The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1883-05-26 [p ]€¦ · ompanied b-y letter-press in.nciug...

air VS _ __ __________ol. XXX._ _ .Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La., May 26, 1883. No. 34. al Journal of Town of Opelousas Journal of Parish School Board -. , tSRH l I':I" '*••t1 " ' IA I|IDAY". IVt +VCB & L. A. SANDOZ. tltlAYl :: :: MA Y 26, l883 you ever see such cool weather in a we have liad this week ? notices of Town and Parish As- and of Town collector, in anoth- muo. _ -. fair for the bandeit of the Charity faund, to bie hild at Ville Plale, off to-night, at the residence of dgqnues Pucheu. Governor has commnissioned the men recently elected in Wash- also the following councilmen for Grand Coteau : Dr. F. Guil- g. 8. Dunbar, Frank Brinkhau~s, 8. Barry, Armand Richard, Men- rus, J. L. Guilbean. Wedneiday last the body of a named Charles L. Stewart was bating in Bayou Conrtableau, distance below Port Barre. Stew- . Port Barre last Sunday while he ipflueuce of liquor, and it is that he ens accideitally f-ll last TOuesda aL Cleveland Ciaeinunti, O. There ~are heavy so Monday rand Tuesday moon- Siuthern and central Missouari l~s of Illinois. On Tuesday menw fell to the depth of twelve at Lyncbburg, Va,, &ec., &c. ifir at Grand Cotenrr on the ted about $325.00 for the bene- . Charity Hospital fund, and a of that little village may Sproud of their generous centri- ~this bey evoleut object. Let work proceed, and as predict- ,atndry will prove the Bamner n this co•mmnoadahle movement. 1CouaIEn is only $2.50 a ?ears Parties sending their unames inelose the subscription price blieation, but as an evidence Sand that they don't take -headed philnlthloplists wit i c anes, and an income of at year, who print ai paper for and pay the postage for fuil,. grapher," is iho titit. ot a ly ianued at 2. Park How, It contains flRno lestlhuu bn ompanied b-y letter-press in.nciug with Chtatei A. !am E. Gladstone, etc., and Jeremiah S. Black and Ed-- All prof ssions are re- d the publisher hopes that on of biographical shat- lout, and handsome formn fr apprciatod by a- generous 2J1) a year. uz-Lt Or rBrarwos. -- We 1q calling .th attention of t-b advrtisement of Mr. stoat or f the famoOs 8'itinp, tlhie moit not- - Wouar parish or in a. Mr. Miller Etas ore ae5ot~tiodatioD8 *ek the curative wa- *O springs', and wvill with tk. first class coin ntbary mdero ates. His .' ir+ des over thme crtiiaipe la netrdfE& r !uor ability teeteof sick or well u trueviit to these 111 goa gain. from the Rev W. C. -diis., ii , Cbwipwy S. Jouagh, puet tM of a1t f ,place.. We *vju.~lr aspleasftUt ate i s Ieained txw pulpit, on tie in- of bapitweb.This `bkb t isit d 1~apt~d he -may do iLl* t :oJt ha is Eair Vre~tb ~fis" p ~tariub4Oan - m -If RMT A Little Politics. We copy this week an article from the Baton Ronge Capitolian.-Adrocaes, head- ed " A Word of Caution," which we com- mend to the carefiul perusal of our read- ers: because, in addition to the views whic(h we expressed in a Ipreviolus issue under the caption of " Put It. Off," it conveys additional strength to our, cb- jections to opening the political cam- paign sa far in a;divance of a State, or national eletliont. 'There is at greater hiarmnony existing in the rank and tile of the St. Landry denmocracy at this time than has exitoted f,.r years ; but, if discu.iliou is olten ed , upOn imen atnd measures, at this early day, by the time an active campaign should be inaugnu- rated by a united andt consolidated par- ty, this premature agitation might tle- velop into such heated controversy, and breed such unnecessary prejudices as to disorganize the party, split it again in- to factions, destroy its effioiency, enudan- ger its success at the polls, and rob it--- the only political party in whose hands our material interests will be. at all safe -- of all substantial fruits of victory and power tbr permanent good in the elec- tionu of 1884. We do not deny that the Democratic party could and should have done better in tnan. respects; that in- portant changes should be made in men atid measures ; that blunders and mis- takes have been made in our State ad- ministration; that many judicious re- forms should lie establishled; but let ua go slow and slme, let us keep our ten-- pers tand olr judgnlg enta, ao that when we do strike at existing evils we will hit in tie right pilace, and not colu it greater er ors than those wre wish to remove. We do not want to shirk any needed and lugttimate contitltversy upon the live issues of the dact, ,ut we think it n wise at this thi time to participate in any political jargon which mayn only in- flame passitu and prod eu a dangerotus schlsm it, lie party heefecn an i mp ,'tant elect iou. l.Liious..- -Tlhe quarterly meeting of the AM. E. Church was iuangnrated in Opelousas on last, Wednesday evening a week ago, in an able and sci.entific lec- tore by the Rev. W. C. Bluck, of Nat- chez, Miss., on the theme Glimpses of Glory,'a gttueral notice of which we gave in our issue of lahst week. On last Sunday this distinguiahed Itheologian and scholar preached a~n eloqnent, por- etful and enovitncing sermon on the "' Inmnortality of the Soul." The church was iroat(.dtl with an intelligent nIdi- :•ee, coniposed of all nleeds and denoln- ihtations, %I ho Itenlced with riapt atten- tion to the irr,.istible logic of physical and mnetaphlysical argmeolntsi to prove man's immortal nature; who were eln- tratned hby tlhe splendidd iction a 1n ga'- niture of rhetoric with which the gilted speaker clothed his then,. in :a halo of hurning eloque•n'e •ud ,t,-nvineihg tr!th,. anud who were 0ratifi.il1U aid ami•i•.ZEd at the ease and eaulty with which he hal- tlonized the sciences of gteology. physl s anld alstronormy withl revealcd religion as taught in the Bible. Atheists, elike• dea and materilists w••, uItterly anns- .ilated beneath the force of his cogent reasoniug, as .drawn from Scienie, the Book of Natute- ard. the Bible. This eminuet divine spreached a series of powerful sermons, on other religious subjects, to crowded houses, during an entire week, and in eonujuntion with the able sorvices of the residentr pastor and "other visitlg clergymen, has gtirred up a great interest in religious matter:. We uunderstand that several persons have joieild the chjirch. PERSONAL.-We bad the pleasure of i call on Thursday evening last from Mr. 0. Kilter, projirietor.of the Pointe-aux- aoups Springs. As a mater of course, be is in fine health, .as lie uses the re- nowa$. aud health-givig gwater• of the famsl Srpiegs, whleh are now open to trps for- tie ormig summer. *We ha 41s the patronage that so wortyy - estrmes W La., May 22, 183. Editors C~ t =Vr t*s--Jl herewith hand you some of qr ver-bering strawbem- ties. The air;* ~ s rj the Sa•vor good, pad have now ben oi be- lqg for more than two mnet•s; Yourm as ever, T . •frs LA+i solved a baetyltaire and dellcio•usly UiorsIstrawbarrPrIOr which the en- +e.iprilag 4d>e csir~•# Pt a•• p our < • ,+,:+ +++ 7%+• ..++•+7<, -', . ,enh 4, o( the J4.e Carie# parati ons f or'.p~ Yb. mt ii his. paprrt May i4PUP )nWn p -fiMuOp~ euap vr odQ t'hr Ividently Anxious. The learned and patriotie rural poli- tical essayist who amhbishes himself be- hind an anonymous efftuion in the public prints---noted pritnipally for its lIvishly magnanimous advice and profuIely un- selfish suggestions---wise and otl.herwise -may safely be put down as anxious for the flay; he does not want a post- ponemient; oh no: tle soouer the muId- slushing tournament opens the better; it will serve to enlighten the obluse voterl to warn the dear unsophisticated people of the danger or' being unt.xpect- edl' and irrerocably entrapped ; it will furnish spicy (?) reading during the usually dull summer months, and assist in tiding over the dog-days; besides, it will give an impetus to businesa--.epe- cially time retail liquor trade-by having the campaign duly and formally opened and the noble army of candidates ae- tively in the field, "discussing" the great political issues-of public inter- est, (perhaps,) and private benefit, (uu- doubtedly,) and "many other things too numerous to mention." Ve lurve fratkly stated our objeetions to an :"early campaign," so called,-- knowiug, as we do, by experienee, that in this Parishl especially, this signifile and implies anything but a calm, seusi-- ble, dispassiounate disuenssion of public men anud measures; but on the contrary, its opening will only be the sigual for an indiscriminate shower of billiusgato, slander, vituperation, and a general :volley of stiuk-pots and other fragrant iisasiles--and