Unit 4 Body language Reading 高一人教新课标版必修四. Reading COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM?

Unit 4 Body language Reading 高高高高高高高高高


NameDescriptionBody Language To Whom Tony Garcia everyone no touching man from Japan man from Colombia kiss on the cheek bowing everyone Julia Smith Akira Nagata woman from Britain Complete the chart.

Transcript of Unit 4 Body language Reading 高一人教新课标版必修四. Reading COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM?

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Unit 4Body language



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Page 3: Unit 4 Body language Reading 高一人教新课标版必修四. Reading COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM?

Name Description Body Language

To Whom

Tony Garcia


no touching

man from Japan

man fromColombia

kiss on thecheek

bowing everyone

everyoneJulia Smith


woman fromBritain

Complete the chart.

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Name Description Body Language

To Whom

George Cook

to men to women

shake hands and kiss twice on each cheek

man fromCanada


shaking hands nodding



man fromJordan


woman from France

people she knows

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Approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.BowShake hands.Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. Nod to women but do not shake hands with them.Countries: Japan , Jordan , Columbia, Canada




Ways to greet each other

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Find out the two mistakes.

Mr. Garcia

Julia Smith

The first mistake





He approaches Ms Smith by _______ ____ _________ and ______ her on the ________.She _______ ______ appearing _________ and take a few steps _______ ______ Mr. Garcia.

shouldertouching her


stepped backsurprised

away from

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The second mistake

a Japanese

George Cookfrom


He ________ ______ ______ _______ to the Japanese.

He ________ to Mr. Cook and his nose _________ Mr. Cook’s _______ _______.





his handout

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Mr. Garcia (Columbia)

Julia Smith (Britain)

George Cook (Canada)

a Japanese

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1. Mr. Garcia kissed Miss Julia Smith because they have known each other well. 2. George Cook reaches his hand out in order to shake hands with the Japanese. 3. All cultures don’t greet each the same way.


True or false?



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4. When a Japanese bows to you, he is apologizing to you for what he has done. 5. French people, like the English, will keep a certain distance from others. 6. Men from all Muslin countries will not shake hands with women.




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7. From the passage we can see western cultures are better than eastern cultures. 8. It’s necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better understanding among people from different cultures.



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9. Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?

The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes with the author.

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1 、用 represent 的适当形式完成下列句子。①He was picked out from the whole class to _________ them at the other school.②This painting is a _____________ of a storm at sea.③Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly _____________ of national opinion?



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①We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.

②There has always been a close association between these two schools.



2 、英译汉

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③She associated happiness with having money.

④I don’t want to associate myself with them any more.



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3. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区 , 好奇地向四处张望。curious adj. 好奇的 ; 有求知欲的 ; 奇怪的curiosity n. 好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇be curious about sth 对某事感到好奇be curious to do sth 很想做某事 ; 渴望做某事

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用 curious 的适当形式完成下列句子。① I am ________ about what has happened. ② A deer behind the tree looked at us __________.③ She has burning _________ to know what’s going on. ④ They were ________ to know where he had gone.




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4. After I met them …introduced them to each other, … Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.1)We heard the approach of the train.

2) The best approach to learn a foreign language is the study of the spoken language.

3)The summer is approaching.

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2) touch

① vt. 触摸 , 接触 , 触及 , 轻触I told you not to touch my things.

touch sb./ sth. (with sth.)

感动 ( 某人 ) 触动某人 ( 某人的感情 )

Her miserable experience touched us

all deeply / touched our hearts with sorrow.

她经历很不幸 , 我们深受感动 / 我们都很伤心。

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② n. 接触 , 联系 get / keep in touch with sb. 与……取得 / 保持联系be in/ out of ~ ( with sb.) 与……有 / 无联系We’ve been out of touch for years.

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verb + sb. in/ on/ by + the 身体部位1)骨头类比较硬的地方用 on, 如:碰她的肩膀 : touch her on the shoulder= touch her shoulder 打他的头部 : hit him on the head= hit his head

2)比较柔软的地方用 in ,如:咬我的脸蛋: bite me in the face= bite my face打我的肚子: hit him in the stomach= hit his stomach

3 ) 比较细长的,如头发、手臂、腿、(动物)尾巴等,用 by, 如:抓住女孩的头: catch the girl by the hair = catch the girl’s hair牵着牛的鼻子: lead the cow by the nose

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not … nor 既不……又不…… not all 连用形成部分否定

5. Not all cultures greet each other the same

way, nor are they comfortable in the same way

with touching or distance between people.

各种文化背景下的人相互问候的方式不尽相同 ,


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nor / neither 否定副词 , 常置于句首 , 此时句子要倒装 , 即助动词 / 系动词 /情态动词放在主语之前。I don’t like her, nor/neither does Lily.I am not a nurse, nor/ neither is Lily.

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6. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or posture.

1) that 引导的是方式定语从句。 The way that/ in which/ 或不用关联词。2) using 引导的是状语 , v-ing 做状语。

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7. likely adj. 1) 很可能的 [+to-v][+that]John is likely to be in London this autumn. 今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。 It is likely to rain.( 句子中的 it 是天气 , 并不是形式主语 )2) 适当的 , 正合要求的 (+for)The park is a likely place for the picnic. 这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。 adv. 很可能We will most likely be late. 我们很有可能会迟到。

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New drivers are far more ____ to have accidents than experienced drivers. A. possible B. likely C. probable D. possibly


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1. It is a _______ problem parking your car

in Beijing.

2. Is that Wang Li’s friend from Wuxi? I’d like

him to _________ her to me.



8 、 Complete the following sentences with the words and expressions from the reading.

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3. As my English vocabulary is very limited,

very often I express my meaning with the

help of ________________.

4. There is a saying that _______ speak

louder than words.

5. Blind people have to understand people’s

feelings through _______ language.

body language



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6. Although blind people are not __________

understand your body language, they can

still use body language to _________ their

own ideas.

7. When you ___________ blind people, they

cannot tell if they know you until you

begin to speak.

likely to



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8. I am always _______ about how he _______ bumping into others while walking on the street.9. The ________ opinion is that the local government should take action to help the blind people10. In ________, it is better not to kiss somebody you don’t know as you may surprise them.11. My leader wants me to ___________ her at the meeting.

curious avoids


