[Updated] Freelance SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

[Updated] Freelance SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners New to SEO copywriting? This guide will help. Thinking about starting a career in SEO copywriting? Here's a reality check. Making a living as an SEO copywriter (whether you work in-house or freelance from home) is hard work. First, there's a learning curve - it takes some time to master SEO copywriting best practices. Second, you'll need to keep up with (and understand the ramifications of) Google's ever-changing whims.

Transcript of [Updated] Freelance SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

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[Updated] Freelance SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guidefor Beginners

New to SEO copywriting? This guide will help.

Thinking about starting a career in SEO copywriting?

Here's a reality check.

Making a living as an SEO copywriter (whether you work in-house or freelance from home) is hardwork.

First, there's a learning curve - it takes some time to master SEO copywriting best practices.

Second, you'll need to keep up with (and understand the ramifications of) Google's ever-changingwhims.

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Plus, you need to know how to write. Well.

But you know what else?

Working as an SEO copywriter is incredibly fun.

Once you master the best practice basics (and yes, you can do it!) you can work from anywhere,choose your clients and make a darn good income. Prefer to work in-house? According toMarketingProfs, Web editors (which often requires SEO content skills) can make upwards of $90,000a year.

If you love working in a fast-moving industry filled with brilliant folks, SEO copywriting is a perfectchoice. I've been working as an SEO copywriter for over 17 years. It's been a blast.

Wondering if SEO copywriting is the right career for you? These 25+ posts will give you a smalltaste of the SEO copywriter's life. Enjoy!

Considering a career in SEO copywriting? Check these posts out first:

Want to be an SEO copywriter? Check out these FAQs. Here's a list of the most common questions Iget about launching an SEO copywriting career. Good resource for folks who want to work fromhome or in-house.

What does an SEO copywriter do, anyway? Learn how SEO copywriters are an important part ofSEO and social media success.

Want to be an SEO copywriter? Here's how to do it! If you're new to this field, this post can help youfigure out what to do first.

7 tough love tips to boost your freelance income. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Learn fromthem instead. Please.

SEO copywriting vs. social media writing: What's the difference? Do you love blogging and feel so-soabout writing sales copy? Use your SEO copywriting skills to write for social media. Here's thedifference between the two writing styles.

Why do freelance writers hate SEO copywriting? The SEO copywriting industry has its haters. Learnwhy and what the misconceptions are (there are a lot of them!).

9 questions writers ask about SEO copywriting. Have a question? There's a good chance I've coveredit here.

It's all about the Benjamins! Ways SEO copywriters can increase their income.

How to make money as a freelance SEO copywriter. Wondering what to charge for your freelancewriting services? Let this video be your guide.

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The business side of starting a freelance SEO shop. You may know how to write jaw-dropping onlinecopy. But if you don't have the "business side" of your business sewn up, you'll leave money on thetable.

Discount your rates? No way! Try this instead! Learn why bidding low can work against you in manyways.

How to charge for freelance copywriting services. Wondering how to charge? Here are some tips.

Quit getting paid peanuts! Making money is the name of the game. Here are some income-boostingthings to consider.

How to wow your freelance copywriting clients.

When should you hire newbie SEO copywriters? Brand-new to the industry and wondering what yourclients want? Here's more information on what to expect.

When to hire intermediate-level SEO copywriters. Looking for higher-level SEO copywriting workwith higher per-page fees? You'll need certain skills to command a higher rate.

How to land more clients with a killer proposal. The better your proposals, the more work you'll getthrough the door. Check out these client-grabbing proposal guidelines.

Freelance copywriting proposals: 10 questions to ask first and 4 types to write. Long headline. Greatarticle.

Your client is wrong. Now what? Your client is asking for something that you know will hurt theirSEO copywriting campaign. Here's how to handle it.

Don't assume your clients need you. News flash: you are not irreplaceable no matter how good youare. This great guest post by Amy Teeple tells you why.

Are you making your clients fire you? Don't sabotage your success! Learn what not to do when youstart your SEO copywriting shop.

How to fire a client. It's never fun when you have to fire a client, but it will happen. Someday. Hereare some survival tips.

Are you a content strategist or an SEO copywriter? Yes, there is a difference between the two (hint:strategists make more money.) Learn what the differences are and why they matter.

Your secret to landing great clients. It's one thing to land a client. It's another to bring on a clientwho you love and who pays you well. Here's how to score more of the second type.

Living the freelance online SEO copywriter's life has it's ups and downs. Here's a reality check.

Climb out your comfort zone. What does crawling down a rock wall have to do with your business? Alot. Read this post if you're feeling stuck.

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Surviving the business dark times. Running a business can be scary. Here's some perspective.

3 cures for freelance writers burnout. For those days when the thought of writing another blog postmakes you want to stick pencils in your eye.

Overcoming the overwhelm monster. Being busy is a good thing, but it can also cause you to burnout fast. Here's how to avoid feeling overwhelmed in your freelance copywriting career.

4 ways SEO copywriters can increase their income - fast. Sometimes, you need to make lots ofmoney fast. Here are some ways to do it.

SEO content writers' manifesto. You are more than "just a writer." Much more.

What resources would you add to the list?

Want to start your career in SEO copywriting, but need specialized training? Check out the SEOCopywriting Certification training course.

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