Unit 2 task 3 pdff

OCR NATIONAL UNIT 2 TASK 3 Ruhee Ali Candidate Number: 0312 Centre Name: The Beacon School Centre Number: 64020 Wednesday, 22 May 13

Transcript of Unit 2 task 3 pdff


Ruhee Ali Candidate Number: 0312

Centre Name: The Beacon SchoolCentre Number: 64020

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Describe your idea for a new news programme. Outline the idea

We are doing a community news programme for a niche market audience aged 16-25. I have decided that there isn’t a news programme for the 16-25. This is because I find the News Round is immature for there age range and the BBC is to formal for them. We want a news programme that would suit the age range. This would be adding different techniques to the Community Programme. I have researched this website and think none of these would be suitable for a 16+ 25year old. On the next page is comparing two website to see what kind of styles we would want for a community news programme.

Wednesday, 22 May 13

We would want more of a brighter colour

for our community news programme to be vibrant ad attract there attention

We would want to add tabs to our

community news programme to link the

news together.

We would need to adda logo for our community


We want images for our

community programmeto attract attention

IdeaI think putting

games on the community

Wednesday, 22 May 13


What kind of news programme are you going to produce?

We will be making a community programme with all the latest news in Surrey. There will be different news for different areas in Surrey such as Tolworth will have different news to Banstead. so we have to make sure that we cover all the news.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


What are the unique selling points of our products?Our Unique selling point would be that the community news will be for 16-25 because we feel that there is a gap in the market for this age range for a community news. This is all due to we think that some of the community news such as BBC News is to formal and other community channel such as newsround is to excessive for 13-16 so it would not fit in for our target age range. As you will see a difference in slide 2 of different news programme.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Is it inform or to educate as well?

I think my community channel will be to inform because our is news is community news so it will be news about the community and what is happening in the area. But there will be education aspect as we will inform about the education and there will be a commentary page so people can discuss about the news segment.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


What is the purpose of the programme?

The purpose of the programme is to provide a community channel for the 16-25 as I don't feel like there is a programme this range. Its also trying to bring the latest news to the community. This is also trying to bring in latest information.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Is to offer news in a different way to existing news programmes? News?

Our news programme will be different because we want our news programme to be formal but we don’t our programmes to be too boring so that people wont get bored. We want our programme to have a youthful experience as well bring the latest programme.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Is it to communicate a particular type/category of news to viewers? What types/categories

The community news will have category of news to viewers so that the news will go to a wider audience who lives in different. This is because there will be different news about who lives Tolworth than people who live in Banstead. I think there will have to be different category for people who live in surrey. As surrey is a big place there will need to be different news.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Content length of episode

We will have a 9 length of episode but we will post one a weak for 2 months. This will be good so we will post up regular post so people can read regularly but it wont be to quick so that people wont miss out the latest news. We want to bring the latest news

Wednesday, 22 May 13

Content What will they focus on ( Provide a specific outline for each programme detailing what news item are focused on?

Yes there will be specific information so that the community news is structured in a certain way and the website will not be to messy.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


How many episodes will there be in your news series?

We will have a taster session so we will have one of website just to try out how much viewers we will have and how could we improve the website. we want our website to be a success so we want to research and take our time for the community news.

Wednesday, 22 May 13

Target Audience

Why are you Targeting your audience

We are targeting our audience to be 16-25 as I feel like there is a gap in the market for a community news programme for this age gender. Also we want our target audience to live in surrey as our community news programme live in surrey. We want both gender for our news programme so anyone can read it. We also want all class because surrey is a big place has all classes of people and people off all classes can read the community channel.

Wednesday, 22 May 13

Target Audience

Who is the primary and secondary audience?

A primary audience is the ideal target audience we are aiming at for the community channel. if we get more primary audience this means we are getting more of our target audience. A secondary audience is the people who are not in the Target audience but still interested in the community channel. This is good since we are getting more audience than our original target audience.

Wednesday, 22 May 13

Target AudienceWhat do you envisage your target audience to be?

Age 16-25

Gender: Both

Location: Surrey- because of our storyline will aimed in Surrey.

Class: Lower/Middle/Higher - There will be no involvement in class since it will be all across surrey.

Education: GCSE’s, A level or equivalent (optional), Degree

Occupation - Any

Wednesday, 22 May 13



A short news programme sharing the latest thats been happening in surrey. I want to bring the latest news all over surrey. formal and informal news to target all audience. Introduction at the the begging to explain the coming up of the news and each presenters will read there news throughout the programme.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Programme outline

A presenter does a introduction to say whats coming up on the news then she delivers her news stories. Another presenter tells the latest news then another presenter comes on afterwards. Then a voice over of a presenter to show a visual of the latest news. the main structure of the

Wednesday, 22 May 13


subject and theme- The theme of a programme is a community news programme as I will presenting the latest news in the community area. This will be less broad.

Wednesday, 22 May 13

Treatment Visual idea and structure

There will be a moving image of student community news in white font with a sea blue background

close up of the presenter of wearing a grey coat and a black headscarf with dark brown lenses of glasses. The background shows a white classroom with a half cut shot of the computer.

Then a another close of another presenter with dark brown curly hair with classroom background with purple board

Wednesday, 22 May 13


Visual idea and structure

another cut of another presenter of

Wednesday, 22 May 13

sound design

The opening theme tune in the beginning of the news programme. This will be in feature with the news programme. I have to make sure that the theme tune sounds appropriate for a news programme. There will be dialogue for the news readers. Also there will be voiceovers of people rein-acting. The theme tune will come end of the news programme to shows the ending of the news programme.

Wednesday, 22 May 13


programme editor

• newsbelt producer

• producer

• journalist / reporter

• camera

• sound

• VT editor

• graphics

• presenter .

Wednesday, 22 May 13

equipment /budgetSony PMW EX3Sony PMW EX3 inc. Battery kit, 32 GB SxS Card, Wide AngleSony PMW EX3

Daily rate: £115

Sony PMW EX3 is a great little camera. Its three 1/2” chips produce a surprisingly high-resolution picture. They have been used as the workhorse camera for the corporate television industry for a few years now and are a proven and reliable design. We have output these cameras to a 30’ projection screen and they look surprisingly sharp.

lighting Kits:

Fresnel Lighting Kit (2 x 1K pups; 1 x Mizar 300W)

£35Red Head kit (3 x Red Head 800W)£35Dedo kit 12V (3 x 12V Dedo Light 100W)£50Dedo kit 24V (3 x 24V Dedo Light 150W)£55Dedo Car Kit (12V only) (Cabling to enable three Dedo lights to run from a car battery)£10Light-weight lighting kit (2 x Lowel Tota soft lights 800W 1 x Dedo Light 1 x Lastolite)£45


Wednesday, 22 May 13

Budget Sound Kit Light-weight (1x Sound Devices Mix Pre-D Mixer; 1x Shotgun mic; boom; 2x Sony diversity radio mics)£45Adding the mixer protects your sound from overloading distortion due to its limiters; it also gives you XLR inputs and visible levels if you are shooting on the Canon 5DSound Kit (1x SQN Mixer; 1x Sennheiser 416 and boom)£40A high-end professional mixer and shot gun microphone providing the best quality of sound; fantastic directional mic for taking head interviews etc.

17" Panasonic HD SDI Monitor (BT-LH1700)£50

Wednesday, 22 May 13

production schedule

January February March April May JuneDraft of the

script Storyboard

Location and props recce

Filming the


Edit thescenes

Final Product

Wednesday, 22 May 13