Elena Gilbert Elena Gilbert Biographical information Born June 22, 1992 Turned 2010 Status Undead (In transition ) Occupat ion High School Senior Student at Mystic Falls High School Species Vampire Petrova Doppelgäng er Family information Family members Tatia (Ancestor) Tatia 's Child (Ancestor) Katerina Petrova's Father (Ancestor) Katerina Petrova's Mother (Ancestor) Katerina Petrova

Transcript of

Elena Gilbert

Elena Gilbert

Biographical information

Born June 22, 1992

Turned 2010

Status Undead (In



High School Senior Student at Mystic Falls High School


Vampire Petrova


Family information

Family members

Tatia (Ancestor)

Tatia 's Child (Ancestor) †

Katerina Petrova's Father (Ancestor) †

Katerina Petrova's Mother (Ancestor) †

Katerina Petrova (Ancestor)

Daughter of Katerina Petrova (Ancestor) †

Johnathan Gilbert † (Ancestor)

Samantha Gilbert † (Ancestor)

John Gilbert † (Father)

Isobel Flemming † (Mother)


Gilbert † (Paternal Uncle/Adoptive Father)

Miranda Sommers Gilbert † (Paternal Aunt/Adoptive Mother)

Jeremy Gilbert (Cousin/Adoptive Brother)

Jenna Sommers † (Adoptive Aunt)

Alaric Saltzman † (Legal Guardian, Step-father)

Supernatural information

Significant kills

Elijah (3rd time)

Mikael (neutralized)

Rebekah (3rd time)

Alaric Saltzman (5th and 8th time)

Cause of death

Drained of blood (1st time)

Drowned (as a human)

Killed by

Klaus (1st time)

Rebekah (as a human)


Played by Nina Dobrev

Elena Gilbert is the main female character, the main protagonist, and the heroine of The Vampire Diaries. She is an 18 year old vampire, who is yet to complete her transition. She lives in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, with her adoptive brother and biological cousin Jeremy at 2104 Maple Street. She is best friends with Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett. Elena has an on-and-off romantic relationship with Stefan Salvatore, a 165 year old vampire until losing him when he gave himself over to Klaus in exchange for the cure to a werewolf bite, hybrid blood, to save Damon Salvatore, his brother.

However, she also shares a complicated relationship with Stefan's elder vampire brother Damon, who is both dangerous and seductive. He is in love with her, whilst she struggles to understand her romantic feelings for him due to her love for and loyalty to Stefan. She attends Mystic Falls High School, where she is a former cheerleader, honor student, and one of the most popular girls in the school. Elena wants to become a great writer; she stated this in a conversation with Stefan, and she has a diary in which she writes everything that happens in her life. She was originally turned in this direction by her adoptive mother.

Elena has to deal with trying to lead a normal life ever since her adoptive parents died in a car accident. Even if she had never met the Salvatore brothers, or fallen in love with them, she would be in danger due to her being the second Petrova doppelgänger. Stefan

unexpectedly saved Elena's life on May 23, 2009 when her adoptive parents' car went off Wickery Bridge. He tried to save her father Grayson, insisted that he save Elena first.

When Stefan pulled Elena out of the car, he was shocked and taken back when he saw that Elena looked like Katherine; he could not believe the uncanny resemblance between the two. Stefan then took Elena to the Mystic Falls Hospital, and had been watching her ever since for about four months, and learning about her to make sure that she is safe and not at all Katherine Pierce, or even mildly like her. Elena said that it was a "miracle" that she had survived such a horrific and tragic car accident and she questioned how it was in any way possible that she survived and made it out of the car. After discovering what a pure heart she had, Stefan realized he could not leave Mystic Falls without knowing her, so began at her school.

After she discovers the secret of the Salvatore brothers, Elena has to deal with murders and lies in her life as well as with supernatural events and characters. She is described as a star student. She is popular, sporty, smart, kind hearted, compassionate, selfless, empathetic, caring, and nice. She can be rather vulnerable and a damsel in distress, although she does possess a strong-willed, determined, passionate and fiery streak.

Elena is a member of the Gilbert Family and the Petrova Family.

Early life

Elena in her childhood.

Elena Gilbert was born to John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming, who fled a few days after giving birth with the help of John's brother, Grayson. He and his wife Miranda Gilbert adopted the baby girl. It was easy to arrange since Grayson was a doctor and put himself and Miranda on Elena's birth certificate so as not to arouse suspicion. Elena later learned that she was a descendant of Katherine Pierce, the vampire that caused the feud between Stefan and Damon Salvatore back in 1864 and turned both men into vampires.

In sophomore year, Elena was dating Matt Donovan, her oldest friend with whom she had formerly shared a crib with. At a bonfire, the two of them got into an argument where, afterwards, she called her parents to pick her up. There she met Damon who confused her with Katherine, not yet knowing of doppelgängers. After talking, Damon compelled her to forget him. Elena's parents turned up to take her home in their car, and she then had no recollection of meeting him.

After leaving with her parents, their car unexpectedly drove off of Wickery Bridge. Elena somehow miraculously ended up in the hospital, alive, whilst her parents died. It was later revealed that Stefan arrived at the scene during one of his visits to Zach and, after hearing the events, he tried to save Grayson, who was still conscious, but he told Stefan to save Elena first. Stefan therefore took Elena to safety and she survived the accident, but unfortunately, her adoptive parents died before Stefan could save them, too. It was later revealed that John, her supposed uncle, was actually her biological father due to a relationship with Isobel in their teenage years.

Season One

Elena at the cemetery. "Pilot"

Elena and her younger brother Jeremy were being raised by their Aunt Jenna after their parents died in a car accident. After the death of her parents, she broke up with her childhood best friend, first love and boyfriend, Matt Donovan, claiming to need some time alone when really she had just discovered that her feelings for Matt were more like a brother-sister relationship, and no longer romantic.

After the tragedy of losing both of her parents, Elena makes an attempt to start over and learn how to cope with the tragic loss and start to regain some of her happiness again, determined to make this year different. When the school year started, Elena meets Stefan Salvatore, the mysterious new boy, and is immediately and undeniably drawn, intrigued and attracted to him. Meeting Stefan immediately brought things back to normal for Elena again and she felt a connection.

Her close friend, Caroline Forbes is jealous, due to her crush on Stefan, whilst her best friend Bonnie Bennett encourages Elena's feelings to begin with. Unknown to her, she is also a doppelgänger of Katherine Pierce, Stefan's first love whom he lost in a fire as explained to Elena by Damon Salvatore, Stefan's brother. It becomes clear to Elena that Damon was also in love with Katherine and she had, at one point, torn the brothers apart.

Elena dances with Stefan. "Family Ties"

Shortly after meeting Stefan, she started to bond with him. She leaves "The Night of the Comet" party early and he's upset, but she turns up on his door where they watch the comet together and share their first kiss. Later on, she asked Stefan to escort her to the Founders' Party, but became angry when he began to keep secrets from her. He was mad, believing Damon had turned her against him.

Eventually, she discovered that he and Damon were vampires, causing her to become hostile towards both of them, until they gained her trust again when they saved her from the newly turned vampire and Jeremy's girlfriend, Vicki Donovan. When Vicki was turned into a vampire, she attempted to convince both her and Jeremy to stay away from each other, only to be threatened by Vicki and reprimanded by Jeremy. Stefan killed Vicki when she bit Elena, attempting to drink her blood to kill her at the school's Halloween party.

Elena talks with Jeremy who is grieving Vicki's death. "Haunted"

As a result of Vicki's death, Jeremy was devastated and Elena asked Damon to wipe Jeremy's memory of Vicki's death, making him believe that she had left town and he believed it was for the best, and to take away his pain. She and Jenna noticed that, as a result of this, Jeremy had stopped doing drugs and took up using his sketchpad again.

Elena was also a witness of Lexi's death at the hands of Damon who killed her in an attempt to draw attention away from him and Stefan so they wouldn't be discovered as vampires. She also witnessed the destruction of Bonnie's talisman in order to prevent Damon from freeing the vampires in the tomb, after which she told Bonnie the truth about everything. She got into a car accident when swerving to miss a vampire, later discovered to be Noah, after spending the night with Stefan, subsequently discovering the photo of Katherine just after getting back together since they broke up when she discovered he was a vampire in the first place.

Damon "kidnaps" Elena. "Bloodlines"

Noah almost attacked her, but Damon appeared just in time to save her life and freed her from the car, thus taking her to Atlanta with him to get information on the tomb from an old flame, Bree. Whilst there, she is taken by Lee, Lexi's boyfriend, who almost kills Damon when he comes to save her, as he knows he killed Lexi. However, Elena convinces him otherwise and Lee leaves, sparing Damon's life for Lexi's memory. A pizza guy came one night and Jeremy invited him inside, unaware that he was Noah, nonetheless a vampire.

He showed up at a dance and threatened to kill Jeremy if she didn't leave the dance. Elena ran into the hallway with Noah following her more slowly. She ran into the cafeteria and managed to fight back, stabbing him with pencils in the neck, hand, and chest, until Stefan and Damon arrived and killed him after interrogating him with a stake. He was shown to have been friends with Anna and Ben, fellow vampires, whom he was working with to open the tomb and retrieve Anna's mother. He knew Katherine and had believed he had loved her, which was why he was stalking Elena for his enjoyment.

Elena dances with Damon. "Miss Mystic Falls"

After the tomb was opened and the vampires were released, she helped Damon save Stefan from Frederick and the other vampires who were torturing him after capturing him in the woods. Elena gave Stefan her blood so he would survive and not die when he collapsed and was unable to go on. She consoled Matt when the news of Vicki's death had been revealed to her family, and he hugged her a second after telling Caroline he wanted to be alone.

However, Stefan became addicted to human blood, since he never learned how to control his cravings, instead ignoring them, and started drinking human blood that he carelessly stole from a blood bank. Elena asks Stefan to escort her to the Founders' Ball, and he accepts. When Damon told her what Stefan had been doing, they got into a fight, and Stefan attacked Amber, a girl in the competition for "Miss Mystic Falls," drank her blood, and almost killed her.

Because Stefan was unable to escort her, as she is heading down the stairs, Damon steps into Stefan's space and dances with her. They later find Stefan just in time to stop him from killing Amber. Elena confronted Stefan, trying to remind him of who he was, and he yelled at her to stop it, throwing her away. He then broke down, crying an apology and she stabbed him with vervain. Elena and Damon locked Stefan in the basement to try to get him back to normal.

Elena dresses like Katherine on Founder's Day. "Founder's Day"

When Bonnie's grandmother died, Bonnie left town for a while. After she came back, she started to blame Stefan and Damon for her grandmother's death and told Elena she wasn't going to make her choose between her and the Salvatores, so ended their friendship to make things easier on her. Elena tried to fix things, but Bonnie told her there was nothing she could do, and to just leave her alone. When Elena's mother came to town, she and Bonnie repaired their friendship as Bonnie saw Elena crying after meeting Isobel for the first time.

Bonnie pretended to remove the spell from the device, realizing with horror that Elena would never forgive her once she found out. It was eventually activated on Founders' Day by John Gilbert. John stopped Elena from going with Stefan to save Damon from burning to death and warned her that he would reveal Stefan as a vampire if she went. Elena, however, told him her opinion and feelings should matter as he was her father. He seemed shocked she knew, but she admitted she wasn't certain about it until that moment.

After Stefan and Damon stumbled out of the fire, Elena helped support Damon. Bonnie helped free him to make it up to Elena. Damon caught up with Elena at her house they shared a passionate kiss after he thanked her for deciding he was worth saving, but they were interrupted by Jenna who seemed mad at Elena for seemingly cheating on Stefan. After Damon, clearly shocked, leaves the house, Elena

shows up again, on the phone with Stefan, telling him someone stole her stuff. At this point, it is confirmed that the girl Damon kissed was in fact Katherine pretending to be Elena in an attempt to fool Damon. After entering the house, she hears a noise and heads to the kitchen, unaware that Katherine had posed as her to John and savagely stabbed him.

Season Two

Elena finds John in the kitchen. "The Return".

