

Transcript of Volume 17 - Issue 8 2014

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“People ministering to people for Christ’s sake.”

Volume 17 - Issue 8 2014

Summer Worship 2014:

Continuing through August 31, the Sunday morning schedule is: Worship at 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall Coffee Fellowship in the vestibule from 9:30 until 9:59 Nursery care for children who have not yet been to Kindergarten Sunday School in the gym during the worship hour for children finished grades K – 5.

Here are your hymn choices for this month:

August 03 “I Danced In The Morning” “Seek Ye First” “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”

August 10 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” “O How He Loves You And Me” “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”

August 17 “Holy Ground” “He Lives” “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”

August 24 “Come Sing, O Church, In Joy!” “The Servant Song” “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!”

August 31 “Open My Eyes That I May See” “As The Deer” “Here I Am, Lord”

Here are the Texts and Themes for the month:

August 03 Genesis 32:22–31 “What Is In A Name?” August 10 Matthew 14:22–33 “What Got Into You?” August 17 Romans 11:1–2, 29–32 “Has God Had It With Us?” August 24 Matthew 16:13–20 “How About You?” August 31 Guest Preacher


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Worship Note:

We will return to our Regular Worship Schedule, 8:30 in Fellowship Hall and 11:00 in the Sanctuary, on Sunday, September 7. Sunday School will also return to its regular time, 9:30.

Church Officer Nominating Committee:

The committee will soon begin its work of discernment, seeking the will of God regarding those called to serve the church as elders, and your prayers for this work are earnestly requested. Also, your suggestions for nominees would be appreciated. You may offer for the committee’s consideration your own name, or that of any other church member you feel may be called by God to serve. Committee members are: Elders Peggy Bear and Veronika Camehl; at large members Caro Jackson, Kathy Henderson, and Nancy Melcher. Eligibility Note: Any member whose name appears on the Active Roll of First Presbyterian Church is eligible for consideration as an Elder. Process: The Church Officer Nominating Committee will present a slate of 6 nominees to be elected to the Class of 2017 at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Congregation in October.

Sunday School

Also on Sunday, September 7, the Adult Sunday School class will resume meeting in the Café at 9:30 A.M. Our first study book for the year will be “Mere Christianity,” by C. S. Lewis, named by Christianity Today in early 2000 as the most influential Christian book of the 20th Century. Many people are intimidated by Lewis' academic credentials and think they might not be up to his intellectual arguments. The book is indeed a challenging read, but with a bit of effort understandable and encouraging. Come join us each Sunday morning at 9:30 and see for yourself. (The book can be purchased online, in print or electronic form)

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from Charlie

Worse things can happen than turning 65, I was told… but very little better can happen than having that turn celebrated by this Church Family! Thank you so much to all who organized, prepared, contributed, gifted, and partied with me on Sunday. I am so grateful for all the nice things you do for me, and for all the Schulers, and I treasure our place as part of your extended family. (If I rent the Palace for my 70th, do you promise to be there?)

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Stewardship Notes:

When we had our meeting of the Congregation on February 16, very few members attended. Therefore it may have gone unnoticed by most that we approved a deficit budget. We noted then the distinct possibility of a severe shortfall in income by the end of the year. As year’s end draws ever nearer, it is clear to the Session that possibility is becoming reality. You will be hearing more about our financial situation, but for now I offer you this context in which to consider your personal giving to your church.

While Jesus suggested that the relationship between our treasure and our heart can be challenging, (see Matthew 6:21), we speak very little about it in church. We all know money matters, and that how we spend our money reveals much about our values, yet the church most often avoids any talk about money except during stewardship season. Even then, it seems our message about money is conflicted: our consumer-based culture, we say, is materialistic because it values money too much. The church is spiritual because it values things other than money, so we should give to the church to show we are not attached to our money.

