VOL. XXXVII. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, LA ...a new roof put on his residence, added a...

i.,•AL.UIHED 1852. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. $2.50PER ANNUM. VOL. XXXVII. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, LA., FEBRUARY 22, 1890. NO. 22. Official Journal of the Parish of St. Landry. PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY IBY LEONCE & L. A. SANDOZ OPELO USAS: SATURDAY, : FEBRUARY 12, 1890. Three steamers were lately making regular weekly trips between Washington and New Orleans. Now there is only one. We understand that but little business of importance has been trautncted in our Dis- trict Court this week. We understand that the Supreme Court has our regulator cases under advisement and that a decision may he looked for in a few days. The Times-Democrat of New Orleans, leads all the newspapers published in the South- Daily ald Weekly. It has the largest circu- lation. Representative Robertson has secured a favorable report from the House committee on buildings and grounds on his bill appro- priating $100,000 for a public building at Baton Rouge. In a recent Washington special Secretary Windom states that in a few days he hopes to be able to get out the advertisement asking for contracts for the Monroe public building. That for Opelousas ought to soon follow. The Acadia Sentinel, published at aynue, has changed hands. Mr. Oscar Ih. Alpha, for- merly of the St. Mary Banner, having pur- chased the plant and good will of the paper. It will remain Democratic. "In the first publication of the parish revenue ordinance, in our issue of the lst inst., the tax for threshing rice was erroneously given at $ _00 per thousand barrels, instead of $2.00 per 1 1000. The mistake was corrected in our sub- sequent issues, however. Among recent improvements we note that our popular Coroner, Dr. R. M. Littell, has had a new roof put on his residence, added a spa- oleus dining-room thereto,and otherwise reju- 1 vanated his premises; also, that the residence of Mrs. H. Latour has been enlarged to twice its former size and completely renovated throughout. On Thursday last, Judge Js. M. Moore, one of our most esteemed citizens, who had been critically ill for several days before, was tak- en to New Orleans for treatment. His wife, son and daughters and his son-in-law, Dr. 0eo. K. Pratt, of New Orleans, accompanied him. Many earnest prayers are offered np for his recovery. The supervising Architect of the treatury S'i•ited to Mr. Robertson, who called upon him in reference to the matter last Wednesday, that the construction of the public building at - Opelousas would begin early in the spring; that ketches of the building were going on, and th at they were only waiting for the sur- vey of the site when the working drawings S:would be made. The publishers of the New York Voice, an aggries ve temperance paper of eight pages, wh-lob devotes much space to family reading, are offering as a premium an oleographic re- l•l•oLution, in 14 colors, of Millet's famous j tisg, "The Angelus," recently purchased b= arlsi by the American Art Association for $110,600. Send one dollar to Funk & Wag- a:sWag 18 and 20 Astor Place, New York, and :a i-tis large family paper for one year and a !espy fthis wonderfully faithful reproduction of this magnificent picture. e: havejaet received from the publishers, SL•.Johason & Co., 22 Customhouse street, oee , Mass., a very fine portrait likeness of Davis, with autograph signature. ` dlse is 12x16, and it has every appearance Sexquisite Sepia Etching. It is suitable ".1 ing to hang in any parlor or library Iand. The publishers will send one to S`dd-ress postpaid on receipt by them of 25 instamps. But if that amount is sent ICOUari•u office, we will, with the con- o the publishers, furnish the picture and EAreeffts. of the sum realized to the laMoeoment Fund. Beury W. Grady Memorial Volume, lag the life history, writings and of the late lamented Grady, is now process of preparation by the well publishing bouse of Cassell & Co. , of.New York, and wall be ready for east month. The contributos ito the ae Joel Chandler Harris, Mr. Grady's to the Constitution, Hon. H. W. Wat- at the Louisville Courier-Journal, and y'• former co-workers on the Con. The proceeds of the sale of the i paying the expenses of its publica- Sdevoted to the support of his wife ! raew, mother and sister. The book Sfrom sl to eight hundred pages, bandsome steel engravings. The ageT t for its sale is Mr. ID. E. Lu- Whitiball street, Atlanta, Ga., to - ti for eeopie of the work or should be addreseld, a aqu atet. of our young friends " left" n Mardl-GOras and have recoveed from their disappoint i as. thijoe ' too good to keep, a I t Ito ia readers if they will not yeaboit;. Qar four yoegat , r ".ratr weet" on. a qu to ma inleai atiteanding a leading , ad lad aurrgead to sared praeicts on Mar"tras ot in a laberate disguises, joIly Name~. Of gnrse the young avised of tthepenitetd visit; beol.. when lb young mon fTit•, _what was their aetoa $ad that aery gliv ia a toe tlhter stood wth akt~lfa1 eye to sea h theroesadlsas. She ga e of Sosatnation i. the 'oetie seminavy t r 'etser fere whiob, thealp )o g ti grap the ber bleaik deptanrto for . w" ' where they * *iAtdrlinsoeeetSofwat 4,L Items of Interest. Fortress Monroe is the largest fortification in the world. It has already cost Uncle Sam over $3,000.000. Ex-President Cleveland gets a salary ito $35,000 per annum from the law firm with which le is connected. The Gentiles have elected the city officers of Salt Lake City, and the probabilities. are that Mormon dlonmination of Utah is endtl forever. Should the direct tax bill, which Ipassesd trh Senate last week by a vote of 44 to 7, become a law, Louisiana woull ter tivic $'7,7,515 atnd Mississippi $101,717. No greater triumph in medicine or chemis- try has-been recorded than Hall's flair Re- newer to revivify and restore gray hair to the color of youth. T. D. Foster, Esq., of Ne w Iberia. has bee,- appoiuted District Attorney for this district. vice Mr. L. J. Voorkies, who resigned on ne- count of continued bai health. The appoi nt- ment is a good one.-St. Martin Reveille. Torpidity of the liver and disorders of the stomach and bowels cause headache and tihe failure of all desire for food. Ayer's Cathar- tic Pills stimulate the action of the stomach. liver asud bowels, cure headache, and restore the appetite. In our opinion the colored men, it thleyobeh ed their judgment rather than their prejudice, would vote the Democratic ticket in all the Southern States. It would secure them peace sod good government, which is what they need.-N. Y. Herald, Indl. Lake Charles Commercial: Phet'rilieu Brons- sard, aged 91 years, was married to a lady somewhat over fifty, at Bronesardville, Lafa- yette parish, last Monday. This was his see- ond venture. having lived in wedlock sivry- six years withl his first wife. FARMERVILLE, L.a., May, 1887. Having a severe attack of Flux some two years ago, I applied to Dr. Tichenor, of Baton louge, for treatment. He gave me l.is cele. brated Antiseptic. and in a few days I was re lieved and cured. JAMES R.arN,. Morgan City Review:-The Grand Army Re public in New Orleans is last going to the demnition bow-wows. Both white and colored posts met separately and elected a fullset of department officers. It will soon be a defunct organization in the South. REDWI3NE, Jackson parish. La •, December 1, 18S6. C. M. Sherroue, Ag't.--I can say for Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic that it is a sure cure for 6stulo on horses and mules. I have tested it on a bad case, and effected a tore in a re- markably short time. Reap'y., U. H. SPE'CER. It is claimed that the recent lottery flght in Dakota has developed the fact that but three per cent of the receipts of the Louisiana State Lottery Company are received from the people of this State, the remaining 97 per cent being received from the outside world getner- ally. Houma Courier: At the last session of the town council of Napoleonville, La., an ordiu- ance was adopted to contract for an artesian well for the town ; to purchase a quantity of sewer pipes; to buy a number of lumps and lamp-posts, and lastly to build a caluboose. A gentleman in Union county, Mo , who is too modest a man to have his nause mention- ed in the newspapers, was cured of rheumta- tism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, alter try- ing other medicines and treatments f•r tlit- teen years. 50 cent bottles for sale by ,. La+- salle anld all merchants. . Lafayette Advertiser: We d-,ire to c,,l your attention again to the, rsmie cu!ture. An acre or two will Ie an expelritment, and would cost but little, and yeo wohilti har. roots to sell, if you do not desire to .cultivate. In our opinion, ratuie is going to be one -. f the leading products in ,ouisianrt HlComelt, L,,., June 3, 185. Mr. Editor-My buggy muare, Nellie, was very sick with colic yesterday evening when my Rueton friend, Mr. Sherrouse, called to see me. He immediately gave her a dose of Dr. Tichenor'a Antisepl)tic, which seemed to give relief in a ftw minuntes; and a setcolitl dose, about ~u Iniuuter later, entirel.- cur-di her, I wish to say this to your readers in justice toi thie medicine alI for the IItofit of others. Resplrctflly , T. B. WHITE. A cablegram dated Paris, IFeb 1:., say-: Thta duke of Orleans, son of the count and countess of Paris, who came to Paris last week *ithi the avowed intention of enlisti,g in thu French army, and whlt was then -tritts ed on the charge of violating the law exiling troum France all pretenders to the Frtnch throne, was again arraigned before the court to-dafy. He was adjudged guilty of violtting the lat'v and sentenced to two :ears' imptinotnmeut. A Qoon RecoUD.--"I have"-o Ll Cni:mbtr- lain's Cough Remiedy for ten yeats, says drng gist, E. B. Legg, of Vail, Is., " itnd have ul- ways warranted it and never had a bLttle re- turned. During the past 90 days I have sold twelve dozen and it has given tirlec I sarias-- faction in every instance." It does lilnt '•y up a cough, but loosens anti telievea ii. Ir will enure a yevere cold in less time thin " 5 e other treatment. 50 cent cuand $1',,ottlt u 1 r sale by J. Laasalle and all metc .- The fact that the Senate cou ee oil ipi- vileges uand elections has decide .u favor the seating til thit Republican contestants from Iontana in iface t tha fit that the Demo. oratie Senators from that State bear creden I ale signued by Gov. Toole, dloes nfot excite any surprile. The country Tully appreciates the fact that the preseut trepublicau admiuaistra- tion isprepared to resort to any proceedling, no ssatter how desperato or revolutiouary, to Lnerease its power in both branches of Con- gress. The senior propitetor of this paper has been sehiect to frequent colds for sorme years, which were sure to lay him up if not doctor- ed at once. He finds that thamberlein'es Coogh Riemedy is reliable. It opens the ee- oreCtlonrs, relieves the lunags anti restores the syitem to a healthy condition. If freely used as soon as the cold has been eontracted, and before it has become settled in the system, it greg4,y lessens the attack and often cures it a asgle day what would otherwise have been a seveare eold.-Northwestern Hotel Reporter, Des MoIles, lo•vIa. 50 cent bottles for sale by I. Isalle and all merelsants. Mardi.Gr-a was celebrated here last Tuis- day hlathe usual manner-groups of maskers of every age, color and condition walking, riding and driving all over town in an aimless sort of way ".from early morn till dewy eve" -and it seemed to as that the custom, instead of fellng into desuetude, is growing and speadig. No sooner had darkness set inI than a delegation of ten ladies and gentlemen of the r eal household of King Rex, with the oyal. Baby, swiftly transportd from place to -pow in bramn ttW chariot, began cailing at the residences of a number of our leading ts, when they received in each instanee the r etl-• ue to to their exalted san his gt ~geon bI~edeked delegation, . el ehe Dahe and Duchess of Pair- eVnaai W mi, Princess Lealio, dat )u , Wde Fdanxio, Vomat Sowo C besl o- Marquisg of $t. leatryHet e ice and the royal ot frtbads of the Social tp=artlel in tlhe ** :_ where bhad a em neta to she admiring twith dab oay d I Correspondecce. IIAASVILLE., La., Feb. 1t;. 1811. EDITORS OCOIIIERL: The weather which wUs sitmewhat ttsettlei last week cause oni me delay in furlo worl which had advanced all along so nicely sine the first of the year; but the planters of thi stirring comnionity are fully abreast with th times. Wide-awakle, they know how to"' iak hay while the sun shines," c)nsequelnt l hiar pushed forward plowing, clearing of Iandi ditching, &c., to an advanced degree. Aihnos all have planted corn or are planting Lautis have been plt il the best of order fl planting cotton when the proper season at lives for loinrg s,. Many have broke and re brokel their ieldi tweo and three times, so lha the culiatf ion will be lighter and the worl more easily done. The public r'ds a rei and have been bett e thus fatr this tear than usual, owing no doub to the exceedingly lint weather we have beet blessed with. Cattle, horsesand hogs aippea to be in excellent order. It has been so warm that very little Inea has or touhi be saved. Sonic of the best ant most careful farmers have had many pound: of pork to spoil on their hands during the pat few months. Our home butchery supplies n: with fine beef, while tMr. Slocum, the chaua iion hog grower of Crocodile bayou, furnishes the people thr and near with choice pork ant( lard. I do not know what to say in regard to the fruit prospect yet; the late frosts mnas have cut the peach crop down very much. Some of our neighbors will visit New Orleant this week, but moat people are too busy iota haven't thie time to tarry from home long. Heslth of the conutry very good. Gardens beginning to look fini-. Yours, Lr.LisorS. Two •hides. City Item. Regarding the lttery question in this state the Chicago Tribune.' special says : The Methodists have denounced it ill their conferences and rhe Presbyterians in their cewspaper, The Rev. Sam Jones came here to preach against it, iiand the Farmer's Alli- anoe refused to support any paper that adver tised its drawing. But by far the most per- nistent and effe:rive opplorittn comes from the agents and emissarirs of the rival Havana 'and Mexican institutions. "Aye, there's the rub!' Ab,.ithitng the Louisiana Lottery Company would not abol- ish lotteries; and in exchatnge for a well-con- ducted institution that brings large revenues into the State, we should be given a number of shady or unknown schemes that would act as a constant drain upon the general wealth. It will be wise to look upon both the material and moralspects of this question in their true light. aL .... .tJ- -- B. B. B. (Iiotanic Blood Balm). If youn try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the ina~T blood p0. rifier and tunic. Write Blood Balm Co., At- lanta, Ga , for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West End),writes: "I consider that B. B. B. has permanently cured mle of rheumatism and sciatica." R. R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., saveys: " B. B. B. cured ume of an sdeer that had resisted all oth- er tieatment." E. G. Tlru.