Elena headed towards the kitchen and was shocked to find John on the floor bleeding to death after Katherine's surprising attack, though by now she has left so Elena wouldn't see her. She ran over to him and called an ambulance, giving them the information. John signaled to someone behind her and Elena grabbed the knife Katherine had used earlier to stab John with. She tried looking for the attacker but Katherine just watched her, super-speeding around the house, and then leaving before Elena saw her face to realize it was Katherine.

Elena tries to wake Jeremy. "The Return"

Elena remembered that Jeremy was also in the house and, thinking whoever it was could have harmed him too, ran up the stairs in a hurry to find an unconscious Jeremy in his bed, having just taken an overdose on her pills from the car accident as well as the vile of Anna's blood she gave to him before her death. She shook him hastily and he awakened. Bonnie showed up at the hospital to see how Caroline was doing after passing out after being in Tyler's car when he crashed. Later, Damon offered to give Caroline some blood to make her recover quicker. While Elena disagreed, Bonnie told her that they couldn't let Caroline die and told him to do it.

When Elena was alone, Damon confronted her about the kiss they shared but moments into the conversation, Jenna arrived and was mad at Damon for seemingly making Elena cheat on Stefan with him. Elena and Jenna had a confusing conversation and at that point, Damon found out that it was Katherine he kissed, not Elena. Stefan was watching Jeremy at Elena's house when Katherine arrives posing as Elena. She hugs Stefan and tries to hug him for "comfort" but he realized it was Katherine and tossed her aside. A sound at the door bid Katherine time to flee.

Damon confronts Elena about the kiss. "The Return"

Damon and Elena walked in and Damon knows that Stefan had just spoken with Katherine. He was also not happy when Damon revealed that he kissed Katherine whilst believing her to be Elena. Elena is shocked but steps between the two when Stefan attempts attacking Damon. Elena and Stefan later visit John at the hospital, but he showed contempt toward Stefan, offending Elena who left immediately. Stefan then threatened John to leave, as Elena didn't want him around.

Later on at the reception for the mayor's death, Damon asked Elena about the kiss again and asked what the surprise was; she said that it was no surprise that he would kiss her, but that it was a surprise that he thought she would kiss him back. Damon then admits he is immensely hurt at that, despite arguing that he couldn't be hurt just moments before. A panicky Bonnie then arrived and told the two that Katherine had left with Stefan.

They found him on the Lockwood grounds recovering from a wound Katherine had given him as revenge for expressing his hate for her. That night, Elena found Damon drunk in her room. He tried to force her to confess that she loved him, but she denied, insisting that she only loved Stefan although she did care for Damon even after he forced a kiss on her. Angered and heartbroken, Damon attempted to turn Jeremy

and snapped his neck, much to Elena's horror, but she discovered that Jeremy wore a Gilbert ring which would bring him back to life. She later cried to Stefan that she hated Damon, and it was just easier that way as that seemed to be what he wanted.

Elena then had to go on a road trip to Duke with Damon and Alaric, though before leaving she kissed Stefan passionately in front of Damon, who was thus uncomfortable. A woman at Duke fires an arrow at Elena in an attempt to kill her, as she believes her to be Katherine, but Damon takes it for her. He then gives Elena a book on the Petrova family, the family Katherine was born into. Elena thanks him but says they can no longer be friends.

Angered, he says she has a lot more in Katherine than just her looks. After Katherine compels Jenna to stab herself, Elena breaks up with Stefan, knowing that's what Katherine wants. She then tells Damon that Katherine won. Katherine uses a witch to link her to Elena. Therefore, when Stefan and Damon are succeeding in killing Katherine, Elena feels Katherine's pain. Jeremy runs to tell them and tells them just before they do kill Katherine that everything they do is hurting Elena. They immediately stop. They then lock Katherine in the tomb instead, wanting her to suffer even after the spell is lifted. Stefan tries to kiss Elena but she rejects him saying, first, she needs to know that no one she loves is in any danger. As she heads to her car, she is captured.

Elena is captured by Rose and Elijah. "Rose"

She was kidnapped by a pair of vampires named Rose and Trevor, who were only interested in exchanging Elena for their freedom from a much more sinister vampire, Elijah. She learned that she must die to break the curse of the moonstone. Elijah then turned up, killed Trevor, and tried to compel Elena to tell him the position of the moonstone but failed to do so, because of her vervain necklace. He then rips the necklace from her neck and compels her to tell him where it is.

She says it is in the tomb with Katherine. Stefan and Damon then turned up and before Elijah could kill Stefan, Damon staked him. Elena returned home. There, Damon came to return her necklace which she thought she lost, but first he tells her he loves her but doesn't deserve her and instead his brother does deserve her; he then says he wishes she didn't have to forget, but compels her to forget his confession.

Elena helps Rose after she is bitten by a werewolf and reassures Damon he's not a monster after he kills Rose to put her out of her misery. Elena decides to try and keep John out of her plans with Elijah, and Elena along with Bonnie give support to Caroline after she suffered through the incident where she was tortured with wooden bullets by Tyler, Jules, Brady and the other werewolves. Elena then goes with Stefan to the Gilbert Family Lake House to get away from John and everything that was happening. They discovered a secret door containing more of Johnathan Gilbert's journals along with equipment of a vampire hunter.

Elena with Stefan at the Gilbert family lake house. "Crying Wolf"

After discovering the Gilbert journals Elena starts to read them and discovers that Stefan was just like Damon back then whilst Damon was the better brother. She confronts Stefan about it and he tells her the story about what he was like back then, and how Lexi was the one that changed him into a better vampire. Later, Elijah shows up at the lake house and Elena wants to renegotiate, asking him to promise not to harm anyone.

She then says that if he refuses her deal, she will let herself bleed to death so Klaus will never be able to go through with the sacrifice like Elijah wants. He calls her bluff, not believing she would kill herself for so little an issue. She stabs herself in the chest with a knife and he says she has his word if she lets him heal her. As she stumbles forward, she stabs him in the chest with the special dagger, thus killing him. He falls to the ground as Stefan feeds her his blood to cure her and Damon appears.

Elena stabs herself. "The Dinner Party"

Elena is shocked and upset that Katherine is free from the tomb. At school, she goes to Alaric and they discuss how Jenna is asking a lot of questions about Isobel. Elena says that after they take care of Klaus they will tell her everything as it may be dangerous for her to not know anymore. Later that evening, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jenna go to The Grill for a girl's night out as Caroline is upset about her break-up with Matt, Jenna is upset about her situation with Alaric, and Bonnie needs to tell Elena about her relationship with Jeremy. Jonas Martin attacks, looking for Elena but Stefan gets her out and he uses Katherine to pretend to be Elena to save her.

Elena upset with Damon. "The Last Dance'

Elena lashes out at John for Isobel's return and the fact that he invited her into the house. Later, Elena sits down and listens to what Isobel has to say. She goes with Stefan to the Lockwood house to accept a cheque from the Historical Society for her mother's foundation. Katherine then kidnaps her for Isobel. At Grove Hill cemetery, Isobel takes Elena there to show her the grave that Isobel's parent made when they couldn't find Isobel body after her presumed death. Isobel then tells Elena that she is sorry that she was a disappointment to her; she removed her lapis lazuli necklace and burned to death in the sun.

Elena plans on attending the 60's decade dance with her friends and starts receiving disturbing messages from Klaus. She discovers that Bonnie might die if she channels too much power at once, which is what she will have to do if she wants to kill Klaus. Elena confronts Damon when she learns he knew Bonnie had to die and slaps him. After Damon explains what happened she apologizes to him. He then tells her that if it means Elena will be safe, he would not mind letting Bonnie die, even doing it himself, as he will always choose her. Elena, believing she can save Bonnie, sneaks down in the basement and pulls the dagger from Elijah's heart, thus reviving him.

Elena tells Stefan that she doesn't want to be a vampire. "The Last Day"

Elena is able to strike up another deal with Elijah. Damon is very unhappy about this, but Stefan accepts that this is what Elena wants to do and decides to trust her judgement. Elijah has a special elixir that would bring Elena back from the dead after the sacrifice as a human, but no one knows if it will work because of how old it is as it was originally intended for Katherine in the 1400s. Damon asks her what she will do if it doesn't work and she concludes that she will just be dead. Upset, he storms off but she follows him. He decides he is the only one who knows how to save Elena and so forces her to drink his blood so he can be sure she will come back, even as a vampire. Elijah puts the elixir away, as it is no longer necessary, and Stefan fights Damon for feeding Elena his blood but Damon stakes Stefan in the chest.

Stefan takes Elena away for the day, and she says she never wanted to be a vampire. Elena then says goodbye to Stefan and is taken away willingly by Klaus for the sacrifice. Elena arrives at the site to find that Klaus had made some changes to the sacrifice and that Jenna was being used as the vampire, having been turned by Klaus. Jules is brought along and all three are placed in fire rings by Greta Martin, Klaus' witch. Klaus then arrives and kills Jules as the first part before adding her blood to the moonstone that has been set ablaze.

As Klaus is about to kill Jenna, Stefan arrives and asks to take Jenna's place but Klaus refuses and stabs Stefan as he says he has other plans for him. He then moves to kill Jenna but as Greta breaks the flames, Jenna runs towards her and bites her. However, Klaus gets to her and kills her before she can kill Greta. As he brings Elena out for the final part of the sacrifice, he thanks her and Elena tells him to go to Hell. He then drinks her blood and Elena dies as Stefan watches in horror, unable to move since Klaus stabbed him.

Klaus kills Elena and breaks his curse. "The Sun Also Rises"

As Klaus starts to turn, Bonnie arrives and starts attacking him with her witchcraft. Damon kills Greta and retrieves Elena so as to bring her back to the witch burial site. Bonnie attacks Klaus to the point of death at which point, Elijah intervenes and goes to finish Klaus but he

betrays everyone when Klaus tells him that he can help him find his siblings that Klaus had killed and supposedly buried at sea. Elijah and Klaus escape and Bonnie is unable to stop them.

At the burial site, Damon whispers to a dead Elena that if she comes back as a vampire, he himself will stake her; he tells her not to, but he will because he couldn't stand the idea of her hating him forever for turning her. Elena awakens as a human because Bonnie and John had found a spell that could return her to life as a human by binding John's life force to hers. As Elena returns to life, John dies. Before the funeral, Jeremy gives her a letter from John and his ring. In the letter, he tells her that it is hard to be an ordinary father to an extraordinary daughter and that he had failed her because of his prejudices but tells her that he will love her nonetheless, if she is reading the letter as a human or as a vampire.

He tells her that he gave his life so that she could remain human and make the choices she wanted to make about having a child and all the choices a human could make. He tells her that the reason he gave her the ring was because he wanted her to give it to her child if she ever had one and that she would therefore succeed where he had failed. Elena is seen crying for both her father, her aunt and her adoptive parents as she places roses on each of their graves.

Elena staying with Damon until the very end. "As I Lay Dying"

She was forced to confront her feelings for Damon after she finds out he is dying from Tyler's werewolf bite. In a encounter with Damon he hallucinates and believes she is Katherine offering blood and he drinks Elena's blood until realizing what he is doing.

Elena helps Damon.

Later in Damon's bedroom, as he is dying, he confesses his feelings to her and tells Elena he wishes she could have met him in 1864, because she would have liked him then. He tells her he loves her. Elena answers she likes him now just the way he is, and kisses him. He thanks her for forgiving him for everything, including killing Jeremy and feeding her his blood before the sacrifice. Suddenly Katherine appears with the cure from Klaus and tells them that Stefan traded himself for it; they will likely never see him again but it is alright because Elena has Damon there to keep her company.

Season Three

Three months later, Elena has just turned eighteen and is still desperately trying to find Stefan ever since he left Mystic Falls. She gets a lead from Sheriff Forbes and tells Damon. Damon goes with Alaric to Tennessee, while Elena stays with Caroline and Tyler who help plan her party.

