Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report




Transcript of Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

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Ginette Bott Chief Development Officer

Kent ListonChief Financial Officer

Clark WoodChief Operations Officer

Jim YorgasonPresident & CEO

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President & CEO Message

Utah Food Bank had a banner year for food distribution, although being able to report distributing millions and millions of meals to Utahns facing hunger isn’t necessarily a good thing. There are two sides to every story, and the economic recovery story certainly has two. On one hand, people are going back to work, so Utah’s unemployment statistics should suggest that fewer people are in need of assistance. But, despite a lower-than-national-average unemployment rate, hundreds of thousands of Utahns still aren’t making enough money to feed their families once necessary expenses are met. Often, food falls to the bottom of the budget, partly because many other expenses are relatively fixed: housing costs, transportation and utilities. If one of those suddenly increases, such as a family emergency or medical expense, it can eliminate what little was set aside for food. That is where Utah Food Bank and our statewide network of 134 partner agencies comes in.

Last year, Utah Food Bank distributed 37.5 million pounds of food, the equivalent of 31.3 million meals, to Utahns facing hunger statewide. We also provided food directly to many of the 1 in 5 Utah children facing hunger through both our BackPack and Kids Cafe programs, which served 18% more meals than in 2013. In addition, we brought on more distribution sites. But, distribution numbers alone don’t tell the whole story, so Utah Food Bank has made it a priority this past year to distribute the appropriate amounts and types of food, through the right channels, to ensure that no food goes to waste. This has meant working more closely with pantries to better meet their needs while matching their capacity, especially those outside the Wasatch Front, where food assistance is often harder to come by due to the rural nature of many of our counties. Every individual donation of food, time, and money helps make it possible for us to assess the unique needs of every county in our state to better serve the 444,000 Utahns struggling to access sufficient food. Your support means parents don’t have to put kids to bed on an empty stomach, seniors don’t have to choose between food and life-saving medicines, and individuals don’t have to choose between a roof over their head and food on their table.

Distributing millions

and millions of meals

to Utahns facing hunger

isn’t necessarily a

good thing.

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Despite the fact that Utah’s economy continued its upward trend, hundreds of thousands of Utahns were still left struggling to make ends meet. To address this, last year Utah Food Bank worked to better reach those left behind by the post-recession economy by focusing efforts on ensuring that areas of our state with the greatest need receive sufficient food assistance. In addition, we focused on finding ways to provide the best possible food assistance in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible.

Addressing the need in southern Utah has again been at the forefront of our efforts in 2014, and this year provided an opportunity for collaboration and planning with the city of St. George on their new homeless shelter project, Switchpoint Community Resource Center. This innovative homeless shelter provides a one-stop-shop for resources, such as employment support, assistance in obtaining the necessary identification, aid in accessing affordable healthcare, and food assistance — all of which are day-to-day issues for the homeless population. Utah Food Bank Southern Distribution Center helped establish a pantry at the new location, provided food, and offered assistance with the center’s efforts to meet food needs of those struggling with homelessness in southern Utah. Utah Food Bank is excited to be one of the agencies contributing to this important project, and pleased that the homeless population will be able to access the food they need at St. George’s new Community Resource Pantry.

Last year was also spent re-examining some of our established programs, such as our BackPack program, to ensure it is meeting the needs of Utah’s hungry in the most holistic and efficient manner possible. Part of this process has led to formulating strategies to focus on the needs of entire communities as a whole, rather than focusing on feeding children, seniors or individuals.

Fighting Hunger Statewide


























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Our BackPack program provides weekend provisions for children facing hunger by sending home easy-to-prepare and kid-friendly foods on Friday afternoons during the school year. Part of re-examining this program has been to formulate a solution to feed the whole family, not just the children. Several programs may have some exciting changes coming up in 2015, but one pilot program is a Mobile School Pantry that visits schools on a monthly basis in an effort to feed entire families, rather than just children. To help fund this exciting new program, Utah Food Bank is formulating a strategy that will include outreach to corporate partners who may have an interest in sponsoring Mobile School Pantries for an entire school year.

Another focus of last year was our continuing efforts to be as efficient and sustainable as possible. Finding areas where we can reduce costs and streamline processes led us to the conclusion that distributing food drive donation bags had become an unnecessary environmental and financial expense. In an effort to “go green” and reduce costs at the same time, 2014 allowed us to lay the fundamentals for a big change coming in 2015 – Utah Food Bank’s Food Drives are going bagless. We strongly feel that being responsible stewards of both our environment and our financial resources is one sure way to enter into sustainable long-term business practices.

At the close of another productive year of Fighting Hunger Statewide, we are excited about upcoming changes and eternally grateful for the dedicated people in every corner of our state who advocate on behalf of Utahns in need by supporting our efforts.

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Year-End Highlights


37Mi l l i on lbs .


37.5 Million pounds of food distributed

31.3 Million meals distributed

134 Partner food pantries and agencies

For every $1 donated, Utah Food Bank

provided $7.61 worth of goods and services

96 Cents of every dollar donated went to hungry


60,080 Weekend backpacks distributed

to children

12.8 Million pounds of food collected through

Grocery Rescue

97,839 Volunteer hours served — equivalent to

an additional 47 full-time employees

244,991 Kids Cafe meals served

40,804 Food boxes delivered to seniors

and disabled

Where do we get our food?

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Where do we get our food?

Where do we get our money?





Grocery Rescue





2%United Way






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Food Collection

Local Commercial Donations (31%)

Utah Food Bank continues to expand efforts to procure more fresh fruits and vegetables, thereby increasing the nutritional benefit of food for clients. To achieve this, Utah Food Bank actively solicits food donations from each segment of the local food industry supply chain, including growers, processors, packagers and retailers.

Grocery Rescue (34%)

Alliances with local grocery retailers provide a donation outlet for food that is nearing its expiration date, but is still safe and healthy to eat. These donations primarily consist of nutritious, perishable food items, including fresh produce, dairy, and meats that would otherwise be thrown away. This process provides much needed nutritious food items while reducing food waste. Refrigerated trucks operate six days a week throughout the entire state, collecting this food from local retailers, which is then taken directly to partner agencies and often in the hands of clients within 24 hours or less of pickup. Last year, this program’s partnerships with 222 grocery retailers across the state provided 12.8 million pounds of food for Utahns facing hunger, in addition to diverting wholesome products away from landfills.

Government Commodities (17%)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) are federal food assistance programs that provide supplementary food at no cost to Americans living within the federal government’s poverty guidelines. The CSFP program provides commodity food packages for pregnant and breast-feeding women, new mothers up to one year postpartum, infants, children up to their sixth birthday, and seniors at least 60 years old who meet income eligibility requirements.

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Statewide Community Food Drives (7%)

Statewide food drives assist Utah Food Bank in providing an adequate supply of food for local pantries, sourced from within their own communities. In addition, the variety of products received through these food drives offers a broader range of options than that provided by commercial donations and purchased foods. Scouting for Food, Stamp out Hunger, Summer Business Food & Fund Drive, Hunger Action Month Food & Fund Drive, and the Holiday Food & Fund Drive are the five statewide food drives that provide year-round opportunity for community participation, made easy by the planning, implementation and logistics provided by Utah Food Bank. In addition, Utah Food Bank provides logistical support and supplies to community organizations, groups and businesses to allow increased opportunities for Utahns to engage in the fight against hunger.

National Commercial Donations (9%)

Utah Food Bank’s relationship with Feeding America® provides opportunities for food donations from outside the state, often at little or no cost. Utah Food Bank is the only Feeding America® affiliate in Utah, a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks that serve nearly every county in the United States. These important donations fill nutritional gaps and provide a broader variety of produce by maximizing national donation opportunities including manufactured foods and goods, and fresh produce not grown in the area.

Purchased Food (2%)

Utah Food Bank’s emergency food distribution needs are largely met through generous contributions from individual donors, manufacturers, and local producers and growers. The growing need for special food items to fill nutritional gaps requires the occasional purchase of some food directly from producers and manufacturers.

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Food Distribution

Partner Agencies

In 2014, Utah Food Bank’s statewide network of 134 partner agencies reached Utahns facing hunger in all 29 counties. Because many of Utah Food Bank’s partners could not survive if they had to pay for the food they receive, Utah Food Bank is one of a handful of food banks in the country that distributes food free-of-charge. This network of partner agencies consists of 102 emergency food pantries, 10 residential/rehabilitation facilities, 11 youth programs, 7 congregate feeding sites, and 4 shelters. Most food pantry partners have adopted a “Client Choice” model, which allows clients to make their selections in the same manner as they would in a grocery store, rather than receiving a pre-packaged assortment of food. This model not only decreases product waste, but also promotes dignity and empowerment by allowing clients to choose the foods that best meet their needs.

Mobile Pantries

Mobile Pantries provide additional support to individuals facing hunger with culturally-suitable staples, including as much fresh food as available, in communities that are underserved by traditional brick-and-mortar pantries. Areas may be underserved because there is no local pantry, the local pantry is too small to store enough food to support the number of people in need, or the pantry lacks enough refrigeration to provide adequate fresh foods. Mobile Pantries also bring food to areas where clients lack sufficient transportation to access the nearest food pantry. Last year, Mobile Pantries served 224,171 individuals throughout the state.

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Food Distribution Sites

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Utah Food Bank Programs

Kids Cafe

Through this program, Utah Food Bank provides healthy evening meals to Utah children facing hunger due to poverty. Meals are prepared on-site at Utah Food Bank by Kids Cafe kitchen staff, and are immediately packed and transported to after-school sites where at least 50% of the children qualify for reduced-price or free school lunches. Participating children receive Kids Cafe meals on weeknights, which often serve as their last meal of the evening. Utah Food Bank provides up to 1,700 meals each weekday for distribution at 35 Kids Cafe sites including Boys & Girls Clubs, community centers, and elementary schools. Participating children say their favorite meals are tacos, chicken wraps and chicken dumplings.

BackPack Program

This program works in conjunction with after-school programs to ensure that children facing hunger have access to food during weekends when they lack access to school meal programs. Each Friday throughout the school year, participating children receive a nondescript backpack containing easy-to-prepare, child-friendly food to help sustain them until they return to school on Monday. Last year, Utah Food Bank packed and delivered 60,080 backpacks of food to 33 sites, helping to mitigate hunger during weekends for the 1 in 5 Utah children who are food insecure.

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Food Box Program

Utah Food Bank provides free, monthly food assistance to homebound seniors living in poverty and people with disabilities. Each food box contains approximately one week’s worth of non-perishable food, along with milk, bread and fresh produce when available. Utah Food Bank is often the recipient of additional “luxury” items such as pet food and flowers that, when delivered, make life just a little nicer for those facing hunger. For many recipients, this regular visit by a caring volunteer is often one of the few visitors they receive, offering a bright spot in their difficult lives. Last year, Utah Food Bank delivered 12,528 boxes to clients throughout the Salt Lake Valley.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

This federally funded program works to improve the health of low-income seniors at least 60 years of age, pregnant and breast-feeding women, new mothers up to one year postpartum and children up to their sixth birthday. The USDA ships nutritious food items directly to Utah Food Bank, including items such as canned fruits, vegetables, cereal, cheese and more. Last year, Utah Food Bank delivered 28,276 CSFP boxes, which were hand-delivered by volunteers and staff to individual residents and senior housing sites or picked up at local pantries.

