Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s...

St Bernard’s Church 4 Klumpp Rd., U.M.G. St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds Eight Mile Plns, Bne. St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart. PARISH PRIEST Fr Patrick Molony ASSOCIATE PASTOR Fr Stephen Kumyangi PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs Trish Stapleton [email protected] PASTORAL MINISTERS VOLUNTEERS Mrs Debbie James E: [email protected] YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS E: yaya.umg @bne.catholic.net.au PARISH MANAGER Mignon Telford E: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE Michelle Baldi Lorraine Neagle Phone: (07) 3849 7158 Emergency: 3830 5178 Fax: (07) 3849 8742 E: [email protected] Website:http:// umgwcatholic.org.au/ F: Like us: http://www facebook.com/umgwparish DEANERY www.parishes.bne.catholic. net.au/south/index.html ST VINCENT DE PAUL Welfare: 1800 846 643 ST BERNARD’S SCHOOL 1823 Logan Rd., U M G Phone: 3849 4800 ST CATHERINE’S SCHOOL 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart Phone: 3349 7188 CLAIRVAUX MACKILLOP COLLEGE 24 Klumpp Rd., U M G Phone: 3347 9200 NEWSLETTER 10/11 March 2018 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT/B READINGS: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23; Ephesians 2:4-10 GOSPEL: John 3:14-21 Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish Guided by the Holy Spirit, we aim to be an evangelising, faith-filled parish whose members care for one another and are welcoming and inclusive. ...a world of difference between judging and condemning. In recent years the Our Catholic tradition teaches us that a context is very important in trying to work out if someone is to blame for what they say and do, but that a person’s particular circumstances never change the fact that the words or actions are in themselves wrong. We hold that while all human beings have equal value and dignity, we do not believe that everyone’s opinion and actions are of equal worth. We believe that ‘right judgment’ is a gift of the Holy Spirit and that it’s best exercised with humility and compassion. When I hear people say I should not judge others, I assume they are telling me that I should not condemn other people. There is a world of difference between judging and condemning. To judge is to make an assessment. To condemn is to damn. As Christians we judge because we have to keep discerning how the things of the world can be reconciled with the things we hold to be true. Condemnation is the prerogative of God alone, who sees all, knows all and loves all. In today’s Gospel, however, John tells us that even God has forfeited the right to condemn the world, but has sent Jesus to be the world’s light, life, truth and saviour. The Gospel reminds us that if we feel condemned for what we have done and said, then it’s because we have condemned ourselves, not because God condemns us. John tells us that even when we find ourselves lost in the darkness of our most destructive behaviour, the saving love of Christ is always available to us, inviting us to come out of the darkness into his light. What a great metaphor the light and dark is for making the best judgments in our own lives. Alarm bells should always ring when we find ourselves not wanting anyone else to know what we have said or done. Secrecy is often the ally of sin and the more open and transparent we are, the more confident we can be that we are walking as children of the light. May this Lenten Eucharist enable us to let go of the desire to condemn others and ourselves, and to receive again the compassionate, just and humble gift of right judgment that helps us to see the darkness for what it is, and keeps us walking in the light of Christ. © Richard Leonard SJ LiturgyHelp.com S T VINCENT DE P AUL ‘What is good has been explained to you, O my people; this is what God asks of you; Only this, To act justly, Love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah: 6:7-8 St Bernard’s and St Catherine’s SVdP Conferences both urgently require new members who can assist current members with their home visits to needy people in our local area. Compassionate persons who are occasionally able to give a short amount of their time to assist, are asked to contact Jim McDougall, St Bernard’s (0429 393 044) or John Quang, St Catherine’s, (0416 886 175).

Transcript of Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s...

Page 1: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s Forum “Our Land” 7 pm, 14 May 2018 VENUE: The Greek Club, 26 Edmonstone St., West

St Bernard’s Church 4 Klumpp Rd., U.M.G.

St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds

Eight Mile Plns, Bne.

St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart.