Later that night, Damon gives Elena the necklace that Stefan gave to her once, which she lost a while ago. He puts it on her, and after Elena discovers that Damon has been looking a lot more for Stefan then she thought, she confronts him about not telling her. Damon tells her that Stefan is gone and is not coming back. At the end of her birthday, she gets a call from Stefan, telling him that she loves him and to hold onto that.

Elena is as determined as ever to find Stefan and bring him back home. After unsuccessfully asking Damon for help, Elena goes and seeks help from Alaric. She then finds out information about werewolves and how certain packs could be hanging out with Tyler, specifically those packs in Tennessee. Alaric and Elena head off to the mountains, where they engage in banter, and her telling Alaric that he's not a lost cause. Damon surprises her and flings her into the lake.

Alaric had sold her out, as he didn't want to take her somewhere without protection. The trio find Ray Sutton in the woods, and he attacks Damon. After bombing him with a wolfsbane grenade, they tie him up, and Elena is determined to ask him the whereabouts of Stefan. Ray starts to change into a werewolf while the sun is up. As Damon lures him away, Elena and Alaric run off to the car. Later, in her room, Damon tells Elena that he will help her search for Stefan and bring him back, but he wants her to remember that in Stefan's absence, she was worried about Damon getting hurt, and that she has to remember those feelings.

Later, Elena and Damon go to Chicago where they find Stefan and Klaus. They go into their apartment and she sees a list if all Stefan's victims and is in shock. Later, she hides in the closet when Stefan and Klaus enter. Stefan sees her but doesn't say anything. She gets Damon to distract Klaus so she can talk to Stefan and drug him with vervain but it doesn't work. Elena then is hurt when Stefan tells her he doesn't want to see her again and no longer cares for her.

Damon helps Elena prepare for the Lockwood party. Later, when Damon wants to go after Bill Forbes, Elena and Alaric try to stop him but Damon kills Alaric. Elena calls Caroline for help. After the fight between Damon and Caroline, she yells at Damon and asks him what's wrong with him. He tells her he is not Stefan.

Klaus and Elena " The Reckoning"

Elena and the others plan Senior Prank Night when she walks into Klaus and he brings her into the gym. Later, she watches him turn Tyler into a hybrid. When Stefan enters, saying Elena means nothing to him, Klaus hits Elena and as she falls, Stefan attacks Klaus but gets compelled to attack Elena. When "time's up," Elena runs away but while Stefan tries to follow, Klaus makes Stefan "turn it off" and he bites Elena, attempting to drink her blood. Later, Damon saves her from the hospital and brings her to the Salvatore boarding house where she is upset about all that has happened.

Damon and Elena in Damon's bathroom.

Elena is being trained by Alaric. At their first day of senior year, Elena is upset because its her and Stefan's anniversary. Later, she meets Stefan and he tells her he's only there to watch out for her, on Klaus' command. After this, Elena, Damon and Alaric hatch a plan to capture Stefan. Elena is now on the bleachers, pretending to be drunk, and almost falls. Stefan is there as well, telling her not to be stupid. She does end up falling, and he catches her. Alaric shoots Stefan.

Elena, Damon, and Alaric load Stefan's body into the car. Vicki's ghost spills some gas and throws a cigarette in it to start a fire. Elena's trapped in the car and Vicki's keeping the car locked so she can't get out. Elena wakes Stefan who kicks the back door open, and they get out just in time. Damon does some first aid on Elena before Alaric prepares to take her home. Stefan is surprised that Elena thinks his humanity can be salvaged; he calls her pathetic. In retaliation, she stabs him.

Elena asks Jeremy to contact Lexi so she can help Stefan like she did the first time. Once Lexi arrives, her and Elena trap Stefan in an old prison. Lexi begins to drain every inch of blood from Stefan and stabs him multiple times in the chest. Stefan then begins to confess his love for Elena but Lexi tells her not to let him in.

Elena, Alaric, and Damon are investigating the cave with images about the history of the original family. Elena decides to go to the source of the story: Rebekah. Elena and Rebekah have a long conversation about what happened to her family and the beginning of vampires. After discovering what had happened, Elena returns to the cave with Alaric and Bonnie. Elena learns the truth about Esther and her death. Elena returns with Rebekah, who tells her Klaus killed her mother, not Mikael.

Elena neutralizes Mikael so Stefan and Rebekah can attract Klaus back to Mystic Falls. Elena and Damon make preparations for the destruction of Klaus. Damon does not trust Mikael, or Stefan, so tells Elena that has a Plan B: use Katherine to avoid putting her on the battlefield. When Matt is going to pick up Rebekah, Elena tells him that if he does not mind going with "someone" else.

Eventually, Matt and Elena, actually Katherine, arrive at the party, but they learn that Klaus is planning something of his own. When Mikael comes to the celebration, he uses to Elena to attract Klaus but she is "killed" in the process. In the middle of the fight between Klaus and Damon, Katherine is revealed and attacks the hybrids. Shortly after, Elena finds out what happened and tries to console Damon. Elena tells Damon that she accepts that Stefan is gone and never returning and that they will be fine without him.

Elena and Damon.

Elena is jogging around town but is being chased by one of Klaus' hybrids, Tony. She then meets Bonnie at the Grill and Bonnie tells her about her weird dreams. Elena hints that these dreams could reveal a way to kill Klaus. Bonnie switches to another topic: Damon. Elena talks with a drunk Damon, who is playing darts. They talk but get interrupted by Klaus who was there with Tony. Klaus orders them to find Stefan so that he can get his family back.

Preparing lunch with Alaric, Jeremy comes home and tells them he was hanging out with Tyler. He then invites him in and they talk about his sire bond to Klaus. Elena learns about how serious it was when Tyler said that he would rip his heart out if Klaus demanded that. After Tyler left, Elena and Alaric turn their back on Jeremy and the next moment he was gone, not wearing his ring.

They went outside and saw him standing on the street, unable to move. A car comes and was about to hit Jeremy when Alaric pushed him away, saving his live. Instead of Jeremy, Alaric dies but he is wearing his ring. Elena calls Damon and he tells her that Stefan has four coffins. She remembers Bonnie's dream and calls her to prove her guess. Together with Damon, she goes to Stefan. As Damon can't move on, she goes to talk to Stefan. She tells him that Klaus tried to kill Jeremy but when he shows no emotion, she slaps him and tells him to go to Hell.

Damon and Elena kiss.

Elena leaves Damon alone and goes back home. There, Alaric awakens but something was wrong with his ring. He calls the ambulance but Tony, who stands in the door, compelled them to leave. He gives Elena the option to let him in but he was then killed by Jeremy who cut his head off. She makes a deal with Klaus to get Jeremy spared. Klaus promises that he can control Rebekah and she tells him that Rebekah knows that Klaus killed her mother. Damon comes to Elena and she tells him what she did. She gets him to compel Jeremy to leave town, as he does. Elena and Damon kiss.

Stefan grabs Elena.

Elena is training at Alaric's. She then goes to school, informing Bonnie that Jeremy was compelled to leave town. Bonnie is not happy to hear it. Together with Bonnie and Matt, Elena prepares a party at the Forbes' House for Caroline as it is her birthday. As they see, she is not in the mood so they throw her a "funeral" at the cemetery instead.

She reveals the cake and Bonnie then lights the candles herself. All four have a good time talking about Caroline's achievements and Caroline reveals she is upset because she will be seventeen forever. Bonnie then becomes angry with Elena, claiming she controls everyone's lives because she made Jeremy leave town. Bonnie leaves. Looking for Caroline after she went away with Tyler, Elena is grabbed and thus kidnapped by Stefan.

Elena letting Jeremy go.

Elena is in a car with Stefan. Stefan calls Damon to inform him that he has kidnapped Elena. Stefan feeds her his blood and threatens to Klaus that he will transform her into a vampire by driving her off Wickery Bridge. Klaus agrees that he will do what Stefan wants; Stefan wants Klaus' hybrids out of town, causing Stefan to stop the car when Klaus agreed. Elena is sad and angry at Stefan and wants to know his reasons for taking her. Stefan drives off and Damon takes Elena home. They talk about the kiss. In the morning, she says goodbye to Jeremy, who is leaving. Together with Bonnie she watches until Jeremy is gone. Later, she meets Matt at Wickery Bridge, talking about how they have changed.

Elena and Bonnie at Abby's place.

Elena was taken to the abandoned cottage by Bonnie, who showed her the coffins there. Against what Stefan wanted, she brought her there and then says that her mother could help open the coffin. Elena helps Bonnie with research, having the data of every Abby Bennett in town. Damon came and showed them the right one.

Bonnie doesn't know why Damon and Elena are behaving so differently. Damon explains that they kissed. Elena goes on a trip with Bonnie to Abby's house. They are let in by Jamie who is Abby's stepson whom she raised since she left his father. Abby appears and tells Elena that she knew her adoptive mother and that she was the one who entombed Mikael in the 90's to save the doppelgänger.

Elena being tied up by Jamie.

Elena went outside, looking around, and suddenly Stefan appears in front of her. They talk but get interrupted by Jamie who tries to protect Elena from Stefan. Stefan compels Jamie to leave but not long after he returns with a rifle, shooting Stefan. Elena was tied up to a pole by him. Later, Elena knocks him out and helps Stefan to get the wooden bullets out. She admits that she kissed Damon but tells him she's not telling him because she's guilty it happened, instead because she feels guilty that he doesn't know. Stefan tells her that she's better than both of them were, but is clearly hurt. Stefan later punches Damon for kissing her. She later walks in the Gilbert House when Alaric and Meredith Fell were kissing.

Sheriff Forbes visits Alaric and Elena, informing them that the stake which was used on the medical examiner is one of the Gilbert arsenal. Later, she calls Damon and informs him about this while he is meeting Elijah because she suspects that Stefan has killed the medical examiner. She goes to him and they talk. Stefan suggests she should ask Damon if he recently killed someone. She meets Caroline in the hospital, visiting her father. After Caroline calls him and hears his phone ringing they find him dead, a Gilbert dagger driven through his heart; he was, however, fed vampire blood before so he awakens in transition. During the dinner with Klaus and Elijah, Elena is mentioned several times.

When Elijah talks about Tatia and when Klaus thinks that Elena should grow old with Matt so they can have a children, so that every few hundred years there will be a new Petrova doppelgänger. Because its only a matter of time before Damon and Stefan will turn her into a vampire, Klaus states that the worst thing for her was the Salvatore brothers. Elena comes home with Matt, finding Alaric bleeding to death. He wanted her to stab him because she's supernatural and he would came back to life. Rebekah threatens to kill Elena.

Elena is attacked by Rebekah but before she could kill Elena, Elijah came in to save her. The following morning, Elena receives an invitation from Esther, asking her to come to the ball. Elena wants to find out what Esther wants so she tries to go to the ball, but Damon refuses by saying that it was a bit too dangerous for her to go. At the ball, she dances with Damon and Stefan. Later on she asks Stefan to help distract Damon so she can go and see Esther alone.

Esther reveals her plan to Elena.

After Stefan has Damon distracted, Elena goes to Esther, but before she gets there she meets Elijah who asks Elena to tell him what Esther said to her. Elena says that she will find him later and goes to Esther's room. In her room, Esther explains the reason why she is really back from the dead, and she also says that she requires Elena's help to kill all of her children. Esther pricks Elena's finger and takes a few drops of blood.

Esther says that she needs the Petrova doppelgänger's blood to complete a spell that will bind all the Originals as one, so if one dies, they all die. Elena goes down the stairs where she meets Elijah who asks what his mother told her, and Elena lies by saying that his mother only wanted to say sorry for trying to kill her. Later, Damon gets upset that Elena went behind his back to meet Esther, and she rejects him. After being dropped home by Stefan she tries to ask him if he felt anything, but he says no and leaves.

Elena tries calling both Stefan and Damon but neither of them want to listen to her. Angry, she goes to the Salvatore boarding house and sees Damon and Rebekah together, she gets upset knowing that they slept together. Angry, she leaves and goes to Caroline's house, where they try a privacy spell with Bonnie.