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For the 9th year in a row, Utah has been crowned as the top state for volunteerism, with almost 45% of residents reporting that they volunteered in 2013.* Last year, Utah Food Bank reaped the benefit of this spirit of volunteerism, engaging 64,443 volunteers who collectively donated 97,839 hours of service. This is the equivalent of hiring an additional 47 full-time employees — something the budget simply can’t accommodate. Whether assisting with Mobile Pantry operations, serving Kids Cafe meals, delivering thousands of food boxes to homebound seniors and people with disabilities, assembling BackPack food packages, or working tirelessly in both our Salt Lake and St. George warehouses, Utah Food Bank volunteers are a tremendous asset. Volunteers also engage in special events, food drives, and serve on the Board of Directors and advisory committees.

A broad and diverse range of individuals and organizations regularly participate in volunteer efforts including family groups, faith-based organizations, corporate groups, juvenile justice and youth groups, special needs programs, school groups, and social and community groups.

Volunteer Support

* http://www.volunteeringinamerica.gov/UT

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Utah Food Bank’s volunteer department continues to focus on a scheduling framework and project management strategy to maximize efficiency, ensuring the distribution of sufficient quantities and diverse types of food to our 134 partner agencies across the state. This focus also provides more positive experiences for volunteers.

Each year Utah Food Bank celebrates volunteerism at the Open Hearts Helping Hands luncheon. Last year, the following volunteers were honored for their dedication to our mission through volunteer service:

§§ Corporate Group of the Year: University of Utah Health Care

§§ School Group of the Year: University of Utah Alumni Association

§§ Board Member of the Year: David Allred

§§ Individual Volunteer of the Year: Carol Jensen

§§ Group of the Year: YouthCare

Put simply, without such an incredibly strong and engaged volunteer base, Utah Food Bank could not possibly provide this essential lifeline for Utahns struggling with hunger.

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Driving out Hunger – August 24, 2013

This 2nd annual golf tournament, hosted at Soldier Hollow Golf Course in Midway, proved to be a wonderful way for 230 supporters to golf and feed those in need. Participants were treated to a great BBQ lunch, along with some great prizes for the winners.

Title Sponsor: C.R. England Global Transportation

Champion Sponsor: Warner Truck Centers

Eagle Sponsor: CSTK/Velociti

Birdie Sponsors: Arby’s, Central States Thermo King, North American Trailer/Hyundai, Orbcomm, Inc., Peterbilt, PNC Equipment Finance, Pilot Flying J, Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah, Ridge Corporation, and Smart Drive Systems

Night at the Warehouse – May 3, 2014

The 5th annual gala event, held at Utah Food Bank’s warehouse in Salt Lake, was a fun-filled evening that raised money to benefit Utah Food Bank’s outreach efforts and programs. Dressed in their best beach chic attire, 412 attendees joined us to Wipeout Hunger and were treated to live and silent auctions, a video presentation, and the exciting “Sun, Surf & Sauté” Iron Chef Competition.

Presenting Sponsor: Chevron Salt Lake Refinery

Gold Sponsor: C.R. England Global Transportation

Silver Sponsors: eBay, Intermountain Healthcare, Riverton Motors Group, Smith’s Food & Drug, and Thermo King Intermountain LLC

Bronze Sponsors: Alpha Dog Marketing, Bard Access, EY, O.C. Tanner Company, and The Salt Lake Tribune

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Utah Human Race – November 28, 2014

Last year marked the 8th annual Utah Human Race, which is held each year on Thanksgiving morning in Draper, and offers families a great way to give back on a day of plenty by running with an attitude of gratitude. Last year, this family-friendly 5K/10K attracted 5,500 participants of all fitness levels.

Presenting Sponsor: Siegfried & Jensen

Silver Sponsors: Qualtrics and University of Utah Health Care

Bronze Sponsors: Arby’s, O.C. Tanner Company, and Southtowne Auto Mall

Friend Sponsors: 3form, Cache Valley Cheese, EMC, and N3L

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Food Drives


Summer Business Food & Fund Drive

June 1, 2013–August 31, 2013The Summer Business Food & Fund Drive comes at a crucial time when demand is high, but donations are low. This food and fund drive is designed to engage Utah’s business community in the fight against hunger because they, like hunger, do not take summer breaks. Last year’s efforts yielded enough food and funds to distribute the equivalent of more than 1.6 million meals, with over 100 businesses participating.

Sponsor: Les Olson Company

Hunger Action Month Food & Fund Drive

September 21, 2013During Hunger Action Month, national attention turns to the issue of hunger. Utah Food Bank offers multiple opportunities and events to engage Utahns throughout the month. This month-long focus on hunger awareness culminates in a food drive held at Walmart stores across the state. Last year, this statewide food drive resulted in enough food to provide the equivalent of almost 988,000 meals for Utahns facing hunger.

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Holiday Food & Fund Drive

October 15, 2013–January 15, 2014Utah Food Bank’s annual Holiday Food & Fund Drive is known statewide through its multimedia campaign, including the iconic Holiday Food Drive paper bag and annual Utah Human Race. This long-standing tradition rallies thousands of individuals, as well as hundreds of community groups and businesses statewide. Last year’s efforts resulted in enough food and funds to provide the equivalent of close to 12 million meals for Utahns facing hunger.

Sponsors: Cherry Creek Radio Cares, RC Willey, Riverton Motors Group, Siegfried & Jensen, Smith’s Food & Drug, and Wells Fargo

Scouting for Food

March 22, 2014Scouting for Food is an annual statewide effort involving Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and their leaders who mobilize to gather food donations from residents, with the assistance of Utah National Guard for transportation and logistics. Last year’s 28th annual food drive resulted in enough food to provide over 1.3 million meals.

Sponsor: Siegfried & Jensen

Special Thanks to: Great Salt Lake Council, Trapper Trails Council, Utah National Parks Council, and the Utah National Guard

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Stamp Out Hunger

May 10, 2014Last year was the 22nd anniversary of the Stamp out Hunger food drive, which has emerged as one of the largest single-day food drives both in Utah and across the nation. Each year, local letter carriers gather food from residences and bring it to post offices across the state, where Utah Food Bank volunteers load it onto trucks. Last year’s food drive was an incredible success that resulted in the equivalent of more than 640,000 meals.

Special Thanks to: The National Association of Letter Carriers, National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, and US Postal Service

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See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 4

Utah Food Bank and Utah Food Bank Foundation Consolidated Statement of Activities

June 30, 2014 With Summarized Financial Information for 2013

UnrestrictedTemporarily Restricted

Total 2014

Public Support and RevenuesIn-Kind Support

Volunteers 16,558$ $ - 16,558$ 1,710$Advertising - - - 33,600Food 63,324,391 - 63,324,391 61,914,251Other supplies and equipment 49,283 - 49,283 165,583

Total in-kind support 63,390,232 - 63,390,232 62,115,144

Direct ContributionsContributions 5,533,560 53,103 5,586,663 5,962,971Grants 2,014,011 - 2,014,011 807,229United Way 224,642 - 224,642 262,162Net assets released from

restrictions 369,527 (369,527) - -

Total direct contributions 8,141,740 (316,424) 7,825,316 7,032,362

RevenuesGovernment contracts 1,571,286 - 1,571,286 1,231,428Gain on sale of assets 1,000 - 1,000 2,500Interest income and other 48,120 - 48,120 48,476

Total revenues 1,620,406 - 1,620,406 1,282,404

Total public support and revenues 73,152,378 (316,424) 72,835,954 70,429,910

Program ExpensesLogistics 67,592,138 - 67,592,138 64,717,885Food programs and other 1,935,180 - 1,935,180 1,942,057

Total program expenses 69,527,318 - 69,527,318 66,659,942

Support ExpensesDevelopment 1,670,000 - 1,670,000 1,770,247Management and general 1,843,459 - 1,843,459 1,986,940

Total support expenses 3,513,459 - 3,513,459 3,757,187Total expenses 73,040,777 - 73,040,777 70,417,129

Change in Net Assets 111,601 (316,424) (204,823) 12,781

Net Assets, Beginning of Year 12,396,911 486,846 12,883,757 12,870,976

Net Assets, End of Year 12,508,512$ 170,422$ 12,678,934$ 12,883,757$

Total 2013

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$100,000+ C. Scott & Dorothy E.

Watkins Charitable Foundation

Daniels FundFeeding AmericaFeeding America, thanks

to Bank of AmericaGeorge S. and Dolores

Doré Eccles Foundation

Miller Family Philanthropy

Sorenson Legacy Foundation

$50,000-$99,999 Anonymous Foundations

(2)Humanitarian Services -

North AmericaIntermountain

Combined Federal Campaign

Legacy Global Foundation, Inc.

Oakdell Egg FarmsTanner Charitable TrustWalmartWells Fargo

$25,000-$49,999AARPBertin Family FoundationC.R. England Global

TransportationChevron Salt Lake

RefineryDairy Farmers of

America, Inc.Edward L. Burton

FoundationI.J. and Jeanné Wagner

Charitable FoundationKeyBankLes Olson CompanyNPL Construction


Riverton ChevroletSmith’s Food & DrugSorenson Impact

FoundationUBS Bank USAUltradent Products, Inc.Whole Foods MarketWill Dance For Kids

ProjectWillard L. Eccles

Charitable FoundationZions Bank

$10,000-$24,999Adobe3 Squares, Inc.American ExpressAnonymous FoundationAshton Family

FoundationBarry and Elaine Harman

Charitable FundBarry and Kathy MowerBrent and Bonnie Jean

Beesley FoundationCenturyLink-Clarke M.

Williams FoundationChristian HessD. Forrest Greene and

Gerda M. Greene Foundation

Dan L. MurrayDawn PageEide BaillyElite Island ResortsEMC CorporationEmma Mary Deland

FoundationFeeding America, thanks

to CoBankFredrick H. Barth

FoundationFreightliner of UtahGerber Construction,

Inc.Herbert I. and Elsa B.

Michael FoundationIndustrial Supply

Company, Inc.

JoAnne L. Shrontz Family Foundation

John and Heidi PestanaKennecott Utah Copper

Charitable FoundationKluge Family Charitable

FundLSM, L.L.C.Marriner S. Eccles

FoundationMechanical Service &

SystemsMike & Camille

Cameron FoundationMower Family Charitable

TrustMRCNew York BuildingO.C. Tanner CompanyOverstock.comPwC Charitable

FoundationR. Harold Burton

FoundationRichard K. and Shirley

S. Hemingway Foundation

Riverton Hyundai SuzukiRonald and Susan MikaRoofers Supply, Inc.Sarah and Matt

HollingsworthSecurity Service

Charitable FoundationSentry Financial CorpSiegfried & JensenStan Rosenzweig and

Ronna CohenSteiner Foundation, Inc.Stephanie M. HolmesThe Glenna & Lawrence

Shapiro Family Foundation

The Skolnick FoundationThe TJX Companies, Inc.TRiO/Student Support

ServicesUniversity of Utah

Alumni Association

University of Utah Health Care

US Synthetic Corporation

Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund

Wheeler FoundationWilley Honda

$5,000-$9,999AARP UtahAmerica First Credit

Union Community Assistance

American Research Bureau, Inc.

