Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · 2021. 1. 10. · Upper Mt Gravatt St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan...

St Bernards Church 4 Klumpp Road Upper Mt Gravatt St Martins Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds Eight Mile Plains St Catherines Church 388 Newnham Road Wishart PARISH PRIEST Fr Patrick Molony ASSOCIATE PASTOR Fr Stephen Kumyangi PASTORAL ASSOCIATE From Monday 11 January 2021: Pauline Thomas E: [email protected] PASTORAL MINISTERS LOCAL SAFEGUARDING REP. E: [email protected] YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Pauline Thomas E: yaya.umg @bne.catholic.net.au PARISH MANAGER Debbie James E: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE Michelle Baldi Lorraine Neagle Phone: (07) 3849 7158 E: [email protected] Fax: (07) 3849 8742 Emergencies & after hours: Phone (07) 3849 7158 Website:http:// umgwcatholic.org.au/ F: Like us: http://www facebook.com/umgwparish DEANERY www.parishes.bne.catholic. net.au/south/index.html ST VINCENT DE PAUL Welfare: 1800 846 643 ST BERNARDS SCHOOL 1823 Logan Road, U M G Phone: 3849 4800 ST CATHERINES SCHOOL 388 Newnham Road, Wishart Phone: 3349 7188 CLAIRVAUX MACKILLOP COLLEGE 24 Klumpp Road, U M G Phone: 3347 9200 NEWSLETTER 9 / 10 January 2021 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD B READINGS: Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9 GOSPEL: Mark 1:7-11 Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish Guided by the Holy Spirit, we aim to be an evangelising, faith-filled parish whose members care for one another and are welcoming and inclusive. WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Especially Joseph Szpaczek, Domenico Dileo (father of Anna), Gabriel Lee Hong Chan, who have died recently. Also Ann Rooney, Philip Rooney, Simon Tinh, Laura Sim, Gus Sim, Rita Galea, Neville Wilson, Merle Gibbs, Fr Pat McHugh, Pat Gordon, Pat Rooney, Rod Ross, Sr Teresa, Molly Patterson, John Dwyer, Kathleen Dwyer, Eva Simpson, Bryan Langfelt, Paul Davies, Bill Green, Mike Karageorge, Morgan Keane, Ross Mangano, Gerry Tehan whom we remember. The Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Catholic Parish acknowledges the Jaggera and Turribul people, the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this Country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation. At your Baptism as you are being anointed with Chrism the priest prays: God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed you into his holy people. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.How might you live out these roles in your life/parish as 'priest, prophet and king’? How might you serve the people of God after reflecting on your role within the Body of Christ? SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME B 17 January 2021 READINGS: 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20 GOSPEL: John 1:35-42 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Subject to the Covid-19 lockdown period the Parish Office will reopen on Tuesday 12 January 2021 8.30am - 4.30pm . For urgent matters after hours please leave a message on 3849 7158 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Friday 8 January 2021 Due to the Covid-19 lockdown announced Friday 8 January for the greater Brisbane area, ALL MASSES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED for at least the next 3 days: Saturday 9 January, Sunday 10 January, and Monday 11 January 2021. The Parish Office will not be staffed during the lockdown period. We will provide updates via the office answering machine, the website and to those who are on our newsletter email list. POSITION VACANT - YOUTH COORDINATOR Applications are open for the above position at the Sunnybank Parish. The position is a part-time 20 hour role. For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website https:// brisbanecatholic.org.au/ and to careers.

Transcript of Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · 2021. 1. 10. · Upper Mt Gravatt St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan...

Page 1: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · 2021. 1. 10. · Upper Mt Gravatt St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds Eight Mile Plains St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Road the priest

St Bernard’s Church 4 Klumpp Road

Upper Mt Gravatt

St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds

Eight Mile Plains

St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Road


PARISH PRIEST Fr Patrick Molony

ASSOCIATE PASTOR Fr Stephen Kumyangi

PASTORAL ASSOCIATE From Monday 11 January 2021: Pauline Thomas E: [email protected]


YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Pauline Thomas E: yaya.umg @bne.catholic.net.au

PARISH MANAGER Debbie James E: [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE Michelle Baldi Lorraine Neagle Phone: (07) 3849 7158

E: [email protected] Fax: (07) 3849 8742

Emergencies & after hours: Phone (07) 3849 7158

Website:http://umgwcatholic.org.au/ F: Like us: http://www facebook.com/umgwparish

DEANERY www.parishes.bne.catholic.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL Welfare: 1800 846 643

ST BERNARD’S SCHOOL 1823 Logan Road, U M G Phone: 3849 4800

ST CATHERINE’S SCHOOL 388 Newnham Road, Wishart Phone: 3349 7188


24 Klumpp Road, U M G Phone: 3347 9200

NEWSLETTER 9 / 10 January 2021

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD B READINGS: Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9

GOSPEL: Mark 1:7-11

Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we aim to be an evangelising, faith-filled parish whose members care for one another and are welcoming and inclusive.