Later, Elijah goes to Elena's house where he requests her to join him. He brings her to the forest area correlating with the Lockwood's land, explaining his world prior to the modern change. Elena tries to compose herself, however Elijah points out he knew that she was lying the whole time. Unable to lie anymore, she confesses the truth and her guilt, expressing that she'd do anything to help. Elijah, who has planned everything, grabs her and shatters the ground, trapping her in the underground cellars. While down in the cellars, Elena realises that Rebekah is down there with her, too.

After Damon, Stefan, Caroline, and Alaric successfully plan to and dagger Kol, Rebekah drops down, and this gives Elena time to run away. She gets to the cave under the old Lockwood property, where vampires can't enter. Getting creative, Rebekah returns with a tank of gasoline and a box of matches, more than willing to end Elena. Elena, however, stalls her under the guise that Rebekah has always wanted to see her suffer so what would it be for her if she were to end it right in the present. Elena hears the news and the price of saving her, leading her to seek Bonnie who is watching over Abby who is in transition.

Elena reads the letter that Elijah left in her bedroom.

Caroline asks her to leave, because even though Bonnie is alright since the goal was to save her friend it seems that Bonnie is the one who always gets hurt. Elena decides to leave but asks Caroline to tell Bonnie about her gratitude and love. Elijah leaves Elena a letter of apology saying that his actions were to preserve the one thing that matters most to him, his family. He tells Elena that her compassion is a gift and that he truly regrets what he has done.

Elena and Matt go on a run. She's upset. He mentions he's talked to Bonnie. Abby has decided to complete the transformation and become a vampire. Caroline's going to help her through it. Damon turned her mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. She feels responsible. Elena gets a call from Elizabeth and goes to the courthouse. Damon tells Elena he plans to stay out of it. He needles her and says everything is back to normal as he is mean and she hates him. She tells him if he keeps pushing people away, he's going to end up alone. Elena goes to meet Meredith at the hospital, but Meredith doesn't want to listen to her. Matt helps Elena break into Meredith's.

Elena reading Samantha's journal

Elena checks the closet and finds a secret compartment. There are boxes of files. There are files on Brian Walters, Bill, and Alaric. In Meredith's box, they find an old Gilbert journal. A country coroner's report contradicts the ME's time of death. They hear footsteps and hide in the closet. Meredith arrives home. They wait until it's quiet and open the door. Meredith is standing outside it. After being released from the Sheriff's, Matt and Elena go around the corner of the Grill and see Stefan having just drank blood. Elena is aghast and walks off.

Back at Elena's, Matt doesn't understand her thing with the Salvatores. She says she felt safe with Stefan after he parents died, which she realises sounds crazy. She knew he would never stop loving her and he would never die. Damon just snuck up on her, she says. Matt says you can't shake someone once you fall in love with them. He gives her the old Gilbert journal he swiped from Meredith. Elizabeth didn't notice he took it. Matt says it's a good thing he's the only normal person amongst vampires, as it makes him invisible. As Alaric arrives home, Elena runs to hug him.

Elena reads through the old Gilbert journal. Alaric tells her he doesn't want her getting in trouble for him. She suggests they agree to take care of each other. She thought it was Johnathan Gilbert's diary, but it is actually his granddaughter, Samantha's, who went just as crazy as he did. Elena reads the journal, in which Samantha says she's losing time and doesn't feel like herself. Elena and Meredith realise that Alaric's ring makes him commit murders.

Meredith and Elena are talking about Alaric's condition and how it can be cured. Elena asks Meredith when she found out Alaric was the killer and why she didn't tell anyone. Meredith then replies that she found out when Alaric told her about the ring, and it's because she's a doctor and she doesn't enjoy seeing people suffer for things that they have no control over and that it's because when she met Alaric, she knew that she just had to help him. Damon shows up at the hospital to come and get Alaric and he promises Elena that he will make sure that Alaric won't kill anyone else.

Elena calls Jeremy.

Elena is angry because Damon let Stefan feed on an innocent girl. Damon tells her that he is helping him by teaching Stefan how to control his bloodlust. Elena then tells him that he is the last person who should teach Stefan about self control. Elena arrives at the Salvatore boarding house and is surprised when she sees Stefan. Stefan tells her the story of Samantha. Elena calls Bonnie and asks if she can help Alaric.

Damon and Elena in Denver

Elena drops by Alaric's apartment and asks Damon if she can see him, but he refuses and she leaves. Later, in the woods, Elena tells Caroline that Alaric might have killed her father. Matt, Damon, and Stefan arrive. Damon and Stefan tell the others that they found more, and all of them quickly make a plan to kill the Originals. Finn and Sage arrive in the middle of town, where Caroline and Matt ask Elena to call Stefan and tell him of the Originals being in the area. Stefan comes to the Grill, where Finn and Sage are taking shots.

On Stefan's suggestion, Elena and Damon go to Denver to see Jeremy. Elena still seems to struggle with her feelings for Damon. They share a passionate kiss in the motel but are interrupted by Jeremy and end up fighting later.

Elena follows Caroline's advice and asks Stefan to accompany her to the dance. She encounters Esther at the dance, and tells Jeremy to warn Stefan and Damon. Esther tells Elena that she means her no harm, but she must leave the dance and follow her, willingly or not. Elena

decides to follow Esther to the site where the Originals were created. She is surprised to see Alaric there, but realises that he is possessed by the Darkness of the Gilbert Ring. Esther informs Elena that she still plans on killing her children, and to ensure her plan a success this time, she will tap into the dark magic she used to turn her family into vampires.

By turning Alaric into an Original, he will have strength and speed that surpasses her childrens', making him the "ultimate vampire hunter". Esther tells Elena that her blood is necessary for the spell, as Tatia's blood was used in the ritual a thousand years previously. Elena says she won't donate blood, but Esther uses a spell that draws blood from Elena's heart and makes her finger bleed. Elena's blood is added to the mixture, which Alaric drinks. Esther then stabs Alaric in the heart with the White Oak Stake.

Esther tells Rebekah that when Alaric wakes up, he will be himself for some time. Elena, horrified, tells Esther her methods are despicable, since she is not only getting rid of bad vampires, but good vampires as well. Esther criticizes Elena for saying so, stating that she desires a world where mankind will no longer fall victim to vampires, and uses Jenna as an example. Elena scolds Esther, telling her not to use Jenna as an excuse for her actions. Esther tries to console Elena, informing her that Jenna isn't trapped on the Other Side like she was.

She explains that even though Jenna was turned into a vampire, she remained pure, and knows peace, which is what everybody hopes for. Esther hears sounds coming from outside, where she finds Matt and Jeremy aiming rifles at her. Just as Esther is about to kill them, Alaric awakens and stabs her from behind, killing her. Alaric informs Elena and Jeremy that he doesn't want to complete the transition and Elena and Jeremy say their goodbyes.

Elena and Jeremy repaint Alaric's bedroom. Stefan comes by to check on them, and Jeremy criticizes Stefan for not giving them a reprieve from vampires for one day. Jeremy then leaves Alaric's room. Elena tells Stefan that Jeremy didn't mean it, but Stefan disagrees. Later, Elena receives a call from Alaric's cell, and she tells them that the joke is not funny. She is startled when she hears Alaric whom she thought was dead. Alaric tells her to come to school and not inform anyone of her whereabouts, otherwise he will kill Caroline. Elena complies with his demands, and finds Caroline held captive in his classroom.

Elena tells Alaric to let Caroline go, and he allows Elena to free her. However, Alaric goes against his word, berating Elena for trusting vampires. He goes on a tangent about how Elena's parents joined the Founder's council to protect the town from vampires and that Miranda and Grayson would be disappointed in her for protecting vampires instead. He hands Elena the White Oak Stake and tells her to kill Caroline or else he will and ensure Caroline a painful death. Elena pretends to stake Caroline, but attacks Alaric instead. She sees a cup filled with vervain solution sitting on his desk and splashes it all over his face, giving her enough time to free Caroline. Caroline manages to escape, but Alaric recovers, blocking the classroom door. He holds Elena against the lockers, informing her that he should kill her just as he killed Brian and Bill.

Stefan and Damon arrive, trying to hold Alaric down, but he overpowers them and knocks them both out. Klaus appears out of nowhere, plunging his fist into Alaric's chest and making a connection with his bloodstream. This prompts Bonnie to commence her dessication spell. However, Alaric overpowers Klaus, and the connection is broken. Just as Alaric is about to kill Klaus with the White Oak Stake, Elena tells him to stop, brandishing a knife and threatening to kill herself.

Alaric tells Elena to put her weapon down, but Elena questions why, asking if its just because he still needs her alive. Elena figures out that when Esther turned Alaric into an Original, she didn't want him to be truly immortal. To prevent this, she linked his life to Elena. That way, he only has one lifespan to kill the other Originals. Alaric doesn't confirm this, but panics when Elena starts to pierce her neck with the knife. This gives Klaus the chance to escape, and he takes Elena with him.

Elena wakes up strapped to a chair and hooked up with IVs in Klaus' mansion. Klaus is intent on killing Elena by draining her of blood. That way, Alaric will die and his greatest threat will be gone. Elena tells Klaus that by killing her, he won't have enough blood to create a hybrid army like he wants. Klaus says whatever amount of blood he receives from her will have to suffice, and that it doesn't really matter to him because he has his family. Elena asks him that if he believes that, then why he has to take blood from her at all.

She explains that Klaus wants a back-up family, since he knows his siblings will never trust him again. Klaus changes the subject to Stefan and Damon, telling Elena that Stefan blamed him for splitting him and Damon apart. He says that he's not the one responsible, but she is. He knows that once Elena chooses a Salvatore, she will break their bond. He explains that by killing her, she won't have to choose and neither brother will get hurt. He then asks her which brother she would choose, and Elena responds by telling him to go to Hell.

Tyler enters the scene, shocked at the state of Elena's condition. He attempts to rescue her, but is caught by Klaus who previously asked him to leave. Klaus asks Tyler how he broke the sire bond and just as he is about to kill Tyler, Stefan and Damon arrive to save them. Stefan plunges his fist into Klaus' chest, and Bonnie performs her dessication spell. After Klaus is dessicated, Elena returns home to find the others celebrating a Klaus-free life. After the party, Elena mysteriously faints, and she begins to bleed.

Elena drowns

Elena returns from Mystic Falls hospital and remembers about how her life was before vampires: she was a popular high school cheerleader and all she had to deal with was her relationship with Matt. Elena wakes up from her sleep and sees Matt watching over her, and she tells him she was sorry for leading him on. Elena remarks that she's doing the same thing with Stefan and Damon, but she knows that if she chooses a brother, she'll lose the other. Elijah visits the Gilbert house to make a deal with Elena.

Alaric dies in Damons arms after Elena Dies

Elijah requests that Elena hand Klaus over to them, and in return, promises not to awaken for the remainder of her lifetime or her children's lifetimes. Elena agrees to the deal, much to Damon's dismay. Matt and Jeremy realize that Elena's in danger because of Alaric so they plan to send Elena out of town. Matt secretly drugs Elena's tea, and Elena wakes up to find herself in Matt's car, both of them driving away from Mystic Falls. Eventually, the two find out that Klaus was killed by Alaric and that Tyler died.

Matt delivers Elena an ultimatum: she can choose to head to the warehouse to be with Damon or she can return home to her friends, and Stefan. Elena chooses to head back to town, and calls Damon, informing him that she chooses Stefan. She tells him that Stefan came into her life at a time when she really needed someone, and even though she developed feelings for him, her feelings for Stefan still remained. Elena says things may be different if she had met him before Stefan. Elena tells him she'll see him soon, and Damon gives his goodbye. Damon then remembers how he had, in fact, met Elena before Stefan but had compelled her to forget.

Elena in Transition

While heading back to Mystic Falls, Elena and Matt drive off Wickery Bridge when Rebekah stands in the middle of the bridge. Elena experiences flashbacks of when her parents were underwater and died in the first accident. While Stefan goes into the water, trying to save Elena first, Elena refuses and points to Matt, wanting Stefan to save him first; in the past, he tried to save Grayson first, who motioned for him to save Elena instead. During a fight between Damon and Alaric, Alaric suddenly falls onto to ground not knowing what is happening to him. Damon does, however.

