Viewing - · Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW No. of Pages Page...

Table of Contents Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW No. of Pages Page # Section 1 Tender Process Terms and Conditions 1. Definitions 1-6 2. Bidder’s Responsibility 1-8 3. Tender Submission Package 1-9 4. Bid Bond 1-9 5. Mandatory/Optional Site Meetings 1-9 6. Fair Wage Policy 1-10 7. City of Toronto Social Procurement Program 1-10 8. Gender Diversity in City Procurements 1-12 9. Questions 1-12 10. Addenda 1-13 11. Omissions, Discrepancies and Interpretations 1-13 12. Incurred Costs 1-13 13. Limitation of Liability 1-13 14. Post-Submission Adjustments 1-14 15. Withdrawal of Bids 1-14 16. Irrevocability 1-14 17. Acceptance of Bids 1-14 18. Non-compliant Bids 1-15 19. Execute Contract 1-17 20. Offers to Agencies and Corporations (Piggyback Option) 1-17 21. Failure or Default of Bidder 1-18 22. Currency 1-18 23. Tied Bids 1-18 24. Mathematical Errors 1-18 25. Ownership and Confidentiality of City-Provided Data 1-18 26. Ownership and Disclosure of Bid Documentation 1-18 27. Intellectual Property Rights 1-19 28. Notification to Other Bidders 1-19 29. Debriefing 1-19 30. Bid Protest Procedure 1-19 31. Supplier Code of Conduct 1-20 32. Governing Law and Interpretation 1-22 Section 2 Information for Bidders 1. General Information 2-23 2. Optional Site Meetings 2-24 3. Deadline for Questions 2-24 4. Fair Wage Schedule Information 2-24 5. Social Procurement Program Workforce Development Requirement 2-24 6. COR™ Certification Requirement 2-25 7. City of Toronto - Invoice/Billing Requirements 2-25 8. Instructions for Section 3 Tender Submission Package 2-29 8.1 Mandatory Bid Submission Requirements 2-29 A. Tender Call Cover Page 2-29 Page 4 of 350 Viewing Copy

Transcript of Viewing - · Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW No. of Pages Page...

Table of Contents Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

No. of Pages

Page #

Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions 1-6

2. Bidder’s Responsibility 1-8

3. Tender Submission Package 1-9

4. Bid Bond 1-9

5. Mandatory/Optional Site Meetings 1-9

6. Fair Wage Policy 1-10

7. City of Toronto Social Procurement Program 1-10

8. Gender Diversity in City Procurements 1-12

9. Questions 1-12

10. Addenda 1-13

11. Omissions, Discrepancies and Interpretations 1-13

12. Incurred Costs 1-13

13. Limitation of Liability 1-13

14. Post-Submission Adjustments 1-14

15. Withdrawal of Bids 1-14

16. Irrevocability 1-14

17. Acceptance of Bids 1-14

18. Non-compliant Bids 1-15

19. Execute Contract 1-17

20. Offers to Agencies and Corporations (Piggyback Option) 1-17

21. Failure or Default of Bidder 1-18

22. Currency 1-18

23. Tied Bids 1-18

24. Mathematical Errors 1-18

25. Ownership and Confidentiality of City-Provided Data 1-18

26. Ownership and Disclosure of Bid Documentation 1-18

27. Intellectual Property Rights 1-19

28. Notification to Other Bidders 1-19

29. Debriefing 1-19

30. Bid Protest Procedure 1-19

31. Supplier Code of Conduct 1-20

32. Governing Law and Interpretation 1-22

Section 2 – Information for Bidders

1. General Information 2-23

2. Optional Site Meetings 2-24

3. Deadline for Questions 2-24

4. Fair Wage Schedule Information 2-24

5. Social Procurement Program – Workforce Development Requirement


6. COR™ Certification Requirement 2-25

7. City of Toronto - Invoice/Billing Requirements 2-25

8. Instructions for Section 3 Tender Submission Package 2-29

8.1 Mandatory Bid Submission Requirements 2-29

A. Tender Call Cover Page 2-29

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Table of Contents Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

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Page #

B. Bid Bond 2-29

C. City Policies Submission Form 2-30

D. Pricing Form 2-30

8.2 Mandatory Submission Requirements Prior to Award 2-30

A. Experience and Qualifications Form 2-30

B. Statutory Declaration 2-31

C. COR™ Certificate 2-31

D. List of Subcontractor Form 2-32

E. Corporate Profile Report 2-32

F. Itemized Prices 2-33

Section 3 – Tender Submission Package

1. Bid Bond 3-34

2. Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety


3. City Policies Submission Form 3-39

4. Pricing Form 3-44

5. Experience and Qualifications Form 3-46

6. List of Subcontractors Form 3-49

Section 4 – Scope of Work 4-50

Section 5 – Supplementary Conditions to CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract


Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract 5A-324

Section 6 – Contract Execution Package

1. CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract 6-340

2. CCDC 221-2002 Performance Bond 6-341

3. CCDC 222-2002 Labour & Material Payment Bond 6-342

4. WSIB & Tax Statutory Declaration Form 6-343

5. Insurance Certificate 6-344

6. Supplementary Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety


Section 7 – City Policies

1. List of applicable policies 7-348

2. Contractor Performance Evaluation 7-348

Section 8 – City-Led/City-Endorsed Workforce Development Programs


Notice of "No Bid" Form 350

Attachments: (attached separately)

Pre-Demolition Designated Substances and Hazardous Material Survey, Golder Associates, April 26, 2019

Designated Substances Survey, Keele Valley Landfill, Fischer Environmental Ltd., May 2018

Attachment B, Asset Tagging Standard

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

1. Definitions

Throughout this Tender Call, unless inconsistent with the subject matter or context,

“Addenda” or “Addendum” means a document containing additional information and/or changes to the Tender Call issued by the City prior to the Closing Date;

"Affiliate" means an affiliated body corporate as defined in the Business Corporations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16 as amended;

"Affiliated Person" means everyone related to the Bidder including, but not limited to employees, agents, representatives, organizations, bodies corporate, societies, companies, firms, partnerships, associations of persons, parent companies, and subsidiaries, whether partly or wholly-owned, as well as individuals, and directors, if:

A. Directly or indirectly either one controls or has the power to control the other, or B. A third party has the power to control both.

“Bid” means an offer submitted by a Bidder in response to a Tender Call, which includes all of the documentation necessary to satisfy the submission requirements of the Tender Call and “Bids” shall have a corresponding meaning;

“Bidder” means a legal entity, being a person, partnership or firm that submits a Bid in response to a formal Tender Call and “Bidders” shall have a corresponding meaning;

“Buyer” means the main contact person at the City for all matters related to the Tender Call process, as set out on the Tender Call Cover Page;

“Chief Purchasing Official” means the person holding the position of Director of Purchasing and Materials Management whose responsibility it is to supervise and carry out the procurement function on behalf of the City and includes her/his designate;

“City” means the City of Toronto;

a) "City’s Policies and Legislation" means Chapter 195, Purchasing, of the Toronto Municipal Code and the related procurement policies and procedures set out on the City

of Toronto website at: “Closing Date” means the specified deadline for Bids to be submitted to the City as indicated on the Tender Call Cover Page and any subsequent Addenda;

“Conflict of Interest” includes, but is not limited to, any situation or circumstance where: a) in relation to the Tender Call process, the Bidder has an unfair advantage or

engages in conduct, directly or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including but not limited to (i) having access to information in the preparation of its

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Bid that is confidential to the City and not available to other Bidders; (ii) communicating with any person with a view to influencing preferred treatment in the Tender Call process including the giving of a benefit of any kind, by or on behalf of the Bidders to anyone employed by, or otherwise connected with, the City; or (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises or could be seen to compromise the integrity of the open and competitive Tender Call process and render that process non-competitive and unfair; or

b) in relation to the performance of its contractual obligations in the City contract, the

Contractor’s other commitments, relationships or financial interests (i) could or could be seen to exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased and impartial exercise of its independent judgement; or (ii) could or could be seen to compromise, impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations;

“Contract” means the Contract Execution Package duly executed by the Successful Bidder and the City with respect to the Work contemplated by this Tender Call, and shall be deemed to include all terms and conditions set out in this Tender Call;

“Contract Administrator” means the main contact person at the City for all matters relating to the project. The reference to “Project Manager” means the same;

“Contractor” means the Successful Bidder of the Tender Call with whom the City enters into a Contract with to perform the Work;

“Council” means City Council;

"Diverse Supplier" means any business or enterprise that is certified by a Supplier Certification Organization to be:

More than 51% (majority) owned, managed and controlled by persons belonging to an equity-seeking community, or

A social purpose enterprise whose primary purpose is to create social, environmental or cultural value and impact, and where more than 50% of the persons who are full-time equivalent employees or are participating in, or have completed, transitional employment training, experience economic disadvantage.

"Equity-seeking Community" means a group that experiences discrimination or barriers to equal opportunity, including persons of low-income, vulnerable youth (age 18-29), women, Aboriginal People, persons with disabilities, recent newcomers, LGBTQ2S+ people, racialized people, and other groups the City identifies as historically underrepresented.

“MFIPPA” means the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.56, as amended, or any successor or replacement legislation;

“Manufacturer/Installer” means a flare manufacturer, blower manufacturer, control panel fabricator, and programmer;

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

“Subcontractor” means a person, partnership or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of the Work by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor;

“Successful Bidder” means the Bidder that has been selected to perform the Work;

"Supplier Certification Organization" means a non-profit organization recognized by the City of Toronto that certifies businesses and enterprises as Diverse Suppliers by assessing them using established, consistent criteria. Recognized Supplier Certification Organizations include:

Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Social Purchasing Project Women Business Enterprise Canada Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

"Supplier Code of Conduct" means business ethical standards contained in Article 13 Chapter 195, Purchasing, of the Toronto Municipal Code; “Tender Call” means this Tender Call package in its entirety, inclusive of all appendices and Addenda/Addendum that may be issued by the City; “Vendor” means a company offering something for sale;

“Work” means all services and deliverables to be provided by a Contractor as described in this Tender Call. "Workforce Development" means a relatively wide range of activities, policies and programs to create, sustain and retain a viable workforce that can support current and future business and industry. It is an approach that integrates career exploration, industry–driven education and training, employment, and career advancement strategies, facilitated by the collaboration between employers, training and education institutions, government, and communities.

2. Bidder’s Responsibility

It shall be the responsibility of each Bidder:

b) to acquire, from online or other sources as specified, any document (including any applicable copyright seal) that is referenced or mentioned in this Tender Call which is not physically attached herein;

c) to examine all the components of this Tender Call, including all reference

documents, appendices, forms and addenda; d) to become familiar and comply with all of the terms and conditions contained in this

Tender Call and the City’s Policies and Legislation set out on the City of Toronto website



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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The failure of any Bidder to acquire, receive or examine any document, form, addendum, or policy shall not relieve the Bidder of any obligation with respect to its Bid or any purchase order issued based on its Bid.

3. Tender Submission Package

To submit a valid Bid, Bidders must complete, in ink, all the applicable forms in Section 3, and complete, sign and seal the Tender Call Cover Page. As a means of facilitating the announcement of the Bid amounts, the Bidder is to complete the Tender Call Cover Page, including filling in the “Amount of Bid” in the space provided. This insertion is to facilitate the conduct of the Public Opening meeting only. For lump sum tenders, in the event of any discrepancy between the information so inserted on the front cover and the amount set out in the Pricing Form in Section 3, the Pricing Form total shall govern. For unit price tenders, where any discrepancy exists between the total price and the unit price, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be adjusted accordingly.

4. Bid Bond

Every Bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond to secure the execution of the form of Contract by the Bidder. The Bid Bond shall be in the form provided and the amount specified in the Tender Submission Package. The Bid Bond shall be signed and sealed by the Bidder and by a guarantee surety company, authorized by law to carry on business in the Province of Ontario, and having a place of business in Ontario, and shall otherwise be acceptable to the City of Toronto Treasurer. Failure of a Bidder to submit a fully completed Bid Bond in the form enclosed in Section 3 - Tender Submission Package, shall result in the Bid being rejected as non-compliant. Submitting a photocopy of the Bid Bond is not acceptable.

5. Site Meetings

Mandatory Site Meetings

If a mandatory site meeting has been indicated in the Tender Call, then interested Bidders MUST attend the site meeting to familiarize themselves with the project and ascertain the full extent of the Work required. Bidders must sign in with the City’s Representative at the Mandatory Site Meeting during the designated date and time for their Bid to be considered. Bids submitted by Bidders that do not attend the mandatory site meeting SHALL be declared non-compliant. Optional Site meetings If a mandatory site meeting is not required, interested Bidders may be invited to attend an optional site meeting as indicated on the Tender Call Cover Page to familiarize themselves with the project and ascertain the full extent of the work required. Any information available at the optional site meeting will be issued by an Addendum to the list of Bidders who purchased the Tender from the City.

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

6. Fair Wage Policy

The Bidder agrees to abide by the Fair Wage Policy as found in Section 7 – City Policies and pay its workers the appropriate wage as set out in the applicable Fair Wage Schedule(s). The Fair Wage Schedule(s) applicable to this Tender Call is/are set out in Section 2 – Information for Bidders. As per the Fair Wage Policy, in the case of a jurisdictional dispute or disputes as to rate of wages to be paid under the Contract or to the amount to be paid to any worker, the decision of the Manager, Fair Wage Office, shall be final and binding upon all parties. Failure to comply with the Fair Wage Policy, or being in violation of the Fair Wage Policy without paying restitution as set out in the Fair Wage Policy (Chapter 67 – Fair Wage – Schedule A Fair Wage Policy § 67-A8D) may result in the Bid being declared non-compliant.

7. The City of Toronto Social Procurement Program

The goal of the City of Toronto Social Procurement Program which aims to drive inclusive economic growth in Toronto by improving access to the City's supply chain for certified diverse suppliers and leverage employment, apprenticeship and training opportunities for people experiencing economic disadvantage, including those from equity-seeking communities.. The City of Toronto expects its Bidders to embrace and support the City of Toronto Social Procurement Program and its respective goals. Social procurement creates social value for the City in addition to the delivery of efficient goods, services, and works. The City of Toronto Social Procurement Program consists of two components: Supplier Diversity and Workforce Development. For more information on the City of Toronto Social Procurement Program, visit:

a. Supplier Diversity Requirements

The goal of supplier diversity is to increase the diversity of the City's supply chain by providing diverse suppliers with equitable access to competitive procurement processes. As part of the Social Procurement Program, the City encourages Bidders to develop or implement an active supplier diversity policy. This policy may demonstrate its commitment to diversity by (but not limited to): Describing the Bidder's commitment to providing equitable access to

subcontracting opportunities for diverse suppliers; Describing the Bidder's commitment to a pro-active employment diversity

program, including providing the company approved employee diversity policy; or,

o Obtaining diverse supplier certification from a City-endorsed Supplier

Certification Organization.

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

For reporting purposes, the City may ask Bidders to indicate whether they are developing or are implementing a company-approved supplier diversity policy.

b. Workforce Development

The goal of Workforce Development (WD) is to increase the number of employment, apprenticeship and training opportunities leveraged for people experiencing economic disadvantage, including those from equity-seeking communities. As part of the Social Procurement Program, the City may require Bidders to implement a Workforce Development Plan (WD Plan). If required, Section 2-5 – Social Procurement Program – Workforce Development Requirement will detail the specifics of one or more Workforce Development Strategies (WD Strategy) to be implemented. The WD Plan will comprise one (1) or more of the following WD Strategies, with the details specific to each individual tender: . Customized Recruitment

Customized recruitment initiatives involve working with City-endorsed workforce development programs to source qualified employment candidates for available jobs in conjunction with existing hiring methods.

ii. Training and Work-based Learning Skills Development

Training includes programming that allows candidates to formally gain the skills required to compete for emerging job opportunities. This may include but is not limited to supporting the attainment of professional certifications or licensing for specific candidate groups (e.g., Newcomer professionals, youth, etc.).

Work-based learning includes but is not limited to activities that emphasize learning in a real work environment and through practice on the job. Activities range from shorter and less formal workplace exposure (e.g., workplace tours and job shadowing) to longer term and more intensive opportunities (e.g., paid internships with specific skill development objectives).

iii. Opportunities for Registered Apprenticeships during Construction

Identify opportunities to hire, directly and/or through subcontractors, registered apprentices through City-endorsed apprenticeship training programs that provide candidates with access to the skilled trades.

iv. Use of Social Enterprise in the Supply Chain

Identify opportunities to subcontract components of work or services to social enterprises. Social Enterprises are enterprises that employ business methods and practices to create employment or training opportunities for low income or marginalized individuals.

v. Other Employment-Related Activities

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Any other appropriate activities that will provide employment-related opportunities to workforce development candidates will also be considered. Other Employment-related activities that qualify under this category may include but are not limited to the following:

Participating in sector/industry career information sharing, learning and networking events

Providing mentoring through established mentorship programs Supporting pre-employment workshops such as resume and interview

skills development

8. Gender Diversity in City Procurements

As part of City Council's support to enhance gender diversity on boards of corporations, all corporations conducting business with the City of Toronto are encouraged to utilize an intersectional analysis to strive to have gender parity on their corporate boards.

9. Questions

All questions concerning this Tender Call should be directed in writing to the Buyer as designated on the Tender Call Cover Page. No other City representative, whether an official, agent or employee, is authorized to speak for the City with respect to this Tender Call, and any Bidder who uses any information, clarification or interpretation from any other representative does so entirely at the Bidder’s own risk. Not only shall the City not be bound by any representation made by an unauthorized per-son, but any attempt by a Bidder to bypass the Tender Call process may be grounds for rejection of its Bid. Commencing from the issue date of this Tender Call until the time of any ensuing Award, no communication shall be made by any person, including potential Bidders, or its representatives, including a third-person representative employed or retained by it (or any unpaid representatives acting on behalf of either), to promote its Bid or oppose any competing Bid, nor shall any potential Bidder, or its representatives, including a third-person representative employed or retained by it (or any unpaid representatives acting on behalf of either), discuss this Tender or its Bid with any City staff, City officials or Council member(s), other than a communication with the Buyer as identified on the Tender Call Cover Page. Communications in relation to this Tender Call outside of those permitted by the applicable procurement policies and this Tender Call document contravene the Lobbying By-law, an offence for which a person is liable to a maximum fine of $25,000.00 on a first conviction and $100,000.00 on each subsequent conviction. In addition, the City's Supplier Code of Conduct provides that any Bidder found in breach of the policy may be subject to disqualification from the call or suspended from future call or calls at the discretion of the Chief Purchasing Official or Council.

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set out in this document, the obligations with respect to lobbying as set out in the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 140 shall apply. The links to the City's Supplier Code of Conduct (Article 13 of the Purchasing By-law) Procurement Processes Policy, Lobbying By-Law and Interpretive Bulletin on Lobbying and Procurement are as follows:

10. Addenda

If the City, for any reason, determines that it is necessary to provide additional information relating to this Tender Call, such information will be communicated to all Bidders by addenda. Each addendum shall form an integral part of this Tender Call. Such addenda may contain important information, including significant changes to this Tender Call. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda issued by the City.

All Bidders must acknowledge receipt of all Addenda in the space provided on the Tender Submission Form.

The City’s Purchasing and Materials Management Division will make reasonable efforts to issue the final Addendum (if any) no later than six (6) days prior to the Deadline.

If any addendum is issued after the Deadline for issuing Addenda, the City may at its discretion extend the Submission Deadline for a reasonable amount of time.

11. Omissions, Discrepancies and Interpretations

A Bidder who finds omissions, discrepancies, ambiguities or conflicts in any of the Tender Call documentation or who is in doubt as to the meaning or has a dispute respecting any part of the Tender Call should notify the Buyer in writing not later than three (3) working days before the Closing Date. If the City considers that a correction, explanation or interpretation is necessary or desirable, the City will issue an Addendum as described in the article above titled Addenda. The decision and interpretation of the City respecting any such disputes shall be final and binding, from which there is no appeal. No oral explanation or interpretation shall modify any of the requirements or provisions of the Tender Call documents.

12. Bidders Shall Bear Their Own Costs

Every Bidder shall bear all costs associated with or incurred by the Bidder in the preparation and presentation of its Bid including, if applicable, costs incurred for samples, interviews or demonstrations.

13. Limitation of Liability

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The City shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any Bidder prior, or subsequent to, or by reason of the acceptance or the non-acceptance by the City of any Bid, or by reason of any delay in the acceptance of a Bid, except as provided in the Tender documents.

14. Post-Submission Adjustments

No unilateral adjustments by Bidders to submitted Bids will be permitted. 15. Withdrawal of Bids

A) Prior to the Closing Date

A Bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the Closing Date by delivering a written notice, signed by a person who has authority to bind the Bidder, to the City of Toronto Purchasing and Materials Management Division at the address specified on the Tender Call Cover Page. The notice shall identify the Bidder and, if more than one Bid has been submitted by that Bidder, the particular Bid(s) to be withdrawn. Any Bids that are properly withdrawn will not be opened or evaluated for the purpose of the Tender Call, but shall be retained for the City's record retention purposes.

B) During Opening

Not Applicable.

16. Irrevocability

After the Closing Date, each submitted Bid shall be irrevocable and binding on Bidders for a minimum period of 90 days.

17. Acceptance of Bids

A. The City shall not be obliged to accept any Bid in response to this Tender Call.

B. The City may modify and/or cancel this Tender Call prior to accepting any Bid.

C. Bids may be accepted or rejected in total or in part.

D. The lowest quoted price may not necessarily be accepted by the City.

E. In determining which Bid provides the best value to the City, consideration may be given to the past performance of any Bidder. Bidders and their Affiliated Persons that are currently on a City of Toronto suspended vendor list are not eligible for an award.

F. The City reserves the right to verify the validity of information submitted in the Bid

and may reject any Bid where, in the City’s sole estimation, the contents appear to be incorrect, inaccurate or inappropriate.

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

G. If the City makes a request to a Bidder for clarification of its Bid, the Bidder will provide a written response within 48 hours accordingly, unless otherwise indicated, which shall then form part of the Bid.

H. The City reserves the right to assess the ability of the Bidder to perform the

Contract and may reject any Bid where, in the City’s sole estimation, the personnel and/or resources of the Bidder are insufficient.

I. The City may reject a bid as non-compliant if it determines, in its sole discretion,

that the Bid is materially unbalanced.

A bid is materially unbalanced when:

(1) it is based on prices which are significantly less than the cost for some items of work and prices which are significantly overstated in relation to the cost for other items of work; and

(2) the City had determined that the Bid may not result in the lowest overall cost to the City even though it may be the lowest submitted Bid; or

(3) it is so unbalanced as to be tantamount to allowing an advance payment on the contract.

18. Non-compliant Bids

The City reserves the right to waive minor irregularities in any Bid. The chart below lists irregularities and the respective action that will be taken by the Chief Purchasing Official, in determining whether a Bid is non-compliant. The Chief Purchasing Official is not limited to the following list for reasons to declare a Bid non-compliant. Bidders are reminded to read the entire Tender Call document, as failure to comply with other requirements may or shall result in a Bid being declared non-compliant.


1 Late Response

Automatic Rejection, not received, or if received, not

read publicly, returned unopened to the bidder or


2 Unsealed Envelope(s) or


Automatic Rejection, not received, or if received, not

read publicly, returned to the bidder or proponent



No bid security;

Cheque not certified; or,

Not an original bid security (e.g.

a photocopy or a facsimile of a

bid bond)

Automatic Rejection

Insufficient bid security Automatic Rejection

Does not name "City of Toronto" Automatic Rejection

Bid bond missing bidder's seal Automatic Rejection

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Bid bond missing SURETY seal Automatic Rejection

Bid bond missing authorized

signature of bonding company Automatic Rejection

Bid bond missing authorized

signature of bidder Automatic Rejection



Original response not completed

in non-erasable medium and

signed in ink

Automatic Rejection

Response not in English Automatic Rejection

Response document missing

signature of bidder Automatic Rejection

Response document(s) in which all

addenda issued have not been


Automatic Rejection, unless in the opinion of the

Purchasing Manager, the addenda do not significantly

impact the response in which case the bidder will be

given 2 business days after official notification to

formally acknowledge the addenda, with no change

permitted to the original bid


5 An incomplete response (partial

bids, all required items not bid)

Automatic Rejection, unless in the opinion of the

Purchasing Manager the matter is trivial or

insignificant and does not impact the ability to conduct

a fair, competitive evaluation



Response qualified or restricted by

a written statement, either within

the form of response document or

included as an attachment

Automatic Rejection, unless in the opinion of the

Purchasing Manager, the qualification or restriction is

trivial or insignificant



Price form received on documents

other than those provided by the


Automatic Rejection, unless in the opinion of the

Purchasing Manager, the irregularity is trivial or



Price form which contains

additions, erasures or alterations

of any kind

Automatic Rejection, unless in the opinion of the

Purchasing Manager, the irregularity is trivial or



Price form containing clerical


(Un-initialed erasures,

overwriting, or strike-outs,)

Two (2) business days to correct after official


Un-initialed changes to unit prices

in the response document and the

contract totals are consistent with

the prices as amended

Two (2) business days to correct after official


Unit price missing (pricing form) Automatic Rejection

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Lump sum missing (pricing form) Automatic Rejection

Extension error based on quantity

provided in bid document and unit

rate provided by bidder

Corrected by the Purchasing Manager

Un-initialed changes to unit prices

in the price form and the base bid

is not consistent with the price as


Automatic Rejection



The Tender Call Cover page is not

submitted or does not contain an

authorized signature

Automatic Rejection


Contents of City Policy

Submission Form are incomplete

(partially submitted or submitted

but not completed in full)

Two (2) business days to correct after official



12 Other Irregularities The Purchasing Manager shall have the authority to

waive irregularities deemed to be minor

19. Execute Contract

The Successful Bidder will be required to execute the Contract by taking the following steps within ten (10) working days, not including Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, after being notified by the City that the Contract is ready for signature:

execute four (4) (or such number as requested by the City) original copies of the CCDC-2 form of agreement and obtain and affix (at the Successful Bidder's sole cost) a CCDC copyright seal to the front page of each of the originally executed copies ;

obtain and furnish four—as such manner as requested by the City— original copies

of Performance Bond (Form 32 of the Construction Act) and Labour and Material Payment Bond (Form 31 of the Construction Act) all signed and sealed by itself and its surety;

arrange for two (2) original copies of the City's form of insurance certificate to be completed and signed (including stamp of insurance broker) as required;

complete and sign the City's WSIB & Tax Statutory Declaration Form; and

complete and sign the Supplementary Statutory Declaration if required. Should the Successful Bidder fail or refuse to execute the Contract by taking the steps outlined in this section within ten (10) working days after being requested by the City, it will be considered that the Successful Bidder has abandoned all rights and interests in the award and the City will call on the Bid Bond.

20. Offers to Agencies and Corporations (Piggyback Option)

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Not Applicable

21. Failure or Default of Bidder

If the Bidder, for any reason, fails or defaults in respect of any matter or thing which is an obligation of the Bidder under the terms of the Tender Call, the City may:

a) disqualify the Bidder from the Tender Call and/or from competing for future Tender Calls issued by the City for a period of one year; and

b) require the Bidder to pay the City the difference between its Bid and any other Bid

which the City accepts, if the latter is for a greater amount and, in addition, to pay the City any cost which the City may incur by reason of the Bidder’s failure or default.

The Bidder shall be ineligible to submit a new Bid for any Call that the City is required to reissue as a result of the Bidder's failure or default or where the City deems that the Bidder has abandoned the Agreement.

22. Currency

Unless otherwise stated herein, prices quoted are to be in Canadian dollars. 23. Tied Bids

In the event that the City receives two (2) or more Bids identical in price, the City reserves the right to select one of the tied Bids as set out in the Tied Bid procedure under the Purchasing Procurement Processes Policy. The Tied Bid procedure allows to first to consider whether any of the bidders are a Diverse Supplier as defined in the Social Procurement Policy to break the tie. If no bidder is a Diverse Supplier then the tie will be broken by way of coin toss or lottery.

24. Mathematical Errors

In the event of mathematical errors found in the pricing pages of the Bid, the unit prices quoted shall prevail. Extensions and totals may be corrected accordingly and adjustments resulting from the correction(s) will be applied to the total bid price quoted.

25. Ownership and Confidentiality of City-Provided Data

All correspondence, documentation and information provided by City staff to any Bidder or prospective Bidder in connection with, or arising out of this Tender Call, the Work or the acceptance of any Bid:

a) is and shall remain the property of the City;

b) must be treated by Bidders and prospective Bidders as confidential;

c) must not be used for any purpose other than for replying to this Tender Call, and for fulfillment of any related subsequent agreement.

26. Ownership and Disclosure of Bid Documentation

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The documentation comprising any Bid submitted in response to this Tender Call, along with all correspondence, documentation and information provided to the City by any Bidder in connection with, or arising out of this Tender Call, once received by the City:

a) shall become the property of the City;

b) shall become subject to MFIPPA, and may be released, pursuant to that Act. Because of MFIPPA, prospective Bidders are advised to identify in their Bid material any scientific, technical, commercial, proprietary or similar confidential information, the disclosure of which could cause them injury. Each Bidder’s name and total bid price shall be made public. Bids will be made available to members of Council on a confidential basis and may be released to members of the public pursuant to MFIPPA.

27. Intellectual Property Rights

Each Bidder warrants that the information contained in its Bid does not infringe any intellectual property right of any third party and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City, its staff and its consultants, if any, against all claims, actions, suits and proceedings, including all costs incurred by the City brought by any person in respect of the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right in connection with their Bid.

28. Notification to Other Bidders

Once the Successful Bidder is notified of their selection, the other Bidders will be notified by the City in writing of the outcome of the Tender process.

29. Debriefing

Bidders may request a debriefing after receipt of a notification of the outcome of the selection process. All requests must be in writing to the City Contact and must be made within sixty (60) days of notification of the outcome of the selection process. The intent of the debriefing information session is to aid the Bidder in presenting a better bid in subsequent procurement opportunities. Any debriefing provided is not for the purpose of providing an opportunity to challenge the Tender process.

30. Bid Protest Procedure

A) Pre-award bid disputes.

Bidders should seek a resolution of any pre-award dispute by communicating directly with the City Contact as soon as possible from the time when the basis for the dispute became known to them. The City Contact may delay the outcome of the selection process, or any interim stage of this Tender process, pending the acknowledgement and resolution of any pre-award dispute. For more information, see the Pre-Award and Post-Award Bid Dispute Process.

B) Post-award bid disputes.

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Any dispute to the outcome of this Tender process must be received in writing by the City Contact no later than ten (10) days after the date of the notification of the outcome of the selection process, or where a debriefing has been requested, no later than five (5) days after such debriefing is received. Any dispute that is not timely received or in writing will not receive further consideration.

Any written dispute with a procurement value over $100,000 that cannot be resolved by the City Contact through consultations with the Bidder, shall be referred to the Treasurer or their designate(s) for an impartial review, based on the following information:

A. A specific description of each act or omission alleged to have materially breached the procurement process;

B. A specific identification of the provision in the solicitation or procurement procedure that is alleged to have been breached;

C. A precise statement of the relevant facts;

D. An identification of the issues to be resolved;

E. The Bidder's arguments, including any relevant supporting documentation; and

F. The Bidder's requested remedial action.

The Treasurer or their designate(s), in consultation with the City Solicitor, may:

A. Dismiss the dispute;

B. Accept the dispute and direct the City Contact to take appropriate remedial action, including, but not limited to, rescinding the award and any executed contract, and canceling the solicitation.

For more information, see the Pre-Award and Post-Award Bid Dispute Process.

31. Supplier Code of Conduct

A. Honesty and Good Faith

Bidders must respond to the City's Tender Call in an honest, fair and comprehensive manner that accurately reflects their capacity to satisfy the requirements stipulated in the Tender Call. Bidders shall submit a Bid only if they know they can satisfactorily perform all obligations of the contract in good faith. Bidders shall alert the Buyer to any factual errors, omissions and ambiguities that they discover in the Tender Call as early as possible in the process to avoid the Tender Call being cancelled.

B. Confidentiality and Disclosure

Bidders must maintain confidentiality of any confidential City information disclosed to the Bidder as part of the Tender Call.

C. Conflicts of Interest and Unfair Advantage

Bidders must declare and fully disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest or unfair advantage related to the preparation of their bid or where the Bidder foresees an actual or potential conflict of interest in the performance of the contract.

D. Collusion or Unethical Bidding Practices

No Bidder may discuss or communicate, directly or indirectly, with any other Bidder or

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

their Affiliated Persons about the preparation of their Bid including, but not limited to, any connection, comparison of figures or arrangements with, or knowledge of any other supplier making a submission for the same work. Bidders shall disclose to the Buyer any affiliations or other relationships with other Bidders that might be seen to compromise the principle of fair competition, including any proposed subcontracting relationships.

E. Illegality

A Bidder shall disclose to the Buyer any previous convictions of itself or its Affiliated Persons for collusion, bid-rigging, price-fixing, bribery, fraud or other similar behaviours or practices prohibited under the Criminal Code, the Competition Act or other applicable law, for which they have not received a pardon.

F. Interference Prohibited

No Bidder may threaten, intimidate, harass, or otherwise interfere with any City employee or public office holder in relation to their procurement duties. No Bidder may likewise threaten, intimidate, harass, or otherwise interfere with an attempt by any other prospective Bidder to bid for a City contract or to perform any contract awarded by the City.

G. Gifts of Favours Prohibited

No Bidder shall offer gifts, favours or inducements of any kind to City employees or public office holders, or otherwise attempt to influence or interfere with their duties in relation to the Tender Call or management of a contract.

H. Misrepresentations Prohibited

Bidders are prohibited from misrepresenting their relevant experience and qualifications in relation to the Tender Call and acknowledge that the City's process of evaluation may include information provided by the Bidder's references as well as records of past performance on previous contracts with the City or other public bodies.

I. Prohibited Communications

No Bidder, or Affiliated Person, may discuss or communicate either verbally, or in writing, with any employee, public office holder, or the media in relation to any solicitation between the time of the issuance of the Tender Call to the award and execution of final form of contract, unless such communication is with the Buyer and is in compliance with Chapter 140, Lobbying of the Municipal Code.

J. Failure to Honour Bid

Bidders shall honour their Bid, except where they are permitted to withdraw their bid in accordance with the process described in the Tender Call. Bidders shall not refuse to enter into a contract or refuse to fully perform the contract once their bid has been accepted by the City.

K. Bidder Performance

Bidders shall fully perform their contracts with the City and follow any reasonable direction from the City to cure any default. Bidders shall maintain a satisfactory performance rating on their Contracts with the City and other public bodies to be qualified to be awarded similar contracts.`

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Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

L. Disqualification for Non-Compliance with Supplier Code of Conduct

Bidders shall be required to certify compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct in the Submission Form (Section 3), with their Bid and verify compliance, upon request from the Buyer, prior to award. Any contravention of the Supplier Code of Conduct by a Bidder, including any failure to disclose potential conflicts of interest or unfair advantages, may be grounds for the Chief Purchasing Official to disqualify a Bidder from the Tender Call and suspend the Bidder from future procurements.

32. Governing Law and Interpretation

The Terms and Conditions of the Tender Call are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario, including the City's Policies and Legislation.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

1. General Information

Section 1 – Tender Process Terms and Conditions sets out the terms and conditions that will be used during the process of the Tender Call. Each Bidder should review the terms and conditions to understand the rules related to the Tender Call process.

Section 2 – Information for Bidders contains general information and instructions for Bidders in relation to filling out this Tender Call.

Section 3 – Tender Submission Package contains the forms that must be filled out and returned to form a complete Bid. Please see below for instructions.

Section 4 – Scope of Work contains the scope of work for the Tender Call, the specifications that must be abided by for the Tender Call and any related drawings to understanding the work required. Bidders should review this section in detail to fully understand what the Bidder is bidding on.

Section 5 – General Conditions of Contract contains the CCDC-2 – 2008, Stipulated Price Contract and the City of Toronto’s Supplementary General Conditions to the CCDC-2 -2008, Stipulated Price Contract. The Bidder should review these terms, along with any Specific Conditions of Contract that may be included as Section 5A, to understand the Contract being entered into with the City.

Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract, if included, contains additional terms for the Contract that supersedes or adds to the General Conditions of Contract. The Bidder should review these terms to understand the Contract being entered into with the City.

Section 6 – Contract Execution Package will contain: (i) the CCDC-2 – 2008, Stipulated Price Contract (CCDC -2 is published by the Canadian Construction Document Committee ("CCDC") and is available for purchase from authorized document outlets listed on the following Web site:; (ii) the Performance Bond (Form 32 of the Construction Act) and the Labour and Material Payment Bond (Form 31 of the Construction Act); (iii) the City's form of Insurance Certificate; (iv) the WSIB & Tax Statutory Declaration; and (v) if applicable, a Supplementary Statutory Declaration for Occupational Health and Safety/Asbestos. These forms do not have to be submitted for the Bid to be valid. Please see Section 1, article 18 for additional information on the execution of the Contract.

Section 7 – City Policies contains specific policies related to the Tender Call. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to review all of the City Policies located in Section 7 and as found on the City’s website at.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

This Tender Call document contains a copy of the Contractor Performance Evaluation Form in Section 7. The Form helps to summarize and quantify performance. It provides guidance to City staff on creating and maintaining an evaluative record of a Contractor's performance on City projects for the purpose of Contract management and future purchasing decisions. Further information concerning the City's Contractor Performance Procedure can be found on the City's website at: Section 8 – City Led / City Endorsed Workforce Development Programs, if included, contains examples of City Workforce development programs for the Bidders reference.

2. Optional Site Meeting

An Optional Site Meeting will take place at 10:00 A.M. local time on September 10, 2019 on site. Meet with the City representative at the Keele Valley Landfill Site Office at 7 Eaglet Court, Maple, Ontario. Site meetings will not be available at any other times. Hard hats, high visibility clothing, safety boots and safety glasses must be worn on site at all times.

3. Deadline for Questions

All questions concerning this Tender Call should be directed in writing to the Buyer indicated on the Tender Call Cover Page. The last day for questions with respect to this Tender Call is five (5) working days before closing time and date.

4. Fair Wage Schedule Information

The Fair Wage Schedule that is applicable to this Tender Call is the:

Heavy Construction Work Schedule

Please review a copy of the Fair Wage Schedule applicable to this Tender Call. The Fair Wage Schedules can be found at the following website:

In the event that other Fair Wage Schedules may overlap the work covered by this Contract or if you have any questions with respect to the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedules please contact the Fair Wage Office by:

Tel: (416) 392-7300

Fax:(416) 392-0801

E-Mail: [email protected] 5. Social Procurement Program – Workforce Development Requirement

Not Applicable.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

6. Certificate of Recognition (COR™) Requirement Information Bidders must possess and maintain a valid Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent ISO 45001 OHS Certification, for the duration of the Contract, The Successful Bidder shall provide a copy of a valid Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent ISO 45001 OHS Certification in the legal name of the entity submitting the tender within five (5) working days upon being contacted by the City prior to award. Subcontractors will not be expected to hold COR certification at this time, but they will be expected to adhere to the certified General Contractor’s Health and Safety Program. "Certificate of Recognition (COR™)" means the nationally recognized occupational health and safety certification granted to qualifying firms by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) of Ontario or its successor. "Equivalent OHS Certification" means the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety certification issued to qualifying firms by an independent third-party organization and accepted by the City (in the City's sole discretion) as equivalent to the Certificate of Recognition (COR ™) 7. City of Toronto - Invoice/Billing Requirements To assist in prompt payment, it is essential that all required billing information is provided on the invoice submitted to the City of Toronto. If billing information is missing from an invoice it will result in a payment delay and the invoice may be returned to you without payment. It is the vendor's responsibility to submit correct invoices for payment of goods /services delivered to the City of Toronto divisions. If an incorrect invoice is submitted, the vendor will be requested to issue a credit note and submit a new invoice. If the invoice in question offered an early payment discount, the re-issue date of the new invoice will be used to calculate the early payment discount terms. 7.1 Exceptions The standard invoice billing requirement must be followed with the exception of vendor invoices related to an approved capital project subject to construction lien holdbacks only. Billing requirement direction will be provided by the contract custodian or city divisional designate. 7.2 Electronic Invoices To assist in prompt payment, it is essential that all required billing information is provided on the invoice submitted to the City of Toronto. If billing information is missing from an invoice it will result in a payment delays. It is the vendor's responsibility to submit accurate invoices for goods /services delivered to the City of Toronto divisions. If an inaccurate invoice (ie: but not limited to, pricing, quantity or services provided) is submitted, the vendor will be requested to issue a credit note and submit a new

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invoice. If the invoice in question offered an early payment discount, the re-issue date of the new invoice will be used to calculate the early payment discount terms. 7.3 Standard Invoices: 1) Original hardcopy vendor invoices must be addressed and sent DIRECTLY to: City of Toronto Accounting Services Division Corporate Accounts Payable 55 John Street 14th Floor, Metro Hall Toronto, ON M5V 3C6; or 2). Electronic Invoices To support an electronic payable environment, the City of Toronto Corporate Accounts Payable unit will accept electronic vendor invoices submitted via email to [email protected] . Electronic invoices submitted must be in a PDF format with either single or multiple invoice(s) per attachment. Note: Do not send statements or past due invoices to this email address, only current invoices will be accepted. Do not send hard copy invoices to Corporate Accounts Payable if you have submitted an electronic invoice. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact AP Customer Service at 416-397-5235 and follow the prompts. 3) Invoice/s submitted to the City of Toronto must have complete ship to information including:

I. Name of City Division, II. The City Division’s contact name and phone number (the person ordering or

picking up the goods and/or services), III. Delivery location of goods and/or services (excluding pick-up order), IV. Purchasing document information on the invoice (blanket contract number,

contract release order number (CRO) purchase order (PO) or Divisional Purchase Order (DPO) must be clearly indicated on the invoice.

V. Complete "Remit To" address is required on all submitted vendor invoices A purchasing document number must be provided by City Staff at time of order for goods or services. 4) City purchases with the use of a credit card/PCard, are NOT to be sent to Corporate Accounts Payable. These invoices are considered paid. 5) Vendors are encouraged to provide packing slips and/or goods receipt confirmations directly to the ordering Division for goods/services delivered.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

6) Vendors are to provide backup documentation directly to the ordering Division, not Corporate Accounts Payable. 7.4 Construction Contracts & Consultant Assignments related to Capital Projects – With

a Holdback only Invoices related to an approved capital project with a holdback and managed by a Contract Administrator (CA) must be forwarded to the CA for review and approval. Billing requirement direction will be provided by the contract custodian or city divisional designate prior to the start of the contract. 1) All invoices must be addressed and sent DIRECTLY to: Contract Administrator

City of Toronto Address Contact Info: Phone #, E-mail address Note: Contact Information of respective CA will be provided in writing, prior to the start of the contract. 2) Invoice/s submitted to the City of Toronto Contract Administrator must have complete information including:

I. Contract/Project Number II. Name of City Division and Contract Administrator

III. Vendor Number IV. Vendor Name and address V. The City Division’s contact name and phone number (the person ordering or

picking up the goods and/or services), VI. Description of work/ Project Name

VII. Location of work VIII. Bill through Dates(Work Done): from and to IX. Invoice Date X. Sub-total Amount: Excluding all taxes XI. Total Invoice Amount; Including all taxes

XII. Purchasing document information on the invoice (blanket contract number, contract release order number (CRO) purchase order (PO) or Divisional Purchase Order (DPO), must be clearly indicated on the invoice. (*This purchasing number should be provided by City staff at the time of order*)

7.5 Billing Requirements 1) Original vendor invoices must be addressed and sent DIRECTLY to: City of Toronto Accounting Services Division Corporate Accounts Payable 55 John Street

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

14th Floor, Metro Hall Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 2) Invoice/s submitted to the City of Toronto must have complete ship to information including:

XIII. Name of City Division, XIV. The City Division’s contact name and phone number (the person ordering or

picking up the goods and/or services), XV. Delivery location of goods and/or services (excluding pick-up order), XVI. Purchasing document information on the invoice (blanket contract number,

contract release order number (CRO) purchase order (PO) or Divisional Purchase Order (DPO), or Schedule "A" must be clearly indicated on the invoice. (*This purchasing number should be provided by City staff at the time of order*)

Invoices that do not contain the required billing information may be returned without payment to the vendor for correction. 3) City purchases with the use of a credit card/PCard, are NOT to be sent to Corporate Accounts Payable. These invoices are considered paid. 4) Vendors are encouraged to provide packing slips and/or goods receipt confirmations directly to the ordering Division for goods/services delivered. 5) Vendors are to provide backup documentation directly to the ordering Division, not Corporate Accounts Payable. 7.6 Contract Release Order for Contract Purchases A request for delivery in the form of a Contract Release Order (CRO) will be issued for each purchase against a contract. All invoices submitted for payment of contract goods/services must contain:

I. Blanket Contract Number II. Contract Release Order Number (CRO)

Under no circumstances are Contract Release Orders to be filled for commodities or services that are not included on a Contract. The total value estimated on a Contract including all charges, excluding any applicable taxes, is not to be exceeded without authorization. A Contract shall not be valid once the specified period has elapsed unless an extension has been requested by the City. The City, in its sole discretion, has the right to terminate a contract prior to the expiration of the term without cause or penalty, provided the Total Value Estimated as specified on the Contract Order has been reached.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

7.7 Payment Terms Unless otherwise specified on the invoice, the City will assign payment terms of Net 30 days. Payment terms "Due Upon Receipt" are considered Net 30 days. 7.8 Discount Terms The City will consider offers of early payment discount terms. If correct billing information has been indicated on the invoice, it is the City’s policy to pay within vendor’s discount terms from the receipt date of the invoice in the Corporate Accounts Payable unit – Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 14th Floor. Early Payment terms should be clearly indicated on the invoice. Note: Discount terms for early payment cannot be earlier than 15 days from the receipt date of the invoice by the City of Toronto, Corporate Accounts Payable unit. 7.9 Direct Deposit

City of Toronto offers secure electronic deposit payments directly to your bank account through our “Direct Deposit” program. For more information and/or to enrol for this payment option, please email us at [email protected] or contact AP Customer Service at 416-397-5235 and follow the prompts. Effective January 1, 2014, all new contracts for existing or new vendors must be enrolled in the Direct Deposit program.

8. Instructions for Section 3 - Tender Submission Package

8.1 Mandatory Bid Submission Requirements

The following must be completed in its entirety and submitted with your Bid at the time of closing. Failure to submit SHALL result in the Bid being rejected as non-compliant.

A. Tender Call Cover Page

Bidder must fill in all information as requested in ink. Remember to have the cover signed by an authorized signing officer, if a corporation. If not a corporation, have the cover signed by an authorized signing officer.

Remember to indicate the receipt of all addenda.

B. Bid Bond and other Security

Every Bidder shall submit with their Bid a Bid Bond in the amount of 10 per cent of the Bid amount and will agree to provide a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond for the due and proper performance of the Work, each in the amount of 50 per cent of the Contract amount including an extended 24 month warranty period. The Bonds will be issued by a licensed surety company authorized to transact business in the Province of Ontario and shall be maintained in good standing until the fulfilment of the Contract.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Failure of a Bidder to submit a fully completed Bid Bond, in the form enclosed in the Tender Submission Package SHALL result in the Bid being rejected as non-compliant. Should the Bidder fail or refuse to execute the Form of Contract within ten (10) working days after being requested by the City, it will be considered that the Bidder has abandoned all rights and interests in the award and the City will call on the Bid Bond.

C. City Policies Submission Form

The Policy Submission Form contains statements from different City of Toronto Policies. The complete text of these policies can be found on the City’s website ( The Bidder shall answer the questions posed and include the signed submission form with the completed Tender Submission Package.

D. Pricing Form

All instructions to fill out the Pricing Form can be found on the first page of the Pricing Form in Section 3. In the event of any discrepancy between the information provided on the Tender Call Cover Page and the amount set out in the Pricing Form, the Pricing Form shall govern. In the event of any discrepancy between the total price and the unit price, the unit price shall prevail and the total price may be adjusted and verified according to the City's Mathematical Errors Procedure accordingly.

8.2 Mandatory Submission Requirements Prior to Award

The Bidder must submit the following documents within five (5) working days upon being contacted by the City. Failure to submit the documents within this time limit will result in disqualification of the Bid.

A. Experience and Qualifications Form

In order to prove they have the required experience, the Bidder must complete and submit the Experience and Qualifications Form as contained in Section 3.

In providing this information, the Bidder gives the City and the Consultant consent to contact these individuals to confirm the information. Failure to provide the required information listed on the Experience and Qualifications Form shall render the Bid non-compliant. If required, the City will make its own arrangements in contacting the references. If, at the City’s sole discretion, the references do not confirm the Bidder’s ability to undertake the Work associated with the requirements stated in this Tender Call, the Bid will be declared non-compliant and will not be considered for award.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The City reserves the right to verify whether Bidders are relying upon past experience of an Affiliated Person including the nature of the corporate relationship and its relevance to this project. If, at the City's sole discretion, it is determined that a Bidder is relying on an Affiliated Person's past experience and a transfer of the Affiliated Person's experience cannot be demonstrated as relevant to this project then the Bid will be declared non-compliant and not be considered for award. The City reserves the right to verify past performance of the Bidder or its Affiliated Persons with its performance records on relevant City projects (including the City's Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations).

B. Statutory Declaration for the Occupational Health and Safety Act

It is the Bidder’s responsibility as "Constructor" under the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, as may be amended (hereinafter “OHSA”), to co-ordinate the activities of all employees and workers under the Bidder’s control operating within the Contract limits to ensure that the requirements of the OHSA are satisfied. To that end, the Bidder must complete the Statutory Declaration found in Section 3 indicating whether they comply with the OHSA. This Statutory Declaration must be signed and declared before a Commissioner of Oaths. The Statutory Declaration states that:

i) the Bidder and all Sub-Contractors have in place safety programs according to the requirements of the OHSA;

ii) all employees of the Bidder and Sub-Contractors have received training in occupational safety in accordance with the requirements of the OHSA; and

iii) a representative of the Bidder, whom it shall designate and name in the required Statutory Declaration, with responsibility for supervising the Contract's implementation is qualified as a "Competent Person" as defined in the OHSA.

In the case where the Bidder has indicated "HAVE NOT" in either or both of sub-clauses 3(A) or 3(B) of the Statutory Declaration submitted with its Bid and has been awarded the Contract, the Bidder will be required to submit a Supplementary Statutory Declaration after award of the Contract in the form provided in Section 6 entitled “Supplementary Statutory Declaration” to the effect that the requisite training and programmes are in place. The Bidder will bear full responsibility for all consequences, financial or otherwise, of any failure or delay by the Bidder in submitting the Supplementary Statutory Declaration.

C. Certificate of Recognition (COR™) Requirement

Upon request the Bidder will be required to provide a copy of a valid Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent, ISO 45001OHS Certification in the legal name of the entity submitting the tender. Bidders must possess and maintain a valid Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent, ISO 45001 OHS Certification for the duration of the Contract. In the event the Equivalent ISO 45001 has been provided, the Bidder must be in the process of achieving their COR Certification and may be asked to validate the information (See Section 2 (6) of this tender for further details)

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

In the event that a copy of the valid Certificate cannot be produced within five (5) working days of the City contacting the Bidder, The City will declare the Bidder non-compliant , where the requested COR™ or Equivalent, ISO 45001 information cannot be verified within five (5) working days of the City contacting the Bidder. In the event that a copy of the valid Certificate cannot be produced within five (5) working days of the City contacting the Bidder, the City will declare the Bidder non-compliant.

D. List of Subcontractors Form

Upon request, the Bidder will be required to provide a list of Subcontractors and associated work types to the City for its review and approval prior to award. Bidders must not include companies under suspension by the City on their list of Subcontractors. If a Bidder proposes to subcontract with a competing Bidder on this Tender Call, the Bidder must declare that proposed subcontracting arrangement in accordance with the Supplier Code of Conduct provisions of the City Policies Submission Form Schedule at or prior to the Closing Date.

Where union affiliation is required pursuant to the City’s “Labour Trades Contractual Obligations in the Construction Industry” (more particularly described in the document attached to the Applicable City Policies section) for the Work or any part thereof, the Contractor (and any Subcontractor performing any part of such Work) must be affiliated with the applicable collective bargaining agency and the Bidder shall submit proof of such affiliation of the Contractor prior to an award of contract.

The Contractor will not be permitted to change any named Subcontractor without the written approval of the Contract Administrator. Any request for changing a named Subcontractor must be submitted in writing. The Contractor acknowledges that upon receipt of such a request by the City, the review and approval process could take a time to complete. Any delay in the commencement of the Work or in the performance of the Work or in the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Contract related to or arising from the City’s consideration of the Contractor’s request for a Subcontractor change shall be solely borne by the Contractor.

E. Corporate Profile Report Upon request, the Contractor will be required to provide a copy of the Contractor's and/or any of the Contractor's Affiliated Person's Corporate Profile Report(s) (Ontario), or equivalent official record issued by the appropriate government authority.

The City also reserves the right to require the Contractor to provide a copy of the Corporate Profile Report or equivalent official record for all of the Contractor's affiliated or related legal entities.

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Section 2 – Information for Bidders Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The Corporate Profile Report(s) must have been issued not more than ten (10) working days prior to the date that the City requests the report. The City reserves the right to confirm the accuracy of the information contained in the Corporate Profile Report, and to require additional information from the contractor as necessary. In the event that a request for a Corporate Profile Report or equivalent official record cannot be processed by the appropriate government office within five (5) working days of the City contacting the contractor, the contractor must provide proof that the request has been made and provide an indication as to when the information is expected to be received. The City may refuse to award a contract to any contractor, including the lowest bidder, where the requested information has not been received within five (5) working days of the City contacting the contractor.

F. Itemized Prices Where included, the Itemized Prices Form must be completed and submitted when requested.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Bid Bond

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW



herein called the "Principal"

- and -

herein called the "Surety"

are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto the City of Toronto, hereinafter called the "City", each, in the penal sum of

10% of Bid Amount

of lawful money of Canada, to be paid to the City or to its successors or assigns for which payment well and truly to be made, we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our and each of our several and respective executors, administrators, successors and assigns and every of them forever firmly by these presents.

SEALED with our several and respective seals.

DATED this day of 20

WHEREAS the said Principal is herewith submitting to the City its Tender for


and the said Tender provides that it is to continue open to acceptance and to be irrevocable until the formal contract is executed by the successful Bidder.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Bid Bond

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

NOW the condition of this obligation is such that if, on acceptance of the Tender of the aforesaid Principal in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Tender within 90 days from the closing date of the Tender, the said Principal shall, within the time required, enter into a formal contract and give good and sufficient bonds required by the said Tender to secure

(i) the performance of the terms and conditions of the contract, and

(ii) payment for certain labour and materials,

both in the forms required by the City then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the Principal and Surety will pay unto the City the difference in money between the total amount of the Tender of the said Principal and the sums of the amount for which the City legally contracts with another party to perform the work and for which the City of Toronto may expend or for which it may become liable by reason of such default or failure, including the cost of any advertisement for new Tenders if the latter sums of the amount be in excess of the former; but in no event shall the Surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND AGREED that the Surety shall be liable as Principal and that nothing of any kind or matter whatsoever that will not discharge the Principal shall operate as a discharge or release of liability of the Surety, any law or usage relating to the liability of Sureties to the contrary notwithstanding.


in the presence of )


) Principal




) Surety

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW


as hereinbefore described on the first page of the TENDER CALL.


of the city / town / village of

in the province of do solemnly declare as follows:


1. I am (If an incorporated Company, state "President", “Secretary”, or as the case may be)

of (State Firm Name)

the Bidder herein.


I am the Bidder herein and I carry on business at

under the name of and (State Firm Name)

there is no other person associated with me in partnership.


We are the Bidders herein and we carry on business at

in partnership,

under the name of and (State Firm Name)

we are the only members of such partnership.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

2. I/we have a health and safety policy and a programme to implement such policy as required by clause 25 (2) (j) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. R.S.O., 1990, c. o.1, as may be amended (hereinafter “OHSA”), and the said policy does not conflict with the health and safety policy of the City of Toronto.

3. With respect to the goods and services contemplated in the above Contract, the Bidder and its proposed Subcontractors

a) HAVE/HAVE NOT YET ** conducted training for all personnel to be involved in providing such goods and services as required by the OHSA and all regulations thereunder, including those with respect to the workplace hazardous materials information system, industrial establishments, construction projects and designated substances.

b) HAVE/HAVE NOT YET ** put into effect all programmes relating to designated substances as required by the regulations under the OHSA.

c) The Bidder designates ***____________________________, a representative of the Contractor who shall be assigned to a supervisory role over the work of the Contract and who has received training in the provisions of the OHSA which qualifies him/her to act as a "competent person" as defined in the OHSA, in order to have him/her act in an informed and responsible manner in complying with the OHSA and the Contractor's role as employer under the terms of this Contract and the OHSA.

d) In the case where "HAVE NOT YET" has been indicated in either or both of (a) or (b), the Bidder undertakes to provide to the Contract Administrator of the respective division a "Supplementary Statutory Declaration of Bidder" on the form provided following award of the Contract that the requisite training and/or programmes have been completed in order that a written order to commence work may be issued by the Contract Administrator, and undertakes that no claim for delay or extension of contract will be made for failure by the bidder to comply with this requirement.



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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

4. I/we have carefully read through the foregoing Tender Call Package, and to the best of my/our information, knowledge and belief the several matters stated in the said Bid are in all respects correct and true.

5. I am/we are each of the full age of twenty-one years or over.

And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of "the Canada Evidence Act".

SEVERALLY DECLARED before me at the } } of in } the Province of Ontario } } this day } Signing Officer of Company } of 20 } A Commissioner, etc.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package City Policies Form

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

POLICIES The Bidder has read, understood and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained in this Tender Call and the City’s Policies and Legislation set out on the City of Toronto website at: DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY'S SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT By signing this form, the Bidder acknowledges that it has read and understands its obligations under the Supplier Code of Conduct and further certifies that the Bidder, and any of its proposed subcontractors, will provide the services in compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. Refer to the Supplier Code of Conduct in Article 13 of Chapter 195, Purchasing, of the Toronto Municipal Code. PROHIBITION AGAINST COLLUSION AND UNETHICAL BIDDING If the box below is left blank, the Bidder will be deemed to declare that it had no affiliation or other relationships with other Bidders that might be seen to compromise the principle of fair competition, including any proposed subcontracting relationships. If the Bidder declares an affiliation or other relationship with other Bidders that might be seen to compromise the principle of fair competition, the Bidder must set out the details below:

Refer to the Supplier Code of Conduct mentioned above.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package City Policies Form

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

PROHIBITION AGAINST ILLEGALITY If the box below is left blank, the Bidder will be deemed to declare that is has no previous convictions of itself or affiliated persons for collusion, bid-rigging, price-fixing, bribery, fraud, or other similar behaviors or practices prohibited under the Criminal Code, the Competition Act, or other applicable law, for which the Bidder has not received a pardon. If the Bidder declares that it has previous convictions of itself or affiliated persons, the Bidder must set out the details below:

Refer to the Supplier Code of Conduct mentioned above. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR UNFAIR ADVANTAGE If the box below is left blank, the Bidder will be deemed to declare that (a) there was no Conflict of Interest in connection with preparing its Bid; and (b) there is no foreseeable Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in this Tender Call. Potential Conflicts of Interest or unfair advantage include, but are not limited to:

(1) Engaging current or former City employees or public office holders to take any part in the preparation of the Bid or the performance of the contract if awarded, any time within two (2) years of such persons having left the employ or public office of the City; (2) Engaging any family members, friends or private business associates of any public office holder which may have, or appear to have, any influence on the procurement process or performance of the contract, if awarded; (3) Prior involvement by the supplier or affiliated persons in developing the technical specifications or other evaluation criteria for the solicitation; (4) Prior access to confidential City information by the supplier, or affiliated persons, that is materially related to the solicitation and that was not readily accessible to other prospective Bidders; or (5) The Bidder or its affiliated persons are indebted to or engaged in ongoing or proposed litigation with the City in relation to a previous contract.

If the Bidder has an actual or potential Conflict of Interest, the Bidder should bring this to the attention of the Buyer as early as possible in the Tender Call process, and must set out the details in writing below:

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package City Policies Form

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The following individuals, as employees, advisers, or in any other capacity (a) participated in the preparation of our Bid; AND (b) were employees of the City and have ceased that employment within twenty four (24) months prior to the Closing date:

Name of Individual:

Job Classification:


Last Date of Employment with the City:

Name of Last Supervisor:

Brief Description of Individual’s Job Functions:

Brief Description of Nature of Individual’s Participation in the Preparation of the Bid

(Repeat above for each identified individual. Bidders may include this information on a separate sheet if more space is required) The Bidder agrees that, upon request, the Bidder shall provide the City with additional information from each individual identified above in a form prescribed by the City. PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN FACTORIES WHERE CHILDREN ARE USED AS SLAVE LABOUR OR OTHER EXPLOITIVE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH IMPEDES CHILD DEVELOPMENT (if applicable) Purpose: To advise suppliers that the City of Toronto does not wish to encourage the use of products manufactured in factories where children are used as slave labour or other exploitive circumstances which impedes child development. Policy: Bidders must state where the products offered have been made. City Council does not wish to see products used that have been made in factories in countries where children are used as slave labour or other exploitive circumstances, which impedes child development. Therefore, preference will be given to bidders that obtain products from any country other than the aforementioned, but this criteria will not be used to disqualify any bidder.

Bidders must state where the products offered have been made: _______________________ (Specify)

Bidders to state if products offered have been made in factories in countries where children are used as slave labour or other exploitive circumstances which impedes child development: ____________________ (Specify)

This policy will be considered in the evaluation of all Bids received.

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package City Policies Form

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PROCUREMENT STATEMENT (if applicable) For a copy of the City of Toronto Environmentally Responsible Procurement Policy, please download a copy of the Policy at State if environmentally preferred products/service is being offered: YES______ NO______ State briefly the environmental benefit of the product/service offered: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH ANTI-HARASSMENT/DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION & CITY POLICY Organizations/individuals in Ontario, including the City of Toronto, have obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Employment Standards Act, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the Criminal Code of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In addition, the City of Toronto also has policies that prohibit discrimination on the additional grounds of political affiliation or level of literacy, subject to the requirements of the Charter. Organizations are required to have and post policies, programs, information, instruction, plans and/or other supports, and an appropriate internal process available to their employees and service recipients to prevent, address and remedy discrimination, racism, harassment, hate and inaccessibility complaints under the applicable legislation and including the additional grounds of discrimination prohibited under City policy. Individuals are obliged to refrain from harassment/hate activity. The City of Toronto requires all organizations and individuals that contract with the City to sign the following Declaration of Compliance with Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Legislation & City Policy. This Declaration must be signed by your organization and submitted with the contract or Letter of Understanding. The name of your organization and the fact that you have signed this declaration may be included in a public report to City Council. Declaration: I/we uphold our obligations under the above provincial and federal legislation. In addition, I/we uphold our obligations under City policies which prohibit harassment/discrimination on a number of grounds including political affiliation and level of literacy. WHERE LEGALLY MANDATED I/we have in place the necessary policies, programs, information, instruction, plans and/or other supports that are consistent with our obligations, and I/we have an internal process available to my/our employees and service recipients to prevent, address and remedy discrimination, racism, harassment, hate and inaccessibility complaints. I/we agree that I/we shall, upon the request of the City,

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package City Policies Form

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

provide evidence of the policies, programs, information, instruction, plans and other supports and an appropriate internal complaint resolution process required under this Declaration which is sufficient to allow the City to determine compliance. I/We acknowledge that failure to demonstrate compliance with this declaration to the satisfaction of the operating Division, in consultation with the City Solicitor, may result in the termination of the contract. ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES STANDARDS The Bidder acknowledges that it shall deliver, as appropriate for each Deliverable, accessible and inclusive Services consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its regulations in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities. Bidders are also required to comply with the City’s accessibility standards, policies, practices, and procedures, which may be in effect during the Term of the Agreement and which apply to the Deliverables. The accessible customer service training requirements which are applicable to the Deliverables may be reviewed at: DISCLOSURE OF BID INFORMATION The Bidder hereby agrees that any information provided in this Bid, even if it is identified as being supplied in confidence, may be disclosed where required by law or if required by order of a court or tribunal. The Bidder hereby consents to the disclosure, on a confidential basis, of this Bid by the City to the City’s advisers retained for the purpose of evaluating or participating in the evaluation of this Bid. The Bidder shall provide the City with ongoing disclosure, should the Bidder be awarded a contract and any of the information or representations provided in this form no longer be accurate.

_________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SIGNING OFFICER _________________________________________________ PRINTED NAME OF SIGNING OFFICER I have authority to bind the Bidder and attest to the accuracy of the information provided in this Bid


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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Pricing Form – Itemized Prices

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

The Bidder must provide the rate and the amount for each Tender item, the total for each part / subsection, the grand total, HST amount and the total amount of Tender on the forms in the ensuing pages. Bidders that do not fully complete these forms (such as leaving lines blank), or have unclear answers (such as "n/a", "-", "tba" or "included" etc.) will be declared non-compliant. Prices that are intended to be zero cost/no charge to the city are to be submitted in the space provided in the price schedule as "$0.00" or "zero".

All spaces for the aforementioned information must be completed in ink ensuring the printing is clear and legible.

Where included, the Alternative Prices, and Supplementary List of Prices Required for Extra Work Forms must also be completed.

The lowest Bidder will be determined solely from the Total Base Bid, subject to the City's reserved rights not to award to any Bidder.

Item Description Price

General Requirements

GR.1 Mobilization (including temporary facilities and controls)

$ __________

GR.2 Bonds and Insurance

$ __________

GR.3 Shop Drawings and Engineering

$ __________

GR.4 Demobilization and Closeout

$ __________

Part I - Demolition

I.1 Demolition of Existing Flare Stacks (4)

$ __________

I.2 Demolition of Electrical and Controls

$ __________

I.3 Removal of Contaminated Soil (Provisional)

$___________ /m3

I.4 Backfill with Granular A (Provisional)


Part II – Blower Building Improvements and Landfill Gas Flare System

II.1 Removal of mechanical equipment, piping, and blower pads

$ __________

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Pricing Form – Itemized Prices

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Item Description Price

II.2 Supply and installation of three new blowers

$ __________

II.3 Supply and installation of blower controls (VFD, MCC, PLC)

$ __________

II.4 Supply and installation of new enclosed flare system and controls $ __________

II.5 Supply and installation of new mechanical pipe (including trench work), valves, instruments and appurtenances $ __________

Part III – Blower Building Improvements

III.1 Supply and Installation of new built-up rooftop fall protection system $ __________

III.2 Supply and installation of replacement exhaust fans, heaters, louvres, roof and duct finishes, blow out panels $ __________

Part IV - Electrical and Controls

IV.1 Installation and Supply of Electrical and Controls

$ __________

V Contingency (15% of the subtotal of all items above)

$ __________

Total Base Bid Price = $X $ _________________

HST Amount (13%) =$Y $ _________________

Total Amount of Bid = $X + $Y $ _________________

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Experience and Qualifications Form

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

1. Project Experience / Comparable Projects - Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8 Qualifications The Bidder must provide reference projects for the purpose of confirming the Bidder's experience and track record of success as per Section 2, Item 8.2 A. Failure to provide verifiable experience will result in the bid being declared non-compliant. Bidders may attach a separate sheet if more space is required. Manufacturer Flare Installations Project 1 & 2 – Project of similar scope as the scope set out in this tender (as per Section 4, Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8).

Project 1

Project Description

Installed Flare Location

Scope of Work

Completion Date

Project Value

Client contact information: Name, Phone Number and email address

Consultant Contact Information (if applicable)

Flare Manufacturer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. A (Yes/No)

Blower Manufacturer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. B (Yes/No)

Control Panel Fabricator Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. C (Yes/No)

Programmer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. D (Yes/No)

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Experience and Qualifications Form

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Project 2

Project Description

Installed Flare Location

Scope of Work

Completion Date

Project Value

Client contact information: Name, Phone Number and email address

Consultant Contact Information (if applicable)

Flare Manufacturer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. A (Yes/No)

Blower Manufacturer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. B (Yes/No)

Control Panel Fabricator Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. C (Yes/No)

Programmer Experience as per Specification Section 43 11 53 1.8, Item 1. D (Yes/No)

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Experience and Qualifications Form

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

Bidder/Contractor’s Project Manager Experience with Flare Installations – Project of similar scope as the scope set out in this tender (as per Section 4, Specification - Section 43 11 53 - 1.8, Item 2). This project can be the same as either Reference Project No. 1 or 2, or could be a different project.

Project 3

Project Description

Installed Flare Location

Scope of Work

Completion Date

Project Value

Owner Contact Name, Phone Number and email address

Consultant Contact Information (if applicable)

At least 40 percent of the work was performed by the same legal entity as the Bidder (Yes / No)

If no, state name of the affiliated or related entity that performed the work

If work performed by legal entity other than the Bidder, state relationship to the entity listed

1. Project Manager Name:

2. Flow capacity of the Flare 1,000 cfm (Yes / No) or provide details

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Section 3 – Tender Submission Package Experience and Qualifications Form

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No.19ECS-MI-02SW

List of Subcontractors Form

Pursuant to Section 2 Item 8.2 D, upon request, the Bidder shall provide the subcontractor’s name for each work type indicated in the table below or indicate “OWN FORCES” in the “Subcontractor Name” column if a subcontractor will not be used for the work type indicated. The names of all subcontractors to be used for each work type indicated must be provided.

The Contractor will not be permitted to change any named Subcontractor without the written approval of the Contract Administrator. Any request for changing a named Subcontractor must be submitted in writing. The Contractor acknowledges that upon receipt of such a request by the City, the review and approval process could take a time to complete. Any delay in the commencement of the Work or in the performance of the Work or in the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Contract related to or arising from the City’s consideration of the Contractor’s request for a Subcontractor change shall be solely borne by the Contractor. Where union affiliation is required pursuant to the City’s “Labour Trades Contractual Obligations in the Construction Industry” (more particularly described in the document attached to the Applicable City Policies section) for the Work or any part thereof, the Contractor (and any Subcontractor performing any part of such Work) must be affiliated with the applicable collective bargaining agency and the Bidder shall submit proof of such affiliation of the Contractor prior to an award of contract.