PARISH PRIEST Fr Patrick Molony

ASSOCIATE PASTOR Fr Stephen Kumyangi

PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs Trish Stapleton [email protected]

PASTORAL MINISTERS VOLUNTEERS Mrs Debbie James E: [email protected]

YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS E: yaya.umg @bne.catholic.net.au

PARISH MANAGER Mignon Telford E: [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE Michelle Baldi Lorraine Neagle Phone: (07) 3849 7158 Emergency: 3830 5178 Fax: (07) 3849 8742 E: [email protected]

Website:http://umgwcatholic.org.au/ F: Like us: http://www facebook.com/umgwparish

DEANERY www.parishes.bne.catholic.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL Welfare: 1800 846 643

ST BERNARD’S SCHOOL 1823 Logan Rd., U M G Phone: 3849 4800

ST CATHERINE’S SCHOOL 388 Newnham Rd., Wishart Phone: 3349 7188


24 Klumpp Rd., U M G Phone: 3347 9200

NEWSLETTER 10/11 March 2018

FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT/B READINGS: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23; Ephesians 2:4-10

GOSPEL: John 3:14-21

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we aim to be an evangelising, faith-filled parish whose members care for one another and are welcoming and inclusive.

...a world of difference between judging and condemning.

In recent years the Our Catholic tradition teaches us that a context is very important in trying to work out if someone is to blame for what they say and do, but that a person’s particular circumstances never change the fact that the words or actions are in themselves wrong. We hold that while all human beings have equal value and dignity, we do not believe that everyone’s opinion and actions are of equal worth. We believe that ‘right judgment’ is a gift of the Holy Spirit and that it’s best exercised with humility and compassion.

When I hear people say I should not judge others, I assume they are telling me that I should not condemn other people. There is a world of difference between judging and condemning. To judge is to make an assessment. To condemn is to damn. As Christians we judge because we have to keep discerning how the things of the world can be reconciled with the things we hold to be true. Condemnation is the prerogative of God alone, who sees all, knows all and loves all. In today’s Gospel, however, John tells us that even God has forfeited the right to condemn the world, but has sent Jesus to be the world’s light, life, truth and saviour.

The Gospel reminds us that if we feel condemned for what we have done and said, then it’s because we have condemned ourselves, not because God condemns us. John tells us that even when we find ourselves lost in the darkness of our most destructive behaviour, the saving love of Christ is always available to us, inviting us to come out of the darkness into his light.

What a great metaphor the light and dark is for making the best judgments in our own lives. Alarm bells should always ring when we find ourselves not wanting anyone else to know what we have said or done. Secrecy is often the ally of sin and the more open and transparent we are, the more confident we can be that we are walking as children of the light.

May this Lenten Eucharist enable us to let go of the desire to condemn others and ourselves, and to receive again the compassionate, just and humble gift of right judgment that helps us to see the darkness for what it is, and keeps us walking in the light of Christ.

© Richard Leonard SJ LiturgyHelp.com


‘What is good has been explained to you,

O my people;

this is what God asks of you;

Only this, To act justly, Love tenderly,

and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah: 6:7-8

St Bernard’s and St Catherine’s SVdP Conferences

both urgently require new members who can

assist current members with their home visits

to needy people in our local area.

Compassionate persons who are occasionally able

to give a short amount of their time to assist, are asked to contact

Jim McDougall, St Bernard’s (0429 393 044) or

John Quang, St Catherine’s, (0416 886 175).

Page 2: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s Forum “Our Land” 7 pm, 14 May 2018 VENUE: The Greek Club, 26 Edmonstone St., West


Mass for the

Forgiveness of Sins

Monday 12 March 7.00 pm St Martin’s Church EMP Wednesday 14 March 7.00 am St Catherine’s WISHART 7.00 pm St Bernard’s UMG

Stations of the


Fridays in Lent 9.00 am St Martin’s Church EMP 7.00 pm St Bernard’s Church UMG. Good Friday 10.00 am St Bernard’s [Indoors] 10.00 am St Catherine’s [Outdoors]

Mini Liturgy

Meetings Reminder

TRIDUUM PLANNING - Trish’s Office Mon 12 March 10 am, St Martin’s Tues 13 March 4 pm, St Bernard’s

Thurs 15 March 10 am, St Catherine’s.

Faith 18

Pilgrimage in Hope

7 - 8.30 pm Thursdays in Lent

Hope in the Generations: Thurs. March 15, Salisbury Parish - Steven & Eloise Bird (Youth Workers). Images of God in the different


Hope in the LORD: March 22,

Chrism Mass in the Cathedral.

YAYA Gathering

(Youth and Young Adults) Our M arch Youth gathering will be next Friday 16 March at 7 pm, St Bernard’s Aspinall Centre. Come along and join the company of other youth in our parish and enjoy the fun and refreshments. Email: [email protected].