Anita HirshArby’s FoundationAustin and Kristi

BankheadB.W. Bastian FoundationBamberger - Allen Health

and Educational Foundation

BD MedicalBob and L.J. HarmonBrasher’s Salt Lake Auto

AuctionBrian and Janice RugglesBruce and Kathleen

BurtenshawBurton LumberC.D.C. Restoration &

Construction, LCCaldwell Family

FoundationCIT BankClifford HokansonColdwell Banker

Residential Brokerage Community Foundation

Control Equipment Company

David and Marina JamesDee’s IncorporatedDiamond RentalDiamond S CompanyDover Foundation

Utah Food Bank Donors


Page 23: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

eBayeBay Foundation Payroll

Deduction ProgramEdgar and Ana CataxinosEdwards Lifesciences

FoundationEisenberg & Gilchrist,

LLCElizabeth A. KnochElizabeth SolomonEnergySolutionsErie and Linda WalkerFeeding America, thanks

to General MillsFeeding America, thanks

to The Cheesecake Factory

Feeding America, thanks to Sprouts Farmers Market

Fidelity InvestmentsG. Duggan and

AnnMarie HannonGibbons FoundationHarmonsHeather and Byron

BankheadInfraSource, LLCJames and Tammy FeltJohn and Susan

FrischknechtKathy BrydenLawrence T. and Janet T.

Dee FoundationMark W. HoffmanMarolyn SiddowayMcCarthey Family

FoundationMerrick Bank

CorporationMichael ThomasMountain America

Credit UnionNelson Laboratories, Inc.P&G Paper Products Co.Parr Brown Gee &

LovelessPatricia and Bob McLeanPaul LambertQualtricsQuartzdyneQuorum Business

Solutions, Inc.Radman Family

FoundationRay and Ashlee GarnRegence Blue Cross Blue

Shield of UtahRenae and J.R. SchwartzRenaissance Charitable


Richard and Susan Jacobsen

Rio Vista Management, LLC

Robert and Suzanne Marquardt

Rocky Mountain PowerRocky Mountain Power

FoundationRuth E. Bamberger and

John E. Bamberger Memorial Foundation

Target BankTesoro RefineryThe Castle FoundationThe Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints Foundation

The FHC FoundationThe McGillis SchoolThe Robert & Nancy

Miller TrustThe Te FoundationThe Thomas A. and

Lucille B. Horne Foundation

Thermo King Intermountain LLC

ThomasARTSTosh, Inc.Truck Shields, LLCVern and Marva Wolcott

Charitable FoundationWebb Audio Visual

CommunicationWestern AgCreditWilley FordWomen’s Council of


$2,500-$4,999Albion Financial GroupAlpha Dog MarketingAlta Ski PatrolAmerican Equipment,

IncAmerica’s CharitiesAnonymous FoundationArches Natural Products,

Inc.Arline and Bruce

MarkosianBard Access SystemsBenevity Social Ventures,

Inc.Bimbo Bakeries USA, IncBMW Financial Services

NA LLCBrad MidgleyBrad PowellBridgewater Associates

Bryan and Kasey WebsterCanyon InnCarol FineaganChristopher and Lisa

MillburnCliff and Kari ButlerCottonwood Title

Insurance CompanyCurtis and Martha

AndersonCyprus Credit UnionDan RasmussenDaniel and Sheila BarnettDaniel L. BermanDavid HickoxDeWayne and Eugele

AshmeadDr. Linda Leckman, M.D.Dr. William H. TopperEarl and Irene NordbrockElizabeth A. BeckFeeding America, thanks

to Pampered ChefFrances W. Burton

FoundationFratelli RistoranteGreater Salt Lake

Chapter of Thrivent Financial

Gregory and Antonia Adams

GW and Ida Lee Anderson

Hashem and Mojdeh Ebrahimi

Helen DillardHolland & Hart

FoundationHugger MuggerHurricane Valley

Chamber of Commerce

Integrated Employer Solutions, Inc.

J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School

James and Debra Ann Olson

James and Janice Robinson

James and Kimberly Albro

James and Margaret Avent

James HawkinsJames M. SteeleJane L. KempJessica G. PetersonJim Macintyre &

Elizabeth Joy Family Charitable Fund

John and Jean RaemerJohn F. BohnsackKathy and Bill KoldewynKeith and Beverly

NielsenKellogg’sKenneth O. Melby Family

FoundationKerry Kelly and Ross

WhitakerKevin and Julie RomphKevin and Kathy

CampbellKing Family FoundationKirk and Linda NobisL3 CommunicationsLewis and Marilyn

KoffordLindsey and David QuallsLynn Rasmussen and

Hallee WieceMark and Dana BrennanMary McAllister and C.

Mark BoldMasonic Foundation of

Utah, Inc.Master BrandsMichael and Alicyn KingMichael W. PowellMichelle PrusseMity-LiteMohsen HamidiMoreton & CompanyMorton SomerMtn. View Christian

Assembly of God Church, Inc.

National Auto Care Corporation

Nicholas & Co.North American TrailerNU Packaging IncNupetco Associates, LLCPatricia HoganPeterbilt of Utah IncPilot Flying JPNC Equipment FinanceRandy and Claudean CoxRaymond Family

FoundationRedwood EndodonticsRichard and Beth PrattRichard and Susan

ThomasRidge CorporationRiki Sipe and Tom

EshulmanRobert A. HenricksRobert and Lois KupferRobert and Rebekah


Page 24: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Robert C. CookseyRobert J. DeBry &

AssociatesRobert ParkerRocky Mountain

RecyclingRonell and Kelly ThayerRyan DeMentSam’s Club - MurrayScott W. & Betsy D.

Thornton Family Foundation

Sharon L. SeppiShawn and Kristy HartleySheryl T. SmithSmart Drive SystemsSportstats USASteel EncountersStephanie GoodliffeStephen and Christine

WalkerSteven and Heidi

LeitheadStuart SmithTarget - Salt Lake CityTeleperformance USAThe Happy Children

FoundationThe M Lazy M

FoundationThe Pingree Charitable

FundThe Richards, Brandt,

Miller & Nelson Charitable Foundation

The Salt Lake TribuneThomas A Ellison

Revocable TrustTiffaney J. RawlingsTruistUtah Auto Mall Dealers

Association, Inc.Utah Barricade CompanyUtah Food ServicesUtah State University

Cooperative Extension of Davis County

Van BohneVarian Medical SystemsVérité, Inc.Walmart Supercenter -

SandyWarner Truck CentersWaste Management of

Salt LakeWilliam BoomenWorkers Compensation

FundYoung ChevroletYum Brands Inc.

$1,000-$2,4993Form, Inc.Abey Baraghoshi Family

TrustAccess VG, LLCAdam HeatonAdmark Graphic Systems

Inc.Alan and Karen AshtonAlan and Marilyn MorrisAlan and Mary Ann

JacksonAlan GartrellAlejandra M. BennettAlexis CarrAll Saints Episcopal

ChurchAllen and Diane TrevinoAllen Mortgage LLCAllen ZittingAlly FinancialAmerican Dream

Foundation Inc.American Express

Employee Giving Program

Amy MenzelAnderson Hatch

FoundationAndrew and Kathleen

WallmanAndrew and Lorraine

KocikAndrew G. Franta and

Stacey MargolisAndrew HoferAngel’s Hands

FoundationAnita E. GravesAnita FrameAnne B. JensonAnnett StaufferAnonymous Donors (15)Anonymous FoundationAnthony HirstArch, Inc.Arthur and Jennifer

BrownArthur P. HaleyAsian Association Of

UtahAssociated Food StoresATK Launch SystemsAustin and Elizabeth

ThomasAutoliv ASP, Inc.Barbara B. BrunkerBarbara BaskettBarbara HorwitzBarbara J. Finlayson

Barbara RayBarry and Ann WirthBart and Kathie NilsonBenjamin Sokolow and

Dixie HarrisBennion JewelersBetty MiyaBeverly BellBianca CovioBill and Fern England

FoundationBill and Suzelle

McCulloughBill PerryBingham High SchoolBlake and Tamara WadeBlake MadsenBNA ConsultingBoaz Markewitz and

Jeanmarie MayerBonnie MayBrad and Heather

RayburnBrad KuhnhausenBrandon KirbyBrandon PulsipherBrent and Ann Wilson

FoundationBrent Hood and Terry

ReynoldsBrian DurningBrian MilneBrian SmithBridgestone TireBroadway Media GroupBrooke and Sally GrantBruce and Jean BinghamBruce and Marsha

CummingsBruce W. BastianBryon LarsonByron and Judy HardyC.R. Bard Foundation

Matching Gift Program

Cache Valley CheeseCaleb and Betsey

RichardsonCameron ConstructionCampbell ScientificCandace WilkesCardwell Distributing,

Inc.Carl and Jami BartonCarl and Leslie BartonCarol A. BeckwithCarol and John HanshawCarol LupusCarolyn Pedone and John


Carrier Transicold of Utah

Carter ZundelCascade Shadows, Inc.Catherine and John

HarrisCathy HamptonCeleste EdmundsCenturyLinkCGIChampion Technology

Services, Inc.Charles and Anne WhiteCharles and Judith

TurnerCharles and Lisa SmithCharles BarndtCheryl FordChevron Humankind

Matching Gift Program

Chris AndersonChristi BradshawChristian MarinosChristine AllredChristopher and Susan

LockwoodChristopher Lehman and

Julie MonahanCityWide Home LoansClifton BrowneClyde CollerClyde Snow & SessionsCollett FlanaganCommunity Volunteers

of UtahConnie JohnsonConstance Page and

David CalvinContinental MillsContinental TireCraig and Roberta

WardleCraig ConstructionCubes Self StorageCultural Vision FundD. Dahle Mazda of

MurrayD. J. and Laurie PrianoDan and Jody HarrisDan Farr ProductionsDan SulzbachDanaLee SimonDaniel and Chelsea IhnatDaniel and Helen MoserDaniel and Patricia

MeldrumDaniel ChaceDanielle AdamsDave and Kim


Page 25: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Dave Clifton and Christy Bond

David and Carol Breslauer

David and DeAnn StoneDavid and Francine

MorrowDavid and Johanna

WhitemanDavid and Joy FisherDavid and Krista

DeAngelisDavid and Lynette

WoodwardDavid and Robin

HutchesonDavid and Shirley HagenDavid B. SollisDavid E. Quinney, Jr.David HoltDavid L. SmithDavid LewisDavid S. MurdockDavid WarneDavid WatsonDean and Sheri CoatsDennis GaitherDennis Lewis and Jhan

TurnerDeseret Trust CompanyDiana PriceDiane BonhamDiane BraceyDigital Financial GroupDiscover Financial

ServicesDixie PowerDixie SellsDon and Megan WardellDon and Peggy WatkinsDonald and Eleonore

PageDonald and Jane PughDonald E. Pugh and

Jane H. Pugh Family Foundation

Doug and Sandra HillDoug and Tracy BeckDowntown Storage IncDr. John Hardy and Karla

JayDr. PJ PedersenDurham Jones & PinegarE. Lindsay and Carla

CarlisleEdith MillerEdmund and Susan AllerEdward and Barbara

NelsonEdward and Cynthia


Edward and Jeanne Schmidt

Edward and Lois BaconEdwin and Linda BarnesElaine JensenEliot and Bethany

BrintonEliot Management

Group, LLCElizabeth L. GagneElizabeth Nielson and

Ron CrouchEllis Family TrustEmilio and Sandra

MarianelliEric JohnsonEric MorganEvelyn Lamb and

Jonathan ChaikaEvelyn StokesEYFamily DollarFitness Equipment

ServicesFloortexFrances RothFrancis HansonFranklin and Gayle

WarehamFrederick and Lisa

AlbrightG. Yvonne StroupGabriel International Inc.Gail L. YoungGayle and Gary OlsenGayle DenmanGE FoundationGE United Way

CampaignGene and Ravoe

ChristensenGeoffrey W. SheridanGeorge and Christine

WilkersonGeorge and Debra FeltGeorge and Verna AlfordGerald and Nancy

StephanzGet Away Today

VacationsGlasmann Dudley

FoundationGlen and Kay WieseGorden and Doris JensenGordon and Lillian

O’NeilGordon IrvingGrainger Matching

Charitable Gifts Program

Greg and Ann Johnson

Gregory B. McComas and Vilija N. Avizonis

Guymond and Janet Wankier

Hamid and Deborah Shakerin

Harry and Maria Pappasideris

Harvey and Freida Sweitzer

Henderson WheelHenry and Amanda

BradleyHenry and Kathie

LongmoreHenry and Sally BolandHerbert and Maurine

McLeanHerman J. Baumann, Jr.