When, however, we practice our giving and receiving at the Lord’s Table, as is our custom, our assumptions are challenged. At the Lord’s Table, the risen Christ meets us in food that provides nourishment and drink that connotes festivity and passion. At the Lord’s Table, through material things claimed and blessed by God, we receive that which allows us to live, enables us to enjoy life, and offers a foretaste of eternal life. So we learn at the Lord’s Table to preserve and value material things, and that suggests we should value money for the material and labor it represents; we risk misusing it when accumulating it becomes our sole aim

This attitude toward money affects our Christian practice of giving: rather than feeling uncomfortable when we receive gifts, or as though we need always to repay them, the economy of the Lord’s Table reminds us that God’s gifts expect nothing in return; rather, in the strange dynamic of grace, they equip us to receive as well as to give. That is, Christians understand that giving is not a zero-sum game in which only a limited amount may be given away, lest supply be exhausted. Rather, the more we receive, the more we are able to give. At the Lord’s Table, we become better receivers of gifts as well as better givers of gifts, as we recognize we are always both.

God is the first and best giver: at the Lord’s Table, we receive the gift of the One whose body is broken and whose blood is shed for the world. Communion always begins and ends in God’s gifts of grace. We who receive those gifts can do nothing in return; graced with our lives, there is nothing we can give God in return that God does not already have. But the gifts God gives enable us to respond with joy: we leave the Table and return to life in the world, free to give to others because we recognize that in giving we do not somehow have less. Filled full of God’s abundant gifts at the Lord’s Table, we give to each other, and our giving does not result in depletion. Our Communion increases as the gifts we receive keep on giving: goods are shared and relationships flourish as we who have been given new life at the Table respond by giving our lives to others.

So the rhythms of the Lord’s Table offer a way to reorient our practices around material things and money, so that we may become more adept at giving and receiving. God has claimed and blessed material things; when we give, we respond to nothing less than God’s own generous giving. As C.S. Lewis wrote: “I do not believe we can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”

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Vacation Bible School 2014

July 14-18th was a GREAT week for all of the children and staff of

VBS! Our kids learned that Jesus is ALWAYS with us through

feelings of loneliness, fear, confusion, and even when we do wrong.

We had 79 kids and loved each one!

First Presbyterian and St. Peter’s Episcopal

Churches worked together in a shared experience to show

God’s love in actions, stories, word and songs. It was an

amazing week!

So many thank yous are needed! Our youth led us in energizers,

as well as shepherding children to their classes. Thanks to

JennyBeth Harris, Trent Harris, Katie Henderson, Ashley Ochoa

and Kyler Friebele. From SPEC, we welcomed Victoria and Amber


Teachers and other adults led the kids through our week of

Jesus love: Theresa Smith, Connie Schuler, Kelly McNeely,

Meredith Carter, Becky Warren, Janet Gaskamp, Peggy Bear,

Ryan & Jaymie Knostman and Alissa Spears.

Theresa & Connie helped the children make a Weird Animal

themed colorful ‘weird’ quilt, which is hanging in the Youth

Center! Take a look!

Our special storytellers for the week were: Adelaide Marlatt,

Jim and Christy Friedel. Charlie took care of our technical needs

during Assembly & Closing times.

Veronika Camehl led the snack crew (Thursey Sutton, Elza

LeBrun and Barbara Patton) with many of you, bringing lots

of healthy and sweet treats to give our kids energy and

laughter for a break!

Our unbelievable decorations of a jungle and weird animals

were completed by the talented Karen Glass, Jad &

Theresa Smith.

Other key volunteers helping with registration and

wherever they were needed! : Kay Patteson, Lois Atwood,

Liz Murray, and Caro Jackson.

Bev Jacobson, Mike Ralls and Carolina Hernandez helped

all week to keep us running smoothly!

Delicious lunches were provided for the staff: Organized by

Lucille Rainwater with food provided by Mike & Lisa

Douglass, John & Liz Murray, and Ed & Lucille Rainwater.