READERS ROSTER 17/18 March 2018

Please arrive 20 mins before Mass

St Bernard’s: John Cassidy,

Amanda & Denis Fitzpatrick; Irene

Lam, Nathalie Dudson, Jim

McDougall; Navodya Heath, Veena

Rasquinha, Shalomi Arachchige;

Michele Alexander, Tito Ah Toon,

Christina Stewart.

St Martin’s: Diane Broe, Jacob &

Jasmine Cheruvankalayil.

St Catherine’s: Joanne Blanchfield,

Novita Jurry, Tricia Tully; Carly

Jeffery, Edwin Pereira, Mia


Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

The Easter Triduum With people leading such busy lives and looking forward to Easter holidays, many

may be tempted to choose to attend just one of the big liturgies of the Triduum – perhaps Good Friday because of the moving veneration of the cross; or the Easter Vigil, because it is the main celebration of the period, although St Bernard’s Easter Vigil Mass will start later than normal (6 pm St Bernard’s - NB not 5 pm; 6.15 pm St Catherine’s) and lasts much longer!

But to miss any of the three liturgies of the Easter Triduum is like missing one act of a three-act play. The Triduum is best understood as one three-day-long liturgy, or as one liturgy with three different moments. This is illustrated clearly when we consider how the liturgies of this period begin and end. The Mass on Holy Thursday evening begins in the usual way but there is no blessing or dismissal at the end. Instead there is a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the place of reservation. People depart in silence. The Good Friday liturgy begins with a silent procession, a period of silent prayer, and the opening prayer. It finishes with the prayer over the people. Again there is no final blessing or dismissal. Again people depart in silence. The liturgies of Holy Thursday and Good Friday give the sense of being unfinished. They leave us up in the air, waiting for something more. And there is more! At the Easter Vigil we gather around a fire in silent darkness for the blessing of the fire and the lighting of the paschal candle. The liturgy concludes with the joyful paschal dismissal: “Go in the peace of Christ, alleluia, alleluia” as we process out into the dark or Easter dawn, to the sounds of the triumphant Easter hymn.

Please take home a Project Compassion box and/or a set of donation envelopes and support Caritas Australia this Lenten

season as we celebrate 50 years of Project Compassion.


When Evangeline left high school she had a limited vision for her future. But the training she received while working at the Djilpin Arts Ghunmarn Culture Centre helped her develop new skills and ignited her passion for the promotion and preservation of her Aboriginal culture.

“This opportunity has helped me turn my life into something more

positive. It makes me more confident and more independent.” Evangeline

Let us pray...

For Roshea and Nikki preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil. Please keep them, their families and all who support them, in your prayers at this very special time.

Holy Week

Sign-up Sheets

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, please check the table in your church to sign up for these Liturgies.

BAPTISM Congratulations to Miller Clarke, daughter

of Joel & Fiona. She will be baptised this Sunday in St Bernard’s Church.

Page 3: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s Forum “Our Land” 7 pm, 14 May 2018 VENUE: The Greek Club, 26 Edmonstone St., West


Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s Forum “Our Land”

7 pm, 14 May 2018

VENUE: The Greek Club,

26 Edmonstone St., West End.


Murrawah Maroochy Johnson - Activist and winner of the 2017 Bob

Young Brown environmentalist award.

Hugh Mackay - Hugh is a psychologist,

sociologist, social researcher and multi-

award winning author who tackles the

big questions.

Beverly Muckan - Acknowledgement of


Kathleen Noonan - Regular favourite.

Tickets: charitydos.com.au/do/21613.


ability to relate personally and

spiritually to those suffering

from mental illness. Volunteer training

courses run Wednesdays 9 am - 3.30 pm

from 2 May to 21 Nov. Upon graduating

volunteers commit to eight hours

ministry per week. Applications close

Friday 20 April. Reply: Fr Jim Smith, 58

Morgan St., Fortitude Valley Q 4006.

P: 3252 5461. E: [email protected].

POTENTIAL AND PURPOSE Catholic Charismatic Renewal Bne’s


Rd, Northgate, Saturday 17 March

from 9.30 am – 3.30 pm. A day of

Praise and Worship, talks and reflection.

ALL welcome. BYO lunch. Morning tea

provided. Enq: Miriam 3202 6856 or

E: [email protected].