-"y, Culumbiana, Ala , writes. M"'y mttlitr alld sister had ulcerated sore tihrtat and ecrofula. B. B. cured them." Jacob I'. Sponc!ler, Newnan, Ga., writes: "B. B. B entirely currd me of thenmatistm int my shoulders. I used six bottles." Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain street, Baltimore, Md., writer: "I suffered with bleed- ing piles two vears, and am glad Ito say that one bottle of B. B. B. cured me." J,. J. Hardy, Torecoa, Ga , writes . "'B. B. B. is a quick cure fir catartb. Three bottles eured ume. I had been troubled several years. A. Spink, Atlast:a, Ga., says: "One bottle of it. B B. completely cured miy child of eczema. W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: "B. B. B. 'tllrtd my tliohther of ulceratedl sore throat." ---- -- tea- -- I, A. C. Haffiefinger, do say cotsuatption can Jilnared by Dr. Davies Compound Syrup ,tf \"fild Cherry and Tar. My nmother, years ago, contracting a tetrilblo cough soa: became tuntable to attend lr her household duties. Prominentr physicit us pruonounced it incurable consumption. We knew of Dr. Davis' Wild 5Cherry .nd Tar, and ciomeneced givinig it to her. Before two bot ties had been taken an int- proveloent was noticed, andt iby the t.ilne one dozen bottles had b'een• cotnstuned she was well, and has never ,een t roubled since. We have reeommetdedl it to many tt•tl always Ihare it in tihe house. For congtta celds, crmsp whoopingrcough, asthma. br tclitis, it: aL-.. out a rival. t.ie dollar b"cfles holte 4Ftind a half times as llluch as !ion.bottI- t; . .pre4. , %W'heu slthatribig hile t atpaler Pet -pIe best, The W nea-D we hawV s' O .leans- Daily an]d Weekl- aAt-tierrgest circut- lation. N•dn.ft tE'terptiae: Mr A. C, tliiier, qatjnQt gent anll thrifty young farmer near Coteau, St. Landry parish, was a pleas- caller at our ofille last Saturday. HIe in. Turmas us that much vacant laud in that sec- tiou has lately been fenced and is belng pre- pared for cultivation this year. Mr. Olivier himself has incresetd his cotton acreage from 175 to 250 acres. The average lint per acre is only one half bale, and the planters of that section would very much like to see estab- lished in their midst a central sugar refinery, as the land is well adapted to cane culture. The local merchants and officials who fail to give a cordial and liberal suppiort to the home press standl in the way of their own Iroslerity ; and The Item regrets to see that in certain parishes in Louisiana there is ground fur comrtint in this regard. The Iberville South anWl4exantlria Town Talk of last week, eag coatt.•- a substantial griev- ance again s-. restlve parish officials in connect iot wTr iai.abl ic printintg, overlook- ing the fact that full rates for aslh work is exceedingly low when the amount of free ser- vice that every energeric journal gives to its lonality is consiidefd. A well supported home newspaper is as oreditable to a toan as well kept schools and churches-and just as essential to general weal.-N. O. City Item. Do not delay, but send in your subscription to the Championt Paper of the South, the Times-Democrat of New Orleans-Daily and Weekly--lt has the largest circulhtion. Mr. Ous. EI. Dupre has solid his livery stable to Mr, A. H. Generes, and the latter has trans- ferred his grocery business to Mr. Duprt. Oscar Tate, who was tried in our Distriot Court this week for the murder of Vidrine. which took place some ten years ago, was aac quitted on Wednesday morning. The jury in the Frdmont nusilier ease who were locked up Thursday night, had inot yet reached a verdict this (Priday) morning. Four large stores on Canal street, New Or- leans, including Werleia's, the R. E. Lee hat stOre, &k., and several others on Bourbon street, were destroyed by fire last Wednesday morning. Loss aboat $500,000. A full line of masks at Dietleiu's.- lake your selections now, ye masquer- aders. Sagar and rice planters are referred th e card of Wm. B. Bloomfield. Uaama,-At, the Catholic Church, Lake IVeb. 1% 1890, by Rev. E. J. Fallon, Auwl J. ST. GOAVJavos, formerly of =W*in' rti, = Md Jis% lART N. nor, for. St ado of Hoe. E. North Ctl- ob.)9,89O, by Rev. V. . Cawpo*i, of St. :.d RTy Cut ZOE SRMALL, of F emru, V`' .ba #as~ PIrotect Tousr Lungs. Winter is harder on liht lungs than on any other part of the body. Its chilling breath comes dangerously close to their warm and delicate tis.onles. Its icy hand almost touches them. The one tling, therefore, to do in win- ter, above aill things else, is to protect the lungs. HIit if I lirouih carelessness or by tn- avoidabll expos0nr you hould COlntlrat a crld. oir he laid IuI, wit h pneumonia, or bron- chitis, or pleurisy, or 1 hat dreadest of all lung diseas-s, 'onan•t1npt1 ion, do not delay a moment but got a hot t le of Pc-rl-n: and commence taking it t t ona. If your bowels I happen to be outl ot orde r at lthe saume tinlm regulate thlua with M inatlin, ta wouderIuillv gentle but. eftective laxIttive. Only $1 a bottle for either. For sale by F. E. Bailey, druggist. Proceedings of the Police Jury. Ot'ELOI:sAS, Fel. 101th, 1890 Thel'uli ce- ,fill"- Iuet tpursulant Io adfjourn- lUtnt. Present i E. al. lloagini. President, E. C. Mil- burn, C. T. Bthin. P. Stagg, C. W. Ward, 8. Htaas and P. Robin. On motion of S. Haas, the miniules of the last meeting were adopted as read. On motion of E. C. Milburn, the conutllnnica- lion of N. II. Way was laid on the table. On motion of C. T. Bihlnn, the petition of the citizens of the 8th Police Jury AN ard relative to hogs running at ilrge was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Bihm, the petiton of the citizens of the 14th Justice Ward relative to enacting a hog law was laid on the table until the next regular meeting. On motion of Mr. Stagr, Be it rcaolved that the petition from the citizens of the 5th Police Jury Ward relative to prohibiting hogs from roaming at large be laid on the table. On motion of C. T. Bihm, Be it resolved that Messrs Anatole Fusilier, LandryRougeau, Hlen- ry P. Fontenot, J. Bte. F. Rougeau, Celestin La- vergne, Francois H. McGee and Marcel Vidrine he and are hereby appointed a committee to change the road leading from Fruge's Bridge to Point Durel, provided said change be made according to see. 9 of road ordinance, and re- port at the next regular meeting. On motion of Sam. Haas, Be it resolved that Messrs. T. H. Thompson, O. C. Griffith, Wm. Foreman, John G. Smith, J. J. Barnage, C. M. Richard and G. W. Kelly be, and are hereby ap- pointed a committee to view out a public road leading from near George Kelly's to main pub- lic road leading from Bayou Chicot to Eola, at or near O. C. Griffith and report at the next regular meeting. EVENING SESSION. Meeting called to order. Present E. 31. Boa- gni, President; E. C. Mllburn, C. T. Bibm, P. Stagg, C. W. Ward, E. S. Barry, P. Robin and Sam. Haas. On motion of P. Robin, Be it resolved that the petition from the citizens of the 2nd and 3rd Police Jury wards, relative to laying out a shorter road leading from Arnaudville to Grand Coteau, be laid on the table, and that the road as laid out by the Parish Surveyor be and is hereby recognized as a public road, and further that Mr. Meche be and is hereby com- manded to deliver said road. On motion of Mr. Robin, Be it resolved that Messrs. Dave Higgmbotham, Jules Quebedeau and Gerassin Richard, be and are hereby ap- pointed a committee to view out a road from Gerassin Richard to Bayou Bourbeux, between Miller and Higginbotham to intersection of road leading to Spyrer, and report at next regular meeting. On motion of P. Robin Be it resolved that Messrs. Ben. Andrus, Anatolle Arnaud, J. Bte. Marks, Ignace Guithreaux and P. Robin be and are hereby appointed a comufmttee to lay out a road from Auzenne Bridge to Arnaudvile via Point Clair, provided said road be laid out according to sec. 9 of road ordinance. On motion of Mr. Bihm, Be it resolved that the report of the committee appointed to lay out road from Prairie Ronde, to Mallet road, be laid on the table until the next regular meet- ing, anti that Messrs. Ducondrie Dupre, Israel Rougeau, Homere Durio, Lastie Guil:ory. Chas. Deroesier, Jos. Aville and Valsin Ledoux, be and are hereby appointed a committee to ascertain the amount of damages done by runn- ing said road through Eugene Bertrand, Da- mond Bertrand and Emma Luquette's lands and to report at the next regular meeting. On motion of Mr. Ward, Be if ordained that the ordinance passed upon the motion of L. J. Dossman in relation to the number of witnesses incriminal eases, passed on the 21st of January, 1890, be amended and remodeled so as to read as follows, viz: Be it resolved, that whereas great abuse exists in summoning witnesses in criminal cases, and whereas the parish is thus put to great and needless expense and the administration of justice greatly impeded thereby, therefore be it ordained that in all cases of misdemeanors the number of witnesses summoned be and is hereby limited to four for the State and four for the defense, provided that either the State or the defense shall be entitled to summon ad- ditional witnesses upon proper showing, under oath, to the Judge, who, in his discretion, may permit such additional witnesses to be cited, if, in his judgment, their testimony be material in the case. M. Stagg paid in fire dollars received from Alfred Stagg for the sale of unbranded stock. Parish and Corporation Criminal Taxes of 1889. and Licenses of 1890, collected for the Parish of St. Landry during the month of January. 1890: Pariah Taxes of 1889......... .......... $10,467 3 Corporation Criminal Taxes of 1889.... 880 9S Interest on Parish Tbtes .............. o Licen es of 1890..... .................. --- 575 o Total ............... ... ........ $11,923 52 Le s 5 per cent. coim. for collecting.... 696 1, Net for Parish .................... $11,327 i.; I, Theophile S. Fontenot, Sheriff and ex-offi clo Tax Collector for the Parish of St. Landry, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct abstract from the Cash Book and License Register in my office anal audited by the Parish Auditor. T. S. FONTENOT, Sheriff and ex-officio Tax Collector. The following road oversers were appointed: SECOND WARD. Arthur Richard-from Dr. I. E. Shute to Ed ar Boudreau's store, passing by Grand Ce. teau depot. Ovide Guidry-from Smith's to Carencro ba- you at O. Guidry's bridge. TarIaD WALDn. Dupreville Meche-from Frozard's bridge to, Mark's bridge. Felix Boudreau-from Mark's bridge to An- zenne bridge. Louis telly--from Jos. Camy to Arnaudvili. Jos. Wable-from Arnaudville to N. C. Devil! lier. Ignace McBride-from N. C. Devillier to Poi t Barre. Olide Devillier-from Joe. Camy to N. C. D,, villier. FOURTH WARD. Joe. Dejeaun-from Taylor's bridge to Chevia' line. Milton Bihmn-from Sylvester'j to Rutledge'- line. W. S. Boykins-from Atchafalaya to Faulk- ner's ferry. John Nelsn--from Melville to Richard', store. Charles Gordon-from Bayou Current lev,•- to the parish line. Ness Moore-from Faulkner's terry to Rut- e Bailey-from Taylor's ferry. to scho": house. J. B. Frillot-from Eackett levee, inclusive. to Sacket landing. L. J. Smith-from school house to E. W. Sy!- vester's. - John LeBlanc-from Saac~ett landing to Port Barre ferry. EIGHTH WARD. Joseph Lafleur-from ward line to Tete de V•che. Lastle Rosa-from Coulee Tete de Vache to John Reed's bridge.* John Mefillen-from Sosthene Bourque It the Acadia line. On motion of 8. Haas, the Police Jury :tl- journed until to-morrow morning, at 1o a. nm. TUESDAY, February 11, 1890. The Police Jury met pursuant to adjourn- ment preset: E. M. B iagn. President; E. 8. Barry; P. Robin, E. Ml urn, P. Stagg. C. T. Bihm and C. W. Ward. On motion, the reading of the minutes wc(e dispened Rwith. n motion of Mr. Btagg, Be it resolved that the Sherli be .and Is heey authorized to pay wrtaeesandjaro, and.that he.use the cerli- keate thee paid in hen of money in his sett-le- ment with the Treasurer for money by himn collected from lioeaes. On motila of Ba•. HaaM, Messrs. A. M. God- wIa, Al der telin amnd Wi. Leggett be an oare- nommittee to as- 10 tar eoelttiti ush bridges from. user Pantit to the Calca- flint the eemalttsee ins Sth ca ait us-. •itcI Deputy Aseessor., heli upproved by thi said Assessor, shall11e credited to the said De ullty and paid out of the As•essor's fund; pro vided, that in no case the said approved hil rxceed Ini tilo thle s1lila of $7•(). On motionill of IDr. lir'y, BH it resolved thu( Ih slllil olf 15 he appllropriitted out of tice InI terlnal Illmprovementll flundst of 1-00i tol rl1paiti hrirl ge', iI the 1eco'lid t Police Jury Wairdi, to li divi Il thtl: $23 ironl Bourbeux lbrlidgoe 4 riillld i t'Olal atIi i'oi'l'i tl; $ 5 froim road lead l:ui frl.li Frozarld's bridige to (rirand Coteal; $2: limit V'ernillion leml in;< ,ti Prairie 11a is to .lcepli Sp4yr lr'sl. (1111iiithio l f Mir. Stlagg, lie it ric lvedl ltlhat w4 i. llsl much iliereltf is lly be li;:ceesary, hill +i1lL i 'hreby apllproprilted outI of the Iinternal lurolviientnil flundis iof 1s10 to lrepair 1Marcelt lridlg, oveirllhlyon Petile Passe, iiLnder the tsi- tlri idiln of Ozem• Fontenoitlt and Alcin Vidriine, iOn miotion oilf Mr. Ila;t, Mr. P1'. Stalg's tineil \a t,s addeiLd i:i chairmanl'llll of the committilee. (iOn ltitoln of C. W. Ward, lie it resolved that v coin lttee of I%% o te appointed to wait upon E. . 