Peggy Bear led our Mission focus which concentrated on our

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Vacation Bible

School 2014 Pictures

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Thank you so very much for all the delicious cookies

that were baked to feed those hungry VBS kiddos;

they were a big HIT. Thank you also very much for

the monetary donations! Through careful shopping,

there was approximately $50 left over that was put into

the 2015 VBS fund. My job was made easier with the help provided by 3 Episcopalian

ladies: Barbar Patton, Thursey Sutton and Elsa Daniels…. Could not have done it

without them. Once again, the Henderson family provided ice cream sandwiches for the

kiddos on Friday … what a way to end the week! There were many others who helped with

putting the mats down for snack, taking the trays outside … the list goes on and on. You

know who you are and thank you SO much!

Sincerely, The Snack Lady and the Snack Sisters 3

Snack crew

What is Operation Kid-to-Kid? Operation Kid-to-Kid is one of the world’s largest service outreach programs for children. Nondenominational Christian organizations and Group Publishing’s Vacation Bible School programs team up to get kids involved with helping other kids. Kids have the opportunity to help other children around the world by giving gifts like school supplies, Bibles, hygiene kits, Christmas gifts, bible coloring books, and socks and shoes. Year after year, Operation Kid-to-Kid is one of the driving forces in mobilizing children to serve other kids in need. Log on to http://groupcares.org/ok2k/ to see photos and videos of how kids have participated in

meaningful service projects that have changed their hearts as they helped change the world. If you would like to see how kids have helped other kids around the world, check out the Operation Kid-to-Kid impact page.

2014 VBS Operation, Kid-to-Kid Missions Project

We’ve partnered with World Vision, Group Cares, and churches like yours with the goal of providing clean water for school children in India. Through World Vision’s WASH program— WAter, Sanitation, Hygiene—your kids will help provide sinks, hand-washing stations, and bathrooms in schools where clean water is rare. Just $2.50 (that’s only 10 quarters!), is enough for a child in India to have clean water for a year at school. Together we can make it happen—and share God’s love. Send donations to: Group Cares, c/o Operation Kid-to-Kid, 1515 Cascade Ave., Loveland, CO 80538

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Our summer worship continues through August in the Fellowship

Hall at 10:00 am. Remember that Sunday School for children who have completed grades K – 5 meets in the gym during the worship

service and volunteers are needed to meet with these young people. Contact Charlie if you would like to try this any Sunday morning this summer.

The Worship Committee extends a big thank you to those elders who

assisted Charlie by serving communion on July 6th: Mindy Durham, Katie Henderson, and Ozzie Williams. Communion was prepared by Veronika Camehl. Our communion wine was furnished by Sally Reynolds.

In July, head usher duties were shared by Sandy Swanson and Sally

Reynolds. August ushers will be Janet Gaskamp and Tommy Miller. A FINAL THOUGHT: Charlie's sermons have given us much to think about.....his combination

of profound statements and comic relief seem to be just the message we all need to hear. Maybe someone YOU know would be inspired by his unique approach.... invite them to join us.

If you see an unfamiliar face on Sunday, don't be hesitant to welcome them. Who knows, they may be our next new member- in- the- making.

The Worship Committee looks forward to seeing everyone in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am each Sunday as our summer schedule continues … feel free to contact any of us. Members of

this committee include

highlights by Holly Hamilton

Communion Sunday,

July 6, 2014

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There will not be an August Fellowship Lunch. Watch for our announcement in the September newsletter about. the special lunch THEME we are already planning!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

See you in September!

Treasurer’s Report

June 30, 2014

Year to Date 6/30/14 6/30/13 2014 Budget

Income $145,164 $169,676 $136,740

Expenses $148,140 $150,381 $157,992

Included in this report is the comparison of the current

year with the corresponding time in 2013 and the 2014 budget.


Notes From the Music Director

Choir members mark your calendars...

