Usa facts


Transcript of Usa facts


PRESIDENTPRESIDENTHawaii, on 4th August 196144th PresidentElected November 4, 2008Sworn in on January 20, 2009Reelected November 2012Wife: MichelleDaughters: Malia and Sasha


Stars and Stripes

Betsy Ross sewed the first flag

50 stars and 13 stripes


Liberty Bell: Philadelphia

“Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof.”

National bird: Bald Eagle

13 olive branches in one talon: the power to make peace13 arrows in the other: the power to make war.

Uncle Sam

Recruiting tool for the U.S. Army during World War I

September 7th 1813: the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812. Wilson (1766-1854) stamped the barrels with "U.S." for United States, but soldiers began referring to the grub as "Uncle Sam's." The local newspaper picked up on the story and Uncle Sam eventually gained widespread acceptance as the nickname for the U.S. federal government

Statue of Liberty

Gift from the people of France

The date of the Declaration of Independence is inscribed on the tablet (On July 4, 1776)

A broken chain sits at Libertas’s feet

Mount Rushmore

Keystone, South Dakota

Presidents of the USA: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln