Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 -...

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Transcript of Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 -...

Page 1: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 2: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

You shall go you shall returnYou shall go you shall returng yg y

Never by war shall you perishNever by war shall you perishNever by war shall you perishNever by war shall you perish

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 3: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

You shall go you shall returnYou shall go you shall returnYou shall go, you shall return,You shall go, you shall return,

Never by war shall you perishNever by war shall you perish

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 4: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

You shall go you shall returnYou shall go you shall returnYou shall go, you shall returnYou shall go, you shall return

never, By war shall you perish.never, By war shall you perish.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 5: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 6: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Punctuation makes possible the clearPunctuation makes possible the clearpppresentation of the written language.presentation of the written language.

It is a courtesy designed to helpIt is a courtesy designed to helpreaders to understand a storyreaders to understand a storyreaders to understand a storyreaders to understand a storywithout stumbling.without stumbling.

It controls the sense of a sentence.It controls the sense of a sentence.Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 7: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

E.g. Kill him not release him.E.g. Kill him not release him.E.g. Kill him not release him.E.g. Kill him not release him.

Kill him not, release him.Kill him not, release him.

Kill him, not release him.Kill him, not release him.

Old l di h t lOld l di h t lOld ladies hostelOld ladies hostel

Old, ladies hostelOld, ladies hostelO d, ad es osteO d, ad es oste

Old ladies, hostelOld ladies, hostelVikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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List of punctuation marksList of punctuation marksColon :Semicolon ;

Exclamation mark    !hSemicolon ;

Comma ,Hyphen                      ‐Parentheses            (  )

Dash _Elli

Period / full stop       .?Ellipses …

Apostrophe ’Question mark ?Quotation marks “   ”

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012Q

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The Full Stop / Period The Full Stop / Period I I i di h l i di h l It It indicates the longest pause. indicates the longest pause. It It is used at the end of a complete is used at the end of a complete

EE ll llsentence. sentence. E.g.E.g.-- I go to college.I go to college.After After abbreviations abbreviations ––

B M P G B M P G e.g. B.A. M.P. Govt. e.g. B.A. M.P. Govt. Omit full stop if the first and last Omit full stop if the first and last l f h bb i d d i i l f h bb i d d i i letter of the abbreviated word is given. letter of the abbreviated word is given. E.g. Mr Dr St MrsE.g. Mr Dr St Mrs

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Question Mark Question Mark ??Question Mark Question Mark -- ??After a direct question After a direct question After a direct question After a direct question

e.g. e.g. What is your name ?What is your name ?

How are you?How are you?

O i iO i i Aft i di t tiAft i di t tiOmission:Omission: After an indirect question.After an indirect question. He asked me how I was. . He asked me how I was. Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 He asked me how was. . He asked me how was.

Page 11: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Comma ,It is the shortest pauseIt is the shortest pause.

It is used between three or moreIt is used between three or morewords of the same parts of speech.

The horses are black, white, red & brown.

He speaks gently, briefly and clearly.Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 12: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

It is used between words or phrases It is used between words or phrases in apposition; as

Gandhi, the father of nation, lived a simple life.

Socrates, the Greek philosopher, was given, p p , ga cup of poison.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 13: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

To mark off ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘well’e.g. Yes, I have written to her.

well, let’s do our work now.

To separate the date of a month pfrom the year; as

e.g. June 16, 2012g ,August 15, 1947

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 14: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

The Apostrophe ’To mark the possessive case of  nouns :M.A’s , M.L.A’s , Four 4’s make 16., , 4Sharma’s work , a boy’s book , a dog’s life.To denote omission of some letter or letters To denote omission of some letter or letters from a word :D ’  (d   )   I’  (I  )  C ’  ( )        Don’t (do not) , I’m (I am), Can’t (cannot),       

Shan’t (shall not).Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 15: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Singular words and Possessive formnames ending with‘ s’

The boss The boss’s temperThe boss The boss s temper

Thomas Thomas’s recent plans

Mistress A mistress’s secrets

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 16: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Plural words & names Possessive formending with ‘s’

her friends her friends’ parties

Anu’s parents


Anu’s parents’ carAnu s parents Anu s parents car

the members the members’ help

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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One of the most frequent errors is the use of it’s for the possessive form of it This is wrong of course:the possessive form of it. This is wrong, of course: it’s is the accepted contraction for it is /it has.

A friend of my  father’s          ‐( wrong, redundant )A friend of my father              ‐ (right)A friend of my father              ‐ (right)Anu and Spurthi’s parents     ‐ (share the same

parents) parents) Anu’s and Spurthi’s parents  ‐(they have different 

parents)Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

p )

Page 18: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

The Dash __Twice the length of the hyphen.To separate parts of sentences.To separate parts of sentences.The car‐ the one with the broken window‐was parked outside our houseparked outside our house.Before the name of an author or a book when it i   i   t  dit is given at end.Sweet are the uses of adversity – Shakespeare.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Hyphen -It is a shorter line than the dash.

It is used to join the parts of a compound wordcompound word

E th i l ki d h t d E.g. mother-in-law, kind-hearted, passer-by, window-pane

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Ellipses …to indicate that part of a quoted sentence

has been omitted.