List of Subcontractors

The Bidder shall complete the following list of Subcontractor(s) and Supplier(s) proposed to carry out the Work.

Item of Work Name of Subcontractor or Supplier

Flare Manufacturer




System Integrator

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Technical Specifications

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


Division 01 General Requirements

Section 01 10 00 – Summary

Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

Section 01 35 00 – Site and Worker Health and Safety

Section 01 40 00 – Quality Requirements

Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Controls

Section 01 60 00 – Product Requirements

Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout Requirements

Division 02 Existing Conditions

Section 02 10 00 – Site Preparation

Section 02 41 19 – Selective Structure Demolition

Division 03 Concrete

Section 03 30 00 – Cast-In-Place Concrete

Division 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection

Section 07 51 50 – Built-up Bituminous Roofing

Section 07 72 56 – Rooftop Fall Protection

Division 23 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Section 23 34 00 – HVAC Fans

Division 26 Electrical

Section 26 05 00 – Electrical General requirements

Section 26 05 10 – Electrical Supporting Devices

Section 26 05 11 – Electrical Equipment Identification

Section 26 05 16 – Low Voltage Cables and Wiring

Section 26 05 24 – Flame Spread and Heat Damage Prevention

Section 26 05 26 – Grounding and Bonding

Section 26 05 33 – Raceways and Boxes

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Technical Specifications

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Section 26 05 34 – Cable Tray

Section 26 08 00 – Electrical Inspection and Testing Agency

Section 26 29 23 – Low Voltage Variable Speed Drives

Section 26 43 13 – Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices

Section 26 50 10 – Industrial Lighting

Division 27 Communications

Section 27 13 23 – Fibre Optic Cable

Division 28 Electronic Safety and Security

Section 28 31 00 – Fire Detection and Alarm

Division 31 Earthwork

Section 31 23 16 – Excavation

Section 31 23 23 – Fill

Division 33 Utilities

Section 33 05 00 – Common Work Results for Utilities

Division 40 Process Interconnections

Section 40 41 00 – Heat Tracing

Section 40 91 00 – Instrumentation

Section 40 91 13 – LFG Analyzer

Section 40 91 23 – Hazardous Gas Monitoring System

Section 40 92 20 – Process Control System

Section 40 92 80 – Variable Speed Drive Installation

Division 43 Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment

Section 43 11 53 – LFG Blower and Enclosed Flare System

Section 43 12 00 – Compressed Air System

Section 43 13 49 – LFG Control Facility

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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 SUMMARY Contract No. C# 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 10 00



1.1 Includes

1.2 Definitions

1.3 Description of Project.

1.4 Location and Contract Limits.

1.5 Access to the Site.

1.6 Scope of Work.

1.7 Description of Work.

1.8 Work by CITY.


1.10 Contract Times and Milestones.

1.11 CITY’s Drawings.

1.12 CONTRACTOR Use of Site.

1.13 Inclement Weather.

1.14 CITY Occupancy.

1.15 Contract Prices

1.16 Progress Payment Claims

1.17 Certificate of Substantial Performance

1.18 Cost Adjustment during Contract Period

1.2 Definitions

A. Definitions relating to the technical specifications are provided in Section 1.1 of the Tender Call document.

1.3 Description of Project

A. The Work to be carried out under this Project is reflected in the Technical Specifications and on the Contract Drawings and shall be completed under the direction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

1.4 Location and Contract Limits

A. The Site is located at 7 Eaglet Crt, Vaughan, Ontario as shown on Construction Drawings provided with the TENDER CALL DOCUMENT.

B. The Contract Limits and location of the Landfill Gas (LFG) Flaring Systems are shown on Construction Drawing 1624-2016-09. The Contract Limits are defined as the areas inside the existing fence line of the LFG Flaring Systems compound shown on Construction Drawing 1624-2016-09.

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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 SUMMARY Contract No. C# 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 10 00

C. The Contract Limits delineate the limit of working areas for the completion of the Works. All of the CONTRACTOR construction operations and storage of materials shall be confined to the defined Contract Limits as shown on the Construction Drawings unless otherwise directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

D. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall identify storage / lay down areas for the placement of materials and equipment delivered to the Site for the Works.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the management and the protection of the materials against vandalism and weather conditions, including associated costs.

1.5 Access to Site

A. The main access to the Site, located at 7 Eaglet Court, is along Eaglet Court located off of McNaughton Road East.

B. The CONTRACTOR’s construction access shall be the existing gate(s) and internal roads located north of the CITY’s Administration Building and Operations Compound (i.e., directly north of existing Eastern Powers Facility) as shown on the Construction Drawings.

C. Landfill maintenance activities by the CITY will be in progress near the location of the work for the duration of this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall co-ordinate site access with the CITY to ensure that the construction operations do not interfere with existing operations in any way. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to sign-in / -out procedures, site access, equipment and material deliveries.

D. Parking for CONTRACTOR is available within the work limits at locations to be designated by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

E. Prior to the commencement of the Works, the CONTRACTOR and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall inspect all on-site paved and gravel roads to be used for the execution of the Works. The inspection shall identify any defects and include photo records and written documentation of the existing road conditions, agreed and signed by both parties, prior to commencement of the Works.

F. Any road maintenance or repairs required following commencement of the Contract shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain existing roads in the good working conditions as acceptable to the CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for the duration of the Contract.

G. The CONTRACTOR and his subcontractors and suppliers shall take care not to damage existing on-site paved and gravel roads when mobilizing heavy machinery, equipment and materials to the Site.

H. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any and all damage caused to existing paved and gravel roads by the CONTRACTOR or his subcontractors or suppliers. The CONTRACTOR shall repair all damaged areas to the original condition at the CONTRACTOR own expense to ensure unimpeded access for CITY operations.

If the CONTRACTOR does not repair the damaged roads within an acceptable amount of time to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CITY reserves the right to carry out repair work deemed necessary by the CITY. The cost of repairs shall be charge to the CONTRACTOR, or the CITY shall withhold payment equal to the repair work costs performed by the CITY.

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I. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that soils are not tracked onto public roads from the site due to the execution of any part of the Work. If this should occur, at the discretion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR shall clean the public road surface to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

J. Make all necessary arrangements with the authorities having jurisdiction for the movement of CONTRACTOR material and equipment to and from the Site over public roadways.

1.6 Scope of Work

A. The Work to be performed under the Contract consists of upgrading the mechanical, instrumentation and electrical systems of the existing LFG Flaring Systems at the Keele Valley Landfill Site.

B. Demolition of existing flares and supply and installation of one new enclosed flare system complete with pilot and main LFG fuel train components, enclosed flare stack, instrumentation, and burner controller.

C. Demolition of the Services Building Substation and modification of the tie system between the LFG Blower Building Switchgear and the Services Building MCC.

D. Guaranteed full maintenance of the LFG blower and enclosed flare system for a period of two (2) years after Substantial Performance during the warranty period.

1.7 Description of Work

A. The Work includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Project startup including mobilization to the Site.

2. Prepare, implement, and maintain a written site specific Health and Safety Plan.

3. Provision and maintenance of temporary construction facilities and controls for the execution of the Works.

4. Decommissioning and protection of existing mechanical (i.e., enclosed flares, piping, etc.), instrumentation/automation and electrical systems identified for replacement or re-use.

5. Upgrade / Repair of the existing LFG Blower Building roof.

6. Supply and install three centrifugal blowers.

7. Supply and install one new enclosed flare system complete with pilot and main LFG fuel train components, enclosed flare stack, instrumentation, and burner controller.

8. Supply and install new power and control/automation components, control panels, cabling and conduit systems, instruments, transmission system, light fixtures and miscellaneous support structures as shown on the Contract Drawings.

9. Supply and install LFG piping, pipe supports, HVAC systems, compressed air, condensate system and equipment (i.e., valves, blower controls, etc.) as shown on the Contract Drawings.

10. Demolition and replacement of the LFG Blower Building substation.

a. The contractor shall be responsible for the supply and installation of a replacement substation with the same ratings and fitment as the existing unit,

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and will submit the specifications, proposed design and installation procedures for the replacement unit to the ENGINEER for review.

b. Coordinate with the utility company as required to perform an inspection of Blower Building substation and the close-coupled utility switch in order to collect all necessary data for the replacement of the 1000 kVA transformer. The data collected shall include all details and measurements required to specify and supply a replacement unit with the same ratings and fitment. The replacement transformer shall be designed such that the modifications to the utility switch are not required.

c. The work plan for the substation being replaced shall include measures for safeguarding and protecting the utility switch from damage during demolition and installation.

11. Demolition and removal of existing electrical and instrumentation equipment identified for demolition and removal.

12. Testing and commissioning of the LFG Flaring System.

13. Modifications to the tie system between the LFG Building and the Services Building.

14. Demolition of the substation at the Services Building including primary and secondary cabling.

15. Restoration of all disturbed areas, including roads used for the Works.

16. Demobilization and project close-out.

17. Maintenance of the LFG blower and enclosed flare system for a period of two (2) years after Substantial Performance during the warranty period.

1.8 Work by CITY

A. CITY has obtained or will obtain all approvals from the MOECC required for the execution, delivery and performance of the Works.

All other approvals (i.e., building permits, MOL, ESA, TSSA, Road Authority, local municipality, etc.) as determined by the CONTRACTOR in his review and assessment of the scope of work outlined in this Tender Call Document, shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.

B. CONTRACTOR shall execute the Work without interference to CITY operations at the Site.


A. The CITY’s appointed CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be responsible for completing the following services on behalf of the CITY for the duration of this Contract:

1. Detail Design;

2. Construction Oversight; and

3. Construction Administration.

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1.10 Contract Times and Milestones

A. Perform the Work in accordance with the following Contract Times and Milestones:

1. Mobilization to the Site shall be commenced within seven (7) Days after the date of the Order to Commence.

2. For the purposes of this Contract, Substantial Performance date will be the date on which the Work has been fully completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Certificate of Substantial Performance issued by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be evidence of Substantial Performance.

3. Substantial Performance of the Works shall be no later than 365 calendar days of the Order To Commence.

4. The CONTRACTOR shall make provision in his production for weeks with reduced working days due to Statutory Holidays and/or delays due to inclement weather, schedule or unscheduled maintenance of equipment, and any repairs of construction equipment.

5. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible to pay any fines, remedial works, related claims, monitoring, City costs, and Consultant costs resulting from delays or extended shut‐down periods beyond the agreed upon construction schedule.

6. Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection 1.10.A, the anticipated LFG Flaring System upgrades schedule is subject to change by the CITY.

1.11 Contract Drawings

A. Drawings issued with and forming part of the Contract Documents are listed below:

Drawing No. Drawing Description

1624-2016-09-G101 Title Page

1624-2016-09-C101 Existing Conditions and Site Servicing

1624-2016-09-M101 Existing Layout – Blower Building Area

1624-2016-09-M102 Existing Layout – Flare Pad Area

1624-2016-09-M103 Mechanical Layout – Blower Building Area

1624-2016-09-M104 Mechanical Layout – Flare Pad Area

1624-2016-09-M105 Roof Exhaust Fan Replacement

1624-2016-09-M106 Mechanical Details I

1624-2016-09-M107 Mechanical Details II

1624-2016-09-M108 Mechanical Demolition and Removals – Blower Building Area

1624-2016-09-M109 Mechanical Demolition and Removals – Flare Pad Area

1624-2016-09-S101 Structural Notes

1624-2016-09-S102 Structural Layout, Blower Building and Flare

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1624-2016-09-S103 Structural Elevations and Sections

1624-2016-09-S104 Blower Building Roof Repair Plan and Metal Grating Detail

1624-2016-09-S105 Blower Building Existing Roof Lightning Protection System Photos

1624-2016-09-S106 Structural Removals - Blower Building Area

1624-2016-09-E-101 Single Line Diagram – Modifications to Existing MCC 4 and 5

1624-2016-09-E-102 Overall Single Line Diagram – Blower Building and Services Building Substation

1624-2016-09-E-103 Demolition Plan - Single Line Diagram – Blower Building and Services Building

1624-2016-09-E-201 Blower Building Electrical Equipment Layout

1624-2016-09-E-202 Site Layout – Substation and Tie System Location

1624-2016-09-E-203 Blower Building Area Classification

1624-2016-09-E-301 575V Exhaust Fan EF-101 Motor Schematic and Wiring Diagram

1624-2016-09-E-302 575V Exhaust Fan EF-102 Motor Schematic and Wiring Diagram

1624-2016-09-E-303 120V Exhaust Fans – Wiring Diagram – Typical for EF-103, EF-104 and EF-105

1624-2016-09-E-401 Demolition Plan – Photos of Equipment to be Removed

1624-2016-09-I-101 LFG Plant Control System Architecture Diagram

1624-2016-09-P-101 LFG Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram - Legend and Notes

1624-2016-09-P-102 LFG Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – Abstraction

1624-2016-09-P-103 LFG Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram - Flaring

1624-2016-09-P-104 LFG Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram - Compressed Air

B. Perform the Work in accordance with the Drawings issued "Approved for Construction" by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Such Drawings will be issued to CONTRACTOR with the Order to Commence Work and prior to construction as per the schedule provided in subsection 1.10.A. Drawings will consist of the TENDER CALL Drawings (subsection 1.11 above) revised as required by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, including additional construction Drawings as required for the execution of the Works.

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C. Revised "Approved for Construction" Drawings may be issued from time to time by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and such Drawings will supersede previous revisions.

D. If revised "Approved for Construction" Drawings are issued, which necessitate changes to CONTRACTOR's drawings not yet reviewed, no separate payment will be made for CONTRACTOR's expenses involved in revising such Drawings.

1.12 CONTRACTOR Use of Site

A. The CONTRACTOR’S occupancy of the Site shall be in the nature of a license and subject to the terms of this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall have full access to and control of the Landfill to the extent necessary to perform its obligations under this Contract without interference.

B. Limit use of the Site to allow:

a. CITY of Toronto, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors and invitees, shall have access to the Landfill Site at all times but CITY shall take all steps reasonably necessary in the exercise of access by the CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors and invitees, not to interfere with the Work and to observe all safety rules and procedures for the Landfill Site. In particular and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall have unrestricted access to the Landfill, during normal business hours, subject to the CONTRACTOR’s reasonable safety rules or regulations. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall also have access to the Landfill outside of normal operating hours where reasonable notice is provided to the CONTRACTOR. CITY shall be allowed to conduct public tours of the Landfill and the CITY will be responsible for the supervision of such tours and for any damage or liability arising from such tours unless the damage or liability is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall make staff available for such tours as required at no cost to the CITY.

b. CITY appointed CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to complete environmental compliance monitoring or any other activities as directed by the CITY, to ensure the CITY meets their obligations in accordance with the Certificate of Approval and any other Permits and Applicable Laws, including O. Reg. 347 and O. Reg. 232/98 under the Environmental Protection Act for the Site. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall have unrestricted access to the Landfill, during normal business hours, subject to the CONTRACTOR’s reasonable safety rules or regulations.

C. The Regular Operating hours of the Landfill shall be as follows:

Current Regular hours

Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

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D. Construction and Non-Regular Hours: Limit on-site hours of construction and operation to the daylight hours between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday to Saturday, unless otherwise approved by the CITY. Daylight shall be defined as the hours between one half (½) hour before sunrise and one half (½) hour after sunset. On-site operations and construction shall not occur on Sundays.

E. Construction Operations: Limited to areas noted on the Drawings.

F. When unfavorable weather, soil, drainage, or other unsuitable construction conditions exist, continue operations which will not be adversely affected by such conditions. Do not construct or cause to be constructed any portion of the Work under conditions which would adversely affect the quality of the Work, unless special means or precautions are taken to perform the Work in a proper and satisfactory manner.

G. Coordinate all construction activities through CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and with Designated Contact Person and verify that these activities do not interfere with CITY operations. The Designated Contact Person will be identified at the pre-construction meeting. CITY operations have priority in the event of conflict between construction activities and plant operations in order not to violate government operating permits.

H. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible to pay any fines resulting from delays or extended shut-down periods beyond the agreed construction schedule.

I. Any required shutdowns of lines or equipment shall be coordinated with Designated Contact Person and Plant Health and Safety Supervisor at regular progress meetings in accordance with DESCRIPTION OF WORK Article.

1.13 Inclement Weather

A. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for protecting all components of the Work from the effects of the prevailing weather as described in this Specification. This shall include, but is not limited to:

a) dewatering;

b) control of surface water;

c) protection of materials from freezing; and

d) removal of snow from the Work area.

B. CONTRACTOR shall adequately protect the Work and all related materials from damage or disturbance including inclement weather, to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Materials shall be stored as per manufacturer’s instructions / recommendations to protect from damage or disturbance including against inclement weather. Replacement of materials damaged by inclement weather shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, including associated costs.

D. CONTRACTOR will not be relieved of obligations to complete the Work in accordance with required Contract Times and Milestones due to the effects of inclement weather including, but not limited to, delays caused by rain or snow.

E. Inclement weather or extra work caused by such weather shall not be accepted as reason for additional payment or extensions to the Contract time and/or milestones.

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1.14 CITY Occupancy

A. CITY shall occupy the Site during the entire Contract period.

B. Cooperate with CITY to minimize conflict and to facilitate CITY’s requirements.

C. Schedule the Work to accommodate these requirements.

1.15 Contract Prices

A. The Works will be completed under a CCDC-2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract.

B. Prices for lump sum items in the Form of Tender and submitted as part of the bid are to include labour, materials, equipment, testing, commissioning, preparation of shop drawings, delivery, handling, disposal of surplus material, overhead and profit, and any other direct and indirect expenditures of such work and as specified in the Contract Documents.

C. The Bidder shall verify to their satisfaction all quantities, dimensions and grades outlined on the Contract Drawings in determining their prices in the Bid Sheet.

D. No extra work shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR without written approval from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

E. "Provisional Items" refer to work that may be required to be completed, in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR, at the sole discretion of the CITY, in addition to the base scope of work. Completion of "Provisional Items" in whole or in part, will be determined by the CITY according to the prescribed timeline for such work as identified in this Tender Call.

F. No Work shall be performed or payment authorized for “Provisional Items” in the Schedule of Items and Pricing without prior written approval from the CITY.

G. Unless otherwise specified, all work shall be completed to the lines, grades, and alignments shown in the Drawings. Overbuild beyond the limits shown shall not be paid for by the CITY.

1.16 Progress Payment Claims

A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR an application for progress payment in accordance with the requirements specified in General Conditions Clause GC 5.2 including the Supplementary Conditions to the CCDC-2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract.

B. When CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR requires substantiating information, submit data justifying dollar amounts in question.

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C. Following receipt of the complete progress payment application from the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will initiate preparation of a Progress Payment Certificate in accordance with General Conditions Clause GC 5.3 including the Supplementary Conditions to the CCDC-2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract.

1.17 Certificate of Substantial Performance

A. Upon application by the CONTRACTOR and when the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR has verified that the Work has been substantially performed, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall issue a Certificate of Substantial Performance in accordance with General Conditions Clause GC 5.4 including the Supplementary Conditions to the CCDC-2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall, as required by Section 32(1) paragraph 5 of the Construction Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.30, as amended, publish a copy of the certificate in a construction trade newspaper. Such publication shall at minimum include placement in the Daily Commercial News.

C. If the CONTRACTOR fails to publish a copy of the Certificate of Substantial Performance as required above within 7 Days after receiving a signed copy from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CITY may publish a copy of the certificate at the CONTRACTOR's expense.

1.18 Cost Adjustment during Contract Period

A. Costs as identified in the “method of payment” sections of the technical specifications, and provided by the proponent in the price detail form, shall not be subject to cost adjustment over the contract period.

B. Contractors shall make provision for cost adjustment over the contract period in their unit cost rates submitted in the price detail form.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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Part 1 GENERAL 1.1 Includes

1.2 Specification Language.

1.3 Mobilization and Startup.

1.4 Coordination.

1.5 Project Initiation Meeting.

1.6 Progress Meetings.

1.7 Project Organization.

1.8 Site Layout and Grade Control.

1.9 Approval Submittal Procedures.

1.10 Excavation and Construction Progress Schedules.

1.11 Daily Production Summary Reports.

1.12 Regulatory Approvals and Inspections.

1.13 Measurement and Payment.

1.2 Specification Language

A. These Project Specifications are written in imperative mood and are in abbreviated or streamlined form and include incomplete sentences. This imperative language is directed to CONTRACTOR, unless specifically noted otherwise. Omission of words or phrases, such as "CONTRACTOR shall", "shall be", "a", "the", and "all" are intentional. Omitted words or phrases shall be supplied by inference in the same manner as they are when a "note" occurs on the Drawings.

1.3 Mobilization and Start-up

A. Do not mobilize to the Site without CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s prior written authorization. Ensure insurance as required by the Contract Documents is in full force.

B. Perform planning and scheduling activities as necessary for the performance of the Works.

C. Purchase materials, equipment and mobilize equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the Site.

D. Use existing Site access roads to the designated work areas during mobilization. Complete improvements and maintain construction roads as necessary for the performance of the Works.

E. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for siting temporary utilities and facilities as required for the performance of the Work. Provision of additional land and access thereto not shown or described that may be required by the CONTRACTOR for temporary

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construction facilities or storage of materials, shall be provided with no liability to the CITY or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Relocate construction equipment or other materials or equipment as required for the performance of the Work at no cost to the CITY.

1.4 Coordination

A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various Sections of the Project Specifications and other requirements of the Contract Documents to ensure efficient and orderly sequence of completion of interdependent construction and operation elements, with provisions for accommodating items completed later.

B. Coordinate work of various Sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such elements.

C. Coordinate completion and cleanup of work of separate Sections in preparation for Substantial Performance and for portions of the Work designated for utilization.

D. Maintain access to the Site for correction of defective Work and Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents, to minimize disruption of Site activities and operations.

E. Cooperation with Others:

1. The CITY, its councillors, officers, contractors, subcontractors, officials, agents, employees, and representatives, including for greater certainty any engineering consultants of the City (whether internal or external), including in relation to any reports, responses, applications or other materials prepared for any Governmental Authority, including but not limited to applications for the amendment of the existing Certificate of Approval or for any other approval required pursuant to Applicable Laws or Regulations for the continuing operation or expansion of the Landfill.

2. At the interface with previous operation and/or existing construction contracts, jointly plan and coordinate with other contractors the Work so that the Project:

a) Will not be delayed.

b) Will not be endangered in any way.

c) Will be correctly connected and/or transitioned.

3. Where any equipment is supplied by CITY, coordinate unloading, transfer, installation, testing and placing into operation.

F. Existing Roads: Advise CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance, of the extent and amount of any abnormal loads the CONTRACTOR proposes to apply to existing roadways, driveways, platforms etc. CONTRACTOR shall engage a professional engineer at his own expense, to review the ability of the above existing infrastructure to bear the proposed abnormal loading and to provide details of any special safety precautions needed to avoid damage to property or injury to persons, arising from application of the proposed abnormal loads.

G. Existing Dimensions: Dimensions shown are based on existing drawings and are approximate. Verify field dimensions and details before commencing the Work. Report discrepancies to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

H. Fees and Charges: Pay fees and charges imposed for disposal of waste materials, for Contract Administration fees for substitutions and for similar items to complete the Work.

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1.5 Project Initiation Meeting

A. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will schedule and administer a project initiation meeting at the Site after the date of the Order to Commence and prior to start of operations and/or construction at the Site.

B. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will make arrangements for meetings, prepare agenda with copies for all participants, and preside at meetings. The CONTRACTOR will provide data required for the meeting (i.e., updated project schedule, volumes, etc.) to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and be prepared to discuss all items on the agenda.

C. Minimum Attendance Required: CITY, CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR's Site Manager and Superintendent, and CONTRACTOR's Health & Safety Officer.

D. Agenda will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following:

1. Designation and notification of official representatives of participants in the WORK and preparation of a contact list.

2. Lines of authority and communication.

3. Health and Safety.

4. Submissions (H&S and Landfill Gas Management Plans).

5. CITY’s requirements and occupancy.

6. CITY’s appointment of Engineering Firm

7. Coordination with the CITY and CITY’s appointed CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR

8. Facilities and controls provided by CONTRACTOR.

9. Facilities and services provided by CITY.

10. SITE Offices and facilities.

11. Survey and Site layout.

12. Security and housekeeping procedures.

13. Protocol for resolution of complaints from public regarding odour, dust, noise etc.

14. Review of administrative procedures, including field decisions, submittals, substitutions, applications for payments, proposal requests, field orders, Change Directives, Change Orders, and closeout procedures.

15. Work and Progress schedules.

16. Scheduling and location of work as it relates to ongoing landfill operations.

17. Scheduling and location of work as it relates to any other on-site operations.

18. Procedures for testing and inspection.

19. Procedures for maintaining record documents.

20. Review of relevant items of the landfill site Certificate of Approval.

21. Schedule for future site meetings

22. Other items as they arise at the meeting

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E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will record minutes and distribute copies to participants and those affected by decisions made. Identify errors in the minutes, if any, to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing within three (3) days of receipt.

1.6 Project Organization

A. Within seven (7) days after the date of the Order to Commence and prior to mobilization to the Site, submit to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a Project organization chart identifying major positions and names of persons assigned to these positions, including Site Project Manager, Superintendent, and Health and Safety Officer.

1.7 Site Layout and Grade Control

A. Within seven (7) days after the date of the Order to Commence and prior to mobilization to the Site, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will provide to CONTRACTOR the Contract Drawings as listed in Section 01 10 00.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary manpower and equipment to establish proposed grades and shall control work to achieve the proposed lines and grades. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for detail, dimensions and elevations measured from the lines, grades and elevations so established.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall provide, erect, and maintain for the duration of the Work, such masts, scaffolds, batter boards, straight edges, templates, grid co-ordinate markers and other devices as may be necessary to facilitate inspecting the Work.

1.8 Progress Meetings

A. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will schedule and administer progress meetings at the Site throughout the progress of the Work as follows:

a. Bi-weekly Construction progress meetings; and

b. Monthly Contract Meetings.

B. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall make arrangements for meetings, prepare agenda with copies for participants, and preside at meetings. Provide data required to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and be prepared to discuss all items on the agenda.

C. Attendance Required: CITY, CONTRACTOR's Site Manager and Superintendent, and CONTRACTOR's Health & Safety Officer, as appropriate to agenda topics for each meeting.

D. Agenda will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following:

1. Review of minutes of previous meetings.

2. Review of work progress since last meeting.

3. Field observations, problems, and decisions.

4. Identification of problems which impede planned progress.

5. Review of submittals schedule and status of submittals.

6. Review of materials and equipment delivery schedules.

7. Review of health and safety concerns and issues.

8. Update to progress schedule.

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9. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules, if required.

10. Maintenance of quality control and "as built" records on construction works.

11. Coordination of projected progress.

12. Maintenance of quality and work standards.

13. Change Orders and effect of proposed changes on progress schedule and coordination.

14. Change Orders.

15. Applications for Payment.

16. Other business relating to the Work.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following information in writing and in a format acceptable to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR on a bi-weekly basis prior to the progress meeting:

1. a construction update, describing all major work tasks completed in the past week , the degree of completion of the tasks, and the projected date of completion;

2. an activity summary, including:

i. the work carried out during the previous week and the locations of the work performed;

ii. a list of all materials/products delivered to the site complete with delivery dates;

iii. a list of all major equipment mobilization/ demobilization; and

iv. a summary of any work carried out that is beyond the original scope of the Contract

F. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will record minutes and distribute copies to participants and those affected by decisions made. All communication to Suppliers or others that CONTRACTOR is responsible for will be made through CONTRACTOR. Identify errors in the minutes, if any, to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing within three (3) days of receipt.

1.9 Approval Submittal Procedures

A. Unless directed otherwise, transmit submittals to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and copied to CITY.

B. Each submittal shall have a unique submittal number.

C. Submittals shall be numbered sequentially. Re-submittals shall have original number with an alphabetic suffix (A, B, C, etc.) to indicate the sequence of the re-submittal.

D. Identify the Contract, CONTRACTOR, Supplier; pertinent drawing and detail number and specification Section number, as appropriate.

E. Identify variations from Contract Documents and Product or system limitations that may be detrimental to successful performance of the completed Work.

F. Provide space for CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR review stamps and comments.

G. Revise and resubmit submittals as required, identify all changes made since previous submittal.

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H. Distribute copies of reviewed submittals to concerned parties. Instruct parties to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions.

I. When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items shall be clearly identified.

J. Three (3) copies of each submittal shall be provided to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will not accept submittals from anyone other than CONTRACTOR.

K. The CONTRACTOR shall review all submittal packages prior to transmittal to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for completeness and accuracy.

L. The CONTRACTOR shall check and review the submittals returned by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for correction. If the CONTRACTOR ascertains the required corrections are outside the original scope/requirements of the Works included in the Contract, written notice shall be given to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR within five (5) WORKING DAYS if, in the CONTRACTOR's estimation, extra costs result from the corrections. The CONTRACTOR's failure to give such written notice before the starting of the Work covered by returned submittal constitutes a waiver by the CONTRACTOR of claims for extra costs resulting from required corrections. Payment based on such written notice is not approved until authorized by the CITY.

M. For each product item included in the Work, include the manufacturer's name and address, the trade or brand name, all conditions of manufacturer's guarantee and warranty, information to fully describe each item, and supplementary information as may be required for approval. Mark catalog cuts, brochures, and data to indicate the items proposed and the intended use. Clearly mark product parameters which were specifically called out on the original specifications.

N. Submit complete technical, performance, and catalog information for every item of mechanical and electrical equipment and machinery proposed for installation in the Work. Include information on performance and operating curves, ratings, capacities, characteristics, power efficiencies, manufacturers' standard guarantees and warranties with the terms and conditions fully described, and all other information to fully illustrate and describe the items as may be specified or required for approval.

O. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's submittal review period shall be ten (10) consecutive WORKING DAYS in length and shall commence on the first WORKING DAY immediately following the date of arrival of the submittal or re-submittal in the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's office. The time required for mail delivery of the submittal or re-submittal back to the CONTRACTOR shall not be considered a part of the submittal review period.

P. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's acceptance of Drawings and data submitted by the CONTRACTOR will cover only general conformity to the Drawings and Specifications, external connections, and dimensions which affect the layout. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's review of submittals shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors, omissions, or deviations, nor responsibility for compliance with the contract documents.

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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Contract No. C# 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 30 00

Q. When the Drawings and data are returned marked "AMEND AND RESUBMIT" or "REJECTED," the corrections shall be made as noted thereon and as instructed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and three (3) corrected copies shall be resubmitted.

R. When corrected copies are resubmitted, the CONTRACTOR shall highlight or otherwise direct specific attention to all revisions and shall list separately those revisions made other than those called for by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR on previous submissions.

S. The need for more than one resubmission shall not entitle the CONTRACTOR to extension of the Contract Time.

T. All costs for the preparation, correction and delivery of the submittals and re-submittals shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR.

1.9 Construction Progress Schedule

.1 In addition to the requirements specified in Clause GC 3.5 of the CCDC-2 (2008) General Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contract, the progress schedule shall include an estimate of construction progress for installation of new services for the duration of the Work. After CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s review, resubmit if required revised data within three (3) days. Submit updated progress schedule to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to each monthly Contract meeting reflecting the excavation and construction progress. Should actual excavation quantities or construction progress fall behind that indicated in the initial detailed progress schedule for any such two-week period, provide to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a detailed Work Plan within three (3) days outlining additional measures which will be implemented in order to re-establish the timelines indicated in the initial progress schedule.

.2 Keep permanent written records on the Site, of the progress of the Work showing the dates of commencement and completion of parts of the Work. This record must be available for inspection by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY at all times.

.3 Review the schedule status with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at each regular meeting.

1.10 Production Summary Reports

A. Daily Records: Maintain daily records in a form acceptable to CITY. The daily records shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

1. Temperature and weather conditions.

2. CONTRACTOR personnel on the Site.

3. Daily work activities and Works completed

4. Major equipment utilized on the Site.

5. Material delivered to the Site (type and quantity).

6. Material installed at the Site (type and quantity).

7. Material or waste departing the Site (type and quantity).

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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Contract No. C# 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 30 00

B. Each work day submit to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a copy of the daily production summary for the previous day. This data will be provided to the CITY in support of Fair Wage Policy assessments.

C. Monthly Progress Status Reports:

1. The monthly status reports will be a required submittal to be included with every application for payment.

2. Submit four (4) copies of any updated schedules, detailed progress reports and such other information as CITY may require, within seven (7) days of the last day of each month.

3. The updated schedules shall show actual progress against schedule progress. Included with each submission shall be a written report of activity progress, the actual start dates for any activity completed during the period, estimated remaining duration for activities in progress, estimated start dates for activities scheduled to start during the month following the report period, changes in the duration(s) of activities, and/or minor logic changes and activities not included in the initial schedule chart submittal.

1.11 Regulatory Approvals and Inspections

A. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all regulatory approvals including without limitation the Certificates of Approval for the Site.

B. The CONTRACTOR is advised that operations and construction activities at the Site are regulated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, as per the conditions of the site’s Provisional Certificate of Approval. Inspectors from the Ministry of the Environment and other authorities may visit the site at any time during the Contract period.

1.12 Existing Utilities

A. The CONTRACTOR shall contact all utility companies for utility locations as required and shall be responsible for protection of various utilities as required to perform the Work.

B. No responsibility will be assumed by the CITY for the correctness or completeness of the Drawings with respect to existing utilities or other structures, either underground, on the surface, or above ground.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 SITE AND WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 35 00



1.1 Intent

A. The Work will involve working in close proximity to a municipal landfill which presents a number of potential health and safety hazards. The CONTRACTOR is at all times responsible for establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy work place for his employees, the CITY, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, others who may attend the Site from time to time, and the public.

B. This section provides general guidance for the CONTRACTOR only. The CONTRACTOR is at all times responsible for the health and safety of his workers on the site, and for compliance with all applicable regulations including the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Environmental Protection Act.

1.2 Submittals

A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit at least 2 weeks prior to mobilization a site specific Health and Safety Plan. As a minimum, the plan shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications and shall include:

1. site plan identifying proposed construction limits, equipment storage, material laydown, equipment wash-down areas;

2. identification of the CONTRACTOR health and safety officer, and his duties;

3. routine procedures that will be followed during the course of the work to ensure worker health and safety, including procedures for eating and drinking on Site;

4. specific personal protective equipment that will be used for the Works;

5. the procedures for responding to emergencies related to personal injury accidents, fire, or explosion;

6. the procedures for the reporting, interception, rapid clean-up, and disposal of spillages of fuels, lubricants, or solvent;

7. the procedures for the handling and fighting potential fires during the Works;

8. confined space and rescue procedures to complete the Works;

9. control of vehicle movements;

10. the names and the telephone numbers of the persons in the local municipalities to be notified forthwith of a spill;

11. the names and the telephone numbers of the representatives of the fire, the police and the health departments of the local municipalities who are responsible to respond to emergency situations; and

12. the names and the telephone numbers of the companies experienced in the control and clean-up of hazardous materials that would be called upon in an emergency involving a spill.

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1.3 MSDS

A. Provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a list of Designated Substances that will be brought to the site prior to commencing work. Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the hazardous material inventory for each substance listed must be kept on the Project.

B. Maintain on site at a location accessible to all workers, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and the CITY, current MSDS.

1.4 Health and Safety Policy

A. Obtain copies of all Subcontractors’ Health and Safety Policies and Programs prior to such Subcontractor commencing work on the site if and when requested.

B. Provide a copy of Contractor’s current Health and Safety Policies and Program, to implement that policy prior to the commencement of construction.

C. Comply with all Federal and Provincial Health and Safety Acts, Regulations and Lower Tier Municipality By-Laws and with all applicable industry safety standards.

D. Comply with 213/91 (Construction Projects) made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and all amendments thereto. Copies of the Regulations may be obtained from the Ministry of Labour at their Scarborough office, Publications Ontario at 880 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N8 (Tel. 416-326-5300).

E. Provide any and all personal protective equipment for Contractor’s own workers where prescribed.

1.5 Health and Safety Warnings

A. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and the CITY shall have the right to document all Contractors for all health and safety warnings and/or to stop any Contractor's work if the Contractor fails to comply with any requirements under this Section.

B. Similarly, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and the CITY shall have the right to issue warnings and/or to stop work for any Contractor violations of the contract including CITY health and safety policy and programs and/or if the Contractor creates a health or safety hazard.

C. Written warnings and/or stop work orders shall be given to the Contractor using the CITY’s Contractor Health and Safety Warning / Stop Work Order Form.

D. If the Contractor fails to adequately respond to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s or the CITY’s order to correct a hazard, the CITY reserves the right to have the hazard corrected by a third party at the Contractor’s expense. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s or the CITY’s decision, as the case may be, as to the urgency for such correction shall be final.

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1.6 Notice of Project

A. Notify all regulatory bodies required for construction activities, (i.e., Notice of Project, employer notification, etc.). Notifications shall include, but not be limited to, the notification requirements laid out in OHSA Sec 51-53 and the requirements of Ontario Regulation 213/91 for Construction Projects, Sections 5, 6 and 7. For the purpose of this contract the Contractor shall be the “Constructor”.

1.7 Confined Space

A. Persons intended to work in confined spaces, as defined by the CITY, must have formal training in performing work in confined spaces.

B. Provide proof of valid certificates of such training for all workers prior to entry of such workers into confined spaces.

C. Provide all necessary safety equipment for entry into confined spaces.

D. Where workers are required to enter a confined space, as defined by the OHSA, O. Reg. 632/05 Section 221.2, ensure that workers of the Contractor and all Subcontractors follow the requirements of the above legislation, including but not limited to:

1. having a method for recognizing each confined space to which the program applies

2. having a method for assessing the hazards to which workers may be exposed

3. having a method for the development of confined space entry plans (which include on-site rescue procedures)

4. having a method for training workers

5. having an entry-permit system.

6. CONTRACTOR shall provide CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR with a detailed confined space entry plan a minimum of 10 days prior to commencing the work.

E. Supply the necessary tools and equipment to perform the confined space entry. These items include, but are not limited to, required documentation, gas detectors, breathing equipment, fall protection and rescue equipment.

1.8 Air Monitoring

A. Air Monitoring Equipment:

1. All personnel must be trained and competent in the use of a gas detector capable of measuring combustible gas, toxic gas, and oxygen deficiency.

2. Provide the required instruments for air monitoring including, as a minimum, an oxygen level meter, an H2S meter, and a combustible gas meter (LEL meter). Additionally, personal sampling pumps may be required if Site conditions warrant. Provide sufficient numbers of each instrument to monitor the active work location(s) and to provide backup equipment in cases of equipment malfunction.

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B. Action Levels:

1. Combustible Gases: Action levels are based on the readings from a combustible gas meter. The readings are generally given as a percentage of the lower explosion limit (percent LEL) and are collected in the general work area. An atmospheric oxygen level of less than 19.5 percent may affect the readings from a combustible gas meter and give lower than actual levels. Test oxygen content first.

i. Non-confined Space Readings, General Area:

Instrument Reading Action to be Taken

0 to 10 percent LEL Continue working and monitoring atmosphere for combustible gases. Inform personnel working in the area whenever readings greater than 5 percent LEL.

10 to 20 percent LEL Continue working with caution. Inform personnel working in area of readings. Be prepared to cease operations.

Greater than 20 percent LEL

Cease operations and move to a safe place. Re-evaluate work plan. Engineering controls such as forced ventilation and use of non-sparking tools are to be implemented if operations are to continue. DO NOT RESUME WORKING UNTIL CONDITIONS ARE CONSISTENTLY BELOW 20 PERCENT LEL.

2. Hot Works is only to be conducted at less than 0.1 percent LEL (0.005 percent methane

by volume or 50 ppm). Prior to conducting Hot Works, CONTRACTOR shall provide written confirmation to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that the zone is clear of explosive gas. During Hot Work, landfill gas shall be continually monitored with recorded readings being documented.

3. The above noted trigger levels are to be monitored for the worker’s breathing zone. The Site is presently venting landfill gas under variable pressure conditions. Within chambers and trenches, it is expected that levels well in excess of the triggers noted above will be encountered. The trigger levels apply for the worker’s breathing zone, not within the chamber or trench unless these areas represent the worker’s breathing zone.

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C. Oxygen: A direct reading oxygen meter is used to determine the percent of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Instrument Reading Action to be Taken

Less than 19.5 percent or greater than 23.5 percent

Cease operations and move to a safe area. Re-evaluate work plan. Engineering controls such as forced ventilation are to be implemented if operations continue. DO NOT RESUME WORKING UNTIL OXYGEN LEVELS ARE BETWEEN 19.5 AND 23.5 PERCENT. When oxygen levels are outside this range, combustible gas meter readings are not reliable. Supplied air or SCBA respiratory protection may be necessary.

D. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): Whenever readings approach 10 ppm on a direct reading H2S

meter, cease work immediately, move to a safe area and contact Health and Safety Officer. H2S has a Threshold Limit Value (TLV) level of 10 ppm.

1.9 Disposed Wastes

A. The CONTRACTOR is advised that the Keele Valley Landfill was used for the disposal of the following:

a) solid, non-hazardous municipal waste; and

b) solid non-hazardous institutional, commercial, and industrial waste.

1.10 Unexpected Wastes

A. Although materials classified as hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste under Ontario waste management regulations were not knowingly accepted at the landfill, the CONTRACTOR is cautioned that such materials may exist in the landfill. Such materials may be hazardous (e.g., toxic, flammable, corrosive, explosive, radioactive, or infectious) to workers.

1.11 Landfill Leachate

A. Landfill leachate is formed when atmospheric moisture infiltrates the waste. It is typically an aqueous liquid containing salts, ammonia, metals, organic parameters and other contaminants.

B. The CONTRACTOR is advised that the excavation and processing of the previously landfilled waste will require work in close proximity of potential subsurface leachate migration.

1.12 Vectors and Vermin

A. Vectors and Vermin such as birds, rodents, and insects may be present at the landfill.

1.13 Dust

A. Excavation and heavy equipment movement at the landfill may result in the release of dust into the atmosphere. Such dust may contain soil particulates as well as various contaminants, and poses a nuisance and possibly a health and safety hazard to on-site workers.

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1.14 Combustible Gases

A. The ongoing decomposition of organic material in the waste causes the formation of landfill gas containing methane, carbon dioxide, and various contaminants. Landfill gas is combustible and may explode if allowed to accumulate in enclosed spaces, if present at explosive concentrations, and if in the presence of oxygen and an ignition source. Excavations or low-lying areas may allow the accumulation of combustible landfill gas.

B. No smoking or open flames shall be allowed on-Site.

C. A CONTRACTOR shall establish a designated smoking area approved by the CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

1.15 Gases Containing Non-Methane Organic Compounds

A. The landfilled waste may release gases containing various toxic substances.

1.16 Displacement of Oxygen from Breathing Spaces

A. Landfill gas may be heavier than air and thus may possibly displace oxygen from workers’ breathing spaces in low-lying locations such as excavations and manholes.

1.17 Open Excavations

A. Work under this contract will involve work in open excavations. Open excavations may or may not be stable, and may pose a risk to equipment or workers in the vicinity of the excavation.

1.18 Landfill Gas Control by CONTRACTOR

A. The CONTRACTOR shall implement landfill gas control measures such that combustible gas (specifically methane) does not create an ignition or explosion hazard in the excavation area and that carbon dioxide does not accumulate and create an asphyxiation hazard in the excavation area and that harmful concentrations of certain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are not permitted in the workers’ breathing zone. Levels of hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen cyanide shall also be monitored (and controlled if present in excess of hazardous levels in accordance with regulatory requirements)

1.19 Personal/Vehicular Collisions

A. Active waste mining operations will be in progress for the duration of the Work under this Contract. This involves the haulage of waste materials by truck and the movement of heavy equipment on site. These operations create a potential risk for personal or vehicular collisions for the CONTRACTOR’s workers and equipment. Specific requirements relating to avoiding interference with the existing landfill operations are contained in Section 01 50 00.

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1.20 General Requirements

A. Conform to and enforce strict compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and with all related and applicable regulations. CONTRACTOR shall follow the provisions developed and approved in the Site Specific HASP, which may be periodically updated as the Work progresses

B. CONTRACTOR personnel working on the Site shall be trained in accordance with the Site Specific HASP.

C. Establish and maintain at the Site a copy of all relevant MSDS in a manner easily available to all workers, other staff and CITY/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR representatives.

D. No later than ten (10) days following receipt of notification of award of the Contract and at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the Work, forward to CITY a copy of the MSDS for each hazardous material (as defined in the OHSA) to be used in the performance of the Work.

E. Do not bring onto the Site any hazardous material as defined in the OHSA without the prior written authorization of CITY.

F. Authorized representatives of CITY shall at all times have access to the Site to monitor the progress of the Work to whatever extent they deem appropriate to determine compliance with the Specifications and all applicable health and safety requirements.

G. CONTRACTOR shall be under an obligation to cease the Work or any part thereof if an authorized representative of CITY so requires orally or in writing on the grounds that there has been any violation of the OHSA or any of the regulations under it, and thereafter the Work or affected part thereof shall not resume until any such violation has been rectified to the satisfaction of the appropriate CITY's representative.

H. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any delay in the progress of the Work as a result of any violation of provincial or municipal health and safety requirements, it being understood that no such delay shall be an "Unavoidable Delay" for the purposes of extending the time for performance for the Work or entitling CONTRACTOR to additional compensation. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary steps to avoid delay in the final completion of the Work without additional cost to CITY, which shall not be responsible for any additional expense or liability resulting from any such delay.

I. CONTRACTOR shall, for the purposes of the OHSA, be designated as the "constructor" for the Work and shall assume all of the responsibilities of that constructor as set out in the OHSA and its regulations.

J. During the course of the Work, submit to the CITY's Health and Safety Manager a copy of all correspondence, reports, compliance orders, or charges under the OHSA or Regulations that apply to any of the activities conducted under the terms of the Contract.

K. Contingency and Emergency Response:

1. Develop techniques and recommended procedures for immediate first aid emergency response with local medical facilities.

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L. Should any unforeseen or site-peculiar safety related factor, hazard, or condition become evident during the performance of the Works at the Site, it shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to bring such to the attention of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, verbally and in writing, as quickly as possible for resolution. In the interim, take prudent action to establish and maintain safe working conditions and to safeguard persons, property, and the environment.

M. Responsibility: Be responsible for construction health and safety at the site, and for compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990 C.O.1., as amended (Act) and regulations thereunder. So as to avoid any misunderstanding as to the extent of CONTRACTOR's responsibility, CONTRACTOR unequivocally acknowledges that CONTRACTOR is the "constructor" as defined by the Act.

A. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Furnish on-site CONTRACTOR personnel with appropriate PPE. Ensure that safety equipment and protective clothing is kept clean and well maintained in accordance with applicable legislation / regulations and manufacturers specifications.

1.21 First Aid Station

A. The CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain a first aid station on-site for the entire duration of the project. The station shall include an emergency shower and eye-wash facility. The minimum standard for this facility shall meet or exceed all requirements of all relevant agencies and shall be subject to the approval of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall appoint a CONTRACTOR’s Safety Officer prior to the start of the work. This individual shall be responsible for liaison with the CITY, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR and any other parties who may visit the site from time to time regarding all health and safety issues. This individual shall be knowledgeable in all aspects of the health and safety requirements for the project.

1.22 Dermal and Respiratory Protection

A. Exposure of the skin and eyes to waste and leachate must be avoided. If handling potential waste, rubber gloves and safety goggles must be worn. If the waste material being handled is dry and dusty, an appropriate dust mask must be worn.

B. Clothing worn during exposure to any waste and leachate must be washed before being re-worn. Safety boots must be cleaned before being re-worn. If accidental exposure waste or leachate occurs, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the worker washes the material from his skin with large amounts of clean water, irrigates his eyes with clean water, and seeks medical advice immediately

C. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that minimal dust levels are maintained at all times by appropriately controlling excavation and backfilling operations (e.g., progress of work, vehicle speed on-site) and by applying water as a dust suppressant. The CONTRACTOR shall also ensure that his personnel are equipped with appropriate respirators with particulate cartridges as necessary.

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1.23 Eating, Drinking, and Smoking

A. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all his employees follow thorough wash-up procedures prior to eating and drinking.

B. Smoking is prohibited within the landfill property.

1.24 Equipment Dedication and Washing

A. Equipment and tools brought to the site by the CONTRACTOR shall be solely dedicated to this project. Equipment and tools shall not be removed from the site without first being thoroughly cleaned to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Any equipment (including heavy equipment) must be thoroughly washed down prior to removal from the working area, so as to be free of adhered waste or soil, to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for controlling runoff of wash water and the cleaning of all mud tracking to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

1.25 Duties of Constructor

A. The following extracts of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario and Construction Regulations are included for the information of the Contractor.

23. (1) A constructor shall ensure, on a project undertaken by the constructor that,

(a) the measures and procedures prescribed by this Act and the regulations are carried out on the project;

(b) every employer and every worker performing work on the project complies with this Act and the regulations; and

(c) the health and safety of workers on the project is protected. 37. (1) An employer,

(a) shall ensure that all hazardous materials present in the workplace are identified in the prescribed manner;

(b) shall obtain or prepare, as may be prescribed, an unexpired material safety data sheet for all hazardous materials present in the workplace; and

(c) shall ensure that the identification required by clause (a) and material safety data sheets required by clause (b) are available in English and such other languages as may be prescribed.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 40 00



1.1 Includes

1.2 Quality Control.

1.3 Quality Assurance.

1.4 Tolerances.

1.5 References.

1.6 Testing and Inspections.

1.2 Quality Control

A. Monitor quality control over Suppliers, products, services, the site conditions, and workmanship, to produce the Work of specified quality.

B. Comply with specified standards as minimum quality for the Works except where more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship.

D. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. Use persons licensed to perform the Work where required by these Specifications or Laws and Regulations.

E. Materials furnished and finished or intermediate stages of the Works shall be sampled, tested, and inspected as specified in individual Sections and as required by reference standards.

F. Performance of tests or observations by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or CITY are for the sole benefit of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY and are not intended to replace CONTRACTOR's quality control program. CONTRACTOR is solely responsible for establishing and implementing a quality control program to ensure that the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents.

G. It is CONTRACTOR's responsibility to notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR when CONTRACTOR believes the Work (or intermediate stages or parts of the Work) are of specified quality and to permit CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or CITY to perform independent tests or analyses.

H. Testing by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or failure to detect defective Work shall not prevent rejection when defect is discovered, nor shall it obligate CITY for final acceptance.

1.3 Quality Assurance

A. The Work shall be inspected by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to assess if the Work is completed in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications.

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B. All Work shall be inspected and tested as needed before it is covered. All Work shall be inspected by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for alignment, levels and workmanship.

C. Inspection and testing specified will be done by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or an independent party as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

D. The CONTRACTOR shall provide samples of materials (e.g. granular materials) for testing as required by the Specifications or as ordered by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, as well as assist the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in performing any tests deemed necessary by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to ascertain the acceptability of the Work. No additional payment, in excess of the accepted Contract price, shall be made for the CONTRACTOR’s assistance in this regard.

E. In the event of unsatisfactory test results, the CONTRACTOR shall bear the cost of additional sampling, delivery, inspection and testing charges necessary to ascertain that the Work has been corrected.

F. In the event that more than one interpretation may be made of any test result, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall choose the result(s) that shall be accepted as correct and representative.

G. Whenever necessary, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, work shall be suspended for such reasonable time as may be necessary to permit the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to inspect any portion of the work, and the CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed any extra compensation for this suspension of work.

1.4 Tolerances

A. Monitor tolerance control of cut and fill grades of Stage sidewalls and base to the tolerances defined in subsequent Technical Specification Sections to produce acceptable Work. Do not permit tolerances to accumulate.

B. Monitor tolerance control of fill grades and maintain stability of soil stockpile and soil berm to produce acceptable Work to the tolerances defined in subsequent Technical Specification Sections. Do not permit tolerances to accumulate.

C. As-constructed survey coordinates and elevations collected by the CONTRACTOR shall have a horizontal and vertical accuracy to within 30 millimeters.

1.5 References

A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or other consensus standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable Laws or Regulations.

B. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current as of bid closing date, except where a specific date is established by applicable Laws or Regulations or by an individual Section.

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C. Specific provisions of Laws or Regulations may be referenced in the Project Specifications to assist CONTRACTOR and identify options selected by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Such references do not relieve CONTRACTOR from compliance with other applicable provisions of Laws or Regulations not specifically referenced.

D. No inference or provision of any reference document including but not limited to any standard specification, manual, or code shall be effective to change the relationships, duties, and responsibilities of CITY, CONTRACTOR, or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR from those set forth in the Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to CITY or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of the Contract.

E. Publications referred to in these Specifications form part of the Specifications to the extent specified in individual Sections.

F. In case of conflict or discrepancy between a reference standard and the Project Specifications or with another reference standard, the more stringent requirements shall apply.

G. Should specified reference standards conflict with the Contract Documents, request clarification from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR before proceeding.

1.6 Testing and Inspections

F. CITY, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, other representatives and personnel of CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, and independent testing laboratories shall have access to the Site and the Work at all reasonable times for their observation, inspecting, and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of CONTRACTOR's Site safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable.

G. Rights hereunder of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, CITY, other representatives and personnel of CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, and independent testing laboratories to make inspections, conduct tests or reviews, take samples, give instructions, raise objections, or the like shall not give rise to any duty to do so for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any other person or entity.

H. CONTRACTOR shall give CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests, or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests.

I. CITY may undertake such supplementary testing as it considers necessary. Should results of CITY testing conflict with results of CONTRACTOR testing, the product, materials or work may be retested. If work is deemed to be deficient by CITY in the retesting, such work shall be remedied to the satisfaction of CITY.

J. If any work that is to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered by CONTRACTOR without written concurrence of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, it must, if requested by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, be uncovered by CONTRACTOR, at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY, for observation and testing by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

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K. If any work is covered contrary to the written request of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, it must, if requested by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, be uncovered for CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY.

L. If any work that is to be inspected or tested by CITY or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR is determined to be defective after such inspection or test, all fees and charges of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or CITY in re-performing such tests or inspections will be charged against CONTRACTOR, and deducted from any monies due or to become due CONTRACTOR.

I. No review or inspection by CITY or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligations under the Contract.

J. CONTRACTOR shall employ and pay for services of an inspecting geotechnical company and testing laboratory to perform inspecting and testing services as specified in individual Sections. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may, at any time, perform additional geotechnical testing but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of obligation to perform the Works in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents.

K. Employment of inspecting company and testing laboratory and services performed by such inspecting company and testing laboratory in no way relieves CONTRACTOR of obligation to perform the Works in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 50 00



1.1 Section Includes

1.2 References

1.3 Temporary Utilities

1.4 Temporary Construction Facilities

1.5 Vehicular Access and Parking

1.6 Temporary Barriers

1.7 Temporary Controls

1.8 Disposal of Unwanted Material

1.9 Removal of Temporary Facilities and Controls.

1.10 Measurement and Payment.

1.2 References

A. Ontario Regulation 213/91: (O. Reg. 213/91) - The Construction Regulation.

B. Occupational Health and Safety Act: (OHSA).

1.3 Temporary Utilities

A. Electricity: Provide, maintain, and pay for portable power service as required for construction activities.

B. Water Service:

1. Provide, maintain, and pay for suitable bottled drinking water for temporary field office(s) as required.

C. Telephone Service:

1. Provide, maintain, and pay for telephone service for temporary field office(s) as required.

2. Post emergency numbers including police, fire, ambulance, hospital, poison control center, and appropriate regulatory agencies in prominent location near each telephone within any temporary field office(s).

D. Fire Protection:

1. Take precautions to prevent fires. Provide and maintain temporary fire protection equipment of a type appropriate to the hazard anticipated in accordance with authorities having jurisdiction, governing codes, regulations, by-laws, and to the satisfaction of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and insurance authorities.

2. Provide adequate spill containment for the bulk storage of all flammable liquids on the Site. Flammable liquids shall be handled in approved containers.

3. Open burning of rubbish is not permitted on the Site.

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4. The bringing in, use, and disposal of flammable materials shall be handled as required by authorities having jurisdiction.

5. For products requiring special handling procedures, submit a Material Safety Data Sheet prior to product's arrival on the Site.

6. Provide fire extinguishers of the non-freezing chemical type in each temporary building, enclosure and trailer.

7. Smoking is not permitted on the Site outside of designated smoking areas.

1.4 Temporary Construction Facilities

A. Field Offices and Sheds:

1. CONTRACTOR shall provide, as required, field office(s) and furnishings, including all required storage and work sheds as required for the completion of the Work.

2. CONTRACTOR shall provide, as required, a field office and furnishings for the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR during the construction of the Work. At a minimum, the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR field office shall be provided with a desk and chair, phone and internet connection.

3. Field Office and Furnishings: As required by CONTRACTOR and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

4. CONTRACTOR shall locate Field Office(s), Storage and Work Sheds as to not interfere with Site operations and construction Works, and to the approval of the CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

5. The CONTRACTOR shall cover all cost for providing electricity, telephone and water to all the field offices, including the cost for permits, approvals, electricity meters and other services to bring the required service to the Site, including the costs of using these services.

6. The CONTRACTOR shall cover the costs for providing heating and cooling to all field offices for the duration of the Contract.

7. The CONTRACTOR shall cover the costs for the use of electricity, phone and internet services by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for the duration of the Contract.

8. Remove temporary office(s) and sheds upon completion unless otherwise approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

A. Equipment Fuelling, Maintenance and Storage

1. Construction equipment shall be stored, refuelled and maintained in a location acceptable to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY.

2. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all materials required for the clean-up of spillages (e.g., sorbents, etc.) are readily accessible on site at all times, to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. Construction equipment shall be kept in good repair such that leakage of fuels or lubricants does not occur.

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4. Any leakages of fuels, lubricants, or other liquids from construction equipment must be cleaned up immediately to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Any part of the Work that has become affected by any liquid leakages or spillages, as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, shall be reconstructed and/or replaced to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. The cost of disposing of any materials off-site, as a result of leakages or spillages, shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR.

5. The CITY or CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall not be responsible for any costs associated with wear/damage of any CONTRACTOR vehicles or equipment including tires.

B. Emergency First-Aid Facility:

1. Provide, operate, and maintain an Emergency First-aid Facility which contains, as a minimum, the following equipment and supplies:

1. Two (2) fire extinguishers meeting the requirements of local authority.

2. First-aid kit containing medications appropriate for the initial treatment of burns, abrasions and fractures.

2. Locate the Emergency First-aid Facility within temporary Field Office(s).

C. Sanitary Facilities:

1. Provide and maintain required temporary sanitary facilities and enclosures in accordance with OHSA.

2. Remove and dispose of sanitary wastes off the Site on a periodic basis as required and in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations.

D. Storage/Stockpiling Facilities: Provide, maintain, and operate storage/stockpiling facilities as required.

1.5 Vehicular Access and Parking

A. Access Roads:

1. Existing Roads: Reasonable use of existing on-Site roads for construction traffic is permitted subject to the following conditions:

1. Improve existing roads as CONTRACTOR may require to perform the Works.

2. Comply with weight and load size restrictions where applicable.

3. Tracked vehicles are not allowed on paved areas.

2. Permanent Roads:

1. The on-Site permanent roads may be used for construction traffic. Avoid traffic loading beyond pavement design capacity.

3. Temporary Roads:

1. Locate and maintain roads as required for the execution of the Work. Obtain CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s prior approval for location and extent of temporary roads.

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2. Maintain temporary all-weather access road from Site roadways to serve construction areas of a width and load bearing capacity to provide unimpeded traffic movements for construction purposes as CONTRACTOR requires for performance of the Work.

3. Construct temporary roadways and install culverts to span low areas and allow unimpeded drainage for construction purposes, as CONTRACTOR requires for performance of the Work.

4. Materials: CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials to construct and maintain temporary roads under all weather conditions for the successful execution of the Work.

4. Maintenance and Use:

1. Maintain temporary access roads in a sound condition, properly graded, and free of ruts, washboard, potholes, ponding, ice, snow, mud, soft material, excavated material, construction equipment, and products. Maintain access roads throughout the Contract period to ensure unimpeded access for construction vehicles.

2. Remove mud from vehicle wheels before entering landfill asphalt or public roads. Immediately remove any mud due to construction or material delivery traffic from the landfill access road to prevent potential damage to public vehicles. Verify the landfill access roads are free of mud at the end of daily operations.

5. Removal and Repair:

1. Remove temporary materials and construction as required at Substantial Performance.

2. Remove underground work and compacted materials to a depth of 600 mm; fill and grade the Site as specified.

3. Repair existing facilities damaged by use to original condition.

B. Temporary Parking:

1. Locate temporary parking areas as to not interfere with Site operations and construction work, and to the approval of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Maintain separate parking areas for construction equipment.

C. Traffic Regulation:

1. Provide signs, barricades, and other measures required to control traffic on the Site.

2. Control construction vehicular parking to prevent interference with public traffic and parking, access by emergency vehicles, and CITY’s operations.

3. Monitor parking of construction personnel's vehicles. Maintain vehicular access to and through parking areas.

4. Prevent construction parking on or adjacent to access roads or in non-designated areas.

5. Confine construction traffic to designated haul routes.

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6. Provide traffic control at critical areas of haul routes to regulate traffic and to minimize interference with public traffic.

7. At approaches to the Site and on the Site, install traffic signs and signals at crossroads, detours, parking areas, and elsewhere as needed to direct construction and affected public traffic.

8. Relocate signs, signals, and devices as work progresses, to maintain effective traffic control.

9. Remove equipment and devices when no longer required.

10. Remove sign post settings to full depth.

1.6 Temporary Barriers

A. Barriers:

1. Provide barriers to prevent unauthorized entry to construction, site office, and on-site parking areas, and to protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage from CONTRACTOR's operations.

2. Provide protection for monitoring wells and plant life designated to remain and protected. The CONTRACTOR shall replace damaged and/or destroyed plant life including monitoring wells at his costs and to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. Protect vehicular traffic, stored materials, the site, and structures from damage.

4. Protect newly constructed services from damage.

1.7 Temporary Controls

A. Water Control:

1. Maintain Work areas free of surface water and groundwater and prevent the accumulation of excessive amounts of water within the limits of the Work area, to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Protect the Work areas from puddling or running water. Grade the Work areas to drain freely and prevent ponding. Supply and construct temporary controls as necessary to protect the Site from sediment and soil erosion.

3. Prevent surface water runoff from leaving work areas.

4. Do not discharge surface water runoff, or groundwater which may have come in contact with potentially contaminated material, off the site.

5. Direct surface waters that have not contacted potentially contaminated materials or waste to existing surface drainage systems.

6. Construct and maintain temporary swales, ditches, berms, straw bales, check dams and culverts as required by the CONTRACTOR to manage and/or convey surface water and groundwater to existing surface drainage systems, or to prevent soil/fines erosion and contaminated surface water run-off discharge beyond the landfill footprint.

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7. CONTRACTOR to supply all material, labour and equipment to construct and maintain temporary swales, drainage ditches and culverts to manage and/or convey surface water and groundwater.

8. Dispose of water in a manner not injurious to public health or safety, to property, or to any part of the Work completed or under construction.

9. Provide, operate, and maintain necessary equipment appropriately sized to keep excavations, construction areas, staging pads, and other work areas free from water.

10. Have on hand sufficient pumping equipment, machinery, and tankage in good working condition for ordinary and competent workers for the operation of the pumping equipment.

B. Dewatering:

1. The CONTRACTOR is advised that typical construction dewatering at the Site consist of precipitation accumulation.

2. Dewater the various parts of the Work including, without limitation, excavations, structures, foundations, work and construction areas.

3. Employ construction methods, plant, procedures, and precautions that will ensure the Work, including excavations, are stable, free from disturbance, and dry.

4. Dewatering Methods: Includes groundwater control systems; surface or free water control systems employing ditches, diversions, drains, pipes and/or pumps; and any other measures necessary to enable the whole of the Work to be carried out in the dry.

5. Provide sufficient and appropriate labour, plant, and equipment necessary to keep the Work free of water including standby equipment necessary to ensure continuous operation of dewatering system.

6. Take precautions necessary to prevent uplift of any structure or pipeline and protect excavations from flooding and damage due to surface runoff.

7. Provide adequate filtration during dewatering to prevent sediment discharge to the landfill Stormwater Ponds.

C. Erosion and Sediment Control:

1. Soil erosion and sedimentation controls shall be in accordance with Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications (OPSS): 805 - Construction Specification for Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.

2. Install soil erosion and sedimentation control measures as outlined in this Section 01 50 00 or as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Plan and execute construction by methods to control surface drainage from work areas and to prevent erosion and sedimentation.

3. Minimize amount of bare soil exposed at any time. Stabilize disturbed soils as quickly as practical. Strip vegetation, regrade, or otherwise develop in such a way as to minimize erosion. Remove accumulated sediment resulting from construction activity from adjoining surfaces, drainage systems, and water courses, and repair damage caused by soil erosion and sedimentation as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

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4. Provide and maintain temporary measures which may include, but are not limited to, silt fences, hay or straw bales, ditches, check dams, geotextiles, drains, berms, terracing, riprap, temporary drainage piping, sedimentation basins, vegetative cover, dikes, and any other construction required to prevent erosion and migration of silt, mud, sediment, and other debris off the site or to other areas of the site where damage might result, or that might otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. Make sediment control measures available during construction.

5. Hay or Straw Bale: Comply with OPSD 219.100 – Light Duty Straw Bale Barrier

6. Silt Fence: Comply with OPSD 219.130 – Heavy Duty Silt Fence Barrier and OPSD 219.110 – Light Duty Silt Fence Barrier.

7. Plan construction procedures to avoid damage to or work or equipment encroachment onto water bodies or drainage ditch banks. In the event of damage, promptly take action to mitigate the effects of such damage. Restore the affected bank or water body to its existing condition.

8. Prior to or during construction, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may require the installation or construction of improvements to prevent or correct temporary conditions on the site. Improvements may include soil berms, mulching, sediment traps, detention and retention basins, grading, planting, retaining walls, culverts, pipes, guardrails, temporary roads, and other measures appropriate to the specific condition. Temporary improvements shall remain in place and in operation as necessary or until otherwise directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

9. Installation, Inspection and Maintenance:

1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain temporary soil erosion and sediment controls around the Work areas to minimize erosion and sediment transport.

2. Install temporary soil erosion and sediment controls in accordance with OPSS 805 and as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. The temporary controls shall at a minimum consist of the products listed under sub-section 1.7 (C) above, and as determined necessary by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

4. Inspect soil erosion and sediment controls weekly and following rainfall events of approximately 25 mm or greater. If rainfall events greater than 25 mm occur over one (1) day in duration, daily inspections of stormwater management systems should be completed during this event period.

5. Accumulated sediment should be removed from soil erosion and sedimentation controls on a regular basis to ensure the system efficiency and storage capacity is maintained.

6. During rainfall maintenance inspections, if sediment build-up depth is one-half or greater of total depth of the stormwater feature, a clean-out of the feature in affected area(s) should be performed.

7. Repair or replace damaged measures as required, or as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

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8. Modify and add erosion and sediment control measures as required to prevent the downstream migration of sediments, or as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

9. Do not construct straw bale barriers and silt fence in flowing streams or in swales where there is the possibility of a washout.

10. Bales and/or silt fence may be temporarily removed at the beginning of the working day, but shall be replaced at the end of the working day.

11. Whenever sedimentation is caused by stripping vegetation, regrading, or other development, remove it from adjoining surfaces, drainage systems, and watercourses, and repair damage as quickly as possible.

12. Pay close attention to the repair of damaged bales, end runs, and undercutting beneath bales.

13. Whenever sedimentation is caused by stripping vegetation, regrading, or other development, remove it from adjoining surfaces, drainage systems, and watercourses, and repair damage as quickly as possible.

14. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, remove temporary erosion and sediment control devices upon completion of the Work. Spread accumulated sediments to form a suitable surface for seeding or dispose at the tipping face, and shape the area to permit natural drainage; all to the satisfaction of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Materials once removed become the property of CONTRACTOR

10. If soil and debris from the Site accumulate in low areas, storm sewers, roadways, gutters, ditches, or other areas where in CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s determination it is undesirable, remove the accumulation and restore the area to its original condition.

D. Construction Noise Control:

1. Provide methods, means, and facilities to minimize noise produced by construction operations.

2. If machinery, motors, pumps, and other similar equipment must be operated beyond normal working hours, keep the noise below a level acceptable to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR by housing the equipment as necessary and in accordance with City of Vaughan Noise By-Law 96-2006.

3. Provide and use sufficient muffling devices that will minimize vehicle and equipment noise levels in the construction area.

E. Construction Dust and Particulate Control:

1. Execute the Works by methods to minimize raising dust from construction operations.

2. Implement and maintain dust and particulate control measures immediately during construction and in accordance with the Province of Ontario regulations.

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3. Provide positive means to prevent airborne dust from dispersing into atmosphere. The permitted dust control measure is the application of water. No chemicals may be used for dust control.

4. As a minimum, use appropriate covers on trucks hauling fine or dusty material and use watertight vehicles to haul wet materials.

5. Prevent dust from becoming a nuisance to adjacent property owners or occupants.

6. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may stop work at any time when CONTRACTOR's control of dust and particulates is inadequate for the wind conditions present at the Site, or when the air quality monitoring indicates that the release of fugitive dust and particulates into the atmosphere equals or exceeds specified levels of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) National Ambient Air Quality Objectives for particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM-10), and O.Reg. 419/05, Schedule 3 (24-hour) Standards for total suspended particulate matter (TSP).

7. In the event that CONTRACTOR's dust and particulate control is not sufficient for controlling dust and particulates into the atmosphere, work shall be discontinued and a meeting held between CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, CITY and CONTRACTOR to discuss the procedures that CONTRACTOR proposes to resolve the problem. Make all necessary changes to operations prior to resuming any excavation, handling, processing, or any other work that may cause a release of dust or particulates.

