United Way of Central Ohio Summer 2012 Living United Online

LIVING UNITED 2012, ISSUE III Online Extra: Learn more about the Bridges Communities’ approach here. UNITING OUR COMMUNITY TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES AND FIGHT POVERTY Steve Rasmussen, Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide, frames the 2012 campaign he co-chairs with his wife Cindy this way: “United Way makes a real difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of our neighbors and friends. But unfortunately, the need for services supported by United Way is increasing as poverty remains a serious and significant problem in central Ohio. Together we can accomplish more than any one of us can do alone. Together we must win the battle against poverty in central Ohio because that helps all of us.” This clear call to action will be the focus of the 2012 campaign, and it is part of a growing mobilization of our community to fight poverty. In November 2011, Community Research Partners released Benchmarking Central Ohio 2011, funded by The Columbus Partnership and The Columbus Foundation. The report compared the Columbus Metropolitan area to fifteen similar cities including Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Cleveland. It found: • Our region had the highest percentage of its population living in poverty and the highest percentage of children living in families with no working parents. • Thirty percent of all children under the age of six in Franklin County now live below the federal poverty level. • Columbus ranked at the bottom on a majority of other personal prosperity indicators like median household income, persons receiving public assistance, homeownership rates and home foreclosures. Keynote speaker Philip DeVol (far left) and a panel of local leaders take questions from Tocqueville Society members as part of the forum “The Policy of Poverty.” Moderated by The Honorable Joyce Beatty (far right), panel members included (left to right): Anthony S. Trotman, Director, Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services; Stephen L. Mangum, Senior Associate Dean, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University; Renuka Mayadev, Executive Director, Children’s Defense Fund—Ohio and Alex R. Fischer, President and CEO, Columbus Partnership. “This report is a wake-up call,” said Janet E. Jackson, President and CEO, United Way of Central Ohio. “We have known for many years that poverty is a huge issue in our community and the time has come for a broad, concerted effort to significantly reduce it by giving people the opportunities they need to succeed.” To help inform local leaders about poverty and the most effective ways of dealing with it, United Way’s Tocqueville Society hosted nationally-recognized poverty expert Philip DeVol, author of Bridges to Sustainable Communities — a systemwide, cradle-to- grave approach to ending poverty in America. DeVol outlined the Bridges Communities’ approach that brings together people from all classes, political persuasions and sectors to address all causes of poverty in a systemic way. His presentation was followed by panel discussion of local leaders. Building on the momentum created by the benchmarking report, Community Research Partners and The Columbus Foundation convened a community forum of key leaders from government, business, human services and education to learn more about innovative ideas to fight poverty and help people build financial stability. The leaders shared ideas and began discussing new ways that local people in poverty and on the brink of poverty can be helped. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------


United Way of Central Ohio Summer 2012 Living United Online

Transcript of United Way of Central Ohio Summer 2012 Living United Online

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Online Extra: Learn more about the Bridges Communities’ approach here.


AND FIGHT POVERTYSteve Rasmussen, Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide, frames the 2012 campaign he co-chairs with his wife Cindy this way: “United Way makes a real difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of our neighbors and friends. But unfortunately, the need for services supported by United Way is increasing as poverty remains a serious and significant problem in central Ohio. Together we can accomplish more than any one of us can do alone. Together we must win the battle against poverty in central Ohio because that helps all of us.” This clear call to action will be the focus of the 2012 campaign, and it is part of a growing mobilization of our community to fight poverty.

In November 2011, Community Research Partners released Benchmarking Central Ohio

2011, funded by The Columbus Partnership and The Columbus Foundation. The report compared the Columbus Metropolitan area to fifteen similar cities including Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Cleveland. It found:

•Ourregionhadthehighestpercentageofits population living in poverty and the highest percentage of children living in families with no working parents.

•Thirty percent of all children under theage of six in Franklin County now live below the federal poverty level.

•Columbus ranked at the bottom on amajority of other personal prosperity indicators like median household income, persons receiving public assistance, homeownership rates and home foreclosures.

Keynote speaker Philip DeVol (far left) and a panel of local leaders take questions from Tocqueville Society members as part of the forum “The Policy of Poverty.” Moderated by The Honorable Joyce Beatty (far right), panel members included (left to right): Anthony S. Trotman, Director, Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services; Stephen L. Mangum, Senior Associate Dean, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University; Renuka Mayadev, Executive Director, Children’s Defense Fund—Ohio and Alex R. Fischer, President and CEO, Columbus Partnership.