If the omission occurs at the beginning or inIf the omission occurs at the beginning or inthe middle of the sentence ,we use three periods in the ellipsesperiods in the ellipses.“ …the book is lively …and well written.”

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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If the last part of the sentence is omitted or ifentire sentences are omitted, add a fourth period to the ellipses to mark the end of thesentence.

“He left his home .…years later he returned tofi d th t thi h d h d ”find that everything had changed….”

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Ellipses indicate missing matter which mayp g yconsist of a single word :

Get the out of here!Get the…out of here!Matter considered to be non-essential orindicating an unfinished thought:The troubling question was, would gMr Anna Hajare sue, or…

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Exclamation mark !

It is used after words or sentences which express strong emotion.

e.g. What an idea!Hurrah! We won the matchHurrah! We won the match. Alas! I lost my purse.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 24: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

Semicolon ;k l h h dIt marks a longer pause than the comma does.

It is used to separate clauses joined by      jconjunctions:

He had no money; nevertheless he supported meHe had no money; nevertheless he supported me.Work regularly; otherwise you will suffer.

l d bTo separate clauses not joined by conjunctions.e.g. To err is human; to forgive divine.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012g ; g

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Colon :It is a pause longer than that denoted by the It is a pause longer than that denoted by the semi‐colon.T  i t d     i    li t  f it  To introduce a series or list of items, examples or the like.

You need the following : paint, brushes , water, cloths.

Shakespeare’s great tragedies are : King Lear, Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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To introduce a quotation or a direct question or a speechq p

Keats said  B t  i  T th  T th i  B tKeats said : Beauty is Truth ,Truth is Beauty.

Gandhi said: We are going ahead. 

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Inverted commas “ ”Single or double are used for indicating theactual words of the speaker .pWordsworth said, “Child is the father of man.”“Wine is a mocker’’ said the kingWine is a mocker,  said the king.To enclose title of books, poems, periodicals:Have you read, “The Mahabharata?” My favourite film is, “Titanic.” 

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012y ,

Page 28: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

The Brackets ( )T b i & d th ti l hTo begin & end a parenthetical phrase or

sentenceH ll h h d ( f l kh ) t hHe gave all he had ( four lakh rupees) to her.

T dd i f tiTo add information:one of the earliest dictionaries which sets out t l i diffi lt t i th t f Eli h C lto explain difficult terms is that of Elisha Coles (published in London , 1685).

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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expressing an aside Rama promises to lose three stones in amonth(and pigs will fly too)

Indicating options Your document(s) will be forwarded to the employer.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 30: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

The use of Capital lettersT b i tTo begin a sentence

e.g. He goes to school everyday.To begin the name of a person /place/To begin the name of a person /place/

abbreviated titles-e g I am Mr Basavaraj I am from Gadage.g. I am Mr.Basavaraj .I am from Gadag.To write the pronoun ‘I’

e g I work as a lecturer in Govt P U Collegee.g I work as a lecturer in Govt .P. U. College.To begin the names of days/ months/festivals

e.g Sunday, Monday ,June, July, Ugadi,Diwali etc.Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

g y, y , , y, g ,

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To begin the names of booksth R th Bibl th Q te.g. the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran etc.

To begin the names of rivers /mountains/sease g the Ganga the Himalayas the Arabian etce.g the Ganga ,the Himalayas , the Arabian etc.

To begin the names of language.e g English is an international languagee.g English is an international language.

To begin the names & pronouns referring to GodGode.g Almighty, God , He, Him etc.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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This can be used to separate a i l d b di thyphen main clause and a subordinate


This can be used to join two words together.brackets

These may be used to add comma stage directions or asides in a


Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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You can use this to link twol You can use this to link two sentences about the same topic.


This can be used to show a loud i l voice or strength of feeling.semi-colon

This can introduce an idea, a list or a quotation.

exclamation mark

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

Page 34: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

EXERCISEPUNCTUATE THE FOLLOWING CORRECTLYPUNCTUATE THE FOLLOWING CORRECTLYLast Sunday, when sally went for a walk,she saw a police man skipping rope; sheshe saw a police man skipping rope; she saw a fire engine eating an ice-cream cone;h i l h i tshe saw a squirrel humming a tune;

she saw a puppy climbing a tree; she saw two robins playing hopscotch; she saw an organ grinder and his monkey.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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ANSWERLast Sunday, when Sally went for a walk, she saw a police man; skipping rope, sheshe saw a police man; skipping rope, she saw a fire engine; eating an ice-cream cone,she saw a squirrel; humming a tuneshe saw a squirrel; humming a tune,she saw a puppy climbing a tree; she saw two robins; playing hopscotchshe saw two robins; playing hopscotch,she saw an organ grinder and his monkey.

Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

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Punctuate the following sentenceshi hhi ananya how are you

if i go to belagavi i shall meet mr venkatesh

the languages used in singapur are englishchinese tamil and malayy

what is your hobby i asked abhishekVikasana – Bridge Course 2012

y y

Page 37: Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012 - · presentation of the written language. ... Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. Vikasana

ANSWERSHi A ! H ?Hi Ananya! How are you?

If I go to Belagavi, I shall meet Mr Venkatesh.

The languages used in Singapur are: English,Chinese, Tamil and Malay.y

“What is your hobby?” I asked Abhishek. Vikasana – Bridge Course 2012

y y