Damon isn't able to believe he's dying, knowing that if Alaric is dying, then Elena must be dying. Damon then cries, repeating, "You are not dead." Later, Stefan is seen at Elena's side, mourning over her death. Damon rushes to the hospital, demanding to know where Elena is. Meredith stops him, telling him she gave Elena vampire blood earlier that day because of a cerebral hemorrhage, (bleeding of the brain) as she would have died otherwise. After that, Elena awakens as a vampire in transition.

Season Four

After suffering from a severe internal bleeding in the brain, Meredith injected vampire blood into Elena for recovery, however, no blood comes out of her system and causes Elena back stage of transition to vampire. After returning to life, Elena must decide whether to complete the transition into a vampire or not.



Main article: Elena Gilbert/Relationships

Stefan Salvatore

Main article: Elena and Stefan

Stefan saved Elena after her parents' car crashed. He remained in Mystic Falls and caught Elena's eye. They started dating up until she found out he was a vampire. They later reconciled after Elena confessed her love for him. She continued to be with him, even through the period when he deeply craved human blood. They are not in a relationship.

Damon Salvatore

Main article: Elena and Damon

Elena first met Damon when he was in Mysitic fall looking for Katherine. He then talked to Elena but compelled her to forget it.Elena met Damon again at the Salvatore Boarding House when she went to look for Stefan. After a while, she started to view Damon as self-centered and cruel, especially when she found out he continuously injured her friend, Caroline Forbes. She was horrified to discover that Damon was behind the attacks in Mystic Falls. She began to warm up to him as she got to know, but still kept her distance. Eventually a very powerful, best friend like friendship develops and will inevitably turn into a mutual love which would complete the love triangle. Damon has repeatedly admitted that he is in love with Elena. Damon once told Elena that he loved her, but he didn't deserve her, but Stefan does. He then compelled her to forget it all.

Bonnie Bennett

Main article: Elena and Bonnie

Elena and Bonnie are best friends for life, Bonnie even said it herself, they're like sisters and she would die for Elena. They used to joke about Bonnie's "supernatural" powers until Bonnie found out she truly was a witch. As Elena continued to date Stefan, the two friends started drifting apart. Their friendship was strained when her Grams died because she was weakened from helping the Salvatore brothers release Katherine. From the episode Isobel and onwards, they have both gone back to normal and become best friends once again.

Caroline Forbes

Main article: Elena and Caroline

Elena and Caroline's relationship has grown since season one. They became closer after Caroline became a vampire and Elena help her to adapt to her new life. Caroline and Elena have since become best friends again, along with Bonnie.

Physical Appearance

Elena is a beautiful young woman with an oval face, almond-shaped brown eyes which are sometimes mistaken as doe-eyes, and smooth, long dark brown hair. However, in the novels, she is described as having light blonde hair and lapis lazuli blue eyes. Her height is about 5'6" and she has a slim, slightly athletic physique.

Elena looks like her ancestor, Katherine Pierce, who often poses as Elena. However, even though Elena and Katherine look exactly the same in terms of physical appearance as a result of being Petrova doppelgängers, there are some slight differences between two girls in terms of fashion and style, and especially personality. She also looks like Tatia, who is Katherine's doppelgänger.

Elena is more casual, sporty and girl next door and doesn't wear a lot of make-up and fashionable clothes often. Elena favors wearing jeans, converse sneakers and t-shirts, though she wears fashionable clothes for special occasions or formal events. Katherine's style, on the other hand, is more high maintenance and more seductive. Katherine favors wearing tight clothing, both shirts and pants, and often wears high heels, especially spike heels. Another distinct difference between Elena and Katherine's physical appearance is that Elena always has her hair straight, which Katherine does not like, while Katherine has her hair curly. However, Katherine often straightens her hair in order to fool people and pose as Elena.

Elena wore a special necklace containing the herb vervain in it as a human, which is really the Original witch Esther's talisman which cannot be destroyed; it was given to her by her boyfriend and love interest, Stefan Salvatore. It protects her from vampire compulsion.

Elena also has a scar on the left side of her neck from when Rebekah and Stefan bit her.

Powers and Abilities

Some of these powers are more potent when the vampire gets older and feeds on human blood. These powers are currently weak as she is only in transition.

Super Strength - Vampires are much stronger than humans and grow stronger with time. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss a fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their strength is also more powerful then werewolves that are not in wolf form.

Super Speed - Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion.

Emotional Control - The supernatural ability to control and manipulate the emotions of one's self.

Heightened Senses - They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far off buildings, smell blood, and see in total darkness.

Mind Compulsion - Vampires have the ability to control minds, plague people's dreams, and alter/erase human memories.

Immortality - A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires then on become immune to all conventional illness, disease, virus and infection. The only known disease or infection that can kill a vampire is a werewolf bite.

Healing Factor - Vampires can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.

Lapis Lazuli   - She possesses a Lapis Lazuli ring that enables her to walk in daylight without being harmed.[1]


Vervain - When ingested, vervain causes a vampire to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a vampire's skin is exposed to vervain, it can result in burning them.

Wood - If a vampire is wounded by wood it will cause the vampire to become severely weak and if a vampire takes a wooden stake through its heart it will result in death.

Fire or Sunlight - Any exposure to fire or sunlight will result in death to a vampire.

Heart Extraction - The act of removing a vampire's heart will result in death.

Werewolf Bite - The bite of a werewolf is extremely lethal to normal vampires.

Magic - Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of vampires to explode.

Decapitation - The act of dismembering or removing the head of a vampire will result in death.

Uninvited Invitation - Vampires cannot enter a house without being invited in. If they are in the house without being invited in they will become disoriented.

Vampire bloodline - Vampires who were turned by an original who turned others will die if the original is staked by the white oak stake.

Stefan Salvatore

Stefan Salvatore

Biographical information


November 5, 1847 (age 17/163)


By Katherine Pierce in January 1864

Status Undead

Occupation Unknown

Species Vampire

Family information

Family members

Giuseppe Salvatore † (Father)

Unnamed Mother †

Damon Salvatore (Elder Brother)

Unnamed Half-Brother †

Zachariah Salvatore † (Nephew)

Joseph Salvatore † (Cousin)

Zach Salvatore † (Distant Nephew)

Supernatural information

Significant kills

Giuseppe Salvatore

Thomas Fell Honoria Fell Marianna

Lockwood Vicki Donovan

(as a vampire) Noah Ben

McKittrick Bethanne Frederick Brady Jonas Martin Andie Star Ray Sutton Dana

Cause of death

Gunshot wound to the chest (as a human)

Killed by

Giuseppe Salvatore (as a human)


Played by Paul Wesley

Stefan Salvatore is one of the main male leads and protagonist of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan is a 163 years old vampire. His older brother, Damon Salvatore, is also a vampire and hates Stefan as he promised him a lifetime of misery.

This was due to their shared love of Katherine Pierce, the vampire who turned both of them into vampires before her presumed death in 1864. New to his vampire life, Stefan was a ripper, as said by Alexia Branson, but learned to live more compassionately with her help.

In 2009, Stefan returned to his home of Mystic Falls to discover Elena Gilbert, girl that looked exactly like Katherine. They started dating, but their lives were tangled with that of his brother Damon. With Katherine's return, the revelation of the existence of the The Originals threaten to destroy Elena in order to break a curse, and Stefan and Damon are searching for ways to save her. At the end, he is forced to become Klaus's right-hand man in exchange for saving his brother's life.

Stefan is a member of the Salvatore Family.

Stefan and Damon in the 1800's.

Stefan was born on the 5th of November in Mystic Falls in 1847 to Giuseppe Salvatore and his unknown wife. His older brother Damon was his best friend in their human lives until the two had differences concerning their lover Katherine Pierce, who turned both Salvatore brothers into vampires. Stefan unintentionally hinted to his father about vampire's being present in Mystic Falls, when he told him that vampires might not be as bad as they're said to be. Shortly afterwards his father drugged him with vervain and when Katherine bit him, she was weakened and then taken to be destroyed. Damon was devastated and furious with Stefan, as he had made him promise not to tell their father.

Stefan dies as a human.

They decided to free Katherine, but were shot and killed in the process. Stefan woke up the next day and was informed by Emily Bennett, that he and Damon were transitioning into vampires. Katherine had compelled him for weeks to drink her blood while Damon drank from Katherine willingly. Stefan later went to see his father, who revealed that he was the one who shot Damon and Stefan. When he tried to kill Stefan, Stefan accidentally stabbed his father. Stefan tried to help him, but the lust for blood was overwhelming and when he tasted his father's blood, he became a vampire.

Stefan then compelled a young woman to go with him to Damon, where he convinced his brother to become a vampire by drinking her blood. Damon, a full vampire, declared he was going to make Stefan's life miserable for the rest of eternity. It was later revealed that Damon was angry that Katherine had changed Stefan as well, which was the reason why he hates him so much. Weeks after he was turned, Stefan started to kill members of the Founding Families for what they did to Katherine.

Jonathan Gilbert and Stefan One of the Founding Families members he killed was Johnathan Gilbert, but he came back to life via his ring. Stefan was unable to control his bloodlust, so he drank the blood because he couldn't stand what he did to Damon and his father. He also compelled young women to go home with him, so he could feed on their blood.

Stefan and Lexi. Damon tried to help Stefan and Damon told him to be more careful and controlling his lust for blood; just like Katherine. One night he went to a camp where the people that were wounded under the war vase, he fed on some of the wounded. He tried to attack a girl, but she drove Stefan to the ground. She was a vampire and her name was Alexia Branson. Stefan took her home to his house, where she found out that he had just the bad part of being a vampire after seeing the bodies of the young girls he fed on. She taught him how to feel as a vampire, she became his best friend, and she showed Stefan another side of being a vampire. Apparently Stefan has fallen off the wagon since that time, revealed by Klaus that Stefan massacred a village in Mexico in 1917.

Stefan noticed he was only the bad part of being a vampire

Stefan in 1922.

He was famously known as the Ripper of Monterrey by a few vampires after Mexico he traveled to Chicago in 1922 where he first met Klaus and his sister. They became fast friends with Stefan developing feelings for Rebekah. Until one day an unknown police office asked about them. Lexi found Stefan again a few years later before getting him off human blood around 1935, it took him 30 years for him to completely kick his addiction.

Season One

Stefan meets Matt for the first time.

Stefan was first seen as a new high school student at Mystic Falls High School. He was born in Mystic Falls, Virginia and had just moved back to town, where he lives with his nephew Zach in the Salvatore Boarding House (he lived in Salvatore Estate). Zach refers to him as "Uncle Stefan", even though Stefan looks significantly much younger. When Stefan first arrives at the high school, all the girls are irresistibly attracted him.

It is at the high school that Stefan inevitably meets Elena Gilbert, who looks remarkably similar to Katherine Pierce. Over time, Elena and Stefan fall passionately in love and eventually engage in a romantic relationship. According to Caroline Forbes, Stefan's favorite color is blue. Stefan wears a ring made from Lapis Lazuli that allows him to be in the sunlight without burning. Unlike Damon Salvatore, his older brother, he feeds on animal blood and his brother on human blood.

Stefan catches ball and wins everyone over

Elena and Stefan fall in love.

His best friend, and supposedly one of his few friends, was a vampire named Lexi. In 162 Candles, it was mentioned that she visited him every year on his birthday, and this was the only day he allowed himself do any crazy or stupid stuff. He has jumped naked into the Trevi Fountain and he has also got drunk on a tour to the Statue of Liberty. When Damon killed her, he was furious. He was thinking about killing Damon. He instead let him off with a warning, staked him, but missed the heart on purpose.

It is revealed that it was Stefan who rescued Elena from the car crash which

killed her adoptive parents he tried to rescue them too, but he was too late. Stefan watching football practice. When Damon turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire, Stefan tried to teach her the ability of self control but she couldn't handle it. She ran away and went to the Halloween Party at school, but when Vicki was threatening

Elena and Jeremy's life, Stefan had to kill her. He has a bitter relationship with his older brother Damon.