Chancel Choir: We will return from summer recess and resume

Wednesday night rehearsals on September 3.

Hand Bell Choir: We will return from summer recess and resume

Monday night rehearsals on September 15.


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Ministering to Women …

Women, these are opportunities for growth and service,

and a time to have fellowship with other women in the

church during August. Please mark your calendars for

the following experiences.

1. The next PW monthly meeting will be Tuesday, September 2 at 10 pm

in the Parlor. This will be our first meeting after summer, and we would like to

invite all women in our church to attend.

2. Our Circle Bible Study will not meet again until September. Keep watch in

the September Newsletter to find out the details!

3. Quilters will meet on Tuesday, August 19, from 9am-12 noon to

work on prayer quilts upstairs in the quilting room.

4. Our Castaways Volunteers are at Castaways on Mondays (8am-3pm)

and Thursdays (8am-11am) every week. There is plenty to do and the

jobs are easy to learn! Please join us!!! We need your help working

the store especially on Monday, men and women. We could use your

help on Mondays anytime all day or on Thursday mornings.

* The new building continues to change with move-in date scheduled in

October. Go by and check it out!!!!

5. If you are interested in helping with Lovin’ Spoonfuls, a group to prepare

and deliver meals for people coming home from the hospital or in need,

please call Sara Craven 727-0093 to volunteer

6. PW started appealing for school supplies in June. We are collecting

these items:

Lovin’ Spoonfuls

Room 204

Sewing &

Quilting Room

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The article “Spare Time to Serve” reprinted on the following pages is

about our church and its involvement in the community via The

Community Table and Castaways. After Dave Wasserman contacted

PCUSA’s News & Announcement division to tell them what we are doing

and their “Mission Agency was interested in our story. The author,

Tony Montgomery arranged a telephone interview with Charlie and her

article was subsequently published on July 18.

August’s schedule for food preparation & serving:

05 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

12 Coastal Oaks Church

19 First United Methodist Church

26 Peace Lutheran Church

August’s FPC Coordinator Schedule:

05 Charlie

12 Veronika Camehl

19 Sally Reynolds

26 Susan Lewis

Community Service Worker Supervisor: Ruben Garcia

STATS for July:

01: Hot dogs, beans, chips and watermelon wedges

Dessert: Candy bars

Number Served: 155 Host: Presbyterian Church

08: Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, corn, tossed salad, French bread

Dessert: Candy bars

Number Served: 225 Hosts: Presbyterian & Baptist Churches

15: Philly cheese steak sandwich, sweet potato fries, tossed green salad

Dessert: Watermelon wedges

Number Served: 236 Host: Coastal Oaks Church


through the use of our facilities

The Community Table

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Community Table (continued)

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Community Table (continued)

THANK YOU to the following for donating their Sunday flowers to The Community Table….

Sisters Peggy Thompson and Faye Sammons donated their flowers from Sunday, June 29, in remembrance of their parent’s (Melvin and Lonnie Rheinlaender) June 28th wedding anniversary for the July 1st meal (which was hosted by our Church.) The spray was transformed into 14 beautiful arrangements to adorn the tables and later gifted to unsuspecting diners at the end of the evening. Ingrid Little’s flowers from Sunday, July 6, dedicated “in honor and appreciation of our military for what they have done for our country past, present and future plus in celebration of Willie Campbell’s birthday Friday, July 4 and his son Josh’s birthday Thursday, July 24” were made into bouquets for the July 8 meal which FPC co-hosted with the Baptist Church. They, too, were given to diners thoroughly delighted to receive them.

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Here we are halfway through a fun-filled season of happenings at Pirates Landing Youth Center. We

opened our Weekend sessions for High School and Middle School age children on June 27 and have just

completed eight sessions, High School on Friday and Middle School on Saturday nights. We have had

tournaments in air hockey and basketball, and food, and the Magic of Gemini with glow glasses pizza for

middle school & high school.