F. Landfill Gas Plant Operation and Control:

1. The CONTRACTOR is advised uninterrupted landfill gas extraction will have to be managed as part of the Works.

2. Refer Section 01 92 00 for additional Landfill Gas System operation measures during the completion of the Works.

G. Fire Prevention and Control :

a) The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all fire prevention and fire control within the Work areas.

b) The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary and proper steps to ensure that all Work is performed and materials / products are stored in such a manner as to prevent fire from breaking out.

c) The CONTRACTOR shall, in the event of fire within the Work areas, supply and operate his equipment as required by the CITY and/or the Fire Department to control and extinguish the fire.

d) Costs for the supply and operation of equipment for extinguishing of fires shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR.

e) The CONTRACTOR and his staff shall notify the CITY immediately when smoke or flame is observed.

f) The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the inspection and maintenance of all fire extinguishers located in equipment and the CONTRACTOR buildings at the Site.

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H. Pollution Control:

1. Provide methods, means, and facilities to prevent contamination of soil, water, and atmosphere from discharge of noxious toxic substances and pollutants produced by construction operations.

2. Be prepared to intercept, clean up, and dispose of spills or releases that may occur whether on land or water. Maintain materials and equipment required for cleanup of spills or releases readily accessible on the Site.

3. Promptly report spills and releases potentially causing damage to the environment to:

1. Authority having jurisdiction or an interest in the spill or release including any provincial agency, conservation authority, water supply authorities, drainage authority, road authority, and fire department.

2. The owner of the pollutant, if known.

3. The person having control over the pollutant, if known.

4. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY representative.

4. Contact the manufacturer of the pollutant if known and ascertain the hazards involved, precautions required, and best measures to be used in any cleanup or mitigating action.

5. Take immediate action using available resources to contain and mitigate the effects on the environment and persons from any spill or release.

1.8 Disposal of Unwanted Material

A. During construction and on completion of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove waste and rubbish generated during the execution of the Work and leave the Work area clean and ready for use to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Such waste materials shall be disposed off-site at a licensed waste disposal facility in accordance with all existing regulations.

B. In case of dispute, the CITY reserves the right to remove the waste and rubbish and charge the cost to the CONTRACTOR.

C. Equipment and materials which are not necessary for the execution of the Works shall not be permitted on site. On completion of the Work, all temporary works, materials not required, and equipment shall be removed off-site by the CONTRACTOR at no extra cost to the City

D. No construction materials supplied by the CITY may be removed from the site unless written permission is obtained from the CITY.

1.9 Removal of Temporary Facilities and Controls

A. Remove temporary utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to the final inspection unless otherwise approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Remove underground installations to a minimum depth of 600 mm.

C. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work.

D. Restore existing and permanent facilities used during construction to original and functional condition.

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Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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Section 4 – Technical Specifications Tender Call No. 199-2019 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW Section 01 60 00



1.1 Summary

A. Section Includes:

1. Material and equipment.

2. Product delivery and handling requirements.

3. Product storage and handling requirements.

4. Product warranties.

1.2 Material and Equipment

A. Products, materials, equipment and articles (referred to as products throughout the Specifications) incorporated in the Work shall be new, not damaged or defective, and of best quality (compatible with specifications) for the purpose intended. If requested, furnish evidence as to type, source, and quality of products provided.

B. Design is based on the first named supplier as listed in each specification section. If CONTRACTOR chooses to use other listed suppliers, and if the installation needs to be modified to meet the requirements of the new supplier, CONTRACTOR is responsible for the modification costs. Non-listed suppliers will not be considered unless verifiable evidence of product non-availability is provided by CONTRACTOR.

C. Defective products will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Inspection does not relieve responsibility, but is a precaution against oversight or error. Remove and replace defective products at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for delays and expenses caused by rejection.

D. Should any dispute arise as to quality or fitness of products, the decision rests strictly with CITY based upon requirements of the Contract Documents.

E. Handle and store products in a manner to prevent theft, damage, adulteration, deterioration, and soiling and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions when applicable.

F. Store packaged or bundled products in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer's seals and labels intact.

G. Store products subject to damage from weather in weatherproof enclosures. Be responsible for any damage to equipment and affect repairs at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY. Ensure that such repairs are approved by CITY and the equipment supplier so that guarantees are not invalidated.

H. Install and erect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not rely on labels or enclosures provided with products. Obtain written instructions directly from manufacturers.

I. Improper installation or erection of products, due to failure in complying with these requirements, authorizes CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to require removal and reinstallation at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY.

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J. The Work shall be best quality, executed by workers experienced and skilled in respective duties for which they are employed. Do not employ any unfit person or anyone unskilled in their required duties. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may order removal from the Site any person demonstrating (in the opinion of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR) improper or unruly behavior, drunkenness or similar unacceptable behavior and conduct. CONTRACTOR shall have no claim for lost productivity or other compensation in respect to such action taken by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Decisions as to quality of the Work in cases of dispute rest solely with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, whose decision is final.

K. In finished areas, conceal pipes, ducts, and wiring in floors, walls, and ceilings, except where indicated otherwise. Before installation, inform CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR if there is a contradictory situation. Install as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

L. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for ensuring that no part of the structure, existing or new, is loaded during construction with loads greater than those calculated to bear safely when completed. Should damage occur through violation of this requirement, make good such damage at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to CITY.

1.3 Product Delivery And Handling Requirements

A. Make all arrangements for transportation, delivery, and handling of products required for prosecution and completion of the Works.

B. Shipments of products to CONTRACTOR or Subcontractors shall be delivered to the Site only during regular working hours. Shipments shall be addressed and consigned to the proper party giving name of Project, street number, and city. Do not deliver shipments to CITY except where otherwise directed in writing.

C. Provide advance notice of delivery of products to the Site as required in other Sections. Do not deliver products of any kind to the Site until approval in writing has been applied for and obtained by CONTRACTOR from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

D. Arrange delivery of products to the Site in accordance with work sequence and in ample time to facilitate inspection prior to installation. Schedule deliveries to limit requirement for storage at the Site to the practical minimum.

E. Coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with the Works and conditions at the Site and to accommodate the following:

1. Work of Other Contractors, or CITY.

2. Limitations of storage space.

3. Availability of equipment and personnel for handling products.

4. CITY’s use of the Site.

F. Do not have products delivered to the Site until related Shop Drawings or Samples have been approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

G. Do not have products delivered to the Site until required storage facilities have been provided.

H. Transport and handle products in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.

I. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to ensure that products comply with requirements of the Contract Documents and reviewed submittals, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged.

J. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling,

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disfigurement, or damage.

1.4 Product Storage And Handling Requirements

A. Limit on-Site storage of products to areas shown on the Drawings or otherwise approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Make all arrangements and provisions necessary for storage of materials and equipment.

C. Place all excavated materials, construction equipment, and materials and equipment to be incorporated into the Works so as not to injure any part of the Works or existing facilities and so that free access can be had at all times to all parts of the Works and to all utility service company installations in the vicinity of the Works.

D. Store and protect products in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and instructions and requirements of Specifications, with seals and labels intact and legible.

E. Store sensitive products in weathertight, climate-controlled enclosures. Protect products subject to ultraviolet degradation from direct exposure to sunlight.

F. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports, above ground.

G. Provide bonded off-Site storage and protection when the Site does not permit on-Site storage or protection.

H. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering. Provide ventilation to avoid condensation or potential degradation of product.

I. Store loose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in a well-drained area. Prevent mixing with foreign matter.

J. Furnish equipment and personnel to store products by methods to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage.

K. Arrange storage of products to permit easy access for inspection. Periodically inspect to verify products are undamaged and are maintained in acceptable condition.

L. Store materials and equipment neatly and compactly, and in locations that will cause a minimum of inconvenience to Other Contractors, public travel, adjoining owners, tenants, and occupants.

M. Protect delivered products from contamination or damage.

N. Do not use lawns, grass plots, or other private property for storage purposes without written permission of CITY or other person in possession or control of such premises.

O. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for loss or damage to stored products, materials, and equipment.


A. Requests for substitutions will not be accepted prior to the Notification of Award. This section includes requests for approval of equivalency for products and manufacturers.

B. Substitutions will be considered for the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR review provided


1. Complete Product data is submitted in accordance with Sections 01 30 00, item 1.9 and 01 40 00.

2. All data relating to changes in the Contract Schedule, if any, and relating to other Work have been submitted.

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3. The same warranty or greater is given for the substitution as for the original product specified.

4. All claims are waived for additional costs related to the substitution that may subsequently arise.

5. Installation of the accepted substitution is coordinated with the Work and full responsibility is assumed when substitutions affect other work.

C. Time spent by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in reviewing the substitution not to be the basis for a claim for extensions to the Milestones. Allow a minimum of twenty-eight (28) Days for the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to review the substitution request following the receipt of the information required.

D. Contractor will be solely responsible for any delay arising as a result of the review by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of any request for substitution.

E. CONRACT ADMINISTRATOR may reject any request for substitutions at any time in the process if, in the opinion of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the proposed substitution may:

1. Delay or adversely affect the Contract Schedule or disrupt the Work of the Contractor.

2. Require substantial revision to the Specifications and/or Contract Drawings. 3. Not offer any benefit to the City.

F. Do not substitute Products unless such substitutions have been reviewed and accepted for the Work by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

PART 2 Accepted substituted Products are subject to inspection by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and testing procedures as specified in Section 01 40 00, including submissions in accordance with Section 01 30 00, item 1.9. Install accepted substituted Products only after review and

receipt of written acceptance from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR PRODUCTS – Not Used



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1.1 Includes

1.2 Examination.

1.3 Field Surveying.

1.4 Protection of Installed Work.

1.5 Record Documents.

1.6 As Constructed Records

1.2 Examination

A. Prior to commencement of work at the Site, inspect the Site with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to review, photo record and establish the condition of surface features including existing roads, parking areas, buildings, wells, trees and other plants, grassed areas, fencing, service poles, wires, paving, monitoring wells and survey bench marks or monuments on or adjacent to the Site which may be affected by the Works. This inventory shall be mutually agreed between CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CONTRACTOR and shall not thereafter be subject to dispute. Such inventory as may be amended, from time to time, will be used by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to check compliance by CONTRACTOR with the requirements of the Contract Documents.

B. Provide ongoing review, inspection, and attendance during performance of the Works to properly document conditions. Promptly inform CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of any existing condition at the Site affected by the Work which may require restoration, repair, or replacement. Do not cover up any of the Work without prior approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Maintain and protect existing Site structures and facilities from damage which may be affected by the Work while work is in progress. Repair or replace damage resulting from the Work to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s approval.

D. Verify that existing Site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent work. Beginning new work means acceptance by CONTRACTOR of existing conditions.

E. Verify that existing substrate is capable of structural attachment of new work being applied or attached or that existing or previously constructed surfaces are ready to receive subsequent work.

F. Examine and verify specific conditions described in individual Sections.

D. Verify that utility services are available, of the correct characteristics, and in the correct location.

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1.3 Field Surveying

A. CONTRACTOR’s field surveying shall conform to procedures described in this Section.

B. Quality Assurance:

1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may, at any time, check CONTRACTOR's survey and layout work but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of any of its responsibilities to carry out the Work to the lines and grades set out in accordance with the Drawings and the Project Specifications or as otherwise necessary for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.

2. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing at least five (5) Working Days in advance of commencing work on any part of the construction activities to enable CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to establish bench marks and base lines.

3. Unless otherwise specified, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will establish reference bench marks and base lines adjacent to the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out the Work from established reference points.

C. Submittals: On request, submit documentation verifying accuracy of survey work.

D. Record Documents: Maintain a complete and accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses.

E. Survey Reference Points:

1. Locate, preserve, and protect survey control and reference points.

2. Control datum for survey is that established by CITY.

3. Promptly report to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR the loss or destruction of any reference point or relocation required because of changes in grades or other reasons.

4. Make good any errors entering into the Work through CONTRACTOR failure to notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR concerning lack of preservation of such survey reference points.

5. Accurately replace or relocate disturbed reference or survey control points based on original survey control. Make no changes without prior written notice to and approval of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

F. Survey Requirements:

1. Utilize recognized engineering survey practices. Locate and lay out the Work using properly calibrated instrumentation.

2. Establish elevations, lines, and levels.

3. Periodically verify layouts by same means and methods.

4. Establish a minimum of two (2) temporary bench marks on the Site, referenced to established control points. Record locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project record documents.

5. Provide reasonable and necessary opportunities and facilities for setting points and making measurements during construction.

6. Develop and make such additional detailed surveys as are needed for construction, such as bench marks, slope stakes, batterboards, stakes for establishing the design

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elevations of excavations and final grades, and other working points, lines, and elevations. Maintain bench marks and base lines established by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, existing property boundaries, lines and grade hubs, and other references and construction or survey points.

G. Examination:

1. Verify locations of survey control points prior to starting work.

2. Verify set-backs, easements, and clearances, confirm Drawing dimensions and elevations.

3. Promptly notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of any discrepancies discovered.

1.4 Protection of Installed Work

A. Protect installed work and provide special protection where specified in individual Sections.

B. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed products. Control activity in immediate work area to prevent damage.

C. Prohibit traffic upon landscaped areas.

D. Maintenance of Flow: Maintain the flow of surface water in existing drains and watercourses. In the event that any emergency or situation should arise which interrupts flow in existing ditches or watercourses, restore normal flows as soon as possible.

E. Flotation: Take necessary precautions against the flotation of any structures during construction. Make good any damage caused by flotation.

1.5 Record Documents

A. Maintain 1 set of the following record documents on the Site; record actual revisions to the Work:

1. Drawings.

2. Specifications.

3. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract.

4. Health and safety records.

5. Survey and other Work documentation.

B. Ensure entries are complete and accurate, enabling future reference by CITY.

C. Store the record documents separate from documents used for construction.

D. Record information concurrent with construction progress.

E. Submit record documents to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR with final payment certificate.

1.6 As Constructed Records

A. CONTRACTOR shall obtain from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a white print set of the Drawings at the start of the Work.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall record on the white prints on a daily basis, work constructed differently than shown on the Contract Drawings. Record drawings shall show all changes in "clouds" to clearly identify any deviations from the plans.

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C. Record all changes in the Work caused by site conditions, or originated by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR, or a Subcontractor and by addenda, supplemental drawings, site instructions, supplementary instructions, change orders, correspondence, and directions of regulatory authorities.

D. A complete and accurate set of as-constructed record drawings shall be signed and dated by the CONTRACTOR and shall be labeled with the following, "These record drawings completely and truly represent the contract work as installed.”

E. Do not use the as-constructed drawings for daily working purposes, and make the set available for periodic inspection by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

F. Make records in a neat and legibly printed manner with a non-smudging medium.

G. Accurately record the location of any concealed utilities, mechanical services, electrical main feeders, etc., uncovered during construction activities and identify services on the record drawings.

H. Do not conceal critical Work until its location has been recorded.

I. The CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR all necessary survey records for completed Works to allow preparation of as-constructed drawings. Dimension the installed locations of concealed service lines on the site or within the structure by reference from the centre line of the service to structure column lines or other main finished faces or other structural points easily identified and located in the finished Work.

J. As-constructed survey coordinates and elevations collected by the CONTRACTOR shall have a horizontal and vertical accuracy to within 30 millimeters.

K. As-constructed record drawings shall be delivered to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to final acceptance of the work by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

L. The cost for as constructed drawings shall be included in the total bid price.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used


3.1 Restoration

A. As a minimum, restoration shall mean replacement, repairs, or reconstruction to a condition at least as good as or better than the condition prior to commencement of the Work.

B. Except where specifically required otherwise by other Sections, restore areas of the Work and areas affected by the performance of the Work to conditions that existed prior to commencement of the Work and to match condition of similar adjacent, undisturbed areas.

C. Complete restoration work in accordance with the requirements of OPSS 492.

D. Ensure that restored areas match existing grade and surface drainage characteristics, except as otherwise specified, and ensure a smooth transition from restored surfaces to existing surfaces.

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E. Do not alter original conditions without prior written approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

F. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or other requirements of the Contract Documents, preserve and protect existing features encountered at the Site during the performance of the Work including, but not limited to monitoring wells, fences, utilities, roads, grassed areas, and other graded or improved areas.

G. Utilize construction methods and procedures during the performance of the Work which keeps disturbance and damage of whatever nature to existing conditions to the practical minimum. Where work necessitates root or branch cutting, do not proceed without CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's prior approval.

H. Ensure that quality, grades, elevations, and extent of bedding, cover, and other backfill materials are properly documented for the duration of the Work.

I. Restoration Material: New, except as otherwise specified, not damaged or defective, and of the best quality for the purpose intended. Furnish evidence as to type, source, and quality of materials or products furnished when requested by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or specified in other Sections.

J. Should any dispute arise as to the quality or fitness of materials, whether obtained on the Site or off the Site, whether previously inspected by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to use or not, the decision to use any material or product in the finished Work will rest solely with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

K. Remove from the Site clean material not approved for reuse.

L. Handle and store products and materials in a manner to prevent damage, adulteration, deterioration, and soiling and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions when applicable.

M. Prior to commencement of restoration work, inform CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of proposed material, methods, and procedures to repair, replace, or reconstruct disturbed, damaged, or suspected damage to the Work.

3.2 Progress Cleaning

A. Execute daily cleaning of the Site access road(s) or other designated road(s) with frequency as required to maintain a safe and unobstructed traffic route for the CITY during progress of the Work.

B. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies:

1. In addition to the requirements herein, maintain the cleanliness of the Work and surrounding premises within the Work limits so as to comply with federal, provincial, and local fire and safety laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations.

2. Comply with all federal, provincial, and local anti-pollution laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations when disposing of waste materials, debris, and rubbish.

C. Coordinate cleaning operations with ongoing disposal operations to prevent accumulation of dust, dirt, debris, rubbish, and waste materials on or within the Work or on the premises surrounding the Work.

3.3 Final Cleaning

A. Execute final cleaning of the Work areas prior to Substantial Performance of the Work.

B. Clean the Site; sweep paved areas, and rake clean landscaped surfaces.

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C. Repair roads, sod, and all other areas affected by construction operations and restore them to original condition or to minimum condition specified.

D. Maintain cleaning until acceptance by CITY.

3.4 Removal and Disposal

A. Remove surplus materials and temporary facilities and controls from the Site following each stage of construction unless approved otherwise by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Dispose of all non-contaminated waste materials, litter, debris, and rubbish off-Site.

C. Do not burn or bury rubbish and waste materials on the Site.

D. Do not dispose of volatile or hazardous wastes such as mineral spirits, oil, or paint thinner in storm or sanitary drains.

E. Do not discharge wastes into streams or waterways.

F. Dispose of contaminated materials as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.


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1. CONTRACTOR shall supply Operation and Maintenance Manuals which shall be indexed and bound or arranged in ring binders and shall include general installation, operation and maintenance instructions, parts list, wiring and schematic diagrams, final certified drawings and detailed data on all parts and components. System operation and control device settings shall be clearly documented.

2. Submit draft of Operation and Maintenance Manuals for CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S review at least fourteen (14) Days prior to commissioning. Make alterations and additions, as found to be necessary during commissioning and prepare final version of manual from corrected draft.

3. Submit final version of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals within fifteen (15) Days of receipt of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S review comments.

4. Table of contents: Provide title of Contract, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of consultants and Contractor with name of responsible parties, schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of volume.

5. For each product or system: List names, addresses and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts and warranties. Warranty to include the following as a minimum:

a) Description of warranty coverage. b) Date warranty starts. c) Date warranty expires. d) Contact name, address and phone number. The Contractor shall also be responsible

for advising the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of changes in contact information during the warranty period.

6. Incorporate information to Operations and Maintenance Manual for each system or product as detailed in specification section for that system/product.

7. For both draft and final Operation and Maintenance Manuals, submit three (3) paper copies and two (2) electronic versions (B size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).


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1.1 Includes

A. Removal or relocation of services.

B. Pre-inspection and cleaning

1.2 References

A. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

B. Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Controls

1.3 Environmental Requirements

A. Division 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.

Part 2 PRODUCTS (Not Used)


3.1 Examination

A. Section 01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout Requirements: Verification of existing conditions before starting work.

B. Verify that existing plant life or other surface and sub-surface features designated to remain are tagged or identified.

C. Delineate, mark and obtain CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR’s written approval before commencing the Works.

3.2 Preparation

A. Protect trees, plant growth, manholes, wells, utilities, and surface features designated to remain from damage due to construction operations by the erection of barriers, fencing, or by such other means as circumstances require.

B. Provide protection in accordance with applicable CITY standards and to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Install sediment and erosion control measures as required.

3.3 Temporary Removal or Relocation of Services

A. The CONTRACTOR shall temporarily remove or relocate existing services such as utilities, fencing, doors, signs, sediment controls, drainage ditches, culverts or any other service as required to enable completion of the Works.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall take all care during the removal and relocation of services to prevent damage, and shall re-instate the existing services to the original lines and grades upon completion of the Works and to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all materials, labour and equipment to remove, relocate and re-instate services.

D. The CONTRACTOR shall supply and replace materials damaged during the removal of existing

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services at his costs.

E. Material removed by the CONTRACTOR shall be stored on-Site at a location acceptable by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and to prevent damage or loss of materials.

F. The CONTRACTOR shall not remove any services without written approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3.4 Pre-inspection and Cleaning

A. The following pre-inspection and cleaning of the landfill gas flaring system shall be completed, unless approved otherwise by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Prior to commencing with any work or ordering of materials, the CONTRACTOR shall clean, physically measure and complete an inspection of the LFG Flaring System to verify the upgrade Works specified in the Contract document, including but not necessarily limited to the following areas:

1. Moisture Separator Chamber

2. Blower Room

3. Electrical Room

4. Control/drive Room

5. Compressor Room

6. Flare Pad Area

C. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing of any errors or omissions in the upgrade Works specified in the Contract document.

D. No claims by the CONTRACTOR shall be considered for any Work performed, downtime, material ordered or restocking of material ordered prior to verifying the existing LFG Flaring System condition.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out the cleaning and inspection in strict accordance with all applicable OSHA Standards. Particular attention is directed to those safety requirements involving entry into a confined space.

F. The CONTRACTOR shall include the costs of off-site disposal at a licensed landfill of liquids, sediment and materials removed during the pre-installation cleaning operations.


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1.1 Section Includes

A. Demolishing designated structures.

B. Order of works, including selective installation and permitted system shutdowns.

C. Protecting items designated to remain.

D. Removing demolished materials.

E. Disconnecting and removal of identified utilities.

1.2 References

A. Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications:

1. OPSS 510 – Construction Specification for Removal.

B. Section 02 10 00 – Site Preparation

C. Section 31 23 16 – Excavation

D. Section 31 23 23 – Fill

E. Section 02 41 19.16 - Selective Electrical Demolition

1.3 Regulatory Requirements

A. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the following:

1. Canadian Electrical Code

2. Ontario Ministry of the Environment

3. Environmental Protection Act

4. Utility Companies Regulations and Procedures

5. Applicable codes and regulations for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust control and sediment control.

1.4 Submittals

A. Shutdown, Decommissioning and Demolition Work Plan: Within fourteen (14) Days after the date of Notice to Proceed, submit Shutdown, Decommissioning and Demolition Work Plan to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review to ascertain compliance with the requirements specified. Include written procedures, schedules, and CONTRACTOR drawings as applicable. The Shutdown, Decommissioning and Demolition Work Plan shall, as a minimum, address each of the following:

1. Methods and procedures which will be used to perform demolition.

2. Sequencing and scheduling of shutdown, decommissioning, demolition, and removal with an emphasis on reducing flare system downtime.

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3. Methods and procedures which will be used to comply with general safety requirements and dust control.

4. Hazard identification and special procedures including, but not limited to, hot work plans, confined space entry plans, and air monitoring programs, in accordance with Section 01 35 29 and CONTRACTOR and CITY Health and Safety Policies.

5. Shutdowns not to be scheduled until shut down plan has been approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY, and written confirmation has been received by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that CONTRACTOR has materials, labour, etc. required to complete the works in less than the maximum allotted time period(s). Required materials to be on-site and confirmed with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY minimum of one (1) week prior to scheduling shut down. CONTRACTOR to maintain inventory of materials and monitor on a monthly basis at a minimum and update CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY at progress meetings.

6. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible to pay any fines, remedial works, related claims, monitoring, City costs, and Consultant costs resulting from delays or extended shut‐down periods beyond the agreed upon construction schedule.

B. The following describes the proposed demolition and construction steps required to facilitate the upgrades to the LFG Flaring System mechanical, electrical and automation systems while maintaining operation of the existing facility. The CONTRACTOR shall use the following step in the development of the Shutdown, Decommissioning and Demolition Work Plan. Any alternatives to the outlined steps below to be reviewed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY:


Shutdown, Isolation and Temporary Piping Installation

The first phase of construction is to temporarily shut down the LFG plant (maximum initial shut down period is 2 days) and complete the following isolation work:

1. Power to blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be locked out.

2. The 2 x 450mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators and 2 x 600mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators along the lower pipe inside the moisture separator chamber upstream of the moisture separators (V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4) will be closed to isolate LFG from landfill to chamber.

3. The 2 x 450mm butterfly valves with chain wheel actuators and 2 x 600mm butterfly valves with chain wheel actuators extending north from the upper pipe inside the moisture separator chamber upstream of the moisture separators (V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4) will be closed to isolate LFG from chamber to building.

4. The 2 x 600mm blind flanges along upper pipe inside the moisture separator near elevation 3630 to be removed to allow purging of pipe. Replace blind flange on east side after temporary piping installed.

5. The 600mm flange on the west side of the upper pipe upstream of the moisture separators inside the chamber to be connected to temporary high-density polyethylene (HDPE) piping. Use 90 degree vertical bend, reduce to 300mm, extend out of the chamber roof, bend 90 degrees horizontal towards the blower building, and run piping through the blow out panels (that are to be replaced as part of this Contract). Support

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temporary piping as required. Run temporary piping inside the building and connect to blowers B2 and B4 such that both blowers can operate together.

6. The outlet pipe of V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4 will be removed between flanges up to the chamber wall interface.

7. The outlet of V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4 will be blinded, as well as the flanges at the chamber wall interfaces for V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4.

8. Control cables for the electric automated valves related to blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be disconnected from the source.

9. New 600 V, 200 A, 3-pole fuse blocks with 150 A fuses will be installed inside of MCC 4 cubicles for new blowers.

10. A new 600 V, breaker will be installed in 600 V distribution panel PP2 inside the electrical room to supply the new flare control panel. The breaker size will be determined once the flare panel design is reviewed.

11. The 2 x 450mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators and 2 x 600mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators along the lower pipe inside the moisture separator chamber upstream of the moisture separators (V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4) will be re-opened to allow LFG from landfill to chamber.

12. The LFG plant will be restarted running blowers B2 and B4 and Flare 4 while first phase demolition and installation occurs.


1. Blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be removed.

2. Suction piping for blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be dismantled and blinded at or near the floor level within the blower room.

3. Discharge piping of B1, B3, and B5 will be removed, along with the common discharge header to the flares.

4. Power cables to blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be removed to the MCC.

5. All components inside MCC 4 blower cubicles for blowers B1, B3 and B5 downstream of the main disconnect switch will be removed.

6. Control cables for the electric automated valves related to blowers B1, B3 and B5 will be removed.


1. The new blowers will be installed.

2. The new suction header will be installed in the separation chamber downstream of moisture separators.

3. The outlet of moisture separators V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4 will be connected to the new suction header in the separation chamber.

4. New piping will be installed on the suction side of the blowers and connected to the new suction header in the separation chamber.

5. New blower discharge piping will be installed up to the new flare. Automated safety valves will be installed with the piping and connected to the nitrogen supply.

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6. The new flare can be installed at any time as space is currently available.

7. The new air dryer and filters will be installed.

8. The VFDs for the new blowers can be installed at any time as space is currently available in the old office area adjacent to the electrical room.

9. Power cabling will be installed from MCC 4 to the new blower VFDs and from the VFDs to the new blower motors.

10. Control cabling will be installed from the new LFG PLC panel to the new automated safety valves.

11. The main LFG PLC panel, UPS, and the LFG analyzer cabinet can be installed at any time as it will also be located in the old office space.

12. The new hazardous gas system can also be installed at any time as new components will be installed adjacent to existing gas monitoring components.


A final shut down period of the LFG plant (maximum final shut down period is 2 days) is required to tie-in the newly installed system and disconnect temporary pipe system. This section will describe the temporary shutdown and the systems / equipment that are to be demolished after the new plant is running. New flare and blower system to be tested through factory testing (FAT) and site acceptance testing (SAT) prior to Phase 2 shutdown to the extent possible. Testing and commissioning plan to be submitted to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and CITY for review prior to commencing on-site testing and scheduling Phase 2 shutdown. After Phase 2 shut down, new flare and blower system to be operational.

Mechanical Systems

1. The temporary LFG plant will be shut down.

1. The 2 x 450mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators and 2 x 600mm butterfly valves with hand wheel actuators along the lower pipe inside the moisture separator chamber upstream of the moisture separators (V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4) will be closed to isolate LFG from landfill to chamber.

2. Power for blowers B2 and B4 will be locked out.

3. The 600mm blind flange along east upper pipe inside the moisture separator near elevation 3630 to be removed to allow purging of pipe as necessary.

4. The temporary HDPE piping will be removed and 600mm flange at west end of upper pipe to be blind flanged.

5. The 2 x 450mm butterfly valves with chain wheel actuators and 2 x 600mm butterfly valves with chain wheel actuators extending north from the upper pipe inside the moisture separator chamber upstream of the moisture separators (V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-4) will be re-opened to allow LFG from chamber to building.

6. LFG plant will be restarted while the remaining system/equipment is demolished, and minimal additional commissioning works is conducted.

7. Blowers B2 and B4 will then be removed along with associated piping.

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8. All redundant piping penetrating the blower room will be cutoff below floor level, filled and grouted over for a smooth finish.

9. All building openings and penetrations through the exterior of the building shall be closed, flashed and/or sealed by contractor with material to match existing in order to render them weather-proof.

10. The old flares can then be demolished.

11. Existing emergency lights can be removed anytime since they are not in use.

12. Air dryer will be tied-in to the compressed air system.

Electrical & Automation Systems

1. Tie-in of new gas detection system to the interface panel.

2. Tie-in the gas monitoring audible and visual alarms to new gas detection system.

3. The old LFG control panel will be removed along with the gas chromatograph and associated cabinet.

4. The old hazardous gas detection system components and gas detectors will be removed.

5. Control and signaling cabling associated with old LFG control panel and the old hazardous gas detection system will be removed.

6. Chart recorders and flow computers with associated cabling will be removed.

7. Power and control cables associated with blowers B2, B4, the old flares and associated valves and instruments will be removed.

C. The following describes the proposed removal of two substations, one of which shall be replaced, and the steps required for their removal and the preparation of the site for the replacement substation. This work shall performed in conjunction with the scoping, specification and installation of the replacement unit. The work plan for the substation being replaced shall include measures for safeguarding and protecting the utility switch from damage during demolition and installation. For each substation, separate unit rates for contaminated soil and waste oil removal shall be established. The CONTRACTOR shall use the following steps in the development of the Demolition Work Plan:

PHASE 1 – Blower Building Substation Replacement

Shutdown and Isolation

The first phase of demolition is to replace the existing 1000 kVA Blower Building substation (anticipated initial shutdown period is 5 days and is intended to be in conjunction with the initial LFG shutdown) and complete the following work with minimal disturbances to the existing foundation, duct bank, cables and utility switch, such that a replacement unit can be easily installed:

1. Coordinate with the utility company as required to perform an inspection of Blower Building substation and the close-coupled utility switch in order to collect all necessary data for the replacement of the 1000 kVA transformer. The data collected shall include all details and measurements required to specify and supply a replacement unit with the same ratings and fitment. The replacement transformer shall be designed such that that modifications to the utility switch are not required.

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2. Submit the specifications and proposed design for the replacement unit to the ENGINEER for review.

3. Contact local utility and obtain necessary authorization, permits and work procedures.

4. Ensure that all electrical supply to the substation has been disconnected, air gapped and locked out.

5. Create necessary safe access into the transformer enclosure to perform work.

6. Ensure that all energy within the substation has been dissipated to ground and that no further residual energy remains.

Transformer Oil Removal

1. Remove all oil from the transformer and flush the inside of the transformer prior to removal from site.

2. Oil in transformers has been tested and contains less than 1 ppm PCB’s.

3. Dispose of waste in accordance with the regulatory outline from the Province of Ontario.

4. Disposal of waste oil is to be included in the lump sum bid price.


1. Bring to site all equipment required to remove the transformer from its foundation in a safe manner. Provide the ENGINEER and OWNER with a JSA outlining the safe work procedure to be used to remove the equipment.

a. Prior to removal, disconnect, label and protect all conductors fed to and from the transformer and switch gear.

2. Remove all equipment and associated cabling, conduit, etc. as shown on drawing E-401 and correct any resulting deficiencies to remaining equipment for a complete and compliant installation

Soil Remediation

From field observations, it has been observed that the 1000 kVA transformer located in the enclosure has leaked oil. This oil contamination will need to be removed:

1. All visibly stained materials shall be excavated from below and around the transformer foundation and duct bank area. CONTRACTOR shall perform all remediation work in accordance with Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Soil samples and testing shall be taken in the presence of the ENGINEER and shall be in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act to confirm that the remedial excavation meets the requirements of Table 3 environmental standards in Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act. If the extents do not meet this standard, further excavation and testing will be required.

a. Provide a unit rate for contaminated soil excavation, shipment and disposal

2. The extents of the remedial excavation shall be backfilled with OPSS 1010 MUNI Granular A material (No recycled material – Pit Run Only). The material shall be placed in 300 mm lifts until the remedial excavation has been completely filled. Compaction shall be to 98% SMDD.

a. A unit rate per tonne of OPSS 1010 Muni Granular A material is provided in

the bid form.

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3. Where required, CONTRACTOR shall reinstate all chain link fence and grounding infrastructure within the transformer enclosure area.

Installation of Replacement Unit

1. Prepare transformer pad to ensure its readiness to receive the new substation.

2. Install the new, 1000 kVA substation and reconnect all power and control cables. Connect bus bar to close-coupled utility switch.

3. Perform all safety checks and tests prior to applying power and commission the new unit.

4. Consult utility to close utility switch to provide power to the substation.

PHASE 2 – Services Building Tie System Modifications and Substation Removal

Tie System Modifications and Substation Isolation

The Tie System located in the Services Building is fed from the Blower Building and will be modified to become the main source of supply for the Services Building. The Services building also supplies the garage and the Administration Building.

1. Coordinate with the OWNER to schedule power shutdown of the Service Building.

2. Contact local utility and obtain necessary authorization, permits and work procedures.

3. Create necessary safe access into the transformer enclosure to perform work.

4. Lockout power to the Tie System.

5. Ensure that all electrical supply to the substation has been disconnected, air gapped and locked out.

6. Ensure that all energy within the substation has been dissipated to ground and that no further residual energy remains.

7. Modify the contents of the disconnect switch (89-8 in Photo 10 on drawing E-401) located in the Services Building electrical room to have a solid permanent connection in place of the switch.

8. Connect the Tie System cable in the modified switch cabinet for termination to the main breaker supplying the Services Building MCC.

9. On switch 89-8, remove external switch handle and kirk key interlock. Relabel this cabinet as a Junction Box. Remove all other labels.

10. After the modifications have been properly tested and inspected, restore power to Services Building MCC.

Transformer Oil Removal

1. Remove all oil from the transformer and flush the inside of the transformer prior to removal from site.

2. Oil in transformers has been tested and contains less than 1 ppm PCB’s.

3. Dispose of waste in accordance with the regulatory outline from the Province of Ontario.

4. Disposal of waste oil to be included in the lump sum bid price.

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1. Bring to site all equipment required to remove the transformer and switch gear from their respective foundations in a safe manner. Provide the CONSULTANT and OWNER with a JSA outlining the safe work procedure to be used to remove the equipment from the enclosure.

a. Prior to removal, disconnect, label and protect all conductors fed to and from the transformer and switchgear.

Soil Remediation

From field observations, it is unsure if the 500 kVA transformer located in the enclosure has leaked oil. The site will need to be inspected for contamination and will need to be removed if contamination is found.

1. All visibly stained materials shall be excavated from below and around the transformer foundation and duct bank area. CONTRACTOR shall perform all remediation work in accordance with Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Soil samples and testing shall be taken in the presence of the ENGINEER and shall be in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act to confirm that the remedial excavation meets the requirements of Table 3 environmental standards in Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act. If the extents do not meet this standard, further excavation and testing will be required.

2. Provide a unit rate for contaminated soil excavation, shipment and disposal The extents of the remedial excavation shall be backfilled with OPSS 1010 MUNI Granular A material (No recycled material – Pit Run Only). The material shall be placed in 300 mm lifts until the remedial excavation has been completely filled. Compaction shall be to 98% SMDD.

b. A unit rate per tonne of OPSS 1010 Muni Granular A material is provided in

the bid form.

Where required, CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with OWNER for instructions on how to reinstate all chain link fence

1.5 Closeout Submittals

A. Record Documents: Accurately record actual locations of capped utilities, subsurface obstructions, and final grades; photographs of work; list of disposition of equipment, piping, concrete, and building materials.

1.6 Quality Assurance

A. Conform to applicable code for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, dust control, and runoff control.

B. Conform to applicable code for procedures when hazardous or contaminated materials are discovered.

C. Obtain required permits from authorities having jurisdiction.


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2.1 Fill Materials

A. Fill Material: OPSS 1010 Muni Granular A as specified in Section 31 23 23


3.1 Examination

A. Examine existing structures designated to be demolished before demolition.

B. Verify that existing surface features designated to remain are tagged or identified.

3.2 Preparation

A. Protect utilities and surface features designated to remain from damage incident to construction operations by the erection of barriers or by such other means as circumstances require.

B. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. Provide bracing and shoring.

C. Identify and mark location of utilities.

D. Disconnect, remove, and/or flush and cap with concrete and identify existing underground utilities within demolition areas.

E. Sprinkle work areas with water to minimize dust. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose.

3.3 General Safety Requirements

A. Take precautions to ensure that no person is exposed to undue risk.

B. Install and maintain portable extinguishers in conformance with the local fire code.

C. Cut and weld, if required, in accordance with the fire code. Keep areas where cutting and welding operations have taken place, under supervision by CONTRACTOR for at least one hour after the operations have been completed.

D. Maintain "hot work" permitting and monitoring program as part of overall site safety program. Cold work is the preferred method of dismantlement.

E. Maintain "lock out, tag out" permitting program during implementation of the Work.

3.4 Demolition of Structures

A. Identify all utilities in the demolition area. Record terminations or capped locations on record documents.

B. Prior to allowing any structure or piping to free fall to the ground during demolition, submit a detailed plan outlining how dust control and safety shall be ensured during the operation. Written approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall be required before CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to proceed. Allowing material to free fall to the ground will be considered as a final option where no other demolition/dismantling procedure is practical or possible.

C. Break demolition debris into sizes suitable for transportation.

D. Load demolition debris directly into approved haulage units for transportation and off Site disposal. Minimize dust generation during loading operations and maintain the loading area adjacent to the demolition area in a neat and tidy manner.

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E. Control of fugitive dust and containment of demolition debris within the Site as specified to provide a safe working environment and to comply with air quality standards for fugitive particulate emissions is of the essence in respect to work performed under the Contract.

F. At the end of each day's work, leave work in a safe condition so that no part is in danger of toppling or falling.

G. Rough grade and compact areas affected by demolition that are beyond the limits of excavation.

H. Continuously clean up and remove demolished materials from the Site. Do not allow materials to accumulate on Site.

I. Do not burn or bury materials on Site. Leave the Site in clean condition.

J. Blasting is prohibited.

K. Comply with OPSS 510.

3.5 Waste Handling

A. Collect solid waste generated during removal activities in designated area on the Site.

B. Collect liquid wastes generated during removal activities and transfer to designated storage tanks, if applicable.

3.6 Sequence of Removals and Demolitions

A. Refer to notes on mechanical drawings for further details on sequence of removals and demolitions, and shut down allowances.

B. East side blowers (B1, B3, B5) and appurtenances to be safely isolated and removed to allow installation of new blowers, piping, and other new appurtenances.

C. System to remain operational using blowers B2 and B4, with Flare #4.

D. Once new flare system is installed, remaining blowers, flare stacks, and appurtenances to be removed.


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1.1 Section Includes

A. Cast-in-place Concrete Trench.

B. Concrete formwork, shoring, and bracing.

C. Concrete reinforcement, and accessories.

D. Concrete curing, sealing.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements: Requirements for references.

B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International:

1. ASTM A1064/A1064M - Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete.

2. ASTM C260 - Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete.

3. ASTM C494/C494M - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.

4. ASTM C1064/C1064M - Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete.

C. Canadian Standards Association (CSA):

1. CSA A3000 - Cementitious Materials for Use in Concrete.

2. CSA A23.1/A23.2 - Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Methods of Test and Standard Practices for Concrete.

3. CSA A23.3 - Design of Concrete Structures.

4. CSA A283 - Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories.

5. CSA G30.18 - Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement.

6. CSA S269.1 - Falsework and Formwork.

D. Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications:

1. OPSS 904 - Construction Specification for Concrete Structures.

2. OPSS 905 - Construction Specification for Steel Reinforcement for Concrete.

3. OPSS 919 - Construction Specification for Formwork and Falsework.

E. Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada (RSIC): Manual of Standard Practice.

1.3 Progress Submittals

A. Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements: Requirements for progress submittals.

B. Shop Drawings:

1. Submit reinforcement Shop Drawings:

i. Indicate bar sizes, spacings, locations, and quantities of reinforcing steel and wire fabric, bending and cutting schedules, and supporting and spacing devices with identifying code marks to permit correct placement without reference to the

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Drawings in accordance with Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada (RSIC) Manual of Standard Practice.

ii. Detail placement of reinforcing where special conditions occur.

iii. Design and detail lap lengths and bar development lengths in accordance with CSA A23.3.

C. Product Data: Include for joint devices, waterstops, attachment accessories, admixtures, curing compound, concrete anchors, waterproofing and floor seal.

D. Concrete Mix Design Data: Submit mix design minimum 14 days prior to producing concrete for each class of concrete.

E. Aggregate Source Data: Prior to aggregate production, submit details of source and methods proposed for producing aggregate.

F. Test Reports: If required, submit, minimum 14 days prior to intended use, test reports of current representative samples of the following materials: coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, cement, reinforcement mill test certificates.

G. Certificates: Certify that mix proportions meet or exceed specified requirements and will produce concrete of specified quality and yield and that strength will comply with specified requirements.

H. Concreting Methods and Procedures: Submit 14 days prior to placement of concrete, proposed methods of mixing, transporting, conveying, placing, spreading, consolidating, finishing, curing, and protection of concrete. Include procedures for hot or cold weather concreting and for protecting the subgrade and concrete from freezing during cold weather. Include plan for monitoring, controlling and recording temperatures of the curing enclosure and concrete surface during hot or cold weather.

I. Prepare, submit, and coordinate inspections by geotechnical engineer and OWNER.

J. Provide accurate records of poured concrete items indicating date, location of pour, quality, air temperature and test samples taken.

1.4 Closeout Submittals

A. Section 01 70 00 - Execution Requirements: Requirements for closeout submittals.

B. Record Documents: Indicate actual locations of embedded utilities and components which are concealed from view.

1.5 Quality Assurance

A. Perform work of this Section in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2 and OPSS 904.

B. Acquire cement and aggregate materials from same source for all work.

C. Conform to CSA A23.1/A23.2 when concreting during hot weather.

D. Conform to CSA A23.1/A23.2 when concreting during cold weather.

E. Perform formwork in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2, CAN/CSA S269.3 and OPSS 919.

F. Immediately remove from Site forms that cannot be properly cleaned or repaired.

G. Perform reinforcement in accordance with RSIC Manual of Standard Practice and CSA A23.1/A23.2.

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H. Provide notification of commencement and duration of shop fabrication in sufficient time to allow inspection.

I. Remove immediately from Site reinforcement without rolled-in grade marks or certified mill test reports.

1.6 Qualifications

A. Supplier:

1. Certified ready-mix supplier approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Plant certification complying with Ready Mix Concrete Association of Ontario.

B. Testing Agency: Independent testing laboratory complying with CSA A283 and approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, to carry out trial concrete mix investigations, and select materials and mix proportions in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2 and OPSS 904.

1.7 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements: Requirements for transporting, handling, storing, and protecting products.

B. Store materials off ground in ventilated and protected manner to prevent deterioration from moisture.

C. Store reinforcement in bundles with identifying tags or markings on racks or sills that will permit easy access for identification and handling and prevent it from becoming coated with any material that would adversely affect the bond.

D. Maintain individual bar identification after bundles are broken.

1.8 Environmental Requirements

A. Section 01 50 00 - Temporary Facilities and Controls: Requirements for temporary controls.

B. Cold Weather Requirements:

1. Apply when the air temperature is below 5 degrees C.

2. Submit to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review proposed equipment and methods before concreting in cold weather.

3. Provide temperature-controlled enclosures using steam at a low pressure or vented-type portable heaters to provide a suitable temperature above 5 degrees C for placing concrete. Protect concrete from local concentrations of heat and adverse effects of combustion products. Do not use Salamander type heaters.

4. Keep concrete continuously moist and maintain temperature surrounding the concrete above 10 degrees C for the duration of the curing period. Concrete shall be cooled gradually at the end of the curing period in accordance with Table 20 in CSA A23.1.

5. The subgrade below all slabs-on-grade shall be protected from freezing during construction. Provide heated enclosures and insulation as required.

C. Hot Weather Requirements:

1. Apply when the air temperature is above 27 degrees C.

2. Submit to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review proposed equipment and methods before concreting in hot weather.

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D. Concrete Temperature Upon Delivery to Site: In accordance with Table 14 of CSA A23.1/A23.2 for the thickness of concrete section.

1.9 Sequencing And Scheduling

A. Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements: Requirements for coordination.

B. Coordinate the placement of embedded components with erection of concrete formwork and placement of form accessories.

C. If formwork is placed after reinforcement resulting in insufficient concrete cover over reinforcement, before proceeding request instructions from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

Part 2 Products

2.1 Design Requirements

A. Design, engineer, and construct formwork, shoring, and bracing to conform to design and code requirements; resultant concrete shall conform to required shape, line, and dimension.

2.2 Wood Forms

A. Form Materials: CSA S269.1 and OPSS 919.

B. Plywood: Douglas Fir species, solid one side factory coated grade; sound undamaged sheets with clean, true edges.

C. Lumber: CSA S269.1. Spruce, pine, or fir species, construction grade; grade stamp clearly visible.

2.3 Prefabricated Forms

A. Preformed Steel Forms: Minimum 1.5 mm thick, matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight of concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and appearance of finished surfaces.

2.4 Form Accessories

A. Form Ties: Removable or snap-off type, galvanized metal, fixed or adjustable length, cone type with 25 mm back break dimension, free of defects that could leave holes larger than 25 mm in concrete surface.

B. Form Release Agent: Colorless mineral oil which will not stain concrete, or absorb moisture, or impair natural bonding or color characteristics of coating intended for use on concrete.

C. Corners: Chamfer, wood strip type; 20 by 20 mm size; maximum possible lengths; on all exposed corners.

D. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, and Anchorages: Sized as required, of sufficient strength and character to maintain formwork in place while placing concrete.

2.5 Reinforcement

A. Reinforcing Steel: CSA G30.18, 400 MPa yield grade, deformed carbon steel bars. Use Grade 400W where reinforcing steel is to be tack welded.

B. Welded Wire Reinforcement: ASTM A1064/A1064M; in flat sheets; unfinished as specified.

2.6 Reinforcement Accessories

A. Tie Wire: Minimum 1.5 mm thick annealed type.

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B. Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, and Spacers: Sized and shaped for strength and support of reinforcement during concrete placement conditions. Do not use masonry block.

2.7 Concrete Materials

A. Cement: CSA A3001, Type GU (Type 10), General Use Portland Cement, gray color.

B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: CSA A23.1/A23.2.

C. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete, free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, sediment, or other deleterious substance.

2.8 Concrete Admixtures

A. Air Entrainment: ASTM C260.

B. Chemical: ASTM C494, Water reducing.

C. Superplasticizer: ASTM C494.

D. Provide admixtures from same source manufacturer.

E. Supplementary Cementing Materials: CSA A3001.

2.9 Concrete Mix

A. Mix and deliver concrete in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

B. Select proportions for normal weight concrete in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

C. Provide concrete to the following criteria:

Unit Measurement

Compressive Strength (56-day) 35 MPa (Trench Concrete)

Exposure Class (Table 2, CSA A23.1) C-1

Aggregate Size (maximum) 19 mm

D. Use accelerating admixtures in cold weather only when approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Use of admixtures will not relax cold weather placement requirements.

E. Do not use calcium chloride.

F. Use high range water reducing admixture (superplasticizer) and air entrainment for all concrete except interior slabs with steel trowel finish.

G. Use set retarding admixtures during hot weather only when approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

H. Add air entraining agent to normal weight concrete mix for work exposed to exterior.

I. Add high range water reducing admixture (superplasticizer) to mix at the Site.

2.10 Concrete Accessories

A. Bonding Agent: Mineral filled polysulfide cured epoxy.

2.11 Fabrication - Reinforcement

A. Fabricate concrete reinforcing in accordance with RSIC Manual of Standard Practice.

B. Locate reinforcing splices not shown on the Drawings, at point of minimum stress. Review location of splices with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

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2.12 Source Quality Control

C. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements: Requirements for source testing and analysis of concrete materials.

D. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may perform tests of cement, aggregates, water, and the mixture thereof at batch plant to ensure conformance with specified requirements.


3.1 Examination

A. Section 01 70 00 - Execution Requirements: Verification of existing conditions before starting work.

B. Verify lines, levels, openings, and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure that dimensions agree with the Drawings.

C. Verify requirements for concrete cover over reinforcement.

D. Verify that anchors, seats, plates, reinforcement, and other items to be cast into concrete are accurately placed, positioned securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete.

3.2 Preparation

Earth forms are not permitted unless noted on drawings.

Prepare previously placed concrete in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2 by cleaning with steel brush to remove laitance and mortar and applying bonding agent in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Maintain the same temperature for the previously cured concrete and newly placed concrete during placing and curing.

In locations where new concrete is doweled to existing work, drill holes in existing concrete and bond dowels with adhesive system in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.

3.3 Erection - Formwork

Erect formwork, shoring, and bracing to achieve design requirements, in accordance with CSA S269.1.

Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. Shore or strengthen formwork subject to over stressing by construction loads.

Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling and stripping. Do not damage concrete during stripping. Permit removal of remaining principal shores.

Obtain approval before framing openings in structural members which are not shown on the Drawings.

Provide fillet and chamfer strips on external corner edges of concrete exposed to view unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.

Where forms are to be partially filled, fix wooden strips approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to form reglets to define limits between successive pours.

Construct forms tight fitting to prevent cement migrating out of plastic matrix.

3.4 Application - Form Release Agent

Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

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Apply prior to placement of reinforcing steel, anchoring devices, and embedded items.

Do not apply form release agent where concrete surfaces will receive special finishes or applied coverings which are affected by agent. Soak inside surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep surfaces coated prior to placement of concrete.

3.5 Inserts, Embedded Parts, And Openings

Provide formed openings where required for items to be embedded in passing through concrete work.

Locate and set in place items which will be cast directly into concrete.

Coordinate with work of other Sections in forming and placing openings, slots, reglets, recesses, sleeves, bolts, anchors, other inserts, and components of other work.

Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, straight, level, and plumb. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete placement.

D. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where required to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Locate openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to drain.

E. Close temporary openings with tight fitting panels, flush with inside face of forms, and neatly fitted so joints will not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces.

3.6 Placement - Reinforcement

Place reinforcement in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

Install reinforcement as shown on Drawings and in accordance with reviewed Shop Drawings.

Comply with CSA A23.1/A23.2 for reinforcement installation not shown on the Drawings.

Comply with CSA A23.1/A23.2 and RSIC Manual of Standard Practice for bar support systems and patterns.

Make only those splices shown on the Drawings with lengths in accordance with CSA A23.3 and RSIC Manual of Standard Practice.

Place, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Do not deviate from required position.

Accommodate placement of formed openings.

Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at least 24 hours in advance of completion of reinforcement placing to permit time for inspection, final adjustment, and review by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to placing concrete.

Conform to CSA A23.1 for concrete cover over reinforcement.

3.7 Obstructions to Reinforcement

A. In the event conduits, piping, inserts, sleeves, or other items interfere with reinforcement placing, immediately notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for adjustments.

B. Do not cut bars to clear obstructions without consulting CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3.8 Field Bending Reinforcement

A. Do not field bend reinforcement except as authorized by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

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B. When field bending is authorized, bend without heat, applying a slow and steady pressure and with the use of the proper sized pin.

C. Inspect and replace bars which develop cracks or split.

3.9 Tolerances

A. Construct formwork to maintain tolerances required by CSA S269.1.

B. Unless specified otherwise, reinforcing steel spacing shall not vary by more than 12 mm from dimensions shown on the Drawings.

3.10 Placing Concrete

A. Place concrete in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

B. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR minimum 48 hours prior to commencement of concrete placing operations to allow CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR opportunity to review methods of conveying, spreading, consolidating, finishing, curing, and protecting concrete.

C. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, are not disturbed during concrete placement.

D. Maintain records of concrete placement. Record date, location, quantity, air temperature, and test samples taken.

E. Place concrete continuously and construction joints.

F. Do not interrupt successive placement; do not permit cold joints to occur.

3.11 Concrete Finishing

A. Finish exposed wall surfaces in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2 basic treatment.

B. Steel trowel interior surfaces which are exposed to match existing.

3.12 Curing And Protection

A. Cure and protect concrete in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

B. Immediately after placement, protect concrete from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury.

C. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for period necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of concrete, following curing period specified in Table 19 for given exposure class of CSA A23.1/23.2.

3.13 Patching

A. Allow CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms.

B. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR upon discovery.

C. Patch imperfections in accordance with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

D. Tie Rod Holes: Within 3 days following removal of forms, fill tie rod holes with non-shrink, nonmetallic, sand-cement grout. Wet the holes prior to filling. Tamp grout into place. Cover until set.

3.14 Defective Concrete

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A. Defective Concrete: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details, dimensions, tolerances, or specified requirements.

B. Repair or replacement of defective concrete will be determined by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Do not patch, fill, touch up, repair, or replace exposed concrete except upon express direction of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for each individual area.

3.15 Form Removal

A. Give CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR advance notice prior to form removal.

B. Comply with CSA A23.1/A23.2.

C. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight and imposed loads and to prevent damage to corners and edges.

D. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tools against finished concrete surfaces scheduled for exposure to view.

E. Store removed forms in manner that surfaces to be in contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged. Discard damaged forms.

3.16 Field Quality Control

A. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements: Field inspection and testing.

B. Inspect erected formwork, shoring, and bracing to ensure that work is in accordance with formwork design, and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and items are secure.

C. Do not reuse wood formwork more than three times for concrete surfaces to be exposed to view. Do not patch formwork.

D. Four concrete test cylinders will be taken by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for every 50 m3

or less of each class of concrete placed each day.

E. One additional test cylinder will be taken by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR during cold weather concreting, cured on job site under same conditions as concrete it represents.

F. One slump test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. Slump test will be determined by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at the beginning of each, the middle of, and the end of a particular mixer/agitator truck.

G. Testing by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or failure to detect defective work will not prevent rejection when defect is discovered, nor will it obligate OWNER for final acceptance.

H. Methods of Testing by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: In accordance with CSA A23.2 or ASTM, as applicable.

1. Securing composite samples; CSA A23.2 - 1C.

2. Molding and securing specimens from each sample; CSA A23.2 - 3C.

3. Compressive Strength: Specimens will be tested at 7 and 28 days; CSA A23.2-9C.

4. Slump for each strength test; CSA A23.2 - 5C.

5. Total air content for each strength test; CSA A23.2 - 4C or A23.2 - 7C.

6. Temperature of concrete sample and mixing water for each strength test or as required; ASTM C1064/C1064M.

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I. Copies of test reports will be supplied to CONTRACTOR on request.

3.17 Cleaning

A. Section 01 70 00 - Execution Requirements: Requirements for cleaning installed work.

B. Clean forms as erection proceeds, to remove foreign matter within forms.

C. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete.

D. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through cleanout ports.

E. During cold weather remove ice and snow from within forms. Do not use de-icing salts. Do not use water to clean out forms unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter.

3.18 Protection Of Finished Work

A. Section 01 70 00 - Execution Requirements: Requirements for protecting installed work.

B. Do not permit traffic over unprotected surfaces.


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1.1 Section Includes

A. Two-ply modified bitumen built-up roofing system for replacement of roofing system on an existing concrete roof slab. New roof system shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Vapour barrier.

2. Tapered insulation.

3. Protection board.

4. Two-ply membrane roofing.

5. Cant strips.

6. Curb/parapet upgrades.

7. Flashing and curb/parapet cap.

8. Membrane joints.

1.2 References

A. Canadian General Standards Board:

1. CGSB 51-26 - Thermal Insulation, and Isocyanurate, Board, Faced.

2. CGSB 37-GP-56M - Membrane Modified, Bituminous, Prefabricated, and Reinforced for Roofing.

B. Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA).

C. Canadian Standards Association: CSA B35.3 - Tapping and Drive Screws.

D. Factory Mutual: FM 4470 - Approval Standard for Class 1 Roof Covers.

E. Ontario Building Code 2012 (OBC).

F. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada: ULC S770 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Long-Term Thermal Resistance of Closed-Cell Thermal Insulating Foams.

1.3 System Description

A. Supply and install a built-up roofing system consisting of insulation, insulation cants, recovery board, base sheet membrane, cap sheet membrane, flashing and parapet cap.

B. This specification is based upon Soprema roofing products. Firestone roofing system or other alternative manufacturer products will be accepted provided that they are deemed equal and meet the performance level indicated.

1.4 Progress Submittals

A. Product Data: Include product data sheets and MSDS sheets of all material specified in this Section.

B. Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements.

C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Provide installation instructions with Product Data.

1.5 Closeout Submittals

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A. Record Documents: Provide completed manufacturer's field inspection report.

B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Indicate all roof maintenance data.

C. Warranties: Completed original warranty forms filled out in OWNER's name and registered with manufacturer.

1.6 Quality Assurance

A. Perform work of this Section in accordance with OBC.

1.7 Qualifications

A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this Section with minimum 5 years documented experience.

B. Installer: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum 5 years documented experience and approved by manufacturer. The roofing contractor shall be a member of the CRCA.

1.8 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Deliver and store materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

B. Store materials in their original packaging, displaying the manufacturer's name, product name, weight, and reference standards, as well as all other indications or references considered standard until the materials have been inspected by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Store adhesives and emulsion-based waterproofing mastics at a minimum 5 degrees C. Store adhesives and solvent-based mastics at sufficiently high temperatures to ensure ease of application.

D. Store materials delivered in rolls upright. Store flashing to avoid creasing, buckling, and scratches.

E. Avoid material overloads that may affect the structural integrity of specific roof areas.

1.9 Manufacturer's Warranty

A. Provide 10-year manufacturer's warranty.


2.1 Design Requirements

A. The product shall be capable of withstanding the following design conditions as a minimum:

1. Roof Loads: Design snow and wind loads for Vaughan, Ontario, in accordance with OBC Part 4.

2. Roof access to equipment for occasional maintenance.

3. Zero leakage onto concrete roof deck.

2.2 Materials

A. Polyisocyanurate Insulation: Tapered; 50 mm minimum thickness at roof drains (OR match existing); tested to long-term thermal resistance values (LTTR) of the foam in accordance with ULC S770; as manufactured by Atlas Roofing, Johns-Manville, or approved equal.

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B. Insulation Overlay - Bituminous Panels: Multi-ply, semi-rigid asphaltic roofing substrate board composed of a mineral fortified asphaltic core formed between two asphaltic saturated fibreglass liners; Sopraboard, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

1. Length 1,200 mm x width 1,500 mm x thickness 3.2 mm.

2. At parapets and curbs use 6.4 mm thick Sopraboard.

C. Adhesive – Concrete roof: Cold-applied solvent-based polyurethane bitumen adhesive; Coltack, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

D. Membranes:

1. Roof Membrane Base Sheet: Sopraply Base-520, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

2. Roof Membrane Base Sheet Flashing: Sopraflash Cap-550, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

3. Roofing Membrane Cap Sheet and Cap Sheet Flashing: ULC Class C; Sopraply Traffic Cap-560, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

E. Waterproofing Mastics: Mastic made of synthetic rubbers, plasticized with bitumen and solvents.

1. For Unexposed Areas: Sopramastic, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

2. For Exposed Areas: Sopramastic Alu, as manufactured by Soprema or approved alternative.

F. Flashing: 26 gauge pre-finished metal as supplied by Stelco or Dofasco. The factory finish colour shall be selected by OWNER from standard available colours.


3.1 Examination

A. Verify that surfaces and the Site conditions are ready to receive work.

3.2 Preparation

A. Do not begin work until surfaces are smooth, dry, and free of ice and debris. Do not use calcium or salt for ice or snow removal.

B. The Site must routinely be cleared of debris and other materials that may hinder roof installation or performance or present a fire hazard.

C. Do not install materials during rain or snowfall.

3.3 Fire Protection

A. Adhere to manufacturer's instructions and CRCA fire safety recommendations.

B. Respect safety measures and requirements of local authorities and local roofing association recommendations.

C. At the end of each workday, use a heat detector gun to spot smoldering or concealed fire. Ensure workers are still on the Site at least 2 hours after torch application.

D. Never apply the torch directly to old and dry wood surfaces.

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E. Throughout roofing installation, maintain the Site in a clean and tidy condition and have an approved ABC fire extinguisher within 6 m of each roofing torch. Respect all safety measures described in technical data sheets. Never place torches near combustible or flammable products.

3.4 Preparation

A. Schedule work in cooperation with other trades.

B. Protect the work of other trades from soiling or damage.

C. Hang protective sheeting in areas of materials hoisting to protect walls from soiling.

D. Erect fall protection barriers and equipment prior to commencing installation work.

3.5 Installation

A. Prepare surfaces and complete waterproofing work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Install roofing elements on clean and dry surfaces, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Complete roofing work in a continuous fashion as surfaces are readied and weather conditions permit.

D. Ensure watertight conditions for roofs at all times, including protection during installation of work of other trades and progressive protection as work is completed (e.g., vents, drains).

3.6 Insulation Installation

A. Insulation shall be placed in two layers such that no one layer is thicker than 50 mm.

B. insulation shall be fully adhered to the concrete in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Install only as much insulation as can be covered in the same day.

D. Around drains lower insulation by 25 mm to create a 1,200 mm x 1,200 mm sump. Bevel the edge of the 75 mm insulation on a 45-degree angle.

3.7 Installation Of Insulation Overlay

A. Apply insulation overlay to insulation with Coltack adhesive in conformance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Firmly set the insulation boards, long joints continuous and short joints staggered. Evenly and tightly butt boards together.

C. Stagger vertical joints between boards and insulation.

D. Apply only as many boards as can be covered with base sheet in the same day.

E. At parapets and curbs attach overlay board to substrate before installation of base flashings. Use 6.4 mm overlay boards at these locations.

3.8 Installation Of Membranes

A. Install membrane in strict conformance with manufacturer's instructions.

3.9 Installation Of Torch-Applied Base Sheet

A. Unroll base sheet at drain level with first side lap lined up with drain center, parallel to roof edge.

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B. Torch base sheet entirely onto prepared substrate. Overlap side laps by 75 mm along lines provided to this end, and overlap end laps by 150 mm. Stagger end joints by a minimum of 300 mm.

C. Torch sufficiently and continuously to avoid wrinkles, air pockets or fishmouths. In cold weather, adjust welding time to obtain homogenous seam.

3.10 Base-Sheet Flashing Installation

A. Apply base sheet flashing only once primer coat is dry.

B. Install base sheet flashing in 1 m widths to cover roofing substrate over 100 mm. Overlap side laps by 75 mm. Stagger side laps by at least 100 mm from base sheet overlaps on roof to avoid excessive layering.

C. Torch base sheet flashing directly onto substrate.

D. Torch sufficiently and continuously to avoid forming wrinkles, air pockets, or fishmouths.

3.11 Roofing Cap Sheet Installation

A. Once base sheet is applied and no defects are apparent, proceed with cap sheet installation, starting at the roof drains.

B. Unroll cap sheet at drain. Carefully align first side lap parallel to roof edge.

C. Weld cap sheet onto base sheet with torch recommended by membrane manufacturer. During application, simultaneously melt both designated contact surfaces so a bead of bitumen is apparent as cap sheet unrolls.

D. Avoid overheating.

E. Unless overlap widths differ between cap and base sheets, make sure joints between the two layers are staggered by at least 300 mm.

F. Overlap cap sheet side laps by 75 mm and end laps by 150 mm. Cut off corners at end laps to be covered by next roll. Overlap surfaces shall be granule-free or degranulated.

G. Complete perfect welds between two membranes. Leave no zone unwelded. In cold weather, adjust welding time to obtain homogenous seam.

H. Once cap sheet is installed, carefully check all overlapped joints.

I. During installation, carefully avoid excessive bitumen bleed-out at joints.

3.12 Cap Sheet Flashing Installation

A. Install cap sheet in 1 m width. Overlap side laps by 75 mm. Stagger base and cap sheet overlaps on roof by at least 100 mm to avoid excessive layering. Roof overlaps shall be 200 mm wide.

B. Draw parallel chalk line 150 mm from upstand or parapet bases.

C. Sink surface granules into bed of hot bitumen with torch and round-nosed trowel from chalk line on roof to upstand or parapet base as well as over granulated vertical parts to be overlapped.

D. Torch weld cap sheet directly onto base sheet from top to bottom to soften both membranes and obtain homogenous seal.

E. During installation, avoid overheating membrane and excessive bitumen bleed-out at joints.

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3.13 Waterproofing At Roof Drains

A. Mechanical Drains: Install mechanical drains in accordance with Soprema detail SOP12 or approved alternative.

B. Copper Drains: Install copper drains in accordance with Soprema detail SOP13 or approved alternative.

C. Drains with Compressible Connectors:

1. Install base sheet centered on drain. Cut opening of same diameter as downpipe for required water drainage.

2. Install drain on base sheet in a layer of adhesive. Mechanically fasten to support.

3. Torch weld Sopralene Flam 180 reinforcement band, 1 m x 1 m, in a diagonal position to base sheet and previously primed drain flange. Apply manual pressure at drain connectors.

4. Install cap sheet to edge of opening.

5. Fasten dome to drain.

3.14 Waterproofing For Various Details

A. Install waterproofing membranes in accordance with roofing details illustrated in the Soprema Manual or approved alternative.

3.15 Interface With Other Work

A. Do not perform roofing work at the same time as work of other trades.

3.16 Field Quality Control

A. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will inspect for material and workmanship.

3.17 Manufacturer's Field Services

A. Manufacturer shall provide a qualified representative to visit the Site during installation. The manufacturer shall provide CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR with a performance report which describes the quality of workmanship and material storage requirements, and verifies installer is complying with manufacturer's instructions.

3.18 Cleaning

A. Remove excess materials from the Site and dispose of in an appropriate manner, as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3.19 Protection of Finished Work

A. Do not permit traffic over unprotected or uncompleted roof surface.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: ROOFTOP FALL PROTECTION

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1.4 Section Includes

A. Free-standing rooftop fall protection system (guardrail all around roof of Blower Building). Refer to Section 07 51 50 Built-Up Bituminous Roofing.

1.5 References

A. ASTM International:

1. ASTM A47/A47M - Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings.

2. ASTM A53/A53M - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.

3. ASTM A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.

4. ASTM A780/A780M – Standard Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings.

B. Ontario Building Code 2012 (OBC).

C. Canadian Institute of Steel Construction: CISC Code of Standard Practice for Structural Steel - Handbook of Steel Construction.

D. Canadian Standards Association:

1. CSA G40.20/G40.21M - General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel/Structural Quality Steels.

2. CSA S16 - Design of Steel Structures.

3. CAN/CSA S136 - North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.

4. CSA W47.1 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures.

5. CSA W59 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).

6. CSA W117.2 - Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes.

E. Canadian General Standards Board:

1. CAN/CGSB 1 GP 181M Coating, Zinc Rich, Organic, Ready Mixed.

F. Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB): Qualification Standards.

G. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 1910.23 - Guarding Floor and Wall Openings and Holes.

H. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): UL 94 - Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances.

1.6 Coordination

A. Coordinate fabrication and delivery schedule of guardrails with construction progress and sequence to avoid delay of railing installation.

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1.9 Submittals

A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00.

B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including:

• Preparation instructions and recommendations.

• Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.

• Installation methods.

C. Shop Drawings: Including but not limited to indication of profiles, sizes, connections, sizes and types of fasteners and accessories; showing fabrication and installation of handrails and guardrails including but not limited to plans, elevations, sections, details of components, anchor details, and attachment to adjoining units of work.

D. Selection Samples: For each system specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available finishes.

E. Verification Samples: For each system specified, two samples, minimum size 150 mm (6 inches) long, representing actual system components and finishes.

1.10 Mock-ups

A. Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship.

• Install in areas designated by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

• Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship and installation are approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work.

1.11 Quality Assurance

A. Railings Structural Requirements:

• Guardrail assemblies and attachments shall be designed to resist the applicable loads on guards per OBC Article

1.12 Delivery, Storage, and Handling

A. Deliver, store and handle materials and products in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and industry standards. Store materials within absolute limits for temperature and humidity recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Protect finishes from damage.

1.13 Ambient Conditions

A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results.

B. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.

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1.14 Existing Conditions

A. Field Measurements: Guardrails are indicated to fit to other construction as shown on the Drawings. Check actual dimensions before fabrication; show recorded measurements on final Shop Drawings.

B. Field measurements cannot be made without delaying the railing fabrication and delivery, obtain guaranteed dimensions at the Site and proceed with fabrication of products to not delay fabrication, delivery and installation.


2.1 Design Requirements

A. Railings Structural Requirements:

• Guardrail assemblies and attachments shall be designed to resist the applicable loads on guards per OBC Article

2.2 Manufacturers

A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Kee Safety, Inc.; 100 Stradtman St., Buffalo, NY 14206. ASD. Toll Free Tel: (800) 851-5181. Tel: (716) 896-4949. Fax: (716) 896-5696. Email: [email protected] Web:

B. Substitutions: Shall be an approved equivalent.

C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of the Contract Documents.