we insist that those anx- ions to inaugurate this political pandi- moniumi now should do so openly and above-board, and be willing at least to take the counequences in thil general stink they are endeavoring to inaugur- ate at this early dat. If they think they can taittd twelve months of this sort of amusemealnt, all right, we have no ob- jection. The CoURIEH does not propose to encultage inl "e'nly campaign," for reasons already stated; but we will take occasion to rermark, however, jus't. here, that when the fight does open, we will be on hind. Now, gentlemen, proceed with your discussion; but let it be a square and fair; open fight,-no bushwhackiag or jayhawking,-- show your colors and blaze away. IC 'nani,,ei atesrd.J /C'nI u ,,,on iitIWd. -EniHi• OF I'Mi A•oItr : One of the most pleasurable.feasts of which the good folks of our little town have been, lpartakers for many a day, has just terminated. The fair given for the benefit of the Charity Hospital was a complete suc- cess, and far exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine. At a season of the year when the eountry is in a very impoverished con- dition, we had but little to expect. To the untiring efforts of the ladies of the comnmittee and surrounding country, all is due, and quantity and quality of everything to gratify the taste of the most fastldious, abounded. Among the donations deserving of particular mention is that of the ladies and pupils of ,.he Macred Heart Convent. The "Faney Table" composed of articles furnished exclusively by them, besides a cash donation, amonoted to $42.25. The students of our renowned old College, in care of the kind Fathers, marched to the cadenee of sweet music discoursed by their band, under the able directiea of Plot: A. Heichelheim, to the festive seene, and the contents of their parses must have diminished consider- ably ere they left us, as liberality with- oat mqeage seemed to be .their motte. In flae. all lent a helping hand to the meritorious enterprise, and the result is the neat sum of not less than $325.00. We will hearken with joy similar ti- dings throughout the State, feeling con- fident that the end for which we haysve labored is attained, and a sum sufleient to place an institution,*the pride of every Louisianian, second to none of its kind in the world. "* Grand Coteau, May 23d, 1883. -Farmer, and others desiring a gen- teel, hieriative ageney busioPss, by wbhhi to $20 a ay can be earned, sonm address at once, on postal, to H. (, Wilr~saon I& Co., 195 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. FUoR SALE AT A BrEAnai•,-A COw- fortable resldenco in Baton Rouge.. Apply at this once. A PRSE•NT.-A fie map of the United Stales will be given free of charge to every purchaser of a dollar bottle or package of I't. A. Thtdford & Co.'s Liver -Medieiae or Black Diraght, at W. 0.Posey's. The map alone is worth ore than one dollar. - naekoatawoeue .PbotoegncpA.!--nu new oe more to ted. ftei gb; ba-. takoc ;on the jumpa ; giar degative than by tl ot d .1 wt w.ay- & Belt's 1.flqq, Vabi $t., a4idjlong poss :, :i'# tiu with ~~A~atB ~hs $1 oemat The I1zevir Library. Among the recent issur~ of this uni- (Iquee, tand in respect to eheapnes. and Ibeauty of fortu and .ty.ograpl'h. really rteonarkable piullication, are lthe follow - ing: " Aristotle," ky Sir Alexander Grant: " Plate," by C. W. Collins: - Horace," by Theodore Martin. These are in the famous and excellent " An- cient Classics for English Readers se- ties, heretofore obtainable only at the p ice of 01.00 each, but. uow publlished in this haudsome form for 15 cents each. "The Indian Song of Songs," Iy Edwin Arnold, author of " The Light of Asia," is published at 6 cents, the cheapest edi- tion heretofore issued being $1.00. ,We also have the "Life of Alex. H. Ste- phens," by F. H. Norton, autlhor of "Life of Gen. Hancock," and other works. It contains an excellent 1po1- trait, and a flue illustration of " Liber- ty Hall," Mr. Stephens' famous: home. Though a copyright work, paying the usual royalty to the author, it is pub- lishbed at the astonishing price of 10 cents. The last issue is Schiller's cele- brated " Song of the Bell," and " Hero and Leander," all for 2 cents. These publications are not sold by dealers generally, but only direct, by the pub- lisher, JoRN B. ALDEN, 18 Vesey Si., New York. ... . • '-• ---- To the people of St. Langry. The undereigned have been appointed a committee for the parish of St. lutidry to solicit donations, subscriptious and contributions for the purpose of increas- ing the accomniodationa and capacity of the Charity Hospital, in the city of New Orleans, and of making necessary .ani- tary improvements in that institution. A call is made upon all persons for their mite. If every one responds as he should do, it will be an easy task to at- tain the object desired. This institution is the noblth-t in, the State. It has for yetar ministered to the wants of the poor and rich, of the exalted and the humble. It has heen the school of numberless humnunitarians and devotees of science. It is an insti- tution of learning second to none in these United States. It is the pride of Lou- isianians. It speaks their generosity, their hospitality. their nhilantlhron,. \Ve therefore confidently appeal to ouw fellow-parishioneor to snhscribe and to contribute in any way it, the hands of the sub-committees which we have ap- pointed throughout the parish. The means raised are to be specially set aside for the purposes above stated; and the faithful application thereof is guaranteed by the Governor of the State and the other distinguished gentlemen who are the Board of Admiuis;rators of that institution. Fairs and balls will be given to aid nl obtaining the funds required. The first fair will be given in Opelou- sas, at Perrodin's Hall, on Tuesday, the Ist of May; the second in Washington, at Jacobs' Hall, on Tuesday, the 8th of May; the third in Grand Coteau, on Tuesday, the 15th of May; the fourth in Rayne, on Tuesday, the 22d of May ; the fifth in Ville Plate, on Tuesday, the 29th of May ; the sixth in Arnaudville, on Tuesday, the 5tb of June. The committees for other localities will fix such times for fairs in their ju- risdictions as they may deem proper. B. A. MARTEL, W. A. RoBERTss O, H. L. GARLAND. The followjiug committees are ap- pointed : FOB OrPLOUtSS AND VICINITY : E D Estilette, Mrs Auguste N Robin. Rev T J Hough. " C B Andrus, Arthur Generes, " Thos H Lewis, Jas O Chachere, " Laurent Dupr6, Dr P J Parker, " J J Thompson, Cleophas Comreau, Miss Lizzie Gibbs, W O PoFey, Sallie Thompson, L 8Sandoz, Octavie Privot: FOR WAsHINSTON : M D KAvauagh, Mrs Dr Wiun, Dr J A Derbanue. " P Jacobs, Leon Wolff, " D L Todd, R 8 Wilkins, Miss Alice Lastrapes, Jules P Rebin, " Esteile Anderson, Dr M Cooke, " LizsieHenningeen, John 0 Trainor, "Minnie Cox, Jolhn Carriere, " Emma Cooke. FOI AUNAUDVIL•: A Durio, Mrs E Roy, Paul Blanchard, " E Bernard, Jacea.s Arnaud, " C Hebert, Louis Re-ger, " Albert Robin, Numa Robin, ' Nama Robin, J Bte Rergeren, Miss Alioia Roy, Clement fdbert, " Alice Thibodean, Andre Mallet, FOR GRAND COTEV U: Mester Andrus, Mrs S C MePherson, Millard Dunbar, " Edgar Barry, Jules 'etetin, M Casse Edward Barry, Walter Gardiner, Jules Chrdtien, " Dr T Tarlton, Manriue Pelliague, " Prank Barry, Dr F Galibeaa, T M Anderson, Maurice Celomb, " Emar Savoie. lOR VILLR PLATE : Th4opjile8 Fontenot, Mrs Lenis Debaillon, Louis Young, " Emile Tate, Dr Z'? Young, " e T Young, Jacquoe Pahen. ' Joseph Deronen, Jules Ludean. " Th6odore Coreil, Mark Lesarre, " Thomas Reed, Auguste Molitor, "' John F Shaw, Edwin E Vidrine, Miss Octavie Dardean FOR RATrE : E C Premanx & Lady,H W Anding & Lady, Dr J Morris " " A 8 Chappns . D Ball " " Mrs J A Smith, C Aerresdln " Mies Anna Bernard, JL St••ht " MgO NAnding, " Paul J Manouvrier. MSee of spleandit town zidence for hle in another column. This place is otsred cbesp and is a bargain for amy ose dsrl g such a property. Ap- Oak*ittal ears .ML. I). Mr.1•..•r 6 & 8 Common Street. New Orleans. HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERY, Steam, Telegraph and Railroad Supplies, Sil-. P'.:iil. . ('rda'"I. \a t: I'll:w , t: n l; I lp I .Packing; . olts, Nuts. W\aslhers. Copper lti'e a d iron Wire; [: tiaulf;atut r ,of thlne 1,t al Moat IImproved :Ir'. 'I' .ITS- Ih' Io v 'e l:oratiou of Cane Juice. 