USH Review Packet Get out your packet. HamiltonJefferson Cabinet Role Secretary of the...

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Hamilton Jefferson

Cabinet Role Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of State

Supporters Wealthy, elite, educated, bankers

Common man farmers, South

Role of the Federal Government

Strong central government

Strong state governments; limited federal

powersView of the Interpretation of the Constitution

Loose interpretation Strict interpretation

Political Party formed on his beliefs

Federalist Democratic-Republicans

(Republicans)Hamilton & Jefferson

Contrasting Views of the Federal Government

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President Years Served

Party Major Accomplishments

George Washington


No Party (did not exist at this time)

Job was to organize the gov’t based on the Constitution (est. a cabinet); Judiciary Act of 1789 (organized the Judiciary Branch); Whiskey Rebellion; Est. precedent of two term presidency

Thomas Jefferson


Democratic-Republican (Republican)

Louisiana Purchase; simplified the Presidency; believed in strong states

James Madison 1809-1817

Democratic-Republican (Republican)

War of 1812; ushered in the Era of Good Feelings

James Monroe 1817-1825

Democratic-Republican (Republican)

Monroe Doctrine (warned Europe not to interfere with the issues of the Western Hemisphere); “Era of Good Feelings”; Missouri Compromise

Andrew Jackson


Democratic 1st Westerner elected Pres; Indian Removal Act; “spoils system”; Tariff & nullification issue; Hated Bank of U.S.; Pet Banks; used power of veto more than any other president prior to him

James K. Polk 1845-1849

Democratic Westward expansion; “Fifty-four forty or Fight”; “Manifest Destiny”; California gold rush; Gadsden Purchase

Abraham Lincoln


Republican Pres. during the Civil War (goal to preserve the Union); Issued Emancipation Proclamation; Gettysburg Address; First Pres. to be assassinated; 10% Plan (Reconstruction; very lenient on the South)

Andrew Johnson



Pres. after Lincoln assassinated; 13th & 14th Amendments; First to be impeached (violated Tenure of Office Act); Alaska purchased from Russia; Reconstruction; Civil Rights of 1866; Black codes

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President Years Serve


Party Major Accomplishments

Theodore Roosevelt



“Square Deal”; Former Rough Rider from the Spanish American War; Teddy Bear; Progressive Reforms (Pure Food & Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act); Trust Buster; Big Stick Diplomacy; Panama Canal; Conservation

William H. Taft



Progressive Reforms; Broke trusts; Used dollar diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson



Pres. During WWI; Clayton Antitrust Act; Federal Trade Commission; Federal Reserve System; Wanted a League of Nations after the war; Fourteen Points

Herbert Hoover



Pres. During Great Depression; “Hoovervilles”; Federal Home Loan Bank Act; Bonus Army

Franklin D. Roosevelt



“New Deal” Programs; Elected 4 times; Pres. During WWII; Wanted the United Nations; Social Security Act; Bank Holiday

Harry S. Truman



Pres. when FDR died; Pres. during WWII; Used the atomic bomb; Cold War “Iron Curtain”; NATO; Truman Doctrine (CONTAINMENT); Marshall Plan (gave $$ to Europe to rebuild); Federal Housing Act; “Fair Deal”; Integrated military

Important Presidents between 1877-1950

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President Years Serve


Party Major Accomplishments

Dwight Eisenhower 1953-1961


Commander of American forces in Europe during WWII; Est. NASA; Ended the Korean War; Led the way for civil rights legislation (desegregation); Interstate Highway Act; Eisenhower Doctrine (Middle East)

John Kennedy 1961-1963


First Catholic President; “New Frontier”; Wanted a man on the moon; Peace Corp; Progress for Alliance (Latin America); Bay of Pig; Cuban Missile Crisis; assassinated

Lyndon Johnson 1963-1969


Great Society; Civil Rights legislation; Head Start; Medicare & Medicaid; War on Poverty; escalated the war in Vietnam

Richard Nixon**************************Gerald Ford



First & only Pres to resign; Watergate scandal; opened up relations with Communist China by visiting China; ***************************************************Pardoned Nixon; never elected as V.P. (replaced Spiro T. Agnew), nor as Pres.(lost to Carter in 1976)

Jimmy Carter 1977-1981


Camp David Accords (Middle East Peace); Gave Panama control of the Panama Canal (treaty to be completed by 1999); Failed during the Iran hostage crisis; Dept. of Energy & Education; Nobel Peace Prize; Habitat for Humanity (Post-pres.)