2.3 Free-Standing Rooftop Fall Protection Systems

A. Free-Standing Rooftop Fall Protection Systems: KeeGuard as manufactured by Kee Safety Inc., or approved equivalent.

• Description: Permanent, modular, free-standing, roof edge railing system that does not penetrate the roofing system;

• Provide components including, but not limited to, pipe railings, uprights, bases, counterweights, fittings and accessories as required to match design layout indicated on Drawings and to provide complete installation.

• Compliance:

a) Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Industrial Establishments, R.R.O. 1990, Reg 851, as amended.

b) Ontario Building Code 2012, including design loads per Article,,, and

• System Design: Designed for applications with flat or low slope roof up to 5 degrees.

a) Counterbalances: With one fixing collar per counterbalance.

b) Materials: 100 percent recycled PVC.

• System Configuration: Layout as indicated on Drawings.

• Pipes: Galvanized steel, 12 gauge, ASTM A53/A53M Grade B seamed tube or galvanized Schedule 40 steel pipe, per design requirements by rail fabricator.

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• Nominal Pipe Size: As required to meet design requirements.

• Fittings: Galvanized malleable cast iron, ASTM A47/A47M with ASTM A153/A153M galvanizing.

• Fasteners: Type 304 or 305 stainless steel.

• Components: As required to match layout indicated on Drawings and as required to provide complete installation.

• Components:

a) Counterweight Levers: Galvanized tube, 12 gauge, 1-1/4 inch minimum size.

b) Mounting Bases: Galvanized steel with rubber pad on underside.

• Toeboards: No drilling required; upright hardware and splice kits for corners and straight sections as required for complete installation.

• Touchup Repair for Galvanized Surfaces: ASTM A780/A780M, organic zinc-rich paint or zinc metallizing.

2.4 Fabrication

A. Fit and shop assemble components in largest practical sizes for delivery to site.

B. Upright tops shall be plugged with weather and light resistant material.

C. Assemble components with joints tightly fitted and secured. Accurately form components to suit installation.


3.6 Examination

A. Prepare substrates using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the Project conditions.

B. If preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing of deviations from manufacturer’s recommended installation tolerances and conditions.

3.7 Installation

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions including the following:

1. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight joints. For all connections with Kee Klamp fittings, each set screw is to be tightened to 39 N-m (29 foot pounds) of torque.

2. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installation of guardrails. Set guardrails accurately in location, alignment, and elevation, measured from established lines and levels.

3. Set posts plumb within a tolerance of 3 mm (1/8 inch).

3.8 Protection

A. Protect installed products until completion of the Project.

B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Performance.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: HVAC FANS

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1.1 Section Includes

A. Downblast centrifugal roof fans.

B. Propeller wall fans, direct drive.

1.2 References

A. American Bearing Manufacturers Association:

1. ABMA 9 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings.

2. ABMA 11 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings.

B. Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.:

1. AMCA 99 - Standards Handbook.

2. AMCA 204 - Balance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans.

3. AMCA 210 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating.

4. AMCA 300 - Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans.

5. AMCA 301 - Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data.

C. American Refrigeration Institute:

1. ARI 1060 - Air to Air Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment Certification Equipment Program.

D. ASTM International:

1. ASTM E1996 - Standard Specification for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes.

E. National Electrical Manufacturers Association:

1. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators.

2. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum).

F. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

1. NFPA 70 – National Electric Code

G. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.:

1. UL 705 - Power Ventilators.

1.3 Submittals

A. Product Data: Submit data on each type of fan and include accessories, fan curves with specified operating point plotted, power, RPM, sound power levels for both fan inlet and outlet at rated capacity, electrical characteristics, and connection requirements.

B. Shop Drawings: Indicate size and configuration of fan assembly, mountings, weights, ductwork and accessory connections.

C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Submit fan manufacturer's instructions.

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D. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements.

1.4 Closeout Submittals

A. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit instructions for lubrication, motor and drive replacement, spare parts list, and wiring diagrams.

B. Warranties: Completed original warranty forms filled out in CITY's name and registered with manufacturer.

1.5 Quality Assurance

A. Performance Ratings: Conform to AMCA 210.

B. Sound Ratings: AMCA 301, tested to AMCA 300.

C. UL Compliance: UL listed and labeled, designed, manufactured, and tested according to UL 705.

D. Balance Quality: Conform to AMCA 204.

1.6 Qualifications

A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this Section with minimum 3 years of documented experience.

B. Installer: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum 3 years of documented experience.

1.7 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Protect motors, shafts, and bearings from weather and construction dust.

1.8 Warranty

A. Furnish 3 year manufacturer's warranty for fans.


2.1 Centrifugal Roof Fans

A. Tags: CL-KVL-LFG-EF-101 (EF-101), CL-KVL-LFG-EF-102 (EF-102), and CL-KVL-LFG-EF-103 (EF-103).

B. Manufacturers:

1. Aerovent (Twin City Fan & Blowers), Model ACX.

2. Or approved equivalent.

C. Fan Unit: Downblast roof exhaust type, belt driven, direct drive, with spun aluminum housing; resilient mounted motor; galvanized bird screen; square base to suit roof curb with continuous curb gaskets.

D. Sheaves: Cast iron or steel, dynamically balanced, bored to fit shafts and keyed; variable and adjustable pitch motor sheave selected so required rpm is obtained with sheaves set at mid position; fan shaft with self-aligning pre-lubricated ball bearings.

E. Motor: brushless DC type; EF-101 and EF-102 – Explosion Proof (EXP) rated for Class 1, Div. 2, Group D, 1 hp, 575 volt, three phase, 60 Hz motor; EF-103 – Explosion Proof (EXP) rated for Class 1, Div. 2, Group D, ¼ hp, 115 volt, single phase, 60 Hz motor.

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F. Roof Curb: Provide 300 mm high aluminum constructed roof curb with continuously welded seams to suit existing roof openings.

G. Disconnect Switch: Factory wired, non-fusible, in fan housing for thermal overload protected motor, NEMA 250 enclosure.

H. Accessories:

1. Motor Operated Damper: Explosion proof (EF-101, EF-102, and EF-103), aluminum multiple blade construction, felt edged with offset hinge pin, nylon bearings, blades linked and 120 voltage motor drive, power open, spring return.

2. Aluminum eggcrate face exhaust grill.

3. Aluminum insect screen.

4. Wall-mounted thermostat (EF-101, EF-102, and EF-103) and electrical switch (EF-103).

I. Performance:

1. Air Flow: EF-101 and EF-102 - 3,131 L/s (6,635 cfm); EF-103 - 144 L/s (305 cfm).

2. Static Pressure: 70 Pa (0.27 inch wg).

3. Fan RPM: 1725.

J. Electrical Characteristics and Controls:

1. Electrical Characteristics:

a. 1 hp (EF-101 and EF-102); ¼ hp (EF-103).

b. 575 volt (V), three phase, 60 Hz (EF-101 and EF-102).

a) 115 volt (V), single phase, 60 Hz (EF-103).

b) Constant speed motor (explosion proof motor, rated for Class 1, Div. 2, Group D for EF-101 and EF-102).

2. Controls (EF-101):

a) EF-101 to operate continuously during normal operation.

b) Fan to interlock with associated actuated damper and existing side wall mounted louver actuated dampers.

3. Controls (EF-102):

a) Fan to be controlled by methane gas detection system:

i. Fan will be enabled if high level methane gas is detected in the Blower Room, and/or as selected by the operator.

b) Fan to interlock with associated actuated damper and existing side wall mounted louver actuated dampers.

4. Controls (EF-103):

a) Fan to be controlled by wall-mounted thermostat:

i. Fan is normally off.

ii. Fan will be enabled if temperature in the Electrical Room reaches set temperature.

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iii. Set temperature at 32 °C.

b) Fan to be controlled by methane gas detection system:

i. Fan will be enabled if methane gas is detected in the Electrical Room regardless of room temperature, and/or as selected by the operator.

2.2 Propeller Wall Fans

A. Tags: CL-KVL-LFG-EF-104 (EF-104) and CL-KVL-LFG-EF-105 (EF-105).

B. Manufacturers:

1. Twin City Fan & Blower, Model WPD.

2. Or approved equivalent.

C. Description: Medium duty direct-driven propeller wall fans for general-purpose ventilation.

D. Propeller: Painted steel blades welded to steel hub. Hub secured to motor shaft with tapered bushing.

1. Statically and dynamically balance propeller.

E. Motors: Single Phase, 60 Hz, Induction type, with split phase construction and capacitor start. explosion proof enclosure, rated for Class 1, Div. 2, Group D, mounted on vibration isolators. Provide permanently lubricated heavy duty ball bearings.

F. Frame: Formed square tube steel supports bolted to steel panel with formed inlet venturi and pre-punched holes for mounting anchors. Motor mounting plate bolted to frame tubes.

G. Finish: Galvanized mill finish internal parts, and uncoated external galvanized steel parts exposed to weather.

H. Accessories:

1. Motor side guard.

2. Weatherhood: G90 galvanized steel hood to shield fan opening from snow and rain. Include bird screen of galvanized wire

3. Wall collar to suit existing roof opening.

4. Motor Operated Damper: Aluminum multiple blade construction, felt edged with offset hinge pin, nylon bearings, blades linked and motor drive, power open, spring return, rated for Class 1, Division 2, Group D.

5. Aluminum eggcrate face exhaust grill.

I. Performance:

1. Air Flow: 740 L/s (1,567 cfm) (EF-104); 873 L/s (1,850 cfm) (EF-105).

2. Static Pressure: 23 Pa (0.093 inch wg) (EF-104); 92 Pa (0.37 inch wg) (EF-105);

K. Electrical Characteristics and Controls:

1. Electrical Characteristics:

a. ½ hp.

b. 115 volt (V), single phase, 60 Hz.

c. Constant speed, explosion proof motor, rated for Class 1, Div. 2, Group D.

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2. Controls (EF-104):

a. EF-104 to operate continuously during normal operation.

3. Controls (EF-105):

a. Fan to be controlled by methane gas detection system:

1) Fan will be enabled if high level methane gas is detected in the Moisture Separator Chamber, and/or as selected by the operator.


3.1 Examination

A. Verify field measurements prior to installation.

B. Verify roof curbs dimensions with existing roof openings.

3.2 Installation

A. Provide safety screen where inlet or outlet is exposed.

B. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Secure roof fans stainless steel lag screws to roof curb.

D. Install flexible connections between fan and ductwork. Ensure metal bands of connectors are parallel with minimum 1 inch (25 mm) flex between ductwork and fan while running.

E. Install and support duct sized to suit existing openings and roof fan dimensions.

F. Provide sheaves required for final air balance.

G. Adjust and balance air systems in accordance with standard procedures and recognized practices of the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) or Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA).

3.3 Adjusting And Balancing Air Side

A. Preparation: Prior to beginning the Works, perform the following activities:

1. Review Shop Drawings and installed system for adequate and accessible balancing devices and test points.

2. Suggest to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR dampers that need to be added or replaced in order to obtain proper air control.

3. Verify proper start-up procedures have been completed on the system.

4. Verify controls installation is complete and system is in stable operation under automatic control.

5. Verify test instruments have been calibrated to a recognized standard and are within manufacturer's recommended calibration interval before beginning the Works.

B. General:

1. When adjustments are made to a portion of a fan system, reread other portions of that same system to determine effects imposed by adjustments. Readjust as necessary.

2. Lock and mark final positions of balancing dampers with permanent felt pen.

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3. Correct fan and airflow measurements for Site elevation.

C. Equipment Data: Collect the following data and included in final report:

1. Type of unit.

2. Equipment identification number.

3. Equipment nameplate data (including manufacturer, model, size, type, and serial number).

4. Motor data (frame, kW, volts, FLA RPM, and service factor).

5. Sheave manufacturer, size, and bore.

6. Belt size and number.

7. Sheave centerline distance and adjustment limits.

8. Starter and motor overload protection data.

9. Include changes made during course of system balancing.

D. Fan Systems:

1. Measure fan system performance in accordance with AMCA 203.

2. In each system at least one air path from fan to final branch duct termination shall have dampers fully open. Achieve final air quantities by adjusting fan speed.

3. Adjust Fan Air Volumes:

a. Adjust fan speeds and motor drives for required equipment air volumes, with allowable variation of plus 10 percent minus 0 percent.

b. After final adjustments, do not operate motor above nameplate amperage on any phase.

c. After final adjustments, do not operate fan above maximum rated speed.

d. Perform airflow test readings under simulated or actual conditions of full cooling, full heating, minimum outside air, full outside air and exhaust, and full return air.

e. Provide and make drive and belt changes on motors or fans as required to adjust equipment to specified conditions. Drives shall be able to deliver 150 percent of motor horsepower. Provide written notice to air handling unit manufacturer and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR if drive or belt changes were made.

4. Adjust outside air dampers, return air dampers, relief air dampers, exhaust air dampers, and motorized louvers for maximum and minimum air requirements.

5. Read and record static pressures at unit inlet and discharge, each filter set, coils, dampers, plenums, and mixing dual duct or adjustable volume boxes, on every supply, return, and exhaust fan for each test condition.

6. Read and record motor amperage on all phases for each test condition.

E. Air Inlets and Outlets:

1. In each system at least one air path from fan to final branch duct termination shall have dampers fully open.

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2. Adjust air volumes on exhaust grilles, to the quantity shown, with allowable variation of plus or minus 10 percent.

3. After final adjustments are made secure dampers to prevent movement and mark final positions with permanent felt pen.

F. Building Static Pressure:

1. Measure building static pressure relative to outside in perimeter entrances during normal system conditions that would yield widest range in internal building pressure.

2. Adjust building static pressure control parameters to ensure perimeter entrances are positive to outdoors by 12 Pa with entrance doors closed.

3.4 Field Quality Control

A. Performance Testing:

1. Vibration Testing:

a. Upon completion of air system balance, perform vibration testing as specified below for rotating or reciprocating equipment.

2. Vibration Test Procedures:

a. Take measurements at each bearing housing using a calibrated electronic analyzer.

b. Record log shall include equipment symbol, location, identification, and peak to peak displacement in a direction parallel to shaft in a horizontal plane, and in a direction perpendicular to shaft in both horizontal and vertical planes.

c. Maximum Peak to Peak Amplitude Levels:

Rotational Speed (rpm) Vibration Amplitude (mils) 250 3.5 500 2.0 750 1.5 1,000 1.0 1,500 0.75

3. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR if amplitude exceeds upper limit specified.

4. After readjustment for vibration, measure and record only the readjusted equipment to determine its conformance with design.

B. Balancing Log Report Requirements:

1. Include narrative description for each system explaining TAB methodology and assumptions used. Clearly identify test conditions for tests performed. Include control setpoint.

2. Log and record operational information from every test for each system, as necessary to accomplish services described.

3. Include equipment data for units tested.

4. Include reduced set of HVAC drawings or system schematic diagrams with each element uniquely identified and indexed to balance log.

5. Indicate recorded site values, and velocity and mass correction factors used to provide equivalent standard air quantities.

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6. Include separate section in log, if necessary, describing operating difficulties in air systems that could not be eliminated by specified procedures. Identify these problems by system and location within building; include outline or summary of condition and its effect on building, and describe corrective actions attempted and recommended.

C. Quality Control Verification: After adjustments have been completed and balance logs submitted, balancing and testing agency shall be available to demonstrate the following:

1. Air balancing procedures, vibration tests, and verification of test results.

2. Perform spot tests on a maximum of 20 percent of total diffusers and grilles, and on two air handling fan devices per building, with measuring equipment used in original tests, at random points selected by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. Results of these spot tests shall agree with balance logs within plus or minus 10 percent. Where this accuracy cannot be verified, rebalance portions of system as requested by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

4. At completion of rebalance procedures, perform another spot test if required to verify results.

3.5 Cleaning

A. Vacuum clean coils and inside of fan cabinet.

3.6 Demonstration

A. Demonstrate fan operation and maintenance procedures.

3.7 Protection

A. Do not operate fans for until ductwork is clean, filters in place, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test run under observation.


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1.1 Description

A. This Specification, attachments, and references noted herein define the minimum general requirements for materials, installation, inspection, testing and touch-up painting of the steel supports, conduit, tray, power, instrument and control cables, data, communication signal and fiber optic cable, instruments, Process Control System (PCS) equipment, enclosures, motors, lighting, grounding and electrical equipment.

1.2 General

A. The requirements of this Specification are intended to supplement the requirements of the applicable codes. It is not the intent of this Specification to relax any requirements specified in the applicable codes, on the reference drawings or in the purchase order.

B. Compliance with this specification does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of their responsibility to follow the applicable codes, use sound engineering, installation, testing and fabrication practices throughout in order to install all electrical equipment and instruments as defined in the Scope of Work, which is durable, safe and reliable for the service described.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall assume final responsibility for the installation, fabrication, and conformance with code and legal requirements for the electrical equipment and instruments as defined in the Scope of Work.

D. If conflicts arise between documents, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain a clarification of the governing requirements in writing from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

E. Unless the CONTRACTOR takes specific exception to the requirements in the specification package, strict conformance is implied and will be enforced.

F. Units of measure shall be in Metric, English.

1.3 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.4 Electrical Submittals

A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review any design information such as but not limited to: drawings, cable schedules, equipment specification, installation details etc. that are necessary for the proper and safe carrying out of the Work and the performance of the system or as required by laws, ordinances or regulations governing the Work, as required by other specification sections and in the Contract.

B. Prior to submission to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, the CONTRACTOR shall review the CONTRACTOR's Submittals. By this review, the CONTRACTOR represents that he has determined and backed checked the systems, components and equipment as designed by the CONTRACTOR, verified field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue numbers and similar data and that he has checked and coordinated each drawing with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. The review by the CONTRACTOR of each drawing and/or document shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a person authorized for such purpose by the CONTRACTOR.

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C. The CONTRACTOR shall submit CONTRACTOR's Submittals to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in orderly sequence for review in sufficient time as determined by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. At the time of such submission the CONTRACTOR shall notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of any deviations in the CONTRACTOR's Submittals from the requirements of the Contract Documents.

D. Changes to CONTRACTOR's drawings made by the CONTRACTOR shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review.

E. Review of the drawings by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any errors contained therein nor from the CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.

F. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for evaluation purposes four copies of literature from the manufacturer applicable to items to be provided by the CONTRACTOR.

G. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, samples required by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to enable the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to evaluate the item proposed to be furnished by the CONTRACTOR.

H. Drawings and documents to be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR include but are not limited to: schematics, wiring diagrams, lighting schedules, tray layouts, equipment location and panel schedules, equipment details, cable schedule, test results, certificates, reports, delivery tickets, as specified in the various Sections of these Specifications shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, for use and review.

1.5 Electrical "As-Built" Submittals

A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain current two sets of prints marked up to show the "As-built" status, taking into account all variations from the contract drawings.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain two full-size sets of as-built drawings, which shall be updated on a continuous basis, taking into account all variations from the contract drawings, and shall provide the OWNER marked-up copies weekly. Completed drawings marked as-built shall be submitted to the OWNER at the end of the project.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including:

a) Field changes of dimension and detail.

b) Changes made by change orders.

c) Details not on original Contract Drawings.

d) References to related shop drawing and modifications.

1.6 Arc Flash Study

A. The CONTRACTOR shall complete an Arc Flash Study, or retain the services of a third party to complete the study, and apply appropriate Arc Flash signage to the supplied and installed equipment.

1.7 Industry Codes and Standards

A. The electrical installation in general shall conform to the latest edition of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC).

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B. Other specifications and standards governing design, installation, fabrication and testing shall include: American National Standard Institute (ANSI), and the specifications of The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the latest edition or revision of the codes and standards, or specifications shall apply.

C. All work shall be carried out in accordance with the latest edition and addenda of all applicable standards and codes initiated and issued by the following organizations:

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Construction

AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers

ANSI American National Standards Institute

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer Association

ULc Underwriters Laboratory, Inc.

CSA Canadian Standards Association

OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code

ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association

ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials

NFPA National Fire Protection Agency

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

AWS American Welding Society

IRI Industrial Risk Insurers

ISA International Society of Automation

1.8 Drawings and Specifications

A. The CONTRACTOR and his suppliers shall thoroughly study the Drawings and Specifications that have been incorporated and made part of the Contract Documents and shall familiarize himself as to the scope, schedule, method of shipment of electrical equipment and instruments as defined in the Scope of Work.

B. Drawings which are for information only and not essential for pricing shall be issued with/or after the construction issue package. The following drawings are in this category:

1. Elementary Connection diagrams.

C. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to determine the interface of its Work with other related Work to be performed under other Sections and the Specifications.

D. Electrical Drawings indicate general location including fittings and boxes. They do not indicate structural, architectural, and mechanical equipment location interfaces.

E. In order to provide sufficient detail and maximum degree of clarity on Drawings, electrical devices are shown by the use of standard engineering symbols indicating their approximate location. The CONTRACTOR shall refer to dimensions on detail Drawings, or take field measurements for exact placement of equipment.

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F. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for quantity take-offs.

G. Structural, architectural, mechanical, vendor and other Drawings and related Work of other trades shall be examined by the CONTRACTOR to ensure the Work can be satisfactorily carried out. Conflicts or additional Work beyond limits of Work covered by the Contract Documents shall be brought to the attention of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for resolution.

1.9 Hazardous Locations

A. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ensure that work undertaken by him in hazardous areas meets the necessary standards and conditions applicable to such an installation as outlined in the latest edition of Canadian Electrical Code (C22.1).

1.10 Quality Assurance

A. Work shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner by qualified Electrical/ Instrument Trades people, and shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the latest editions and revisions of the ISO 9001 and all applicable standards that may apply to this Specification.

B. All materials used in the fabrication and/or assembly of the electrical as defined in the Scope of Work, shall be new and of the type and grade specified on the CONTRACTOR drawings and data sheet.

C. Materials and workmanship shall be of good industrial quality, suitable for the purpose intended and in accordance with the highest standards and practices for items on this data sheet. Materials of construction shall be selected by the CONTRACTOR based on the contract drawings, experience in similar applications and the operating conditions defined in this specification.

D. The OWNER shall have the right to require, at no additional cost, complete rechecking, inspection and replacement of any part of the work, which does not conform to drawings, specifications, or currently accepted concepts of high quality performance, materials or workmanship. Any conflicts between specification and/or drawings are to be resolved in a timely fashion prior to start of any construction by contacting the OWNER.

E. Waiving all or part of the inspection, failure on the part of the OWNER to inspect, and/or failure to reject on inspection, work which later proves to be defective shall not release the CONTRACTOR from warrantees, commitments or obligations stipulated by the purchase documents. The CONTRACTOR/Supplier is solely responsible for the accuracy, quality and completeness of his work and supply.

1.11 Non-Conformances

A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a plan to the OWNER for Approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for the repair of all electrical installation which did not meet the design or manufacturer requirements. This submittal shall include a clear statement of the problem, marked –up drawings to illustrate the problem, and the proposed method of repair.


2.1 Electrical Products and Materials

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A. Materials shall be new, of the quality specified and shall conform to the applicable NEMA, ANSI/IEEE standard and carry a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) or Underwriters Laboratories (ULc) label of certification. Where equipment or materials are specified by technical description only, they shall be of the best industrial quality obtainable for the purpose.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall be completely responsible for ascertaining that equipment and materials comply, in all respects, with the Specifications and Drawings.

C. Methods of fabrication, assembly and installation shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, provided that this Work achieves its intended purpose and is co-ordinated with other ongoing work in order to avoid delays.

2.2 General Safety Signs

A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the installation of temporary and permanent safety signs as required by local regulations or stipulated by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2.3 Signage and Warning Labels

A. Signs indicating electrical dangers, highest voltage present and warnings or information shall be located at the following locations:

On doors, gates, and fence locations for substations and MCC rooms.

On doors to switchgear rooms or other similar compartments where exposed, energized electrical parts are located.

On transmission, distribution and barrier structures where affected persons or the public may be present.

B. Signs shall use internationally accepted symbols as much as is practicable and be located on all sides so that a sign is visible from any approach direction.

C. Where an electrical bus is supplied from two or more sources and an interlock system is not provided thereby creating a back feed opportunity to the supply system, signs warning of this potential problem shall be conspicuously displayed. Information signs with diagrams explaining complex interlocking schemes, key exchange, shall be provided.

D. Permanent framed copies of main supply power distribution (upstream) and local distribution (downstream) single line diagrams shall be wall mounted in each substation, MCC room and power distribution center.

E. Warning labels shall be provided inside each equipment enclosure which contains circuits supplied from more than one source.

2.4 Warning Signs

A. External warning sign material shall be an engraved phenolic (white on red) with two inch letters.

B. Warning signs and operating instructions shall be provided for the ground and test devices.

C. All doors and hinged bolted panels providing access to high voltage shall be provided with "DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE XXX KV - QUALIFIED PERSONS ONLY" signs. Where “XXX” is the amount in thousands of volts.

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D. All doors providing access to main breakers and tie breakers shall be provided with warning signs indicating "WARNING – THIS BREAKER MAY BE ENERGIZED FROM EITHER SIDE".

E. In addition, each breaker cell shall be provided with the following warning label adjacent to the breaker racking mechanism access door: “WARNING – PERSONNEL SHALL WEAR FLASH PROTECTION SUITS WHEN RACKING BREAKERS IN OR OUT”. The label shall be engraved phenolic (white on red), size 125 mm x 100 mm, lettering 12.5 mm high.

2.5 Arc Flash and Shock Hazard Warning Labels

A. Arc Flash and Shock hazard warning labels, in accordance with CEC and NFPA requirements, shall be applied to electrical equipment compartment doors and panels covering exposed energized components. The labels shall include the following information:

Flash hazard boundary distance.

Incident energy at prescribed distance of 450 mm.

CEC Z462, NFPA 70E Class of PPE and List of specific arc flash PPE required.

Insulated Glove Class.

Limited Approach Distance.

Restricted Approach Distance.

Prohibited Approach Distance.


3.1 Installation and Workmanship - General

A. Mounting

1. Electrical equipment mounted on channels embedded in slabs shall be plug-welded to the channels. Electrical equipment mounted directly on finished slabs shall be fastened with expansion anchors, Ramset or similar devices. In either case, the finished work shall result in an installation which is true, plumb and secure.

2. Manufacturer's instructions for the installation of OWNER supplied equipment shall be made available to the CONTRACTOR. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to familiarize themselves with these instructions and to follow them in the work of installation, testing and operation.

3. Electrical equipment and their supporting bracket shall be affixed to structural steel members with bolts through drilled or tapped holes only. Torch cutting and welding of any kind is not permitted.

4. Wall and column mounted electrical equipment may be fastened with expansion anchors, Ramset, on metal brackets or other approved means so long as the finished work results in an installation that is true, plumb and secure.

5. Brackets, anchors, gaskets, nuts, bolts, shims and other similar materials incidental to or needed for the complete installation of equipment shall be furnished and installed by the CONTRACTOR.

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B. Fasteners

1. Nuts, bolts, etc., forming part of an assembly or sub-assembly will normally be supplied by the manufacturer of the pieces of machinery concerned. However, other fasteners may be required to fasten the assembly to supporting steelwork and in these cases, it is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to supply these fasteners.

2. Fasteners supplied by the CONTRACTOR are to be stainless steel, electro-galvanized or other non-corroding material, which shall be approved in writing by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR before use.

C. Painting and Restoring

1. The CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly clean and paint any structural steel supports and ductwork fabricated and installed by the CONTRACTOR.

2. Miscellaneous support or structural steelwork installed by the CONTRACTOR shall be treated and painted per the OWNER’s painting standards.

3. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for touch-up of any paint surfaces damaged during installation.

4. Galvanized metal finishes shall be repaired with zinc rich cold galvanizing compound, applied in a minimum of three coats. Items requiring repair includes conduit threads, exposed saw cut edges, tool marks, etc.

5. Paint for touch-up of OWNER supplied equipment will be provided.

D. Interference

1. Circumstances may prevent mounting an electrical device or apparatus in the location shown on the drawings. In such cases the exact locations shall be determined in the field by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Prior to commencing installation, the CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly examine the work upon which this Work is dependent. Report any deficiencies discovered and propose adjustments to the manager and obtain written authorization before proceeding.

3. The CONTRACTOR shall check that the position of anchor bolt settings.

E. Demolition and Relocation

1. Relocation work shall include disconnecting existing cables, rerouting and reconnection or replacement if existing length are not sufficient for rerouting, as directed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. The CONTRACTOR shall demolish and remove existing instruments, control devices, control stations, cables, wiring, support devices and other materials as described in the contract documents, specifications or implied by virtue of related work which make any item redundant or replaced by a new device. Return removed materials to the OWNER's salvage yard.

F. Field Welding

1. During welding operations the surrounding area shall be protected in accordance with the OWNER’s standards for fire safety.

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2. All welding shall be performed in accordance with AWS, AISC, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) codes and other applicable requirements of the standards, codes and specifications referenced herein or in other contract documents.

3. Structural Steel Welding shall be performed by qualified welders and welding operators and in accordance with written procedures and AWS code requirements.

4. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Welding Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualification Records and Welder Qualification Records prior to commencing work.

5. The OWNER reserves the right to preclude use of other welding processes.

6. All surfaces to be welded shall be free of oil, grease, mill scale, dirt, paint and all other detrimental materials before welding.

7. The CONTRACTOR shall have all weld joint edge preparations made by machining, grinding, or thermal cutting in the fabrication shop. When thermal cutting is performed, the joint surfaces shall be ground to sound metal and checked for the presence of cracks or other injurious defects prior to welding.

8. All filler metals and consumable materials used in the performance of the work shall be suitable for the intended application and in accordance with AWS and AISC codes.

9. Components shall not be welded until they have been properly aligned. The sequence of placing welds shall be such as to avoid distortion of the components.

10. Tack welds not incorporated in final welds shall be removed and the area ground smooth.

11. Completed welds shall be regular in appearance, smooth and free of undercutting, cavities, inclusions, depressions, or cracks.

12. After welding, the surfaces shall be cleaned free of weld splatter, flux, slag, and other such materials.

13. Prepare surfaces of both existing steel and new steel in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1.

14. Store all open containers of electrodes in drying ovens. Supply welders with only enough electrodes for 3 hours at any time. Use thoroughly dry electrodes only.

15. Perform structural welding and weld inspection in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1.

16. Complete welded connections on Site in accordance with the final shop and erection drawings.

17. Remove slag, splatter, scale and discoloration.

18. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will inspect, and approve in writing all field welding not specifically called for on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall make good plated or galvanized metal finishes and painted surfaces damaged by field welding.

19. Field welding shall be performed by welders qualified in accordance with AWS QC1.

20. Welding electrodes shall be of the E70 Series.

G. Clean-up

1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide protective coverings and equipment covers closed whenever possible to prevent entry of water, dust and foreign debris.

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2. Upon Completion of the Work

i. The CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly clean electrical rooms. Holes and openings in the floors and walls of these rooms shall be completely sealed with fire resisting material e.g. Flamastic, Selastic or approved equal.

ii. The CONTRACTOR shall make a thorough inspection of electrical equipment, remove any left-over packing braces or shipping supports and thoroughly clean equipment by hand-operated vacuum machine.

iii. The CONTRACTOR shall remove dust from devices, terminals etc., and vacuum the inside of control panels and enclosures.

iv. The CONTRACTOR shall clean and vacuum power and distribution panel boards, and make sure that directory cards are neatly typed showing the final circuit designation; and placed in the card holder on the inside of the door of each panel board.

v. CONTRACTOR shall dispose of debris and waste material from his area of work.

vi. CONTRACTOR shall touch up painted surfaces where required.

vii. CONTRACTOR shall ensure prior to switch-on of equipment, that no condensation that could form inside equipment.


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1.12 Description

A. The Work includes furnishing of labour, material and equipment for the design, fabrication supply and installation of supporting devices.

1.13 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements

1.14 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following:

1. Bulletins or Shop drawings from the manufacturer of support devices, accessories and splices of each type fittings and hardware.


2.1 General

A. Equipment, conduit, and cables shall be supported using clips, channel members, threaded rods, spring loaded nuts, bolts, cable clamps designed as standard accessories to basic channel members and beam clamps for exposed steelwork, etc.

B. Braided stainless steel wire mesh grips shall be used to support vertical cables and to provide pullout protection or strain relief for flexible cords and aerial strung cables.

C. Wire lashing or perforated strap shall not be used to support raceways or cables.

D. Suspended support systems shall use 6.35 mm minimum diameter threaded rods, channel and spring clips to support cable and conduit runs.

E. Channels shall be hot dipped galvanized steel with a standard width of 41.275 mm and depth as required to support the attached load.

F. All nuts, bolts, straps, threaded rod, and standard accessories shall be the same finish as the channel.

G. Channel attachment nuts shall be designed to pre-locate in the channel and provide a bearing surface on the turned down lips while making positive contact with the side walls of the channel.

H. Standard steel shapes of low carbon steel may be used to form bolted and welded supports.

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2.2 Single Cable Supports

A. Where a cable leaves a cable tray to drop or rise to a connection point it shall be supported on an angle support fabricated to securely carry and protect the cable. The angle shall be fixed or supported at four foot intervals.

B. The support angle shall be:

a) Painted low carbon steel for indoor applications and dry locations.

b) Hot dipped galvanized for outdoor applications or wet locations.

c) Stainless steel for wet / corrosive environments. This applies to the condensate pit in the blower building.


3.1 General

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

B. Support trays in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as indicated on the Drawings. Supports shall be non-combustible and located, as a minimum, unless shown otherwise, at regular ten foot intervals, at the end of each run, and at other points such as tees, elbows, drop-outs, etc. to ensure a rigid installation.

C. Solid covers shall be installed on all outdoor tray.

D. In general, the cable tray system shall be installed maintaining normal passage, parallel and/or perpendicular to walls, per cable level designations, etc.

E. When cable exits tray via the side rail, the CONTRACTOR shall supply and install rubber or approved insulating material on the rail, anchored with TY-RAP to prevent vibrating cable tray from chaffing the cable jacket.

F. Cable tray markers fixed to external face of rails shall be readily visible, indicating the cable tray number.

G. All openings in walls, etc., for trays and cables shall be sealed and sprayed with a flame retarding coating after installation of cables.

H. Cable trays carrying cables of different Voltage levels shall be provided with a continuous barrier to separate the cables.

I. Cable tray shall be installed level, plumb and parallel to the building walls and floors, with a minimum number of direction changes. The minimum distance from any steel structure shall be 90 mm to enable the structure to be painted.

J. Where cable tray passes through a floor or concrete curb, a steel frame shall be installed around the opening. Tray covers shall be installed up to 2 m above the floor opening.

K. Sharp burrs or projections shall be removed to prevent damage to cable or injury to personnel.

L. The CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate support for raceways and cables dropped vertically to equipment where there is no wall support.

M. Fastening and supports shall be installed as required for the load of each piece of

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equipment, cable, and conduit to the recommendations of the manufacturer.

N. Steel supports shall be painted and protected from corrosion after fabrication, installation and repaired in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Common Installation Works, Painting and Restoring.

O. Tees, 90 degree bends and risers shall allow cables within the tray to have bending radii of more than the cable manufacturer's minimum specifications. There shall be no right angle jointing of tray.

P. Fixing of trays to bulkhead/main steel work members shall be via welded joints or stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts. Jointing, fixing brackets, fixings and attachment materials shall be suitably sized to ensure proper support.

Q. Cable tray shall be supported from permanent structural members only, with suitable supporting devices installed at regular intervals and maximum spacing of 3 m.

R. Additional supports shall be provided at transition fittings such as tees, elbows, bends, offsets, etc. and as required to prevent or correct sags, kinks or distortions.

S. Cable trays shall be supported by ceiling or wall-mounted upright members and cantilever brackets fittings as recommended by the tray manufacturer using standard hardware, made from galvanized channels or formed steel or rod hangers. The rod hangers shall terminate in a beam clamp, complete with safety strap and be of proper size to carry combined load of tray, cables and one workman.

3.2 Cable Supports

A. Armoured cables shall be strapped to support angles no less than every 300 mm. Un-armoured cables shall be strapped every 250 mm.

B. Fixings, supports and mounting hardware shall be of the same material as the angles as specified in section 2.2 B

C. Angle supports shall be carefully sized to suit the cable size being carried.

D. Cable entries shall be from below unless otherwise specified, or instructed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

E. For low voltage cables, angle cable support, size 50 x 50 mm., shall be used, for single conductor cables up to 250 Amp capacity, for three conductor cables up to 185 Amp capacity, and for a maximum of 3 x 4 conductor AWG 14 cables, provided cable voltages are similar and cables are fully supported and protected. Bends shall be 450 mm minimum radius, and not less than the permitted minimum cable radius.

F. The cable tray or angle runs (droppers) shall be adequately supported with a maximum of approximately 3 m centers for horizontal runs and 4.5 m for vertical runs. Standard accepted radius bends shall be used. Supports shall not be welded to any vessels, piping or structures without prior approval of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. The normal method for fixing shall be by bolting.

3.3 Identification

A. Cable trays shall be identified in accordance with Section 26 05 11 - Electrical Equipment Identification.

B. Tray identification numbers shall be applied to all cable trays prior to the installation of

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1.15 Description

A. The Work includes the furnishing of labor, materials and equipment for the identification of switchgears, power panels, distribution panels, lighting panels, disconnect switches, starters, contactors, motor control centers, motors, terminal cabinets, pull boxes, marshalling cubicles, embedded outlet boxes, raceways, exposed conduits, embedded conduits, conduit fittings, transformers, local control devices, instruments, wires and cables using permanent labels.

B. The Work includes the furnishing of labor, material and equipment for the circuiting (panel designation and circuit number) of wiring at devices and the labeling of terminals and control wiring at each junction point using permanent markings.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall create labels and tags as outlined in this document. Tagging shall be according to City of Toronto Solid Waste Management Systems Asset Tagging Standard and the contract drawings. Where there exists a conflict between the drawings and the tagging standard, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain written approval by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or the OWNER on how to proceed.

1.16 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

C. City of Toronto Solid Waste Management Asset Tagging Standard - 20160512 document – see Attachment B of this tender document.

1.17 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 16 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Samples of all identification labels and nameplate types.

2. Line by line wording of all nameplates.

3. Warning labels and signs.

4. Samples of wire, cable and conduit numbers.


2.3 Nameplates and Tags

A. Nameplates and device tags shall consist of 3.175 mm thick 3 layer white/black/white laminated plastic with chamfered edges. Lettering shall be black.

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B. Nameplates and device tags for equipment supplied by Emergency Power or more than once source shall consist of 3.175 mm thick, 3-layer red/white/red laminated plastic with chamfered edges. Lettering shall be red.

C. The wording on nameplates shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review prior to manufacture.

D. The following letter heights shall be used:

1. Power distribution and Lighting panelboards: 6.35 mm

2. Motor control centers: 6.35 mm

3. Junction boxes and Terminal cabinets: 6.35 mm

4. Local control devices and Instruments: 4.7625 mm

5. All others: 6.35 mm

6. Switchgear: 12.7 mm

7. Transformers: 12.7 mm

E. Devices which may be removed for calibration or repair shall have a nameplate mounted in a conspicuous location adjacent to it.

F. Warning labels shall be provided as per the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) for all electrical rooms, fences and equipment. Colours and sizes shall be as per CEC requirements.

2.2 Conduit Identification

A. Numbers for embedded conduits, between embedded pullboxes, shall be Electrovert "Unilabels" with 4.75 mm x 6.35 mm black lettering on white background, permanently affixed to the surface of the concrete adjacent to the box, device or equipment from which it originates and arranged to identify to which embedded conduit the number is applicable.

B. Numbers for exposed conduits and embedded conduit stub outs shall be Electrovert Slip-On Type `Z' markers on a Thomas and Betts nylon `TY-RAP' or equal attached to the conduit, adjacent to the box, device or equipment from which it originates and arranged to be clearly visible from an unobstructed view.

2.3 Wire and Cable Identification

A. Wires shall be identified individually with Critchley Type "HSI" pre-printed flexible, flame retardant heat shrinkable tubing wire markers, indicating the complete wire number matching the wiring diagrams, applied at both ends of each wire:

B. Each wire marker shall be printed on a typewriter or computer printer with permanent indelible non-correctable ink tested in accordance with Standards BS2G198 Part II or MIL 81531.

C. Marker size shall correspond to insulated wire size.

D. Cables shall be identified individually with Electrovert "Unilabels" with 4.75 mm x 6.35 mm black letters on white background attached with Thomas and Betts nylon `TY-RAP' or equal applied

at both ends as per the Cable Schedules.


3.1 General

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A. Distribution switchgear and equipment, power, motor controllers, control device instruments, marshalling cubicles and pull boxes, power and lighting panels, as well as transformers shall be clearly identified with permanent labels as described herein:

1. Power and lighting panels shall be identified with phase, voltage and panel designation as indicated on the Drawings.

2. Transformers shall be identified as shown on the Drawings, showing capacity, primary and secondary voltages and the transformer designation.

3. Switchgear, motor control centers and other distribution equipment shall be identified as indicated on the Drawings showing the main voltage and the designation.

4. Control panels and cabinets shall be identified as indicated on the Drawings.

5. Branch circuits of distribution panels shall be identified with load designation. Lettering on panel directories shall be 6 mm high and neatly printed in ink or typed.

6. Junction boxes, pull boxes shall be identified as indicated on the Drawings, showing the cubicle or box designation and the conduit or cable numbers entering the boxes.

7. Additional boxes, conduits or cable, to those indicated on the Drawing, and installed by the CONTRACTOR shall also be identified.

8. Field mounted power devices shall be identified as indicated on the Drawings.

B. Conductors shall be colour coded throughout with the same colour applying to the same phase. Colour coding shall be by insulation colour or permanently applied colour banding at distribution centres and panels.

C. Instrument, signal and control cables inside control stations, shall have an additional cable number attached to the inner cable jacket.

D. Nameplates.

1. Nameplates and device tags shall be secured with at least two self-tapping stainless steel screws.

2. Power and lighting panels shall be identified with phase, voltage and panel designation as indicated on the drawings.

3. Transformers shall be identified as shown on the drawings, showing capacity, primary and secondary voltages and the transformer designation.

4. Switchgear and other distribution equipment shall be identified as indicated on the drawings showing the main voltage and the designation.

5. Medium voltage starters shall have red tag with white lettering mounted on the control compartment door indicated “Danger - Remote 120 Volt Power Source”.

6. Transfer switches shall have red tag with white lettering 12.7 mm mounted on the door “Danger - Two Power Sources”.

3.2 Conduit Identification

A. Conduit numbers shall be affixed to conduits as per the conduit schedule drawings, within 150 mm of the box, device or equipment from which it originates.

3.3 Tray Identification

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A. Tray identification numbers shall be paint stenciled, with 25 mm high characters on to both sides of the cable trays as per the cable tray schedule, at intervals of at least 3 m along the length of the tray.

B. Tray identification node triangles shall be 50 mm wide, painted on both sides of the cable tray and centre of inside radius on tray accessories such as tee's and crosses as indicated on the Drawings.

C. Adjacent tray numbers shall be painted on both sides of each tray identification node.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE CABLE AND WIRING

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1.1 Description

A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for receiving, storage, handling, installation, testing of low voltage power cables and connectors, fittings and termination as required and detailed on the Drawings, Specifications and in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Work.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins from the manufacturers of all cable types.

2. Bulletins from the manufacturers of all wire terminals, compression and screw lugs.

3. Bulletins from the manufacturers of all terminations, insulating materials including tape, tubing and heat shrinkable tubing.

D. The CONTRACTOR shall submit at the completion of the Work, the exact cable and wire routings on the cable schedules.


2.1 General

A. Low voltage cables will be supplied by CONTRACTOR.

B. Cable shall be new, within one year of manufacture when delivered to the site, and bear the ULc and/or CSA label, insulation type, voltage level, and manufacturer's name at regular intervals on the exterior jacket.

C. Overall cable jackets shall be outdoor grade, low acid gas emitting and fire retardant PVC as per ICEA-T-29-520. Temperature rating shall be -40° C to 90° C.

D. Power colour code:

1. Single-Phase AC or DC (2 wires): Hot – Black

Neutral – White

2. Single-Phase AC or DC (3 wires): Hot – Black

Hot – Red

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Neutral – White

3. Three-Phase AC: A – Red

B – Black

C – Blue

N – White

4. All Ground wires: Green or Bare

E. These colours shall be identified on wires terminating at each motor and equipment.

2.2 Wire and Cable Markers

A. Both ends of individual wires shall be labeled with a printed sleeve bearing the circuit number as designated on the wiring diagrams or conduit cable schedules or provided by Electrical Vendors.

B. Both ends of cables shall be labeled with a printed tag bearing the cable number as designated on the wiring diagrams or conduit and cable schedules provided or provided by Electrical Vendors.

C. Special control and/or instrumentation cable shall be as specified on the Contract Drawings and Cable Schedules or in this specification.

2.3 Wire Sizes

A. Wire sizes shall be as follows:

1. No. 12 AWG minimum for low voltage power cables.

2. No. 14 AWG for low voltage control cables.

3. No. 16 AWG for instrument and signal cables.

4. No. 18 AWG for RTDs.

B. The sizes of wire and cable indicated on the Contract Drawings and Cable Schedules are based on preliminary engineering data. The CONTRACTOR shall check all wire and cable sizes based on the actual equipment supplied.

2.4 Terminations

A. Connectors shall be designed and approved for the type and size of cable to which they connect.

B. Connectors shall be indented, all around high compression, long barrel type.

2.5 Wire and Cable

A. Teck 90 Cable, 600V and 1000V

1. Conductor and ground wire: Class B stranded copper

2. Insulation: RW90 XLPE

3. Inner jacket: PVC

4. Armour: Aluminum

5. Outer jacket: PVC, black colour for 600/1000V;

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6. Flexibility at low temperature: suitable for installation at -40º C

7. Standard: CSA C22.2 No. 131

8. Flame retardance: CSA C22.2 No. 03 FT1, FT4

9. Acid gas evolution: CSA C22.2 No. 03 M1985

10. Hazardous Locations: CSA C22.2 No. 174 M1984, File No. LR50467-1

B. VSD Shielded Power Cable

1. Teck 90 Cable, 1000V

i. Conductor and ground wire: Class B stranded copper

ii. Insulation: RW90 XLPE

iii. Shielded for use in VSD service

iv. Inner jacket: PVC

v. Armour: Aluminum

vi. Outer jacket: PVC, black colour for 600/1000V;

vii. Flexibility at low temperature: suitable for installation at -40º C

viii. Standard: CSA C22.2 No. 131

ix. Flame retardance: CSA C22.2 No. 03 FT1, FT4

x. Acid gas evolution: CSA C22.2 No. 03 M1985

xi. Hazardous Locations: CSA C22.2 No. 174 M1984, File No. LR50467-1

C. Portable Power Cable

1. Indoor

i. SOW 600 V cable shall be rated at 90º C complete with stranded, copper conductors, and overall jacket.

2. Outdoor

i. S00W (600V) EPDM insulation / CPE jacket 105º C to -50º C.

D. Wire, 600 Volts and Lower

1. Conductor: Class B stranded copper

2. Type: TEW for MCC and control room wiring RW90 X Link or T90 for all others

3. Instrumentation Cable: Single pair and triad, #16 AWG and multi-pair #18 AWG, stranded bare copper, PVC/Nylon insulation, color coded, individual aluminum / polyester foil tape plus tinned copper drain, polyester binder, overall aluminum / polyester foil tape plus tinned copper drain, inner PVC jacket, continuously welded and corrugated aluminum alloy sheath, grey PVC jacket.

4. RTD Cable: Multi conductor instrumentation cable, #18 AWG, 90 deg. C, 300 Volt stranded copper, PVC insultation, twisted shielded triads, overall shield, inner PVC jacket and corrugated aluminum alloy sheath, black PVC jacket.

E. Instrumentation Cable, Armored, Non-Metallic Sheathed, 300V, Single Pair and Triad

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1. Conductor: Class B stranded copper

2. Insulation: PVC

3. Shield Over Pair/Triad: Armored, 100% coverage by aluminum-mylar tape shield and tinned copper stranded drain wire

4. Lay of Twist: 50 mm nominal

5. Identification: black and white for pair black, white, and red for triad

6. Jacket: PVC, grey, except blue for intrinsically safe installations

7. Standard: CSA 22.2 No.239 Type CIC Control and Instrumentation Cable

8. Hazardous Location: CSA C22.2 No. 174 M1984, File No. LR50467-1

F. Instrumentation Cable, Armoured, 300V, Pairs and Triads

1. Single pair and triad, #16 AWG and multi-pair #18 AWG

2. Conductor: Class B stranded copper

3. Insulation: PVC

4. Shield over pair/triad: 100% coverage by aluminum-mylar tape shield and tinned copper stranded drain wire

5. Lay of twist: 50 mm nominal

6. Identification: conductors black and white, pair stamped with pair numeral conductors black, white and red, triad stamped with triad numeral

7. Armour: Aluminum

8. Jacket: PVC, grey, except blue for intrinsically safe installations

9. Overall shield: 100% coverage by aluminum-mylar tape shield and tinned copper stranded drain wire

10. Standard: CSA 21.2 Control Cable (+75º C, -40º C) CSA C22.2 No.174-M Hazardous Locations.


3.1 General

A. Cables shall be run in single lengths with no splices permitted. Any and all wiring revisions shall be completely recorded and noted by the CONTRACTOR on the record set of “As-built” drawings. Pulling eyes shall be used for any cable pulled through ducts.

B. All wiring and cable shall be enclosed in a raceway. The CONTRACTOR shall require the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's approval in writing for any exposed work.

C. Where practical, cables shall be terminated at the bottom (first preference) or side (second preference) of panels, enclosures or boxes to reduce damage due to ingress of water.

D. All wiring shall be properly grounded, color coded, and polarized throughout.

E. No conductor shall be installed until the raceway system that contains it is complete.

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F. In general, the use of lubrication material to aid in the installation of conductors is to be avoided. Where it is absolutely necessary, a lubricating material that is compatible with the insulation and that will leave a minimum of residue shall be utilized.

G. Cables run in cable tray shall be securely fastened with ultraviolet resistant nylon heavy duty lashing ties (Ty-Raps) every 3 m minimum) in horizontal runs.

H. All debris and foreign matters shall be removed from the cable trays and trenches prior to installation of the cables, and on completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly check all cable trays and trenches again and remove all accumulated dirt and debris.

I. Cables shall be installed with radii of bends not less than the minimum recommended by the cable manufacturer or twelve times the diameter of the cable over the armour whichever is the larger.

J. During installation of the cables, extreme care shall be exercised to avoid kinking or bending which may damage the cable insulation or sheath. Cables which are accidentally damaged during installation shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. In no case shall a cable, on which the outer sheath has been punctured, be installed in this condition.

K. All terminations shall be made to terminal blocks, bus, or connectors in approved enclosures.

L. Conductors shall be clearly identified with wire identification marker numbers as indicated on the equipment supplier's drawings at all pull boxes, equipment enclosures, devices, and termination points.

M. Conductors shall be installed and terminated without damaging the insulation.

N. Shielded signal cables shall have the shield grounded at one end only (the control panel end).

O. For 50 HP and larger motors, apply two half-lapped layers of Scotch 3M heat shrunk boots to motor lead connections.

P. For applications that include multi-conductor cables entering or exiting outdoor electrical equipment (such as feeders from a secondary unit substation); if the multi-conductor cable fitting is installed through the top of the metal enclosure, a bead of silicone caulk must be applied at (1) the joint of the fitting and sheet metal and (2) at the joint of the cable and fitting. This precaution is above and beyond the rubber grommet seals provided with the fitting.

Q. Raceways shall be inspected for sharp edges and proper bushings prior to the installation of wires and cables.

R. Conductors in vertical raceways shall be supported independently of the terminal connections and at intervals not exceeding five meters.

S. Approved non-corrosive and non-conductive cleaning agents or lubricants shall be used when inserting conductors in raceways.

T. Power and motor feeder cables shall be installed in one continuous length free of joints, splices and taps by looping through conduits, pull boxes, raceways and cable trays.

U. Conductors shall be terminated in terminal blocks with insulated compression lugs or insulated with hermetically sealing heat shrinkable tubing.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE CABLE AND WIRING

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V. Cables shall be installed in the trays in logical order such that they will lie flat and with a minimum of cross overs. Cables entering or leaving tray shall be routed to prevent possible mechanical damage due to abrasion.

W. Cables for systems or different voltage levels shall not be routed together. Where an alternative route is not available an earthed metallic barrier shall be installed as required.

X. Debris and foreign matter shall be removed from the cable trays and trenches prior to installation of the cables, and on completion of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly check cable trays and trenches and again remove accumulated dirt and debris. On completion of the cable installation, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that covers are in place on the trenches and trays where applicable.

Y. Low voltage shielded (screened) instrument cable and thermocouple extension wire shall be run in separate tray or conduit, physically separate from power cable.

Z. The spacing shall be maintained by securely fastening cables with "Ty-Rap" cable ties, every 300 mm in horizontal runs of tray, and by "Kellems" type woven stainless steel support grips, at every 3 m in vertically run trays.

AA. Single core cables run in trefoil formation shall be clamped to trays by means of aluminum or non-magnetic stainless steel trefoil clamps. The clamps shall be spaced at a distance such that they can withstand the fault level of the various systems. The successful CONTRACTOR shall submit the necessary calculations to prove compliance.

BB. Cable ends shall be sealed if they are to be left for a period exceeding 1 week before termination.

CC. Adequate rollers/support shall be provided when pulling cables to ensure minimum strain and no damage to cable outer sheaths. Should any damage occur, this must be brought to the attention of the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and corrected as instructed.

3.2 Visual Inspections

A. Inspect for physical damage, proper connections, correct size compression lugs, etc.

3.3 Test and Measurements

A. Insulation Resistance (Megger) Test:

a) Phase-Phase.

b) Phase-Ground.

B. Shielded instrument cables shall be test with the hipot test. They shall not be tested with Meggers

C. Measure resistance of all bolted connections.

D. 1000V cable used for 575V motors or 600V power distribution feeders shall be field tested after installation and before being placed in service. Field testing shall consist of 1000V Megger testing. The minimum insulation resistance shall be one megohm.

E. A satisfactory field test result is when the trend of currents (after final test voltage is applied), as seen on a graph of leakage current versus test voltage, exhibits a slope which is negative or flat. A test result with a positive slope shall be considered a failed cable.

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F. All graphic results shall be submitted to and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR before final acceptance of the installation.

G. All failed cables shall be totally replaced with no additional cost to the OWNER.


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1.1 Description

A. The Work shall include furnishing of labour, material and equipment for the installation of heat resistant and fireproofing materials as required and detailed on the drawings and specifications and in accordance with applicable codes and standards.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins and technical information from the manufacturer of the fire retardant material used for sealing openings and penetrations.

2. Bulletins and technical information from the manufacturer of the cable trays and associated hardware; and detailed sketches and fabrication drawings custom fabricated cable tray sections and fittings.


2.1 General

A. The heat resistant and fireproofing materials will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR.

B. Materials for sealing openings shall be of a ceramic fiber covered with an intumescent spray applied mastic with up to a 2-hour fire rating as manufactured by Fire Stop and shall be CSA, or cUL classified and Factory Mutual approved.

C. Intumescent mastic fire retardant for cables in electrical rooms shall have a 2-hour fire rating and be spraying on all cables for 1 m beyond room perimeter.

D. Fire retardant for spraying on structural steel in electrical rooms (any steel within 1 m of electrical equipment) shall have a 2-hour rating.

E. Ceramic Fiber:

1. Ceramic fiber shall be supplied in bulk fiber wool, blanket fabric and rigid board as required to suit the individual locations and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

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2. Ceramic fiber shall be the high temperature alumino-silicate glass fiber type. It shall be non-combustible, contain no asbestos or organic binders, have very low thermal conductivity and be able to withstand temperatures up to 1300° C.

F. Fire Retardant Sealant:

1. Fire retardant mastic sealant shall be UL listed, flexible, water based, non-toxic and intumescent flame retardant. It shall contain no asbestos or halogens, produce a reflective refractory surface and provide hydrate activated cooling of the protected cable, device or raceway.

2. Fire retardant putty shall be CSA or cUL listed, pliable, non-shrinkable, mastic putty which will swell to fill voids and provide a continuous seal during exposure to high temperatures and fire. It shall be asbestos free, non-toxic and capable of adhering to metal, plastic insulation, ceramic fiber, wet and dry concrete.

G. Aluminized glass fabric shall be made from, highly textured glass yarn with a highly reflective aluminum finish on one side. It shall be asbestos free, have excellent resistance to liquid penetration and be able to withstand temperatures up to 500° C.

H. Where materials from different manufacturers are used together to form a fire stop, the CONTRACTOR shall certify the component materials are compatible with each other and that the resulting installation will exceed the rating of the fire separation and is acceptable to the Purchaser's underwriters.

I. Cable Transit Bulkheads

1. Where cables must pass through a pressurized containment bulkhead a cable transit fitting will be indicated on the drawings.

2. Cable transit hardware used shall be only the standard products of the manufacturer of the existing embedded transit frames, Multi-Cable Transits (MCT-Brattberg Sweden).

3. The cable transit hardware shall be watertight and capable of withstanding the designated overpressure for the period of time indicated.


3.1 General

A. All cable tray and conduit penetrations through walls, ceilings and floors shall be sealed with a fire stop with a 2-hour fire rating.

B. Before painting or spraying retardant on cables, the cable surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned so that the dust, oil, etc., is completely removed. After completion, all excess shall be removed.

C. Cables shall be fireproofed in manholes.

D. Cable tray, conduits and cables shall be installed in locations remote from significant sources of heat. In locations where an alternative route is not available they shall be adequately protected by a heat resistant barrier and provision shall be made to effectively ventilate the cables and raceways.

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E. Where a fire separation is pierced by a cable, conduit or cable tray, any opening around shall be properly closed and sealed with an approved fire retardant material with a fire rating equal to or greater than the fire separation.

F. Ceramic fiber wool and fiber board shall be installed as required to fill small and large openings in fire separation.

G. Fire retardant putty shall be applied over ceramic fiber filler material to provide an equivalent rated gas and vapor tight seal in the fire separation.

H. Fire retardant mastic sealant shall be brush or spray applied to the entire surface of the cable, conduit or cable tray and cables for 300 mm along their length on both sides of the fire separation.

I. Certain cable transit frames will be installed in concrete walls and slabs by Others. The CONTRACTOR shall supply and install insert blocks, compression plates, end plates sealant, etc. as required to suit the actual cables installed through the transits.

J. The CONTRACTOR shall supply and install all other cable transit complete with frame, blocks and accessories.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: GROUNDING AND BONDING

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1.1 Description

A. The Work shall include the installation of a new electrical bonding and grounding system consisting of surface or underground run conductors and their interconnection to equipment, devices, raceways and existing grounding grids in accordance with latest applicable codes, standards.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins from the manufacturer of mechanical, compression and exothermic welded connectors.

2. Bulletins from the manufacturer of multi-segment ground rods.


2.2 General

A. The grounding and bonding material will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR.

B. Grounding Conductors

1. Main ground grid cable shall be 4/0 AWG Bare Stranded soft drawn annealed Copper as indicated on the Electrical Drawings.

2. Equipment and enclosure ground shall be:

i. 4/0 AWG or as indicated on the Drawings and

ii. Stranded uncoated bare copper or

iii. Stranded uncoated copper with a green PVC insulation and nylon jacket.

2.3 Ground Rods

A. Grounding rods shall be copper clad steel, 25 mm diameter by 3 m long, formed by a maximum of 4 sections welded or screwed together as indicated on the Electrical Drawings.

B. Ground rods shall be accessible and installed with protective access covers, where indicated.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: GROUNDING AND BONDING

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2.4 Connections and Accessories

A. The grounding systems shall be continuous including electrodes, conductors, connections and accessories.

B. Grounding grid testing stations shall have bolted connections to each ground conductor and be located and installed in accordance with the Drawings.

C. Accessories required to complete the grounding system shall be of the non-corroding type.

D. Mechanical connections shall be made of high strength electrical bronze with silicon bronze clamping bolts and hardware. The design shall be such that bolts, nuts, lock washers and similar hardware which could nick or damage the earth wire shall not contact the ground wire.

E. Compression connections shall be supplied from one manufacturer only and shall be produced for the specific application as indicated.


3.1 General

A. Wherever applicable, connections for the grounding system shall be made with Compression connections. Connection to structural steel and buried piping shall be by Compression or Mechanical type. Soldered connections shall not be used.

B. All non-metallic raceways and enclosures shall be provided with a system ground conductor sized according to the CEC and included within the raceway.

C. Cable connections for the grounding system shall be Compression type. Connections to motors, metal enclosures, raceways, etc. shall be solidly bolted. Soldering shall not be allowed.

D. Grounding conductors installed inside the building shall be neatly clipped and installed as inconspicuously as possible. In routing to the nearest building ground, the conductor should be attached to structural steel and avoid interference with any other equipment.

E. Where the ground conductor bonds to building steel, the location shall not be subject to mechanical damage. Bond points shall be accessible for inspection.

F. Where a ground conductor passes through floors, slabs, walls, etc. and is not encased in rigid metal conduit, the CONTRACTOR shall supply and install PVC sleeves of the required size and length. Sleeve to extend a minimum of 50 mm beyond finished floor, slab, wall, etc. to provide physical protection.

G. Bonding jumpers shall be installed where required to maintain grounding continuity. Jumpers shall be sized per the CEC.

H. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a ground conductor to all light switches, receptacles, and light fixtures.

I. Transformer neutrals shall be grounded only at the transformer.

J. Where exothermic welds have been made to structural steel, the CONTRACTOR shall supply and apply touch-up paint. Prepare the surface by wire brush cleaning.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: GROUNDING AND BONDING

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

K. Ground conductors shall not be installed in any way that would interfere with electrical, mechanical, or piping equipment removal.

L. Areas to be bonded shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove grease, oil, corrosion preventatives, dust, dirt and moisture prior to bonding. Aluminum surfaces to be bonded shall be thoroughly cleaned and a conductive oxide inhibiting compound applied to the mating surfaces.

M. Care shall be taken to prevent moisture ingress to contact surfaces. Bonds and welds shall be protected from the weather, corrosive atmospheres and mechanical damage. Bonds and welds shall be sealed with at least one complete layer of denzil tape within one hour of joining.

N. Joints between sections of conduit, fittings and boxes shall be made electrically continuous. Pipe and locknut threads shall be treated with a conductive lubricant and then tightened. Gouging locknuts shall penetrate paint and other protective finishes to form an electrically continuous bond.

O. Grounding conductors installed in the buildings shall be neatly clipped and installed as inconspicuously as possible. Junction boxes and equipment not provided with grounding screws shall be drilled and tapped as necessary to provide these facilities.

P. Grounding bars integral to panels, control stations and equipment enclosures shall be bonded to separate points in the building grounding system with a minimum of two grounding conductors routed from the ends of the bar.

Q. All motor frames shall be grounded. Low voltage motors rated 600 Volt and lower shall be grounded by connection to the grounding conductor in the supply cable which must be connected to the motor starter grounding bar.

R. In addition to the supply cable grounding, a separate surface run grounding conductor shall be installed between all medium voltage motor frames and the nearest building ground grid conductor. The cross sectional area of all motor grounding conductors shall not be less than one half the area of the motor power conductors.

S. Where grounding cables pass through floor slabs, building walls, etc., and are not encased in rigid metal conduit; sleeves or fiber or other approved non-metallic material of the required size, shape, and length shall be provided.

T. Grounding connections of individual equipment assemblies or raceways shall be made in radial connection to the grounding system. Loop connections shall be avoided as much as possible.

U. Single conductors and metallic armored cables shall be bonded to the cabinet at the supply end only. A non-metallic entry plate shall be provided at the load end.

V. The penetrations of grounding conductors through building and vault enclosures shall be waterproof protected. The sealants shall be bituminous resins, highly cohesive and adhesive to metals and concrete.

W. Cable trays shall be grounded by running a 4/0 AWG ground conductor along the entire length or all tray runs and bonding this to every tray section, by means of grounding clamps. The ground conductor shall be installed in the highest voltage tray in each run and jumpered to the other trays below every 15 m.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: GROUNDING AND BONDING

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X. Flexible conduit, conduit expansion joints and cable armor shall not be used for grounding or bonding. A separate bonding jumper or conductor and approved connectors or fittings shall be installed for electrical continuity of the grounding system.

Y. The CONTRACTOR shall perform any excavation, backfilling, grading and disposal of excess soil required for the complete installation of the system.

3.2 Acceptance Testing

A. Visual Inspections

a) Check ground connections for looseness, corrosion, etc.

b) Check that ground cables are of correct size.

c) Check that major electrical equipment (Transformers, MCCs, HV and LV Switchgears, etc) are two-point grounded.

B. Test and Measurements

a) Measure Substations and Process Building Grid ground resistance.

b) Measure soil resistively in proximity of Substations (for future reference).

C. A ground resistance test shall be conducted at a relatively dry period of time utilizing equipment of proven accuracy and applying the “Fall-of-Potential-Method” as described in the IEEE Std. 81. Individual ground rods shall be tested and recorded. The integrity of the ground grid shall also be tested and recorded.

D. The maximum resistance to ground shall be three ohms (3 Ω).


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: RACEWAYS AND BOXES

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW



1.1 Description

A. The Work includes furnishing the labour, material and equipment for the supply and installation of electrical conduit systems, as required in accordance with applicable Codes, Standards and Section 26 05 24 - Flame Spread and Heat Damage Prevention.

B. The Work shall also include placement of surface and recessed conduits, and conduit extensions of embedded conduits all of which shall be field routed by the Contractor.

C. The Work shall also include excavation, backfill and concrete surround for conduits below grade.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins from the manufacturer of rigid and flexible conduit, fittings.

2. Bulletins from the manufacturer of outlet and pull boxes.


2.1 Conduit

A. Heavy Walled rigid galvanized steel (RGS) conduit shall be installed in all locations unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Contract Drawings.

B. The minimum size shall be 19.1 mm diameter for surface runs and 25.4 mm for embedment in concrete.

C. Embedded conduit shall be a minimum of 50.8 mm diameter.

D. Conduit fittings shall be of the same material as the conduit. Fittings shall be cadmium or zinc-coated and shall be threaded type. Set-screw couplings are not acceptable.

E. Expansion joints and couplings shall be Crouse Hinds type XJ have a packing ring and a pressure ring to prevent the entrance of moisture and shall have either a grounding ring or bonding conductor.

F. Tapped water-tight conduit hubs with nylon-insulated throats shall be provided for enclosures and gutters in wet locations. Conduit joints shall be made with three-piece unions.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: RACEWAYS AND BOXES

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G. Conduit thread coating compound shall be lead free, conductive, zinc-rich, anti-seize type, pipe fitting compound, and shall be applied prior to joining.

H. Exposed conduit or cables shall be fastened to building construction or support system using the following straps:

1. Surface conduits and cables up to one inch diameter shall use one-hole malleable iron straps.

2. Surface conduits and cables above one inch diameter shall use two-hole steel straps.

2.2 Outlet Boxes

A. Outlet boxes and conduit boxes shall be sized accordingly.

B. 101.6 mm square or larger boxes shall be installed as indicated on the Drawings for special devices.

C. Outlet boxes shall be feralloy, ‘FS or FD’ Type, single and multi-gang flush device boxes with stainless steel covers for flush installations as indicated on the Drawings. 101.6 mm square boxes shall be used when more than one conduit enters one side.

D. Lighting fixture outlet boxes shall be four inch square or round feralloy boxes.

E. Only cast feralloy boxes or hot-dip galvanised boxes, accepted by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, shall be used for embedding in concrete.

F. Outlet boxes installed outside buildings or in damp locations shall be weatherproof NEMA 4 degree of protection, outlet boxes installed inside buildings in an industrial environment shall be NEMA 3 and boxes installed in pressurized control and electrical room environments shall be NEMA 1.

2.3 Conduit Fittings

A. Bushings and connectors shall have nylon insulated throats.

B. Knock-out fillers shall be installed to prevent entry of foreign materials.

2.4 Pull Boxes

A. Galvanized sheet steel or cast feralloy pull boxes shall be used for conduit larger than 38.1 mm as indicated on the Drawings. Standard cast feralloy outlet boxes and fittings shall be used for conduits smaller than 31.8 mm

B. Cast pull boxes shall be suitable for embedding in concrete and shall be water and dust-tight with NEMA 4.

C. The fabricated pull boxes embedded in concrete shall be made of minimum 2 mm thick cold-rolled steel, fully seam welded hot-dip galvanized complete with oil resistant solid neoprene die-cut gasket.

D. Covers for embedded sheet steel pull boxes shall be NEMA 4 formed of minimum 2 mm thick cold-rolled steel, hot-dip galvanized, removable screw type, with nickel plated captive screws and threaded inner seal.

E. Pull boxes and covers for surface mounted boxes shall be phosphated, primed, painted with grey enamel and baked.

F. Pull boxes shall be designed for the degrees of protection as specified in Clause 3.2, `Outlet Boxes'.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: RACEWAYS AND BOXES

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G. Pull boxes shall be installed at intervals of no more than 15.24 m apart and after every third 90 degree bend in a conduit system. Additional pull boxes shall be provided between designated boxes as required.

H. Pull boxes will not be designated on the Drawings.

2.5 Flexible Conduit

A. Flexible metal conduit for use in dry exposed locations shall be fabricated from hot-dip galvanized steel strip or aluminum. Minimum conduit size shall be 19.1 mm

B. Flexible metal conduit for use in wet locations shall be as above except that it shall be the "liquid-tight" type and complete with an overall thermoplastic jacket.

C. Conduit fittings for flexible conduit shall be made of the same materials as the conduit and approved for use in each particular application. Fittings shall be cadmium or zinc-coated and shall be threaded type.

2.6 Underground Ducts

A. Underground ducts shall not be PVC pipes in environments where LFG can be present in the soil.

B. Conduits shall be galvanized steel with threaded fittings.

C. Minimum size shall be four inch diameter.


3.1 General

A. Conduit cut in the field shall have ends cut square with a power hack saw. Cut ends shall be reamed to remove burrs and sharp edges. All field threads shall be cut to the same dimensions and taper as the factory cut threads.

B. Rigid steel conduit shall be terminated using NPT threaded ends only. Compression fittings are not allowed. All conduit joints shall be made up tight and no running threads will be permitted - Erickson couplings or unions must be used. Expansion joints or equal must be used when crossing building expansion joint. Setscrew or threadless couplings are not acceptable.