'iiy!ior, Assessor of St. Landriy paristi, nlld cill hi iattleilntion lit the law which directs llit i imake in the R.eclorder's oflice land place onil IhI. a'aiSiisiilt list all Dmortgages, notes, jdiil_- it.li 1 and uother litisfs•ble property of this llnd t: ut rovid cdl by lahw, anld Ie it further re- tlvi"d (tatI he lie i iinstructed to search the re;- cord:, is far htll(k a the life of said pliropertyl '.Ii chaitr itinliltid M.ferslt . Ward ~L51n ltihm, i() 11 lion ofl S. Hlaas, Be it resolved that ali- l rlult i liln i oult of the luternal lmllprove'lnlcllt 044(15tlil 1t90ltil he mate onl the following r Ioa•, vil: -2,3 onll the roal tFrom Williatni Fortla ltll io c. F. Lit; $15t il tlhe road itear Dr. Htawlins; to Eo' !ll o1n tlhe road from Loui. lDeveille to L.lyi)ltls road, via it. it. R.ihadduclk; t25 oen the road Irol or near E. Niugent to Belle Cheney Splriligs: $2. front 2. tfaas' store to Nepique, l a fine [P'iirie; $1:i5 n the roaid froi or near lAnc'eit Doman's phlte(" to Bayou 'Tor'eau; $15 oI t illte rod i t or nealt I'lirol to Bayou Tilieali bridge. Mr. Ward, clilirli.it Ai' fi tih ciomtlittee ap- poliLntld to wait il the A cssot•,t. reports il• fol- loW: That hei hadt wait'd llu inu the Assessir• iand lilhe tated :i that I Hll woultd exert every ,fl•it 14toi t ay iit th re sl dilion ill full. on motlion of P. Rhobin,. Bit 11 resolved that from Ihi diate the 54lr1111'S of the keeper of fhe itrry it urrte' lll din hli e lixed at twenlty-ltive ()il mlltil, the Potlib'y ,uhl'. took ''a r''cert null- 1i1 3 o'e, 1:,. tp. F . IFr - ii 1'..1 Bf .. a ti, ipre lid nt. 1'. floiuts, 1, T. liltul, E- . a. ll 1y, P. Sts;:. onau. Iituis, ll3,1,l. .1libtllt. ani Viari itIi 7ng btern ex- rtised by tih chair. Thle couiiUllttee lapilnlilted to settle witih the ' reasutlle replorted tihrouigh their chairman. lir stag:, thlt they had examiined the book of te Tr,--2aur-r, fOeoud the same correct, and Cii;i- elledui vIncliirst the limOlut of $10,627.49, and eqiu•• ie that thel Treasurer ihe credited with •l i lilount Wli hereupon, on motion oif .r. thluit1, the rerpi was ai letecd and ihe tnU_- iouite"- distlhrged Mr. Stgg in the chilr. Mesrs. Ilflonilnli, ilouhi illan•i Huais hain , hIs:ell itppt il ite ii a i'olIlhlitite on claimlihs report. i ihlirlolh l. their chaiirmian, E. 1. Boagni, thaiit tlue hait examliined ilad flmid correct tile i 1- (piai m , clan , tI Wit: I . Fenteilnl, suni driri ...... ..... 0.....$20 0 arrest ,ut of parish...... a * 1 :,tot' .lu-nile lt, l:ubtlihing License .. r id;liaitr ;. ................... 22 SLaidi" Ii-lii4i 1 111). :int1g elllcards for Wil n:i •1 ... ... . ....... 5........ . 4 5 t.t I ihtrv 1. l-l:0i'ri. alidV order o court 9 75 Ieloe ii ' ~ iuriter. p, intiu Revenue Or- di i 0 anli c .. .. .... ............. Sptioua Ct.iilitr, 1 adv. order of court.r.. 6 25 -Wl l. shlui llel, ll ber, 1I t ......... .....37 n) ('. fit !uc.!p, w buul e;C ot road .......... 7 50 .•, Iil Mill, lr l htr elll lr al d spikes ...... 46il :.i tinl l ta_ , padcs a•;lit spikes i ........ .. 10 16 'lit s & Hiic son0, inhfror, ite .. o .. h 1e lt i.on P'i i 1 Millc , c iif ii h iln d t e pilkes ....... T .5 i I.. t ", ti I, .i p id .olie - oni l a . t . t hn 1 0 ?anil Haas, lInmber, et ......-........ .. " 10 L.toine Pin e (I:11, illi (ir............ ... 25 4a F. 1: Stokes, lum ber....................... 5. '.t0 :ind tlihy lfurther ,epI, rted that "they also llud filed antli;g claills a bill against the parishl atmonutint o $170, in favor of Wood, Bchneidan & '., for •ultfurnished the parish in 1885. This hill is approed by C. C. Dslon, the then slu- rift. Yuclir co'tilrittee beg 1 our honorable body to I IAe action in this matter as your commithtee feeil doitltul iie the llatter is old and h11a been- tlieady passed liver by severall of youir cnli- 11ill h .-. tin ltlll4liii lI lsr. Ilarry, the report wais ahc- rciit , lthe mnliittilee discharged and the bill it $1c e-i trdilrel to ble approved. .ti. iB o.igni lved : Whereas as we have read iile c ,uniilllhultion in the N. 0. Picayune which aiet I',l th Iin- itews of the Ition. C. P. Alpha onl ila new rIaI law, itlid wltleasl we realizte tie iicls ittci-nciy of our presellt road law, and wherleas we find manly valuablte sugestions in ili atu esnh f eOltluinication, Noil Ithereforell libe it resolved that we relue-t otuliii enl atioll and represenltalives to enudeav~r to have:i•<culi taken onli the sutljec• t at the nexti meeting of the Le.gi.slature. Ion imotiii of S. • auns I hte 'reort of the cou-ll- Ilittee appointed to nscitIllain the probable cost it repair G(illtin's bridige le accepted, and thatli sali,(t or as mliiih lthereof as may lie necessa. ie approlpriated toIn repair said bridge and that Ilie saiine committee, viz: L. Frim, Wmi. (luy mitt W. II. Stuart, le alppointed a committe tlo -il 11ni l-i contract to the lowest bidder. Oil iu ioli olf . 1IIlas be it resolved tLhal ihe rctipull of the ciliuittiei appllolited to sell the eolitll It Il i-li the bluildilngo la bridge over Gully Balwll, 1n1d reptairing blridlges over Duno Beetf B.ayou and BlOggy Bayou bridge 1and Beavier I(rI;ck higle " eb acclleptedi and colniltten lhe cdii- htlirri ll,. ailit that Mr. Levi Clark ie ceiedite.dt whitl aI, .eur of sevenlty-five dollars . Ol ilofctioll of S. Ittucs, be it resolved that the 'Prlesdt lire andi is hereby reqluested and liau- tihrizti toI call on Ir. 0. II. Tlerwilliger ucrl ldelaiilhd of iim to complyllctV with his contract wilth lie llparisih, relative to placing un•asses:wed !.tiui ioll the rollsand ulipol his failure or rt Int; ( n dto sin, the 'Presitdent he Iand is hereby s-eIinlly iithorizet! to enter into at countract itllh .,,,se party whom he illay deem conipe- lelt liti carry on said work. provided said cuon- liist h i wadie on thle same termslil and ondi- tions as lii oillie fonlnerly made with Mir. Ter. willitger. The followtic g roisd o,-erst-ser wert- appointed: FIRST WARD). 'm. ,'ilhcr. rin Ciatholic Churchi at Ojieions•• to Joutlert's brlidge; 1:. S. i'lemenits, frrom Opelousas nlld leltlevue road to Plaquemmne and Opelousas roal feutiy Lastrapes. from Opelousas and Vili- Plate load to Big Woods; Achiiio E. Dipr'O, from Gradenigo's Island road at old Simon place to Opelousas and• Vill, Plat:, road at Flsher's; E. aT. 3nagni, from Gradenigo's Island road at ')ctave Simolst to Opelousas and Plaque- mine road at C. M. Thompson's ; Nilliam McBride. from north-east corner ,r Gre-enwood Plantation to south-west cor- ner of said place; iliysse Joubert, fromn Uarrigneu' hlldee toi Washington road; F, D. PItre, from Garrigues' bridge to Ilebail ion's bridge; L. A. iuddeth. from Bellevue road at Mont aomery's to Bourbeux bridge; .ohn Jonhert, from Ville Plate road between Blalacshear and J Sims to Joubert's Cove; Pat Mills, from road at Dimmick's to Clhurch Point road; I'. C'. fIar~on, fr. J. P. Smith's north line to ward tine; ('. . Seele, froni J. P. Smith's north line io iOpelonsus ; Ned Rawkins, trom Blanks' sonth lineto Soa- flwne Bourqne' : Eugenle Richard, Jr., frotm ward line to ,olin kllggins' south line; J. Lt iToagnl, from Johl Higgins' south line to um'pelonsaa and West Bellevue road; Aristille Sebastlen, fron Bayou Petit Joe to Opelousas and Ville Plate road; Uothie Quirk, from ward line to Opelonsnas ; I,. H. ifaherfrom Opelounats toWashlington and Ville Plate road; Jean Louis Roy, from D)ejean's store to Rtid-r's bridge : J. o. Chatcher, froml Ilts north-east eoirnier to Opelousas : R. MI. Milatead, front sontth-west corner of Gtreenwood Plantation to Dejean'a bridge ; Edwavrd DDjean, from his store to north-east corner of J. O. Chachere's plantation ; XLene Carriere, from Dejeatn's store to Pophlac Grove bridge: H.Ci'nttinglham, from Blanks' outh line to soiti line of Greenwood Plantation; Jlt Jennings. from t'oulon's bridge to IR. irtotte's: Erte son Lafleur. from F. P. Pltre's to sehiool Etre>sff crriere, front St. Cyr's place to At naud; J. J. lThomlpson, from Opelonsas to his re=i entes : i. j. Wilson, from Chachere's pasture to Belle- -re ,sa-d at Daly's: Oneciute ('aerrsre. Jr., from Rider's bridge to - iasrd line: Edgar 2andry, from J. Bt. Comeau's to I.acha- pefle's pond; , Theo•m JBertrsd, fromn Lachaplelle's pond to FLd.F Pitre's; H.0L- C ema•it. from Opelousaaa and Washington res• to Opeloussa and Ville Plato road. On motion it C. . Binm; the Police Jury ad- to tie seaenid Moaday In March, being da or'.:o5a t tb.. at, W ,m. POLICE .9J'RY dbDIN INCE. Au Ordinalnce Fixint Parish Liceuses for ithe le:ir 1890, and each Subsequent Year, Adnpted by the Pollee Jury of 4t. Landly, Tuesdar). Jlanu ary I1, 1490. A.\N tORilNANC To h" l.i, cll-(t tt1,d elitrce p.} lutu, ,, :, iin:ilt lalLt'iaih lic tns I iax i c t lirish t! -. Ilnry for lthle year iii ntellt11110,1d ;ni!d Ninet i and each ilhsu:(bult yiear, 111~ a 1ill 11 r- sonas or atstcielatlon of persons or n- finii:. lin s and corporations pursuin :ily t1-ad,, 1 rof, ,; sionl,, ocationl, calling or buitio ec ~ lt lthol who iare extpt front rlch itr llfi i yirtich .o and 207 of tlhe citllstittioll. SEI:cTIoN 1. lIb. ii ortdainhid by the i li,. ii r of the lparish of St. Latd.lid .tii:t tlhi'+• htr. vi, hiviedi alt illannullll irlinith licii'ei- lil for Lsaid pCcir ish for ithe year 159)0 aid fior eath rlisehq•iqiti year upon each persn•; , a.ociatllou of persons it businesstn insantd Ctrpoliratio•u spuri-l•tn , trade, profeisiin. vocal lii, calling or huI ini:'• in said [parish o' St. .:landry, rexcept thi i who are expressly exemipt froml stuch tax 1, ;; iil 20i, 207 of tihe State constitution. SEc.'. B e it. f rltler rdtiultl, itti., tir•,i ii, oir beftore tihe 2d daiy iof Jaiinat-v I i., 'ariii iii each stlbseiiitent year'. 1ithe part-h tax coll , ti" shall beglit'nfi to toliict a last as pos.i c', firoli 'ach of the ipersonsii~ or ( l esilnlss tliiS, b i-i vi -. tlillS of ter1ioii a ipol'lol'rt'p fatloli ll i -lltiIl' ill lit ltpr-•e:lt yi'air 189u air i tueacLth snibsiqCll it 3 Cil wilthin said lptrih~h, ul. tradie, prof.-siolu , It Coi- tiolt, cilllalling or busiun .i puriah lictitse tI.x :i, herc:ltltfter graduated. All puri b lii',- iChall he drue anl eollecitibleon oli r ,o i l i, i the I h'i ,lay of March of talb year, and all t u!p.li ll- cusels shall bIteonite deliillitnnt af ter t iht 11. tc, sitd front and al•ifter thiat lat,' sicll heir intft•- at lhit rlate of Itwo per cet, C li'e illonitl, nild lh. delilnluent owiui• the liieii-i itall pI:: a oiiil Missiion toi the district fittortilt of tIn Iir i til tilt the aggrecatte amount of Ii 'nlllt iil:.t , lf,it ! ties Collected cil il pa:i i oiver to hI iax f 01i- io r, esildes cost•l of sfit ; a ira the aymliit t' tietr, l .shall lie wceettlrid by iprivilege in favor a(t th, parish. next i ranllk to that of the l iate, nt( the tax collector s11hal collect said license, inter- est and costs in thre malnPne provjided hl. ' i••.t ing law. SEC. 3).lic It further' ordaineil, etc., that tie ltniniial parish liceuse tax for tihe kind or Iu.•- Iress hereinatter nametl haL,il, except as after - wards provided, he graduated in thirteen cla-s- 1.5. toir e(verCy isitin -s of selling at retail, whe- fit r Its priniciliai, agent oil cotnnleslon, or oth- erwlse, the licelue shal lie lfaced on tise gross allnual alontlll of sal, ia follows.: First Class--'lWhin groiss sale:; are two hLai, died thousand dollars oi" more, and under t'vwo huilndred and fitty thouiand dollars, the !lcecr.e shall be one hundred and lifty doliars. Second Class-Wheu gross sales are oae 1 un- dred andftifty thousand dollni a or more, and under two hlundred thouand tl;o'ia the lIcense haall lie one hundred dollars. Third Class-Whetn gross salreS ae le hIi- ,ilred tllhousand dollars or more, and udilie onlie iiuhdred and fifty thousand dollars, the licuni..e shall be seventy-five dollars. Fourth Class-When gross salt itle SeC lnt i five thouisand dollars or more, anud llder one hunlldred thoutsatnd dollars, th!e lilrcenir schcl tie fifty dollars. Fifth Class-When gross• .- al•ei e fif ty houa Hand dollars or mliort, tild uuder ser-litrv live thousand dollars, the lkenic-e shlail bie ltiilty- five dollars l, Sixth Class-When r-os_ sales are tolry tlhou- sand dollars or more, and under fiAttly thou:'cnd doillars, the license shall be thirty C tilrs. Seventh Class-Wihet•n gross sales are thirty thousand dollars ,or more, and iunieit fiorty thou- sand dollars, the licenl- sliall Iie tfatnty- ire dollars, Eighth Clusa-W-Iheni g:rows ti a c re twe nty- five thousand dollars or mtoe, arid Illuitr ilthirty thousand dollars. the license hatll ,! tc went y ldollars. Ninth 'l.--- Witer ior, s:( a -' 'itriV thotlsanld dollliarc' or lulore, and lude, twenti- tive thousand tlollars, the lc'lenCe sihall ie 11f- teen dotlars. Tenth Class--Wlhen gros s•ile are iilt eii Lhoasanld dlollars or Illiore, ntllll nlldltr tiwcuty- five thousand dollars, the license shall a .i tIfn dollars. Eleventh Class-Whelt gross s'tler ilre ten thousand dollars or mllore, and under lifteen hollsand dollars, the license thalli rbe eight dol- lars. Provided that ii any distilled; vitroits, ualti or other kind of mixed liquors be sold in ol•uinci- tion with the business of retail merchant, gro- cer, restaurant, oyster house, confectlone-v or druggist in less qnantities than five gallons, the license for sulch additional busilless shall lie as provided for in sectlion 11 of act 101 of the General Assembly 188t. adopted July r, 1i4%t. pirovided no license shall issuLe to sell liq nor in less quantitles than five gallors for less than lifty dollars. PEnDDICER ANY IttAir-tl[5. E'EC. 4. Be it further orrdalned, etc., that e ar. and every peddler or hawker shall pay an n- nual license graded as follows- When traveling on foot five dollatr-; \when traveling oll horse backl, tfn dollar:; ; when tra- -eling in one-horse vehhicl. fifteen dollar=-; when traveling in two-horf.e \lvhilte, thirty dol- lurs; when traveling cn lot, barge or other water craft, fifty dollars ; provided oi ban ker or peddler, whose stock does not exceedlu \ s!