'Worker inll opper. r;a•s and Nhecl Iron. and Dealer in Gas Pipes and Fittings. I .ill orders: enlrusterl, d , me will be filled Frith dispatch. :2 POINTE-AUX-LOUPS SPRINGS. PARISH CF ST. LANDRY. LA. / $111S favorite r re :.rln '•: ll, celcbra:ted for the curative\ powers of its waters in a -large number of diseases, including Dy~pep- f sia, Rhen:rnatisi. Kidney and Liver DiSeases. Noeralslia, Paralysis, l)ijeases of the Blood and Skin, anid many ot her diseases both acute and chronic, is now opteu for the season. The accommodations are all first-class, and the " faro is of the best. Prices of board and lodg ing. with use of baths and water,. $1.50 per (lay, $11) per week. $40 per month. A resident Sphysician will always be in at tendance in case of need. TIacks may be had at all times at SMermento station by those coming by way of ) the La. Western It. R. (:. MILI.E:R, Proprietsr. May 2(;. 183. t ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. LL taxpayers owing property in the par- .L. ish of Si. Landry, are hereby notified that the assessment lists of property situated thert iu. have been completed, and the esti- mated value of saume made according to law ; tand that said lists will be exposed in my of- ice in the Courthouse in the town of Opelou- e:ia, for inspection and correction, for a term of 20 (twenty) days, beginning on Monday. June 11th. 18•8: W }CTAVE Ft)NTENOT. May 3 6,. 183. Assessoi. -NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Fi HE tax-payers of the town of Opelonsas L are hereby notifited that the Isatiug iand estimtiion of the valuation of all real and personal property situated within the corpol rate limits of the town of Oipelousas has b•-en completed, and is now exposed at my office in the Courthouse in the town of Opelousas, fir inspection and correcCton, and that the same will so remlain exposed for theo pare of thirty days ftrom this date. t)pelonsas. May ). 1883. W. M. JOHNSTON, m` 6-5St Asesesot and Colleeto . T OTICE 'O DrEINQI N •STS. LL pessonl owing (Lack taxes or licenses e to the town of Opelousas are hereby no) tified to call and settle witheut delay, or I will ,proceed to collect the saleo with p 'tal- ties and eot W\. M. JOHINS'TON, Ass'esor and Collector Town of Opelonoas. Opelousas, May '6. 18S1. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ! 'IHE ' I PELOUISAS ('O!RIER Price $2.50 per Year. AN ) TIll ' " WEEKLY CAP/TOLIAN-ADYOCATE Price $2.00 per Year. Will he matiled to any address, pol.ta,,,e ipid, One Year, rin For $3.50. After contributing support to I our local Iaper, your neatiBi duty is to secure for your houo•ehold that publication from which you can gain the most information-a paper which e instructs, entertaints, and imparts l useful in- foritta ion. The Weekly Capitoliian-Advocate published at Baton Rouge, La., the Otffiia' Journal of the State of Louisiana, contains all advertisements of the State which are of in terest to every citizen, andil t• a news jourual' ai ruianm of all tile most inmportant Local, N.• tional, State and Foreign News. togetheir with Editorial Comments upon the loading topics of the titnes, and ()riginal and Selected lite- rary matter. OPELOUSAS DIRECTORY. Dry Goods and Groceries. T ATREYTE, ETIENNE-Dry goods, her ware, croekeryware, staple and fancy groceries. Main street, opposite Postofice. R OOS, DAVID-Dry Goods, Clothing Huts, _B Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware.&c. Corner Main and Bellevue streets. Attorneys at Law. E STILETTE, E. D.-Attorney and Coun- ' selor at Law. Office in the Old Bank House, on Landry street. L EWIS& BRO.--Attorne-s and Counselors L at Law. Office on Laedry at., between Court and Market streets. O)GDEN, JOHN N.-Attornev and Conn- -1 selor at Law. Office on Landry street, seine lately occupied by H. L. Garland, Esq. Miscellaneous. dOURIER JOB OFFICE.-Every dsecrip- J tion of Job Printing from a small Card to the largest Poster, at N. O. prices. Main st. E ALER, C N-Watchmaker ant jeweler; A established 1845. Personal ateution to repairing ; corner Main and Landry sts. HlADDEN, LOUIS.--Physician and gur 1 geon. Office at residence, southern ex t remity of Union street. L ITTELL, R. M. - Druggise, Apothecary i and Pharmaeentist. Main street, next to the Postoffiso Prescriptions accurately filled. T ESASSIER, F.-Staple and fancy grocer- . ies, liquors, cigars, confectionery, h:ard- ware, &c, cheap for cash ; Court street. l cDANIEL, ELI-Little Bijon Salooi.- . Finest wines, liquors and cigars; Belle. rue street, near corner of Ma n. SKINNER, L.-Gunsmith. Arms and ma t, hibnery of all kinds repaired and tools sharpened. Landry street, near the bridge. TCHE OPELOUSAS COURIER.-Establisb- Sed 1852. Published weekly, English and Wrench - terms-. _rft in advanA- Main at JOS. V. ROY, Main Street, opposito Courier Printing Ofli.e, OPELOUSAS, LA., AGENT FOR J. F. SARRAZIN, Dealer in all kinds of CBMeFI 11A SOD H1I TOBACCO, cigars, cigarettes, &c., AT NEW ORLE.NS PRICES. MERCHANTAiAND DEALERS Wil lsd it to.tbhir•t•r to calt and exam- i t aa mystoodl set a•lr d my parce. myl2. .500,000 rt, Choice Seamed Mohafhl, Cyprsa Lumber AT COST. ( UOME audl Pec for . ourself and your waagoli w will not fit o away emlpty. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. WVashiugtou, La. T. ). CootiK. CMk. iuyl9-13t Town Property for Sale. Ri Y RESIDENCE in Opelousas, two-stories VI.1 with five rooms and hall, brick kitchen and lantry attached, servant's house, cistern, well, stable, crib, etc., and half square of ground with tenement house, subdivided into atrd, garden and lots-buildings all new, and of cypress. Price, $8600-$1500 cash. baIlance on torn•s to suit purchasers. May 19. C. C. DUSON. NEW MILLINERY. Jans. . .eginley AS just received a flue assortment of Mil- llliuory Goods, comprising, Hate, Bonnets, Trimmings, Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, &c, and invites an inspection of his stock, at the Ealer building, next door to the COURIER of- lice. myl9t GO TO H. D. Lareade's Tin Shop, Bellevue Stlreet 1ear the Bridge, G ET, YOUR TIN WORK .DONE THERE 1--acknowledged to be the Cheapest Shop in town: Guttering from S cents to 35 ote per foot, and all other work in proportion. $V Country orders promptly attended to. Opeloneas. March 17, 1883 6m Proceedings of the Board of Police of the Town of Opelousas. O()PELOUAs. April 30th, 1883. Ihe Bumt of Police of the Town of Opel. ,usas met pursuant to a call of the President. Present : James Ray, President; A. B. Cha- eher6, L. A. Sandoz, Felix Lesnasier. B. Mar- tin, and S. Birotte. The President announced that 4he Board had been called for the purpose of' receiving the reports of the Collector and Treasurer, and tra.saceting any other business brought he'ere the Hoard. B. Martin presenlted the Iollowiug ordin- anuc- which, having hben read twice. was tinnimnul•ly a:dopted : AN ORDINANCE To Iprevent and punish driving of carts and wagonus over the bridges within the cor. lorate limits of the town of Opelousas in any other gait than an ordinary walk, and providing penalties 'for violation of the samute. Whoreas, the large number of bridges re- quired in the corporate limits of Opelousas necessarily entails heavy expense on the cor- poration treasury; and Whereas, the driving of carts and wagons at a faster gait than an ordinary walk tears up said bridges, making it necessary for the town authorities to regulate sae e; Be it therefore resolved, That it shall here- after be unlawful for any one to drive any cart or wagon over any bridge within the corpora- tion faster than an ordinary walk; that it shall be the duty of the Constable or any spe- cial officer to arrest any one violating this or- dinance, and to take possession of and im- pound said vehicle and team. Further Resolved, That for the violation of said ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Pree- ident of the Board of Police or any Justice of the Peaco trying the same to fine the offender not exceeding two 501l00 dollars or five days' imuprisonment, for first offense, and double said flue and imprisonment for any subse- quent offense. It shall also be lawful for said Constable to retain any vhticle or team im- pounded until payment of any fine and costs incurred under this ordinance. Resolved, that this ordinance go into effect immediately from and after first publication. On motion the Board adjourned. JAMES RAY, President. Attest : C(. MAYo, Clerk. JUDICIAL NOTICESi UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. In the United States Circuit Court for the 5th (ircuit and Eastern District of Louisiana. No. 9060. CHARLES NEWMAN VS. W. C. JOHNSON. By virtue of an salis writ of seizure and sale to me directed in the above entitled suit, I will proceed t6 sell to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, the 30th day of June, 1883, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the main entrance to the Courthouse in the town of Opelousas, parish of St. Landry, Louisiana, the following des- cribed property, viz.: 1st. A certain tract of laud situated in the parish of St. Landry, on Bayou Teche, having seven acres front by twenty-two in depth, bounded north by Bayou TBche, west by Lonis Vautrot, south by Bienvenu Stelly, and east by Joseph Rayon being the same pro- party purchased by said W. C. Johnson from Dr. Vincent Beagai, on the 22d day of May, A. D. 1873, and recorded in Book - Aliena- tion Kirad at p. -, in Recorder's office, in and for said parish and State. 