VOCATION ENQUIRY EVENING 27 March, 6 pm - 9.30 pm. The

Capuchin Friars are inviting single

Catholic men (18-35) who are discerning

a possible religious or priestly vocation

to come for an enquiry evening at our

Assumption Friary, 245 Gladstone Road,

Dutton Park. RSVP to Fr Thomas:

[email protected] or

0432362052. More info: https://




WHO HAVE DIED Especially Mary Geraghty, Joseph

Seeto, Hilman Willico, Jodie Hodgson,

Daphne Christmas, Oswin Viegas, Alan

Cloughley, Terry Cramer and Barbara

Kerrigan who have died recently, also

Peter McNevin, Joseph George, Mary

Emilie Hermo, Mark Druery, Brian

Lawton, Romulo Cabalse, Bill Glasson,

Mabel Bull, Sidonie Stormonth, Winnie

Gillowhy, Elizabeth Dinh, Hana Paglar,

Robert Thomas, Nina Orazio, Joseph

Ho, Rita Galea, Simon Tinh, Laura Sim,

Gus Sim, Hilary & Cleta Desouza,

Dorothy Meecham, Olga Doniger, Don

Armstrong, Stacey Ashen, Graham

Wilson, Gwen Paull, Margaret Toth

and Vince Corbett whom we remember.

EASTER CHOIR PRACTICE Practice for the Easter

ceremonies Tues. 13 March

7 pm, St Bernard’s Church.

All interested singers and musicians are

warmly invited to attend.

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLICS Please feel free to take a copy of the

Autumn Edition of the ‘Australian

Catholics’ Magazine. Prophetic voices:

Planting the Seeds of God’s Kingdom.

Sponsored by St Bernard’s SVdP.


Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites you

to the annual Chrism Mass, Thursday

22 March @ 7.00 pm, The Cathedral

of St Stephen. A celebration for the

entire Archdiocese.

CHERISH LIFE March for Life

Sunday 18 March.

1.30 pm gather, 2 pm march, 4 pm

conclude, Queens Park, Cnr Elizabeth

& George Sts, Brisbane. Join the

March for Life to let our Government

know we do not want abortion on

demand. Wear white if possible to

represent the innocent unborn.

COMMUNITY FORUM 'Open Community Forum: fair go for

refugees and people seeking asylum'

Saturday 17 March, Lourdes Hill

College, Hawthorne, 2 pm to 4.30 pm.

Speakers include Kon Karapanagiotidis

OAM (CEO and founder of the Asylum

Seeker Resource Centre) and Mojgan

Shamsalipoor (Young woman seeking

safety in Australia), among others.

Following the speakers a Q&A session

will be held. Refreshments available

until 5.30pm.

RSVP to E: [email protected].

IONA PASSION PLAY IPAC, Iona College, Lindum.

Matinees: Sat. March 24 &

Sun. March 25 at 2.00 pm.

Evenings: Sat. March 24 &

Good Friday March 30 at

7.00 pm.

Tickets Early Bird $15-$19. At the door

$20-$22. Children (5-14) $7.

P: 3333 1993. E: [email protected].

CATHOLIC LEADER Syrian family flees homeland and

Brisbane Catholic school

community opens arms to them

Pro-life supporters gear up for

month of tireless campaigning to

ensure abortion not legalised in Qld

Catholic women find strength in

rural Queensland

WORKING BEE After all the beautiful rain our lawns are green and the gardens flourishing ...but!!!

our hard working volunteer gardeners need some help to tidy up the grounds for Easter. The communities of St Bernard’s & St Catherine’s are having working bees on Saturday 24 March from 7 am to approx 9 am. Bring along some gardening gear and help make our parish welcoming for all who attend our churches at Easter. We really need to show our community spirit, with a good number of people coming along to help lighten the load for all concerned. See you there.

Page 4: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish CIRCLES OF LIFE QLD Women’s Forum “Our Land” 7 pm, 14 May 2018 VENUE: The Greek Club, 26 Edmonstone St., West



Refrain: Lord let your mercy be on us

as we place our trust in you.

1. The word of the Lord is faithfulness and love.

This love can never be measured

God's beauty is like nothing we have ever seen

so let us place our trust in God. (Refrain)

3. The word of the Lord is fire burning strong

Whose love can never grow weary.

He will seek and save the lost until we all return,

so let us place our trust in him. (Refrain) Words & Music: Bates, Kevin SM © 1989 Marist Fathers Corrimal NSW


FIRST READING: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23


Response: Let my tongue be silenced, if ever I forget you!

1. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and wept, remembering

Zion; on the poplars that grew there we hung up our harps. R/

2. For it was there that they asked us: our captors, for songs, our

oppressors for joy. “Sing to us,” they said, “one of Zion’s songs. R/

3. O how could we sing the song of the Lord on alien soil? If I forget

you, Jerusalem, let my right hand be withered. R/

4. O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not, if I

prize not Jerusalem above all my joys. R/ Text: English translation of Psalm Responses from lectionary for Mass © 1997..