Family TrustHugh and Gisella ChaceHuHot Mongolian GrillIan Robertson and Janine

WittwerIASIS HealthcareIBM Employee Services

CenterIndustrial Piping

Products, Inc.Inspection Services, Inc.Irene WoodfordIron Mountain

FoundationJ. Peter and Janet ChaseJ. Randy and Sandra

OklandJ. Scott FerrinJack and Claudia ReidJack’s Tire & OilJackson Group PeterbiltJacobsen ConstructionJacqueline and Jeffery Mc

MullinJames and Erma WallaceJames and Evelyn LeeJames and Jean BurnsJames and Mary BradleyJames SorensonJana L. GlassJanet M. BalbierzJanet MillerbergJanet Q. Lawson

FoundationJanice D. NelsonJanie WellsJared HeatonJason FarnsworthJay and Natalie

HickenlooperJay R. HoltJayne and Elias Arellano

Jeff GaleJeff NewmanJeff Schunk and Sylvia

MorinJeffery NelsonJeffrey and Susan

HutchingsJeffrey G. ParisJennie GarnerJennifer JarrettJEPS FoundationJerry and Lynda NelsonJill ThompsonJim and Laura PughJim and Linda YorgasonJim Matheson and Amy

HerbenerJim SuttlemyreJoan ThompsonJoel and Frances HarrisJoffees CoffeesJohn A. GezonJohn and Ann O’ConnellJohn and Annette

DelaneyJohn and Barbara ReidJohn and Dora Lang

Charitable FoundationJohn and Flora D’ArcyJohn and Florence

WilsonJohn and Kristine

WehmannJohn and Margaret

MorrisonJohn and Marilyn

StephanJohn and Mary BoyceJohn and Noel DavisJohn B. HausknechtJohn C. WelkerJohn HylenJohn MickelsonJohn N. Owens, P.C.John R. Thomas and

Jennifer LawtonJohn W. MillikenJohnson Controls, Inc.Jon SundinJonathan FrancomJordan and Paola

GuernseyJoseph and Cynthia

WalkowskiJoseph and Jann LinzaJoseph and Laurie

VervaeckeJoseph and Marnette

WoolleyJoseph F. KnightJosh Deakin

Page 26: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Joy SimpsonJoyce L. BrinckJulie MarkhamJulie WolfeJustin ThompsonKalmar and Dianne

RobbinsKandy’s Kritter Kare &

ConsultingKaren J. StamKaren NyeKarl and Elizabeth HaasKateel WhiteheadKathleen ScheppnerKathryn HiggsKathy and Jeff GaleKathylyn ThatcherKaye T. Terry TrustKaylan and Jessica HarrisKeith and Amy AndrusKeith and Jan LarsenKeith and Leslie MotleyKeith UderjohnKelle and Julie SimonKelly and Annette

MaxfieldKelly and Barbara SmithKem and Carolyn

GardnerKendall and Cara RobinsKennecott Land

CompanyKennecott Utah Copper

CorporationKenneth and Kimberly

MenloveKenneth and Kristina

PetersonKenneth and Stephanie

CarneyKenneth P. & Sally Rich

Burbidge Foundation #1

Kenneth W. BirrellKent and Raquel ListonKevin and Alice SteinerKevin and Chelsea

HusseyKevin and Nancy TaylorKim and Lori EcklesKimberly Wheeler-

KoalenzKingsley and JaKell

SullivanKirk and Susan BomanKris LiacopoulosKristen CarrollKristie RemingtonKristin M. Leiferman and

Gerald GleichKristine M. Rogers

L. Ray Olson FamilyLance WiseLarry and Margaret

HolmanLauree WhiteLaurie S. HartLawrence and Ellen

TrainerLear & LearLee Walker and Dorothy

RodesLegacy Retirement

CenterLeona CookLesa BridgeLewis and Nancy BakerLindsay Carlisle

PropertiesLindsay WhiteLise RauziLon D. & Ann B. Secrist

FoundationLoran and Doris CookLouis and Deborah

MoenchLudvik Peric-GoliaLyle and Marie WhiteLyndee and Robbie

MowerLynn and Ann

SummerhaysM. Craig JohnsM. Jane ParksM. Matthew GeorgeM. Tom and Junko

ShimizuM. Walker and Susan

WallaceMacy’s Corporate

Services, IncManagement & Training

CorporationMarc and Cheryl JonesMarc and Roxanne

ProbstMarcella WoiczikMarion AllenMark and Bobbie

EdmundsMark and Thaylene

RogersMark H. SmithMark SmithMark WilliamsonMark WoodardMarriott InternationalMarshall and Dana

DentonMarta J. PetersenMartha P. Sudweeks

Martin Verhoef and Joan Bly

Mary and Ira WhitlockMary F. JonesMary Jo BurgessMary Kay Olson and

Norman HendrickMarybeth RaynesMaschoff Brennan

Laycock GilmoreMatthew and Deborah

SigmanMaxine ConderMazza Middle Eastern

CuisineMelinda WaiteMichael and Keri JonesMichael and Linda

BroughMichael and Maura

DomeierMichael InglesMichael McHughMichael S. HanksMichael ScottMicrosoft Matching Gifts

ProgramMike and Gerri

McDonaldMillcreek Engineering

CompanyMOOG Inc.Mountain States Ford

Dealers Advertising Association, Inc.

Mountain West Small Business Finance

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Abernethy

Mr. and Mrs. Veloy J. Varner

Muir Copper Canyon Farm

N. Leone RogersNadine GunnNAH INC.Nancy and Mike

SwinyardNancy BarthelmessNeil JohnsonNewfield Exploration

Company Matching Gifts

Nicholas and Nancy Ward

Nicholas HollandNick LarsenNorman and Barbara

TannerO. Don and Barbara


OakleyOren HopkinsP. Mike and Jenifer

GibbonsPatent Law WorksPatrice A. SwainPatricia HartePatricia RushtonPatrick and Donna WalshPatti L. CasePaul and Christina KimPaul and Karen SchettlerPaul and Lisa HuberPaul and Lisa KochPaul Anderson and Mary

Ann WrightPaul BlanchettePaul Kelley and Susan

OlsonPaul M. & Terrell H.

Dougan Family Foundation, Inc.

Paul Q. Callister Foundation, Inc.

Paulus Hair Restoration Group

Peggy and Bryce WadePeggy MontronePerformance Ford

BountifulPeter and Catherine

MeldrumPeter KnausPeter WeilerPitney Bowes BankPPG Industries Inc.PrestigePride TransportPromontory - The Ranch

ClubQEP Resources Inc.Quality SteelR. Craig and Kathleen

BrysonR.A.W. Ventures LLCRalph and Shauna

JohnsonRalph CastilloRandy and Tammy

RichardsRay and Elizabeth

ThomasonRaymond and Dale BerryRebecca HjelmRHEMARhinehart OilRichard and Diana

HoustonRichard and G. Lynn


Page 27: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Richard and Helen Rappaport

Richard and Judith Winwood

Richard and Kathy Peterson

Richard CushingRichard SteckRICOHRiverton Motors GroupRobert and Christinia

DrennanRobert and Georgene

BondRobert and Joyce

GrahamRobert and Karen GreeneRobert and Laurie

RasmussenRobert and Maria CraigRobert and Pauline HeinRobert and Vicki DrentRobert and Zina PetersonRobert F. Orr Charitable

FoundationRobert GregoryRobert Grow Consulting

INCRobert LearyRobert RadkeRobin GeddingsRocky Mountain

CumminsRoderick and Laurel

DaveyRodney H. and Carolyn

Hansen Brady Foundation

Roger and Marsha Christensen

Roger and Mary LoweRoger HoltanRoger Segal FamilyRoger SmithRonald and Cynthia

ReaumeRonald L. RencherRonald ModlinRosemarie HowardRoss and Jo Ann StokesRoss and Nancy KendellRoss Charitable Support

FoundationRush Truck CenterRyan WilliamsonS. Philip and Lola

SpeckartS.D. Klemm &

Associates, Inc.S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney


Sallie ShatzSalt Lake ACBL Unit 386Samantha ZinoberSamuel and Sandra

HunterSamuel BrownSandra SchutSapp Bros IncSarah Beth Coyote

FoundationScott and Alice WilliamsScott and Alison HymasScott and Ann JensenScott and Julie AndersonScott and Lani RoundsScott and Rebecca

GardnerScott JensenScott JohnsScott Johnson and Linda

EdelmanScott PiggScott Sheridan and Robin

SmithSean HeatonSean McLeanSelectHealthShapiro & ShapiroSharon GormanShelley KendrickShelly ThomasSinclair Broadcast GroupSmiles for Life

FoundationSpan Foundation TrustSparcs FoundationStaheli FoundationStanley and Marilyn

RussellStauffer StudiosStephen and Brittany

BrownStephen and Janet LewisStephen and Kathy HaleStephen and Kimberly

TannerStephen and Lois BaarStephen and Paula

CrockettStephen and Rebekah

RichardsStephen P. HorvatStephen WarnerSteven and Connie

SturzeneggerSteven and Katherine

ScullionSteven and Shelli

MechamStrategic Mobile


Strong & HanniSue and Tom WilliamsSusan and Scott

AlexanderSusan AndersonSusan Lyons and David

StillmanSusan ZimmermanSweet Candy Fund For

Health & WellnessSysco IntermountainT.D. Williamson, Inc.Tamara GiboTawnya BowlesTCI Tire CentersTed and Charlotte

Jacobsen Family FundTelecom PioneersTell and Kim BennettTerry and Sandra WardTetra Financial GroupThe Drollinger Family