2d. A certain plantation of the left descend- ing 1ank of Bayou TBche, having a front of fourteen arpents on said Bayou, eleven of which have a depth of twenty-two arpents, and three of which have a depth of eighteen arpents, bounded north by the propertyof W. C. Johnson. south by land of vendor. Amelia Burleigh, and Louis Vautrot, and the depth by widow Valery Langlois and widow Hilaire Dupldchaiu ; also the undivided half of a cer- tain.tract of weooed land, supposed to contain two hundred saperfcial arpents, sitntted on said Bayon Tcfte, bounded above by lands just above described, and below by lands of Hilaire Dnpl6ehain, being same property ac- quired by said W. C. Johlnson from Amelia Barleigh, widow of Franuois Vantrot, dec'd., on the 25th day of March A. D. 1874, and re- corded in Book B No. 2, Alienation Record, page 260, and acknowledged by Louis Vautret by aets recorded in same book at page 410, and byact of exchange between W. C. John- son and Louis F. Vautrot, dated October 16th, 1874, recorded in Book B No. 2, at page 556, of Recorder's office, in and for the parish of St. Landry. Seized in the above entitled suit: Terms-Cash on the spot. Deputy United States Marhal's oiee, Opel- nsas, La., May "3d, 1883. THOMAS B.. BRUOV•., Depnt United States Marhl ef the Wee rn istrit of Louisiana. my t JUDICIAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE. Pr,,hbfe Cou-rt. Parish of St. Landry, No. 296.8t ESTATIE o WILLIAM 11. NLILSON. By virtue of an order of the Ilonoralde the Probate Court in and for the parish of Saint Landry, there will be sold at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the under- signed, or any other duly qualified auntioneer, at the last residence of the deceased, on the Atchafalaya river, parish of St. Landry, on TULESDA Y. June 5, 1883, the following des- cribed property, belonging to the estate of William II. Neilson, deceased, to-wit : 1. A certain tract of land lying and being situated in said parish of St. Landry, on the Atchafalaya river, and being the last place of residence of deceased, bounded north by lands belonging to Mrs. E. Gordon, south by lands formerly belonging to James E. Lindsey, east by the Atchafalaya river, and west by lands belonging to the estate of E. 1'. Gordon, con- taining troee hundred and thirty-nine 501100 acres. -. A tract of land lying bac k of the afore- said tract, being in township three south, range 6 and 7 cast, bounded above and east by lauds of the estate of E. T. Gordou, south by lands of James E. Lindsey, and west by public lands, containing three hundred auld twenty acres. Terms and Conditions-Cash. C. C. DUSON, Sheriff and ex-ofticio Auctioneer. Opelousas. May 5 , 1883. S IIERIFF'S SALE. District Court, Parish St. Landry; No. 134:; Lehman, Abraham & Co. vs. lean Bte. Rideau, By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued by the lon. the District Court in and for the parish of qt. Landry, in' the above entitled suit and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the principal door of the Court House in the towni of Opelousas, parish of St. Landry, on SAT- UITDAY, the 2d day of JUNE, 1883, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following described property, to-wit: 1. A let of cypress pieux, five thousand in number, and a double cabin, erected by Jean Bte. Rideau upon a piece of land situated in Prairie Plaisance, leased of Mrs. Louis Fon- tenot. ?. A lot of corn, two hundred barrels, and a lot of fodder, two thousand bundles, in the crib, on the plantation where said Rideau re aides. 3. A tract of land in Plaisance Settlement, having two arpents front en Bayou Carron by twenty-two deep, bounded above by lands of Tr6ville Rideau, and below by lands of Jean Bto. Rideau, file. 4. A tract of land in same settlement, hav- ing five arpents front by eight arpents deep, bounded on one side by publin road leading from Opelousas to Ville Plate, on one side by T. C. Bataille, on one side by Pierre Svlves tre, on another side by Jean Bte. Rideau, fil8. Seized in the above entitled suit. Terms-Cash. C. C. DUSON, Sheriff of the parish of St. Landry. Opelousas. April 28th, 1883. NOTICE OF TABLEAU. Priobate Court, Parish of St. Landry, No. 445S ESTA.TE OF JOSEPH D. (GONOR. Whereas, Thoutiste Roy, of the parish of St. Landry, administratrix of the above enti- tled estate, has filed a tableau of classifica- tion of debts of said estate, accompanied by her petition praying for the homologation of the same; And whereas the prayer of said petition has been granted by an orderof court bearing date Ma y 7th, 1883; Now therefore notice is hereby given to-all persons interested to make opposition in wri- ting to said tableau and account, in my office in the town of Opelousas, within the time required by law, and to show cause,' if any they may have, why said tableau and ac- count should not be homologated and confirm- ed. JAMES O. CHACHERE, May 12, 1883. Clerk. NOTICE OF TABLEAU. District Court, Parish St. Landry, No..1331m13 ISSOLVENT ESTATE OF LOUIS C. COZIFE. Whereas, Simon Berkson, of the city of New Orleans, Syndic of the insolvent estate of Louis C. Cozine, of the parish of St. Landry, having filed a tableau of distribution of funds thereof, accompanied by his petition praying for the homologation of the same; And whereas, notice of filing of said petition and tableau has been ordered by an order of court bearing date May -, 18831 Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to make opposition to said tableau, in writing, at my office in the town of Opelousas, within the time required by law, why said tableau should not be homologat- ed and confirmed. JAMES o. CHACHERE, May 12, 1883. Clerk. NOTICE OF TABLEAU. District Court, Parish St. Landry, No. 4408. ESTATE OF ADELE JOUBERT. Whereas, Charles Pitre, of the parish of St. Landry, administrator of the above named estate, having filed a tableau of clasificatiou of debts and distribution of funds thereof, ac- companied by his petition praying for the ho- mologation of the same; And whereas, notice of filing of said petition and tableau has been ordered by an order of court bearing date May 8, 1883 ; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to make opposition to said tableau, in writing, at myofficein the towh of Opelousao, within the time required by law, why said tableau should not be homologated and confirmed. JAMES O. CHACHERE, May 12,1883. Clerk. NOTICE OF TABLEAU. Probate Court, Parish of St. Landry, No. 4253 ESTATE OF ALMIRA JANE BUCHANIN. Whereas, Joseph E. Gardiner, of the par ish of Ste Landry, administrator, has tiled a final tableau of said estate, accompanied by his petition praying for the homnlogation of the same; And whereas, the prayer of said petition, for the publication of the notice of the same, has been granted by an order of court dated April 18,1883; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to make opposition to said tableau, in writing, at my ofice in the town of Opelousas, within the time required by law, why said tableau should not be homologated and confirmed. JAMES O. CHACHERE, April 21, 1883. Clerk. NOTICE OF TABLEAU. Probate Court. Parish of St. Landry, N. 41325 •ESTATE OF JOSEPH COLO)MBE alias I)E•anEsrT DAIGLE. Whereas, Marie COtanio Cormier, of the parish of St. Landry, administrstrix, has filed a final tableau of the above entitled estate, accompanied by her petition praying for the homologation of the same; And whereas, notice of filing of said petition and tablean has been ordered by an order of court bearing date May 11, 1883; Now, therefore, notice is hereby givenl to all persons interested to make opposition to'said account, in writing, at my office, in the town of Opelousas, within the time required by law. why said tablean should not be homologflled aud confirmed. JAMES 0. CHACHERE, May 12, 1883. Clerk. Poetnamst~rs Are reqested to notify us when any of our subscribers fail to take their papers from the poetoflee. We believe blanks are furnished them for that purnpe.