As this is being prepared, we are planning the Super Heroes program with the “7 on 7” football team

(who recently had good success in their attempt in this competition), joining Brandi Huff, Rockport-

Fulton graduate who currently plays for Texas A & M –CC Islanders basketball team. The plan is to

have them hang out with the kids, coming to play and talk to them about how they decided to do these

things, and what it takes to stay in the game. Our version of “don’t do drugs, drink or other things that

harm your body and your brain….”

By the time you read this, we will have two more weekends in the summer schedule. On August 1 & 2,

High School and middle school students will have presented their Talent Contest. I visited choir

classes during the school year and picked some candidates to sing, etc., and now we will see what comes


Our mission with this program is to provide a safe, fun environment for the youth of Aransas County to

come together and have fun, food and some surprises. Thanks to each of you for your support,

especially PW women and everyone’s cooperation in working around our stuff. It is so great to see the

building come alive with the laughter of children and adults - Bible School one week, Pirates Landing

sessions on the weekend, Boy Scout activities, etc., It works so many ways showing & sharing God’s

love to the people of our area. I’d also like to thank Kirsten Corda,

Texas AgriLife Extension Service Agent, who is partnering with us

Pirates Landing!!!

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More …. Pirates Landing!!!

Reserved for Pirates Landing

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Ministering to others…

June 25, 2014

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers for our daughter Lynn. We

truly believe in the power of the prayer chain and she had

a few working for her. La Canada, Colorado, Concord,

Chico, and all of you in Rockport, Texas. It’s wonderful to

have loving friends that care and pray together. Your

hand stitched tie a knot quilt is on the back of Lynn’s sofa.

Guest arrive, tie a knot and are silent for a minute saying a

prayer, what a unique and ingenious idea, not to mention

conversation piece… we all love it and it’s been working

hard for Lynn.

Peggy (Bear) is a part of my family, we consider her our

other sister, so she may have shared some information on

Lynn, but I’ll fill in a bit more. Lynn was diagnosed the

15th of August with stage four rectal Cancer. It was found

with a colonoscopy, her surgeon called it a massive tumor

that was not contained, it was in her lymph nodes and she

had had it for more than two years. We were all shocked

with the dreadful news. That was ten months ago and she

is just now getting back on her feet.

Jill, our other daughter, put together a spa weekend for

the two of them. It was Lynn’s birthday on the 8th and

she turned 52. It was a collective gift from the family

celebrate birthday, end of treatment and wellness on the

horizon. They had such a good time they are trying to

figure out how they can go more often.

Lynn has slowly started back to work; she is a Recreation

Therapist and Manager of a health care program for

disadvantaged children and adults, such as autism. Her

job keeps her mind on others which is healthy for her.

After work she often joins a friend and walks in Chico’s

beautiful Bidwell Park, prior to diagnoses she was training

for a half marathon. She has a horse and recently rode for

the first time taking two short rides. And last weekend

she was honored at the Cancer Relay for Life in Paso

Robles. Slowly she is getting back to what her doctors call

her new normal. We are grateful life is turning around for

her and we pray for continued good health.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Pat and Family

Editor’s Note: The above was received from the family of

Lynn Kennedy, Peggy Bear’s close friend living in Chico,


June 22, 2014

Dear Friends in Christ’s Love,

What a blessing it was to open the envelope from

the Congregation of the First Presbyterian

Church of Rockport and see the lovely prayer

comforter with its many, many knots. It was an

amazing thought to know that each knot repre-

sents a prayer you said for me during my recent

surgery and treatment for breast cancer. Look

forward to having friends and family add their

knots as a visible reminder of their prayerful sup-

port and love.

I am very blessed to have family members in

churches and other places who have lifted me up

in prayer. I know that our very breath and lie

are a gift from a loving God who has a plan for

our lives. I rejoice that we are bound together in

our faith in God and his purposes for our lives

I am thankful to have Reba and Reed who asked

you to pray for me. All of you have demonstrat-

ed one of the cardinal traits of Christians. “We

shall know they are Christians by their love.”