- ne ten dollars, will be requirhed to pay anly i- cense, and provided further that constables or police oflicers throughout the parish are hcrebh- empowered and directed to cause all peddler• and hawkers to produce or exhibit their parish license, and if the peddlers or hawker ftall to produce or exhibit the sanli, thel conlttable or parish otliher shall retain their stock or 1er chandise until said peddlh •a or hawiers pro ulre their parish liensue. SEC. 5. IlBe it further ordunlaai. etc., tihal for velry business of keeping a Ihotel or hoarding house when boarding and eating tre combilned the license shall be l,.sed on the nutlnlcrof fur- niruled lodging rooms for guess as follown, viz.: First (lass-When said roomls alre in nulllltter twelve or muore, and less thtan fiftleen, i li-e ii teense sthall he thirty dollars. Second ('las--. Whlten salid liolti ate It tDin1- her line or more and less thllanll tw-lv. Il o ; i1- rcese shall be twenty dollars. Third Class-When said rooms are in number six or more and less thall nine, the license shall be il teen ulollars. Provided that no persani who keeps a board- ing house in connection with schools and cal- egea, for the accommodation or students alud employees thereof, shall pay any license as hoarding house keeper. Provided further that no lit esis: hL,it hie re- quired when the number of said rooms ics than provided for in class three; that for every business of lodging alone, the licensc shall he estimated on the saeae basis as for hotels and boarding houses, but graduated at one-halt above rates. That every business of bar-roomlll, c: . r cof- tee house, cafr, beer saloon, liquor exchauge, drink saloon, grog shop, beer house, beer gar- d en, or other place where anything to be dratk or eaten on the prenise.s is sold directly or in- directly, the license shall be based on the annmu- at gross receipts of said business. viz.: First Class-When said receipts are live thiu- sand dollars or more, and less thau seven thou- sand five hundred dollars, the license shall he seventy-five dollars. Second Class-When said receipts are two thousand dollars or more, and less than five Ihousand dollars, the license shall be sixty dol- lars. Third Class--Wheu said receipts are less than two thousand dollare, the license shall be filty dollars. Provided, no license shall be chargtd for roll- iug refreshments for charitable or religious purposes; provided that no establishment sell- lng or giving away, or otherw:se disposing of any spirits, wines, alcoholic or nialt liquor in less than five gallons, shall pay less than filly dollars. That the business of keeping Inltard tablec., pigeon hole, jenny lind, pool or bagatelle tables, -atd tell pin alleys, a-license of two dollars and fifty cents for each table or alley shall be latd, in addition to any other license due by the ea- tabltshment in which these tablic may Ie sitt- ated. AMUSEMENTS. And for every business of mrusietu, iuenabue- rie, circus or other traveling show, exhibition, or performance, the license shall ie based on the number of attachees, whether proprietors, performers, emnldoyes, us follows, viz : First Clasyt-When the number of said persons Is over one hundred, for which shall he paid one hundred dollars. Second Class-When the torlutber or raid per- sons is over seventy-five, for which hialnl l lie paid seventy-five dollars. Third Class--When the numbeler ot said per sons is over fifty, for which shall he paid liflly dollars. Fourth :liass-When the number of said per- sons is over thirty, for whillt shall be pail thirty dollars. Firth Class-Wh,-i: the ntunher of aidl per- sons ist over twenty, for whieh shall be paid twenty dollars. Sixth Clas--Whentlhu number of said personl is over ten, for which shalt be paid ten dollars. Seventh Class-When the number of said per- sons is over five, for which shall b: paid five dollars. No license shall issue for less than live dollar. PROFVL•OstNAL AND PERSONAL OCCLUPATIOyS. SIC. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That the annual license for the kinds of business heorein- after# Ie graduated into seven WS*- ~~~lf& 1L.t itc tvcry innitodual or company carry- l::; on: !. priiofession or business agency for kiel ins. teat,, carriages, hacks or horses for hlure,owlnrs-. or lI.sees of toll bridges and fer- " lh , tit lie, ; f r i'-an.t lrofession or oceupa- "r -:hoall I , l'irat (Clas--W i -\\'i d r• eeipts are five thou- -sal dollars f MIor-e, andl less than six thoU- ild dll rs, thl licenie shall he twenty dollars. ,"tolrl (I'ila--\\ tn stal receipts are four -"li;u"Lnd dtlollr. o" I ilol-r, and less than five thouta:il do!L il.s, he lie ll.e-iiir shall he fifteen dol it's. Thldrl C'l I.---\Whi-l -itt rceipts are three tloul all dtollar, or tIorI, andl less than four t ih:oualltl ii' llnars. the bi leen'lst shall ie taelve ,hallntl. Fiorllth I('i, -he1'li aidl iecipts are two t houisl tnt tdla0 or niri er. ant11 less than three +,!1=:ho nd ,ltolars, th, liceise shall hie ten dol I'llh Cliea. -- ,- hen -aid l receipts a3re one thou- -lad dollars 11 r muitl e, and less than two thou- -:tndl dollars. thIe li e e ihall htie seve dollars ,uld tlfty cents. Sixth ('lass--Wchen said reecipts are seven ihllndrcd and fifty dol;lars, or more, and less than one thousand tdolltli the license shall he five dollars. Sieve th t Io,-Wh it :•Isd I i ceiptls ren less t•a!ll sevli i hi ndrel•d an1d fifty dollars, the h- Os-ne shall tli t o dollars and fifty conts. That .. Iry indiv idhlal or individuals carry t on11 thie bt' il ne0 or profession of physiiean. at turneryat-lv,, editor, dentist, oculist, pho- to;ri'l t'P , atli-tllti for publications, freight, ta tei, c lil-s ,:d othlici business not herein 1oviet'tl ort •l bie retated the same as above StI forthI. lo the lices >e shall be one-half of lth'.e catl tished byl " this section and provided isno lleI .hall be istued hereunder for less than • dollari and tift" cenit. IOi:S11- "1 IO,:il.5s, MI LLS ANDl CATtILE. :-r.. . For -very V ullsitnesi of droving for i t' .l1i of luell, I0lore-S, cattle, or any other tlll , li', -ta'e shall he biased on the num-- S1" of h--s, !,llt a-.cttle, or alnly other ant- ilSI, ai stsd drIve. .first C'la --When ti-e tinuicr shall be more than ten a_ l .. thant tweity, for which shall lbe p!aid 55.e,. Second Clan -Wenthe number shall be more than twenty and le5a than forty, for which shall be paid 57.50. Third Cla:n -- When the number shall be more thaan forty and less than sixty, for which shall be paid 510.00, - Fourth Clas-W hc no the number chall be more than sixty out Ices than one hundred, for which shall beo iaitl '15.00. Fifth Clas,-When the number shall be more t han one hundred and less than two hundred, for which shall be paid $25.00. Provided, that In no case this ordinance be so construed as to require any one having stock for sale, which shail have been raised by him in this parish, to pay a license. COTTON GINlS. dEC. 8. For every business of ginning cot- ton the license shall be based on the number of ba os of cotton ginned. First Clas--When the number of bales of ,atton ginned saall be more than 400 and less t!han 500, for which shall be paid $5.00. Secocnl Class-When the number of bales of cotton gluntd shall be more than 500 and less than ot, for which shall be paid $7.50. Third Class-When the number of bales of cotton ginned chall be more than 800 and less than 700, for which shall he paid $10.00. Fourt hI C!las-When tho number of bales of -otton ginned shall be more than 700 and less than f-0, for which shall be paid 815.00. Fifth Class-When the number of bales of cI-tton Vinned ;shall be more than 800 and less than 1050, for which shall be paid $20.00. Slxth Class-When the number of bales of cotton ginned 1hall be more than 1000 and less than 1200, for which shall he1 paid $25.00. IIITASlIISG MACHIIE. lt. . For every business of thrashing rice fie license shall be based on the number of biarrea! of roulgh rice thrashed, and shall .be SI tll every 1000 barrels thrashed; provided. that tln no ceas any license be collected when less tlhan 'S000 barrels are thrashed. SEc . 10. Le it further ordained, etc., that ;1hen :ltiy t2wo or more kinds of business are eoilnahin d, except as herein expressly provided tor there shall he a separate license required hinr each kind of bt - cos. Her 11. Be it further ordained, etc., that itie a;!nnetal receipts:, capital sales gnd premiums ia, this o iiinanc Ireferred to as a Oasis of license are( theiLO-, for the 1 car for which the license is :rlanted, the standard for their estimation shall ie prima facia those of the preceding year If the business has been conducted previously by tine .same parties, or by parties to whom they claim to be successors of. If the firm or com- pany be new the amount of gross sales for the lir.t six mnoniths shall be considered the basis, and twice that amounut shall be estimated as the annual receipts if such business, provided that aiy persolsn conllliencing business after the 1•t of .a~1 I shall pay one half of the above r;Ite S. SEC. 12:. De it flither ordamned, etc., that C the lbliunessC of the plrevionil year as also the .cldalf condition and results of business of the clltrent year for new firms, associations or eor- porations for the purpose of calculating lices- css shall be ascertaiuned on the sworn statement of the persons in interest, hIls or their duly - alnthorized agtcnt or officer. SEC. 10. It is hereiiy expressly provided that e:tlht perioto. association or persons, business illn, eSr corporation, required to take out a II- cense under this ordinance. shall be required to plot the same in a cons Sicuous place in his or Iheir place of business under a penalty of not le-s than ten or more than one hundred dollars, recoverable 1hI the tax collector before ary court of coeelicrtent 1jtrisdictioln, and it shall be the duty of the tax collector to visit in person, or by deputies, Ithe several places of business :nd asocertaitl that the provisions of this section are sItrictly tarried out, and all parties shall be iobliged under : lthe above penalty to produce and exhibit their license to any member of the Iolice JInry. or t:oilv oilter pariillal officer, on tio'Uand. C. 1:i. 1. o I.-iipt iinied -biy ia tax collector in place of the liceelns itself shall be valid, and Ilhis clause ,hall be ronltrued to prevent the tax collector from issuing a receipt In l14u of thle appropriate horms to any persons, assocla- tion of persons. blusilne5 firmns and corpora- tions. SEC. 15. The Parish Tax Collector shall pre- pare and keep a book, in which he shall record or file the statements made nuder oath of all persons, association of per:ons, business firms or corporations who may apply for license to lIursue any trade, prefe-silbun, vocation, calling or Iusinesa under this ordinance. 'LC. 16. Thel Tax Collector Ia hereby requlr- SI to keelp a licence register, in which he shall eater the names of &Ffry personu, association of l.lrsoOi, uslIltsn firms or corporations, with tue trade, ploifseion, vocatlon, calling or busl. nena plursued, the class and graduation of the s-tne, the amnount of license thereon and the date o0 the callectii:o or payment thereotf. On the first annual Ilnec'0i of thei Police Jury the slitd Tax Collctotr shall make out and forward to the Paristl. I;'lsarcr a full and complete transcript o0 aid litense register, a copy of which transcrilt the Tren urer shall lay before the Piolice Jury rat i-ircgu!tar session of each year, and shall filb the same itn his ofice for fu- Lure refeo'nce or u1e. SEC. 17. That the Tax Cl lector shall collect said licenset in the -anntuc p 1 rovided by exist- tnn laws. EC. 18. Thait the Tax Collector shall he al- lot ed a commissilon of five per cent. upon all licensea collectell and paid into the parish trea- sury, Eac. 1. That all iarish license ordinances, and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances on the same otniject matter are hereby repeal- ed. iAN ORDINANCE. On motion of L. J. Dossman be it resolved that whereas oun the 9th day of December 1889, it was ordain, d that the sum of s44000 be assess- cd and levied as the anmount of taxes to be col- lected for the serv:-ces and expenses for the year 1890, which amount was appropriated as per budget madie that day, now therefore, Be it re.-olved that to secure that amount, a tax of ton (10) mills on the dollar be and is hereby levied on all property borne on the assessment roll of the Parish, and not included on property on the assessment roll situated within the in torporated town s io Opolousas, Washington. ;r'tud Cot.au, Villie Platte. Arnaudvillo and :lvillh, and that on the property situated [:ithin t!lo-e incorporated towns, to defray their pritportion of the expenses of the crimin- ai pror[ct'diniJ, there be lovied in aecordausr with Ii et 3 l 5 of General Assembly of Louisi- ;•laregtilar o saon iof 187, approved March 4th l; ;it lax of lv,.• 5) lutills ou the dollar. It was tulthtr ordaine!tl that there is hereby levied an o;unhal licchre tax for the year A. D., 1890, upon t:ch pereson, iassociation of persons, or buslunes irmn- :ud corporations pursuing any trade. profes:ion, vocation, calling or business, except thove •xpres•:iy exempt from such license tat by 'artlete 20i and 207 of the Constitution. Attest. It. M. BOAGNT. tl. E. Es'ctac;c, Clerk. President JEFF WELBORN CO'TTOSN SEED FOR BALE. rIGIIHT'y i,uhela of this celebrated cotton F seed for tsale by the undersigned. This cotton is very prolific. produces a beantifol staple and matures in NINETY days. Call suoni and get some of it. GUbS. E. DUPRl, Feb tf Op•loUs.