Transcript of The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1883-05-26 [p ]€¦ · ompanied b-y letter-press in.nciug...

Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1883-05-26 [p ]€¦ · ompanied b-y letter-press in.nciug with Chtatei A.!am E. Gladstone, etc., and Jeremiah S. Black and Ed--All prof ssions

air VS • _ ____________ol. XXX._ _ .Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La., May 26, 1883. No. 34.

al Journal of Town of Opelousas

Journal of Parish School Board

-. , tSRH l I':I" '*• •t1 " ' IA I|IDAY". IVt


tltlAYl :: :: MA Y 26, l883

you ever see such cool weather in

a we have liad this week ?

notices of Town and Parish As-

and of Town collector, in anoth-

muo. _ -.

fair for the bandeit of the Charity

faund, to bie hild at Ville Plale,

off to-night, at the residence of

dgqnues Pucheu.

Governor has commnissioned the

men recently elected in Wash-also the following councilmen

for Grand Coteau : Dr. F. Guil-

g. 8. Dunbar, Frank Brinkhau~s,

8. Barry, Armand Richard, Men-rus, J. L. Guilbean.

Wedneiday last the body of anamed Charles L. Stewart was

bating in Bayou Conrtableau,distance below Port Barre. Stew-

. Port Barre last Sunday while

he ipflueuce of liquor, and it isthat he ens accideitally

f-ll last TOuesda aL Cleveland

Ciaeinunti, O. There ~are heavyso Monday rand Tuesday moon-Siuthern and central Missouari

l~s of Illinois. On Tuesdaymenw fell to the depth of twelveat Lyncbburg, Va,, &ec., &c.

ifir at Grand Cotenrr on the l.thted about $325.00 for the bene-

. Charity Hospital fund, anda of that little village may

Sproud of their generous centri-~this bey evoleut object. Let

work proceed, and as predict-,atndry will prove the Bamnern this co•mmnoadahle movement.

1CouaIEn is only $2.50 a ?earsParties sending their unamesinelose the subscription priceblieation, but as an evidence

Sand that they don't take-headed philnlthloplists wit i

c anes, and an income of atyear, who print ai paper for

and pay the postage for fuil,.

grapher," is iho titit. ot aly ianued at 2. Park How,

It contains flRno lestlhuu bn

ompanied b-y letter-pressin.nciug with Chtatei A.

!am E. Gladstone, etc., andJeremiah S. Black and Ed--

All prof ssions are re-

d the publisher hopes thaton of biographical shat-

lout, and handsome formnfr apprciatod by a- generous

2J1) a year.

uz-Lt Or rBrarwos. -- We1q calling .th attention oft-b advrtisement of Mr.

stoat or f the famoOs8'itinp, tlhie moit not-

- Wouar parish or ina. Mr. Miller Etasore ae5ot~tiodatioD8

*ek the curative wa-*O springs', and wvill

with tk. first class coinntbary mdero ates. His

.' ir+ des over thme crtiiaipela netrdfE& r !uor ability

teeteof sick or wellu trueviit to these

111 goa gain.

from the Rev W. C.-diis., ii , Cbwipwy

S. Jouagh, puet tM ofa1t f ,place.. We*vju.~lr aspleasftUt

ate i s Ieainedtxw pulpit, on tie in- ofbapitweb.This

`bkb t isit d1~apt~d he -may do

iLl* t :oJt ha is

Eair Vre~tb ~fis" p~tariub4Oan

- m


A Little Politics.

We copy this week an article from theBaton Ronge Capitolian.-Adrocaes, head-ed " A Word of Caution," which we com-mend to the carefiul perusal of our read-ers: because, in addition to the viewswhic(h we expressed in a Ipreviolus issueunder the caption of " Put It. Off," itconveys additional strength to our, cb-jections to opening the political cam-paign sa far in a;divance of a State, ornational eletliont. 'There is at greaterhiarmnony existing in the rank and tileof the St. Landry denmocracy at thistime than has exitoted f,.r years ; but, ifdiscu.iliou is olten e d , upOn imen atndmeasures, at this early day, by the timean active campaign should be inaugnu-rated by a united andt consolidated par-ty, this premature agitation might tle-velop into such heated controversy, andbreed such unnecessary prejudices as todisorganize the party, split it again in-to factions, destroy its effioiency, enudan-ger its success at the polls, and rob it---the only political party in whose handsour material interests will be. at all safe--of all substantial fruits of victory andpower tbr permanent good in the elec-tionu of 1884. We do not deny that theDemocratic party could and should havedone better in tnan. respects; that in-portant changes should be made in menatid measures ; that blunders and mis-takes have been made in our State ad-ministration; that many judicious re-forms should lie establishled; but let uago slow and slme, let us keep our ten--pers tand olr judgnlg enta, ao that whenwe do strike at existing evils we willhit in tie right pilace, and not colu itgreater er ors than those wre wish toremove. We do not want to shirk anyneeded and lugttimate contitltversy uponthe live issues of the dact, ,ut we thinkit n wise at this thi time to participate inany political jargon which mayn only in-flame passitu and prod eu a dangerotusschlsm it, lie party heefecn an i mp ,'tantelect iou.

l.Liious..- -Tlhe quarterly meetingof the AM. E. Church was iuangnrated inOpelousas on last, Wednesday evening aweek ago, in an able and sci.entific lec-tore by the Rev. W. C. Bluck, of Nat-chez, Miss., on the theme Glimpses of

Glory,'a gttueral notice of which wegave in our issue of lahst week. On lastSunday this distinguiahed Itheologianand scholar preached a~n eloqnent, por-etful and enovitncing sermon on the"' Inmnortality of the Soul." The churchwas iroat(.dtl with an intelligent nIdi-:•ee, coniposed of all nleeds and denoln-

ihtations, %I ho Itenlced with riapt atten-tion to the irr,.istible logic of physical

and mnetaphlysical argmeolntsi to prove

man's immortal nature; who were eln-

tratned hby tlhe splendidd iction a 1n ga'-

niture of rhetoric with which the gilted

speaker clothed his then,. in :a halo ofhurning eloque•n'e •ud ,t,-nvineihg tr!th,.

anud who were 0ratifi.il1U aid ami•i•.ZEd at

the ease and eaulty with which he hal-

tlonized the sciences of gteology. physl s

anld alstronormy withl revealcd religion

as taught in the Bible. Atheists, elike•

dea and materilists w••, uItterly anns-

.ilated beneath the force of his cogent

reasoniug, as .drawn from Scienie, theBook of Natute- ard. the Bible. This

eminuet divine spreached a series of

powerful sermons, on other religious

subjects, to crowded houses, during anentire week, and in eonujuntion with

the able sorvices of the residentr pastorand "other visitlg clergymen, has gtirredup a great interest in religious matter:.

We uunderstand that several persons

have joieild the chjirch.

PERSONAL.-We bad the pleasure of i

call on Thursday evening last from Mr.0. Kilter, projirietor.of the Pointe-aux-

aoups Springs. As a mater of course,

be is in fine health, .as lie uses the re-nowa$. aud health-givig gwater• of the

famsl Srpiegs, whleh are now open

to trps for- tie ormig summer.*We ha 41s the patronage that sowortyy - estrmes

W La., May 22, 183.Editors C~ t =Vr t*s--Jl herewith hand

you some of qr ver-bering strawbem-ties. The air;* ~ s rj the Sa•vor good,pad have now ben oi be- lqg for morethan two mnet•s;

Yourm as ever, T . •frs LA+i

solved a baetyltaire and dellcio•uslyUiorsIstrawbarrPrIOr which the en-

+e.iprilag 4d>e csir~•# Pt a•• p our< • ,+,:+ +++ 7% +• ..++• +7<, -', .

,enh 4, o( the J4.e Carie#parati ons f or'.p~

Yb. mt ii his. paprrt Mayi4PUP )nWn p -fiMuOp~

euap vr odQ t'hr

Ividently Anxious.

The learned and patriotie rural poli-tical essayist who amhbishes himself be-hind an anonymous efftuion in the publicprints---noted pritnipally for its lIvishlymagnanimous advice and profuIely un-selfish suggestions---wise and otl.herwise-may safely be put down as anxiousfor the flay; he does not want a post-ponemient; oh no: tle soouer the muId-slushing tournament opens the better;it will serve to enlighten the oblusevoterl to warn the dear unsophisticatedpeople of the danger or' being unt.xpect-edl' and irrerocably entrapped ; it willfurnish spicy (?) reading during theusually dull summer months, and assistin tiding over the dog-days; besides, itwill give an impetus to businesa--.epe-cially time retail liquor trade-by havingthe campaign duly and formally openedand the noble army of candidates ae-tively in the field, "discussing" thegreat political issues-of public inter-est, (perhaps,) and private benefit, (uu-doubtedly,) and "many other things toonumerous to mention."