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989


Ended the Cold War; Iran-Contra Scandal; Conservative; Reganomics;

George Bush 1989-1993


Persian Gulf War (Desert Storm); “No New Taxes”; Cut social programs to help the deficit; Fall of Berlin Wall

Bill Clinton 1993-2001


Cut federal spending & increased taxes to reduce the deficit; Environmental protection; Changed welfare system to put people to work; Wanted universal health care; NAFTA

George W. Bush 2001-Present


No Child Left Behind; Created Dept. of Homeland Security; Invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban; War in Iraq

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War Years Opposing Sides

Important People Important Battles/Events

Mexican-American War


Mexico & U.S. Mexican Pres. Santa Anna; Pres. J.K. Polk

Battle of the Alamo (Tex. Indep)San Jacinto; Treaty of Guadalupe Hid

Civil War 1861-1865

North (Union/USA) vs. South (Confederate States of America)

A. Lincoln; Jefferson Davis; Robert E. Lee; George McClellan; US Grant; William T. Sherman;

Battle of Bull Run; Antietam (bloodiest); Gettysburg (3 days; turning point); Vicksburg (Union gained Mississippi R.); Surrender at Appamatox Court House

Spanish-American War

April-August 1898

U.S. vs. Spain T. Roosevelt (Rough Riders); Pres. McKinley; Naval Commander G. Dewey

USS Maine explosion caused the war; Rough Riders storm San Juan Hill; US gained territory in the Caribbean and the Pacific (buffer zone for canal)

World War I 1914-1918

Allies vs. Central Powers

John J. Pershing; Woodrow Wilson

Fighting on 2 fronts in Germany; Russia withdraws;

World War II 1941-1944

Allies vs. Axis Powers

Hitler, Mussolinin; Tojo; Roosevelt, Churchill, DeGaulle, Stalin, Truman, MacAurthur, Eisenhower,

Pearl Harbor; Holocaust; D-Day; Battle of the Bulge (last German Offensive); Battle of Midway (island hopping); Japanese Internment Camps

Korean War 1950-1953

U.S./UN/S. Korea vs. North Korea/China

MacAruthur; Mao Zedong

Divided at the 38th parallel; Never resolved division; war objective was to push N. Korea back - achieved

Vietnam War 1959-1975

U.S. vs. North Vietnam (Communist Vietcong)

Ho Chi Minh, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford

Tet offensive; My Lai Massacre; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Draft; Student protests;

Desert Storm; Gulf War

1991 U.S. vs. Iraq Saddam Hussein, G. Bush

Operation Desert Storm

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War Causes (Immediate & Long Term)


Mexican-American War

Americans took their slaves to Texas against the beliefs of the Mexicans; Texas wanted independence/Mexico refused; Texas annexed to US

American gained territory (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo)

Civil War Economic, social & political differences between the North & South; South did not vote for Lincoln; Conflicts over slavery & the rights of states; Confederacy takes over Ft. Sumter;

Union is preserved, with the federal government reigning supreme; Slavery abolished; Reconstruction (citizenship & voting Amendments)

Spanish-American War

USS Maine explosion; Yellow journalism; America’s desire for imperialism

America acquires Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, Cuba; Treaty of Paris

World War I Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; Freedom of the seas in jeopardy; Zimmermann Note; German unrestricted submarine warfare

Germany becomes depressed & hostile over the terms of the Treaty of Versailles; Great Depression

World War II Rise & aggression of Nazi Germany (appeasement fails); Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

Atomic bomb used on Japan; Nuremburg Trials; GI Bill; Cold War begins as Soviets & former Allies occupy/become allies with European nations and China

Korean War Korea divided- North Korea invades South Korea over Communism

Cease-fire; Continuation of the Cold War; Truman & MacAurthur disagree & MacAurthur fired

Vietnam War Communism spreads to SE Asia (domino theory

Distrust of the government

Desert Storm

Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait in desire of precious oil fields

Kuwait is liberated

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Law Year Why is this important?

Judiciary Act of 1789 1789 Organized the Judicial Branch *SUPREME COURT IS SUPREME!!!

Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Violated 1st Amendment speech against the government; Stricter immigration requirements; ***Virginia & Kentucky Resolves tried to NULLIFY these laws***

Missouri Compromise 1820 Split the nation at the Missouri Compromise line (Mason-Dixon)- North=Free; South=Slave; Failed when new territories added; Created to maintain the balance of political power between free & slave states

Indian Removal Act 1830 Removed Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River to undesirable lands in the west (Indian Territory/Oklahoma)

Tariff of 1828 1828-1833

“Tariff of Abominations” angered the South because it favored Northern industry; tested the theory of nullification

Compromise of 1850 1850 California admitted as a free state; Strict fugitive slave law established; Suppose to settle sectionalism between North & South

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Repealed the Missouri Compromise; Called for popular sovereignty in deciding the issue of slavery

Thirteenth Amendment 1865 Abolished slavery in America

Fourteenth Amendment

1868 Established citizenship for Americans (born in America or naturalized); all citizens are equal under the law

Reconstruction Act of 1876

1876 Gave Congress (Radical Republicans) control of Reconstruction

Fifteenth Amendment 1870 Citizen cannot be denied the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude

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Law Year Why is this important?