“This report is a wake-up call,” said Janet E. Jackson, President and CEO, United Way of Central Ohio. “We have known for many years that poverty is a huge issue in our community and the time has come for a broad, concerted effort to significantly reduce it by giving people the opportunities they need to succeed.”

To help inform local leaders about poverty and the most effective ways of dealing with it, United Way’s Tocqueville Society hosted nationally-recognized poverty expert Philip DeVol, author of Bridges to Sustainable Communities — a systemwide, cradle-to-grave approach to ending poverty in America. DeVol outlined the Bridges Communities’ approach that brings together people from all classes, political persuasions and sectors to address all causes of poverty in a systemic way. His presentation was followed by panel discussion of local leaders.

Building on the momentum created by the benchmarking report, Community Research Partners and The Columbus Foundation convened a community forum of key leaders from government, business, human services and education to learn more about innovative ideas to fight poverty and help people build financial stability. The leaders shared ideas and began discussing new ways that local people in poverty and on the brink of poverty can be helped.


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to develop and refine strategies that make a difference in the interrelated areas of Education, Income, Health and Home. These are crucial areas of help for people in poverty and for the more than 388,000 people in Franklin County on the brink of poverty. These strategies offer the most effective way to improve their lives and strengthen our entire community.

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the thought of just how many people need our help. I suppose that’s one of the reasons we don’t talk about poverty very much. But the scope and the ramifications of this persistent issue compel us to act. Together, we can help people get the resources and services they need to provide for their families, educate their children, and move beyond day-to-day survival to lives of hope and accomplishment. And that helps all of us.


Janet E. Jackson President and CEO United Way of Central Ohio

PRESIDENT’S UPDATEI believe that the members of our United Way family want to understand the obstacles that our community faces. We want to understand because we need to know the nature and scope of these obstacles in order to develop effective ways of dealing with them. And poverty is a big one. About 232,000 people live in poverty in Franklin County. These are people who must live with a lack of resources every day. They are our friends, neighbors

and relatives. They have to figure out how to make a life for themselves and their families while navigating issues like getting enough to eat, unemployment, lack of access to health care, unstable housing and disruptions in education. They are not even close to realizing their potential as members of our community, and they need our help.

At its heart, United Way is about bringing people together to create solutions. Our volunteer leadership has worked long and hard

To mark the 20th Anniversary of Champion of Children in 2013, United Way of Central Ohio has partnered with The Ohio State University to bring Geoffrey Canada to Columbus. Canada, the founder of the Harlem Children’s Zone in New York City, will be featured at the Champion of Children Signature Event on February 13, 2013. Champion of Children founder and chair of the Advisory Committee Linda Kass originally proposed the Canada visit

and led the efforts to bring this national leader to our community.

The Signature Event will focus on the transformative neighborhood revitalization efforts currently taking place in central Ohio and how these efforts affect academic achievement. Canada is a recognized expert in this area having developed a holistic approach to rebuilding communities in ways that help students succeed in school, graduate from high school, and progress to higher education and careers. He has created a replicable, sustainable model for improving education for


EVENT WILL FOCUS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EDUCATION AND NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATIONlow-income children and will share his insights on this subject that is so important to the central Ohio community.

Geoffrey Canada grew up in the South Bronx in a poor, sometimes-violent neighborhood. Despite his troubled surroundings, he was able to succeed and graduated with a master’s degree in education from the Harvard School of Education. After completing his studies at Harvard, Canada decided to work to help children who, like himself, were disadvantaged by their lives in poor, embattled neighborhoods. For his years of work advocating for children and families in some of America’s most devastated communities, Canada was named to Time Magazine’s “Time 100” list of the world’s most influential people in 2011.

The 20th Anniversary Signature Event will be a milestone event in mobilizing the central Ohio community to champion education. The second annual report on Franklin County’s Children, which focuses on the challenges that children face on their path to academic success, will be presented at the event, and the 2013 Champions of Children will be honored. Save the date — February 13, 2013 — a be part of this historic event. More information and the opportunity to register to attend the event will be available in the coming months.

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Online Extra: Learn more about the Columbus Volunteer Challenge



The City of Columbus and United Way of Central Ohio are partnering to lead the Columbus Volunteer Challenge: the Premier Bicentennial Service Event. This will be the largest single volunteering event in Columbus history, with a goal of mobilizing more than 20,000 people to provide service to our community.

The Challenge will kick off on Saturday, August 25, and culminate on September 11, the National Day of Service. Over the 18 days of the Challenge, hundreds of projects will be completed by individuals, families, faith-based and corporate volunteers.