Ve lurve fratkly stated our objeetionsto an :"early campaign," so called,--knowiug, as we do, by experienee, thatin this Parishl especially, this signifileand implies anything but a calm, seusi--ble, dispassiounate disuenssion of publicmen anud measures; but on the contrary,its opening will only be the sigual foran indiscriminate shower of billiusgato,slander, vituperation, and a general

:volley of stiuk-pots and other fragrantiisasiles--and we insist that those anx-ions to inaugurate this political pandi-

moniumi now should do so openly and

above-board, and be willing at least totake the counequences in thil generalstink they are endeavoring to inaugur-ate at this early dat. If they think theycan taittd twelve months of this sort ofamusemealnt, all right, we have no ob-

jection. The CoURIEH does not proposeto encultage inl "e'nly campaign," forreasons already stated; but we will takeoccasion to rermark, however, jus't. here,that when the fight does open, we willbe on hind.

Now, gentlemen, proceed with yourdiscussion; but let it be a square andfair; open fight,-no bushwhackiag orjayhawking,-- show your colors andblaze away.

IC 'nani,,ei atesrd.J/C'nI u ,,,on iitIWd.-EniHi• OF I'Mi A•oItr :

One of the most pleasurable.feasts ofwhich the good folks of our little townhave been, lpartakers for many a day,has just terminated.

The fair given for the benefit of theCharity Hospital was a complete suc-cess, and far exceeded the expectationsof the most sanguine.

At a season of the year when theeountry is in a very impoverished con-dition, we had but little to expect. Tothe untiring efforts of the ladies of thecomnmittee and surrounding country, allis due, and quantity and quality ofeverything to gratify the taste of themost fastldious, abounded.

Among the donations deserving ofparticular mention is that of the ladiesand pupils of ,.he Macred Heart Convent.The "Faney Table" composed of articlesfurnished exclusively by them, besidesa cash donation, amonoted to $42.25.

The students of our renowned oldCollege, in care of the kind Fathers,marched to the cadenee of sweet musicdiscoursed by their band, under the abledirectiea of Plot: A. Heichelheim, to thefestive seene, and the contents of theirparses must have diminished consider-ably ere they left us, as liberality with-oat mqeage seemed to be .their motte.In flae. all lent a helping hand to themeritorious enterprise, and the resultis the neat sum of not less than $325.00.

We will hearken with joy similar ti-dings throughout the State, feeling con-fident that the end for which we haysvelabored is attained, and a sum sufleientto place an institution,*the pride ofevery Louisianian, second to none of itskind in the world. "*

Grand Coteau, May 23d, 1883.

-Farmer, and others desiring a gen-teel, hieriative ageney busioPss, bywbhhi to $20 a ay can be earned,sonm address at once, on postal, to H.(, Wilr~saon I& Co., 195 and 197 FultonStreet, New York.

FUoR SALE AT A BrEAnai•,-A COw-fortable resldenco in Baton Rouge..Apply at this once.

A PRSE•NT.-A fie map of the United

Stales will be given free of charge toevery purchaser of a dollar bottle or

package of I't. A. Thtdford & Co.'s

Liver -Medieiae or Black Diraght, at

W. 0.Posey's. The map alone is worthore than one dollar. -

naekoatawoeue .PbotoegncpA.!--nu newoe more to ted. ftei gb; ba-.

takoc ;on the jumpa ; giar degativethan by tl ot d .1 wt w.ay- & Belt's1.flqq, Vabi $t., a4idjlong poss

:, :i'# tiu with~~A~atB ~hs $1 oemat

The I1zevir Library.

Among the recent issur~ of this uni-(Iquee, tand in respect to eheapnes. andIbeauty of fortu and .ty.ograpl'h. reallyrteonarkable piullication, are lthe follow -ing: " Aristotle," ky Sir AlexanderGrant: " Plate," by C. W. Collins:- Horace," by Theodore Martin. Theseare in the famous and excellent " An-cient Classics for English Readers se-ties, heretofore obtainable only at thep ice of 01.00 each, but. uow publlishedin this haudsome form for 15 cents each."The Indian Song of Songs," Iy EdwinArnold, author of " The Light of Asia,"is published at 6 cents, the cheapest edi-tion heretofore issued being $1.00. ,Wealso have the "Life of Alex. H. Ste-phens," by F. H. Norton, autlhor of"Life of Gen. Hancock," and otherworks. It contains an excellent 1po1-trait, and a flue illustration of " Liber-ty Hall," Mr. Stephens' famous: home.Though a copyright work, paying theusual royalty to the author, it is pub-lishbed at the astonishing price of 10cents. The last issue is Schiller's cele-brated " Song of the Bell," and " Heroand Leander," all for 2 cents. Thesepublications are not sold by dealersgenerally, but only direct, by the pub-lisher, JoRN B. ALDEN, 18 Vesey Si.,New York. ... . • '-• ----

To the people of St. Langry.

The undereigned have been appointeda committee for the parish of St. lutidryto solicit donations, subscriptious andcontributions for the purpose of increas-ing the accomniodationa and capacity ofthe Charity Hospital, in the city of NewOrleans, and of making necessary .ani-tary improvements in that institution.

A call is made upon all persons fortheir mite. If every one responds as heshould do, it will be an easy task to at-tain the object desired.

This institution is the noblth-t in, theState. It has for yetar ministered tothe wants of the poor and rich, of theexalted and the humble. It has heenthe school of numberless humnunitariansand devotees of science. It is an insti-tution of learning second to none in theseUnited States. It is the pride of Lou-isianians. It speaks their generosity,their hospitality. their nhilantlhron,.

\Ve therefore confidently appeal to ouwfellow-parishioneor to snhscribe and tocontribute in any way it, the hands ofthe sub-committees which we have ap-pointed throughout the parish.

The means raised are to be speciallyset aside for the purposes above stated;and the faithful application thereof isguaranteed by the Governor of the Stateand the other distinguished gentlemenwho are the Board of Admiuis;rators ofthat institution.

Fairs and balls will be given to aid nlobtaining the funds required.

The first fair will be given in Opelou-sas, at Perrodin's Hall, on Tuesday, theIst of May; the second in Washington,at Jacobs' Hall, on Tuesday, the 8th ofMay; the third in Grand Coteau, onTuesday, the 15th of May; the fourthin Rayne, on Tuesday, the 22d of May ;the fifth in Ville Plate, on Tuesday, the29th of May ; the sixth in Arnaudville,on Tuesday, the 5tb of June.

The committees for other localitieswill fix such times for fairs in their ju-risdictions as they may deem proper.


The followjiug committees are ap-pointed :


E D Estilette, Mrs Auguste N Robin.Rev T J Hough. " C B Andrus,Arthur Generes, " Thos H Lewis,Jas O Chachere, " Laurent Dupr6,Dr P J Parker, " J J Thompson,Cleophas Comreau, Miss Lizzie Gibbs,W O PoFey, Sallie Thompson,L 8Sandoz, Octavie Privot:


M D KAvauagh, Mrs Dr Wiun,Dr J A Derbanue. " P Jacobs,Leon Wolff, " D L Todd,R 8 Wilkins, Miss Alice Lastrapes,Jules P Rebin, " Esteile Anderson,Dr M Cooke, " LizsieHenningeen,John 0 Trainor, "Minnie Cox,Jolhn Carriere, " Emma Cooke.

FOI AUNAUDVIL•:A Durio, Mrs E Roy,Paul Blanchard, " E Bernard,Jacea.s Arnaud, " C Hebert,Louis Re-ger, " Albert Robin,Numa Robin, ' Nama Robin,J Bte Rergeren, Miss Alioia Roy,Clement fdbert, " Alice Thibodean,Andre Mallet,

FOR GRAND COTEV U:Mester Andrus, Mrs S C MePherson,Millard Dunbar, " Edgar Barry,Jules 'etetin, M CasseEdward Barry, Walter Gardiner,Jules Chrdtien, " Dr T Tarlton,Manriue Pelliague, " Prank Barry,Dr F Galibeaa, T M Anderson,Maurice Celomb, " Emar Savoie.


Th4opjile8 Fontenot, Mrs Lenis Debaillon,Louis Young, " Emile Tate,Dr Z'? Young, " e T Young,Jacquoe Pahen. ' Joseph Deronen,Jules Ludean. " Th6odore Coreil,Mark Lesarre, " Thomas Reed,Auguste Molitor, "' John F Shaw,Edwin E Vidrine, Miss Octavie Dardean

FOR RATrE :E C Premanx & Lady,H W Anding & Lady,Dr J Morris " " A 8 Chappns .D Ball " " Mrs J A Smith,C Aerresdln " Mies Anna Bernard,JL St••ht " MgO NAnding,

" Paul J Manouvrier.

MSee of spleandit town zidencefor hle in another column. This placeis otsred cbesp and is a bargain foramy ose dsrl g such a property. Ap-

Oak*ittal ears

.ML. I). Mr.1•..•r6 & 8 Common Street. New Orleans.

HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERY,Steam, Telegraph and Railroad Supplies,

Sil-. P'.:iil. .('rda'"I. \a t: I'll:w , t: n l; I lp I .Packing; . olts, Nuts. W\aslhers. Copper

lti'e a d iron Wire; [: tiaulf;atut r ,of thlne 1,t al Moat IImproved

:Ir'. 'I' .ITS- Ih' Io v 'e l:oratiou of Cane Juice.

'Worker inll opper. r;a•s and Nhecl Iron. and Dealer in GasPipes and Fittings.

I .ill orders: enlrusterl, d , me will be filled Frith dispatch. :2


/ $111S favorite r re :.rln '•: ll, celcbra:ted

for the curative\ powers of its waters in a-large number of diseases, including Dy~pep-f sia, Rhen:rnatisi. Kidney and Liver DiSeases.Noeralslia, Paralysis, l)ijeases of the Bloodand Skin, anid many ot her diseases both acuteand chronic, is now opteu for the season. Theaccommodations are all first-class, and the" faro is of the best. Prices of board and lodging. with use of baths and water,. $1.50 per(lay, $11) per week. $40 per month. A residentSphysician will always be in at tendance in caseof need. TIacks may be had at all times atSMermento station by those coming by way of) the La. Western It. R.

(:. MILI.E:R, Proprietsr.May 2(;. 183. t

ASSESSOR'S NOTICE.LL taxpayers owing property in the par-

.L. ish of Si. Landry, are hereby notifiedthat the assessment lists of property situatedthert iu. have been completed, and the esti-mated value of saume made according to law ;tand that said lists will be exposed in my of-

ice in the Courthouse in the town of Opelou-e:ia, for inspection and correction, for a termof 20 (twenty) days, beginning on Monday.June 11th. 18•8:

W }CTAVE Ft)NTENOT.May 3 6,. 183. Assessoi.

-NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS.Fi HE tax-payers of the town of Opelonsas

L are hereby notifited that the Isatiug iandestimtiion of the valuation of all real andpersonal property situated within the corpolrate limits of the town of Oipelousas has b•-encompleted, and is now exposed at my office inthe Courthouse in the town of Opelousas, firinspection and correcCton, and that the samewill so remlain exposed for theo pare of thirtydays ftrom this date.

t)pelonsas. May ). 1883.W. M. JOHNSTON,

m` 6-5St Asesesot and Colleeto .

T OTICE 'O DrEINQI N •STS.LL pessonl owing (Lack taxes or licenses

e to the town of Opelousas are hereby no)tified to call and settle witheut delay, or Iwill ,proceed to collect the saleo with p 'tal-ties and eot

W\. M. JOHINS'TON,Ass'esor and Collector Town of Opelonoas.

Opelousas, May '6. 18S1.



Price $2.50 per Year.

AN ) TIll '


Price $2.00 per Year.

Will he matiled to any address, pol.ta,,,e ipid,

One Year,

rin For $3.50.

After contributing support to I our localIaper, your neatiBi duty is to secure for yourhouo•ehold that publication from which youcan gain the most information-a paper which

e instructs, entertaints, and imparts l useful in-foritta ion.

The Weekly Capitoliian-Advocatepublished at Baton Rouge, La., the Otffiia'Journal of the State of Louisiana, contains alladvertisements of the State which are of interest to every citizen, andil t• a news jourual'ai ruianm of all tile most inmportant Local, N.•tional, State and Foreign News. togetheir withEditorial Comments upon the loading topicsof the titnes, and ()riginal and Selected lite-rary matter.


Dry Goods and Groceries.

T ATREYTE, ETIENNE-Dry goods, herware, croekeryware, staple and fancy

groceries. Main street, opposite Postofice.

R OOS, DAVID-Dry Goods, Clothing Huts,_B Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware.&c.

Corner Main and Bellevue streets.

Attorneys at Law.

E STILETTE, E. D.-Attorney and Coun-' selor at Law. Office in the Old Bank

House, on Landry street.

L EWIS& BRO.--Attorne-s and CounselorsL at Law. Office on Laedry at., between

Court and Market streets.

O)GDEN, JOHN N.-Attornev and Conn--1 selor at Law. Office on Landry street,

seine lately occupied by H. L. Garland, Esq.


dOURIER JOB OFFICE.-Every dsecrip-J tion of Job Printing from a small Card to

the largest Poster, at N. O. prices. Main st.

E ALER, C N-Watchmaker ant jeweler;A established 1845. Personal ateution torepairing ; corner Main and Landry sts.

HlADDEN, LOUIS.--Physician and gur1 geon. Office at residence, southern ext remity of Union street.

L ITTELL, R. M. - Druggise, Apothecaryi and Pharmaeentist. Main street, next to

the Postoffiso Prescriptions accurately filled.

T ESASSIER, F.-Staple and fancy grocer-. ies, liquors, cigars, confectionery, h:ard-ware, &c, cheap for cash ; Court street.

l cDANIEL, ELI-Little Bijon Salooi.-. Finest wines, liquors and cigars; Belle.

rue street, near corner of Ma n.

SKINNER, L.-Gunsmith. Arms and mat, hibnery of all kinds repaired and tools

sharpened. Landry street, near the bridge.

TCHE OPELOUSAS COURIER.-Establisb-Sed 1852. Published weekly, English and

Wrench - terms-. _rft in advanA- Main at

JOS. V. ROY,Main Street, opposito Courier Printing Ofli.e,


AGENT FOR J. F. SARRAZIN,Dealer in all kinds of

CBMeFI 11A SOD H1I TOBACCO,cigars, cigarettes, &c.,


Wil lsd it to.tbhir•t•r to calt and exam-i t aa mystoodl set a•lr d my parce. myl2.

.500,000rt, Choice Seamed Mohafhl, Cyprsa Lumber

AT COST.( UOME audl Pec for . ourself and your waagoli

w will not fit o away emlpty.MT. PLEASANT MILLS.

WVashiugtou, La.T. ). CootiK. CMk. iuyl9-13t

Town Property for Sale.Ri Y RESIDENCE in Opelousas, two-storiesVI.1 with five rooms and hall, brick kitchen

and lantry attached, servant's house, cistern,well, stable, crib, etc., and half square ofground with tenement house, subdivided intoatrd, garden and lots-buildings all new, and

of cypress. Price, $8600-$1500 cash.baIlance on torn•s to suit purchasers.

May 19. C. C. DUSON.

NEW MILLINERY.Jans. . .eginley

• AS just received a flue assortment of Mil-llliuory Goods, comprising, Hate, Bonnets,

Trimmings, Laces, Ribbons, Feathers, &c,and invites an inspection of his stock, at theEaler building, next door to the COURIER of-lice. myl9t

GO TOH. D. Lareade's Tin Shop,

Bellevue Stlreet 1ear the Bridge,G ET, YOUR TIN WORK .DONE THERE1--acknowledged to be the Cheapest Shopin town: Guttering from S cents to 35 ote perfoot, and all other work in proportion.

$V Country orders promptly attended to.Opeloneas. March 17, 1883 6m

Proceedings of the Board of Police ofthe Town of Opelousas.

O()PELOUAs. April 30th, 1883.Ihe Bumt of Police of the Town of Opel.

,usas met pursuant to a call of the President.Present : James Ray, President; A. B. Cha-eher6, L. A. Sandoz, Felix Lesnasier. B. Mar-tin, and S. Birotte.

The President announced that 4he Boardhad been called for the purpose of' receivingthe reports of the Collector and Treasurer,and tra.saceting any other business broughthe'ere the Hoard.

B. Martin presenlted the Iollowiug ordin-anuc- which, having hben read twice. wastinnimnul•ly a:dopted :

AN ORDINANCETo Iprevent and punish driving of carts and

wagonus over the bridges within the cor.

lorate limits of the town of Opelousas in

any other gait than an ordinary walk, andproviding penalties 'for violation of thesamute.

Whoreas, the large number of bridges re-quired in the corporate limits of Opelousasnecessarily entails heavy expense on the cor-poration treasury; and

Whereas, the driving of carts and wagonsat a faster gait than an ordinary walk tears upsaid bridges, making it necessary for the townauthorities to regulate sae e;

Be it therefore resolved, That it shall here-after be unlawful for any one to drive any cartor wagon over any bridge within the corpora-tion faster than an ordinary walk; that itshall be the duty of the Constable or any spe-cial officer to arrest any one violating this or-dinance, and to take possession of and im-pound said vehicle and team.

Further Resolved, That for the violation ofsaid ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Pree-ident of the Board of Police or any Justice ofthe Peaco trying the same to fine the offendernot exceeding two 501l00 dollars or five days'imuprisonment, for first offense, and doublesaid flue and imprisonment for any subse-quent offense. It shall also be lawful for saidConstable to retain any vhticle or team im-pounded until payment of any fine and costsincurred under this ordinance.

Resolved, that this ordinance go into effectimmediately from and after first publication.

On motion the Board adjourned.JAMES RAY, President.