Charitable FoundationThe Archer Family

Charitable Corporation

The Beatrice F. Kroesche Foundation

The Boeing CompanyThe Bonnemort

FoundationThe Dorothy Martin

Charitable FoundationThe Dorsey & Whitney

FoundationThe Edmund J. &

Afton S. Greenwell Foundation

The FellowshipThe James & Sherri

Cassity Family Charitable Fund

The Lovell CompanyThe Marion D. & Maxine

C. Hanks FoundationThe Merck FoundationThe Neal and Sherrie

Savage Family Foundation

The Nowell Bown Charitable Fund

The Park City Community Foundation

The Pi FundThe R. Keith Midgley and

Brenda C. Midgley Charitable Fund

The Robert S. Carter Foundation

The Wallace B. and Patricia L. Brown Charitable Fund

Thelma and Gilbert IkerTheodore and Lois

ArnowThomas and Andrea

KendellThomas and Carol FrazerThomas and Denise

ChancellorThomas and Janis KlineThomas and Joanne

CoppinThomas ClydeThomas PrattThrivent FinancialTodd TroxellTom BerresTroy ThomasTyler and Kellie YeatesU.S. Bank FoundationUlrich and Lise BrunhartUPS Customer Service

CenterUtah Commercial

Contractors, Inc.Utah Food Industry

AssociationUtah State Fair ParkUtility Trailer Sales Of

UtahVarian MedicalVerl H. TalbotVicki W. MacKayVickie RosadoVidal Consulting GroupVolker TellerWalmart Neighborhood

Market - South JordanWalmart Supercenter -

CentervilleWalmart Supercenter -

LaytonWalmart Supercenter -

OgdenWalmart Supercenter -

Salt Lake CityWalmart Supercenter -

Salt Lake CityWalmart Supercenter -

Salt Lake CityWalmart Supercenter -

South JordanWalmart Supercenter -

SyracuseWalmart Supercenter -

WashingtonWalmart Supercenter -

TaylorsvilleWanda S. Updike

Page 28: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Government Contracts

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund (QEFAF)

Salt Lake County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

Cherry Creek RadioComcastCompass OutdoorCumulus MediaDeseret NewsKBER 101.1 FMKODJ 94.1 FM

KSL 102.7 FM & 1160 AM


KUTV-TVKXRK 96.3 FMRC WilleySiegfried & JensenThe Salt Lake TribuneYESCO

Media Partners

United Way

United Way of Greater Milwaukee

Intermountain Combined Federal Campaign

United Way of Salt Lake

Warren and Judy GaddisWasatch Hills Seventh

Day Adventist ChurchWayne and Laura

WellingWEBASTO ThermoWebb Wheel ProductsWeight Watchers -


Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Wes and Jean KellerWesley WattsWestern Governors

UniversityWEX Bank

Whitney PantoneWilliam and Lois

WorltonWilliam and Lucy

McClureWilliam and Ruth OhlsenWilliam Hoban and

Shirley HarmonWilliam Traeger

Wind River PetroleumYvonne ContrerasZan V. HughesZions Direct

Page 29: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Full Plate Society

Planned Giving

Honoring those who have made a meaningful commitment to the future of Utah Food Bank by including a gift in their estate plans.

David Diamond

Walter S. Engel Family Trust

Jeffrey Gliedman M.D. and Laura Gliedman Endowment Fund

Elizabeth Roth Hayes

Eleanor Knowles Family Trust

LeeAnne and Chris Linderman

Kelly and Annette Maxfield

Cecile Morris

Sally Boynton Murray

Jacqueline G. Page Charitable Trust

Betty Jane Scherer Trust

Roy E. Talbot Living Trust

For more information or if you have made a planned gift to Utah Food Bank, please contact Lavine Shapiro, funds director, at (801) 887-1221.

Page 30: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Food & Product Donors

1-800 Contacts Inc180Fusion1st Choice Money Center2GIG Technologies388 EMS - Hill Air Force

Base4LifeA & Z Produce CoAbbott NutritionAcademy for Math,

Engineering & Science (AMES)

Academy Mortgage Corporation

Academy Park Elementary School

ActavisAdelante Media GroupAdult Probation & ParoleAdvance Fiber OpticsAdvanced Refreshment,

LLCAG Against HungerAlan BangerterAlan BuchananAlbertsonsAlice BleakAllison GoffAllred’s IncAllstate Insurance

CompanyAlorica IncALSCOAlta Ski AreaAlta View HospitalAlta View StakeAltara Elementary SchoolAmber LarsenAmerica First Credit

UnionAmerican Equipment,

IncAmerican ExpressAmerican Fork Junior

High School American Leadership

AcademyAmerican Society of Civil


American Warehouse Services

AmericoldAmeriprise Financial

ServicesAmeriTech CollegeAnniversary InnAnonymous Donors

(261)Antelope Elementary

SchoolAppraisal Institute Utah

ChapterApria HealthcareArrowhead Dental

Laboratory, Inc.ASCE Wasatch FrontASDAAshlin RohbockAspen DistributionAssociated Food StoresAssociated Students of

the University of UtahAssociation of Legal

AdministratorsAthail AdamsAurora Organic DairyAvalanche SoftwareAvalon Health Care

GroupAvenues Specialty ClinicAxiom FinancialBabcock Design Group

IncBackyard TerrorBalanced ChiropracticBallet WestBarbacoa Mexican GrillBard Access SystemsBasic ResearchBeacon Heights

Elementary SchoolBeany’s EspressoBear River Mutual

Insurance CoBeech-NutBell View Elementary


Bennion Elementary School

Bennion Learning CenterBethany BrintonBHB Consulting

EngineersBidSyncBig LotsBig Star BasketballBill BlackBio Fire DiagnosticsBishops’ Central

StorehouseBishops’ Storehouse -

MagnaBishops’ Storehouse -

SandyBishops’ Storehouse -

Welfare SquareBlack Turtle ServicesBlaine Hartley, Inc.Bliss Academy of DanceBlue BunnyBlue Chip Group, Inc.Blue Coat SystemsBodacious Bath BoutiqueBonneville 2nd WardBonneville Junior High

SchoolBountiful Community

Food PantryBoy Scouts of America

- Great Salt Lake Council

Boy Scouts of America - National Parks Council

Boy Scouts of America - Trapper Trails Council

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/East Midvale Elementary School

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Murray Club

BP Foundation IncBrenda PiersonBridge Partners

Brighton Ski ResortBroadview UniversityBrockbank Junior High

SchoolBrookwood Elementary

SchoolBrynn BybeeBumper to BumperBunnell, Inc.Butler Elementary SchoolButtons N’ BowsBuy Buy BabyBuyPDBYU YSA 53rd WardC & S Real Estate, Inc.C.H. RobinsonC.R. England Global


Channels Cache Community Food

PantryCalifornia Association of

Food BanksCalvin Smith Elementary

SchoolCameron ConstructionCampbell Soup CompanyCanstruction, Inc.Canyon InnCapital AutomotiveCarl Sandburg

Elementary SchoolCarmike Ritz 15Carol YatesCash, Cans, & Open

HandsCatholic Community

Services of Utah, Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank

Catholic Community Services of Utah, St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room

CBIZ MHM, LLCCedarpoint TruckingCentral Davis Junior

High School

Utah Food Bank thanks those who donated food or registered food and fund drives during Fiscal Year 2014.

Page 31: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Central Refrigerated Service

CenturyLinkCeridianCH2M HillChase Bank - Park CityChateau Brickyard Senior

LivingChaz RobertsCHG Healthcare ServicesChildren’s AcademyChildren’s Ballet TheatreChris Karren FarmsChristiansen Outdoor

AdvertisingChurchill Junior High

SchoolCIT BankCitation LogisticsCity of South Salt LakeCitywide Home LoansClayton Middle SchoolClub ResonanceClyde Snow & SessionsCNSICobble Creek

ApartmentsCode CorporationCogboxCogent WorksCohne Rappaport &

SegalCole Holland CollegeColumbia Fresh ProduceCommonWealth PartnersCommunity ControlsCompHealthConAgra FoodsConcentraConsolidated

Engineering LabsControl4ConvergysCook Elementary SchoolCopper Hills 1st WardCopper Mountain

Middle SchoolCorporation for National

and Community Service

Corvette Club of UtahCostco WholesaleCott CorporationCottonwood HeightsCottonwood

Improvement DistrictCottonwood Title

Insurance CompanyCoventry Independent &

Assisted LivingCreminelli Fine Meats

Crescent Elementary School

Crestview Elementary School (Salt Lake District)

CRSA ArchitectureCubiscanCurves for Women -

Cottonwood HeightsCurves for Women -

MillcreekCurves for Women -

SandyCurves for Women -

South JordanCVS PharmacyCyprus Credit UnionD. Dahle Mazda of

MurrayDaily’s Premium MeatsDale T. Smith & Sons

Meat Packing Co.Dan PetersonDannonDan’s Fresh MarketDarigoldData2LogisticsDavid ThorsonDavis JubileeDavis Vision CenterDaybreak 6th WardDDI VantageDelta Air LinesDelta Health SystemsDematic CorpDesert Hills Middle

SchoolDialogue MarketingDiamond Ridge

Elementary SchoolDiane and Bruce HansenDick’s Fresh MarketDigis LLCDillard’s - MurrayDilworth Elementary

SchoolDiscount TireDiscover CardDiscover Financial

ServicesDiscovery GatewayDive AddictsDixie Care & ShareDonald YoungDorsey & WhitneydoTerra InternationalDoxey Elementary

SchoolDraper Park Middle

SchoolDS Waters of America

DTS WarehouseDuane Trejo Insurance

AgencyDurham Jones & PinegarDyno NobelE. ExcelEagle Eye ProduceEaglecrest Elementary

SchoolEagle’s Gate 2nd WardEarl Campbell Meat

ProductsEast High SchoolEast Hollywood High

SchoolEast Sandy Elementary

SchooleBayEdgemont Elementary

School (Canyons District)

Edgewater Corporate Park

Edward JonesEdwards Lifesciences

FoundationeHealthEide BaillyElite Chiropractic &

Performance CenterElizabeth AadnesenElk Meadows Elementary

SchoolEMC CorporationEmerson Elementary

SchoolEndeavor Hall Charter

SchoolEnergySolutionsEnsign Elementary

SchoolEntheos AcademyEpic GamesEquity Real EstateEric BrownEscalante Elementary

SchoolEVaultEvergreen Junior High

SchoolEveryday TreasuresEverything Good, Inc.Evolve Health & FitnessExtend HealthEYFabian & ClendeninFairchild SemiconductorFalcon Ridge Elementary

SchoolFamily Dollar - St.