C. Running threads for conduit joints shall not be permitted.

D. There shall not be more than the equivalent of three quarter bends or 270° total between pull points such as condulets or pull boxes.

E. Conduit that connects to metal enclosures or pull boxes shall utilize double lock nuts and a protective, nylon insulated bushing. One lock nut shall be used on the outside and the second lock nut and bushing shall be utilized inside. The bushing must be screwed on fully before the lock nuts are set.

F. The conduit shall be provided with grounding fittings as necessary to provide bonding connections.

G. Open ends of spare conduits shall be capped with proper threaded steel caps immediately after installation. The use of wooden plugs or duct tape shall not be allowed. Exact location of spare conduits shall be indicated on the "As-Installed" Contract Drawings.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: RACEWAYS AND BOXES

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H. A 6.3 mm thick nylon pull string shall be installed in each spare or empty conduit.

I. Embedded conduits shall in general be sloped away from panels to provide drainage with a minimum slope of five millimetres per metre.

J. Joints shall be staggered in adjacent layers at least 152.4 mm apart and made watertight.

K. Conduits shall be cleaned before use. The end of conduits shall be capped during construction and after installation to prevent entry of foreign materials.

L. Protection against galvanic action shall be provided where dissimilar materials are in contact. Protection shall consist of either painting the contact surfaces with bituminous paint or separating the contact surfaces with material especially manufactured to prevent galvanic action.

M. Where conduits become blocked, corrosive agents shall not be used. The blocked section shall be removed and replaced.

N. Conduits shall be protected from damage where they stub out of concrete surfaces.

O. Where conduits pass through slabs or walls, sleeves shall be provided. Sleeves shall be installed prior to pouring of concrete. Sleeves through concrete shall be Schedule 40 steel pipe, sized for free passage of conduit and protruding 50.8 mm minimum.

P. Necessary flashing and pitch pockets shall be provided to make water tight joints where conduits pass through roofs.

Q. Conduit and boxes shall be identified and labelled in accordance with Section 26 05 11 - Electrical Equipment Identification.

R. Steel conduits shall be mechanically bent cold such that no conduit at any point is flattened more than one-tenth of its original diameter. Conduits exceeding this flattening or with any kink shall be considered defective and shall be replaced.

S. Field threads on rigid steel conduit shall be of sufficient length to draw conduits up tight.

T. Field cut conduit shall be cut square without restriction of the conduit openings. Conduits shall be reamed to remove burrs and sharp edges and be thoroughly cleaned.

U. No more than the equivalent of three 90 degree bends shall be permitted per run or between pull boxes. For internal telephone conduit runs no more than the equivalent of two 90 degree bends shall be permitted per run or between pull boxes. Additional pull boxes shall be provided between designated boxes as required.

V. Boxes shall be supported independently of connecting conduits or cables and shall provide adequate support for equipment or devices to be mounted or suspended from the box.

W. The correct size of openings in boxes for conduit shall be supplied. Reducing washers shall not be used.

X. Any damage to the galvanized finish of conduits, tray or equipment caused by threading, tool marks or abrasion, etc. shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Work, Clause 10.3, `Painting and Restoring'.

Y. The Contractor shall verify that raceways, both surface and embedded are sized according to the number and construction of wires and cables to be pulled, such that the maximum permissible fill is not exceeded.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: RACEWAYS AND BOXES

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Z. Conduits shall be identified in accordance with Section 26 05 11 - Electrical Equipment Identification.

3.2 Underground Cable Ducts

A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the excavation of trenches, supply and installation of ducts, protective tiles, warning tape, backfilling and compacting.

B. Arrangements shall be made by the Contractor to make good damages to existing road surfaces, pavements, retaining walls, curbs, etc., done in the performance of the work.

C. Trenches shall be cut as square as possible and the bottom made flat and free from stones or hard projections.

D. Special care shall be taken at intersections with existing services.

E. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that permission for such crossings has been obtained from the appropriate Authorities, and also for compliance with the relevant regulations for such crossings.

F. Any damage to existing services of known locations shall be made good and paid for by the Contractor.

G. Trenches shall be well marked and roped. During dark periods, red lamps shall mark open trench locations.

H. The Contractor shall be held fully responsible for any damage which may occur because of either not or ineffectively complying with safety regulations.

I. Care shall be taken, when excavating ground that has been soil-cement stabilized, that the trench is of the minimum width required for the cables.

J. The minimum width of the trench shall be 406.4 mm and the minimum depth of the duct below grade shall be 50.8 mm - 101.6 mm unless otherwise indicated on the drawings.

K. The spacing between ducts carrying cables of different voltages, shall be minimum 203.2 mm and maximum 508 mm between signal cable and power cables rated 600 V AC and over.

L. Trenches shall be cleared of stones, rocks and rubble which might have collected after excavation.

M. Trenches shall be bedded to a depth of 152.4 mm with fine stone on which the ducts and the earthing cable shall be installed. This would be followed by a layer of fine, stone-free soil, minimum 203.2 mm, following which concrete cable protection tiles shall be laid, where called for on the project drawings.

N. Backfilling, utilizing soil from alongside the trenches, shall then proceed and this fill shall be compacted in layers of about 101.6 mm thick at a time, until the fill level is about 406.4 mm or as indicated, above the ducts, at which level PVC cable warning tapes shall be laid to completely cover the underlying ducts.

O. Backfilling shall then continue with compaction in layers of about 101.6 mm until finally consolidated at approximately 101.6 mm above the adjoining ground level. Excess soil shall be removed from the site.

P. The number and size of ducts to be installed shall be as per Drawings.

Q. The ducts shall be cleaned internally before cables are passed through them.

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R. Unoccupied ducts shall be plugged to prevent the ingress of mud or sand.

S. Where called for on the drawing, the Contractor shall supply and place concrete cable route markers along the routes, at minimum intervals of 30.48 m and at all changes in direction.

T. During the process of preparing trenches and laying ducts in the trenches, the Contractor shall arrange for the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR or his representative to make inspections and give approval of work completed at the following stages:

1. When the trenches are ready for the laying of pipes.

2. When the ducts and earthing cables have been laid.

3. When the trenches are ready for protection tiling and warning taping.

4. When the trenches have been fully backfilled and compacted to about 101.6 mm above adjacent ground levels.

U. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining from the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR written classification of the materials excavated during trenching processes, and prior to backfilling. Failure to observe these requirements will result in affected materials being classified as Soft Pickable as defined hereunder:

1. Soft pickable material is material removable by pick and shovel.

2. Hard material is material that requires powered (e.g. pneumatic) tools for its removal. It shall include soft rock.

V. Rock shall mean material that requires blasting processes for its removal.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW



1.1 Description

A. The Work includes furnishing of labour, material and equipment for the installation of a cable tray system, complete with bends, supports and in accordance with Section 26 05 24 - Flame Spread and Heat Damage Prevention.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical General Requirements.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins or Shop drawings from the manufacturer of straight lengths, accessories and splices of each type, size and radius of cable tray.

2. Bulletins from the manufacturer of tray fittings and support hardware.

D. Cable trays and fittings shall conform to the latest edition of applicable CSA standards.


2.1 Cable Tray

A. Cable Trays will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR.

B. Cable trays shall consist of a continuous heavy duty Aluminium, CSA “D1” classification, 125 mm side rail. Rung spacing 300 mm, standard length 6 metres tray system, including elbows, risers, etc.

C. Manufacturer's standard inside widths with I-beam type rail. Flange in type tray will not be accepted.

D. When necessary, due to lack of support points, CONTRACTOR to supply and install heavy rail cable tray.

E. Straight sections shall be purchased with the barriers pre-installed by the manufacturer.

F. Cable tray hardware shall be aluminium. Galvanized steel shall only be used in corrosive areas.

G. Field fabricated items shall not be used unless the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR has given prior written approval.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

2.2 Fittings

A. Fittings shall be standard manufactured accessories for the types of cable tray supplied.

B. The CONTRACTOR may fabricate some fittings on site. A written request, with details of fabrication shall be submitted to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for approval.

C. Inside radius of fittings to suit bending radius of cable.

D. Tray covers, where required, shall be purchased from the manufacturer unless the CONTRACTOR receives written permission from the OWNER to fabricate.


3.1 General

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

B. Assume full responsibility for all construction means and coordinate with the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Do not allow or cause any installation work to be covered up or enclosed prior to the required inspections, tests and approvals.

D. Inform to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of any conflicts and make adjustments.

3.2 Cable Tray Route

A. The cable tray system shall be installed in accordance with the drawings and manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Before starting the work, study the general structural, mechanical, piping and ventilation systems to ensure that there will be no conflict between this work and the work of other trades. Examine the cable tray route for obstructions and the effect of mounting height of equipment to be installed underneath the trays. If considered necessary make variations in the routing and supports of the cable trays in order to avoid interferences. Submit proposed variations in writing to the OWNER or his representative for approval prior to installation.

B. Where cables pass from one cable tray to another, the two cable trays shall be electrically bonded together at that point.

C. In general, the cable tray system shall be installed maintaining normal passage, parallel and/or perpendicular to walls, per cable level designations, etc.

D. Fabricated support hangers, brackets, channels, hardware, etc., shall be made of galvanized steel. No threaded rod will be used for permanent cable tray support.

E. Care shall be taken to ensure that cable trays drops, etc. are not so located as to make difficult maintenance and/or removal of mechanical or electrical equipment

F. When cable exits tray via the side rail, the CONTRACTOR shall supply and install rubber or approved insulating material on the rail, anchored with Ty-Raps to prevent vibrating cable tray from chaffing the cable jacket.

G. Cable trays carrying cables of different Voltage levels shall be provided with a continuous barrier to separate the cables.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

H. Cable tray shall be installed level, plumb and parallel to the building walls and floors, with a minimum number of direction changes. The minimum distance from any steel structure shall be 90 mm to enable the structure to be painted.

I. Sharp burrs or projections shall be removed to prevent damage to cable or injury to personnel. Any exposed portions of cable tray including field cut ends shall be protected from corrosion and repaired in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Common Installation Work, Clause 10.3, `Painting and Restoring'.

J. Where cable tray passes through a floor or concrete curb, a steel frame shall be installed around the opening. Tray covers shall be installed up to 165 mm above the floor opening.

K. Tees, 90 degree bends and risers shall allow cables within the tray to have bending radii of more than the cable manufacturer's minimum specifications. There shall be no right angle jointing of tray.

L. Install expansion connectors where the continuous length of a tray exceeds 50 m.

M. CONTRACTOR's field routing of the cable in cable tray, framing channel structures, structural steel angle, channel members or run on existing steel. This final run is called off-tray.

N. All direction changes in cable tray shall be made using factory manufactured fittings for tees, bends, elbows, reducers, transitions, and dropouts. Welding or burning of cable tray is not permitted.

O. Prior to pulling cable remove all debris and foreign matter from cable tray. Remove abrasive or sharp edges, which might cause damage to cable sheaths or jackets during pulling operations.

P. Cable trays shall be kept free of all materials except cables. All debris and foreign matters shall be removed from the cable tray system during installation and final clean-up.

Q. Secure single conductor cables in cable tray with hardwood or nylon or HOPE cable blocks every three 900 mm, ensuring 100% cable spacing, or where shown installed with a trefoil arrangement secure single conductor cables with cable clamps installed every 900 mm to ensure cable spacing as indicated.

R. Secure multi-conductor cables in cable trays requiring 100% cable spacing with Ty-Wraps every 1.5 metre (5'). On vertical runs of more than 3 metres (10'), cables shall be secured with cable clamps every 1 metre (3').

S. Multi-conductor cables in randomly filled vertical cable trays shall be secured with cable clamps every 1.5 m. Bundling of cables is acceptable.

T. Provide and use rollers and pulley blocks designed for installing cable in tray. Pulley blocks shall be attached to structures of adequate strength to resist pulling forces and to isolate such forces from the tray and its support system. Rollers shall be able to be removed without disturbing the installed cables

U. Construct and use approved platforms, scaffolding and rigging systems for installation and access. The use of cable trays as walkways, "ladders" or structural rigging supports is not permitted.

3.3 Covers

A. Where vertically-mounted trays extend up through floors, the tray shall be covered with covers from just below the floor to a point 2.5 m above the floor or to the top of the tray,

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

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whichever is less, unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Fire barriers shall be installed at these locations in accordance with the detailed drawings.

B. Where cable tray covers are indicated, provide heavy-duty clamps c/w associated hardware and fasten securely to the cable tray.

C. Cable trays under pipes and in wet areas shall have a peaked cover as indicated.

D. Cable trays under motors 25 hp and larger shall have a peaked cover for the distance of 900 mm on either side of the motor.

3.4 Fire Barriers

A. All openings in walls, etc., for trays and cables shall be sealed and sprayed with a flame retarding coating after installation of cables according to Section 26 05 24 – Flame Spread and Heat Damage Prevention.

B. Arrange for opening in fire rated walls, and floors for width and depth of cable tray to run tray through.

C. Arrange and match the fire rating of floors or walls after cables have been installed to meet the requirement of fireproofing.

3.5 Supports

A. Support trays in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations following the tray routing on the Drawings. Supports shall be non-combustible and located, as a minimum, unless shown otherwise, at regular 3 m intervals, at the end of each run, and at other points such as tees, elbows, drop-outs, etc. to ensure a rigid installation.

B. Not all supports are shown on the drawings. CONTRACTOR shall follow the manufacturer recommendations when supporting the cable tray.

C. Install supports as per NEMA VE 1. Support trays only from permanent members include columns, beams, masonry and underside of decking. Where existing structural steel is inadequate or inaccessible install additional supporting steel and brackets as required. Ensure all supports are installed to withstand cable pull tension.

D. Cable trays shall be supported at intervals of 3 m for horizontal runs where possible, but in any case at intervals no greater than 4.3 m. The maximum spacing of supports for straight tray run mounted vertically shall not exceed 3.5 m. Support systems shall be designed and installed to bear the weight of the cable trays, cables, supports and man loading during cable pulling.

E. Fixing of trays to bulkhead/main steel work members shall be via welded joints or stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts. Jointing, fixing brackets, fixings and attachment materials shall be suitably sized to ensure proper support.

F. Cable tray shall be supported from permanent structural members only, with suitable supporting devices installed at regular intervals and maximum spacing of 3 m.

G. Additional supports shall be provided at transition fittings such as tees, elbows, bends, offsets, etc. and as required to prevent or correct sags, kinks or distortions.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

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H. Cable trays shall be supported by ceiling or wall-mounted upright members and cantilever brackets fittings as recommended by the tray manufacturer using standard hardware, made from galvanized channels or formed steel or rod hangers. The rod hangers shall terminate in a beam clamp, complete with safety strap and be of proper size to carry combined load of tray, cables and one workman.

I. Welding or burning of trays is not permitted. Supports and structural steel work shall be protective-coated immediately after welding and cutting. Miscellaneous steelwork used for cable tray supports shall be prime-painted after fabrication and before erection.

3.6 Grounding System

A. Maintain the ground system continuity throughout the cable tray system. Install a 4/0 AWG bare copper ground wire for the highest voltage tray in all runs. Bond parallel tray runs every 15 m by installing jumpers and clamping onto the other trays.

B. Mechanically bond ground wire to every section of tray with approved cable tray ground clamps. Ensure that ground cable is installed, connected and checked prior to installation of remaining cable.

C. All off-tray shall have a ground conductor installed the full length of the off-tray. If the off-tray is cable tray, it shall be bonded to the ground conductor at each cable tray section and fitting. If the off-tray is a structure other than cable tray the structure shall be bonded to the ground conductor to maintain a safely bonded system. If the off-tray is supporting power cable for two or more 575 V or higher motors, the ground conductor shall be 4/0 AWG. If the off-tray is supporting power cable for only one 575 V or higher motor, then the ground conductor size shall be based on the size of motor being fed as follows:

1. Less than 50 hp #6 AWG

2. 50 hp to 100 hp #2 AWG

3. Above 100 hp #2/0 AWG

D. If the off-tray is supporting power cable for motors less than 575 V or the supported cable only consists of control cable, then a ground conductor is not required.

E. Bond all the cable tray ground conductors to the nearest System Ground Bus in the electrical rooms.

F. Wire brush area and apply Penetrox E on all ground conductor connections.

G. Covers: Solid covers shall be peaked type to prevent accumulation of water and dust for full length of cable ladder suitable for outdoor and indoor installations. Flat cover shall be provided for ladder fittings and vertical ladders and where indicated on the drawings. Accessories shall be provided to have clear ventilation spacing of 50 mm between the top of the side rail and the cover for ladders and ladder fittings.

3.7 Identification

A. Cable trays shall be identified in accordance with Section 26 05 11 - Electrical Equipment Identification.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CABLE TRAY

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B. Tray tags shall be permanently stencilled as shown on the drawings with identification codes. The labels shall be placed on the cable tray system in such a manner so as to be clearly visible and shall include labels within 1.2 m of each end of the tray, both sides of each wall penetration, adjacent to all tees, crosses and vertical riser fittings, and at intervals of 9 m to 12 m of cable tray run. Stencils with 75 mm letter size and black paint. Lamacoid labels, or approved (by the OWNER or his representative) adhesive tapes may be used.

C. Tray identification numbers shall be applied to all cable trays prior to the installation of cables.

D. Cable tray markers fixed to external face of rails shall be readily visible, indicating the cable tray number.

3.8 Post Installation

A. Repair, or restore to original condition, any equipment or structure damaged during installation or before final acceptance at no additional cost to OWNER.

B. Restore to original condition any painted surfaces damaged during construction, as per paint specification, at no additional cost to OWNER.

C. Ensure all cable tray connections are mechanically tight. Verify cable tray numbers are attached, visible from floor, and correspond to drawings.

D. Ensure each cable tray section and fitting is bonded to the System Ground Bus.

E. Ensure all System Ground Bus connections are mechanically tight.

F. Ensure work area is clean and neat.


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1.1 Section Includes

1.2 General.

1.3 Qualifications of Testing Agency.

1.4 Qualifications of Testing Agency Personnel.

1.5 Agency qualification Submittals.

1.6 Testing Equipment.

1.2 General

A. The following are the mandated qualifications required by the certified testing agency that shall perform the field inspections, testing and commissioning of the electrical equipment, systems and installations associated with the Project to ensure system integrity prior to start-up. The checks and testing shall be documented and signed off by the Testing Agency, Contractor, and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, and approved by the OWNER prior to initial energization.

1.3 Qualifications of Testing Agency

A. The term "Testing Agency" generally implies a testing contractor, or laboratory, or a third party with corporate independency of any Contactor/Seller whose work may be within the scope of the project inspection and testing.

B. The Testing Agency shall be an independent, third party, testing organization that can function as an unbiased testing authority, professionally independent of any Contractor/Seller being evaluated by the Testing Agency.

1.4 Qualifications of Testing Agency Personnel

A. The Testing Agency shall utilize technicians who are regularly employed for medium voltage testing services.

B. Each on-site crew leader shall hold a current registered certification in electrical testing applicable to each type of apparatus to be inspected or tested. The certification in electrical testing shall be issued by an independent, nationally recognized, technician certification agency.

C. The testing agency should have a designated and qualified safety representative on the project.

1.5 Agency Qualification Submittals

A. The Testing Agency shall submit qualifications including:

1. Qualifications of project and quality management personnel designated for the project.

2. Inspection procedures manual and operations quality control manual.

3. Qualification records for inspector and technicians designated for the project.

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4. Inspection and testing procedures, equipment calibration records and personnel training records.

B. The review of Testing Agency qualifications will be performed in a timely manner. Disputes over the qualification of an Agency will be resolved by the OWNER/Buyer or Agent/Company.

C. A pre-mobilization testing meeting shall be held with the Agent’s/Company’s Quality Control, Inspection and Testing personnel to plan and discuss:

1. Inspection and test procedures.

2. Overall scope of work for the project.

3. Any special considerations required by the contract documents.

4. Inspection responsibilities.

5. The necessity for test or inspection witnessing.

6. Any specific testing requirements which apply to the project.

1.6 Test Equipment

A. The Testing Agency shall provide all testing equipment, devices, test leads and cables, accessories test procedures, test documentation and reports as required to complete the inspections and testing specified in the attached equipment specific specification sections.

B. Testing Agency personnel will be provided information regarding project-specific requirements and access to OWNER supplied equipment operating and maintenance manuals.

C. The test equipment shall reflect a new generation/technology of test equipment. This requirement assures that the OWNER's "state-of-the-art equipment will be tested by state-of-the-art test equipment".

D. The testing agency shall have a calibration program with direct traceability, in an unbroken chain, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Dated calibration labels should be visible on all test equipment.

Part 2 PRODUCTS – Not Used

Part 3 EXECUTION – Not Used


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1.1 Description

A. This specification describes the requirements to furnish engineering, design, labour, materials, supervision and equipment necessary to design, fabricate, factory test, package for shipment and delivery of low voltage variable speed drives (VSDs).

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 – Quality Requirements.

1.3 Site Conditions

A. The equipment shall be suitable for indoor installation.

B. The equipment shall be designed and built to provide continuous, long-term service under the ambient and environmental conditions that will prevail on the site.

C. For design and rating purposes, ANSI standard air temperatures and elevations shall be used except where the air temperatures stated in data sheet are more stringent.

1.4 Units

A. The International System (SI) will be used for all design calculations and on all drawings.

B. Equipment motor ratings shall be based on horsepower.

C. Wire gauge shall be given in AWG format.

1.5 Reference Standards

A. The equipment shall comply with all local and provincial codes, regulations and ordinances which apply for this type of unit and which are in force at the time of delivery of said works.

B. The VSDs and all components shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the following latest applicable codes:

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society of Testing Material

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISA Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society

FM Factory Mutual (for cable jacket fire ratings)

CEC Canadian Electrical Code

OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act

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1.6 Certification Label

A. The VSDs shall bear a CSA and/or ULc label. Certified copies of production test reports shall be supplied demonstrating compliance with these standards.


2.1 Variable Speed Drive

A. The VSDs shall be Allen Bradley Powerflex meeting the following technical requirements for 600V Variable Speed Drives:

Equipment Tag No.: CL-KVL-PEQ-VSD-101, 102 and 103


Reference Drawings Refer to Section 01 10 00




Enclosure Construction NEMA 1 with Gaskets & Bottom Plates, min #12 gauge steel

Paint ANSI 61 light gray

Applicable connection, configuration and labelling


Ambient ~25°C since VSDs installed in climate-controlled electrical rooms


Voltage 600 V AC

Power 100 HP

Current As Required for power rating

Number of Phase 3 phase, 3 wire

Input Frequency 60 5% Hz

Short Circuit Level 65 kA RMS, Symmetrical

Control Voltage Individual 120VAC control power transformer supplied in each drive

Digital I/Os 120VAC

Variable Speed Drives:

Voltage Variation +10%, -15%

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Equipment Tag No.: CL-KVL-PEQ-VSD-101, 102 and 103

Frequency Variation 60 Hertz, 5%

Minimum output system efficiency


Full load output power factor


Line reac Filter Not Required

Output Filter Required

Remote monitoring and programming protocol


Digital inputs As per schematics

Digital outputs As per schematics

Analog inputs As per schematics

Analog outputs As per schematics

Speed reference Via Ethernet and as per schematics where applicable

Alarm & protection display on cabinet for each drive

Voltage, current, active power, reactive power, motor speed, motor temperature, drive fault and type, motor fault and type


Cable Entry Top Entry

Incoming Cable Lug Type Crimp

Unit Door Nameplate Size 1-1/8 [29] x 3-5/8 [92]

Nameplate Type Engraved Phenolic – Black letters on white background

Communication Ports & Cabling Installed



Communication Configuration Software

As required

Export Packing Yes

2.2 VSD Enclosure

A. General

1. Interrupting rating of all equipment will be based on the ultimate system short circuit level. The equipment fault interrupting rating and the busbars mechanical bracing shall be suitable for the short circuit fault of 65 kA.

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2. The assembly will be wall mounted on steel channels. The integrated VSD assembly shall withstand the effects of closing, carrying and interrupting currents up to the assigned maximum short circuit rating.

3. All doors shall be hinged free of vibration and easily opened with a quarter turn flathead screw.

4. Equipment shall be capable of tolerating short time voltage dips down to 85% of rated voltage.

5. The VSDs shall be indoor type, NEMA 1G (gasketed), constructed with minimum #12 gauge steel, painted to ANSI No 61 light gray.

6. Disconnecting handles shall be padlockable in the off position.

B. Finish

1. The Vendor shall furnish his standard paint and method of application. A packaged kit of refinishing materials (with complete instructions) shall be included with each shipment of enclosed VSD assembly for installation touch-up.

2. Unless otherwise specified, the color shall be ANSI 61 light gray for indoor units and ANSI 70 light gray for outdoor units (reference ANSI Z55.1). Interiors shall be painted white or have a bright galvanized finish for improved visibility of interior components on both indoor and outdoor units.

C. Materials of Construction

1. Materials shall be provided in accordance with this specification and the Vendor’s recommendation for the conditions specified.

2. All materials of construction shall be identified by the Vendor by the current ASTM specification number(s) on the data sheets provided.

3. The Vendor shall fabricate the equipment using only new materials of first grade quality, free from defects impairing strength, durability and appearance.

4. After the purchase order is issued, the Vendor shall not substitute materials after the bid has been accepted, without prior written approval from the Contract Administrator.

2.3 Nameplates

A. VSD panel identifications / nameplates shall be white lamacoid with black core lettering stating the equipment number and description. Tagging shall be in accordance with City of Toronto tagging standards document - CoT_Asset_TaggingStandard_20160512 - see Attachment B of this tender document.


3.1 General

A. VSDs shall be installed external to the MCC, but fed by a breaker in the MCC. The breaker will be ground fault protected.

B. All VSDs shall be Heavy Duty rated.

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C. All electrical equipment shall be designed for continuous operation at full load rated output over the temperature range nominated for the site, plus that allowance applicable for heat load within the enclosure.

D. LV VSD enclosures shall be provided pre-wired.

E. Proper ventilation opening filter shall be provided for drives.

F. Tin-plated copper, double barrel compression lugs shall be provided with NEMA two hole configuration for the incoming and outgoing cables.

G. A 6 mm x 25 mm copper ground bus shall be provided at the top complete with 2 tin-plated double barrel compression lugs for #4/0 copper grounding connection, one at each extremity of the assembly.

H. The top of any keypads and/or display installed on the front door shall be at a maximum height of two meters.

I. Wiring diagrams shall be attached to the inside of the doors.

3.2 Rectification Design Requirements

A. The drive switching shall be controlled electrically by transistors. No mechanical switching shall take place during normal operation.

B. Inversion shall be by means of pulse width modulation. Switching shall be by means of insulated gate bi-polar transistors. Other technologies will be considered optionally. The Vendor shall provide suitable technical data for an evaluation.

C. The drives shall adjust both voltage and frequency in order to maintain constant motor flux levels. Minimum frequency 6 Hz, maximum frequency 66 Hz.

D. The rectifiers and inverters shall both be three phase. The DC bus link between the rectifier and the inverter shall be stabilized by means of shunt capacitors and DC chokes. DC overvoltage protection shall be provided.

E. Power semiconductors shall be protected by suitably rated fast acting high rupture capacity fuses which shall be readily accessible. The drive shall provide diagnostic indication when a fuse is blown.

F. Where there are long cable runs between the VSD and the motor, the drives shall be provided with output reactors to compensate capacitive recharging currents.

G. The drives shall be capable of at least seven cycle power loss ride through.

H. Thyristors used shall have di/dt and dv/dt protection.

3.3 VSD Control:

A. Configuration and setting of drive parameters shall be by means of panel mounted digital keypad with digital display, or remotely by a windows-based workstation via intelligent communication, Ethernet IP protocol.

B. The design shall incorporate advanced diagnostic techniques and indication to facilitate efficient fault finding and correction.

C. The drive should be able to communicate to other devices and to the Process Control System (PCS) using Ethernet IP protocol.

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D. The drive should have the capability of vector control with speed and torque controls when required by the process. While under speed and torque control, speed and torque reference can be sent to the drives during the load cycle.

E. The drive panel display should be able to indicate whether the drive is normal or faulted. All drive faults can be displayed on the drive panel display.

F. The Vendor shall supply all necessary VSD programming software to upload/download drive parameters or to monitor drive performance in real time.

G. The drive should have 3 modes of control; Keypad, Auto and Maintenance Mode and shall be selectable from the front panel of the drive.

H. Start/Stop of the drive can be from the PCS through the Ethernet link or through hardwire interlocks (i.e., Remote Control as required):


Manual Speed Control

Acceleration Adjustment

Deceleration Adjustment.

I. The following minimum parameters shall be shown on each drive display:



Active Power

Reactive Power

Motor Speed

Motor Temperature (for motors larger than 200 hp)

Drive fault and type of fault

Motor fault and type of fault.

3.4 VSD Protection Features

A. Drive shall not auto restart after an internal fault. Internal fault have to be cleared and reset before the drive can be run again.

B. Drives shall be capable of operating at 100% current continuously and 150% current for one minute.

C. Drives must be protected against:

Over / Under Voltage

Protection against phase overcurrent and grounding


Cooling system failure.

D. The following features shall be included in all VSDs for motor protection:

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For motors under 200 HP, thermal protection shall be provided. Drives do not need an external resistance temperature detector (RTD) input.

For motors 200 HP or above, thermal protection shall be provided to accept a minimum of eight RTD inputs.

Protection against motor overcurrent.

Protection against motor stalling.

Protection against phase current unbalancing.

Protection against ground fault.

Protection against minimum drops and loss of load.

3.5 Remote Automatic Drive Control

A. The drive speed and torque references coming from the PCS will be through Ethernet.

B. Likewise, the drive status signals like load current, motor speed, etc. will be through the same communication link.

3.6 VSD Digital I/O

A. All drive controls shall be through ethernet

B. The drive enable signal should be configured such that loss of this signal shall cause the drive to shutdown.

3.7 General Nameplate Requirements

A. Each VSD panel shall be identified with a nameplate stating the equipment number and description. Tagging shall be in accordance with City of Toronto tagging standards document - CoT_Asset_TaggingStandard_20160512

B. The nameplates shall be fixed on to the doors with rivets.

C. All nameplate descriptions and other details shall follow after the award of contract.

D. All nameplate text shall be approved by Owner prior to installation.

E. Each individual item or assembly must have equipment tags attached. Such items include, but are not limited to, terminal blocks, pilot devices, relays, equipment, parts, accessories, instrumentation, etc.

F. Tags must be made of rust resistant metal and attached to at least two (2) spots, appropriate to its size and shape.

G. Information to be included on the tag are:

Purchase Order Number.

Equipment Number.

Equipment Name.

H. The rating nameplate shall be mounted on the front of the VSD and shall be readily visible.

I. A nameplate shall be mounted beside each communication interface point as follows:

Line 1: <VSD number>.

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Line 2: <IP address>.

Line 3: <Fed from>.

3.8 Warning Signs

A. All external warning sign material shall be an engraved phenolic with two inch letters.

B. Warning type nameplates shall use red lettering on white background.

C. All doors and hinged bolted panels providing access to high voltage shall be provided with "DANGER – 600 VOLTS – QUALIFIED PERSONS ONLY" signs.

3.9 Special Tools

A. Where special tools are required for maintenance of equipment, an adequate supply of such tools shall be furnished for test, inspection and maintenance.

3.10 Programming Software

A. CONTRACTOR shall include programming software CD, hardware, cables, and manuals for communicating to and accessing data from several VSDs within the same electrical room using an OWNER supplied computer.

3.11 Inspection and Testing

A. General

1. Low-voltage VSDs and internal connections shall be tested in accordance with ANSI C37.51.

2. The Vendor shall notify the Owner two weeks prior to the date the tests are to be performed to permit arrangements to be made for the witnessing of the tests.

3. The Vendor shall provide three certified copies of factory test reports.

B. Factory Testing

1. Factory tests set out in the reference standards shall be performed including optional tests.

2. Certified copies of the routine test results, indicating the VSDs have passed the routine tests, shall be submitted to the engineer before the VSDs leave the Vendor's plant.

3. As a minimum, the following tests shall be performed prior to shipment:

a) Insulation acceptance test.

b) High potential test.

c) Functional operation and overload relay trip test for protective devices.

d) Verification of control operation.

e) Verification of communication cable connections. The communication port shall be configured and tested under power.

f) Verification of communication, functional operations and signal status between the VSDs and the associated PCS.

g) Visual inspections of wiring accuracy and neatness shall also be reviewed and deficiencies must be corrected prior to shipping.

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3.12 Quality Management

A. The equipment covered by this specification shall be subject to the following level of inspection/surveillance:

1. Level 3 - Reduced.

B. The equipment furnished shall be guaranteed against all defects in design, materials, workmanship, or other failure to meet the requirements of this specification until one year after formal acceptance. Should the equipment fail to meet the guarantee, the Vendor will be notified to make alterations to furnish new parts as necessary, at once, at no additional cost.

C. The Vendor shall guarantee the performance of the VSDs for 12 months after placing into service or for 18 months after shipment from the Vendor’s factory whichever occurs first.

D. All surfaces of case and covers, both interior and exterior, shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and other impurities by means of shot blasting or equally effective equipment and all burrs and rough edges shall be removed.

E. Finish shall be suitable for field touch-up and repainting. One quart of touch-up paint shall be provided.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW



1.1 Description

A. The Work shall include furnishing of labour, materials, equipment, installation, testing, and initial operation of the lighting systems for the installation of Low Voltage Surge Protective devices (SPD).

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Work.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the ENGINEER, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

1. Bulletins from the manufacturer of each SPD unit type and rating.

1.4 Regulatory Requirements

A. The equipment shall comply with all local and state codes, regulations and ordinances which apply for this type of unit and which are in force at the time of delivery of said works.

B. The SPDs and all components shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the latest applicable following codes:

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society of Testing Material

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

FM Factory Mutual (for cable jacket fire ratings)

CEC Canadian Electrical Code

OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA)

1.5 Units

A. The International System (SI) will be used for all design calculations and on all drawings.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

B. Wire gauge shall be given in AWG format.

1.6 ULc/CSA Label

A. The SPDs shall bear a ULc and/or CSA label. Certified copies of production test reports shall be supplied demonstrating compliance with these standards.


2.1 General

A. The SPDs specified in this section shall be Total Protection Solutions or approved equivalent.

B. The SPDs shall be suitable for operation in 600 V 3-wire and 120/208 V 4-wire, equipment.

C. Operating temperature range shall be those indicated in the site conditions document.

D. Operation shall be reliable in an environment with 5% to 95% non-condensing relative humidity.

E. The unit shall not generate any audible noise during normal operation.

F. No appreciable magnetic fields shall be generated by the SPD. The unit shall be capable for use directly in computer rooms in any location without danger to data storage systems or devices.

G. The SPDs shall consist of a high performance filter designed to provide transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) and high-frequency electrical noise filtering.

H. The specified unit shall be compatible with non-linear loads and provide high energy transient voltage suppression, surge current diversion and high-frequency electrical line noise attenuation.

I. The unit shall be connected in parallel with the electrical distribution system.

J. The operation of the unit shall not be affected by or interact with any other filter or harmonic reduction device installed on the electrical distribution system.

K. The equipment shall be suitable for indoor installation.

L. The equipment shall be designed and built to provide continuous, long-term service under the ambient and environmental conditions that will prevail on the site.

2.2 Suppression

A. Protection Modes: Transient voltage surge suppression components shall be provided for all possible common and normal modes (line to ground, neutral to ground, line to line, and line to neutral). There are ten (10) modes of suppression for a 3-phase WYE configuration.

B. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV): In accordance with NEMA LS1-1992, the maximum continuous operating voltage of the SPD shall be not less than 115% of the facility nominal operating voltage.

C. Surge Current: The maximum peak surge current capacity per phase of the specified unit, based on an 8 x 20 microsecond current waveform (described in ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991), shall not be less than:

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Service Entrance Main Dist. Panels Panel-boards

L-L: 125,000 A 80,000 A 60,000 A

L-N: 125,000 A 80,000 A 60,000 A

L-G: 125,000 A 80,000 A 60,000 A

N-G: 125,000 A 80,000 A 60,000 A

D. Performance Rating: The UL1449 listed performance rating for the unit at 6 kV, 3 kA shall be

at least as follows:

120/240 V or 120/208 V 377/600 V or 600 V

L-N: 400 V 1000 V

L-G: 400 V 1000 V

N-G: 400 V 1000 V

E. Testing shall be performed in accordance with Categories A3, B3, B3/C1 and C3 test wave forms as described in ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 (Guidelines for Surge Voltages in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits). The test procedure shall be in accordance with UL1449 and ANSI/IEEE C62.45-1992 (Guidelines on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low Voltage AC Power).

F. The SPD filter shall withstand 3000 sequential impulses using the category C1, 6 kV/3 KA, 8 x 20 μs waveform as described in ANSI/IEEE C62.41-(1991) and performed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C62.45-1992. The resultant peak let-through voltage of the last impulse shall not vary from the first impulse by more than +10%. The interval between impulses shall not exceed 30 seconds.

G. Suppression System: The SPD shall include a solid-state high performance suppression system, utilizing non-linear voltage dependent metal oxide varistors. The suppression system's components shall not utilize gas tubes, spark gaps, or silicon avalanche diodes.

2.3 Filtering

A. The unit shall include a high-frequency extended range tracking filter. The filter shall reduce fast rise-time, high-frequency transients and electrical line noise attenuation shall be a minimum of 50 dB at 100 kHz based on actual insertion loss data obtained utilizing the MIL-STD-E220A, 50 ohm insertion loss methodology.

2.4 Features

A. Connectors: Mechanical compression lugs shall be provided for external power connections.

B. Internal Connections: All surge current diversion connections shall be by way of low impedance wiring. No circuit boards shall be used in transient energy paths.

C. SPD/Filter system connections: No plug-in component modules, quick-disconnect terminals or printed circuit board shall be used in surge current carrying paths.

D. Enclosure: The specified system shall be approved in Type 1 enclosure, modified for sprinkler proof application.

E. Unit Status Indicators: LED indicators shall be provided on the front cover to indicate the protection status on all phases.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LOW VOLTAGE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


3.1 General

A. The CONTRACTOR shall install the SPDs according to manufacturer requirements and recommendations.

B. The SPDs shall be installed such that the wiring between the supply breaker and the SPD is as short and straight as possible.

C. The supply breakers shall be the size and type specified by the manufacturer.

D. Installation location shall be as follows:

1. The 600V unit shall be installed in a spare bucket inside MCC 4.

2. The 120/208V unit(s) shall be installed on an available circuit and shall be mounted directly beside the panel(s)


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: FIBRE OPTIC CABLE

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1.1 Description

A. The Work shall include furnishing of labour, materials, equipment, installation, testing, and initial operation of the lighting systems for the installation of industrial lighting systems.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Work.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following.

2. Bulletins from the manufacturer of each luminaire type and rating.

3. Bulletins from the manufacturer of each lamp and rating.

4. Bulletins from the manufacturer of the luminaire attachment cord, plug and socket receptacle.


A. All lighting equipment and installations shall be in accordance with the latest edition or applicable codes, regulations and standards:

a) Canadian Electrical Code (CEC)

b) Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC)

B. Luminaires and accessories shall be listed CSA 22.2 and/or ULc

C. All lighting fixtures, accessories and installation methods shall be rated for installation in classified areas as required.


2.1 General

A. Industrial lighting will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR and shall be supplied with all required accessories, fittings and mounting hardware for a complete installation.

B. Reference for luminaires to be replaced is on existing Keele Valley Landfill Drawing # 1624-2867 – Electrical General Building Services, Rev 1, Feb 1988.

C. Luminaires shall be as indicated below or approved equivalent:

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: FIBRE OPTIC CABLE

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Luminaire Type Quantity Area / Replaces

Cooper Industries EV LED, model C701, 120V 22 Blower Room and Separation Pit

Type A and C

Cooper Industries CHAMP FMV Floodlights, model PFM7L, 120V and shall be DARK SKY compliant

8 Outdoor and Flare Area Flood Lights

Type D

Emergency Lights:

Cooper Industries Light-Pak LED N2LPS, 120V input

A/R Blower Room and Separation Pit

Exit lights as required per building code.

A/R Entire building

D. Contractor supplied materials shall be new, unused and of good quality (bearing cUL and/or CSA labels where applicable) suitable for industrial applications.

E. The luminaires shall have a ten year operational life while operating between -40 and +65˚C with a rated L70 of 150,000 at 25˚C ambient per TM-21 calculations.

F. Drivers shall have a PF of: ≥ 0.90

G. The luminaire shall contain no hazardous chemicals and emit no UV or IR light.

H. Shall have a total harmonic distortion (THD) of ≤ 10% at full input power and across specified voltage range.

I. New luminaire shall be furnished to replace the existing luminaires

J. Replacement lamps shall be supplied as indicated in the contract documents.

K. If required, new light switches shall be heavy duty suitable for heavy industrial installation and/or hazardous location.

L. Local lighting switches shall be mounted in cast ferrous (Ferroalloy) “FD” boxes with cover plates or as indicated on drawings.

M. The CONTRACTOR shall supply an additional, minimum of two spare lamps of each type or 10 percent, whichever is greater, for each type of lamp, after final inspection.

N. The luminaire shall be fully assembled and electrically tested before shipment from factory.


3.1 General

A. The CONTRACTOR shall install new luminaires as per the existing facility drawings. All new luminaires shall be lamped in accordance with wattages designated on the Drawings.

B. Mounting heights for new luminaires shall be as shown on the Drawings. Any questions pertaining to mounting heights shall be referred to the OWNER’s representative for

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clarification or decision. Luminaires shall be installed in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impair the clearances of passageways and access to equipment for operation and maintenance.

C. Existing luminaires that are being replaced shall be removed carefully in order to allow the installation of the replacement luminaires to be installed in the same location and such that the existing conduit and/or supply cables can be re-used.

D. Replacement luminaires shall be installed/mounted at the same location, height and orientation as the existing luminaires to be replaced.

E. Where indicated for re-use, the existing conduit shall be reused and re-sealed as required by the area classification of the installation location where indicated.

F. Where indicated for replacement, new conduit and power cables to each luminaire shall be installed/run with covers fitted securely and shall be installed in accordance with the area classification requirements.

G. All luminaires shall be installed level and true with proper fitting canopies and appurtenances. Rows of luminaires mounted flush, surface or suspended shall be installed accurately on a straight line. Fastening and suspensions shall be made so that rows will not be distorted by handling incidental to normal maintenance.

H. The ceiling structure, piping, all related equipment and construction status shall be checked in all areas in which luminaires are to be installed to verify that suitable mounting and luminaire types have been provided.

I. Spring loaded mechanical type fasteners or other equality secure methods of attachment shall be used.

J. Where chain hangers are used the chain shall be closed link type capable of supporting ten times the luminaire weight. "U" bolts shall be used at chain ends. "S" hooks shall not be used.

K. Where bracketing is required between structural members; metal channels shall be used and securely fastened to the building structure. Wood shall not be used to support any luminaire.

L. Recessed, surface mounted or suspended luminaires shall be supported from the surrounding structure; the ceiling suspension system shall only be used where approved for luminaire support.

M. Independent supports from the building structure shall be provided for luminaires weighing more than 4.5 kg.

N. Luminaires shall not be suspended from ductwork, piping, cable tray, conduits, mechanical equipment or their supports.

O. Field welding shall not be permitted for the purpose of laminar installation.

P. Luminaires shall be cleaned at the time of installation and protected from construction dirt accumulation. Lenses shall be installed last to ensure dust-free installation. Only products and procedures as outlined in the literature of the manufacturer shall be used for cleaning.

Q. Any luminaire with tool marks, handling marks, or dents shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR’s cost.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: FIBRE OPTIC CABLE

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R. The CONTRACTOR shall co-ordinate the final location of all luminaires with the work of all other trades. The final location of each luminaire shall be such that the light output for its intended purpose is not obstructed.

S. Products as delivered shall be securely wrapped and packaged, clearly identified with manufacturer product or component number, and job fixture type. Products shall be stored in clean, dry and secure storage area and shall be handled in a manner to prevent breakage of packaging and damage of contents.

T. Wiring for lighting circuits shall be minimum 12 AWG power cable supplied in accordance with Section 26 05 16 - Low Voltage Cable and Wiring.

U. All lighting circuit power cables shall be identified at each panel board, junction box, luminaire socket etc. with the panelboard and circuit breaker number in accordance with Section 26 05 11 - Electrical Equipment Identification.

V. Wall mounted luminaires shall have bottom cable entry only.

3.2 Acceptance

A. Prior to final acceptance by Company, the lighting in all areas shall be checked for ground faults and damage during construction to ensure that all luminaires are in good condition, properly lamped and circuited in accordance with the plans.

B. Lamps shall be installed no earlier than 48 hours prior to the date of final inspection and shall be warranted for a period of six months. Replacement shall be made of all units which fail within the warranty period which shall not commence until final acceptance of the Electrical Services by the OWNER.

C. Emergency lighting luminaires fitted with auxiliary lamps shall be tested to verify correct operation of the transfer circuit to switch from the auxiliary to main lamp following restoration of power.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: FIBRE OPTIC CABLE

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3.0 General

3.1 Scope of supply

1.1.1 This specification covers the requirements of fibre optic cable and Fibre Patch Panels.

3.2 Site Conditions

A. The fibre optic cable shall be suitable for use outdoor in all weather and seismic conditions,

down to a minimum low temperature of -40°C.

B. The fibre optic cable shall be suitable for use direct burial and conduit installations.

3.3 Duty

A. All equipment will be of the Vendor’s best quality and construction to ensure a minimum cable

design life of 20 years.

4.0 Codes, Standards, and Specifications

4.1 Codes

A. The equipment shall comply with all local and provincial codes, regulations and ordinances

which apply for this type of cable and which are in force at the time of delivery of said works.

B. All equipment shall meet or exceed the requirements of the Ontario Workplace Health and

Safety Act and Canadian Standards Association.

4.2 Standards

A. The fiber optic cable outer jacket shall be outdoor grade, yellow in colour, UV stabilized, low

acid gas emitting and flame retardant zero-halogen material and shall meet all requirements

of the following:

IEEE -383 / IEEE-1202 Flame test

ANSI / ICEA S-104-696

C22.2 No. 232 Flame resistance

CECA 301-2011 Standard for Installing and Testing Fiber Optic Cables

4.3 Units

A. The International System (SI) will be used for all design calculations and on all drawings.

5.0 Products and materials

5.1 Fibre Optic Cable Types

A. Fibre optic cable shall be of the 12-fibre loose-tube gel-filled construction, with corrugated

interlocking steel armour with a dielectric central element.

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B. Fibres shall be single-mode (OS2) type, suitable for 1310 nm or 1383 nm or 1550 nm

transmissions over long distances, with a maximum attenuation of 0.4 dB/km.

5.2 Fibre Optic Patch Panels

A. Fibre optic cable shall be terminated in new wall mounted Patch Panels at both ends of the

Fibre Cable.

B. The Patch Panels are to be 482.6 mm, (19”) EIA 310-D mounting compliant capable of

supporting 113 kg, (250 lb) capacity, panels to have a locking smoked grey acrylic front door,

top and bottom knockouts for wire management, rails to snap into place without need for

tools, and panels to be made of 16 gauge CRS.

C. Sugested Patch Panel, Kendall Howard 8U Security Wall Mount Cabinet, Model KH-1915-3-

100-08, or similar.

6.0 Fiber Cable Installation and Testing

The Fiber Cable is to be installed and tested in accordance with Canadian

Electrical Contractors Association (CECA 301-2011 Standard for Installing and

Testing Fiber Optic Cables.)

Fiber Cables are to be tested upon recite for damage during shipping and after

the cables been installed.

Fiber cable test reports are to be given to the site Electrical Engineer.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM

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The Work shall include the furnishing of all labour, material, equipment and testing of a new fire alarm and control circuits for the Keele Valley Landfill site including the Landfill Gas Plant Blower Room, Landfill Gas Plant Electrical Room, the garage and the Administration Building, with interconnections from the Blower Building / Electrical Room and the garage to the Administration Building. The Main Fire Panel in the Administration Building shall have the ability to “Call Out” to a Third Party in an event that an alarm has been initiated.

Reference Specifications

Sect-4-26 05 00 Electrical General Requirements Sect-4-26 05 10 Electrical Supporting Devices Sect-4-26 05 11 Identification Sect-4-26 05 26 Grounding & Bonding Sect-4-26 05 33 Raceways & Boxes Sect-4-27 13 23 Fibre Optic Cable


Technical information for all materials shall be submitted to Golder’s Project Manager. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable. The following documents shall be submitted and reviewed by the Engineer, prior to the procurement fabrication and installation of the following: Bulletins from the manufacturer of manual pull stations, automatic ionization detectors, automatic heat detectors, audible signal devices, auxiliary switching relays; and Certified shop drawings for the new fire alarm systems indicating all wiring, detection and signalling devices, control panels, locations, and elevations.


Contractor-supplied materials shall be new, unused and of good quality (bearing CSA, or cUL certification label), FM Approved and suitable for heavy industrial mining/mineral/landfill gas processing plant applications. Product specifications of the contractor supplied materials shall be submitted to FM Global for review prior to the start of construction. Where, on the drawing or in the specifications, a certain manufacturer's material or equipment is mentioned, this shall be supplied as indicated. Equivalent substitute material or equipment may be offered, but shall only be supplied with the prior approval in writing of the Engineer. The system components shall consist of, without being limited to, the following: Main Control Panel (located in Administration Building) and Sub Control Panel (located in the Blower building) including all plug-in modules, windows, etc. Manual Pull Station, cast metal housing. Automatic Heat Detectors: Fixed temperature types; Rate of temperature rise type; and Combination fixed temperature and rate of rise type. Automatic Smoke Detectors:

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Ionization Detectors, product of combustion type; Photocell type; and Combination photocell and fixed temperature heat detector type. End of Line Capacitors, for alarm-initiating circuits. Auxiliary circuit switching relays. Conduit Raceway System and Wiring. The fire alarm system shall be wired using single conductors installed in a rigid conduit raceway system or the use of Teck armored cable. Conductors shall be solid copper, minimum AWG 14 for all alarm-initiating circuits, and AWG 12 for all signal circuits. Wiring shall be colour-coded throughout. Colour coding shall be as per manufacturer's system drawings. Wiring shall be sized in accordance with Class 2 requirements, except for AC signal circuits where the wiring shall be sized in accordance with Class 1 requirements, but shall be protected from mechanical injury or other injurious conditions such as moisture, excessive heat, or corrosive action in accordance with Class 1 requirements. Wiring shall be solid copper, single conductor, AWG 14 minimum, 600 V colour-coded insulated wire installed in rigid conduit raceways or Teck cable with a red overall jacket. Conduits and fittings shall be painted red, including boxes and covers. Manual pull stations shall be non-coded, explosion-proof where required in Class 1, Div. 1 locations, or weatherproof. Signal devices shall be bells, horns and sirens connected in parallel, explosion-proof type, Class 1, Div. 1 where applicable. Automatic detectors shall be ionization, fixed temperature and combination type, as shown on the drawings, explosion-proof type where required for Class 1, Div. 1 The Sub Fire Panel in the Blower building shall communicate to the Main Panel in the Administration Building via Single Mode 12-Fiber cable, armored, suitable for aerial installation on existing poles.


Installation of smoke and heat detectors shall be installed in accordance with FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 5-48, Automatic Fire Detection. All manual alarm stations, thermal and smoke detectors shall be located and installed as indicated on the Drawings. Manual pull stations shall be securely mounted on walls such that the bottom of the device is not less than 1.37 m or 4 ft-6 inch and not more than five feet above the floor level. End-of-line devices shall be mounted in the vicinity of the end of the circuit as indicated on the Drawings or as required. End-of-line resistors or capacitors shall be installed in a red box with dust-tight red color cover plate and laminated plastic label identifying the size and circuit. Wiring shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and wiring diagrams and all equipment shall be mounted at heights as indicated on the Drawings. All annunciators on the system shall be wired to their maximum capacity. Wiring shall not be cut at Junction Boxes for the purpose of splicing; connections shall be made at the various devices only and the wiring shall be continuous, without splice, between devices. All wording on the manual pull stations, control annunciator panels shall be in English. The Contractor shall provide temporary jumpers as required to facilitate testing of the various systems and interconnected equipment. The Contractor shall co-ordinate its work with other trades to eliminate delay and prevent risk of

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personal injury or equipment damage.


All testing shall be in accordance with the local Fire code. Each fire detection circuit and device shall be tested to ensure proper operation and zone indication. All wiring shall be checked for proper identification, earth faults, circuiting, open and short circuits. All control and monitoring functions shall be tested by simulated operation of the control system at the fire alarm control panel. On completion of the testing and when all of the above conditions have been complied with, the Contractor shall issue to the Engineer the following: Copy of the report of the Inspecting Technical showing location of each interconnected device and certifying the test results of each device and system. Document of certification confirming that the inspection has been completed and showing the conditions upon which such inspection and certification have been rendered. All costs involved in this inspection shall be at the expense of the Contractor.


Shall be 2 years Parts and Labour.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: EXCAVATION

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1.1 Summary

A. Section Includes:

1. Excavating for slabs on grade.

2. Excavating for structures.

3. Excavating for buried utilities.

4. Excavating for soil remediation

1.2 Definitions

A. Excavation: Removal of materials of whatever nature encountered, whether wet, frozen, or otherwise, including dense tills, hardpan, frozen materials, cemented materials, concrete fragments, asphalt pavement, boulders or rock fragments, and weathered rock which can be removed by ripping or excavating with heavy duty mechanical construction equipment without drilling and blasting.

B. Excavation Limits: Areal excavation limits shown on the Drawings to specified depth or as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Over excavation: Excavation beyond initial excavation limits either areally or in depth, as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, to remove areas of loose and soft subgrade.

D. Rock: Material from solid masses of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock which, prior to its removal, was integral with its parent mass, and boulders or rock fragments having individual volume in excess of 1 m3.

E. Remediation: Removal of pollution or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water.

1.3 Submittals

A. Excavation Plan: Prior to mobilization to the Site, submit a detailed Excavation Plan demonstrating compliance with specified requirements and to permit CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to schedule testing and measurement activities. Include written procedures, schedules, and drawings as applicable and, at a minimum, address each of the following items:

1. Methods and procedures which will be used to perform excavation.

2. Sequencing and scheduling of excavation and backfilling in excavation areas.

3. Management of surface water and groundwater during excavation.

4. Anticipated crew sizes, man hours, types of equipment, and equipment hours on a weekly basis.

5. Utilities which will be encountered and need to be rerouted or protected. Describe methods of rerouting and protecting.

6. Sloping of excavation faces and slope stability issues.

7. Shoring drawings, if required, stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario.

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8. Methods of monitoring movement of adjacent structures.

9. Handling and transport of contaminated soil to required treatment facilities. CONTRACTOR shall be licensed with Ontario Ministry of the Environment to perform this work.

10. Soil testing for remediated areas.

1.4 Environmental Requirements

A. Suspend operations whenever climatic conditions, as determined by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, may detrimentally affect the quality of excavated material and prevent their use as backfill.

B. Test remediated areas to ensure all contaminated soil has been properly and adequately removed.

1.5 Sequencing And Scheduling

A. Coordinate interruptions of utility services to existing facilities which become necessary either directly or indirectly due to work required under this Contract through CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Down time for service disruptions may be limited as to duration and time (weekend, nights, or holidays). Perform work during the period designated.

B. Coordinate and sequence excavation operations to minimize the need for temporary stockpiling of excavated materials until required for backfilling. Make every effort to balance cut and fill operations and to ensure that excavated material designated for backfill is immediately placed as backfill in the Work. Keep the time during which excavations remain open to the practicable minimum.

C. Do not allow or cause any of work performed to be covered up or enclosed prior to required inspections, tests, or approvals.

D. Unless otherwise specified, advise CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a minimum of 48 hours in advance of excavation operations to enable CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to complete pre-excavation cross section surveying.

Part 2 PRODUCTS - Not Used


3.1 Examination

A. Verify that survey bench marks and existing and intended elevations for the Work are as shown on the Drawings.

B. Determine depths and soil types required for shoring design. Expediently carry out investigation to prevent delay to the schedule and with sufficient detail in order to complete the shoring design.

C. Obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to placing fill against structures or around exposed buried utilities.

D. Do not proceed with backfilling operations within a specific excavation area until the excavation area is approved as complete by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Do not cause excavations to be backfilled until CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR has approved excavation as complete

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and completed field measurements for payment purposes, and sampling and testing for analytical purposes.

E. Ensure areas to be backfilled are free from debris snow, ice, water, or frozen ground.

3.2 Preparation

A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum locations.

B. Obtain utility company clearances.

C. Locate, identify, and protect utilities from damage. Confirm locations of buried utilities and structures by careful test excavations or other suitable means.

D. Obtain direction from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR before moving or otherwise disturbing utilities. Confirm utility has been shut off.

E. Protect plant life, trees, and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping.

F. Maintain and protect from damage bench marks and survey control points, surface features, wells, utilities, pipelines, buildings and building foundations, and structures encountered, and not designated for demolition or removal. In the event of disturbance of or damage to any surface features, immediately notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Repair or replace, as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, any surface feature(s) damaged by CONTRACTOR operations at no additional cost to OWNER.

G. Obtain direction from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR before moving or otherwise disturbing surface features.

H. Remove surface features or obstructions including, but not necessarily limited to, trees, shrubs, bush, and other vegetation from surfaces to be excavated, within the limits shown on the Drawings or as required to construct the finished work. Dispose of such obstructions.

I. Protect existing buildings and structures where temporary unbalanced earth pressures are liable to develop on walls or other structures utilizing bracing, shoring or other approved methods to counteract unbalance.

J. Protect open excavations against damage due to surface runoff and runon. Take necessary precautions to prevent erosion of excavated or disturbed surfaces.

K. Do not obstruct flow of surface drainage.

3.3 Excavating

A. Excavate to lines, grades, elevations, and dimensions shown on the Drawings or as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Excavations for structures and pipelines shall be open excavations, shored and braced where necessary to prevent possible injury to workmen or the public and damage to new and existing structures or pipelines.

C. Hand trim load bearing surfaces for foundations. Excavate disturbed load bearing soil in direct contact with foundations to expose soil of original bearing capacity.

D. Slope banks with machine to angle of repose or shallower, as required by Laws and Regulations, until shored. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe condition until completion of backfilling.

E. Do not interfere with bearing splay of foundations which extends down at 30 degrees from horizontal starting at a point 0.6 m horizontally from edge of footing.

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F. Grade top perimeter of excavation to prevent surface water from draining into excavation.

G. Remove debris and other obstructions encountered.

H. Remove lumped soil, boulders, and rock up to 1 m3 measured by volume.

I. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue affected work in area until notified to resume work.

J. Hand trim, make firm, and remove loose material and debris from excavations. Where natural or fill material at bottom of excavation, except excavation for foundations, is disturbed, compact disturbed soil to density at least equal to undisturbed soil or to the density specified for the succeeding layer of backfill, whichever is greater, or remove disturbed soil and refill the space as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

K. Where excavations have been softened or eroded, remove soft and yielding material or otherwise objectionable or damaged areas and replace with fill as specified by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, at no additional cost to OWNER.

L. Trenching for Buried Piping:

1. No more than 30 m of trench may be opened in advance of pipe laying.

2. Trench width shall be minimized to greatest extent practical but shall conform to the following:

a. Sufficient to provide room for installing, jointing and inspecting piping, but in no case wider at top of pipe than pipe barrel OD plus 600 mm.

b. Enlargements at pipe joints may be made if required and approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

c. Sufficient for sheeting, bracing, sloping, and dewatering.

d. Sufficient to allow thorough compaction of backfill adjacent to bottom half of pipe.

e. Do not use excavating equipment that requires the trench to be excavated to excessive width.

M. Depth of trench shall be as shown on the Drawings. If required and approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR depths may be revised. Trench walls shall be vertical from the bottom of the trench to at least 300 mm above the top of pipe.

N. Open excavations shall be CONTRACTOR's sole responsibility.

O. Stockpile excavated material in area designated on the Site.

P. Fence any excavation left open overnight.

3.5 Disposal Of Unsuitable Or Excess Excavated Material

A. Unsuitable Excavated Materials: Soil containing roots, organic matter, frozen material, snow, ice, very soft clays, fine uniform sands, and soils which are not compactable to the specified density.

B. Stockpile excavated material determined by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR as unsuitable for backfill or excess excavated material on the Site, as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Soil contaminated by chemical spill shall be disposed of in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the Environmental Protection Act.

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3.6 Remedial Excavation

A. CONTRACTOR shall perform all remediation work in accordance with Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Soil samples and testing shall be taken in the presence of the ENGINEER and shall be in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act to confirm that the remedial excavation meets the requirements of Table 3 environmental standards in Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act. If the extents do not meet this standard, further excavation will be necessary.

3.7 Over Excavating

A. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR when soil at the bottom of the excavation appears unsuitable and proceed as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Where, in CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR's opinion, the undisturbed condition of the soils is inadequate for the support of installations, over excavate to adequate supporting soils as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and refill the excavated space with approved material to the proper elevation in accordance with the procedure specified for backfill. Where so directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and except as otherwise specified, the excavation and removal of inadequate material as specified, supply and installation of such material in excess of quantities shown on the Drawings will be paid for under the excavation contract item. Use such over excavated material in the Work or stockpile on the Site as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Should unauthorized excavation be carried below the lines and grades shown on the Drawings and in excess of specified limits and tolerance because of CONTRACTOR's operations including errors, methods of construction, or to suit his convenience, correct the unauthorized excavation as follows:

1. Fill under structures including, but not necessarily limited to foundations, with concrete. Confirm by means of review of borehole logs, subsurface testing, or other method approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR that bearing capacity at lower elevation is adequate.

2. Fill under unauthorized over excavation areas by extending the indicated bottom elevation of the base of the material specified to be placed to the unauthorized excavation bottom without altering the required top elevation and compact in accordance with Section 31 23 23 unless otherwise directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. For locations where foundation bases are over excavated, review borehole logs to confirm that soil at lower elevation is of acceptable bearing capacity, regardless of what over excavated area is backfilled with.

C. Additional excavation to remove weakened or disturbed soil or any additional activity caused by CONTRACTOR's error, unsuitable construction methods or procedures, or to suit CONTRACTOR's convenience and subsequent additional backfill and compaction to correct deficiencies shall be at no additional cost to OWNER.

3.8 Temporary Stockpiling

A. Stockpile materials on the Site at locations designated by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Construct stockpile sites so that they are well drained, free of foreign materials, and of adequate bearing capacity to support the weight of materials to be placed thereon.

C. Provide and maintain access to stockpiles.

D. Separate differing materials with substantial dividers or stockpile apart to prevent mixing.

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E. Prevent contamination or segregation of soil types.

F. Direct surface water away from stockpile sites to prevent erosion or deterioration of materials.

G. Maintain temporary stockpile slopes not steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. In no instance shall stockpiles be greater than 5 m in height above original surrounding grade. Place hay bales or other soil erosion and sediment control fencing at the base of and around each temporary stockpile to contain soil that may be washed off the stockpile.

H. Maintain area surrounding stockpiles in neat and tidy condition.

I. Cover stockpiled material with robust tarpaulin to withstand adverse weather, wind, and other detrimental forces. Provide total protection of stockpiled material from rain and other adverse weather effects.

3.8 Tolerances

A. Depth: Within 50 mm greater or less than specified depth but not uniformly greater or less.

B. Width: Plus or minus 300 mm from required width.

3.9 Protection

A. Reshape and recompact fills subjected to vehicular traffic during construction.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: COMMON WORK FOR UTILITIES

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SECTION 31 23 23 - FILL

Part 1 General

1.1 Section Includes

A. Site filling and backfilling.

B. Backfilling of trenches.

C. Fill for over excavation.

D. Compaction as scheduled.

1.2 References

A. ASTM International:

1. ASTM C117 - Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75 µm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing.

2. ASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.

3. ASTM D698 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using

Standard Effort (12,400 ft lbf/ft3 (600 kN m/m3)).

4. ASTM D1140 - Standard Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75 µm) Sieve.

5. ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand Cone Method.

6. ASTM D2167 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method.

7. ASTM D2216 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock.

8. ASTM D6938 - Standard Test Method for In Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).

9. ASTM D7928 - Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Sedimentation (Hydrometer) Analysis.

B. Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications:

1. OPSS 1001 - Materials Specification for Aggregates – General.

2. OPSS 1010 - Materials Specification for Aggregates Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material.

3. OPSS 1359 - Material Specification for Unshrinkable Fill.

1.3 Definitions

A. Bedding: Fill placed under, beside, and directly over items, prior to subsequent backfill operations.

B. Cover: Fill placed over bedding, up to subgrade elevation.

C. SMDD: Standard Maximum Dry Density and in the context of this Contract means the maximum dry unit weight determined in accordance with ASTM D698.

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1.4 Progress Submittals

A. Materials Sources: Submit name of proposed imported aggregate materials source at least 7 days prior to commencing transport of materials to the Site.

B. Geotechnical Data and Chemical Analysis: At least 7 days prior to commencing transport of imported fill to the Site, submit geotechnical data and chemical analysis for source testing as specified in PART 2.

C. Suppliers' Certificates: Submit certificate indicating that each type of aggregate materials meets or exceeds specified requirements.

D. Weigh Tickets: Submit all weigh tickets of imported fill materials delivered to the Site which are generated at Supplier's weigh scale, at the start of the work day following their delivery.

E. Weigh Scale Calibration: Submit, no later than 7 days prior to commencing the transport of fill materials to the Site, a calibration chart, completed within the previous 6 months, for the weigh scale. The weigh scale shall be calibrated and certified in accordance with the Weights and Measures Act by an agency registered with Measurement Canada, an agency of Industry Canada.

F. Field Quality Control: Submit field data on same day testing performed. Submit laboratory data within 24 hours of completion of test.

1.5 Qualifications

A. Chemical characterization of imported fill shall be performed by a Canadian Accredited Environmental Laboratory.

1.6 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Deliver, handle, and transport fill materials in a manner and with equipment that will prevent intermixing of soil, aggregate, segregation, or contamination.

B. Minimize stockpiling requirements. Transport material from source directly to final position where possible.

C. Stockpile fill materials on the Site in locations approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

1.7 Environmental Requirements

A. Suspend operations whenever climatic conditions, as determined by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, are unsatisfactory for placing fill to the requirements of this Section.

B. After occurrence of heavy rains, do not operate equipment on previously placed material or on approved surfaces until the material has dried sufficiently to prevent occurrence of excessive rutting.

C. Do not place fill in a frozen state or against frozen surfaces or frozen previously placed material. Do not place fill on snow, ice, water, or other objectionable material or on improperly prepared surfaces or previously placed material.


2.1 General

A. Imported from an approved source.

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B. Free of unsuitable materials including:

1. Frozen material or material containing snow or ice.

2. Trees, stumps, branches, roots, or other wood or lumber.

3. Wire, steel, cast iron, cans, drums, or other foreign material.

4. Materials containing hazardous or toxic constituents at hazardous or toxic concentrations.

2.2 Granular A

A. Conforming to the requirements of OPSS 1001 and OPSS.PROV 1010, maximum size 19.0 mm.

2.3 Granular B

A. Conforming to the requirements of OPSS 1001 and OPSS.PROV 1010, Type II, maximum size 26.5 mm, as follows:

MTO Sieve Designation Percentage Passing by Mass

150.0 mm 100

26.5 mm 50 – 100

4.75 mm 20 – 55

1.18 mm 10 – 40

300 um 5 – 22

75 um 0 – 8

2.4 Bedding Sand

A. OPSS 1001: Natural river bank sand; free of silt, clay, loam, friable or soluble materials; graded in accordance with ASTM C136/C136M and ASTM C117 and achieving a smooth curve without sharp breaks when plotted on a somir log grading chart within the following limits:

Sieve Size Percent Passing

No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100

No. 200 (0.075 mm) <5

2.5 19 mm CLEAR STONE

A. Conforming to the requirements of OPSS 1004, Type I.

2.6 Source Quality Control

A. Section 01000 – General Requirements: Requirements for source testing.

B. Testing and Analysis of Imported Fill:

1. Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content, ASTM D698: Three samples per source, for each material type.

2. Grain Size, ASTM D7928, ASTM C117, and ASTM C136/C136M: Three samples per source, for each material type.

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C. If tests indicate materials do not meet specified requirements, change material or material source and retest.

D. Provide materials of each type from the same source throughout the Works.

E. In the event of changes to approved sources of materials during performance of the Works, immediately advise CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of revised locations and obtain approval of such locations and materials prior to use in the Work.


3.1 Examination

A. Do not allow or cause any of the work performed or installed to be covered up or enclosed by work of this Section prior to required inspections, measurements, tests, or approvals.

B. Submit required survey data to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR and obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for completed subgrade and previously placed material prior to placement of successive lifts.

C. Obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for completed excavations and previously placed material prior to placement of successive lifts.

D. Obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR prior to placing fill against structures or around exposed buried utilities.

E. Ensure areas to be backfilled are free from debris, snow, ice, water, soft soils, organic materials, or frozen ground.

F. Where surfaces or previously placed material have been softened or eroded, remove soft and yielding material or otherwise objectionable or damaged areas and replace with compacted fill as specified by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3.2 Preparation

A. Remove debris, snow, ice, water, soft soils, organic materials, or frozen ground from areas to be backfilled.

B. Where not filling on previously worked area and where necessary, scarify subgrade surface to a depth of 25 mm.

C. Compact subgrade to density requirements for subsequent backfill materials.

D. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction in place. Backfill with Granular B and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material.

3.3 Backfilling Of Excavations

A. Fill areas to grades and elevations shown on the Drawings.

B. Granular A and B: Place and compact materials in equal continuous layers not exceeding 300 mm compacted depth.

C. Common Fill: Place and compact material in equal continuous layers not exceeding 300 mm compacted depth.

D. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage other work.

E. Maintain optimum moisture content of backfill materials to attain required compaction density.

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F. Backfill around installations as follows:

1. Do not dump directly against installation.

2. Place layers simultaneously on both sides of installed work to equalize loading and minimize movement.

3. Where temporary unbalanced earth pressures are liable to develop on walls or other structures:

a. If approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, erect bracing or shoring to counteract unbalance, and leave in place until removal is approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

b. Place material under, around, and over installations until 600 mm of cover is provided.