Music: Smith, Colin D © 1995 Revised 2016Willow Pub. ONE LICENSE #A-641326.

SECOND READING: Ephesians 2:4-10

♫ GOSPEL ACC: Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ. God loved the world

so much; he gave us his only Son, that all who believe in Him

might have eternal life. Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus

Christ. Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ. M: Mason, Paul © 2004 T: Excerpts from the English Translation of The

Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Willow Pub. ONE LICENSE #A-641326

GOSPEL: John 3:14-21


Ref: Seed, scattered and sown, wheat, gathered and grown, bread

broken and shared as one, the living bread of God.

Vine, fruit of the land, wine, work of our hands, one cup that

is shared by all; the living cup, the living bread of God.

1. Is not the bread we break a sharing in our Lord?

Is not the cup we bless the blood of Christ outpoured? (Ref.)

2. The seed which falls on rock will wither and will die.

The seed within good ground will flower and have life. (Ref.)

3. As wheat upon the hills was gathered and was grown,

so may the church of God be gathered into one. (Ref.) Text: Based on 1 Cor 10:16-17; Mark 4:3-6. Music: Feiten, Dan © 1987

International Liturgy Pub. ONE LICENSE #A-641326

♫ SONG OF PRAISE: Instrumental


1. Tree of Life and awesome myst’ry, in your death we are reborn,

though you die in all of hist’ry, still you rise with ev’ry morn, still

you rise with ev’ry morn.

2. Seed that dies to rise in glory, may we see ourselves in you, if we

learn to live your story we may die to rise anew, we may die to

rise anew.

4. Give us eyes to see you clearly, make us children of your light;

give hearts to live more nearly as your gospel shining bright, as

your gospel shining bright. Text & Music: Haugen, Marty © 1984 GIA Pub. ONE LICENSE #A-641326

MASS TIMES 12 - 18 March 2018

St Bernard’s:

Tues: 9.15 am Wed. 7.00 pm - Mass Forgiveness of Sins

Thurs. 7.00 am

Fri. 8.00 am

Sat. 5.00 pm - Vigil Mass

Sun. 7.00 am, 9.30 am, 6.15 pm

St Martin’s:

Mon. 7.00 pm - Mass Forgiveness of Sins

Fri. 9.30 am

Sunday 8.00 am

St Catherine’s:

Mon. 9.15 am

Wed. 7.00 am - Mass Forgiveness of Sins

Sat. 6.15 pm - Vigil Mass

Sun. 8.30 am

RECONCILIATION St Bernard’s - Sat. 4.15 pm


THIS WEEK Mon. 12 March 2018

HeartFIT - 11.30 am, St B’s Community Centre.

SVDP Meeting - 5 pm, St C’s Community Centre.

Mass for Forgiveness of Sins - 7 pm, St Martin’s

Church, EMP.

Tues. 13 March 2018 Craft Group - 10 am, St B’s Community Centre.

Ecumenical Service - 10 am, Mt Gravatt Hostel,

Agay St., Mt Gravatt.

YAYA Lenten Program - 7 pm, St B’s Comm. Ctre.

Easter Choir Practice - 7 pm, St Bernard’s Church.

St Catherine’s Community Meeting - 7 pm, St

Catherine’s Hall.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Mass for Forgiveness of Sins - 7 am, St

Catherine’s Church, Wishart.

Blessed & Broken - 10.30 am, St B’s Comm Ctre.

SVdP Meeting - 5 pm, Aspinall Centre, Rm 1.

Mass for Forgiveness of Sins - 7 pm, St Bernard’s

Church, UMG.

Beside Restful Waters - 7.30 pm St Bernard’s Ch.

Thurs. 15 March 2018

Play Group - 9.15 am, St B’s Community Centre.

Arcare Mass - 10 am, Warrigal Rd., EMP.

Faith 18 - 7.00 pm, Salisbury Parish.

Friday 16 March 2018

Play Group - 9.30 am, St Catherine’s Hall.

Stations of the Cross: - 9 am St M’s; 7 pm St B’s.

HeartFIT: - 10 am, St B’s Community Centre.

YAYA - Youth gathering 7 pm, Aspinall Centre.

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

5th SUNDAY OF LENT/B - 18 March 2018

READINGS: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:7-9.

GOSPEL: John 12:20-30.