Farm Fresh DirectFarmer’s BestFastKart Indoor

SpeedwayFederal Reserve Bank of

San FranciscoFeed Utah!Fetzer Architectural

WoodworkFetzer’s IncFidelity InvestmentsFive County Association

of GovernmentsFood Bank of the RockiesFoothill StakeForsey’s Furniture

GalleriesFort Herriman Middle

SchoolFortis CollegeFox Park Dental CareFrank Granato Importing

Co.Fratelli RistoranteFraternal Order of EaglesFrei’s Fruit MarketFresh MarketFresno Community Food

BankFrito-Lay IncFugal ProductionsFusion-ioGE HealthcareGenco & HersheyGeneral MillsGerdauGerman Speaking WardGild, Inc.Glendale Middle SchoolGold Stone LeasingGranite School DistrictGranite Technical

Institute DECA ClubGreen Acres Elementary

SchoolGreencoreGreta WallengrenH&R Block - KaysvilleH&R Block - SandyHairMasters SalonHampton Inn - Salt Lake

CityHarland ClarkeHarmonsHarrison Chiropractic &

WellnessHawthorn AcademyHawthorne Elementary

SchoolHDR, Inc.HealthInsight Utah

Page 32: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Heart of HerrimanHeartland Elementary

SchoolHEB Business SolutionsHEB Vernal, LLCHeritage Elementary

SchoolHerriman Elementary

SchoolHershey CompanyHighland Park

NeighborhoodHillcrest Junior High

SchoolHillside Elementary

SchoolHinckleaseHMSHostHolland and HartHolly WrightHome Depot - SandyHome Storage Center -

St. GeorgeHome Storage Center -

Welfare SquareHOMEnet Real EstateHomestead NurseryHoward MunkHoward R. Driggs

Elementary SchoolHRN Performance

SolutionsHuHot Mongolian GrillHumanitarian Services -

North AmericaHunter 14th WardHunter Elementary

SchoolHunter High SchoolHuntsman Cancer

InstituteHurricane Elementary

SchoolIBS SystemsIHI EnvironmentalIHOP - West Valley CityIKEAImpact United Soccer

ClubinContactIndian Hills Elementary

SchoolIndian Hills Middle

SchoolIndulgent FoodsInfinisourceInsideOut DevelopmentInstitute of Religion - Salt

Lake CityInsurance ConceptsIntegrated Chiropractic

Integrated Employer Solutions

Integrated WellnessInterglobal Salt Lake CityIntermountain ClaimsIntermountain

HealthcareIntermountain Homecare

& HospiceIntermountain Medical

CenterIntermountain Medical

GroupIntermountain Riverton

HospitalIntermountain Specialty

Food GroupIntermountain TOSH

- The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital

Internal Revenue ServiceInternexusIrving Schoolhouse

ApartmentsJackling Elementary

SchoolJacob BuhlerJayme ElggrenJefferson Junior High

SchoolJentzsch EnterprisesjetBlueJHV Real EstateJiffy Lube - Salt Lake CityJoe Granato Inc. Joffee’s CoffeesJohanna Beverage

Company, LLCJohn Christner TruckingJohn Morrell Food GroupJohn T. NielsenJohnson & JohnsonJohnson Controls, Inc.Johnson Riddle & Mark

LLCJohnsonville Sausage,

LLCJones WaldoJordan Credit UnionJordan HammondJRS and AssociatesJ-U-B EngineersJulie A. PanushkaJust TeasingKane County Care &

ShareKappa Delta Chi - Union

270Karate for KidsKARHL Holdings LLCKassi Harris

KBER 101.1 FMKearns Junior High

SchoolKearns-Saint Ann

Catholic SchoolKellogg CompanyKen Garff NissanKen Garner EngineeringKenco Logistic ServicesKid Power Turkey Drive/

Teens for TurkeysKirkham Real EstateKnight RefrigerationKodiak Fresh ProduceKPMGKraft FoodsKroger Customer

Relations CenterKUED-TV, The

University of UtahKUER 90.1 FMKurt WalkerKUTV-TVL-3 CommunicationsLake Ridge Elementary

SchoolLand Air ExpressLatter-day Saint

Humanitarian CenterLDS HospitalLe Chef BakeryLear & Lear LLPLegacy Junior High

SchoolLegal Aid Society of Salt

LakeLehi FFALes Olson CompanyLife Balance ClinicLincoln AcademyLincoln Elementary

School (Granite District)

LingotekLin’s Fresh MarketLisa SwansonListFlexLitehouse FoodsLittle Opee’s ProduceLongview Elementary

SchoolLotusLumpy’s SouthMaceysMacy’s - HolladayMacy’s - MurrayMacy’s - West Valley CityMana Academy Charter

SchoolManagement & Training


Manuel’s Fine FoodsMarinello Schools of

BeautyMarketStarMarriott Vacation Club

InternationalMartin Door

ManufacturingMary-Jane ForbynMaster Kwon’s Martial

ArtsMattress Firm - LaytonMax Muscle Sports

NutritionMcCain Foods LimitedMcLane WesternMcMillan Elementary

SchoolMedical Alliance Bowling

LeagueMedicityMegan TitensorMegaplex Theatres at

Jordan CommonsMetro RecyclersMic Masters AllianceMichael KesslerMicrosoftMid Valley Church of

ChristMidas Creek Elementary

SchoolMike OlsenMikele A. HansonMiller EstatesMinute MaidMOM BrandsMonarch Coin Corp.Mondelēz InternationalMonte Vista Elementary

School (Jordan District)

Monticello AcademyMonument Park 13th

WardMonument Park StakeMOOG Inc.Moog Medical Devices

GroupMoreton & CompanyMorgan Wellness CenterMorningside Elementary

SchoolMount Olympus WatersMountain Shadows

Elementary SchoolMountain View Fruit

SalesMountain View


Page 33: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Mountain West Truck Center

Mountain Yoga SandyMountainville AcademyMozyMRM//McCANNMuir Copper Canyon

FarmsMurray 10th WardMurray 22nd WardMurray High SchoolMurray LibraryMyriad Genetics, Inc.National Association of

Letter CarriersNational Food Trading

Corp.National Rural Letter

Carriers’ AssociationNativity In The GlenNature’s Sunshine

ProductsNavigator Pointe


Acupuncture & Healing Arts

Nelson LaboratoriesNestléNewcomers’ Club of Salt

Lake City, Inc.Newman Elementary

SchoolNewmark Grubb ACRESNexantNicholas and CompanyNMC Material HandlingNorthridge High SchoolNorthrop GrummanNorthStar Alarm

ServicesO.C. Tanner CompanyOak Hollow Elementary

SchoolOakcrest Elementary

SchoolOakdell Egg FarmsOakwood Elementary

SchoolOcean Beauty SeafoodsOdyssey Charter SchoolOgden Athletic ClubOkubo OrthodonticsOlympus 1st WardOlympus High SchoolOlympus High School

SeminaryOlympus Junior High

SchoolOn Q TruckingOracle

OSI GroupOverstock.comPacific Coast ProducersPacific Heritage AcademyPacific Western

Equipment FinancePacifica Senior Living

MillcreekPalomo TransportParadigm Success

CoachingPark City Board of

RealtorsPark City LivePark Lane Elementary

SchoolParkside Elementary

School (Murray District)

Parkway DentalParleys StakeParleys YSA WardParr Brown Gee &

LovelessParsons Behle & LatimerPatagonia OutletPatent Law WorksPaychexPayPalPC Laptops - South

JordanPeak Distributing CoPeck Traffic SafetyPeet’s Coffee & TeaPella Food ServicesPEO Chapter ADPEO Chapter AEPepsi Bottling GroupPepsiCoPerformance Ford

BountifulPeterson ChiropracticPetersons Fresh MarketPinnacle ChiropracticPinnacle Foods Inc.Pioneer Elementary

School (Granite District)

PlanSourcePlaza CyclePlymouth Elementary

SchoolPolo Ralph Lauren

Factory Store - LehiPopeye’s Louisiana

Kitchen - LehiPotandon ProducePower Plus Productions

Dance StudioPrestige Financial


PricewaterhouseCoopersPride TransportPrimary Children’s

HospitalPrime SnaxPrince of Peace Lutheran

Church & SchoolPrince Yeates &

GeldzahlerPro AudioPROBARProctor & Gamble Co.ProGenealogistsProgressive Sales Food

BrokerageProgrexionProperty SolutionsQuail Pointe Veterinary

HospitalQuestarRachel LangstonRadisson - Salt Lake CityRakuten MarketingRANLifeRasmussen Equipment

CompanyRay Quinney & NebekerRBS SecuritiesRC WilleyReady PacReckitt BenckiserRedbird CarriersReddy IceRedwood Therapy GroupRedwood WardRenae RindlisbacherRepublic MortgageRepublic ServicesReser’s Fine FoodsResource SystemsReynolds Excavation,

Demolition & UtilitiesRhodes Bake-N-ServRichard McNameeRich’sRick’s Christmas TreesRico BrandRICOHRidley’s Family MarketsRight Fortune

InternationalRio TintoRitz Carlton ReservationsRiver Island Cold StorageRiverbend Ladies Golf

AssociationRiverton ChevroletRiverton High SchoolRiverton Hyundai SuzukiRiverton Motors GroupRob and Melissa Westel

Robbie and Lyndee Mower

Robert Frost Elementary School

Robert J. DeBry & Associates

Rock Creek Pizza Co.Rocky Mountain PiesRocky Mountain

RacewaysRoofers SupplyRose Creek 4th WardRose Creek Elementary

SchoolRose Springs WardRoseman University of

Health SciencesRotary Club of

SugarhouseRowland HallRoyal Farms ApartmentsRTKM Investments LLCSabra Dipping Co.Sales West MarketingSalt Lake ACBL Unit 386Salt Lake BeesSalt Lake Behavioral

HealthSalt Lake Bonneville

StakeSalt Lake City ATA

Martial ArtsSalt Lake City Public

Library SystemSalt Lake City School

DistrictSalt Lake Comic ConSalt Lake Community

CollegeSalt Lake County District

Attorney’s OfficeSalt Lake County Health

DepartmentSalt Lake County Human

ResourcesSalt Lake County Library

ServicesSalt Lake County

Planning and Development

Salt Lake Legal Defender Association

Salt Lake Masonic Temple

Salt Lake Regional Medical Center

Salt Lake Social Security Administration

Salt Lake Wilford StakeSam’s ClubSan Francisco Design

Page 34: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

SanDisk CorporationSandy City CorporationSandy Heights YSA WardSandy Utah YSA StakeSarah Stiles PhotographySaratoga Jewelry Co.Saratoga Springs Animal

HospitalScalley Reading Bates

Hansen & RasmussenSchneider ElectricScholastic Book FairsSchreiber FoodsScott M Matheson Junior

High SchoolSEARCH Group PartnersSeason Harvest FoodsSecurities and Exchange

CommissionSecurity FinanceSelect Portfolio ServicingSelectHealthSentinel Security Life

Insurance CompanySEO.comShannon W. Olsen &

Amanda SchleiningerSherry PinkermanShipExShurree’s Childcare &

PreschoolSibu BeautySilver Mesa Elementary

SchoolSkaggs Catholic CenterSkagit Valley’s Best

ProduceSkullcandySkyler ScogganSkyline High School

SeminarySmith’s Food & DrugSnell & WilmerSnow Horse Elementary

SchoolSnowbasin ResortSnowbird Ski & Summer

ResortSoelberg’s Market Sorenson Unity CenterSouth Hills Middle

SchoolSouth Jordan Elementary

SchoolSouthwest AirlinesSpanish Oaks Elementary

SchoolSpectrum Gay-Straight

AllianceSpotterRFSpringville 5th Ward

Sprouts Farmers MarketSSCI TransportationSteel EncountersSteven PohlmanStoel RivesStor’em Self StorageStrong & HanniSTTAK Industries LLCSub Zero Ice Cream &