Again, thank you for your loving reminder of

our oneness in Christ.

In His Love,

Barbara Robinson

Editor’s Note: We sent a prayer comforter to Roz Foust’s mother in law, Micki Foust, when she fell and broke her hip in June….

My heartfelt thanks go out

to each of you!

The quilt is just beautiful and I will cherish it forever.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness!

Much love, M. Foust

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1 Ingrid Little 4 JoAnn Little 6 Jeremy Jaggard Georgia Patterson 8 Lonnie McLester Brian Shedden 11 Gwen Hill 13 Susan Smith 15 Jeremy Schuler 16 LeeAnn Little John Murray 19 Julie Mercer 20 Allen Kling 21 Jan Anderson 22 Ozzie Williams 23 Jacque Park Pati Vincent 24 Daniel Booker 25 Jim Anderson 26 Gabe Schuler 29 Carly Little Adelaide Marlatt 30 Ken Craven Barbara Eckelmann

If you or family members are not listed, email Beverly at [email protected] with names and birth dates. We want our records to be accura te and include everyone.

Odds and Ends….

August Flower Sponsorships

are still available for the following Sundays: 10th, 24th and 31st. To reserve a date, fill out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board next to the Mission Room ... or contact The Church Lady and she will gladly do it for you.

Submitted by Theresa Smith:

Southwest Chicken Chop Salad

Yield: 4 servings


2 cups diced rotisserie chicken 1 green pepper, diced 1 cup black beans 1 cup sweet yellow corn {canned or frozen and defrosted} 2 roma tomatoes, diced 4 scallions, washed and sliced {white and green parts} 1 large romaine heart, washed and chopped 1/2 bunch cilantro, washed and chopped 2 just under ripe avocados, diced 2 cups crushed tortilla chips for the dressing- 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 tablespoon ranch seasoning 1/2 tablespoon taco seasoning 1/2 tablespoon lime juice {optional} salt & pepper, to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, stir all salad ingredients together, excluding the tortilla chips and avocado. In a small bowl, stir all dressing ingredients together until smooth. When ready to serve, toss salad with dressing then gently stir in avocado and tortilla chips.

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Editor’s Note: In addition to an exterior “facelift” this summer, the church grounds are also receiving much needed attention. A complete re-design is in progress - thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. Watch for pictures of the completed project in September’s newsletter.

Odds and Ends (continued)

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Odds and Ends (continued) … August’s Activity Calendar

This page reserved for August’s activity calendar

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Members At Home: Nan Jackson, Bob Hill, Aggie Sikes (Poteet,) Eileen Harrison (Hondo,) Laverne Hanszen (Rockwall.) Members In Nursing or Care Centers: Pat Walzel (Gulf Pointe Plaza;) Lois Harrington (Gulf Pointe Village;) Win Smith (Dallas;) Jeremy Jaggard (San Antonio;) Berta Little (The Solana at Cinco Ranch, Houston;) Marilyn Johnson (Eagle’s Trace, Houston.) Members In Hospital: Doris Easter Our armed forces serving in harm’s way: LT Joe Anthony & his wife, LT Shannon Anthony (M/M Charlie Schuler’s niece and nephew;) LT Christopher Kohls-Kelley (Kari Kelley’s son;) 1LT Eric Murphy. Our Extended Family and Friends: Christopher Hoover Kevin Brown (M/M Jim Anderson’s son-in-law;) Bob Purcell, Barbara Purcell (Liz Murray’s uncle, mother;) Phil Barnes, Brenda Shelly (Kathy Roberts-Douglas’s co-worker, friend;) Ella Catherine