Transcript of VOL. XXXVII. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, LA ...a new roof put on his residence, added a...

Page 1: VOL. XXXVII. OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, LA ...a new roof put on his residence, added a spa-oleus dining-room thereto,and otherwise reju- 1 vanated his premises; also, that the



Official Journal of the Parish of St. Landry.




Three steamers were lately making regularweekly trips between Washington and NewOrleans. Now there is only one.

We understand that but little business ofimportance has been trautncted in our Dis-trict Court this week.

We understand that the Supreme Court hasour regulator cases under advisement andthat a decision may he looked for in a fewdays.

The Times-Democrat of New Orleans, leadsall the newspapers published in the South-Daily ald Weekly. It has the largest circu-lation.

Representative Robertson has secured afavorable report from the House committeeon buildings and grounds on his bill appro-priating $100,000 for a public building atBaton Rouge.

In a recent Washington special SecretaryWindom states that in a few days he hopes tobe able to get out the advertisement askingfor contracts for the Monroe public building.That for Opelousas ought to soon follow.

The Acadia Sentinel, published at aynue,has changed hands. Mr. Oscar Ih. Alpha, for-merly of the St. Mary Banner, having pur-chased the plant and good will of the paper.It will remain Democratic.

"In the first publication of the parish revenueordinance, in our issue of the lst inst., the taxfor threshing rice was erroneously given at$ _00 per thousand barrels, instead of $2.00 per 11000. The mistake was corrected in our sub-sequent issues, however.

Among recent improvements we note thatour popular Coroner, Dr. R. M. Littell, has hada new roof put on his residence, added a spa-

oleus dining-room thereto,and otherwise reju- 1vanated his premises; also, that the residenceof Mrs. H. Latour has been enlarged to twiceits former size and completely renovatedthroughout.

On Thursday last, Judge Js. M. Moore, oneof our most esteemed citizens, who had beencritically ill for several days before, was tak-en to New Orleans for treatment. His wife,son and daughters and his son-in-law, Dr.

0eo. K. Pratt, of New Orleans, accompaniedhim. Many earnest prayers are offered npfor his recovery.

The supervising Architect of the treaturyS'i•ited to Mr. Robertson, who called upon himin reference to the matter last Wednesday,that the construction of the public building at

- Opelousas would begin early in the spring;that ketches of the building were going on,and th at they were only waiting for the sur-vey of the site when the working drawings

S:would be made.

The publishers of the New York Voice, anaggries ve temperance paper of eight pages,

wh-lob devotes much space to family reading,are offering as a premium an oleographic re-l•l•oLution, in 14 colors, of Millet's famous

j tisg, "The Angelus," recently purchasedb= arlsi by the American Art Association for$110,600. Send one dollar to Funk & Wag-a:sWag 18 and 20 Astor Place, New York, and:a i-tis large family paper for one year and a!espy • fthis wonderfully faithful reproductionof this magnificent picture.

• e: havejaet received from the publishers,SL•.Johason & Co., 22 Customhouse street,

oee , Mass., a very fine portrait likeness ofDavis, with autograph signature.

` dlse is 12x16, and it has every appearanceSexquisite Sepia Etching. It is suitable

".1 ing to hang in any parlor or libraryIand. The publishers will send one to

S`dd-ress postpaid on receipt by them of 25instamps. But if that amount is sentICOUari•u office, we will, with the con-

o the publishers, furnish the picture andEAreeffts. of the sum realized to the

laMoeoment Fund.

Beury W. Grady Memorial Volume,lag the life history, writings and

of the late lamented Grady, is nowprocess of preparation by the wellpublishing bouse of Cassell & Co., of.New York, and wall be ready for

east month. The contributos ito theae Joel Chandler Harris, Mr. Grady's

to the Constitution, Hon. H. W. Wat-at the Louisville Courier-Journal, andy'• former co-workers on the Con.

The proceeds of the sale of thei paying the expenses of its publica-

Sdevoted to the support of his wife! raew, mother and sister. The book

Sfrom sl to eight hundred pages,bandsome steel engravings. The

ageT t for its sale is Mr. ID. E. Lu-Whitiball street, Atlanta, Ga., to

-ti for eeopie of the work orshould be addreseld,

a aqu atet. of our young friends" left" n Mardl-GOras and have

recoveed from their disappointi as. thijoe ' too good to keep,aI t Ito ia readers if they will notyeaboit;. Qar four yoegat ,

r ".ratr weet" on. a qu toma inleai atiteanding a leading

, ad lad aurrgead tosared praeicts on Mar"trasot in a laberate disguises,

joIly Name~. Of gnrse the youngavised of tthepenitetd visit;

beol.. when lb young monfTit•, _what was their aetoa

$ad that aery gliv iaa toe tlhter stoodwth akt~lfa1 eye to sea

h theroesadlsas. Shega e of Sosatnationi. the 'oetie seminavy

t r 'etser fere whiob,

thealp )o g ti grap the

ber bleaik deptanrto for. w" ' where they

* *iAtdrlinsoeeetSofwat4,L

Items of Interest.

Fortress Monroe is the largest fortificationin the world. It has already cost Uncle Samover $3,000.000.

Ex-President Cleveland gets a salary ito$35,000 per annum from the law firm withwhich le is connected.

The Gentiles have elected the city officersof Salt Lake City, and the probabilities. arethat Mormon dlonmination of Utah is endtlforever.

Should the direct tax bill, which Ipassesd trhSenate last week by a vote of 44 to 7, becomea law, Louisiana woull ter tivic $'7,7,515 atndMississippi $101,717.

No greater triumph in medicine or chemis-try has-been recorded than Hall's flair Re-newer to revivify and restore gray hair to thecolor of youth.

T. D. Foster, Esq., of Ne w Iberia. has bee,-appoiuted District Attorney for this district.vice Mr. L. J. Voorkies, who resigned on ne-count of continued bai health. The appoi nt-ment is a good one.-St. Martin Reveille.

Torpidity of the liver and disorders of thestomach and bowels cause headache and tihefailure of all desire for food. Ayer's Cathar-tic Pills stimulate the action of the stomach.liver asud bowels, cure headache, and restorethe appetite.

In our opinion the colored men, it thleyobehed their judgment rather than their prejudice,would vote the Democratic ticket in all theSouthern States. It would secure them peacesod good government, which is what theyneed.-N. Y. Herald, Indl.

Lake Charles Commercial: Phet'rilieu Brons-sard, aged 91 years, was married to a ladysomewhat over fifty, at Bronesardville, Lafa-yette parish, last Monday. This was his see-ond venture. having lived in wedlock sivry-six years withl his first wife.

FARMERVILLE, L.a., May, 1887.Having a severe attack of Flux some two

years ago, I applied to Dr. Tichenor, of Batonlouge, for treatment. He gave me l.is cele.

brated Antiseptic. and in a few days I was relieved and cured. JAMES R.arN,.

Morgan City Review:-The Grand Army Republic in New Orleans is last going to thedemnition bow-wows. Both white and coloredposts met separately and elected a fullset ofdepartment officers. It will soon be a defunctorganization in the South.

REDWI3NE, Jackson parish. La •,December 1, 18S6.

C. M. Sherroue, Ag't.--I can say for Dr.Tichenor's Antiseptic that it is a sure cure for6stulo on horses and mules. I have tested iton a bad case, and effected a tore in a re-markably short time.

Reap'y., U. H. SPE'CER.It is claimed that the recent lottery flght

in Dakota has developed the fact that butthree per cent of the receipts of the LouisianaState Lottery Company are received from thepeople of this State, the remaining 97 per centbeing received from the outside world getner-ally.

Houma Courier: At the last session of thetown council of Napoleonville, La., an ordiu-ance was adopted to contract for an artesianwell for the town ; to purchase a quantity ofsewer pipes; to buy a number of lumps andlamp-posts, and lastly to build a caluboose.

A gentleman in Union county, Mo , who istoo modest a man to have his nause mention-ed in the newspapers, was cured of rheumta-tism by Chamberlain's Pain Balm, alter try-ing other medicines and treatments f•r tlit-teen years. 50 cent bottles for sale by ,. La+-salle anld all merchants. .

Lafayette Advertiser: We d-,ire to c,,lyour attention again to the, rsmie cu!ture.An acre or two will Ie an expelritment, andwould cost but little, and yeo wohilti har.roots to sell, if you do not desire to .cultivate.In our opinion, ratuie is going to be one -. f theleading products in ,ouisianrt

HlComelt, L,,., June 3, 185.Mr. Editor-My buggy muare, Nellie, was

very sick with colic yesterday evening whenmy Rueton friend, Mr. Sherrouse, called tosee me. He immediately gave her a dose ofDr. Tichenor'a Antisepl)tic, which seemed togive relief in a ftw minuntes; and a setcolitldose, about ~u Iniuuter later, entirel.- cur-di

her, I wish to say this to your readers injustice toi thie medicine alI for the IItofit ofothers. Resplrctflly , T. B. WHITE.

A cablegram dated Paris, IFeb 1:., say-: Thtaduke of Orleans, son of the count and countessof Paris, who came to Paris last week *ithi

the avowed intention of enlisti,g in thuFrench army, and whlt was then -tritts ed onthe charge of violating the law exiling troumFrance all pretenders to the Frtnch throne,was again arraigned before the court to-dafy.He was adjudged guilty of violtting the lat'vand sentenced to two :ears' imptinotnmeut.A Qoon RecoUD.--"I have"-o Ll Cni:mbtr-

lain's Cough Remiedy for ten yeats, says drnggist, E. B. Legg, of Vail, Is., " itnd have ul-ways warranted it and never had a bLttle re-turned. During the past 90 days I have soldtwelve dozen and it has given tirlec

I sarias--faction in every instance." It does lilnt '•y

up a cough, but loosens anti telievea ii. Irwill enure a yevere cold in less time thin "5 eother treatment. 50 cent cuand $1',,ottlt u

1rsale by J. Laasalle and all metc .-

The fact that the Senate cou ee oil ipi-vileges uand elections has decide .u favor theseating til thit Republican contestants fromIontana in iface t tha fit that the Demo.oratie Senators from that State bear creden Iale signued by Gov. Toole, dloes nfot excite anysurprile. The country Tully appreciates thefact that the preseut trepublicau admiuaistra-tion isprepared to resort to any proceedling,no ssatter how desperato or revolutiouary, toLnerease its power in both branches of Con-gress.

The senior propitetor of this paper has beensehiect to frequent colds for sorme years,which were sure to lay him up if not doctor-ed at once. He finds that thamberlein'esCoogh Riemedy is reliable. It opens the ee-oreCtlonrs, relieves the lunags anti restores thesyitem to a healthy condition. If freely usedas soon as the cold has been eontracted, andbefore it has become settled in the system, itgreg4,y lessens the attack and often cures ita asgle day what would otherwise have been

a seveare eold.-Northwestern Hotel Reporter,Des MoIles, lo•vIa. 50 cent bottles for sale byI. Isalle and all merelsants.

Mardi.Gr-a was celebrated here last Tuis-day hlathe usual manner-groups of maskersof every age, color and condition walking,riding and driving all over town in an aimlesssort of way ".from early morn till dewy eve"-and it seemed to as that the custom, insteadof fellng into desuetude, is growing andspeadig. No sooner had darkness set inIthan a delegation of ten ladies and gentlemenof the r eal household of King Rex, with the

oyal. Baby, swiftly transportd from placeto -pow in bramn ttW chariot, began cailingat the residences of a number of our leading

ts, when they received in each instaneethe r etl-• ue to to their exalted

san his gt ~geon bI~edeked delegation,. el ehe Dahe and Duchess of Pair-

eVnaai W mi, Princess Lealio,dat )u , Wde Fdanxio, Vomat

Sowo C besl o- Marquisg of $t.leatryHet e ice and the royal

ot frtbads of the Socialtp=artlel in tlhe

** :_ where bhad a

em neta to she admiring

twithdab oay d I



The weather which wUs sitmewhat ttsettleilast week cause oni me delay in furlo worlwhich had advanced all along so nicely sinethe first of the year; but the planters of thistirring comnionity are fully abreast with thtimes. Wide-awakle, they know how to"' iakhay while the sun shines," c)nsequelnt l hiarpushed forward plowing, clearing of Iandiditching, &c., to an advanced degree. Aihnosall have planted corn or are planting

Lautis have been plt il the best of order flplanting cotton when the proper season atlives for loinrg s,. Many have broke and rebrokel their ieldi tweo and three times, so lhathe culiatf ion will be lighter and the worlmore easily done.

The public r'ds a rei and have been bett ethus fatr this tear than usual, owing no doubto the exceedingly lint weather we have beetblessed with. Cattle, horsesand hogs aippeato be in excellent order.

It has been so warm that very little Ineahas or touhi be saved. Sonic of the best antmost careful farmers have had many pound:of pork to spoil on their hands during the patfew months. Our home butchery supplies n:with fine beef, while tMr. Slocum, the chauaiion hog grower of Crocodile bayou, furnishesthe people thr and near with choice pork ant(lard. I do not know what to say in regard tothe fruit prospect yet; the late frosts mnashave cut the peach crop down very much.

Some of our neighbors will visit New Orleantthis week, but moat people are too busy iotahaven't thie time to tarry from home long.

Heslth of the conutry very good. Gardensbeginning to look fini-.

Yours, Lr.LisorS.

Two •hides.

City Item.Regarding the lttery question in this state

the Chicago Tribune.' special says :The Methodists have denounced it ill their

conferences and rhe Presbyterians in theircewspaper, The Rev. Sam Jones came hereto preach against it, iiand the Farmer's Alli-anoe refused to support any paper that advertised its drawing. But by far the most per-nistent and effe:rive opplorittn comes fromthe agents and emissarirs of the rival Havana'and Mexican institutions.

"Aye, there's the rub!' Ab,.ithitng theLouisiana Lottery Company would not abol-ish lotteries; and in exchatnge for a well-con-ducted institution that brings large revenuesinto the State, we should be given a numberof shady or unknown schemes that would actas a constant drain upon the general wealth.It will be wise to look upon both the materialand moralspects of this question in theirtrue light.

aL .... • .tJ- --B. B. B. (Iiotanic Blood Balm).If youn try this remedy you will say as many

others have said, that it is the ina~T blood p0.rifier and tunic. Write Blood Balm Co., At-lanta, Ga , for book of convincing testimony.

J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West End),writes:"I consider that B. B. B. has permanentlycured mle of rheumatism and sciatica."

R. R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., saveys: " B. B. B.cured ume of an sdeer that had resisted all oth-er tieatment."

E. G. Tlru.-"y, Culumbiana, Ala , writes.M"'y mttlitr alld sister had ulcerated sore

tihrtat and ecrofula. B. B. cured them."Jacob I'. Sponc!ler, Newnan, Ga., writes: "B.

B. B entirely currd me of thenmatistm int myshoulders. I used six bottles."

Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain street,Baltimore, Md., writer: "I suffered with bleed-ing piles two vears, and am glad Ito say thatone bottle of B. B. B. cured me."

J,. J. Hardy, Torecoa, Ga , writes . "'B. B. B.is a quick cure fir catartb. Three bottleseured ume. I had been troubled several years.

A. Spink, Atlast:a, Ga., says: "One bottle ofit. B B. completely cured miy child of eczema.

W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: "B. B.B. 'tllrtd my tliohther of ulceratedl sore throat."