YogurtSummit AcademySun LithoSun Products

CorporationSunCrest Owners

AssociationSunGardSunrise Elementary

SchoolSunset Ridge Middle

SchoolSupercutsSuperValuSutter Physician ServicesSweet Candy CompanySwift TransportationSwire Coca-Cola, USASynergy WorldWideSyracuse CarwashSysco IntermountainT.D. Williamson, Inc.Taco Time - Marriott

SlatervilleTalking Rain Beverage

CompanyTargetTD AmeritradeTeleperformance USATerra Linda Elementary

SchoolTerrel’s ThriftwayThanksgiving ParkThe Bluff NeighborhoodThe Bluffs ApartmentsThe Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Community Foundation of Utah

The Dailey MethodThe Falls at Hunters

Pointe ApartmentsThe J.R. Simplot

CompanyThe McGillis SchoolThe SlurpThe Specific Chiropractic

CenterThe Walt Disney

CompanyThe Waterford School

The Wentworth at Draper

The Wentworth at East Millcreek

Thompson Family Chiropractic

Three Square Food BankTim Dahle ImportsTim Dahle Nissan

MurrayTimpanogos Massage

TherapyTitan Cold StorageTithing Hill WardTom and Rachel PierceTown ClubTrader Joe’sTransportation Security

AdministrationTriton InvestmentsTropicana ProductsTurtle MountainTyson FoodsU.S. Bank - MurrayU.S. Fish & Wildlife

ServiceUintah Elementary

School (Salt Lake District)

Ultradent Products, Inc.Unicity InternationalUnion Middle SchoolUnited Studios of Self

DefenseUniversity of Phoenix -

South JordanUniversity of Utah

Alumni AssociationUniversity of Utah David

Eccles School of Business

University of Utah Division of Human Resources

University of Utah Financial Aid and Scholarships

University of Utah General Counsel

University of Utah Health Care

University of Utah Mechanical Engineering

University of Utah Men’s Basketball

University of Utah Student Affairs Division

University of Utah Student Apartments

Up with KidsUPS Customer Center Urban Talent

ManagementUSDAUSDA Rural

DevelopmentUSHHRAUTA Paratransit Mobility

CenterUtah Apartment

AssociationUtah Commercial

Contractors, Inc.Utah Department

of Administrative Services

Utah Department of Commerce

Utah Department of Health

Utah Department of Human Resource Management

Utah Department of Transportation

Utah Department of Workforce Services - Salt Lake City

Utah Department of Workforce Services - Taylorsville

Utah Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands

Utah Division of Water Quality

Utah GastroenterologyUtah Healthcare

ExecutivesUtah Labor CommissionUtah Legal ServicesUtah Minority Bar

AssociationUtah Onions, Inc.Utah Retirement SystemsUtah RV Super ShowUtah State BarUtah Transit AuthorityUte Plaza SupermarketVanCottVarian Medical Systems,

Inc.Vehix.comVerioVerisk HealthVerisys CorporationVeritas FundingVérité, Inc.Vita CocoVolunteer Center of

Washington County

Page 35: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Wadsworth Brothers Construction

WakeUpNowWalmartWarner Truck CentersWasatch Cooperative

MarketWasatch Front Polar Bear

ClubWasatch Junior High

SchoolWasatch OrganicsWasatch Property

ManagementWasatch Spinal CareWashington Elementary

School (Davis District)Washington Elementary

School (Salt Lake District)

Weber State University Davis Campus

Weight Watchers - Murray

Welch FoodsWeldon Layton

Wells FargoWest Clinton Elementary

SchoolWest High SchoolWest Hills Middle SchoolWest Jordan Elementary

SchoolWest Jordan High SchoolWest Jordan Middle

SchoolWest Jordan Westbrook

StakeWest Lake Junior High

SchoolWest Point Elementary

SchoolWest Point Junior HighWest Valley CityWest Valley SymphonyWesTech EngineeringWestern AgCreditWestern Governors

UniversityWestern Neurological

AssociatesWestern States Valuation

Westfield WardWestland Elementary

SchoolWestminster CollegeWestside ConnectionsWestside Elementary

SchoolWestvale Elementary

SchoolWEXWexpro CoWhiteWaveWhittier Elementary

School (Granite District)

Whole Foods MarketWill Dance For Kids

ProjectWilley Automotive

GroupWillow Canyon

Elementary SchoolWillow Creek 9th WardWillow Creek Pet CenterWillow Springs

Elementary School

Willowbend HOAWilson & CompanyWinCo FoodsWinder FarmsWise CompanyWomack Machine Supply

Co.Wood Creations CraftsWorkdayWorkers Compensation

FundWorkman NydeggerWSRPYoung Artist Chamber

PlayersYWCA Lolie Eccles Early

Education CenterZerorez of Salt Lake CityZEY EventsZions Bank

Page 36: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Food Distribution Sites

PantriesAdventure Church

Pantry, American ForkAdventure Church

Pantry, DraperAgape Community

Center, PaysonAgape Community

Center, ProvoAsamblea Apostólica en

Layton, ClearfieldAshley Valley Food

Pantry, Vernal Beaver Care & Share,

BeaverBeaver Care & Share,

MilfordBig Water Care & Share,

Big WaterBountiful Community

Food Pantry, BountifulBox Elder Community

Pantry, Brigham CityCache Community Food

Pantry, LoganCarbon County Food

Bank, PriceCatholic Community

Services of Utah, Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank, Ogden

Center of Hope, North Salt Lake

Central Utah Food Sharing - Juab, Nephi

Central Utah Food Sharing - Millard, Delta

Central Utah Food Sharing - Millard, Fillmore

Central Utah Food Sharing - Piute, Junction

Central Utah Food Sharing - Sevier, Richfield

Central Utah Food Sharing - Wayne, Bicknell

Central Utah Food Sharing - Wayne, Hanksville

Christian Center of Park City, Park City

Community Action Services and Food Bank - Coalville Food Pantry, Coalville

Community Action Services and Food Bank - Heber Food Pantry, Heber

Community Action Services and Food Bank - Kamas Food Pantry, Kamas

Community Action Services and Food Bank, Provo

Community Resource Center, St. George

Crossroads Urban Center, SLC

Desert Rose Charities, Littlefield, AZ

Dixie Care & Share, St. George

Duchesne County Food Bank, Roosevelt

Emery County Food Bank, Castle Dale

Escalante Care & Share, Escalante

Family Connection Center Food Bank, Layton

First Baptist Church of Kearns Food Pantry, Kearns

First Baptist Church of Nephi Food Pantry, Nephi

First Baptist Church of Roy Food Pantry, Roy

First Baptist Church of Tooele Food Pantry, Tooele

Flaming Gorge Food Pantry, Manila

Glendale-Mountain View Community Learning Center and Campus, SLC

Grace Episcopal Church, St. George

Grand County Food Bank, Moab

Granger Community Christian Church, Granger

Grantsville First Baptist Church, Grantsville

Green River Community Center Food Pantry, Green River

Griffin Memorial Church of God in Christ, Ogden

Heber Valley Center Stage Pantry, Heber

Hope Resurrected Church Community Food Pantry, Ogden

House of Prayer, SLCHurricane Care & Share,

HurricaneIglesia de Dios de la

Profecia, St. GeorgeIglesia de Jesucristo Food

Pantry, TaylorsvilleIraqi Community of

Utah, SLCIron County Care &

Share Food Bank, Cedar City

Jewish Family Services, SLC

Kane County Care & Share, Kanab

Layton Hills Baptist Church - Fish N Loaves, Layton

Long Valley Care & Share, Orderville

Lutheran Social Services of Utah, SLC

Ministerios Amor en Accion, St. George

Mt. Calvary Family Worship Center Food Pantry, West Valley City

Murray Park Church of Christ Pantry, Murray

New Life Christian Fellowship, Tooele

Nueva Esperanza Community Service, West Jordan

Ogden Seventh Day Adventist, Ogden

Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership, Ogden

Panguitch Care & Share, Panguitch

Reach Salt Lake, SLCRescue Mission of Salt

Lake Pantry, SLCSalt Lake City Mission

Pantry, SLCSalt Lake Community

Action Program- Grantsville Neighborhood Food & Resource Center, Grantsville

Salt Lake Community Action Program- Magna Neighborhood Food & Resource Center, Magna

Salt Lake Community Action Program-Northwest Neighborhood Food & Resource Center, SLC

Salt Lake Community Action Program- Redwood Neighborhood Food & Resource Center, West Valley City

Partner Agencies

Page 37: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Salt Lake Community Action Program- South County Neighborhood Food & Resource Center, Midvale

Salt Lake Community College - Bruin Campus Cupboard, SLC

Sanpete Pantry, Mt. Pleasant

St. Andrew Catholic Parish, Riverton

St. James Episcopal Church, Midvale

St. Joseph the Worker, West Jordan

St. Mark’s Hildegard’s Food Pantry, SLC

St. Paul’s Emergency Food Pantry, SLC

Tabitha’s Way, Spanish Fork

Taylorsville Food Pantry, Taylorsville

The Church at Liberty Park, SLC

The Door Christian Fellowship, Magna

The Genesis Project Food Pantry, Ogden

The Salvation Army Family Services Program, Ogden

The Salvation Army Family Services Program, SLC

Transitions Pantry, Blanding

Transitions Pantry, BluffTransitions Pantry,

Montezuma CreekTransitions Pantry,

Monument ValleyTremonton Community

Food Pantry, Tremonton

True Life Center, Cedar City

Utah AIDS Foundation, SLC

Valley Mental Health - Tooele County Food Bank, Tooele

Volunteers of America, Homeless Outreach Program, SLC

Wendover Christian Fellowship, West Wendover, NV

Wendover Senior Center, Wendover, NV

Westside Food Pantry, Duchesne

Residential and Rehabilitation FacilitiesCatholic Community

Services of Utah, St. Mary’s Home for Men, SLC

First Step House, SLC

Housing Authority of Salt Lake City - Sunrise Metro Apartments, SLC

John Taylor House, SLCOdyssey House Adult

Residential Facility, SLC

Ronald McDonald House, SLC

The Road Home - Palmer Court, SLC

Valley Mental Health - C.O.R.E., SLC

Victory Outreach, Midvale

Volunteers of America, Adult Detoxification Center, SLC

West Jordan Care Center, West Jordan

SheltersDove Center, St. George South Valley

Sanctuary,West JordanThe Road Home, SLC Your Community

Connection of Ogden - Family Crisis Center, Ogden

Soup KitchensCatholic Community

Services of Utah, St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room, SLC

Good Samaritan Program, SLC

Grace Episcopal Church Soup Kitchen, St. George

Rescue Mission of Salt Lake Soup Kitchen, SLC

Salt Lake City Mission Soup Kitchen, SLC

Solomon’s Porch, St. George

The Salvation Army Family Services Program, Ogden

Youth ProgramsBad Dog Arts, Inc., SLCBoys & Girls Club of

Greater Salt Lake/Capitol West Club, SLC

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake/ Lied Club, SLC

Holy Cross Ministries, SLC

International Rescue Committee, SLC

Kids World, SLCNeighborhood House,

SLCPAL Pete Suazo Boxing

Center, South Salt Lake

Rise, Inc., Midvale

Volunteers of America, Homeless Youth Resource Center, SLC

Youth Impact, Ogden

Page 38: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Mobile PantriesBackman Elementary