Homestead Act 1862 Encouraged people to move west by offering free land if it was cultivated for five years

Sherman Anti-trust Act 1890 Made monopolies illegal

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Placed harsh restrictions on Chinese immigrants

Meat Inspection Act 1906 Federal inspection placed on meat

Pure Food & Drug Act 1906 Ensured truth in labeling on all food & drugs

Nineteenth Amendment 1920 Gave women the right to vote

Selective Service Act 1917 All 18 year old had to register with Selective Service (war draft), military service

Volstead Act (18th Amendment)

1919 Prohibited the use, manufacture, transportation of alchol

Lend-Lease Act 1941 Allowed the US to ship arms and supplies to nations fighting the Axis Powers

Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964 Banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places and employment

Voting Rights Act of 1965 1965 Made it easier for African Americans to register to vote by eliminating the literacy test

No Child Left Behind Act 2001 Prevents unqualified students from passing to the next grade if they can’t pass standardized tests

Patriot Act 2001 Originally passed after the 9/11 to expanded the authority of American law enforcement to fight terrorism (some say violates 1st Amendment rights)

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Case Date

Issue Significance

Marbury v. Madison

1801 Adams appointed “midnight judges,” one of whom sued

Established judicial review

Gibbons v. Ogden

1824 Gibbons & Ogden argue over each of their right to operate an interstate ferry

Federal government is in charge of regulating interstate trade

Gideon v. Wainwright

1963 Gideon was accused of breaking into a poolroom & stealing money; He could not afford a lawyer & acted in his own defense; He lost the case

Every person charged with a crime has the right to an attorney; if one can’t be afforded, one will be appointed by the court

Miranda v. Arizona

1966 Miranda was accused of kidnap & rape; After interrogation, he confessed; He had never been informed of his rights.

Every person must be read the rights of an accused person upon arrest

Roe v. Wade 1973 Pregnant woman who wanted to have an abortion, but was not allowed, sued that her privacy was violated; Texas argued that abortion was murder

States cannot regulate a woman’ s right to an abortion in the first few months of pregnancy

United States v. Nixon

1974 Nixon was subpoenaed by the special prosecutor to turn over tapes related to the Watergate break in

Nixon was ordered to turn over tapes & documents; The Pres. is not above the law; Nixon resigned

Plessey v. Ferguson

1896 Homer Plessey was arrested for not sitting in the black section of a train

The 14th Amendment protects citizens for “equal protection” under the law, therefore, separate facilities for the races is legal, if they are equal. SEGREGATION IS LEGAL!!!

Brown v. Board of Ed.

1954 Linda Brown wanted to attend a white school which was across the street from her home, but was not allowed because she was black

Plessey v. Ferguson violated the 14th Amendment because separate schools were not equal

Korematsu v. United States

1944 Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps during WWII; Korematsu sued that his 14th Amendment rights were violated

Supreme Court ruled that Japanese Americans posed a threat to national security; Later the U.S. government apologized for the treatment Japanese Americans faced

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GENERAL TOPICS• Kennedy & Johnson (Wednesday,

January 3)• Civil Rights Movement

(Thursday, January 4)• Vietnam War (Friday, January 5)• Social Change of the ’60s, ’70s,

and ’80s (Monday, January 8)• The Nixon, Ford & Carter Years

(Tuesday, January 9)• The Conservative Tide (Reagan

& Bush) (Wednesday, January 10)

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Kennedy (New Frontier) & Johnson (Great Society)

• Due Wednesday, January 3• Specific topics covered include:

– Election of 1960– Kennedy’s “Camelot” Image– Crisis in Cuba & Berlin (Kennedy &

the Cold War)– “New Frontier” Programs– Assassination & Warren Commission– LBJ’s “Great Society” Program– The Warren Court (to include

Miranda v. Arizona)– Impact of the “Great Society”

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Civil Rights Movement• Due Thursday, January 4• Specific topics covered include:

– Brown v. Board of Education overturns Plessy v. Ferguson

– Little Rock Nine– Montgomery Bus Boycott– Martin L. King (non-violence &

assassination) – Types of Protests (freedom rides, sit-

ins, March on Washington)– Militant Leadership (Malcolm X, Black

Panthers)– Legacy of the Movement

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Vietnam War• Due Friday, January 5• Specific topics covered include:

– Causes of conflict in Vietnam– Reasons why America enters the war– Kennedy & the war– Johnson & the war (Tonkin Gulf

Resolution)– Important leaders of the war– Military strategies (American & Vietcong)– Opposition to the war– Important events (Tet Offensive, My Lai

Massacre)– Nixon ends the war

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Social Change of the ’60s, ’70s, & ’80s

• Due Monday, January 8• Specific topics covered include:

– “Brown Power” Movement (Latinos)– “Red Power” Movement (Native

Americans)– Women’s Rights Movement– Culture of the ’60s (Counterculture)– The roots of environmentalism (1970s)– Health Issues of the ’80s (AIDS,

abortion, drug use)– Social Issues of the ’80s (women,


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The Nixon, Ford & Carter Years

• Due Tuesday, January 9• Specific topics covered include:

– Nixon’s:• New Federalism• Southern Strategy• Foreign Policy• Economic Issues• Watergate Scandal

– Ford’s:• Foreign Policy

– Carter’s:• Domestic Policy• Foreign Policy & Human Rights

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The Conservative Tide (Reagan & Bush)

• Due Wednesday, January 10• Specific topics covered include:

– Describe the Conservative movement– Reaganomics– Changes in the Supreme Court– Conservative victories– Foreign policy after the Cold War– Desert Storm