G. Do not proceed with backfilling operations within a specific excavation area until the excavation area is approved as complete by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Do not cause excavations to be backfilled until CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR has approved excavation as complete and completed field measurements for payment purposes, and sampling and testing for analytical purposes.

H. Slope grade away from building minimum as indicated on the Drawings to match existing grade.

I. Make gradual grade changes. Blend slope into level areas.

J. Stockpile surplus or unsuitable excavated materials on Site as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

K. Leave material stockpile areas free of excess materials.

L. Do not use excavated material which is determined unsuitable by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

M. Do not operate heavy compaction equipment closer than 1.5 m to foundations, underground utilities, pre-cast structures, recharge wells, or monitoring wells.

N. Remove sheeting and shoring required during excavation during backfilling operations. Do not remove bracing until backfilling has reached the respective level of such bracing. Pull sheeting in increments that will ensure compacted backfill is maintained at an appropriate elevation above toe of sheeting.

O. Do not backfill around or over cast in place concrete within 72 hours of concrete placing or until it has sufficient strength to withstand earth and compaction pressure, and obtain approval from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR to backfill.

P. Compact each layer to density specified before placing succeeding layers.

3.4 Backfilling Of Trenches

A. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations with unfrozen fill materials.

B. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen, or spongy subgrade surfaces.

C. Native Backfill: Place and compact materials in equal continuous layers not exceeding 200 mm compacted depth.

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D. Granular: Place and compact materials in equal continuous layers not exceeding 200 mm compacted depth.

E. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage foundation perimeter drainage, and utilities in trench.

F. Maintain moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density.

G. Leave fill material stockpile areas completely free of excess fill materials.

3.5 Compaction

A. Granular A and B: Compact to 95 percent SMDD unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.

B. Backfill of in substation yards: Compact to 98 percent SMDD.

C. Native Backfill: Compact to 95 percent SMDD unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.

D. Apply water as necessary during compaction to obtain specified density. If material to be compacted is excessively moist, aerate with equipment and methods until the moisture content is corrected. In areas not accessible to rolling equipment, compact material to specified density with mechanical tampers.

E. Do not direct jets of water at fill with such force that finer materials will be washed out.

F. Compaction Equipment: The type, size, and efficiency of compaction equipment shall be capable of achieving specified degree of compaction except for native backfill compact with sheepsfoot roller with feet length at least 2/3 thickness of lift. Compact final lift with smooth drum roller to remove indentations from sheepsfoot roller. When operating equipment adjacent to and immediately above structures, exercise care so as not to cause damage or displacement of the structure.

3.6 Tolerances

A. Top Surface of General Backfilling: Plus or minus 25 mm from required elevations.

3.7 Field Quality Control

A. Test installed materials to confirm compliance with the Specifications.

B. Perform tests in the field and in laboratories on samples of fill in order to determine whether the materials meet the Specifications. The testing of fill shall include an analysis for the presence of contaminants, grain size, moisture content, and maximum dry density. All testing for compacted backfill shall include moisture content, maximum dry density, and in situ density.


1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may select samples of uncompacted fill intended for the Work and samples of compacted fill in the Work.

2. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR may perform tests in the field and in the laboratory on samples of backfill and imported fill to determine if materials meet specification. Testing for backfill will include moisture content determination, maximum dry density, and bulk wet density. Copies of test reports will be supplied to CONTRACTOR on request.

3. Testing by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will in no way relieve CONTRACTOR of his responsibility to test all material prior to notifying CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of materials' suitability for the work involved.

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D. Methods of Testing:

1. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content will be determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM D698.

2. Moisture content in the laboratory will be determined in accordance with ASTM D2216.

3. Bulk wet density will be determined in the field in accordance with ASTM D6938 or with ASTM D1556, with dimensions of apparatus modified to suit soil tested or with ASTM D2167, whichever is most suitable to obtain representative density of soil tested.

4. Moisture content will be determined in the field in accordance with ASTM D6938.

5. Particle size analysis will be performed in accordance with ASTM D7928, ASTM D1140, ASTM C117 and ASTM C136, whichever is appropriate to material being tested.

6. Compaction testing will be performed in accordance with OPSS.PROV 501.

E. Frequency of Testing:

1. At least 1 maximum dry density test and 1 optimum moisture content determination for

each 3,000 m3 placed.

2. At least 1 density test and 1 moisture content determination for each 3,000 m3 placed.

3. At least 1 particle size analysis will be made for each 3,000 m3 of fill.

F. Failure to Meet Specified Requirements: If tests indicate that material specifications have not been achieved or cannot be obtained with equipment in use, procedure being followed, or material being incorporated, remove and replace work and modify operations so that the equipment, procedures, and materials will produce the required results. Additional testing required by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will be at no additional cost to CITY.

3.8 Adjusting

A. Correct surface irregularities by loosening and adding or removing material until the surface is within specified grade.

B. Leave work areas in a properly graded condition sloped as required to permit proper drainage and free of depressions that will pond or collect water or debris that will restrict flow.

3.9 Cleaning

A. Clean and reinstate work areas and areas affected by equipment outside areas specified to be excavated, to specified restoration condition.

B. Upon completion of backfilling, remove excess material and debris from work areas and travel routes.

3.10 Protection

A. Reshape and recompact fills subjected to vehicular traffic.


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1.1 Section Includes

A. Condensate gravity drain and associated appurtenances.

1.2 References

A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers: B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS ½ through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard.

B. American Petroleum Institute: API 15LE Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe (PE).

C. ASTM International:

1. ASTM A536 - Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings.

2. ASTM D698 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft lbf/ft3 (600 kN m/m3)).

3. ASTM D2837 - Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials of Pressure Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products.

4. ASTM D3350 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials.

5. ASTM F714 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter.

D. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification:

1. OPSS 310 - Construction Specification for Hot Mix Asphalt.

2. OPSS.PROV 401 - Construction Specification for Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting.

3. OPSS.PROV 410 - Construction Specification for Pipe Sewer Installation in Open Cut.

4. OPSS 490 - Construction Specification for Site Preparation for Pipelines, Utilities, and Associated Structures.

5. OPSS 492 - Construction Specification for Site Restoration Following Installation of Pipelines, Utilities, and Associated Structures.

6. OPSS 1150 - Material Specification for Hot Mix Asphalt.

7. OPSS 1840 - Material Specification for Non-Pressure Polyethylene Plastic Pipe Products.

E. City of Toronto Standard Specifications & Drawings for Sewers, Watermains and Roads.

1.3 Definitions

A. Bedding: Fill placed under, beside, and directly over pipe, prior to subsequent backfill operations.

B. HDPE: High density polyethylene.

C. IPS: Iron Pipe Size.

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D. SMDD: Standard Maximum Dry Density and in the context of this Contract means the maximum dry unit weight determined in accordance with ASTM D698.

1.4 Progress Submittals

A. Product Data: Piping and fitting dimensions including test reports and material property sheets.

B. Manufacturer's Certificates: Quality control certificates pertaining to each lot of pipe produced. Certify that products meet or exceed applicable standards.

C. Manufacturer’s Instructions: Indicate special procedures required to install products specified.

1.5 Closeout Submittals

A. Record Documents: Record actual installation details, integrate changes and modifications implemented in the field. Indicate "as recorded" location and elevation of piping and connection to manhole on as built drawings.

1.6 Quality Assurance

A. HDPE Pipe:

1. Comply with API 15LE.

2. Pipe Resin: Grade PE4710 material (ASTM D3350 Cell Classification PE445574C) with a Plastic Pipe Institute recommended hydrostatic design basis (HDB) of 11 MPa (1,600 psi) at 23 degrees C and 6.9 MPa (1,000 psi) at 60 degrees C based on TR/3 as derived from ASTM D2837 test methodology.

3. Raw material: Containing a minimum 2 percent carbon black, sufficiently dispersed to protect the pipe from degradation by ultraviolet light.

4. Pipe shall not contain any recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer’s own plant for resin of the same specification from the same raw material supplier.

5. Pipe Sizes: ASTM F714. Pipe sizes are specified in metric units; however, equivalent IPS pipe sizes shall be used to avoid fitting problems with valves.

1.7 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Deliver, store, and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Use every precaution to prevent damage to pipe. Do not permit metal tools or heavy objects to unnecessarily come in contact with pipe. Repair damage to pipe from any cause during installation and before final acceptance as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to OWNER. Remove and replace material that, in the opinion of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, cannot be satisfactorily repaired, at CONTRACTOR's expense and at no additional cost to OWNER.

C. Deliver and store valves in shipping containers with labeling in place.

D. Protect materials and equipment from weather by storage in a dry or heated place.

E. Protect interior of pipe and fittings from dirt by storage in original packaging or by closing ends.


2.1 Design Requirements

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A. All products shall be of such construction as to be approved for use in the environment in which they are located.

2.2 Condensate Drain

A. Condensate Drain: ASTM F714, SDR9, HDPE, 100 mm diameter.

B. Fittings: Molded sweeps, fabricated by thermal fusion. Same material as pipe molded or formed to suit pipe size and end design, in required tees, bends, long sweep elbows, cleanouts, reducers, traps, and other configurations required. Equivalent or greater pressure rating as pipe when installed.

C. Joints: Thermal butt fusion.

D. Chamber (MH B) Opening for Pipe Entry: Core drilled, smooth inside walls.

E. Pipe Entry to MH B: Link-Seal Modular Seal.

2.5 Pipe Bedding

A. Section 31 23 23, Granular A.

2.6 Pipe Cover Material

A. Materials as indicated on the Drawings:

• Excavated Material Suitable for Backfill: Material generated as a result of excavation, grading, and construction activities associated with completing the Works may be utilized as Excavated Material Suitable for Backfill upon approval by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

• Granular A: Section 31 23 23, Granular A.

• Asphalt Paving Mix: The asphalt paving mix to be used in restoration works shall be HL8 and HL3, conforming to OPSS 310 and OPSS 1150.

2.7 Underground Warning Tape

A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Brady or approved equivalent.

B. Description: 150 mm wide heavy-duty polyethylene tape, detectable type, coloured black on yellow with suitable warning legend describing buried water line.

2.8 Tracer Wire

A. T.W.U. No. 10 Gage Solid Copper Wire: 3.2 mm diameter.

B. Minimum Roll Length: 300 m.

C. Wire Connectors: Scotchlock No. 462 for No. 10 gage wire.

D. Connections: Wrap tightly with Scotch rubber splicing tape, covered by vinyl tape to prevent corrosion.


3.1 Examination

A. Section 31 23 16 - Excavation.

B. Verify that excavation base is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions, and elevations are as shown on the Drawings.

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C. Inspect all pipe prior to use. Clean all debris as necessary.

3.2 Preparation

A. Section 31 23 16 - Excavation.

B. Hand trim excavations to required elevations. Correct over-excavation in accordance with Section 31 23 16.

C. Remove large stones or other hard matter that could damage piping or impede consistent backfilling or compaction.

D. Carefully inspect materials for defects and remove defective materials from Site.

3.3 Trenching, Backfilling, and Compaction

A. Excavate trench for condensate drain piping to dimensions as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with Section 31 23 16. Hand trim excavation for accurate placement of pipe to elevations shown on the Drawings. Extra care required in areas impacted by on-Site obstacles and utilities.

B. Load and dispose of excavated surplus material to temporary stockpile area.

C. Had trim, make firm, and remove loose material and debris from trenches. Compact native soils at base of trench prior to installation of bedding.

D. Backfill excavations with granular fill or approved excavated material with stones or other debris larger than 50 mm in diameter removed, level materials in continuous layer not exceeding 150 mm compacted depth.

E. Maintain optimum moisture content of bedding material to attain require compaction density. Compact backfilling materials to 95 percent SMDD.

F. In no case shall trenching advance ahead of active installation more than necessary to facilitate proper placement.

G. Do not use backfill material, which is determined unsuitable by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3.4 Pipe Installation

A. Prevent debris and water from entering inside of pipe.

B. Do not bend in a radius smaller than recommended by manufacturer when stage on Site or installed in the trench.

C. Perform thermal fusion in sheltered areas with temperature maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

D. Avoid excessive transportation and possible damage to the pipe.

E. Prior to initiating thermal fusion in the field on any pipe on a given day, provide a test weld and operating data to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR including welding temperature, machine number, date of last service, and clearance certificate.

F. Install pipe, fittings, and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

G. Place pipe bedding as shown on the Drawings.

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H. Lay pipe to slope gradients as shown on the Drawings with maximum variation from true slope not to exceed 5 mm in 3 m. Minimum required slopes for condensate drain shall be 2 percent, unless otherwise noted.

I. Use laser equipment for controlling grade of pipe installation.

J. Install aggregate at sides and over top of pipe installation. Provide cover to minimum compacted thickness shown on the Drawings, compact in accordance with Section 31 23 23.

K. Do not displace or damage pipe when compacting.

L. Install tracer wire continuous along top of pipe. Terminate tracer wire at ground surface adjacent to pipe.

M. Install warning tape continuously at 900 mm centred above pipe continuous along pipe.

N. Seal (cap) end of all pipe at the end of the working day or when work on a length of pipe is not scheduled to continue.

3.5 Connection to MH B

A. Excavate, trench, backfill, and compact adjacent to structure in accordance with Section 31 23 16 - Excavation and Section 31 23 23 - Fill.

B. Core all pipe penetrations through chamber walls and seal with Link-Seal Modular Seal.

C. Install pipe within MH B to face downwards as shown on the Drawings.

D. Install pipe such that pipe does not outfall directly on existing grates. Extend as required.

3.6 Field Quality Control

A. Request inspection prior to placing aggregate cover over pipe.

B. Compaction testing will be performed in accordance with Section 31 23 23.

C. If tests indicate Works does not meet specified requirements, remove Works, replace, and retest.

D. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will inspect all work of this Section. Advise CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR so that it may inspect excavations prior to placing of manholes and foundations. Provide written notice minimum 24 hours in advance.

E. Pressure and Leakage Test: Test as follows:

1. Provide labour, equipment, and materials (including compressed carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas) required to perform pressure tests herein specified; notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR at least 24 hours in advance of all proposed tests; perform tests in the presence of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Test at one time as much of the piping system as practical and authorized by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. Test condensate drain piping at a pressure rating of 172 kPa. Utilize compressed carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas to charge the pipelines and maintain pressure for adequate period to allow for expansion of the piping. Do not pressure test against closed valves. Fittings, valves, and expansion joints shall be accessible for inspection during the pressure test. A pressure test will be deemed successful if the designed pressure is maintained for a period of not less than 1 hour with no measurable pressure drop during the term of the test. The temperature must be constant to within 1 degree C during this period as

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measured by portable infrared thermometer or adjusted with the appropriate correction factor. Avoid movement of the pipe as practical after pressure test.

4. Cap and seal testing ports at the termination of the pressure test.

5. Examine joints for leakage and remove and joints showing leakage from the pipeline, rejoin and retest the system.

6. Ensure that normal safety precautions are observed for exposed piping.

7. Locate and repair defects if leakage occurs.

8. Repeat test until pressure drop is within specified allowance for full length of line.

3.7 Protection of Finished Work

A. Protect pipe and aggregate cover from damage or displacement until prior to and during backfilling operations.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACING

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1.1 Description

A. This specification covers the required data for furnishing of labour, material and equipment for the installation of an electrical pipe freeze protection heat-trace system.

1.2 References

A. Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements

B. Section 01 40 00 - Quality Requirements.

1.3 Submittals

A. Technical information for all materials shall be submitted in accordance with Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Work.

B. The submission shall include descriptive literature of the manufacturer and published details with complete performance and rated capacity schedules or chart, dimensions, etc. as applicable.

C. It is recommended that the CONTRACTOR use a heat tracing vendor who utilizes heat tracing design software for the freeze protection system design.

D. The vendor shall supply detailed Freeze Protection design, complete with material take-offs, installation details, mechanical and electrical drawings, maintenance and operating manuals.

1.4 Regulatory Reference

D. The electric heat-trace system shall conform to this specification. It shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of the latest edition of the following codes and standards:

ANSI American National Standards Institute

FM FM Approvals

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ITS Intertek Testing Services (Intertek ETL SEMKO)

OESC Ontario Electrical Safety Code

CEC Canadian Electrical Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

ULc Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.

CSA Canadian Standards Association


2.1 Heat Tracing

A. The heat trace system shall be Thermon or approved equivalent.

B. The heat tracing system will be designed for the following environmental conditions:

Minimum outdoor temperature -25 °C Maximum outdoor temperature 35 °C Yearly average high temperature 21 °C Yearly average low temperature 3 °C Days per year with min. temp below freezing 101

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C. The heat tracing system shall include all equipment and accessories such as heat tracing cables, termination kits, junction boxes required for a complete installation.

D. The heat trace system shall be designed and sized to operate in accordance with the specified pipe insulation.

E. The heat trace system shall be the self-regulating type to prevent overheating and eliminate damage to the pipe insulation and instruments.

F. The heat trace system shall include a redundant heating circuit and shall have an alarm indicating failure.

G. The heat trace system shall be 120/208 V and shall be supplied from the electrical panel located in the blower building electrical room.

H. Each heat tracing circuit shall be supplied by a separate breaker.

I. Where required, the heat trace system shall be suitable for installation in hazardous locations.


3.1 General

A. Freeze protection shall be installed for the landfill gas lines between the blower building and the flare and shall include the condensate and drain lines, fittings, valves and instruments as indicated on the drawings.

B. The freeze protection heat trace system shall be designed to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

C. The system shall be designed to prevent fluid from freezing inside the pipes, fittings, valves and instruments during normal operation and maintenance shutdowns.

D. Assume full responsibility for all construction means and coordinate with the ENGINEER.

E. Do not allow or cause any installation work to be covered up or enclosed prior to the required inspections, tests and approvals.

F. The freeze protection system shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's requirements and recommendations.

3.2 Testing

A. Testing shall be done per the latest IEEE Std. 515 test section and applicable manufacturer’s standards. In the field, all heater cables shall be meggered. The following separate field megger readings shall be taken on each heat trace cable:

1. Heater cable shall be meggered when received at jobsite before installation.

2. Heater cable shall be meggered after installation, but before insulation is applied.

3. Heater cable shall be meggered after insulation has been installed.

B. All three of the above field megger readings shall meet the manufacturer specifications. Otherwise, the heater cable is not acceptable and shall be replaced.

C. Field megger tests are to be recorded for each heater cable, and the commissioning reports to be submitted to the Owner, complete with the factory inspections and tests reports.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: INSTRUMENTATION

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1.1 Description

A. This specification describes the requirements for providing all materials, labour and equipment to supply the field instrumentation as shown on the Reference Drawings.

1.2 Related Work

A. Electrical Installation Common Work: Section 26 05 00

B. Process Control System: Section 40 92 20

C. LFG Analyzer: Section 40 91 13

D. Hazardous Gas Monitoring System: Section 40 91 23

1.3 Submittals

A. Manufacturers’ installation, operations, calibration and maintenance manuals for each instrument.

B. A Field Instrument List containing as a minimum, the instrument tag, manufacturer, model number, calibration range and serial numbers of all the field instruments.

C. NIST traceable calibration certificates for all pressure transmitters. In all cases, instrument calibration shall be executed by certified calibration technicians. Copies of calibration certificates of test and calibration equipment used in the execution of the calibration shall be provided as well.

D. Instrument location plans showing location of all electronic field instruments, automated control valves, control panels, auto-dialers, instrument junction boxes, including flare instrumentation and control panels.

E. Hazardous gas monitoring location plans showing location of gas sensors or detectors, monitoring panels.

1.4 Reference Standards

F. The latest version of the standards listed below shall be complied with. The list is not exhaustive, as the standards identified in the referenced specifications shall also be complied with.

1. CSA-B149.1-10 – Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code

2. CSA B149.6-11 – Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations

3. CSA C22.1-12 – Canadian Electrical Code

4. OESC – The Ontario Electrical Safety Code

5. NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology

6. ANSI – American National Standard Institute

7. NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association

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8. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

9. ISA - International Society of Automation

10. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association

11. ASTM – American Society for Testing Materials

12. cUL – Underwriters Laboratories – Canada

13. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

14. Solid Waste Management Systems (SWMS) Asset Tagging Standard - see Attachment

B of this tender document.

1.5 Reference Drawings

A. 11624-2016-09-P-101 – Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – Legend and Notes

B. 11624-2016-09-P-102 – Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – Abstraction

C. 11624-2016-09-P-103 – Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – Flaring

D. 11624-2016-09-P-104 – Plant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram – Compressed Air

1.6 Warranty

A. Warrant all field instrumentation and associated equipment are free from defects. Any defects or deficiencies that appear prior to and during the period of two years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, or such longer periods as may be specified for certain products or work, shall be corrected promptly at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.


2.1 General

A. All electrical / instrumentation materials, devices, appliances and equipment used shall be indicated as acceptable by the established CSA standards or other electrical product testing standards that are accredited by the Province of Ontario. Indication shall be by a valid label or nameplate affixed to the item. Panels that consist in multiple components shall be listed as a unit in addition to any other requirements.

B. All electrical / instrumentation materials, devices, appliances and equipment used shall be CSA or cUL approved and physically marked for the area classification where they are intended to be installed.

2.2 Pressure Transmitters

A. Pressure transmitters shall be of the Smart electronic 2-wire type, capable of driving a 4 – 20 mA output into a 750 Ω load with a 24 VDC power supply.

B. The transmitters shall be supplied with multiline configurable LCD displays, capable of displaying, as a minimum, transmitter output in percentage or in the engineering units of choice.

C. Pressure transmitters shall be factory calibrated and provided with NIST traceable calibration certificates.

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D. Process wetted parts shall be shall be fabricated of stainless steel as a minimum. Ceramic or stainless steel diaphragm measuring elements are acceptable.

E. Acceptable manufacturers for pressure transmitters are:

1. Emerson / Rosemount;

2. Endress and Hauser;

3. ABB; or

4. Approved equivalent.

2.3 Flame Scanners

A. Flame scanners shall be of the microprocessor based self-checking design, UV or UV / IR sensing, rated for continuous outdoor operation in ambient temperatures of -25 ⁰C to 65 ⁰C.

B. Flame scanners shall have auxiliary 4 – 20 mA outputs cable to drive the full scale output into a 750 Ω load with a 24 VDC power supply, for remote monitoring by the PCS.

C. Acceptable manufacturers for flame scanners are:

1. Fireye;

2. Honeywell; or

3. Approved equivalent.

2.4 Pressure Gauges

A. Pressure gauges shall have dual scale marking with metric and equivalent Imperial units.

B. Pressure gauges for process gas and compressed air applications shall be 100 mm size with adjustable pointer, stainless steel case, stainless steel bourdon tube, socket and movement, with blowout back. Gauge connection shall be located at the bottom and shall be ½” NPT.

C. Pressure gauges for low pressure application, such as pilot gas and purge blower discharge, shall be minimum 60 mm diameter with brass or bronze parts and socket. Gauge connection shall be located at the bottom and shall be 1/4” NPT.

D. Differential pressure gauges installed on LFG service shall be of the 100 mm size, with stainless steel case and stainless steel wetted parts, and corrosion resistant measuring element.

2.5 Pressure Switches

A. Pressure switches shall have stainless steel wetted parts, and shall be of the snap action design with fixed deadband.

B. Pressure switches shall have ½” NPT connections.

C. Switch type shall be SPDT rated at a minimum of 2A 120 VAC.

2.6 Pneumatic Valve Actuators and Accessories

A. Pneumatic valve actuators shall be rated for at least 825 kPag or be supplied with pressure regulators and equipped with pressure relief devices.

B. Actuators shall be suitable for operation on dry (unlubricated) compressed air or nitrogen gas.

C. Actuators shall be of the failsafe design, and capable of driving the valve to its fail position on loss of supply pressure.

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D. Actuators shall be sized to operate the corresponding valve with a supply pressure as low as 415 kPag, under all operating conditions and temperatures (process and ambient). A safety factor of 25% shall be used for actuator sizing.

E. Actuators shall be supplied with highly visible position indicators that clearly indicate whether the valve is opened or closed.

F. Solenoid valves for valve operation shall be supplied with stainless steel bodies, continuous duty 120 VAC coils, and shall be mounted on the actuator.

G. Limit switches shall be supplied with all ON/OFF service valves, one to detect valve open status and the other to detect valve closed status. Limit switch contacts shall be rated at least 2A at 120 VAC. Limit switch contacts shall be normally open and held closed when the valve is at the corresponding position.

H. Actuators shall be supplied with supply air filters.

I. Automated valves shall be supplied fully assembled, including the actuator, solenoid valve, limit switches, position indicator, air filter, and regulator where required. All accessories shall be tubed together with stainless steel tubing and fittings, ready for connection to the air supply in the field. Valve assemblies shall be operationally tested and limit switches properly set before shipping.

2.7 Modulating Electric Damper Drives

A. Modulating electric damper drives shall be suitable for continuous modulating operation from -25 ⁰C to 50 ⁰C ambient temperatures.

B. Direct drive actuators shall be provided where possible. Otherwise, linkages connecting the drive to the dampers shall be corrosion resistant and designed for long trouble free operation with minimal hysteresis.

C. The damper drives shall be supplied with a position transmitter with 4 – 20 mA output, adjusted such that the damper is fully closed at 4 mA and fully open at 20 mA.

2.8 Vibration Transmitters

A. The blower vibration transmitters shall be Emerson type CSI 9330, and shall be compatible with the vibration sensors supplied with the blowers.

2.9 Instrument Supports

A. Instrument supports shall be supplied where stipulated subsequently in this specification.

B. Instrument supports shall be floor standing, welded, consisting of a 250 mm square base made of 6 mm thick steel plate, with a 50 mm schedule 40 carbon steel pipe welded to the centre of the base plate, and a schedule 40 pipe cap welded to the top of the pipe. The base plate shall have mounting holes drilled through for attaching to the floor. The completed assemblies shall be hot dipped galvanized.

2.10 Instrument Tubing

A. Tubing used for instrument impulse lines and instrument air supplies shall be seamless 316 stainless steel.

B. Tubing used for instrument impulse lines and instrument air supplies shall be ½” OD size with 0.049” wall thickness.

C. Tube fittings shall be 316 stainless steel compression fittings of the double ferrule design

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(Swagelok or approved equal).


3.1 Instrument Air Supplies

A. The contractor shall supply and install instrument air distribution system consisting of stainless steel pipe and fittings, with stainless steel tubing from the distribution piping to the instrument.

B. Each instrument shall be provided with a ½” lockable stainless steel ball valve where the instrument air tubing connects to the distribution piping. Valves shall be labelled with stainless steel tags, engraved with the asset number of the corresponding instrument.

C. A piece of reinforced 3/8” ID rubber hose, approximately 450 mm in length, with stainless steel fittings shall be provided between the instrument and the stainless steel tubing.

3.2 Instrument Location

A. Instruments that are not mounted directly on process lines or equipment shall be located with consideration for:

1. Ease of maintenance – instruments shall be easily accessible;

2. Ease of operation – instruments shall not interfere with normal operating activities;

3. Proper drainage of impulse lines – pressure transmitters for gas service shall be installed above the connection to the process pipe, and impulse tubing installed such that it slopes down continuously toward the process connection point.

B. Pressure gauges shall be mounted directly on process piping and equipment as applicable, and shall be oriented such that the face of the gauge can be read from an operating area.

3.3 Pressure Transmitters

A. Pressure transmitters shall be installed on instrument supports and connected to the process connection using ½” OD stainless steel tubing.

B. Pressure transmitters shall be installed with a 2-valve instrument manifold located at the transmitter. Manifolds shall be fabricated of 316 stainless steel.

C. Pressure transmitters for gas service shall be installed above the connection to the process pipe, and impulse tubing installed such that it slopes down continuously toward the process connection point.

3.4 Instrument Supports

A. The instrument supports shall be fixed to the floor using suitable concrete anchors, galvanized washers, nuts and threaded rod. Supports shall be shimmed and levelled before grouting around the base.

B. Wall mounting supports, fabricated as described above but with a 90⁰ bend, may be used where floor space is not available for instrument installation.

C. Supports shall not be attached to columns, piping, cable trays, equipment, etc.

3.5 Identification

A. All field instrument shall be identified in accordance with SWMS Asset Tagging Standard.

3.6 Testing

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A. The contractor shall test installed tubing as follows:

1. Instrument air supply lines – pressurize the lines with instrument air or nitrogen and check joints and fittings for leaks using a foaming liquid designed for this purpose;

2. Pressure transmitter impulse lines – with the valve closed at the process connection, pressurize the impulse line from the instrument with 1000 kPag nitrogen and verify for leaks using a foaming liquid designed for this purpose.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LANDFILL GAS ANALYZER

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1.1 Description

A. Provide all materials, labour and equipment to supply, calibrate, factory test, package for shipment, deliver to the Site, install and commission the landfill gas (LFG) analyzer system described herein for the landfill gas (LFG) extraction plant.

B. Provide all materials to design, supply and install the LFG sample line and probe, and the sample gas conditioning system.

C. Provide two portable landfill gas testing units for monitoring of the LFG concentrations at various points in the collection system.

D. The scope also includes a warrantee and service period of two years from the start-up date.

E. CONTRACTOR shall prepare all design drawings and wiring schematics for the LFG analyzer including the sample conditioning system schematics.

1.2 Related Work

A. Electrical Installation Common Work: Section 26 05 00

B. Instrumentation: Section 40 91 00

C. Hazardous Gas Monitoring System: Section 40 91 23

D. Process Control System Section 40 92 20

1.3 Reference Standards

A. The latest version of the standards listed below shall be complied with. The list is not exhaustive, as the standards identified in the referenced specifications shall also be complied with.

1. CSA B149.6-11 – Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations

2. CSA C22.1-12 – Canadian Electrical Code

3. OESC – The Ontario Electrical Safety Code

4. FM – Factory Mututal

5. NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology

6. ANSI – American National Standard Institute

7. NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association

8. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

9. ISA – International Society of Automation

10. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association

11. ASTM – American Society for Testing Materials

12. cUL – Underwriters Laboratories – Canada

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13. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

1.4 Definitions

A. Vendor: A supplier of equipment that provides installation as well as technical support and service

of the equipment.

1.5 Acceptable Manufacturers

B. The LFG analyzer supplied for the Keele Valley Landfill Gas Plant shall be manufactured by one of the following:

1. Emerson / Rosemount;

2. Siemens;

3. ABB; or

4. Approved equivalent.

1.6 Submittals

A. Required Submittals after Award of Contract

1. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all drawings and design calculations submitted for review are accurate and correct. All certified drawings must be sealed and signed by a professional engineer and be completely legible.

B. Submittal for Review/Approval

1. The following shall be submitted:

a) Analyzer dimensional drawings with internal layout and bills-of-materials, showing sample entry / exit locations, and condensate drain location;

b) Manufacturer’s standard quality control procedure;

c) Cable entry / exit locations;

d) Major component ratings including:

Descriptive bulletins

Product sheets

e) Design drawings and wiring schematics;

f) Sampling conditioning schematic complete with bill-of-material;

g) Network / communications drawings;

h) Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Procedure and specification;

2. Submit three (3) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (D size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

3. CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the fabrication of the unit once all the shop drawings and product data have been reviewed and accepted.

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1.7 Submittals – Final Certification

A. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes:

1. Final as built drawings;

2. Certified product reports;

3. Installation information; and

4. Executed FAT documents.

B. CONTRACTOR shall supply operation and maintenance manuals which shall be indexed and bound or arranged in ring binders and shall include general installation, operation and maintenance instructions, parts list, wiring and schematic diagrams, final certified drawings and detailed data on all parts and components. System operation and control device settings shall be clearly documented.

C. Submit eight (8) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (B size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

D. CONTRACTOR shall supply all passwords and keys to control panels, etc., as part of the transfer of the system to the OWNER.

E. All drawings shall be stamped by a professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario.

1.8 Options and Deviations

A. Any substantial deviation from this specification shall be clearly identified as an alternative proposal annexed to the main offer at time of Tender.

B. Any deviations from this specification shall be clearly indicated and justified at time of Tender. Nevertheless, the acceptance of the ENGINEER / OWNER does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any responsibility in the satisfactory operation of the equipment. If the deviation is not indicated, complete agreement with the specification is understood and total compliance is demanded.

1.9 Warranty and Service Period

A. The warranty period for equipment and components shall be twenty four (24) months from the start-up of the system. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any additional cost due to repair work in defective equipment during this period.

B. CONTRACTOR shall provide regular calibration and maintenance services, including the supply of consumables during the warrantee and service period. Consumables include the supply of calibration gases.

1.10 Vendor Qualification

A. The Vendor of this equipment shall have designed, supplied, commissioned and serviced similar analytical equipment for a minimum period of five (5) years.

B. The Vendor shall have the capability in terms of both personnel availability and technical ability to support and service the analytical system. The Vendor shall guarantee availability of service personnel to be onsite within 24 hours of a call for service.

C. Critical spare parts shall be available within 24 hours of order.

D. The vendor shall guarantee five years availability for all critical parts of the proposed analytical system. The system design shall also consider interchangeability of critical

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components in the even selected components become unavailable.


2.1 LFG Analyzer Requirements

A. The LFG analyzer shall be CSA certified and FM approved for the area classification.

B. The LFG analyzer will be installed in an electrical room adjacent to the landfill gas plant blower room. The electrical room has non-hazardous classification and has environmental controls to maintain room temperature between 10 ⁰C and 30 ⁰C / 50 and 85 ⁰F.

C. The LFG analyzer shall measure the following constituents of the landfill gas:

1. Methane (CH4) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 80%.

2. Oxygen (O2) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 25%.

3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 80%.

D. The methane sensor shall be based on the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) measurement technology, with an overall accuracy of 1% of span or better.

E. The oxygen sensor shall be based on the paramagnetic measurement technology, with an overall accuracy of 0.5% of span or better.

F. The carbon dioxide sensor shall be based on the non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) measurement technology, with an overall accuracy of 1 % of span or better.

G. Accuracies stated above shall be inclusive of all inaccuracies, including, but not limited to sensor error, signal processing electronic error, and negative effects of power supply fluctuations, ambient temperature fluctuations, etc.

H. Errors due to drift shall be less than 0.5% of span over the period of one year.

I. The response times shall be:

1. Methane sensor - 10 seconds or less.

2. Oxygen sensor - 5 seconds or less.

3. Carbon dioxide sensor - 10 seconds or less.

J. Alternatively, tuned laser absorption based technology may be proposed provided that it can be demonstrated that this type of measurement technology provides economic benefits, and the technology provides superior accuracy and faster response times.

K. The LFG analyzer, including the sampling and conditioning system, shall be suitable for a 120 V 60 Hz power supply.

L. The LFG analyzer shall be supplied with microprocessor electronics that will provide advanced diagnostics and fault detection. The microprocessor shall also provide user interface and govern the operation of the LFG analyzer in terms of calibration schedule, and maintain a record of calibration times and trend of calibration offsets, as well as a historical list of faults.

M. As a minimum, the analyzer shall provide the following fault and status notifications:

1. Analyzer general fault.

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2. Analyzer calibration in progress.

3. Analyzer calibration failure.

4. Sample low flow.

N. User interface shall be an electronic display that shall have the capability to display the following as a minimum:

1. Current concentration of methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide in engineering units.

2. Fault indication with plain English language descriptions, when faults are active;

3. Calibration in progress indication, with indication of calibration progress;

4. Next calibration date / time.

O. The user interface shall have the facility to call up password protected menus to allow the user to modify the following parameters:

1. Analyzer calibration frequency (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc.);

2. Next calibration time / date;

3. Span gas methane concentration;

4. Span gas carbon dioxide concentration;

5. Calibrate Now command.

2.2 Analyzer Output

A. The LFG analyzer shall include an Ethernet port for Ethernet IP protocol interface to the LFG Plant control system. LFG analyzer information available via the Ethernet port shall be as follows as a minimum:

1. Analyzer measurement (methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide);

2. Status (running, stopped, in calibration, etc.);

3. Next calibration time / date;

4. Active fault(s).

B. Where Ethernet communication with Ethernet IP protocol is not available, the LFG analyzer shall provide hardwired interface to the LFG Plant control system. The minimum LFG analyzer information available via the analog (4 – 20 mA) outputs and discrete outputs shall be as follows as a minimum:

1. Methane (CH4) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 80%.

2. Oxygen (O2) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 25%.

3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration by volume over a range of 0 – 80%.

4. Analyzer running status;

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5. Analyzer calibration in progress;

6. Analyzer fault;

7. Analyzer sample low flow.

2.3 LFG Sampling Conditioning System

A. The LFG analyzer shall be supplied with a sample probe to extract the sample gas from the LFG blower discharge header, and return it to the LFG blower suction header.

B. The sample probe shall be designed to extract a sample from the LFG blower discharge header near the centre of the header, and designed in such a way as to minimize the extraction of liquid with the sample.

C. Based on normal operation, conditions at the sample point and sample return point are anticipated to be as follows:

1. LFG blower discharge header pressure: 500 mm WC / 20 in WC;

2. LFG blower suction header pressure: -1500 mm WC / -60 in WC;

3. Methane concentration: 40 % v/v;

4. Oxygen concentration: < 0.5 % v/v;

5. Balance of gas: nitrogen and carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide and

other trace elements;

6. Relative humidity: ~100 %;

7. Temperature: 25 ~ 50 ⁰C / 80 ~ 120 ⁰F

D. The LFG analyzer shall include a gas sampling and conditioning system, as required to draw the sample gas from the fast sample line.

E. LFG sampling systems that vent the gas sample to atmosphere in lieu of returning the spent sample back to the process will be considered, provided this design provides cost advantages.

F. The gas sampling and conditioning system shall be designed for continuous operation in a LFG system, with minimum maintenance requirements, and in specific consideration of the following:

1. Corrosion resistant components, designed to handle wet gases that contain trace

amounts of hydrogen sulfide;

2. Conditioning system designed to continuously remove moisture from the sample gas that

is saturated with moisture at the sampling point;

3. Components that are easily accessible for maintenance and readily available from local


G. The gas sample driers shall be provided if required to condition the sample gas to meet the requirements of the gas analyzer. Driers shall be electronic type (Seebeck effect) or refrigerant type. Vortex coolers will not be accepted.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LANDFILL GAS ANALYZER

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2.4 Portable Landfill Gas Testing Units

A. Portable testing units shall be Lantec model GA 5000 for the measurement of CH4, CO2, and O2 gas concentrations. Test units shall be supplied with carrying case, sample tubing with in-line water trap and filter, as well as a battery charger for connection to a 115 V 60 Hz standard power receptacle.


3.1 General

A. Install the LFG Analyzer, sampling system and related components in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, recommendations or guidelines, and in accordance with all codes applicable in Ontario.

3.2 Design Criteria

A. This specification defines the technical requirements related to the design and supply of the Extraction Plant LFG Analyzer, including all equipment, manufacture, assembly, factory wiring, inspection, testing and delivery.

B. All the equipment and related devices shall be able to fulfill continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

C. The equipment shall be designed to operate with electrical power supply of 120 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase, with ±10 % voltage tolerance and ±5 % frequency tolerance.

D. The LFG Analyzer shall be in accordance with this specification and its attachments. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and governed by all requirements herein.

E. Where the CONTRACTOR encounters conflicts between this specification and / or other reference documents, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing.

F. Exceptions to the provisions of this specification shall be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER/OWNER in writing for approval.

G. If the intent of this specification is not clear, it is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to request clarification.

H. The CONTRACTOR shall state in its documentation, the closest geographical location to the project from which parts and service are available.

I. Compliance with the requirements of this specification does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to supply a suitably designed, assembled and tested system for its intended purpose.

3.3 Factory Acceptance Testing

A. The LFG analyzer system shall be fully tested at the factory or the Vendor’s facility. Testing shall be witnessed by the Owner and / or the Owner’s representative. Testing shall include all the analyzer system components, including the sample conditioning system.

B. The Vendor shall submit a factory acceptance testing procedure to the Owner a minimum of two weeks before execution of the test, for review and approval.

C. The contractor shall supply all materials, consumables and labour required for the execution of the testing.

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3.4 Control Panel Layout

A. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that panel components are positioned so as to be readily accessible for inspection and maintenance.

B. All panels shall have internally mounted light emitting diode (LED) light fixtures supplied by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and mount door actuated switches and wiring in such a manner that when the door is opened the fixtures are energized.

C. All control panel internal components shall be mounted onto the enclosure’s back mounting panel. No devices shall be mounted on the enclosure sides, top or bottom.

D. All back mounted components shall be easily accessible for ease of troubleshooting and maintenance. Stacking of components in front of other components shall not be permitted. All such designs will be rejected and corrected at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.

E. Door mounted components shall be spaced in accordance with the component manufacturer’s recommendations, and shall be organized in a logical and pleasing manner.

F. Control panels to be installed outdoors shall have components requiring operator access (pushbuttons, pilot lights, HMI) mounted on an interior swing panel. The control panel shall be supplied with a lockable exterior front door to prevent unauthorized access to control devices.

G. All PCS control panels shall be supplied with a data port and fused 120V receptacle at the panel front, for connection to the PCS processor and / or HMI panel. The data ports and shall have a weatherproof flip-up cover. A separate unpowered data port will be provided with USB port for connection of a keyboard to the HMI panel.

H. All controls, pilot devices and electronic displays (HMI’s for example) that that are accessed or monitored by operating personnel during the normal course of plant operation shall be installed on the control panel enclosure door or the internal swing panel. Operator access of control devices, such as reset pushbuttons and auxiliary displays that require the access of the enclosure internal spaces, thereby exposing operators to shock and arc flash hazards, are strictly forbidden. Reset buttons and electronic displays of control devices such as flame or burner controllers must be accessible to operators without the need to access control panel interior spaces.

3.5 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

A. Prior to shipment, the CONTRACTOR shall execute the FAT, using simulation as required, and witnessed by the ENGINEER/OWNER. The ENGINEER / OWNER shall be given notice of all testing at least one week in advance.

3.6 Testing and Commissioning

A. Testing and commissioning of the LFG Analyzer system shall be executed in accordance with the approved commissioning plan. All testing shall be recorded on approved commissioning check sheets, witnessed and accepted by the Owner or the Owner’s representative.

B. The contractor shall supply all materials, consumables and labour required for the execution of the testing.

3.7 Training

A. Onsite training shall be provided to City of Toronto staff on the following items:

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: LANDFILL GAS ANALYZER

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1. Operation of the LFG Analyzer and sampling system;

2. System maintenance.


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1.1 Description

A. Provide all materials, labour and equipment to supply, calibrate, factory test, package for shipment, deliver to the Site, install and commission the hazardous gas monitoring system described herein for the LFG Flaring System.

B. The scope includes the tie-in of the hazardous gas monitoring system to exhaust fan controls, and connection of the system to existing audible and visual alarms

C. The scope also includes a warrantee and service period of two years from the start-up date.

D. CONTRACTOR shall prepare all design drawings and wiring schematics for the hazardous gas monitoring system.

1.2 Related Work

A. Electrical Installation Common Work: Section 26 05 00

B. Instrumentation and Control Systems: Section 40 91 00

C. LFG Analyzer: Section 40 91 13

D. Process Control System Section 40 92 20

1.3 Reference Standards

A. The latest version of the standards listed below shall be complied with. The list is not exhaustive, as the standards identified in the referenced specifications shall also be complied with.

1. CSA C22.1-12 – Canadian Electrical Code

2. OESC – The Ontario Electrical Safety Code

3. NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology

4. ANSI – American National Standard Institute

5. NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association

6. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

7. ISA - International Society of Automation

8. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association

9. ASTM – American Society for Testing Materials

10. cUL – Underwriters Laboratories – Canada

11. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

12. Solid Waste Management Systems (SWMS) Asset Tagging Standard - see Attachment

B of this tender document.

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1.4 Definitions

A. Vendor: A supplier of equipment that provides installation as well as technical support and service of the equipment.

1.5 Submittals

A. Required Submittals after Award of Contract

1. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all drawings and design calculations submitted for review are accurate and correct. All certified drawings must be sealed and signed by a professional engineer and be completely legible.

B. Submittal for Review/Approval

1. The following shall be submitted:

a) Monitoring control panel dimensional drawings with internal layout;

b) Manufacturer’s standard quality control procedure;

c) Cable entry / exit locations;

d) Major component ratings including:

Descriptive bulletins

Product sheets

e) Design drawings and wiring schematics;

f) Network / communications drawings;

g) Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Procedure and specification;

2. Submit three (3) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (D size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

3. CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the fabrication of the unit once all the shop drawings and product data have been reviewed and accepted.

1.6 Submittals – Final Certification

A. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes:

1. Final as built drawings;

2. Certified product reports;

3. Installation information; and

4. Executed SAT documents.

B. CONTRACTOR shall supply operation and maintenance manuals which shall be indexed and bound or arranged in ring binders and shall include general installation, operation and maintenance instructions, parts list, wiring and schematic diagrams, final certified drawings and detailed data on all parts and components. System operation and control device settings shall be clearly documented.

C. Submit eight (8) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (B size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

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D. CONTRACTOR shall supply all passwords and keys to control panels, etc., as part of the transfer of the system to the OWNER.

E. All drawings shall be stamped by a professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario.

1.7 Options and Deviations

A. Any substantial deviation from this specification shall be clearly identified as an alternative proposal annexed to the main offer at time of Tender.

B. Any deviations from this specification shall be clearly indicated and justified at time of Tender. Nevertheless, the acceptance of the ENGINEER / OWNER does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any responsibility in the satisfactory operation of the equipment. If the deviation is not indicated, complete agreement with the specification is understood and total compliance is demanded.

1.8 Warranty and Service Period

A. The warranty period for equipment and components shall be twenty four (24) months from the start-up of the system. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any additional cost due to repair work in defective equipment during this period.

B. CONTRACTOR shall provide regular calibration and maintenance services including periodical bump testing, as well as the supply of consumables during the warrantee and service period.

1.9 Vendor Qualification

A. The Vendor of this equipment shall have designed, supplied, commissioned and serviced similar analytical equipment for a minimum period of five (5) years.

B. The Vendor shall have the capability in terms of both personnel availability and technical ability to support and service the analytical system. The Vendor shall guarantee availability of service personnel to be onsite within 24 hours of a call for service.

C. Critical spare parts shall be available within 24 hours of order.

D. The Vendor shall guarantee five years availability for all critical parts of the proposed analytical system. The system design shall also consider interchangeability of critical components in the even selected components become unavailable.


2.1 General Requirements

A. A central monitoring panel shall be provided to monitor all gas detectors, to provide annunciation and provide remote alarm notification using an auto-dialer connected to a telephone system using cell phone technology.

B. The system shall be capable of monitoring gas detectors transmitting in either digital format (addressable units) or analog format. Monitoring capability shall include indication of gas concentration measurement in percent by volume or % LEL for each individual gas detector, as well as fault detection and indication for each gas detector and for the overall system.

C. The subsequent sections of this specification detail minimum requirements for the hazardous gas monitoring system.

2.2 Central Monitoring Panel

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A. The central monitoring panel shall have an interactive touchscreen (HMI), ergonomically designed with easy to navigate menus, and have the following display and communication capabilities:

1. A real time clock shall be utilized to time stamp all system alarms, faults, and other events;

2. Communicate with least 50 digital or analog gas detectors;

3. Communicate with the PCS via Ethernet IP;

4. Display the measurement value of the gas detectors, with gas detector identification and location;

5. Display status of all gas detectors (normal / calibrating / failed);

6. Interrogate the digital gas detectors, and display diagnostic information as well last calibration date;

7. Display warning, trouble and hazard alarm messages, in chronological order with date and time stamp, including time and date that alarms or faults returned to normal. Alarm display capacity shall be a minimum of one hundred alarms;

8. Display alarm type & priority differentiated by colour or other means;

9. Password protected access.

B. The central monitoring panel shall have the following additional capabilities and features:

1. Local audible alarm (buzzer), with the facility to silence the alarm;

2. Drive audible and visual alarms;

3. Unpowered relay contact outputs to connect to the auto-dialer;

4. Unpowered relay contacts to start blower room exhaust fans when methane is detected inside the blower room or the separation chamber;

5. CSA certified, NEMA 4 rated enclosure;

6. Operate continuously in an ambient temperature range of -25⁰ C to 40⁰ C;

7. Automatically reload configuration parameters and return to normal operation when power is restored after power failure;

8. 120 V 60 Hz power supply.

2.3 Alarm Types and Levels

A. Annunciation of warning alarms shall be provided at the central monitoring panel. Alarm notification shall be in the form of visual indication on the HMI, accompanied by an audible alarm provided by a buzzer mounted on or near the panel. Warning alarms shall be activated for the following conditions:

1. Methane measurement at any detector has surpassed 10% LEL;

B. Methane measurement greater than 10% LEL in the blower room will cause the blower room exhaust fans to start, and run for a minimum of 5 minutes, or until the methane measurement is lower than 5% LEL.

C. Methane measurement greater than 10% LEL in the separation chamber will cause the separation chamber exhaust fan to start, and run for a minimum of 5 minutes, or until the methane measurement is lower than 5% LEL.

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D. Annunciation of trouble alarms shall be provided at the central monitoring panel. Alarm notification shall be in the form of visual indication on the HMI, accompanied by an audible alarm provided by a buzzer mounted on or near the panel. The auto-dialer shall be activated to call out the alarm. Trouble alarms shall be activated for the following conditions:

1. Gas detector diagnostic fault or failure;

2. System communication fault;

3. System diagnostic fault.

E. A silence function shall be provided on the HMI to turn off the local buzzer.

F. Annunciation of hazard alarms shall be provided at the central monitoring panel. Alarm notification shall be in the form of visual indication on the HMI, accompanied by an audible alarm provided by a buzzer mounted on or near the panel. Hazard alarms shall also activate audible alarm indication and visual alarm indication. In addition, the auto-dialer shall be activated to call out the alarm. Hazard alarms shall be activated for the following conditions:

1. Methane measurement at any detector has surpassed 20% LEL;

2. Oxygen measurement at any detector is lower than 19.5%.

2.4 Gas Detectors

A. All gas detectors supplied shall be CSA certified and FM approved. Enclosures shall meet NEMA 4x requirements, as a minimum, and be certified for installation in a classified Zone 1 Group IIA.

B. All gas detectors shall be factory calibrated.

C. All gas detectors shall have status indication at the unit. Status indication, as a minimum, shall provide indication of normal / fault / alarm and may be as simple as 3-state LED lights

D. All gas detectors shall have intelligent microprocessor based electronics with advanced diagnostic and fault detection, and shall be capable of transmitting in digital or analog signal format to the central monitoring panel. Detectors shall meet the requirements of CSA Standard C22.2 No. 152-M1984.

E. Detectors transmitting in digital format shall be configurable from the central panel. Calibration mode for detectors transmitting in digital format shall be initiated from the central monitoring panel or locally at the detector.

F. Catalytic combustibles gas detectors will not be accepted.

G. Combustible gas detectors shall be of the IR gas sensor type. Sensors shall be heated to prevent condensation buildup on the optics. All combustible gas detectors shall be calibrated for 0 – 100 % LEL of methane, and have a rated accuracy of better than 5%. Operating temperature range shall be from 0⁰C to 40⁰C, while maintaining the stated accuracy.

H. Oxygen depletion gas detectors shall be calibrated for 0 – 25 % v/v of O2 in ambient air, and have a rated accuracy of better than 0.5% of reading throughout the calibrated range. Operating temperature range shall be from 0⁰C to 40⁰C, while maintaining the stated accuracy. Zero drift shall be +/- 2 % or less per month.

I. All gas detectors and remote sensors shall be identified in accordance with the SWMA Asset Tagging Standard.

2.5 Audible and Visual Alarm Devices

A. The existing audible and visual alarm devices will be re-used in the new system. However, it

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is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure the suitability and compatibility of the existing devices with the news system.

2.6 Auto-Dialer

A. A Raco Alarm Agent auto-dialer is installed inside the electrical room of the landfill gas plant. Two input channels of the auto-dialer will be used to call out hazardous gas detection alarms as follows:

1. Gas detector detection warning alarm;

2. Gas detection hazard alarm.


3.8 General

A. Install the hazardous gas monitoring system and related components in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, recommendations or guidelines, and in accordance with all codes applicable in Ontario.

3.9 Design Criteria

A. This specification defines the technical requirements related to the design and supply of the Extraction Plant hazardous gas monitoring system, including all equipment, manufacture, assembly, factory wiring, inspection, testing and delivery.

B. The contractor shall be responsible for the overall design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the system, including the selection, quantity and location of gas detectors, the monitoring system, and cabling systems including power, control, signal and communication cabling.

C. Contractor responsibility shall also include installation staging, to ensure that the new system is brought online with a minimum of disturbance or disruption to the operation and administration of the landfill gas plant. The contractor shall also work diligently to ensure that the new system is tested to the extent possible, and fully functional, before the old system is decommissioned.

D. All the equipment and related devices shall be able to fulfill continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

E. The equipment shall be designed to operate with electrical power supply of 120 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase, with ±10 % voltage tolerance and ±5 % frequency tolerance.

F. The hazardous gas monitoring system shall be in accordance with this specification and its attachments. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and governed by all requirements herein.

G. Where the CONTRACTOR encounters conflicts between this specification and / or other reference documents, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing.

H. Exceptions to the provisions of this specification shall be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER/OWNER in writing for approval.

I. If the intent of this specification is not clear, it is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to request clarification.

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J. The CONTRACTOR shall state in its documentation, the closest geographical location to the project from which parts and service are available.

K. Compliance with the requirements of this specification does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to supply a suitably designed, assembled and tested system for its intended purpose.

3.10 Installation

A. Oxygen depletion gas detectors shall be installed at approximately 1500 mm above finished floor elevations.

B. Methane gas detectors shall be installed within 600 mm of the ceiling.

C. Methane gas detectors shall be provided with 6 mm / ¼ inch OD UV resistant PVC tubing for calibration purposes that extends down to within 1500 mm of the finished floor elevation.

D. Calibration tubing shall be terminated to stainless steel or PVC bulkhead arrangement at a convenient location. Bulkhead fittings shall be labelled using engraved stainless steel tags bearing the corresponding gas detectors asset or tag number. Bulkhead fittings shall be supported to walls using stainless steel hardware.

E. Calibration tubing shall run be along walls and ceilings and supported at regular intervals of less than 1500 mm separation using cushioned stainless steel P-clamps. Where possible, multiple tubes shall be ganged and attached to walls, ceilings or support structures using tube support strips.

F. The central monitoring panel shall be installed on the outside of the electrical room near the south entrance. The elevation of the panel shall be such that the main display is approximately 1400 mm above finished concrete.

G. All cables shall be identified at both ends in accordance with the wiring diagrams.

H. All conductors of multi-conductor cables and shielded cable pairs shall be identified at termination points using sleeved markers, pre-printed with indelible ink, in accordance with the wiring diagrams.

I. All pairs of multi-pair cable shall be similarly identified.

3.11 Installation Staging

A. Installation of the new gas detection system shall be staged, while the existing gas detection system remains operational.

B. New gas detectors shall be installed in the landfill gas plant along with the central monitoring panel, and this system shall be powered up and tested before connecting the new system to the existing audible and visual alarm devices. Once the system is operational, the old system shall be decommissioned, and the audible and visual alarm devices tied into the new system, and the tie in shall be made to the auto-dialer.

3.12 Site Acceptance Testing

A. Testing and commissioning of the gas detection system shall be phased and executed in accordance with the approved commissioning plan. All testing shall be recorded on approved SAT check sheets, witnessed and accepted by the Owner or the Owner’s representative.

B. The commissioning plan shall detail the steps and define procedures required to fully test the system including the operation of the auto-dialer, audible and visual alarms, and the monitoring panels.

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C. A check sheet shall be provided for each gas detector, and shall have spaces to record the following items:

1. Tag and location of the gas detector;

2. Gas detector and sensor manufacturer and model number;

3. Serial number of gas detector and sensor;

4. Calibration range;

5. Low alarm setting;

6. High alarm setting;

7. Reference to the relevant factory calibration certificate (certificate number);

8. Date of testing;

9. Signature of tester;

10. Signature of witness;

11. Check boxes to record the following:

a) Display range verified;

b) Alarm function verified;

c) Bump test performed.

D. The contractor shall supply all materials, test gases, consumables and labour required for the execution of the testing.

E. The Vendor shall submit a site acceptance testing procedure to the Owner a minimum of two weeks before execution of the test, for review and approval.

F. The contractor shall supply all materials, consumables and labour required for the execution of the testing.

3.13 Training

A. Onsite training shall be provided to City of Toronto staff on the following items:

1. Operation of the hazardous gas monitoring system;

2. System maintenance.


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1.1 Description

A. Provide all materials, labour and equipment to supply, program and install a Process Control System (PCS), including Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and associated automation equipment, in the LFG Flaring System.

B. The scope of work includes the supply and configuration of networking devices and cabling, including the connection and configuration of networked devices for a fully operational LFG control system and associated network.

C. The scope also includes the preparation and submission of a commissioning plan, and execution of the commissioning in an orderly fashion as required to functionally test all components of the LFG plant and bring the plant into full operation.

D. CONTRACTOR shall prepare all design drawings and wiring schematics for the PCS panel, and for wiring between the PCS and field devices / instrumentation.

1.2 Related Work

A. Electrical Installation Common Work: Section 26 05 00

B. Instrumentation and Control Systems: Section 40 91 00

C. LFG Analyzer: Section 40 91 13

D. Hazardous Gas Monitoring System: Section 40 91 23

1.3 Reference Standards

A. The latest version of the standards listed below shall be complied with. The list is not exhaustive, as the standards identified in the referenced specifications shall also be complied with.

1. CSA-B149.1-10 – Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code

2. CSA B149.6-11 – Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations

3. CSA C22.1-12 – Canadian Electrical Code

4. OESC – The Ontario Electrical Safety Code

5. NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology

6. ANSI – American National Standard Institute

7. NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association

8. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

9. ISA – International Society of Automation

10. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association

11. ASTM – American Society for Testing Materials

12. cUL – Underwriters Laboratories – Canada

13. OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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14. Solid Waste Management Systems (SWMS) Asset Tagging Standard - see Attachment

B of this tender document.

1.4 Submittals

A. Required Submittals after Award of Contract

1. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all drawings and design calculations submitted for review are accurate and correct. All certified drawings must be sealed and signed by a professional engineer and be completely legible.

B. Submittal for Review/Approval

1. The following shall be submitted:

a) Control panel layouts with bills-of-materials;

b) Control panel

c) Nameplate schedules;

d) Manufacturer’s standard quality control procedure;

e) Cable entry / exit locations;

f) Major component ratings including:

Descriptive bulletins

Product sheets

g) Design drawings and wiring schematics between the PCS and field devices / instrumentation;

h) Control and instrument location plans identifying location of field instrumentation, control panels and junction boxes;

i) Network / communications drawings;

j) HMI display printouts, in colour.

k) Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) Procedure and specification;

l) LFG Plant Functional Description;

m) Commissioning plan;

n) Control system I/O list.

2. Submit three (3) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (D size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

3. CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the fabrication of the unit once all the shop drawings and product data have been reviewed and accepted.

1.5 Submittals – Final Certification

A. The following information shall be submitted for record purposes:

a) Final as built drawings;

b) Certified product reports;

c) Installation information; and

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d) Executed FAT documents;

e) PCS program in soft version with comments, as well as a PDF printout;

f) PCS memory map;

g) HMI configuration file;

h) All applicable software licenses, registered in the OWNER’s name.

B. CONTRACTOR shall supply operation and maintenance manuals which shall be indexed and bound or arranged in ring binders and shall include general installation, operation and maintenance instructions, parts list, wiring and schematic diagrams, final certified drawings and detailed data on all parts and components. System operation and control device settings shall be clearly documented.

C. Submit eight (8) paper copies of the above information and two (2) electronic versions (B size AutoCAD for drawings and Adobe Acrobat for documents).

D. CONTRACTOR shall supply all passwords and keys to control panels, etc., as part of the transfer of the system to the OWNER.

E. All drawings shall be stamped by a professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario.

1.6 Options and Deviations

A. Any substantial deviation from this specification shall be clearly identified as an alternative proposal annexed to the main offer at time of Tender.

B. Any deviations from this specification shall be clearly indicated and justified at time of Tender. Nevertheless, the acceptance of the ENGINEER / OWNER does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any responsibility in the satisfactory operation of the equipment. If the deviation is not indicated, complete agreement with the specification is understood and total compliance is demanded.

1.7 Warranty

A. The warranty period for equipment and components shall be twenty four (24) months from the start-up of the system. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any additional cost due to repair work in defective equipment during this period


2.1 LFG Plant Control Panel

A. The LFG plant control panel, asset number CL-KVL-LFG-CP-101, shall consist of a freestanding enclosure, containing a PLC processor with I/O rack, I/O modules, communication module and power supplies, and a local touchscreen HMI panel mounted on the front of the panel.

B. The control panel will house Ethernet communication devices as well as a splicing unit for the new 12-fibre cable that runs to the administration building.

C. The control panel shall have terminal blocks and wiring to terminate all field cables and power, and shall meet the control panel requirements outlined in this document.

D. The PLC shall be based on the CompactLogix family of Rockwell Automation PLC’s, or approved equivalent.

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E. Digital input modules shall be 120 VAC with individually isolated inputs.

F. Digital output modules shall be relay type, with individually isolated normally open contacts rated for a continuous load of 2.5 A at 120 VAC.

G. Analog input modules shall be fully isolated 4 – 20 mA type.

H. Analog output modules shall be fully isolated 4 – 20 mA type.

I. A minimum of 10% spare I/O, discrete and analog, shall be provided.

J. All I/O points including all spares terminated to terminal blocks.

2.2 Remote Monitoring Control Panel

A. The LFG plant remote monitoring control panel, asset number CL-KVL-LFG-CP-102, shall consist of a wall mounting enclosure, shall be provided in the administration building.

B. The remote control panel shall consist a wall mounting enclosure with a touchscreen HMI panel featuring advanced trending and logging capabilities.

C. The panel shall also house an Ethernet switch which shall be connected to the new 12-fibre cable that runs between the LFG plant and the administration building.

2.3 Ethernet Switches

A. Ethernet switches shall be managed type, Allen-Bradley series 8000 Stratix, or Cisco IE-4000 series, or approved equivalent.

2.4 Alarm Auto-Dialer

A. A Raco Alarm Agent model 900A-102-DCRTG auto-dialer is currently installed inside the electrical room of the LFG plant. This device shall be used in the new LFG plant control system, and interfaced to the main LFG plant control panel via an Ethernet cable. The auto-dialer will be reconfigured as part of the scope of this project.

B. Two input channels of the auto-dialer will be reserved for the hazardous gas monitoring system. All other alarms will be transmitted to the auto-dialer via Ethernet.

C. As a minimum, the following groups of alarms shall be set up to call out:

D. Warning alarms – any alarm that does not cause a shutdown;

E. Flare trip alarms originating from the flare control system;

F. LFG trip alarms originating from the main LFG control system;

G. Analyzer maintenance related alarms.

H. Configuration of the auto-dialer call out phone numbers shall be coordinated with the City of Toronto Keele Valley Landfill staff instructions.

2.5 Security Access

A. The HMI panel located on the main LFG control panel and the remote monitoring panel shall be accessible via password entry.

B. The HMI panels shall lock up after a predetermined period of inactivity. The length of this time period will be adjustable via the HMI displays.

2.6 LFG Blower Speed Control

A. The speed of both operational blowers will be controlled in unison by either of the following

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control loops:

1. LFG blower suction pressure – PIC-102; or

2. LFG flow – FIC-121.

B. An HMI selector, HS-116, will be provided to select either flow control or pressure control for the blower speed.

C. Each of the two controllers (flow control and pressure control) shall be configured as separate PID function blocks such that proportional, integral and derivative settings can be independently adjusted for each controller.

2.7 LFG Plant Functional Description

A. The contractor shall provide an LFG Plant Functional Description detailing the following:

1. Description of the operation of the LFG plant, including the flare, local HMI functions,

remote monitoring panel function, etc.;

2. Start-up and shutdown sequence including HMI functions and manual actions required

for normal start-up and shutdown of the LFG plant;

3. HMI display summary, display hierarchy and trending functions;

4. Key interlocks and start permissives.

2.8 Alarm Handling

A. Time stamping of alarm activation time shall be provided and alarms messages shall include the alarm tag as well as a clear concise description of the alarm.

B. Three levels or priorities of alarms shall be provided, as follows:

1. Priority 1 – Safety Alarms – these are alarms that related to personnel safety, such as

any alarms related to the hazardous gas detection system;

2. Priority 2 – Shutdown Alarms – these are alarms that have caused the LFG plant to

shutdown, such as blower high-high vibration, but are not related to personnel safety; and,

3. Priority 3 – Warning Alarms – these are alarms that provide warning of conditions that

are out of normal and may cause undesirable operating conditions or may lead to a

shutdown if they are not addressed in short order, such as the blower suction low

pressure alarm.

C. Each alarm priority shall be represented in a different colour on the alarm display and event log

D. Using the P&ID’s as a guide, alarms shall be programmed in accordance with good engineering practices and intelligent alarm suppression shall be provided, such that alarms that are not relevant are suppressed. For example, the LFG low flow alarm is to be suppressed when none of the blowers are running. Also, time delays shall be applied to alarm initiation to prevent nuisance alarms. For example, a time delay shall be provided after the blower start-up to suppress the LFG low alarm while the blowers are accelerating.

2.9 Main LFG Control Panel HMI – Displays

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A. The following displays shall be configured for the HMI:

1. LFG plant graphic showing a representation of the LFG plant and flare equipment and

piping, with active data points for the following:

All relevant measurements;

Equipment status;

Blower speeds;

Safety valve status;

Flare status; and

Flare damper position.

2. Blower display with control faceplate for each blower, with selection for AUTO /


speed in percent, runtime hour counter, vibration, bearing temperature and motor load

in amperes;

3. Analyzer display showing the three measurement values (O2 / CH4 / CO2) as well as the



4. Flare display, with the following:

Flare temperatures (lower / mid / upper);

Pilot gas valve status;

Igniter status;

Flame scanner signal strength;

Damper position; and

Purge blower status.

5. LFG control display with LFG plant START / STOP controls and status indication,

including the following:


Flare temperatures (lower / mid / upper);

LFG flow;

LFG blower suction pressure;

LFG blower discharge pressure;

LFG analyzer measurements (O2 / CH4 / CO2); and

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Popup numeric display of the purge time countdown to zero that will appear when

the flare purge cycle is running.

6. Alarm display, listing all the active and un-acknowledged alarms in chronological order,

with time of alarm activation;

7. Event log display listing all of the following in chronological order, with time stamping.

Display capacity shall be a minimum of 200 events.

Alarm trip events;

Alarm reset (return to normal) events;

Equipment status (run, stop, fail, etc.);

Valve open / close status;

Flare purge cycle start and end;

Pilot burner ignition status.

8. LFG plant trend displays, as follows:

LFG Trend with LFG flow, blower speed, blower suction pressure, and blower

discharge pressure;

Flare Trend with flare temperatures (lower / mid / upper), damper position, and

flame strength; and,

LFG Analysis Trend, with analyzer readings of O2, CH4, and CO2.

9. Trend displays may be of short duration (1 – 2 days).

2.10 Remote Monitoring Panel HMI - Displays

A. HMI displays and functions specified for the main LFG plant control panel HMI shall be duplicated for the remote monitoring panel, but the following controls will be disabled:

1. LFG plant start;

2. Blower start.

B. The remote monitoring panel shall provide extended trending capabilities for both the LFG plant and the Leachate Pumping System, with long term trend displays.

C. One month or more of data shall be available for viewing from onboard memory.

D. The facility shall be provided to download trend data and event data to portable medium such as USB memory sticks.

2.11 LFG Plant Interlocks

A. This section lists the main interlocks to be provided in the control system. Other interlocks may be required, depending on the final configuration of the system.

B. The following alarms shall trip the flare and blowers, and cause the safety valves to close:

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1. Flare high-high temperature (value to be provided by the flare manufacturer);

2. Flare low-low temperature after flare warmup (value to be provided by the flare manufacturer);

3. LFG low-low flow (value to be provided by the flare manufacturer, with time delay to allow flare to reach full flow after start-up);

4. LFG high-high oxygen (> 5 %);

5. Blower room high-high LEL (> 20 %);

6. Blower room low-low oxygen (< 19.5 %);

7. Separation chamber high-high LEL (> 20 %);

8. Electrical room high-high LEL (> 20 %);

9. Compressor room high-high LEL (> 20 %);

10. Control room high-high LEL (> 20 %);

11. LFG blower discharge low-low pressure (value to be provided by the flare manufacturer);

12. Blower high-high vibration (value to be provided by the blower manufacturer);

13. Blower high-high bearing temperature (value to be provided by the blower manufacturer);

14. Safety valve failure; and

15. Flame failure.

C. Only two of the three blowers shall be allowed to run at any time.

D. Blowers shall have the following interlocks:

1. Blowers will not be allowed to run if the following valves are not fully opened:

SV-101, SV-301 and SV-302;

2. Blower BL-101 will not be allowed to run if it’s suction valve SV-103 is not fully open;

3. Blower BL-102 will not be allowed to run if it’s suction valve SV-108 is not fully open; and

4. Blower BL-103 will not be allowed to run if it’s suction valve SV-113 is not fully open.

2.12 LFG Plant Start Permissives

A. This section lists the start permissives to be provided in the control system. Other start conditions may be required, depending on the final configuration of the system.

B. The LFG plant shall not be allowed to start when any of the following conditions are true:

1. Flare high-high temperature (value to be provided by the flare manufacturer);

2. LFG flow transmitter failure (signal out of acceptable range);

3. Blower suction pressure transmitter failure (signal out of acceptable range);

4. Blower room high LEL (> 10 %);

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5. Blower room low-low oxygen (< 19.5 %);

6. Separation chamber high LEL (> 10 %);

7. Electrical room high LEL (> 10 %);

8. Compressor room high LEL (> 10 %);

9. Control room high LEL (> 10 %);

10. LFG analyzer fault;

11. LFG analyzer in calibration;

12. LFG analyzer low sample flow;

13. Compressed air low pressure (< 520 kPag / 75 PSIG);

14. Less than one blower is in AUTO mode.

2.13 Control Panel Design

A. All control panels and junction boxes shall be designed in accordance with CSA standards and shall bear a CSA label, or, alternatively, shall be inspected by the local safety authority (and shall bear the label attesting to this inspection) before they are shipped to the jobsite.