---- -- tea- --I, A. C. Haffiefinger, do say cotsuatption

can Jilnared by Dr. Davies Compound Syrup,tf \"fild Cherry and Tar. My nmother, years

ago, contracting a tetrilblo cough soa: becametuntable to attend lr her household duties.Prominentr physicit us pruonounced it incurableconsumption. We knew of Dr. Davis' Wild5Cherry .nd Tar, and ciomeneced givinig it toher. Before two bot ties had been taken an int-proveloent was noticed, andt iby the t.ilne onedozen bottles had b'een• cotnstuned she waswell, and has never ,een t roubled since. Wehave reeommetdedl it to many tt•tl always Ihareit in tihe house. For congtta celds, crmspwhoopingrcough, asthma. br tclitis, it: aL-..out a rival. t.ie dollar b"cfles holte 4Ftinda half times as llluch as !ion.bottI- t;

. .pre4. ,%W'heu slthatribig hile t atpaler Pet -pIe

best, The W nea-D we hawV s' O .leans-Daily an]d Weekl- aAt-tierrgest circut-lation.

N•dn.ft tE'terptiae: Mr A. C, tliiier,qatjnQt gent anll thrifty young farmer near

Coteau, St. Landry parish, was a pleas-caller at our ofille last Saturday. HIe in.Turmas us that much vacant laud in that sec-

tiou has lately been fenced and is belng pre-pared for cultivation this year. Mr. Olivierhimself has incresetd his cotton acreage from175 to 250 acres. The average lint per acre isonly one half bale, and the planters of thatsection would very much like to see estab-lished in their midst a central sugar refinery,as the land is well adapted to cane culture.

The local merchants and officials who failto give a cordial and liberal suppiort to thehome press standl in the way of their ownIroslerity ; and The Item regrets to see that

in certain parishes in Louisiana there isground fur comrtint in this regard. TheIberville South anWl4exantlria Town Talk oflast week, eag coatt.•- a substantial griev-ance again s-. restlve parish officials inconnect iot wTr iai.abl ic printintg, overlook-ing the fact that full rates for aslh work isexceedingly low when the amount of free ser-vice that every energeric journal gives to itslonality is consiidefd. A well supportedhome newspaper is as oreditable to a toan aswell kept schools and churches-and just asessential to general weal.-N. O. City Item.

Do not delay, but send in your subscriptionto the Championt Paper of the South, theTimes-Democrat of New Orleans-Daily andWeekly--lt has the largest circulhtion.

Mr. Ous. EI. Dupre has solid his livery stableto Mr, A. H. Generes, and the latter has trans-ferred his grocery business to Mr. Duprt.

Oscar Tate, who was tried in our DistriotCourt this week for the murder of Vidrine.which took place some ten years ago, was aacquitted on Wednesday morning.

The jury in the Frdmont nusilier ease whowere locked up Thursday night, had inotyet reached a verdict this (Priday) morning.

Four large stores on Canal street, New Or-leans, including Werleia's, the R. E. Lee hatstOre, &k., and several others on Bourbonstreet, were destroyed by fire last Wednesdaymorning. Loss aboat $500,000.

A full line of masks at Dietleiu's.-lake your selections now, ye masquer-aders.

Sagar and rice planters are referredth e card of Wm. B. Bloomfield.

Uaama,-At, the Catholic Church, LakeIVeb. 1% 1890, by Rev. E. J. Fallon,

Auwl J. ST. GOAVJavos, formerly of=W*in' rti, = Md Jis% lART N. nor, for.

St ado of Hoe. E. North Ctl-ob.)9,89O, by Rev. V.

. Cawpo*i, of St.:.d RTy Cut ZOE SRMALL, of

F emru,

V`' .ba #as~

PIrotect Tousr Lungs.Winter is harder on liht lungs than on any

other part of the body. Its chilling breathcomes dangerously close to their warm anddelicate tis.onles. Its icy hand almost touchesthem. The one tling, therefore, to do in win-ter, above aill things else, is to protect thelungs. HIit if I lirouih carelessness or by tn-avoidabll expos0nr you hould COlntlrat acrld. oir he laid IuI, wit h pneumonia, or bron-chitis, or pleurisy, or 1 hat dreadest of all lungdiseas-s, 'onan•t1npt1 ion, do not delay a momentbut got a hot t le of Pc-rl-n: and commencetaking it t t ona. If your bowels I happen tobe outl ot orde r at lthe saume tinlm regulatethlua with M inatlin, ta wouderIuillv gentle but.eftective laxIttive. Only $1 a bottle for either.For sale by F. E. Bailey, druggist.

Proceedings of the Police Jury.

Ot'ELOI:sAS, Fel. 101th, 1890

Thel'uli ce- ,fill"- Iuet tpursulant Io adfjourn-lUtnt.

Present i E. al. lloagini. President, E. C. Mil-burn, C. T. Bthin. P. Stagg, C. W. Ward, 8. Htaasand P. Robin.

On motion of S. Haas, the miniules of thelast meeting were adopted as read.

On motion of E. C. Milburn, the conutllnnica-lion of N. II. Way was laid on the table.On motion of C. T. Bihlnn, the petition of the

citizens of the 8th Police Jury AN ard relative tohogs running at ilrge was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Bihm, the petiton of thecitizens of the 14th Justice Ward relative toenacting a hog law was laid on the table untilthe next regular meeting.On motion of Mr. Stagr, Be it rcaolved that

the petition from the citizens of the 5th PoliceJury Ward relative to prohibiting hogs fromroaming at large be laid on the table.

On motion of C. T. Bihm, Be it resolved thatMessrs Anatole Fusilier, LandryRougeau, Hlen-ry P. Fontenot, J. Bte. F. Rougeau, Celestin La-vergne, Francois H. McGee and Marcel Vidrinehe and are hereby appointed a committee tochange the road leading from Fruge's Bridgeto Point Durel, provided said change be madeaccording to see. 9 of road ordinance, and re-port at the next regular meeting.

On motion of Sam. Haas, Be it resolved thatMessrs. T. H. Thompson, O. C. Griffith, Wm.Foreman, John G. Smith, J. J. Barnage, C. M.Richard and G. W. Kelly be, and are hereby ap-pointed a committee to view out a public roadleading from near George Kelly's to main pub-lic road leading from Bayou Chicot to Eola, ator near O. C. Griffith and report at the nextregular meeting.

EVENING SESSION.Meeting called to order. Present E. 31. Boa-

gni, President; E. C. Mllburn, C. T. Bibm, P.Stagg, C. W. Ward, E. S. Barry, P. Robin andSam. Haas.

On motion of P. Robin, Be it resolved thatthe petition from the citizens of the 2nd and3rd Police Jury wards, relative to laying out ashorter road leading from Arnaudville toGrand Coteau, be laid on the table, and thatthe road as laid out by the Parish Surveyor beand is hereby recognized as a public road, andfurther that Mr. Meche be and is hereby com-manded to deliver said road.

On motion of Mr. Robin, Be it resolved thatMessrs. Dave Higgmbotham, Jules Quebedeauand Gerassin Richard, be and are hereby ap-pointed a committee to view out a road fromGerassin Richard to Bayou Bourbeux, betweenMiller and Higginbotham to intersection ofroad leading to Spyrer, and report at nextregular meeting.

On motion of P. Robin Be it resolved thatMessrs. Ben. Andrus, Anatolle Arnaud, J. Bte.Marks, Ignace Guithreaux and P. Robin beand are hereby appointed a comufmttee to layout a road from Auzenne Bridge to Arnaudvilevia Point Clair, provided said road be laid outaccording to sec. 9 of road ordinance.

On motion of Mr. Bihm, Be it resolved thatthe report of the committee appointed to layout road from Prairie Ronde, to Mallet road, belaid on the table until the next regular meet-ing, anti that Messrs. Ducondrie Dupre, IsraelRougeau, Homere Durio, Lastie Guil:ory. Chas.Deroesier, Jos. Aville and Valsin Ledoux, beand are hereby appointed a committee toascertain the amount of damages done by runn-ing said road through Eugene Bertrand, Da-mond Bertrand and Emma Luquette's landsand to report at the next regular meeting.On motion of Mr. Ward, Be if ordained that

the ordinance passed upon the motion of L. J.Dossman in relation to the number of witnessesincriminal eases, passed on the 21st of January,1890, be amended and remodeled so as to readas follows, viz:

Be it resolved, that whereas great abuse existsin summoning witnesses in criminal cases, andwhereas the parish is thus put to great andneedless expense and the administration ofjustice greatly impeded thereby, therefore beit ordained that in all cases of misdemeanorsthe number of witnesses summoned be and ishereby limited to four for the State and fourfor the defense, provided that either the Stateor the defense shall be entitled to summon ad-ditional witnesses upon proper showing, underoath, to the Judge, who, in his discretion, maypermit such additional witnesses to be cited, if,in his judgment, their testimony be material inthe case.M. Stagg paid in fire dollars received from

Alfred Stagg for the sale of unbranded stock.

Parish and Corporation Criminal Taxes of 1889.and Licenses of 1890, collected for the Parishof St. Landry during the month of January.1890:

Pariah Taxes of 1889......... .......... $10,467 3Corporation Criminal Taxes of 1889.... 880 9SInterest on Parish Tbtes .............. oLicen es of 1890 ..... .................. --- 575 o

Total ............... ... ........ $11,923 52Le s 5 per cent. coim. for collecting.... 696 1,

Net for Parish ....................$11,327 i.;

I, Theophile S. Fontenot, Sheriff and ex-officlo Tax Collector for the Parish of St. Landry,do hereby certify the above and foregoing tobe a true and correct abstract from the CashBook and License Register in my office analaudited by the Parish Auditor.

T. S. FONTENOT,Sheriff and ex-officio Tax Collector.

The following road oversers were appointed:SECOND WARD.

Arthur Richard-from Dr. I. E. Shute to Edar Boudreau's store, passing by Grand Ce.

teau depot.Ovide Guidry-from Smith's to Carencro ba-

you at O. Guidry's bridge.TarIaD WALDn.

Dupreville Meche-from Frozard's bridge to,Mark's bridge.

Felix Boudreau-from Mark's bridge to An-zenne bridge.

Louis telly--from Jos. Camy to Arnaudvili.Jos. Wable-from Arnaudville to N. C. Devil!

lier.Ignace McBride-from N. C. Devillier to Poi t

Barre.Olide Devillier-from Joe. Camy to N. C. D,,

villier.FOURTH WARD.

Joe. Dejeaun-from Taylor's bridge to Chevia'line.

Milton Bihmn-from Sylvester'j to Rutledge'-line.

W. S. Boykins-from Atchafalaya to Faulk-ner's ferry.

John Nelsn--from Melville to Richard',store.

Charles Gordon-from Bayou Current lev,•-to the parish line.

Ness Moore-from Faulkner's terry to Rut-

e Bailey-from Taylor's ferry. to scho":house.

J. B. Frillot-from Eackett levee, inclusive.to Sacket landing.

L. J. Smith-from school house to E. W. Sy!-vester's. -

John LeBlanc-from Saac~ett landing to PortBarre ferry.

EIGHTH WARD.Joseph Lafleur-from ward line to Tete de

V•che.Lastle Rosa-from Coulee Tete de Vache to

John Reed's bridge.*John Mefillen-from Sosthene Bourque It

the Acadia line.On motion of 8. Haas, the Police Jury :tl-

journed until to-morrow morning, at 1o a. nm.

TUESDAY, February 11, 1890.The Police Jury met pursuant to adjourn-

ment preset: E. M. B iagn. President; E. 8.Barry; P. Robin, E. Ml urn, P. Stagg. C. T.Bihm and C. W. Ward.

On motion, the reading of the minutes wc(edispened Rwith.n motion of Mr. Btagg, Be it resolved thatthe Sherli be .and Is heey authorized to paywrtaeesandjaro, and.that he.use the cerli-keate thee paid in hen of money in his sett-le-ment with the Treasurer for money by himncollected from lioeaes.

On motila of Ba•. HaaM, Messrs. A. M. God-wIa, Al der telin amnd Wi. Leggett bean oare- nommittee to as-

10 tar eoelttiti ush bridges from.user Pantit to the Calca-

flint the eemalttsee insSth ca ait us-.

•itcI Deputy Aseessor., heli upproved by thisaid Assessor, shall 11e credited to the said Deullty and paid out of the As•essor's fund; pro

vided, that in no case the said approved hilrxceed Ini tilo thle s1lila of $7•().

On motionill of IDr. lir'y, BH it resolved thu(Ih slllil olf 15 he appllropriitted out of tice InIterlnal Illmprovementll flundst of 1-00i tol rl1paitihrirl ge', iI the 1eco'lid t Police Jury Wairdi, to lidivi Il thtl: $23 ironl Bourbeux lbrlidgoe4 riillld i t'Olal atIi i'oi'l'i tl; $ 5 froim road leadl:ui frl.li Frozarld's bridige to (rirand Coteal; $2:limit V'ernillion leml in;< ,ti Prairie 11a is to.lcepli Sp4yr lr'sl.(111 1iiithio l f Mir. Stlagg, lie it ric lvedl l tlhat

w4 i. llsl much iliereltf is lly be li;:ceesary, hill+i1lL i 'hreby apllproprilted outI of the Iinternallurolviientnil flundis iof 1s10 to lrepair 1Marceltlridlg, oveir llhlyon Petile Passe, iiLnder the tsi-tlri idiln of Ozem• Fontenoitlt and Alcin Vidriine,

iOn miotion oilf Mr. Ila;t, Mr. P1'. Stalg's tineil\a t,s addeiLd i:i chairmanl'llll of the committilee.

(iOn ltitoln of C. W. Ward, lie it resolved thatv coin lttee of I%% o te appointed to wait uponE. . 'iiy!ior, Assessor of St. Landriy paristi, nlldcill hi iattleilntion lit the law which directs llit

i imake in the R.eclorder's oflice land place onilIhI. a'aiSiisiilt list all Dmortgages, notes, jdiil_-it.li 1 and uother litisfs•ble property of this

llnd t: ut rovid cdl by lahw, anld Ie it further re-tlvi"d (tatI he lie i iinstructed to search the re;-cord:, is far htll(k a the life of said pliropertyl

'.Ii chaitr itinliltid M.ferslt . Ward ~L51n ltihm,i() 11 lion ofl S. Hlaas, Be it resolved that ali-

l rlult i liln i oult of the luternal lmllprove'lnlcllt044(15tlil 1t90ltil he mate onl the following r Ioa•,vil: -2,3 onll the roal tFrom Williatni Fortla ltll ioc. F. Lit; $15t il tlhe road itear Dr. Htawlins;to Eo' !ll o1n tlhe road from Loui. lDeveille toL.lyi)ltls road, via it. it. R.ihadduclk; t25 oen theroad Irol or near E. Niugent to Belle CheneySplriligs: $2. front 2. tfaas' store to Nepique,l a fine [P'iirie; $1:i5 n the roaid froi or nearlAnc'eit Doman's phlte(" to Bayou 'Tor'eau;$15 oI t illte rod i t or nealt I'lirol to • BayouTilieali bridge.