Especially Joseph Szpaczek, Domenico Dileo (father of Anna), Gabriel Lee Hong Chan, who have died recently. Also Ann Rooney, Philip Rooney, Simon Tinh, Laura Sim, Gus Sim, Rita Galea, Neville Wilson, Merle Gibbs, Fr Pat McHugh, Pat Gordon, Pat Rooney, Rod Ross, Sr Teresa, Molly Patterson, John Dwyer, Kathleen Dwyer, Eva Simpson, Bryan Langfelt, Paul Davies, Bill Green, Mike Karageorge, Morgan Keane, Ross Mangano, Gerry Tehan whom we remember.

The Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Catholic Parish acknowledges the Jaggera and Turribul people, the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years.

We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this Country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.

At your Baptism as you are being anointed with Chrism the priest prays:

‘God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed you into his holy people. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharing everlasting life.’ How might you live out these roles in your life/parish as 'priest, prophet and king’? How might you serve the people of God after reflecting on your role within the Body of Christ?



17 January 2021

READINGS: 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19

1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20

GOSPEL: John 1:35-42


Subject to the Covid-19

lockdown period the Parish

Office will reopen on

Tuesday 12 January 2021

8.30am - 4.30pm .

For urgent matters after hours

please leave a message on

3849 7158 and we will get back

to you as soon as possible.

Friday 8 January 2021

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown announced Friday 8 January for the greater Brisbane area, ALL MASSES HAVE BEEN

CANCELLED for at least the next 3 days: Saturday 9 January, Sunday 10 January,

and Monday 11 January 2021. The Parish Office will not be staffed during the lockdown period. We will provide updates via the office answering

machine, the website and to those who are on our newsletter email list.


Applications are open for the above position at the Sunnybank Parish. The position is a part-time 20 hour role. For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/ and to careers.

Page 2: Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish · 2021. 1. 10. · Upper Mt Gravatt St Martin’s Church Cnr Logan & Chester Rds Eight Mile Plains St Catherine’s Church 388 Newnham Road the priest


Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Parish


All: You will draw water joyfully, from the springs of salvation. Music © Colin Smith, Revised 2016 Willow Pub. Text Psalm Respons-

es, English Translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Masses © 1969, 1981, 1997 ICEL; Text Psalms verses, The

Grail, England.


Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia! John saw Jesus approaching him and said: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of The Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Music: Mason, Paul © 2004 Willow Pub.


I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.


Refrain: Come to the feast of heaven & earth! Come to the table of plenty! God will provide for all that we need, Here at the table of plenty.

1. O, come and sit at my table; Where saints and sinners are friends. I wait to welcome the lost and lonely, to share the cup of my love.

2. O, come and eat without money, Come to drink without price. My feast of gladness will feed your spirit with faith and fullness of life.

3. My bread will ever sustain you through days of sorrow and woe. My wine will flow like a sea of gladness to flood the depths of your soul.

Text: Dan Schutte © 1993, OCP Publications.


There is one Lord, one faith, one Baptism. There is one God who is Father of all; There is one Body, one Spirit of God, One is the hope into which you were called. Repeat Text: Ephesians 4:4-6 Music: Jennifer O’Brien © 2014.


When we eat this bread and drink this cup We proclaim you death, O Lord, until you come again!

Text: Excerpts from the English Translation of The Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Music: Mason, Paul © 2004 Willow Pub.


Refrain: Come to the water, you who are thirsty! Though you have nothing I bid you come And be filled with the goodness, I have to offer. Come! Listen! Live!

1. Why spend your money on what cannot fill the emptiness deep in your heart? Listen to my word and you will enjoy goodness and peace in your heart! Refrain

2. Just as the heavens are high above earth, My ways and thoughts beyond you! Call me your Father and know I am near! I will be Father to you! Refrain

Text & Music: Frank Andersen MSC © 1982. All rights reserved. GLORIA

Antiphon: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, We bless you, We adore you, We glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God heavenly king, O God, almighty father. Antiphon

Lord Jesus Christ, Only begotten son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the father, You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; You are seated at the right hand of the father, Have mercy on us. Antiphon

Text: excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL. Music: Mason, Paul © 2004 Willow pub.

For you alone are the holy one, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, the Father. Antiphon


There’s a river running deep within the silence of our souls, where the quenching, healing waters carve their art. At its source a spring of living water surging and sustained; it’s the voice of Jesus waiting for the listening of our hearts.

Refrain: When the living waters flow in us, when the living waters flow again, they will carry us, they will wash us down, they will quench our thirst again.

Sometimes the river of our life winds wandering away. Sometimes the rapids tumble restlessly. Comes the time to stop and find the deeper river running strong, to drink refreshing waters and to hear the Spirit’s song. Refrain

Digby, Hannah © 1994. Willow Pub. All rights reserved.