B. Unless specifically stated elsewhere, control panels for indoor installation shall be NEMA 12 rated and fabricated of cold rolled and painted steel and shall be provided with rear mounting panels.

C. Control panels for outdoor installation and all junction boxes shall be NEMA 4X rated, fabricated of stainless steel and shall be provided with painted steel rear mounting panels.

D. Outdoor control panels shall have operator accessible controls and displays mounted on a swing panel inside the enclosure and the front door shall be supplied with a shatterproof glass viewing panel sized to allow all operator displays to be viewed.

E. Control panel enclosures shall be provided with devices that permit the installation of padlocks to prevent unauthorized access to the panels.

F. All control panels and junction boxes shall be clearly identified with an engraved nameplate bearing, as a minimum, the device’s asset number. Control panel nameplates shall also be engraved with the control panel name.

G. Arc flash and shock hazard warning labels shall be provided for all control panels. Labels shall clearly identify voltage levels.

H. Each control panel and junction box shall be provided with a suitably sized copper ground bus bar for termination of bonding and shielding conductors.

I. Control panel and junction box enclosure doors shall be bonded to the ground bus bar.

J. For larger panels, a ground lug that can accommodate up to a # 4 AWG grounding conductor shall be provided, attached to the rear mounting panel, and connected to the ground bus bar.

K. All control panel internal components shall be mounted on the rear mounting panel. Mounting of components on the sides or the back of the front door is strictly forbidden. All components shall be securely fastened, logically organized and easily accessible for maintenance.

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L. Reset functions or operator functions that require operator access to the inside of the control panels are strictly forbidden. All operator controls must be located on the front of the control panel and be accessible without necessitating the opening of a live enclosure.

M. Components mounted through the front of the control panel shall be level and shall be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

N. Terminal blocks shall be provided for the following. All terminal blocks shall be clearly identified in accordance with the wiring diagrams.

1. Incoming power;

2. All digital I/O points, including unused or unassigned inputs and outputs;

3. All analog I/O points, including unused or unassigned inputs and outputs;

4. For each analog input, a fused terminal block shall be provided for 24 VDC power supply

for 2-wire transmitters;

5. For each analog input, a 0V terminal block shall be provided for power supply connection

for 2-wire transmitters;

6. For each analog input and output, a standard terminal block shall be provided for shield


O. For analog inputs, 24 VDC and power supply common terminal blocks shall be terminated to the 24 VDC power supply.

P. For all analog I/O, the shield terminal blocks shall be connected to the control panel ground bus bar.

Q. Ventilation shall be provided where required to dissipate heat from the electronic components contained in the enclosure, where required to meet the environmental specifications of the components inside the control panel. A thermostat shall be provided to control the control panel ventilation.

2.14 Wiring

A. All control panels shall be designed for a single 120 VAC power feed, and shall be provided with a single power disconnect device within the panel enclosure that will isolate all power within the control panel.

B. All conductors and cables shall be identified at both ends using sleeved markers engraved, in accordance with the wiring diagrams.

C. Twisted pair shielded cables shall be used for all analog signal wiring within the control panel, including termination of analog module inputs and outputs to terminal blocks. Minimum rating shall be 300 V and conductor size shall be # 18 AWG with 100% aluminum polyester shield, with a tinned copper drain wire.

D. Conductors for power and control, including 24 VDC circuits shall be stranded copper THHN, with 300 V insulation.

E. Minimum conductor size for 120 V power shall be # 12 AWG. Minimum conductor size for all other circuits shall be # 16 AWG.

F. Conductor colour coding shall be as follows:

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1. 120 V power live – black;

2. 120 V power neutral – white;

3. Grounding or bonding – green;

4. 120 VAC control (internally power source) – red;

5. 120 VAC control (externally power source) – yellow;

6. 24 VDC power – blue;

7. DC power supply common – blue with a white stripe;

8. 4 – 20 mA signal positive – black;

9. 4 – 20 mA signal negative or common – white.

G. Wiring ducts shall be provided within the control panel to hold the panel internal wiring as well as field wiring. Wiring ducts shall be sized for 40% fill maximum;

H. 120 VAC power and control wiring shall be physically separated from DC power and signal wiring. Separate wiring ducts shall be provided for each.

I. Wiring to front-of-panel mounted components shall be bundled and secured to the enclosure surfaces with adhesive anchors. Spiral wrap protection shall be installed to protect the bundled conductors at flex points;

J. Care shall be taken to ensure that instrument shields are grounded at only one point in each loop as shown on the drawings. Terminal blocks used to terminate shield to ground shall be wired to the copper ground bus.

K. DC and Analog Signal wiring shall be completely separated from all AC power and control wiring. Separate wiring ducts shall be provided for this purpose as required.

L. All conductors including jumpers shall be identified at each end with the complete wire number as shown on the wiring diagrams. Wire markers shall be of the appropriate size, tubular plastic heat shrink or hot stamp type or approved equivalent of the appropriate size. Wire markers are to be machine printed; hand written markers will not be accepted.

M. In general wiring shall be run in flame retardant plastic wiring ducts. Provide separate ducts for electrical (control) and Instrument (signal) wiring. Wiring ducts shall be fastened to equipment backplates with screws or rivets. If conductors must be run open such as between door-mounted devices, etc., the wiring shall be bundled together using spiral wrapping and securely fastened to the panel framework independent of the pilot devices on which the wiring may terminate.

N. All wiring shall be provided with adequate mechanical protection to ensure absolute freedom from insulation abrasion, cutting, pinching or other damage. All equipment and enclosure openings shall be fitted with suitable rubber grommets or insulated bushings.

O. Conductors shall not be spliced between their proper points of termination.

P. All wiring, which terminates on device screw terminals without pressure plates, shall be terminated using compression type spade lugs of appropriate size. This shall not apply to terminations on standard screw type terminal blocks with pressure plates.

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Q. Where several wires terminate on a single device screw terminal, they shall be crimped within a single compression lug or shall be crimped together with an insulation compression connector for connection to the screw terminal. This shall not apply for jumpers between relays and similar control devices.

R. All terminations on standard terminal blocks shall be crimped with wire ferrules.

2.15 Control Panel Grounding and Bonding

A. A copper ground bus shall be provided.

B. The control panel enclosure door shall be bonded to the copper ground bus.

C. Instrument signal shields shall be terminated to the copper ground bus.

D. The panel shall be provided with an internal lug on the back mounting plate suitable for connection of a #2/0 AWG stranded copper ground wire.

2.16 Nameplates

A. Nameplates shall be provided for all items specified herein and / or shown on the drawings, including front mounted panel devices, terminal strips and relays. Nameplates shall be of the engraved, black lettering on white background, Lamacoid type. Minimum size lettering shall be 6 mm (¼”) high unless shown otherwise.

B. All Lamacoid type nameplates shall be held in place with stainless steel screws. Nameplates shall not be affixed to relays, wireway covers or similar, and shall not be fixed with adhesive.

C. Each panel shall have a large screw held front Lamacoid nameplate. CONTRACTOR shall submit nameplate engraving list detailing the size and engraving for each nameplate.

D. In addition to nameplates, an asset tag shall be attached to the control panels, in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Systems (SWMS) Asset Tagging Standard, included in Appendix B.

2.17 Spare Parts

A. Provide a list of recommended spare parts.


3.1 General

A. Install Process Control System, instrumentation and related components and controls in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, recommendations or guidelines, and in accordance with all codes applicable in Ontario.

3.2 Design Criteria

A. This specification defines the technical requirements related to the design and supply of the Extraction Plant Process Control System, including all equipment, manufacture, assembly, factory wiring, inspection, testing and delivery.

B. All the equipment and instruments shall be able to fulfill continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, in places with severe environmental conditions.

C. The equipment shall be designed to operate with electrical power supply of 120 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase, with ±10 % voltage tolerance and ±5 % frequency tolerance.

D. The Process Control System shall be in accordance with this specification and its

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attachments. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and governed by all requirements herein.

E. Where the CONTRACTOR encounters conflicts between this specification and / or other reference documents, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing.

F. Exceptions to the provisions of this specification shall be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER/OWNER in writing for approval.

G. If the intent of this specification is not clear, it is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to request clarification.

H. The CONTRACTOR shall state in its documentation, the closest geographical location to the project from which parts and service are available.

I. Compliance with the requirements of this specification does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to supply a suitably designed, assembled and tested system for its intended purpose.

3.3 Terminal Blocks

A. All terminal blocks shall be neatly marked with the complete wire number and consistent with the submitted drawings. The top of each terminal strip shall have a screw held Lamacoid nameplate bearing the appropriate terminal strip number such as TB1, TB2, etc.

B. Groups of terminals serving separate circuits within each terminal strip shall be separate from each other by spare terminal blocks. Each group of terminals shall be identified by a screw held, engraved, Lamacoid nameplate which shall bear, in minimum 6 mm (¼”) letters.

C. 15% spare terminals shall be installed for future wiring.

D. When the number of wires terminating on any one terminal block is three or more, two terminal blocks shall be provided and interconnected with plug-in jumpers.

E. Terminal blocks and all accessories such as, but not limited to, mounting channels, anchors, labels, etc., shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR.

3.4 Control Panel Layout

A. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that panel components are positioned so as to be readily accessible for inspection and maintenance.

B. All panels shall have internally mounted light emitting diode (LED) light fixtures supplied by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and mount door actuated switches and wiring in such a manner that when the door is opened the fixtures are energized.

C. All control panel internal components shall be mounted onto the enclosure’s back mounting panel. No devices shall be mounted on the enclosure sides, top or bottom.

D. All back mounted components shall be easily accessible for ease of troubleshooting and maintenance. Stacking of components in front of other components shall not be permitted. All such designs will be rejected and corrected at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.

E. Door mounted components shall be spaced in accordance with the component manufacturer’s recommendations, and shall be organized in a logical and pleasing manner.

F. Control panels to be installed outdoors shall have components requiring operator access (pushbuttons, pilot lights, HMI) mounted on an interior swing panel. The control panel shall

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be supplied with a lockable exterior front door to prevent unauthorized access to control devices.

G. All PCS control panels shall be supplied with a data port and fused 120V receptacle at the panel front, for connection to the PCS processor and / or HMI panel. The data ports and shall have a weatherproof flip-up cover. A separate unpowered data port will be provided with USB port for connection of a keyboard to the HMI panel.

H. All controls, pilot devices and electronic displays (HMI’s for example) that that are accessed or monitored by operating personnel during the normal course of plant operation shall be installed on the control panel enclosure door or the internal swing panel. Operator access of control devices, such as reset pushbuttons and auxiliary displays that require the access of the enclosure internal spaces, thereby exposing operators to shock and arc flash hazards, are strictly forbidden. Reset buttons and electronic displays of control devices such as flame or burner controllers must be accessible to operators without the need to access control panel interior spaces.

3.5 Factory Acceptance Test

A. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a FAT at the CONTRACTOR’s facilities to prove the control system in accordance with the FAT procedure, with simulation of PCS inputs and outputs in the presence of the ENGINEER/OWNER or his representatives.

3.6 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

A. Prior to shipment, the CONTRACTOR shall execute the FAT, using simulation as required, and witnessed by the ENGINEER/OWNER. The ENGINEER / OWNER shall be given notice of all testing at least one week in advance.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall permit the ENGINEER / OWNER to perform visual progress monitoring and shop checkout as he sees fit.

C. Any changes due to lack of compliance with this specification shall be promptly carried out by the CONTRACTOR at no additional cost.

D. Under no circumstances shall the panel be shipped before the CONTRACTOR receives written instructions to do so.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for suitable sizing and selection of the equipment and accessories required, and shall be responsible for the correct configuration, integration and operation of the equipment and accessories for a fully functional system.

F. The CONTRACTOR shall verify the dimensions of the equipment and the selection shall be in accordance with this specification.

G. The supplied equipment and components shall be of a recognized brand, which shall have a national representative in Ontario that provides adequate technical support and stock of spare parts.

3.7 Testing and Commissioning

A. Testing and commissioning of the LFG control system shall be executed in accordance with the approved commissioning plan. All testing shall be recorded on approved commissioning check sheets, witnessed and accepted by the Owner or the Owner’s representative.

B. The commissioning plan shall detail the steps and define procedures required to fully test the control system including the operation of the auto-dialer, the system communication network, the blower drives, and the remote monitoring panel.

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C. The contractor shall supply all materials, consumables and labour required for the execution of the testing.

3.8 Training

A. Onsite training shall be provided to City of Toronto staff on the following items:

1. Operation of the monitoring panels;

2. System maintenance.


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1.1 Description

A. The work includes the furnishing of labour, material and equipment for the installation, connection, testing and commissioning of variable speed drives and variable controllers supplied as stand-alone system or incorporated into other equipment, such as motor control centres (MCCs).

B. The systems covered by this standard shall include variable speed AC and DC drives and motors.


2.1 General

A. Variable speed drives and motors will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR.

B. The products and materials supplied by the Contractor which are to be installed near current-carrying bus work shall be non-magnetic and suitable for high temperature locations. Product information shall be submitted to the Engineer, as per Section 26 05 00 - Electrical Installation Common Works.


3.1 Inspection

A. The Contractor shall inspect the variable speed drive and controller equipment for shipping

damage, storage deterioration, shortage and report any deficiencies to the Engineer and the

manufacturer's representative.

B. The Contractor shall:

1. Carry out any inspection checks recommended by the manufacturer which are not listed


2. Check that each drive, controller, motor, fan are rated for the power supply to which it will be

connected and their location conforms to the drawings.

3. Check potential, auxiliary or control transformers and fuses for damage and for correct

primary connection. Check for correct voltage, rating, tap setting, ratio, and polarity and for

draw-out arrangement, where applicable, ensure that contacts are clean and properly aligned.

4. Check current transformers for damage and that they are properly installed and connected

with polarity and ratings in accordance with Drawings and specifications.

5. Check hinged panels and doors to ensure that they open and close easily and that the

fasteners, locks or latches operate properly. Check lift-off panels for proper removal and


6. Inspect individual circuit breakers and switches for damage, loss of parts, alignment and

contact pressure. Check clearance and tightness of moving parts and remove wedges, ties

and shipping blocks installed by the manufacturer.

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7. Ensure correct alignment of the stationary structure of the enclosure and moving structures

such as draw-out, hinged or otherwise removable devices including circuit breakers, control

modules, power converters, protective relays, instruments etc.

8. Check that protective and auxiliary relays, control switches and pushbuttons, instruments,

meters, indicating lights and annunciators are of the correct type, function and rating in

conformance with the manufacturers' certified drawings.

9. Check internal parts, connections and leads to make sure nothing is loose, damaged or


10. Check that gland plates for single conductor cables are made of nonferrous, nonmagnetic

material and will support the installed cable glands.

11. Check that the power cable terminal lugs, supplied and installed by the equipment

manufacturer, conform to the rating as shown on the drawings, and are clean and free from

dents or burrs and bolted securely to their terminals.

12. Check that identification, warning and instruction nameplates are in place and as indicated

on the Drawings and specifications.

13. Inspect bushings, insulators and insulation for chips, punctures and cracks and clean

insulating surfaces.

14. Check that minimum electrical clearances have been maintained from live parts to ground

and between live parts in accordance with applicable codes or standards and that wiring and

cables are securely fastened and neatly arranged.

C. The Contractor shall note any deviations or deficiencies and submit a report to the Engineer.

3.2 Installation

A. The Contractor shall install Drives, Controllers, Motors, Instruments and devices in accordance

with the manufacturers' recommended procedures as indicated on the drawings and in the


B. Recommendations of the manufacturer shall be followed for lifting and skidding procedure,

installation of the various cubicles and in the selection and use of spreader bars, slings, skids and


C. The Contractor shall check the level of the floor surface, mounting channels or sills on which the

control cabinet is to be placed. This is particularly important for draw-out type internal assemblies.

Shims shall be installed where the level varies by more than about 1/8”.

D. Factory-made connections shall be checked for mechanical security, electrical continuity, and

torqued to recommendations of the manufacturer.

E. Interconnecting wiring between shipping sections shall be verified and connected as shown in the

wiring diagrams and drawings of the manufacturer.

F. Vibration isolators shall be adjusted in accordance with the manufacturers' procedures.

G. The Contractor shall check bus joints for plating, bolt type and size, flat and spring washers,

torqued as recommended by the manufacturer.

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H. The Contractor shall check that electrical clearances have been maintained and install additional

electrical or thermal insulation as required.

I. The Contractor shall properly connect the external incoming and outgoing power and control

cables to the Drive or Controller components. This includes drilling the gland plates, supplying

and installing cable glands for these cutouts, and supporting properly the cables to prevent any

stress on their terminals. Control cables lugs shall be provided and installed by the Contractor.

J. The Contractor shall assemble and install control devices and instruments such as temperature

switches, tachometers, encoders, etc., on the motor or driven load as required and in accordance

with the manufacturers' procedures.

K. Exterior and interior finishes shall be restored to "as-new" with matching touch-up paint.

L. After completion of installation, foreign material shall be removed, equipment thoroughly

vacuumed, enclosure panels refitted and access doors closed.

M. Repeat the inspections carried out under Clause 3.1 to detect any changes or damage which may

have occurred during storage and installation activities.

3.3 VSD Visual Inspections

A. Check nameplate data against relevant drawings (e.g. 50 Hz versus 60 Hz).

B. Check for physical damage, loose parts and wiring, moisture, etc.

C. Check for broken and/or damage parts, contamination, etc.

D. Check operation of forced ventilation (Fans).

E. Check for Vendor QA/QC Certification Stickers.

F. Verify filters are in place and clean.

3.4 VSD Test and Measurements

A. Insulation resistance test on control circuits.

B. Verify correct DC Bus voltage.

C. Test run (disconnected from and connected to motor) from Drive, PLC and Pushbuttons.

D. Confirm constant Volts/Hertz @ 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% speed (or frequency) with Drive

disconnected from and connected to motor.

3.5 Motor Visual Inspections

A. Check nameplate data against relevant drawings (e.g. 50 Hz versus 60 Hz).

B. Motor securely mounted.

C. Junction Box secured with all bolts and gasketed.

D. Motor frame and Junction Box grounded.

E. Owner’s Motor ID’s (M-XXX) affixed.

3.6 Motor Test and Measurements

A. Megger Test motor windings and cabling (from Breakers and Starters).

B. Verify correct rotation.

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C. Measure No-Load reading.

D. Check Vibration levels.

E. Check RTD circuits (insulation and resistance).

F. Verify operation of Space Heaters.

G. Check for unusual mechanical/electrical noise and overheating during initial test run.

H. Capture motor baseline data for Owners Motor database and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Machine Signature Analysis.

I. The Contractor shall perform the tests recommended by the manufacturers' representatives and as specified by the Engineer.

J. The Contractor shall furnish test equipment such as meters, voltage and current injection sets, oscilloscopes, signal generators, instruments leads, etc., and any other devices required to carry out the specified testing. Test equipment shall be calibrated by a certified standards laboratory and maintained accordingly throughout the testing period.

K. Variable speed drives, controllers, instruments, motors, protective relays, meters, metering transducers and devices shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations and as specified herein.

L. The Contractor shall set circuit breakers, relays, instrument control and alarm devices as specified or indicated in the coordination study. The Contractor shall verify that fuse sizes, type and rating match those specified.

M. The Contractor shall make initial adjustments to drive and controller variable instruments such as, gain, current limit, minimum and maximums etc. to settings, provided by the Engineer.

N. Each drive, controller, motor, control/protection panel and their internal grounding points shall be checked for continuity to each other as well as to the grounding grid.

O. Prior to connecting any incoming or outgoing cables, the Contractor shall measure insulation resistance of bus bars, circuit breakers, switches, transformers, motor and control circuits with a Megger or DC insulation tester of appropriate voltage rating:

1. 5 kV switchgear and motors: 5000 V

2. 600 V switchgear and motors: 1000 V

3. 240 V switchgear and motors: 600 V

4. Control circuits: 600/120 V

P. The Contractor shall remove and re-install control fuses, grounding jumpers and protective devices as required to facilitate the above insulation measurements. Care shall be taken to prevent damaging sensitive electronic devices.

Q. During insulation testing, the Contractor shall restrict access to equipment under test by erecting fences, barriers and posting guards to prevent exposure of accidental shock hazards to Contractor's and Employer's personnel.

R. Potential and auxiliary transformers shall be tested to verify insulation integrity, winding continuity, and ratios and phase rotation.

S. Protective relays, meters and other precision instruments shall be calibrated and tested individually in accordance with the recommended test procedure of the manufacturer, and together with the entire drive/motor, controller/load assembly and protection and control circuits.

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T. Wherever possible the drive/motor, controller/load shall be function-tested separately from Employer control system and/or driven mechanical equipment as follows:

1. Decouple motor from driven mechanical equipment;

2. Temporarily disconnect the load from the drive;

3. Install temporary load, motor, resistor bank, pony brake etc.; and

4. Simulate speed control and speed feedback input signal in place of Employer's control


U. Data from the manufacturers shall be obtained for each type of device especially regarding special features of test requirements.

V. Test results for each device shall be recorded showing complete nameplate data, setting, serial number and location of the device. Current and potential transformer ratios must also appear on this form.

W. Upon completion of function testing all test facilities shall be removed and the system reconnected to driven mechanical equipment and Employers control system and retested.


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1.1 Section Includes

A. Design, supply, transport, and commissioning of Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components including the following:

1. Enclosed flare system including enclosed drum, burner(s) and burner chamber, air control, temperature controller, ignition and monitoring systems, and propane pilot supply system.

2. Flare system control panel including programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Human-Machine Interface (HMI), programming software, network and communication components, and programming.

3. Blowers and associated appurtenances including variable frequency drives (VFDs).

4. Process valves including manual shutoff valves, safety shutoff valves, check valves, test fire valves, thermal valve and flame arrester.

5. Propane pilot fuel train and devices.

6. Automatic condensate drip trap.

7. Process instrumentation including pressure gauges, pressure switches, and pressure transmitters.

8. Training and required submittals.

9. Calibration, certification, and commissioning of the supplied equipment.

10. Coordination with CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR as required.

B. The Landfill Gas Blower System and Landfill Gas Enclosed Flare System are to be considered a packaged system; designed, supplied, and commissioned by the Flare Supplier. Landfill Gas Blower System to have the ability to operate an additional flare in the future.

1.2 References

A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers:

1. ANSI/ASME B16.5 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.

2. ANSI/ASME B16.9 - Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Fittings.

3. ANSI/ASME B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings.

4. ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 - Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Inch Series.

5. ANSI/ASME B31.1 - Power Piping.

6. ANSI/ASME B36.19 - Stainless Steel Pipe.

7. ANSI/ASME B40.1 - Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments.

B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers:

1. ASME Section IX - Welding Qualifications.

2. ASME B16.11 – Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded

3. ASME B16.5 – Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1/2 through 24 – Metric/Inch Standard

C. ASTM International:

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1. ASTM A269 – Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service

2. ASTM A778 -Specification for Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products.

3. M B32 -Standard Specification for Solder Metal.

D. Canadian Gas Association:

1. CGA 3.11 - Lever Operated Pressure Lubricated Plug Type Gas Shut-Off Valves.

2. CGA 3.16 - Lever Operated Non-Lubricated Gas Shut-Off Valves.

E. Canadian Standards Association:

1. CSA 6.5 (ANSI Z21.21) -Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances

2. CSA B149.1 - Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.

3. CSA B149.2 - Propane Storage and Handling Code.

4. CSA B149.3 -Code for the Field Approval of Fuel-Related Components on Appliances and Equipment

5. CSA B149.6 -Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations.

6. CSA C22.1 – Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1

7. CSA C22.2 No. 14 - Industrial Control Equipment.

8. CSA C22.2 No. 40 - Cutout, Junction, and Pull Boxes.

9. CSA C22.2 No. 66 - Specialty Transformers.

10. CSA C22.2 No. 94 - Special Purpose Enclosure.

11. CSA C22.2 No. 199 (ANSI Z21.20) – Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use – Part 2: Particular Requirements for automatic burner ignition systems and components

12. CSA W47.1 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures.

13. CSA Z245.15 – Steel Valves.

14. CSA Z662 – Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems.

15. CAN/CSA B72-M87 - Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems.

F. Canadian General Standards Board: CGSB 24.3 - Identification of Piping Systems.

G. Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB).

H. FM Global Standards:

1. FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 6-11, Thermal and Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizers

2. FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 6-4, Oil- and Gas-Fired Single-Burner Boilers

I. Manufacturers Standardization Society: MSS SP43 - Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Fittings Including Reference to Other Corrosion Resistant Materials.

J. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).

K. National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC).

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L. Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA).

M. Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC): Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) Number 7353-B8MQEW.

N. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC).

O. Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA):

1. Technical Standards and Safety Act:

a. O. Reg. 212/01 – Gaseous Fuels.

b. O. Reg. 215/01 – Fuel Industry Certificates.

2. Technical Standards and Safety Authority:

a. TSSA-DLB-2016 – TSSA Digester, Landfill & Biogas Approval Code.

b. TSSA-FA-2016 – TSSA Field Approval Code.

O. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC).

P. Workers Compensation Act (WCA).

Q. Ontario Building Code 2012 (OBC).

1.3 System Description

A. The existing Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System is part of an existing Landfill Gas Control System that has been designed to draw landfill gas from the landfill through a landfill gas header pipe to four enclosed flares. The following components of the existing Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System are being replaced:

1. Four enclosed flare systems to be replaced with one enclosed flare system burner(s), air control, temperature control, ignition, and flame monitoring systems, propane pilot supply and control system, thermal valve, and flame arrester.

2. Five blowers to be replaced with three centrifugal blowers with power disconnect.

3. Instrumentation including pressure gauges, pressure switches, and pressure transmitters. Existing flow meter to be preserved, removed, re-installed, and re-calibrated.

4. Process valves including manual shutoff valves, safety shutoff valves, check valves, test fire valves, and thermal valve, and flame arrester.

5. Improvements to existing compressed air system and propane system piping.

6. Enclosed flare system control panels including PLC and HMI.

7. Propane pilot supply, fuel train, and control system components.

8. Existing auto-dialer will not be replaced; to be connected to Process Control System (PCS) via Ethernet, and to be programmed to communicate directly with the PLC processor for alarming.

B. The replacement enclosed flare system shall be designed to provide effective high temperature combustion of landfill gas in a controlled environment. As a minimum, the following features are required:

1. Multi-orifice burner and burner chamber enclosed in a refractory insulated enclosed drum.

2. Flare stack height shall be such that the flame shall not be visible at the top at any time and over the full range of gas flows and quality that are specified.

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3. A minimum residence time of 0.75 seconds at a minimum temperature of 875 degrees C for the full operating range of the flare.

4. Automatically controlled air inlet dampers and thermocouples located in the stack to control flare temperature.

5. Flame ignition system including air control system, flame scanner system, and temperature control system.

6. Propane pilot supply and control system components.

7. Additional instrumentation including pressure gauges and pressure transmitters.

8. Process valves including manual shut off valves, test fire valve, thermal valve assembly and safety shutoff valves.

C. Operations and Monitoring:

1. PLC coordination and supervision of all enclosed flare system functions.

2. PLC coordination and supervision of all blower system functions.

3. Automated/manual flare temperature controls.

4. Automated system startup of enclosed flare system using approved burner management system, as well as, automated system shutdown.

5. Logging of enclosed flare system operating parameters.

6. Automatic recording of all enclosed flare system warning/alarm notifications, equipment shutdowns, and identification of fault conditions.

7. Outputs to Landfill Gas Control Facility master control panel and operator interface system.

D. Piping, electrical wiring between components, and support structures for the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System shall be supplied and installed in accordance with Section 43 11 53.

E. Pilot gas (i.e., propane) supply and control system shall be installed in accordance with Section 43 11 53.

1.4 Structural Design

A. In addition to standard design practice, the flare and flare anchorage shall have sufficient structural capacity to satisfy the structural loading requirements of the Ontario Building Code, 2012, Division B, Part 4 "Structural Design", referencing the User's Guide -NBC, 2010 Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B). The design shall be based on normal importance and the 1-in-50 wind pressure and seismic data for Vaughan, Ontario as listed in Supplementary Standard SB-1 of the Ontario Building Code (see attached). The designer shall use Site Class D for the seismic design.

1.5 Progress Submittals

A. Shop Drawings:

1. Enclosed Flare System:

a. Assembly and equipment layout, including overall dimensions of equipment, supports, accessories, and performance data.

b. Provide connection arrangements upstream and downstream of all instruments and equipment.

c. Bill of materials: identify make, materials, grade, and certification of each component and device for the pilot and landfill gas fuel train, as well as flare stack.

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d. Flare general arrangement shop drawing detailing the flare base ring, anchor lugs, anchor size/grade/pattern, anchor installation layout template, and foundation loading data. The design shall be in accordance with OBC as specified in Section 1.4 and the drawing sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario. The Drawing shall provide all structural reactions at the base of the flare which will be used to confirm the design of the flare foundation. Flare to be anchored to existing 300 mm thick reinforced concrete slab-on-grade. Refer to Drawings.

e. Structural calculations detailing the flare reactions to OBC, sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario. Calculations shall include the anchor design including the anchor diameter, number/arrangement, projection and grade of steel grade. Confirmation of the revised flare foundation design and anchor embedment depth will be by others.

f. Process and Instrumentation Diagram including all pilot and landfill gas fuel train devices and burner ignitor, monitoring and air control systems.

g. Complete wiring diagrams showing wiring between panel components and devices and panel terminal blocks, and all remote equipment.

h. Assembly weight and estimated centre of gravity.

i. Installation data including required lifting equipment and methodology.

2. Blowers: Blower assembly, motor, coupling, accessories, and performance curves including flow versus total dynamic head, and versus power.

3. Electrical and control system in accordance with Sections 26 05 00 and 40 92 20.

B. Data Sheets: Provide manufacturer's product data sheets and materials lists for all major equipment, including valves and instruments.

C. Equipment Manufacturers: Provide a complete list of equipment manufacturers and steel fabricators.

D. Electrical Requirements: List electrical requirements including wire sizes, types, power characteristics of motors and controls, and power supply requirements.

E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components supplied under this Contract meet or exceed specified requirements.

F. Manufacturer's Instructions: Include installation instructions and operation and maintenance manual. Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for transportation, storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product.

G. Process Control Narrative, including startup and shutdown descriptions, timer and counter presets, and network connectivity details to existing Landfill Gas Control Facility. Include documentation required in accordance with standard CSA B149.3 paragraph

H. Electronic copy of PLC and operator interface programs in editable format. Electronic copy of screen shots.

I. Site Acceptance Test (SAT). Plan shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval a minimum of 8 weeks prior to execution and shall be executed under witness of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Test shall be scheduled at least 4 weeks prior to date of test.

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J. Commissioning plan for blower and flare system, communications and alarms, and associated building systems. Plan shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval a minimum of 8 weeks prior to execution and shall be executed under witness of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

1.6 Closeout Submittals

A. Record Documents:

1. Indicate actual control panel layouts, wiring connections, and wire numbers.

2. Prepare as-constructed wiring diagrams to include any changes made during field installation and startup.

3. Electrical and control system in accordance with Sections 26 05 00 and 40 92 20.

4. Indicate that products have been installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

5. Electronic copy of PLC, and operator interface programs in editable format.

B. Operations and Maintenance Manual:

1. Include standard operating procedures for the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components, including:

a. Procedures for routine startup and operation.

b. Drawings showing major components and functions.

c. Equipment manuals including manufacturer name, type, year, serial number, number of units, capacity, and identification of related systems.

d. Spare parts listing, source, and current prices of replacement parts and supplies.

e. Asset Inventory List with Tags: Complete Excel-based form with assets in accordance with CITY’s SWMS Asset Tagging Standard.

f. The tasks and frequency thereof for recommended and preventive maintenance procedure, including lubrication, overhaul, and adjustment schedules for the blowers. Detail procedures and state the down time for each procedure. Include lock out tag out procedures for isolations required for maintenance and/or repair and a troubleshooting guide.

g. Bound copies of operating and programming instructions, card replacement, adjustments, and preventative maintenance procedures and materials.

2. Upon completion of commissioning, update Operations and Maintenance Manuals with revised drawings, including as-recorded information, literature, or instructions as a result of the Performance Demonstration.

3. Provide copies of all approvals made by applicable agencies.

C. Warranties: Completed original warranty forms filled out in CITY’s name and registered with manufacturer.

1.7 Quality Assurance

A. Include prerequisites, standards, limitations, and criteria, which established an overall level of quality for products and workmanship under this Section.

B. If required, make reference to national standards including class and revision.

C. Efficiency of burner system will be based on the ability of the equipment to continuously maintain the specified temperature and retention time requirements.

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D. Perform work of this Section in accordance with good engineering practice.

E. Failure to meet criteria will be considered failure to meet designated environmental requirements.

1.8 Qualifications


1. Provide minimum two (2) enclosed flare installations that meet Qualifications A, B, C and D (listed below) within the past seven (7) years that adhered to TSSA standards where flare was used for its intended purpose at substantial performance. A. Flare Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in

Articles 2.4 to 2.7 with minimum 7 years documented experience with ANSI/CSA B149.6-15 Code for digester gas, landfill gas and biogas generation and utilization, and TSSA Digester, Landfill & Biogas Approval Code and TSSA Field Approval Code. Experience to include submitting applications for design and field approvals to the TSSA. Technical lead to have minimum 7 years' experience in the design of flares.

B. Blower Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in Article 2.17 with minimum 10 years documented experience.

C. Control Panel Fabricator: CSA and/or ULC-certified panel shop with minimum 3 years documented experience.

D. Programmer: System Integrator specializing in control system programming with minimum 3 years documented experience.


2. Provide minimum one (1) enclosed flare installation by Project Manager with the capacity of

at least 1,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm). This can be the same as either Reference Project No. 1 or 2, or could be a different project.

Note: Same Project Manager should be assigned for this project.

1.9 Regulatory Requirements

A. Conform to all applicable regulatory requirements.

B. All furnished products shall be listed and classified by CSA and/or ULC for purpose specified and shown.

C. The electrical equipment shall comply with the requirements of the current edition of the regulations of the Electrical Safety Authority.

D. Safety Requirements: The Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components shall meet all applicable safety codes, including but not limited to:

1. Occupational Health and Safety Act Standards and Regulations contained in R.S.O. 1990 C.O.1.

2. CSA B149.6: Code for Digester Gas, Landfill Gas, and Biogas Generation and Utilization.

3. TSSA.

4. Provincial mechanical, gas, electrical, and building codes.

E. Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components shall comply with all applicable safety codes and regulatory requirements, including but not limited to:

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1. Occupational Health and Safety Act Standards and Regulations contained in R.S.O. 1990 C.O.1.

2. CSA B149.6: Code for Digester Gas, Landfill Gas, and Biogas Generation and Utilization.

3. CSA B149.3: Code for the field approval of fuel-related components on appliances and equipment.

4. TSSA: Technical Standards and Safety Authority.

5. ESA: Electrical Safety Authority.

6. Conform to Ontario Building Code applicable regulations.

F. Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System must comply with the TSSA requirements. Complete installation to meet TSSA requirements.

1. Submit design details to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review prior to submission to TSSA by CONTRACTOR for examination and approval prior to procurement of components. Supply the necessary number of drawings and design documents. As minimum the design documents shall include:

a. Complete bill of materials.

b. Process diagrams.

c. Sequence of operation/system control narrative.

d. Mechanical layouts presenting complete system and all subcomponents.

e. Detailed technical specifications.

f. Electrical wiring diagrams.

g. Design calculations.

2. Provide copies of all correspondences with TSSA to the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

3. Request field inspection(s) upon completion of installation and system acceptance by ESA.

4. CSA and TSSA requirements take precedence over equipment and materials specified in this document.

G. Installation of the Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System shall comply with CSA and TSSA requirements. CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate a clear understanding of CSA and TSSA requirements as applicable to landfill gas installations.

1.10 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Enclosed drum shall be delivered to the Site in a pre-assembled unit.

B. Store equipment and materials as recommended by manufacturer.

C. Ensure drum is handled in such a manner as not to damage or disturb refractory system.

D. Protect system components, nozzles, and mountings against damage during transportation.

E. Provide all requirements for transporting, handling, storing, and protecting products.

1.11 Manufacturer's Warranty

A. Manufacturer shall warrant against any defects in material or workmanship to the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components supplied under this Contract.

1.12 Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials

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A. Provide spare parts for flare system as identified below:

Components No.

Flame Scanner 1

Flame Scanner Amplifier 1

Thermocouple Assembly (including thermowell)


Spark Plug 3

Igniter Rod Insulator 2

Sight Port Assembly 1

Each type of Panel Light 4

Solenoid Valve (one spare for each valve)


Damper Actuator 1

Complete Set of Parts Required to Replace Blower Drive Coupler


Complete Bearing Rebuild Kits 3

Sets of Bearing Housing Gaskets 3

B. Furnish 1 L of touch up paint for each color and texture used in the factory paint systems of the flare, blowers, and motor manufacturer in clearly marked cans.

C. Furnish one complete spare flame monitoring system for each of pilot and main flame.

D. Furnish one case of manufacturer recommended bearing grease for blower bearings and drive coupler.


A. Pre-commissioning: Convene a pre commissioning meeting with a commissioning plan and site acceptance testing plans ready for review 8 weeks in advance, and including but not limited to the follow systems:

B. Enclosed flare system commissioning shall include, but not limited to:

1. Check the installation as to its workmanship.

2. Ensure enclosed flare is level.

3. Confirm flow meter readouts and pressure gauges using handheld devices.

4. Perform SAT as specified in Article 3.3 D.

5. Check the operation and satisfactory performance of the enclosed flare through full operating flow and pressure range for a minimum of 6 hours. Conduct pre-commissioning tests under supervision of flare supplier.

C. Software commissioning and startup shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Process control system verification including process set points.

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2. Operator interface device verification down to final control devices.

3. Systems power fail/restart testing to verify proper operation.

4. Verification of alarms and interlocks.

D. Blower commissioning and startup shall include, but not be limited to providing the services of a skilled technical representative for 1/2 Day (minimum 4 hours) to carry out the following:

1. Check blower installation as to its workmanship.

2. Ensure blower assembly is level, that drive is properly aligned, correct rotation, and verify proper lubrication.

3. Check blower operation and ensure satisfactory performance. Verify output volume and pressure. Verify electrical load.

4. Check blower control and safety devices.

5. Check motor and blower bearing temperatures.

6. Perform other tests as directed by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

7. Submit a report on the condition and performance to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.


2.1 Manufacturers:

A. Bigelow-Liptak.

B. John Zink.

C. LFG Specialties.

D. Approved equivalent.

2.2 Performance Requirements

A. Operating Conditions:

1. Location: Vaughan, Ontario.

2. Ambient Temperature: Minus 40 to 40 degrees C.

3. Relative Humidity: 20 to 95 percent.

4. Altitude: 270 m.

5. Wind Load (1/50 hourly wind pressure): 0.44 kPa in accordance with OBC.

6. Site Class: D in accordance with OBC.

B. Units: Imperial and Metric.

C. Tagging system must follow CITY’s standard as shown on the Drawings.

D. Performance Requirements:

1. Lifetime: The enclosed flare system shall be designed for continuous operation for minimum 20-year design service life. It is recognized that shutdowns will occur due to routine maintenance and influences outside the scope of the Work to be completed under this Project. Scheduled shutdowns for maintenance shall be included in the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Checklist format required for all routine maintenance works.

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2. Flare shall be capable of operating at a flow rate of 2,077 L/s (4,400 scfm) at a methane concentration of 50 percent by volume (maximum required rating), with a minimum turndown ratio of 4:1.

3. Destruction Efficiency: Greater than 99 percent of total hydrocarbons.

4. Maximum Gas Velocity in Piping System: 30 m/s.

5. Normal Pressure Required for Flare: 1.25 kPa (5 in WC), or as specified by flare supplier.

6. Operating Temperatures:

a. Maximum Flare Temperature: 1,100 degrees C.

b. Minimum Flare Temperature: 875 degrees C.

7. Maintain a minimum flare retention time of 0.75 seconds at 875 degrees C.

8. Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) system as per ECA requirements.

9. Maximum temperature of outside surface of flare drum shall not exceed 100 degrees.

10. Maximum temperature of support concrete shall not exceed 100 degrees C by contact and/or radiation.

11. No visible flame will be permitted to extend beyond the flare drum when operated within design capacity.

12. Maximum sound pressure level of 85 dB at 1 m and maximum sound power level of 92.8 dBA.

E. Landfill Gas Properties:

1. Composition (based on 2016 data summaries provided; current gas quality may vary):

a. 30 to 50 percent methane (CH4).

b. Balance percent attributed to mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), with some nitrogen (N2) and

oxygen (O2).

c. Trace hydrogen sulphide (H2S).

d. Trace chlorinated hydrocarbons.

e. Saturated with water vapour.

f. Gas Temperature: Typical Range 5 to 40 degrees C.

2. Specific Gravity of Landfill Gas: 0.8 to 1.1.

F. Flare stack height and inner diameter shall be 12.0 m and 3.66 m, respectively as per ECA.

2.3 Fuel Train Components

A. Fuel train components to be FM Global Approved.

2.4 Flare Drum

A. Construction: Welded A36 steel construction with internal supports for refractory lining material. Stand alone and support gas burners and air controls. Provide all ports, flanges, and nipples to attach components to the flare. Spiral steel or plate steel flare shell assembly acceptable. Install bird spikes or approved equivalent on top ring to deter birds from perching on flare rim.

B. Provide stainless steel rain cap to protect refractory lining from deterioration due to exposure to weather.

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C. Protect surfaces exposed to flames to the maximum operating temperature expected.

D. Surface Preparation and Paint: Sandblast steel surfaces to white metal finish (SPCCG), or near-white metal finish as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Paint interior surface of flare with heat-resistant primer coat approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR following installation of refractory anchors. Paint exterior steel surfaces with heat-resistant zinc prime coat and two coats heat-resistant aluminum finish coat approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. All paint coats shall be applied and cured in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

E. Metals directly exposed to high temperatures in the drum shall be a suitable stainless steel alloy or adequately protected by the refractory system.

F. Refractory materials and miscellaneous hardware and piping shall not be included in calculating the dead load for structural design checks for overturning.

G. Refractory lining of cylinder steel shell shall be ceramic fiber with Inconel fastening system suitable for the application, as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Edges of ceramic blanket shall be lapped. Joints at edges of blankets shall be staggered. Castable refractory shall not be used on interior surfaces of steel shell. Edges forming penetrations shall be lapped with rigid cone-like refractory suitable for environment.

H. Refractory material on horizontal surfaces at the base of the flare shall be protected from a maximum temperature of 1,300 degrees C.

I. Provide two sample ports (100 mm diameter) complete with threaded plugs in location as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, located 180 degrees apart and installed at 80 percent of total height.

J. Provide appropriate lifting lugs (minimum 3) to safely unload and erect enclosed drum.

K. Provide hinged louvers into the interior of the flare drum for inspection and maintenance. Galvanized steel mesh grates and weather shield on exterior of louvers with maximum 25 mm by 25 mm square spacing, and minimum 50 percent free open area. Do not interfere with operation and maintenance of louver.

L. Provide with ladder positioned for access to thermocouple and safety platform. Ladder is to extend to top of flare drum, be caged with lockable anti-climb gate and designed to meet OHSA requirements.

M. Provide with safety platform at height to suit access to both sample ports.

N. Bond all metal masses with copper bonding straps, and quantity of grounding connectors in accordance with CAN/CSA B72-M87.

O. Connect grounding system for new flare to existing grounding cables.

2.5 Burners

A. Burners to be stainless steel.

B. Design burners to maintain a constant flame and ensure complete combustion within the flare drum. Burners shall encourage turbulence and efficient mixing of fuel and combustion air.

C. Support burners from a gas distribution manifold designed to distribute gas uniformly to the burners at equal volumes and pressures.

D. Provide for drains in burner and distribution manifold so as not to permit accumulation of moisture, or impact performance.

2.5 Air Control

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A. Provide combustion air bottom plenum complete with custom manufactured dampers and motorized operators to control combustion air.

1. Dampers: Heavy duty suitable for exposure to high temperatures.

2. Linkages and Bearings: Stainless steel and located out of air stream.

3. Blades: Stainless steel, 12 gauge minimum, and opposed blade.

4. Frame: Stainless steel.

5. Number of automatic dampers: Minimum three.

B. Provide controls to control the temperature of the flare unit by varying the inlet air damper positions and for temperature recording by PLC and Landfill Gas Control Plant operator interface, in response to a signal from a K-Type thermocouple located in the discharge gas stream.

C. Do not subject dampers to direct radiant heat.

D. Dampers must operate freely throughout entire operating range for system.

E. Shield or orient damper such that wind or other weather conditions cannot adversely affect system performance.

2.6 Ignition System

A. Provide electric spark ignited propane pilot designed to ignite the main flame.

B. Provide mechanical pre-purge of propane line.

C. Propane pilot to shut down 2 minutes after confirmation of main flame.

D. Provide pilot gas train as a completely assembled system, including:

1. Pilot gas low pressure switch (wired to control system).

2. Second stage pressure regulating valve. Fisher CS400 Series or approved equal.

3. Three solenoid valves in 2-block, 1-vent configuration. Solenoid valves shall be corrosion resistant, Type 7 rated for installation in Class I, Zone 1, Group IIA outdoor location.

4. Pressure gauges.

5. Manual isolation valves, CGA approved.

6. Flame check. Varec 5200 series or approved equal.

7. Stainless steel mounting backplate (heat shield) complete with legs for flare concrete base installation.

8. Flare drum pilot assembly, igniter element, interconnection assembly, ignition transformer.

E. Propane Line: Refer to Section 43 13 49.

2.7 Manual Shutoff Valves

A. Compliant with CGA 3.16.

B. Manufacturer: Maxon, Bray, ABZ, or an equivalent as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Material: Stainless steel body, disc, and seat; ANSI/ASME B18.2.1.

D. End Style: Flanged, full lug; Type 316 stainless steel bolts.

E. Packing: Buna N.

F. Resilient Plug Facings: Buna N.

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G. Quantity and Location: Ten (10), as shown on the Drawings. Two located within moisture separation chamber, one located on main header upstream of three new blowers, one located upstream of each new blower (total 3), one located downstream of each new blower (total 3), and one located on main header downstream of blowers and upstream of flare.

2.8 Blower Check Valves

A. Manufacturer: Technocorp Check Model 5004 CAL, or approved equivalent.

B. Minimum one check valve, cast aluminum lightweight body, stainless steel shaft and check, Buna N elastomer, 200 mm diameter, located downstream of each blower.

2.9 Safety Shutoff Valves

A. Pneumatically actuated safety shutoff valve assembly consisting of valve and pneumatic-actuator certified to ANSI Z21.21/CSA 6.5 and marked C/I and compliant with CSA B149.6.

B. Manufacturer: Jamesbury or an equivalent as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Technical Specification (CSA 6.5 certification takes precedence):

1. Operation: Normally closed, automatic reset (pneumatic motor opening) with spring release closing function (capable of shutoff in one direction).

2. Size actuators to provide sufficient torque to operate valve at differential pressure equivalent to maximum valve pressure rating, and such differential pressure shall be applied in either direction. Torque shall not exceed capacity of valve. Operate from fully closed to fully opened positions or the reverse in no more than approximately 2 seconds.

3. Valve Body: Stainless steel, corrosion-resistant to the landfill gas composition and temperatures of service, full lug, flanged connection.

4. Enclosure ratings: Class 1, Zone 2, Group D location.

5. Intended for outdoor service (minus 40 to 40 degrees C).

6. Visual Indicator: Feedback valve position indication.

D. Control: Wired and interlocked in accordance with CSA B149.3 and CSA B149.6. Equip with electric end-switch interlocked with the flame safeguard system to ensure that the valve remains closed until pre-purge is completed and pilot flame is proven. Comply with CSA B149.3, code for the field approval of fuel-related components on appliances and equipment.

E. Quantity and location: Five; one associated with each blower system (i.e., installed upstream of the blower), and two associated with the flare system (i.e., two installed downstream of the blowers and upstream of flare).

F. Support safety shut-off valves and actuators as deemed necessary to prevent movement during operations in addition to pipe supports as identified on Drawings.

2.10 Control Valve/Test Fire Valve

A. Modulating/Test Fire Valve, 300 mm diameter:

1. Standard port ball type by Metso Automation, or approved equivalent.

2. Material: Stainless steel body, seat, and disc.

3. End Style: ANSI flanged.

4. Plug and Stem Seals: Buna N.

B. Actuator:

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1. Operation: pneumatically driven both directions.

2. Size actuators to provide sufficient torque to operate valve at differential pressure equivalent to maximum valve pressure rating, and such differential pressure shall be applied in either direction. Torque shall not exceed capacity of valve.

3. Enclosure ratings: Class 1, Zone 2, Group IIA location.

4. Intended for outdoor service (minus 40 to 40 degrees C).

5. Visual Indicator: Feedback valve position indication.

C. Control: Wired and interlocked in accordance with CSA B149.3, 5.5 Test Firing Valves.

D. Install downstream of safety shutoff valves and upstream of flame arrestor.

2.11 Thermal Valve and Flame Arrestor

A. Flame Arrestor and Thermal Valve Manufacturer: Varec or an equivalent as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

B. Connections: Drilled to ANSI 125 pound dimensions, flat face flange.

C. Flame arrestor shall be eccentric-type and equipped with thermal valve.

D. Materials:

1. Valve Body: 356 HT low copper cast aluminum.

2. Valve Internals: Low copper aluminum and stainless steel.

3. Thermal Fuse: 260 degrees F (125 degrees C) metal.

4. Flame Arrestor Housing: 356 HT low copper cast aluminum.

5. Flame Arrestor Bank: Low copper aluminum extensible frame with Type 316 stainless steel bank sheets.

E. Drain: 12 mm (1/2-inch) NPT connection complete with stainless steel ball valve.

F. Removable fusewell on thermal valve.

G. Pressure Rating: Leak proof to 34 kPa.

H. Locate within 5 m upstream of gas burner, downstream of Test Fire Valve.

2.12 Pipe and Pipe Fittings

A. ANSI/ASME B36.19 Schedule 10S stainless steel Type 316L.

B. Butt welded conforming to MSS SP43 and ANSI/ASME B16.9.

C. Bolting: Type 304, stainless steel hexagon type bolts to ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 with equivalent grade nuts and washers. A suitable anti galling compound will be applied to the mating threads of the bolts and nuts.

2.13 Flanges

A. Pipe:

1. ANSI/ASME B16.9, Type 316L stainless steel, 150 pound, flat faced.

2. Gaskets: Neoprene, full faced, minimum 3.17 mm, with a hardness of not less than 40 measured on a Shore durometer "A" scale.

B. ANSI/ASME B18.2.1, Type 316 stainless steel bolts.

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2.14 Supports and Hangers

A. Utilize on-site pipe supports to the extent possible. Provide plan for utilizing on-site pipe supports to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR for review prior to use.

B. Support safety shut-off valves and actuators as deemed necessary to prevent movement during operations in addition to pipe supports as identified on Drawings.

C. Unistrut pipe clamps for small diameter lines where approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

D. Stands: Fabricated steel.

E. Frame Accessories: Anchor rods for securing to concrete.

F. Provide dielectric insulation on pipe hangers and supports to prevent electrolysis between dissimilar materials throughout.

2.15 Blower

A. Design Requirements and Blower System Performance Characteristics:

1. Quantity of Blowers: Three.

2. Landfill Gas Flow per Blower at Design Point: 1,038 L/s (2,200 scfm) at specified gas content.

3. Total Blower Pressure Required at Design Point: 15 kPa (60 in WC) vacuum; with 5 kPa (20 in WC) positive discharge pressure.

4. Provide blower bearing temperature sensors and temperature relays for blower high temperature alarms.

5. Provide blower vibration sensors and vibration relays for blower high vibration alarms.

6. Provide all interface signals required for blower controls and monitoring from PLC.

7. Composition of Landfill Gas: Paragraph 2.2 E.

B. Manufacturer: Gardner Denver Centrifugal Blower 741, 3 stage, full flow, 3,600 rpm, as supplied by Aircom Technologies or approved equivalent. Capable of meeting the design requirements and functioning in the ambient air temperature range of minus 40 to plus 40 degrees C and at an elevation above sea level of 270 m under continuous duty.

C. Housings: Cast iron. Coat all parts in contact with gas with a phenolic coating suitable for exposure to landfill gas. Inlet and outlet flanges shall be ANSI 125 pound, drilled and tapped pattern integral with the heads.

D. Impellers: One-piece fabricated stainless steel construction, non-sparking, statically and dynamically balanced. Fixed to shaft with mechanical connections to resist rotational and axial forces.

E. Bearings: Two grease lubricated antifriction type bearings. Provide grease-lubricated bearings with fittings and relief plugs. Pillow blocks drilled and tapped to accept temperature sensors.

F. Shaft Seals: Minimize gas leakage into and from the blower unit.

G. Electric Motor: Direct drive, in accordance with Section 40 92 80 including specific features listed under this section.

H. Blower motor will be totally enclosed, explosion proof, inverter duty.

I. Pedestal: Blower and motor to be mounted on a single pedestal of rigid construction. Blower motor pedestal to be mounted on existing blower motor concrete pad.

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J. Lifting Lug or Lugs: A lifting lug or lugs shall be incorporated at the center of gravity of the blower assembly.

K. Flexible Connections: Provide suitable flexible connections at each blower inlet and outlet to minimize vibration transfer.

L. Finishing: Paint in accordance with manufacturers standards. Paint except nameplates, machined surfaces, rubber and flexible surfaces as the blower assembly above.

M. Finished and Machined Parts: Coat liberally with petroleum or wax base temporary protective coating.

N. Protective Guards: Rexnord Orange Peel series spark proof protective guard suitable for blower model specified.

O. Drive Coupling: Rexnord Omega series drive coupling suitable for blower model specified. Include

OHSA-approved finger guard. Ensure sufficient space between the pump bearing housing and

coupler to allow for easy removal of the housing to change the grease.

P. Bearing Temperature Monitoring:

1. Blower inboard and outboard bearing housings of the blowers shall be provided with ½” NPT tappings for temperature monitoring.

2. RTD’s consisting of 100 Ω platinum elements with ¼” OD stainless sheath shall be supplied for each blower bearing.

3. RTD’s shall be installed on bearings using threaded stainless steel compression fittings.

4. 5 m lengths of 3-wire shielded cable protected by stainless steel flex armour shall be provided for each RTD element.

Q. Bearing Vibration Monitoring:

5. Blower inboard and outboard bearing housings of the blowers shall be provided with two ¼”-28 UNF tappings, 13 mm deep, suitably located for ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis vibration monitoring.

6. An area approximately 17 mm in diameter shall be machined flat and smooth on the bearing housings around the tappings.

7. One accelerometer type sensor shall be supplied for each blower bearing, installed in either tapping. The unused tapping shall be plugged using a ¼”-28 UNF stud, suitable for the installation of a second accelerometer at a future time.

2.16 Purge Blower

A. Electrical Ratings: 208V, 1ph, 60Hz.

B. Controlled and fed by Flare System Control Panel.

2.17 Electrical And Control System

A. Refer to Sections 26 05 00 and 40 92 20.

B. The variable frequency drive for gas blowers and flare system control panel shall be located in the existing electrical room. Refer to Section 40 97 80.

C. Programmable controls (I/O, PLC program, HMI, etc.) shall be provided with all controls required for operation of flare and blower system.

2.18 Flare System Control Panel

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A. Refer to Sections 26 05 00 and 40 92 20.

2.19 Instrumentation – General

A. Refer to Section 40 91 00.

B. Instruments and sensors shall be CSA or cUL/ULC certified. Where there is no alternative to supplying equipment that is not certified, obtain special approval in accordance with Electrical Safety Authority regulations. Manufacturers and approval labels must be visible and accessible after equipment is installed.

C. Only key instrumentation is listed. The Flare Supplier is responsible for selection, provision, configuration, and calibration of instrumentation to meet process performance requirements, but not less than listed herein.

D. Provide each instrument with:

1. Mounting bracket(s)/hardware as required for installation.

2. Stainless steel, rigid, metal engraved identification tag.

2.20 Flare Instrumentation And Devices

A. Listed flare instrumentation and control devices are based on preliminary data.

1. The flare system manufacturer is responsible for selection, provision, configuration, and calibration of instrumentation to meet process performance requirements, and required for operation of fully automated system.

2. Location of the instrument(s) shall be based on manufacturer's "know how" experience, incorporating control provisions specified herein.

3. Provide additional locations and connections points for temperature sensors, if required to maintain flare operation at minimum design flow.

B. Flame Monitoring: Ultraviolet or infrared type, self-checking flame monitoring system(s) for verification of pilot ignition, main flame ignition, and continuous operation.

C. Temperature Sensors:

1. System of minimum four thermocouples (three process, one high temperature alarm).

2. Thermocouples with Inconel sheath and ceramic thermowell.

3. Thermocouple assemblies shall be mounted on the flare with flange connections close to service platforms/access ladder for access.

4. Thermocouple assemblies shall be capable of withstanding exposure to operating temperatures within the flare.

5. Provide thermocouple grade wire.

2.21 Pressure Gauges and Transmitters

A. Refer to Section 40 91 00.

2.22 Manual Valves Position Monitor

A. Fully integrated and encapsulated rotary valve (part turn) position monitor with visual opened/closed indicator, capable to transmit electrical signals based on the position feedback.

1. As manufactured by Westlock, Model 2007 or an equivalent as approved by CONTRACT


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2. Ratings: Class 1, Division 1, Group D indoor/outdoor location.

B. Technical Specification:

1. Enclosure: Aluminum, powder coated finish, with two 19 mm (3/4-inch NPT) electrical openings.

2. Mechanism: Stainless steel shaft and hardware (shaft key arrangement and size to match valve), oil impregnated bronze bushing. Field adjustable CAM switches.

3. Visual Indicator: Co-polyester beacon, 360-degree visibility, standard black and yellow colours with English language "OPENED-CLOSED" descriptions.

4. Switches: CAM mechanism driven, mechanical, minimum two (one for opened, one for closed position), SPDT type, rated min 2 A at 120 VAC/24 VDC contacts.

C. Quantity and location: Installed on each landfill gas piping manual valve (blower intake and discharge isolation valves, flare test firing valve).

D. Controls: Incorporate into flare control system.

2.23 MCC Bucket With Variable Frequency Drive

A. Fully assembled and wired VFD starter draw-out unit (bucket) complete with:

1. Main circuit breaker.

2. 120 VAC control circuit and transformer or power supply as required for the drive circuitry and remote interface.

3. Fast acting (solid state device protection) type fuses.

4. VFD drive with programming/operator interface.

5. Hand-Off-Auto selector switch, run and fault pilot lights, start/stop pushbuttons and speed adjustment pot for operation in Hand mode.

6. Auxiliary contacts for connection to control system (as minimum Auto, Run, Fault, speed reference and feedback).

7. EMI/RFI filter.

8. Output dV/dT filter.

9. Cooling fans and louvers with filters.

B. Solid state VFD, variable torque. Convert 3 phase, 60 Hz input power to adjustable frequency and voltage for controlling the speed of squirrel cage induction motor. Pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter system to minimize audible motor noise and increase overall performance. Rated 575 VAC plus or minus 10 percent, 3 phase, 60 Hz; efficiency 95 percent, power factor 0.95; 3 percent reactor (minimum); over-current protection. Door-mounted HMI with display for drive programming, monitoring and local drive start/stop and speed control.

C. Drive Interface:

1. Control Inputs: Dry contact interface with remote start/stop control and drive enable. Speed control through 4-20 mA analog input signal from PLC.

2. Control Outputs: Dry contact interface with run and fault contacts. Speed feedback through 4-20 mA analog output signal to PLC.

D. The drive shall contain as a minimum the following programmable parameters:

1. Maximum and minimum frequency limits.

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2. Acceleration and deceleration times.

3. Overload and torque limits.

4. Skip frequency ranges.

5. Number of restart attempts.

E. Protection Functions:

1. Speed compensated electronic motor overload current.

2. Under voltage.

3. Over frequency.

4. Over temperature.

5. Ground Fault.

F. Acceptable Manufacturer/Type:

1. Cutler-Hammer, Series 2100 MCC, SVX-9000 drive bucket.

2. Rockwell, Centerline Series with Powerflex Drives.

3. Or an equivalent as approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2.24 System Operation

A. Refer to Section 40 92 20 for Process Control System.

B. General Rules and Anticipated Operation of the Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System: The intention of this Article is to provide the Flare Supplier with information on the control and monitoring of equipment that is associated directly or indirectly with Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System. This Section should be used as an aid in developing the control strategy and integrating the system into the operation of the complete facility. If this document does not properly describe the system operation, the Flare Supplier shall notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. System shall be controlled by a PLC with HMI which shall be factory programmed and tested prior to shipment.

D. Overall control system programming will be a Flare Supplier responsibility. The System Integrator will provide details on CITY’s standards related to presentation of information, alarms, and interface with ancillary systems.

E. Control logic shall perform startup, shutdown, and monitoring of the complete system including flare, blowers, valves, instrumentation, control devices in accordance with manufacturer's experience, "know how" procedures, and incorporating control provisions specified herein.

F. The system shall operate automatically. The Landfill Gas Control Plant operator interface and supervisory controllers shall exchange control and operation signals. It is anticipated that most of the control and monitoring signals shall be exchanged through the Ethernet/IP network with provisions for basic hardwired connections.

G. Gas Blowers and Flare System Operation:

1. Normal Startup Sequence in Flare "Auto" Mode:

• The "On-Off" hardwired selector switch is placed in "On" position. "Power On" hardwired pilot light illuminates. The control system is powered up and can be started and stopped. Note: "On-Off" selector switch is not intended to be a main power switch for the control panel. Only control output signals shall be de-energized in "Off" position. The PLC and

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HMI shall remain powered up all of the time to provide statuses to the Landfill Gas Control Plant operator interface system.

• In "Off" position, the flare system is off and not available for any control. If the selector switch is placed in the "Off" position while the flare is running, the control system shall shutdown the flare instantaneously. The same is true for the remote hardwired "Stop Interlock".

2. Control system (burner controller and program logic) completes pre-start check to verify if the flare and blower are READY for operation. As minimum, the following conditions shall be confirmed:

• No flame is present inside the enclosed flare drum.

• Safety shutoff valves are closed.

• There is no hardwired remote stop or external interlock stop request.

• "Flare High Temperature Shutdown" alarm is not present.

• Propane gas is available for the ignition (based on pilot gas pressure).

• Landfill gas is available (based on landfill gas pressure).

• Blower is available for operation (in "Remote" mode) with no alarm.

3. If pre-start conditions are met, HMI screen shall indicate that the flare is ready to start. If HMI indicates NOT READY status, operator shall verify if there is alarm condition or equipment is not available for control.

4. Flare "Local"/"Remote" selector switch on the HMI is placed in "Local" or "Remote" position.

a. In "Local" mode, flare control is exclusive to the flare control panel operator interface. With exception of the hardwired "Stop Interlock" signal, all remote requests to start/stop flare or adjust operating parameters shall be ignored.

b. In "Remote" mode, flare can be started from hardwired "Remote start/stop" signal or network "Remote start/stop" signal (i.e., from the Landfill Gas Control Plant operator interface). In this mode, flare key operational parameters could be changed through the operator interface network signals.

c. "Remote" to "Local" mode change shall be "bumpless" during flare operation and preserve running or stopped operation. The change from "Local" to "Remote" mode shall also be "bumpless" during flare operation, unless the flare is requested at the same time to stop or start. Examples: If the flare was running in "Local" mode, but there is no remote request to run in "Remote" mode, the flare shall shutdown in normal sequence. If the flare was stopped in "Local" mode, but there is a remote request to run in "Remote" mode, the flare shall initiate startup sequence and run.

5. Operator enters key blower and flare operational parameters:

a. Blower "Manual"/"Auto Suction Vacuum"/"Auto Gas Flow control". In "Manual" mode operators enters blower speed; in "Auto" mode blower operates to main blower suction vacuum or gas flow setpoint.

b. Manual speed, Suction Vacuum, or Gas Flow setpoint.

c. Control Thermocouple Auto/Manual Selection mode. In "Manual" mode operator selects Top /Middle/Bottom thermocouple that shall be used for temperature control.

d. Flare operating temperature setpoint.

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6. System Start can be initiated by:

a. "Start" button on the HMI is pressed in "Local" mode, or

b. Flare hardwired "Remote start/stop" signal or network "Remote start/stop" signal is set in "Remote" mode.

7. Control system initiates AIR CHECK sequence to verify combustion air dampers operational status. The control system modulates combustion air dampers from fully "Open" position to fully "Close" position, and back to "Open" position.

a. At least one combustion air damper shall be available with no "Combustion Air Damper # Fail to Close" or "Combustion Air Damper # Fail to Close Fail to Open" alarm.

b. If both combustion air dampers fail or the air check sequence timeout occurs, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Combustion Air Check Fail" alarm.

c. Once the AIR CHECK is completed, the control system initiates a PURGE cycle to eliminate any potential accumulation of combustible gases within the flare chamber and prevent a potentially explosive gas environment. HMI displays PURGE cycle in progress. Combustion air dampers shall remain open and a purge blower runs for the preset period of time (adjustable purge time setpoint: typically 60 to 600 seconds). If the purge blower fails to run, or dampers lose open position, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Purge Cycle Fail" alarm.

d. Once the PURGE cycle is completed, PILOT sequence is initiated. HMI displays PILOT cycle in progress. The gas solenoid vent valve closes and 2 block valves open. Ignition transformer is energized (for short period of time) and pilot gas is ignited. Flame shall be sensed and confirmed by monitoring device (flame sensor) within preset period of time. When pilot flame is proven, HMI shall display "Pilot Proven". If the flame is not detected, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Pilot Fail" alarm.

e. IGNITION sequence is initiated. HMI displays IGNITION cycle in progress. The safety shutoff valves open. When the safety shutoff valves' open position is confirmed, the blower shall start and ramp up (approximately 15 seconds) to operational speed (based on selected blowers operating mode). The combustion air dampers shall begin to open after time delay from the point when the blower is requested to start. The delay setpoint shall be included to allow flare ignition under strong wind conditions (adjustable combustion air dampers open delay time setpoint: typically 0 to 30 seconds).

8. If the safety shutoff valve open position is not confirmed, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Safety Valve Fail to Open" alarm.

a. If the blower status is not confirmed, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Blower # Fail to Run" alarm.

9. Landfill gas is introduced into the combustion chamber, where it shall be ignited by the pilot flame. Flame shall be sensed and confirmed by monitoring device (flame sensor) within preset period of time. When main gas flame is proven, HMI shall display "Flame Proven". If the flame is not detected, the flare startup sequence shall be aborted and HMI shall display "Flame Ignition Fail" alarm.

10. The combustion air dampers shall switch to modulating mode to maintain flare operational temperature setpoint. HMI displays FLARE RUNNING status.

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11. The pilot flame shall be maintained for a preset period of time from the time when main gas flame is proven (adjustable pilot flame shutdown time delay setpoint: typically 60 to 600 seconds) and until flame proof temperature is reached (typically 700 degrees C). At this time the pilot flame shall be discontinued by closing of two block valves and opening the gas solenoid vent valve.

12. Should the flare startup sequence be aborted due to alarm condition, control system shall shutdown all systems, close valve and lockout controls until alarms are acknowledged and reset. HMI shall display "Startup Sequence Fail" alarm and "Fail" status.

13. Normal Operation in Flare "Auto" Mode:

a. The flare operating temperature shall be controlled by varying the air supply to the combustion chamber by modulating air dampers. The combustion air dampers shall operate automatically within preset minimum and maximum open louver position limits.

b. The selection of the thermocouple used as a process variable for flare temperature control shall be based on the flare gas flow rate in "Control Thermocouple Auto Selection" mode and based on operator preference in "Control Thermocouple Manual Selection" mode.

14. Control Thermocouple Auto Selection: Bottom control thermocouple shall be used during low gas flow conditions, middle control thermocouple for average, and top control thermocouple for full flow. Final flow ranges to be provided by the Flare Supplier.

15. Control Thermocouple Manual Selection: Operator selects control thermocouple that shall be used as a temperature control variable. This mode shall be used when other control thermocouple(s) is not available for operation (failed, waiting for replacement, etc.).

a. The blower shall maintain preset speed setpoint in Blower "Manual" mode and suction vacuum or gas flow setpoint in Blower "Auto Suction Vacuum" or "Auto Gas Flow control" mode. Operator shall be able switch control mode in "bumpless" transition. If the gas flow exceeds the flare maximum ratings, and blower is

operating in " Manual" mode or "Suction Vacuum Auto" mode, the control system shall automatically reduce blower speed. HMI shall display "High Gas Flow -Speed Reduction" warning.

16. Normal Shutdown Sequence in Flare "Auto" mode:

a. System Stop can be initiated by:

• "Stop" button on the HMI is pressed in "Local" mode, or

• Flare hardwired "Remote start/stop" signal or network "Remote start/stop" signal is cleared in "Remote" mode.

b. SHUTDOWN sequence is initiated. HMI displays SHUTDOWN cycle in progress. The safety shutoff valves shall close and the blower shall coast to a stop (approximately 15 seconds). When the closed position for the safety shutoff valves is confirmed, the combustion air dampers shall modulate to fully open position.

c. When a flare temperature drops below restart setpoint, HMI screen shall indicate that flare is READY to start.

17. Operation in Flare "Manual" Mode:

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a. There is no intention to operate flare in "Manual" mode with operator starting individual components of the system. Flare System Supplier may implement such controls from HMI for flare maintenance and troubleshooting purposes.

b. Burner controller and program control logic shall monitor operation of the subsystems based on the available data.

18. Malfunction:

a. Control system shall monitor equipment operating conditions and automatically respond to conditions endangering personnel, and/or potentially leading to equipment failure and damage.

b. Flare shall shutdown following, in general, auto sequence upon alarm conditions and shut down instantaneously upon critical alarm. Detailed malfunction and shutdown scenarios shall be based on manufacturer's experience and "know how" procedures for the offered by manufacturer top of the line alarm management system.

c. System shall not restart automatically after critical alarm shutdown or power failure (configurable).