They overcame some of their differences when they tried to free Katherine from the tomb, but after they opened it, they discovered she wasn't there. When Damon learned that Katherine wasn't there and that she had never really loved him he was heartbroken, leaving both Stefan and Elena to do their best to comfort him. In Let The Right One after the vampires were released from the tomb, a vampire named Frederick and some other vampires kidnapped Stefan and tortured him and tried to kill him. Harper tried to protect him, but they tied him up. He was saved by Damon and Elena.

They killed most of the vampires, but because Harper tried to help Stefan, he told Damo

n not to kill him. Elena gave Stefan some of her blood so could be stronger Frederick put a stick into him and almost killed him but Stefan was faster then Fredrick and killed him. But then he became addicted to human blood, and drank it

Stefan at the Miss Mystic Pageantbehind Elena's back. When Damon told Elena what he was doing, they got into a fight. Stefan then attacked Amber, a girl in the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal.

Stefan, along with Damon and Elena.

In Blood Brothers, Stefan felt really guilty about all the things he had done and thinks that Damon did was his fault since he forced Damon to turn into a vampire. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. Stefan felt so guilty that he tried to take his ring off and was about to commit suicide, until Elena convinced him not to do it. When they came back,

Damon told him two things. 1: What Damon does isn't Stefan's fault, it's Damon's. 2: Damon still hates Stefan, but not because he forced him to turn into a vampire. He hates him because he wanted Katherine all to himself.

Stefan saves Damon.

In Founder's Day when the tomb vampires was about to attack the during the Founder's Day festival Stefan was affected by the Device when John Gilbert started it like all other vampires in town. He was about to be taken by a deputy, but Alaric and Elena came when Stefan was spotted, Alaric sent the deputy to towards another vampire instead of Stefan, saving his life. after they discovered that Damon had been taken, Stefan and Elena asked John were Damon was, he told them where they could find Damon; Stefan saved Damon with some help from Bonnie.

Season Two

Katherine almost fools Stefan.

Stefan arrived at Elena's house and examined Jeremy, confirming that he wasn't a vampire. Stefan then watched Jeremy while Elena goes to the hospital to check on Caroline. When Stefan comes downstairs, he sees "Elena", who is really Katherine. Stefan quickly realizes who it is and immediately throws her over the couch. Katherine breaks his arm, and then leaves when Damon and Elena walk into the house. Stefan asks Damon how Katherine had fooled him and Damon replied that he had kissed her, thinking he had kissed Elena. This upsets Stefan and he was about to attack his brother, but Elena stopped him.

Katherine stabs Stefan.

Stefan and Elena went to question John about the attack, but John insulted Elena's love for Stefan and offended her. Stefan then threatened John's life by giving him blood to turn him into a vampire, and would do it if John didn't leave town. Stefan arrived at the Lockwood Estate in time to stop Katherine from attacking Bonnie. Stefan tried to get Katherine to spill why she was there, ignoring her flirting.

Elena Taking care of Stefan's wounds

Katherine told him she had come back for him, but when he responded that he hated her, she stabbed him and said that it was the beginning of a love story—not the end.

Stefan consoles Elena.

Elena took care of Stefan's wounds until Damon came and she went to see how Jeremy and Jenna were. Damon was ready for a fight, but Stefan refused, knowing this was what could tear them apart with Katherine on the loose. Katherine got under Damon's skin and Damon killed Jeremy with the intention of turning him into a vampire, but due to Jeremy's ring, Stefan was able to identify that he was still human.

Stefan and Elena defend Caroline against Damon.

At a carnival, Damon challenged Stefan to hand-wrestle Mason Lockwood but Stefan lost. Damon thought he hadn't been trying, but Stefan admitted that he actually had and Mason was unnaturally strong. Damon decided to compel Carter, a worker, to get in a fight with Tyler Lockwood and see how Mason reacted. Stefan spied the fight from a far and witnessed Mason's unusual fighting against Carter. When they left, Carter was confused by why he did what he had done, and Stefan told him he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Stefan comforts Caroline. Stefan tried to give Elena a normal day, but the revelation of Caroline's transformation into a vampire was a shock. Stefan was furious that Katherine would do this to her, and was in agreement with Damon that Caroline should die (because of what happened to Vicki Donovan). While talking to Elena, Stefan was distracted when he smelled blood from Caroline's victim. He and Elena arrived just in time to stop Damon from killing Caroline.

Stefan mentors Caroline.

Stefan took her off to the bathroom to clean the blood of her face. Caroline was disgusted and horrified by what she had done and freaked out when she saw her eyes change to black. Stefan got her to calm down and showed that this was completely natural. Caroline asked him why Katherine had done this to her, but Stefan didn't know. Afterwards, Stefan convinces Bonnie to create a lapis ring for Caroline and begins to teach her how to live on the animal diet. At the realization that Mason Lockwood was a werewolf, he even tried to protect her.

Stefan tried to make peace with Mason who told his secret to Elizabeth Forbes, the sheriff, who went about trying to destroy the brothers. This time Caroline came to the brothers rescue. Knowing that he was too weak from his diet, Stefan decided to start taking small amounts of human blood every day, and Elena who was against it at first, started to help him by giving him her own blood.

The brothers are taken by the sheriff and her deputies.

Stefan jumps into a well to try and find the moonstone that Mason hid, but didn't realize the water was full of vervain and he couldn't move, his face and body beginning to burn; Elena comes down to rescue him. After a dangerous situation in which Jenna, Elena's aunt, stabs herself after being compelled by Katherine, Stefan and Elena realize that it was a mistake not listening to Katherine and allowing themselves to challenge her, and decide to break up, despite their affection and deep love for each other.

In Masquerade, Stefan and Damon decided to kill Katherine at the Masquerade party, Alaric, Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy helped them. At the party when Katherine came he had to dance with her or she would kill someone. Katherine told Stefan that she wants the moonstone back and when he told her that she can't have it Katherine killed Amber Bradley and left her in Stefan's arms he put Amber body in his car. Stefan returns to the party and says to Damon they need to call the whole thing

off, but Damon convinces him to change his mind. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell.

Stefan fighting Katherine with Damon.

Caroline lured Katherine inside the room, then the brothers attacked Katherine. Stefan and Damon continue fighting, and when Damon is just about to drive the stake through Katherine's heart Jeremy comes and says "Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena" both Stefan and Damon stop. Trapped inside the room Stefan realizes something. He remembers that Katherine told him that she gave George Lockwood something that he needed to make him help her fake her death, he figures it's the moonstone. He asks Katherine why she needs it back but Katherine doesn't answer him.

Lucy appears, getting their attention, she gives the moonstone to Katherine. All of a sudden Katherine starts gasping and falls. Lucy says that Elena is fine and that the spell is broken. She apologies for her involvement to the Salvatore's and leaves. Stefan the goes out to Elena while Damon traps Katherine in the tomb. Stefan tries to get back with Elena, but she refuses and decides to wait until she makes sure that she and her loved ones are safe first.

In Rose, Stefan and Damon have to rescue Elena, when she is kidnapped and held by two vampires called Trevor and Rose. When Stefan finds Elena, he and Damon work together to bring down another vampire called Elijah. In the tenth episode he goes into the cave to save Jeremy from Katherine. He got stuck in the tomb with Katherine because Bonnie is unable to release the spell over it. However, Elijah made a deal with Elena; to get Stefan out of the tomb, and so he kept the deal and got Stefan out and compelled Katherine to stay in the tomb until he told her to come out. He has now started drinking vervain to build up tolerance to it.

Stefan brought Elena to a lake house where Elena and her adoptive family used to go. When they arrived, Elena took a few moments and went into the house, leaving Stefan outside. She tricked Stefan into believing that the house was left to John Gilbert after her parents died, but she revealed the truth shortly after. Elena then invited Stefan into the house. Later that night, Tyler and Brady wanted to retrieve the Petrova Doppelganger, Elena.

Brady shot Stefan in the chest, probably not hitting his heart and left Tyler with a gun and a stake to watch over him while Brady took Elena. Elena was smart enough to hide around the house while Brady searched for her. Brady was stabbed a couple of times by Elena. Elena rushed towards the door and out and when Brady came out in pursuit, Stefan pulled his heart out, literally. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him.

Stefan and Damon In The Dinner Party, Stefan tells Elena about a dark time in his history. He states that he was a monster and fed off human blood and was worse than Damon back then. He also tells Elena the person that changed his life around was Lexi. When Elijah shows up at the lake house, Elena tricks him by stabbing herself with the dagger and subsequently stabs him with the dagger. Stefan then gives her his blood to heal her.

Stefan and Elena both realize that Katherine is no longer in the tomb and she's posing as Elena. Stefan then goes to Bonnie hoping that they can get the Martins on their side. Later Stefan goes to the Martin's house when Luka was just killed. Stefan tries to comfort him, but Jonas casts a spell that causes him to scream in pain. Jonas yells that he has no-one left and Stefan is about to find out what that feels like. Stefan then goes to the Grill and finds Caroline, updates her on the situation, and while she goes after Jonas, he will get Elena away. At the Gilbert house, Katherine pretends to be Elena and bites Jonas, but he soon wakes up and attacks Bonnie. Stefan then snaps his neck.

Stefan finds John Gilbert dead.

When Isobel returned to Mystic Falls, Stefan and Elena wanted answers from her. He is later seen with Elena, protecting her, as John falls down the stairs, dead. Katherine kidnapped Elena and posed as her, but Stefan knew where Elena was, and he gets stabbed with vervain. He then teams up with Damon to find Isobel and Elena. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires. Damon and Stefan realized that they have a new secret weapon: Bonnie.

In The Last Dance, Stefan attends the '60s Decade Dance with Elena after Klaus starts to send his disturbing messages. He can see that something is troubling Jeremy and after talking with him, he finds out that Bonnie might die if she uses too much power to kill Klaus. He goes to Damon asking if he knew that already, and Damon admits he did. Later both Stefan and Damon help Jeremy who is being attack by students, Stefan then realizes that it was a distraction.

Elena and Stefan at the 60's dance

He meets up with Elena, both rushing to find Bonnie and Damon. After Elena has freed Elijah from the dagger, Stefan respects her wishes and lets her try to talk with him alone and soon after is seen protecting Jenna from Klaus who is still in Alaric body. Later Stefan tells Damon to stop treating Andie Star like that. The brothers start to fight about Damon loving Elena, after Stefan says that Damon doesn't have Elena's respect. They are interrupted by Elijah and Elena.

Stefan sees Damon's werewolf bite.

[In the episode The Last Day, Stefan respects Elena's decision on using the Elixir that Elijah has to save her. However, when Damon fed Elena his blood, Stefan fought him and ended up with a stake in the stomach. Stefan then took Elena on a hike to watch the sunset and to have one last romantic day together. During the sacrifice he tries to exchange himself for Elena's aunt Jenna as the vampire but Klaus refuses saying he has plans for him. Stefan watches in horror as Elijah, instead of killing Klaus as planned, fled with him.

Klaus's plans are revealed in As I Lay Dying. Klaus offers him a deal to save Damon from a werewolf bite: he will become his right-hand man, leaving everything including Elena and Klaus will cure Damon. Stefan accepts and drinks the number of blood bags Klaus gives him. Klaus then gives his blood, the cure, to Katherine to be delivered to Damon. At first Stefan is shocked, but relieved when Elena sends him a text saying Damon is okay. As Stefan watches Klaus place Elijah's body with the rest of his family. Klaus then calls out a teenage girl from behind the crate and forces Stefan to kill her and drink her blood as his initiation. Stefan does so, and Klaus is pleased.

Season Three

Stefan and Klaus find Ray.

In The Birthday, Stefan and Klaus are in Tennessee. Stefan stops a brunette/black haired woman from running out of her house, while being chased by Klaus. The girls give up Ray Sutton' s location, a werewolf, but Klaus tells Stefan to kill the blonde quickly and make the runner suffer, before walking out. Stefan obliges. ]Then Klaus and Stefan arrive at a bar to find Ray.