Throughout the Challenge, the City of Columbus, United Way and our community partners - Vineyard Columbus, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, HandsOn Central Ohio, the Girl Scouts, The Ohio State University’s Community Commitment Day team and student volunteer resource organization Pay it Forward - will feature on-site volunteer opportunities and calls to action to promote and encourage volunteerism. Opportunities will also be offered to sign up for long-term volunteering such as mentoring and tutoring.

There are three ways organizations can get involved and become a partner:

1) Host projects for volunteers2) Recruit volunteers from within their organization 3) Ensure ongoing volunteer activities are recognized and counted

during the Challenge

For more information go to www.columbusvolunteerchallenge.org. During the Challenge the website will also offer a place to post volunteer activities so that everyone can be counted for their service during this historic event.

For more information or to get involved, please contact Elizabeth Trotman or Melanie Murphy at [email protected] or 614.227.2790.

With generous grant support from Fifth Third Bank, United Way of Central Ohio is launching The Neighborhood Leadership Academy this fall. The academy is designed to enhance the skills of existing and emerging neighborhood leaders while empowering them to promote sustainable change for their neighborhoods. Participants will represent communities across central Ohio, with emphasis on recruiting leaders from United Way’s five priority neighborhoods —

Franklinton, King-Lincoln, South Side, Northland and Weinland Park. The eight-month program provides an intensive training curriculum of activities that will help leaders engage and mobilize their neighbors to drive neighborhood revitalization efforts and create a stronger sense of community collaboration.

The academy is modeled after the highly successful Project Diversity and Pride Leadership programs. Fellows will be selected from an application process that outlines their commitment to

their neighborhood and interest in pursuing leadership training. For more information on The Neighborhood Leadership Academy go to liveunitedcentralohio.org/npc.


Stefanie Steward-Young and Jordan Miller of Fifth Third Bank present a check for $50,000 to Janet Jackson to fund The Neighborhood Leadership Academy.


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United Way of Central Ohio recognized partner organizations that improve lives and strengthen our community by conducting outstanding campaigns at the Celebration of Excellence held at the Ohio Union at The Ohio State University. The event was generously sponsored by AEP for the eighth year.

Ernst & Young received the highest honor, The Corporate Award of Excellence, which recognizes overall achievement in corporate and volunteer philanthropic efforts. Ernst and Young’s many achievements include a 100% participation rate from its 150 employees for four years in a row, with more than 16% of employees contributing at or above the leadership giving level of $1,000 each year.

This is the eighth year that The Award of Excellence has been presented. Previous winners are Grange Insurance, American Electric Power (AEP) / IBEW Local 1466, Nationwide, UPS, Deloitte & Touche, Bruner Corporation and METTLER TOLEDO.

The highest honor for United Way member agencies, The Agency Award of Excellence, went to Center of Vocational Alternatives (COVA). This award recognizes overall campaign excellence among United Way’s member agencies. COVA achieved 100% employee participation, thanks to their enthusiastic co-chairs and a very supportive CEO. They succeeded in creating a culture of giving, emphasizing the work of United Way and the many organizations it supports.

Janet E. Jackson, United Way of Central Ohio’s President and CEO, thanked 2011 Campaign Co-Chairs Bob Restrepo, Chairman, President and CEO of State Auto Insurance Companies and his wife Mary Frances for their leadership. “Leading a United Way campaign is not easy. It takes tremendous commitment and energy to succeed. Bob and Mary Frances have displayed that commitment and energy over the course of the entire campaign,” she said. “They have educated leaders throughout our community on the work of United Way, and inspired people to give, advocate and volunteer.”


Corporate Award of Excellence - Ernst & Young(from left) Andrea Hecht, Craig Marshall, Celina Hardy, Eric VanHouwe, Angie Haag, Eric Schreiber, Becky Kavka, Beth Schindler

Jackson selected Bailey Cavalieri to receive the President’s Award, which goes to an exemplary campaign that went above and beyond in its support of United Way. “Bailey Cavalieri is an organization that embodies the idea of paying it forward and is a dedicated member of the United Way family,” she said during the award presentation. She also noted that among the organization’s many achievements it has increased both employee giving and dollars raised from special events for 15 consecutive years.

The awards were presented by Nick Akins, President and CEO, AEP, who hosted the event; Bob and Mary Frances Restrepo; Janet Jackson; and C. David Paragas, United Way of Central Ohio Board Chair.

The Restrepos also announced that the 2011 annual campaign raised more than $50 million to fund United Way’s work of achieving our community’s Bold Goals in the areas of Education, Income, Health and Home. This result represents a 4.4% increase over the 2010 campaign total, and surpasses the ambitious $50 million goal set for the campaign.