Andrus (M/M Ozzie Williams’s grand daughter;) Betty Close (Sally Reynolds’ mother;) Anthony Booth (Sandy Booth’s grandson;) Debra Kay Griffith (Caroline Bernardy’s daughter in law;) Strother Norman (Caro Jackson’s cousin,) Bobby Flanagan, Paul Klemm, Courtney Klemcke (Kim Thompson’s friends;) Bruce Daily, Michelle Dillon, Frances Young, Marguerite Davis (M/M Ed Fegley’s daughter in law’s father, daughter’s neighbor, Lou’s friend, Ed’s sister;) Dwight Reams, Brent Stewart, Delora Kirby, Donna Mahnke (Bev Jacobson’s dad, step brother-in-law, cousin, friend;) Andrew Brice (M/M Ken Craven’s friend;) Wynell McLain, Bennett Trimble (Sandy Swanson’s friends;) Cissy Smith, Riki & baby, Robin Ford, Brooke Hester, (Yvonne’s Jaggard’s Assistant Choir Director, Tom Jaggard’s co-workers, co-worker’s child;) Valerie Stern, Adrian Nesmith (family of Amanda Schuler’s co-workers;) Chase Reynolds, Willie Flores, Pam Campbell, Alyssa Babineaux (Ingrid Little’s nephew, friends;) Wilma Jean Coldsnow, JoAnn & Mike Shedden, Cindy Chamberlain, Stephanie & Braxley Brezina (Debbie Shedden’s mother, mother in law, husband, friend, co-worker’s friends;) Austin Woods, David Swisher, Jere Parrish (M/M Ed Rainwater’s friends;) Sue Huffman, Luis Pitluk, Michael Ucategui, Beth Janssen, Arron Chase “Ace” Ervin (M/M Gary Gilbert’s friends;) Gloria Gibson, Cheryl Bullock, Kathleen Rogers, Glenda Boehk (Shirley Latham’s step-daughter, daughter, neighbor, friend;) Henry Yeoman (Darline Yeoman’s son;) Nikki Calhoun, Ardy Goodman, Max Wilbanks, A.J. Viertel (M/M Tom Miller’s niece, friends;) Anna Burda, Shelly Masterson (friend, mother of Barbara Ecklemann’s daughter in law;) John and Carol Handly (Winter Texans;) Wounded Warrior Cody Dean Uselton, Chris Christopherson, Patricia Merrbaugh (Karen Glass’s nephew in law, friend, mother of co-worker;) Evi Trubenecker (Veronika Camehl’s aunt;) Jenna Lestrud (Jake Hose’s niece;) Nikki Daniels, Tammi Daniels (M/M John Daniels daughter in law;) Danielle Sams, Shannon Bauknight Marshall (Barbara Goodlock’s friends;) Jimmy Woods; Barbara Robinson (M/M Reed Marton’s sister in law;) Tammy Pitre (Jennifer Lee’s friend;) Waldine Laduke (Winter Texan Rosie Woodford’s friend;) Bruce Fields (Byron Fields’ father;) Micki Foust (Rosalind Foust’s mother;) Catherine Gabriel Cary (M/M Brink Brinkerhoff friend;) Karen Wallace, Charles Allen (M/M Steve Atwood’s niece, neighbor’s son;) Ella Shiman (infant niece of Pam Roe co-worker;) Dick Romshek (VeeAnn Wright’s cousin-in-law;) Fr. Ralph Jones (Al Chalkey/Penney Clarke’s friend;) Deborah Miller (mother of Boo Field’s daughter’s friend.)

Prayers and sympathy of the church were extended to:

Steve Atwood and family at the passing of Steve’s brother on Tuesday, July 8;

JoAnn McLester and family at the passing of Joann’s brother in law Benny McLester on Saturday, July 12;

PRESBYLINES is published monthly by:

First Presbyterian Church 301 Hwy 35 North - Rockport, TX 78382 Phone No. (361)729-6251; Fax No. (361) 729-6299 Email: [email protected]

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