H. HMI interacting with PLC:

1. Refer to Section 40 92 20 Process Control System and Drawings.

I. Control system signals:

1. Refer to Section 40 92 20 Process Control System and Drawings.


3.1 Field Quality Control

A. Demonstrate operation of the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components supplied under this Contract including propane pilot, temperature monitoring, valve control, and design flow ranges, without excessive vibration or noise.

B. Perform operational testing on control systems to verify proper operation and field wiring connections.

C. Demonstrate that the various safety systems are functioning properly.

D. Complete full inspection of Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components supplied under this Contract including interior of drum and condition of refractory.

E. Upon successful commissioning (including SAT), start system and bring flare up to design operating temperature and flow rate. Place burner in automatic control and commence a continuous two (2) week field test. Monitor temperature during the field test and provide written account of equipment operation and observations.

F. If field trial is aborted due to equipment malfunctions, correct problem and restart field test from beginning.

G. Following successful completion of two (2) week trial, shut down flare. After flare has cooled, complete a full reinspection of flare system and interior of drum.

H. After 100 hours of operation, qualified technical staff must make a follow-up visit to the site to assess system performance and make system adjustments as required.

I. Two months prior to lapse of the warranty period, conduct an inspection of the flare accompanied by CITY representative.

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J. Train CITY in the operation of the blower and flare systems.

1. Throughout the commissioning period, provide access to CITY’s personnel to observe the operations of the facility. CITY’s personnel will not operate the equipment during the commissioning period.

2. Following successful commissioning of the facility, provide training for CITY’s personnel for two events with a minimum of 8 hours instruction to operate the facility.

3.2 Manufacturer's Field Services

A. Provide on-Site services of manufacturer's representatives during testing, training, and startup.

B. Furnish the services of a factory-trained manufacturer's representative to assist in the startup of the equipment specified under this Section.

C. Perform alignment and vibration test for blower 1. during commissioning, 2. 100 hours following commissioning of the blower, and 3. prior to the end of the warranty period.

3.3 Demonstration

A. Division 01 Requirements for demonstrating installed work.

B. Demonstrate operation and programming of flare PLC.

C. Provide 8 hours of instruction for two persons, to be conducted at the Site with manufacturer's representative.

D. Site Acceptance Test (SAT):

1. Perform SAT in the presence of CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Provide tests equipment (digital meter(s), signal reader/generator, etc.). Provide laptop and programming software to verify operation for programmable control systems.

3. Checks prior to energization:

a) Perform field adjustments of all protective devices to place the control/power panel in final operating condition.

b) Verify the safety and readiness of the cables, phasing and connections prior to energization.

c) Installation Acceptance: Verify and inspect if installation is satisfactory:

i. Confirm that field located components are installed, verify signal types, voltage, quantities, labeling and wiring as identified on control schematics.

ii. Perform continuity checks on field wiring. Confirm logical operation of control devices (relays, I/O check, etc.), individually and in functional groups.

iii. Perform continuity checks on field wiring.

iv. Confirm logical operation of field devices, individually and in functional groups.

4. Pre-startup Tests:

a) Include operation of all instruments by actuation of their controlling variable and monitoring of received signals. If the process media are not physically available or not available at required level (e.g., high pressure or temperature) provide testing means and media to simulate process conditions. Remove and reinstall sensors when required for testing.

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b) System subcircuits and process subassemblies shall be group tested to verify control logic operation, alarm registration, sequence and timing operations. Logic circuit operational interlocks (auto start/stop signals), protective and alarm interlock operation shall be verified. Alarm registration, latching and reset operation shall be verified for all system alarms.

c) Operation of all field instruments and devices by actuation of their controlling variable where possible and monitoring of received signals at the control panels. Similarly, panel outputs to field drives and devices shall be verified by operation of manual mode controls at the control panels. Any equipment, which cannot be safely energized by testing of discrete panel outputs, shall be temporarily disconnected, and potential or continuity checks of the output circuits made while energized.

d) Analog circuits shall be verified for polarity, zero, span and linearity, by operation of the field instruments and panel circuit outputs. Where simulation by varying a measured variable through its calibrated range is not practical, a test signal shall be injected (or simulated) at the field transmitter and the circuit monitored and checked at the local and/or area control panel.

e) Analog output control signals shall be generated to test and verify proper device proportional response. Where such testing is done the actuated device shall, where possible, be isolated from the process by closing related isolating valves.

f) Verify configuration, settings and setups. Ensure that controller, control components are working properly. Adjust system settings to suit operational conditions.

g) Operator devices, pushbuttons, selector switches, indicating lights and display devices must be tested and functioning according to the intended operational philosophy.

h) Flare control system interface with other systems and installations.

i) Networks and communication systems.

5. Startup: Perform flare system control panel operational tests using process media. Startup operations shall be continuous until it is satisfactorily demonstrated that the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System components supplied under this Contract are suitable for continuous on-line service.

6. Rectify deficiencies, conduct troubleshooting and otherwise take corrective action of the installed systems. The tests will be repeated if significant deficiencies are discovered during tests.

7. Verification of the system shall be deemed complete, when all features, functions and information required for complete control system have been checked, corrected, and documented including all Drawings.

8. Document all testing and calibration on record sheets recording the results and dates of all tests required and performed. All test results and calibration data sheets shall be compiled as a Site Test Report. Copies shall be retained for the record.

9. Hands on Training: Provide presentation by the instructor with plant operators following and physically performing and learning maintenance operations in the field (minimum):

a. Safety and lockouts.

b. Operation and operator interface.

c. Cleaning.

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d. Maintenance inspection and checks.

e. Troubleshooting: Alarm causes and procedures.

f. Replacement of frequently changed components.

3.4 Adjusting

A. Adjust flare assembly based on results of field quality testing.


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Compressed Air System

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

SECTION 43 12 00 – Compressed Air System


1.1 Description

A. This section describes the minimum requirements for the installation and retrofit of the existing compressed air system within the Landfill Gas Plant at Keele Valley Landfill. This includes the decommissioning of existing piping as well as the fabrication, shop testing, delivery, installation, and pre-commissioning of all new mechanical equipment and piping as described within the Contract and Contract drawings.

1.2 Scope

A. The general scope of work to be provided by the CONTRACTOR includes but is not limited to:

B. Supply of specified equipment items, and bulk materials/commodities which will form part of the permanent installation as described herein. Equipment procurement, installation and commissioning of the following list of items:

Equip. No. Quantity Description D-101 1 INSTRUMENT AIR DRYER

C. Supply of direct construction labour as well as adequate management and supervision resources to install, construct, and perform the retrofit of the existing system in accordance this specification, applicable codes, and industry good practice guidelines.

D. Fabrication and/or purchase of equipment/piping/supports as described herein.

E. Removal and disposal of old piping and fittings off-Site that are not required for the complete installation of the system.

F. Shimming, aligning, leveling, grouting, mounting, and anchoring of any equipment and piping within the Compressed Air System scope of work.

G. Installation and proper connection of piping and ducting.

H. Installation of guards, accessories, valves, and instrumentation.

I. Safety provisions to ensure area is safe for construction activities.

J. Pre-commissioning of equipment, TSSA testing of piping and valves.

K. Supply of CRN numbers for equipment, piping and valves as per TSSA guidelines.

1.3 Submittals

A. Provide shop drawings, manufacturer’s literature, and operations and maintenance manuals of air compressor, dryer and filters.

B. Provide manufacturer’s guarantee certificate.

1.4 Reference Standards

A. Canadian Standard Association:

1. CSA B149.6-11 - Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations

2. CSA C22.1-12 - Canadian Electrical Code.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Compressed Air System

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1.5 Warranty

A. Warrant that the air dryer and filters are free from defects. Any defects or deficiencies that appear prior to and during the period of two years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, or such longer periods as may be specified for certain products or work., shall be corrected promptly at the CONTRACTOR’s expense


2.1 General Design Criteria

A. The equipment will be operated continuously, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year with an allowance for plant downtime and maintenance.

B. The existing instrument air compressor (AC-101) will supply compressed air at 100 PSI. The instrument air compressor will pass compressed air through the twin tower desiccant instrument air dryer (D-101) prior to valve and instrument air use.

C. Coalescing oil filters will be required before and after the instrument air dryer. Both filters will be automatic purging.

D. The normal inlet temperature will be 5-30˚C.

E. The equipment shall be the manufacturer’s standard design with a proven and successful service in similar operations and shall be suitable for industrial applications and the specified conditions with minimum maintenance. The design criteria for the operation of the equipment are given below:

General Operating and Design Conditions for Landfill Gas Plant

D-101 Instrument Air Dryer

Capacity, Operating (cfm) 11.4

Operating Pressure (psi) (gauge) 100

Max Design Pressure (psi) (gauge) 115

Dew Point (˚C) -40

Inlet Relative Humidity (%) 50% to 95%

F-101, 102, 103 Coalescing Filter

Capacity, Operating (cfm) 11.4

Operating Pressure (psi) (gauge) 100

Max Design Pressure (psi) (gauge) 115

Minimum Efficiency (For 0.01 micron particles) 90%

Compressor outlet stages 2

Air dryer outlet stages 1

2.2 Compressed Air Piping Specification

A. Piping and fitting types and materials shall be in accordance with Piping Specification SPC001, pipe code SSBT01.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Compressed Air System

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SERVICES: Compressed Air Service, Instrument Air Service TEMPERATURE RANGE: -35 – 125 °F






PIPE 1/2" - 2" Stainless Steel 316L, Schedule 40, Seamless, Threaded Ends


ASME B1.20.1

ASTM A312 TP316L

PIPE LINER 1/2" - 2" None - -

FLANGES 1/2" - 2" ANSI Class 150, Threaded, S.S. 316L Steel, Raised Face (note 2, 3)



ASTM A182 F316L

1/2" - 2" ANSI Class 150, Blind, S.S. 316L Steel, Raised Face (note 2, 3)

FITTINGS 1/2" - 2" Stub End, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded




ASTM A403 GR. WP 316L

1/2" - 2" Elbow 90°, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Elbow 45°,S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Reducer, Concentric, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Reducer, Eccentric, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Tee, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Tee Reducing, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Cap, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

1/2" - 2" Lateral, S.S. 316L, Schedule 40S threaded

GASKETS 1/2" - 2" Garlock "Gylon" 3500 ANSI/ASME B16.21

FASTENERS 1/2" - 2" Studbolts, 316 S.S. ANSI/ASME


ASTM A193, gr B8M, Class 2 1/2" - 2" Machine bolt, 316 S.S., hexagonal head

1/2" - 2" Hexagonal nut with washer, 316S.S. ANSI/ASME B18.2.2

ASTM A194 Gr 8M, Class 2


1. For Branch type selection, see table below.

2. Use flat faced flanges and full faced gaskets when mating to Class 125/150 flat face valves or cast iron equipment.

The connection between flanges must be between flanges of the same type, e.g. raised face to raised face or flat faced to flat faced.

1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4"

1/2" T TR TR TR L C C

3/4" T TR TR L C C

1" T TR L C C

1 1/2" T TR L C

2" T L L

3" T TR

4" T


C = Half Coupling 3,000*

T = Straight Tee

TR = Reducing Tee

L = Thredolet, Sockolet, Elbowlet

W = Weldolet**

* L Outlets may be substituted for half couplings for outlets <2"

** Reducing tee's may be substituted for weldolets





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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Compressed Air System

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

2.3 Equipment

A. The scope of supply for the equipment shall include the air dryer, all internal piping, filters, instrumentation and controls for a complete and operational system except as specifically identified in the Exclusions.

B. All replaceable or wearing parts shall be supplied in accordance with North American standards and practices and commonly available equipment for piping, fittings, hardware, and accessories.

C. Wiring, instrumentation, and controls shall be supplied in accordance with CSA standards, and meet the requirements of the latest version of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.

D. The air dryer shall be a twin tower, heatless, desiccant type with a two-stage pre-filter and single stage after-filter. CONTRACTOR may quote an alternative style of dryer as an option, but must be approved by the design engineer.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall supply a Coalescing Filter suitable to remove oil from the instrument air compressor output such that the air can feed the air dryer. Filters assembly shall include a prefilter and secondary filter before entering the air dryer. An additional filter shall be included for the discharge of the air dryer. Filters shall be equipped with self-purging drain valves and include visual indication for when new cartridges are required.

F. Compliance with this specification does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to supply equipment which is durable, safe and reliable for the service described.

G. All equipment components and systems shall be Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).

H. All components, parts and assemblies shall comply with CSA standards.

I. All drawings and calculations produced will be in metric units.

J. All equipment will be tagged with:

1. Manufacturer’s name;

2. Model number;

3. Date of fabrication;

4. Equipment name;

5. Equipment number;

6. P.O. Number;

7. kW rating of all motors; and

8. Serial number.

2.4 Piping

A. All piping, pipe fittings, pipe supports, and hangers shall be in accordance to the specifications provided and this Contract. Compressed air piping shall generally consist of:

B. 15 N.B. and 25 N.B.316L Stainless Steel Schedule 40 Piping – Threaded Pipe Specification: SSBT01

C. Fittings (elbows, tees, reducers, o-lets, flanges, etc.)

D. All Valves as shown in Contract Drawings.

E. Nuts, bolts, gaskets, shims, and hardware required for the installation of mechanical equipment and piping.

F. Typical piping supports, bracing and insulation shall be used.

G. Welding as per CSA W59 – Series ER316Si Electrodes.

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Section 4 – Scope of Work: Compressed Air System

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3.1 Examination

A. The CONTRACTOR shall verify all dimensions and existing pipe class / diameter during the pre-inspection process and promptly notify the CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing of any variations from the requirements of the Contract.

3.2 General

A. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out his operations in strict accordance with all applicable OSHA Standards. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to familiarize himself with OSHA Standards and Regulations pertaining to all aspects of the Work.

B. The CONTRACTOR shall carry out all work to install all mechanical equipment and piping as shown on the Contract Drawings in a finished state, suitable for the intended use.

C. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing all professional services, labour, materials, equipment, tools, and supervision to receive, assemble, erect, install, connect, align, field test, paint, and place into service the equipment and materials supplied by the Contractor as indicated on the Contract Drawings and as specified herein.

4.1 Piping

A. The CONTRACTOR’S scope for supply and installation of piping shall include but not limited to the following.

B. Install all piping and fittings, required for the complete operation of the aforementioned equipment.

C. Supply nuts, bolts, gaskets, shims and hardware required for the installation of mechanical equipment and piping as per the manufacturer’s instruction, recommendations, and guidelines suitable for the installations environment.

D. Supply of all consumables including welding rods, flux, solder, Teflon tape, loc-tite, powder fasteners, and other fasteners and sealant required for the work. Consumables shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions or guidelines suitable for the installation environment.

E. Instrument air piping to be sloped at a minimum of 2” per 20’ with drain valves located at low points in piping to facilitate collection of any moisture. Piping to be sloped away from compressor outlet.

4.2 Piping Supports

A. The CONTRACTOR’s scope for supply and installation of pipe supports shall include but not limited to the following.

B. Install pipe supports in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions, recommendations or guidelines. Pipe supports shall be spaced as per pipe manufacturer’s recommendations.

C. Pipe supports shall be attached to the pipe, be bolted, or otherwise attached to the acceptable structural members or free standing supports.

D. All piping shall be rigidly supported and anchored so that there is no movement or visible sagging of pipe between supports.

E. Pipe supports shall be located to prevent excessive deflection and to avoid excessive bending stress.

F. Pipe supports shall be designed to properly support the weight of the pipe, to provide for the necessary thermal expansion and contraction of the pipes and to account for all lateral loads.

G. All pipe supports and anchors shall be stainless steel.

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H. Pipes shall be supported independently at equipment connections in such a manner that the weight of pipe is not supported by the equipment.

I. Size all pipe supports (including hangers) for all anticipated loads (including thermal loads) and conditions. Allow for vertical adjustment of hangers


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Section 4 – Scope of Work: CONTROL FACILITY

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1.1 Section Includes

A. Installation and commissioning of components for the existing Landfill Gas Control Facility including, but not limited to:

1. Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System as described in Section 41 11 53 including:

a. Enclosed flare system including burner(s) and burner chamber, air control, temperature controller, ignition and monitoring systems, and propane pilot supply system.

b. Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System control panel including Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Human-Machine Interface (HMI), programming software, network and communication components, and programming.

c. Blower and associated appurtenances.

d. Process valves including safety shutoff valves, manual shutoff valves, check valves, test fire valves, thermal valve and flame arrester.

e. Process instrumentation including pressure gauges, pressure switches, and pressure transmitters.

f. Condensate removal.

g. Variable frequency drives (VFDs) inside Drive/Control Room.

h. Piping, electrical wiring between components, and support structures.

i. Pilot gas (i.e., propane) supply and control system, including propane tanks, enclosure, piping, and electrically operated safety shutoff valves.

2. Landfill gas analyzer as described in Section 40 91 13.

3. Other electrical equipment as described in Division 26 and 40 specifications.

4. Coordination with CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR as required.

5. Inspection of the existing flare foundation and modifications as necessary based on the new flare design.

6. Offloading, locating, erecting, and anchoring blower and flare.

7. Landfill gas piping between blower and flare, including supports, insulation, valves, flow meter, flame arrestor, and instrumentation.

8. Propane station and pilot gas piping between propane station, pilot gas train, and flare.

9. Flare components including burner tips, pilot igniter, purge air blower, air dampers, flame scanner, and thermocouples.

10. Power wire, signal wire, conduit, etc. between all field wired components and the electrical room including but not limited to flare, blowers, variable frequency drives (VFDs), control panels, junction boxes, instruments and actuators.

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11. Permits, licenses, and approval by and from authorities to install, test, and operate the system.

12. Blower alignment and vibration analysis by experienced technician from CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR approved firm, prior to commissioning.

B. Decommissioning and removal of existing components of the Landfill Gas Control Facility to be replaced by the features noted above.

1.2 References

A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers:

1. ANSI/ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.

2. ANSI/ASME B16.9 - Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Fittings.

3. ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 - Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Inch Series.

4. ANSI/ASME B36.19 - Stainless Steel Pipe.

B. ASTM International:

1. ASTM A53 - Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.

2. ASTM A106 - Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service.

3. ASTM A269 – Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service

4. ASTM B88 - Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube.

5. ASTM E515 – Standard Test Method for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques.

6. ASTM C547 - Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Pipe Insulation.

7. ASTM F714 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter.

8. ASTM C1136 - Standard Specification for Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation.

9. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

C. Canadian Gas Association:

1. CGA 3.11 – Lever Operated Pressure Lubricated Plug Type Gas Shut-Off Valves.

2. CGA 3.16 – Lever Operated Non-Lubricated Gas Shut-Off Valves.

D. Canadian General Standards Board: CGSB 24.3 – Identification of Piping Systems.

E. Canadian Standards Association:

1. CSA B137.3 – Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for Pressure Applications.

2. CSA B137.4 – Polyethylene Piping Systems Fittings for Gas Services.

3. CSA B149.1 – Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.

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4. CSA B149.2 – Propane Storage and Handling Code.

5. CSA B149.3 – Code for the Field Approval of Fuel-Related Components on Appliances and Equipment.

6. CSA B149.6 – Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations.

7. CSA Z662 – Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems.

F. Manufacturers Standardization Society: MSS SP-43 - Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding Fittings Including Reference to Other Corrosion Resistant Materials.

G. National Fire Protection Association:

1. NFPA 255 - Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.

H. Ontario Building Code (OBC).

I. Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC).

J. Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC): Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA).

K. Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications (OPSS).

L. Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA).

1. Technical Standards and Safety Act:

a. O. Reg. 212/01 – Gaseous Fuels.

b. O. Reg. 215/01 – Fuel Industry Certificates.

2. Technical Standards and Safety Authority:

a. TSSA-DLB-2016 – TSSA Digester, Landfill & Biogas Approval Code.

b. TSSA-FA-2016 – TSSA Field Approval Code.

M. Thermal Insulation Association of Canada:

3. TIAC National Insulation Standards.

N. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada:

4. ULC S102 - Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies.

1.3 System Description

A. The existing Landfill Gas Control Facility that has been designed to draw landfill gas from the landfill through a landfill gas header pipe and automatically direct flow to the four enclosed flares via the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System. The Landfill Gas Control Facility is controlled by a PLC that also monitors building functions including HVAC, building ambient gas monitoring, and associated alarms.

B. Refer to Section 43 11 53 for further details on the Landfill Gas Blower and Enclosed Flare System and Section 40 92 20 for Process Control System.

1.4 Progress Submittals

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A. Product Data: Piping and fitting dimensions including test reports and material property sheets.

B. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate special procedures required to install products specified.

C. Tie-in Plan for removal and replacement of the existing piping and equipment including, but not limited to, general health and safety, procedures for lock-out/tag-out from existing Landfill Gas Control Facility components, purging the piping prior to construction, and purging and testing the piping prior to commissioning. Shutdown period to be limited and pending CITY and CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATOR review. Refer to Specification Section 02 41 19.

1.5 Closeout Submittals

A. Record Documents:

1. Indicate actual final location of equipment and interconnecting piping.

2. Prepare as-constructed wiring diagrams to include any changes made during field installation and startup. Provide actual control panel layouts, wiring connections, and wire numbers.

3. Indicate actual locations of controller cabinets and input and output devices connected to system; include interconnection wiring and cabling information, and terminal block layouts in controller cabinets.

4. Indicate that products have been installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Label panels, wires, and circuit breakers with proper tags, nameplates, ID tags, and wire markers as listed in Section 26 05 11.

C. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual: Revise O&M Manual as necessary to reflect all changes during field installation. Include into O&M Manual:

1. Instrument calibration certificates.

2. All inspection reports provided by inspecting agencies.

3. All approvals of the Landfill Gas Collection and Control System.

1.6 Qualifications

A. Installer:

1. Licensed as required by TSSA.

2. Specialist in performing work of this Section, and conduct work in accordance with the standards of TIAC.

1.7 Regulatory Requirements

A. Conform to all applicable regulatory requirements.

B. Safety Requirements: The replaced components of the Landfill Gas Control System shall meet all applicable safety codes, including but not limited to:

1. Occupational Health and Safety Act Standards and Regulations contained in R.S.O. 1990 C.O.1.

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2. CSA B149.6 – Code for Digester Gas and Landfill Gas Installations.

3. All codes and requirements adopted under O. Reg. 212 - Gaseous Fuels, of the Technical Standards and Safety Act.

4. TSSA.

5. Provincial mechanical, gas, electrical, and building codes.


1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of CSA and TSSA requirements as applicable to landfill gas installations.

2. Coordinate approval of Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System with TSSA. Submit applications and supporting information, as necessary, to TSSA for examination and approval prior to procurement of components. Submit applications for variances/deviations from CSA or TSSA requirements only after discussing with CITY and CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Typical applications are as follows:

a. Application for Approval of Digester Gas, Bio-Gas, and Landfill Gas Installations.

b. Application for Field Approval of Appliances or Equipment.

c. Field Approval Submission Summary.

d. Application for a Variance/Deviation.

3. Supply the necessary number of drawings and documents as required by TSSA applications, including at a minimum:

a. Bill of materials.

b. Engineering drawings, including process diagrams, mechanical layouts presenting complete system and all subcomponents, electrical drawings, and design calculations.

c. List of appliances burning fuel.

d. Specifications for valves, controls, gas pipes and components, including sequence of operation/system control narrative.

e. Any other supporting documents.

4. Provide CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR with copies of all correspondence with TSSA.

5. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of all required modifications prior to implementing changes.

6. Request field inspection(s) upon completion of installation and system acceptance by ESA.

7. Pay all associated fees.

8. CSA and TSSA requirements take precedence over equipment and materials specified in this document.

1.8 Pre-Installation Meeting

A. Convene a pre-installation meeting at the Site prior to commencing work in this Section.

B. Require attendance of parties directly affecting, or affected by, work of the specific Section.

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C. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR, in writing, seven (7) Days in advance of meeting date.

D. Prepare agenda and preside at meeting.

1. Review conditions of installation, preparation, and installation procedures.

2. Review coordination with related work.

E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR will record minutes and distribute copies to participants and those affected by decisions made.

F. Identify errors in the minutes, if any, to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR in writing within three (3) Days of receipt.

G. Convene 1 week prior to commencing work of this Section.

1.9 Delivery, Storage, And Handling

A. Coordinate delivery and receipt of Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System components.

B. Accept blower, enclosed drum, and all associated appurtenances in factory containers. Inspect for damage with CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR. Off load blower, enclosed drum, and all associated appurtenances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Blower, enclosed drum, flare control panel, instrumentation, valves, and all associated appurtenances will be delivered to the Site shipped loose for field installation.

D. Enclosed drum will be delivered to the Site in a pre-assembled unit. Ensure drum is handled in such a manner as not to damage or disturb refractory system.

E. Store equipment and materials as recommended by Supplier and in clean, dry area.

1.10 Sequencing and Scheduling

A. Do not insulate untested equipment of piping systems.

B. Do not insulate welded piping systems until dye penetrant, magnetic particle, or other testing has been completed as required.

1.11 Manufacturer’s Warranty

A. Provide 3-year manufacturer’s warranty for insulation products specified in this Section.

1.12 System Startup And Commissioning

A. Refer also to Section 43 11 53 and Section 40 92 20.


2.1 Pipe And Pipe Fittings

A. Stainless Steel Pipe and Pipe Fittings (Not Buried):

1. Pipe: Type 316L stainless steel, minimum Schedule 10S, to ANSI/ASME B36.19M.

2. Flanges: Type 316L stainless steel slip-on, lap-joint or welding-neck type, 150-pound flat faced to ANSI/ASME B16.5.

3. Fittings: Type 316L stainless steel, Schedule to match pipe, IPS butt-welding type conforming to ANSI/ASME B16.9

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4. Gaskets: Neoprene, full faced, minimum 3.17 mm thick, with a hardness of not less than 40 measured on a Shore durometer "A" scale.

5. Bolting: Type 304, stainless steel hexagon-type bolts to ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 with equivalent grade nuts and washers. A suitable anti galling compound will be applied to the mating threads of the bolts and nuts.

B. Pipe Supports and Hangers:

1. Unistrut and unistrut pipe clamps for small diameter lines where approved by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

2. Stands: Fabricated steel.

3. Frame accessories: Anchor rods for securing to concrete.

4. Provide dielectric insulation on pipe hangers and supports to prevent electrolysis between dissimilar materials throughout.

5. Support safety shut-off valves and actuators as deemed necessary to prevent movement during operations in addition to pipe supports as identified on Drawings.

C. Pipe Insulation and heat tracing:

1. General:

a. Fire Hazard Ratings for Insulation Systems: Maximum flame spread rating of 25, fuel contributed rating of 50, and maximum smoke developed rating of 50 in accordance with NFPA 255, ASTM E84, and ULC S102 for components of insulation systems.

b. Minus 40 degrees C starting temperature, plus 5 degrees C operating temperature.

c. Do not insulate untested equipment or piping systems.

2. Insulation for piping:

a. Insulation shall be fibreglass, 50 mm (2-inch) thick SSL-11. Manufacturers: Johns-Manville or equivalent. Minimum acceptable thickness is 25 mm. factory installed pressure sensitive adhesive, separate by release strap, to be removed prior to installation.

3. Insulation for valves and devices:

a. Valves and devices shall be jacketed with pre-formed custom Velcro® removable insulation covers. Jackets to be waterproof and suitable for service temperatures identified for pipe insulation.

4. Stainless Steel Jacketing:

a. Aluminum, minimum 0.4 mm thick.

b. Finish: Smooth.

c. Minimum Service Temperature: Minus 20 degrees C.

d. Maximum Service Temperature: 65 degrees C.

e. Moisture Vapour Transmission: All jacketing shall have an integriy bonded moisture retarder over the surface in contact with the insulation.

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f. Banding: Aluminum strapping and seals.

5. Heat tracing

a. Install in accordance with Specification Section 40 41 00.

b. Install on exterior landfill gas piping, valves, and devices; one-pass winding wrapped at maximum 150 mm vertical spacing (held with aluminum tape).

c. Refer to Drawings for power connection requirements.

2.2 Propane Pilot Supply System

A. Pipe and Pipe Fittings:

1. Piping: Carbon Steel to ASTM A106 GR B or ASTM A53 GR B.

a. Piping Less Than 20 mm: Schedule 80.

b. Piping 20 mm and Larger: Schedule 40.

c. Fittings: 3000# forged steel.

d. Finish:

1) Surface Preparation: SSPC SP 6.

2) Prime Coat: Tnemec Series 27, dry film thickness 3 to 5 mils.

3) Finish Coat: Tnemec Series 73, dry film thickness, 3 to 5 mils.

4) Color: Yellow.

B. Valves: Manual isolation valves as shown, CGA approved.

C. Installation to comply with the requirements of CSA B149.1 and CSA B149.2, including venting requirements and two-stage regulation (UL certified regulators or approved equivalent).

D. Flare System Supplier shall specify required piping size.

E. Propane piping to be supported in accordance with spacing specified in CSA B149.1. Install additional pipe supports as necessary.

2.3 Flow Meter

A. Accessories:

1. "Hot Tap" type, stainless steel, pressure-restraining assembly, allowing for removal/reinsertion of flow element without shutting down the process. Include locking collar, packing gland, full port threaded isolation ball valve, pipe, fittings, etc. The probe assembly must have a safety interference fit with the packing gland assembly.

2. Mounting Hardware: Where applicable provide mounting bracket as required to mount to pipe.

3. Identification tagging/engraving.

2.4 Seal Around Pipe Penetration Through Blower Room Wall

A. Pipe Boot/Cladding Transition (size to suit opening in wall): DekTite® original round EPDM grey flasher or approved equivalent.

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B. Caulking: Sika Canada Sikaflex 1A, BASF MasterSeal NP, Tremco Dymonic, or approved equivalent.

C. Header Pipe Wrapping: Denso Tape or approved equivalent meeting the requirements of CSA B149.6.

2.5 Condensate Drip Trap

A. Automatic Drip Trap: Shand & Jurs 97110-22

B. Materials: 316 stainless steel


3.1 Preparation

A. Arrange inspection of existing foundation and anchorage system by a licensed engineer in the Province of Ontario. New flare to be anchored to existing flare foundation (300 mm reinforced concrete slab on grade) as required, and as approved by a licensed engineer in the Province of Ontario.

B. Inspect general condition of the Site prior to confirming delivery schedule of the flare.

C. Inspect existing Landfill Gas Control Plant piping to ensure suitability of installing new equipment and piping.

D. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a minimum of three (3) Days prior to scheduled delivery of flare.

E. Insulation: Pressure testing of piping systems and adjacent equipment to be complete, witnessed, and certified prior to insulation. Surfaces to be clean, dry, free from foreign material.

3.2 Installation - General

A. Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, final Shop Drawings, Drawings, applicable standards, and under supervision of manufacturer's representative as required.

3.3 Flare Installation

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Provide temporary support for flare stack as may be required until the anchorage system has been inspected by CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

C. Provide two cranes sufficient to lift the flare unit and position in place on the foundation. Do not allow flare to support its weight in any position other than vertical on the foundation (as designed) or horizontal on the truck (as braced).

D. Install and connect all flare accessories including dampers, motors, valves, igniters, thermocouples, flame scanners, sight glass, flame arrestor, installation, and include all mounting, wiring runs, conduit runs, and support.

3.4 Blower Installation

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

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B. Wire motor temperature and bearings temperature sensors and power cable to motor VFD and PLC located in the Flare System Control Panel.

C. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR three (3) Days (72 hours) prior to quality control testing.

D. Perform standard witnessed performance test of the blower by taking readings at a minimum of 5 capacity points including 1 of the duty point. Tests shall extend from surge to 120 percent of design volume.

E. Provide witnessed tests on all blower assemblies. Ensure satisfactory performance to manufacturer's standards is achieved in the following areas:

1. Blower rated capacity and head.

2. Motor supply voltage and current in all phases.

3. Bearings temperature.

4. E-stops.

F. Submit a certified performance report to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

G. Submit copy of performance data to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR.

H. Ensure all gaskets and seals are seated properly and there is no detectable evidence of landfill gas leaking at any of the mechanical connections to the blower or blower housing.

I. Supplier shall conduct subsequent inspection and field tests at the following intervals from the start of the warranty period: at 5 months, 11 months.

J. Submit follow-up report to inspection and field tests comparing current blower status to previous results within thirty (30) Days of inspection and field test.

3.5 Control System Installation

A. Connect input and output devices to PLC in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as shown on the Drawings.

3.6 Instrumentation Installation

A. Install instruments in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and Section 40 91 00.

B. Thermal Mass Flow Meters: Install flow meter in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Install flow meter in a manner to avoid undue stressing of the connected piping. Install flow meter upright, not inverted. Verify "Hot Tap" assembly operation. Check for proper seal. Install flow meter operators for proper operation, and for proper operability from regular operation grade level.

C. Install pressure transmitters. Verify manifold valves operation. Verify operation.

3.7 Software Commissioning

A. CONTRACTOR shall provide assistance to Flare System Supplier during software commissioning and startup related to any equipment supplied by Flare System Supplier. Flare System Supplier assistance shall confirm integrity and functional operation associated with wiring, equipment, and software provided by Flare System Supplier.

B. Assist with operational testing on the Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System.

C. Ensure that identified deficiencies are corrected without undue delay.

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3.8 Piping Installation

A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Clean internal and external threads before applying sealant and assembling threaded piping.

C. Clean flange faces for proper seating of flange gasket.

D. Up-end pipe before installation and clear of scale. Internally clean pipe before installation. Clean screwed joints with solvent before applying sealant to the threads. Externally clean piping after installation.

E. Install flanges at all items of equipment to facilitate dismantling for repair or inspection.

F. Pitch landfill gas lines 2 percent back to moisture separation chamber upstream of blowers, 2 percent towards flare downstream of blowers, 2 percent on pipe leg to flare sloping away from flare, and 2 percent on pipe from blowers and flare towards automatic drip trap.

G. Provide non-conducting dielectric connections wherever jointing dissimilar metals.

H. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain gradient.

I. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment.

J. Provide clearance for installation of insulation and access to valves and fittings.

K. Identify and mark all above and below ground landfill gas piping in accordance with CAN/CGSB24.3 and CSA B149.6. Transfer markings to insulation aluminum jacket every linear 3 m.

L. Provide pipe spools with flanges for interior pipe inspections for each straight run of pipe.

M. Clean any pipe that is to be reused.

N. Minimum slope of 2 percent in the direction of gas flow.

3.9 Flanged Joints

A. Tighten flange bolts so that gasket is uniformly compressed and sealed.

B. Do not distort flanges.

C. Leave flange bolts projecting no more than 12 mm or no less than 6 mm.

D. Bolts must be no more than 3 mm less than the diameter of the hole.

3.10 Welded Joints

A. Shop fabricate welded joints to the maximum extent possible.

B. Field welding to be performed by certified welders. Pipe fitting personnel are to be certified in accordance with TSSA requirements.

C. Provide welder's certificates for field welding of stainless steel piping.

3.11 Supports And Hangers

A. Gas piping to and from blowers shall be supported from floor/concrete pads. Utilize on-site pipe supports to the extent possible. Construct concrete pedestals to support piping as required.

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B. Do not use bolts of pipe flanges, equipment for anchoring pipe supports. Provide for the movement of piping due to expansion and contraction and support the weight of pipe, fittings, contents, and resist forces required to operate valves. Adequately support piping systems to prevent strain on valves, fittings, and equipment.

C. Support pipes within 300 mm of an elbow or tee.

D. Prepare unfinished pipe, fittings, supports, and accessories ready for finish painting.

3.12 Valves Installation And Erection

A. Install and erect valves in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

B. Install and erect valves in a manner to avoid undue stressing of the connected piping.

C. Install and erect valve operators for proper operation of valves, and for proper operability from regular operation grade level.

D. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted.

3.13 Sealing Gap Around Pipe Penetration Through Blower Room Wall

A. Wrap header pipe with Denso Tape to protect from direct contact with the wall without restraining longitudinal movement in accordance with CSA B149.6.

B. Seal installed pipe and plate with approved caulking material based on a ULC FTH rating.

C. Pipe Boot/Cladding Transition:

1. Cut pipe boot as required for tight fit around pipe to building wall.

2. Install pipe boot tightly around pipe and attached to exterior building wall.

3.14 Field Quality Control

A. Clean pipe and pipe fittings thoroughly.

B. Notify CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR three (3) Days prior to initial startup of Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System to permit time to open and adjust the control valves for the individual gas extraction wells.

C. Provide CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR a minimum 1-week period of operation during which the system of gas extraction wells will be balanced by CITY's personnel.

D. Demonstrate operation of the Landfill Gas Blower and Flare System with Flare System Supplier, including propane pilot, temperature air control, and valve control.

E. Perform operational testing on control systems to verify proper operation and field wiring connections.

F. Pneumatic Testing: Test all landfill gas lines on positive pressure side of system with air to 20 kPa (2.9 psi) in accordance with CSA B149.6 20.1. Perform leak detection in accordance with ASTM E515. Purging shall conform to CAN/CGA B149.6 (18.4.3).

G. Perform functional, pressure, and performance testing in accordance with Section 43 11 53.

H. Demonstrate that the various safety systems are functioning properly.

I. If field trial is aborted due to equipment malfunctions, correct problem and restart field test from beginning.

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3.15 Manufacturer's Field Services

A. Arrange with Flare System Supplier to provide on-Site factory-trained representatives for testing, training, and startup as specified in Section 43 11 53.

3.16 Adjusting

A. Comply with Section 43 11 53.

3.17 Demonstration

A. Comply with Section 43 11 53.

B. Demonstrate operation and programming of PLC.


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Section 5 – Supplementary Conditions to CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

The CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract constitutes the General Conditions of Contract. The terms and conditions of the CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract are modified by the

City of Toronto's Supplementary Conditions to CCDC 2-2008 Stipulated Price Contract "Supplementary Conditions"), attached here as Section 5.

CCDC 2-2008 is published by the Canadian Construction Documents Committee ("CCDC") and

is available for purchase at:

The Successful Bidder shall acquire the necessary copyright seal from CCDC and affix the seal on the cover page of CCDC 2 at the time it executes the CCDC 2 form of agreement.




June 2014

(Attached Separately)

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Table of Contents Page No. 5A – 1. Specification Reference Numbers ...................................................................................... 2

2. Emergency During Construction ......................................................................................... 2

3. Certificate of Recognition (COR™) requirement ................................................................. 2

4. Workplace Safety And Insurance Act ................................................................................. 2

5. Occupational Health And Safety Act ................................................................................... 2

6. Workforce Development Plan ............................................................................................. 7

7. Organization Of Work And Work Restrictions ..................................................................... 7

8. Other Contractors ............................................................................................................... 8

9. Contractor's Liability ........................................................................................................... 8

10. Pre-Construction Survey And Layout .................................................................................. 8

11. Disposal Of Surplus Excavated Material And Removals ..................................................... 9

12. Smog Alert Response Plans ............................................................................................... 9

13. Security .............................................................................................................................10

14. Material And Truck Weighing .............................................................................................10

15. Noise Regulations .............................................................................................................11

16. Fair Wage And Labour Trades Policy ................................................................................11

17. Liquidated Damages .........................................................................................................11

18. Spills Reporting .................................................................................................................12

19. Taxes ................................................................................................................................12

20. Insurance ..........................................................................................................................12

21. Service Standards for Contractors in Responding to Third Party Claims ...........................13

22. Contract Documents ..........................................................................................................14

23. Order of Precedence .........................................................................................................14

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

1. Specification Reference Numbers

All index and reference numbers in the Tender Submission Package, Plans and/or Specifications, or Index are given for the convenience of the Contractor and as such must be taken only as a general guide to the items referred to. It must not be assumed that such numbering is the only reference to each item, but the Contract as a whole must be fully read in detail for each item.

2. Emergency During Construction

The Contractor is requested to furnish the phone number and name of a representative who can be contacted on a 24 hour basis in case of emergency during construction, upon request by the Consultant after the award of the Contract. Those nominated shall have a cellular phone and/or pager to ensure that potential contact with them can be sustained over 24 hours, seven days a week throughout the duration of the Contract.

3. Certificate of Recognition (COR™) requirement

Where required in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall possess and maintain a valid Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent OHS Certification satisfactory to the City (in the City's sole discretion) at all times for the duration of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide the Consultant or Contract Administrator with a new Certificate of Recognition (COR™) or Equivalent OHS Certification immediately upon the expiry of the previous Certificate of Recognition or Equivalent OHS Certification or otherwise upon demand by the Consultant or Contract Administrator.

4. Workplace Safety And Insurance Act

Before commencing Work the Contractor shall provide the City with a valid clearance certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB), and shall continue to provide valid clearance certificates from the WSIB for the duration of the Contract. Prior to the release of final monies owing by the City of Toronto, the Contractor will be required to produce a certificate issued by the Board to the effect that it has paid in full their assessment based on a true statement of the amount of payrolls. If such a certificate cannot be provided because the Contractor is considered by WSIB to be an independent operator without coverage, a letter to this effect from the WSIB shall be provided by the Contractor.

5. Occupational Health And Safety Act

5.1. Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed as making the City the "employer" of any workers employed or engaged by the Contractor to perform the Work and/or supply services to the project, including any part thereof, or the "constructor", either instead of or jointly with the Contractor. “Employer” and “constructor” shall have the same meaning as in section 1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.1, as amended from time to time, including any regulations thereunder and successor legislation (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “OHSA”).

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5.2. Unless specifically advised otherwise in writing by the Consultant or otherwise directed by the Ministry of Labour, where the Work consists of or includes construction, the Contractor shall for the purposes of the OHSA be deemed, construed and designated as the "constructor" for the project comprising the Work and shall

(a) assume all of the responsibilities of that constructor as set out in the OHSA

and its regulations including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, (i) registration as a constructor with the Director of the Construction

Health and Safety Branch in accordance with the OHSA and, in particular section 5 of Regulation 213/91 or any successor provision;

(ii) posting/compliance with any applicable notice-filing and notice-posting/availability requirements of the OHSA and, in particular section 6 of Regulation 213/91 under or any successor provision;

(b) provide the City with adequate written proof of the registration referred to in subsection (a) (i) of this section before commencing the Work; and

(c) where the notice requirements referred to in subsection (a) (ii) of this section are applicable, provide a copy of such notice to the City concurrently with the filing thereof pursuant to the OHSA.

5.3. In accordance with the OHSA, as amended, a list of designated substances found at the project site is appended to hereto under Section 4 – Scope of Work and forms part of this Contract.

5.4. The Contractor shall ensure that each prospective subcontractor engaged by the Contractor for the project has received a copy of the list of designated substances that are present at the site, provided to the Contractor by the City, before each prospective subcontractor enters into a binding contract for the supply of Work on the project, and the Contractor shall perform all other obligations as the constructor under the Contract and for the project.

5.5. The Contractor shall conform to and enforce strict compliance with the OHSA including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor's duties and obligations as an "employer" under section 25 and 26 thereof, and OHSA regulations with respect to construction, designated substances and asbestos. “Designated substance” and “hazardous material” shall have the same meaning as in the OHSA.

5.6. The Contractor shall:

(a) ensure that no work will commence, and that those engaged by the

Contractor are aware of and comply with the requirements of the OHSA and shall not commence work, without first reporting their arrival and intent at the Work site on the first day to the Consultant;

(b) establish and maintain at each Work site, in a manner easily available to all workers, other staff and authorized City staff, a copy of all relevant Safety Data Sheets (“SDS”);

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(c) deliver to the Consultant a list of all designated substances and a copy of the SDS for each hazardous material, both as defined in the OHSA, that will be brought to the Project site and/or used in the performance of the Work, no later than Five (5) working days following execution of the Contract and at least Ten (10) working days prior to commencement of the Work;

(d) not bring onto the Work site any designated substance or hazardous material without the prior written authorization of the Consultant;

(e) strictly conform to and comply with, all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, orders, directives and rulings from any federal, provincial or municipal governmental authority pertaining to lead and any other designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s), including without limitation, the OHSA and all regulations thereunder, and also cause its subcontractors to do so;

(f) submit to the Consultant a copy of the Notice of Project issued to the Ministry of Labour;

(g) should the Contractor be issued a notice/directive as either an "order to comply" or a "stop work order", immediate corrective measures shall be taken by the Contractor. A copy of the notice/directive shall be delivered to the Consultant immediately.

(h) promptly report to the Consultant all accidents involving personal injury or property damage that occur in connection with the work; and

(i) take all steps necessary to prevent the spread of lead-containing dust/particles and any other designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) from the Work site when performing Work involving, but not limited to, lead-containing paint, and to protect the Contractor, those engaged by the Contractor in performance of the Work, City employees and all others, including the general public, likely to be at or near the Work site.

5.7. Where the Work includes removal of asbestos, the Contractor shall:

(a) conform to and enforce strict compliance with all applicable laws, statutes,

regulations, orders, directives and rulings from any federal, provincial or municipal governmental authority governing workplace safety or asbestos on construction projects and in building and repair operations with respect to the removal of asbestos, air testing and removal of barriers, including without limitation, OHSA Reg. 278/05 (Designated Substance --- Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repairs Operations), hereinafter referred to as the “Asbestos Regulation”, as may be amended from time to time;

(b) ensure, through appropriate air testing and such other measures as may be appropriate and necessary, that the Work site and adjacent areas not been contaminated with asbestos during the performance of the Work; and

(c) prior to dismantling any barriers erected to contain asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, the Contractor shall provide written confirmation to the Consultant that, after conducting proper air testing and other due diligence measures, the area is safe in accordance with the requirements of the OHSA.

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

5.8. Asbestos

5.8.1. If, during the course of the Work, the Contractor or any of the subcontractors or suppliers engaged by the Contractor, disturb material that is believed to be asbestos containing material, separate and apart from asbestos abatement work forming part of the Contract, the Contractor shall act in strict compliance with the OHSA, including but not limited to the Asbestos Regulation, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall:

(a) Stop work and evacuate the area where the asbestos containing

material is believed to have been disturbed and take all precautions or actions mandated by the OHSA and notify the City immediately;

(b) Notify the Consultant via telephone, with written notification to follow as soon as possible; and

(c) Refrain from entering the work area for any reason whatsoever until safe to do so, in accordance with the requirements of the OHSA and, prior to re-entry, notify the Consultant for approval to recommence Work.

5.8.2. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees, including the employees of any subcontractors, are trained on the City’s asbestos management program (the “Program”) prior to the commencement of the work. The training will include the specific requirements of the Program and the record containing the City’s inventory report, including,

(a) the location of all asbestos containing material described in the record

for the work location, including drawings, plans and specifications; (b) whether the material is friable or non-friable; (c) a description of the condition of the material.

5.8.3. Prior to the commencement of the Work, the Contractor shall confirm to the City in writing that the training described in section 4.8.2 has been completed.

5.8.4. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees, including the employees of any subcontractors, are trained on the City’s asbestos report prepared in accordance with section 10 of the Asbestos Regulation. The training shall include the specific requirements of the report including,

(a) the location of all asbestos containing material described in the record

for the work location, including drawings, plans and specifications; (b) whether the material is friable or non-friable; (c) a description of the condition of the material.

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

5.8.5. Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor shall confirm to the City in writing that the training described in paragraph 4.8.4 has been completed.

5.9. The Contractor shall use all reasonable and due care to avoid spilling or disturbing any designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) of which the City notifies the Contractor are or may be on the site; and shall not remove or interfere with any designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) except in full compliance with the OHSA and, after notifying the Consultant, being authorized to do so by the Consultant. The Contractor shall, following discovery that any designated substance or hazardous material has been removed or interfered with other than in compliance with this subsection, forthwith report same to the Consultant and ensure that no further such non-complying removal or interference occurs.

5.10. Where the Contractor encounters designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) at the site or has reasonable grounds to believe that designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) are or may be present at the site, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps as deemed necessary to comply with the OHSA, including stopping the Work, to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness, or death and that no property is injured or destroyed as a result of exposure to or the presence of such substance(s) or material(s), and immediately report the circumstances to the Consultant and any other appropriate authority, in writing. Where there is a delay by reason of so doing, the Contractor shall be entitled to its reasonable costs, to the extent directly incurred by reason of that delay and directly related to designated substance(s) or hazardous material(s) which existed at the site prior to the commencement of the Work which were not disclosed by the City.

5.11. Authorized representatives of the City shall, at all times, have access to the Work site to monitor the Contractor’s compliance with the terms of the Contract.

5.12. During the course of the Work, the Contractor shall furnish forthwith to the City of Toronto Health and Safety Manager, via the Consultant, a copy of all correspondence, reports, compliance orders or charges arising from or issued in respect to the requirements of the OHSA which are received or which come to the notice of the Contractor that apply or are relevant to any of the Work or activities conducted under the terms of the Contract.

5.13. Without limiting any other right, remedy or privilege of the City under this Contract or otherwise provided by law, statute or in equity, where the Contractor has failed to strictly comply with the OHSA or any other health and safety duty, obligation or requirement of the Contractor, whether express or implied, the City shall have the right to:

(a) Require the Contractor to remedy such default, by the removal of any

workers from the Work that fail to comply with the OHSA (or any other health and safety plan, policy or program requirement of the Contract) or the taking of such other measures as may be necessary to remedy such default;

(b) Suspend or Stop the Work;

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(c) Cancel or Terminate the Contract; and/or (d) Exercise any other right, remedy or privilege available to the City for default

or breach of this Contract available under the terms of this Contract, or may be available in law, by statute or in equity.

5.14. In the event that the City exercises the right to suspend or stop the Work or an affected part thereof, as a result of the failure by the Contractor to strictly comply with the OHSA or any other health and safety duty, obligation or requirement of the Contractor, such Work or part thereof shall not resume until any such violation has been completely rectified to the satisfaction of the Consultant.

5.15. The Contractor shall be responsible for any delay in the progress of the Work as a result of any violation of a health and safety requirements of any federal, provincial or municipal governmental authority, it being understood that no such delay shall be deemed or construed as an "Unavoidable Delay" for the purposes of extending the time for performance for the Work or entitling the Contractor to additional compensation whatsoever, and the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to avoid delay in the final completion of the Work without additional cost to the City. The City shall not be responsible for any compensation, expense or liability resulting from any such delay.

5.16. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as requiring the City to monitor or approve the workplace health and safety practices of the Contractor. The City shall not be liable to any person by reason of a breach by the Contractor or any subcontractor of any applicable health and safety standard or requirement.

6. Workforce Development Plan

Where required in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall implement and document the Workforce Development Plan described in section 2-5 to the satisfaction of the City (in its sole discretion).

7. Organization Of Work And Work Restrictions

Before work commences, the Contractor shall expedite the ordering and delivery of all materials and equipment required, and shall co-ordinate the sequence of the work stages. No claim shall be allowed for delays and/or additional expense resulting from failure to order and accept the delivery of materials from suppliers in a timely manner and subsequent failure to maintain the contract schedule. It is the Contractor's responsibility to implement all required measures (e.g. fences, enclosures, etc.) in order to strictly control the pedestrian traffic in the construction area and to prevent any pedestrian approaching into the areas of construction hazard, or any other dangerous area. The Contractor shall be attentive to the needs of pedestrians that are visually or physically impaired, and the Contractor must be prepared at all times to assist in the safe and comfortable passage of these pedestrians.

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The Contractor shall note that a number of existing utilities and services are located below the area of reconstruction and others in the near vicinity. The Contractor shall examine the site to identify potential problems associated with the accessibility, transportability and constructability of their proposed methods.

8. Other Contractors

The Contractor is advised that existing utility relocation and other work, survey, testing, sampling and quality control estimates may take place within the construction limits prior to and possibly during the work to facilitate the new construction. The Contractor shall co-ordinate its activities with those of any particular utility, testing companies, City crew and other contractor working within the project construction limits at a particular work location in order that all work can take place expeditiously and without conflict. There shall be no consideration for additional payment to the Contractor related to work activity co-ordination as described above.

9. Contractor's Liability

The Contractor will be held responsible by the City of Toronto for damages caused by the Contractor's work to utilities, properties, structures near to or in the general area of the Work, through the Contractor's or its sub-contractor's intentional or negligent action or omission, or through settlement of ground, vibration or shock etc., resulting from causes relating to the Work performed under the Contract. Additionally, the Contractor will be required to make good all damage at its expense and to the satisfaction of the Consultant.

10. Pre-Construction Survey And Layout

10.1. Pre-Construction Survey

The City shall perform a pre-construction survey to identify property bars, and to establish baselines and benchmarks necessary for the delineation of Working Area and layout of the Works. Notwithstanding, the City may request the Contractor to perform the pre-construction survey. In which case, compensation for the service shall be determined on a time and materials basis in accordance with GC 6.2.4.

10.2. Layout

The City shall perform the layout of the Works in this Contract. Notwithstanding, the City may request the Contractor to perform the Layout of the Works. In which case, compensation for the service shall be determined on a time and materials basis in accordance with GC 6.2.4.

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

11. Disposal Of Surplus Excavated Material And Removals

All surplus excavated materials, removals, grindings and all other debris, including that from sewer flushing and catch basin cleaning, shall be disposed of, off site. No separate payment shall be made for the costs associated with this work. The City of Toronto will not make arrangements for the disposal of surplus materials or supply bills of lading. The Contractor shall assume full ownership of the surplus excavated material and shall be solely responsible for its removal and disposal. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and each of its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims, demands, actions, suits or proceeding which may arise in connection with the excavated material and the handling and disposal thereof. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract. Stockpiling of excavated material within the City street allowance is not permitted. The Contractor shall dispose of all excavated material off site immediately upon removal. No additional payment will be made for costs incurred as a result of this requirement.

12. Smog Alert Response Plans

The Contractor, when notified by the Consultant that the City’s Smog Alert Response Plan has been implemented, shall, where applicable:

suspend use of oil based products except for roadway line painting required to address safety concerns or to reduce traffic congestion;

suspend all pesticide spraying;

suspend grass cutting operations;

not allow refuelling during daytime hours;

not permit equipment and vehicle idling;

curtail the use of two-stroke engines as much as practical;

suspend normal street sweeping of all roadways during daytime hours except where there is an urgent need for clean-up, i.e. following a special event such as Caribana;

suspend the operation of loop cutting tar pots; and

suspend any non-essential planned traffic control device installation or modification work which will require lane closures or require complete deactivation of the traffic control device. Work that is required to address safety concerns or to reduce traffic congestion may continue.

Asphalt paving operations using SS-1 tack coat (water based) may continue. A Smog Alert may be preceded by a Smog Watch. A Smog Watch is issued when there is a 50 percent chance that a smog day is coming within the next three (3) days. The

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Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment or extension of Contract Time due to the implementation of the Smog Alert Response Plans. Notwithstanding the above, if it is necessary and the Consultant ordered the suspension of paving operations, payment and/or extension of the Contract for the suspension of asphalt paving operations shall only be made if notification by the Executive Director or General Manager to suspend work is made in less than four hours prior to starting of such operations, and if such suspension has detrimentally impacted on the Contractor's work schedule. The Contractor shall provide supporting documentation identifying the impact and associated fair and reasonable costs and any delay in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract Part 6. Payment for this work, at actual costs incurred, shall be made under the appropriate provisional item(s) identified in the Pricing Form and in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract 6.2.4 Payment on a Time and Material Basis with the exception of any mark ups.

13. Security

The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the work of this Contract from the time the job site is turned over to him until all work has been completed. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the construction site does not pose a hazard to the public for the duration of the project. Appropriate safety and warning signs must be posted. All such site security measures shall be removed from the site at the completion of the project. The Contractor shall supply a Capital Improvement/Project Information Sign that shall be posted in a prominent area. The specifications for the sign can be found at under Construction Information Sign Specifications. No additional separate payment will be made for such work and provisions.

14. Material And Truck Weighing

The City reserves the right to randomly verify the quantity of materials supplied in connection with this Contract. Prior to unloading of materials that are priced on a unit weight basis (“unit weight materials”), the weight tickets must be provided to the Consultant (or in their absence, the City’s inspector). Material weight tickets that are not provided to the Consultant or the City’s inspector prior to unloading will not be accepted later for payment. When directed by the Consultant or the City’s inspector, trucks carrying unit weight materials shall proceed immediately to a City’s weighing facility as specified by the Contractor Administrator or the inspector. After passing through the City’s weight scale and unloading the materials, the empty truck shall return to the same facility to verify the vehicle tare if so directed by the Consultant or the City’s inspector.

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Should the weight verification show that the verified weight of the material is less than what is shown on the Contractor’s weight ticket by more than 1.0%, the payment for the affected load shall be made based on the weight measured by the City’s weighing facility. City staff will also adjust the method of measurement for all following loads that are not weight-verified but have been delivered to the site before a new weight verification process can prove the Contractor had rectified the weight inconsistency. The weight of the following loads will be adjusted based on an adjustment factor determined from the most recently weight-verified load The City will not compensate contractors for any cost associated with the weight verification process.

15. Noise Regulations

The Contractor shall comply with all City noise bylaws. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure the following:

Equipment shall be maintained in an operating condition that prevents unnecessary noise, including but not limited to proper muffler systems, properly secured components and the lubrication of all moving parts; and

Idling of equipment shall be restricted to the minimum necessary for the proper performance of the specified work.

16. Fair Wage And Labour Trades Policy

The Contractor and all associated subcontractors, shall be subject to the City's Fair Wage Policy and Labour Trades Obligations, as adopted by the City from time to time, and any of the City's or legislated labour trades requirements. Failure to comply with this policy and/or these requirements, may lead to termination of the Contract, or termination or rejection of a subcontractor, as the case may be, with no recourse by the Contractor in respect of such termination or rejection. The Fair Wage Schedule that is applicable to this Contract is set out in Section 2 – Information for Bidders – of this Tender Call.

17. Liquidated Damages

The Contractor recognizes and agrees that the City will suffer financial loss if Substantial Performance of the Contract is not attained within the time specified in this Contract. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving the actual loss suffered by the City if Substantial Performance of the Contract is not attained on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, the Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) the Contractor shall pay to the City the sum of $2,500.00 (Two Thousand Five Hundred) per day as liquidated damages for each and every calendar day’s delay from the specified time for the attainment of Substantial Performance of the Contract until Substantial Performance of the Contract is attained, and it is further expressly acknowledged and agreed by the Contractor that:

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(a) this amount is a reasonable estimate of the actual damage that will be incurred by the City due to any failure to attain Substantial Performance of the Contract within the time required by this Contract;

(b) the City may deduct the amount due under this section from any monies that may be due or payable to the Contractor, whether under this Contract or any other agreement; and,

(c) the liquidated damages provided for in this section shall be without prejudice to any other remedy to which the City is entitled at law or in equity.

18. Spills Reporting

Spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants under the control of the Contractor, and spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants that are a result of the Contractor's operations that cause or are likely to cause adverse effects shall forthwith be reported to the Consultant. Spills or discharges and their adverse effects shall be as defined in the Environmental Protection Act R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, as may be amended. All spills or discharges of liquid, other than accumulated rain water, from luminaries, internally illuminated signs, lamps, and liquid type transformers under the control of the Contractor, and all spills or discharges from this equipment that are a result of the Contractor's operations shall, unless otherwise indicated in the Contract, be assumed to contain PCBs and shall forthwith be reported to the Consultant. This reporting will not relieve the Contractor of its legislated responsibilities regarding such spills or discharges.

19. Taxes

Harmonized Sale Tax (HST) is to be applied to the prices submitted as specified in the relevant sections of the call document or in the Price Schedule provided in the call. HST for the supply and delivery of materials/goods is to be shown as additional/separate line items on the Price Schedule and any subsequent invoices.

20. Insurance

This clause is supplementary to 3.36 (paragraph 11.1 Insurance) of the Supplementary

Conditions in Section 5. The limit of Commercial Liability Insurance is $5,000,000 as specified in paragraph


The limit of Automobile Liability Insurance is $5,000,000 as specified in paragraph 11.1.5

Contractor's Pollution Insurance is $2,000,000 as specified in paragraph 11.1.6.

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21. Service Standards for Contractors in Responding to Third Party Claims

1. Without limiting the obligations of the Contractor under section 2, the Contractor, or the Contractor's insurer, shall:

(a) respond to all third party claimants in a timely manner, (b) ensure that third party claimants are provided with accurate information about

the status of their claim, and (c) where appropriate, notify third party claimants of the relevant activity on their

claims and provide them with information.

2. (1) If the Contractor receives notice of a third party claim from a claimant relating to or arising out of the Contract, the Contractor shall immediately forward the notice of claim to the City Clerk's office at [email protected].

(2) Once the Contractor receives notice of a third party claim from the City's

adjuster, relating to or arising out of the Contract, the Contractor, or the Contractor's insurer, shall:

(a) within 5 Working Days of receiving notice of the claim, send a letter to the

claimant acknowledging receipt of the claim and provide the claimant with the contact information of the Contractor's Superintendent, or another person representing the Contractor, to whom the claimant can refer questions regarding the claim.

(b) conduct an investigation of the claim and make a decision regarding the claim that is based on a proper consideration of the facts.

(c) within 25 Working Days of receiving notice of the claim, provide the claimant with a letter advising of the results of the investigation and clearly explaining the Contractor's decision regarding the claim or should the contractor require the involvement of their insurance company to resolve the claim, this shall be forwarded to the insurance company and the claimant notified within the allotted time above.

An extension of time for responding to the claimant may be provided in writing by the Consultant, if the Contractor or the Contractor's insurer, in writing, provides the Consultant with a request for an extension as well as the reasons for the extension. In considering whether to provide an extension under this section, the Consultant shall consider the Contractor's, or the Contractor's insurer's, reasons for the request and all of the surrounding circumstances including good customer service standards. Once the contractor forwards the claim to their respective insurer, the resolution of the claim shall follow the insurance industry standards for claim investigation.

(3) If an extension of time is provided under subsection 2(2), the Contractor, or

the Contractor's insurer, shall write to the claimant advising that the investigation is on-going, advise of the date by which the Contractor or its insurer will report the results of the investigation to the claimant, and explain the reasons why additional time is required to make a decision on the claim.

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(4) A copy of all letters sent to the claimant by or on behalf of the Contractor, including letters sent by the Contractor's insurer, pursuant to this section shall be copied to the Consultant, and the City's adjuster.

3. (1) If the Contractor fails to meet any of its obligations under section 1 or 2, the City

shall provide the Contractor with notice that these obligations must be fulfilled.

(2) If the Contractor does not meet its obligations under section 1 or 2 within 5 Working Days from receipt of the notice provided to the Contractor pursuant to subsection 3(1), the City may hold back an amount of $10,000.00 from monies payable to the Contractor under this Agreement.

(3) Subject to its right to exercise any other right of hold back or set-off, including

the City's rights under Supplementary GC 13.6.1, the City will release the monies held back pursuant to subsection 3(2) once it has received evidence that the Contractor has sent the claimant a letter(s) in accordance with subsections 2(2)(a) and (c).

4. Where appropriate, the Contractor shall ensure its insurer takes all of the

appropriate steps to meet the obligations under sections 1 to 3, failing which the Contractor shall be responsible for undertaking these obligations itself.

5. The Contractor shall provide to the City monthly updates on the status of all third

party claims received until claim resolution.

22. Contract Documents

Supplementary Condition 1.1.1 is deleted and replaced with:

1.1.1 Amend paragraph 3.1 by adding the following after the words, "The General Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contract":

- These Supplementary Conditions

-The Specific Conditions, if any



-any addenda to the tender call for the Contract

- the tender call for the Contract

23. Order of Precedence

Supplementary Condition 3.1.1 is deleted and replaced with:

3.1.1 Delete paragraph in its entirety and replace it with new paragraph

" If there is a conflict within the Contract Documents, the order of priority of documents, from highest to lowest, shall be:

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Section 5A – Specific Conditions of Contract Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

any addenda to the tender call for the Contract,

the tender call for the Contract

any amendment to the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor,

the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, as amended by these Supplementary Conditions and any Specific Conditions

the Definitions,

Specific Conditions

Supplementary Conditions,

the General Conditions,

the Drawings,

Division 1 of the Specifications,

Technical Specifications,

material and finishing schedules."

24. Substantial Performance The Contractor shall note that, according to the Construction Lien Act, a contract is not substantially performed until the improvement to be made under the contract is ready for use, or being used, for the purpose intended. The improvement to be made under this contract will not be deemed to be ready for use until completion of all employee training, submission of O&M manuals and record drawings and successful testing and commissioning of electrical, equipment, devices and all automatic operation systems applicable to the project as defined in the specifications. Substantial Performance – Shall be considered when the flare is placed in full operational service such that any outstanding deficiencies or uncompleted work will not require further process shutdown in order to be rectified or completed, the administration building is installed and the improvement under the contract is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended. This shall be inclusive of:

- Approval by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority - Inspection and sign off by any agency or authority having jurisdiction - Employee training - Contractor's Operation and Maintenance manuals and record drawings have been

submitted, reviewed and accepted by the Contract Administrator - All new equipment, structures, devices and automatic operation systems been

successfully tested and commissioned in accordance with the contract specifications All waterproofing, backfilling and sodding fully completed

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Section 6 – Contract Execution Package Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


Bidders are not required to complete the following listed documents as part of the Bid Submissions.

The Successful Bidder shall complete these documents upon notification by the City.


PERFORMANCE BOND – Construction Act Form 32





Page 339 of 350




Section 6 – Contract Execution Package CCDC 2-2008 STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT

Tender Call No. 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


CCDC 2 is published by the Canadian Construction Document Committee ("CCDC") and is available for purchase at

Page 340 of 350




Section 6 – Contract Execution Package PERFORMANCE BOND

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Successful Bidder is to provide Form 32, Performance Bond under Section 85.1 of the Act,

as prescribed in O.Reg 303/18 of the Construction Act

Page 341 of 350




Section 6 – Contract Execution Package LABOUR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Successful Bidder is to provide Form 31, Labour and Material Payment Bond under Section

85.1 of the Act, as prescribed in O.Reg 303/18 of the Construction Act

Page 342 of 350




Section 6 – Contract Execution Package WSIB & Tax Statutory Declaration Form

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

CANADA, ) IN THE MATTER OF the annexed Agreement PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, ) made between JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF YORK ) ) ) ) – and – ) ) THE CITY OF TORONTO ) ) this day of , 20 . ) with respect to ) I, , of the CITY / TOWN / VILLAGE of in the Province of , do solemnly declare as follows: 1. I am of (If an incorporated Company, state" President", (Company Name) “Secretary”, or as the case may be) referred to above (hereinafter called “the Contractor”), and as such have knowledge of

the matters hereinafter declared to. 2. The Contractor has paid all assessment or compensation payable to the Workplace

Safety and Insurance Board as provided for in the article of the General Conditions entitled “Certification and Payment”, attached to the said Agreement.

3. The Contractor has paid all taxes and/or penalties imposed on it by the Corporation Tax

Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.40, as may be amended. AND I MAKE this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED before me at } } the of } } in the City of Toronto } } this day } Signing Officer of Company } of 20 }

A Commissioner, etc.

Page 343 of 350




Section 6 – Contract Execution Package Insurance Certificate

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

Certificate of Insurance form

(Attached Separately)

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Section 6 – Contract Execution Package Supplementary Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


as hereinbefore described on the first page of the Tender.


of the city / town / village of

in the province of do solemnly declare as follows:


1. I am (If an incorporated Company, state "President", “Secretary”, or as the case may be)

of (State Firm Name)

the Contractor herein.


I am the Contractor herein contracted to carry out the work under Contract No. and I carry on business at

under the name of

and (State Firm Name)

there is no other person associated with me in partnership.


We are the Contractors contracted to carry out the work under Contract No. and we carry on business at in partnership, under the name of

And (State Firm Name)

we are the only members of such partnership.

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Section 6 – Contract Execution Package Supplementary Statutory Declaration Form for Occupational Health and Safety

Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW

2. I/we have a health and safety policy and a programme to implement such policy as required by clause 25 (2) (j) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. R.S.O., 1990, c. o.1, as may be amended (hereinafter “OHSA”), and the said policy does not conflict with the health and safety policy of the City of Toronto.

3. With respect to the goods and services contemplated in the above Contract, the Contractor and its proposed Subcontractors

a) have conducted training for all personnel to be involved in providing such goods and services as required by the OHSA and all regulations thereunder, including those with respect to the workplace hazardous materials information system, industrial establishments, construction projects and designated substances.

b) have put into effect all programmes relating to designated substances as required by the regulations under the OHSA.

4. I am/we are each of the full age of twenty-one years or over.

And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of “the Canada Evidence Act”.

SEVERALLY DECLARED before me at the }

} of in } the Province of Ontario } } this day } Signing Officer of Company } of 20 } A Commissioner, etc.

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Section 7 – City Policies Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


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Section 7 – City Policies Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. 19ECS-MI-02SW


For a copy of the City of Toronto Procurement Policies, please download a copy of the Policy by

clicking any of the links as provided below or by visiting the following website


procurement-process/purchasing-policies-legislation/) :


*Fair Wage Policy – (extracted from Schedule A of the City of Toronto Municipal Code,

Chapter 67)

FW R (10/07)

The policy and schedules are available on the Fair Wage Office website –



Labour Trades Contractual Obligations – (extracted from Schedule B of the City of Toronto

Municipal Code, Chapter 67)










Page 348 of 350




Section 8 – City-led/City-Endorsed Workforce Development Programs Tender Call No. T# 199-2019 Contract No. C#

PMMD V 5.19 – 2019.01.31 Page 8-1

SECTION 8 – City-Led/City-Endorsed Workforce Development Programs

No Applicable

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It is important to the City of Toronto to receive a reply from all invited Bidders. There is no obligation to submit a Bid; however, should you choose not to submit, completion of this form will assist the City in determining the type of services you are interested in submitting a Bid in the future.


If you are unable, or do not wish to submit a Bid on this Request for Tender, please complete the following portions of this form. State your reason for not submitting a Tender by checking applicable box(es) or by explaining briefly in the space provided. It is not necessary to return any other Request for Tender documents.

1. We do not offer this service.

Other reasons or additional comments.

2. We do not offer services to these requirements.

3. Unable to offer services competitively.

4. Cannot handle due to present commitments.

5. Quantity/project too large.

6. Cannot meet delivery/completion requirements.

7. Tender restrictions.

Do you wish to participate in Request for Tenders for services in the future? YES ____ NO ____

For City’s use only - Do not write in this space.

Company Name: Address: Signature of Company Representative: Position: Date:

Tel. No.: Fax No.:

Please return completed form by facsimile to 416-397-7779 or by e-mail to [email protected]


TENDER #: T# 199-2019

CLOSING DATE: October 1, 2019

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