Bob Restrepo thanked 2011 Labor Co-Chair Darrell Gammell, Business Agent, Plumbers and Pipefitters #189 and Wade Kozich, Senior Director, GBQ Partners, who served as 2011 Leading Edge Chair. Leading Edge is an effort focused on increasing the number of organizations that conduct workplace campaigns.

Janet Jackson closed the program by recognizing the 2012 Campaign Co-Chairs Steve Rasmussen, Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide and his wife Cindy, and Labor Co-Chair Dennis Nicodemus, President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 683.

Online Extra: View additional photos from the event here.

2011 Campaign Co-Chairs Mary Frances and Bob Restrepo


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Best New Partner - Expeditors International(from left) John Thomas, Wendy Welch and Ted Stimmel

Engaged Leadership Advocacy - Fifth Third Bank(from left) Thomas Ruebel, Kirsten Marriner, Susan Zelinski, Jordan Miller, Elizabeth Boyuk, Karen Sengelmann, Annie Geiger and Julie Art

Campaign Momentum - KeyBank(from left) Matt Stewart, Stacy Thompson, Eleanor Scott, Jeff Scholl, Jan Howell, Connie Page and Dave Lundregan

Education Innovation - METTLER TOLEDO(from left) JJ Mathews, Beth Szabo Lee, Mary Brown, Kim Susor, Jessica Thimdit, Ken Peters, Becky Fourqurean, Kathy Collins, JR Pepino, Lori Watkins and Stephanie Viehman

Employee Volunteerism - Porter Wright(from left) Andy Nicoll, David Zimmerman, Amy Williams, Rich Terapak, Patti Callahan, Deb Moore, Carol Flores, Jared Klaus and Linda Morris

President’s Award - Bailey Cavalieri(from left) Nancy Manougian, Jameel Turner, Sherre Packard, Jim Groner, Jenna Hennen, Don Paynter, Joan Parrish, Cindy Brush, Nicole Herrera, James Ryan, Tim Riedel, Brenda Barnett, Gary Batke, Randy Headley and Dan Bailey

Corporate Philanthropy - Grange Insurance(from left) Natalina Fickell, Patricia Eshman, Margaret Wildi, Tom Welch, Mimi McGinty, Doreen DeLaney Crawley and Peter McMurtrie

Agency Award of Excellence - COVA(from left) Sheila Mercer, Meg Griffing, Jamie Noon, Pat Halaiko, Sara Neikirk, Judy Braun, Dawn Kuhn

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GIVING United Way of Central Ohio’s Leadership Giving groups offer the opportunity for donors to learn more about how their contributions are helping improve lives in central Ohio, develop meaningful service projects and network with fellow donors.


Pam and John Cunningham

Les and Abigail Wexner continued their commitment to supporting Key Club by hosting the group’s annual recognition event on April 10. At the event, the 2011 Community Leadership Award was presented to City of Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman in honor of his unsurpassed leadership and dedicated service. The award is given annually to an individual who demonstrates tremendous leadership through volunteerism, initiative and creativity, and who inspires others to make a difference in our community.

Mayor Coleman was honored as the man who has done more than any other single person to move Columbus forward, and build the vibrant city we call home. During his time in office, Mayor Coleman has helped transform Columbus through policies that have spurred the investments that brought more people downtown to live. He has been a true collaborator, working with businesses and individuals from all walks of life with the single goal of making Columbus better for everyone. And he has been a champion of the neighborhoods that make up Columbus, understanding that we cannot have a strong city and a strong region without strong neighborhoods. Mayor Coleman has partnered with United Way and many others to revitalize once proud neighborhoods like Weinland Park, King-Lincoln and Franklinton that have fallen into decline. He has also made a landmark commitment to the South Side to help restore that neighborhood to the thriving center of activity it once was. Mayor Coleman is a great community leader because he is a dedicated public servant, and he has earned well-deserved praise for his commitment and energy from a remarkably diverse group of people. He is Columbus’ first African American mayor, and is currently serving his fourth term. When he completes that term, he will be the longest-serving mayor in Columbus’ history.

At the event, Janet Jackson thanked Key Club co-chairs Aaron Granger of Ice Miller, Ervan Rogers of Huntington, and Marie Davis of Tween Brands for their leadership throughout the campaign.

To learn more about Key Club please contact Tracy Sharp at 614.241.3082 or [email protected].