Ray is suspicious and soon figures out that he's in the company of vampires. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. Still, that doesn't bother Stefan, who menacingly suggests that they're going to play a drinking game - "truth or wolfsbane". Back in the bar, Ray's being tortured, he's chained up and Stefan's throwing wolfsbane soaked darts at him. He's still refusing to give up details of his pack. Fortunately for Ray, he gets a slight reprieve when Klaus gets word that Damon has been sniffing around.

Stefan promises to go and deal with it - and vows to return to Klaus. Damon meets Stefan who tells him to stop causing problems. Damon, of course, claims that he doesn't care about Klaus, but Stefan tells him again to let him go. Damon warns that if Stefan carries on, they'll be no saving him, but Stefan says he doesn't need that - though Damon points out that Elena thinks differently. Stefan, at this point, shows just how far he has fallen. He calls out to Andie, who is up high on a beam in the studio roof. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. Damon tells Stefan that it's "not cool" but Stefan chillingly replies: "Oh, come on. A little bit cool".

Stefan calls Elena. He then tells Andie that she can move, she falls and breaks her neck. Stefan returns to Klaus, who has extracted the wolf pack information from Ray. Klaus announces that he now has to go through a three-stage process. First, he feeds Ray his blood, and then he swiftly breaks his neck. Klaus says he knew Stefan would come back, and Stefan, for his part, claims that he doesn't care about anything anymore. Interestingly, Klaus accuses him of putting on a "good show".

Stefan in The Hybrid

He says Stefan will never stop caring about his family, but the blood makes it easier to let go. Later Stefan leaves the bar in Tennessee. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. She tells him he will be alright and tells him to hold on to the fact that she loves him. Stefan nods and begins to cry. In The End of the Affair, it is revealed that Stefan use to be a lover of Rebekah, an vampire and Klaus' sister.

Klaus takes him to Chicago about their memories (who was erased by Klaus) and their days and Rebekah is now dead, waiting for her resurrection. Elena stays at Stefan's old apartment, hides from Klaus and Stefan who hides from Elena before he takes a wine. As Elena attempted to shoot him with a vervain dart, Stefan tells her that he doesn't want to come back. After Rebekah's reawaken, Klaus compels him to remember.

Stefan meets Katherine in Chicago.

Still in Chicago with Klaus and Rebekah at the start of Disturbing Behavior, Katherine signals to Stefan (who is in a clothing store) that she wants to talk with him. She knows he has a plan, and warns him that Klaus is smart and will figure it out. As Gloria starts to search for Rebekah's necklace, Stefan begins to worry that Elena will be found. Gloria later says that what she saw in her vision bothered her, that the girls she saw were talking about him. She tells him he could tell her, or she could torture him for it. As Stefan speeds to attack her, she only glances at him and he falls to the floor in pain.

Gloria sets up everything to torture him for the information, and finally sees where the necklace is. Katherine arrives and stabs Gloria in the neck. Katherine offers that they should work together, yet Stefan still refuses. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. He asks her out about the man that was looking for them, but she give him a straight answer. She kisses him, testing if he has any feelings for her, and is disappointed, asking him if he would ever love someone like his previous girlfriend (Elena).

Klaus comes in a few seconds later telling them Gloria is gone, and Rebekah says Stefan isn't on their side, that he's been asking about Mikael. Klaus attacks him. He is shown to wake up in the back of a truck, where Klaus welcomes him back to Mystic Falls - to find out what Stefan is hiding.

Stefan fights Klaus' compulsion.

Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. He then compelled him to kill Elena if the clock reached 0. Stefan showed great strength when he fought the compulsion and told Elena to run. Unfortunately, Klaus then used compulsion one last time and ordered Stefan to turn his emotions off. Stefan was forced to attack Elena. In the end of the episode, Stefan is shown back at the Salvatore boarding house, saying as Klaus left town, he's been ordered to keep Elena safe (for the reason that her blood is needed to create hybrids).

His attitude is much like that as when Damon first arrived in Mystic Falls in the season one premiere. Stefan in Smells Like Teen Spirit goes back to school and has moved back to Salvatore Boarding House again, staying behind to keep an eye on Elena, and "guard" her for Klaus. Damon is unimpressed by his brother's behavior, most importantly the way he is feeding off of girls in the house. As Rebekah enters telling them Klaus left her behind and she doesn't have a place to stay, Stefan shows he doesn't really care about that.

"Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?"

Elena, Damon and Alaric later formulate a plan to catch Stefan off guard and lock him up, to try and restore him to his normal self. The plan fails thanks to Vicki interfering and trying to kill Elena, but Elena does see a glimmer of hope for Stefan: that there may still be a part of him left. Stefan later asks Elena why did she save him from the burning car, and calls her pathetic when she says she still has hope, causing his ex-girlfriend to stab him.

Lexi torturing Stefan as Elena watches.

In Ghost World, after Bonnie casts a spell revealing all of the ghosts, Lexi appears. She knocks him out and locks him in the county Jail. She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Stefan tries to get Elena to let him go by saying that he loves her, but Lexi and Elena see through it, causing him to howl in rage and say that he wishes that he never met them. After Lexi disappears, Stefan asks Elena if she's given up, but Elena says no, but Stefan couldn't either, because he would lose her if he did, she would not love a ghost.

In Ordinary People, Damon frees Stefan, seeing Lexi's approach as useless.

Stefan's reaction after Damon frees him.

The two of them go to a bar and drink, both beer and blood. Stefan asks why Damon he freed him, but Damon brushes the question off. Eventually, Mikael shows up and drives his fist through Damon's heart in an attempt to get Stefan to tell him where Klaus is, after hearing that Stefan is connected to him. At first, it seems as if Klaus' compulsion made it so that he didn't care, but he eventually agrees to lure Klaus to Mystic Falls. However, he later tells Damon that he did it to get freedom from Klaus, not because of any feelings for his brother.

Stefan tells them not to let their humanity get in the wayIn Homecoming, Stefan participates in the plan to kill Klaus, luring him to Mystic Falls by saying that Mikael is dead (in fact he was dead as Elena daggered him so Stefan could inform Klaus of this and not have Klaus' compulsion stop him from lying.) After hearing about a change in the plan, Stefan asks what it is, only to be attacked by Mikael. Katherine later shows up and informs him that Klaus' hybrids have orders to kill Damon if Klaus is killed.

She tells him that she is going back to go through with the plan, but that will mean Damon's death. She tells Stefan to care enough about Damon to save him. After Stefan interrupts the plan, which results in Mikael's death, Klaus undoes his compulsion, and Stefan and Katherine leave. Stefan asks why Katherine, who wanted Klaus dead for 500+ years, would stop a plan that would have worked to killed him, just to save Damon. Katherine states that, while humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness,

Stefan with the coffins of the originals.

it is the one weakness that cannot be beaten down, and that she loves Damon, despite early comments. Stefan states that he can't go back to feeling after everything he has done. But Katherine tells him that he needs to feel, because she needs him to get angry. He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan.

When Klaus tells him to let bygones be bygones, and that an eternity of bad feelings gets old, Stefan counters saying that revenge never gets old, and reveals that he stole the coffins that hold Klaus' family. Klaus threatens to kill everyone Stefan has ever met, and Stefan says that if he does that, he will never see his family again.

Stefan and Damon discuss Klaus.In The New Deal, it is revealed that Stefan is hiding Klaus' family coffins with the help of Bonnie. Damon gets angry with Stefan when he realizes that Stefan stopped him from killing Klaus in order to save his life again.

In Our Town, Stefan's obsession for revenge, drives him to kidnap Elena in an effort to get Klaus to call off his hybrids. He threatens to drive Elena off Wickery Bridge unless he calls them off. He agrees at the last moment. Elena is very hurt and Stefan tells her that Klaus took everything from him and now all he has left is to get revenge on Klaus. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town..."

In The Ties That Bind, When Bonnie shows Elena the coffins, Stefan gets angry because Elena shouldn't have seen those. He then followed Elena and Bonnie to Abby's House, talking to Elena. Then, Jamie came to protect Elena but Stefan compels him to leave. Stefan gets shot by Jamie, after realizing that Jamie has been compelled by someone. Unable to move he has to lie on the ground together with a tied up Elena.

"Stefan, say something..."

After she knocked out Jamie she helps Stefan to pull out the wooden bullets and she tells him, she kissed Damon. Stefan is quiet but he seems hurt by the news. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than

Damon, that she is better than both of them. Stefan leaves and goes to Damon who was surprised to see his brother. He then hits Damon due to kissing Elena. He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals.

Stefan makes a fake deal with Klaus.

In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan makes sure that the fourth coffin is safe and wants Bonnie and her mom to open it. After that he was accused by Elena of having killed Brian Walkers, he asks her if Damon has recently killed someone and leaves. He and Damon have a conversation about un-daggering Elijah and Damon explains that Elijah's in the perfect mood to help killing Klaus. Together they appear at The Original Family Mansion for dinner with Klaus and Elijah. They reveal their past with Tatia, the Original Petrova.

After Klaus made the offer that the Salvatores would keep away from Elena, Stefan disagrees, causing Klaus to overpower him and burn his hand in the chimney while Damon and Elijah go away. Stefan states he should kill him and Klaus asks where the Ripper has been. Elijah frees Stefan and Damon, meaning that this is family business. As Stefan and Damon leave and walk in the woods Stefan says "I love her, Damon," and Damon says that he does as well. Afterwards they look to see if the coffin got opened. They find Bonnie and Abby knocked out and the coffin opened. Whatever was inside is gone now.

In Dangerous Liaisons,   it is learned that Elena had been invited to the Mikaelson Family home for a ball and that the mother, Esther has requested an audience with her. Stefan and Elena agree that she should meet with Esther while Damon doesn't want her to go. They all end up showing up to the ball and Elena is escorted in by both brothers. Later, Stefan watches as Damon and Elena begin to dance but as the waltz shifts to a sequence that switches partners, Elena runs into Stefan.

They dance and while the energy is intense they share a light hearted chat about Stefan's usual lack of enthusiasm for dancing. The subject then switches to Damon and Stefan tells Elena that Damon needs to figure out that she can look out for herself. Elena tells Stefan she needs to talk to him and she asks for his help in getting her into the room with Esther alone. She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression.

"All I feel is pain."

Elena mentions her appreciation that he still at least lets her make her own decisions. Stefan helps Elena and later takes her home. They talk about Damon's self destructive behavior that night. Elena says she said something she didn't mean and Stefan admits that he did too. Stefan says goodbye and as he walks out Elena stops him and asks how he can't feel anything and tells him that feeling anything is better than acting like he doesn't care. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. He says "If I let myself care, all I feel is pain," and then leaves.

In All My Children, Elena calls Stefan but he declines to answer, an emotionally pained expression on his face. He also appears to be writing in his diary for the first time in a while.

Stefan asks Damon why he killed and turned Abby into a vampire while it should of been him. Damon says he can see that Stefan just wants to be the old him again and Stefan responds shaking his head and saying, "That part of me is gone for good." Damon doesn't believe this and mentions that he has taken notice that Stefan has not been drinking human blood lately. Stefan reveals that he stopped drinking human blood since the night he threatened to drive Elena off of Wickery Bridge.

In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. He and Damon showed up for a funeral of a family member and Damon later convinces Stefan to start drinking human blood again. Later Stefan is shown drinking the blood of a woman. He looses control and ends up killing her. Stefan panics and goes into a frenzy, crying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He gets angry at Damon saying, "What did you do to me?" Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." In the present, Stefan and Damon try to figure out the murder mystery occurring in the town. Damon notices that Stefan seems to be having a hard time going back to his animal diet.

Stefan looks at his brother.

Later, Damon tempts Stefan into drinking from a human girl and tries to stop him before he gets too carried away. Elena catches them and seems very upset. Stefan is hurt and angrily walks away from Damon. Later on Stefan is at the house sitting and looking upset. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." He explains that he is trying to help him recover. Stefan asks Damon why he is trying to help him and Damn responds, "Because right now, you're all I got." This statement seems to have an emotional impact on Stefan.