School, SLCBennion Elementary

School, SLCBeryl Junction

Community Center, Beryl Junction

Bryant Middle School, SLC

Cahone Mesa Town Center, Cahone Mesa

Catholic Community Services of Utah, Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank, Ogden

East Carbon Senior Center, East Carbon

Edison Elementary School, SLC

Escalante Elementary School, Escalante

Franklin Elementary School, SLC

Goshen Senior Center, Goshen

Granger Community Christian Church, West Valley City

Granger Elementary School, West Valley City

Horizonte Instruction and Training Center, SLC

Jackson Elementary School, SLC

La Sal Senior Center, La Sal

Lake Point Trailer Park, Tooele

Layton Hills Baptist Church, Layton

Lincoln Elementary School, SLC

Magna Senior Center, Magna

Meadowlark Elementary School, SLC

Mesopotamian Community Center, SLC

Miller Motorsports, Tooele

Monticello City Hall, Monticello

Mountain View Elementary School, SLC

Mt. Calvary Family Worship Center, West Valley City

Navajo Mountain Senior Center, Navajo Mountain

New Life Christian Fellowship, Tooele

Newman Elementary School, SLC

North Star Elementary School, SLC

Northwest Middle School, SLC

Oljato Chapter House, Oljato

PAL Pete Suazo Boxing Center, South Salt Lake

Parkview Elementary School, SLC

Pleasant Grove Community Center, Pleasant Grove

Red Mesa Senior Center, Montezuma Creek

Rich County Senior Center, Randolph

Riley Elementary School, SLC

Rose Park Elementary School, SLC

Saint Therese of the Child of Jesus Catholic Church, Midvale

Salt Lake Center for Science Education, SLC

St. Christopher’s Mission, Bluff

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Eureka

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Gunlock

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mexican Hat

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Morgan

Valor House, SLCVillage North

Apartments, SLCWashington Elementary

School, SLC

Food BoxCalvary Tower, SLCCapitol Villa, SLCCity Plaza, SLCCompass Villa, West

Valley CityDominguez Park

Apartments, SLCEscalante Park

Apartments, SLCFriendship Manor, SLCGearld Wright Villa,

West Valley CityGlendale Apartments,

GlendaleGrace Mary Manor, SLCHamilton Place

Apartments, SLCHarmony Gardens, West

Valley City

IOOF Tower, SLCJerald H. Merrill Senior

Housing, MagnaKelly Benson

Apartments, West Valley City

Legacy Village Apartment Homes, Taylorsville

Liberty Wells Apartments, SLC

Lincoln Towers, SLCLowell Apartments, SLCMartha’s Terrace

Apartments, MagnaMulti-Ethnic Senior

Citizen High Rise Apartments, SLC

New Grand Hotel Apartments, SLC

Northwest Charities Housing, Draper

Phillips Plaza Apartments, SLC

Plymouth View Apartments, SLC

Preston Place Apartments, SLC

Rendon Terrace Apartments, SLC

Romney Plaza, SLCSafe Haven, SLCSouth Lake Villa

Apartments, SLCSt. Mark’s Millcreek, SLCSt. Mark’s Tower, SLC

Sunrise Metro Housing, SLC

Taylor Springs Apartments, SLC

The Garden at South Jordan, South Jordan

Tuscany Villas, MidvaleValley Fair Village, West

Valley CityVictoria Woods

Apartments, West Valley City

Wasatch Manor, SLCWest Jordan Senior

Housing, West JordanWillow Wood Senior

Complex, Sandy


Page 39: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Community Supplemental Food ProgramAdventure Church of

Draper, DraperAgape Community

Center, PaysonAgape Community

Center, ProvoBountiful Community

Food Pantry, BountifulCalvary Tower, SLCCanyon View

Apartments, ProvoCapitol Villa, SLCCarbon County Food

Bank, PriceCatholic Community

Services, OgdenCity Plaza, SLCCommunity Action

Services and Food Bank, Provo

Compass Villa, West Valley City

Dominguez Park Apartments, SLC

Emery County Food Bank, Castle Dale

Escalante Park Apartments, SLC

Friendship Manor, SLCGearld Wright Villa,

West Valley CityGlendale Apartments,

GlendaleGrace Mary Manor, SLCGrand County Food

Bank, MoabGreen River Community

Center Food Pantry, Green River

Hamilton Place Apartments, SLC

Harmony Gardens, West Valley City

IOOF Tower, SLCJackson Apartments, SLCJerald H. Merrill Senior

Housing, MagnaKelly Benson

Apartments, West Valley City

Legacy Village Apartment Homes, Taylorsville

Liberty Wells Apartments, SLC

Lincoln Towers, SLCLowell Apartments, SLCMartha’s Terrace

Apartments, MagnaMaser School

Apartments, SLCMountain View

Apartments, ProvoMulti-Ethnic Senior

Citizen High Rise Apartments, SLC

New Grand Hotel Apartments, SLC

Phillips Plaza Apartments, SLC

Plymouth View Apartments, SLC

Preston Place Apartments, SLC

Rendon Terrace Apartments, SLC

Romney Plaza, SLCSouth Lake Villa

Apartments, SLCSt. Mark’s Millcreek, SLC

St. Mark’s Tower, SLCSunrise Metro Housing,

SLCTaylor Springs, SLCThe Church at Liberty

Park, SLCThe Garden at South

Jordan, South JordanTuscany Villas, MidvaleValley Fair Village, West

Valley CityValley Mental Health -

Tooele County Food Bank, Tooele

Valley Villa, ProvoVictoria Woods

Apartments, West Valley City

Wasatch Manor, SLCWest Jordan Senior

Housing, West JordanWillow Wood Senior

Complex, Sandy

Kids Cafe21st Century Community

Learning Center/Kearns Jr. High School, Kearns

21st Century Community Learning Center/Kennedy Jr. High School, West Valley City

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake/Capitol West Club, SLC

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake/Lied Club, SLC

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake/Tooele Club, Tooele

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Copperview Elementary School, Midvale

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/East Midvale Elementary School, Midvale

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Heartland Elementary School, West Jordan

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Midvale Club, Midvale

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Oquirrh Hills Elementary School, Kearns

Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley/Sandy Elementary School, Sandy

Bryant Middle School, SLC

Bud Bailey Apartments, SLC

Delta Youth Activities Center, Delta

Edison Elementary School, SLC

Glendale Middle School, SLC

Horizonte Instruction and Training Center, SLC

Hser Ner Moo Community Center, South Salt Lake

Jackson Elementary School, SLC

Lincoln Elementary School (Granite District), SLC

Lincoln Elementary School (Salt Lake District), SLC

Midvale Elementary School, Midvale

Mountain View Elementary School, SLC

Northwest Middle School, SLC

PAL Pete Suazo Boxing Center, South Salt Lake

Roosevelt Elementary School, SLC

Rose Park Elementary School, SLC

Sorenson Unity Center, SLC

The Utah House, SLCU.S. Dream Academy/

Dual Immersion Academy, SLC

Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, SLC

Youth City Central City Recreation Center, SLC

Youth Impact, Ogden

Page 40: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

BackPackAmerican Preparatory

Academy, West Valley City

Antimony Elementary School, Antimony

Blanding Elementary School, Blanding

Bluff Elementary School, Bluff

Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Utah/Bear River Valley, Tremonton

Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Utah/Brigham City, Brigham City

Butterfield Canyons Elementary School, Herriman

Christian Center of Park City/Ibapah Elementary School, Ibapah

Christian Center of Park City/Jeremy Ranch

Elementary School, Park City

Christian Center of Park City/McPolin Elementary School, Park City

Christian Center of Park City/Parley’s Park Elementary School, Park City

Christian Center of Park City/Trailside Elementary School, Park City

Franklin Elementary School, SLC

Glendale Middle School, SLC

Guadalupe Elementary School, SLC

Heber Valley Elementary School, Heber

J.R. Smith Elementary School, Heber

Jackson Elementary School, SLC

Midway Elementary School, Midway

New Frontiers for Families/4-H Afterschool Program - Bryce Valley Elementary School, Tropic

New Frontiers for Families/Healthy Happy U - Panguitch Elementary School, Panguitch

Northwest Middle School, SLC

Old Mill Elementary School, Heber

PAL Pete Suazo Boxing Center, South Salt Lake

Rocky Mountain Middle School, Heber

Sorenson Unity Center, SLC

Sunnyvale Neighborhood Center, SLC

Timpanogas Elementary School, Provo

Tse’bii’nidzisgai Elementary School, Monument Valley

U.S. Dream Academy/Dual Immersion Academy, SLC

Wasatch Alternative High School, Heber

Wasatch High School, Heber

Page 41: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report


Executive TeamJim Yorgason, President & CEO Ginette Bott, CDO Kent Liston, CFOClark Wood, COO

Board of DirectorsCarol Fineagan, ChairScott Jensen, Vice ChairDavid AllredJeff BennionTracy ChristmanDavid DavisRyan Dent

Sherri DialJill DukeEliseo FazRick FosterMel GardnerReed GrantDavid E. Grauer

Stephanie Horne ClarkKelly MaxfieldDawn PageThomas PierceMarc ProbstDon SchulthiesSteve Sorensen

Development CommitteeScott Jensen – Chair, July-Dec 2013Dawn Page – Chair, Jan-June 2014Austin Bankhead F. Ric HammondStephanie Horne Clark Laura HoustonBetsy Hunt

Jessica Peterson Marc Probst Eric Reynolds Steve Sorensen Katelyn ThompsonLinda Yorgason

Finance CommitteeThomas Pierce – Chair, July-Dec 2013Tracy Christman – Chair, Jan-June 2014Ryan Dent

Reed Grant Mark Ludwig Art Smith

Governance CommitteeKelly Maxfield – Chair, July-Dec 2013Carol Fineagan – Vice Chair, June-Dec 2013 Scott Jensen – Vice Chair, Jan-June 2014Tracy ChristmanDawn Page

Thomas PierceClark Wood – July-Oct 2013

Page 42: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

Operations CommitteeClark Wood – Chair, July-Oct 2013Kelly Maxfield – Chair, Jan-June 2014Sherri Dial Jeff EnglandZach EnglandEliseo FazLee Hussey

Kurt Kennedy Russ PaskinsJay PeppingerJim PughDon SchulthiesSteve Sorensen

Programs CommitteeDavid Allred – ChairMark AndersonJeff BennionJill DukeRick FosterMel GardnerLaura Holtrop KohlJose LazaroNorm RobinsonFloyd Rose

Page 43: Utah Food Bank: FY14 Annual Report

3150 S. 900 W.Salt Lake City, UT 84119801-978-2452

% of Total

Avg. Cost Per Meal in Utah $2.53

Food Collection Sources

Food Drives 7%

Government Commodities 17%Local Commercial Donations 31%Grocery Rescue 34%

National Commercial Donations 9%

Community 38%Grants/Foundations 21%Government Contracts 20%Corporate/Sponsorships 19%United Way 2%

Counties Served 29Partner Agencies 134Volunteer Hours Served 97,839Miles Traveled 420,943

UFB Values: Dignity, Hope, Community, Compassion, Integrity, Transparency, Respect, Vision, Stewardship, Partnership, Open Communication, Teamwork, Creativity

Purchased 2%Funding Sources

General Information

Food Bank FactsServings Per Year: 31.3 million meals Servings Weight: 37.5 million pounds