Mr. Ward, clilirli.it Ai' fi tih ciomtlittee ap-poliLntld to wait il the A cssot•,t. reports il• fol-loW: That hei hadt wait'd llu inu the Assessir•iand lilhe tated :i that I Hll woultd exert every ,fl•it14toi t ay iit th re sl dilion ill full.

on motlion of P. Rhobin,. Bit 11 resolved thatfrom Ihi diate the 54lr1111'S of the keeper of fheitrry it urrte' lll din hli e lixed at twenlty-ltive

()il mlltil, the Potlib'y ,uhl'. took ''a r''cert null-1i1 3 o'e, 1:,. tp. F .

IFr - ii 1'..1 Bf ..a ti, ipre lid n t .

1'. floiuts,

1, T. liltul, E- . a. ll 1y, P. Sts;:. onau. Iituis,ll3,1,l. .1libtllt. ani Viari itIi 7ng btern ex-rtised by tih chair.

Thle couiiUllttee lapilnlilted to settle witih the' reasutlle replorted tihrouigh their chairman.lir stag:, thlt they had examiined the book of

te Tr,--2aur-r, fOeoud the same correct, and Cii;i-elledui vIncliirst the limOlut of $10,627.49, andeqiu•• ie that thel Treasurer ihe credited with•l i lilount Wli hereupon, on motion oif .r.thluit1, the rerpi was ai letecd and ihe tnU_-iouite"- distlhrgedMr. Stgg in the chilr.Mesrs. Ilflonilnli, ilouhi illan•i Huais hain

, hIs:ell

itppt il ite ii a i'olIlhlitite on claimlihs report. iihlirlolh l. their chaiirmian, E. 1. Boagni, thaiittlue hait examliined ilad flmid correct tile i 1-

(piai m , clan , tI Wit:I . Fenteilnl, suni driri ...... ..... 0.....$20 0

arrest ,ut of parish...... a* 1 :,tot' .lu-nile lt, l:ubtlihing License

.. r id;liaitr ;. ................... 22 SLaidi" Ii-lii4i 1 111). :int1g elllcards for

Wil n:i •1 ... ... . ....... 5........ . 4 5t.t I ihtrv 1. l-l:0i'ri. alidV order o court 9 75Ieloe ii ' ~ iuriter. p, intiu Revenue Or-

di i 0 anli c .. .. .... ............ .Sptioua Ct.iilitr, 1 adv. order of court.r.. 6 25-Wl l. shlui llel, ll ber, 1I t ......... ..... 37 n)('. fit !uc.!p, w buul e;C ot road .......... 7 50.•, Iil Mill, lr l htr elll lr al d spikes ...... 46il :.itinl l ta_ , padcs a•;lit spikes i ........ .. 10 16'lit s & Hiic son0, inhfror, ite ..o .. h 1e lti.on P'i i 1 Millc , c iif ii h iln d t e pilkes ....... T .5 iI.. t ", ti I, .i p id .olie -• oni l a .t .t hn 1 0?anil Haas, lInmber, et ......- ........ .. " 10L.toine Pin e (I:11, illi (ir............ ... 25 4aF. 1: Stokes, lum ber....................... 5. '.t0:ind tlihy lfurther ,epI, rted that "they also lludfiled antli;g claills a bill against the parishlatmonutint o $170, in favor of Wood, Bchneidan& '., for •ult furnished the parish in 1885. Thishill is approed by C. C. Dslon, the then slu-rift. Yuclir co'tilrittee beg 1 our honorable bodyto I IAe action in this matter as your commithteefeeil doitltul iie the llatter is old and h11a been-tlieady passed liver by severall of youir cnli-11ill h .-.tin ltlll4liii lI lsr. Ilarry, the report wais ahc-

rciit , lthe mnliittilee discharged and the billit $1c e-i trdilrel to ble approved..ti. iB o.igni lved : Whereas as we have read

iile c ,uniilllhultion in the N. 0. Picayune whichaiet I',l th Iin- itews of the Ition. C. P. Alpha onlila new rIaI law, itlid wltleasl we realizte tieiicls ittci-nciy of our presellt road law, andwherleas we find manly valuablte sugestions inili atu esnh f eOltluinication,

Noil Ithereforell libe it resolved that we relue-totuliii enl atioll and represenltalives to enudeav~ rto have:i•<culi taken onli the sutljec• t at the nextimeeting of the Le.gi.slature.Ion imotiii of S. • auns I hte 'reort of the cou-ll-

Ilittee appointed to nscitIllain the probable costit repair G(illtin's bridige le accepted, and thatlisali,(t or as mliiih lthereof as may lie necessa.ie approlpriated toIn repair said bridge and thatIlie saiine committee, viz: L. Frim, Wmi. (luymitt W. II. Stuart, le alppointed a committe tlo-il 11ni l-i contract to the lowest bidder.Oil iu ioli olf . 1IIlas be it resolved tLhal ihe

rctipull of the ciliuittiei appllolited to sell theeolitll It Il i-li the bluildilngo la bridge over GullyBalwll, 1n1d reptairing blridlges over Duno BeetfB.ayou and BlOggy Bayou bridge 1and BeavierI(rI;ck higle " eb acclleptedi and colniltten lhe cdii-htlirri ll,. ailit that Mr. Levi Clark ie ceiedite.dtwhitl aI, .eur of sevenlty-five dollars .Ol ilofctioll of S. Ittucs, be it resolved that the

'Prlesdt lire andi is hereby reqluested and liau-tihrizti toI call on Ir. 0. II. Tlerwilliger ucrl

ldelaiilhd of iim to complyllctV with his contractwilth lie llparisih, relative to placing un•asses:wed!.tiui ioll the rollsand ulipol his failure or rtInt; ( n dto sin, the 'Presitdent he Iand is hereby

s-eIinlly iithorizet! to enter into at countractitllh .,,,se party whom he illay deem conipe-

lelt liti carry on said work. provided said cuon-liist h i wadie on thle same termslil and ondi-tions as lii oillie fonlnerly made with Mir. Ter.willitger.

The followtic g roisd o,-erst-ser wert- appointed:

FIRST WARD).'m. ,'ilhcr. rin Ciatholic Churchi at Ojieions••

to Joutlert's brlidge;1:. S. i'lemenits, frrom Opelousas nlld leltlevue

road to Plaquemmne and Opelousas roalfeutiy Lastrapes. from Opelousas and Vili-

Plate load to Big Woods;Achiiio E. Dipr'O, from Gradenigo's Island road

at old Simon place to Opelousas and• Vill,Plat:, road at Flsher's;E. aT. 3nagni, from Gradenigo's Island road at')ctave Simolst to Opelousas and Plaque-mine road at C. M. Thompson's ;

Nilliam McBride. from north-east corner ,rGre-enwood Plantation to south-west cor-ner of said place;

iliysse Joubert, fromn Uarrigneu' hlldee toiWashington road;

F, D. PItre, from Garrigues' bridge to Ilebailion's bridge;

L. A. iuddeth. from Bellevue road at Montaomery's to Bourbeux bridge;

.ohn Jonhert, from Ville Plate road betweenBlalacshear and J Sims to Joubert's Cove;

Pat Mills, from road at Dimmick's to ClhurchPoint road;

I'. C'. fIar~on, fr. J. P. Smith's north line to wardtine;('. . Seele, froni J. P. Smith's north line ioiOpelonsus ;Ned Rawkins, trom Blanks' sonth line to Soa-

flwne Bourqne' :Eugenle Richard, Jr., frotm ward line to ,olin

kllggins' south line;J. Lt iToagnl, from Johl Higgins' south line toum'pelonsaa and West Bellevue road;Aristille Sebastlen, fron Bayou Petit Joe toOpelousas and Ville Plate road;

Uothie Quirk, from ward line to Opelonsnas ;I,. H. ifaherfrom Opelounats toWashlington and

Ville Plate road;Jean Louis Roy, from D)ejean's store to Rtid-r's

bridge :J. o. Chatcher, froml Ilts north-east eoirnier toOpelousas :

R. MI. Milatead, front sontth-west corner ofGtreenwood Plantation to Dejean'a bridge ;

Edwavrd DDjean, from his store to north-eastcorner of J. O. Chachere's plantation ;XLene Carriere, from Dejeatn's store to Pophlac

Grove bridge:H.Ci'nttinglham, from Blanks' outh line to soiti

line of Greenwood Plantation;Jlt Jennings. from t'oulon's bridge to IR.

irtotte's:Erte son Lafleur. from F. P. Pltre's to sehiool

Etre>sff crriere, front St. Cyr's place to At naud;J. J. lThomlpson, from Opelonsas to his re=i

entes :i. j. Wilson, from Chachere's pasture to Belle-

-re ,sa-d at Daly's:Oneciute ('aerrsre. Jr., from Rider's bridge to

-iasrd line:Edgar 2andry, from J. Bt. Comeau's to I.acha-

pefle's pond; ,Theo•m JBertrsd, fromn Lachaplelle's pond to

FLd.F Pitre's;H.0L- C ema•it. from Opelousaaa and Washington

res• t o Opeloussa and Ville Plato road.On motion it C. . Binm; the Police Jury ad-

to tie seaenid Moaday In March, beingda or'.:o5a t tb.. at, W ,m.


Au Ordinalnce Fixint Parish Liceuses for ithe le:ir1890, and each Subsequent Year, Adnpted bythe Pollee Jury of 4t. Landly, Tuesdar). Jlanuary I1, 1490.

A.\N tORilNANCTo h" l.i, cll-(t tt1,d elitrce p.} lutu, ,, :,

iin:ilt lalLt'iaih lic tns I iax i c t lirish t! -.Ilnry for lthle year iii ntellt11110,1d ;ni!dNinet i and each ilhsu:(bult yiear, 111~ a 1ill 11 r-sonas or atstcielatlon of persons or n- finii:. lin sand corporations pursuin :ily t1-ad,, 1 rof, ,;sionl,, ocationl, calling or buitio ec ~ lt ltholwho iare extpt front rlch itr llfi i yirtich .oand 207 of tlhe citllstittioll.

SEI:cTIoN 1. lIb. ii ortdainhid by the i li,. ii rof the lparish of St. Latd.lid .tii:t tlhi'+• htr. vi,hiviedi alt illannullll irlinith licii'ei- lil for Lsaid pCcirish for ithe year 159)0 aid fior eath rlisehq•iqitiyear upon each persn•; , a.ociatllou of personsit businesstn insantd Ctrpoliratio•u spuri-l•tn ,

trade, profeisiin. vocal lii, calling or huI ini:'•in said [parish o' St. .:landry, rexcept thi i whoare expressly exemipt froml stuch tax 1, ;; iil20i, 207 of tihe State constitution.

SEc.'. B e it. f rltler rdtiultl, itti., tir•,i ii,oir beftore tihe 2d daiy iof Jaiinat-v I i., 'ariii iiieach stlbseiiitent year'. 1ithe part-h tax coll , ti"shall beglit'nfi to toliict a last as pos.i c', firoli'ach of the ipersonsii~ or ( l esilnlss tliiS, b i-i vi -.

tlillS of ter1ioii a ipol'lol'rt'p fatloli ll i -lltiIl' illlit ltpr-•e:lt yi'air 189u air i tueacLth snibsiqCll it 3 Cil

wilthin said lptrih~h, ul. tradie, prof.-siolu , It Coi-tiolt, cilllalling or busiun . i puriah lictitse tI.x :i,herc:ltltfter graduated. All puri b lii',-

iChall he drue anl eollecitibleon oli r ,o i l i, i the I h'i,lay of March of talb year, and all t u!p.li ll-cusels shall bIteonite deliillitnnt af ter t iht 11. tc,sitd front and al•ifter thiat lat,' sicll heir intft•-at lhit rlate of Itwo per cet, C li'e illonitl, nild lh.delilnluent owiui• the liieii-i itall pI:: a oiiilMissiion toi the district fittortilt of tIn Iir i tiltilt the aggrecatte amount of Ii 'nlllt iil:.t , lf,it !ties Collected cil il pa:i i oiver to hI iax f 01i- io r,esildes cost•l of sfit ; a ira the aymliit t' tietr, l

.shall lie wceettlrid by iprivilege in favor a(t th,parish. next i ranllk to that of the l iate, nt(the tax collector s11hal collect said license, inter-est and costs in thre malnPne provjided hl.

' i••.t

ing law.SEC. 3).lic It further' ordaineil, etc., that tie

ltniniial parish liceuse tax for tihe kind or Iu.•-Iress hereinatter nametl haL,il, except as after


wards provided, he graduated in thirteen cla-s-1.5. toir e(verCy isitin -s of selling at retail, whe-fit r Its priniciliai, agent oil cotnnleslon, or oth-erwlse, the licelue shal lie lfaced on tise grossallnual alontlll of sal, ia follows.:

First Class--'lWhin groiss sale:; are two hLai,died thousand dollars oi" more, and under t'vwohuilndred and fitty thouiand dollars, the !lcecr.eshall be one hundred and lifty doliars.

Second Class-Wheu gross sales are oae 1 un-dred andftifty thousand dollni a or more, andunder two hlundred thouand tl;o'ia the lIcense haalllie one hundred dollars.

Third Class-Whetn gross salreS ae le hIi-,ilred tllhousand dollars or more, and udilie onlieiiuhdred and fifty thousand dollars, the licuni..eshall be seventy-five dollars.

Fourth Class-When gross salt itle SeC lnt ifive thouisand dollars or more, anud llder onehunlldred thoutsatnd dollars, th!e lilrcenir schcl tiefifty dollars.

Fifth Class-When gross• .-al•ei e fif ty houaHand dollars or mliort, tild uuder ser-litrv live

thousand dollars, the lkenic-e shlail bie ltiilty-five dollarsl, Sixth Class-When r-os_ sales are tolry tlhou-sand dollars or more, and under fiAttly thou:'cnddoillars, the license shall be thirty C tilrs.

Seventh Class-Wihet•n gross sales are thirtythousand dollars ,or more, and iunieit fiorty thou-sand dollars, the licenl- sliall Iie tfatnty- iredollars,

Eighth Clusa-W-Iheni g:rows ti a c re twe nty-five thousand dollars or mtoe, arid Illuitr ilthirtythousand dollars. the license hatll ,! tc went y

ldollars.Ninth 'l.--- Witer ior, s:( a -' 'itriV

thotlsanld dollliarc' or lulore, and lude, twenti-tive thousand tlollars, the lc'lenCe sihall ie 11f-teen dotlars.