The Honorable Laurel Beatty and Oyauma Garrison

Key Club Co-Chair Ervan Rodgers and Deane Flagg-Washington

Kenneth Wallace and LaTawnia Wallace

Mayor Michael B. Coleman, Janet E. Jackson, keynote speaker Anna Deveare Smith, Abigail and Les Wexner

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NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIP GRANTS AWARDEDSince 2007, the Neighborhood Partnership Grant program has invested $1.6 million in programs and events that improve lives and strengthen our community. That includes 2012 grants that will fund 61 different organizations with almost $208,000. Grant amounts range from $500 to $8,000 and will help residents make the neighborhoods they call home safe and vibrant places to live.

Neighborhood Partnership Grants are awarded to grassroots community organizations, civic associations, faith-based groups and area commissions to help them improve their neighborhoods by creating community gardens, organizing block watches, establishing public art projects and festivals, and promoting healthy living.

will be on display for the first time at the African Village Arts Festival in August and later in a traveling show.

Beyond the grant money itself, United Way staff provide expertise and support to grant recipients over the course of their program development and project activities. And, as is the case with all investments made by United Way, we monitor progress towards project goals and evaluate specific outcomes to ensure that each investment is used effectively.

Neighborhood Partnership Grants are provided by United Way, The Columbus Foundation, and generous sponsors Bob Evans Farms, PNC and Osteopathic Heritage Foundations.

In Columbus’ bicentennial year many of the grants will also help recognize the fact that our neighborhoods are what make our city great. One of the best examples is the project “Elder Artists in the Hood.” This project, organized by the Urban Cultural Arts Foundation and William H. Thomas Art Gallery, will research and create an exhibit of the many important artists and musicians who call the Near East Side neighborhood home. Many people know about artists like Aminah Robinson, Queen Brooks and Ed Colston, but there is a rich history of other artists who have contributed greatly to the cultural vibrancy of our entire community. Columbus would not be Columbus without their contributions and thanks to this project the artists’ stories will be told. The exhibit

HELP OUR COMMUNITY, DEVELOP PROFESSIONALLY BECOME A LOANED EXECUTIVEFor years, participation in United Way’s Loaned Executive Program has been a great way for professionals at all stages of their careers to develop professionally, connect to local companies and nonprofit organizations, and provide the community service that is crucial to the success of the United Way campaign. Loaned Executives support workplace campaign efforts each fall when the campaign is at its busiest. They act as liaisons between United Way and local corporate partners and are an integral part of our fundraising team. Through the program, participating professionals gain valuable experience and professional development opportunities which prepare them with skills and knowledge that strengthen their leadership abilities in their workplace and in the community.

As the 2012 campaign gets underway, United Way is looking for companies that want to be part of this community service tradition by sponsoring an employee from their own organizations, or investing in the program so that other professionals can participate. The return on investment for this effective program is impressive — for every $10,000 that goes to support Loaned Executives, United Way is able to raise $500,000! Last year alone, Loaned Executives helped raise over $6 million.

The 15-week program runs from August 13 to November 21. The deadline for Loaned Executive participants and monetary sponsorships is July 15. If you are interested in participating in the Loaned Executive Program, please contact Ciana Brown at 614.227.2768 or [email protected].

“Being a part of the Loaned Executive program really gave me an appreciation of the inner workings of United Way and of its partner agencies. I thoroughly enjoyed the networking opportunities and getting to work with other Loaned Executives who have the same passion for volunteerism as I do.”


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360 South Third StreetColumbus, Ohio 43215-5485

ONLINE EXTRASThe LIVING UNITED newsletter is now an even better source of news about United Way! We have added online extras that link readers directly to videos, event registrations, and much more. Just download the digital version of the newsletter at liveunitedcentralohio.org, you will get all of the online extras, and you can take LIVING UNITED with you on your laptop or tablet computer wherever you go.


United Way of Central Ohio’s Community Impact Fund supports multiple organizations in our community to provide the resources for ongoing programs in Education, Income, Health and Home. These four interrelated impact areas are the building blocks for improving people’s lives, and are critical elements in creating a path out of poverty.

The Community Impact Fund is:

•LOCAL - thesedollars fundselectedmemberagencyprogramsandcommunityinitiatives

•STRATEGIC - local experts and volunteers identify essential strategies for ourcommunity that can be applied through member agency programs and in partnership with organizations


The next time you give to United Way of Central Ohio please consider investing in the Community Impact Fund.







INTRODUCING THE I LIVE UNITED CARDWe can never thank our most generous givers enough, but one way to show our gratitude for their investments in improving lives and strengthening our community is the new I LIVE UNITED card. With the support of local merchants we are offering this exclusive card that provides benefits and discounts through June 30, 2013. Cards were mailed to leadership givers (Community Builder level and above) in early June. For more information on the card and a list of participating businesses and benefits offered, go to liveunitedcentralohio.org/card.