Attest : C(. MAYo, Clerk.



In the United States Circuit Court for the 5th(ircuit and Eastern District of

Louisiana. No. 9060.


By virtue of an salis writ of seizure andsale to me directed in the above entitled suit,I will proceed t6 sell to the highest bidder,on SATURDAY, the 30th day of June, 1883, at11 o'clock a. m., at the main entrance to theCourthouse in the town of Opelousas, parishof St. Landry, Louisiana, the following des-cribed property, viz.:

1st. A certain tract of laud situated in theparish of St. Landry, on Bayou Teche, havingseven acres front by twenty-two in depth,bounded north by Bayou TBche, west byLonis Vautrot, south by Bienvenu Stelly, andeast by Joseph Rayon being the same pro-party purchased by said W. C. Johnson fromDr. Vincent Beagai, on the 22d day of May,A. D. 1873, and recorded in Book - Aliena-tion Kirad at p. -, in Recorder's office, inand for said parish and State.

2d. A certain plantation of the left descend-ing 1ank of Bayou TBche, having a front offourteen arpents on said Bayou, eleven ofwhich have a depth of twenty-two arpents,and three of which have a depth of eighteenarpents, bounded north by the propertyof W.C. Johnson. south by land of vendor. AmeliaBurleigh, and Louis Vautrot, and the depthby widow Valery Langlois and widow HilaireDupldchaiu ; also the undivided half of a cer-tain.tract of weooed land, supposed to containtwo hundred saperfcial arpents, sitntted onsaid Bayon Tcfte, bounded above by landsjust above described, and below by lands ofHilaire Dnpl6ehain, being same property ac-quired by said W. C. Johlnson from AmeliaBarleigh, widow of Franuois Vantrot, dec'd.,

on the 25th day of March A. D. 1874, and re-corded in Book B No. 2, Alienation Record,page 260, and acknowledged by Louis Vautretby aets recorded in same book at page 410,and byact of exchange between W. C. John-son and Louis F. Vautrot, dated October 16th,1874, recorded in Book B No. 2, at page 556,of Recorder's office, in and for the parish ofSt. Landry.

Seized in the above entitled suit:Terms-Cash on the spot.Deputy United States Marhal's oiee, Opel-nsas, La., May "3d, 1883.

THOMAS B.. BRUOV•.,Depnt United States Marhl ef the Wee rn

istrit of Louisiana. my t


PUBLIC SALE.Pr,,hbfe Cou-rt. Parish of St. Landry, No. 296.8t

ESTATIE o WILLIAM 11. NLILSON.By virtue of an order of the Ilonoralde the

Probate Court in and for the parish of SaintLandry, there will be sold at public auction,to the last and highest bidder, by the under-signed, or any other duly qualified auntioneer,at the last residence of the deceased, on theAtchafalaya river, parish of St. Landry, onTULESDA Y. June 5, 1883, the following des-cribed property, belonging to the estate ofWilliam II. Neilson, deceased, to-wit :

1. A certain tract of land lying and beingsituated in said parish of St. Landry, on theAtchafalaya river, and being the last place ofresidence of deceased, bounded north by landsbelonging to Mrs. E. Gordon, south by landsformerly belonging to James E. Lindsey, eastby the Atchafalaya river, and west by landsbelonging to the estate of E. 1'. Gordon, con-taining troee hundred and thirty-nine 501100acres.

-. A tract of land lying back of the afore-said tract, being in township three south,range 6 and 7 cast, bounded above and eastby lauds of the estate of E. T. Gordou, southby lands of James E. Lindsey, and west bypublic lands, containing three hundred auldtwenty acres.

Terms and Conditions-Cash.C. C. DUSON,

Sheriff and ex-ofticio Auctioneer.Opelousas. May

5, 1883.


District Court, Parish St. Landry; No. 134:;

Lehman, Abraham & Co. vs. lean Bte. Rideau,

By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issuedby the lon. the District Court in and for theparish of qt. Landry, in' the above entitledsuit and to me directed, I will proceed to sellat public auction to the highest bidder, at theprincipal door of the Court House in the towniof Opelousas, parish of St. Landry, on SAT-UITDAY, the 2d day of JUNE, 1883, at

11 o'clock A. M., the following describedproperty, to-wit:

1. A let of cypress pieux, five thousand innumber, and a double cabin, erected by JeanBte. Rideau upon a piece of land situated inPrairie Plaisance, leased of Mrs. Louis Fon-tenot.

?. A lot of corn, two hundred barrels, and alot of fodder, two thousand bundles, in thecrib, on the plantation where said Rideau reaides.

3. A tract of land in Plaisance Settlement,having two arpents front en Bayou Carron bytwenty-two deep, bounded above by lands ofTr6ville Rideau, and below by lands of JeanBto. Rideau, file.

4. A tract of land in same settlement, hav-ing five arpents front by eight arpents deep,bounded on one side by publin road leadingfrom Opelousas to Ville Plate, on one side byT. C. Bataille, on one side by Pierre Svlvestre, on another side by Jean Bte. Rideau, fil8.

Seized in the above entitled suit.Terms-Cash. C. C. DUSON,

Sheriff of the parish of St. Landry.Opelousas. April 28th, 1883.

NOTICE OF TABLEAU.Priobate Court, Parish of St. Landry, No. 445S

ESTA.TE OF JOSEPH D. (GONOR.Whereas, Thoutiste Roy, of the parish of

St. Landry, administratrix of the above enti-tled estate, has filed a tableau of classifica-tion of debts of said estate, accompanied byher petition praying for the homologation ofthe same;

And whereas the prayer of said petition hasbeen granted by an orderof court bearing dateMa y 7th, 1883;

Now therefore notice is hereby given to-allpersons interested to make opposition in wri-ting to said tableau and account, in myoffice in the town of Opelousas, within thetime required by law, and to show cause,' ifany they may have, why said tableau and ac-count should not be homologated and confirm-ed. JAMES O. CHACHERE,

May 12, 1883. Clerk.


District Court, Parish St. Landry, No..1331m13ISSOLVENT ESTATE OF LOUIS C. COZIFE.

Whereas, Simon Berkson, of the city of NewOrleans, Syndic of the insolvent estate ofLouis C. Cozine, of the parish of St. Landry,having filed a tableau of distribution of fundsthereof, accompanied by his petition prayingfor the homologation of the same;

And whereas, notice of filing of said petitionand tableau has been ordered by an orderof court bearing date May -, 18831

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to allpersons interested to make opposition to saidtableau, in writing, at my office in the townof Opelousas, within the time required by law,why said tableau should not be homologat-ed and confirmed.

JAMES o. CHACHERE,May 12, 1883. Clerk.


District Court, Parish St. Landry, No. 4408.ESTATE OF ADELE JOUBERT.

Whereas, Charles Pitre, of the parish of St.Landry, administrator of the above namedestate, having filed a tableau of clasificatiouof debts and distribution of funds thereof, ac-companied by his petition praying for the ho-mologation of the same;

And whereas, notice of filing of said petitionand tableau has been ordered by an order ofcourt bearing date May 8, 1883 ;

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to allpersons interested to make opposition to saidtableau, in writing, at myofficein the towh ofOpelousao, within the time required by law,why said tableau should not be homologatedand confirmed. JAMES O. CHACHERE,May 12, 1883. Clerk.


Probate Court, Parish of St. Landry, No. 4253ESTATE OF ALMIRA JANE BUCHANIN.

Whereas, Joseph E. Gardiner, of the parish of Ste Landry, administrator, has tiled afinal tableau of said estate, accompanied byhis petition praying for the homnlogation ofthe same;

And whereas, the prayer of said petition,for the publication of the notice of the same,has been granted by an order of court datedApril 18,1883;

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to allpersons interested to make opposition to saidtableau, in writing, at my ofice in the town ofOpelousas, within the time required by law,why said tableau should not be homologatedand confirmed. JAMES O. CHACHERE,

April 21, 1883. Clerk.

NOTICE OF TABLEAU.Probate Court. Parish of St. Landry, N. 41325


DAIGLE.Whereas, Marie COtanio Cormier, of the

parish of St. Landry, administrstrix, has fileda final tableau of the above entitled estate,accompanied by her petition praying for thehomologation of the same;

And whereas, notice of filing of said petitionand tablean has been ordered by an order ofcourt bearing date May 11, 1883;

Now, therefore, notice is hereby givenl to all

persons interested to make opposition to'saidaccount, in writing, at my office, in the town ofOpelousas, within the time required by law.why said tablean should not be homologflledaud confirmed. JAMES 0. CHACHERE,

May 12, 1883. Clerk.

Poetnamst~rsAre reqested to notify us when any of oursubscribers fail to take their papers from the

poetoflee. We believe blanks are furnishedthem for that purnpe.