In Break On Through, Elena runs into Stefan at the Salvatore boarding house and catches him serving himself blood from a blood bag. Stefan seems uncomfortable with her presence as he is about to drink the blood. He then told Elena about Samantha Gilbert and says if the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing she can do about it. Elena seems disappointed with Stefan's comment and leaves. Damon tries to tell Stefan to control his blood lust and to accept the fact that he is a vampire. Later, Stefan and Elena are about to go into Alaric's apartment and Stefan tells her that he is not trying to hurt her, he just can't be what she wants him to be right now.

Stefan saves Meredith

In reference to Alaric, Elena tells Stefan that she wasn't planning on giving up on either of them. This seems to effect Stefan. As they return to Elena's home Stefan realizes that someone is bleeding upstairs. He tells Elena he is going to need her help and they go upstairs to find Meredith badly injured and bleeding. Stefan seems to be tempted by the blood but then looks at Elena. He finds the strength to stay long enough to heal Meredith by feeding her his blood, and then leaves, resisting the urge to drink from her. At the end, Stefan is shown having a drink and he reveals to Damon that he is toasting to "control".

In The Murder of One, Stefan and Damon make a plan with Elena, Matt and Caroline to kill the Originals. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. When Elena asks to go rescue Damon, Stefan refuses and insists that they carry out the plan. The truth of the vampire bloodlines is revealed and Stefan goes to rescue Damon, offering Klaus the remaining white oak stakes in exchange for Damon's freedom. Klaus realizes that Stefan had not given him all of the stakes but Rebekah releases Damon anyways. Later, Elena enters Stefan's room telling him that he scared her by trying to go up to Klaus on his own. Stefan says she doesn't have to worry about that anymore because he realizes hating Klaus and getting revenge isn't worth it. He seems disappointed saying it was all for nothing and that he is back where he started.

"I will always love you"

Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. Stefan reveals that hating Klaus was easy because it allowed him to ignore everything happening around him, everything he let slip away. Elena reveals that she never stopped loving him but Stefan seems troubled at the notion that she has feelings for Damon. He says to Elena, "I love you, I will always love you." He tells her he wants her to look him in the eye and say she doesn't feel anything for Damon. She says she doesn't know what she feels. Stefan nods and walks away in sadness.

"...why don't you get the hell out of my house." In Heart of Darkness, it is revealed that Elena is going on a trip to Denver with Damon due to Stefan's idea that she figure out her feelings for Damon. Stefan stays to watch over Alaric and he tells him in regards to Elena, "No matter what i go through to get her back...none of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else." Klaus shows up to get the stakes. Later on, Klaus tells Stefan he is still waiting for his "old friend to come back," after Stefan notes that Klaus won't kill him. Stefan responds saying that he has been trying to fight off the "ripper" part of himself but that now that he has accepted it, it can't control him. He then tells Klaus, "And neither can you. So, unless your gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house."

"It's ok to feel."

In Do Not Go Gentle, Elena asks Stefan to the decade dance with the encouragement of Caroline. Stefan seems excited by her invitation and when he goes to pick Elena up they exchange compliments. They joke about the bad luck they usually have at the dances and Elena responds saying that they need to live their lives. Stefan jokes, saying, "Who gave you that horrible advice?" and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. When they arrive at the dance and begin to slow dance Stefan mentions that he has been meaning to apologize to Bonnie. Elena brings up Damon and their trip to Denver but Stefan stops her saying, "If you and I find our way back to each other, you can tell me if you want to. Otherwise, I don't need to know, I don't want to know."

He expresses that he is just honored to be her date that night. Later on, Stefan and Klaus are standing outside talking about Esther. Klaus mentions that the dance's 1920's theme reminds him of their friendship and "brotherhood". Damon walks up, saying "Well he already has a brother...not to be, you know, territorial or anything." Klaus laughs at this and jokes about "The Salvatores and their unshakable bond." He starts provoking them with the idea that Elena's "choice" will shake them up a bit. This episodes exhibits more growth for Stefan as he apologizes to Bonnie and tries to comfort Caroline and Tyler.

After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. He takes her hand and leads her to the gym, explaining that that is the place where he hit rock bottom. He says to her, "After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything again." He explains that someone kept telling him that it was ok to feel, that emotions is what makes people human. Elena responds saying "Who gave you that horrible advice?" Stefan says, "Some girl I use to date," as tears form in his eyes. Elena is saddened and says that she doesn't have anyone anymore. Stefan comforts her and tells her, "You have me."

Stefan and Damon try to save Elena.

In Before Sunset, Stefan appears the most upbeat he has been all season. He offers Elena and Jeremy help with painting Alaric's old bedroom. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. Stefan, Damon and Klaus finally agree to save Elena and Caroline together. While waiting to complete their plan, Klaus talks to Stefan about Elena. Stefan mentions that he will turn his back on everything to make sure Elena is safe. Klaus tells him that he is Elena's better option and says "Personally I think she is wasting her time with Damon." Stefan responds saying that all the time and energy Klaus had put into trying to make Stefan and Damon hate each other has actually brought them closer. He says "Damon and I have been through a hell of a lot worse than you."

Later on, Stefan, Damon and Tyler begin to desiccate Klaus' body with help from Bonnie. As Stefan stops Klaus' heart, Klaus looks on in shock and sadness and Stefan's expression seems conflicted as well. Stefan seems satisfied at finally being able to stop Klaus but a part of him appears sad as well. As Stefan and Damon take off to put away Klaus' body they talk about Elena and Stefan mentions that if she chooses Damon he will go away and let them be happy. Damon agrees to do the same and implies towards the trouble they go through for "one girl". Stefan responds saying, "She is a pretty special girl" and Damon agrees. This episode reflects one of the strongest points in the relationship between both brothers.

In The Departed, Stefan and Damon decide that one of them needs to go back to Mystic Falls to keep on eye on Elena. Stefan later appears and Elena hugs him. Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. In the kitchen, Stefan talks to Matt about the importance of free will. Later, Stefan allows Elena to decide whether she wants to trust Elijah or not and she decides that she will.

After it is revealed that everyone is in danger from Alaric, Stefan prepares to take off and help keep everyone safe. He comforts Elena with his promise. As he walks away Elena stops him, implying that she wants to say something to him but then she changes her mind. Stefan begins to walk away again but then turns around, walks over to Elena and kisses her. He looks at her longingly and says, "That's just in case there is no later," and then finally leaves.

Stefan talks to Damon

Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Stefan reveals that he is concerned that Damon won't be able to say goodbye to Elena. Though it is not explicitly said by either brother, in this moment it becomes clear that they each care for each other very much. After Matt forces Elena to decide which brother to say goodbye to, she calls Damon and reveals that she has chosen to say goodbye to Stefan. They are both sad, but Elena expresses that Stefan came into her life at a time when she needed someone and she fell for him instantly. She explains that despite her feelings for Damon, she always loved Stefan. Afterwards, Rebekah calls Stefan and reveals that she wants to kill Elena while Stefan tries to stop her.

Stefan mourns Elena's human life.

In the last moments of the episode, it flashes back and forth as Stefan tries to save Elena. In the past, it shows Elena's father asking him to save his daughter and Stefan's confusion as he sees her face. In the present Stefan reaches to pull Elena out but she refuses and motions for him to save Matt first. They exchange intense looks and Stefan finally surrenders to Elena's plea, pulling Matt out of the car. After Damon realizes Alaric is dead, it is revealed that Stefan ran out of time to save Elena and that she has died. The last shot of Stefan shows him sitting over her dead body as tears fill his eyes and he mourns the loss of her human life.


Elena and Stefan (girlfriend, in love with) Stefan and Damon (Older brother, partner of crime) Stefan, Damon and Katherine Stefan and Caroline (vampires best friends, partners of crime) Damon, Elena and Stefan (The two persons that he loves the most) Stefan and Klaus Stefan and Rebekah (ex-girlfriend, ennemies) Stefan and Katherine (ex-girlfriend, friennemie, partner of crime) Stefan and Bonnie (friennemies) Stefan and Elijah (ennemis, partner of crime) Stefan and Lexi (former best friends, mentor) Stefan and Gloria (ennemies)

Physical Appearance

Stefan has light brown hair and green eyes. He generally wears darker colors such as black, grey and blue although sometimes he does wear lighter colors. A particularly noticeable trait of Stefan's is his hair. His hair use to be longer but in modern times it appears shorter and styled differently.

In both the past and present, characters have often made jokes about Stefan's hair. Stefan's body is generally very lean and fit. According to Elena, Stefan is "a little pretty" and according to Bonnie, Stefan has a "hot back".


Stefan often seems quite serious and brooding. As a human he seemed more light-hearted and naive. He was very close to his older brother Damon and looked up to him. He also very quickly and easily became infatuated with Katherine Pierce, which is evidence of his naivety and simplicity as a human.

As a vampire, Stefan's personality became increasingly complex. He has a troubling bloodlust that has often become a major problem for him. When he gives into his bloodlust, Stefan is rash, careless and can become destructive. The "ripper" side of him usually causes him to push people away. He was also a very dependent person closer to his years as a human. This is exampled by a time right after he turned into a vampire and then convinced his unwilling brother to complete his own transformation into a vampire. Over a century later, in the episode Rose, Stefan apologizes to Damon for this and admits that he was selfish and didn't want to be alone.

However, there is also a large part of Stefan that cares deeply for his own humanity. As the witch Emily Bennett had once told him, Stefan's heart is pure. This is what has caused a majority of the self-loathing and brooding which has become deeply associated with Stefan's personality. When Stefan is at his best he is extremely caring and compassionate. He does not like to see others in pain and can be very wise and comforting to others. Stefan can also be highly honorable, courageous, and selfless, especially when it comes to the people he cares about. One of the most selfless acts Stefan has done is give up his life in Mystic Falls and his devotion to his humanity in order to save his brother's life.

When it seems appropriate, Stefan can be very upbeat and humorous. He is particularly funny around his close friends and can sometimes be very sarcastic. His best friend Lexi often brought out the more light-hearted part of Stefan's personality. Stefan is usually one to shy away from dancing but admits that he is more enthusiastic about it when he is drunk.

Stefan is generally a very romantic person. His love for Elena Gilbert has highlighted how his values have changed since he was human and also how deep and loving he can be. Elena's own compassion and kindness is very important to Stefan. He is often very sweet and gentle towards Elena but also very passionate about her. He has also proven many times that respect and trust are very important to him when it comes to relationships and love. Stefan often emphasizes the importance of free will and respecting one's decisions.

Powers and Abilities

Some of these powers are more potent when the vampire gets older and feeds on human blood.

Super Strength - Vampires are much stronger than humans and grow stronger with time. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss a fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their strength is also more powerful then werewolves that are not in wolf form.

Super Speed - Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion.

Emotional Control - The supernatural ability to control and manipulate the emotions of one's self.

Heightened Senses - They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far off buildings, smell blood, and see in total darkness.

Mind Compulsion - Vampires have the ability to control minds, plague people's dreams, and alter/erase human memories.

Immortality - A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires then on become immune to all conventional illness, disease, virus and infection. The only known disease or infection that can kill a vampire is a werewolf bite.

Healing Factor - Vampires can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.

Lapis Lazuli - He possesses a Lapis Lazuli ring that enables him to walk in daylight without being harmed.


Vervain - When ingested, vervain causes a vampire to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a vampire's skin is exposed to vervain, it can result in burning them.

Wood - If a vampire is wounded by wood it will cause the vampire to become severely weak and if a vampire takes a wooden stake through its heart it will result in death.

Fire or Sunlight - Any exposure to fire or sunlight will result in death to a vampire. Heart Extraction - The act of removing a vampire's heart will result in death. Werewolf Bite - The bite of a werewolf is extremely lethal to normal vampires. Magic - Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of vampires to explode. Decapitation - The act of dismembering or removing the head of a vampire will result in death. Uninvited Invitation - Vampires cannot enter a house without being invited in. If they are in the house without

being invited in they will become disoriented. Vampire Bloodline - Vampires who were turned by an original who turned others will die if the original is staked

by the white oak stake