Tenth Class--Wlhen gros s•ile are iilt eiiLhoasanld dlollars or Illiore, ntllll nlldltr tiwcuty-five thousand dollars, the license shall a .i tIfndollars.

Eleventh Class-Whelt gross s'tler ilre tenthousand dollars or mllore, and under lifteenhollsand dollars, the license thalli rbe eight dol-

lars.Provided that ii any distilled; vitroits, ualti or

other kind of mixed liquors be sold in ol•uinci-tion with the business of retail merchant, gro-cer, restaurant, oyster house, confectlone-v ordruggist in less qnantities than five gallons,the license for sulch additional busilless shall lieas provided for in sectlion 11 of act 101 of theGeneral Assembly 188t. adopted July r, 1i4%t.pirovided no license shall issuLe to sell liq nor inless quantitles than five gallors for less thanlifty dollars.

PEnDDICER ANY IttAir-tl[5.

E'EC. 4. Be it further orrdalned, etc., that e ar.and every peddler or hawker shall pay an n-nual license graded as follows-

When traveling on foot five dollatr-; \whentraveling oll horse backl, tfn dollar:; ; when tra--eling in one-horse vehhicl. fifteen dollar=-;when traveling in two-horf.e \lvhilte, thirty dol-lurs; when traveling cn lot, barge or otherwater craft, fifty dollars ; provided oi ban keror peddler, whose stock does not exceedlu \ s!-ne ten dollars, will be requirhed to pay anly i-cense, and provided further that constables orpolice oflicers throughout the parish are hcrebh-empowered and directed to cause all peddler•and hawkers to produce or exhibit their parishlicense, and if the peddlers or hawker ftall toproduce or exhibit the sanli, thel conlttable orparish otliher shall retain their stock or 1erchandise until said peddlh •a or hawiers proulre their parish liensue.SEC. 5. IlBe it further ordunlaai. etc., tihal forvelry business of keeping a Ihotel or hoarding

house when boarding and eating tre combilnedthe license shall be l,.sed on the nutlnlcrof fur-niruled lodging rooms for guess as follown, viz.:

First (lass-When said roomls alre in nullllttertwelve or muore, and less thtan fiftleen, i li-e iiteense sthall he thirty dollars.

Second ('las--. Whlten salid liolti ate It tDin 1-her line or more and less thllanll tw-lv. Il

o; i1-

rcese shall be twenty dollars.Third Class-When said rooms are in number

six or more and less thall nine, the license shallbe il teen ulollars.

Provided that no persani who keeps a board-ing house in connection with schools and cal-egea, for the accommodation or students alud

employees thereof, shall pay any license ashoarding house keeper.

Provided further that no lit esis: hL,it hie re-quired when the number of said rooms icsthan provided for in class three; that for everybusiness of lodging alone, the licensc shall heestimated on the saeae basis as for hotels andboarding houses, but graduated at one-haltabove rates.

That every business of bar-roomlll, c: . r cof-tee house, cafr, beer saloon, liquor exchauge,drink saloon, grog shop, beer house, beer gar-d en, or other place where anything to be dratkor eaten on the prenise.s is sold directly or in-directly, the license shall be based on the annmu-at gross receipts of said business. viz.:

First Class-When said receipts are live thiu-sand dollars or more, and less thau seven thou-sand five hundred dollars, the license shall heseventy-five dollars.

Second Class-When said receipts are twothousand dollars or more, and less than fiveIhousand dollars, the license shall be sixty dol-lars.

Third Class--Wheu said receipts are less thantwo thousand dollare, the license shall be filtydollars.

Provided, no license shall be chargtd for roll-iug refreshments for charitable or religiouspurposes; provided that no establishment sell-lng or giving away, or otherw:se disposing ofany spirits, wines, alcoholic or nialt liquor inless than five gallons, shall pay less than fillydollars.

That the business of keeping Inltard tablec.,pigeon hole, jenny lind, pool or bagatelle tables,-atd tell pin alleys, a-license of two dollars andfifty cents for each table or alley shall be latd,in addition to any other license due by the ea-tabltshment in which these tablic may Ie sitt-ated.


And for every business of mrusietu, iuenabue-rie, circus or other traveling show, exhibition,or performance, the license shall ie based onthe number of attachees, whether proprietors,performers, emnldoyes, us follows, viz :

First Clasyt-When the number of said personsIs over one hundred, for which shall he paidone hundred dollars.

Second Class-When the torlutber or raid per-sons is over seventy-five, for which hialnl l liepaid seventy-five dollars.

Third Class--When the numbeler ot said persons is over fifty, for which shall he paid lifllydollars.

Fourth :liass-When the number of said per-sons is over thirty, for whillt shall be pailthirty dollars.

Firth Class-Wh,-i: the ntunher of aidl per-sons ist over twenty, for whieh shall be paidtwenty dollars.

Sixth Clas--Whentlhu number of said personlis over ten, for which shalt be paid ten dollars.

Seventh Class-When the number of said per-sons is over five, for which shall b: paid fivedollars.

No license shall issue for less than live dollar.

PROFVL•OstNAL AND PERSONAL OCCLUPATIOyS.SIC. 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That the

annual license for the kinds of business heorein-after# Ie graduated into sevenWS*- ~~~lf&

1L.t itc tvcry innitodual or company carry-l::; on: !. priiofession or business agency forkiel ins. teat,, carriages, hacks or horses forhlure, owlnrs-. or lI.sees of toll bridges and fer-" lh , tit lie, ; f r i'-an.t lrofession or oceupa-"r -:hoall I ,l'irat (Clas--W i -\\'i d r• eeipts are five thou-

-sal dollars f MIor-e, andl less than six thoU-ild dll rs, thl licenie shall he twenty dollars.,"tolrl (I'ila--\\ tn stal receipts are four

-"li;u"Lnd dtlollr. o" I ilol-r, and less than fivethouta:il do!L il.s, he lie ll.e-iiir shall he fifteendol it's.Thldrl C'l I.---\Whi-l -itt rceipts are three

tloul all dtollar, or tIorI, andl less than fourt ih:oualltl ii' llnars. the bi leen'lst shall ie taelve,hallntl.

Fiorllth I('i, -he1'li aidl iecipts are twot houisl tnt tdla0 or niri er. ant11 less than three+,!1=:ho nd ,ltolars, th, liceise shall hie ten dol

I'llh Cliea. -- ,- hen -aid l receipts a3re one thou--lad dollars 11 r muitl e, and less than two thou--:tndl dollars. th Ie li e e ihall htie seve dollars,uld tlfty cents.

Sixth ('lass--Wchen said reecipts are sevenihllndrcd and fifty dol;lars, or more, and less thanone thousand tdolltli the license shall he fivedollars.

Sieve th t Io,-Wh it :•Isd I i ceiptls ren lesst•a!ll sevli i hi ndrel•d an1d fifty dollars, the h-Os-ne shall tli t o dollars and fifty conts.That .. Iry indiv idhlal or individuals carryt on11 thie bt' il ne0 or profession of physiiean.

at turneryat-lv,, editor, dentist, oculist, pho-to;ri'l t'P , atli-tllti for publications, freight,ta tei, c lil-s ,:d othlici business not herein1oviet'tl ort •l bie retated the same as aboveStI forthI. lo the lices >e shall be one-half oflth'.e catl tished byl " this section and providedisno lleI .hall be istued hereunder for lessthan • dollari and tift" cenit.

IOi:S11- "1 IO,:il.5s, MI LLS ANDl CATtILE.:-r.. . For -very V ullsitnesi of droving for

i t' .l1i of luell, I0lore-S, cattle, or any othertlll , li', -ta'e shall he biased on the num--

S1" of h--s, !,llt a-.cttle, or alnly other ant-ilSI, ai stsd drIve.

.first C'la --When ti-e tinuicr shall be morethan ten a_ l .. thant tweity, for which shalllbe p!aid 55.e,.

Second Clan -Wenthe number shall be morethan twenty and le5a than forty, for whichshall be paid 57.50.Third Cla:n --When the number shall be more

thaan forty and less than sixty, for whichshall be paid 510.00, -

Fourth Clas-W hc no the number chall be morethan sixty out Ices than one hundred, forwhich shall beo iaitl '15.00.

Fifth Clas,-When the number shall be moret han one hundred and less than two hundred,for which shall be paid $25.00.

Provided, that In no case this ordinance beso construed as to require any one having stockfor sale, which shail have been raised by himin this parish, to pay a license.

COTTON GINlS.dEC. 8. For every business of ginning cot-

ton the license shall be based on the number ofba os of cotton ginned.

First Clas--When the number of bales of,atton ginned saall be more than 400 and lesst!han 500, for which shall be paid $5.00.

Secocnl Class-When the number of bales ofcotton gluntd shall be more than 500 and lessthan ot, for which shall be paid $7.50.Third Class-When the number of bales of

cotton ginned chall be more than 800 and lessthan 700, for which shall he paid $10.00.

Fourt hI C!las-When tho number of bales of-otton ginned shall be more than 700 and lessthan f-0, for which shall be paid 815.00.

Fifth Class-When the number of bales ofcI-tton Vinned ;shall be more than 800 and lessthan 1050, for which shall be paid $20.00.Slxth Class-When the number of bales of

cotton ginned 1hall be more than 1000 and lessthan 1200, for which shall he1 paid $25.00.

IIITASlIISG MACHIIE.lt. . For every business of thrashing rice

fie license shall be based on the number ofbiarrea! of roulgh rice thrashed, and shall .beSI tll every 1000 barrels thrashed; provided.that tln no ceas any license be collected whenless tlhan 'S000 barrels are thrashed.

SEc . 10. Le it further ordained, etc., that;1hen :ltiy t2wo or more kinds of business areeoilnahin d, except as herein expressly providedtor there shall he a separate license requiredhinr each kind of bt - cos.

Her 11. Be it further ordained, etc., thatitie a;!nnetal receipts:, capital sales gnd premiumsia, this o iiinanc Ireferred to as a Oasis of licenseare( theiLO-, for the 1 car for which the license is:rlanted, the standard for their estimation shallie prima facia those of the preceding year Ifthe business has been conducted previously bytine .same parties, or by parties to whom theyclaim to be successors of. If the firm or com-pany be new the amount of gross sales for thelir.t six mnoniths shall be considered the basis,and twice that amounut shall be estimated asthe annual receipts if such business, providedthat aiy persolsn conllliencing business after the1•t of .a~1 I shall pay one half of the abover;Ite S.

SEC. 12:. De it flither ordamned, etc., that Cthe lbliunessC of the plrevionil year as also the.cldalf condition and results of business of theclltrent year for new firms, associations or eor-porations for the purpose of calculating lices-css shall be ascertaiuned on the sworn statement

of the persons in interest, hIls or their duly -alnthorized agtcnt or officer.

SEC. 10. It is hereiiy expressly provided thate:tlht perioto. association or persons, businessilln, eSr corporation, required to take out a II-

cense under this ordinance. shall be required toplot the same in a cons Sicuous place in his orIheir place of business under a penalty of notle-s than ten or more than one hundred dollars,recoverable 1hI the tax collector before arycourt of coeelicrtent 1jtrisdictioln, and it shall bethe duty of the tax collector to visit in person,or by deputies, Ithe several places of business:nd asocertaitl that the provisions of this sectionare sItrictly tarried out, and all parties shall beiobliged under : lthe above penalty to produceand exhibit their license to any member of theIolice JInry. or t:oilv oilter pariillal officer, ontio'Uand.

C. 1:i. 1. o I.-iipt iinied -biy ia tax collectorin place of the liceelns itself shall be valid, andIlhis clause ,hall be ronltrued to prevent thetax collector from issuing a receipt In l14u ofthle appropriate horms to any persons, assocla-tion of persons. blusilne5 firmns and corpora-tions.SEC. 15. The Parish Tax Collector shall pre-pare and keep a book, in which he shall recordor file the statements made nuder oath of allpersons, association of per:ons, business firmsor corporations who may apply for license tolIursue any trade, prefe-silbun, vocation, callingor Iusinesa under this ordinance.'LC. 16. Thel Tax Collector Ia hereby requlr-

SI to keelp a licence register, in which he shalleater the names of &Ffry personu, association ofl.lrsoOi, uslIltsn firms or corporations, withtue trade, ploifseion, vocatlon, calling or busl.nena plursued, the class and graduation of thes-tne, the amnount of license thereon and thedate o0 the callectii:o or payment thereotf. Onthe first annual Ilnec'0i of thei Police Jury theslitd Tax Collctotr shall make out and forwardto the Paristl. I;'lsarcr a full and completetranscript o0 aid litense register, a copy ofwhich transcrilt the Tren urer shall lay beforethe Piolice Jury rat i-i rcgu!tar session of eachyear, and shall filb the same itn his ofice for fu-Lure refeo'nce or u1e.

SEC. 17. That the Tax Cl lector shall collectsaid licenset in the -anntuc p1 rovided by exist-tnn laws.

EC. 18. Thait the Tax Collector shall he al-lot ed a commissilon of five per cent. upon alllicensea collectell and paid into the parish trea-sury,

Eac. 1. That all iarish license ordinances,and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinanceson the same otniject matter are hereby repeal-ed.

iAN ORDINANCE.On motion of L. J. Dossman be it resolved

that whereas oun the 9th day of December 1889,it was ordain, d that the sum of s44000 be assess-cd and levied as the anmount of taxes to be col-lected for the serv:-ces and expenses for theyear 1890, which amount was appropriated asper budget madie that day, now therefore, Be itre.-olved that to secure that amount, a tax ofton (10) mills on the dollar be and is herebylevied on all property borne on the assessmentroll of the Parish, and not included on propertyon the assessment roll situated within the intorporated town s io Opolousas, Washington.;r'tud Cot.au, Villie Platte. Arnaudvillo and:lvillh, and that on the property situated

[:ithin t!lo-e incorporated towns, to defraytheir pritportion of the expenses of the crimin-ai pror[ct'diniJ, there be lovied in aecordausrwith Ii et 3 l 5 of General Assembly of Louisi-;•la regtilar o saon iof 187, approved March 4thl; ;it lax of lv,.• 5) lutills ou the dollar. It wastulthtr ordaine!tl that there is hereby levied ano;unhal licchre tax for the year A. D., 1890, upont:ch pereson, iassociation of persons, or buslunesirmn- :ud corporations pursuing any trade.profes:ion, vocation, calling or business, exceptthove •xpres•:iy exempt from such license tatby 'artlete 20i and 207 of the Constitution.Attest. It. M. BOAGNT.tl. E. Es'ctac;c, Clerk. President


rIGIIHT'y i,uhela of this celebrated cottonF seed for tsale by the undersigned. Thiscotton is very prolific. produces a beantifolstaple and matures in NINETY days. Callsuoni and get some of it.

GUbS. E. DUPRl,Feb tf Op•loUs.